#Almost confessed
dreamstate4you · 6 months
A journey of revenge
-> 1k words
-> Mizu x male reader
The romance is there... If you squint very hard.
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Mizu and Ringo were on their way to Edo. Why? simple Alijah was heading there with his army to kill the shogun and Mizu would be there to kill Alijah.
The plan was simple. The journey wouldn't be too long,but mizu wanted to see someone in a familiar shop that was along their path.
Mr Shoto's shop. He secretly sold explosives illegally to try and rise funds for himself and his twin boys ,but on the outside he was a rundown shop that sold food to anyone willing to eat there.
Mizu and Ringo stood outside the shop. Ringo's curious nature getting the better of him as he started to ask "what are we doing here, Master?" he asked innocently.
Mizu answered him with silence. "stay here Ringo, I'll be back." and just like that mizu left Ringo outside and stepped inside the rundown wodden shop.
It was empty. It made sense considering this was a food shop in the middle of the forest. Behind the counter was a man. He was behind the counter. Looking down at his book records.
He looked up at the sound of the wooden door closing. Before he could say anything. One of the twins run from behind the counter to mizu.
"uncle mizu!" he said so enthusiasticly. His other younger twin shyly following behind him "hello, uncle mizu." he said less enthusiasticly.
Mizu couldn't help but smile at the younger kids that came to embrace him.
She had often bought most of her explosive or any illegals the owner had. Not only because she needed them, but she wanted to help raise funds for the owner and his kids.
"There's my favorite customer." the owner said from behind the counter, Leaning on his side. The boys giggled cheerfully and run off to wherever ever they were going of to play.
"Nagi." mizu said with a small smile. Mizu and Nagi had an interesting history together.
Nagi was a young father, his wife was killed by samurais which lead to him hating Samurai's with his life. He swore to kill the one who took away the mother of his kids. Nagi soon wondered off and found swordfathers home, a sword maker where many Sumurai's come. It seemed like the God were smiling down on him, he hoped to catch and punish the one who wronged him.
Nagi watched from the shadows like a hawk. He watched the Sumurai's enter and leave, he watched the old blind man make swords for these evil, cruel man.
But... There was a child. Nagi noticed a small child that was following around the blind man. He looked small, thin, maybe 7 years younger than him.
At first he thought the blind man had bought the young child as a slave.
Nagi acted without thinking. When he saw the young child alone outside, gathering wood he rushed out from the shadows and tackled them to the ground, covering the child's mouth with their hand so they wouldn't attract the old man's attention.
The two tossed and turned until mizu bite Nagi's hand. "ouch! I'm trying to save you here." magi exclaimed as he slowly backed away from the child, who was still standing alarmed.
"I don't need saving." mizu took a stance that she had always observed from the Samurai's that always came here.
"what do you mean you don't need saving." Nagi said frustrated. "you're a slave for that man... Aren't you?"
"he takes care of me."
Nagi stood there like a fool trying to process what mizu said. Eventually Nagi left, but the two had bumped into each other from time to time.
Nagi's frustration and hate to the samurais was slowly being extinguished, the flames were started to yield and Nagi was finding peace, all because of mizu.
Mizu wanted to be a samurai, Nagi couldn't possibly think of killing any samurais after seeing this short little boy try so hard to weild a stick that clearly held more strength than him.
And so the two grew, Nagi opened up a restaurant, a face of what he really sold. He was never proud, but he needed a way to provide for his family, his boys.
Maybe if he saved enough he would move countires, flee and start a new life away from any deadly swords.
"so did you finally kill those white man?" Nagi brought mizu's attention back to Reality.
"no." mizu moved and took a set, Nagi following after her. "I'm going to kill one of them soon."
"Then what are you doing here?" he questioned the samurai.
Mizu placed a heavy pouche of money, filled with gold coins that could be used wherever in the world, on the table. "I came to give you money."
Nagi seemed confused at first.
"use this money to get away, far from Here, far from Japan. You... You and your kids can finally have a happy life." mizu said, her voice slightly slipping with emotions as she spoke.
"mizu." Nagi said her name breathlessly. "thank you." He accepted the pouche. This money would be more than enough. The samurai stood up from her seat, ready to leave.
Nagi reached out trying to say something. "Mizu, wait I-", but before he could say anything the twins rushed back into the shop. Giggling to each other as the proudly stood next to mizu. The oldest held out something, it was a miniature katana, made from sticks and tied together with leaves.
"we wanted to give you this, Uncle mizu." the twin said proudly. Mizu held the miniature sword in her hands, looking at it and looking back at the kids.
This warmed her cold, frozen heart.
She smiled. A genuine smile, a Rare smile, a smile like a proud mother.
She bended down and hugged bother the boys, embracing the young kids she grew to adore. "thank you, boys."
Mizu stood up and looked back at their father "you were saying."
"... Be careful." Nagi said, almost above a whisper.
Mizu noded at him before making her way outside, she was on her journey to Edo, a journey of revenge.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The Dungeon Meshi crew 'leap' into action!
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billiewena · 7 months
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THREE YEARS SINCE NOV 5TH, 2020 as summed up by Supernatural (sequel to this and this)
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image ID & context below:
[image ID: screenshots of Supernatural paired with screenshots of various tweets, news headlines and Tumblr posts.
A screenshot of Ed and Harry in SPN 3x13 Ghostfacers saying "You gotta be gay for that poor dead intern" with a screenshot of Misha Collins at the SPNNJ 2023 convention saying "I got a call from Warner Bros and they were like hey uh...is there any world you just let it go?" This is in reference to an incident in 2022 where Misha accidentally made headlines after a comment that seemed to be referring to his sexuality. His comments at this year's panel imply that the studio in fact did not want him to retract the comment and make the apology that he posted, but to instead just roll with it.
A screenshot of Bobby saying "Time travel?" and Dean saying "Yeah" in SPN 6x18 with a headline that says "Jensen Ackles' Explains The Winchester's Multiverse Twist & Supernatural Connection." This is about the series finale of Jensen's Supernatural spinoff "The Winchesters", in which it is revealed Dean and the Impala somehow traveled the multiverse to the alternate timeline the show takes place in.
A screenshot of Dean in SPN 15x08 saying "He's back, and he's out of control" with a screenshot of Misha Collin's first Tumblr post in seven years, a video with him and his brother being a public nuisance on public transportation. Also included are screenshots of various Tumblr users reacting with tags from various tumblr users. becauseofthebowties: "mishacollinsofficial tumblr account back from the dead???" myboobsarentsentientbeings: "this is the first thing he posts? after nearly 7 years???" casismybestfriend: "RED FUCKING ALERT MISHA IS BACK ON TUMBLR" cannabiscasgate: "who the fuck gave you back your password"
A screenshot of two news anchors in SPN 14x20, with one (named Jack) telling his co-host "I love you" and her replying "Jack?" with screenshots of the Destiel/Supernatural Confession meme trending multiple times this year with other current events topics like Russia, Titanic, etc. There is also a screenshot of a post by saintedcastiel that says "I cannot believe that since we started using the destiel meme as a breaking news alert that there hasn't been ONE destiel news anchor AU fic where they're co-anchors on the morning news. cas confessed on accident while they're on air and dean doesn't know how to respond so he just reads the next thing on the teleprompter."
A screenshot of Dean in SPN 5x14 as Cupid says "I-I was just following orders" with a screenshot of an anonymous Tumblr ask to user luxshine. The ask says "Hey! I was wondering if you have any updates on the LATAM dub situation and if you were/will able to contact the dub director". luxshine says "Hi! Well I could get the translator (you know, our dear rogue translator) and he told me that while he doesn't remember it completely (because he translates a lot of series) if Dean said "And I you" it's because the script he got said "And" I you" and the video he saw said "And I you" because he doesn't add stuff." This is in reference to a change in Spanish LATAM dub of Castiel's confession SPN 15x18, which added a line where Dean reciprocates, which was previously suspected to be a change added by the LATAM dubbing director or translator
A screenshot of a detective from SPN 8x08 saying, "[Chuckles] Whatever you say Scully" with a screenshot of the tumble blr blog ao3topshipsbracket's poll "AO3 Top Relationships Bracket - Round 2 Side 1" with Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (The X-Files) vs. Castiel/Dean Winchester (Supernatural.) In the final results from 51,514 votes, Mulder/Scully won by 53% and Castiel/Dean won by 47%. In early 2023, Tumblr added a polls feature which has led to numerous content, debates, and bracket polls similar to this.
A screenshot from SPN 11x15 where Dean says "No money, no glory" with a headline that says "Supernatural creator Eric Kripke gets 'zero' residuals from Netflix"
A screenshot of Dean rising from his grave in SPN 4x01 with a screenshot of a post from the official CW Supernatural Instagram with a clip from the pilot episode and the caption "And the story continues..." and a comment from a user that says "THE STORY CONTINUES?? WTF ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL US?? I HAVE ANXIETY YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME." For context, no one is sure if the post was supposed to reference new content from Supernatural or not but it has led to speculation.
A screenshot of SPN 8x01, with the onscreen lyric "Another year has passed me by."
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castielsparkle · 1 year
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my creation
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hansoeii · 8 months
I'm very much not normal about loki and mobius right now
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petricorah · 1 year
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zuko alone pt 2
lovingly inspired by this [ids in alt]
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dyingdolly444 · 23 days
girls when the highlight of their day is seeing their teacher crush and scrolling through tumblr
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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my fave little drama queen 🖤
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hekateinhell · 6 months
okay but why are Armand's declarations of love such absolute bangers???
Louis, IWTV:
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Lestat, TVL:
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Daniel, QotD:
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dabisbratz · 5 months
sonny sonny sonny i need to know what you think about dad's best friend ! nanami ,,, i'm obsessed with the way you wrote that trope :(
eeee !!!! fits kenny perfectly!!! s’definitely one of m’favorite aus out there ໒꒰ྀི ੭ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ꒱ྀི੭
can y’imagine growin up with a lil crush on him, seein him around your dad all da time— drives you crazy!! nanami n his blond hair that’s slooowly goin gray, one streak at a time, n he has lil laugh lines n crows feet adornin his eyes !! a crease between his brows from keepin them pinched!! n his voice ?!?! when ywere a kid y’always thought it was deep but it just gets deeper as he ages ?? ywouldve never thought he’d see you past that same awkward, hormonal teenage boy you used to be . . n when you’re left alone with him you decide you’ll finally have the chance t’change that !!
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yanderemommabean · 4 months
sloths or koalas?
tsk...Koalas can at least keep up by holding onto you, while a sloth has like...hardly any strength to hold on to branches a lot of the time let alone enough energy to stay awake.
Imma say the chlamydia carrying care bear (Koala) !
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lap Pillow
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Drawing request drawing request! If u’d like, can u do Holloduke/Holloweane? If not that, then maybe Chumby, the Hatchetfield Ape-Man with Willabella Muckwab. Put ‘em in a room together and see what happens haha!
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Just run away with me, [I] won't feel so alone
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flimsy-roost · 2 months
Winged Lion: what do you have in your mouth???
Laios: *chewing furtively*
Laios: *chews faster*
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hrefna-the-raven · 9 months
The devil you (suddenly) don't know
Masterlist - BG3 masterlist
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
Warnings: smutty stuff mentioned but technically no actual smut, at least not in the usual amount
Summary: You're having doubts on what happened between Raphael and you. Raphael seems to have his very own issues with the feelings he's harbouring for you.
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Raphael reclined on his bed, his legs casually apart and his gaze fixed on the ceiling, lost in deep in his own thoughts. Haarlep eagerly dragged his tongue from Raphael's chest downwards, teasingly twirling it around the tip of the semi-hard cock.
"My, oh my", the incubus chuckled, "is my dear master preoccupied?", giving the devil's cock frustratingly slow lick.
Raphael hummed absentmindedly, closing his eyes in a futile attempt to block out the world around him, desperately seeking the solace and structure his troubled mind craved since the discussion he had with you.
"I didn't think it possible but here you are, being even less interested and reactive than usual", Haarlep continued shamelessly, "not even able to get it up this time."
"You contemptuous creature!", Raphael spat as he hurled the incubus aside and on the bed, his hands closing around Haarlep's throat, squeezing tightly with a vengeful intensity, "don't forget your place, slave!"
Haarlep's eyes were glowing for a brief moment before the corners of his mouth twisted into a vicious smirk causing Raphael to loosen the hold on his throat.
"It's all about her, isn't it?" he croaked, his voice still hoarse from the choking yet carrying a subtle trace of mischief, "maybe I should take her form then, to please you more, master."
Raphael remained silent, simply waving his hand to dismiss Haarlep. If he had to deal a minute longer with this insufferable incubus, he would surely end up flaying him or worse. He would never confess that Haarlep was correct in this matter, not in front of him, nor anyone else. He was the offspring of Mephistopheles, a cambion fueled by grand aspirations and a reputation to uphold and this was Hell after all. In this realm, he couldn't afford to possess or exhibit emotions - love included. Revealing even the slightest hint of vulnerability would subject him to ridicule, exile, and ultimately, death. A defeated sigh escaped his lips as his hand wandered down, gently stroking his length, closing his eyes in a shameful attempt to experience that kiss once more. You might truly be the death of him.
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The eerie silence of the mausoleum hung heavy in the air as you fought through its dimly lit corridors, facing justicar avengers on your way to the Orthon while constantly feeling the weight of your companions' scrutinising stares piercing you.
When Raphael brought you back, they bombarded you with questions, seeking answers that you weren't sure you were ready to give.
You found yourself wrestling with your very own doubts, awash with conflicting emotions. The charming but usually self-absorbed cambion's actions had left you questioning everything you thought you knew about him. Were Raphael's feelings genuine or were they merely a ploy to manipulate you further? Or did you just imagine the hint of a tender gaze and the subtle trace of concern in his voice? The weight of uncertainty pressed upon your chest, making it difficult to focus on the task at hand.
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fuedalreesespieces · 7 months
sota's brave confession of love being that episode:
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[worth noting here that in the dub the way richard says "WHAT-ever..." priceless.]
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[also worth noting that in the dub he says "you already said that" instead of "hah! what're you saying?!" which feels more like an inuyasha response to me. then again we'll never know since this is technically anime-only, and while i tend not to like a lot of inuyasha filler, if it's in the modern day i will eat it up. every. time.]
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inuyasha being stunned by the sheer amount of goods in a grocery store...gold. earlier in this episode he also seemed enamored by baked goods, and i wonder if he's ever really had anything resembling it? bread made its way to japan mid-16th century via portuguese traders, so it's likely he's never had anything like it and the smell must've been new to him - it would've been interesting if we'd seen him trying all these new foods!
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i can never decide whether or not sunrise likes inukag bc they'll cut out canon scenes of them but then insert scenes like this in their filler eps...what game are ya'll playing? but flustered inuyasha is adorable so i can't complain this time.
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i'm sorry WHERE is he getting these questions from i actually burst out laughing
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called out by an eight year old...
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i don't care whether or not this is ooc because i laughed way too hard like he really got dragged from potential sleep to deal with this LMAO
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this is the cutest thing i've ever seen and it only gets better:
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shortly after: sota getting kicked out of his own house after chickening out for the tenth time this episode
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flustered inukag my beloved...
anyway this episode is a dumb fun and i love it to an insane degree. the only part i would say is out of character (at least, more out of character than sunrise already does inuyasha) is when he literally makes this face at the thought of confessing to kagome:
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coming from the guy who was pretty open about his feelings in the manga and quite literally told kagome - thinking she was hearing him - that he likes seeing her smile and feels relieved when he's by her side, i don't see him getting this flustered - but the face he makes is priceless.
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