#Elliot Gilmore
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OC Pride Challenge 2023: Day 5: Aro/Ace Aroace oc. ✦ Elliot Gilmore ✦
Chose people who chose you.
Everything Tag:  @eddysocs  @witchofinterest  @cj-offical-sexyman​ @thecaptainsgingersnap   @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @cecexwrites
Gilmore Girls tag: @fyeahgilmoreocs​ @slytherindisaster
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venti-venus · 2 months
.·:*¨ requests are open! ¨*:·.
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thehangerson · 9 months
luke-table-for-one-sunborn and elliot-i'm-sorry-can-i-get-an-industrial-forklift-for-my-emotional-baggage-schafer
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 9 months
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Gilmore Girls OCs ✤ Taylor Swift Albums (x)
Red: Brady Mariano 1989: Sienna Elliot Reputation: Charles Gilmore
Tag List: want to be added?
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timegays · 1 year
I’ve said it once and i’ll say it again. Saw au where everything is the same except Strahm is Luke from Gilmore girls 
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
Did I just buy Ivanhoe at the local indie secondhand bookstore because it’s Elliot’s favorite book?
Yeah. I fuckin did. I’ve got it bad, friends, and he isn’t even real 😬
Ruby, the shop cat, is throwing me enough shade so spare me the rest of your judgement.
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isabella-111 · 2 years
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Feel free to send them in now so i can post a bunch them :)
I do not write ( anything not on this list is on the table feel free to request)
- incest (stepest too)
- SA / r@pe
- any type of stalker or like sempie or murder or kidnapping
- Homophobia, Racism, xenophobia, etc.
- illegal age differences ( must be 17 or older if they’re gonna be with someone older then 18 )
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wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
what was it about 2000′s cinema and debutante culture and pageants. why was this so pervasive. was this actually a thing in the 2000′s that people did that i just didn’t know about???
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Christianity, Sexuality and Gender: My journey
In childhood, I always thought it a dreadful bore to be a girl. In all my games I pretended to be a male character either from books or movies, or made up entirely. In movies the boys got to race around and climb trees and shoot guns and have adventures! But the girls had to wear dresses and corsets and be polite and proper and sew things. If they were rough and tumble they were most of the time an aberration. Or they were often the side kick or a minor character. Girls who wanted adventure had to dress like boys or even pretend to be boys. 
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I read a book when I was a kid about this woman named Deborah Sampson who lived in Massachusetts and dressed up as a man so that she could fight for the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War. I can still remember the pictures. She was lauded for being brave and fearless. I admired that she was so confident that she didn’t belong churning butter during war time that she got a uniform, and went to find battle so that she could participate and possibly die or be horribly mangled for a cause she believed in. I’d probably be all pissed off but still churning butter and milking cows on the farm. 
I was homeschooled in fourth and fifth grade back when we lived out in the sticks of ______________. Homeschooling allowed us to distill the academics down so we could finish much earlier in the day than public schoolers and be outside more often. 
My sisters and I, particularly Micah and I were always outside when the weather was nice and sometimes even when it wasn’t. I am the oldest, then Mic is two years younger, and Emma was two years younger than Mic. When you’re all under ten years old four years is a big difference. I never actually asked Emma, but my perception was that she didn’t like playing outside as much, but maybe she just couldn’t keep up and we didn’t slow down, I don’t know. It makes me sad that we left her behind.
My mom was really great at making sure we had opportunities to be social and interact with other kids while also participating in cool educational opportunities. I think the highlight was, one time she got the entire digestive system of a pig from a butcher, laid it out on a couple card tables on black trash bags under the shade of this big tree in the front yard and invited a few other home schooling families over to come over and dissect it with us. I wish I had been there when she had to get it all out of the bag and lay it out—to see her flopping pig organs around and getting the ass end down and sorting it out. That must have been a sight. Another time she got a pig heart for us to dissect and that was pretty cool too. Kudos to my mom. 
In addition to the epic anatomy lessons, we had routine social gatherings as well and mostly they were fun. Time is all screwy to me now when I look back—I have no idea how long we were going there—but we used to go to the Lawson’s house for music and gym. They Lawson’s comprised Tim, the father, who was very tall and had a wonderful sense of humor. I loved hearing him tell stories and he was always breaking into song. Pam was his wife, she was always baking and cooking and making interesting things. Her kitchen always smelled like blueberry muffins. She was also very funny and also sang a lot. I really enjoyed watching her interact with her kids. They seemed relaxed in a way that my parents weren’t and I enjoyed being there. 
Their kids were Thadryan (Thay-dree-an, emphasis on first syllabul), whose name Tim made up playing Dungeons and Dragons, Tyler, Toby and Tessa. Thadryan was my age and I thought he was really cool. He wasn’t very demonstrative or emotive and he was pretty tough. He was sporty and enjoyed baseball a lot but we played all kinds of make pretend games outside. We played a lot of Spider-man. His brothers were various degrees of whiny and fussy but they played too. Emma and Tessa were always off doing who knows what and we generally made a practice of running away from them and making them the bad guys whenever they came around. I didn’t really like sports, but Thadryan made whiffle ball fun. 
Years later through snippets of conversations with my mom I gathered that my mom and Pam may not have gotten along. My mom is always very direct with her opinions up to and including politics and religion. When people disagree with her the look on her face and body language suggests surprise that people could be dumb enough to think something different. Knowing what I know now, I understand that Pam was more liberal. My mom gets this shocked tone in voice and it always puts my teeth on edge. I’m amazed we went over there as often as we did and left the two of them inside alone. I bet the topic of homeschooling and having kids to talk about made it civil,  but what a trooper for her to do that every week for hours a day when she may have not enjoyed it. She said to me that we loved it and that’s why we did it. I am not that cool of a mom. 
The one homeschooling extracurricular activity I dreaded was going to the McNally house for choir. They lived “in town” in Orange, Massachusetts. (Oh by the way, the Stephen King show, “Castle Rock” was filmed within walking distance of the McNally and Lawson house. Super cool. I love Stephen King.) There were houses very close on either side and behind them. Their backyard was a steep slope downwards. Their yard on both sides of their house, front yard and porch was full of appliances and boxes and forgotten broken toys, old yard equipment, and junk. Inside the house it always smelled like a combination of leftover spaghetti sauce and a musty thrift store. And everything seemed green, the outside of the house was painted pine tree green, the furniture was green. The house seemed too dark and there were always too many people there. 
The McNally kids were a whole gaggle. There were eight of the ranging from  fourteenths down to a baby who was just sitting up. The eldest two were girls and the rest of them were boys.  From eavesdropping I learned that Mrs. McNally had all her children in their bedroom upstairs and didn’t go to the doctor for ultrasounds or anything so they never knew the gender of the babies before they were born. For the last one, the eldest had been in the house, sitting on the steps when the baby was born and when they found out he was a boy she cried. 
The McNally’s were a conservative family. They were all homeschooled too and the girls had to wear dresses and skirts all the time and kept their hair really really long. I’m pretty sure the girls clothes were home made. The boys wore whatever they wanted.
This was my first time recognizing a feeling of “other.” They seemed poor and dirty and unlucky to have to be dressed like that all the time. I was always happy to leave and always dreaded to go.  Their girls seemed so constrained and constricted by their situation and their dress. I felt very masculine in comparison to them and took a measure of pride in being tougher than they were. 
I equate dressing “like a boy” with being comfortable and feeling at home. Since my early days dressing “like a girl” in frilly things were always for other people’s benefit. I couldn’t sit how I wanted, couldn’t play like I wanted. It was boring. 
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Nothing much changed as I grew into a woman’s body. Jeans and a tee shirt means relaxation, casualness, organic play and rough housing, the ability to get dirty any time for any reason and not worrying about the clothes. I don’t have to think at all about how I look. Put me in a shirt that is below the little “u” where my clavicles meet and all I can think about is not letting anyone see down my shirt or my boobs hanging out.  I can’t have fun because I’m too preoccupied thinking about boobs. This isn’t even taking into account body image issues and feeling insecure, though the heavier I got the more it did. How can I think big thoughts or enjoy my rich inner life if I am distracted by boring stuff like smearing my mascara, not letting anyone see too much cleavage or sitting like a lady?
Another element in the mix was that I got this idea from my particular brand of Christian culture that as a woman my body can cause men to have certain feelings and embarrassing physical reactions. In Christian circles this is bad unless the person you are arousing is your husband.  Therefore even when I did feel pretty I also felt guilty (with a dash of empowerment….a confusing feeling overall and one I didn’t really like.) My mentality was that I should protect my “brothers in Christ” by not being immodest so that they didn’t get tripped up by my foxiness and accidentally get aroused. 
I had a conversation with Nan about this once when we were in our 20s and she has always been very confident in her sexuality. She said that she actually  enjoyed making out with a guy and and then just walking away and leaving him in his aroused state. So typical of Nan. I always felt embarrassed about my sexuality and uncomfortable. Once I was at my ex-boyfriend’s house alone. I had come to his house dressed “nicely” to go out to dinner. We were standing in his kitchen and he was standing really close to me. I think at the time I wasn’t even kissing him yet because I told him I wasn’t allowed to and wanted to wait for marriage. (That didn’t last very long, but kissing was as far as we ever got.) He was standing as close as you can really stand next to someone with his face hovering over mine with that sultry, squinty puppy look tempting me and hoping I’d kiss him, but I felt something poking me softly in the hip and I was very weirded out….but also….empowered and flattered.
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My dad was an elder at church and he liked to greet people and chat with them near the entrance of the sanctuary. My church was a very affectionate church--everyone gave hugs to everyone. I was doing what everyone else was doing and would always give hugs in greeting too. I was as proud of giving good strong hugs as I was of giving good strong handshakes. I was even complimented on my hugs once or twice. However, I was in my early teens when swift mortification befell my naive heart when my dad told me that I couldn’t hug men like that because I had breasts now. Thus the side-hug or not hugging at all. I felt like the guy in the Western who gets shot in the chest with an arrow all of a sudden and looks down quizzically before falling over. (My dad was also the one to say, while the family was eating some delicious fried chicken at the dinner table that I had to start wearing a bra.)
Once when I was at youth group I went to give my friend’s dad a hug (because everyone was doing the same exact thing) and he literally put his hands up to keep me back and said, “I only hug my wife.” I know I’ve already used the word “mortified” a million times now, but if I’m stand offish about hugs now this is fucking why. I am so tired of that.  So, whatever, I was just doing what other people seemed to do because I thought we were all a big fucking family. 
Another very uncomfortable thing for me was, one morning I put on my moms perfume, Beautiful by Este Laude, and my dad got into the truck to take me to school and we hadn’t even made it a half mile from the house and he said I couldn’t wear Mom’s perfume because it “did things for him.” Gross. 
In general, my femininity has been a big embarrassment and come between me and my dad. I used to be really close to my dad. I love the guy, but it’s not the same. My growing up put a wedge between us. Fucking boobs. He got all formal and awkward. Don’t get me wrong he is a fantastic guy, he’s one of the most generous, helpful people you will ever meet. He genuinely loves people and he loves me. I just had more fun with dad when I wasn’t a woman.
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When I was a preschool age kid I had these big huge strawberry blonde banana curls. As my hair got longer and heavier my mom started to French braid my hair so I could play without it getting all tangled and gnarly. But I played hard all day and my mom was always complaining about my hair. I sure as heck didn’t do anything to take care of it. Finally, when I was eight or so mom took me to get a “Dorothy Hamel” haircut—or a bob. I was thrilled.
In my mom’s opinion, the haircut was a disaster. She didn’t even tell me that at the time, I pieced it together later, but she was really mad at how badly it came out. I looked like the little kid from The Santa Clause  and Dunstun Checks In—classic 90’s boy cut. I guess that’s what you get when your aunt who mostly cuts the hair of octogenarians tries to give you a trendy cut.
I loved it, though. On the way home, I couldn’t stop looking at my hair in the side view mirror.  If only I wasn’t wearing thick prescription glasses. Not quite coke bottle but heading in that direction. 
That was in the third grade and I was going to a public elementary school. I was really into X-Men and being a mutant at the time. One day soon after I got my haircut, at recess, I was playing with some action figures (Wolverine and Gambit against a Mr. Sinister who was double their size and Aladdin--he was good for collateral damage or hostage taking.) This boy came and sat down in the sand with me and said he wanted to play and I said sure. He asked me if I was a boy or a girl and what my name was. I said my name was Tom and we played until the bell rang. 
I have never liked clothes shopping. It is such a waste of precious doing-anything-else-in-the-world time.  Even back in the day when everything fit me I hated it. I remember school shopping with my mom in Wal-mart around this Dorothy Hamel haircut period and we were picking our way ever so slowly through the girls area of the store. 
“Do you like this?” She said and it either had a flower print all over it or poofy shoulders or lace or have a neckline lower than my throat and I made this squinchy face and she pursed her lips into a thin line of impatience and disapproval and put it back on the rack. But I felt like I couldn’t say no to everything so the ones I could tolerate a little more I’d say, “I guess so.”
“Are you going to wear it? She’d say, annunciating overmuch and with her eyebrows brushing the fluorescent lighting over our heads. 
“Sure.” I’d say. 
And then…from across the aisle I’d see—a black tee shirt with Darth Vader on it and a Tie Fighter in the foreground that looked like it was flying right at you. It said, “Join the Dark Side.” I begged and begged and finally she conceded. I wore it all the time. It disappeared after a while and I suspect it ended up in the wood stove downstairs. 
In high school especially I knew I didn’t dress like the other girls. I recognized it but it didn’t occur to me to go out and get clothes like everyone else. I knew I wouldn’t be happy in what everyone else was wearing. I registered that they looked cute and even admired them, but whenever I tried to be like them I felt like an imposter. 
I did have some “fashion” influences, if you can even call it that. The first person that was an influence on my dress  and sense of style was Becky Hastings. I looked up to her and admired her. I thought she was the coolest person I had ever met. She was very pretty. She wore bandanas in her hair that she stuck there with bobby pins. She had gauges in her ears and a pierced nose. She wore camouflage cargo shorts and converse sneakers and listened to Christian rock and heavy metal bands like August Burns Red, Under Oath, and Demon Hunter. I wasn’t ready for heavy metal of any kind at the time but she introduced me to Thousand Foot Krutch and Pillar and holy shit I felt so cool listening to that driving my car with my newly acquired winter-hat-but-its-cooler-when-you-call-it-a-beanie. I loved the way she talked, the way she laughed at things then said, “Right?” 
One day she was driving me home from hanging out with her at her house and she was wearing her gray, black and white cargo shorts and I had my first fully formed sexual inkling about her legs and how I’d like to touch them.  
Becky made it okay to not be churchy, but still be a Christian. She made me feel good embracing the styles I preferred. What I liked was very much still in development and it would take me more than a decade to begin to be comfortable with it—but that journey really began with Becky and the realization that I wasn’t the only anomaly. 
The second big style influence was a little gem written by Diablo Cody and directed by Jason Reitman called Juno (2007), starring Ellen Page, Jennifer Garner, Allison Janney, Michael Cera and Jason Bateman. But all I really cared about was Ellen Page. The whole cast is great though. I’ve listened to the audio commentary at least twice and watched the movie a half dozen times. It took me a while to get to the movie because everyone was talking about it all the time and I don’t like bandwagons. In part, I might be a little bit of a snob when it comes to books and movies, but also, I think I don’t want to think about a really good experience being shared by so many people in the exact same way.
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Anyways, for a few years I worked at this trash heap of a store called Videos Videos Videos back in the day when people went out to rent movies. They also sold gift baskets there and helium balloons. And pornography. The store was really dingy and dusty and smelled like what would happen if you took a whole dustpan full of dust and cobwebs and baked it in the oven for three hours at four hundred degrees. When I first started there they had VHS tapes. I worked under the table there for cash. I was pretty proud of myself. That was the longest lasting job I ever had. I loved going through all the movies and making sure they were alphabetized and facing the right way. I loved when people asked me for recommendations or if such and such was a good movie. I loved thinking about what movie I should play on the television when people came into the store and that it was a nice quiet job and I could do homework and stuff when it wasn’t busy. The best part of the job though, was employees could rent as many movies as they wanted as long as they had been older than three months.
Juno rocked my world. One, it was written by a woman who was working as a stripper at the time. How cool is that? Two, it has no equal to it’s style in writing. It was so hilarious, so fun to listen to and quote and listen to again. 
Juno MacGuff wasn’t trying to sound like anyone else, she just was who she was and lived there. It encouraged me to find my own sense of self and style and own it. I also loved the wardrobe in the movie, something I had never paid attention to before. She was happy to be an oddball and probably rocked thrift stores and found cool stuff. If I could be patient and tolerate the gross smells, maybe I could find cool stuff too. Juno encouraged me to develop my own sense of humor and to not be afraid to drop references from movies, books, pop culture or history and if other people got them, cool, if not oh well, that’s not the point. The point is, this is me. Deal with it. Juno gave me a sense that I was the cool one and everyone else around me was boring. For good or ill, this revolutionized my persona and made me much less of a Timid Tina/Awkward Anna. On good days this is what I tapped into.
I bet 75% of popularity or beauty is confidence. If you’re going to get glasses or a unique hair cut and never lift your eyes up off the ground than it automatically puts a target on your back. But if you put your shoulders back and look people in the eye and think in your head, “Why the fuck aren’t YOU wearing coke bottle glasses,” it’s like an Instagram filter that makes you 10x cooler or more beautiful than if you didn’t. Juno gave me training wheels for developing that filter.
A third big style influence in my life (and that of my sisters and mom), was introduced to me by Katie the summer before we went to college, and that was the Gilmore Girls. She had the first few seasons on DVD and we went through the first season together. I think the first two seasons are the best of the whole series writing-wise. I took them home with me and my sisters and my mom and I watched it and none of us were ever the same. 
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We were never allowed to watch “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” growing up, if we had I suspect that what the “Gilmore Girls” did for us would have probably happened a lot earlier in the life of our female lives. The Gilmore’s (+ Suki) were very smart, well-read, well versed in movies and music and culture, were hilarious and had quick wits and a gift for banter. At the time, it too was a show where the writing set it apart. We were funny before the Gilmore’s, but it seems like after this show came out we reached a new dimension. 
In the beginning of the show, Rory wasn’t boy crazy, she wasn’t on the phone constantly, she wasn’t obsessed with her nail color or plucking her eye brows. She actually genuinely enjoyed school, had clearly defined goals for her life and liked reading and studying. She was a breath of fresh air. She made me feel better about myself because that’s exactly how I was. Whenever my ninth grade teacher would put the next book we were reading on our desk it felt like he had just slapped a treasure chest down on my desk, or a holy relic of some kind. 
A lesser influence in my life was Jennifer Garner’s Sydney Bristow from “Alias.” She was really smart, worked hard at school (until becoming a spy…then it got crazy) and she was beautiful and sexy. I admired her work ethic. Plus she was going to be an English Lit major like me before the SD-6 fucked up her life. 
I was once obsessed with Nancy McKeon from “The Facts of Life.” I had a huge crush on Jo. The whole thing with Jo was that she was a tomboy and a foil to Blaire’s character. I loved that Jo was comfortable being Jo, that she was so tough and grungy and worked on motorcycles and stuff. She was exciting and edgy. 
It occurs to me as I sit here and think of the different things in my life that have influenced my dress, my speech and my ideas that I was looking for permission to be me. I knew how I did not fit in, and I wanted to fit in somewhere. I wanted a place to be made for me, but what happened was I had to make a place for myself. 
There is more to it than that, but basically the above anecdotes are a constellation of things that connect to make a picture of where and what I am now. Lesbian. Having retreated back into the closet. (I’ll get to that in another entry.) Married to a man. Four kids. Going to Church even though I’m pretty sure I don’t believe in God. 
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rosemarycovet · 9 months
characters I write for
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Edward Cullen
Alice Cullen
emmet Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Bella Swan
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(Mostly billy and Stu)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Dewey Riley
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Robert
Ethan landry
Tara carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Chad meeks
Amber Freeman
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gilmore girls
(chilton) Rory Gilmore
Dean Forester
Jess Mariano
Tristin Dugray
Dave Rygalski
Lane Kim
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Finn Wolfhard characters
Mike wheeler
Boris pavlikovsky
Miles Fairchild
Richie Toizer
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Harry potter/wizarding world
Theodore Nott
Mattheo Riddle
Tom Riddle
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Harry potter
Ron Weasley
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American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
kit walker
Zoe Benson
Kyle Spencer
Madison Montgomery
Jimmy darling
James march
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rue bennett
Jules vaughn
maddy perez
cassie howard
lexi howard
kat hernandez
Nate Jacobs
chris mckay
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Scott pilgrim VS. The world
Scott pilgrim
Ramona Flower
wallace wells (x male reader)
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
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Rodrick Heffely-Diary of a wimpy kid
Patrick bateman-American Pyscho
Jesse Pinkman-Breaking bad
Peeta Mellark-hunger games
Finnick Odair-hunger games
Nanno-Girl from no where
Danny Jenner-Jeepers Creepers
Kat Stratford-10tihay
Patrick Verona-10tihay
Cameron James-10tihay
Dave Lizewski-Kick ass
Charlie-the perks of being a wallflower
jennifer check- jennifer’s body
Tim LaFlour-senseless
Robin Buckley-stranger things
glen glantz-nightmare on elm street
Request are open
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acotars · 5 months
books read in 2024
⋆ ⭒˚.⋆ january ⋆.˚⭒ ⋆
one dark window (the shepherd king #1) by rachel gillig
the murder on the links (hercule poirot #2) by agatha christie
pageboy by elliot page
house of sky and breath (crescent city #2) by sarah j. maas
rogue protocol (the murderbot diaries #3) by martha wells
cult classic by sloane crosley
malibu rising by taylor jenkins reid
the beauty of your face by sahar mustafah
exit strategy (the murderbot diaries #4) by martha wells
animal farm by george orwell
everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily austin
carrie soto is back by taylor jenkins reid
a court this cruel & lovely (kingdom of lies #1) by stacia stark
the rules do not apply by ariel levy
poirot investigates (hercule poirot #3) by agatha christie
yellowface by rebecca f kuang
every heart a doorway (wayward children #1) by seanan mcguire
house of flame and shadow (crescent city #3) by sarah j. maas
read: 18
* · ✦ · * february * · ✦ · *
beautyland by marie-helene bertino
bride by ali hazelwood
network effect (the murderbot diaries #5) by martha wells
fugitive telemetry (the murderbot diaries #6) by martha wells
faebound (faebound #1) by saara el-arifi
the raven boys (the raven cycle #1) by maggie stiefvater **
read: 6
.✦.· *. march .*· .✦.
interesting facts about space by emily austin
penance by eliza clark
the book that no one wanted to read by richard ayoade
pride and prejudice by jane austen
unlikeable female characters: the women pop culture wants you to hate by anna bogutskaya
the shame by makenna goodman
greta & valdin by rebecca k. reilly
read: 7
✷ · ✶ · ✧ april ✧ · ✶ · ✷
this spells love by kate robb
out on a limb by hannah bonam-young
gwen & art are not in love by lex croucher
a lady's guide to scandal by sophie irwin
the friendship study by ruby barrett
the boyfriend candidate by ashley winstead
the pumpkin spice cafe by laurie gilmore
business or pleasure by rachel lynn solomon
how to end a love story by yulin kuang
this could be us (skyland #2) by kennedy ryan
the honeymoon crashers (the unhoneymooners #1.5) by christina lauren
we could have been friends, my father and i by raja shehadeh
how to stop time by matt haig
how to fake it in hollywood by ava wilder
with love from cold world by alicia thompson
funny story by emily henry
love radio by ebony ladelle
old flames and new fortunes by sarah hogle
just for the summer by abby jimenez
don't want you like a best friend by emma r. alban
love interest by clare gilmore
the exception to the rule (the improbable meet-cute #1) by christina lauren
worst wingman ever (the improbable meet-cute #2) by abby jimenez
with any luck (the improbable meet-cute #5) by ashley poston
last call at the local by sara grunder ruiz
happily never after by lynn painter
the ex talk by rachel lynn solomon
i kissed shara wheeler by casey mcquiston
the love wager by lynn painter
morning glory milking farm by c.m. nacosta
will they or won't they by ava wilder
read: 31
. ° * ☆ may ☆ * ° .
when the sky fell on splendor by emily henry
on earth we're briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong
read: 2
reading goal: 64/100
add me on goodreads !
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welcometotheocverse · 11 months
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OC Pride Challenge 2023: Day 8-14: Tropes ✦ Tropes Played Straight ✦ 
inspo by @squirrelstone      x      
Ft: Kit Gilmore, Hope Gilmore, Tino La Costa, Elliot Gilmore, and Noah Doose.
Everything Tag:  @eddysocs  @witchofinterest  @cj-offical-sexyman​ @thecaptainsgingersnap   @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @cecexwrites
Gilmore Girls Tag: @fyeahgilmoreocs​ @slytherindisaster
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bensonstablers · 2 months
I was tagged by @sothischickshe (thank you!!! 🥰) to answer 20 questions for writers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
fandoms i've written for include:
Law & Order: SVU / L&O: Organized Crime
Good Girls
Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel
Criminal Minds
Stranger Things
The Walking Dead
Four Brothers
Outer Banks
Gilmore Girls
while no longer available, in the past i've also written for:
Fast and Furious franchise
MCU / Marvel
Boondock Saints
Hocus Pocus
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
(plus more i'm probably forgetting about)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Shared History (Good Girls/Brio)
Degree of Separation (Good Girls/Brio)
Milkshakes (Good Girls/Brio)
Deep Sense of Belonging (Good Girls/Brio)
Sacred Art of Kissing (Good Girls/Brio)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i read all of them for sure but i'm terrible sometimes at responding although i do try my best
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooft, okay. there's probably more than this but the following have major character death warnings that could very well be classed as angsty lmao:
i wrote this little ficlet: Gone (SVU, bensler/EO) in which a raid goes wrong and it's just pain from start to finish and then there's Until Long After She Takes Her Final Breath which is a Good Girls/brio fic in which their reunion at the beginning of season 3 goes very differently.
Why don't we go to Venus? is another Good Girls/brio fic in which the summary is: Rio killed her and that was supposed to be the end of it but Beth doesn’t seem to be done with him quite yet.
that one is probably my angstiest overall but the ending is probably the least angsty bit about it??? haha
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
honestly? i have no idea and i have no clue how to check 😭😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
there was someone going around the SVU/OC fandom leaving weird hate comments on people's stuff (anonymously) and i got one but while it felt rude, it didn't feel like hate, but also it felt like it was supposed to be hateful, y'know? pretty sure i just deleted it though (i for sure ignored it) 😂
but generally, no. i'm lucky to say that i tend to avoid hate on social media and that includes fanfiction.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i have done and the variety isn't huge but it's there? i guess?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i have done! beyond the obvious (where shows, etc share worlds), i did a boondock saints/the walking dead one (which was also co-written) because norman reedus stars in both 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, not that i'm aware of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! the aforemention boondock saints/the walking dead fic was co-written on ff.net and i co-wrote (with the same person), a fast and furious fic.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
i lost myself a ton in writing olivia/elliot from svu/organized crime as well as beth/rio from good girls so they'd probably battle it out for top spot.
if i'm being brutally honest, my all time favourite ever to write were fast and furious ships 😂 especially the OGs (specifically vince and leon) with my OCs (although there were canon ships i loved to write too!). it was just so fun and freeing and i constantly think about it.
(i also loved when i wrote random marvel/mcu pairings, winterwitch was probably my number one for them and again, i think about it a lot)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i think it's unlikely i'll finish a lot but especially a degree of separation. i kind of hate it, i'm so sorry 😭😭😭
16. What are your writing strengths?
the thought of analysing my own writing right now sounds painful but two of the most common nice things people tell me is that: 1) they like how i write dialogue and 2) they like my writing style in general
(but of which i highly appreciate!)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i don't do it enough?
nah. true but seriously, there's a ton, however, i do tend to waffle on and write something in several sentences that could have been just one 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think i've ever done it? if i have it'll be dialogue or whatever that's already in the show/move/etc
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Fast and the Furious 🥰
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
still on ao3: it has to be Why don't we go to Venus? but also Knock First which is a Beth/Rio/Original Male Character threesome fic that was SO MUCH fun
no longer posted: a fic for The Fast and the Furious. it was a Vince/OC story. it was so much fun to write and it was one of my most popular back when i was posting on ff.net and i miss this story all the time (even though it's probably awful 😂) and always think about re-writing and posting it again on ao3
Tagging: @conscience-killer @constant-sinner @astarkey @xstrawmari @blainesebastian if ya like! (sorry if you've been tagged before!)
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sleepinginmygrave · 3 months
what series have do you like?
that is a good questions i don't watch that many shows, mostly cartoons tbh 😭 some shows i really enjoy tho are SKAM FRANCE OMG EVERYONE GO WATCH IT NOW the main characters in season 3 are SO rosekiller coded (Elliot is played by my favorite barty fancast!!) heartstopper, i started Young Royals, Gilmore girls, and uhhh there are others things but my mind is blank
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Sienna Elliot
Darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream
Tag List: want to be added?
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drvcxrys · 11 months
hello friends! this time i'm also going to do a post event starter call. i'm going to still reply event convos and even some pre event convos but if you want to drop them or start something new, we can def do that. now, for my sanity, i'm going to cap all of my characters at 5 and 4 per mun.
HOWEVER, if you see a cap being fulled or closed but you still want a starter from that character, don't be afraid to reach out and i will def put you there still because i can't say no to more plots haha
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alice cullen NEWLY UNAWARE (1/5) benjamin anna of arendelle (0/5) annabeth chase NEWLY UNAWARE (1/5) - blair waldorf annie cresta (0/5) betty cooper (0/5) beverly marsh (1/5) - peter bianca di angelo NEWLY UNAWARE (1/5) - nico bree tanner (1/5) - rosalie hale brittany s. pierce (1/5) - mercedes buffy summers (1/5) - anya choi nam ra (1/5) - jongwoo claudia (0/5) daenerys targaryen (2/5) - jorah, drogon dani clayton (0/5) daphne bridgerton (0/5) elizabeth midford (0/5) emma swan (1/5) - elliot alderson han yuri (0/5) heidi volturi (0/5) hermione granger (2/5) - hagrid, dumbledore hope mikaelson (0/5) intouch chatpokin (0/5) isabelle lightwood (1/5) - max jean grey (1/5) - sabrina jessica riley (2/5) - josh washington, emily jill roberts NEWLY UNAWARE (2/5) - quinn bailey, randy meeks, tatum kagome higurashi (0/5) katara (0/5) lila pitts (0/5) lissa dragomir (0/5) malia tate (2/5) - derek hale, lydia martin manaow (0/5) mary stuart (1/5) - lola may parker (1/5) - matthew murdock misa amane (1/5) - homura myrcella baratheon (0/5) nancy wheeler (0/5) nanno (5/5) - kiki, dean, elliot, jongwoo, satana narcissa black (1/5) - rabastan rory gilmore (0/5) samantha carpenter (0/5) sara lance NEWLY AWARE (0/5) sharon carter (0/5) spencer hastings (5/5) - robin buckley, mona, noel, patrick, josh usagi tsukino (0/5) victoire weasley (2/5) - lily luna, albus potter wednesday addams (3/5) ahkmenrah, enid, veronica yelena belova NEWLY UNAWARE (0/5)
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