#5 may
Everyone shouting at Jonathan to just leave Castle Dracula has got to remember you're talking about this guy:
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"I have had a long journey with many train delays and this is my first job and I have no money and my fiancée is waiting for me to come home after a job well done and I am very smol so you can imagine the kind of stress I am under"
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beifongkendo · 1 month
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Mother and child with koinobori (carp streamer), by Takeuchi Keishu, 1900.
5th May is Kodomo no Hi (Children’s Day) in Japan, which is celebrated with koinobori.
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dracula-dictionary · 1 year
Dracula Dictionary, May 5th
cat's meat: chopped meat (usually horse meat) on skewers to sell to cat owners
polyglot: using several languages
evil eye: a curse incurred through envy
abreast: side by side and facing the same way
Mittel Land: midland, the middle of a country
goitre: a lump or swelling at the front of the neck caused by a swollen thyroid
hay-ricks: another word for haystacks
leiter-wagon: from german Leiterwagen (ladder wagon), a wooden wagon with side walls that resemble ladders
conveyance: a means of transport, a vehicle
calèche: a light low-wheeled carriage with a removable folding hood
alacrity: cheerful willingness and eager behavior
prodigious: unnatural or abnormal
rug: a piece of thick, warm fabric or fur used as a coverlet or lap robe
salient: noticeable or important
illumine: light up
impalpable: unable to be felt by touch
uncanny: strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way
interminable: endless
alight: descend from a train, bus, or other form of transport
traps: personal belongings, baggage
solicitor's clerk: a person employed in a solicitor's office to keep records, accounts, and undertake other routine administrative duties
solicitor: a lawyer who advises clients on matters of law, draws up legal documents, prepares cases for barristers, and who may plead in certain courts
chimney or globe: the glass around lamps that protects the flame against wind
forestall: act before someone in order to stop them from doing something
making your toilet: dressing or grooming yourself
gout: a type of inflammatory arthritis that causes pain and swelling in joints
malady: illness
fell to at once: immediately started eating
tokay: sweet white wine of Hungary
physiognomy: the supposed art of judging character from facial characteristics
aquiline: hooked or curved like an eagle's beak
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newyorkthegoldenage · 1 month
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The Department of Docks building at Pier A, May 5, 1936. Below, a detail from the photo.
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Photo: Berenice Abbott via MoMA
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greendayauthority · 1 month
Green Day on this day: 5 May 2024
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lostamber · 1 year
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Not pictured: the wolves that are howling at the moon.
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holespoles · 1 month
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Yoshisuke Kurosaki, ‘Tan-go no Sekku (Boys' Festival)’.
Boys' Festival is an annual event on 5 May to celebrate the birth of a boy and pray for his healthy growth.
In ancient China, people abhorred days with the same odd number on both the month and the day, and various events were held on these days to purify them of evil spirits.
Tango means ‘the first noon day’ and was not originally restricted to May in particular, but the character for noon day, ‘uma(Horse)’, was also read as ‘go’, so the sound of the character ‘uma’ became confused with the sound of the number ‘five’, the fifth day of the fifth month. Influenced by this, people in Japan also began to hold a ceremony to ward off bad luck on 5 May as Tango no Sekku.
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stairnaheireann · 1 month
#OTD in Irish History | 5 May:
1586 – Death of Lord Deputy of Ireland, Henry Sidney. Sidney was brought up at court as the companion of Prince Edward, afterwards King Edward VI, and he continued to enjoy the favour of the Crown, serving under Mary I of England and then particularly throughout the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. He was instrumental in the Elizabethan conquest of Ireland, serving as Lord Deputy three times. His…
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bella-pilz · 29 days
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dateinthelife · 1 year
5 May 1964
While ostensibly on vacation in Tahiti and lacking for reading material, John Lennon discovers that every Sherlock Holmes story "was the same," and within three weeks will have written the Shamrock Wolmbs section of A Spaniard in the Works.
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oediex · 1 month
I use a notebook as a diary - the kind in which you make your plans. I like to have it on paper, because I prefer using my smartphone as little as possible.
(Usually, when I'm about to go to bed, there are about five minutes in which I am frantically trying to remember where I left my phone, because I haven't seen it all day. I imagine this experience resonates with basically no one.)
Turning a notebook into a diary is child's play - literally, since it involves children's tools: colouring pens of your own choosing. You draw some lines, write some dates. I divide my pages into eight blocks - one for each day of the week, and an extra one for things that don't have to be done on a specific day.
(Last time I did this, I managed to get ahead by six months. It was right after Christmas dinner with my family, and I knew I would be bored, so I came prepared. I brought my metallic pens and started drawing, using the different colours randomly.)
For the last four months, my diary has been particularly empty. Weeks go by with barely a note. A few appointments, most of them therapy. Depression will do that to you. And to your diary. Sometimes, when I've had a productive day, I'll change the goal of my diary, switch it to its other definition, and note down the things I've done.
(It helps, as well, during those therapy session that do get written down, since I'll often have difficulty remembering how I've spent my time. Depression eats away at your memory, I've learned. And that's one of my prize possessions.)
Still, my diary remains fairly empty. A staunch reminder of my mental state. I long for it to be filled again, to the brim, with meetings and activities and notes. Quotations that struck me. Phone numbers to remember. Maybe, one day, it will be that again.
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Dracula saying, "Sleep well and dream well!" is his underhanded way of maintaining his aristocratic airs while also threatening Jonathan: "If you see shit, no you didn't. "
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wiiildflowerrr · 1 year
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@Calum5SOS, 5 May 2015
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*me looking at all the dishes I have to do*
Man Bram Stoker was right when he wrote that it is only when a man feels himself face to face with such horrors that he can understand their true import.
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Subway worker squeezes one more into a car, May 5, 1943.
Photo: Associated Press via tucson.com
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Advocating for justice, honor, and remembrance, ensuring visibility and action to address the safety and rights of indigenous women and girls.
A serious problem has been going on for many years surrounding the high statistics of indigenous women and girls who go missing or are murdered each year in Canada, the United States and other countries. Indigenous or native women and girls have a much higher vulnerability to violence, particularly in relation to crimes such as sex trafficking, abuse and more. 
From 2001 to 2015, the homicide rate for indigenous women in Canada was almost six times higher than for other women. In the United States, native women are at least two times as likely to experience violence than women from any other demographic. It is also estimated that the murder rates for native women are ten times higher than the national average. 
In recent years, many activists, journalists, law enforcement officers, charitable organizations and others have been calling for more attention to be paid to these inconsistencies. The desire is to increase public awareness about the issues while improving access to the urgent support that these women and girls so desperately need.
History of National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
An important impetus for the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls came through a Canadian artist named Jaime Black. In the early 2000s, Black used her influence to start the REDress project as an art installation to call attention to the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada and the US. This artistic expression led to hundreds of red dresses being donated for use in future installations and also was the start of REDress Day being celebrated on May 5. Each year, many different important spaces house REDress installations, including the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C. in 2019. 
The official campaign for the United States to declare this as an awareness day was started in 2017 by two senators from Montana. In 2018, the US declared this same day that had started as REDress Day, but the name was adjusted to the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls.
How to Observe National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Get involved with this important day of awareness by participating in some of the following activities:
Learn More About Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
One of the most important ways to participate in this national day of awareness is to commit to getting more educated and informed, and then sharing this with others in your sphere of influence. Learn more about the statistics and needs by visiting the website of the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, the US Department of Indian Affairs or other important resources.  
Read the Apology to Native Peoples
In 2009, the United States Congress issued an acknowledgment and apology to the Native peoples for the way the US government has treated them with depredations and policies that were to the disadvantage of native and indigenous peoples. Access this apology online and read through it in observance of the National Day of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. 
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