#Bickerman Family
slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
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Susan's first Christmas with the Bickermans 😅
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our-inspire-verse · 4 months
I think that being autistic got me fucked up
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juleteinthrum · 1 year
Alder must have had a #WerewolfMoment that me and Dib are working on uncovering. Unfortunately Alder in headspace is a lot more covert and weird about stuff than he was in our past life together, as well as being unable to remember a lot of details.
Source memory stuff is so hard!!!! We're so fascinated though!!! And Clarence (working title for the new cheetah guy) is spending time in and near our cabin trying to find answers to his own questions.
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slxsherwriter · 2 months
Habits Explained
Fandom: Lake Placid
Pairings: Jim Bickerman x reader
Word Count: 2,080
Warning: Mention of missing limbs/fallout of a crocodile attack
Author's Note: Manage to make it through the two Lake Placid movies for this man. And oh boy, was it not a disappointment. With his habits and the way he occasionally talks, it immediately jumped to mind that Jim had a military background. Idea fostered so kindly by @slashingdisneypasta . Hope you like this! More Jim content will be in the works for ya!
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Huffing, you nearly dropped the box in your arms. A mild annoyance ran through you. How in the hell did he have this much junk piled around? The man rarely was home, either trying to do something that aired on the side of illegal or at the bar, hating his liver. Still, it ebbed away as you reminded yourself why you were cleaning up his mess of a small home. The man was lying in a hospital bed, beyond lucky to be alive, missing a few parts of his body that he had gone to Blackwater Lake with, on one of those activities that aired on the side of illegal. It was one hell of a consequence to have to face.
Setting the box down, you tried to push away the exhaustion that you felt. Between cleaning up so that there was a room ready for him on the bottom floor of the home and visiting him at the hospital, sleep was a rare thing. All of the running around, stress, and high emotions were finally starting to catch up to you. While you had only been with Jim for about a year, you did deeply care for the man, and this whole incident had been the craziest thing that had happened. Not just in your relationship but probably your life.
“Just get through this box, and you can take a small break.” A nap on the couch, as questionable as the fabric may have been, sounded like heaven right now. Leaving the house seemed pointless, and you had already stripped the bed to get the sheets washed while you worked on getting the bed itself down the stairs. That was the next job now that you had made space in the room that had clearly functioned as a storage unit. Settling down beside the box, you opened it up and carefully tried to sort out if it was trash or if it was something to keep. The action felt a little like a violation of privacy since Jim hadn't been all that forthcoming with some of his past or his home. Most of the time, when you were together, you spent time at your house or in the outdoors. A boundary that you had done your best to respect. But, the task that you had been faced with required a little bit of a push around that.
Most of the boxes had been easy enough to distinguish between junk that could go and things that should be kept. Surprisingly, there wasn't a whole lot to throw out, so you had been lugging boxes upstairs all day. You did your best to rifle through it without paying too close attention to what was inside. This box, though? It shot all of that careful consideration and attention out of the water. Your fingers brushed over the glass of the picture frame as you pulled it out of the box for a better look. It was a bit hard to comprehend what was in the frame with the man that you had grown to know. A young Jim was looking back at you from the picture, dressed in a formal military uniform. Army from the looks of it. You had a little familiarity with that sort of thing thanks to your family. Your grandfather, father, and both uncles had served in their life times.
A laugh bubbled up before you could help it. The man that you knew, who hated authority and basically said fuck off to society whenever he got the chance was not one that fit the stereotypical model of a military man that you knew. Then again, drinking problem, issue with authority, and knowledge of survival and outdoor skills? He did have a few phrases that he used that probably should have tipped you off as well. Shaking your head, you set the picture aside and found that you had to sate your curiosity about what else was in the box.
“Makes sense, I guess, for the time. Could have been a way out of trouble...." You spoke aloud to yourself, thinking through what you knew of his age and when he was likely enlisted. Enlisted. That thought stuck. Maybe he hadn't enlisted. If he had been in his twenties, which looked about the right age range in the picture, then he had to have been drafted. That was how most who served in the sixties ended up in the service. Vietnam was a nightmare of a military debacle. That made far more sense than seeing Jim Bickerman enlist.
Some more paperwork was held in the box. Part of you was a little thrown that he had kept this at all. It wasn’t like it held any good memories for him. At least so you thought. Most of it didn't mean much to you as you shuffled through the papers, little important information held. Then you found it. Legal paperwork outlining several charges that had been brought against the man and the evidence of a bad conduct discharge.
If you were honest, none of that really came as a shock if the man you knew hadn't changed all that much over the years. The understanding from the town was that the entire family was a bit out of it and difficult. Which was putting it kindly. Shaking your head, you carefully put the stuff back into the box, deciding if it was worth bringing up to Jim just to hear about it from him. Or would it upset him? The box had to be kept, so you trudged it up the stairs and tucked it away into the room that you had chosen for storage. The picture was left out for the time being. You wanted to look at it a bit more. The blond curls that framed his head had you laughing softly.
After your nap, you decided to do a little research. Money was always tight, and the hospital bill that was going to come from this was going to be an issue. Maybe he could apply for some VA benefits. Trying to make sense of it was difficult, and you had to go back to the box to grab the paperwork because it looked like it was dependent on the type of court-martial that he received. You thought that you had it after a few hours. The alarm on your watch indicated that it was time to visit the hospital and bring the man some decent food. Maybe you would have to bring the whole thing up and ask him. He would have to be the one to apply for the benefits.
“Hey there, sweetheart.” It was good to see him in a decent mood, causing you to smile as you moved towards the bed. A gentle hum from the TV filled the background, and the evidence of the two meals that he hadn't touched remained at the bedside.
“Hi, Jim.” You leaned over and kissed his cheek before his hand shot out to snag your waist and pull you down next to him. Insatiable, ridiculous old man. “I see you were really hungry today.” A grunt was the initial response that you got, and you saw him eyeing the food as if it had personally offended him. Not that he could be blamed. Holding up the bag, you laughed and shook it a little. As if to say, don't worry, I got you.
“Oh, thank god.” He moved his arm to reach for the bag. Instead of withholding it, you handed it over. The freshly baked brownies were an added treat that you hadn't told him were happening. “What would I do without ya? Ya bring a drink?” You rolled your eyes, knowing that the question was coming. Sneaking in alcohol was not something that you were willing to do while he was healing. Maybe once he was fitted with his prosthetics and got his ass up and moving about properly. But right now? There was not a chance that you were risking that.
“No alcohol.”
“No. Listen, when they have you up and moving about, I’ll think about it. No promises.”
“I'm dying here, sweetheart.”
“No, we got beyond that part already. Seems you aren't capable of that….” You couldn't help but joke a little. That was generally his attitude about things, but the approach had helped you handle the fact that Jim had actually nearly died. That seemed to at least catch him for a second, though the groan that followed told you that he wasn't going to let up on the issue. Not that you really expected him to, but hopefully, that would be it for this visit. “I at least brought a different favorite treat of yours.” Before he could make a single comment to twist it and make it perverse, you grabbed the brownies out of the bag.
The distraction worked wonders. A low laugh escaped the man beside you as you shifted to get a little more comfortable on the side of his bed. There wasn't any use in getting up since he would complain about it, and frankly, it was nice to be relaxing next to him, feel his body heat and his breathing. A reminder that he was really alive.
“These the ones with that chocolate from…ah shit, what's the name? You know what I'm talking about.”
“Yeah I do, and yes it is.”
“Spoiling me here.” You figured that not only was it deserved for actually being a good patient, but it might soften the discussion that needed to come next.
“Just eat,” you laughed and grabbed the rest of the food from the bag. All things that he could manage with one hand. It came as no surprise that he started to eat with gusto. It was a perfect time for you to bring up the idea. “I just about cleared the room out, so you have a bedroom to get to when you get home.”
“You didn't need to be doing all that work.” A discussion that you had with him a few times since he had been lucid enough to realize what was going on and understand the plan moving forward.
“Not the point right now.” Your eyes flitted to the TV, finding it easier to bring up without looking directly at him for one reason or another. Maybe it was to avoid seeing any anger directed at you. “Been tossing some junk, keeping most things, so don't go panicking. But, came across this box…”
“Well, have you thought about applying for some VA benefits? See if they will foot the cost of some of this?” There was silence, and you winced, forcing yourself to look back at Jim. He had stopped eating but wasn't looking at you either.
“I ain't doing that.” Stubborn ass of a man. Of course. There were a few things that he completely shut down on, like not even jokingly playing it off. This happened to be one of them, and you realized you were wandering into territory that was probably best to leave alone.
“It was just a thought to help with things. Not saying that you have to.” The sigh that came was drawn out and heavy. Not pained but something close to it. You should have figured that this might be a little more sensitive of a subject. Hell, you had seen how your grandfather had reacted to some questions. “I'm sorry, Jim. Just forget that I brought it up at all.” You reached for his hand, fingers lightly playing over the knuckles, an act that often soothed him. It was obvious it still worked when his body slumped a little further into the bed.
“I can't…” He finally huffed out. “Ain't got any benefits thanks to the discharge. It's not shit I'm ashamed of, but can't use it for anything good.” Well, that explained it. That and now, there was a reminder of the massive bill that would be faced for the care that had kept him alive. Now, you could use a little drink yourself.
“We'll get it figured out. Always do.” It would be done without him risking life and limb again. As long as you could prevent it. Bringing his hand up, you kissed his knuckles and heard a gentle huff of a laugh come from him. That was better. “Long as it doesn't involve crocs this time.”
“Making no promises…”
“You're an ass.”
“Ya love me anyway.”
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Hey!! ^^ I have a Bickerman thought 💡 I hope you don't mind me forcing these upon you 😅😅😅
So I still haven't seen No.2 but I get the idea- Sadie wants to protect the crocodiles right? She thinks if them as her children (Queen), and feeds humans to them.
... while her nephew, Jim, wants to poach them/steal their eggs (her grandchildren!!!).
I can only assume that they do not get along 😅 All those F bombs Nathan and Susan mentioned in 3 that she used to spit at family gatherings?? Probably directed at Jim.
SO- an incorrect Quote XD (A long winded lead up though, I'm sorry XDD 😅😅😅)
Jim: I'm a wanted man-
Sadie: Thats ridiculous, you weren't even a wanted child.
SADIE NO!!! XDDD (Yes Jim, you are a wanted man... at least two people on this site will agree)
But you're so right! I didn't make the connection before, but now it clicks XD no wonder Jim is so bitter with that family member he sued. It was probably Sadie!
This family man... Poor Nathan XD
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mbergen · 4 years
Tammy came home over the weekend.  She had signed up for another week, but it wasn’t meant to be.  I won’t deny she had me worried, but she is fine.  On her 20th day, she scheduled It off.  She hoped that she would be rest and recoup for the next week.  When I talked with her that morning, I knew she was exhausted and so tired.  I had noticed in the last week she was getting more quite.  I was already uneasy.  Late that afternoon, she text and said she was leaving.  She had a car scheduled in an hour and she was driving home.  I wanted her to fly, but it wasn’t going to happen.  She want to get out now……She needed to drive, and have alone time….I was getting more worried.  I really didn’t want her to leave that late from New York City, a city she had never driven in.  But everyone who knows Tammy knows she loves to drive.  I think that is where she gets her peace and alone time.  She can drive straight through from Illinois to Harlingen Texas, (near Mexico Border) in 22 hours…..Crazy Driver…..I decided to text Katherine, her best friend at home.  She is a Nurse at IVCH in Peru.  If she would contact anyone else, it would be her.  Yes, they had already been talking.  As she left New York City, she called and I could tell she was already feeling better.  The weight was lifting.….Katherine sent me texts all evening and night.  Then I was up at 5 to make sure she got home…..What a Saturday it was….Yes, she pulled in Sunday by noon…..So here is her story in her words….
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Tammy Bergen 22 hrs ·
I am gonna start this off by saying today is day 22! And the 1st day in 21 days that I have woke up in my own bed! I have missed my family and my friends so much! I might even say that i have missed Illinois! New York was a beast! I have seen thing and did things that i have never dreamed of. And I met so many so many great nurses, APN’s and Drs! They were from all across the United States! The staff was very welcoming as well. They would have lunch donated at times. My last day they had breakfast donated and brought in to us! And REAL coffee! 😍 lol while I was there I worked on 9 different units. I worked a couple of units more than once but for the most part everyday was like starting a brand new job. Everything was always new. The staff, the nurses I worked with, what supplies were available, what type of patients there were. Every unit was like opening a door to the twilight zone. You never know what is gonna be there. And the attitude was strong and everywhere! That is the best way I can describe it. It was not easy for me to go on every day with 5-6 hours of sleep mixed with the constant change. I was never able to develop “a work rhythm”? I’m not sure if that’s the word I am looking for but… And As many of you know, I have struggled with depression my whole life. And I ended up finding myself in a very very low spot. Around day 15 I started to cry everyday and I think day 19 I almost cried all day! (Fyi it’s very hard to tell if someone is crying when they are wearing all this head gear!) It was sooo hard. Even though we were there to help and shine some light into the darkness that is going on in New York right now, I lost control of myself and the darkness crept inside me... On the 20th I had the day off. They allowed us to have 2 pto days in this 21 day contract. My plan was to destress as much as possible and trudge through work one more time… and then cancel my 1 week extension and go home! But by the end of day 20 all I could think about was getting out of this cold dark place that I had found myself in. So rented a car and got the hell outta there at 7pm! It was truly one of the best things that I have ever done for myself. As I began driving away from NYC I could truly feel the heaviness of it all leave my body… and I could smile! A real smile! I talked to my mom and my best friend Katherine almost all the way home. I even had Cassidy on the phone for an hour and an half! And we had a great conversation! I was excited to surprise Cameron at the house so I never told him I was coming! Lol And I thank god my family and my friends are here for me everyday! A part of me is very ashamed or dissatisfied in myself for leaving a day early. But not any more. I am so proud that I was able to help in such a terrible situation! I have learned many things about myself through this experience. I will never regret it! But I don’t think I want to go back to NYC... ever! Lol thank you to everyone that sent us stuff! You guys really really really helped me personally!! And we shared with many others as well! I will never forget this experience! Aunt Connie told me that I would not be able to come back from this the same person. At the time I didn’t think to much about it. But…. she is so very right... not always! But this time! Lol I am just so happy to be home!❤❤❤ ps. Britt Novak is still rockin it in NYC! You got this girl!
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Tammy is now home and doing well.  Now she has 2 weeks of quarantine before she can return to work.  I know she has missed the kids tremendously.  She has come back a changed person in so many ways…..She  has learned a lot about herself and will be stronger for it.  She will never forget the patients, nurses, doctors, and all the experiences of New York….She has accomplished something not many of us could or would ever undertake.  But she is a Nurse…..She took that Oath….She Believes in what she does….
….She is an Amazing Nurse….
Now it is time for all the …..THANK YOU’S…. Her days were so busy.  14 hours of the day were work and transportation.  That didn’t leave much time for eating, sleeping, waiting for your mail for 45 min.  and of course a through shower and disinfecting.  She became more physically and mentally exhausted every day.  So she didn’t have a lot of time to show her appreciation.  The one Company that needs a HUGE THANK YOU is Vactor Manufacturing from Streator Illinois…..
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Tammy mentioned to us she could use some Safety Glasses.  Aunt Connies’, Son in Law, Matt Rinaldo works for Vactor in Streator Illinois.  He went to HR to ask about Safety Glasses for the girls.  By noon, he had been given around 50 Safety Glasses.  HR also game him many FACE SHIELDS.  Their parent Company Federal Signal had sent them to their employees.  The employees had decided to give them to the Front Line people in the Medical Field that needed them.  They had already given a number of them to Morris Hospital.  Matt brought them to Connie who boxed them up and sent them to the girls.
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They were so needed.  As soon as she received them they were gone.  So not many pictures were taken.  I had been reading posts on the FB site of the Staffing Agency from the other nurses.  Those who had connections, were ordering them in quantity’s for their friends.  The hospitals didn’t have any.  They were pretty desperate to get them.  These Shields were so Appreciated.  So …..THANK YOU VACTOR…. also Matt and Connie for sending them to New York…..
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Face Shields and Safety Glasses from Vactor….Overlooking the Times Square… NYC
So many other items were sent.  So here in Tammy’s words again are all her Thank You’s
Tammy Bergen 15 hrs ·
There are so many people I need to thank besides my family that have donated their time to make sure that we have what we needed! I want to make as many as I can but please dont be upset if I forget to mention anyone because you all made this so much easier! 1. Vactor Manufacturing in Streator Il donated a box full of safety glasses and face shield! ❤❤❤!! They are in very high demand in New York! And as soon as people seen them… they were gone! The hospitals no longer supply face shield because they are just not available anymore. I wish I could have got more pictures but there just wasn’t time. But I assure you that they were amazing! Thank you Connie Malavolti, Ashley Malavolti and Mat Rinaldo for the hook up! It was definitely needed! The shields protect us from much more than the glasses alone cuz there is a lot of coughing and spraying going on! 2. Amanda Davis for the goodies and the wonderful prayer that came with! It was very special! 3. Chauntelle Biagi-Bruer for the goodies and kind words! 4. Aunt Connie and Jeanie Lutz for getting several hand made masks for me to take at the very last minute!❤ and thank you Connie for the bag of super healing rocks! I wore them everyday! 5. Tammy Schlesinger Gunter for all the goodies and kind words! 6. Baily Jane and Betty Parks for the awesome lotions and cookies! ❤ 7. Jeny Orozco for the amazing words of encouragement and all the awesome gifts! 8. Tiffany Gebhardt for the awesome gifts and kinds words! 9. Mary Jaegle Milashoski for the awesome gift of dry shampoo! (it seriously made Britt Novak’s day!)and the other goodies as well!❤❤ 10. Jessica Torres for all the amazing goodies and encouragement! 11. Frances Ilnicky Van Ameyden thank you for the goodies and the great conversation that definitely brought a smile to my face! 12. Tina M Wenzel for the gifts and (over the top!) Encouragement! I am so very thankful! 13. Brenda Bickerman thank you for delivering the lysol wipes to my house before I left! I could not find any anywhere! 14. Gale Reno for the bag of snacks, gloves, mask crochet ties and other things that you sent at the last moment. 15. Nicole Bouxsien and family made several masks for us to take with. 16. The Eastgate Quilter ladies for making all the masks and redoing the design to include the laces to save our ears!❤ 17. Theresa Fisher for the crocheted ear savers! 18. Bobbi Van Schaick for the box of goodies! That came along with a great story! Definitely something that I would have done! Lol 19. Sharon VanLanduit for the amazing shoe inserts! They helped soooo much! And lastly, Katherine Twardowski for taking care of my 2 older babies while I was gone! (I really hope you will recover quickly! Lol). Tina Bergen Dolder and Ed Dolder for being everything for Carly while I cant! And for all the school teaching! And Margaret Bergen for the daily encouragement and text messages! Scottieonepaw ScottBergen and Brandy Lockett for all the love and support! And there has been so many others who have said some of the best things! I will never forget! Cameron Bergen and Cassy Cruz I am home! And I love you both so much! We WILL be spending some quality time together real soon! Like it or not! Lol I truly can not say how thankful I am to have you all in my life! I have the best family and friends that anyone could ever ask for!❤❤❤ I am feel very blessed to have been a part of NYC at this time of need. But this Is definitely my home! ❤❤❤
Jeny Orozco Love you Tammy!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Betty Parks Thank you for giving your ALL.
Tiffany Gebhardt Np Tammy Bergen…just my way of saying thanks for what U guys went and did! U went above and beyond what u had too! Hope to see u back around soon until then take care of urself and know u got friends who care! ❤️
Tina Bergen Dolder A shout out to Brenda Holloway Bickerman, Jerimey Bouxsein Nicole and family, Gale Reno ( Erin Marie Megan Holly let your mom know!!
Megan Dose Glad your back!!! 😘❤️❤️❤️
Bobbi Van Schaick The least I can do
Mary Jaegle Milashoski So happy that what we could do for you .. made a difference and brightened your day ..!💜💜
Amanda Davis 💜💜💜💜💜
Frances Ilnicky Van Ameyden Your selflessness in this horrible time of Covid19 has shown us what Love of Neighbor is all about. God bless you!
Jeanette Brewer Stay safe and you r a hero Stay safe
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Thank You to All who has supported and followed Tammy. I as MOM want to give a SPECIAL THANK YOU, to Tina, for being the BEST SISTER Tammy could ever have.  She has done so much that you all will never know.  She was their from the minute Tammy made this descion to go, by getting supplies ready and MANY MANY other things concerning Carly’s care.  My Kids are all so AWESOME….Brittney is still their finishing her extended week.  She is doing ok.  Everyone has been so supportive of the girls and of all the Medical Personnel.  These people are helping and reporting the truths of what is happening in New York City.  They have answered the call not knowing where they were going to work, where they were going to stay.  They all knew they were putting their life on the line…..But they all went anyway…..They worked 12 hours straight covered in PPE.  So many had shortages of PPE, and much hospital supplies.  Some of the story’s I read were mindboggling to think nurses had to operate in such a manner and do things that were so unethical in the hospital setting.  And then the stories of the patients.  So heart wrenching……So many that passed alone….With only the nurse present….The last words from the family’s on the cell phones of the Nurses….
…..Memories these Medical Personnel Will Never Forget….
Tammy’s Home From New York ….. Coronavirus…..Thanks To All Tammy came home over the weekend.  She had signed up for another week, but it wasn't meant to be. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
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Nathan: We all have to be in this together. If one of us falls, we all fall nobody is expendable on this team.
Susan: 😌
Bernie, who has been married into this crazy family for longer then Nathan has been born into it: << *looking to his crazy wife who would totally throw him to the lions if it was necessary*
Bernie: >> *looking to his sister in law Sadie would feed him to the crocs no problem*
Bernie: << *looking to his son Jim who would a b s o l u t e l y betray them all for the right price*
Bernie: ... 🤨
Bernie: Sounds fake but okay.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
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Jim: now get up there on the roof, it'll be fine-
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
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Hold on a moment. So if
Delores Bickerman *Siblings* Sadie Bickerman
Delores Bickerman *Married* Bernie Bickerman = Jim Bickerman
But Nathan is not Sadie's son because she had no children and she's explicitely referred to as his aunt- and Reba (in Final Chapter) says that the Bickerman she knew (Nathan in 3) got sued by his 'nutbag cousin' (Jim),.. that means there is a whole nother branch of Bickerman's we just don't know anything about. Nathans parents! Delores and Sadie's missing sibling!
... I hope they're living a nice life free of the crazy crocodile people 😅😅😅😅😅
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Bickerman ramblings-
So I know that Jim and Nathan are cousins- but there is a large age gap there and I can definitely see them having a more uncle/nephew relationship. Jim was already 25 when Nathan came around.
Which would make Jim, Connor's Grunkle. Yeah?
... XD (Sorry, but gravity falls au?? Haha)
Imagine that Susan and Nathan have a lapse in judgment decide to send Connor away to stay with Jim for the summer one year while they settle into a new home and new jobs- cuz clearly leaving him with a babysitter does not work for keeping him out of trouble.
And yeah Jim did sue them that one time... but look, they're still family 😅 And yeah, he does not live the safest lifestyle himself... but I mean he manages to keep himself alive, somehow! And Nathan went camping with him lots when he was younger, so he knows that Jim would keep Connor safe.
And I mean- what is the worst that could happen?? Connor gets some fresh air, learns to fish and camp, possibly how to use a gun but hey they can live with that as long as he's safe about it- afterall Jim did teach Nathan how to shoot and he was fine. I mean, he shot Jim in the foot but Nathan was fine and Jim never held it against him! XD
Nathan overlooks the fact that Jim's age and alcoholism may have made him crazier then he already was *cough* Its kinda sweet, he still has this kinda faith in his uncle though... even if he does sigh and drake his head at him.
Susan is slightly less confident about sending her son off to live with the man who got drunk and flirted with all the bridesmaids (and herself) at her wedding- but Nathan presents a good case with the fresh air and the learning life skills stuff.
And *cough* in their minds Connor might be able to keep Jim out of trouble for once. They have paid bail/picked him up too many times and are tired of it
Connor himself is not happy about this idea at first, since yaknow his gruncle is crazy and he doesn't have a TV. He is curious, since he never really spent time with Jim before (At family gatherings he was busy arguing with Sadie) but he would prefer to sate his curiosity over the phone. But here he is on a bus to the middle of nowhere, anyway. 🙄😒
Jim is... ehhhhh, about the idea. On one hand he's kinda lonely (you cannot tell me he wouldn't like someone around to talk to! Tell stories?? Felt like he was warming up to Max in Final Chapter, even if he did take him hostage at gun point) but on the other,.. a kid?? An almost teenager?? 😬😮‍💨 Oof. Oh shit here's the bus put the flask away-
Reba is there, too; she's the Sheriff in town of course and she is mind boggled. Did Nathan suffer a head injury she doesn't know about?? Leaving the kid with his nut bag cousin?? She's gonna have to keep an eye on this now, isn't she? Damnit.
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our-inspire-verse · 4 months
God the mental illness is fighting got HANDS RN
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our-inspire-verse · 5 months
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Some past life memories. Ask to tag! Bit of blood and injury. This is how Me(Inthrum) and Alder Bickerman met! I was out in the woods caught in a real messed up Bear trap, my leg mangled. I put up a good fight like a Feral injured animal but eventually he soothed me (pinned me down and freed me before talking to me for a while) and carried me to his cabin. Where the rest of my life began :>
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
"Jim Bickerman for me was like the poor country cousin who was left out of the will, you know, and he's trying to get his piece of the action. And I almost imagine him coming up from Kentucky or somewhere to Maine, and he's sort of always been the embarrassment of the family and he's up there poaching gators, you know, as a side line and making some money."
-Robert Englund, Lake Placid; Final Chapter Interview (movieweb)
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our-inspire-verse · 5 months
Weird introject/pseudomemories vent below
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Inthrum: Im kinda in like this. Paralysis. Sorta. Im just so, so sad and grief ridden. I am missing my last life, im missing who i was back then, and most of all I'm really missing the people i knew. The people. Dan, hes sorta here. And Cadance. A few others. But Alder. That "sorta" hurts a lot. It hurts way more than i ever EVER would have expected it to.
Is it my this life parental issues, the reminders of losing him last life, or the jarring emptiness that comes with a fragment headmate that is making me fall apart? Is this just the straw on my back? Am i just experiencing the normal weight of emotions one would experience facing this sort of thing? Or am i mentally ill? Delusional? Focused on the wrong things? Maladaptive daydreaming is in our history... particularly mine would make sense. Why couldnt sherl front earlier? Wouldnt he be better for up front?
Lol. I dont know. I feel like mentally i know the answer to all this. That its all okay. Like, that maybe Alder's going to eventually figure out his memories and feel okay and attached enough to be fully formed in this life. That we could have a real conversation outside of music, or signs, or memories. Or that weird amalgamation of energy levitating in mindspace that looks like him. Feels like half of him. Doesnt feel all the way alive. Maybe he isnt, maybe he hasn't been.
Why didn't he cure his lycanthropy? It's not his fault, i hold no resentment, and i understand in part. But it made his genetics hard to treat in the time we had. All the raging he'd done. All the work, and all the unknowing time. It passed. And so did he and i had to experience that regardless of anything before and afterwards. I had to live that.
And now, i was doing the math today. Alder said he was 33 when i came to him, and the first birthday i actually understood and celebrated with him was 35. He was 67 when he passed. Did i really only get like, 32 years with him? Only. We dont even onow what 32 feels like in this life yet. Flip the numbers. 23. Still 9 years to go. In 9 years ill be the age i was then, in that stupid hospital room with a view. Thata not exactly how he wanted to go, but better than a facility that gave us a .09% survival rate. I would have had him die up there in my distress, but he asked to be taken off high tech support so he could be on his own planet at the time it happened.
And i remember fighting about it. I didn't make it easy, and bless Alder he talked me down. A lot. And then he wasn't there to soothe me. He told me he was never sorry for dying, he didn't want to leave me wondering later in life if i should be guilty for making him feel like that.
He said thank you for being strong, so we can find each other in the afterlife. Strong energies gravitate to one another, and he said he felt stronger than ever with me. That man really loved me, he did. He showed it and he proved it and he did. Again and again, and he still does. I miss him. And I've never seen his face.
But right now, every day for the past just about week, I've been overwhelmed with memories of this person. This guy. Random guy. Could have been anyone. I remember my first revealed memory that he was a person the christmas lights in the truck! And then the next memory i got, when he met me. When he saved me. And then he saved me. And then he saved me again. Again. Again. Again.
He showed me how to be after i didnt get that chance. When i was cast out by the beings who birthed me. Not family. Never was. Just the group of strangers who used me and cast me out. Abandoned on the side of the road. He gave me the chance. Grabbed my hand firmly and gave it to me. Pushed it into my chest.
He walked me step by step by step into the light and he showed me how to feel the grass under my shoes and breathe the air. All of it literally and metaphorically. He was there. Theres pieces of him here, but such is the way of finding paradise, then watching it go away to move on for the next life, one of pain and nightmare. You have to carry these memories into places no one will bring you lessons. I have to remember him to survive. And i dont know how to do that.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Sheriff Hank Keough x NaiveFemDeputy!Reader x Jim Bickerman || Drabble
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Plot: What if Hank was still the Sheriff by the time Jim came to town? What if you were his Deputy? What if you were so focused on your job that you came off... a little naive 😅 What would happen if you two visited Jim in the hospital afterwards to site him with fines for trespass, illegal poaching, and theft?
This is just a short thing but I am filled with idea for this triangle XD I think Hank's crankiness and hesitancy to fall for reader paired with Jim's sleazy shamelessness is such a fun combination XD
Warnings: Mention of Jim's grievous injuries after Final Chapter (Loss of eye, hand, and leg), hospital setting, minor nudity (Pantsless Jim), and unedited/i wrote this on my phone.
Tagging: @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball and @slxsherwriter.
The nurse was hesitant to give you the room number when you nervously asked since you aren't family, but Sheriff Keough just sighs in frustration and shows his badge. That gets the nurse to move- and you make a little note of his confidence in your little notebook; you're learning everything you can from him!
When you get to the room, you're expecting to find a quiet Bickerman. Maybe even an unconscious one (The nurse said he was recovering from a serious crocodile attack, afterall. And you saw those monsters- surviving that had to leave terrible scars), but when Sheriff Keough pulls the curtain open you instead catch Mr Bickerman up and out of bed! He's only got one leg and onr hand, but he's focused and hopping into his jeans.
Immediately you go 'oh!', embarrassed, and throw a hand over your eyes. "We're so sorry!!" You exclaim, turning around.
Sheriff Keough sighs next to you, and you don't sense him turning around at all. You do hear Mr Bickerman say 'she's real cute' in a tone thick with an accent and smugness, and feel even more mortified, though.
Thankfully, your boss does not respond to that comment, just addressed Mr Bickerman with an exasperated and thoroughly exhausted tone. "Jim, get back into your bed. The nice lady at the front desk told us already that you're not cleared to leave the hospital yet."
"Iiii- uh, well, I feel fine actually. So, I'm discharging myself- agh," The pained sound makes you feel bad. Should you help him??
You would- but you think he's probably still indecent and you don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.
"Sit. Down." Sheriff Keough growls, and the very next thing you hear is a few sniffles and the abrupt squeak of the hospital mattress like Mr Bickerman tripped onto it more then sat down on it. Your boss sighs in what sounds like your direction, then. "And for gods sake pull your blanket on so my Deputy can take her hand off her eyes and do her job."
You feel a tad guilty as you lower your hand and turn to the Sheriff, hearing Mr Bickerman's sheets shift. Keough gives you a half pittying, almost... almost amused look, that confuses you a little bit (a flutter erupts in your belly. You figure thats just some more guilt), before he shakes his head and looks back to the perp. You dutifully follow suit.
There's a teasing sleazy smirk on Mr Bickerman's old face and his eyes are on you, making you immediately straighten up stock straight like they engrained in you in the academy. Out of discomfort. "All better sweetheart?~ "
"Uh, yes sir."
"Don't call him sir, he's not a sir." Sheriff Keough rolls his eyes, before pulling out his own notepad. As he blows air out his cheeks, you can tell he wants to get this over with quickly and get lunch. "Anyway, Mr Bickerman- "
While the Sheriff reads out the list of fines Mr Bickerman is facing for his activities and Mr Bickerman sighs, rolling his eyes at the entire list, you wander to the end of the bed and pick up the clip board there. Most of it is medical jargon that you definitely do not understand, but there are some words (notes, probably written by a student) that stand out in the margins. Your eyebrows pull together in concern seeing things like 'internal bleeding' and 'motor skills classes- 2 weeks'. After glancing at Mr Bickerman, seeing the stump where his hand used to be and remembering the matching one where his leg used to be (the glance of it you saw before you slapped a hand over your eyes and whipped around), you figure that must mean 'in two weeks'- because it is certainly going to take longer to learn how to live with half as many limbs.
"- and finally, once you are actually discharged from the hospital, you are expected to attend a mandatory hearing at the courts in order to discuss your apparent claims to that Blackwater cabin." Sheriff Keough sighs one final time, lowering his notepad. "Though hell if I know why you would want that shithole."
Mr Bickerman's face darkens immediately, surprising you- he seemed so wry a moment ago. "It's rightfully mine, Officer."
"Yeah, whatever. Would you like me to read the the requirements again?" You know that if he wasn't meant to ask that, he wouldn't, because Sheriff Keough is staring so hard at Mr Bickerman that you're sure if that look was aimed at you you would just be able to shake your head in responce. Mr Bickerman opens his mouth to respond, but your Sheriff beats him. "No? Great. Deputy, I need a coffee." He puts his notepad away and adjusts his pants. "On me."
The Sheriff leaves the room promptly, his broad shoulders nearly filling the doorway (A fact you always pretend you dont notice), and you're about to quickly follow him- but you have to be polite. You flash Mr Bickerman an awkward smile as you put down the clip board. "Thank you, Mr Bickerman. Have a nice day! Fast recovery- "
Ypu're about to yurn and leave, but the dark clouds that had crossed his face clear up surprisingly quickly as his gaze slides over to you again; that sleazy smirk spreading across his mouth once again, and you stop still again caught in his sights like a deer in headlights. "Hey, why don't you come visit me again sometime? Sure would cheer me up and uh, make the old recovery race by a lot speedier- huh, honey?"
Your jaw drops. Did he just- is this man flirting with- No. No. Nervously, you give a little fluttering laugh. Surely not. He's just a lonely old man! The nurse said no one else had even called. "Oh- well maybe. If I have time. See you, Mr Bickerman!"
"You can call me Jim, y'know."
"Oh... no no no, no I couldn't, sir!" Oh shit, Sheriff Keough told you not to call him that! You peer back to the door, to make sure you're boss isn't watching you. When he's not, your shoulders relax and you waive a very amused Mr Bickerman goodbye. "Anyway- feel better!"
You walk out but you can feel the old man's gaze stuck on you until you round the corner. When you see Sheriff Keough waiting down the hall, he's got a coffee for you already, out of a hospital machine (a precursor to the proper stuff, he says.) which you take quickly; filled with gratitude for your secretly sweet boss and how... for some reason... you're the only one who ever really sees that?
Oh well. Back to work.
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