#Dr. Badr
cheapbourbon · 7 months
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Hunters moon
I don’t do traditional much but after loving so much on Cappuccio’s incredible ink work I decided to murder a pin in honor of what is possibly Hunter Moons death/rebirth date. 😌 That’s right! Today is the Hunters Moon!
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quirinus-quire · 10 months
How Moon Knight #26 Opens Up a Conversation About Spiritual Plurality Alongside DID
Moon Knight #26 (2023) came out 3 days ago, and gave us the long awaited focus issue on the recently introduced character to the franchise, Dr. Yehya Badr, aka Hunter's Moon. In this issue, Dr. Badr is shown in a therapy session with Marc Spector's therapist, Dr. Sterman. In this session, he explains that after the last time he was resurrected by Khonshu, his consciousness began to merge with that of previous, deceased fists of Khonshu.
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[ID: two comic panels from Moon Knight (Volume 9) #26. In the first panel, Dr. Sterman sits on a chair in her home. She says "One moment, please. You're telling me that the... persona of a dead fist of Khonshu took over your body?" In the second panel, Dr. Badr faces the wall and responds to her. "Yes and no. It was more that... we became one." end ID]
Badr is experiencing the memories and identities of these former Fists of Khonshu, as if they are his own.
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[ID: two more panels from the same comic, both characters are in the same places. Dr. Sterman says: "So that is what you meant by a flawed resurrection. The chorus that Khonshu imbued you with, the memories of all the firsts who came before you..." she trails off, and Badr picks up with: "Yes. The levee has broken. And at times, I cannot tell where I end and they begin." end ID]
What Badr is experiencing here is by all definitions a plural experience. Religious and spiritual plurals are very much a thing in the real world, and it is not uncommon for plurals of all origins to have blurred identities and memories, as Badr does with his system.
While Badr is definitely not the first case of spiritual, religious, or non-disordered plurality in the Marvel Universe, because Moon Knight is a book with a protagonist with Dissociative Identity Disorder, this gives Marvel the perfect opportunity to have an explicit discussion about plurality existing in other forms beyond DID.
The majority of representation for plurality in media centers around Dissociative Identity Disorder, as does Moon Knight. Plural representation that is not textually described as DID is usually a supernatural experience, such as possession by a ghost or some other supernatural entity. As we have already mentioned, spiritual and religious plurals do exist in the real world, though probably not in cases like Badr's, they still are very much real and deserve to be represented just as much as people with DID do.
While the plural community at large has become more accepting and aware of plural experiences outside of DID in the past couple decades, we still need to break this barrier in media representation. Marvel would be a great place to do it, as they have such a vast universe of so many diverse characters, and already have plenty of characters with DID. Badr may not be exactly the perfect candidate, as his system's origin is not very realistic, but he is still a huge opportunity to open this discussion.
Badr and Marc are already textually described as brothers, they have a complex relationship that could be strengthened further by their shared experience of plurality. There's plenty of conversations to be had about the ways their plurality differs- Marc, Steven, and Jake have very hard memory and identity barriers, while Badr and his system have quite the opposite.
As a system ourselves, this is something we've long waited for, both in Marvel and in all forms of fictional media in general, when it comes to portrayals of plurality. Let's hope Marvel gives us this arc!
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
I love the fact that bc we saw so little of Jake in the tv show, everyone thinks he’s the problem child of the three. Meanwhile, in the comics they recently had a conversation that was essentially “ Marc your problem isn’t that you have DID, it’s you” and “Marc why do you think YOU are in therapy and not US?” and “Marc, Jake and Steven didn’t try to take over the world. YOU did.”
Don’t get me wrong Jake and Steven are messy bitches(mostly Steven) and also have their fuck ups(mostly Jake), but most of the systems problems come FROM MARC !!!
Even in the show too! I mean Steven and Jake(from the little we’ve seen) are mostly rational in their decision making. Marc on the other hand married the daughter of the guy he believes he killed, without telling her, runs away from his problems, including his wife!!! and moves 15minutes away from where they used to live and let’s Steven take the reigns, full well knowing there is a huge possibility he’ll run into Layla eventually!!! Like WHAT !? The man didn’t take into consideration that his wife literally could just say No to Khonshu and becoming his avatar, WHICH IS HIS MAIN MOTIVATOR and she eventually does actually JUST SAY NO! Batshit decision making process.
Now I love all of them, my little guys!!! but if any of them are acting completely irrational at times, 8/10 times it’s gonna be Marc.
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ask-cloverfield · 1 year
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lovecatsys · 1 year
Marc and Dr. Badr have two completely different flavors of autism going on. is this anything.
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comicwaren · 11 months
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From Moon Knight: City of the Dead #001, “Memory of a Killer”
Art by Marcelo Ferreira, Jay Leisten and Rachelle Rosenberg
Written by David Pepose
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moon-knights-balls · 10 months
Issue 26 summary:Badr gets an identity crisis
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I love these guys
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luxshine · 2 years
Chapters: 22/? Fandom: Moon Knight (TV 2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant, Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant/Marc Spector, Steven Grant/Jake Lockley/Marc Spector, Layla El-Faouly/Jake Lockley, Layla El-Faouly/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley/Marc Spector, Marc Spector/Layla El-Faouly Characters: Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Layla El-Faouly, Khonshu (Moon Knight), Tawaret (Marvel) Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Not evil Khonshu, Khonshu is... complicated, Protective Jake Lockley, Daddy!Khonshu Series: Part 1 of Hijos de la Luna Summary:
Marc and Steven are haunted by a song.
New revelations come, as Steven FINALLY asks Reese about that conspiracy she keeps talking about. Jake asks for help, the guys start analyzing their relationship with their godly father, Khonshu is thinking about what it means to be the System's biological father, given that he always thought of himself as their adoptive father anyway... oh, and Layla meets a new friend.
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soranatus · 5 months
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Brothers beneath the Moonlight By IxpertishVela
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juhbebbie · 6 months
Sometimes a family is you, a teenage vampire, a tiger lady, another vampire, your brother-from-the-same-egyptian-moon-god-of-vengeance, the two other guys that live in your brain, and a guy who wears a giant pool ball on his head at all times
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cheapbourbon · 10 months
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Hunters Knight : Silence is golden
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zolimarts · 10 months
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Hunter's Moon 🌙
Drawing character that only appears in the comics>>>
more of my stuff:D
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age-of-moonknight · 4 months
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Variant cover for Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #2 by Mateus Manhanini.
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tiptapricot · 7 months
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🌙✨Travelers of the night!✨🌙
The time has come for us to share the month of prompts for Moon KnightCember! This is a collaborative list put together and shaped by many lovely fans who have contributed ideas, designs, information, guidance, and more to make a fun December fan event for all!
This event is open to all forms of Moon Knight, from comics to the MCU show, and participants are welcome to create for any version or mix they desire. Prompts are available every other day to give people the ability to choose their pacing, and one or both prompts can be used depending on preference. When participating, please use the hashtag #MKcember2023!
Good luck in your creative fight, we can’t wait to see what you create!
Big thanks to @crystaljelly64 (who also did all the graphics here), @belablue222, @fdelopera and all the others that contributed to the making of this event! :-D
(Basic IDs in ALT and full image descriptions including written out prompt list and live links under cut! A transcript of the Cinco Pa’ Las Doce Instagram highlight is also included under Resources.)
Image 1: The moon knight-cember prompt list. Moon knight envelops the prompt calendar with his cape, white cloth encircling the edges and black filling the background behind the prompts. The Moon Knight-cember title is written in stylized text above the calendar, the C a golden crescent dart and the background behind it light blue and snowy. The prompts read:
1st: “Headspace” and/or “Home Is Where The Heart Is”
3rd: “Supernatural Encounter(s)” and/or “Good Friends”
5th: “Cab-allero” and/or “Constellations”
7th: “Chanukah Sameach” and/or “Gelt and Gus/Crawley”
9th: “Candles” and/or “Chanukiah”
11th: “Chanukah Food” and/or “Dreidel”
13th: “Tzedek” and/or “Perseverance”
15th: “Shabbat” and/or “Kiddush Cup”
17th: “Rainy Day” and/or “VHS Tape”
19th: “Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives” and/or “Notes”
21st: “Judgement” and/or “Negative Space”
23rd: “Blast Off!” and/or “Sink”
25th: “Calm Before The Storm” and/or “Little Bug”
27th: “Floating/Blurry” and/or “Phone Call”
29th: “Reflection” and/or “Every Grain Of Sand”
31st: “Cinco Pa’ Las Doce” and/or “Together”
The days of Hanukkah, December 7th through the 15th, are highlighted in glowing gold. The rest of the prompt text is a light blue.
Image 2: A list of basic definitions for words on the prompt list. The definitions read as follows:
Caballero (Spanish): “Knight” ; “Gentleman”
Chanukah Sameach (Jewish): “Happy Hanukkah”; common greeting during Hanukkah
Gelt (Jewish): chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil and given to others to inspire charity
Chanukiah (Jewish): menorah or lamp used for Hanukkah
Dreidel (Jewish): spinning top; played with during Hanukkah
Tzedek (Jewish): “Justice”; “Fairness”; how things should be
Shabbat (Jewish): the Jewish day of Rest
Kiddush Cup (Jewish): cup of wine that’s blessed during Shabbat/Jewish holiday meals
Cinco Pa’ Las Doce (Spanish): “5 minutes til 12”; a New Years Eve song from South and Central America
Image 3: Text that reads: Links and Sources. For more info on Hanukkah and Shabbat, you can go to myjewishlearning.com, and you can also find examples of prayers and services from Jewish YouTubers!
Check out @belablue222’s story highlight “CPLD 🌙 🕰️” for more details on the song and tradition, as well as how it connects to Moon Knight! (Transcript from Instagram below ID)
Links and recommended posts will also be added below cut!
Image 4: text that reads: Slide 7: Text that reads:
During a time of folks using current events to spread hate and vitriol, it’s important to stand firm with love and support for Jewish people and make sure our spaces are firmly free of antisemitism. Fighting fire with fire is never the solution, and support and action for groups in peril does not and should not require falling to different types of bigotry or antisemitic tropes. MKCember is a celebration of a beloved Jewish character and all aspects of that should be respected and loved, and focus on joy and genuine exploration. While creating your works, be aware, be vigilant, and be informed, and together we can make something lovely! /end ID]
Chanukah Sameach
Kiddush Cup
Post by @fdelopera about engaging with Moon Knight and Jewish celebrations respectfully and carefully during this challenge
Cinco Pa’ Las Doce Instagram highlight (transcript below)
Transcript of Cinco Pa’ Las Doce deep dive by @belablue222:
“Cinco Pa' las doce: a cultural deep dive and its ties to the moon knight system.
Disclaimer: I am latina, but i cannot speak for all of the traditions practiced or not practiced in all latinoamérica countries due to how many of us there are, as well as how unique each of our traditions are. Because of this, I will be using traditions that are more widely practiced.
As we approach the end of the year, places all over the world prepare to bring in the new year with all sorts of traditions and customs. It is a time of celebrating, mingling, and integrating. It’s a time for one to connect to their background of where they come from, and embrace tradition.
New Years is especially important in latinoamérica, and has traditions that go back decades or even centuries. Today, i will be talking about a well known and beloved tradition, as well as others that are commonly practiced in central and South America.
Cinco Pa’ Las Doce
Written in 1963 and performed by Venezuelan actor and singer Néstor Zavarce, Cinco Pa' Las Doce is a hauntingly beautiful song about a person wanting to run home to hug their mom for New Years, with the sound of bells playing throughout the street. The song became immensely popular throughout latinoamérica throughout the years, and there are many different versions with many different styles, but the original one still remains the iconic classic widely known.
In typical tradition, people with gather together at 11:55pm on New Year’s Eve and spend time together, thinking about past memories, wondering what the new years will bring, and enjoy each others company as the song plays. Once the song ends, it is midnight, and people will celebrate this by doing many different traditions, here are a few of them that are most commonly practiced...
Typical traditions:
Fireworks: like a lot of other places, fireworks are often lit in the biggest of cities, or the smallest of villages, the colors brightening the sky of the new year.
12 uvas: eating 12 grapes at midnight is a tradition that is ment to bring good luck for the new year, and represent 12 wishes that will only come true if the grapes are eaten quickly.
Walking a block with a suitcase: when the clock strikes midnight, some people will grab a suitcase and walk (or even run) a block around their neighborhood for them to be able to travel and go to many places in the new year
Lentils: lentils have significance in many different ways for latam countries. some will eat lentils or lentil soup at midnight, others will pocket them or even wrap 12 of them in a bill, no matter what, lentils are meant to bring good fortune and prosperity for the new year.
Yet what does this all have to do with Moon Knight?
The Moon Knight system in the MCU are both Jewish as well as Latino. New years is a great way for them to connect with their latam roots, while also being respectful to their other traditions as well. They can enjoy latinoamerican foods that are customary to the winter seasons, sing songs in spanish, and enjoy many other things. they could even intigrate things or come up with new traditions so they can comfortably celebrate el año nuevo.
From an artistic standpoint, it's a good way to ponder what their relationship is with these traditions that have deep ties to family, and the potential effects it has on them due to their own relationship with their family. Do they struggle? Do they reclaim? Do they pass these traditions on?
An interesting thing to ponder to the ethereal bells of Cinco Pa' las Doce.” (End of transcript)
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heckcareoxytwit · 3 months
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In order to defeat the mysterious gamesmaster behind the evil roleplaying game, Doctor Strange recruits some allies such as Black Cat, Hunter's Moon and Taskmaster. As they enter into the Fantasy Dimension, Doctor Strange and others had their costumes changed into the player roles of the game. Doctor Strange is the Mage, Hunter's Moon is the Priest, Black Cat is the Thief and Taskmaster is the Fighter.
Doctor Strange v6 #13, 2024
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