#Carver Gardens
stmargaret · 1 year
History of St Margaret's #2
St MARGARET’S CHURCH GARDENS article from Zandra Lewis By the 1890’s St. Margaret’s Churchyard which was over 70 yards from the main Bury Road was bound East, West and South by fields and there was an uninterrupted view of the Church. In the year 1900 the South side was divided into building plots and a Street named Carver Avenue. The Avenue was made from Bury Old Road, running by the side of the…
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amatres · 1 year
I know you have to choose the option but the farewell conversation that sticks most in my head in the Gallows is with Carver where Hawke can say something along the lines of 'This is how we're supposed to be, side by side' and he tells them they know it can't be like that forever.
Like, my Hawke at least spent so much of her life building her identity in service of her family. Hawke most resembles their father no matter what, and the family is shaped around them narratively (if you're a mage or not deciding which sibling you lose first and how that class effects how those siblings feel about themselves and their place in the family) and they shape themselves around their family in turn, exist for them, takes up the role of leader after Malcolm has passed. The answers of where Hawke considers home when they're asked never felt right, because they lived on the run for so many of their formative years, the true answer feels like to me to be their home is their family, the place never mattered beyond being allowed to rest and not look over their shoulder every day.
What happens to that identity when everyone you built it around is gone? Where would they consider home when it's all said and done? The Amell estate was something they got for their mother, one of the answers they can give to Varric in Act 2 on what they plan to do now is watch over their mother, Carver tells Hawke to look after her when the expedition separates them. Then their mother is gone too.
There's no final statement for this since it's just me rambling, but it's hm, sad to think about. Who is Hawke if they aren't living for the sake of another, when all those they lived for are gone and they never felt at home anywhere but in the people they surrounded themselves with?
#ama mumbles#dragon age#dragon age 2#hawke#allyn hawke (oc)#im not writing meta this is just me rambling thoughts specifically born from trying to figure out allyns uhh problems lol#by act 3 the answers is probably their companions but eventually everyone leaves their side besides their possible li#so what do they consider home who are they when they are truly alone#my hawke is a mage which also shapes this perspective i dont know how it affects nonmage hawke#anyway carver was right and valid to want to find an identity separate from the family#bc like look how his sibling destroys themself trying to shape themselves around it#as for my own hawke id say she felt most content in lothering she briefly was feeling the same in kirkwall in act 2 but when leandra dies#part of her dies with her i suppose. shes the champion of kirkwall and its a death sentence bc shes a mage so she decides#to try and help at least make the world a bit more comfortable for any mage that comes after her#allyn and anders in act 3 shaking hands over being suicidal and throwing themselves into at least making it mean something#by helping ppl like them maybe having a better life#on that point the chantry explosion didnt feel like a axe to allyn it felt like a release. finally the hold of this place has lifted#if that makes sense lol. kirkwall was only for her mother now that shes gone allyn was waiting for an end to her stay there and it came#back to being on the run. something that felt more natural to her. maybe one day she will have a small farm again#or maybe she will live in a city with a garden if the people she surrounded herself wanted to live there#just somewhere that the noose of her family's ghosts were no longer strangling her
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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afrotumble · 1 year
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The story of George Washington Carver and his childhood secret garden is brought to life in this picture book biography.
When George Washington Carver was just a young child, he had a secret: a garden of his own.
Here, he rolled dirt between his fingers to check if plants needed more rain or sun. He protected roots through harsh winters, so plants could be reborn in the spring. He trimmed flowers, spread soil, studied life cycles. And it was in this very place that George’s love of nature sprouted into something so much more—his future.
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arcane-appetence · 1 year
Tag List || Sylvia Howard
✩ the earth carver ✩ ✩ about sylvia ✩ ✩ sylvia's visage ✩ ✩ honey i am the spell (sylvia aes) ✩ ✩ witchful thinking (sylvia musings) ✩ ✩ quiet my fears with a touch of your hand (sylvia ship) ✩ ✩ marisol the familiar ✩ ✩ delilah the familiar ✩ ✩ different flowers from the same garden (twin) ✩ ✩ let my tongue explain how much I crave you (desires) ✩
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claashpumpkins · 2 years
Really pleased with how this one came out last year - great seeing how this historic structure works with the lights of GlasGLOW ✨
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 month
May 2024 witch guide
Full moon: May 23rd
New moon: May 7th
Sabbats: Beltane-May1st
May Flower Moon
Known as: Bright Moon, Budding Moon, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Frog Moon, Hare Moon, Leaf Budding Moon, Merry Moon, Moon of the Shedding Ponies, Planting Moon, Sproutkale, Thrimilcmonath & Winnemanoth
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Taurus & Gemini
Nature spirits: Elves & Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Cernunnos, Diana, Frigga, Flora, Horned God, Kali, Maia, Pan, Priapus & Venus
Animals: Cat, leopard & lynx
Birds: Dove, Swallow & Swan
Trees: Hawthorne & rowan
Herbs: Cinnamon, dittany of Crete, Elder, mint, mugwort & thyme
Flowers: Foxglove, lily of the valley & rose
Scents: Rose & sandalwood
Stones: Amber, Apache tear, carnelian, emerald, garnet, malachite, rose quartz, ruby, tourmaline & tsavorite
Colors: Brown, green, orange, pink & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, creative energy, faerie & spirit contact, fertility, intuition, love, marriage, material gains, money, propagation, prosperity, real-estate dealings, relationships & tenacity
May’s Flower Moon name should be no surprise; flowers spring forth across North America in abundance this month!
• “Flower Moon” has been attributed to Algonquin peoples, as confirmed by Christina Ruddy of The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre in Pikwakanagan, Ontario.
May’s Moon was also referred to as the “Month of Flowers” by Jonathan Carver in his 1798 publication, Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America: 1766, 1767, 1768 (pp. 250-252), as a likely Dakota name. Carver stayed with the Naudowessie (Dakota) over a period of time; his expedition covered the Great Lakes region, including the Wisconsin and Minnesota areas.
Known as: Beltaine, May day, Roodmas & Cethsamhain
Season: Spring
Symbols: Eggs, faeries, fire, flowers & maypoles
Colors: Blue, dark yellow, green, light pink, orange, red, white yellow & rainbow spectrum
Oils/Incense: Frankincense, lilac, passion flower, rose, tuberose & vanilla
Animals: Bee, cattle, goat & rabbit
Mythical: Faeries
Stones: Bloodstone, emerald, lapis lazuli, orange carnelian, rose quartz & sapphire
Food: Beltane cakes, cherries, dairy foods, farls, green herbal salads, honey, meade, nuts, oat cakes, oats, strawberries & sweets
Herbs/Plants: Almond, ash tree, birch, bramble, cinquefoil, damiana, frankincense, hawthorn, ivy, meadowsweet, mushroom, rosemary, saffron, satyrion root, St.John's wort & woodruff
Flowers: Angelica, bluebell, daisy, hibiscus, honeysuckle, lilac, marigold, primrose, rose, rose hips & yellow cowslips
Trees: Ash, cedar, elder, fir, hawthorn, juniper, linden, mesquite, oak, pine, poplar, rowan & willow
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Areil, Artemis, Cybele, Danu, Diana, Dôn, Eiru, Elen, Eostre, Fand, Flidais, Flora, Freya, Frigga, Maia, Niwalen, Rhea, Rhiannon, Var, Venus & Xochiquetzal
Gods: Baal, Bacchnalia, Balder, Belanos, Belenus, Beli, Beltene, Cernunnos, Cupid, Faunus, Freyr, Grannus, The Green Man, Lares, Lugh, Manawyddan, Odin, Pan, Puck & Taranis
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, creativity, fertility, lust, marriage, the otherworld/Underworld, pleasure, psychic ability, purification, sensuality, sex/uality, visions, warmth & youth
Spellwork: Birth, Earth magick, healing, health & pregnancy
• Create a daisy chain or floral decorations
• Decorate & dance around a Maypole
• Set up an outdoor altar & leave offerings to faeries
• Prepare a ritual bath with fresh flowers
• Light a bonfire or candles & dance around them
• Set aside time for self care
• Gather flowers & use them to decorate your home or altar
• Prepare a feast to celebrate with friends/family
• Make flower crowns
• Bake bannocks, oat cakes or cookies
• Hang wreaths decorated with ribbons & flowers
• Plant flowers in your garden
• Start a wish book/box/journal
• Go on a walk & gice thanks to nature⁸
• Cast fertility or a bunch spells
• Fill small baskets of flowers & small goodies, then leave them on your friends/neighbors doorstep as a gesture of goodwill & friendship
Beltane is mentioned in the earliest Irish literature and is associated with important events in Irish mythology. Also known as Cétshamhain ('first of summer'), it marked the beginning of summer & was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. Rituals were performed to protect cattle, people & crops, and to encourage growth. (Today, Witches who observe the Wheel of the Year celebrate Beltane as the height of Spring.)
Special bonfires were kindled, whose flames, smoke & ashes were deemed to have protective powers. The people and their cattle would walk around or between bonfires & sometimes leap over the flames or embers. All household fires would be doused & then re-lit from the Beltane bonfire.
These gatherings would be accompanied by a feast, and some of the food and drink would be offered to the aos sí. Doors, windows, byres and livestock would be decorated with yellow May flowers, perhaps because they evoked fire.
In parts of Ireland, people would make a May Bush: typically a thorn bush or branch decorated with flowers, ribbons, bright shells & rushlights. Holy wells were also visited, while Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty & maintain youthfulness.
• The aos sí (often referred to as spirits or fairies) were thought to be especially active at Beltane. Like Samhain, which lies directly opposite from Beltane on the Wheel of the Year, this was seen as a time when the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. At Samhain the veil between the worlds of the living & the dead is thin enough that we can connect & convene with our beloved dead, here at Beltane it’s the veil between the human world, and the world of faeries & nature spirits that has grown thin. Offerings would be left at the ancient faerie forts, the wells and in other sacred places in an effort to appease these nature spirits to ensure a successful growing season.
Some believe this is when The Goddess is now the Mother & the God is seen as the Green Man or the wild stag. It celebrates the symbolic union, mating or marriage of the Goddess & God & heralds in the coming summer months. It represents life rather than Samhain on the opposite side of the Wheel of the Year.
Other Celebrations:
• Rosealia- May 23rd
Rosalia or Rosaria was a festival of roses celebrated on various dates, primarily in May, but scattered through mid-July. The observance is sometimes called a rosatio ("rose-adornment") or the dies rosationis, "day of rose-adornment," & could be celebrated also with violets. As a commemoration of the dead, the rosatio developed from the custom of placing flowers at burial sites. It was among the extensive private religious practices by means of which the Romans cared for their dead, reflecting the value placed on tradition (mos maiorum, "the way of the ancestors"), family lineage & memorials ranging from simple inscriptions to grand public works. Several dates on the Roman calendar were set aside as public holidays or memorial days devoted to the dead.
Roses had funerary significance in Greece, but were particularly associated with death & entombment among the Romans. In Greece, roses appear on funerary steles  & in epitaphs most often of girls. Flowers were traditional symbols of rejuvenation, rebirth &memory, with the red & purple of roses & violets felt to evoke the color of blood as a form of propitiation
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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bright-side20 · 4 months
Sarah's Foreshadowing
Acomaf :
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Answer in Hofas:
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=Rhysand is the heir of the Dusk Court.
The bone carver Acomaf :
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The Answer in Hofas:
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=The cauldron is corrupted.
This is to show how simple Sarah's foreshadowing is, it doesn't really need mind gymnastics. So is the case of the Feysand scene in Acowar, foreshadowing Elain's bond rejection. Feyre looks directly to Elain and Az, saying why not make them mates, what if it's that what she needs. The Cauldron isn't a perfect matching system, and Rhys explains that the mating bonds differ. So is the case for Elain's book being next. 'Shall I tend to my little garden forever,' 'Find me when you wish to begin,' 'Let's focus on helping one sister before we start on the other' ...
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hatchetmanofficial · 7 months
(I love this question and I love your username!!!)
I like to think that Alan still has a part of him, that wants to weasel his way back into society, especially after meeting his Doe-eyes. But he can never have it. It's selfish of him to want.
Or Alan doesn’t believe that even if he can get away he can be redeemed/deserves it. Or could cope with being part of society.
Boss is unpredictable and very much so picks those who believe they are someone without a cause. I'd like to think that The Beast's song "Come Wayward Souls" applies to him.
I really enjoyed Over The Garden Wall, and especially Come Wayward Souls/Potatus Et Molasses. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hWgVdUv9UHo
It’s a shame the show got pulled from streaming services in a lot of locations.
TW suicide, death, religion feel free to ignore and delete this ask if it’s too heavy or triggering.
I watched Over The Garden Wall years ago and while I haven’t actually read The Divine Comedy/Dante’s Inferno directly… I need to as I’ve found a great VN that also derives from it called 10:16 …I seem to remember some analyses that describe the sin of despair.
(Makes sense. Catholics believe suicide is a sin.)
That is why blithe Greg was aided unlike Wirt. He is a child, innocent of the sin of despair, and in turn his seemingly random foolish actions stave off disaster, ie. dumping the coins from the ghosts creates a bonding experience while getting to Adelaide’s house so Beatrice can change her mind about betraying them.
(Also - that means they didn’t pay the coins to the ferryman to cross Acheron/the Styx! Charon’s Obol. Put into the mouth or on the eyes of the dead for that purpose. They also played a song for clemency like Orpheus.
Technically they haven’t paid for passage or received rites so cannot cross over into death and are trapped on the Earth side of the bank! Forced to wander/given more time before crossing. This may have been key to finally getting out of there. Though a villager in Harveston did say it wasn’t their time.)
And Greg is only ever in real danger when he loses hope, gives up and chooses to sacrifice himself for Wirt.
Wirt only breaks the curse when he has a realisation and dares to hope. To act. Otherwise he would have been trapped as the new employee, the new woodcutter/soul reaper/perpetuator of the cycle.
So… The Beast, and perhaps the Boss, do prey on despair and the lost. And potentially suicides but I’m not sure.
The Edelwood trees also recall The Wood Of The Suicides, which is yet another reference to Dante’s Inferno that I first encountered in The Sandman series. (Though those were in hell.)
So. With Over The Garden Wall being a child friendly allegory for purgatory or hell… I’m actually wondering if Carver, Alan, and Stitches may be dead without being aware of it? Or at least no longer strictly living, caught halfway in the liminal space of the uncanny town.
Stitches was constructed from the remains of three people. Carver doesn’t resemble his past self, retain much of his humanity or remember much about his life. 
Alan… was an unprepared 14 (?) year old runaway who was homeless for at least a year in Canada (?), which means he very likely experienced at least one bitterly cold winter without adequate shelter or clothing. Due to his genetic condition he may not have even been able to feel cold or pain to know how much peril he was in and find shelter, or he was lost.
I don’t know whether he was ‘rescued’ while still alive as an alternative to dying or whether he could have actually succumbed to exposure (or to despair in a tragic literal sense) and been found then.
I wonder if this is a Charon situation, if Alan replaced a disobedient employee and a future victim may replace him. (Perhaps Stitches is being lined up, or was created to watch Alan.)
Are the employees psychopomps? 
Or cultists enacting sacrifice?
In a way Alan cutting down people with his hatchet recalls the cutting down of the Edelwood Trees, that being a metaphor for death.
(I wonder if the choosing is similar to that of the employees - if he takes the despairing, those lost in life, or those who get lost in the forest. The victims are cut down with a hatchet, reaped to feed/fuel the Boss/the Beast.)
Which is more traditionally represented with a field of wheat being reaped by Death’s scythe.
A cornfield, another scary liminal space where people get lost, with similar reaping imagery, has also been associated with evil supernatural entities. 
A good example is He Who Walks Behind The Rows, implying an ancient evil god/cult worship and human sacrifice. Giving a hint of why the Boss might be making them do this.
Much in the way the Ancient Greeks believed they needed to placate gods and ghosts with blood.
Doe Eyes is a pull to humanity and life. Orpheus trying to lead Eurydice out of Hades. 
Or maybe the coworkers are just metaphorically ‘dead to the world’ through being taken in by the cult and largely isolated from society. (Stitches though is absolutely on some level dead or was never alive.)
I’m also seeing some Twin Peaks/Deadly Premonition parallels with forests/trees, weird towns, and another entity like BOB feeding on suffering.
I remember reading that the Boss may have been partially inspired by Bill Cipher too, so I’m wondering if the town is a little pocket of supernatural chaos. 
Bill (a yellow pyramid) was in turn inspired by Nyarlathotep, who liked to start cults and spread chaos and discord amongst mortals - and where Nyarlathotep is associated with pyramids The Boss is embodied in a similarly angular form of a diamond shaped sign. A yellow sign! 
The Yellow Sign is a symbol that is usually used by the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, a cult that worships the Great Old One Hastur. It is said that the symbol can bestow supernatural powers such as mind-control and possession, and is used to get people under the control of the King in Yellow.
Actually… Past traumatic event in Doe Eye’s life and (spoiler) aside, that may also explain Doe Eye’s nightmares and inability to sleep. As well as their pull to the forest.
So while I’m half recalling all of this or extrapolating from googled snippets maybe all of these things together are hints to the Boss’s eldritch nature.
However, he can still influence his employers. If he sees someone get out of line, he would simply have to put them back in place. Alan, however, never gave Boss any hassle, not even when he first found him. You could say he has a clean track record when it comes to his job. Until doe-eyes that is. When I say that Boss kinda has favorites. He truly does.
I think Alan was too young, beaten down and scared to rebel and so obeyed without question. I think the Boss liked that. Alan is wolf coded but was as obedient as a lamb. Or the Boss’s loyal dog, used to guard and attack.
I had a blast reading through all of this
thank you tumblr user krowspiracyanon!
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foreverfalling21 · 1 year
So confirmed huntlow, Amity and Luz still together, everyone alive, HUNTER AS A PALISMAN CARVER, Bump gardens, Cat!Luz, amity and luz (also Vee!!) looking queer af in their pirate gear and piercings and eyeliner. Eda is Headmaster of a Wild Magic University?! AND BELOS ATE SHIT WHILE THE COLLECTOR GOT TO MAKE ACTUAL FRIENDS!! Literally amazing, no notes, great job.
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urbansoulfarmer · 1 year
Today is George Washington Carver Day!
He was an agronomist, an innovator & an educator whose work with peanuts, soybeans & potatoes revolutionized organic agriculture in the US.
Before sustainability in farming was a trend, Carver popularized crop rotation & used peanuts as a nitrogen-fixing plant to improve soil health. While many farmers at the time sacrificed the soil for larger yields, Carver prioritized soil health while also increasing yields.
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In 1914 Carver and Booker T. Washington started an outreach agricultural school on wheels for Black farmers who didn’t have access to animal vaccinations, new farming techniques, demonstrations and garden tools due to racism and discrimination.
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primmiq · 5 months
ೀ ,, A love so beautiful, it might be your last. | Zhongli x GN!Reader
"Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember.. But where are those who share the memory?"
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☄ Short Summary: In an era long past, Morax and the reader shared a deep love, but tragedy struck during the Archon War. The reader, protecting a fellow friend─met an untimely end. Decades later, fate granted them a new life. Reborn, with memories intact, the reader set out to reunite with Morax.
Implied: Angst and Fluff
Warning(s): Blood, gore
Word Count: 1,841 words 11,429 characters
Zhongli's character might be OOC.
[Reader is an Adeptus.]
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Upon initial acquaintance with Guizhong, she graciously introduced you to her comrades, the Adepti—comprising Cloud Retainer, Streetward Rambler, Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and Morax. Your amiable associations extended to the Yakshas, forging bonds with each member, except for Morax. The deity, inherently reticent and guarded, proved to be difficult to win over, with a frigid disposition and a volatile temper.
Over the passing years, your persistent companionship softened the stern facade Morax presented. Gradually, subtle expressions of emotion, even occasional smiles, became discernible in his presence. A noteworthy shift ensued, granting you the privilege to affectionately address him by various endearing nicknames, besides from the customary "Rex."
Amidst the Adepti and Yakshas, your relationship with Morax attracted attention when, in a moment of jest, you ran up to him and endearingly referred to him as "Dear" or "Love." Such playful banter led to amusing misconceptions among your peers, who mistakenly perceived the both of you to be lovers. Yet, you staunchly clarified the nature of your relationship, asserting a deep and platonic friendship, despite the good-natured teasing.
As the years unfolded, it was a surprising turn of events when Morax, traditionally reserved, found himself compelled to confess his feelings. The backdrop of a garden adorned with Glaze Lilies, with the sun gracefully setting, served as the canvas for his heartfelt revelation. In a manner both old-fashioned and tender, Morax professed his affection, culminating in your joyous acceptance of his sincere confession.
The rustling leaves of the trees danced in the air as you approached the location Morax had invited you to. He acknowledged your quiet footsteps, yet his gaze remained fixed on the sun gracefully setting before him. The gentle breeze enveloped both of you, rendering the scenery truly breathtaking with each step you took. Coming to a halt, you queried Morax with a smile, prompting him to glance at you over his shoulder.
"I'm here, Rex. Is there something you wanted to say? What's with the sudden invitation?" you inquired, wearing the gentle smile that never failed to captivate him. Morax bit his lower lip, staying silent for a brief moment, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on your face. He despised it, he despiced of how you make him feel so vulnerable—so weak. Your soothing and calming voice had the power to enchant him, and he found solace in the mere act of listening to your random stories. Your scent, you embodied the ethereal fragrance of Glaze Lilies, your favorite flower, a scent that lingered gracefully as an evidence to your love for perfume crafting.
For the first time, Morax grappled with a feeling he couldn't quite comprehend. Was this what mortals referred to as love? "I..." he sighed, his words hanging in the air, unfinished. He hesitated, grappling with an unexpected fear. Morax, a formidable God, who had no fear, found himself unnerved—scared getting rejected by you.
"Is this your way of courting me, Rex?" you playfully asked, a gentle chuckle escaping your lips. His eyes widened as you continued, "I must say, this is uncharacteristic of you, Rex," teasingly noting his discomfort. Morax averted his gaze, a subtle blush gracing his cheeks. Your ability to make him feel vulnerable was both unsettling and intriguing.
"Is... that so?" Morax mumbled, and you responded with a wide smile. "It's a yes," you declared, catching him off guard. "Your confession, I accept it," you clarified, smiling. Morax pulled you into a tight embrace, his chin resting on your head as he kissed your forehead. "Thank you... [Name]," he expressed, finally allowing a wide, genuine smile to grace his countenance—a sight reserved exclusively for you.
Your relationship with Morax became known to the Adepti and Yakshas, who congratulated you both with warm smiles. Despite Morax's initial inclination to keep your relationship private, a shift in his perspective led him to make it public. He wanted the world to know that you were his, and his alone.
In the cocoon of your private moments, stolen kisses, intertwined hands, and tender embraces became cherished facets of your relationship with Morax. Despite his reserved demeanor in public, he transformed into a more affectionate lover when the two of you were alone, craving your attention and reveling in the intimacy of your shared moments─a needy God.
However, as The Archon War loomed, Morax's protective instincts took precedence. He desperately implored you to not participate, his plea driven by a strong love for you. Although you possessed adeptus capabilities, the notion of you engaging in the war didn't align with his desire to shield you from harm. Despite your own inclination to join the fight and safeguard Morax, the desperation in his eyes and the depth of his concern persuaded you to set aside your warrior instincts and stay hidden instead.
The cave echoed with the harrowing sounds of battle as you sought refuge, covering your ears to shield yourself from the haunting screams that filled the air. Amidst the chaos, a familiar scream pierced through—the cry of Guizhong.
You sprinted towards the source, only to discover Guizhong, her form covered by vicious wounds. In a swift motion, you shielded Guizhong from the impending strike, the weapon tearing through your flesh, a gruesome testament to your sacrifice.
Guizhong gasped, her eyes reflecting horror as you crumpled to the ground, blood seeping from the grievous wound. Guizhong rushed towards your lifeless body as she shouted your name, "[Name]!" The opponent, driven by greed to obtain a divine seat in Celestia, redirected their brutality towards Guizhong, leaving a trail of desolation.
When Morax returned, the cave bore witness to a scene of horror. Your lifeless body lay sprawled, the cavern floor stained with blood. The gaping wound in your stomach oozed crimson, and your once vibrant eyes now stared vacantly into the abyss. Morax, upon the realization of the tragedy that happened in his absence, dropped his weapon in shock.
Rushing to your side, he shouted your name with desperation. Clutching your lifeless form, "[Name], Wake up... please..." Morax's hands trembled as he beheld the gruesome scene before him. The air reeked of metallic bitterness, and Morax's anguished cries echoed in the cavern as he cradled your mutilated body. "Don't be like this.... wake up...." Tears streamed down his face, mixing with the blood that stained your cold skin. "[Name], love..... please.... I can't-" The weight of regret and grief pressed upon him as he clung to your lifeless figure, a witness to the brutality that had stolen your warmth, leaving behind only a chilling void.
After the heart-wrenching tragedy, Morax, consumed by grief and guilt, experienced a mental breakdown. As a tangible connection to you, he tenderly retrieved one of your accessories—your earring—and adorned it, a poignant gesture symbolizing an enduring link to the love and loss he felt.
With a heavy heart, Morax undertook the duty of burying your lifeless body alongside Guizhong's. The earth, now a cold and silent witness, cradled the remains of those lost in the merciless tide of war. Morax, burdened with sorrow, knelt beside the freshly turned earth and offered fervent prayers for both of your departed souls. The weight of regret and the haunting echoes of your absence lingered in the air as Morax paid his respects, a solitary figure in a desolate landscape marked by the scars of conflict.
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Decades later, Morax forged a new identity as "Zhongli" after faking his death, finding solace in a mortal life working at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. He shed his former hot temper for a calm and collected demeanor.
While strolling, Zhongli, hands elegantly clasped behind him, observed the approaching traveler and their flying companion, (The Traveler can be Lumine or Aether.) The flying child gestured a greeting towards Zhongli, inquiring, "Oh, hey, Mr. Zhongli! What are you doing here??" Zhongli, poised, began to respond, only to be momentarily diverted by the lingering fragrance of Glaze Lilies enveloping both the traveler and the flying child. His eyes widened in recognition, for it bore a resemblance to the perfume worn by someone dear to him.
Interrupting his thoughts, the flying child emphatically exclaimed, "MR. ZHONGLI!!!" Paimon, the flying child, nearly shouted. "My sincere apologies," Zhongli gracefully interjected, clearing his throat as Paimon sighed. "Forgive me, but may I inquire about the origin of that... fragrance?" Zhongli asked in a hushed tone, almost mumbling. Paimon proudly explained, "Ohh!! The perfume? Well, some woman was selling them in exchange for just 10 Mora! The perfume smelled sooooo nice so me and Traveler decided to buy it since it was cheap!"
Desperation apparent in his tone, Zhongli urgently inquired, "Could you kindly direct me to her establishment?" Paimon, a bit taken aback, replied, "Um... it's near to the souvenir shop." Without uttering a word, Zhongli briskly passed them, his pace accelerated. Paimon, puzzled, scratched her head, turning to the Traveler. "Mr. Zhongli seems rather peculiar today. Besides, why is he even asking? He doesn't even have Mora.." The Traveler sighed, responding, "Let him be, Paimon..."
As Zhongli stepped into the enchanting fragrance shop, his eyes widened, and a gentle tremor resonated through his heart. The woman, immersed in the alchemy of perfume creation, had her back turned, humming a melody that tugged at Zhongli's memories. "N-[Name]?" he called out, the name almost a breath. Slowly turning, [Name] met his gaze with wide eyes, masking surprise with a graceful smile. "O-oh? A new visitor? Greetings! I assume you're acquainted with my name." Her smile, a mirror of his beloved's, was both captivating and tender, sending a familiar warmth through Zhongli's soul. Nervously, [Name] began, "Well, um... do you seek something-"
Before [Name] could finish, Zhongli, overwhelmed with emotion, enveloped them in a tight embrace. "I missed you... I missed you so much," he confessed, tears welling up as he held them with a passion that spoke of longing. "Oh, Morax... perhaps it's time to shed this facade," [Name] whispered with a knowing smile. "It's you... truly you... how I've waited for you, my beloved," Zhongli whispered, [Name]'s eyes catching the glint of an earring on his right ear. "So... you've taken my earring," You mumbled. "I'm sorry for not bidding farewell, for not shielding you... I'm sorry, deeply sorry," Zhongli expressed.
"No need for apologies, my love. There's no blame on your shoulders," You reassured with a tender smile. "What matters is that I'm here," they added. Zhongli, wiping away tears, met your gaze with a smile. "You returned for me... but why didn't you seek me out? You know I would have recognized you instantly," Zhongli mumbled, his fingers delicately caressing your cheek.
"I planned it as a surprise... I knew it was the Traveler and Paimon who informed you," You giggled. Zhongli cupped their cheeks, sealing their reunion with a heartfelt kiss that echoed with the resonance of shared memories. After the passionate exchange, Zhongli beamed. "I love you, my dearest," he declared. "And I love you too, Morax, or is it Zhongli now?" they chuckled together, their laughter harmonizing with the melody of their rekindled love.
[A/N: I got lazy in the end lmao. Regardless, I hope that you liked this! Requests are open!]
Reblogs, comments, and notes are greatly appreciated! :3
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cahrlotah · 1 year
𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
this work contains +18 content so if you are a minor get out of here and don’t read it 
disclaimer, i haven’t written anything since October so this is kinda bad ngl, also English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are some grammar mistakes <3
my request inbox is open again for anyone who wants to send in a request. 
If you guys want part two of this one-shit pls let me know <3
paring: eddie munson x carver!reader
word count: 2.8k
trigger warnings: use of female anatomy, use of she/her pronouns, she is Jason Carver’s twin sister, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it ), virgin reader, marking(?), degradation, praising, oral female recieving, fingering ( if u blink), choking, hair pulling, manhandling,  cum, mirror fucking (?), 
Eddie Munson and (Y/N) Carver had hated each other for the longest time. No one in their close circle knows how it all started, the only thing they truly know is that if you mix Eddie and (Y/N) bad things are going to happen. That’s until Halloween ’86. 
7:45pm, (Y/N) Carver is in her room getting ready for the Halloween party thatis taking place at her house, hosted by her brother Jason. She is dressed as Red Riding Hood but since it’s Halloween she has cut the skirt of the dress into a mini skirt, revealing her legs and cleave to the world of Hawkins High. Chrissy Cunningham is helping her with her make up, finishing her look with a bright red lipstick. 
8:30 pm, all the guests are at the Carver’s home, the ground floor and the back garden are flooded with teenagers and the smell of alcohol and tobacco fill (Y/N)’s nose trills as she makes her way to Chrissy. Her little red skirt moving as she walks, she won’t say it out loud but she knows everyone is looking at her, and she likes it. 
As she makes conversation with Chrissy, her eyes scan the garden. Her gaze lands on the infamous Eddie Munson. Something inside of her burns, as she looks at him, she looks at his veiny forearms and how his hands are decorated with rings and she can’t help but to think how hot he looks laughing at something one of his friends has said. Those feelings rapidly turn into anger and she storms towards him.
“Hey Munson!” She yells, making the whole Hellfire silent in a second. 
“What’s up sweetheart” he says with that smile of his. “ Looking for the big scary wolf?” he says mockingly.
“ Fuck off, will ya?” she rolls her eyes “Aren’t you supposed to be a responsible adult or something?” She turns to look at the two youngest and newest members of Hellfire. “ No kids allowed at this party, I’m afraid. So get lost” her cold tone and gaze makes the two youngsters look around in fear.
“Come on princess” says Eddie positioning himself between his friends and the girl. “ Don’t be an ass and let us have fun, alright.” He turns around and just guides his friends to another area where is more crowed. At the same moment someone grabs her arm, forcing her to not follow the hellfire group. 
“Here you are!” Emma yells “let’s go, your brother has challenged us to beer pong match”. 
“Shit” she whispers. (Y/N) goes with her friend as a pair of eyes follow her every move.
9:45pm,the night goes along with no sight of Eddie and (Y/N) is happy but curious on where he must have gone. at this point everyone is drunk, or at least has had some drinks. She lazily goes inside in search of  some water to sober up a little bit. The inside of the house is filled with drunk teenagers, and The journey to the kitchen is complicated. 
“Having complications sweetheart?” A voice behind her says, she immediately knows who it is but she decides to ignore, pushing people around to get through but she can’t “ it’s not going to work, too many people” she knows he is smirking and anger starts building inside of her. 
“Fuck off will ya Munson? Not in the mood for your bullshit” she says harshly. She is irritated because Jason friends said some fucked up shit about her, and he did nothing to defend her so having no chance to get some water plus Eddie Munson bothering her it is just no help for her bad mood. All her attempts to go through the mass of people are a completely fail. 
“Just stop trying and wait a bit” Eddie says, being this the last straw.
“Leave me the fuck alone Munson” she yells at him, storming towards him “ seriously I don’t really need your bitchy comments right now, why don’t you grab your shit and get the fuck off my fucking house!” Their faces are so close, that their shaky breathes collie and Eddie’s back hits the wall making it impossible to get away from the girl. This leads to his cheeky smile reappearing only infuriating her more. 
“Don’t be such a bitch seriously “ he spats back closing the gap between the two of them. “ I don’t even know why the fuck you hate me so much. We don’t even share clases. You are the one always coming to me.” His face moves closer to hers, his lips travelling to her here and in a low whisper he says “Is it because you like me? Or because you want me to fuck you?” The hot air of his breath hits her in the right spot making her goosebump, her mouth is dry making it hard to swallow. “ Oh shit, so you want me to fuck you huh?” Eddie’s voice is lower and feels somewhat darker but she knows it’s all a game and she is loosing. His mouth is almost touching her neck, his hands land on her hips pulling her closer to him. 
She would never admit it to anyone but she had something for Eddie, she did not know if it was the fact that him and her brother were what you can call “enemies”, the fact that even though no one in her circle found it attractive the ring decorated hands made her feel something or the fact that the constant bickering between the two of them had created some tension that had to be realised. But now she found herself melting into Eddie Munson’s touch, she could feel a wet felling in between her legs, she wanted Eddie Munson to ruin her, to fuck her into oblivion. The best part of it? One of the things that exited her the most? The fact that they could go to her room, a do it at the spot while his brother, downstair would have no fucking idea that his sweet little sister is being ruined by the town’s freak. This idea was not only exiting to (Y/N) but to Eddie too, the fact that he had Jason’s Carver’s sister, sweet old (Y/N), melting at his touch made him hard on the spot. 
“Munson stop it” her voice trembles “ don’t start something you cannot finish” 
“Who says I’m not going to finish it?” Eddie’s lips are non her ear again, but now he takes it a notch higher and at the moment his lips brush her earlobe a quiet moan, that only him and her can listen, escapes her mouth making Eddie’s grip tighter. His mouth travels all the way to her neck leaving small kisses all over it. 
“Mun… munson” she whimpers “ not here, somebody could see us” he stops and looks at her, looking at the Carver girl for a solution “ go upstairs to my room and wait there. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. Make sure no one sees you” she   says to the curly-haired boy. 
“Sure thing” the pair look around and luckily, everyone around them are too focused on themselves either drinking, dancing around or making out to even notice the couple. Eddie slowly climbs the stairs unnoticed and heads to (Y/N) room while she goes outside to talk to Chrissy and make some lame excuse so people don’t go and look for her. Fortunately, her brother and his friends are joined by the cheer squad.
“Hi there!” Jason exclaims, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 
“Hey…” she says fake-pouting and in a low voice, instantly worrying her twin brother. 
“What’s wrong? Has anyone touched you or something? Because if some.-“ he starts to get heated up but she cut him off
“I kinda have a headache so I’m going to lay down for a bit in my room oaky?? I just wanted to let you know so you don’t get worried if you don’t find me around” she puts on the sweetest show so her brother can buy her lie, but even if (Y/N) was the worst liar in this word Jason would believe every single word she would tell him. 
“Oh shit have you taken something for it?” He asks and she nods “ Alright, if you need something come down again and tell me okay?” He has some worried look on his face as his twin sister means the world to him. (Y/N) nods and heads upstairs where the metal head boy is waiting for her. (Y/N) makes her way to her room, trying to go unnoticed through the crowd climbing the stairs as quickly as she can. 
10:05 pm, the door of (Y/N)’s room is half open, a dim light coming from her bedside table lamp lights her room. When she enters Eddie jumps as he turns around, like a scared cat.
“Shit Carver you almost gave me a heart attack” Eddie exclaims putting his hand on his heart. She laughs at his reaction “ you should laugh more, you look pretty” she does not know if it the real Eddie talking or the alcohol he has consumed. 
“ Shut up Munson” she locks the door behind her.
“ What a show you put out there with your brother “ he walks towards her “ pouting like that, jeez, how would Jason react if he knew that you lied to him just to get fucked but the towns freak?” His hand is now behind her head, their faces are close. She does not want to show it and will never admit it but she needs him, she needs him to kiss her to touch her. And as if he can read minds he connects their mouths, at first the kiss is slow sweet, she backs up until she falls into her bed. The moment they touch the matters Eddie’s hands start discovering her body, moving from her lower back to her tits to her face caressing her. Eddie lifts her to take her dress off, leaving (Y/N) in her underwear. He kisses her stomach, slowly going upwards leaving lovebites on her chest. 
“God, so fucking pretty” his husky voice praises her. “Now show me how good of a girl you can be” he stands up, allowing her to follow him, “ on your knees” she does as he says without any complain. (Y/N) looks at him through her lashes, a sigh Eddie Munson never thought to be alive to see. Her big eyes are looking at him with a sense of innocence, like she has never done this before. “ Have you ever done this before?” He asks and she nods in negation making him feel weaker as the thought of ruining good old (Y/N) Carver makes him harder. “I need you to open that pretty mouth of yours alright?” He commands as she nods. His belt unbuckles and his black jeans fall down to his ankles, his hand moves to the side of her face moving strands of her hair. “Now I need you to open you mouth for me sweetheart” he commands and she obeys. She looks at him as she slowly opens her mouth. “Fuck” he whimpers as he pulls down his boxers. He does not have time to react because (Y/N) she puts his dick on her mouth making Eddie grip into her hair and moan loudly but the sound of music in the background mutes it. 
Her head starts moving and with it, it also does Eddie’s hand her head forcing the girl to go deeper, exploring how much she can take. “Such a fucking good girl for me huh?” he tounts her “ a little slut sucking on my cock, jeez, what would your brother think? His little sister sucking the towns freak cock?” as he finishes the sentence, she forces herself to go deeper into  eddie’s cock, she is breathing through her nose but tears fall from her eyes smudging her marcara and make up. With the help of Eddie’s hand the rhythm fastens and the room is filled with Eddie’s moans. 
“Fucking shit just like that princess,” he moans and she goes faster “ ho- holy shi-shit” he whimpers. “ Fuck” he stops her, becuase he knows he is about to cum. “ Lay on bed” he orders and again she obeys. As it is an instinct she opens her legs, allowing Eddie to slowly crawl towards her, he kisses the insides of her thighs until he reaches her cunt.
“This wet for me already, kinda weird for a girl that hates me” he says with a cheeky smile
“Oh shut up Munson” her smile decorating her make up smudged face.
Eddie buries his face in between her legs, grabbing her panties in between his teeth and pulling the down, allowing him to bury his tongue on her cunt. That takes (Y/N) by surprise making her moan loudly, grabbing Eddie’s hair hard making him to moan into her cunt. 
“Fuck Eddie” she exlaims while her hands move from the boy’s hair to the bedsheets. His tounge working around her clit. Moans and music form the distrance fill the room as the metalhead is buried in between (Y/N) legs. Her legs shake, her hips move upwards and her back arches as she uncontrollably moans the Eddie’s name. “Ed- eddie fuck!” she screams “ I- I need you” she says as Eddie lifts his head to look at her.
“What did you just say?” he asks as in his mind this still feels like a hallucination. “I need you to use you words” the cocky tone in his voice makes (Y/N) even weaker for him, wanting him to ruin every single aspect of her.
“I need you to fucking ruin me Munson” she desperatly whimpers.
“ Sorry love I could not heard that quite well” his smile decorates his face as he sees the frustrated look on her face. 
“You cunt” she whispers “ I said” she clears her throat “I need you to ruin me Munson, I need you to fuck me so hard I don’t rembember my name” her needy face it what Eddie needed. 
He grabs his dick and takes it to (Y/N) cunt, moving it up and down in her entrance teasing her to the point where she is crying and begging for him.
“Fucking shit Eddie stop teasing” she says as small tears of frustration fall down her cheeks.
“Whatever you say love” he slowly enters her. Air leaving her lungs as she feels him inside of her for the first time, eyes rolling to the back of (Y/N)’s head, back arching. Eddie grabs (Y/N) wrists and pins them above her head with one hand and his free hand he uses for support. He thrusts slowly.
“So fucking tight, holy fuck” he moans as he fastens his pace, their moans are syncronized, filling the room. He frees her hand allowing her to deepen her nails into the metalhead back, leaving red stripes on his skin. Her bed hits the wall as a result of Eddie’s thrusts, the creaking sound of the metal structure follows the rhythm of the movements happening above. Out of nowhere he stops, pulling out and turning her around forcing her to be on all four facing the mirror hanged in the door, his hand grabs her hair strongly pulling it forcing her to look at herself in the mirror.
“I want you to look at yourself while I ruin you” he whispers into her ear, entering her again spanking her at the same time. “Such a dirty little slut for me huh?” he exclaims thrusting harder into the girl “jesus Carver” he moans. The pace rapidly increases as he holds into her hips, sweat dripping down their foreheads, breaths being irregular at this point. 
“Fuck, I-I thi-think i’m going to cum,” she exclaims as she grabs into the bed sheets harder, that is the phrase Eddie needs to thrust into her faster and harder. Their moans are louder, she is moaning his name as he was some sort of god and he is groaning too focused in pleasuring her to even notice how he now has grabbed her hair again, her eyes all rolled back her head, her mouth open moaning uncontrollably. The two of them feel it coming a tight knot on her stomach loosen up, him noticing how the big tension between his legs is being released. 
“Fuck” the two of them let out as they collapse on the mattress. 
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
How about Wayne at Eddie’s funeral and reader shows up because she was a classmate and secretly loved him
Oh, you wanted sad? I'll give you sad. Enjoy your cry!
Warnings: S4 is canon, told in third person, mentions of death/funeral
WC: 1.3k
Wayne didn't realize who she was at first, when she walked in to the garden in her black dress and makeup already slightly smudged from tears shed on the way to Eddie's funeral. It wasn't until he overheard one of Eddie's friends--one of the younger boys; a curly-haired kid named Dustin--whisper to another one, "Told ya she'd show up."
And then Wayne knew.
He watched as she made her way over to him, hand trembling as she reached out to him. "Mr. Munson?" she croaked, voice breaking.
"'S me," he replies, fumbling with the unlit cigarette between his fingers.
"I'm, um, I'm a friend of Eddie's?" She says this like a question, like she's unsure. "We had world history together this year, and he sat next to me."
Her crystal blue eyes are glassy, and Wayne has to stop himself from wiping the tears from her cheeks. "He was...he was such a kind person," she starts, casting her gaze down at the grass. "He probably never told you this, but one time, right before class started, Jason Carver stuck gum to the back of my shirt, and Eddie..."
"It is you," Wayne muses. "You're the one Eddie gave his shirt to."
She nods. "Literally took it right off in the middle of the classroom and handed it to me so I could change in the bathroom. He walked around the rest of the day with nothing under his jean jacket." She gives a small smile at the memory.
"He was a really special boy," Wayne agrees. "Wish everyone else could see that."
"I have the shirt," she blurts out, almost involuntarily. "He told me to keep it when I tried to return it, but I figured you'd might w-want it back." She reaches into her bag and pulls out a worn Metallica t-shirt, hems frayed.
Wayne wants to take it, bury his face in it and inhale any remaining trace of his nephew, but he refrains. "If Eddie wanted you to keep it, then you should," he says finally. "I have plenty of his shirts back home." Though it doesn't feel like a home anymore, not without Eddie there playing his axe too loudly or headbanging along with the radio or giving his uncle a play-by-play of his latest D&D campaign with his mouth full of pizza.
"Thank you," her voice is barely above a whisper, and she can't hold back from enveloping the man in a hug. He was never one for physical touch, usually opting for a nod of the head rather than a handshake, but he allows himself to fall into her embrace, placing a calloused hand on her back before hugging her tighter.
He pulls back and clears his throat. "There's...there's something that I oughta show you," he admits. "'F you wouldn't mind coming back to the trailer after the service."
She nods in agreement, squeezing his hand before taking her seat amongst the smattering of other mourners. There aren't a lot; Eddie was an outcast at best and a (falsely accused) murderer at worst, but there were more people than Wayne had anticipated. He felt a pang of warmth in his chest each time someone showed up.
People loved you, Eddie, he thinks. You were so goddamn loved.
She finds Wayne as soon as the service concludes, and he motions to his truck. The ride to the trailer is silent but not uncomfortable; just the two of you silently remembering the boy who died a hero.
Wayne leads her straight to Eddie's bedroom. He grabs a cardboard box out of a dresser drawer, clothes haphazardly strewn around it. It's filled with notebooks and looseleaf papers covered in pencil markings, doodles of dragons and elves along the margins.
"Where is it..." he mutters as he rifles through the box. His tongue pokes out of his mouth slightly, just like Eddie's did. When he spots the paper, he snatches it with a victorious grin.
"He wrote this for you," Wayne tells her, tears threatening to spill over his lash line as he thinks back on the memory.
"It's finished, and it's perfect!" Eddie exclaims, flinging open the door to his room. He slams the paper on the snack table in front of his uncle, smiling so wide his cheeks start to ache.
Wayne looks over the lyrics and feels a grin tug at his lips, too. "This for that girl in your history class? The one you keep chewin' my ear off about?"
Eddie nods. "That's the one!" He paces around the room, chewing on a fingernail. "Now I just need to ask her to come to a gig so I can play it for her." He looks at Wayne nervously. "What do I say?"
"He was gonna invite you to a Corroded Coffin show after spring break," Wayne tells the girl now. "I'm sorry that he never got the chance."
Her eyes flit over the lyrics, soaking in Eddie's scratchy handwriting:
Blue eyes cryin' And I'll keep tryin' To stop them from cryin' again
She couldn't be sweeter And I would treat her Like the diamond in the rough that she is
I'd give her my heart if it meant that she'd smile And I'd do it again to hold her for awhile There'd be nothin' more divine Than knowing she is mine
So I'm done with pretendin' Want my happy endin' I'm tearing off my disguise
You and me 'gainst the world Let me call you my girl Just show me those pretty blue eyes
She's stunned into silence. "This was for me?" she asks unbelievingly. "He felt this way about me?"
"Oh, yes," Wayne offers a small chuckle. "He was head over heels for ya, darlin'."
"This is going to sound so stupid, because we weren't even dating or anything," she mumbles, forcing herself to look at Wayne, "but I loved him. I swear to you, I loved Eddie so much."
Wayne swallows the lump in his throat, lips quivering. "He loved you, too. Every day he came home, telling me somethin' about you. How you let him borrow your notes, or if you so much as laughed at a joke he told. There was one time where you pulled a little piece of dust from his hair, and the boy talked about it like you were the second coming of Christ."
"Well, I couldn't let him walk around all day with lint in those curls!" She relaxes slightly when she sees Wayne smile.
"And, well, pardon me if this is too forward," he says, "but your eyes; he wouldn't shut up about them! At one point I forgot your name for a bit because I just used to tease him and ask, 'how was Blue Eyes today?'."
She chews on her lower lip before speaking. "I never knew he liked them. Never knew he liked me." She looks up at Wayne. "What might've been, huh?"
Wayne just nods; there's nothing to be said. "You, uh, you keep that song. Keep it with the shirt," he instructs her. "And you read it anytime you start to forget how much he cared about you."
"I'll do that," she promises him, starting for the door. "Thank you."
"And if you see me around town, don't be a stranger. He might not be here anymore, but he'll always be in here," Wayne points to his heart, and she feels herself instinctively doing the same. "When keeping him in there gets to be too much, you come find me."
"Of course." She pulls him in for another hug, this one lasting even longer than the first.
Wayne watches forlornly as she closes the door behind her. He waits until she's far enough away before he speaks again.
"Hang in there, Blue Eyes."
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People have always been afraid of Eddie on a very superficial level. He got good at talking his way out of situations, out of fights that he no doubt would have lost. But talking only takes you so far. At one point or another, someone's not going to care about whatever it is that he has to say, and they're gonna start swinging.
That's where the scary dog privileges come in.
He hasn't dealt with Jason Carver or any of the other asshole jocks in months. Turns out, not even the Hawkins Boy's Basketball Team wants to test their luck against Billy Hargrove.
Billy, with his mean, obnoxious car and bad attitude, has warded bullies away from Eddie like garlic to vampires.
And all Eddie has to do is... hang around the guy.
It's not so bad. They're neighbors in the trailer park, so anytime one of them doesn't wanna skulk around the house, they bum around the other's place. Sometimes they lie down in the jungle gym in the center of the park and smoke some of Eddie's better supply until it's dark out.
Eddie was surprised at first when he started being invited to parties. Not just any parties, the good ones. The ones that had better alcohol and less people. The ones that required an actual invitation.
Sure, he was always Billy's plus one, but still. He was hanging around the "it" crowd and it was strange, to say the least.
To be privy to the hot gossip that stayed in the upper circles of the high school hierarchy.
Not that he really gave a shit about that.
He was in it for the free booze and the shenanigans — the times that Tommy H. would dare Steve to hop his neighbor's fence and steal garden gnomes out of their yard, or when Billy would fall out of a tree that he drunkenly climbed because he was laughing too hard. The fun stuff.
Eddie eventually started realizing that he really enjoyed Billy's company. Like, really enjoyed it. He'd get excited when he'd hear a tap on his window in the dead of night, knowing that he was being beckoned out for a night of fun.
Sometimes it just stayed the two of them. Eddie would buy a six pack and they'd go somewhere private — maybe park out by the quarry and sit in the back of his van while they listened to metal and talked and drank. And then... well, it took a while to get the blond to open up, but he started to speak of things outside of Tommy Hagan's parties and babes from California.
He talked of his mom. Of his little sister, who Eddie had seen him get into screaming matches with fairly often, and how much he tried to be a better person for her. For them both.
It was unspeakably soft.
Eddie, at some point, lost touch with the part of himself that feared Billy. How could he not? He looks at the guy and all he can think about is how softly he speaks when he's comfortable. How easy and laidback he is during the late hours of the night when he fights sleep just to keep the conversation going.
So, yeah, now Eddie gets met with weird looks in the hallways at school when he invades Billy's personal space. Jumps on his back and shoves him around playfully, even ropes an arm around his neck when they walk and talk together.
Completely openly unafraid.
Tommy tried to test the waters one afternoon during lunch. Reached an arm around Billy’s shoulders and patted his chest while he was making some point that didn't matter, and Billy twisted his wrist. Made him whimper and pull away with a confused look on his face.
And, god, was Eddie absolutely thrilled when he found out that he was the only person allowed that close. The only person who could do it without being snapped at.
It eventually stopped being enigmatic and became more of an expectation. If you saw Billy out and about, Eddie wasn't far behind.
"Hey, sorry I’m late," Eddie says.
He slings his arms around Billy's neck from behind. Presses up against him and tilts their heads together.
"Hey." Billy takes a drag from the cigarette perched between his fingers. "Where've you been? People have been asking me where my boyfriend is."
Eddie snickers at that.
"Sorry. Got held up helping Wayne around the house."
"'S okay. You haven't missed much."
He glances around the basement, spies Steve and Tommy bent over the billiard table with intense focus in their eyes, and Chrissy chatting with Heather and a few other ladies in the corner. It's practically all cheerleaders and jocks milling around. More like a work function and less like a high school party.
Eddie prefers the smaller hangouts with just the main group, but he's not complaining. Free beer and free food are some of his favorite things. Even if he’s not getting to help Steve and Tommy steal Principal Higgins’ car or something right now.
"God, Munson, not even here for five minutes and you're already spooning up to Hargrove," Jason says and earns a few laughs. "Why don't you just get it over with and rent a room out at the Motel 6?"
Billy tenses up, but doesn't move away. So Eddie does all he can think to do.
Makes a scene.
He smirks and slides his hands down to Billy's waist to grab at his hips. Hooks his chin over his shoulder and grinds against him, humming delightedly when Jason's face turns white.
"Jealous, Carver? If you want us gone so bad, you could go ahead and pay for our room," he lilts. Turns inwards towards Billy's neck and noses fondly at his skin. "Hell, you could probably join us. Whatcha say, baby, you wanna have a little fun with the basketball captain?”
He coos the last part into Billy's ear sensually. Smooths one of his hands up the expanse of his abdomen, fingers spread, and grinds against his back again.
Everyone's looking. Jason has gone from ghost white to burning red, and Eddie's not sure if he's flustered or if he's angry.
The best part of it all is that Billy doesn't pull away.
"No offense, but I'd rather fuck a tree stump," Billy says.
His tone is flat. Unamused. Like he's above this whole conversation entirely. Eddie juts his bottom lip out in a pout.
"Sorry, Jason. Baby says no."
The room erupts in chuckles, and Jason clears his throat. Turns his attention back to his drink.
Billy takes another puff from his cigarette, tilting his head back against Eddie's shoulder as the smoke fills his lungs. Still unfazed by Eddie's closeness.
"You want a drink, baby?" Billy teases.
He turns to Eddie. Exhales the smoke like fire into his face. The brunet just grins.
"We getting drunk tonight?"
Part 2 is here
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pregnant s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; anonymous (30/04/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter-only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “hcs for hunter x pregnant! reader 👀 id place them at about 27 years both they have their lives planned and it just happened! + The gangs reactions”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
now neither of you had necessarily planned for this to happen — like, at all
yes you’d had the conversation about kids when you first started dating because you wanted to make sure you were on the same page
because being young didn’t mean that you weren’t dating to stay together
so you both knew that you wanted a kid, eventually, and you were both at a point in your lives where it was stable for the first time ever
you’d just moved in to your first family home, one on the titan’s stomach so you had a wonderful garden
hunter was making excellent money as a palisman carver and you’d even started growing your own palistrum saplings in a little nursery at home
magic was just starting to stabilise after the whole belos situation
and you’d settled well into your job as a teacher at eda’s wild magic university
it was the perfect time and it… well
it just happened
you’d started feeling a bit unwell and your cycle was late and you were starting to feel a little bit bloated and hunter was worrying himself sick
so you went off to a checkup at the new hospital, perfectly calm and sure nothing would happen
and then you got the news
you were like actually really pregnant
neither of you knew how to react, staying silent and frozen for a few beats, before you finally realised what had just happened
and you just started grinning and celebrating and hunter picked you up and spun you around in a circle as you giggled and repeated the news
you were going to be parents
you were going to have a baby
like for real
and you couldn’t wait
you’re given a few potions to take for your nausea and your doctor insists you stop by for regular appointments since your pregnancy is a very new phenomenon — hunter being a grimwalker, and all
and that was when the next chapter of your lives together officially began
you gathered everyone at your home under the guise of a housewarming party to deliver the news and everyone was thrilled for you
king made a joke about being your ‘practise baby’
luz and amity were crying and amity was just barely holding back her girlfriend from tackling you
willow was grinning broadly as she pulled you both into a hug and said she was so insanely happy for you
(as well as touching your stomach and very sternly telling your baby to behave and stop making you ill)
gus used his illusions to pull together a whole celebration out of thin air and said how excited he was to be an uncle
eda slapped hunter on the back and told him he’d done good
lilith was trying to hold back her tears as she gave you both a hug and congratulated you
camilla kissed you on the cheek and gave hunter a kiss and said something about how all of her babies growing up
(she said something similar at luz and amity’s wedding a few years ago)
and darius and eberwolf were just sticking with hunter and joking with him about finally tying you down — darius tried to hide how teary-eyed he was behind a remark about finally getting to be a grandparent
which made hunter cry
but yeah you all made a day of it and you couldn’t ask for a better support system of aunts and uncles and grandparents for you baby to have in their life
even if willow and eda were getting really into the idea of teaching them to play grudgby and flyer derby…
as your pregnancy progressed your sickness gradually went away and hunter started to make a point of sitting down and talking to your bump every night
like you’ll be laying in bed, comfy as can be, and he’ll sit down beside you and just place his hand over your bump as he talks in this loving voice to your baby
he talks about his day, how he grew up, and how he’s changed
he tells them to behave and stop giving you heartburn and kicking your bladder
he promises that he’ll never make them feel unloved or unwanted — that they’ll never doubt themselves for even a second of their life
and you cry and tell him he’s gonna be the best dad
and he says that he knows he will because he’s got you by his side
and you spend the rest of your pregnancy prepping the nursery and clothes and crying over how small baby shoes are and being more in love with your boyfriend than ever
you can’t wait to start a family with him — and by the size of your bump you won’t have to wait much longer
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