#Freya Furter (oc)
twyz · 6 months
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[beginning to magnet plays]
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cheonsa-n · 6 months
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My half of an art trade with @twyz !!!
I got to draw their wonderful ocs Freya and Mizer, I absolutely adore these two they are so beautiful!!! ❤️
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gh0stieink · 6 months
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[OC]Freya Furter
Early Xmas prezzie for Twyz 💜 Freya belongs to @twyz
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twyz · 9 months
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these guys? oh they know eachother
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twyz · 5 months
some mizer lore i came up with last night!
so mizer isn't from transylvania, she's from Scintillatio which is another planet than another oc of mine, Aurelius, is the ruler of. scintillatio is a HUGE rival planet to transylvania, and they've tried to invade transylvania's multiple times. they were a group the broke away from transylvania due to not agreeing with their laws and now they're back to fight against them, and have lost every single time up until this point. transylvania, in my au, is a VERY brutal planet fighting wise. they use dirty tricks and, under Freya's rule, are as barbaric as physically possible. mizer was fighting in it on the side of S.T. (calling it that to make things simple), under the name of Viper. She was a very important role in the war as she was one of the first to involve chemical warfare into space. like. the first being in the entire existence of everything LOL. When Magenta had escaped her captivity from Mizer, and damn there killed her, she was said to be missing and pressured dead from that point on. Aurelis, of course, had been keeping tabs on her. he had a feeling she wasn't dead, and he eventually found out that she was living on Transylvania AND DATING THE QUEEN LOL. He was furious. he was planning yet another invasion, but he was so upset that he sped up the process and invaded Transylvania with our freya and her army being allowed to get a fair chance.
however... he told mizer this. he said is as a way to hold it over her head, to reveal who she was to Freya or to have the entirety of Transylvania destroyed. Freya had found out Mizer was viper and was going through grief. they didn't break up, tho they were very close to it. Mizer figured the last thing she could do is warn Freya about everything. At first Freya didn't believe her bc would she believe someone who lied about NOT being a wanted war criminal? but after lots of pleading from Mizer, Freya believed her and they made plans. Mizer went back to her ways of using venom to take people out, but this time it was people from her home land
she almost died during this endeavor once again, however she was saved
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twyz · 8 months
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Freya doodles!!!
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twyz · 9 months
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Frankie's mom has got it going on
I'm so sorry
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twyz · 7 months
frank baby pics??
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my GOD, does freya have a motherload of them!!
she has home videos, family photos (which slowly just turned into her and frank), lil pictures he drew, a few other knick knacks, and his baby blanket (it’s clean, dw) locked away somewhere. they’re still trying to rebuild their relationship and the way freya decided to try was to bond over nostalgia!! which worked!!! Frank was just too embarrassed abt how many pictures she had of him
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twyz · 3 months
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she's my pathetic lil creature. I love her
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twyz · 6 months
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Hihi i’ve been like,,, gripping onto every fiber of my being debating whether or not i should explore this lore more but i physically cannot hold myself back anymore LOL
That being said, there will be some warnings needed!!
- alcohol mentioned
- major character death (well,, major characters as in my ocs LOL)
- war (mentioned briefly)
- slight? spoilers for rocky horror
Tell me if i missed anything else!
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This is a copy and paste from a convo i had w a friend so it’s gonna be worded really weird LOL
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Freya and Isadore had frank. they were super duper in love, however freya had very bad anger issues and Isa was constantly called upon to fight in the planet's army. Freya had lots of servants, and often times she'd push off raising frank onto them, and one of those servants happened to be Riff and Magenta!! Frank and the twins quickly became acquainted, as they only had a 3 year age gap. Frank was soon placed into the care of the twins as soon as they were old enough Freya and Isa didn't have much time to see eachother and this made her really resentful towards him. He left for the Army around the same time Magenta and Riff Raff were 18, and it pushed her over the edge. now Riff Raff was gonna be in the army, however he had back problems, so Magenta stepped into this role. Magenta fought alongside Isa and grew to trust him. They talked alot and she learned that he was actually really upset that he didn't spend more time with Freya and Frank. he was genuinely heart broken
Mizer was introduced during this time, but in the form of Viper. She, knowing how close her and the king were, took Magenta hostage. now a lil tidbit,, I have another hc that transylvanians can control something. Magenta can control lightening, Riff can control fire, Frank can control minds, Freya can control people's perception of her, etc etc. The only reason Magenta managed to escape is because she shocked her way out of Viper's hold, which led to her large white streaks and these GIANT scars she has all over her. Magenta went on to basically save all of transylvania and is seen as a huge war hero/the general of the army!!! they both return to the castle, which both are greeted with lots of hugs. Freya and isa's relationship bounces back immediately!!!! until it falls apart again. This happens when frank is 17. After Freya gets a bit tipsy and very very angry , she and Isa get into an argument, and she ends up killing him.
Frank goes to check on his mom only to see, well, his dad dead. He freaks the fuck out and runs to the twins for help. The twins get both the queen helped, as well as the entire scene cleaned up. they don't dare tell anyone what truly happens as it would put them in the exact same place as Isa. After Isa's funeral, Frank and Freya's relationship becomes increasingly rocky (lol). They fight like cats and dogs, usually with Freya having the last say in things. Frank made his plans to leave for earth at 20. His mother hated the fact that he prioritized being a scientist as Isa had said if he didn't want to be royal, he didn't have to be. That only forced them apart more so. Frank left after a REALLY bad argument ("I won't be back unless its for your bloody funeral!!!" - Frank 19something). Freya was overwhelmed with the loss of her husband and her child, so Mizer was hired as a grief counselor for her. Frank didn't totally leave tho, he was living with the twins.
mizer found out where he was living and helped him while keeping this a secret from the queen. she comforted him a lot and gave him knowledge on what she knew about humans. at this point, mizer was now a famous transylvanian scientist as she had article upon article written about human biology. later on that year, Frank and the twins left. the events of rocky horror happened when he turned 30. he dies but is also revived!!! but that would make this really long so I'll keep that out for now jdjansna
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Anddd there it is!! it’s no where as in-depth as i’d like, but it covers everything i have thought about consistently! i known that it’s a hugeeee read, but i hope u guys don’t mind!
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twyz · 8 months
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(mainly) mizer doodle page!!
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twyz · 10 months
so bc I'm very normal about Freya, here's another hc post about her!!
I mentioned it before, but I have a whole hc/storyline that combines rocky horror and shocky
and one thing I mentioned is that Bert and Frank are related
so going off of that, I would like to say that Bert is Freya's brother
they share the same accent too!!!
it's a bit odd that Frank didn't pick it up, too, but yk
Freya is also the person who Frank gets his attitude from
She's just like him but 15x worse, and I mean it
She was able to take care of Frank wayyyy better than his father was just because she did a lot of the same stuff as a kid LMAOOO
another thing,, she's really tall??
Frank's father (who I STILL don't have a name for - throw suggestions at me!!) is a bit on the shorter side
around 5'4" 1/2 ish?
Freya is around 6'1" <3
As much as he loves his father, Frank curses him frequently for giving him his height
(no shame to my 5'4" babes out there!! I myself am 5'4", I understand the struggle entirely)
Going back to her and Bert being related, he was a very frequent visitor in the palace
of course, he went to see his sister, but he went a lot to see Frank
After the death of Frank's dad, he stepped in wherever he could
He even kept tabs on Frank when he went to earth, as he traveled back and forth frequently
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twyz · 8 months
I wanna talk about him since i dont mention him very often, so here's some stuff about Isa!!!
Isa was an absolute sweetheart to every soul, so when he passed, Transylvanian was absolutely destroyed by it
he's a bit shorter than freya, so he was little spoon all the time (and he loved it)
he has a prosthetic leg bc of a war injury
he's a HUGGEEE foodie! whenever they'd happen, he'd go down into town and support a bunch of transylvania's equivalents of food trucks
his hair is actually very curly, he just straightens it when he goes out in public
speaking of, Freya has very long nails, so every time she played with his hair, Isa would always fall asleep
used to frequently help out his servants whenever he could
when his birthday comes around (June 21st), the planet has a huge bday bash for him!!
his favorite color was blue
despite the culture in transylvania, he really liked sweaters, and it started a bit of a trend!!
(it was considered exotic to dress so modestly LOL)
he went to earth once or twice to visit Burt (on a very sick freya's request)
he was the one who taught frank how to do makeup
^^^ he was also the one to teach freya how to do cut creases
he was a very good husband and father, me thinks!!
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twyz · 5 months
heya roz! just wanted to pop in and ask for #15 of the oc ask with freya! i think im getting attached to your ocs lol. hope you're having a good day!!
YOU JUST MADE MY ENTIRE DAY,,, also welcome to my inbox Canni!
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
The ballroom of her castle hold’s a lot of memories for freya. Both good and bad, but mainly good! When he was still alive Isa, and Freya would dance together in there. It always made her feel better after a rough day, and she loved her husband so incredibly deeply. She very rarely goes in there as usually it will bring her to tears. Sometimes, though. She’ll sit in there with mizer and just talk about things. About Isa. She will forever love him.
WAAAA THATS REALLY SAD,, I hope you are having an amazing day as well!!
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twyz · 7 months
Freya and her mom have a very,,, similar relationship to her and frank
Fiorella was always someone harsh on Freya while being more lenient with her other siblings. She did love her! but she was still a bit rough with her
It reflects a tiny bit with Freya and Frank's relationship. Freya wasn't always harsh, but she did get angry with him very easily
She kinda saw his rebellion as something she never got to do despite wanting to, and that's what made her lose her MIND when he left for earth
not that any of her actions were justified, she knows that and is trying to rework her and Frank's relationship (slowly, but it's getting better)
(edit: title didn't make sense LOL)
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twyz · 10 months
HIIII ROZZZYY!!! 🤓 for Freya?
VIPERRR!!!! howdy hey! bless you for the Freya ask
(for anyone unaware, Freya is my rhps oc!! she's Frank's mom)
🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
It's a very ((very)) well know fact that the Furter family are very confident, and that usually leads to them being social butterflies!! Take Frank for example
Freya, however, is a bit more on the stoic side of things. Depending on the situation, she will either gracefully chat your ear off or be woefully silent
around her son, she's a bit more talkative as he's easier to start a convo with. They're like the same person but in different font. She's italicized, and he's bolded
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