#And I fucking proposed them to have said original versions
jeremys-stash · 1 year
In fucking tears at the people saying they're making an archive of a donghua bc it's getting nuked by YouTube and then not even putting the raws, just the versions with the English subs burned on it like wtf no.??
Y'all need to fucking STOP doing English-centric shit like that all the time, other languages exist
Like if someone want the episodes to use subs in another language, what do they do? The fucking English sub is unremovable and the Chinese subs are already on the original video. You end up with three languages displayed on you video bc some pal thought that only English-speaking/reading people would need/want it? That non-English-speaking/reading people exist?
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ginger-berrie · 1 month
So firstly I of course have to say this musical is fucking phenomenal and if u havent seen it even on youtube you HAVE to. onne of the best musicals ever wrutten. ignore any typos in this my hands r still shaking and im not editing htis. OKAY.
The actors. It was a college level production but the actors were so so talented. My favorite performances were from Mendel and Jason, who both pulled off their roles INCREDIBLY. Mendel was like a carbon copy of Brandon Uranowitz he had his mannerisms DOWN. All the nervous ticks, touching his face, being generally so awkward all the time, even his face was just perfec t for the role. And Jason was played by an adult femme-presenting person but they were so good as him!!!!! their voice fit him perfectly and she also perfectly encompassed Jason;s awkward childlike nature. The entire cast was incredible but those two really stood out to me!!!! Everyone's singing voices as well were fantastic, especially Trina's—she KILLED the high notes and even sung up the octave on a few lines !!!! including the "but still the bastard divorced me" and she still belted the "you must exorcise a devil" even AFTER Im Breaking Down. In fucking sane.
THAT BEING SAID THOUGH. Even though i enjouyed every second of it I do wanna make some more analysis-related directing critiques because im fucked up and evil about this show . im so sorry just let me speak here meaout. Stating right now though I've only seen the 2016 revival (about 2 dozen times) and not the original 90's version (been meaning to watch it just havent gotten the chance) so i reserve all TRUE judgement until after I see it!!! maybe some of these choices were in the original but tbh if they were i still like how the revival did it better. okay i swear im not just one of those ppl who is like "tHaTS noT hOw ThEY dId iT On BroADwAy" calm down. thanks <3
First of all. Some of the scenes lacked energy !!!!! Thrill of first love had no homoerotic choreography!!!!! they just kinda sat there on the couch looking morose and barely looking at each other as if they truly just hate each other and feel ANYthing towards each other anymore at all. But thats not the point!!!!!! They dont fully hate each other theyre just lacking the excitement that they once had and it's been replaced with nothing but disagreements and sex. When Whizzer and Marvin do their gay little dance theyre not just dancing and being gross and sexual theyre also FIGHTING!!!! they still care about each other they just dont know how to act!!!! and marvin's a bitch of course. Marvin was still very much a bitch. But because of the lack of energy in this song there was a bit of a lack of chemistry between the two as well, which carried through the whole show. I feel like it's important to see just how gross fucked up n nasty these two are about each other to see how its truly affecting the other people in Marvin's life. Even their chemistry during the chess game was lacking. They just kinda felt like they really hated each other. Which isnt the pointtttttt. Guh
Trina (or the directors idk) also made some choices I wasn't 100% on board with but they were more subtle. Mostly in her tone about Mendel. Up through Please Come To Our House she seemed to really really like Mendel. Like it was clear she was attempting to woo him. But then when he was proposing, and when they were maknig their home together, she just seemed. Unenthused. I know Trina truly doesn't really love her life, and just needs the stability of a nuclear family, but it was odd to see her not even attempt to keep up the facade on her own. Her and Mendel were similarly lacking in a lot of chemistry because of this, which, maybe to some of you makes sense but to me i do want to see them be close even if Mendel isn't absolutely the best.
LAST CRITIQUE OKAY. This one is BIG SPOILERS if u havent seen it yet but probably if ur reading this far youve already seen it okay. The fuckign bar mitzvah!!!!! There was no acknowledgement from Whizzer to Jason as he was reading his Torah !!!!!!! He just layed there in the hospital bed, facing AWAY from the audience so we could only see the very top of his head (which was on purpose for a quick change but) and he didnt get up at all to thank Jason or even acknowledge him :( for all the audience knows maybe he didnt even see Jason get bar mitzvahd. screaming crying throwing up.
OKAY IM DONE W BEING MEAN HERES A BIG CHANGE I REALLY LOVED !!!!!! as well as some smaller changes that i also really liked or were jsut neutral things i noticed
For most of act 2, up until Days Like This, They had this really cool circus imagery? Now once again idk if this is in the OG, but they had a picture of each cluster of characters set up on either side of the stage, and each of them was doing some sort of circus act both in the pictures and on stage, especially during A Day in Falsettoland. When a character was having their point in the song, they'd sometimes cut the lights briefly and suddenly the characters would be struggling to perform their little circus act, and each of them had a differnt one respectively and they all represented their immaturities/flaws/struggles:
Jason was on stilts, representing his need to grow up and perhaps his perceived mental maturity compared to the other characters
Trina was balancing/spinning plates on sticks, representing her need to keep balance and order in her life
Marvin + Whizzer were fencers because of their lingering animosity, yet newfound respect, for one another. Fencing isnt a dangerous sport, like you dont actually hurt your opponent in it, but it;s still a fight and youre still pointoing a weapon at them. guh. (AND BTW they did this during the racquetball scene and HOLY SHIT. I just gotta describe this one. Racquetball number 1 They had their little racquets as they were singing to each other but then when they got really into the game the lights would cut and then theyd be FENCING each other instead!!!!! and then the lights would cut again and itd go back to racquetball!!!! BUT THEN in the racquetball number 2 when it cut to them fencing ONLY MARVIN HAD A SWORD. WHIZZER STILL HAD HIS RACQUET. GIUUHUHGGHGHGHGHGH.;..,.,/;;'.';.;'[[[.)
Then the lesbians from next door were like a duo balancing/acrobatics act where they were always leaning on each other and picking each other up which was cute but also like. Charlotte would start falling in one direction and Cordelia would have to scrambke to catch her. I always hail them as the healthiest couple in the show but sometimes i forget they have problems too, like Cordelia;s insecurity and Charlotte's stress over the virus of course.
And finally Mendel!!!! was the fucking ringmaster!!!!! He had a hoop and a top hat and every time he was trying to calm down Jason (Everyone Hates His Parents), or Caroline, or Trina (A Day in Falsettoland), he would appear with his hoop and top hat, to show that HE is the one who needs to "control" other people's lives, or at least he feels the need to direct them. Mendel of course needs to feel like he's smarter than everyone else and like he's the only one who can help people. It really drove that home and it was an insane realization to come to. Phenomenal directing choice idk who came up with that but. bravissimo to you
Now miscellaneous stuff i liked or noticed!!!
They didn't have the big ol foam block. just some couch ends that they moved around to be diff pieces of furniture. If you've ever seen Waiting In The Wings' analysis on falsettos you might have seen a comment in the youtube section discussing how in the set design for the revival, the lack of real furniture through most of the show represents the lack of maturity of the characters, and as things get serious for them, more real props and set pieces get added. Like the chess board, the decor for Mendel + Trina's home, Whizzer's suitcase, the whole hospital room, etc. They didn't lean into that with this but i think that's fine! its not a necessary detail in my opinion and they did their best with what they had!!
Marvin didn't hand whizzer the suitcase after the chess game. He just grabbed it, and packed it himself. I was waiting for him to slam it into whizzer's chest or something. but no. Whizzer just picked it up and walked off. okay. Neutral bad change imo
Marvin's performances of What would I do and What more can i Say were. Breathtaking. Marvin actor if you're out there reading this your voice is lovely and carries so much emotion in your solo numbers. I Did Cry. a little bit
god their group number harmonies were AMAZING. All of the cast members' voices blended together so well and it was absolutely beautiful. the whole show was beautiful and i adored it i swear. I jsut need somwhere to put my feelings
Okay its getting late now and im fading quickly BUT IF U READ THIS FAR UR INSANE. This is for me and nobody else i just eneded to feelings dump. tl;dr: i fucking lvoe falsettos this was one of the best nights of my life i love you actors i love you pit i love you lighting i love you run crew i love you sound crew i love you musical theatre
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i saw you mention it briefly in a previous post and wondered if you happen to have any examples of jimin acting jealous related to jk
i can’t think of even one instance of it happening jimin has such a good poker face
Finally!! Getting to this ask. Sorry i kept you waiting my dear. Lets get to it.
Disclaimer: My word is not law. I can only point out what I picked up. Its up to you to form your own opinions. You don't have to see what I see 😘
To start us off would be the most recent.
Army: I'm Taehyung's wife
Jimin: Hello Taehyung's wife
Army: Hi, I'm Jhope's wife
Jimin: Hello Jhope's wife.
Army: Hi, I'm Jungkook's wife.
Mans really said "no the fuck you're not. You can call yourself JK's wife but I'm the one who knows what he's doing not you." 😂😂😂 No, but this was funny.
Next we're gonna talk about HOME. But before we do that. Let's understand something. Jikook have these exclusive things they do to/for eo and they prefer if it stays that way. A good example would be Jimin touching JK's chin. It's a Jikook thing or rather used to be, because sometimes in the past u would catch Jimin side eyeing another member when they did it. He's always done it from the beginning and other members started doing it too. But I think Jimin is over it now. Doesn't care anymore. But it did used to bother him. Another example would be the boxing. It's a Jikook thing and they (mostly JK) prefers it that way. We've seen him refuse to play box with V. I even touched on him debunking V here when V said they box together. It's a Jikook thing. Alright? Which brings us to HOME.
As we all know there is that one part where Jikook usually sing to each other during HOME.
My favourite is this one 🥺🥺
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If you don't believe it's a Jikook thing, look at how JK reacted when Jimin sang to Army instead of singing to him. Here is an even better angle. He wasn't impressed. He was looking forward to it, only for Jimin to sing to Army 🤭
All duos have designated moments during songs. Here is angry Jin pulling Jimin away from a Taejin moment. (Sorry if u can't access tiktok. Tumblr only allows one video at a time) So this theory is not too far fetched.
Okay now let's get to the Jimin being annoyed part. Not jealous, annoyed. Its important we differentiate these 2 words. He wasn't jealous of V...he was just annoyed that it happened.
Okay. So first lets look at the Jikook moment. Which i love.
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And then we look at the Taekook moment.
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Why does V always look at members like they're a 5 course meal he's 2 seconds away from devouring? Damn. Anyway, I'd tell you to watch Jimin but that's not the best angle. You see his reaction better from the Jimin fancam.
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Yeah... he wasn't impressed either.
Next we're gonna go back to Army proposing to JK. The infamous "Jungkook marry me" I bet JK regretted bringing that up the moment he started getting grilled. Mans really got the 3rd degree 😂😂 And you can see the exact moment Jimin was like; wtf I'm i doing?
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Right before leaving to go off camera, looking all embarrassed. That shit was hysterical. Really 😂😂
Next we have JK calling RM sexy.
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Jimin rubbing his face like that read to me like "this again?" And I wouldn't have thought anything of it but then he went and repeated the word "sexy" when JK said it which had me 🤔🤔🤔
Next we have this Run Bts episode. I will share Cameron's dubbed version because why not? 😂😂😂😂 JK even tried to make Jimin feel better. Yes, he was doing his mission but why not kill 2 birds with one stone?
Then we have the Busan concert. He wasn't jealous. He wasn't even annoyed. But he was watching them. He took notice. Jimin does it often when it comes to Tkk. He doesn't react, but he pays attention. Idk how to explain it. But he watches them, if that makes sense.
Next one is actually quite popular anon. I'm surprised you've never seen people talk about it. Again I will share the dubbed version because I play too much.
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Aaah. Fine. Here is the original for the boring people 🙄 Watch Jimin's face when JK smiles at him. Then JK immediately lets go of V. Though he does it again, coz he can be a brat sometimes. But y'all get it.
These two Jinkook and Yoonkook moments are not even up for debate. It's pretty freaking clear. And yes. I will use the word jealousy for these ones.
This one is heartbreaking. I prefer when Jimin is angry. I do not like him sad. It's just... 😭😭😭
This one too. My heart breaks every single time.😪😪😪
You can watch this entire compilation if u feel like it. I find it mostly accurate. (Mostly. Not all) But watch this part. Jimin is watching Namkook on the viewfinder. Did you see him look away as soon as JK looked up? Why? Hmmm 🤭🤭
Now this one he was not just bothered but actually got angry. Like fucking pissed.
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Thanks @astutejiminie for coming through. This video is absolute gold. They start reacting at 36:24. It's where it all starts unfolding.
(Keep an eye on Jimin touching his nose. That's usually a sign with him)
So we have V caressing JK's hair for a long ass time. And we have Jimin hating it. We hear him clear his throat abnoxiously at some point which is when JK notices and tries to like sit up and pull away from V. But as usual V doesn't get the memo and continues to touch. Eventually when they finish, Jimin stands up so aggressively that his chair flies back and then storms off before they have even wrapped up. Idk what it was about this day but Jimin got proper angry about the touching.
Another time Jimin didn't like V touching JK was during this live. He even banged his cup on the floor.
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I recommend this analysis of that Dynamite BB hot 100 live/JK's birthday and what was really going on with JK staring at Jimin. Jimin had an issue with all the skinship on this day. That analysis does a good job of explaining why. Give it a go.
This here anon, is what I call the Holy grail. Jimin wanted to kill this army. Well, that's an exaggeration but still, if looks could kill, this Army would have gone up in smoke. So this girl goes to JK and calls his name in this cutesy tone. And watch Jimin. That, is some scary shit right there. 👀 I'd have ran and never come back 🙈
Damn this post got long and these aren't even all of them. I am too hungry to go get this link. So I will describe this moment and u see if it rings a bell or u can go search for it. Run BTS Canada. Jin sits next to JK and Jimin makes him move. He was like "That's my chair" and Jin immediately took off.
This cute winter package moment where Jimin slots himself between Jinkook. I don't think this is part of the list. I just like that moment 🤭🤭🤭
I gotta go eat. So this is all I have for now. Cheers! 🥂🥂
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bropunzeling · 7 months
director's cut of your choice of scenes from the elopement timestamp :)))))
hello from the airport :)))) here is matthew and brady's conversation aka a secret fave scene of mine:
"Dude, you're so wound up," Brady says as they go through a bucket of pucks at Centene. The ring of the posts and their muffled curses fill the rafters. "Are you stressed about something? What is there to even stress about?" [this scene had two goals. one was more sibling/ratfam content (since its very lacking from the original works for obvious reasons) and the other was to get to the point at the end of the conversation. i decided that brady needed to be the guy because (1) i like writing him (2) matthew would actually open up to him and (3) because he's already been married for a couple years/is gonna be a dad/etc etc it adds this nice, your sibling is further along than you (helpful, rather than anxiety provoking)]
Matthew’s shot goes off the post and rolls away. He curses. "Nothing."
"Uh-huh." Instead of grabbing a new puck, Brady leans on his stick. "Try me." [matthew has not acted like this since the summer of 2022 and brady is not stupid]
Matthew takes another shot, straightens up. Brady’s still looking at him, flat and even. God, he’s not gonna move, is he. 
Giving up, Matthew checks the rink—safe, Leon went off to hit the bike five minutes ago and no one else is around [one of my editing points was reminding myself of the secrecy! like obvs they are not as horribly repressed and not telling anyone anything as they were in meet me halfway, but like, leon's reputation matters to both of them and neither want to test and see what would happen if it came out that they were dating. theyre admittedly sloppy, but it’s still a thing they think about]—and then says, in a low voice, "I asked Leon if she'd ever want to, uh. To marry me."
Brady sucks in a breath. "You proposed?"
Matthew shakes his head vigorously. "No. No. [i mean, you kinda did.] I didn't mean now, I meant in the future. Someday. You know."
"Sounds like you proposed,” Brady says, much too loudly. The whole building might have heard him.
"I didn't," Matthew insists. "All I wanted was for her to think about it, you know? I wasn't going to—to spring anything on her." [me on my relationship soapbox like SURPRISE PROPOSALS ARE SHITTY AND YOU SHOULD ALWAYS TALK ABOUT IT FIRST] He clutches at his stick. "Just—I wanted her to know that I was serious, and see if she'd also want that, and now it's been like four days, and she hasn't said anything, and I kind of think I fucked something up. Fuck, maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. What if I scared her off?"
"Dude. Breathe." Brady's infuriatingly calm. [the contrast between brady's general inflappability and matthew's anxiety is always funny to me.] Matthew glares at him. "I doubt you fucked anything up."
"You don't know that.”
Brady shrugs. "Okay, no, I don't know for sure, but like—you can't really think you scared her off."
"It's happened before," Matthew mumbles. [obvi like -- they are pretty good and over the events of The Battle of Alberta, Playoffs Edition; it's been years. however, that won't stop matthew from being anxious! last time he thought they were on the verge of a relationship upgrade leon ghosted him! he doesnt want that to happen again] He doesn't want to stand here while Brady looks at him with that calm, know-it-all expression. Maybe he'll go collect some pucks. He heads towards the goal.
Skates scrape behind him. "Matt." When Matthew looks over his shoulder, Brady’s trailing behind him with the bucket. "She’s stupid in love with you." [one of the fun things about this time stamp, along with everything, was finally getting to let this version of leon be stupid and romantic and overcome by her own feelings. she's soooooo gone.] At Matthew’s glare, Brady rolls his eyes. "I was there when she showed up last summer, remember? I think I'd know." [another fun thing was dropping bits of Lore that im not sure will ever become a proper cleaned up ao3 time stamp, and this was a big one i wanted to hit!!!]
Matthew bends down and grabs a few pucks out of the crease. He hadn't actually been awake when Leon had shown up in Florida last summer; he hadn't been expecting her. They had agreed, after the Oilers got knocked out, that she'd wait to come out until after the playoffs were over. She had to close up her house; debrief the season with Connor. And—they'd fought about it, over the phone, more yelling than there had been in a long time, but Leon had asked how he'd feel if he was there watching from the sidelines while she won the Cup without him. If he'd really be all that happy for her. [it was important to me to hit this because obvi we see the opposite in meet me halfway - matthew checking in and gone even when leon beat his team - but crucially they never did get to this point, and im not sure matthew ever thought through what it would look like if leon HAD made it that far. mr hiding in the garage when the cup was at his house probably wouldn't have handled it well! and like - even if they are in love and in a relationship, they are still the same fundamental people who are competitive and desperate to win and hate to see other people get what they want. so of course they fought.] [obvi my solution to this tension is in 5 or so years they play on the same team, win cup, put baby in cup.]
She'd apologized the next day, but she'd made her point, too. When she booked her flights for late June, he hadn't argued.
Then his sternum got cracked. Mom and Dad had to drive him home from the rink and help him out of his own clothes. And when he woke up after a miserable night, it was to find Leon asleep sitting up on the bed next to him, holding his hand like it was a lifeline. It wasn't until later that he'd gotten the details out of Mom—how Leon had shown up at two in the morning, exhausted and incoherent and making a beeline right for his bedroom. How she wouldn't leave, even when Mom tried to insist she go find an actual bed and get some sleep. [(a) she was doing so bad. (b) this is absolutely the tipping point for matthew's people to be like oh shit this is a big deal thing, as you can see with the below]
Matthew had spent the next few days thinking mostly about how much his chest hurt and how badly the team was playing, but he also noticed the way Brady and Leon had quietly teamed up—to get him out of bed, to get him dressed, to get him to the arena. [there is a whole unrealized scene in my head of them watching matthew suffer during game 4 on the couch and both are like, quietly so fucking stressed out for him, and it’s this little moment of quiet bonding and acceptance where its like you love him, i love him, we both wish he wasn't on the ice right now] Once he got past the self-pity, he’d found it pretty funny. However Brady had felt about Leon before—and Matthew was pretty sure that feeling wasn't acceptance, no matter how much Brady tried to hide it [brady really did not like leon after the Events of rob thomas' party. as soon as he connected the dots that girl matthew has been moping over for months = leon draisaitl, leon was fully on his shit list. he definitely headhunted her that whole next season]—apparently Matthew breaking himself could smooth over almost anything.
"Listen," Brady says now, leaning against the net and holding out the bucket for Matthew to dump pucks into. "Do I think she was a dick when she ghosted you? Yeah. But she's fucking crazy about you now. You can't miss it."
Matthew drops a handful of pucks into the bucket with a clunk, then heads for the boards. "Okay, but like—she hasn't said anything," he says. "What if she doesn't want to?"
"What? Get married?"
Matthew nods. [crux of the scene!】
Brady skids to a stop by the boards. "I don't know, man. I mean, maybe she doesn't because she thinks it's too soon. Or maybe it's not that big a deal to her. Half the guys from Europe do the whole, you know. The partner thing." [matthew: spiraling. brady: repository of reasonable takes] He shrugs. "I guess the question is, if she wants to be with you, but doesn't want to marry you, are you gonna be okay with that?" [and here we go! so like, a Big Theme of meet me halfway/the girl!leon cinematic universe (gcu) is like, dealing with expectations and hangup and how you pictured your life going vs how it's actually going vs how you actually want it to go. and obviously for most of it this is leon's journey - reconciling hockey and a personal life, understanding that she doesn't have to shut out friends or family or the potential for partnership in order to have a career, that it won't make her lesser or softer, that it’s okay to be soft in the first place.
but. BUT. it's very important to me that matthew is ALSO going through this reexamination of his own expectations. his picture of life was not so subtly based on his parents and structured in a very particular way. and falling for another hockey player who wouldn't be staying home, who would push and challenge him and be her own independent person, naturally upends some of those comfortable images he had of his future. and this is just one more instance of him needing to look at what he imagined for himself and changing the picture to fit not what he thought he would get, but what will actually work for him and leon, what they actually want together. and here and in the next scene is when it hits that its not about the trappings but about the knowing. he doesn't want leon to push him away, he wants to know that theyre going to be doing this together, but that doesn't mean they have to do things the way everyone else does, either.]
Matthew chews the inside of his cheek. Would he be? It's hard to know. For so long, he's had that little picture of what his future looked like. Even as it changed, that part—being married, that sense of permanency—it’s always been there. He doesn't know how he'd feel if it were gone. [again the permanency is the thing. obviously i am like, in the middle of my own feelings about all this, but really it is like: you're here with me, im with you. even when we're annoying or stressed out or tired or miserable or caught covid on our romantic vacation when you were gonna propose. you're with me and i'm with you and it's gonna be for the long haul.]
"Just something to think about," Brady says after a moment. He claps Matthew on the shoulder. "But for what it's worth, I think she's pretty fucking serious about you."
Matthew hip checks him back. Brady doesn't move, the fucker. "When did you get so smart, asshole?"
Brady laughs. "Who says I haven't always been this smart?"
"You were a fucking idiot when you were thirteen," Matthew retorts.
Brady shoves him into the boards, the bucket of pucks clattering to the ice. "You really gonna bring up teen shit? Because I remember—" [brothers!]
Things go a little haywire after that, first chasing each other and then all the loose pucks scattered across the rink. By the time they've collected everything, they're both laughing hard enough that they can't catch a breath.
"Hey," someone shouts. Leon's leaning on the boards, wet hair sticking to her head and the nape of her neck. "Are we gonna go soon? I'm starving." [relatable]
"Yeah," Matthew calls back, making his way towards her. "We're done, I think."
When he makes it over the boards, Leon’s already reaching out, one hand fisting in his jacket. She yanks him closer, kissing him, then pulls back and says, "Go shower. You stink." [they would be so much better at keeping their secret relationship secret if they didn't want to make out and or fuck whenever they're within five feet of each other. alas]
"Uh-huh," Matthew says, ducking back in to kiss her again, just to see if her nose will wrinkle. It does. [gross!!!! and!!! in love!!!]
"Shower," Leon repeats, slapping his chest and shoving him towards the door. "Hey, Brady. You coming to lunch?"
Matthew misses whatever Brady says to her, but he doesn't miss when Brady comes into the locker room and snaps a towel at him. "Told you," Brady says in a low voice. Almost subtle, for him. "Crazy about you." [rip to brady, who has to witness god's most embarrassing pda every day of his summer and then deal with his older brother thinking that his girlfriend doesn't love him]
Matthew busies himself with his towel. His cheeks are warm.
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sburbian-sage · 1 month
(Not the original version drift anon) My co-players explained version drift to me like it was a theory-of-gravity level theory. If it's not, are there any other potential explanations for why the sessions get so different?
Also was the demons thing hyperbole or is that actually a thing? Could I learn how to summon those?
The demons were a joke. I was making my threats overly hyperbolic such that they couldn't be taken seriously or be enforced as such. I may as well have said "in minecraft". Daemons are a real thing, but they're nothing like what you're imagining (and you shouldn't summon them, they're basically pan-session viruses who just blow everything up).
Now I want to make clear, I didn't want to imply that there is literally no merit to Version Drift Theory. There's some interesting ideas there, and certainly a lot that makes sense. I know I brought it up before, but when someone explained Version Drift as being analogous to evolution (in the sense that each Frog, produced through ectobiological reproduction, is slightly different from the "parent" Frog, and this results in differences between "parent and child", and when extrapolated over several eons of reproduction it results in a new species or a new type of the same species, or in this case a new version of the game), things clicked. My main issue with that ask was them asserting that Version Drift was objectively true and I had undergone it (in an attempt to undermine my psyche, no doubt), combined with the suspicious other tidbits which led me to doubt their own knowledge of the game (how do you not know about the naked Dream guys?).
As for why Version Drift is invalid, one would point out that the "eons of history" needed for a species to evolve (or the frogs to evolve and Version Drift-a-la-evolution to occur) isn't possible. The replayernet is pretty young, so to speak, and we certainly haven't been doing this for thousands of years. Even when you have people purposefully giving their frogs viruses and mutations and cancers in an attempt to "fix" the door or just make things worse, we just don't have the timescale or the know-how for how the Frog's biology, or even all of SBURB's coding, works. And what I would propose, is that "hard evidence" of Version Drift is more often than not a combination of confusion over how SBURB operates, gaps in player knowledge, and perhaps just a bit of confirmation bias.
SBURB sessions follow a template, we all know this. Every game begins with Pre-Entry, has players explore the land, the ruins, heal the planet, see their sprite off, perform the Ultimate Alchemy, breed the Genesis Frog, fight the Black King (or Black Queen or Ringwraith if they fuck up badly), exit the game (or die miserably and TPK at any point before this), and rule a new world as not only a god, but as a mature adult (except that part's bugged so we keep doing New Game not-even-plus). The game throws some odds-and-ends there to make it feel different, different Classes, different Aspects, different locations for your Ruins, randomized layouts, maybe you prototyped your kernelsprite with something different, maybe your Land has a new X or Y which makes it operate differently, the point is that this is all just flourishes, different toppings on the same cake. And people get so used to this formulaity that when the game does do something different, they freak the fuck out and assume that the game got updated, or their version changed, and SBURB is different now. It's not, it's game isn't different, it just did something different. It has intelligent (and semi-intelligent) NPCs like Jack Noir or other Carapacians or even other Consorts who will sometimes, of their own free will that they apparently have, do something unexpected (with some predictability, the "Jack Noir takes over Derse" subplot happens more often if you prototype objects hostile to his fashion sensibilities). Each Land has a personal quest associated with it, and depending on the X and Y subjects, your Title, and the subjective "maturity arc", the personal quest can get truly esoteric, out-there, and dare I say unique. And the broader "form a proper narrative around the players" thing can result in even weirder. Sometimes the game glitches out, and the recurring chess symbolism turns into like, Catan or something, or Prospit are the "bad guys" now. Sometimes a glitch glitches out, and an aspect of the game that shouldn't work does now (at least then, and it's almost never the door that rights itself out). Sometimes people just don't know as much about the game as they think they do. I've seen some guys who have never seen or even heard of a specific Class/Aspect combo, and somehow came to the belief that e.g. a Dame of Flow is something that can never happen. And when they see a Dame of Flow, they flip their shit and display their lack of understanding of hypotheticals. Way too often have I seen people cry Version Drift at fairly innocuous stuff, or speculate on it without solid grounding.
And of course, it's pretty easy to understand why someone would believe in Version Drift. If the game can radically alter itself over time, such that once-common Titles become less common, or longstanding bugs get fixed, then that means the game can once again do that at some point in the future. Meaning that as long as we keep holding out, keep replaying, keep pumping out frogs, we might get the golden update that fixes the door, and all of our efforts and suffering will have been worth it and we aren't just losing our minds and losing our friends and dying for no reason, slaves to a broken game, doomed to keep making doomed universes.
I don't intend to be cynical, but this very emotional aspect of Version Drift Theory is what, in my opinion, makes a lot of claims to its truth value somewhat hard to take seriously. It is, once again, not an invalid model. If you've been in history-oriented communities (academia, alt-history hobbies, etc.) you might have heard of the phrase "all models are wrong, but some are useful". That's kind of what I think of Version Drift. Sometimes the game is just weird and throws a curveball at you.
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karnakthegreat · 2 years
Right. Here’s your karnak lore
Before we get into it this is me and my kids
And this is my petition to be the tumblr sexyman of 2023
We also have a company (not real) called RTC RP CO™️. @brunos-rat is second in command, @anony-knifey is head of fanfics and @justexistinghere122 is the lore master and Foreigner relationships Minister. I am the Bossnak. If you want a position send in what you want to be in the asks and we can go from there
I have two mothers. They both raised me in England in the north. I lived in a small cottage in the middle of no where with a farm behind it. It was about a 30 minute walk from the closest village. There was also a forest close to my back yard
Threw out my childhood I was homeschooled by my mothers (one of which was very into the occult while the other was very ‘cottagecore’)
I joined mainstream schooling when I was 11. By the time I was 13 I realised I wasn’t straight OR cis by any means. So I went from cis straight female to genderfluid polyamorous bisexual in a matter of a few months. I was also in a band for a short period of time but that was very short lived
On my first day of school I became good friends with a girl called Elizabeth. She collected haunted dolls and we bonded over my doodles werewolf and vampire erotica
In my teen years I began to enjoy the occult so I began doing tarot card reading with my friends. That was when I also found myself enjoying metal and ‘emo’ music
I then became friends with a student from Ukraine who moved to the UK for a bit called Tamara. She later moved to Canada and then back to Ukraine
Towards the end of my schooling my friends and I decided to play a prank on some of my teachers. We got puppy’s,kittens and bunny’s and let them out in the middle of lessons to distract everyone
After this I moved back in with my two mothers
I then began dating Elizabeth (we broke up later on because she shipped me and Virgil and called us Kargil)
Then came the first whipped cream incident. This was when myself, Elizabeth and Tamara tried to fill a swimming pool with it when we were 16. We were unsuccessful
We soon went on a family trip to Canada to a small town called Uranium to meet up with some family friends. We went to the Blackwood Cafe and there I met Virgil
I was sitting alone while my parents were shopping. I eventually got hungry so I went to buy myself some cake. He offered to buy it and I denied however they insisted that they buy me it.
Shortly after I got back to my original seat and he joined me with a shortbread cookie that they had bought for me. He then began asking me about the book I was reading (Pride and Prejudice) and we had a very good conversation over it
We saw each other again at the ‘fall fair’ and he suggested we ride the cyclone. I said no because it gave a bad vibe so instead we went on the Ferris Wheel and then played some games. Virgil won me a teddie bear
Eventually I had to leave so he gave me his email and address so I could contact them either way
We would email every day and they told me how they were very impulsive and had a very big family. I told him that I always wanted to go to Ukrainian, Amsterdam or France.
After a while we met up again in Canada. We planned it in advance and when we met we realised we were in love. I spent the entirety of my visit with him. He showed me his home, his family and even his bass guitar.
On our 4th date he played the bass and sang some songs to me. They were country songs. That was when my mild country faze started. I learned some songs and sang him Dolly Parton to try impress him
When I went back to England they planned on coming back over to see me very soon. He took a liking to England and asked if he could move in with me. Of course I said yes and soon we both lived together in our own English farm
Then there was ‘The Great Ah Fuck’. This was when Elizabeth accidentally let slip that Virgil wanted to propose. Tamara then made the first ever version of my emergency knockout drink, gave me it and then I forgot the past 24 hours so the proposal would be a surprise. It was called ‘The Great Ah Fuck’ because when Elizabeth let it slip both her and Tamara said ‘Ah fuck’.
Virgil proposed to me on Halloween.
The night before my wedding was the second whipped cream incident. This was when they covered me in whipped cream and rolled me down a hill. Virgil had to catch me at the bottom to stop me from getting concussed
Then got married. It was a quiet wedding on our farm with our close friends and family.
At our wedding I walked down the isle to La Vie en Rose and Uranium suite was our first dance song (there was a version we made that was mainly the melody and riding the rollercoaster was a metaphor for our love)
Quite a bit of our time was spent with my telling them about my hyperfixations. They were Rammstein, the occult, Romeo and Juliet, A midsummers nights dream, Ukrainian history and culture, German history and culture, knitting and Phantom of the Opera
Yes I had a musical faze Phantom of the opera will never die fight me my favourite songs were masquerade and think of me they are beautiful
A few years later we had our first child Ophelia. Soon after came sister Nancy and then their brother Jacob. Ophelia was very kind and always wished the best for people, Nancy always wanted to stand up for what she thought was right and Jacob always wanted to be involved in everything I did. Their birthdays (in name order) were October 25th, January 15th and February the 26th. And between you and me Ocean is also one of my biological kids. She was about 1 when I got turned into a machine so I had to adopt her to re-get her as a child now.
They all loved me and their father very much and life was perfect.
I regained my interest with the occult and began doing research. I learnt lots but I wanted to know more and more
To feed my hunger for knowledge I summoned a demon to teach me the secrets of the world. The demon taught me THE LANGUAGE OF THE ANCIENTS
The demon then thought I was getting too power hungry so as punishment it wanted to turn me into a machine. The commotion caused Virgil to hear as he ran upstairs and got caught in the crossfire and became a rat. I never learnt what happened to my children…
I lost all of my memories and eventually found myself meeting Virgil for what I thought was the first time but was actually the second behind a Tesco express. Eventually we began to fall in love again. And so we traveled to Uranium with a circus
We stuck threw it all together and after the Cyclone Accident we got transported to limbo. There we regained our memories of our past life.
While in limbo we adopted Noel Jane and Ocean (and recently Ava) as they reminded us of our children.
When Mischa first came to Canada I payed for all of his medical bills and tied a welcome home balloon to his bed. This is because when I was close with his mother her and I promised that should anything happen to us the other would look after our children.
Noel taught me more about French culture (something that I wasn’t that fond of as I found it too complicated) however afterwards I soon began to love it.
I’ve adopted Mischa. He’s my son and I love him
I found out Ophelia is alive and well…very happy
At 00:21 on the 31st of October 2022 UK time I became human once again
Turning me human wiped ocean of any memories of me. Oh and just found Nancy she doesn’t trust me or believe that I’m her dad. Working on that
I agreed to turn back into a robot to save Nancy and oceans memory’s
Then I became a robot again. Stefan was being a total bitch until one of my kiddos made him change me back
And now I’m human…again
Then I had an uwu faze yeah that was weird
And now I’m going full dilf mode
Ștefan is now in love with me and profusely flirting
I have also met the cyclone they’re very nice and part of the family now
We found Jacob and now I’m so happy
Oh and the demon is moving in
And now I’m here. Adopting more and more children. I will pin this post and add things as and when (I’ll let you all know when I add things) Any questions?
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30 Day Falsettos Challenge in 2 Days
I found this challenge on Google yesterday, but since I feel like answering a question a day isn't very interesting content, I'm just gonna split all of them up into 2 longer posts. I was planning on doing it all in one, but then realized how long some of my answers were and that you probably don't want to read all that. So here's the question list
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And here's are my answers to the first 15 of them:
1) Favorite Character: Whizzer. This should come as no surprise, I love this man with all my heart
2) Least Favorite Character: Charlotte. Not because I like her less, I just wish we got to know her more. Since she and Cordelia only got one act, I feel like I didn't get to know them as well, especially in her case.
3) Most Overrated Character: Ngl i have no idea- It's a very character-based musical and I feel like they all deserve the hype they get from what I've seen
4) Most Underrated Character: Caroline /j But honestly, any of the women
5) Favorite Couple: I love them all, but I'd be lying if I said anything but Whizzvin
6) Favorite Song: Currently, probably The Thrill of First Love. What can I say, I'm attracted to both actors and love a good argument song
7) Least Favorite Song: Something Bad Is Happening Reprise. I appreciate the pain it brings through the implication of Marvin also having AIDS, but it's ultimately only a couple sentences long and doesn't impact me as much as Falsettoland Reprise.
8) Favorite Scene: Off the top of my head, probably the Racquetball scene from A Day in Falsettoland. To be able to see them genuinely happy and having fun together as a couple is so satisfying, and it just shows how much healthier their relationship is now.
9) Funniest Scene: Again, first thing I think of is "You are gonna kill your mother, don't feel guilty, kill your mother" "Everyone hates his parents, now I see why-"
10) Saddest Scene: Fuck man idk at this point- Unlikely Lovers gets me on a lot of levels though; Marvin refuses to leave Whizzer's side, Whizzer tells him to go home so he doesn't worry (even though Marvin by his side is probably the thing he wants most), and everyone trying to focus on happier things to distract from the fact one of them is about to die. Especially on Cordelia's part, up to this post, she's basically always been smiling no matter what, and I think this is the first time the smile starts slipping and it's so important to her character to me-
11) Best Character Development: I haven't delved too deep into the depths of their characters, so I'm gonna go with the most blatant change from Act 1 to Act 2, Marvin. He goes from a complete asshole whose internalized homophobia and misogyny fuck over everyone else in his life, to a genuinely good father and partner who has learned from his mistakes.
12) If You Could Change Something About The Musical, What Would It Be? I'm the worst critique, does it count if I say I wish they'd kept a lot of the lines from the original versions of the songs for the revival? Both ones for comedic value ("It's queer Mr. Marvin") and ones that give more depth and understanding to the characters (Can't find the exact quote, but there was a cut line from Trina explicitly about suicidal intentions)
13) A Moment That Made You Change Your Mind About A Character: I remember thinking Mendel was more annoying in the beginning and I'm not sure exactly when it changed. It might have been a Marriage Proposal when I got to see he and Trina's chemistry together that made me see him as less annoying and more just awkward and endearing.
14) A Song You'd Want To Be In: Either The Thrill Of First Love I'd just really like to be part of that choreography, or The Baseball Game because literally any role in it would be fun in my opinion. Either I'd be done with Marvin's bullshit or, in Cordelia's case, laughing my ass off at his antics.
15) A Character You'd Want To Play: Either Whizzer or Cordelia. Whizzer because he's dramatic and petty and I think he'd be fun, and Cordelia because she's just me as a girl so I think I could do her justice.
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iris-sistibly · 2 years
The Targ Talk (a review series): House of the Dragon episode 2
Rhaenyra THE BADASS PRINCESS!!! I love how she constantly proves to the men that she's not a little girl whom they could boss around or tell her what to do. If there's one thing she and Dany have in common, it's their badassery (if that's even a word). In addition to that, the highlight of this episode for me is that scene in Dragonstone where Rhaenyra and Syrax appeared. She knew for a fact that her uncle would never hurt her, that's why she was so confident that only she can put an end to that commotion without bloodshed.
Rhaenys real-talking Rhaenyra.
One thing that I love about Daemon Targaryen is that he loves his family. He could have easily killed Rhaenyra, yet he chose not to and gave (tossed) his stolen egg back. Even in the book, he was depicted as someone who is ambitious, stubborn and...well, basically the exact opposite of Viserys I. But he would protect his loved ones and mercilessly kill anyone who dares to harm them, I thought I was gonna hate Daemon, but he is actually one of my favourites in both the show and the book. I can't wait for more scenes between Daemon and Rhaenyra.
Not that I'm surprised with the turn of events in episode 2 but like I said, Alicent "getting close" to Viserys I (based on Mushroom's accounts in the book) actually makes so much sense. In this episode, I felt bad for Alicent. She's being used as a bait or pawn for her father's ambition and she cannot refuse. At this point, everyone agrees that Otto Hightower is the Tywin Lannister of this era. In all fairness, Otto is so good at pretending to be a leal man with good intentions for the realm that no one actually thought that he's just as ambitious and far worse than Daemon (there is nothing worse than a pretentious asshole tbh).
Syrax and Caraxes 💕 I don't need to say anything else. I hope to see Vhagar and Dreamfyre in the future 🙏🙏
The love of Viserys for Rhaenyra, I really like how he considered his daughter's feelings first. I like that he assured her that no one is replacing Aemma in their lives and even if he remarries, nothing's gonna change (but alas, it will).
I also like how Rhaenyra handled the marriage talk. She is a 15-year-old girl who just lost her mother, yet she understood her father's situation. Though her reaction during the announcement scene was...I'd say it's normal, I mean you can't expect her to be happy especially when she had no idea about what was really going on between her dad and bff. She just wasn't ready, that's all.
That scene between Viserys I and Laena Velaryon made me feel so uncomfortable. I know this is a different timeline, incest and child brides/marriages are common especially among royal families and highborns in general, but duuuuude seeing a grown ass man and a child who's barely even a teen was just fucking...no. Even if Corlys Velaryon's proposal made sense, I couldn't blame Viserys for not wanting to marry Laena. Even the thought of young Alicent and the king makes me cringe.
I like the opening, don't get me wrong. It's just that I wish they used the ending theme of episode 1 instead of the original GoT opening theme. To me, the other version screams more of the Targaryen history. The original however, reminds me of the different Houses vying for the Iron Throne. And while basically House of the Dragon still is about that, this show tells the most tragic tale of the Targaryens. IMO, that other version is more fitting for this story.
I was expecting Caraxes to be more intimidating than Drogon, as far as I'm concerned, he's one of the older dragons (his first rider was Aemon Targaryen, son of Jaehaerys I). Sooooo I kinda was expecting him to look more terrifying just like what I imagined how he looked like based on the book, honestly he's kinda cute (even his roar) for his nickname, the blood wyrm.
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sumi-sprite · 2 years
A1, A16, B6, C8 for the BIONICLE asks?
A1 - Favourite character?
I’m going to go completely off the chain and instead of saying Matoro, I’m going to say Kopeke. Or at least just how I perceive him. Seriously, what an underrated character. This autistic artist that is the archetype Ko-Matoran that even most Ko-Matoran would be uncomfy around because of how quiet and frigid he is. He is so fucking shy and antisocial and just wants to sculpt and not be around anyone and you just KNOW he and Matoro are BFFs. I just. I’m So Soft for this introvert of introverts, this neurotypical nugget. You can fit so many depressions into him.
No but seriously, Kopeke is heavily underrated and oddly a very interesting character once you get a bit into his personality. It’s been stated that, while he seems excessively cold even by Ko standards, he is indeed just extremely shy and socially awkward. He’s so oddly diverse in his interests too On one hand, he is the quintessential depressed and talented artist that could probably whip out a functioning ice canon with nothing but a vaguely intact block of ice and a swiss army knife. On the other, he’s hardcore enough for sports that he took a Kohlii ball to the face, broke his mask, got a new one to honor his village leader, and went about his day like a fucking champion. He’s a GOALIE, and goalies are inherently insane and delightfully unhinged. He is also an absolute monster in the world’s deadliest and officiated game of snowball fighting. The guy just goes on his way after being frozen to a wall for god knows how long like nothing happened in the MNOG, and had the sheer talent to just casually carve out an intricate 3D key to get through a locked gate. Just, so casual, right??
And in spite of all his supposed faults and “weaknesses”, he still took on the mantle of Chronicler. A job that would require he make a leap out of his comfort zone over a distance akin to the parting of the red sea.
What. A. Fucking. Unit.
A16 - Favourite Rahi?
Oof, this is a bit difficult to answer because, aside from Pewku, I don’t really have much of any idea of what most other Rahi are like. I have the general idea of what they’re SUPPOSED to be like behaviorally, but otherwise… It’s a bit of a tie between the Frostelus and Frost Beetles. The Frostelus are fascinating to me as being semi-sapient and exceptionally intelligent Rahi not unlike Keetongu; intelligent enough for them to align with those who offer them a good trade, and to form their own makeshift tribes. They’re not nice of course, and in fact it was an undiscovered clan of Frostelus that wiped out Lhikan’s entire team. Yikes.
Frost Beetles I recently read up on, and again, I think they’re fascinating for not just their intelligence, but how they supposedly gain said intelligence. Matoro proposed a theory that the beetles consume Knowledge Crystals not just because they probably taste good, but so they can absorb the knowledge inside them. The theory hasn’t been proven or disproven (in fact it’s not even really being discussed since Metru-nui fell, go figure) but it would explain how and why they gain intelligence so quickly and the more they eat these crystals. I like smart animals/Rahi apparently.
B6 - Favourite canister?
Hands down the Bohrok canisters! As I kid, I thought it was the most hardcore thing to make the canisters see-through (after having my mom vigorously scrub the sticker goo off) so you can see your balled up Bohrok hanging inside like something out of Alien. I even filled the canisters with water for extra alien aesthetic (sadly did not comprehend the consequences until shit began growing and corroding). Nowadays, if I ever get another Bohrok set AND the canister, I have the knowledge and means to turn it into a glowy and bubbly lamp!
C8 - Which sets do you own?
Sadly all of my original childhood sets are long gone (RIP, childhood) but! On a whim last year, I found the rebuilt version of Matoro’s Matoran form on ebay! He now sits in my pen and pencil box watching me surf the interwebs. Occasionally he will hold my webcam for me! He is a lovely desk assistant.
Thank you for the ask!
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redhatmeg · 2 years
So I decided to read “Wanted: Lucky Luke”
I really liked what Bonhomme did with The Man Who Shot Lucky Luke (I think it’s the “dark” Lucky Luke done right), so when I sat to read his second book, I was curious what he will do this time.
And boy, was it a field trip! There were moments when I was really like:
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And it was mostly because this time we’ve got some familiar faces and lore expanding. But it also has this little theme of blame and innocence, when it comes to Luke.
More under the cut.
The general premise of this comic is that: 1) there is, apparently, a reward for Lucky Luke and some of his old foes decided to use this opportunity to get on him; and 2) three sisters are on their way to town called Liberty to sell their herd of cows, so Luke decides to help them get there safely (of course, all three of them fall for him and try to seduce him, to no avail).
So the first time I’ve realized what was going on, was when I saw this:
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I was like: “Wait, Patronimo? Like, the guy from Apache Canyon who sometimes pops-up in The New Adventures Lucky Luke?” And then I saw his face that looked almost like in the original comics.
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And since we’ve got Patronimo, I thought: “Well, the guy who previously shot at Luke might be someone from his past.” and sure enough when he showed up again, he looked familiar...
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This silhuette and the attire made me think of only one guy...
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Now, if you’re in Lucky Luke fandom for a long time, you’ve problably heard about this fun fact that originally Luke killed five people (six, if we include his evil double) - the original Daltons and Phil Defer/Phil Steel/Phil Wire (there are different versions of his surname). Later, the censorship changed it and so Phil got wounded in the showndown with Luke. The wound in his arm actually crippled him so he would never be able to fire a gun.
I suspected that Phil would follow Luke not as much for reward money but for revange.
And I was close:
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Earlier, the three sisters - seeing his wanted poster - assumed that he must have killed someone to earn $500 price on his head and he said that he never killed anyone. Giving that this is supposed to be a “darker” Lucky Luke story, I expected some referances to original Daltons and Phil Defer/Wire/Steel. And one might cry: “Cop-put!” with Phil suddenly havng an adult son, but it certainly makes sense for him to be here rather than dead/crippled Phil.
Of course he gets defeated, but the girls are suspicious of Luke and decide to turn him to the sheriff in Liberty... which turns out to be abandoned. But not completely.
You will naver guess who’s there. You probably already know, it’s going to be one of Lucky Luke’s old foes, but which one? Billy Kid? Jesse James? Pat Poker? Our four beautiful idiots?
Oh, no. None of them. It’s actually...
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Of all the Lucky Luke villains I didn’t expect to see JOSS FUCKING JAMON! This is the guy who appeared back in 1958 and has never reappeared since. But here he is, alongside with his gang that is also pretty accurate:
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The big guy and the farmer guy are here too, see:
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Not only that, but they are joined by...
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I don’t remember there being any Dick Dalton in the comics, but I can see the resamblance. His face looks like more rounded version of classical Dalton face. He’s even more similar in daylight:
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See, Classic Dalton attire (aside from prison stripes, that is).
Anyways, the plot of original comic with Joss Jamon - Lucky Luke vs. Joss Jamon - got kickstarted by him and his gang attacking the town of Los Peltos; and then framing Luke for it. To not get hanged, Luke promised the townspeople that he will catch the Jamon gang within six months.
There is also a plot point where Joss Jamon - being a new mayor of certain town at the border - proposes a reward for Lucky Luke, so I guess choosing Joss Jamon as the antagonist here is meaningful in some way.
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Especially because there is actually a trial of Lucky Luke in Lucky Luke vs. Joss Jamon... a trial where the jury consists of bandits - the Daltons, Jesse James, Billy Kid...
But you know, there are actually couple of stories in which the bad guys frame Luke for their crimes or the people in town throw him into arrest for some odd reason. Hell, even in Apache Canyon Patronimo accuses Luke of lying, because of things the other “palefaces” were doing; and punishes him for it.
And you know, I’ve got a feeling that Wanted: Lucky Luke referances all of this - Phil Wire, Patronimo, Joss Jamon - because, on the one hand, Luke is supposed to be this paragon of virtue (and Doc Wedensday’s subplot in The Man Who Shot Lucky Luke was all about preserving these qualities of poor lonesome cowboy) and Phil Wire and original Daltons’ fate was specifically altered to express it; but on the other hand his oppontents blame him for many things and they want to punish him.
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And do you remember what was the original motivation for Joe, Jack, William and Averell Dalton to get on Luke in Dalton Cousins?
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For bandits Lucky Luke isn’t blameless. For them he is actually the bad guy.
And at first, when I saw Dick Dalton, I thought he had the same motivation - to avenge Bill, Bob Grat and Emmet Daltons. There was even a moment when I thought he was supposed to be Joe Jack, William and Averell combined into one. But it was something else entirely.
Anyway, we will go back to Daltons shortly. Let’s back to the topic of familiar faces.
When it seems that Luke will get torn apart by various parties who want to get him (Joss Jamon, Patronimo, son of Phil, the sisters), finally a cavalry arrives. And at this point I was expecting to see the the commander of the Twentieth Cavalry but no, I’ve got a different colonel Luke had worked with.
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It’s colonel O’Nollan from Apache Canyon.
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I guess, if we’ve got Patronimo, we may as well get the guy who was fighting with him (also because O’Nollan was looking for his son, kidnapped by Apaches). But this time colonel decides to negotiate with Patronimo, which is nice.
And when O’Nollan is going to take Luke to prison, it turns out that Dick Dalton fabricated the wanted posters so the other bandits will be more eager to help Dick to catch Lucky Luke; and then Dick would give Luke to Joe Dalton.
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(A side note - I really like Luke’s response here.)
Okay, one last detail, before I will finish this really long post. There are moments when one of the girls - Cherry - looks like “the bride of Lucky Luke”, miss Jenny.
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(Or maybe it’s just my apophenia.)
Anyway, this comicbook is amazing and I want Bonhomme to make more.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] snw 1x01 “strange new worlds” (2022)
this was so good i literally cried. this is easily, and i mean easily the best first episode of a star trek series. and as much as i like nutrek better than a lot of others who have been fans of the franchise since the golden age, this just blows everything else out of the water in terms of making me like holy shit star trek is back.
this series is like they took all the best parts of tos and discovery, and a lot (not all, but a lot) of the best parts of tng and tossed them in a blender and said “here you go!” it’s like the much better series the first episode of discovery teased us with but we actually get to keep it this time. and that is more or less what i was hoping for, but never in my wildest dreams did i imagine that it would just immediately be that, right out of the gates. this was breathtaking.
i’m struggling to remember the last time i allowed myself to be this unguardedly hyped for something, and having that thing just so resoundingly live up to that hype… i can’t stop gushing about it??? i am literally incapable.
so, in the first episode of your new star trek series you’re going to go with a botched first contact scenario with prime directive implications aplenty. that’s a bold choice, and this episode not only makes it work, it actually makes it work in its favor.
firstly, the voiceover from number one at the beginning of the episode is just the star trekkiest star trekky speech that ever star trekked. it’s full of hope and bravery and honesty. we then slide over to captain pike on shore leave. the “pike knows he’s going to die” subplot isn’t my favorite tack to take with this character. it was one of the rare things i didn’t like about season 2 of discovery. but in spite of disagreeing with it on a kind of fundamental level, i actually love the way it was deployed here? it’s a believable way to get him to a place where he’s a character in crisis without compromising his fundamental values or the things that made everyone collectively fall in love with him in the first place.
and that sets you up to do the whole reluctant captain dragged back to duty thing, which… i don’t love refusing the call as a trope usually, but for some reason star trek has always found a way to do it that doesn’t bother me? and this is probably one of the best examples i’ve seen. both of establishing the character’s reluctance, and of showing his willingness to rise to the occasion in spite of said reluctance. i also loved the admiral’s reasonable attempts to reach him not working (his communicator beeping over and over and him ignoring it), ultimately requiring his unreasonable attempt to reach him (flying a fucking shuttlecraft overhead while he’s taking his horse out for a ride). also also on a much geekeir and less consequential note, it hecking ruled that we finally had a canon appearance from robert april.
i know a lot of people are probably upset about the portrayal of spock’s relationship with t’pring but i actually loved it? it’s nice to get some actual romance and levity in that story, and i really liked the scene where she proposed to him a lot! i also think it ties back into tos just fine considering we literally already established that t’pring is irritated with him for unflinchingly choosing duty over her and he is pretty blatantly oblivious, so it’s not really difficult to see how that relationship is going to end up cooling off.
everyone returns to the enterprise which is being rushed back to active duty, and this feels like the right time to say oh my gods i love the look and feel of this series? the enterprise itself is gorgeous, like even better than the version from season 2 of discovery. the bridge and other sets all look like believable, more fully-realized versions of the equivalent tos sets but with a lot more of the original design elements and overall look/feel retained than in previous attempts like the kelvinverse.
oh, and the opening theme and title sequence? resoundingly awesome.
anyway, once everybody’s back aboard, we get into the main action of the story and pike does his best to toe the prime directive line but once they’re committed past the point of no return anyway he just barges right in and does a the day the earth stood still, in a way that both explicitly references contemporary politics and emphatically makes a case for the best aspects of the federation’s (and, by extension, star trek’s) values. i really needed to hear this right now.
oh, yeah, earlier in the episode he’s watching the day the earth stood still, which is great foreshadowing but is also a great way to let the audience know that the people making this show are huge nerds who love science fiction. so that was pretty awesome.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I stumbled across one of your posts from a while ago where, in the tags, you compared Seteth caring more about Rhea telling Byleth the truth than whether or not she was safe at the end of Silver Snow to Kaze defecting to Nohr because of Corrin, in terms of the awfulness of the avatar worship.
While i agree with the former case being bad, i actually think that Kaze's defection is much more well-justified than Seteth suddenly caring more about Byleth than Rhea.
A fundamental part of Kaze's backstory and character is that he feels an immense amount of guilt for failing to save Corrin from being kidnapped by Nohr when he was supposed to be guarding them, to the point of said guilt getting him killed in Birthright if he doesn’t learn to move past his regrets and focus on the present by having a heart-to-heart with Corrin in their A-support; that, coupled with the fact that he only joins after personally witnessing Corrin go out of their way to avoid killing enemy soldiers, which concinces him that Corrin's plan to change Nohr from the inside in order to make it more a more peaceful place is true, makes it less avatar worship and more just a natural development for Kaze's estabilished character, imo.
Where i do think his motivation starts faltering is that the game doesn't really put in enough effort to address Kaze's feelings after Corrin's plan falls through and they have to go to war against Hoshido; the closest it gets to that is having him tell Corrin that siding with Hoshido wouldn't necessarily have been the best choice and that both Nohr and Hoshido think that they're fighting for the sake of justice in Chapter 17 of Conquest: (jp version, translated by fateswartable)
Kamui: ….
Suzukaze: Lady Kamui…
Kamui: Sorry, Suzukaze. Joining me must be painful for you.
Suzukaze: N- No, that’s…!
Kamui: Saizou, Kagerou… And all of the Hoshido shinobi defeated today… If I chose another path, we could have fought together.
Suzukaze: …That’s right. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the right way. Both Hoshido and Nohr too are fighting for justice. That’s something everyone should know. Even brother, surely.
Kamui: Yes… Thank you, Suzukaze…
While Kaze growing to think of Nohr as also fighting for it's own justice through his time living in the country, causing him to choose to fight for it over Hoshido, is an interesting direction to take his character in, it's kinda undercut by the fact that, not only does this development happen entirely off-screen, but that Kaze has no presence in Conquest's plot afterwards; the game never develops or expands on his newfound motivation after Chapter 17, forcing players to just settle for a throwaway line and the fact that he still feels bad for failing to protect Corrin as the only reasons why he's willing to fight and kill his own brother and former allies.
It's underdeveloped, to be sure, but i wouldn't call it a flaw caused by avatar worship, and certainly not as bad as Seteth, out of nowhere, not giving a fuck about Rhea's safety or location and only caring about her insofar as what she can tell Byleth about their origins.
Oh !
TBH, Fates's avatar wanking looks.... tame, compared to FE16 Supreme Leader wanking and Billy wanking.
But it's still... there.
I was re-reading the RD battle/talk quotes from Part 3, where Miccy's army and Ike's army fight, and how some people choose to fight against others for, uh, reasons -
Some Daien people are fighting because their king does, some do because the believe in Miccy and, well, some (Nailah, Kurth and Rafiel) know the truth, and how Miccy can't back down, else her people will die.
Nohr fighting for its own Justice in CQ always felt, well. Corrin saved Kaze, and wants to change Nohr from the inside.
However, in CQ (my mind is foggy?) Nohr is, iirc, invading Hoshido. It's not like a war where someone wants to erase someone else or pissed on a diplomatic proposal asking for reparations for a genocide, nope. In FE14, Nohr kills the Hoshidan Queen, and in CQ, well, conquers/invades Hoshido.
Even if Kaze learnt and witnessed how Nohrians aren't baby eating monsters in their everyday life (save for iago) why and how is them invading Hoshido any form of "justice"? Mc Guffin here and there means Gooron has to sit on the Hoshidan throne to turn into goo - and yet, even if deposing Gooron is the best thing to do to change Nohr from the inside, how can this (invasion to depose) be justified and bought by a Hoshidan as "Justice" and acceptable?
Maybe I'm too used to the FE14 lolcalisation, but Kaze pulling the "justice" card here is oddly reminiscent of Tru Piss Sylvain (I think?) who says they can't reason with the Kingdom they're invading because each party fights for their beliefs like Faerghus just wanting to exist
If Kaze became a green unit like Aerone or Gale (in FE6 iirc?) and died due to Iago Iago-ing or Hans Hans-ing I'd have prefered it to him joining on Conquest because of his guilt regarding Corrin and "witnessing him sparing soldiers". And yet, buying the "everyone fights for their own justice" and choosing Norh is, idk, strange. Maybe it would have been better if, as you said, his change of heart wasn't off-screen...
Coming from FE10 to FE14 was already kind of ultra meh in terms on dealing with the unit that became a turncoat, but FE16 takes it to new heights.
So yeah, I was exaggerating when I compared the Billy worship to Kaze lol, but I thought about it because it's the only pair of siblings I remember where an avatar inserts themselves in an existing relationship and effectively severs it.
Seteth not giving any fucks about Rhea (and to some extent, Flayn too, she's not mentionned in their A-S support, when, maybe shipping googles make a bit biased, his support with Manu talking about remarriage mention his daughter!) is completely wild, but just like everything in FE16, characters, the plot and the lore can be forgotten and torn apart if it means the player can be pandered to, via Billy or Supreme Leader.
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izzy-b-hands · 6 months
I can never seem to get an actual plot to revolve around this enough to write it as a snippet of the music au but
there's this bit that's been floating around my head forever of like. idk maybe Stede bc that might be fun, going to his first QAR show at Ed's invitation, when they're playing at some big event like Wacken
He's already a little out of place, bit nervous. The music is fine enough, not his favourite genre, but there's various bands playing within subgenres/genre mixing that he's enjoying himself well enough.
But he's on his own and waiting for Ed and crew to get onstage, and the nerves are bubbling up the whole time
The show starting helps. But as it goes, they hit a certain song (not sure which one I'm giving to QAR for this, but it's probably going to be an Uncle Acid one lol) that's one of their stoner metal type crowd faves, and the guitar solos between Ed and Izzy just... keep going
Like, it's good. Fucking amazing, actually, faces are being shredded off, so on and ao forth. But it becomes evident (and the whispers make their way through the crowd from the bemused roadies) that the pre-show toke might have been...a little much, and they're just stuck in a jam session now.
Stede watches and it becomes clear they're right, and that's the moment he realises he's in love with both of their dumb asses. Watching Ed and Izzy throwing it back and forth to each other, building on and bridging new bits off of what the original song was. He's pretty far in the back, but the large screens show that the two of them are having the time of their lives. Smiling and giggly and overjoyed every time the other 'yes ands' with another riff.
This is where Frenchie and Wee John come in, as friends of his who didn't realise he'd be there ('doesn't seem his thing' per Frenchie), and who, as soon as they see him, can tell he wants to be closer. At the front, even for a moment.
Cut to Stede Bonnet's first crowd surf, over a huge crowd that luckily (bc it's this au's version of Wacken) has massive amounts of accumulated metal show crowd etiquette that gets him to the front and gently helped over the rail by a security guard
And his wave, just one quick wave that he feels silly abt in the moment bc surely they won't see it even, is what catches Ed's eye, then Izzy's.
He can't hear much after (he hasn't gotten around to buying ear protection yet bc of course he hasn't, tho that said, mood), but as he stumbles back to Frenchie and John, he's aware he's now one of the only people in the world to have been dually serenaded via guitar by two of the most famous musicians in the world, all while gently cradled by the security guard (Steak Knife, bc I miss him. so he needs at least a small spot in this au.)
Cut to Fang and Ivan (lovingly) taking the absolute piss out of Ed and Izzy later on the tour bus when they're at least slightly more sober, bc they're so in love and it was so obvious and they'd better ask first, if Stede is okay with a public proposal or not before they so that onstage at the next show (they would never, not without asking first.)
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starblue2406 · 1 year
Stories from mini-hell II
At this moment several memories come to me. I was recently suggested a very interesting, rare AU, which I definitely agree with and occasionally I will give it some content. But it's definitely not the weirdest one I've ever gotten into.
There are three AU's that have come out of this fanfic so far, but the weirdest one was the AU proposed by Paola.
It all happened one Wednesday, I was leaving the art workshop where we both stayed after class and while we were walking down the stairs to leave the school and before running away she said to me: "Hey wey, how about we give them kids?".
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I could only answer "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?!"
She ran away, got into her family's car and I could not inquire more about the matter and I could only comment to Elgu between laughter and absolute confusion.
The next day at the workshop, I saw her again and now I had to finish with those weird incognitas she left me.
She explained to me that she was very excited to give …. Offspring to our dear protagonist couple (God, even after so long it is hard for me to talk about this without dying of laughter because of how rare it is or how uncomfortable I feel, but it is something that should not be lost in just the anecdote).
At first I flatly refused, I have never been a fan of giving children to a ship and even more if it is impossible, either by biology, history, rules of the universe of the work and the internal logic. What she was proposing was totally sending the above points out the window. It definitely threw me off because she wasn't talking about a hypothetical concept but some scenario she was imagining directly in the story.
It was a very weird thing for me personally and I definitely didn't agree with it at all. After a while of her insistence she finally managed to convince me and I agreed, but I gave her the suggestion that this hypothetical weird case was more of an AU than a timeline or something close to the story.
She agreed with no problem, she just wanted to see Arceus and Damos living as a beautiful family with two cute babies... As if Arceus didn't already have enough with the ones he made himself.
In the end I made my contributions too, because I definitely like this kind of stuff in any of its forms, no matter how weird it may seem to me.
But despite this we could never create a base for this idea, what I mean is that we could never create a scenarie where this as a mini story so that this concept could exist and have some logic, but we could never create it because of our vague ideas about this. The most I could come up with is that Arceus was in a project to create two new legendary pokemon (gods), but Damos for a series of mistakes triggered that these future legendary pokemon were not only of Arceus and these being half human-pokemon and not being "finalized" gods had to be bred from scratch and without a concrete duty.
It's nice to see the AU's that fans of your story come up with no matter how weird they are. Actually of the three this one is the weirdest, the others one I half created and the other one I definitely like a lot. Still this kind of thing in the end always paints a smile on my face.
Nevertheless, it still surprises and disturbs me xD .
Remaining records of this event:
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Well, let's start here. Since we are very original, we wanted the children's names to be a combination of the parents' names, starting with "Damar", a cute little girl. I wanted it to be "Dagmar" (not to be so obvious), but Paola said no and it stayed that way.
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Then he made his adult version... What can I say?... He looks a lot like Daddy Arceus...
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And I'm not too far behind in this matter. I also made my "Contribution"(?), Paola likes the twin or two-child theme, I guess because she is from a family of four siblings and has a twin, so it's to be expected.
So I decided on this design for "Arcamos" (I didn't name him, I swear). The couple's second child, she was delighted to see that he looked more like his human daddy. My god what a fucking cringe that was xD.
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Of all the drawings in this AU this is the one I like the most, since that's when I was able to put a little bit of my touch on the whole thing. Giratina would definitely make fun of Arceus for having offspring with a human that he valued the least as a species... That's the best thing I did in all this
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I have nothing to say about these other drawings, I can only say that Paola asked me for them and I drew them with laughter of internal suffering.
I'm regretting as you have no idea to write this in this blog,but still I do it so it doesn't get lost in my memory and because to be honest this experience was also something beautiful.The fact of seeing Paola excited and comforting me while I was dying of laughter because of how strange this thing was is very beautiful.
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aetheternity · 3 years
can you do watching eren while he masturbates??
Just thinking about asking Eren to masturbate while you watch
A/n: I'm officially back people. What's funny about this request is that I was already working on Eren's version way before I was asked. And before anyone else asks I'm doing Connie and Levi with this same prompt as well. Ya know eventually..
If there was one thing you knew about your boyfriend Eren it was that he'd be more accepting of any of your many requests after taking a shower. Your mind currently swarmed with endless thoughts of water cresting over his chest. You laid your head back against the wall allowing the mental images more space to flood in as you shut your eyes. The sight of little beads forming at the tips of his long brown hair and dripping down the expanse of his back clear as day. With slightly more explicit thoughts flowing in like a river. Standing in front of the bathroom door. The water had stopped forever ago but you couldn't move. The click of your nails the only audible noise around you in the dimly lit hall. Eventually you pushed aside the gnawing in the pits of your stomach, one hand on the doorknob while the other slowly inched the door away from the frame.
Eren's smile dawned on you the moment you stepped into the room. A little chuckle falling from his lips. One of his hands fully knuckle deep in his hair. Smoothing back the wet strands and combing the water droplets out until they plopped down onto the second bath mat in front of the sink. The other worked a brush over the other side of his head just as soon reaching for the small black hair tie at the edge of the sink. Eren's bare chest was rested comfortably against the smooth, probably cold porcelain. Not a care in his world that he was barely dry. The array of water droplets decorating his skin trailing down the expanse of his body to soak the loose towel around his waist. So close to slipping away.. "You're letting the cold air in." "Huh?.." You glanced up, Eren pointed behind you and you nearly leapt out of your skin. "Oh!" You pushed your back against the wood till a little click sounded behind you. "Did you wanna join me in the shower? If I would've known I wouldn't have dried off." He placed the brush on the sink top. His hair now pulled into a tight bun as he turned to you with his arms outstretched. "Dried off where?" You huff as you accept his warm embrace. "You're wetter now than when you got in." You can feel the snort from his body against your own. The base of his chin pressed into your scalp and then the much sweeter, softness of his lips on your forehead. Water seeping into the thin cloth of your sleep shirt.
"So, what did you actually come in here for? You know besides to be a pervert?" He winces when your fist comes in contact with his shoulder. "I've seen it all before!" You reach up the dips of his shoulders hugging his back closer if possible. His lips trekking up your pulse and you hum with the feeling. "Can I.. ask you for one thing baby?" It takes a lot of strength in you not to claw his back when he readjusts and the faint outline of his cock brushes up against your pelvic bone. But you let it slip your mind when you hear a faint, "Hmm?" "Will you.. maybe.. masturbate for me?" He pauses and the warm air in the room suddenly fills your brain all at once. Leaving you feeling mildly faint. It's not like you didn't ask him for sexual things but you'd never asked him for that. Not even when you two were still in the sexting phase. He slipped his face out of the junction of your neck and shoulder. His forehead rough but still somewhat gentle. The scent of his shampoo overwhelmed the rest of your senses. And the slight tonal change in the sounds of his breaths had your heart beating a mile a minute. "That's what's got you all flustered?" He leans into your ear and you clutch his shoulders like a lifeline. "If I can finish on your face then sure." He pulls back with a devious grin stretching across his face. "You'll let me cum on your face right?" The tip of his thumb curves over your chin as you nod. Any form of hesitation leaves his body with that nod of affirmation. Without a second thought he pulls you along with him to the toilet, yanking the towel off his body to place it over the closed lid. Next is your knees coming down awkwardly on the cold tiled floor. The scraping against your skin instantly uncomfortable but you don't let it show on your face. He leans back against the tank behind him. The glint in his sapphire irises focused solely on you. He'd already grown a little hard at the question you'd proposed, his hand soon finding the base of his cock. With one leisurely long stroke he'd already had you wrapped around his finger. Reading the need in your eyes that you wanted to hide. Watching the pleading look you were giving the tip of his cock. And it made him chuckle. Mockingly. "Sure you don't want to suck me off instead? You look so eager.." You shake your head forcing yourself to make eye contact with his actual face. "I wanna.. watch you get off.." It's said so breathily voice full of your own desire. In natural Eren fashion he spreads his legs out a little wider. Giving you a full display for your watchful eyes. With painfully slow strokes he manages to carefully bring himself to full hardness. But this is a show. And he's going to work as slow as he can. Build that climax up so aggravatingly slow because he wants you to not only enjoy this but suffer a little too. The smallest bead of precum is quickly swiped away by his thumb. And a weak noise of content fills your ears. Just low enough that you could've created created sound in your head. So small you genuinely believe you imagined it. Your eyes flick up to a softer version of his deep green eyes. His brow mildly furrowed as he continued to make eye contact with you. It didn't matter how many times you saw him hard, coaxing himself up to an orgasm. It made your stomach fill with butterflies and your heart race. "Eren.." You lean forward a little, mesmerized by the clench of his stomach. You want to reach out and run your fingers over the tightness of his abs. Possibly stick your fingers in the tightening muscles to feel them clench against your finger. His pace stayed relatively the same stroking nerve rackingly slow. "What?" He sighs voice breaking a bit. "Too slow for you? Want me to speed up?" "Please.." He grips his tip a little tighter at your own breaking voice. Deeper much heavy breaths filling the atmosphere around the two of you like a thick cloud in this small windowless room. "You want it like this baby?" He angles his tip lower allowing you to see the weeping beads of precum slowly becoming more prominent at the top.
"This better?" "Yeah." "Yeah?" He grunts His eyelashes flutter close and your eyes follow the tip of his tongue where it curves over his bottom lip. Soon opening for a ragged breath and a groan from the depths of his chest. "You enjoying this?" "Mmhm.." Slits of his green eyes peer down at you. His lips just as soon curving to show off that same devious smile. He can't stop himself at this point. A whine tumbling through his tightly shut lips. "Filthy girl.. shit.." His hand disobeyed his original need to drag this out. The fleeting chase for pleasure beginning. The thick palms of his fingers sliding effortlessly towards the base of his cock flicking his wrist up just a little bit faster. The mention of your name in between his groans had you reaching for the floor in front of you, the legs of your sleep shorts or anything to steady yourself. Your heart fully prepared to jump from your chest. His head lulled back against the wall behind him, shoulders slumping. His chest caves as more groans slip out unabashedly. His laboring breaths making your face hotter than it already was if that was even possible. "Mmm want me to paint that pretty face?" He pants. "Yes.. Yes please.." You nearly whimper. "Fuck.. c'mere.. c'mere." Without a second thought you opened your mouth, your own breathing heavy as the first rope of cum splattered over your cheek and nose. Eren's deep sigh leaving you practically weightless. The rest of his cum landing in the same general area with only a couple drops actually making it into your mouth. "Here, c'mere." He cooed His thumb swiped over the bridge of your nose, above your eye and cheek directing the last of his cum into your mouth which you happily licked up. Without missing a beat he pulled both you and himself up, exiting the bathroom and heading down the hall to your shared bedroom. "Since I did something for you now you're gonna do something for me." He explained
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avalynnemarie · 2 years
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Midoriya x f!reader, Bakugou x f!reader (mentioned)
AU: Family/Future AU, Soulmate AU (Deku and Y/N)
Genre: Angst
Warnings: unrequited love, unable to move on (Y/N), original characters (Bakugou and Y/N's children), mentions of business marriages (Natsuki), swearing, comparing the past and present, the sneak peak at the end made me embarrassed but I didn't know how to make Y/N remember Bakugou because of Natsuki, toxic relationships, at this point I'm not hurting Y/N I'm hurting Deku, asshole Bakugou, selfish Y/N, obsession, neglect, daddy issues.
Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
Accismus, the series.
Welcome to my blog!
Hello everyone~ From this day on, I will let the book 'words I wish I said' decide what I will write. The book is written by Caitlin Kelly and I highly recommend it for writers! I flipped to a random page 3 times and the first sentences I see will be my plot (I assure you, I still have the original plots in mind– just take this as dessert!). these are the sentences:
I'm not here because I like you, I'm just kissing you because your lips are convenient as his are not here. (Page 46)
Unrequited love is the one that fucks us all up. (Page 108)
They say if you love something then set it free, but why has that made us both unhappy? (Page 90)
Saudade is a feeling of longing, melancholy, desire, and nostalgia. It describes a deep emotional state; a yearning for a happiness that has passed, or perhaps never even existed.
Kasumi is currently 16 while Natsuki is 17, I changed some details in the old parts.
I also removed some of the songs lyrics so that it will fit in with the plot and so that it doesn't repeat over and over again. I also removed the "he's close with my mother and talks business with my father" so that some very special and strong people won't get sad :(
It is highly recommend to listen to the song before or during reading the fanfiction, enjoy!
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He is sensible and so incredible and all my single friends are jealous
“HE PROPOSED?!” Mina screamed in ecstasy, pointing at the expensive ring Y/N was currently wearing. Y/N chuckled at her reaction and tried to brushed it off, unfortunately the girls weren't having it today. Their once-in-a-millenia hangout turned into an interview, the poor girl who only wanted to take a break was bombarded with questions left and right. “It hasn't even been a year yet!” “Are you sure about this, Y/N?” “Oh! When are you guys having childre–” “URARAKA!” “R-Right, sorry!”
She smiled warmly, her cheeks slightly red. Some of the girls squealed and began to endlessly tease Y/N.
“He will be an amazing husband and father, I love him more than my life.” Her smile faded, realizing how her children are very wary of Deku ever since he had a relationship with her. The voices of her friends and surroundings faded as she zoned out, realizing the words she said. Those were the exact words she said years ago about someone else.
He says everything I need to hear and it's like I couldn't ask for anything better
She locked the door and dropped her bag on the floor, forgetting about it. All she needed was sleep and maybe some quality time with her fiancé but sighed knowing that she'll sleep alone tonight, both of them agreed to live together so that they could see each other more frequently and prepare for their wedding. Y/N went to their shared bedroom not even having an intention to change her clothes only to see her fiancé patiently waiting for her, he perked up when saw her like an excited puppy. Y/N was surprised seeing him, wasn't Deku supposed to be busy? He probably changed his schedule to spend time with Y/N. This made her smile and give Deku a goodnight kiss before falling head-first on their bedsheets. “Had a tiring day, love?” He scooted closer to her half-asleep figure. She placed her head on his lap slowly falling asleep as he strokes her hair in a gentle manner. She held his spare hand while smiling softly, blushing slightly.
He says, "You look beautiful tonight"
Deku cupped Y/N's cheek and stared at her admiringly, she was finally his, and he was hers. It was worth holding back for years because he finally got what he wanted– a family, with her. Y/N giggled under his loving gaze, finally looking back at her lover. “Why are you staring?” She said, in a teasing tone while smirking. She wasn't bothered by the slightest, Y/N trusts him with her life. “I'm sorry, y-you just.. You look so beautiful.” Deku shyly admitted, he wasn't wrong, even if Y/N was drenched in mud or even if she was a worm– Deku will still think she looks beautiful, he is more than willing to drop everything just to build a happy life with his soulmate. “Thank you, love. Let's go to bed now, I'm so sleepy~” She smiled at him and changed her sleeping position to a more comfortable one, Deku snuggled closer to her, hugging her as he fell asleep. Y/N pecked his cheek as she leaned her head against his toned chest, comfortable and safe in his arms.
And I feel perfectly fine
“I love you, Y/N.” It was a windy day, clear skies, it was perfect. The perfect time to confess his feelings he had kept from her for months, his heart wouldn't stop pounding in his chest when Y/N was close to him. They were both under a Sakura tree as Deku was waiting for Y/N's reply, still bowing and reaching his love letter out to Y/N, unbeknownst to them– they were being watched. Y/N was stunned and she frowned, still not speaking. Not even a single sound, it would've been quiet if it weren't for the leaves rustling. “Deku, I trust you.” His eyes lit up and his heart began to pound harder against his chest. “I'm in a secret relationship with Bakugou, I'm sorry.” She saw how his eyes slowly went from excited to shocked, but despite all this– he promised to keep it as a secret. When Deku left, Y/N stared at the man who was watching them and walked over to him. “There, are you satisfied?” She frowned, clearly upset that she hurt her best friend's feelings. Bakugou smirked and gave her a pat on the shoulder. “You did amazing”.
Y/N regretted rejecting Deku, if she didn't then she wouldn't have been married to Bakugou and suffered the consequences of her own mistakes. How blind of her, how selfish. But now she never regretted spending time with her present husband, even if the relationship between her children became awkward– It doesn't mean that she'll give up her soulmate for anybody else ever again, she feels perfectly fine in his arms, he is her home. The only person she looks forward seeing after a tiring day, the only person who can hold her without any ill intentions, the person who will do anything for her. She feels safe with him, she loves him more than anything in the world. Atleast that's what Y/N tells herself.
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
But she can't help it, why does she feel this way? Why does she long for him when she is engaged to another? No matter how hard Y/N tries to convince herself, it will never work. She still misses him, she still loves him and still thinks about him. Y/N laughed blankly at her thoughts, why is she so selfish? Why does she want to run to him? Y/N is happy with Deku, she treats her and their family like royalty and spoils them but she would drop everything just to have one last conversation with him, just like how Deku dropped everything for Y/N. Too many questions left unanswered but that's life, you can't always get what you want. But sometimes she just wishes that she never left, she doesn't care for her and her children's wellbeing, fighting and yelling was better than spending time with someone else attempting to make her ex regret everything. She understands now, why she wants Bakugou despite being treated luxuriously and lovingly by his rival. Y/N felt truly happy with him, she felt real love for him. Their relationship was exciting and fun, she just wants to experience that again but with someone else. And that someone would burn the world for her, but she would burn the whole world including Deku for him. Its ironic, isn't it? Do you feel a sense of deja vu?
And it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name so in love that you act insane
Why can't these memories leave her alone? She just wants to be happy without him, she already found his soulmate and Bakugou already has Himari so why does she have an urge to run to him like a little girl? Her present husband will do anything to keep her safe and happy but she doesn't feel happy at all. So foolish, forcing herself to love someone else while her heart is beating for another. Y/N couldn't sleep at all because of these annoying, irrelevant intrusive thoughts of hers, she's happy. She is, okay that's not going to work. Forcing yourself to like something for others won't do good for the both of you, the other one has to find out sooner or later. She feels safe and comfortable around Deku, but Y/N admired and loved Bakugou. What's the difference? At this point she's in love with the past and not the actual man himself, she frowned and snuggled closer to her sleeping husband and tried her hardest to sleep. And she did, but the memories did not leave her thoughts for a single moment.
And that's the way I loved you
“FUCK OFF! YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! JUST BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE KASUMI ENOUGH ATTENTION!” Bakugou screamed, very irritated because of his wife bugging him again. “ENOUGH?" She had the audacity to shout back, “You think that you even GIVE her attention?” He was stunned, guilt slowly creeping up his chest but his pride made it disappear, replacing it with rage. It wasn't his fault that his daughter was so shitty, the only thing she has is beauty and nothing else, Kasumi is useless. Natsuki is better, she may not have grace in her movements but she's strong, intelligent and has a lot of potential. Y/N had enough, years of this madness, she was surprised that she dealt with him that long, she walked to their room, Bakugou followed. “What are you doing?” Y/N ignored him, packing her and Kasumi's bags. If he's so obsessed with Natsuki then he should take care of her, she's his responsibility now. Bakugou just watched her silently, Y/N flinched when he hugged her from behind. “Dont go,” Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to shove him off, but he had an iron grip around her waist. Why can't he just accept that they aren't a good match?, but Y/N knew, she knew that no matter what bullshit Bakugou would pull, she'd still love him and long for his touch. Y/N leaned into his touch and dropped her bags, her mind was screaming to leave but her heart was telling her to stay. Bakugou smirked in victory.
Breakin' down and coming undone, it's a roller coaster kinda rush
Natsuki would do anything to keep her sister's innocence while Kasumi will do anything to keep her older sister happy, so when Natsuki tells her to put her headphones and listen to music while their parents are fighting, she obeys. She doesn't understand at all, it can't hurt to remove her headphones right? She looked around and smiled in relief when her older sister is dozing off. She removed her headphones and was greeted with screams and sobs, now she understands. They were fighting about her. The family's disappointment but her mother's gem. “YOU'RE SO SELFISH!” Her mother yelled in a shaky voice, “ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU GAVE BIRTH TO A MISTAKE!” Her father shot back, that hit something in Kasumi, that was the reason why she kept overthinking about other people's thoughts about her. “If only I knew, we should have stuck to one child” her father sighed in disappointment, is this why Natsuki wanted her to listen to music everytime her parents would raise their voices? She felt so useless, she kept relying on others for her safety and well-being. She was only 6, and she already started to worry. “Sometimes I wish I never–” Kasumi put her headphones back on, tears falling down her chubby cheeks. Kasumi deserved this. That's what she felt and thought anyway.
I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you
Kasumi tugged on her mother's clothes when she was cooking dinner, looking up to her mother. Her mother looked at her with so much love, Kasumi wished that it was the same as her father. She wished that he loved her. She wished that she wasn't useless. “Mommy, am I pretty?” Kasumi asked, maybe it was because she's ugly. “Of course, Kas. You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen!” Kasumi doubted this, but it was true. She had sandy blonde hair and her mother's eyes, she was truly a beauty, so why didn't her father appreciate her? Her mother noticed her sad gaze and stroked her hair comfortingly, smiling. “Kas, is it about daddy?” she asked, Kasumi looked at her mother, tearing up. “Mommy, why does daddy hate me?” Her mother widened her eyes and pulled Kasumi closer to her, “Darling, don't listen to him. You are beautiful.” her mother reassured. “...Does daddy love you? Please teach me.” Kasumi asked, “teach you what, dear?” her mother replied, focusing on cooking instead of the little girl. “Please teach me how to be loved” Her mother went silent.
So in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you
It was late at night and the male pro-hero finally came home, he didn't hear little snores, it was basically apart of Bakugou's routine now– he comes home and sees Kasumi who fell asleep waiting for her father. Not that he cares anyway, he turned the light on and was surprised to see his wife waiting for him, sitting on the couch with her legs crossed. Is she mad or something? Is it because of the dangerous mission he was assigned to? “Katsuki.” she said, clearly upset with the man. “Not now Y/N, I'm tired.” he started to walk away but Y/N quickly stood up and stopped him. She wasn't going to let him mistreat Kasumi anymore. “What do you want Y/N?” he snarled, getting annoyed by her strange behavior. “I want to talk.” Y/N said, “then make it quick.” Bakugou turned around and faced the woman, irritated. “Kasumi, you need to treat her like a daughter.” she started, “What the fuck? this again? I won't treat her like one until she's like her sister.” he sighed, pinching his nose. “Can you atleast try to talk to her?” “No.” “Why not?” Y/N asked, annoyed. “Kasumi is a waste of time and effort, I know you know that.” Y/N stood there stunned, Bakugou smirked in victory and started to walk away before Y/N stopped him, blocking the bedroom door. Y/N slapped him hard, Bakugou widened his eyes in shock before glaring at the woman. “You're sleeping on the couch tonight.” She slammed the door in his face before he could say anything.
He respects my space and never makes me wait and he calls exactly when he says he will
Y/N faced the mirror and twirled around, she looks beautiful, her husband will definitely love this. She smiles proudly and brushed her hair for one last time, Deku knocked on the door to check up on her. “I'm coming!” She got out of the room and faced her husband who was blushing at the sight of Y/N. She twirled around and did a curtsy, “What do you think?” She smiled and held his arm, “You look amazing, so lovely.” Y/N smiled wider at his compliment, she knows that Deku's favorite color is red, so she wore a dark red dress that perfectly matched her makeup and accessories. Y/N thought that they were on a date but was surprised when she heard from Deku that someone else was dining with them, it was a shame but business is business. The restaurant looked luxurious, elegant and beautiful. Y/N assumed that this person they were meeting was probably a big shot in society, since the food here was expensive. “This way, Mr and Mrs Midoriya.” A butler lead the way and left immediately when they got to their destination, a private room? She thought, staring at the door in front of them. Deku opened the door for her, “Ladies first,” He smirked. Y/N smiled and went in the room, her smile faded after she saw who was sitting in front of her– Bakugou. The tension in the room grew higher as Y/N was purposely avoiding Bakugou's piercing gaze, Deku was shocked too seeing his childhood best friend, perhaps he didn't know that Bakugou was the one who they'll be meeting up with, Deku sighed and grasped Y/N's hands, walking out of the room before Bakugou finally spoke up. “And where do you think you're going? We're not done here yet, are we?” He spoke in a serious tone, how dare they leave when they just got here? “Can I atleast leave?” Y/N was clearly uncomfortable, she wasn't ready to face him yet but her heart was beating so fast, Bakugou still looks so handsome even after years. She just wishes that everything would turn back to normal and this was just a dream.
“Who even told you to come here anyway?”
“Why, can't she tag along with her fiancé?” Deku shot back, he smiled reassuringly at Y/N and walked her out of the room, shutting the door and facing Bakugou. “Come on, sit.” Bakugou patted the chair next to him but Deku sat on the chair far away from him. Bakugou rolled his eyes, “Back to business.”
He can't see the smile I'm faking
“I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have brought you along with me,” Deku murmured to the woman in his arms, Y/N didn't reply, deep in thought. “your effort in your outfit is wasted, but you still looked amazing in that dress even if it was for a short time.” Deku promised her a night to themselves, Y/N immediately went home after seeing her ex-husband, she may long for him but she definitely wasn't ready to speak to him. “It's okay.” Y/N finally spoke, giving him a reassuring smile. Deku held her closer and kissed her forehead before looking at her with uncertainty, Y/N cupped his cheeks and kissed him. “I love you, Izuku.” She pulled away, staring at him with such loving eyes– Deku could swear that he could see hearts in them. “..More than him?” Y/N chuckled, making the greenette concerned. “H-Hey! Do you?” She grinned, “I do.” Deku sighed in relief, Y/N really gave him a fright. But Y/N knew that she was unable to love again, because he was her first love. The person she can't help but compare her lovers to and the person she longs for even when someone else is holding her.
My heart's not breaking 'cause I'm not feeling anything at all
Y/N scrolled through his phone is disbelief, she felt pure anger. Wasn't this supposed to be purely business? Maybe it's because if they worked together, the both of them would become stronger and earn more respect but what the hell? Fuck respect, fuck power– Y/N couldn't believe that her fiancé would agree to this, her daughter didn't even graduate yet. “I can explain.” She heard a familiar voice behind her, Deku. Yes, they need to talk about this, about how he willingly gave up Natsuki. “You can't, the explanation is right in front of my eyes.” Deku opened his mouth to say something but not a single syllable came out, he can't make an excuse can he? Is Y/N going to leave him? He stood there, unmoving as he watched Y/N grab her coat and walk towards the front door, ready to leave. “Y/N.” Deku called out, he wanted to explain everything to avoid misunderstandings but the woman wouldn't let him. Y/N gave him a side-glare and said, “Natsuki isn't your daughter, she's MY daughter. You should've told me about this because I am her mother.” But even if they had a genuine conversation about this, Y/N would still refuse. She will not give up her daughter's future so that they can gain more respect, power and fame. It's just fucked up. Both of them are fucked up. “Y/N, you should trust me, I am the number 1 hero and I know more about politics than you do.” Deku finally uttered, he was trying to convince his fiancé that this is a good idea, even if their daughter wouldn't like it. “She's human, Izuku. Natsuki has feelings too.” Y/N said in disbelief, does he hear the complete utter bullshit he is spitting out? Because he probably isn't. “You should stop being inconsiderate Y/N, Natsuki is our daughter– she'll understand.” Y/N was about to explode, inconsiderate? She's the one being inconsiderate? Oh hell no. Y/N scowled at him, maybe it wasn't too late to call off this engagement. Deku stood his ground, the two of them exchanged stares as Y/N finally left the house. She did not forget to slam the door as hard as she could. Y/N has to be the first one to tell her daughter about this, maybe she can put the situation in a kinder way so that her daughter could understand but as she arrived, the only thing she didn't want to happen, occured. She hid behind the gate and observed the two figures.
You were wild and crazy just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated
“Natsuki, me and your step-father have discussed this for months now.” The 17 year old stopped sulking and saw her mother not far away, spying on both of them, it seemed important since her father was reaching out to her personally. They were in front of UA because Bakugou dragged her out of her classroom in the middle of a lesson, “What do you need, father?” She asked politely, fixing her position as she faced her father. “You will be engaged when you turn 18.” She went silent, her head hung low in disbelief. Engaged? Isn't she too young for this? This doesn't make any sense at all. Natsuki could hear and feel her heart pound inside her chest, Bakugou walked towards Natsuki and cupped her cheek, both of them made eye contact, it was clear that her father was trying to assert dominance. “I worked hard for this, don't be selfish.” said Bakugou, tightening his grip around her cheek, it was painful but it helped Natsuki get to her senses. “You did father, I'm so glad to have you as my parent.” Natsuki smiled emptily, Y/N widened her eyes, how did he manage to convince Natsuki? And why would she accept? Y/N felt so heartbroken, her daughter's future will be thrown away because of selfish desires and she just stood there, everything in Y/N's body screamed at her to go and protect her daughter's future, but she knew that it was too late.
I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
Why can't we all live happily ever after like the Disney princesses we once adored when we were children? Why do we have to earn happiness, if we deserve it? Y/N misses the times where she and Bakugou were newly married, it was so.. exciting. Moving in, having their first daughter, Natsuki's first steps and Bakugou's promotion. But now all she feels is deja vu with her present lover, occasionally thinking ‘Hey, this happened before’. All princesses are happily married to their lover without any problems because they already eliminated the villain but didn't Y/N already cast Bakugou out of her and her children's life? Why does she feel a sense of longing for him even if he wronged her? Maybe the villain in her story was her mind all along, making these negative and pessimistic thoughts and dreams to haunt her at night. Long ago, Y/N had a dream on the night of her and Bakugou's honeymoon. She was staring at him walking away from her, everything in her screamed ‘GO!’ but all she did was stare despite the irresistible urge to run to him, Y/N watched Bakugou's figure slowly disappearing from her sight before she woke up, drenched in sweat and panting as Bakugou tried to reassure her that everything was alright and it wasn't real, but she only thought about her strange dream. Maybe this was foreshadowing something? It did, and she regretted not looking into it further.
It's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name
“So, this was all fake? You never loved me?” Y/N says, on the verge of tears. Perhaps she was too blinded by his touch and sweet words to notice, she has to thank Deku later for beating some sense into her head. The blonde was silent, too silent, he could tell that he shattered her heart at that moment. “Katsuki.. please–” Y/N walked towards him, whispering, “please.. tell me you love me..” Each word she uttered grew more and more silent as she realizes what his true intentions were from the beginning, she looked at her hands and then covers her face in shame. How can she be so dumb? “Please..” she uttered, looking at her husband through her middle and ring finger. Bakugou had an blank expression but he felt guilt, haha, he never changed did he? “TELL ME!” Y/N shrieked, there was no doubt that their children are probably awake by now. Bakugou frantically shook his head, he didn't know what to say. Y/N sobbed harder, all of this just for a successor. She genuinely loved him but sometimes she wonders if he loves her back, her speculations were true and she expected this but.. why does her heart feel so heavy? Bakugou hugged her tight, burying his head on the crook of her neck muttering apologies. She cried harder and succumbed into his touch, despite the sweet nothings he whispered in her ear– Y/N never heard him say 'I love you'.
So in love that I acted insane and that's the way I loved you
“–suki.. Natsuki!” Y/N chased her daughter, who seemed to finally hear her calls but refused to meet her mother's gaze. “Natsuki..” Y/N hugged her daughter tightly, starting to tear up. Natsuki remained silent. “You don't have to agree to everything to make your father satisfied, you're throwing your life away.” Natsuki still remained silent. “Sometimes, I wish you were born in a different family, I'm so sorry Natsuki, I-I should've been better.” Y/N tried her best, but it wasn't enough. Natsuki just watched Y/N say the things she should've done a few years back. “Then why aren't you?” Natsuki muttered with a brittle voice, she was asking her mother a genuine question and Y/N didn't know what to reply, “I'm sor–” “No.” Natsuki immediately blocked her apology. “Mom, you only cared about Kasumi.” Y/N widened her eyes at this, offended. “Because your father doesn't see her as his own.” Y/N said, wasn't this obvious by now? She had to take care of Kasumi because she had nobody else. “And you think he saw me as his daughter?” They both fell silent, this was a sign for Natsuki to continue speaking. “He only saw me as a successor, not his child.” She pointed out, glaring at her mother. Natsuki wasn't surprised, her mother only paid attention to her sister anyway. “I shouldn't have taught you how to be a good successor, I should've taught you to how to live a happy and peaceful life.” Natsuki froze hearing her mother's sincere words, then why didn't she? Natsuki is intelligent, strong and reliable but that doesn't mean she doesn't need affection. She remembers the times where she would just stare at her little sister showered with affection from her mother because she was 'fragile'. Natsuki is only 17. She hung her head low, trying to bite back her tears. She couldn't achieve her dreams and goals. Natsuki didn't want this at all but she didn't have a choice, she never had a choice. Natsuki couldn't even graduate and become a pro-hero. Oh, the things she does for a father's love and validation.
Part 6, Solandis coming soon! Check Accismus, the series for more details.
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Want some details of part 6?
Deku stared at his sobbing wife on the floor of their bedroom, covering her mouth trying not to let sobs and whimpers out of overhwhelming sadness as tears were falling down her face at a rapid pace. He never saw her this.. fragile before, news recently came out that 'Dynamite' or Bakugou Katsuki died during a mission. Y/N needed some comfort considering how much she's shaking, Deku walked towards the weeping woman and wrapped his arms around her. She didn't return the hug but buried her face on the crook of his neck, his shoulders suddenly wet because of her overflowing tears. Deku still loves her despite her flaws and focused on her perfections, he loves her unconditionally. He knew that Y/N wasn't exactly over her ex-husband even after 10 years, this, was what he didn't expect. Bakugou was a terrible father and husband, he didn't know Y/N would make a big deal of his death considering the fact that he treated Kasumi like an outcast of her own family and forced Natsuki to be just like him. He tried his hardest to comfort his wife with his sweet words, but nothing would work as she continued to weep. Deku decided to give her some time alone out of pity, her eyes were puffy and sore because of how long she wept. Y/N spent her free time with Natsuki a few days later– attempting to talk her out of her hatred for her step-father. “But mooom!!” Natsuki whined dramatically. “He's different, Natsuki. He's sweet, honest and–” Natsuki started to giggle, unintentionally interrupting her mother. “You really love him, mom. But I still don't trust him, how about you focus on getting me a brother instead?” Y/N blushed at her words and turned away out of embarrassment, this caused Natsuki to laugh and smirk devilishly.
“Why, are you scared?”
. . .
Y/N turned away and ran despite Natsuki's protests. Damnit, tears were brimming in her eyes again, she's so much like her father– it hurt so much. To be constantly reminded of the fact that he's forever gone and within her grasp. She ran and ran until she was inside her house, ignoring Deku and slamming the door in his face. The feeling was back again, the feeling that everything was crashing down. Her chest is so heavy, her eyes are so blurry. Deku opened the door to their shared bedroom and discovered a side of Y/N he thought that he would never see until today.
Y/N was at her weakest.
Her tears were trailing openly down her face and unto the bedsheets but she wasn't sobbing as hard like she did a few weeks ago. Each tear that fell from her eyes were tears of regret and frustration, she was frustrated at herself for being so selfish in the past and present.
His death was unexpected, he was a strong and determined hero who was admired by many. So how could the number 2 hero fall against a mere villainess?
Their marriage was expected to end sooner or later, but both of them still loved each other even if they weren't fated. She had to adapt to a new environment without one of the most important people in her life, for her children and for herself.
Deku knew that Y/N only used him to put her mind at peace, to move on from him. He knew but he still believed the sweet nothings whispered in his ear every night. He knew but yet he still held her, he knew and yet he still loves her.
It's not your fault that he didn't love you the way I did, it's not your fault that you can't change him, it's not your fault that you can't make him love you back. Why won't you focus on the present? On us? He doesn't fucking love you, Y/N. Deal with it instead of making me hope that you love me more than him. You made it seem like you actually loved me, and I despise you for that.
But in reality he couldn't feel anything against Y/N, she did nothing after all but love someone else who wasn't him. It wasn't her fault. It shouldn't be her fault.
He wanted to scream, to make her realize that she's not the only one suffering, that he loves her more than Bakugou ever will but Deku just stared at Y/N's quivering figure, trying her hardest not to make any sound. He couldn't help but cry as well, but every tear he shed had her name on it. He just wants to be loved, is that so hard to ask for?
He didn't realize how much he loves Y/N until he found himself sobbing at the thought of losing her, but what he didn't know also was that he already lost her a long time ago.
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