#D3 Revise
Reprise 2.0 - Harry Hook x reader - Part 7 - Liar
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Jane raced across the concrete steps of the museum of history, Gil and Doug at her heels. It was almost midnight: she had looked for her mother everywhere at the school, their house, the forest trail leading to the enchanted lake, the castle, anywhere she could think of where her mother could be. Nothing, not even a glimmer of glitter. Finally, they had arrived at the museum and as they went to go inside to grab the wand, Jane spotted the stone form of…oh gods, her mother. She turned on her heel and bolted towards her mom, tears burning in her eyes as she almost tripped over herself, Gil reaching out and catching her before she broke her face on the concrete, she nodded her thanks and got level with her mother’s eternally shocked face, her hands up in defense.
“Oh, mom” Jane whispered, reaching out and caressing her mother's cheek “what a hell of a way to spend my birthday huh?...don't worry, we got it all figured out” she kissed her mother’s stone-cold forehead and turned, grabbing the boy’s by their elbows and dragging them into the museum, passing by the sleeping guards and deactivated cameras until they reached the wand room; the item floating above them within its force field.
Jane held her hand out towards the wand, taking a deep breath as she realized this would be the first time she held it since the coronation. But she could handle it now, she knew her worth, and she wouldn’t make any mistakes this time. She muttered a spell under her breath in fae language, the barrier shimmering as the wand glowed periwinkle, floating down into Jane’s grasp.
Jane almost gasped as its magic flowed through her, her eyes glowing for a  split moment. Gil and Doug stared at her, both very much remembering what had happened the last time. Jane nodded and turned, the wands confidence flowing through her veins. They all walked back out of the museum, Jane running over a million plans within her head. Now she had the wand, Auradon had a backup plan; her. Now…when would she know to use it? Would she just have to wait to hear Maleficent cackled in victory? Would there be a signal?
Jane took a deep breath, rubbing her face as she walked away from the museum with the boys in tow, she just hoped she wouldn’t have to use the wand.
Mal looked down at her phone again, tightening her grip on Ben’s back as he rode through the forest towards fairy cottage, where her mother was. Five minutes to midnight, and only so few hours till sunrise. She took a deep breath, looking back at Uma who nodded back at her, telling Mal it was okay, and they were going to win together. Mal gave a strained smile, resting her cheek on Ben’s back. Soon the path was too overwhelmed with foliage and roots and they had to abandon their bikes to go on foot, the nine unlikely heroes quickly followed Ben further into the dark forest, keeping low to the forest flow and moving quietly.
Harry’s hand never left yours as you got closer to the suddenly foreboding, yet quaint-looking, cottage. It had a sense of…evil, to it. Which made sense, Maleficent had made it her home base while plotting her evilness. Ben and Mal stopped behind a large tree, holding his hand up to tell everyone to be quiet. Everyone carefully moved from tree to tree, keeping out of sight from the cottage windows and doors, to keep the chance of surprise high.
As they got closer to the cottage, Uma took the ember from her necklace and handed it to Mal, who nodded gratefully and clenched it tightly in her hand, her eyes and hair glowing for a split second as the ember sparked. Harry took a deep breath, clutching tightly onto his hook and your hand, pulling you close and whispering into your ear “stay safe” he muttered and you nodded, kissing his cheek “same to you” you muttered back. You split off into your respective attack groups, Mal, Jay, Harry, and Uma at the front; ready to catch Maleficent by surprise and take her down with brute force.
Mal dashed forward with Jay, the two slamming open the cottage door, the ember gleaming brightly in Mal’s hand as Jay went into tackle position. They both straightened up, Uma and Harry joining them a second later, both ready to attack. “Nothing” Mal muttered, whipping around for any sign of her mother “There's-nothing.” Jay raced up the stairs, Uma following. They both came down a moment later, shaking their heads “No one upstairs” Jay muttered, Uma growling a bit as their plan went to shreds.
Mal let out a huff of frustration, dammit, dammit dammit dammit! Mal quickly pocketed the ember, turning to address Ben as he and the others walked in, only for a loud bang to echo from the storage closet next to the kitchen. Everyone jumped, Mal holding her arms up to keep everyone safe and back as Ben and Harry went forward to check on the noise, Harry at Ben’s back to protect him. Ben glanced inside the closet and his brows went up in shock? Surprise? He unlocked the door and opened it, only to see…Chad?
“Chad?” Ben said, completely shocked to see the son of Cinderella here. Harry sighed, relaxing from his fighting stance and pinching his nose, watching as Ben helped up the whimpering Chad, the terrified prince flinching back at Ben’s touch “hey, hey it’s okay. She’s not here, you’re safe” Chad slowly got to his feet, eyes looking about the room like a cornered animal, then he realized; it was just the vks and Ben…and some girl he had never seen before but he didn’t pay you any mind. He looked around the room once, twice, then back at Ben, eyes widening at his furry transformation “Ben?” Ben nodded, hoping he wouldn’t scare Chad, he didn’t look all that beasty anymore but he still had small horns, fur covering his body, fangs, and paws (which were covered by his gloves, but still) “Ben!” Chad laughed himself into Ben’s arms, pressing his cheek to Ben’s chest (originally Chad would’ve been at Ben’s eye level, but thanks to the curse, Ben was very tall now) “Ben! oh thank you, it was so scary! Mal-Maleficent! She’s-she’s possessing Audrey! I-I tried to get the scepter but-I froze up-I’m sorry”
Chad noticed the open door “The doors open” he looked around, seeing no sign of Maleficent. “she's gone” he grabbed Ben’s jacket and shook him around “I’m free-FREEDOM!” Chad bolted out of the cottage like his butt was on fire, you and Harry giggling at the absurdity of it all.
“Freedom~” Harry sang, closing the closet door and tossing his arm over your shoulder, following the others back out into the forest. Mal led the way out, pressing her lips together in frustration and fear, how in the hell were they going to defeat her mom if they couldn’t find her?! She felt Ben’s arm around her shoulder and she leaned into him, the ember weighing heavily in her thigh bag.
“let’s get this situation taken care of already, it’s way past Harry’s bedtime” Harry made a noise at Uma’s words, very much sounding like nothing and all the swear words at once. You giggled, knowing Harry was very much someone who liked to be in bed by 11 pm, for a chaotic ass pirate he was one for routine. Uma looked at Mal, she would know where Maleficent would go “where to next?”
Mal took a deep breath, trying to think about where her mother might’ve gone, before it hit her. Maleficent wouldn’t leave-leave, she was too close to her victory, she would stay close in case she needed to tie up loose ends. She was at Auroria castle, fuck she was THAT close. “Auroria castle,” Mal said, picking up her pace as she and the others made their way back to the bikes “she's out for revenge, and that’s where she was defeated the first time, of course-of course why didn’t I think of that before!”
As everyone raced down the path back towards the bikes, Ben made a comment that almost stopped Mal in her tracks “you know, at some point, you’re gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up!” Mal pleaded to the gods that this would be saved for later, that no one would humor Ben and tell him. because then she would have to admit to her lies, because then her progress with Uma would be gone, Evie would be heartbroken. “well” Evie said with a laugh, smiling at Mal’s back as Mal nearly froze in place “Mal promised to let all the vks off the isle once this is over”
Ben frowned, looking back at Mal, very confused; did Mal change her mind? Hadn’t she decided to shut the program down and close the barrier forever? What had he missed? “Mal?” Ben asked, wondering what was going on, and Mal took a shuddering breath, her shoulders tense. “Mal?” Evie asked, very curious about Mal’s sudden change of demeanor. It felt….scared? as if Mal was afraid…of them?
You mentally winced, welp, here it was. The big reveal. You squeezed Harry's hand, looking up at his face. He just…looked resigned, as if he expected something like this, even if he didn’t know what he was expecting “I have to tell you all something” Mal said, voice strained, digging the ember from her pocket, staring down at it to avoid eye contact.
Harry nodded, turning into you and resting his chin on your shoulder “knew it, never trust a fairy” he muttered, so quietly only you and Carlos heard. Carlos glanced at Harry, then back to Mal, wondering what she had to tell them. Uma’s face of near happiness at the thought of all the vks getting off the isle dropped, just like Harry, knowing what Mal was about to say. She scoffed, turning away as Mal pursed her lips “I..uh…I-lied to you.” Mal admitted, forcing the words from her chest. Evie only looked confused, while you, Harry, and Uma; only looked resigned. Of course, of course, she did, you shook your head, resting your head in the crook of Harry’s neck, hoping to give him some sort of comfort as he realized he let his guard down around Mal, why did he ever do that, he knew what she was like-she had never changed.
God, how fucking stupid was he? To trust Mal like that. You could hear his fingers crack as he gripped the curve of his hook, his teeth grinding against his lip.  “Back on the bridge” Mal continued, still not looking at anyone, just at her own reflection in the glowing ember “when-when I agreed to let all the vks off…I said-I couldn’t do it, the deal…I um…I made the decision, earlier today that um…the-the barrier would be closed…permanently.”
Uma let out a shuddering breath she had been holding, pinching the bridge of her nose as Evie, Carlos, and Jay looked at Mal horrified. She had WHAT?! “wha-what do-“ Evie couldn’t even finish her sentence, staring teary-eyed at Mal, she just couldn't believe it, Mal, her best friend, who know how important it was to them, to her, to Ben; to get those kids off the isle, to give them a life they deserved. Mal had just-thrown it all away, over one incident, that could’ve easily been avoided the next time. An increase of security, driving faster through the barrier, hiring those inside the barrier to protect the limo/barrier. So many options; and Mal went with the one that hurt so many people.
“why?” Evie cried out, Jay’s hand landing on her shoulder to comfort her, the two looking away from who they thought was their best friend.
Mal didn’t look at her, tears starting to drip down her cheeks “I made the choice to shut down the vk program, and close the barrier…to protect Auradon.” Ben just stared at Mal, she sounded so...guilty. unlike when she made that decision; yes it sounded sad but-she acted as if it was the only choice, the only thing she could do to protect Auradon, now it sounded like she had found more options, and regretted making a choice so quickly.
“Ben?” Carlos asked quietly, holding Dude tightly to his chest, staring at the king shocked “you-did- and you just, let this happen?” Mal quickly interrupted him, she would not let Ben be blamed for her stupid choices “he had no say in it” Mal said, almost snapping but her voice still sad “I-I made him agree, he didn’t want to close the barrier…while he thought of you guys…I only thought of myself, of our life…I’m sorry” Mal sobbed, tears dripping onto her hands.
Uma locked her lips, walking up to Mal, her eyes hard and unyielding “So, I agreed to save your precious kingdom and your behind…for a lie?” Mal finally looked up, her eyes red and puffy, pure guilt and regret clear in her expression “I never should’ve trusted you” Uma muttered, shaking her head “you’re always out for yourself” Uma just stared Mal down, forcing Mal to stew in her guilt, her choices.
Mal nodded, sniffing as she whipped away a fresh set of tears “I know, I’m sorry i-i…it was a stupid choice, and I regret it, I-I was going to wait till after but…I” Mal couldn’t continue, the pit in her throat too much to talk past. Uma just shook her head, glancing to the side as Harry swallowed hard, holding you close. “you’re so fucking selfish, you always have been” Uma muttered, pushing down the tears that wanted to overflow “and here I thought you actually changed, that you actually got better…I guess fucking not.”
Uma looked back at Mal, and glared, her eyes sparking with magic “you’re just like your mother” Mal stopped breathing, but god-that insult-with Mal’s current head-space, it felt…deserved. Uma was right, she was just like her mother, only thinking about herself and her future, not anyone else, or their feelings. Just her. “I’m-“ Mal sobbed “im so sorry Uma” Uma looked away, glaring at nothing.
Mal stepped back as you stepped forward, your head tilted dangerously, your eyes gleaming like they were when you had hurt Hook. “small question” you muttered; voice quiet. Uma and Harry stepped back, knowing you were about to verbally tear Mal apart, and she deserved it. “if you were to close the barrier, forever…how would the ‘food’” you used the finger quotation marks at the word ‘food’ “get to the people of the isle? The barges, I mean. If no one gets in or out…how would any of the barges come through? or-were you planning on keeping that quiet and letting everyone die off silently, letting Celia’s dad die, letting Smee die, letting the kids who are looking up to you-the fucking KIDS, CHILDREN Mal! Die, from starvation, from illness, from abuse? Were you just going to sweep it under the rug, lie to all your friends forever about why no more kids were coming? Lie to your kingdom about why the isle went silent, because you made the choice to kill those there?” you got right into her face, practically overshadowing her with your mere yet intense presence.
God Mal was going to throw up, she hadn’t thought of any of that, at all. And now it was being thrown in her face, you were right, you were completely right, her closing the barrier didn’t just mean Auradon’s safety and no more kids coming to Auradon, but-it meant no one would survive there past the year, she was sentencing every soul there to their deaths. No food, no trash, no cloth, no clothes, nothing, nothing would come through the barrier.
You waited for Mal to speak, to say anything in her defense but she just shook her head, admitting to you; that she hadn’t thought of that, that she was just going to brush the problem under the rug and ignore the problem till it went away “you aren’t a leader, you will never be a good queen, and you don’t deserve your place here” you snarled out, Mal flinching back, expecting your hands on her neck but you just huffed, turning away and walking back to Harry, taking his arm and leaning into him, still glaring at Mal.
No one said anything, you and Uma had said everything there was to say. “let’s go find Gil, get the boys, n leave 'em all to rot” Uma muttered, nodding towards the path back towards the bikes. You and Harry nodded, leaving Mal and the others behind, Evie and the boys still glaring at Mal as Ben stood silently, not wanting to be thrown in the middle of the fight.
Mal called out for Uma as the three of you left, all climbing onto the bikes and starting them “I’ll find Gil, you two go get the twins” Uma muttered and Harry nodded as your arms wrapped around his torso, revving the engine and pushing off the forest floor, hearing Carlos scream at Mal as the three of you drove off towards Auroria castle, leaving Mal the betrayer behind.
The ride back down the forest path was tense and silent, Uma and Harry stewing in their regret and near hate for Mal, she had tricked them, again, she had lied, again, she hurt them, again. Gods why had they ever trusted her to even open her mouth, all she knew how to do was look out for herself and lie. It was all she had ever done.
You felt…guilty, for not telling them about Mal’s lies but-like last time, you didn’t want to tell them something and then have the world implode because you changed the timeline. You’d tell them that you had done so but-that would have to wait till after…whatever would happen next. As you crossed into the courtyard of the castle, you heard another bike behind you and you turned to look, seeing Mal doing her best to catch up. “Uma!” Mal cried out, zooming ahead and nearly crashing her bike as she drifted to a stop ahead of your bikes. “please-stop!” Uma hit the brakes and turned her bike to the side to stop, some of the dirt on the ground floating up towards Mal who ignored it, ripping off the helmet she was wearing and tossing it to the ground “Uma-I need your help” Uma rolled her eyes, going to drive around Mal but Mal’s hands just slammed onto the headlight of the bike, stopping Uma in her tracks “we have a chance if we do this together!”
“your friends kick you to the curb?” Uma asked, knowing if Mal was here alone, she was out of options, her friends had abandoned her (not knowing they had been turned to stone) Mal just stared at her, her jaw clicking as she remembered what Carlos had screamed at her and how Evie had turned away, heartbroken and betrayed. Not even Jay would look at her, she hadn’t even gotten a chance to apologize and explain her change of heart, they were turned to stone before she could get a word out. Uma saw her expression and assumed she was right “Good” Uma snapped, her lip curling over her teeth.
“Uma-Ben-Ben saw the good in you, and I-I was stupid to ignore it, I was stupid to lie to you and-and-“ Mal took a deep breath, forcing down the pit in her throat as Harry gave her the death stare, daring her to step out of line. You didn't look at Mal, pressing your cheek into Harry’s shoulder. At least this time Mal actually sounded desperate for Uma’s help, like she was actually distressed instead of just-kinda needing help.
“Please” Mal croaked out, tears slipping down her cheeks “Help me, help Auradon…help me save Audrey” Uma just stared at her “if-if my mom gets her way…there will be no Auradon for the kids to come to, Auradon will be destroyed,” Mal said, trying to convince Uma to help, it sounded a bit manipulative but Mal was doing it to not just save Auradon, but to save Audrey, the isle kids, her friends. Uma glanced at the ground, the gears turning in her head before Harry glanced at her, and decided to spare Uma the feeling of betrayal again “you talk pretty” Mal looked at Harry, taking a shuddering breath as he shook his head, glancing back at Uma “but she's already made up ‘er mind”
Uma looked up at him, and nodded, knowing what Harry was doing and she was thankful. She didn’t need to give Mal another opportunity to hurt her again. “you got yourself into this mess Mal” Uma muttered, revving the engine of her bike. Mal stumbled back and out of Uma’s way, knowing she had lost Uma’s help “you figure out how to fix it.” Uma nodded and Harry followed her out the courtyard, leaving Mal behind in her guilt.
As you traveled further into the forest that led back towards Auradon city you felt an odd, pull, at your navel. “Harry-“ you were about to tell him you felt odd but suddenly you were pulled back and you slammed into a stone wall, groaning as you hit the floor. “ow” you muttered, shaking your head as you sat up, feeling smaller hands on your arm. You looked up, seeing Celia, looking very scared “Celia? Wha-“ you turned, seeing a green glow from the corner of your eye. Audrey-no-Maleficent, smirked cruelly at you, the scepter in her grasp. “What did you do?” you asked quietly, eyeing Audrey’s black to magenta hair, her eyes fully green and her clothes slowly turning black. Maleficent was turning Audrey into another her; you could even see horns starting to protrude from the top of her head.
You looked around, you were back at Auroria castle, on one of the spires, hundreds of feet in the air. “The perfect bait” Maleficent muttered, turning towards the courtyard where her daughter still was and sending bolts of magic into the air, cackling as she did. Celia screamed, the bolts of magic hurting her ears as they cracked like thunder. “Celia?!” Mal yelled out from below, hearing the young vk’s scream of fear and panic. “Come on Malsy~! Save your little friends like the hero you are!” Maleficent cackled, slamming her scepter into the stone flooring as purple smoke swirled around Mal, building up until Mal’s dragon form flew out, circling in the castle in hopes to find an opportunity of attack and rescue.
Mal hovered in front of her mother, sending a blast of fire directly at her, only for it to bounce off a magic shield. “Going to have to do better than that my dear~!” Maleficent laughed out, voice cruel and taunting. You huffed, telling Celia to stay low as you slowly got up and braced yourself for impact. “if I can make Gaston cower at the sight of me, you won't be a challenge” you muttered to yourself, launching forward and slamming into Maleficent, throwing her off balance and nearly getting the scepter out of her grip.
“Foolish brat!” Maleficent screamed, sending her boney elbow into your sternum and you hit the floor, gasping for air and scrambling to get to your feet “Brave one you are” Maleficent snapped, creating another shield as Mal blasted her with fire again “too brave.” You dodged the first wave of magic Maleficent sent at you, doubling over as the 2nd hit you in the stomach. “fuck-“ you coughed, gasping as the 3rd wrapped around your throat and held you over the edge of the castle, Mal roaring in magic as you were now right in the way of battle.
“I’ll make sure to give your little boyfriend your love” Maleficent cooed, snapping her fingers. You suddenly dropped, screaming as you plummeted towards the stone ground of Auroria castle. You heard your name be screamed, and you turned your head towards the voice, seeing Harry running towards you, hook left behind and tears of pure terror streaming down his cheeks. You heard Maleficent cackle and something hit your chest, sparking across your skin and you screamed out in pain, it felt like you were struck by lightning. Moments after that, the world around you started going dark, your body started to lose feeling, and the noise around you dimmed.
“I’ll give you this one thing child” Maleficent's voice cooed in your ear “For you courage? You die a painless death, a sleep like death in fact~” as she cackled; everything went black, and you hit the ground. Hard.
Harry screamed, thunder roared across the sky, and the ember in Mal’s grip flared brighter than the stars above.
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-end of part 7-
 yep, that happened. hopefully i’ve made/will make the final battle better than the canon/og version~!!!!! im having too much fun hurting (y/n)/Harry lol, p8 most likely will not be within the next three days like usual, i got lucky that today i even uploaded/finished p7! so just-keep an eye out lol
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @rintheemolion​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @verboetoperee​ @saryguerrero 
@dai-tsukki-desu​ @imtryingthisout​ @remembered-license​
@auradon-bore-a-don​ @dpaccione​ @reallysparklychaos​
@dreamtogether2000​ @thetrueghostqueen​ @godess-ofthe-underworld​
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We have been away for the weekend to visit d2 and to celebrate Mothers Day. d3 didn’t come as she has exams this week so stayed at home to revise.
The weekend has had some really lovely bits but also some really stressful bits, and the really stressful bits are overwhelming and leave me feeling so exhausted and drained. H seems to be in this phase where he doesn’t pay attention when driving, last month he randomly crunched into the side of another car as he parked because he didn’t see it, and then on Saturday he was doing a three point turn and reversed at full speed into a high kerb and scrunched the exhaust. Like literally the exhaust pipe that should be horizontal now has a kink in it and points at the ground. Then when he drove the car after that, there’s an ominous squeaking form underneath the car like something is loose.
This nearly sent me over the edge, I am all like “the exhaust is going to fall off and how are we going to drive four hours home and the car is doomed” and H is like “ah well there’s nothing we can do about it just now” and I’m like “that’s exactly my issue!! there is nothing we can do about it it!! And we are stuck with this situation that leads to certain doom!!” I don’t know how to get myself out of situations like this, my anxiety just runs riot and takes me over so I go into a shutdown spiral. I had to self medicate with alcohol to even get back to minimal functioning. I do try and do a bit of CBT on myself and think about what evidence is there that my worst case scenario will happen, and what might the best case scenario be etc but it just has minimal impact.
Then at the end of last week, H’s phone died. This was an entirely predictable event that I have been telling him to get a new phone ordered for the last couple of weeks before this exact scenario happened, but of course he left it to the last minute grrrrr. So now his phone has died and we cannot communicate when apart. So in the complex situation of checking out of air bnb, retrieving the car from a mile away and collecting d1 and d2, he went awol and I couldn’t get hold of any of them to find out what was going on, and none of them thinks how I might be feeling and therefore they should let me know. So I got in another anxiety spiral thinking of the worst case scenario.
Anyway I probably sound really whingy but these things are really difficult for me and make me feel really sad that nobody in my family thinks or cares enough to take the care of me that I take of them, and then I’m expected to be all happy and cheerful about my Mother’s Day treat when I’m actually feeling sad and invalidated. I did manage to say how I was feeling and we all did some repairing and then I put my negative emotions to the side and enjoyed the lovely and thoughtful treat that my girls had bought for me.
If you were friends with me on Facebook you would just see all the highlights and it would look like I had an amazing weekend being spoilt, which I did, but its only half the story. This is the other half.
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best-underrated-anime · 4 months
Best Underrated Anime Group D Round 2: #D7 vs #D3
#D7: Girl who can play the biwa and see the future. 1180 CE Japan
#D3: Lots of traumatized minors messing each other up bad
Details and poll under the cut!
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#D7: The Heike Story (Heike Monogatari)
The Taira clan, also known as the Heike, holds immense authority over Japan. When a young girl, gifted with an odd eye that allows her to see the future, foolishly disrespects the clan, her father pays the price of her crime with his life. Soon after, as fate would have it, Taira no Shigemori—the eldest son of the clan leader—stumbles upon the same unfortunate girl, who now calls herself "Biwa." Biwa informs him that the downfall of the Heike is imminent. After learning of the great injustice Biwa suffered at the Heike's hands, Shigemori vows to take her in and care for her rather than let her be killed.
In an era of rising military tension, the Heike are in the midst of a cunning struggle for power, and bloodstained war is on the horizon. Shigemori, whose eyes allow him to see spirits of the dead, is both anxious and hopeful to prevent his clan's demise. Biwa, however, is reluctant to reveal the future to him and must adapt to her new life filled with both happiness and sorrow in this pivotal chapter in Japanese history.
It’s based on historical events, so one can already know the ending before watching it, sort of like the main character Biwa. But seeing those events, getting attached to the characters as they have both fun, simple moments and difficult, painful moments and seeing the humanity in the characters and watching them grow up with the underlying promise that things won’t go well for them, and accepting that… themes of impermanence and grief… but also the art style is unique and bright and the music is great and fits the scenes, and I highly recommend watching this if you haven’t already !! It’s only 11 episodes!
Trigger Warnings: Suicide
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#D3: Happy Sugar Life
Satou Matsuzaka is a beautiful high schooler who has a reputation for being permissive with men. However, a chance encounter with a young girl named Shio Koube makes Satou realize that this is her first and only true feeling of love.
Telling others that she lives with her aunt, Satou secretly shares an apartment with Shio. Despite her innocent appearance, Satou is willing to do anything to protect her beloved, resorting to desperate measures to ensure that their “happy sugar life” remains intact.
It is questionable, but in the way that the anime is meant to make you uncomfortable. It’s an uneasy psychological horror. You’re meant to dislike almost the entire cast, so you don’t know who to root for. Yes, the characters are fucked up, but it isn’t glorified as far as I can see.
It made my stomach churn, and I was sobbing at the end because that’s what it was trying to do.
I said it’s not good, meaning it’s not comfortable, and none of the characters are good. But it’s well-written and it’s interesting.
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Pedophilia (not graphic), Murder/Violence (one brief scene is semi-violent, but most isn’t shown), Kidnapping, Rape/Non-Con (not shown, but it’s obvious that it happened/explicitly stated), Suicide
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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magpies4nights · 4 months
huh (Dev log # I'M ON 4?!!?!?!)
Hi guys! It’s me, @magpies4days on a different blog! That’s really the only promise I kept. Whoops. That’s why I don’t do promises. Anyways, since the last time I updated y'all, I passed all my finals and everything that was important. Yep, I passed my finals, which seems miraculous, because I accidentally studied the wrong study guide for my history exam and didn't really sleep enough the night before, and I got a 90 on it, which I'll be honest, that was the lowest grade I've ever gotten on a test in that class, but it's still an A so I won't cry about it. I turned in a really shitty essay too for one of my classes, but it seems that my professor didn’t actually read it because she gave me a 100 (ain’t gonna complain about that). I also procrastinated so hard on my graphic design final that I did it in like 3 hours and finished it 2 minutes before it was late. I still turned it in 5 minutes late because my computer decided it was funny to start acting up. Oh well, I passed that class, even for honor's standards. Normally I would be happy getting a B because I'd get a C and still celebrate but unfortunately I slayed too hard that my GPA was the minimum requirement for the Honor's organization to notice me. That's the Thinker in my Myers Briggs type showing baybee (JK JK I'm an INFP (unfortunately.)). Anyways, I’m on my winter break, and as much as I love getting breaks, god I forgot how much I hate summer and winter breaks. Summer breaks make me depressed because I have nothing to do, and winter breaks make me depressed because it’s literally the worst season of the year (cold weather (I have cold urticaria), dry air, less sun, the position of the sun is weird, and d3 barely does anything).
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Anyways, onto the actual dev stuff. I probably should’ve figured this out the moment I started my idea, but I found out that to export my game to Mac, I’d have to have a developer id and pay for it. Which now I understand why most indie devs never upload to Mac. Oh well. (Fun fact: Mac actually has a feature called BootCamp which lets you portion your hard drive to allow you to have a Windows driver (Be wise on your portioning though because it’s permanent). I found this out when I was 16 and trying to download Pizza Tower demos. Totally not saying that so you could play it on your “Mac,” *wink wink*).
I had to switch my dialog stuff from a script I found on the internet, to an add-on that most Godot devs use ( Dialogic). I know. I am awful. However, there is a reason to this, and it’s entirely because I am an idiot. I have experimented with how Godot exports JSONs, and as it turns out, the images nor the audio would load! The text would, but it’s just not the same, especially when the dialog box is supposed to change with the character speaking. While it could be something in my code that is causing this to happen, or I'm forgetting to export something else while checking off all the boxes, it still gives me a headache and I decided it was for the best to switch. I may not be able to code for now, but there may be a day when I can. Hopefully. I had to change the layout of the dialog stuff because Dialogic kinda makes it like a visual novel kinda thing. I decided to torture myself and make everyone have different heights. Don't worry, everyone has relatively normal heights. Except for mayyybe Sleepy Weepy. They're like 6'2 (which may mean there's some cutoff for their sprites).
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Aaaaanyways, enough about me suffering about dialog again. I’ve been working on the beginning and ending cutscene so that I can first torture everyone with 5 minutes of dialog in the beginning and then at the end music with text that may give people a hard time reading the lyrics. The animation isn’t done, but the text kinda is??? I’ll have to revise it like I have the past 56 times because my future self is hard to please, and I think everyone is out of character except Xandra.
Yeahhh, that’s about it so far. I made new music while I was being harassed with finals. Take a gander, but with your ears. Or don't, forcing you is unethical.
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Top 10 Sleepy Weepy of all time!!!!! (This is doesn't even make it in the honorable mentions)
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t1meslayer · 10 months
A Tale of Two Masters
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@trybard and I sat in a shopping mall parking lot talking about Pokemon Black and White's Grimsley having a propensity for chess almost five years ago (ow, my back). This story, "A Tale of Two Masters," was born from our debate on which Pokemon would fit each chess piece. As I deal with writer's block from ongoing events at home, it felt appropriate to revisit the perfect muses of Grimsley and Shauntal - as well as her sudden flash of inspiration.
Before you @ me, this was written years before Kingambit existed. No, I did not change the King chess piece in my revisions.
Slaking gang.
Fandom: Pokemon
Pairing: Grimsley/Shauntal (snarky coworkers or friends-to-lovers? that's for you to decide)
Summary: Grimsley and Shauntal meet on an unusual battlefield in Unova to see, once and for all, who is the greatest member of their region's Elite Four. Mild language ahead.
Click through the Read More below for a preview. Thanks for reading <3
“Well at least my hobby is easier to discuss in polite company.”
Grimsley scoffs at her accusation and moves his freed Bisharp across the board. C8 to F5.
“There’s nothing wrong with a little gambling, Shauntie.” He flashes a smile.
“Oh?” She moves a Pawniard from D2 to D3, blocking the Bisharp’s direct path to her Rapidash. “Then why are you so insistent on hiding the fact you turn tricks in the back alleys of Castelia, hm?”
Grimsley’s expression falls into a scowl as he crosses his arms over the red lapels of his suit.
“There’s no need to make it sound undignified. I play with cards, not hearts.”
“Who said hearts have anything to do with it?” She giggles.
“Gah.” He rolls his eyes and waves a hand dismissively. “You’re only this insufferable when you’re working on a romance novel.”
“Better than being insufferable all the time.”
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2018 + 2019
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as fanmade Pretty Cures
1. Cure Oasis - created by joshuat1306. Original: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/poohadventures/images/d/d3/Cure_Oaisis.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20160713060552
2. Cure Bouquet - created by joshuat1306. Original: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/poohadventures/images/e/e3/Cure_Bouquet.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20170707150907
3. Cure Aurora - requested by joshuat1306. Original: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/poohadventures/images/e/ee/Cure_Aurora.png/revision/latest?cb=20180606210851
4. Cure Fase - created by nobody-kadaj. Original: https://www.deviantart.com/sekaiichihappy/art/Cure-Fase-COMMISSION-682577469; https://www.deviantart.com/timerrabbit/art/COMMISSION-Shining-Font-PreCure-723507708
5. Cure Vision - created by nobody-kadaj. Original: https://www.deviantart.com/sekaiichihappy/art/Cure-Vision-COMMISSION-683927182
6. Cure Shimmering - created by nobody-kadaj. Original: https://www.deviantart.com/sekaiichihappy/art/Cure-Shimmering-COMMISSION-681476895
7. Cure Tempus - created by nobody-kadaj. Original: https://www.deviantart.com/sekaiichihappy/art/Cure-Tempus-COMMISSION-688815325
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council--board · 4 months
i know im probably late but here have some silly cat picture links!!! raaah! (there are random spaces in these links so i can send them as anon, sorry;;)
https:// static.wikia.nocookie.net/silly-cats/images/9/9a/Static-assets-upload10065674286631072707.webp/revision/latest/ scale-to-width-down/755?cb=20230511144337
https:// encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSG8 9iXj2E_CzklwemEI0f9Ey0rgR1oe0NEcg&usqp=CAU
https:// i.pinimg.com/1200x/d3/e5/34/d3e534de10380f9a 2fac7b82e59448bd.jpg
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longroadstonowhere · 10 months
okay, i have in fact fired up my old laptop to read through my zero two revision notes
there are definitely things i would want to change around, but i did like a lot of how i organized the story overall - if i were to work on this again, i’d probably want to change some specifics (like takeru’s story is... well i just think i’d do it differently), but the foundations aren’t bad
so basically i divided the story into four arcs, although not evenly - first arc has thirteen episodes, second arc has 12, third arc has twenty (but like it could also be split into two arcs possibly? the sort of thing i expect would be debated in the theoretical fandom, haha), fourth arc has 6 episodes
in general i wrote with dub names, possibly just because they’re, like, shorter most of the time, but not sure if i would’ve used english or japanese names in the final product
another general note, digimon don’t travel with the humans back to the human world, and they don’t have communication abilities until near the end of the first arc (izzy is in the background developing a lot of things) - also i just let the d3s do a bunch of the new stuff instead of the d-terminals, like acting as interdimensional walkie talkies when they figure out communication, and they hold the digieggs and all that jazz
first arc is the digimon emperor arc, and i basically have it where ken’s dark digivice lets him control digimon (basically turning things into a pokemon game for him if he wants), and he’s experimenting with the control spires and dark bands and dark spirals in order to expand that sphere of control beyond what he can do with just his digivice. during the course of these experiments, he kidnaps agumon and tries to force digivolutions out of him (this is presented as tai’s agumon for some length of time before revealing it’s actually a different agumon, and he personally creates blackwargreymon at the end of this arc through forced dark digivolution). arc finale ends with kari purifying the dark ocean’s influence on him, so that he finally realizes what he’s been doing is pretty fucked up and he gives up the digimon emperor’s mantle. this arc also includes yolei getting trapped in the digital world overnight and ken saving her, giving her insight to his genuinely kind nature. also! i devoted some amount of time to explaining why the older digidestined weren’t involved, which came down to digivolution being much harder on both digimon and digidestined, and also the older kids’ digimon all finding some place they needed to protect, so they couldn’t go haring off on random adventures (tai is the one who takes the longest to work through this). also also there’s an episode where the whole queen kari thing gets brought up (it’s also the episode where submarimon happens for the first time, and i like how i wove those two together).
second arc is kind of the demon corps arc (surprise!), and... well, this is one where i’d want to revise a decent amount because i think it’s a little bit of a mess as is. but anyway, first episode of this arc gives ken’s backstory (which does include his stuff with ryo and the wonderswan games). he ends up running away from home and going into the digital world full time in a bad attempt at fixing his mistakes. the kids find out he’s missing and kinda halfheartedly try to look for him (except yolei actually does look for him because she’s convinced he’s better than he seemed), and they spend a lot of time taking down old control spires and kinda just dicking around. the demon corps is also there, sorta. blackwargreymon is also there! and trying to hunt down ken because he’s pissed off at how he was tortured as agumon and the circumstances of his birth! the kids end up finding ken, but the newbies are horrified because ken is willing to kill bad digimon (they’ve always just beat them up and let them slink off). arc finale is a battle royale between the kids, blackwargreymon, and phantomon of the demon corps. davis does a dark digivolution (because i was a little salty that he was the only gogglehead who didn’t get a dark digivolution) and kills phantomon, which kinda shocks him to his core. wormmon (as spikemon) protects blackwargreymon from phantomon under ken’s orders, which shocks blackwargreymon into not trying to kill ken anymore, but wormmon does end up getting killed. so we end up with phantomon dead, blackwargreymon off to reconsider his life, ken going back home (after being gone for about three weeks) with wormmon’s egg, and the kids being wary of the rest of the demon corps (while also still wrestling with their feelings about killing digimon). you can probably see why i kinda think this one is a mess.
third arc is arukenimon, mummymon, and the destiny stones. and also the demon corps still. first few episodes are more about developing human character relationships with each other, with conflict coming from tk not trusting ken, sparking a bad rift between him and yolei, which peters down four episodes in (tk dials down the distrust so they can work together, also wormmon hatches - this face turn is not laid out super well in the outline haha). this does allow for davis and ken to have heart-to-hearts about darkness and such. the queen kari thing is also focused on in another episode. anyway the kids spend a lot of time trying to find out about the demon corps and also gennai (who came out of the woodwork after ken stopped being the digimon emperor) tells them the barriers between the worlds are being eroded. like six episodes in we start finding out this is because mummymon and arukenimon are corrupting the destiny stones (while working alongside oikawa). there’s a bunch of stuff about kari getting nightmares and headaches and being depressed, and the first time they see arukenimon and mummymon it’s just her and ken and she freezes, and when this comes out later (after she’s lied about nothing happening) a rift opens between her and tk (which opens the door for her and yolei to have a heart-to-heart). jogress digivolutions start happening. there’s also a bit where cody’s family goes to visit his dad’s grave and oikawa runs into them (grandpa doesn’t like him but details are not explained yet). they figure out the demon corps is probably after ken’s dark spore (from the video game backstory). arukenimon and mummymon end up opening portal to human world by corrupting enough destiny stones (originally i had them making some kind of devices that could manipulate the world borders, which could foreshadow oikawa’s involvement, but also i don’t think i had that as a secret and it seemed silly to include this whole new thing and never bring up the destiny stones). the remaining demon corps members take advantage of them opening the portal to invade the human world themselves, while arukenimon and mummymon are killed by silphymon and blackwargreymon (who’s done a fair amount of soul searching off screen and has decided to not kill ken while there’s bigger threats around). so now we’re dealing with a full invasion of the human world, there’s lots about the kids dealing with their families, the older kids are also involved. oikawa’s connection to cody’s dad is explained by his grandpa, and oikawa tries to convince cody to join him (it doesn’t work). there’s a wizardmon cameo. portals are opening up all over the city and there’s a handful happening internationally, the kids stay in tokyo and take care of all the portals they can reach, international portals get taken care of international digidestined on their own (including mimi in new york, which is her first actual appearance in the story ahhaha), but closing the portals is only a short-term solution. we do a week timeskip where portals are still occasionally opening up, gennai’s trying to fix dimension rips, and there’s two members of the demon corps left. they finally find ladydevimon but oikawa gets the dark spore during the fight, he eats it and gets unpossessed by malomyotismon. demon and malomyotismon end up fighting each other (???? cannot remember why now), oikawa’s still connected to malomyotismon so kari ends up purifying the dark spore out of him, which weakens malomyotismon enough that blackwargreymon (randomly showing up) is able to kill him. then he and demon fight and demon kills him, then takes the dark spore from ken and opens up an unexpected portal to the dark ocean, gets killed by a hand of darkness from the portal. kari gets kidnapped into the dark ocean and the newbie gang go after her. (you can see why i think this could theoretically be split into two arcs, but like, where)
fourth arc! the classic ‘the dark ocean was criminally underutilized in the original show’ arc. kari ends up in a cell with gatomon, the other kids start on the shore and walk into the ocean (which is breathable. they specifically do not think about this in case it only works when they don’t question it). they come across a creepy temple and everyone gets separated as they walk along. they all get to deal with individualized nightmares - yolei deals with her feeling of powerlessness in the face of the threats she’s faced (breaks the illusion when she fights back against an illusion of myotismon, cuz she’s been dealing with the fallout from the odaiba fog incident this whole time), davis deals with his loneliness from growing up having no friends (which i probably made up but i like it because it gives a good reason for him to dislike tk at the beginning - he’s afraid he’ll take away his first close friend) (anyway he breaks through the illusion when he deals with lingering doubts about the dark digivolution and he remembers that his friends have his back), ken gets stuck in illusions lambasting him for his actions as the digimon emperor including sam kicking him when he’s down (breaks through when an illusion of blackwargreymon talks him through the guilt and forgives him), cody gets to hang out with his dad and gets mad at armadillomon when he tells cody it’s an illusion (he breaks through the illusions when he opens up to armadillomon and actually talks about his feelings which he feel like he can’t do with his family because he had to be strong when his dad died), tk gets hounded by visions of all the enemies he’s fought in the digital world including like piedmon and devimon and breaks when he relives patamon’s death in adventure (gets broken out when davis finds him), meanwhile kari gets out of her cell but runs into dagomon cultists who can overload her with darkness and make her pass out, yolei ends up finding them carting the unconscious kari somewhere and follows them, end up in like creepy altar space, dagomon shows up and kari wakes up, he wants to steal kari’s light powers but she denies him, shurimon and yolei get her out, everyone finally meets up, cultists chasing yolei and kari find them and there’s fighting, dagomon joins and does an epic smackdown, final episode the kids won’t give up, tk gives a rallying speech to kari (so she can have her own moment of facing her insecurities in this arc haha) which inspires her to focus her light powers, this allows all three jogress ultimates to digivolve to mega, being filled with light means they can actually hurt dagomon to the point where he retreats (threatening to return when they let their guard down), they wish themselves home and end up at the school, close the portal, and we get an epilogue that just jumps, like, one year later explaining how inter-world interactions are going (since they couldn’t actually shut the two worlds away from each other this time) and one last scene of the new kids hanging out.
so yeah, there’s stuff i’d need to work on, like i don’t think i like tk’s arc (he starts the story as basically a confident war vet being pulled back in and he slowly becomes more bitter and hateful as things go on because he never actually processed things like patamon’s death or puppetmon, he just shifted all those dark feelings onto hating dark digimon), and the second arc is a mess, and the demon corp really are around for too long, and.... well, yeah, i could go on forever
i did give a decent amount of time to each of the jogress pairs developing their relationships before jogress is even an option, and i did my best to integrate the older kids throughout without overshadowing the new kids (although there was a subplot with sora during the human world invasion that i didn’t even mention in this summary that i would definitely want to rework i think), and i’m glad i just. shank malomyotismon, hahaha, that’s a good moment, and oikawa’s involvement with cody’s dad is much more foreshadowed
i also like how i changed up the dark emperor arc, with a gap between the digimon emperor ending and ken joining the team, feels more realistic (oh also there was gonna be a thing where the kids all think the digimon emperor is, you know, a digimon, so when yolei runs into ken she doesn’t think anything of it)
i dunno, i appreciate the work i put into this all, and i think it has potential... but it would take a lot more work to make it workable, so i think i’m just glad to have typed all this out here so the concepts can be known
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d3 was after a whiteboard to help with her exam revision. I said I would buy it for her since it was an academic purchase. She said she’d send me a link, she but hasn’t yet.
Then today, d2 walked down the street and said someone at the bottom of the street is giving one away. So now d3 has a new roommate:
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I don’t know if this was the sort of whiteboard she had in mind!! She’s at work just now so we’ll find out when she gets home 🙈
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codesolutionsstuff · 1 year
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Data scientists focus on extracting meaningful data from unstructured information and analyzing it.
Table of Content
- Python - Jupyter Notebook - Apache Spark - D3.js - TensorFlow - Keras - Xplenty - IBM SPSS - PyTorch - KNIME Data scientists focus on extracting meaningful data from unstructured information and analyzing it. In order to do this, they need to explore the possibilities of what can be discovered from data. This kind of knowledge has grown increasingly important over time. The following are some of the top 10 data science tools that one should know about in 2022.
1. Python
Python is one of the most popular programming languages in Data Science and Machine Learning, as well as being one of the most popular general-purpose languages in use. Python is a simple but powerful programming language, which means people of any skill level are able to use it. Python is open-source and so it is available to use without cost. It also makes things easier because you can change or customize the code on your own. Python is a simple language to learn and it reduces the cost of program maintenance. Plus, you can use code blocks to improve readability. Excel is a language that can be used for multiple purposes, from data analysis, to AI and more. Python is a language and tool for computer programming that has several benefits. It's an Object-Oriented, Procedural, Functional and variations of this such as OOPF (Object-Oriented Procedural Functional). Developers can also extend Python with C or C++.
2. Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that enables interactive collaboriation among data scientists, data engineers, mathematicians and other users. This is a computational notebook tool that you can use to create, edit and share code in order to communicate ideas more efficiently. Users can also upload images and other information to complement their work. Jupyter Notebooks make it easy to add code, computations, comments, data visualizations and more to a single file that can be shared with and revised by colleagues As a notebooks can serve as a complete computational record of all the interactions your data science team has, which are important for collaboration. Jupyter notebooks are a type of file that can be uploaded and downloaded. They also have a version control system so you know what was updated. Another thing that they do is enable you to view your work in public, even if you don’t have Jupyter on your own computer.
3. Apache Spark
Apache Spark is an open-source data analytics and processing engine which, according to its proponents, can handle large amounts of data ranging from several petabytes. The quick processing rates of Spark data has driven a lot of its popularity as it helps organizations deal with large datasets. This is quite an accomplishment considering that the program was created back in 2009 and is currently one large open-source community. Due to its speed, Spark is well-suited for processing continuous intelligence applications powered by near-real-time processing of streaming data. It can also be used as a general-purpose distributed processing engine in order to extract, transform and load data. Spark has been touted as a faster alternative to the MapReduce engine for batch processing in Hadoop clusters.
4. D3.js
D3.js is one of the most popular open-source tools for creating data visualizations in browsers. It allows developers to use web standards - like HTML, CSS, and Scalable Vector Graphics - to create custom charts and graphs, making it easier than ever to showcase your information online. D3’s developers have described it as a flexible & dynamic tool that requires minimal effort to generate visual representations of data. D3.js makes it possible for designers to bind data to documents, including the DOM, and then use DOM manipulation methods to make interactive visualizations based on this data. First released in 2011, D3 is used to design a range of data visualizations and it provides interactive, animated and annotated content. There are 30 modules, 1000 visualization methods and over 7 trillion data points from various sources. Plus, not many data scientists have JavaScript skills. This is why they may opt for commercial tools like Tableau instead of D3 (which is more for visualization developers).
5. TensorFlow
TensorFlow is a free machine learning software developed by Google that is especially popular for constructing deep neural networks. You can feed in Tensors that are similar to multidimensional arrays, and then use a graph structure so it can move through the list of operations you define. It also includes an eager execution programming environment that runs operations individually, providing more flexibility for research & debugging models. Google made TensorFlow open source in 2015 and Release 1 following suit soon after. TensorFlow.js is now part of TensorFlow, integrating the Keras high-level API into its core programming language. Additionally, you can work with a custom ops library to tailor TensorFlow to your own specific needs.
6. Keras
Keras is an open source Python-based interface to the TensorFlow machine learning platform. It is a deep learning API & framework designed to be written & run on top of TensorFlow. Keras has been in development for a while now and you might also want to check out this article if you're interested in using it as well Keras previously supported many back ends but is now tied exclusively to TensorFlow and no longer facilitates experimentation. Keras was designed with ease of access in mind, meaning it's less burdensome on your coding ability. The goal with Keras is to accelerate the process of implementing and training deep learning neural networks through a development process that runs quickly. The Keras framework offers sequential and functional interfaces that can be used to create deep learning models.
7. Xplenty
Xplenty is an ETL and ELT platform which integrates all your data sources to create a complete task-checking software for building data pipelines. This elastic, scalable cloud software can not only integrate and process, but also prepare the data for analytics. It is a suite of SaaS tools that provides solutions for marketing, sales, customer support, and developers. The Sales solution has features to understand your customers and let you fill in missing data from their CRM through centralizing metrics & sales tools Its customer support solution will give you a better picture of your customer and make sure that you are using their product in an effective way. It can do personalized support, as well as automatic upselling. Our marketing solution helps you to build effective, comprehensive campaigns and strategies. We offer features such as data transparency, easy migrations, and connections to legacy systems.
IBM SPSS is a family of software that can be used to manage and analyze complex data. It includes two primary products: SPSS Statistics, a statistical analysis and data visualization tool with over 60 years of trusted experience and SPSS Modeler, a data science and predictive analytics platform that's easy to use. SPSS Statistics is a perfect choice for exploring data and discovering patterns in your business. It can help you organize your analytics process masterfully, starting from the research phase through to deployment. This makes it easier to access structured data, has a convenient UI & good integration with R and Python. They can automate procedures and offer export-import ties to SPSS. SPSS was founded on 1968 and is now owned by IBM. It creates statistical analysis software and predictive modeling platform. The IBM SPSS product line was officially called IBM SPSS, but it is commonly referred to as just "SPSS".
9. PyTorch
A popular open-source framework for developing and training deep learning models, PyTorch is touted by its proponents for its ability to quickly & seamlessly transition into production deployment. PyTorch was designed to be easier to use than its predecessor, Torch. It’s based on Python and provides more speed & flexibility than the original framework. Swift released in 2017 and is oddly well-known. It's used to create tensors which are designed for optimizing models. The tensor operations supported in PyTorch's framework provide a powerful solution for scientific computing. It combines the data access and vectorization capabilities of NumPy arrays with the ease-of-use and speed of GPUs.
KNIME is a platform for data scientists where they will be able to use and expand on the available tools that are at their disposal. This open-source software will help them in blending various data types as well as explore new avenues of analytical work and research. It can be useful for repetitive and time-producing tasks. This coding language is commonly used in experiments & big data, expanding to Apache Spark and platforms of all kinds. I hope you will like the content and it will help you to learn TOP 10 DATA SCIENCE TOOLS WE MUST LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2022 If you like this content, do share. Read the full article
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delaneykirkegaard · 2 years
The Photo involving Safeguard Cellular material associated with thioglucosidase (tgg) Mutants of Arabidopsis Additional Backlinks Grow Compound Support Programs along with Actual Support Limitations.
Even though any load learn more made up of 50 millimeters sea acetate in ph 5 is discovered to possess a good relation to the recovery of business fungal-derived cellulase and xylanase revised in order to switchgrass, the identical load a significant negative effect on compound removing via strong fermentation trials colonized with the bacterium Acidothermus cellulolyticus. Xylanase task ended up being more afflicted with parts inside the extraction buffers in comparison with cellulase. This study demonstrated that removing then diafiltration is vital for evaluating chemical recuperation from sound fermentation trials. Decline in task on account of materials contained in the particular switchgrass ingredients is relatively easy to fix once the substances are usually removed by means of diafiltration.Flavonoids, which can be polyphenolic materials, are a sounding seed second metabolites possessing a vast spectrum regarding medicinal action which includes anti-cancer pursuits. They have been documented to be able to intervene in the start, marketing and progression of cancers by simply modulating distinct enzymes as well as receptors inside transmission transduction path ways in connection with cell growth, difference, apoptosis, swelling, angiogenesis, metastasis along with about face multidrug weight. This can a number of molecular systems associated with action, flavonoids (both all-natural and artificial analogs) are increasingly being researched for probable applications inside anti-cancer remedies. With this review article, the key molecular systems regarding activity involving flavonoids attributing on their potential anti-cancer pursuits are already talked about and the essential structural capabilities necessary for their own action tend to be highlighted. (C) The year 2013 Elsevier Limited. Most protection under the law earmarked.Background Supplement N deficiency is usual within chronic lean meats condition particularly in those with significant liver organ fibrosis. Aims To determine the aftereffect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (One particular,25-(Oh yea)2D3) on the human being One particular(We) bovine collagen marketer along with bovine collagen enhancement by simply individual stellate LX-2 cells and also the procedure with the effect of the vitamin Deborah receptor (VDR) on the ally. Approaches Kind I collagen ended up being considered by simply sizes involving bovine collagen mRNA along with bovine collagen health proteins and also by transfection tests. Presenting associated with VDR for the One(My partner and i) collagen marketer was resolute through EMSA and Nick assays. Outcomes 1,25-(Oh yea)2D3 diminished man 1(We) bovine collagen mRNA and necessary protein and also the secretion associated with kind I bovine collagen by simply stellate cellular material following contact with TGF1. In addition, One,25-(Oh yea)2D3 inhibited TGF1induced initial in the A single(We) bovine collagen supporter within transfected LX-2 cells. The effects of a single,25-(OH)2D3 is mediated through the VDR, which in turn adheres at a proximal Sp1 website at a recently determined distal site on the collagen ally. A VDR expression vector reduced those activities from the collagen marketer throughout transfected LX-2 cellular material. Findings 1,25-(OH)2D3 stops kind We collagen formation in man stellate cellular material.
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ghostcultmagazine · 2 years
84 Tigers – Time In The Lighthouse (Spartan Records) A Wake In Providence – Eternity (Unique Leader Records) Abduction – Black Blood (Candlelight Records) Architects – the classic symptoms of a broken spirit (Epitaph Records) Avantasia – A Paranormal Evening With The Moonflower (Nuclear Blast Records) Avatarium – Death, Where Is Your Sting (AFM Records) The Beautiful Distortion – Revision (Self-Released) Black Widows – Among The Brave Ones (Inverse Records) Brutus – Unison Life (Sargent House) Bunker 66/Lucifuge – Of Night And Lust Split EP (Dying Victims) Cabal – Magno Interitus (Nuclear Blast Records) Chez Kane – Powerzone (Frontiers Srl) Coathanger Abortion – Plan C (Comatose Records) Crooked Royals – Quarter Life Daydream (3DOT Recordings) God Alone – ETC (Prosthetic Records) Gospelheim – Ritual & Repetition (Prophecy Productions) pronounced (Time To Kill Records) The New Roses – Sweet Poison (Napalm Records) No Return – Requiem (Mighty Music) O.R.k. – Screamnasium (Kscope Records) Ruby The Hatchet – Fear Is A Cruel Master (Magnetic Eye Records) Sahg – Born Demon (Drakkar Records) Senseless Things – The First Of Too Many Re-Release (Cherry Red Records) Martyred – The Relegation TTK Records Seraina Telli – Simple Talk (Metalville Records) Steel Inferno – Evil Reign (From The Vaults) Taking Balfour – Dawn Of Polaris (Self-Released) Serj Tankian - Perplex Cities EP (Serjical Strike) Ugly Kid Joe – Rad Wings Of Destiny (Metalville Records) Vigilance – Vigilance EP (Dying Victims) DIY bands and labels: message us on our website to get added to our future lists and NMF posts: https://ift.tt/mBWFgfK Shoutout to some good labels: @Century Media Records @NuclearBlastVEVO @NuclearBlastUSA @Ripple Music @Metal Assault Records @Unique Leader Records @InsideOutMusicTV @Napalm Records @SpinefarmRec @SpinefarmUS @Pelagic Records @MetalvilleTV @Mighty Music @Metal Blade Records @HEAVY PSYCH SOUNDS RECORDS @RidingEasy Records @Seeing Red Records @Blues Funeral Recordings @Rise Above Records @Triple B Records @UNFD @Fearless Records @Hopeless Records @Bridge Nine Records @Deathwishinc @Fat Wreck Chords @Epitaph Records @Ipecac Recordings @Neurot Recordings @threeonegrecords @Cruz Del Sur Music @Sumerian Records @Atomic Fire Records @Season of Mist @Upstate Records New York @Tankcrimes @Trepanation Recordings @Roadrunner Records @Sub Pop 💻 Omar Cordy (https://www.instagram.com/ojcpics​​) 🎤 Keefy (https://ift.tt/Xn7lDcU) 🎵 Fahad Syed (https://www.instagram.com/fahanzi​​). Gear we use: (These are affiliate links and Ghost Cult makes a small profit from a sale) Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Set up B: Canon 80D - https://amzn.to/3ye8WqV Sigma MC-11 - https://amzn.to/3brZdU2 Sigma 18-35 - https://amzn.to/3tLlEd7 Tokina 11-16 - https://amzn.to/3bty9Uk Feelworld T7 Monitor - https://amzn.to/2Re9hta Audio: Sound Devices MixPre-3 - https://amzn.to/3tKkJd2 Gearlux XLR Mic Cable - 3 Pack - https://amzn.to/3w3zN6Y Deity D3 Microphone - https://amzn.to/3tRa6W2 Fifine Usb Mic - https://amzn.to/3w8JHEG Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Lightstands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo DIY bands and labels: message us on our website to get added to our future lists and NMF posts: https://ift.tt/mBWFgfK Audio: Sound Devices MixPre-3 - https://amzn.to/3tKkJd2 Gearlux XLR Mic Cable - 3 Pack - https://amzn.to/3w3zN6Y Deity D3 Microphone - https://amzn.to/3tRa6W2 Fifine Usb Mic - https://amzn.to/3w8JHEG Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Lightstands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo
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codesolutionstuff · 2 years
New Post has been published on https://www.codesolutionstuff.com/top-10-data-science-tools-we-must-look-forward-to-in-2022/
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Data scientists focus on extracting meaningful data from unstructured information and analyzing it.
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Jupyter Notebook
Apache Spark
Data scientists focus on extracting meaningful data from unstructured information and analyzing it. In order to do this, they need to explore the possibilities of what can be discovered from data. This kind of knowledge has grown increasingly important over time. The following are some of the top 10 data science tools that one should know about in 2022.
1. Python
Python is one of the most popular programming languages in Data Science and Machine Learning, as well as being one of the most popular general-purpose languages in use. Python is a simple but powerful programming language, which means people of any skill level are able to use it. Python is open-source and so it is available to use without cost. It also makes things easier because you can change or customize the code on your own. Python is a simple language to learn and it reduces the cost of program maintenance. Plus, you can use code blocks to improve readability. Excel is a language that can be used for multiple purposes, from data analysis, to AI and more. Python is a language and tool for computer programming that has several benefits. It’s an Object-Oriented, Procedural, Functional and variations of this such as OOPF (Object-Oriented Procedural Functional). Developers can also extend Python with C or C++.
2. Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that enables interactive collaboriation among data scientists, data engineers, mathematicians and other users. This is a computational notebook tool that you can use to create, edit and share code in order to communicate ideas more efficiently. Users can also upload images and other information to complement their work. Jupyter Notebooks make it easy to add code, computations, comments, data visualizations and more to a single file that can be shared with and revised by colleagues As a notebooks can serve as a complete computational record of all the interactions your data science team has, which are important for collaboration. Jupyter notebooks are a type of file that can be uploaded and downloaded. They also have a version control system so you know what was updated. Another thing that they do is enable you to view your work in public, even if you don’t have Jupyter on your own computer.
3. Apache Spark
Apache Spark is an open-source data analytics and processing engine which, according to its proponents, can handle large amounts of data ranging from several petabytes. The quick processing rates of Spark data has driven a lot of its popularity as it helps organizations deal with large datasets. This is quite an accomplishment considering that the program was created back in 2009 and is currently one large open-source community. Due to its speed, Spark is well-suited for processing continuous intelligence applications powered by near-real-time processing of streaming data. It can also be used as a general-purpose distributed processing engine in order to extract, transform and load data. Spark has been touted as a faster alternative to the MapReduce engine for batch processing in Hadoop clusters.
4. D3.js
D3.js is one of the most popular open-source tools for creating data visualizations in browsers. It allows developers to use web standards – like HTML, CSS, and Scalable Vector Graphics – to create custom charts and graphs, making it easier than ever to showcase your information online. D3’s developers have described it as a flexible & dynamic tool that requires minimal effort to generate visual representations of data. D3.js makes it possible for designers to bind data to documents, including the DOM, and then use DOM manipulation methods to make interactive visualizations based on this data. First released in 2011, D3 is used to design a range of data visualizations and it provides interactive, animated and annotated content. There are 30 modules, 1000 visualization methods and over 7 trillion data points from various sources. Plus, not many data scientists have JavaScript skills. This is why they may opt for commercial tools like Tableau instead of D3 (which is more for visualization developers).
5. TensorFlow
TensorFlow is a free machine learning software developed by Google that is especially popular for constructing deep neural networks. You can feed in Tensors that are similar to multidimensional arrays, and then use a graph structure so it can move through the list of operations you define. It also includes an eager execution programming environment that runs operations individually, providing more flexibility for research & debugging models. Google made TensorFlow open source in 2015 and Release 1 following suit soon after. TensorFlow.js is now part of TensorFlow, integrating the Keras high-level API into its core programming language. Additionally, you can work with a custom ops library to tailor TensorFlow to your own specific needs.
6. Keras
Keras is an open source Python-based interface to the TensorFlow machine learning platform. It is a deep learning API & framework designed to be written & run on top of TensorFlow. Keras has been in development for a while now and you might also want to check out this article if you’re interested in using it as well Keras previously supported many back ends but is now tied exclusively to TensorFlow and no longer facilitates experimentation. Keras was designed with ease of access in mind, meaning it’s less burdensome on your coding ability. The goal with Keras is to accelerate the process of implementing and training deep learning neural networks through a development process that runs quickly. The Keras framework offers sequential and functional interfaces that can be used to create deep learning models.
7. Xplenty
Xplenty is an ETL and ELT platform which integrates all your data sources to create a complete task-checking software for building data pipelines. This elastic, scalable cloud software can not only integrate and process, but also prepare the data for analytics. It is a suite of SaaS tools that provides solutions for marketing, sales, customer support, and developers. The Sales solution has features to understand your customers and let you fill in missing data from their CRM through centralizing metrics & sales tools Its customer support solution will give you a better picture of your customer and make sure that you are using their product in an effective way. It can do personalized support, as well as automatic upselling. Our marketing solution helps you to build effective, comprehensive campaigns and strategies. We offer features such as data transparency, easy migrations, and connections to legacy systems.
IBM SPSS is a family of software that can be used to manage and analyze complex data. It includes two primary products: SPSS Statistics, a statistical analysis and data visualization tool with over 60 years of trusted experience and SPSS Modeler, a data science and predictive analytics platform that’s easy to use. SPSS Statistics is a perfect choice for exploring data and discovering patterns in your business. It can help you organize your analytics process masterfully, starting from the research phase through to deployment. This makes it easier to access structured data, has a convenient UI & good integration with R and Python. They can automate procedures and offer export-import ties to SPSS. SPSS was founded on 1968 and is now owned by IBM. It creates statistical analysis software and predictive modeling platform. The IBM SPSS product line was officially called IBM SPSS, but it is commonly referred to as just “SPSS”.
9. PyTorch
A popular open-source framework for developing and training deep learning models, PyTorch is touted by its proponents for its ability to quickly & seamlessly transition into production deployment. PyTorch was designed to be easier to use than its predecessor, Torch. It’s based on Python and provides more speed & flexibility than the original framework. Swift released in 2017 and is oddly well-known. It’s used to create tensors which are designed for optimizing models. The tensor operations supported in PyTorch’s framework provide a powerful solution for scientific computing. It combines the data access and vectorization capabilities of NumPy arrays with the ease-of-use and speed of GPUs.
KNIME is a platform for data scientists where they will be able to use and expand on the available tools that are at their disposal. This open-source software will help them in blending various data types as well as explore new avenues of analytical work and research. It can be useful for repetitive and time-producing tasks. This coding language is commonly used in experiments & big data, expanding to Apache Spark and platforms of all kinds.
I hope you will like the content and it will help you to learn TOP 10 DATA SCIENCE TOOLS WE MUST LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2022 If you like this content, do share.
Data science, Python, TOP 10
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mapnotify62 · 2 years
Apoferritin/Dihydrotestosterone Affiliation Is Long-Term Dependable However Will not Increase Pharmacological Attributes of Vandetanib
A great ellagitannin monomer, nilotinin M1 (One), and also three dimers, nilotinins D1 (A couple of), D2 (Several), and also D3 (Four), have been singled out through results in involving Tamarix nilotica (Ehrenb.) Bunge. Houses ended up #Link# elucidated based on examination associated with spectroscopic files and also substance connections using identified materials. Moreover, 6 recognized tannins, hirtellin The (Five) (dimer), remurin Any (Six), remurin W (Seven), One,3-di-O-galloyl-4,6-O-(S)-hexahydroxydiphenoyl-beta-D-glucose (8-10), gemin D (Nine), and also hippomanin A (15) (monomers), were separated initially out of this plant types. The particular described (12)C NMR assignments in the dehydrodigalloyl moiety and also carbs and glucose cores regarding Five are usually revised, and the (13)C NMR spectroscopic info for six and seven will also be reported initially. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights earmarked.Spatially stuck complicated networks, like worried techniques, the Internet, as well as travel systems, generally have non-trivial topological habits regarding internet connections along with nearly minimum electrical wiring fees. Even so, the increase principles forming these kind of economical tradeoffs in between cost as well as topology are certainly not properly understood. Here, we all study the mobile neurological system of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, as well as facts about the particular start times during the nerves and on his or her spatial areas. We discover that the increase of this kind of community goes through any transition through an accelerated into a continual surge in the number of backlinks (synaptic internet connections) as a purpose of the quantity of nodes (neurons). Time on this phase transition fits tightly together with the observed second of hatching, whenever improvement buttons meta-morphically via oval in order to larval phases. Many of us make use of graph analysis along with generative custom modeling rendering to show the cross over between diverse growth routines, along with its coincidence together with the #Link# minute associated with hatching, might be explained with a powerful cost-effective style that incorporates a tradeoff involving topology and cost that's continually negotiated and also renegotiated above developing period. Since the physique with the animal gradually elongates, the expense of longer-distance internet connections can be significantly punished. This development course of action regenerates many areas of the particular mature anxious system's corporation, such as neuronal account of structurally definite ganglia. We expect which equivalent economical ideas could possibly be based in the growth and development of other neurological or synthetic spatially inlayed sophisticated methods.The substantial remoteness associated with genetics understanding of hyperthermal tension conditions throughout gentle coral formations (Scleronephthya gracillimum) will be explained. Soft coral cities had been subjected to high seawater temp conditions. Gene prospects whoever transcript amounts changed as a result of hyperthermal circumstances have been identified by differential show polymerase chain reaction (DD-PCR). Twenty-four kinds of choice family genes had been discovered, Eighteen that had been upregulated in phrase and Some which have been downregulated. Your body's genes were found to function throughout post-translational change, necessary protein revenues and chaperones (A); translation, ribosomal structure and also biogenesis (L); signal transduction mechanisms (Capital t); disease fighting capability (Versus); inorganic carry and metabolism (R); energy production and conversion (D); cytoskeleton (Z); mobile or portable cycle management, cell section and also chromosome partitioning (N); lipid transportation along with metabolic rate (I); chromatin framework as well as character (W); transcribing (E); duplication #Link# , recombination and restore (D); second metabolites biosynthesis, transfer as well as catabolism (Q); extracellular constructions (Watts); basic purpose forecast (Third); last but not least, unknown perform (Utes) determined by KOG category.
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jonathankatwhatever · 2 years
The first paragraph was re-thought.
Starting with a note: absolutely no AMT other than a sense of emotion, and that went away. No visualizations related to Storylines. No transference of identity within that space. You are, apparently, in motion. I don’t know why that matters, but there’s a loss of communication when that happens.
If I use the idea that everything is an analogy if I can pull it out (and then it makes gs rational sense), then it’s a triangulation issue in which identity locates within the space so the information ‘factors’, meaning it connects End-to-End. This approaches the idea of an antenna and a transmitter.
I typed gs rational, and I think that means a process that can be considered as having a numerator and a denominator, meaning that they unite or otherwise come together and process as rationals in the Wheel conception, as that is growing. That is, the Wheel conception represents whatever SBE process it takes to count to whatever top and whatever bottom. That’s a nice generalization because it stitches together SBE process.
Note how I’m - have to use I when I have no connection open (and I’m capable of doing some work that way) - not talking about fCM. I have an understanding, but I’m not sure when it arrived - could have been this morning but I’m not sure - which is that we could see how truth is counted, which is that in D4, the truth of D3 is obvious. Think of color: the D4 side can see the colors that mark distortions, that mark lies, and that mark what people cannot accept or see. It isn’t even difficult. That is one of the issues: difficulty comprehending why people lie and distort is connected deeply to why they can’t see the ways in which they do that even when they believe they are sensitive to that process. From the D4 side, these failures are strikingly obvious.
That fits the conception of finding a solution and checking the solution, as part of our long voyage working out what’s behind P ≠ NP.
So, I have to revise my statement there was no AMT. This understanding was reached somewhere around 5AM today, my time. The depth, the potential importance of this understanding shows the depth of alignment the communication has reached because that may be the first time anyone has ever been able to reach this understanding, this level where the activities of people are visible from the other side. It’s obviously true. That is, when I reference the conversation, it connects to things like ‘don’t hide your light under a bushel’ because the other side sees the color, sees the shape, sees the patterns of your light.
The example which appeared is a new one from life, which is that a reporter for an Arab network was killed covering some action and the world has leaped to accuse Israel not only of killing her but of intentionally killing her. The Palestinians refused to allow the bullet to be examined. A few quick analyses of the sound of gun firing pointed more toward the Israeli side, and that’s enough for people because some want to lie, others don’t even realize they’re lying, and others want to believe this is true in varying ways. The evidence has been mounting that she was shot on purpose by a Palestinian sniper who thought she was an Israeli soldier because she was wearing a helmet and protective gear. As in, the initial ‘discussion’ simplified positions as if these were traditional fighting forces aligned in rows opposite each other, but the Palestinians were off to the sides as well, and those positions have not only been identified in part but images reveal clear fire paths that match the acoustic evidence, meaning where the gunshots originate fits the Palestinian side position not the Israeli position.
All these distortions and lies are not visible on this side unless you fight your way through them to an underlying actuality that they cover and hide so it becomes what they want it to be. But the distortions are plain as day in D4 because D4 existences are attached to actualities
The person who plows the driveway just came by. He’s retiring and moving to Florida. He has a heart condition and smokes, and he’s almost 2 months younger than me but looks like he’s 85. I owe him money and I took his address in Florida. He has had custody of his 11 year old grandson for 7 years. He was non-verbal autistic at age 4 and now speaks well. I hope he can stick it out for his grandson’s sake. I’ll pay him if I can, and my estate will pay him if I’m gone. It’s weird typing that. I don’t have any money left and Debbie’s leaving her job at the end of the month, and I’m not going to wiggle around looking for room anymore. This either happens or it doesn’t. That’s me, in D3, knowing that D4 controls me.
So, D4 existences are tied to actualities. I’m having trouble getting any further. I let that sit for a few minutes but nothing is coming up. So an interruption. I’ll post and try again in a few minutes. I was able to say why but I have no idea where that is in this space.
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