#A Kind of Magic
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Today - June 2nd, 1986 - Queen Story!
"A Kind Of Magic" album released in the UK
“The film needed their energy.”
Russell Mulcahy – Director Highlander
Queen's twelfth studio album was recorded between September 1985 and April 1986, at three different studios: Town House (London), Musicland (Munich) and Mountain Studios (Montreux).
🔸"We all have our own ideas of how song should be, because I mean a song can be done in so many different ways, depending on of who is doing it. But sometimes I just feel that it's not right and like in case of Roger's track, which is Magic, I mean, he did it in totally different way, which is quite good, but I just felt that it was another commercial streak, and I just realized that he was going away to LA, and I just got hold of it. I just changed the arrangement completely. And when he came back, I said, 'What do you think?', and he said 'Oh, I like it!'. It was a completely different song, but you know, it's something, sometimes you can see something else in other people's songs, and… You know, I don't mind them doing that to my songs as well, we all help each other in that way, but that takes a lot of time...
..The whole thing, I mean, of group policy is, first of all, that the group couldn't agree on the one single. Because it was to do with the film and also to do with the new Queen product. Because what's happened – I think for the first time in Queen's life – is that we actually made a film soundtrack, but we've also made a Queen album – so, we had to try to let people know that it's not just a soundtrack, because we've got other songs as well. So it's hard to depict, that it's not all one soundtrack, and it's not just Queen. We had to try to bring two projects together. And so, I mean, within the members of the band as well, we were fighting as to who liked which song. So we couldn't agree at all, and basically what happened in the end, we decided there should be two singles, released synchronously in different territories, and because the film is out in America first, we wanted to go with Princes, which goes with the film. But over here [Great Britain], we released Magic, because we thought that if we release Princes to go with the film, then nobody is gonna see the film here until about July, and they have to know what it means. So, sometimes you have to sort of get that diplomacy, and work out things. So, in America they've got Princes of the Universe, over here is Magic...
..To start off, it was a Queen project as such anyway, but we did only, like, five tracks to go in the film, and there's about nine tracks now... Is it nine? Yes, about nine tracks. So these additional tracks, which are not in the film – so it is a Queen, a new Queen album anyway"
- Freddie Mercury
Interview 1986
📸 Pic: 'A Kind Of Magic' album Inner Sleeve Image
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eileen-crys · 1 year
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Previously unseen photo of John Deacon in 1986 (shooting A Kind of Magic) taken by Peter "Ratty" Hince, from his photo exhibition currently in Turin.
Sadly I couldn't take better photos, it was in a rather difficult position and there's no catalog of the exhibition to make proper scans. Part of the 2nd photo is blurred because there was the reflection of a person's face.
I fell in love with this photo, you can say many things about Ratty but he is indeed a talented photographer and I've always admired his understanding and respect of John, which I think is visible in this exact shot. There's something pensive and silent in it that truly struck me.
If you want to repost or share please acknowledge Peter Hince as the photographer.
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nostalgic-longing · 3 months
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They don't make them like this anymore...
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debdarkpetal · 4 months
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A Kind Of Magic.
Via deakycheaky on Instagram.
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kazachokolate · 9 months
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I completely forgot about this drawing of Dji "Hello, my name is Dji, I'm your future husband, but for now, a light flirtation"
And Tsarevich Monseigneur that I never posted
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Also this thing. I once had Mon as an avatar, and my friend thought it was Livesey. So this monstrosity was born xDD
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freddie-mercuryy · 2 years
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ROGER TAYLOR in A Kind of Magic (1986)
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killerqueen509 · 3 months
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On 2 June 1986, 'A Kind of Magic', Queen's twelfth studio album, was released.
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lesserknownwaifus · 2 years
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miss tinker from a kind of magic
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mr-freddiemercury · 2 years
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Today - March 17th, 1986 - Queen Story!
'A Kind Of Magic' / 'A Dozen Red Roses For My Darling' released in UK
Taken 'A Kind Of Magic' album; Reached No 3 in UK charts
- 'A Kind Of Magic' written by Roger Taylor
Roger Taylor wrote the melody and chords of this song for the Highlander film, then Freddie Mercury wrote a new bass line, added some instrumental spacers, changed the order and produced a new mix with David Richards. Taylor was reportedly very annoyed that Mercury had almost completely re-written the song behind his back (reportedly whilst he was on holiday!), so perhaps that explains why the song was still credited only to Taylor. Roger's version is at the end of the film; Freddie's version is on the album.
When MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) leaves Rachel (Shelia Gish), his parting words are, "Hey, it's a kind of magic." The phrase "A kind of magic" was the starting point to write this song.
(➡️ source: https://www.songfacts.com/facts/queen/a-kind-of-magic)
- 'A Dozen Red Roses For My Darling' written by Roger Taylor
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eileen-crys · 1 year
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This flame that burns inside of me / I'm hearing secret harmonies / It's a kind of magic! 🎶
Started because I wanted to do some anagomy exercises on ladies, I realized I've wanted to draw the A Kind of Magic girls for a long time so here they are! I tried to reproduce some of their crazy, super deformed poses in a more "realistic" way (despite still being pinups 😅) I hope you'll like them! I had a lot of fun drawing them 🥰🥰🥰
I'm having a rather big crisis about my art and my place in the Queen fandom so any interaction and specially reblogs are super appreciated 🙏🏻💖💖💖
Please do not repost or trace 💜
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debdarkpetal · 6 months
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Queen on the set of the promo video for 'A Kind Of Magic' which was directed by Russell Mulcahy and filmed in the disused Playhouse Theatre in London in February and March 1986.
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crazy56u · 6 months
I'm on the tail end of a sinus infection, and was considering skipping this tonight. But I'm here, so let's go.
And Ben winds up in the middle of the Pilgrim Times equivalent of that one Super Mario 64 DS minigame.
"Hey, don't want to interrupt your girl time, but there's a fucking funeral, get a move on."
Oh shit, a cat, that means Ben is fucked.
Is this Ben's first time on the east coast?
Why do they have a moonshine still rigged up at the Project?
"Okay, I have to get back to work and pretend this didn't happen. So, if I have to show back up later in the episode, I will be pissed."
"Don't look at me, I'm not even allowed in the Imaging Chamber." Addison, I have seen the promo for this one. Shut up.
...is it bad that I think she's faking her crying?
"It's just gossip, it can't hurt you." Ben, I have some bad news for you about how the Salem Witch Trials worked...
Oh, yes, just talk to a ghost in the middle of a funeral during the Salem Witch Trials, this won't end badly...
Why does the Reverend look like James Madison?
"We're in Colonial America, lots of people died in strange ways. Some did it for fun."
"Ask yourself if it is hiding among us here today." Oh boy, here we go...
Ah, so there it is: Josiah had a cold, so they thought prayer would fix it.
Uh, you might need to double up on the funeral, guys...
...is Ben going to "out" himself as a witch by inventing CPR?
[Okay, Ben got accused of witchcraft, break time!]
"Okay, now you two stay there, and think about what you've done!"
"What was once a whisper and a rumor is now a fact! The practice of this 'CPR' is causation for witchcraft!"
Okay, given how quickly those three were willingly to throw her friend under the bus, I'm starting to suspect where this plot is going.
"Uh, hey, Jenn, Ben fucked up in a real bad way, get the lead out?"
"If you admit you are a witch, you will be forgiven, and we will kill you. If you don't, we will skip the forgiveness step."
"Did it work?" "Goody still dies." Fucking duh.
"You don't attend church." Neither do I, pick a new excuse.
"I've seen this movie. Didn't like how it ended. Two thumbs down."
"Look, Ben, just admit to witchcraft, and the episode ends early." ...Ben, I wouldn't bet money on that.
"Ma'am, why are you conversing with a spirit while on the witness stand?"
Oh, that's not gonna go well, you're using the guy you "brought back to life" for your cause...
...honestly, Ben, what the fuck did you expect?
"Whelp, my job is done, I damned the woman who saved my life, I'm out."
Okay, Ben, at this point, your best option is to just fake your deaths.
"The only this this town is cursed with is stupidity." "Don't say that." Ma'am, you're about to be burned to death, stop defending them.
"I don't know what to believe anymore. Everyone betray me! I'm fed up with this world!"
Sulfur: The funniest part of Salem.
Oh, great, we have someone going insane, Ben's practically alone no-
Why is Ian invoking the Devil?
"Have we learned nothing since 1692?" ... ... ...well, I mean, we did discover electricity?
"Welshire, where do I know that name?" He's the ancestor of the Welch's fruit snacks guy.
"Listen to me, Sam." The only way they will get Ben to say that in this show without Scott Bakula.
"Wanna see some real magic? I just invented pickpocketing."
Full moon, perfect night for a prison break.
Ma'am, it's almost as if you don't want to escape.
...why is the Specter of Death watching them?
Twice this season a leap has involved a shop getting looted, what're the odds...
...if this leap is how the pointy hat got added to the witch mythology...
Ben, stop invoking science, this is literally not the time...
"I'm not a witch, I'm a time traveler."
"I want to believe there still is some goodness left in this town." Yeah, but, they want to burn you, so... (shrug)
This is looking like this is the last stand, Ben...
You have a lot of fucking gall to act like you want to help now, William.
"I fancied an apple. I wasn't helping an escape."
And that apple is gonna fuck them.
Magic, there's 18 minutes left, episode ain't over.
And here we see Addison lampshading how she's been low-key written out of the show.
Addison, I don't know what it says about you if you thought he meant literal alchemy.
And there we have the real reason why Magic was in this episode.
"Look, either I leave, you I die, I don't like it either, Elizabeth."
"Look, you and Morgan have fun, I'm shipping up to Boston."
"Look, you might not know this, but let's pretend I'm a time traveler from 2023 that has gone through his share of emotional bullshit! Life sucks, now get of that wagon!"
Watch as the "plan" involve rain, like how The Wicker Man was originally supposed to end.
I was fucking joking, but here we go.
"Addison, Ben may or may not burn today, get in the Imaging Chamber."
Well, luckily, Sam Beckett once made God make it rain, so, maybe that trick will work twice.
Ben, just stall for 7 minutes, maybe this will all work out.
"My last words are it's gonna rain, and if it ain't we'll all burn in Hell together. (turns to the sky) YOUR MOVE, GOD!"
...taking your sweet ass time, ain't you, God...
"There, it rained, that means witches aren't real."
...Ben, people only make that kind of face when they have a good pee, dial it back.
Ladies, just because it rained for a minute, it doesn't mean it didn't rain.
"Look, I know I keep defaulting to science in this, but your well is contaminated, and it's made you all insane."
And just like that, they're all friends again, just brush he attempted murder under the rug.
Look, Ben, there is still a pretty decent chance the time skip's being undone at the end of the season, so, maybe this will work itself out.
Welcome to Egypt, Ben.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Water purification is what this country desperately needs.
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killerqueen509 · 3 months
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bearfoottruck · 2 months
OK, enough political reblogs. How 'bout some Queen?
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