#Fifth Dimension
creature-wizard · 4 months
Earth is actually composed of two distinct planets: one that is approximately 6,000 years old and another that is approximately 4.5 billion years old. These two Earths exist in different energy states, with one being in a high-energy state and the other in a low-energy state. In ancient scriptures, they are referred to as the spirit Earth and the temporal Earth.
At some point, which could be today or in the near future, these two Earths will physically separate. The high vibrational Earth will detach from the lower vibrational Earth, similar to how the human spirit separates from the physical body. This separation is not a literal split down the middle but rather a gradual phase apart. The result will be two separate planets moving in different directions in space: one with a high vibrational frequency and the other with a lower vibrational frequency.
As this separation occurs, each individual will have the choice to align themselves with either the high vibrational Earth or the lower vibrational Earth based on their own vibrational alignment. Those who choose to align themselves with the high vibrational Earth, also known as the spiritual Earth, and do the inner work required, will become less aware of the darker and more temporal, harmful energies. On the other hand, those who are unable or unwilling to accept the higher vibrational frequency will remain in their chosen Earth.
In essence, this represents a significant shift for humanity, as we are faced with the choice of which Earth we will align ourselves with based on our vibrational frequency. It suggests that those who consciously choose the path of personal growth, spiritual development, and alignment with higher frequencies will transition to the high vibrational Earth, while those who are resistant or unable to embrace the higher vibrations will remain in the lower vibrational Earth.
You New Agers were saying this was supposed to happen back around 2022-2023. Your prediction has already failed.
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miku-liminal · 5 months
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shawnfreki · 1 year
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Unknown artist.
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undergroundrockpress · 5 months
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Poster by Hugh Surratt for the Fifth Dimension at the Jenison Fieldhouse in East Lansing, Michigan, November 12, 1971.
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chrisgoesrock · 8 months
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The Byrds - Fifth Dimension German EP 1967
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jt1674 · 7 months
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talefoundryshow · 2 months
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man—or robot! Come along with Talebot as he explores... The Twilight Zone.
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 8 months
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eight miles high, the byrds |1966|
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If we could move in the 4th dimension, we could choose to go to our younger or older self at will, any time. Think of it as a line (Like Facebook’s timeline) on which you can move along.
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The 5th dimension is like a 2-D plane with all possibilities of events from the day we were born, also called the ‘probability plane’.
Remember the definition of a higher dimension — A dimension is what you have to fold through to jump from one point to another in the dimension below.
One of the possible parallel universe is the one where the asteroids did not fall on earth, and the dinosaurs are still alive. But we can not reach that universe in the 5th dimension. This is because we are limited by causality.
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he 6th dimension is a 3D space of every possible ‘worlds’ or state of our universe that exist after the big bang.
In the 6th dimension, 3-dimensional events are not interdependent, and your movement is no longer limited by causality. You can leap across different world lines, and get to other versions of the universe without having to worry about fifth-dimensional causality. In other words, you can teleport — from your universe to any point in time on any universe that was possible after the big bang. So you can travel or teleport yourself to a universe where Dinosaurs are still alive!
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thevindicativevordan · 9 months
one aspect that i’m actually really glad is seemingly being touched upon more recently is the fleshing out of the other settings in the super mythos. maybe it’s cuz i’m a fan of D’nD and One Piece but i don’t like whenever stories tend to keep Superman stuck to Metropolis. it feels reductive in a way. don’t get me wrong, the city is a staple of the character, it’s where his supporting cast and the majority of his villains are. And it could even be much cooler if they took inspo from the Metropolis you’ve pitched in the past. But if we’re talking about THE Man of Action, i wanna see that guy going everywhere! i wanna see him going off to Warworld and fighting Mongul or getting beamed up into Brainiac’s Skullship or fighting Xa-Du in the Phantom Zone or teaming up with the New Gods to fight on New Genesis and Apokolips and Bizarro World, and so on and so forth. the fact the movies have only kept him in cityscapes have been a disservice if you ask me
Always want to see Metropolis get fleshed out more, but having other settings for Superman stories is a benefit. More should be done to tie those settings to Metropolis somehow, if for no other reason than to spice Metropolis itself up as the city full of weird shit. Stuff like Intergang working for Darkseid or Steelworks using Warworld tech to provide clean energy, I'm a fan of that. If memory serves me right, the Superman 2000 pitch had Bizarro be his world's ambassador to Earth, with the embassy in Metropolis which is a concept I loved. For the Phantom Zone, I've had the idea that Stryker's Island should extend into the Zone somehow. Maybe there's another section of the prison that gets placed there, to house the real powerhouses, and connected to the Earth section via portals? For the 5D, my pitch would be that there are areas in Metropolis that are "attuned" to the imps from there, and historically people tended to build houses dedicated to arts or religion on those spots because that was where the imps would occasionally "bless" people with visions.
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creature-wizard · 4 months
Having been researching and watching the New Age movement for awhile now, I can tell ya this: the big shift was supposed to have happened dozens of times already.
For years now - in fact, since longer than you have been alive - people have been predicting the Big Day would happen Very Soon. And each and every time, nothing happened.
"Okay but this time it's different because-"
No, I promise you, it's not. Everybody always thinks it's different this time because, well, it's different this time. The world is worse off than ever. There's more people awakening to the truth than ever before. We found an ancient prophecy that says these are totally the times, you guys. It's different this time, totally, we promise.
This is how it's always gone. Always. It's not different this time; it's literally just another retread of the same failed prediction that's been recycled dozens of times over.
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miku-liminal · 5 months
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waves-of-eternity · 11 months
It’s an amazing revelation to wake up and realise, ego cannot truly care. Ego survives on ego.
You look at vegan activists and the left-wing, they’re angry. They’re self serving.
Same goes goes with the far-right.
Any politician and billionaire. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg having a cage fight?
Billionaires going to the depths to see the titanic wreckage when we have global poverty.
It’s self serving, selfish, heavily identified with ego and a mess!
Same goes for anybody attached to the egoic state of consciousness. It can show a face and pretend to care. You can’t truly care in the Third Dimension, it serves itself. It serves, ‘what can I do to get attention’? ‘What can I go and see which nobody has seen’?
Not, ‘what can I do for this person on earth’?
True care, compassion, love, light and honesty comes from the Fifth Dimension. The place where there no boundaries. The place where love is all. The place where eyes meet and one is seen.
People can say they care or that they love. Don’t believe words in the 3D.
Words die with every breath.
Feel and trust energy, then you shall see.
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st-mish · 1 year
1969. A song my father remembers from the radio. He sang it this morning, all goofy and enthusiastic, saying my new haircut reminded him of the singer.
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chrisgoesrock · 1 year
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The Byrds - Fifth Dimension (German Picture Sleeve Single)
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jt1674 · 1 year
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