#Damian LaVey
theknucklehead · 3 months
Here are some more miscellaneous moments from Monster Prom I found to be funny.
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
OK, I have a request in the works, but my sister has been insisting that I post this idea, and honestly I wanted to talk about it too because it brings up an old love of mine, Crossovers...and Monster Prom.
Now imagine this.
Apart from the reference bonus that Damian is the prince of the Eighth Circle of Hell (which would be the equivalent here of Envy or Sloth? for being the next ring of Pride), that both are not people very consistent with their positions as prince/ princess, etc.
BUT BESIDES the fact that Damian and his parents would DEFINITELY support Charlie with her project, why? because Damian has CANONICALLY said that "love is one of the most radical and powerful things in the world" so even if he is someone who enjoys violence, I can definitely see him supporting Charlie's message, seeing her as a complete revolutionist. .
and Damian's parents are not far behind! Even if you think Charlie is pursuing a very difficult goal, they would admire her determination and besides, they managed to make an alliance based on LOVE, why couldn't Charlie?
apart from the fact that Damian would enjoy screwing Lucifer by helping her and seeing the faces of those in heaven🤣😅
ahhhh, I love Monster Prom, I should watch it again. But now I'm going to try to finish my request.
OK, Tengo una peticion en el horno, pero mi hermana me ha estado insistiendo en que publique esta idea, y sinceramente yo tambien queria hablarla porque trae un viejo amor mio, Crossovers...y Monster Prom.
ahora imagínate esto.
aparte del bonus de referencia de que Damian es el principe del Octavo circulo del infierno(que seria eo equivalente aqui a la Envidia o Pereza? por ser el anillo siguente de Orgullo), que ambos no son personas muy acordes a sus pocisiones como principe/princesa,etc.
PERO ADEMAS del hecho de que Damian y sus padres DEFINITIVAMENTE apoyarían a Charlie con su proyecto ¿porque? porque Damian CANONICAMENTE ha dicho que "el amor es una de las cosas mas radicales y poderosas del mundo" por lo que incluso si es alguien que disfruta de la violencia, definitivamente puedo verlo apoyando el mensaje de Charlie, viendola a ella como una completá revolucionaría.
y los padres de Damian no se quedan atras! incluso si creen que Charlie esta siguiendo una meta muy difícil, admirarian su determinación y ademas, ellos lograron hacer una alizanza en base AL AMOR ¿porque Charlie no podria?
aparte de que Damian disfrutaria joder a Lucifer ayudandola y verles la cara a los del cielo🤣😅
ahhhh, amo Monster Prom, deberia volver a verlo. pero ahora voy a tratar de terminar mi peticion.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
just started playing monster camp, and idk why I’m but..
Damien LaVey x Human!Reader, he ends up getting her pregnant and they’re like what?! Since at first she was wondering how on earth his big di…. Would fit inside of her heck she even broke a rib after it.
but now she’s carrying a half demon baby. Both of them are worried how her body would handle the child if she could even handle it?
would the baby survive? Would she survive?
Damian would be worried about her and would definitely help during the pregnancy. Since the food for monsters is poisonous to humans he’d have to get food from the humans
the baby would arrive with two red horns and would have his hair and eyes
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useless-prince · 1 year
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Monster boys
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Damien and Milo from Monster Camp stimboard with themes of fire, makeup, and technology! Middle edit made by me using Monster Camp assets :]
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devtheratwrites · 1 year
i should never be allowed to play dating sims, i only go for the same character multiple times.
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mushlandsandbeyond · 5 months
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Couple of sketches from yesterday!
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thatonebandgeek · 2 years
have some headcannons at 4:30am because I physically cannot with life : )
JASON TODD, totally paints his nails. Change. My. Mind. his favourite colours to do are probably red and black. Roy laughs at him until jason paints his nails while he's sleeping. Roy understands the hype around painting your nails now.
MACAQUE, definitely called wukong to pick him up after spending all his money on theatre merch and tickets...he's broke
TSUKISHIMA, has Bluetooth headphones because his old ones only worked when he twisted the wire a certain way and he was having none of that hassle.
DAMIEN LAVEY (MONSTER PROM), decorates his horn for events. he likes to put like those stick on gems on them and he dies pretty henna patterns with golden puffy paint. he says it makes him look ✨️e l e g a n t ✨️
XIAO (MODERN AU), listens to MCR on full volume when Zhonglis talking to him. Imagne it:
"Xiao. Have you seen your hair? It's a mess have a shower!"
"*xiao nods his head and pretends to listen when really he's listening to Gerrard Way scream his heart out*"
DAIKI AOMINE, got his ears pierced after highschool because he was too scared to be teased and called gay or something. he only did it though,because a girl he hooked up with said guys with piercings were hot.
JON KENT, really, really,really likes lollipops because when he first met nightwing dick calmed him down by giving him a lollipop when he was scared and crying. his favourite flavours are cherry and blue raspberry because the red and blue remind him of clark.
LUCIFER FROM OBEY ME, really likes praise. but not in kinky way. in a,"im touch starved and have a big brother complex so everyone expects me to do it all," kinda way. like: " Luci, you're so warm," or "Luci you're arms are so big. You must be strong."
MAMMON FROM OBEY ME, you know that one time when asmo asks you why you smell like mammon? That made me wonder, what does he smell like. So I thought real hard and came up with this: cheap booze, 5 dollar cologne and money.
TIM DRAKE, feels so inferior to the other Robins. Like they all have a thing ya know? Dick: the original nice acrobat boi, Jason: the dead one who came back with guns and issues, Steph: feminist of the year, smart as fuck and beautiful, Damian: the blood son, strongest warrior in the world when he was nine, t r a u m a, has a milf as a mom. Need I say more? Tim's just a smart coffee obsessed geek. He doesn't feel like he brings anything to the team.
MORI-SENPAI FROM OHSHC, likes the colour pink. it reminds him of the club and his friends and good times.
MURASAKIBARA FROM KNB, hates cheese flavored snacks. he thinks they taste so artificial and he hates how most of them leave your brethe smelling gross and some weird powder on your hands.
MAKO FORM THE LEGEND OF KORA, thinks he's a shit boyfriend. I mean both of the girls he dated turned out to like each other more than him. and he's happy for them but at the same time he can't help but think that there's something wrong with him that made them turn to each other for their problems and not him.
MARSHALL LEE, loves flowers. like through all of that bad boy shit, he's just a baby. he finds flowers so beautiful. you can find them anywhere in a crack in the sidewalk, in the gutter literally anywhere. he loves how they persist through weather challenges and try their hardest to grow.
SUNA RINTAROU, secretly likes his loud teammates. he won't admit it but he loves how close they are even when they're all so different.
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Finalised bracket: Round 1 begins 13th March 11am GMT - ASK BOX IS OPEN FOR PROPAGANDA
note: Angels and Demons from religion will not be pictured
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Round 1 Participants
Sahaquiel (Evangelion) vs Gaghiel (Evangelion)
Emi Yusa/Emilia Justina (The Devil Is a Part-Timer) vs Angel (Devilish Hairdresser)
Vash (Trigun) vs Noelle (Deltarune)
Erika(s) (Welcome To Nightvale) vs Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)
Michael (Tanakh) vs Seraphim (Book of Isaiah)
Shealtiel (Your Wings and Mine) vs Uriel (When the Angels Left the Old Country)
Angewomon (Digimon) vs Lucewomon (Digimon)
Kronk's Shoulder Angel (Emperor's New Groove) vs Gabriel (SPN)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer) vs Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica)
Chara (Undertale) vs Courtney (Dead End)
Calcifer (Howl's Moving Castle) vs Betelgeuse (Betelgeuse, i am NOT risking summoning him nope not today)
Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist) vs Akira Fudou (Devilman Crybaby)
Niklaus Hendrix (JRWI) vs Up and Adam (Camp Here & There)
The Devil (Cuphead) vs Devil (Devilish Hairdresser)
Damian Lavey (Monster Prom) vs Tom Lucitor (SVTFOE)
Kronk's Shoulder Devil (Emperor's New Groove) vs Sauron (Lord of the Rings)
Ryo Asuka (Devilman Crybaby)
Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Exandoroth (JRWI)
Uriel (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Pit (Kid Icarus)
Panty Anarchy (Panty & Stocking with Garterbel)
Power (CSM)
Angel Devil (CSM)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Sebastian (Black Butler)
Blitzø (Helluva Boss)
Lucifer (The Bible)
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Jevil (Deltarune)
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4ggravation · 11 months
i want to wreck damian lavey's uterus so bad
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
note for dahlia :>
My muse has 'died'. Send 'note' for a goodbye letter my muse wrote to yours as a precaution, in case something, like it has, should happen
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'Dear Miranda, if you're reading this I've died. I'm willing to take a guess that I died in one of two ways;
I died defending someone from something, maybe my parents from another ruler of hell or maybe one of your friends from their problems.
I died in battle with the LaVey's, maybe even with Damian.
I really hope that if it's that second option that Damian made it out okay, I don't want you to lose two friends at once and I know he matters to you.
I know that when I go, stuff isn't gonna be like how it would be with the rest of you guys, I know I belong with you all but... I mean one of the options I listed is trying to kill our friend so like... Please try to not get mad any of our friends that seem relived at my death, I know they don't mean it personally it's just a thing they have to feel given context.
Anyways I wanted to say THANK YOU for being my friend, you really were the best friend a girl could ask for, so I owe ya for that.
I know that stuff is gonna be tough, and some of our friends, the others from hell, they're gonna be going though a lot so please look out for them, I know you're strong enough to that Miranda, and more importantly you're kind enough.
I know my mother will claim my power, and my parent will claim the small parts of land I own but I do want to leave you something, I don't think it'd be right of all of my stuff went just to my parents so...
I'm leaving you my collection of weapons and magical items, I don't know how much of it would be of any use to you but I want you to have 'em.
Lastly I have a small favor to ask of you; please try and remember me well, I already know the version of me that tales are told of isn't going to be quite right and our friends will be in a awkward spot when it comes to me.
Goodbye, Princesses Dahlia Aquino, heir to lordess Aquino.'
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theknucklehead · 3 months
I've been playing the heck out of Monster Prom
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And all I can say about this game
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This game is hilarious!
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Polly Geist easily has to be my favorite out of the cast (and yes I'm adding her to my list of favorite girls who are weird, hyper, and crazy)
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
Now that I've watched Hazbin Hotel SEVERAL TIMES and refreshed my memory a little with Monster Prom, I'm doing this quick parade of Headcanons for your entertainment.
Warnings: SPOILERS!!!
Hazbin Hotel x Monster Prom idea part 2
Okay, we already know that Damian and Charlie would be cousins, but I also got to thinking that Charlie probably could have gone to the prom just like Damian! with her ex-boyfriend (which is still canon) and Damian definitely kicked his ass as soon as he found out they broke up😂
Dahlia Aquino and Charlie meet! Similarly to Damian, she probably wanted to have a rivalry with her for being the literal daughter of Lucifer, but upon seeing Charlie's "Disney" personality type she gave up pretty quickly (especially when she saw the big power difference there is between the Aquinos and the Morningstars).
Currently Dahlia and Charlie get along quite well! Dahlia thinks Charlie should stop being so nice and join in a little with the violence, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't like Charlie's pampering.
Damian: Aren't you tired of being Nice?
Dahlia: don't you just wanna go appe shit?
bro, imagine that Charlie solves the problem of the Levays and the Aquinos in one day☠️
I can see Damian using "aggressive kindness" to get several souls from the eighth circle of hell to go to Charlie's hotel. Mr. and Mr. Lavey give Charlie more resources than Alastor does, such as personnel, resources, dissemination of the idea of the hotel, etc.
Let's be honest, Damian would be excited about the extermination being brought forward just so he can fight more exorcist angels. but he definitely makes it his personal goal to be admitted to heaven and hit Adam in the face (and other places). Dalia joins him.
OMG how ANGRY Damian would be at Valentino when he finds out what he did with Charlie's arm☠️
Damian doesn't like Alastor, he only likes him when he's doing violent things(His "calm, charming behavior" doesnt work with him), like in episode 5 oh, he'd be cheering for him SO HARD--
He doesn't do much when Lucifer comes, but I think he's definitely quite emotional when they finish singing "More than anything" and he's like "love is definitely the most radical thing in the world, it could beat the devil himself" and then he goes away he get drunk (Husk knows a lot about him, believe it).
If Damian SOMEHOW goes to heaven with Charlie and Vaggie, he's definitely blinded by so many pastel colors😂 and he already wants to leave. That is until they get to court, there he tries to bite Adan or at least give him a Roast. If not(most likely) he just go for a havoc, the normal thing for him.
(Damian definitely had no IDEA that Vaggie was a former exorcist, but he definitely thinks she's a lot more Badass now.)
OH HOLY SHIT IMAGINE THE FINAL BATTLE, Charlie not only has the support of the cannibals, but the support of the ENTIRE EIGHTH CIRCLE OF HELL, the angels would be considerably more screwed now. The Lavey lords give more angelic weapons and black magic, protection charms, Damian may even use contacts like Miranda to get her family to join the battle!
everything would be much more balanced between the demons and the angels, Damian and Dahlia are having a GREAT time killing angels left and right, Mr. and Mr. Lavey are having fun for the first time in YEARS and when they see Lucifer and Adam's fight it is even better!
when Adam dies- holy shit, Damian is celebrating and when he gets the chance he will dance on his body.
help rebuild the hotel 🥺 Damian and Dahlia HAS to Sing in the final song, i don't make the rules.
Overall, a nice Crossover❣️
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
Familiar Faces Unfamiliar Spaces
by Bossisded Things in Gotham have been slowing down since the imprisonment of the Rogues. A few, like Mr.Freeze are still at large. But when a huge blast of magical energy happens the same night that all the Rogues escape, Batman and his crew have to work even harder to get to the cause, before Gotham is destroyed in the process. Words: 1262, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Monster Prom (Visual Novel), DCU Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow (My Hero Academia), Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou, Jason Todd, Leonardo (TMNT), Yellow | Oz (Monster Prom), Damien LaVey, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Kid Flash, Clark Kent, Justice League (DCU), Teen Titans (DCU), Gotham City, Gotham City Residents, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Damien LaVey/Yellow | Oz, Damien LaVey & Jason Todd, Yellow | Oz & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Peter Parker, Jason Todd & Tokoyami Fumikage, Tokoyami Fumikage & Dark Shadow, Tokoyami Fumikage & Peter Parker, Dark Shadow & Jason Todd, Dark Shadow & Leonardo, Dark Shadow & Tim Drake, Peter Parker & Tim Drake, Batfamily Members & Peter Parker, Kirishima Eijirou & Ashido Mina, Kirishima Eijirou/Tokoyami Fumikage, Ashido Mina & Dark Shadow, Ashido Mina/Dark Shadow Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Past Character Death, Lazarus Pit (DCU), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Peter Parker Has The Soul Stone, Peter Parker is a Mess, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, he gets one, as will everyone, eventually, First time writing for many fandoms, Mash up of timelines, The mha cast members come from an apocalyptic timeline, Dark Shadow gets her own body, Dark Shadow is not tied to Tokoyami, Dark Shadow goes by Sumikage Tokoyami, Jason Todd is fresh out the lazarus pits, Jason Todd leads a team, Nonbinary Yellow | Oz, Shapeshifter Yellow | Oz, Villain Peter Parker, Villain Yellow | Oz, Villain Damien Lavey, Villain Jason Todd, Villain Tokoyami Fumikage, Villain Dark Shadow, Villain Ashido Mina, Villain Kirishima Eijirou, Villain Leonardo (TMNT), More tags to be added, Tags Contain Minor Spoilers, tagging is hard, Updates are slow, Mainly because i have such a busy schedule via https://ift.tt/I1c0giH
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screaming-bot · 8 months
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ofhope-a · 1 year
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@skytired sent in this unprompted...
Semi confident walk to Damian, phobia ready to attempt to flirt. “ If you love water, it means you like 70% of me.  ” He seems to be proud of the delivery, at least until realized what he said. To an arson-loving demon. & furthermore Oz isn't made out of water at all. “ ...wait. ”
for Damien LaVey.
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Confidence? On Oz??? There's a question there, punctuated by a (affectionate, belittling?) call of nerd. Confidence and Oz were like arson and Oz, in which Oz sat at a comfortable distance and didn't at any point in time come any closer, no matter Damien's hollers about how freaking awesome it was.
Who hooked you up? is the first question, who did you hook up with? is his second, did you beat your record of how many corpses you can stash in your basement? is his third, and did you like, sprain your ankle or something, you're walking kind of weird? is his final question, none of which are voiced, and all of which twine together into a mess of vaguely-flirtatious-vaguely-nosy-vaguely-FOMO-y, because he thought stashing corpses together was their thing! Said mess is then put into a woodchipper, ground into dust, and lay forgotten at his feet.
“... Dude,” there's a palm at Oz's shoulder, just beside phobia #1, which isn't phobia #2, and definitely not phobia#3 — there's a sorrowful frown then, overdone and far from subtle. “That. Was the lamest shit I've ever heard. Like, I'm talking 2000's talk-show that's still going on despite their host being a reanimated corpse that only knows how to bash millennials and show YouTube clips that are decades old lame.”
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With Oz's display of lameness now known to the general public, Damien reverts back to his usual cocky demeanor, a boyish smirk at his lips.
“That said, I do got a thing for horrific shit, and you definitely make up 70% of that. So. You lucked out on being a physical manifestation of nightmares, or whatever.”
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