#Anti feminist
ashleytradpreggo · 26 days
Men, please be more casually misogynist in your daily life!
Even if silly feminist women are resistive to it at first, more sexism happening casually is gonna make their brains get used to it, that's how we work 💖
So please if you're a real Man be sexist! Don't hide the fact that you know you're superior to us 💙
(I'd add ways to do it but I can't really think of any lol, I'll let you Boys do that!)
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the-muppet-joker · 3 days
Lmfao hate women but mommy is the only reason you’re allowed on this blog. Just know I’m a woman whose been preforming spells and rituals to transform you into a woman against your consent :33
If you are going to use your witchcraft to forcefem anyone, why me? Why not Joe Biden?
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feminismnightmares · 2 years
Friendly reminder girls can like boyish things and be tomboys and boys can like girly things and be feminine without being transgender.
“Dismantling gender roles” doesn’t work if you insist that any child who shows interest in something that goes against their sex implies they’re the opposite.
In fact it just reenforces those gender roles the woke crowd seem to hate so much
Interests have no gender and anyone can like anything. It doesn’t mean they’re not who they were when they were born.
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littlecutiexox · 10 months
Just to clarify if you don’t support trans rights, I will block you without even a second thought
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antis-hero · 11 months
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“The Pitfall of The Feminist” from The Remonstrance, July 1915.
Miss Repplier challenges the feminist notion that the interests of men and women “can ever be severed” and that men’s interests were hostile towards women. Instead she believes, like many anti-suffragists, that the “sex-antagonism” that this assertion was based on was a myth. Man’s interests were generally in line with the interests of his female family members and antis trusted that men cared about their welfare.
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artist-issues · 10 months
Modern feminism is anti-sacrificial-love. See if you can prove that statement incorrect.
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cooki3face · 4 months
The lack of advocacy for choice feminism and the practice of taking away women’s choices, rights and freedoms is exactly what led to the erasure of women’s reproductive rights in multiple US states and almost fully eclipsed them in others!!! The same people who put that in motion are the same people who told your female ancestors that they couldn’t wear pants, weren’t fit to work, and that their lives purpose didn’t include anything outside of child bearing and coddling and enabling a man. The lack of advocacy for choice feminism is the same thing that is still allowing honor killings to take place in areas of the world where it’s not socially accepted to allow women to make their own choices about Theo bodies, where they want to go, who they want to talk to, what they want to wear, etc. come on guys!!!! Come on!!!! let us lead our last two braincells that are still standing after a life lived full of processed junk in the direction of common sense and women's rights!!!
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endmylife69 · 1 year
Tumblr is a toxic echo chamber of deranged misandry.
There, I said it. This site has an unfortunate cess pool of man hating feminists. This site is one of the reasons why feminism is feared and not taken seriously. I have been calling out these misandrists ever since I first got on Tumblr and they've been just as shitty to me as they have been to men because i'm not bowing to their wishes of blind praise just because we both have vaginas. I fucking hate Tumblr and 90% of it's user base. You people disgust me.
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ashleytradpreggo · 15 days
I day dream so much about living in a Male dominated, right wing paradise 💖
No women in power or politics, we're just all pregnant giving birth to lots of kids while Men do the important stuff🥰💖 obviously no feminism as all the conservative Men would make sure to get rid of all of that stupid stuff.
I just want Men to take over everything 😂😂
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the-muppet-joker · 1 month
how do you feel knowing thousands of women found your page and are publicly mocking you on multiple social media platforms? ~ femcel
I think you are a fucking liar. You speak of mockery, but for the first time in my life, I am surrounded by Love and Praise. The Brotherhood is far more vast than these so-called "thousands of women."
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unclaimedslut03 · 11 months
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thinking about someone breaking in and using me in my sleep 💭
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feminismnightmares · 2 years
I got a secret:
You cannot be transgender if you do not experience gender dysphoria.
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Hey baby is your blog a train wreck, 'cause oh god I can't look away. Do tell us about the gf Lighto.
My girlfriend is perfect. Anti feminist, pro-life, anti SJW (of course)… She knows that it’s her body, my choice. I love her for that. I mean, what else could a guy want in a woman?
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- Mod Light
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antis-hero · 1 year
"The proper sphere of woman we hold to be in no way inferior to that of man. That sphere is of the highest. As wife and mother she is queen of the most holy aspirations. When she moves in her own proper orbit she fulfills her true duties as a citizen; and while men are struggling with the battle of life for food and raiment she cares for the progeny—the future men and women of the country. Who shall guard our children when women seek the polls, and amid the haunts of men wear themselves and their better thoughts away? For the many unmarried women and widows who have to meet the struggle of life and toil for themselves we are especially solicitous."
-Madeleine V. Dahlgren
From Thoughts on Female Suffrage and in Vindication of Woman's True Rights, 1871
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bubblesnakekiss · 2 years
there’s no such thing as a “safe abortion” it’s killing a forming life inside of you and you can also die from that as well/get infections/etc
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machetelanding · 2 months
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