#15x02 spoilers
licuadora-nasir · 2 years
I'm sorry but Im SO MAD rn like
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"Back in the day, I tried to rule out of fear" "I realized too late that that wasn't a proper leadership approach"
NO????? HE DIDN'T????
People joined him WILLINGLY. He wasn't a tyrant, he was THE LEADER of bunches of people who JOINED that revolution against the guard. He was APPRECIATED and estimated by his comrades. People weren't afraid of him, they trusted him and relied on his decisions.
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"A human triumphed over a dragon"
AGAIN NO???????????????
TO!Lance destroyed the crystal and willingly choose to stop the battle and not destroy the other crystal, also he stayed WILLINGLY in prison, proving the point that he could have destroyed the other crystal if he had wanted to.
Dear writer and ex-director of Eldarya, I have a genuine question; did you read The Origins??? Did you play the first season? Did you remember it?? I mean...
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fandom-hoarder · 9 months
Chuck attacking Sam and Dean because he can't have the twincest ending he wanted with Amara.
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drreidsphds · 2 years
S14 Finale + S15 E01 and E02 Spoilers
My Thoughts
I think the finale was cool and def had me on my toes when Reid and JJ got kidnapped.. but the Jeid storyline. I don't know how I feel about it tbh.💀 Like It's either the writers ran out of ideas or they just pulled this out of their hats but.. I'm sorry but this storyline is just the worst. Maybe not the worst worst but it's bad. It feels so forced and it's literally so uncomfortable. I also feel that it's so unfair to Spencer for JJ to say that to him especially Will. It would've been cute before Will happened tbh, I think Jeid could've happened (romantically) in another universe but god no not in this way. That scene with Reid and his mom was very heartwarming ngl and tbh It pains me to see Reid love someone he can't have which is why I think it's unfair for JJ to say she loves him. If you disagree I completely understand but I just do not like this storyline..
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Zane Julien Whumplist (Ninjago S8-S16)
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Character: Zane Julien (voiced by Brent Miller)
For other characters, click here
For Dragons Rising, click here (unfinished)
Age Rating: TV-Y7 (FV)
Show available on Netflix
Notes: This list is only for seasons 8-16 of Lego Ninjago due to the animation style and voice actor changes that occur starting with season 8.
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~ = a scene break
--- =
sons of garmadon: 
8x01: worried
8x02: worried, hit with electric blast
8x03: undercover, worried 
8x04: undercover ~~ jumps off bike, in pain
8x05: fought, in pain, heavy breathing, collapsed, unconscious ~~ concern for him, lifted in a gurney ~~ hooked up to machines, in a coma ~~ confused 
8x06: stressed, at sword point 
8x07: chained up with vengestone ~~ thrown around, worried about lloyd 
8x08: worried about lloyd 
8x09: extremely worried about lloyd
8x10: extremely worried about lloyd, almost loses powers ~~  almost crushed, presumed dead
9x01: stressed ~~ captured, chained with vengestone, blindfolded
9x02: chained with vengestone, thrown to the ground ~~ lead in chains, grabbed, scared ~~ made to fight in an arena 
9x03: outnumbered, dragged in chains ~~ in a cage, chained up, used as bait 
9x04: unconscious in cage ~~ chained up 
9x05: stressed 
9x06: none
9x07: stressed
9x08: chained up 
9x09: still chained, exhausted ~~ rough landing, groaning 
9x10: stressed, fought 
march of the oni: 
10x01: stressed
10x02: worried about lloyd 
10x03: in shock, grieving ~~ angry 
10x04: grieving ~~ rough fight, emotional reunion ~~ extremely worried about lloyd, emotional
secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu: 
fire chapter:
11x01: frightening vision, wakes up gasping, panicking ~~ frustrated
11x02: none
11x03: stressed
11x04: concern for him ~~ knocked out 
11x05: rough landing, groaning ~~ blasted back ~~ concerned, thrown, chained
11x06: none
11x07: chained, argued ~~ stressed 
11x08: none
11x09: fought, thrown, knocked out
11x10: stressed, fought 
11x11: none 
11x12: stressed 
11x13: scared 
11x14: glowing eyes, sacrifices himself
ice chapter:
11x15: none
11x16: none
11x17: none
11x18: none 
11x19: none
11x20: *in video recording* sad
11x21: none 
11x22: none 
11x23: none 
11x24: none
11x25: none 
11x26: none 
11x27: crash landing, confused, frustrated, glowing eyes ~~ fought ~~ recording message in case he dies, sad ~~ wakes up gasping, memory loss, manipulated, glowing eyes 
11x28: none 
11x29: fought 
11x30: fought, angst, gets memories back, gasping, emotional reunion 
prime empire: 
12x01: thrown 
12x02: stressed 
12x03: fought 
12x04: none 
12x05: none 
12x06: none 
12x07: none 
12x08: none 
12x09: none 
12x10: none
12x11: none
12x12: none 
12x13: electrocuted, knocked out, concern for him, kidnapped 
12x14: chained with vengestone, scared, angry, interrogated ~~ threatened, struggling, power channeled through him, screaming in pain
12x15: none
12x16: screaming in pain, collapsed, gasping
master of the mountain:
13x01: fought 
13x02: worried 
13x03: worried 
13x04: stressed 
13x05: none
13x06: stressed, worried about kai ~~ fought 
13x07: none
13x08: none 
13x09: none
13x10: none
13x11: straining powers, worried about lloyd 
13x12: none
13x13: fought 
13x14: none
13x15: caged, fought 
13x16: fought
the island:
14x01: stressed
14x02: fought ~~ shocked unconscious 
14x03: electroshocked, imprisoned ~~ tied up 
14x04: fought 
15x01: worried about nya
15x02: stressed, worried 
15x03: stressed 
15x04: none
15x05: worried about jay
15x06: stressed, shot at 
15x07: stressed
15x08: none
15x09: fought, stressed
15x10: stressed 
15x11: none 
15x12: fought 
15x13: stressed
15x14: ---
15x15: ---
15x16: stressed, worried about nya -- grieving
16x01: turned off his emotions, concern for him
16x02: none 
16x03: none
16x04: fought 
16x05: fought
16x06: rough fight, arrested and put in handcuffs 
16x07: in prison, freaking out 
16x08: fought 
16x09: fought
16x10: none
16x11: none
16x12: fought 
16x13: worried 
16x14: scared, trapped underground, presumed dead 
16x15: still trapped underground, stressed
16x16: ---
16x17: ---
16x18: ---
16x19: ---
16x20: ---
16x21: ---
16x22: ---
16x23: ---
16x24: ---
16x25: "damaged", concern for him 
16x26: unconscious 
16x27: ---
16x28: fought
16x29: rough fights
16x30: rough fights, emotional
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i-miss-balthazar · 5 years
We need to talk about my son.
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This one. Belphegor.
Everyone keeps saying he’s not who he says he is.
I disagree.
The biggest theory going around is that he’s actually Chuck. But episode 2 pretty much disproved that, as we get to see Chuck and him in different places at the same time.
So that’s that.
But there are plenty of other theories out there, fuelled by two main points;
He knows such complicated spells
He touched the salt
So the first one? Yeah okay. That’s pretty solid. But he’s not the first non-witch being to know spells like that. I mean Balthazar sent Sam and Dean to another UNIVERSE with a spell and no one bat an eye at that. Also tack on that the souls recognized him and knew him to be Belphegor. And another demon had Ketch hunting him down. All strong pointers that Belphegor really is Belphegor.
The second point - he touched the salt, how can he be a demon?!
If Crowley can walk down Mariana’s Trench in SALT water and be fine, I think Belphegor can let his fingertips touch a salt pile.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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tibbinswrites · 5 years
Suptober Day 20 - Imagination
Dean was beyond angry, he was beyond afraid, he was almost beyond caring, but no, of course he was still capable of that, where would be the fun otherwise?
He had never been one for religion, how could he be? Demons had been real to him since he was six years old but there were no old hunter’s stories about their opposite, nothing to suggest that there was any kind of creature out there that wasn’t completely evil. He’d known that Sam used to pray, but the idea that there was something listening was just absurd to him.
Once he knew unequivocally that angels existed it was no longer a question of belief; sure, the idea of God was still a fuzzy one, but he could safely assume that it was pretty likely, especially when Lucifer joined the picture and started whining about his daddy issues, like he was the only one with a deadbeat father.
But despite all of that, Dean had always had faith, not in Chuck, not in fate, not that things were gonna work out in the end, because boy had he been proven wrong on that account more than once, but he’d always believed in his own agency. He’d been certain that his choices made a real difference to the world and good or bad, they were his responsibility.
Turns out, nothing is real and his choices hadn’t made a damn bit of difference. It wasn’t right. He had struggled so hard to come to terms with certain aspects of who he was, he’d made an active effort to change his thinking, to be better and now he was supposed to just accept that all that work had been for nothing? That he would’ve gotten here anyway because Chuck’s fucking story dictated it? Even the things he was proud of weren’t his achievements at all but plot points, pre-determined and certain. How long was the length of rope named Free Will? Was it even long enough to make a noose with? Had he ever in his life made a single decision on his own? Had he ever picked out his own underwear? Was his favourite band Led Zeppelin because he actually liked them or because Chuck had chosen them for him? Had he really fallen in love with Cas?
It was that last that was giving him the most trouble, the most rage. The people in his life that he loved, Sam, Cas, his mother, Jack, Jody and the girls, Rowena, Garth, Bobby, Charlie, Kevin, Lisa and Ben, were any of those connections real? Had they ever been real or were they just constructed that way to push him in a certain direction or to shift his priorities? And if they were real, how could he know? How could he ever trust in that again? Chuck was the puppet-master and now that Dean had noticed the strings, he had to assume that they’d been there the whole time making him dance.
It was just too much. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Would it matter? Was he being manipulated even now?
Cas had said that they were real. He had said it with such fierce certainty that it set Dean’s brain spinning. How was he so sure? And what had he meant by ‘real’ anyway? Had he meant it in the basic way in that they existed, or had he meant something deeper? The essence of them, who they were, their personalities, their loves and their hates and their choices and their feelings, had he meant that those were made not from Chuck’s imagination but by their own lives, their own experiences, themselves?
He wished he could think so.
Cas had found him again. Not that he was hiding, not really, in fact, he’d been kind of hoping. He knew that if anyone could convince him that his whole life was more than God’s fever dream it was Cas, the guy who had been made with the idea that his existence was to further God’s plan. If Cas could believe that they had autonomy in their lives then how could Dean not?
Dean turned to him. Cas looked determined and grave.
“I just thought I should tell you… I’m leaving.”
“What?” Dean said again, incredulous, this was the last thing he’d expected, honestly probably the worst turn of events he could imagine. “Why?”
“Belphegor,” Cas said with a half-guilty shrug, “mostly. I can’t… Dean, he’s using Jack’s body.”
“I understand that Belphegor is useful, but that doesn’t mean I can be around him. Every time I see him and I see that demon face underneath, it’s like losing him all over again and I can’t.”
“We’ve talked about this, Cas. We need him.”
“No, we haven’t talked about this. In fact we’ve barely talked at all which is another reason I need to leave. I’m adding nothing right now. I can’t keep these people safe, I can’t convince you that our choices matter, I can’t stop you being angry or come up with a solution about what to do next, I’m not even sure I can heal anymore so what is the point in staying?”
“Because you want to.”
Cas shook his head, a sad smile on his lips.
“I don’t,” he said simply. “For the first time, I don’t want to stay, Dean. I don’t want to see my son’s corpse every day, I don’t want to be reminded of how badly I have failed you and Sam, I don’t want to wait around and do nothing, feeling useless, being useless. I don’t want to be your punching bag any more.”
“You’re not-”
“Are you going to finish that sentence,” Cas interrupted, “really?”
Dean fell silent and swallowed.
Cas sighed. “If you need me, I’ll be there,” he promised. “But if there is a solution to the apocalypse, it won’t be found in this half-mile radius of a town, and you can’t leave these people. I’ll keep you updated.”
Later, Dean imagined what would have happened if he’d stopped him, if he’d grabbed him by the arm and told him not to leave, if he’d apologised for being an asshole, if he’d told Cas he loved him, if he’d kissed him and begged him to stay because he needed him here, he needed Cas around just because, he needed to know that he was safe and here and where Dean could reach him. He imagined it playing out in vivid detail, the kiss, Cas kissing back, Cas looking at him in awe as Dean murmured words that he would be embarrassed to repeat, kind words, soft words, words that he felt but could never seem to say.
He wondered if it would have been enough.
  If you liked this, please consider buying me a coffee.
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alleiradayne · 5 years
“We are.”
Shut up, Cas, I don’t need to start crying in episode fucking 2 of this show, god dammit.
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x02 commentary
bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies​​  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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 Nat : ready?
Zee: Yes
Zee: No
Giulia: Yeah yeah YEAH
Nat : go
Giulia: GOD
Nat : NICE
Zee: Not jack dying again
Giulia: Can they stop making me see Jack dying again
Giulia: That must be a real tiny ass town tho
 Nat : Ah, something's gonna happen
Zee: I read tiny ass and was trying to figure out what it meant
Zee: Really?
Giulia: The fuck is she doing
Nat : Ah Rob
Nat : Is that still in that town?
Zee: That ain’t rob bitch
Nat : Ah yeah
Giulia: There are ALWAYS people who don’t evacuate
 Nat : Why is she not at the school
Nat : Woo? Woo girls being stabbed and it sounds like this?
Zee: Because she dum
Nat : Who is this
Giulia: AH LOL
Giulia: spelling bee
Nat : An academic ghost
Giulia: thank you NAN
Zee: Nice
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Giulia: The chains are already there
Zee: Louder Sam
Nat : lol Sammy
Nat : sHorTlY
Zee: Say it like you mean it sam
Giulia: Shut up
Zee: Cas’s “we're fucked” look
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Nat : I'm not their favorite
Nat : snorts
D: So you were a dick to 'em in Hell, huh?
B: No, I did my job. It's Hell. It's not a day spa.
Giulia: well he’s not wrong
Zee: Crowley whiplash
Zee: Poor dean
D: Why are you helping?
Giulia: YEAH why
I told you, I like Hell the way it was. I'm a good soldier.
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Can I direct you to Dean’s “surprised” eyebrows at the ‘ I’m a good soldier?’ I think that tell a lot.
Nat : Dangerous ghosts
Nat : Touble T?
Zee: Jack the Ripper
Nat : Great
Giulia: cool cool cool
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Nat : How is Jack the Ripper in the US tho
Zee: Because that’s where the Winchester’s challenged Chuck Nat
Giulia: Idk man...americans likes to have everything
Nat : Claiming ghosts that are not theirs
Giulia: AND of course there must be the stupid humans
Nat : Ah, this reminds me of something
Giulia: Oh look a ghostmeeting
Zee: Claiming ghosts, raising hell. The hell business
Giulia: OH that’s Jack the ripper then
Nat : Apparently MYSTERY SOLVED
Giulia: Where’s the accent
Nat : He apparently adapts
Nat : Wow, that's a great idea to sneak in
Giulia: AH sneeky humans
Zee: WHY?
Giulia: Hope u get killed Stupid fucks
Nat : I can't get over the weird ghosts
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Zee: Look at that close up
Giulia: you are so pretty Charles
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C: I just think we need to tell the family something. I mean, we found his wife's body.
S: Cass, we will. When we can.
C: When we can?
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he’s so done. lol
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Nat : The squint of Cas eyes tho
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Giulia: always
R: Am I interrupting something juicy?
Zee: Samuel
R: Castiel ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Nat : As if she doesn't want to help
Giulia: Samuel nou
Zee: Them bow legs
Nat : Dean's hair
Giulia: That stare is so not normal Sam. Please get on with the program
 Nat : I am not entirely happy with these ghosts, honestly
Giulia: Well The ripper is not that bad
Zee: Ketch
Giulia: KETCH
Nat : Ugh
Giulia: what’s that horrible suit tho
Nat : Dean's happy though. He just doesn't know how to show it
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I know! he looks a bit happy lol.
but also
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I mean...
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Nat : Yeah, but that's about it
Giulia: Ketch looks tanned
Giulia: Oh COME ON, can we not
Zee: Asking for single malt whiskey in the middle of the apocalypse. What a queen
Nat : Eyefuck
Zee: Is this awkward or not?
Giulia: They gonna fuk
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K: Jack?
B: Um no, I get that a lot
Nat : I get that a lot lol
Giulia: OH SHUT UP
Zee: Now I’m under jacks
Giulia: Oh does ketch knows him
Giulia: OH
Nat : Oh, he is a treat you just don't know it yet
Giulia: Yeah
Zee: What?
Giulia: OH
Nat : Is that Amara
Giulia: HELLO
Nat : Ah
Giulia: AAAH
Giulia: smite
Nat : I think it's probably the other way round
Nat : He's the darkness
Zee: Game of thrones ending ! Lol
Asshole: You said you'd keep us safe.
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Zee: Take a deep breath Cas
Nat : The dimples of discontent
R: So, uh, tell me about Arthur Ketch.
Dean’s not really having it today lol
D: Rowena, we have ourselves a crisis on our hands, okay?  Find yourself another boy toy.
Nat : Boy Toy
Giulia: BOY TOY
Zee: Don’t I ?
Nat : hey
Giulia: no ok but she really don t
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Nat : H E Y
Zee: Dropped the puck
Giulia: oh.......Are we doing this
Nat : Ah great to remind him Cas. Well done
Giulia: Yikes
C: I didn't tell you about Jack, and then after what happened with your mother...
Zee: Yikes
Zee: Shut up
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Giulia: YIKES
C: You're angry
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Nat : Dean bb
D: This mess... all the messes. It turns out that we're just hamsters running in a wheel our whole lives. What do we have to show for it, huh? Tell me you don't feel conned. God's been lying to you, Cass, forever. You bought into the biggest scam in history.
Giulia: HAMSTERS well he right
C: ou don't think I'm angry? After what Chuck did? After what he took from me?He killed Jack. But that doesn't mean it was all a lie
Zee: Mourning dad
Giulia: Oh no Cass
Giulia: Well he’s not wrong
D: really?
C: Chuck is all-knowing He knew the truth, he... he just kept it to himself.
Nat : Awe Cas
D: Well, now that his cover's blown, everything that we've done is for what? Nothing?
 Zee: Dean is about to snap tho
C: Even if we didn't know that all of the challenges that we face were born of Chuck's machinations, how would we describe it all? We'd call it "life". Because that's precisely what life is. It's an obstacle course, and maybe Chuck designed the obstacles, but we ran our own race. We made our own moves. And mostly, we did well with that.
Giulia: Bb
Nat: Great speech
Giulia: I love it
D: Did we? I'll tell you what we do know. Nothing about our lives is real. Everything that we've lost, everything that we are is because of Chuck. So maybe you can stick your head back in the sand, maybe you can pretend that we actually had a choice. I can't.
Giulia: DEAN
Nat : I can see Demon!Dean a little
Giulia: dean is MAD
Giulia: M. A. D
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Zee: You shut your mouth
C: Dean. You asked, "What about all of this is real?" 
 We are.
Nat : WE ARE
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Giulia: WE ARE
Giulia: MY GOD
Nat : SOBA
Zee: Ok. I love him
Giulia: *clapping *
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I can’t believe that actually happened right in front of my salad
Nat : It's not really ME
Giulia: Oh ok
Nat : snorts
D: You guys didn't come up with a cool weapon for Him, did you?
K: No
K: So, um... Tell me about the witch.
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Zee: Trouble. Ya think dean? You’re in a town filled with idiots
Giulia: im still in cas’ speech tbh
Zee: Focus
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Nat : So can we move away from ghosts in the next ep
Giulia: Yeah I’m already tired of them
Nat : I'm salty we waste two episodes on them
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Giulia: what
Zee: What?
Giulia: OH
Giulia: OOOOH
Nat : AH
Zee: Aaaa
Giulia: BB
Giulia: MY BABY
Nat : Hello smalls
Zee: Advanced placement
Giulia: wasn’t he in HEAVEN
Giulia: oh great
Giulia: BITCH
Giulia: FUCK HIM
Nat : Dean? I try
Giulia: NO GOD
Zee: God’s a dick
Giulia: well Amara seems calm
Nat : Ah, that's the oriental room we saw once on IG
Nat : She's not
Zee: She really isn’t
Giulia: Oh look he wanna tap out
Nat : It's not you. She knows
Zee: He’s buttering her up
Nat : I thought she was lil sis?
Giulia: Oh what if he needs her for his new project
Zee: The cogs are turning
Nat : I hope that they won't fuck
Giulia: what
Zee: Nat!! Ffs
Giulia: IT’S 8:30
Zee: It’s not a time thing Giuls
Nat : We are watching SPN at 8.30 what does that say about us.
 Nat : We will be salty the whole da
Giulia: we like pain
B: I guess I just assumed you two pros woulda wrapped it up by now.
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Nat : Whiny Kevin?
Nat : Shut up
Giulia: Typical millenial
Giulia: ...WHAT
Giulia: omg
Nat : No, it's actually Gen Z
Zee: What?
Giulia: NICE
Zee: Bitches focus
Giulia: but also
Giulia: ....I DON T LIKE THAT
Nat : Ah great
Nat : Like we all don't worry at all
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 Nat : So sick of ghosts UGH
Giulia: oh remember those scenes in the season trailer with dean being conflicted and sad with the colt?
Nat : U
Nat : G
Nat : H
Giulia: SNORTS
Zee: Yeah. Don’t !!
Nat : stop
Giulia: they all know Kevin Tran
Nat : I think it's universal that ghosts knows each other
Giulia: Sam and dean
Giulia: Sam and dean
Giulia: US
Giulia: Our chat is hell lol
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Zee: Thanks
Ketch and Rowena flirting again
Zee: Is this gonna be Ketcena?
Giulia: HATE THAT. Hate all of that. So much
Nat : I swear if we are still stuck in the ghost town by ep 3 I'm gonna flip a fucking table
Giulia: Is this flirting
Zee: Dean is cockblocking for once
Nat : He knew
Giulia: he feels these things
Nat : Ah, they know each other
Also Rowena needs to revaluate her standards 
Giulia: what is this
Zee: We’ve established that
Nat : Hey, don't insult Marry Poppins you fuck
Nat : Great
Giulia: ....
Nat : Have I mentioned that I hate ghosts
Giulia: Wow that was lame
Nat : What is this episode
Giulia: Ghosts
Nat : It's lame
Giulia: Why can he do that
Giulia: This is the last we see Kevin
Giulia: Just realized
Giulia: I don t wanna
Giulia: Awe Dean
Zee: Excuse me while I drool a bit
Nat : Meh
Zee: What?
Giulia: Of course
Zee: Oh fuck
Nat : I saw that he wasn't wearing the chain
Giulia: How they took it out tho
Giulia: GREAT
Nat : I'm so not into the episode
Giulia: yeah It s weak
Nat : Both of them were tbh
Giulia: FUCK
Zee: Yah me too 
Nat : This might be unpopular opinion
Giulia: well it’ll pick up
Nat : Idc
Zee: But is the ghost thing over?
Giulia: 🤷🏼‍♀
Nat : But it makes me mad that we waste 2 episodes
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Giulia: Tiny smile
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Giulia: KEVIN
Nat : The eyebrow
Nat : Look at the eyebrow
Zee: Relax your forehead Sam
Giulia: SANGRY
Zee: Is that eyebrow stuck?
Giulia: can relate
Giulia: IMMA CRY
Nat : Shut up Belphy
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Giulia: KEVIN BB
Giulia: SOBS
Giulia: SOOOB
Giulia: I love you kevin
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Giulia: OH NO
Zee: Oh fuck Oooooffff
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Nat : I feel Amara Amara is my spirit animal
Giulia: You sing backup
Giulia: Oooooooh burn
bUT HEY , maybe Amara will be one of those rare females on spn to not die
Zee: I kinda like her now
Giulia: I’m done chuck
Zee: Petulant
Giulia: Petulant narcissist
Giulia: Oh can Amara seal his ass away
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Nat : We'll still be stuck in ghost town next ep aren't we
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Zee: Ya think Rowena ?
Nat : Ugh eyes twitch
Giulia: Well it is the major problem
Nat : Yeah
Giulia: ...
Giulia: OH NO
Giulia: NOPE
Giulia: NOOOPE
Giulia: NOPE
Giulia: NO
Giulia: I HATE IT
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Zee: Like
Giulia: NO
Nat : I'm salty
Giulia: Please, It’s too soon for Rowena come on
Giulia: Nat
Zee: Fuck off
Giulia: HATE IT
Giulia: HATE IIIIIIIT Next episode is canceled
Zee: Like, get in the mood for next ep
Giulia: What next ep?
Zee: We both know we’re gonna be there
Giulia: The next one is 15x04
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
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diminuel · 5 years
I haven’t done a reaction to 15x02 yet because I’ve been in Germany and haven’t had time to, but I’ve seen the scene between Dean and Cas twice and while I love it, I’m puzzled by Dean’s words.
He accuses Cas of sticking his head in the sand, whereas Cas is actually doing the exact opposite? Yes, their lives might have been all planned out by Chuck, but is Cas the one who wraps himself into so many layers of anger that he can’t function unless he has to put on a brave front for Sam? Cas is the one who’s willing to soldier on and fight with all he has even though Chuck manipulated him and Chuck took Jack from him. He’s the one who sees value in the lives they’ve led and the choices they’ve made. 
I appreciated how this scene refers back to the end of S4 and presents an intriguing reversal of their roles in terms of rejecting what is all “a bunch of lies” for what is important/ real (”people, families”). But when Cas asks Dean to do the same - that is focus on the choices they’ve made and the lives they’ve lived - Dean rejects it. 
That everything has been orchestrated for them is nothing new to Dean; preordained destinies, fate, heaven’s great plan... it’s not new...
So again, I feel Dean has no right to accuse Cas of sticking his head into the sand. Cas isn’t giving up, Cas isn’t being delusional about what Chuck is and has done. Cas has lived with the burden of being controlled and being lied to for millions or billions of years.
I suppose we’ll see if Dean actually listened to Cas and took anything he said to heart in the coming episodes...
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missjackil · 5 years
My 15x02 Opinion
Raising Hell
Okay, not the best episode. I did find out, however, that it wasn’t as bad the 2nd time I watched it as it was the first. I think I was just anticipating more because of how good last week was, that being a typical, multicharacter, chaotic. story moving episode was just a  letdown.  Moving on...
I have to say Sam is looking REALLY good this season! Im loving the floof in his hair, and the length! An episode always win points when my boys look good!
Ill talk about things I liked because there actually were several... Amara looks really good out of that unflattering dress she wore in s11. I've always found her character interesting, somewhere between evil and good. She was a villain I was glad got redeemed. Now she seems fine with humanity and done with Chuck, I think this will be an interesting story. 
Ketch and Rowena? Oh yeah Im down! Ketchwitch? Ketchweena?? Idk.. I ship it through!! Now maybe people will stop shipping her with Sam? I mean, they DO have an adorable relationship, but I could never see him with such a larger than life, “cartoony” character. Though I do think he should give her a hug and change her life forever! 
I love the connection between Sam and Chuck’s gunshot wounds! It looks like Chuck is experiencing human pain for the first time, and now abandonment. Maybe Sam will experience some God feelings and maybe some powers? Maybe Chuck got too big for his britches and needs to be knocked down a peg or a thousand and learn what it's like to be human? It looks like Sam might be put in a god-like situation next week where he may have to choose between saving a bunch of people over the life of someone he cares about? Who knows really where this will go, but it looks very interesting!
Now some things I thought were really stupid. if regular iron bullets work on ghosts, then why haven't they always used them? Ghosts don't normally possess people. 
I’ve been over Kevin since S8. Osrich is a good dude but this character is, in my opinion, whiney and unlikable. Aside from that, Chuck didn't send him to Heaven in S11? No, I don't buy that. It would make more sense if Chuck is pissed at the Winchesters so he cast their friends out of Heaven, not sending Kevin to Hell back in the day.  But he did say he was “cast out of Heaven” so that means he had been in Heaven at once point. Who knows, maybe that will be explained better later. 
So to sum it up, it had some good points and some bad points. Overall it was just .... meh
So on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon Ill give this a 6. I think next week will be better.
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5shadn · 5 years
Ooh i miss jack i hope he's gonna show up next episode
Next episode :
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nikossasaki · 4 years
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15x02 || 15x09
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Jay Walker Whumplist (Ninjago S8-S16)
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Character: Jay Walker (voiced by Michael Adamthwaite)
For other characters, click here
For Dragons Rising, click here (unfinished)
Age Rating: TV-Y7 (FV)
Show available on Netflix
For the purpose of organization, I have listed the seasons by their names as well as numbers!
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~ = a scene break
-- = an episode i missed/forgot to list, will be filled in at a later date (most of these episodes contain minimal to no whump for the character listed)
sons of garmadon: 
8x01: stressed
8x02: stressed, hit with electric blast ~~ tired, helped to stand
8x03: falls x2, caught
8x04: stressed
8x05: worried about zane ~~ ship crash
8x06: stressed, at sword point 
8x07: chained up with vengestone ~~ thrown around 
8x08: worried about lloyd 
8x09: extremely worried about lloyd
8x10: extremely worried about lloyd, almost loses powers ~~ falls, caught ~~ almost crushed, presumed dead
9x01: acting weird, concern for him ~~ captured, chained with vengestone, blindfolded
9x02: still acting weird, chained with vengestone, thrown to the ground ~~ lead in chains  ~~ thrown into a cage ~~ made to fight in arena 
9x03: outnumbered, dragged in chains ~~ in a cage ~~ chained up, used as bait 
9x04: wakes up in cage, worried ~~ chained up
9x05: stressed 
9x06: none 
9x07: stressed
9x08: chained up
9x09: still chained, exhausted ~~ rough landing, groaning 
9x10: stressed, fought 
march of the oni: 
10x01: anxious ~~ stressed
10x02: yelling ~~ worried about lloyd
10x03: screaming, in shock, grieving 
10x04: grieving ~~ rough fight, emotional reunion ~~ groaning, extremely worried about lloyd, emotional
secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu: 
fire chapter: 
11x01: none
11x02: none
11x03: stressed
11x04: anxious, concerned
11x05: rough landing, groaning ~~ blasted back ~~ concerned, thrown, chained 
11x06: none
11x07: chained, argued, freaking out ~~ almost falls multiple times, panicking 
11x08: none
11x09:  fought, thrown, knocked out
11x10: captured, thrown
11x11: none
11x12: stressed 
11x13: none
11x14: glowing eyes, fought, extremely worried about zane 
ice chapter: 
11x15: fought 
11x16: crash landing, shivering 
11x17: fought
11x18: shivering, falls (comedic), groaning 
11x19: none
11x20: none 
11x21: none 
11x22: worried about cole ~~ thrown around, hugged tightly (comedic) 
11x23: none
11x24: none
11x25: concerned 
11x26: none 
11x27: none
11x28: crash landing, groaning 
11x29: fought, stressed 
11x30: fought, stressed 
prime empire: 
12x01: hit with energy blast, groaning 
12x02: none 
12x03: none 
12x04: none 
12x05: none 
12x06: stressed
12x07: fought 
12x08: stressed
12x09: stressed
12x10: stressed
12x11: extremely worried about kai and cole
12x12: hit, tired ~~ extremely worried about lloyd 
12x13: none
12x14: none 
12x15: fought, extremely worried about nya 
12x16: concerned ~~ rough fight, emotional reunion 
master of the mountain:
13x01: grabbed by a bat, falls
13x02: stressed 
13x03: stressed, fought
13x04: stressed, fought 
13x05: stressed ~~ gags (comedic) ~~ worried about nya
13x06: none
13x07: none
13x08: none
13x09: none
13x10: none 
13x11: stressed 
13x12: none
13x13: fought 
13x14: none
13x15: caged, fought
13x16: fought 
the island:
14x01: stressed 
14x02: fought ~~ electroshocked, blurry vision, unconscious ~~ unconscious, tied up, wakes up, electroshocked 
14x03: concern for him ~~ tied up, scared, screaming 
14x04: still tied up, scared, concern for him ~~ fought 
15x01: spitting out water, worried about nya 
15x02: none
15x03: worried about nya, anxious 
15x04: stressed
15x05: concern for him, electrocuting himself, glowing eyes, seizing, weak, twitching, supporting himself ~~ worried about nya 
15x06: stressed, shot at 
15x07: stressed
15x08: none
15x09: flung around (comedic), stressed
15x10: stressed
15x11: none
15x12: fought 
15x13: stressed 
15x14: scared, gags (comedic), underwater, 
15x15: underwater, scared ~~ rescued, helped to swim, inhales water, unconscious ~~ held, coughing, concern for him, struggling to breathe ~~ supported to walk ~~ wheezing, concern for him ~~ weak, half-lidded eyes ~~ water sucked out of his lungs, struggling to breathe, coughing, weak
15x16: "you can barely stand", stumbling ~~ fought, screaming, weak ~~ extremely sad, screaming ~~ grieving 
16x01: extremely depressed, concern for him
16x02: none
16x03: depressed 
16x04: freaking out 
16x05: fought 
16x06: rough fight, emotional reunion, arrested and put in handcuffs 
16x07: in prison 
16x08: stressed 
16x09: stressed
16x10: none
16x11: stressed, thrown
16x12: almost run over by a train, fought 
crystallized part 2:
16x13: worried 
16x14: scared, trapped underground, presumed dead 
16x15: still trapped underground, stressed
16x16: ---
16x17: ---
16x18: ---
16x19: ---
16x20: ---
16x21: ---
16x22: ---
16x23: ---
16x24: ---
16x25: ---
16x26: stressed
16x27: ---
16x28: fought
16x29: rough fights
16x30: rough fights, emotional
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crabtreee · 3 years
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It’s not something I ever thought I would need. 15x02 — The Things We Do for Love (Part 2)
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inacatastrophicmind · 4 years
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alleiradayne · 5 years
I like the throwback Ghostbusters style “ghosts”.
Yeah this was so very much a pile of Bucklemming mess. Again.
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