#And also it's...my blog yunno
kingprinceleo · 1 year
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ask-pomni-blog · 2 months
updates :]
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HEY GUYS!! sorry for being gone for like.. almost 2 weeks!! i had to lock in- buuut im BACK! and with a few notable updates:
new layout! :)
i will be answering a couple asks tomorrow!
(HOPEFULLY) redesigns! ...sometime soon!
i have midterms next week but after that SPRING BREAK! so i might do something special ;] - again thanks to all my supporters, a special thanks to my beta readers!! MWAH luv ya ! and all you askers I LUV YA TOO!!
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mar-im-o · 2 years
“What are you doing?”
“Lore Lizzie. What does it look like?” Lizzie’s taken it upon herself to become familiar with her neighbors around the continent. The world they have is small, and many of their boarders shared, so it’s a fool’s game not to get aquatinted with the people who may very well declare war on your kingdom in a few moon’s time.
So she makes her rounds, the clever disguise of a young woman protecting her from the scrutiny of otherwise prejudiced eyes. She meets the princess of the sun and the bees she harbors by the shore. She meets the Goblin King and his underground city. She meets a sheriff with no name and a colorful recluse and a studious historian.
And she meets Joel.
She’s quite sure she’s met him before. He seems oddly familiar in the way he speaks and acts and dresses, but she’s found herself preferring to observe him from afar. More than anything, he seems... not fully there.
For one, the elytrian seems quite certain he’s a god of all things (which is ridiculous. What god walks with mortals?) and continuously insists he’s eleven feet tall (no matter the fact that he’s got but a foot on Lizzie who’s barely five foot herself). He also knew Lizzie’s name long before she offered it, and goes about interacting as if they’ve met before.
But strangest of all is his tendency to ramble on about the oddest of things. Like, for instance, when Lizzie found him standing ankles deep in a fountain, struggling to pin a faux beard to his cheeks.
“What are you doing?”
“Lore Lizzie. What does it look like?”
“Lore. Yunno--” he waves his hand around aimlessly, the beard slipping without the support. “Lore. Plot. For the viewers.”
“The...” She shakes her head. Maybe she should slip away while she has the chance.
“Can you help with this?” Joel asks instead, looking towards the feigned human and curse her kind heart she sighs and climbs into the fountain to help adhere the beard.
“You look ridiculous.”
“I look cool and awesome and sexy thank you very much.” He says it with a wink, and Lizzie about slaps him for it. “It’s for my character this season.”
A beat. “Summer...?”
Joel snorts. “Funny. This season of Empires.”
Lizzie pulls her hand away and the beard seems to stick. Joel gives a hoot as he tests it out, grinning at her. “Looks awesome! Tumblr’s gonna go bonkers over this one.”
And of all the horrid ideas Lizzie’s ever had, she decides to ask: “Tumbler...?”
That, out of everything, seems to make Joel stop and reconsider things. “Yunno. Like--like twitter but a bit bluer. Darker blue. The blog site.”
“Right....” And, well, he’s saying a lot of words she doesn’t quite understand, so she ignores them all and goes to climb out from the fountain. “You take care, your majesty.”
“Wait, wait, your--” Joel stops her with a hand on her wrist (she considers slapping him for it, but composes herself and simply tugs her arm away). “You said ‘your majesty’?”
“Right, do you prefer ‘your cool and awesome and sexiness’ instead?”
“No, I--Why are you talking like that?”
“It’s called respect.”
“Right, but--” He shakes his head, looking genuinely genuinely confused. “But we aren’t roleplaying right now. I’m not even saying lore! That means there’s no lore.”
Lizzie pulls herself full out of the fountain, trying to squeeze out the legs of her pants. “Right. Good day to you, your godness.”
“But that’s how it works,” Joel continues to say. “I say lore, you say lore, we say lore in the discord server. Then we do lore! We don’t just roleplay out of nowhere.”
“I’ll leave you to your fountain then.”
“Is this a joke? Did Jimmy set you up to this? Real funny, haha--”
The god-mocking king’s voice fades as Lizzie makes her way back towards her home, a chittering laugh on her tongue as she shakes her head. “What a weirdo.”
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Listen I may or may not be obsessed with the idea of making my own Ghost, like your Leonardo Ghost, but I don't know where to start. I have very little experience with coding, so if you end up wanting to help me here, assume I know nothing.
I didn't know anything about ghost/ukagaka making before I started working on Leo, and I had some coding experience going into it (very basic though. Like if you had IT class at school and understood the logistics behind stuff there, you'll get it)
But I have a few resources to offer as help!
Tutorial and template I used. Made by @/zarla-s, the tutorial is really informative if you go into this with as little info as possible and template is full of explanations in all documents in all steps. It may be a bit overwhelming at first, but if you have a vision of what you want to create you can shape the template into it step by step!
@ukagakadreamteam, a blog where you can ask ghost developing-related questions. There also a whole ghost wiki full of different ghosts, templates and tools on how to make them. There's also a link to discord where experienced people are always ready to help you with any ghost-related questions you have, bug-test your ghost or collab to make one and etc. In two days a Ghost Jam starts, where a bunch of people gonna make ghosts in just 3 or 7 days, so, great time to hop aboard and see the process and all xD
I'd be up to help! If you get questions with development, I am up to help. My methods may be not very efficient (like. You can make it simpler and shorter but yunno what i wrote works so!! that's the main thing!!), but yeah, don't be afraid to reach out if you need help!
Honestly, for ghost making, if you figure out how to
a) Write dialogue lines
b) Add sprites correctly
c) Learn how to weave these sprites with the dialogue at the times you want
Then it's like 80% of the knowledge you need! The other things you do once and you can be on your way!
So, good luck 💜✨
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venelona · 1 year
Guess who's Instagram got deleted OUT OF NOWHERE. And I can't even message support about it because Instagram appears to have no ways of reaching them.
I wasn't on Instagram often, but I did have 5k followers there, and it was a very nice place for questions and answers. And now it deleted all of my work, and rampant art theft gonna go without any actual source to link back to.
First Tumblr nukes my secret frans santa blog, now Instagram destroys my WHOLE account... that's actually upsetting, yunno?
Idk. Maybe go give my twitter some loving before it also explodes when I turn away for like a second?..
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trans-cuchulainn · 5 months
any tips for where someone might wanna research to kick off an interest in medieval literature? there's a LOT out there and i've not had much luck with only university reading lists as a start point.
hmm are you looking for books about medieval literature or are you looking for medieval texts to read
because if you are looking for medieval texts to read, i highly recommend táin bó cúailnge lmao (i just think it's neat! also i read it with basically zero contextual knowledge as an 18-year-old weirdo and had a good time). if you search for the tag "reading list" on my blog (i think that's the one i use!) you'll find previous posts with recs of medieval texts and where to find them, including a "so you've read the táin, now what" post that might be helpful if you take that first rec. it's all very irish bc that's what i do. other people have lists for other languages
if you are looking for info about medieval lit though i would say possibly a good place to start is podcast/videos if you are that kind of learner? i am not, so i can't offer many recommendations, and there's definitely a lot of bullshit about there, but. sometimes the bullshit is fertiliser. like you hear something you think is interesting so then you look it up and find out what it's actually about, yunno? there are also real academics and other clued-up people talking about medieval lit though. you could try the celtic students podcast for some tasters of what research people are doing in the field these days. for irish lit @finnlongman has some videos with retellings and further reading in the descriptions (sorry, i don't know a lot of non-irish/celtic-specific resources haha)
like i absolutely got into medieval literature in... not the WORST way bc it wasn't actively racist except that a lot of my sources were from the 19th century, but it definitely wasn't a GOOD way either. i read a LOT of bullshit, from heavily sanitised retellings and terrible 80s fantasy novels to romanticist popular history, so i had to unlearn a lot of stuff once i started doing it properly haha. so all my "introductory" sources were bad and i would not recommend them. but also it did work for me. which is the problem bc it means i don't have a lot of recs for stuff when you're first starting out and haven't already figured out what bullshit you're trying to get to the bottom of 😂
but yeah check out the "reading list" tag for other recs i've shared in the past and also other people's recs that i've reblogged! there might be some useful stuff in there idk!
sorry this isn't more helpful i'm very sleepy
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 4 months
TAOCC IS AMAZING, and boy has it changed since I first showed up
Aka: Elsie gets really sentimental for once
I’m gonna be honest, this is not the community I expected to end up in on this site. I joined Tumblr about October 29th and expected to end up as maaaaaybe a minor artist. At best. At the time TADC was just “that glitch thing that was blowing up that I thought was pretty good” and I was much more into murder drones anyways.
…Holy crabs, looking back on that…I had no idea what I was gonna end up getting into lol
I randomly followed the @/ragatha1 ask blog at one point, kind of confused as to what an ask blog was but hey, why not? That’s how I found Soup’s gangle blog and boy did things go off the rails. I was…so confused, I showed up smack dab in the middle of the Tiger insanity with no idea who any of these characters or people were. At that point iirc, “TAOCC” wasn’t even the name for the whole thing yet. I made Easton and was like “okay I’ll just have this goofy guy who likes sandwiches, no angst here, maybe he’ll make some friends, I really hope everyone likes him!”
I joined my first ever magma at that point as well! And I vividly remember being really confused but just doodling my sona in the corner and then people were like
“Uhhhh who the frick is Elsewhere I like your art :D”
and I was like
you what”
and thus I joined magma…a lot. Lol. That’s how I got to know soup and you (Xeya) and a few others. I felt so…weirdly new. Like impostor syndrome was in full force. That feeling hasn’t…really ever gone away, tbh.
And since then I’ve figured myself out mostly with only a few embarrassments to my name. I’m really grateful for the people I’ve made friends with, especially Fei, Star, Soup, and Xeya, as well as Kumo and Candy mods. You guys have been lovely to me, and I don’t know how I ever came to deserve that. It’s been rough at times, and I had to/still have to figure out boundaries and how to be assertive basically from scratch. This website still hurts me sometimes, and I accept that I’m a bit odd in some respects. But overall, people have respected that here much more than they do in my actual life. People have respected me here more than they tend to in real life. Before this I could share my writing and art with one person. One. I would go stir-crazy because I would make art and writing and never get to show anyone, which meant I just…spent like an entire year not doing anything. It sucked. And now I will just,..make art and characters for the funsies, and not get scolded for it. I can write incredibly florid descriptions and scenes about stuff like a freaking TOWN’S DESCRIPTION, and people will like it and tell me I’m good at this. I honestly might consider becoming a writer now when I become an adult. I learned that I can be shamelessly self indulgent when writing and people will enjoy it lol. Thank you guys for dealing with that btw lol. I will just MAKE CHARACTERS FOR PEOPLE FOR THE FUNSIES, a willingness I thought I’d all but lost. Like, I saw a 3d printer in my chem class two days ago and went “hmmm yunno what I could give a character in TAOCC a 3d printer for a head and that’d be so cool! Yunno, maybe Xeya would like it if I made that for her.” AND HERE WE ARE I’M CURRENTLY MAKING YOU A CHARACTER WITH A 3D PRINTER FOR A HEAD.
Also, you guys have no idea how grateful I am that you go along with my giant overarching plotlines. Like, my first test of the idea was Dusk’s domain and Sun’s trip to see Northeast, and then I was confident enough that people would care that I made the entire Lull/dungeon thing. The dungeon has been my magnum opus of writing, I put more work into that than almost anything else I’ve ever written. And people actually…respected that. I’m terrible at writing fight scenes, and yet I carried a fight scene for multiple hours with like…20 characters! I DIDN’T THINK I COULD HAVE TWO CHARACTERS FIGHT AND MAKE IT WORK AT ALL! OH MY LANDS I HAVE ACTUAL SELF CONFIDENCE NOW!! AAAAAAAAA-
anyways, that aside lol
it’s been wonderful, really. I feel like the pros far outweigh the cons for me, and the cons for me can be mitigated anyways entirely on my side of things lol. I came to this site looking for a community of people who would appreciate me, stupid flaws, autism, anxiety, writing and all. And I think I got that. And I want to find more, I want to keep going beyond this little bubble, but I want to always come back to this little circle of people. I don’t care how many rps or writing messes I end up in, TAOCC is always going to have a special place in my heart, flaws and all. It’s helped me get through some serious mess in my life, and being excited to come home to whatever insanity these lil guys are up to today makes me happy like almost nothing else.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Thank you for letting this odd moth in, I hope I’ve earned it.
You've been literally one of the kindest people I've met on the site. One of the most talented too! I've never seen someone write like you and. Honestly. Genuinely. I look up to you in quite a few aspects.
You're funny, kind, caring, skilled, and a great person overall. and im SO FUCKING GLAD YOURE MY FRIEND EEEEE HUGS SPINS YOUUUU
... (kicks feet) and I heard something about a 3d printer head oc youre making for me.... (teary eyed) (/pos) (me when people do things for me. i love yall. sm. love you elsie sm sM SM SM SM SM!!!)
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fractoluminescence · 10 months
I keep getting the urge to start a blog or something that just analyzes awesome fics, but I also don't want to risk bringing attention to fics from people that weren't the target audience, since they wouldn't have explicitly looked for them, yunno? I could ask the authors, but I'm mostly on AO3 and too many wouldn't see the comment by the time I lose interest... I'm even more on the fence about it since so many authors, even ones that have a lot of experience, might not be be comfortable with their works being dissected and possibly criticizes in certain aspects. It'd all be in good fun, I'm not fond of dunking on works in the first place and tend to focus on the strength of a work, but if I want it to be usable as a learning resource of sorts I can't completely gloss over the downsides of fics either. I also risk spoiling a lot of the plot and stuff, and I know I don't follow the advice of watching a movie before listening to someone comment on it in a lot of cases, so I would assume a lot of people would do the same for this...
Hhh, I dunno. I love dissecting fics so much. But if it's gonna come with negative effects for other people, I don't know if it's worth it. The last thing I want is risk damaging the very thing I am trying to celebrate...
I could take suggestions for people's own fics, because that way I'd be sure the author would agree to the whole thing, but I struggle to keep up with things like this, since I tend to write long posts on a whim. I worry that the suggestions would just pile up and most of them would never get looked at by me at all...
There's also the issue of fics that are prime examples of what not to do. The only person who can decide that a story wasn't worth writing is its author imo, but that doesn't stop some fics from being paragons of massive flaws that could be used as studies for other people to avoid the particular issues they display. But again, I'm not very comfortable with the ethics of that. Some of the authors for these fics could be young, or insecure, or have a relationship to their writing that is very personal, and certain types of flaws could send a lot of hate their way. But referencing a fic without naming it or describing it enough that people can look it up can make the criticism so vague at times that it no longer serves the purpose it was written out for.
I just. I've been thinking about this for months, and all I can come up with is that if I ever do really start trying to help advise fic writers in their journey to improve their craft, I might have to vaguely refer to things I have witnessed at most without ever giving concrete examples. But it might work, who knows. Or I could use my own writing, but there are only so many flaws and successes I can demonstrate with the writing of a single person.
Man, I dunno. Would love to have second opinions about this, if anyone has any
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Oh, I guess I should introduce myself now
I completely forgot to make an introductory pin thingy, so here’s a verrrry long mess of an intro that you should probably skip if you value your time lol. Will edit as needed.
About me, the human(?)
Current hyperfixation: Madoka Magica
Name: I go by Elsewhere, here.
Gender: Cis Female (she/her exclusively)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Age: Teenager, minor
Disagnoses: ASD, UDD, UAD.
Hobbies: art, fandom, writing, reading, being a chaos, blasting music, asking very dumb questions in tumblr
The kind of stuff you’ll find on this blog: Random thoughts, random memes, random fandom stuff, whatever the heck I feel like, moths, random art, tons and tons of polls I love polls
My a e s t h e t I c : Some unholy combination of Cottagecore, Crow/Goblincore, changelingcore, Yami Kawaii, Kawaii, pastel goth, casual goth, gothic Lolita, fairycore, “dreamy kei”, and mental illness
Country: USA. Or the void. Who knows?
DNI: MAPs, MAP supporters, zoophiles
FAQ about this mess:
“Will you talk about politics/drama?”
I prefer not to get into political fights, as all people are entitled to an opinion and bickering on the internet helps no one. However, I will occasionally pipe up on “clear cut” or trivial issues. (Ex: MAPS are bad. Stuff like that.)
“Trivial issues?”
I will argue about stupid random stuff like cheese flavor lol. Because it’s funny and nobody gets hurt.
Christian, though I am very against forcing any kind of belief system on anyone. Humans have the right of free will. Treat people like the humans they are.
“If you’re Christian, do you support people like JW and LDS?”
“Christian” cults are terrible. JW and LDS are not Biblical and never have been. Their practices and the way they treat their members is horrible.
“Are you a f u r r y ?”
No. But I do occasionally dabble in Anthro characters and such, and do like a smattering of furry artists/animators
“Are you a therian?”
“Are you an uwu gamer egirl”
*confused terror noises*
I’m fine with those! Just nothing mean 😅
“DMs? Asks?”
I’m alright with DMs! If you’re tagged as mature/are an adult above 18-19, I’m going to be pretty apprehensive tho. It’s not your fault, just…the internet is dangerous, yunno? As for asks, PLEASE ASK ME THINGS, I LOVE BEING ASKED THINGS
“Do you write fanfic?”
No…..at least, not yet :3
“Wanna join my discord?”
My apologies, I cannot…
Random facts:
My favorite animals are moths, cats, foxes, and…many, many more.
My favorite moth is the Luna Moth, but I also like Rosy Maples and Death’s head moths.
I have glasses
My character color is Lilac
My other favorite colors are pink, black, turquoise, blue…almost anything pastel….so freaking many oh my gosh-
my favorite musical artist is PinnoccioP!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica/Magia Record
-Favorite character: Walpurgisnacht
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Kuroe, Mami Tomoe, Iroha Tamaki, Alina Grey, the Amanes, Kuro (game), Mitama
-Favorite ship: None, I’m not really into Pmmm shipping. Kyosuke kinda sucks tho Sayaka deserves better.
-Have any OCs?: Only a few…
Murder Drones
-Favorite characters: N, Doll, Uzi
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Tessa, V, Lizzy
-Favorite Ship: NUzi
-Have any OCs?: Nope.
-Favorite character: Miku
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Luka, Len, Rin, Gumi, Kaito, Mayu, Una, VFlower, Maika
-Favorite ship: None, although the internet is slowly convincing me to like LenxMiku for some reason lol
-Any OCs?: No.
-Favorite producers?: PinnoccioP, DECO*27, Mitchie M, Kikuo, I occasionally like MARETU.
Splatoon Series
-Favorite character: Dedf1sh/Acht
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Eight, Captain 3, the Squid sisters, Marina
-Favorite ship: None.
-Have any OCs?: Yes! Many! A few include Periwinkle the shy angst girl, Scarlet the autistic mess, and Varuka the tired sanitized scientist.
Hollow Knight
-Favorite character: Lost Kin and Isma
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Ghost, Hornet, THK, The Radiance sometimes, The White Lady, the Unnamed vessels, Menderbug, the sad miner bug I’m completely blanking on the name of aaaaaa, and Perdita the Braava
-Favorite ship: None.
-Have any OCs?: Nope. I do have AU versions of some of the characters tho
Percy Jackson-verse
-Favorite characters: Percy Jackson, Leo
-Other favorites in no particular order: Annabeth, Calypso, Grover, Hestia, I do like me some chaos gremlin Poseidon sometimes, Will is ok
Favorite ship: Percabeth, Calypso and Leo
-Have any OCs?: No, not planning on it
STUFF THAT MIGHT SHOW UP SOMETIMES BUT NOT VERY MUCH. I still like all of these a good bit tho.
Doki Doki Literature Club!
-Favorite characters: Sayori and Yuri, but I love all of them
-Favorite ship: None
-OCs?: Nah.
Just Monika <3
Warrior Cats
-Favorite characters: So, so many… Um, I like Squilf. And Jayfeather. Oh, and I really like Spottedleaf and think she was done so dirty and she could’ve been written much much better
-Favorite ship: None in particular. I like Squilf x “Shrewpaw but alive” because Squilf deserves a better love interest and Shrewpaw deserves to freaking exist
-OCs?: Yes! A good few.
Wings of Fire
-Favorite characters: Moonwatcher, Glory, Turtle, Qibli, Blue, Cricket
-Favorite ships: Moonbli (but I won’t bicker on the internet about it, I understand the merits of the rest of this triangle), Blicket
-Opinion on Glorybringer and the rest of the problems: Glorybringer could be good but that age gap is a serious concern if not a downright dealbreaker. W.O.F. is very flawed.
-Favorite tribes?: Silkwings, Rainwings, SeaWings, Leafwings, HYBRIDS XD -OCs?: No, but I would like to have some. I do plan on making some adopts :3
Miraculous Ladybug (Ironically. I’m just here for the insane party that is this fandom. This show is terrible but I can’t stop watching it someone pls h a l p -)
-Favorite characters: ADRIEN AND NATHTALIE AND THAT’S BASICALLY IT…I also like Ladybug sometimes but I go back and forth on her a lot.
-Favorite ship: The love square. Aaaaaaaa-
-OCs?: No.
A Hat in Time
-Favorite character: Moonjumper
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Hat Kid, Snatcher, Vanessa, Mustache Girl
-Favorite ship: None
-Vanessa should get a redemption arc I’m not sorry
Yandere Simulator
-Favorite character: Miku girl lol
-Other favorites, in no particular order: Osana, Senpai/Taro (he deserves better than this mess), all the nice/decent rivals, Ai Doruyashi (she should have lived), Kokona
-Absolutely hate: Mida Rana, the freaking developer, Info-chan
-Do you support Yanderedev?: No. He’s done really bad crap, and I don’t even really like most of the game. I just like some of the characters and the really creative parts of the fandom
-favorite ship: None
Red Queen
-other favorites: Cal, also deserves better
-Notes: This book series is a mess and I don’t even really like it I just think Maven and Cal are cool and that’s it. All you’re going to get from me on this series is angry rants about how Maven could’ve had such a cool redemption arc and they ruined him and how cool Cal is.
Slime Rancher
-Favorite character: Beatrix!
-Other favorites: Mochi, Casey (10/10), Ogden, bOb
-Favorite ship: Bea and Casey Ofc they are precious
-Favorite slime: Tangles, tabbies, Puddles, Flutters, The cute bat ones, the cute bunny ones, phosphors, yolks, I love them alllll qvq
-OCs?: Yes, actually!
-Favorite character: So many- I like Iono a lot!
-Other favorites: Nemona, FREAKING VOLTAGE MIKU, Lilith, Misty, Selena, and more!
-Partner Pokemon: Rosa the Roserade from Sword
-Who do I ship Ash with: Selena, easy.
Pretty Cure
-Favorite character: Cure Happy, Cure Beauty, Cure Spade
-Favorite cure teams: Pretty cure Smile, Doki Doki, and Futari Wa
-Notes: Pretty cure was my hecking childhood man I love Smile
Dang, that all was a lot- o.o
Alts: @myownquieterworld for when I’m sad/poetic lol
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who-is-page · 1 year
Minor thingy on that one callout post
Also like since it's worth saying: I don't hold any ill feelings towards that kid who's making a call-out on me for pointing out their active boundary crossing into adult NSFW "minors DNI" spaces. I realized I never specified that in the OG post on this, but like, I don't want anyone to bother them or their post on my behalf if you see it floating around. I think that I absolutely don't want to be around them in any significant way for the foreseeable future based on their boundary-crossing, and I really wish they wouldn't have continued to try to interact with my side blogs and joined Discords that I'm in this past year, but I'm not like... Yunno? I originally blocked them from my main content to establish my boundaries, but I don't hate them or think they're evil or whatever. They're just a random teenager on Tumblr who doesn't like my system. They're allowed to feel that way. I still stand by what I said about the DNI violations being totally inappropriate, in the same way that they insist that retweeting and interacting as a minor with posts from accounts that have "18+" symbols directly in the username isn't "actually" crossing any boundaries. It is, but horses and water and all that.
As an adult content creator who creates adult content and utilizes many of the available blocking features and symbols to indicate that minors cannot and should not interact with certain pieces of my work, I cannot emphasize enough how important of an issue this is. The frustration and anger I'm feeling here isn't aimed at this one teenager-- it's aimed at the fact that minors sneaking into adult spaces and interacting with adult content when they have very specifically been asked not to, continues to be a problem. Minors continue to insist that they're "basically young adults" and should be allowed to publicly interact with 18+ content as they like, but in the eyes of the law in many places where these websites are hosted, they aren't. And they're putting themselves and others in danger! That's the biggest thing! Like, this isn't just that they're putting themselves at risk, but they're putting the livelihoods of adults at risk too. For some reason they don't understand that and it's beyond damaging for everyone involved.
BUT YEAH this is mainly just to remind people not to go bother the random person yoinking around a call-out post on my behalf. The three... four? Other people involved in the call-out might have different feelings about it, but I'm just like. /shrugs
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blackwldcw · 1 year
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@13urningstars asked: Literally the best blackarachnia I've ever seen written. True, your the only BA blog ive found/follow, but the way you write ba is wow. amazing. I would see another BA and be like "No, she's not THE BA",, yunno? You have fleshed her out so much and so WELL, that sometimes i forget that these are headcanons, and things that your beautiful brain has come up with, and not the true story Nia has (and deserves). Should be canon. ALSO. SMALL BUT im such a sucker for nia and blitzwing (even before i found your blog) so i eat up all the stuff on them you have. Anyways. in short : 10000/10 keep up the good work <3
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{ OMG this message is making me happy stim. Thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you enjoy my headcanons, and even the Blitzarachnia stuff? I love sharing my comfort ships and characters with others.
And hey, YOU keep up the good work. Cherr is an amazing character, and as far as I'm concerned, she's canon. }
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vyeoh · 2 years
Yeah Scott handled the criticism very poorly and I’m actually pretty happy we’re starting to talk about it. It’s ok to disagree with the post, but it should’ve at m o s t been a reblog on tumblr.
I also think it’s extremely strange he announced he was unfollowing in the post. Like… nobody cares sir, just unfollow, block, and go
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
i was gonna say cause nb also stands for nota bene and niobium. it's all up to context on that one. ply is ply and not poly though - ply nblw gay (not the same person)
yeah ! theres a lot of ways abbreviations can be used, and context helps determine what thing theyre specifying, its not bad for several things to have the same abbreviation. things having the same Word tho i understand better now would mess up tagging, but generally is fine otherwise i believe!
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People who don’t like furry art on the sole reasoning that is Is furry art and genuinely think that simply because it’s anthromorphic animals that the art is somehow inherently bad and ugly are cowards and honestly why are you even following me, a known furry, if you think shit like that
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shslstraws · 3 years
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More Tenebres stuff bc me and my friends are brainrotting so hard 
Thinking about Mondo being a Tenebroso werewolf?? Most likely. And meeting Taka in one of Taka’s outings to make sure the werewolves ain’t causing any trouble, yunno. Taka is a mage, and this doesn’t have an official name yet, but he is apart of the “Magic Police”. Probably knows Kyoko very well :]] 
And Hajime, with doodles from @snellyfish (who drew Nagito) and Soupcifer (who drew the lil Chihiro), Hajime was a regular human who had some flashes or “visions” of this mysterious entity. That entity being Izuru, a eldritch sort of being who is the creator of the “Dream Realm”. Izuru eventually comes to Hajime to be a host and use his powers. 
It’s all still fresh so I’m thinking about stuff,,, it’s also 4am so 
OH, we decided to make a tumblr blog to keep all Tenebres stuff in one place, check out @drtenebres​ !! 
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Here’s Nagito and Hajime with their adoptive child, Kokichi; who has heterochromia like his adoptive father, by coincidence :]] 
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And a lil Monokuma,, idk where I’m going with him but I just want lots of body horror 
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crebby · 3 years
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non-creepypasta art???? on this creepypasta blog??? more likely than you think! (please allow it it's a special occasion) (also click for better quality, as usual)
ANYWAYS as I said this is a special occasion. bc. I would like to wish one of my very best friends, @terra-luxe a v happy birthday
here's your long-awaited Miu-inspired look (hire me as your designer it'll be worth it) (a lot of the details got nuked by Tumblr's image quality too. rip)
I put a lot of blood, sweat and tears (and other bodily fluids, possibly) into this piece so if you don't like this I will kill you idc /j
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