#Beam Utonium
theangrycomet-art · 4 months
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Some doodles of Beam because his design is criminally cute.
Beam belongs to @lune-redd (check them out!)
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lune-redd · 4 months
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Mom Blossom II: Mom Bubbles & Buttercup (feat. Grandpa Utonium and Dad Mitch)
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cartoonbudartz · 3 months
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Road trip gone wrong
Inspired by @lune-redd’s powerpuff girls AU! Thought this would be fun for a gag.
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witch-of-fanart · 8 months
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The Cards are in Town page 60-61
Things are getting loud and hot in here!
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brynnutonium · 4 months
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brynn utonium ( she/her ), currently twenty-five years old. super human, tech project manager. ( lee sung kyung, based on blossom from the powerpuff girls )
biography / musings
( written by jess, she/they, cst -- hello !! )
Brynn often feels like she has to remain control of things, otherwise things would inevitably go awry and it will partially be her fault - not that that would be something she'll admit to. More often than not, she'll even keep people at an arm's length until she's able to ascertain how exactly she can act around them.
She liked routines, things being neat, and things going according to plan. But she also likes to think that she was the kind of leader that knows how to roll with the punches and adapts quickly and with intention. As she pursues start-ups around Evermore and boldly supports all efforts to thwart crime however she can ( even if unneeded or unnecessary ), Brynn keeps an underlying ( hidden ) agenda and that is how to solve the whole mystique of Evermore: how to break it and ultimately, how to escape it.
But until she finds the answers she needs, Brynn tries to genuinely enjoy Evermore and all she has to offer.
SECTION TWO - headcanons
( note: taking some tidbits from the original series, the epic fanfiction titled 'more than human', and even the anime PPGZ because i was totally obsessed with it when i was younger )
Because she likes to have a clear plan of her life, Brynn tends to be very particular about how she plans things. She has notebooks and binders filled and organized about various things. Her planner has to be of the 'daily' variety and every other hour is scheduled; the young woman likes to be kept busy, in that she doesn't have to think about how Evermore doesn't quite need the Powerpuff Girls like Townsville used to.
The best way to reach Brynn is by call, but she's alerted to them via vibrate mode. She tends to get irritated at phones that are turned up way loud; part of her thinks that a decade of having to be up at the mere sound of a phone ring is only now starting to catch up to her. Also, very much vibing with the idea of her having a smartwatch and her takingcalls on her smartwatch like a power ranger/boss lady hybrid.
Brynn Utonium is a ( ex? ) crime fighter, tech start-up leader/developer, ice-breather...and a closeted superhero/comics fan. She politely asks that you do not look inside her closet, because it is private ( there's a DIY Liberty Belle costume in there, inspired by who she thinks is the greatest superhero of all time: Freedom Gal ). It'll be hard to coax it out of her, Brynn tends to keep anything that doesn't fit her ideal public image a closely-kept secret.
While not something she does professionally or even around other people, Brynn enjoys dancing. It adds one more to her list of things she does that requires her whole focus and concentration and while it looks like it's so much work, Brynn revels in it and considers it a form of meditation. She likes blocking off time in her week for dance & other forms of working out.
Ever since the incident with Al Lusion/Abracadaver, Brynn has nursed a slight interest in magic. Although with all of the things she keeps herself busy with, her abilities only extend to amateur card tricks. She still won't try to explain how she pulled off her survival against Abracadaver either.
SECTION THREE - abilities
superhuman abilities.
Ice Breath - from ice pops to frozen statues, brynn's ice breath can be range from enjoyable to lethal. only works properly when she is in good health.
Pink lightning bolts - zap! zap!
Microscopic vision
Pink laser eye beams
Advanced intelligence & knowledge
Danger Sense
Fire Breath
Enhanced intuition
Intuitive aptitude
Expert leadership skills
Apt planning skills
Master strategist
SECTION FOUR - connections
connections ( to be expanded upon )
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miutonium · 2 years
I need to go to sleep but shhh I suddenly have the urge to kiss Utonium and I started thinking about them in college again haha.
Anyway, I already talked briefly about how their first kiss went but shh I'm starting to think about another scenario that doesnt involve Utonium being a clumsy dude hsksksk anywayy I imagine that they probably had their first kiss at a Science Museum.
Usually, for their dates, Utonium always plan his dates to be somewhere Chloe wants to go or somewhere he knows she would enjoy. Chloe doesnt really force Utonium to pick places she wants, in fact, she doesn't even plan at all. Utonium is always in charge of the planning. And she feels guilty about it because she doesn't like the feeling that Utonium has to listen to her all the time just to please her. So one day she tells him they should go somewhere that he wants and she will agree to it whether she likes it or not. Initially, Utonium is pretty sceptical in about going to places he's unsure if she would like, and the last thing he want is for them to argue over something miniscule (honestly they won't, Utonium is just being a worrywart lol). But Chloe assured him it's fine and its time for him to bring her somewhere other than their usual spot so he suggested that they should go to somewhere he wants to revisit: Townsville Science Museum.
They didn't book any slots and decided to walk in praying there would be a slot and surprisingly when they arrived, the museum is almost practically void of visitors since it's the weekdays. And luckily there's no school tour on schedule either so they can walk inside freely without any kids screaming and running.
Utonium already been to the museum a few times before (although the last time he went there was when he was in junior high) so he already knows what to expect inside, prehistoric exhibition, modern times exhibition, space, physics, all that science crap. Despite that, he still loves walking inside reading the info cards and be mesmerised by the exhibition there. Chloe never really went there before so he's excited about showing her around and became her tour guide. During his past time, he loves reading books especially science trivia books since he was a child so he used the info that somehow plastered into memory and mention them whenever he thinks it's related to the info cards and samples they're reading;
"Hmm, prehistoric air smells like farts, no wonder the dinosaurs died."
"Well the fart smell is because of bacteria byproducts around that time. It releases carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide whenever they 'eat'"
"Huh, I expect it to be pure oxygen to be honest."
"Pure oxygen is actually quite toxic to us. The air we're breathing right now is a compound of other gases.
"....So are we breathing farts now?"
"Well, not now but sure if you go for egg salad at the canteen"
It might be because she's bias and he's her boyfriend but Chloe really enjoyed having Utonium walking her around each hall while he excitedly talks about Science. Partially because she learned a lot from him but mostly because she loves seeing him talking passionately about things he likes while beaming with joy. She sees how good he is at attracting her attention towards something she used to considered lame and thought how nice it is to have him change other's mind about science and make it sound fun. So she encouraged him to ask if they have any part time job as a tour guide inside the museum. I like to think he did get the job and ended up spending his 2nd year of Uni working with kids on school tour showing them cool chemistry tricks and spilling trivia while he walks them through every hall. And I like to think that's how he started having interest on teaching people and wanted to become a Professor.
I wrote about them stargazing before and I thought it would be really neat to tie them up here (although I probably write about it briefly cuz I mentioned the whole thing in my prev hc lol) As they were checking out the space hall, Utonium noticed how her eyes glued to the constellation on the walls but her face looks more bewildered than curious which earned a questioned look from him:
"Why'd you look so concerned?"
"Constellations are real?????"
And Utonium laughed and had to explain to her that they're real and in the end after the talk he promised her they'll go stargazing one day after finding out she never go for those trips before.
Luckily, there seem to have a planetarium scheduled every 30 mins so he suggested they should go inside.
When they're seated and the show started, Utonium couldn't help himself but gaze at Chloe, falling more deeply in love with her while she has her eyes locked on the ceiling looking at the stars in awe. There's never a day where he doesn't have those warm fuzzy feelings in his chest whenever he thinks about her, she's live in his mind basicly rent free since 73' but somehow he feels a bit extra sappy for her, maybe he's at the place he loves, maybe it's because he's able to talk about things he loves to the person he loves so dearly without any worries or anyone belittling him, or maybe it's Chloe believing in his goal and passion and gave him a little push today to encourage him spreading his love of science for others. There's too much in his mind right now yet there's nothing in his mind at the same time whilst he looked at her through half lidded eyes intoxicated by his feelings for her. And Chloe is clueless about his inner thoughts and him looking at her so softly and lovingly in the dimmed theatre.
When the narration starts to mention the audience being possibly the brightest star despite a very brief moment in the Galaxy, Chloe turns her head to look at Utonium only to notice him been staring at her for the past minutes with a soft smile on his face. Usually, she's always so quick to tease him about staring just to make him flushed but today, maybe she got caught up in the moment just like him and peered into his starry eyes lovingly. She had nothing to say when they locked eyes in adoration and even more so when Utonium's hands cupped her cheeks gingerly, pushing away a strand of rogue hair from her eyes before he sealed her lips with a soft kiss. When he pulls away, he suddenly feels a bit afraid that he pushed too far and was about to apologize, but when Chloe returns his feelings, her hand brushing his face slowly before returning his kiss, he knows she feels the same way about him and glad he made the first move.
There's approximately 200 billions, trillions of stars above them, yet both of them shines the brightest at that brief moment of time. And he still believes she's his brightest star til this day ;w;
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beatrixutoniumx · 2 years
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࿔࿔࿔꣸(⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃✫⌒*・゚  STATISTICS                 (last updated: 20/09/2022)
inspired  by  :  BUTTERCUP, of The Powerpuff Girls
muse inspo ! 
sabina wilson (charlie’s angels 2019), dylan sanders (charlie’s angels 2000), valkyrie (thor - mcu), kate sharma (bridgerton), carol danvers (captain marvel - mcu), bliss cavendar (whip it!), korra (legend of korra), max mayfield (stranger things), johnny lawrence (karate kid-cobra kai), eli “hawk” moskowitz (cobra kai), eleanor shellstrop (the good place)
full name. beatrix utonium pronouns. she/her faceclaim. geraldine viswanathan age. 23 (gemini, june 7) occupation. student, unfortunately
she is smug, she is brash, restless, reckless, she is a punk rocker
but also when she gets to know you, she has one brain cell and it’s built for stupid fun
she is cursed with a sweet face which is why she frowns and pulls faces so much
( will do a fit check later ; she does put effort into her outfits. )
she is muscley  😌
[ content warnings: physical violence, heavy social drinking mentioned ]
physical description.
hair just above the shoulders, choppy cut
thick, black hair
lean muscley body
birthplace. city of townsville orientation. lesbian
song. pot kettle black, by tilly and the wall
The trash washes up to shore Even in this landlocked place The shit gets thicker, it’s toxic get it out my face And don’t be surprised If they don’t buy your lies Some of us can see through Your stained glass eyes
Pot kettle, pot kettle black Talk that, talk that smack
education. high school diploma temperament. sanguine mbti. ISTP alignment. chaotic good abilities. flight, super-speed, super-strength, invulnerability, ball blast, black hurricane, green laser beams, green energy orb, fireball (rubs her hands till smoke comes out and forms a ball then she hurls it). hogwarts house. hmm .... gryffin-therin ?? sly-ffindor ???
the city of townsville !! ( the past )
beatrix is the spice.
“the strongest fighter”
powerpuffs save the day yes they do yes ma’am 😌
when faced with a problem, she will almost always react violently, whether physically or verbally. she takes things more seriously than her sisters, was very proud, so she also took things more personally.
she also grew up quite cruel (poor brynne), and short-tempered.
as a kid and a teenager, the only people who would call her out on her behaviour was her sisters and the professor. people reprimanded her at school and if she did something completely rude, but people were too often scared of her to actually try and stop.
according to teachers, she was a bad student (restless, rude, didn’t pay attention, you name it) in school and didn’t have many close friends. she constantly heard everyone else praising beverly and brynne for their intelligence or kindness. as much as she loves her sisters, she always resented being compared to them.
she found that the main way she got positive reactions from people was when she defeated villains. so she focused on becoming the best fighter among her siblings.
she trained for martial arts, not wanting to just rely on her strength. she also wanted to keep in great physical shape, so she began working out.
and for a while, this got her a lot of praise. she defeated bad guys so easily! but at what cost? there was also a lot of destruction left in the wake of a fight with a bad guy. in beatrix’s eyes, most of it was necessary. how else was she supposed to defeat a 60ft robot? quietly?
but around her 18th birthday, she really started to let her resentment get the better of her. with everyone else growing up and figuring out their future, she suddenly felt so limited in what she could do. she was never smart enough, kind enough, pretty enough, creative enough ... what else was left? fighting.
she wanted to defeat MORE villains, in RECORD time too. so she got more ruthless.
coming to elias !!
hearing that beverly wanted to quit and start a new life enraged, shook, and scared beatrix. because she knew that once beverly made this decision, everyone would want to follow, and she would have no choice but to do it.
OOC note: she tells herself that it’s all beverly’s fault but honestly, i think in due time, the professor and her family would be okay with beatrix being a solo superhero. the problem is, there is a part of beatrix (a big secret part) that can’t see herself being a superhero without her siblings. she feels that she needs them otherwise she’s going to go overboard; they ground her and balance her out. if she fights without them, like she has tried to in the past ... then it won’t be the same.
she feels she won’t be loved the same.
just before moving to elias, she encounters one of the big villains in townsville. distracted and wanting a way to unleash her repressed fear and anger ... she engages in a fight with him that leaves him worse for wear (it is VERY bad).
this experience makes beatrix feel disgusted with herself.
but she overhears people saying that she went too far ... but also ... at least now the villain won’t be around anymore. ***** MORE ON THIS LATEER
professor utonium is, understandably, very concerned. he’s worried about beatrix and if she’ll be okay in elias. he arranges for beatrix to attend weekly therapy sessions, and she surprisingly agrees. there’s ... a lot to think about.
he also wants her to find an activity that is artistic and doesn’t involve some kind of violent competition or high-levels of physical exertion.
suggestions include: painting, tai chi, pottery, poetry-readings, music...
beatrix is ...................... thinking about it ..............
so we gotta talk about mental state ... !!
it’s not looking good at all for miss beatrix’s mental state
FEAR rules her life, not desire for anything. while serena might want freedom, and belle might want adventure, beatrix fears losing everything she has. she fears living without her sisters, she fears living without praise, she fears being nothing if she’s not a superhero, she fears one day losing her powers for some reason and then just being nothing.
she fears mediocrity and invisibility.
she thrives off of applause and praise and smiles, and she practically lives off of what people think of her. not individuals, but the mass.
“do the people of townsville like me? do they love me?”
it’s specifically townsville because they are her people, that’s her city. they’re the ones she’s been saving since she’s been a kid, so it’s only their opinion that truly matters to her. she has to be someone good in townsville. she has to be great for them.
so now moving to a city where a LOT of people are exceptional ... it’ll be interesting.
i think she will be excited to wrestle with people lmao, she’s not going to be jealous or intimidated because she’s got too much of an ego for that. she’ll just want to see what everyone can do and then also show off what SHE can do.
she’s studying at walt uni and agreed to just study communications because it was suggested to her (has no actual interest in communications)
she’s promised to not do hero work in elias. she’s also promised to not use her powers so much ... we’ll see if that actually happens lmao
she’s trying to find that “non-violent” hobby
she heard about the mickey vs maleficent thing and on principle she just has to side with the good guys, which are presumably mickey. but she finds the whole thing so fascinating
good vs evil conflicts outside of townsville !?! hell YES
trying to not freak out about the future and what she’s “going to do” ... sounds fake ...
her hobbies/interests include:
rollerskating/roller derby (though she’s never been allowed to participate because she’s too rough, and also power imbalance)
martial arts: karate (black belt)
video games
movie-phile, will watch all the latest movies
drinking (moderately ... mostly...) (heavyweight)
not sure just yet, watch this space !!
࿔࿔࿔꣸(⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃✫⌒*・゚  TAKEN CONNECTIONS !!
beverly utonium. sister.
brynne utonium. sister.
alberto scorfano. party-buddy.
marco diaz. karate kids.
donatello hamato. fellow put-emotions-in-a-box-ers
leonardo hamato. pizza rankers yah booooii
mari dupain-cheng. martial arts enthusiasts. superhero buds !?!?!
sadie teague. just gals being pals.
roxas reyes. roommate. its giving new girl.
WANTED connections !!
face-off : anyone with abilities or powers. can be friendly or an actual fight. beatrix can take a lot, and can dish out a lot. [ open, multiple ]
could be a great opportunity to flex magic/powers/curses, etc. !! :3
beatrix should lose sometimes honestly
enemies : similar to face-off. beatrix will fight anyone who looks suspicious, she’s “shoot first, ask questions later”. might piss off a few people this way. [ open, multiple ]
hook-ups : she is queer, and she is here. she is simply not heterosexual. she goes to clubs, she goes to parties (college parties heyhey), she likes to drink and have fun. has a very high drink tolerance. and i mean. muscles. [ open, women only ]
the zen place : anyone who can help her find the ‘non-violent’ activity. she will try anything (because she has to). i think it could make for a really nice friendship if they help guide her through it, and ofc she will do anything for her friends. this friend may even be one of her first close friends rip. [ open, multiple ]
the reality check : someone who will really not take her shit and calls her out for it. whether it be behaviour-based, personality, how ruthless she is, anything. [ open ]
close friends : people who don’t just pass by. someone who shares her hobbies, just someone to have fun with and she is so loyal and caring and protective. [ open ]
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skatoonyfan1234 · 8 months
A Very Special Blossom Alt Ending: Crossover Edition
Another alternate Ending of the 'worst' Classic Powerpuff Girls episode A Very Special Blossom but it's a crossover with Mulan. Swearing and Character death is n this one.
[I do not and never ever will own Powerpuff Girls, be it original or reboot, or Mulan]
[This continues from when Blossom got her sentence announced]
"It is very sad... but the law is the law!"
Just as Blossom was to be taken away for her sentence, there was a sudden almighty CRASH, as a tall thin lanky Chinese figure burst into the room.
The figure was wearing blue Chinese advisor robes, dark sunglasses, and a hat, and he was giving an angry glare to the police officer [despite wearing dark sunglasses].
"What the?" Blossom said. "Who's this guy?" she asked her sisters, who just shrugged.
"I am Chi-Fu, the Emperor of China's counsel, and superior officer of the Cool Kids Gang, and all around 'mostly reformed' justice warrior!" the man said.
"Whoever you are," the officer said, "I am an officer of the law, and unintended break-ins are punishable by arrest!"
"The only one that's punishable is you, you shit bastard!" Chi-Fu said, pointing accusingly at the police officer.
Everyone gasped.
"Me?!" the police officer said, gobsmacked. "What have I done?"
"I'm sorry," the officer said, "but the law is the law! She broke the law, so she has to pay for it!"
Everyone gasped at what Chi-Fu said.
"How dare you call me that!" the officer snapped.
"I'LL CALL YOU WHATEVER I FUCKING LIKE, YOU BIG FUCKING SHITHEAD!" Chi-Fu shouted. "And do you know what I do to big fucking shitheads like you?!"
"I'm almost afraid to ask," said the officer, "but what is it?"
Chi-Fu gave an evil grin, and he got out a very sharp katana.
"Prepare to die, asshole." he said.
He swung the katana.
The shithead police officer's head was cut off.
The shithead police officer from 'A Very Special Blossom' was dead.
Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, the Mayor, Mojo Jojo, and Professor Utonium all gagged and groaned at the horrific sight.
"Gross!" the Professor exclaimed.
"Ms Bellum, I need some barf bags!" groaned the Mayor.
Buttercup and Bubbles covered their eyes and mouths, trying not to look at the sight.
Blossom, on the other hand, just stared, at what Chi-Fu had done.
Then, using a futuristic ray gun, Chi-Fu zapped everyone with a memory wiping beam, wiping everyone's memories of what had happened.
He turned to Blossom, and said, "You'll thank me for this later." Then he jumped outta the hole in the roof, and was gone.
"Uhhh, I'm welcome?" Blossom said to no one in particular.
[CLASSIC PPG ending, but with dark red and yellow hearts instead of pink and white ones]
"And so, once again, despite the strange and alternately bizzare circumstances, the day is saved, thanks to... Chi-Fu!"
Chi-Fu was holding the fucking shithead police officer's severed head. "Let that be a lesson to fucking shithead police officers everywhere!" he said.
"Oh, god! I'm gonna be sick!" the Narrator groaned. "Cut to commercial!" As the 'THE END?' logo came on, the narrator barfed off-screen.
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over-under-through1 · 3 years
Hi can you do the greens as parents hc ?
the greens have 3 kids
I’ve mentioned this before but I’m gonna say it again: the greens tried to avoid the “all B names” thing so hard that they unconsciously named all their kids with J names
so their names are Jamie, Jason, and Jackie
their first born (Jamie) was born one month after the red’s first kid
Butch and Buttercup are the type of parents to swear around their kids
Jamie’s first word was “shit”
Butch treats his daughters like they are QUEENS and spoils the shit out of them
their parent dynamic is less “good cop bad cop” and more “we’re both chill but istg child if you mess up hard enough we will not be afraid to get angry”
they were the first parents to decide that their kids were old enough to start training to fight, with the reds and blues following shortly after
when their kids first started developing their powers, Butch and BC split up the job of teaching them into roles
BC taught their kids how to fly, use their laser beams, and sonic scream (this was taught much later in life because they didn’t want to deal wit a sonic scream temper tantrum at 2am)
Butch taught them how to use their special abilities and super strength
one of their kids came home and complained about how one of the teachers was yelling at them and Butch was ~livid~
he stormed over to the school and gave that teacher the lecture of a lifetime
Butch is also really over protective so when any of their kids came home with an S/O before hand BC had to threaten him so he wouldn’t scare them half to death
here’s some uncle Mitch cause I said so
Mitch babysits on date nights
he also throws most of the birthday parties because of an *incident*
“NO Buttercup I will not allow a repeat of last year. no niece or nephew of mine will be held hostage to you and your husbands awful planning skills”
“it really wasn’t that bad Mitch”
“yeah, almost”
Butch s o b b e d at all of their children’s graduations
Buttercup called him a pussy and patted him on the back
Buttercup gives great advice to their children when they have a problem
Butch just says “you’re a bad bitch don’t worry about it” or “dude I don’t know go ask your ma”
okay that’s all for now, sorry if these weren’t great my brain is fried from exams.
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bre-meister · 3 years
Thank you @over-under-through1 for the prompts!
Butch’s class had run late and for an already unusually late class to run late meant that by the time he turned his car onto his street it was already late enough that most houses were dark. An errant light could be seen behind closed curtains here and there - some even turning off as Butch drove by as if reading his mind that it was just utterly too late to be lurking about in or outside the house.
Pulling into the driveway of the small two-bedroom house he shared with his girlfriend, Butch contemplated whether he should risk opening the garage and pulling in or just leave the car outside tonight. He knew that Buttercup tended to complain that on late nights like these the sound of the garage door rattling as it opened was enough to wake a normal person let alone someone with super hearing. He could see lights flashing intermittently through the front window and assumed that Buttercup had been watching t.v on the couch trying to wait up for him. She might not be asleep but it was more likely than not - it wouldn’t be the first time she’d fallen asleep in front of the television. Butch was tired and already annoyed at being forced to be out so late because his professor’s tangents went on tangents. He wasn’t quite sure he had the patience to deal with a sleepy, pissed off Buttercup Utonium at the moment, so he turned the car off.
 Stepping out and closing the heavy door as quietly as he could, he made his way to the front door. He tried to keep his keys from clanging around too much while still trying to unlock the door. Butch expected the house to be quiet. Maybe he’d pick up on BC’s soft snores - she insisted she didn’t snore but Butch found it endearing if not a little cute - or the sounds of some random show playing from what he’d thought was the t.v. What he was not expecting, not in the slightest, were the multiple holes and char marks on the wall. 
A loud commotion in the living room caught his attention and he went into defense mode, floating above the floor to avoid making any sound. If there was an intruder - although anyone would be stupid to try to break into a Ruff or a Puff’s house - he didn’t want to alert them anymore to his presence than he already had when he opened and closed the door.
Turning the corner from the entry hallway into the main room he was shocked to see Buttercup floating above the couch, lasers firing from her eyes every few seconds.
Well, he thought, that explains the lights through the window.
“Buttercup,” he whispered. When she didn’t acknowledge his presence he repeated her name a bit louder, “Buttercup!” A bit louder turned into yelling to be heard over her war cries.
She paused and looked at him quickly before turning back to whatever she had been doing before. Without his powers aiding him in tracking her motions, he probably wouldn’t have realized she’d even acknowledged him at all. He might have been tracking her motions, but it seemed that she was tracking the movement of something else.
A quick scan of the room told him that there was no one else there but her and him.
“Buttercup,” he sounded exasperated, annoyed, confused, but also curious at the same time, “what the fuck are you doing?”
“Well,” she started to explain but her eyes were still looking around rapidly, “ I was in the kitchen because I had cooked and I wanted to leave you some food out for when you got back and I was cleaning up and then I came out here to sit on the couch and wait up but then I saw a spider and I almost had it until you distracted me and now I don’t know where it is!” her rambling had turned frantic by the end.
It Butch’s brain, tired as it was, a moment to catch up to what she had said.
“I - a spider?” Butch was dumbfounded. He knew that his girlfriend had a fear of the eight legged creatures but he never thought it would express itself in the physical act of putting holes in the wall.
“Yes a - “ something moved out of the corner of his eye and Buttercup squealed - a most dignified squeal that definitely did not sound like Bubbles thank you very much - “SPIDER, YOU GET THAT SIDE OF THE ROOM IT CAN'T RUN FROM BOTH OF US!”
Somehow, the spider was managing to evade her erratic eye beams so Buttercup changed her tactic. Another beam shot out turning those beautiful jade eyes a menacing red. Unlike its predecessors, this was not a quick, contained blast but one continuous beam. The lasers followed the spider who was, somehow, still managing to outrun the blast. Butch realized that Buttercup was either going to fry the spider or burn the house down trying. Butch rather liked their little start-up and would rather keep the damage to a minimum so he decided to step in.
“Buttercup stop! Calm down!”
The beam continued - she wasn’t listening. Thinking quickly Butch flew up behind her and covered her eyes with his hands, effectively blocking the beams. His palms burned from the intensity of the lasers. His hands being so close to the source didn’t help either. Briefly, Butch considered that he hadn’t completely thought this plan through. In the end though, it was better his X enhanced skin took the brunt of the attack rather than the already scorched walls. They wouldn’t have held up much longer from the looks of it.
“What the fuck, it’ll get away!”
“No, it won’t. It’s just sitting on the wall or, well, what’s left of it.” The last half of the sentence was mumbled but with their superpowers he was more than certain she had heard him.
“Just let me handle it ok? I’d rather not have to sleep in the cold because you burned our house down trying to get rid of a spider.”
“Whatever, just make sure it’s gone! And I mean gone. None of that, taking git outside shit just so it can come back later!I don’t want to see another spider in here ever again!”
If Butch were less mature like he’d been in his youth, he would have laughed at her for the way her tone wobbled. She was clearly shaken up by the idea of the things she feared - and that list was very small - invading her home, her safe space. But this Butch, the one who had grown and matured recognized that teasing would only cause her to clam up and when it came to Buttercup and fear, her bottling it up never boded well for the future.
So, Butch simply slung his backpack around his shoulder and opened the bag. As he made his way closer to the arachnid he pulled out one of his textbooks. Crouching down, so he was level with the spider, Butch took a moment to address it,
“Sorry little guy. I hate to do this but,” he shrugged, “the missus had spoken.” 
Standing up, Butch swung quickly using the hard textbook to end their little spider problem. He collected a tissue from another pocket in his backpack to wrap up the squashed spider.
Walking into the kitchen he saw Buttercup by the stove. The microwave was going behind her and she fidgeted as Butch leaned around her to deposit the tissue in the trashcan.
“Is it… is it over?” She asked quietly.
Butch couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped as he answered,
“Yes, Sunshine. It’s over.” he moved in closer, hands rising to grab her hips when suddenly she was on the other side of the kitchen. 
“Uh uh. Wash your hands first!”
Butch raised his hands in front of him as he moved towards the sink. He made a show of washing and drying his hands. When he was done, he held them out in front of him, eyebrow raising,
“I suppose,” she hummed.
Butch spread held his arms out further and just as quickly as she’d dogged him earlier, she was in his arms. Her own wrapped around his neck as he placed his on her waist.
“Thank you. I know it’s kind of stupid but -”
“No,” he interrupted softly, “the way you feel, your fears? They’re never stupid. Not to me. I’ll gladly slay a spider for you anyday, butterfly. Especially if it means keeping the house from falling down.”
“I am sorry about that.” Buttercup looked over her shoulder at the decimated wall that used to separate the kitchen from the living room.
“Well, look on the bright side.” She said after a moment.
“And that would be?” Butch was genuinely curious as to what she was about to come up with.
“I mean, it wasn’t a load bearing wall,” she turned back to him and shrugged her shoulders, “ Now we have that open floor plan I’ve been saying I wanted.” Buttercup smiled playfully.
The laugh that escaped Butch’s moth was sudden and loud. If the neighbors hadn’t awoken by all the lasers and shouting they certainly would by the loud laughter at such a late hour.
Butch’s stomach growled reminding him that it was late and he hadn’t eaten since early afternoon. Buttercup’s light laughs joined him at the sound. Butch ignored his hunger. Instead, he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on Buttercup’s lips.
The two separated once the microwave beeped, signaling it was done heating up whatever was inside it.
“Common Mr. Hero. I put your plate in the microwave. Eat so we can go to bed. I’m tired and it’s late.”
Butch preened at the nickname knowing that it was only half a joke. Reluctantly he let her go sso she could get his food out of the microwave. He moved to the fridge to get them drinks before returning to the table where Buttercup now sat, a plate of hot food in front of his usual seat. Butch couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.
They talked as he ate. She told him about her day and he did the same. As she launched into a story about some of the characters, as she called them, that visited her bakery - a small start up but Butch just knew that, with Buttercup’s talent, it would take off - Butch couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t mind the late nights as long as he got to spend them with her.
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lune-redd · 5 months
I gotta say I love how you made Blossom into a single parent and didn’t ship her with anybody
But I gotta ask, since Beam was named Beam because he’s “a beam of light that made Blossom’s life brighter”. Was Blossom in a dark place before Beam came into existence?
Aaa thank you!! There's too many crappy ships that put her with random dudes so to spite them I made her a bitchless lesbo
Oh and that is a pretty good question! I actually haven't thought of that, but it could be a possibility! Professor Utonium made the girls because he wanted to make the world a better place, so Blossom making a child to improve her life would make sense
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Serenity Vanity
She/Her, He/Him, or They/Them (Uses any pronouns and doesn't have a pronoun preference.)
Age: 12
Date of birth: October 19th, 2009
Zodiac: Libra
Voice claim: Bubbles Utonium (The Powerpuff Girls, 2016 Reboot) voiced by Kristen Li.
Parents: Sally Vanity and Vincent Jones (Divorced)
Main color: Green
Role: Deuteragonist / Situation diffuser
Transformation item: Serenity's Ultimate Instrument
Weapon: Mainly a guitar, but their weapon can be any other musical instrument.
Speech phrase: "Harmony Sage!"
Ablities as Harmony Sage!
Sonic Scream: The ablity to emit highly enhanced scream of a high amplitude. Whenever Serenity screams, it has ablity to shake the ground a bit, depending on how Serenity projects their voice.
Wave Emission: The ablity to release waves of energy/matter. Serenity can use this to create the affect of tidal waves while they use sound waves.
Hypnotic Voice: The ablity to hypnotize others through one's voice. Serenity will use this on enemies or if they're in a tight situation, it doesn't work on their teammates.
Musical Spell Casting: The ablity to cast spells with music or musical instruments. Serenity uses their guitar to blast beams of music notes towards their enemies.
Healing Voice: The ablity to heal others with one's voice. Serenity will hum a tune while healing themselves or their teammates, which amplifies their physical state and energy.
Tranquil Aura: The ablity to generate an aura that puts enemies a state of calmness or tranquility.
Trivia about Serenity Vanity!
Serenity's design is based off Pearl's season one design in/from Steven Universe.
Serenity always wanted a place to practice their dancing, so their father built them a dance studio before he and his wife divorced.
Serenity doesn't like chalky textures because it feels dry, so they avoid foods with chalky textures.
Serenity, Patty, and Amber often play piano in music class together in music class.
Serenity used to have a fear of big crowds. But after they met Patty, they've become more confident in themselves! And were able to perform in big crowds with no problem!
Serenity's favorite stim is bouncing up and down.
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fly-pow-bye · 3 years
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Mizzen In Action
Storyboarded & Written by: Bryan Andrews Art Direction: Paul Stec Directed by: Randy Myers
Ahoy, ye mateys, for we tell a tale of a gang of pirates led by the swash-buckling booty-stealing pirate Crack McCraigen, who are looking for the lost treasure of Captain Flynn. After entering a beam of light, they come about in a strange world with lots of strange structures, one of which is on the very X on the map, and that X lead to a treasure box labeled with X in pirate's tradition. But, shiver me timbers, it's only black water. With their law of no prey, no pay and seeing their parrot fly really fast after drinking it, they drink the black water, and gain the strength and power to blow the entire city down. As they kidnap the man who lived in that structure, the matey, who calls himself Professor Utonium, doesn't give them any hints about where the treasure is, so he has to walk the plank. His trip to Davy Jone's locker was hornswoggled by three wee little girls with the same power they got from the black water.
Thar she blows, an interesting episode for once. It feels like it's been a long time since we got a good action scene; it seemed like those were outlawed once Season 5 and 6 rolled on by. The ending does feel like a cop out, though it makes sense considering it's a similar ending to what happened in Power Lunch. I also appreciate the Professor giving a techno-babble explanation for how this all happened. Even if it was meant to be a joke about how much of a dork the Professor is, it's a nice bit of world-building for a chemical that, after 6 seasons, is still pretty vague. Being a pirate episode is alright with me. (4/5)
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femalechibiblogger · 4 years
5 Anime Series with Weird Plots
1. Akikan!
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Plot: Akikan (”Empty Can”) is the unlikely story of high school boy Kakeru Daichi, whose can of melon soda magically transforms into a human girl. More "akikan" girls begin appearing, each of them needing to be infused with carbon dioxide from their respective drink types to survive. The akikans were created as part of the 'Akikan Elect' to determine whether steel cans or aluminium cans are superior. The akikans must battle each other until only the strongest type is left standing.
This series doesn’t really make much sense. I mean...humanized, fizzy drink girls fighting to prove if steel or aluminum drink cans are superior? And it’s all part of a military experiment run by a gay guy and a strict secretary whose name is always mispronounced? While there are anime series about magical girls and a normal guy who gets involved with them, which is not unusual at all in the world of anime. But at least give it a storyline that actually makes sense!
It’s like they just came up with something random that could be used to advertise carbonated drinks. What better way to do that than to make fizzy fruit drinks into sexy, battle girls!
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2. Asobi Asobase
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Plot: The series centers on Hanako, Olivia and Kasumi, second year students at an all-girl middle school and the only three members of the Pastimers Club, a not officially recognized club. The club has very ambiguous goals, usually consisting of whatever so-called "pastimes" the girls happen to think up.
While this series does have its good moments, and has some clever jokes...the odd visuals, outrageous episode plots, and out-of-this-world facial expressions are what make it very, very strange. It’s basically one of those shows that is weird but good at the same time, depending on what you like.
If a Pastimers Club were to exist in real life...it would probably be something like this.
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3. Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
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Plot: The show revolves around the exploits of the Anarchy sisters, Panty and Stocking, angels who were kicked out of Heaven due to their bad behavior. They are sent to Daten City, a place on the border between Heaven and Hell, which is besieged by evil spirits referred to as "Ghosts". The sisters take refuge under the care of the reverend Garterbelt; under his watchful eyes, the sisters are tasked with using their ability to transform their lingerie into weapons, and using them to destroy malicious Ghosts. By doing so, the sisters earn "Heaven Coins" with which they intend to one day use to buy their way back into Heaven. However, Panty and Stocking are constantly sidetracked by their respective interests in men and sugary sweets.
The series is, by far, a very weird one. I mean...two fallen angels who turn their lingerie into weapons to fight evil ghosts, an afro priest with an interest in boys, a nerdy guy with a crush on the slutty sister, and a dog who looks like a knock-off of ‘Gir’ from Invader Zim? Just when you think it couldn’t get any stranger. 
While I admit, the show does have its serious moments...but it still goes pretty overboard with adult jokes and visualizations. No wonder these girls were banished from Heaven.
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4. Powerpuff Girls Z
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Plot: It takes place in Tokyo City (New Townsville in English dub) where Professor Utonium and his son, Ken Kitazawa and his toy dog, Peach were busy working on Chemical X, a powerful chemical substance but when they decided to have a tea break, Peach accidentally dropped a daifuku to a vat of Chemical X and the vat magically transforms to Chemical Z, a whole new form of the original powerful substance. However, when the Professor, Ken and Peach were discovering Chemical Z, a sudden climate change happened where several countries around the world were having an instant weather calamity so Ken used a beam ray attached to the vat of Chemical Z and blasts Chemical Z on one of the main icebergs in the Tokyo City bay and the impact of Chemical Z from the iceberg causes several black and white rays of light to appear in the skies above it.Then, three ordinary 13-year-old girls, Momoko Akatsutsumi, Miyako Gōtokuji, and Kaoru Matsubara, were engulfed in separate rays of white light and transforms them into Hyper Blossom, Rolling Bubbles, and Powered Buttercup, the heroines of justice, the Powerpuff Girls Z and Peach was also engulfed in a separate ray of white light transforming to a toy dog who can speak and calls the girls to transform into the Powerpuff Girls Z and then, numerous rays of black light engulfed several people, animals, objects and transforms them into evil monsters who wants to take over Tokyo City, so the Powerpuff Girls Z must protect the city thanks to the Professor, Ken, Mayor Mayer and his assistant, Ms. Bellum and uses their respective weapons like Blossom's yo-yo, Bubbles' bubble rod and Buttercup's hammer from evil monsters like Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, Princess Himeko, Sedusa, the Gangreen Gang, the Amoeba Boys and numerous monsters to defeat them.
Everyone knows that this Japanese remake can never replace the original Powerpuff Girls. While the series isn’t terrible, and does have its moments, it’s still strange to see Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup not being sisters or having Professor Utonium as their father. I think the only part of the story that I actually liked was how the villains became the villains. 
But hey...we can see that the studio tried to make it a bit like the original cartoon. But it’s like they say: You can’t beat the classics. 
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5. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
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Plot: In the year 300X, the entire world is under the tyrannical rule of the Maruhage Empire and their ruler Tsuru Tsurulina IV (Chrome Dome Empire and Baldy Bald the 4th in the English dub). His Hair Hunt troop captures innocent bystanders' hair, leaving the people victims of the Hair Hunt troop's head shaving and their villages in ruins. Standing against this evil regime is the heroic, but bizarre, rebel Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo who fights the Hair Hunt Troop with his powerful Hanage Shinken (Fist of the Nose Hair). His team consists of the normal teen girl Beauty, the smelly teen warrior Heppokomaru (Gasser) and the Hajike leader Don Patch (Poppa Rocks). Bo-bobo is on an exciting, gag-filled quest in which he uses his hair as a weapon in many locales to fight the forces of the Maruhage Empire as he gains other allies along the way.
I don’t even know where to start. While we all like having a full head of hair...one could have never imagined that there would be an anime about it. This series is obviously a comedy and isn’t meant to be dramatic or anything serious like that.
We all know that this show is meant to be weird on purpose. If you love shows that are random and don’t make sense...then this show is perfect for you.
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philosophic-wax · 5 years
i found a “draft” of a years-old fic buried in my harddrive today
Never going to touch this again, so here.
Title: The Utonium Show
Summary: Guess what I watched last night.
  (section where a mysterious father figure walks across the bridge. In this case it’s a mother)
Bubbles looked at Blossom.
Blossom looked at Buttercup.
Buttercup looked at the camera. “Fuck you,” she said, and shoved the cameraman off the bridge.
“Bubbles, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Ms. Keane asked.
She stood up proudly. “I want to be an artist!”
“That’s a very nice idea,” Ms. Keane demurred. She grabbed the string dangling in front of the chalkboard and yanked, revealing a giant collage of famous artwork where the class map was usually displayed. “But I’m afraid all the good ideas for art have already been taken!”
Bubbles’ face fell. 
 Ms. Keane beamed at her. “Wouldn’t you like to be a superhero instead?”
That’s it, that’s the fic.   
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Lord of the Rings: 6 Games That Brought Middle-earth to Life
From text adventures to MMOs, Lord of the Rings games have never been in short supply. Here are some of the best...
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Phil Hayton
Apr 29, 2019
The Lord Of The Rings
There's no shortage of franchises, across the vast world of multimedia entertainment, that have tried to translate their success into a video game tie-in. Look at the huge pile of Star Wars games, for instance, or the sizeable stack of superhero games on the horizon.
While these releases will usually coincide with a blockbuster film or TV series, occasionally we get to experience the magic of our favorite franchises in video game form before Hollywood gets its hands on it. A great example of such a franchise is the work of J.R.R Tolkien, which has enchanted the imaginations of readers since before video games were even a thing.
Today, we are going to journey across six iterations of Lord of the Rings video games, exploring how each title brought Tolkien's vision of Middle-earth into the hands of gamers...
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The Tolkien Software Adventure Trilogy 
1982 | Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum
While trying to explain text adventures and microcomputers to a modern-day gamer might be a bit like showing a spaniel a card trick, it’s important to look at the humble beginnings of franchise-based video games. Microcomputers such as the Commodore 64 are where it all began for digital Middle-earth, with the release of The Hobbit Sofware Adventure in 1982.
The Hobbit by Beam Software was the first of four titles to be released on microcomputers of the time, with each game covering part of the LOTR saga. As you might expect, fancy visuals and audio have no power here, with the player's imagination and ability to read being the key parts of the experience. If you’re unfamiliar with the text adventure genre, the player is essentially given a description of the scenario that they’re in, which then requires an appropriate command to be typed in response. The best modern-day example of this is the Black Mirror episode "Bandersnatch," which features a similar text adventure, albeit with more psychological trauma.
The Hobbit was followed by another 3 titles by Beam Software: The Fellowship of the Ring, Shadows of Mordor (No, not THAT game), and The Crack of Doom. Each title also included its accompanying paperback novel as an added bonus, which was a fantastic way to introduce new fans of the time to the franchise. Meanwhile, here in 2019, a simple manual with your game is like finding a golden ticket in your chocolate bar.
You may have noticed a heavy emphasis on referring to these titles as software, which is probably wise considering it’s a text adventure. In terms of excitement, these games can’t really hold a candle to the arcade adrenaline rush that was in vogue back in the ’80s. However, this format is a perfect starting point for adapting a beloved work of fantasy into an interactive format, without doing anything silly, like turning it into a spaceship shooter. Despite the only visuals in the game looking like a Microsoft Paint masterpiece, the actual interactive functionality and depth of content within these games were the perfect way to experience Tolkien's fantasy epic at the time.
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The Lord of the Rings Vol. 1 
1994 | SNES
As we leave behind the horrors of cassette and floppy disk load times and move onto the luxurious world of '90s video games, we also get to experience the birth of LOTR action-adventure games. Produced by Interplay Productions, The Lord of the Rings Vol. 1 is an action RPG for the SNES, which resembles the likes of Secret of Mana.
The graphics weren’t exactly cutting edge and the gameplay itself left a lot to be desired, but in terms of its presentation and atmospheric soundtrack, this was a great start in terms of introducing gamers to Tolkien’s work. Not to mention this game supports four-player co-op via a multitap adapter, which allows players to take on the role of various iconic characters such as Frodo, Samwise, Legolas, and Gimli.
For a game based solely on works of literature, Interplay did a fairly good job of converting it into an action-adventure. The 16-bit world painted in this title does a good job of assisting the imaginations of gamers, who didn’t have much imagery to draw from until the dawn of Peter Jackson’s films.
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The Fellowship of the Ring 
2002 | PS2, Xbox, PC
Considering that the first New Line Cinema film based on LOTR was released in 2001, you’d assume that the officially licensed game was based on said film, right? Well, no actually, the 2002 Fellowship of the Ring game published by Vivendi Universal is yet another title based solely on the original book.
Featuring an action-adventure style, with a similar feel to the likes of Fable, this title features practically the same story as the first film, with certain sequences having an uncanny similarity. Many great adventure game aspects reside within this adaptation: item collection, puzzles, stealth, and combat all make the experience feel like a true video game translation.
The game’s story itself does do an adequate job of telling the story of Frodo’s departure from The Shire, yet was perhaps at the mercy of being compared to the films, which were ground-breaking for the franchise, after all. Let’s be honest, we know the difference between Ian McKellen and the voice of Professor Utonium from The Powerpuff Girls (No offense to Tom Kane).
For those unaware that this game wasn’t associated with the films, it’s likely that the rich environments and adventure style gameplay gave players a chance to walk merrily across Middle-earth in the bare feet of familiar characters.
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The Two Towers/Return of the King 
2002 | PS2, Xbox, GC
Despite Vivendi’s LOTR title being released just months before, EA also managed to get their hands on the license, with the added bonus of being able to make games associated to the films. Debuting in 2002, the movie-based titles featured less adventuring and more action, with core aspects of the gameplay being based around wiping out hordes of enemies during movie sequences.
While these games are definitely an effort to immerse players into the films, rather than the books, they still serve as a great way to deliver an interactive version of Middle-earth’s conflicts. Strangely, The Two Towers covers events that took place in the first film, which is perhaps down to the fact that EA couldn’t make a whole game based on that part of the story.
The following title, Return of the King, uses the same mechanics and style established in EA’s first title, which proved to be popular. Luckily, the series managed to avoid the stigma associated with movie games (i.e. that they're cash grabs), with legitimately fun gameplay and a respectful translation of the original story.
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The Hobbit 
2003 | PS2, GC
It may have taken until 2012 to finally get a film adaptation of the first part of Tolkien’s epic fantasy, yet this didn’t stop our old friends Vivendi Universal from taking matters into their own hands. Even though Vivendi first Middle-earth title failed to make the impact it desired, Inevitable Entertainment teamed up with Vivendi to create The Hobbit in action-adventure form. 
This cutesy adventure featuring Bilbo Baggins bears a resemblance to The Fellowship of the Ring, with some slight changes, such as a more light-hearted aesthetic, faster movement, and a more fluid approach to combat. The developers also took some liberties with the dialogue and voice acting, being more confident in their approach, rather than repeating the first game's attempt to sound like the movie actors.
It’s easy to compare action-adventure titles like The Hobbit to others in the genre, but for what it's worth, this game is an amazing way to experience Tolkien’s fantasy prelude. With its colorful environments, quirky characters, and enjoyable gameplay, The Hobbit is a refreshing way to delve into the story of The Lonely Mountain without having to endure unsettling CGI.
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The Lord of the Rings Online 
2007 | PC
Most major movie franchises have tried their hands at MMO titles. While many of these attempts have failed to capture the success of juggernauts like World of Warcraft, with Lord of the Rings Online, a combination of a beloved world and a dedicated fanbase has managed to keep the game alive since its release in 2007. 
The game features many of the MMO tropes that you’re familiar with, yet it puts emphasis on placing the player into the shoes of a citizen of Middle-earth during the third age, which matches up to the events of the novels. Unlike a lot of MMO and sandbox games, LOTR Online draws its attraction from having rich lore and landscapes that have already been established, which does well for attracting new players. The fact that this game is also now free to play means that players can experience a big portion of Middle-earth without the need to splash out.
There are numerous games that we haven't mentioned among these six key titles, and honorable mentions should go to the LEGO-themed games and the likes of Shadow of Mordor. Certainly, gamers aren't short of access to one of the best fantasy stories ever told. And with the recent announcement of Daedalic Entertainment's action-adventure game about Gollum, we can be sure that Middle-earth will stay in the palms of gamers for many years to come...
from Books http://bit.ly/2VGcstT
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