bumblebeeig · 1 month
HI HELLO! I'm glad to see you're taking requests!
Can I have a Venture with an s/o who finds comfort in things traditionally meant for children? Things like Calico Critters, Bluey, coloring books, bubbles, etc.! Fem or gender neutral is fine!
I wanted to write this but I also wanted to see someone else's take on it as well!
venturelovebot ♡
btw yall go follow venturelovebot their fics r so cute and u should like totally read them
OK here we gooo
- GN reader x venture -
- TW: nothing! just very fluffy :) -
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- ok lemme just say it rn
- sloane thinks its sooo cute the stuff you’re into.
- all the stuffed animals you have of the different bluey characters, the collection of calico critters you have, the cute shows you watch… they love it all!
- and they’ll gladly indulge in it with you too :)
- whenever they’re on their way back home from work they’re always sure to get something they think you’d like
- “guess what i gottt… TADAA!!” they’ll exclaim as they whip out a new plushie they just bought for you
- seeing your face brighten up when they see the gifts they get you makes their day even better.
- will also totally color with you in your coloring books
- they just love you soso much, everything you like they like too 100% 🙏🏻
you held your teddy close to your chest, stroking its fur gently. you were sitting on the couch, while your partner was in the kitchen making pop corn. it had been a saturday, which meant you had sloane all to yourself. and that meant watching a marathon of your favorite kids show.
“It’s done!!” they exclaimed, skipping out of the kitchen with a bowl of pop corn, perfectly made for the two of you. “alrightt… we have blankets, you’ve got your stuffie, we’ve got the snacks… I guess now we just gotta get the show on, huh?” they said, looking at you with a large smile, chipped tooth and all.
“yep!” you said, smiling back at them. they then sat on the couch, scooting in close to you while draping the covers over the both of you. they wrapped an arm around you, holding you nice and close while planting a kiss on your forehead. they grabbed the remote, pointing it at the tv and turning it on.
you loved having moments like this with sloane. it made you so happy that they were so accepting of your interests, even your child like ones like this. you had been made fun of before for having these kinds of interests, and it brought so much comfort knowing someone out there was perfectly accepting of it. especially since that person turned out to be sloane.
“i’m so grateful to have you, you know that?” you say, looking at them with soft and gentle eyes. they look over at you as you begin to speak, “i’m just happy you don’t judge me for these kinds of things.. especially because you even participate in it with me. thank you, sloane. soso much.” you say, as you cuddle in close to them.
“hey… it’s no big deal, hun. i’d love you no matter what, you know? i don’t care what you like. as long as it makes you happy, i’m happy.” they said, stroking your hair gently. “and besides, you let me ramble on about my archeology! it’s only fair!” they said, smiling at you.
“hehe… yeah, i guess you’re right.” you say while resting yourself comfortably on top of sloane. they turn on the show, holding you nice and close after they put the remote down on the coffee table in front of you two, next to the popcorn. you couldn’t have this any other way, and neither could sloane.
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sotogalmo · 5 months
Bite of '83 thoughts again.
Man, he must've also added his hands in Fredbear's mouth just so he can try to get out. But he didn't.
And also that idea, of Springbonnie being CC's favorite, because it's his dad who uses it, and we see Springbonnie in the game(just hidden at the side), and so he must've turned his head, saw Springbonnie and his head just screamed for his father.
And so he cried soso fucking much, more then he ever did before. Lungs burning, heart beating too fast, everything. He wants his dad.
Brother is so mean, to him. He hates it. He hates everything. He just wants to hug his dad, he wants it to go back to normal.. but it can never be normal because he saw what he wasn't supposed to see.
And he lost everything that was good, and loving. He lost the father he wanted to keep for himself (as selfish that is, he's a kid. kids are going to be selfish. Same with teens; Mike)
He cried, screamed and wailed. He wants everything to be nice and colorful just as everyone said it would be! But it just isn't!
He hates it! He hates everyone! Mother, Brother, Sister and Father... He hates them!
He hates that everything isn't okay.
Everything should be okay.
But it isn't.
God if he were to ever survive it(due to luck), he would have to go to physical therapy. His arms would be all bent, the top part of his head just covered is scars, his face not looking right. Not looking normal, just having so many parts of his face being removed.
And Micheal did that to him.
He did that.
Made him hideous.
CC would practically need to wear a prosthetic face(like Sally face)
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pillowspace · 11 months
youre very sweet and a very nice person and funny and you have really like good energy. And the way you make art, both drawings and writing is so amazing! God Sun's color specifically, idk why but they look very tasty very sweet. you make me very happy every time i see you in my dash, i hope you have a very wonderful day <3
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I didn't answer this until now because, when you sent this, I got hit with the most intense wave of happy chemicals, that I literally had to put my phone down and go outside to do tasks for an hour because I could not just lie still in bed anymore. Thank you so much, this felt like such a sweet personal compliment that genuinely overjoyed me. Also the drawing is so cute, I will weep at you. I'm sooooo
Thank you soso much. I am holding this ask soo gently in the palm of my hand. I LOVE the image, I am also gently holding that in the palm of my hand with all the joy in me. Crying at you, crying at you, crying at you
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rosymorns · 9 months
hiiii carly if it’s not weird to come in here, I would LOVE any extra details on marian you haven’t talked about (her Lore or history or her relationship with gale or whatever comes to mind) because she’s so NEAT. blorbo from your brain on my dash to me ❤️💕❤️
she is my wettest, most pathetic little girlie. she is SOOO unused to communicating. like at all. it isn't like she's being secretive -- it just never occurs to her to tell people things. (also she has crazy high charisma bc teehee but really that's just -- like she's so bad at expressing her emotions that she's hard to read. is she lying? you don't know!). anyway really the only way the party -- gale and others -- learn a SCRAP of information about her is when she like has a panic attack and the wormies so kindly feed them scraps of whatever it is that's upsetting her. whole party sitting around after she's gone to bed trying to piece together the latest scrap of Marian Lore from what they can remember.
kind of related but gale goes out of his way to take such good care of her. like it's a point of pride for him. his wife is a shaky little abused chihuahua but he treats her so well that she would never growl at you <3 and it especially starts with feeding her, like early act 1. she's soso skinny, she doesn't have an ounce of fat on her. she looks like she'd die if she missed a single meal. and he doesn't even think about it that hard, he just takes note of what she eats a lot of and makes extra, makes it more often, gives her extra in her bowl. and by act 3 she's nice n soft n healthy and there's color in her cheeks. she had one set of robes for her entire life and had to maintain them magically or wear dirty, torn, too-small clothing? hmmmm well. now she gets anything she so much as looks at too long in a shop window. and she doesn't expect this, of course. oh my god, she'd never consider asking for anything, ever. needing help is a failure state, don't you know? but only for her. it's okay if other people need help. but not her. but we know mister grand gestures over here is DOTING on her.
aaaaaaand her older sister is a self-taught bard and taught marian some music when she was, like, a very young child. and it's something that she'd completely forgotten about until gale died (lol) and she had to use that stupid flute to resurrect him. like, that night in camp she noodles around with the flute and manages to work out some old folk song, and she has no idea where it's from, but it makes her feel some type of way and makes her remember a feeling she can't even remember having felt before.
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icharchivist · 10 months
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i wrote it above already but. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ICHA!!!!! would’ve wished u at midnight were it not for this. here is my gift to u today… I thought I’d pick hisoka since u share a bday with his VA! and I share his in game bday lol. he’s holding the thing that you serve cakes with so u can imagine he is cutting a piece of whatever you enjoy most.
anyways to get a little sappy I genuinely think ur tumblr is one of the coolest places on earth. you make it so easy for people to have discussions with you and I love reading your thoughts about literally anything. also you got me into a3 which has given me immense joy bc not only is a3 very cool but it means I get to have awesome conversations with you!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday today and many happy days afterwards :) also here is a version of the pic without the hands at the front just bc I want to point out the buster sword earrings.
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ueee i'm going to choke up a sec i'm 😭😭
First of all, thank you SO MUCH for the artwork??? he looks absolutely gorgeous!! his expression is so nice, his hair looks so fluffy, the coloring is on point, aND THE EARRINGS????
The reasoning about how it's how his VA and i share the same bday is SO cute, which also adds to how you added some buster swords since i also share my birthday with Cloud 😭 It's inspired!!! and really cute. and Hisoka honoring Cloud like that also tracks, solidarity between amnesiac grieving little guys.
I'm still so amazed that we share birthday with this dude but on totally different angle. So close yet so far... but also so close.
And the ideal gift from him to be a cake cutter is so on brand. i'm sure he brought a cake topped with marshmallows. This would be so fair.
As for the message itself, Kirii you're making me cry 😭😭😭 it makes me so happy that you think so!!! I'm so glad you enjoy the ambiance on here, it makes me so so happy 💞💞
as for a3, i'm honestly so glad about it too. reading your thoughts about it have been a delight and i love talking about it with you!! I know from some of your asks that a3 managed to affect you deeply too and it makes me so happy that you could find something so worthwhile on there because of my silly ramblings 💞💞
Thank you so much for the nice wishes, for the nice message, and for the gorgeous art 💞💞 this is so sweet and, as i woke up to it, it really puts me straight into a good mood
thank y ou soso much Kiri you're a delight 💞💞💞 bless u so much
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thelittlestancient · 2 years
General Updates: 20 Nov
I did not work on layouts today, instead I worked on lizard crafters, Snake 2 PvP, and yelling at my ISP (no really I signed up to be informed about outages so ruddy well inform me god damnit). Sunday is always my busiest day so layout work may not happen till Monday. I really want things to look nice! I'm leaning towards going for one nice but decently customizable (and easy to customize, I don't know HTML) theme that I can use on every blog (or most of them) and just do up a bit in terms of colors and fonts.
There will definitely be more fic this week! I have left things sitting in drafts too long, I just need to get them formatted right for posting. My hope is to get the last two sections of From High Towers up here this week, and then get the whole thing up on AO3 this weekend. The fic that follows on from it has some notes written now, as regards the concepts I want to explore in it and the way the relationship of the two characters involved develops.
I haven't been paying Soso much creative attention lately; it's been reserved for my lizards and for Meteor, and also for my lady lala. Carrd is having a sale, so I might reup my sub and expand the one I had going to cover both of my au ra. They're in separate verses, but with a pro plan I could have one Carrd split nicely between the two of them.
I definitely want to make Meteor and my variant Elidibus Carrds, and while I'm at it I should do one for my two lalas.
Many apologies to Nabriales, who gets to make do with a subsection on Rakuyo's as his ship partner.
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deedis · 3 years
Oh gosh u asked abt lis you unlocked my mind palace. A prequel game came out and Then life is strange 2 AND THEN true colors just came out (i have not played true colors yet tho) THEYRE ALL SOSO GOOD. The prequel is my favorite! And the soundtracks for All of them are so good they literally developed my taste in music
i remember thinking to myself while playing the first game that the soundtrack was nice, specifically i think because of an alt j song that played (idr which song it was specifically) so i totally believe you
and WHAT!! I DIDNT KNOW THERE WRRE FOUR TOTAL GAMES?!?, honest to god might play thru the franchise sometime soon if i have the time. are they decently lengthy games? or on the longer side?
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ogamagirl · 3 years
1, 5 (it says lips but like....teef 👀), 6, 9, and 10! Describe thine hubby~ c:
Eeeeeeeeeeee thank you D +//u//+
1. eyes -aaaaah I love his eyes =//u//= they’re my favorite color! And they’re such a nice shade of it too, like a deep red wine...I actually don’t like wine, but I’d get lost in his deep red pools any day of the week =///= they get so intense when he talks about his passions or when he defends something! But they sparkle when he laughs or smiles; you can see his emotions in them no matter how he feels and I love looking into his eyes <3
5. lips -TBH I’M NOT MUCH of a lip girl?????? like...he’s got good ones cause all parts of him are good and they sure are good at smoochin’ =//u//= but lips aren’t one of my favorite features on him. HIS TEETH HOWEVER...SINCE U INSISTED........ it is a well-documented fact that I’m a big fat sucker for his sharp shark toofers I love ‘em so soso sososo much////////// god as soon as he flashes a toothy grin at me I’m jello he could ask me to do anything aaaaaaaa////////// god the teeth get me. they get me good HE JUST IS SO HANDSOME WITH THEM O K/////////////// his teeth are definitely one of my favorite features on him u////////u
6. arms -oh his arms are lovely///// he’s not a super bulky guy - he’s very toned and his muscles are lean and lovely! But his arms are so strong regardless; he of course has a very protective nature so whenever his arms are around me I feel completely safe and secure - I know nothing bad can happen <3 they are also good at reaching for things I cannot get because they are longer than mine |D no surprises there as he’s so much taller than me ffff but it IS rather useful =//u///=
9. hugs -HE GIVES THE BEST HUGS. related to my above answer: in his arms and hugged by him is where I want to be when I feel the worst because his hugs are so secure: tight and warm and comforting and just....the best, the most reassuring ;////; but of course hugs are for more than just sad times; his joyful hugs are so playful, he’ll catch me in a hug and give me a squeeze while he laughs or wrap an arm around my waist to pull me closer if we’re just hanging out. He has a way where no matter what kind of hug he’s giving it makes me feel loved and safe and he puts a lot of his feelings into his hugs - he’s more of a “show my love through actions rather than words” kind of guy (but of course he tells me he loves me verbally too) so he has perfected the art of the hug. His hugs are the best u///v///u <3
10. laugh -OOOOOOHHHHHHH HE LAUGHS SO CUTE.......... he does this thing where he sort of pauses right before he starts laughing? and then his cheeks sort of puff out and then he just full on belly laughs and IT’S SO CUTE I CAN’T STAND IT////// he also has a quieter chuckle that I’m fond of if something’s not funny enough for a full on laugh but it’s still fairly amusing OR if I’ve done something he thinks is cute (hehe >w> ) - any time he laughs is just///// so wonderful and cute I love it I like getting him to laugh it’s the bestttttttt/////////////////
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cellphonehippie · 4 years
they are so good regardless of fandom bc they’re all just so nice to look at tbh!! i love both of those color schemes, pink and red is god tier tbh and i’m glad it’s more in style than it used to be. i will definitely let you know what i get! i hear margaritas are also good. i’ve only ever really enjoyed wine but i wanna get something fancier for my bday lol
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you’re making me soft grace, soso nice thank u <3
yes!!! i love them together, i love that bright colours are making a come back. i was getting tired of dark grungy colours, all my old edits used to be so dark.
ooooo yes!!! i’ve heard they’re good too! i’ve never drank at all but my friend tells me that wine isn’t too good. i lowkey wanna try it bc its hyped up in media lol
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morchsteeples · 7 years
I'm stalking your blog bc I love it and I was just wondering if you do headcanons??? I'm a huge fan of them, especially for Moritz and Wendla
omg!! ok! first of all i love you soSO much because you reminded me that i needed to put some headcannons down that i had floating in my brain!! and my two loves?? my angels?? anything for them
listen,, i hate dealing with the reality that moritz and wendla are Dead so i’m going to completely disregard the entirety and integrity of the plot to spring awakening for a lil bit,, i also headcannon all of them living in a not so distant past but like also at the same time i can see them in a 1930′s setting even though thats Not correct?? anyway that’s just in case this seems out of context of everything below:
so moritz never really has his own thing for a while, melchior is good at being Melchior and wendla is so charitable and giving and martha likes to garden and thea likes tennis and blahblahblah
but ilse is the one that introduces moritz to painting, accidentally, really,, she’s just like, “oh, yeah, some dude left these paints and brushes and easels at my house” and moritz just shrugs like whatever
but curiosity gets the better of him and he starts messing a bit with the oil paints and oh my god it’s his Thing
wendla has a bird, wendla loves birds, and i will defend this hc until i die
it starts off as a little thing, like she gets a parakeet and he’s her favorite thing in the world
but then all the sudden she’s wendla Birdmann with a flock of birds flowing her down the street
and like, she loveloveloves colorful birds like her parakeet, but will stop dead in her tracks and collapse from joy if she sees a crow because crows are so intelligent and wendla finds that so absolutely strange and beautiful
so moritz loves martha and everything she stands for so when she decides to re-purpose the old community greenhouse he’s there every day just to stop by and help water the plants
martha loves cacti and other succulents but … she has issues with … the spikes
moritz, on the other hand, is incredibly delicate with them and is also a Pro at getting the cactus spikes out of martha’s hand
like, she literally walked up to him one day with thirty (30) spikes in her hands and he had to take all of them out and cover her hands in bandaids but he was like?? what, did, you do,?
“the cactus was going to fall off the shelf and i didn’t want it to get hurt so i caught it”
“with your bare HANDS???”
moritz and wendla also have a combined fascination for insects
they have a club
its called the bug club
and they have two members: wendla and moritz
georg SHAMED them about it
“how can you even LOOK at bugs and have fun??”
“how can you even LOOk at yoURseLf and have fun gEOrg” - wendla
seriously do. not. get wendla started about #savethebees
moritz is halfway between loving and hating butterflies (…ironic) because some of them are so beautiful and caterpillars are cute but
he had a moment similar to spongebob and patrick in that pet episode where they looked too closely at the butterfly and saw Hell in it’s face
as far as relationships gooo, im all over the place
i basically hc moritz with anyone except like?? i hc him as bi,, but that doesn’t necessarily mean i hc him with any of the boys because like i’ve read excerpts of the play and the boys are pretty mean to him in it which isn’t much of a reason but i do luv me a little bit of moritz & ernst now and then
but as of currently?? moritz and martha are,,, a blessing
and don’t even talk to me about ANYTHING if it’s not wendla and ilse,, like don’t talk to me at all if we’re not going to be talking about that at all hours
i always wonder about like?? do any of them have siblings?? because i know there’s been a mention of moritz and hanschen being stepbrothers? and i support that?
like so moritz’s dad married hanschen’s mom and they had a daughter and she’s like, six or seven now
and moritz and hanschen are all iffy about the step-siblings thing until their little sister is born because she is the most beautiful thing to have graced this earth in their eyes and they want to protect her and be the best brothers ever to her
wendla obviously has her older sister but i feel like she also has some irrelevant older brother that’s like, in his late twenties and he’s a businessman and just Lives
moritz never really has a Job, he just paints for a living, sometimes he writes or sings,, no one really knows how he makes a living like that but somehow he does
i also wonder like? what if one of them grows up and is actually religious? like wendla gets older and she’s like? i want to do our children well and educate them and she becomes a schoolteacher at a private school which,, i don’t strongly hc but i see her as pursuing a future in education for sure
all in all, i hc them all as just happy? having nice, healthy hobbies and fulfilled lives?? someone give a round of applause for my dudes moritz and wendla who did the Most and got the Least
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unseelie-siren · 7 years
Tagged by @hamu-starz and @softie-yuuri thanks for that!
rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people
the last (mun):
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my mom when she thought I went to fetch my contacts, but I really was just upstairs
3. text message: here on tumblr from @kittenyuriplisetsky and otherwise from my best internet friend who doesn’t have tumblr, but we talked about Juzo from Tokyo ghoul
4. song you listened to: ugh… I really don’t know. I haven’t had the time to listen to music, because I watched got and other stuff, so it is most likely something my family played while we were eating or playing a game, so that could be something like… okay I really don’t know.
5. time you cried: In a personal talk with my class teacher. that was 4 weeks ago I think.
have you ever (Sofia):
6. dated someone twice: Nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it: I haven’t kissed somebody
8. been cheated on: Nope.
9. lost someone special: yes. It’s not a really fun story to tell.
10. been depressed: yes. But I’m not anymore, at least I hope so.
11. gotten drunk & thrown up: yes, the one time I was drunk.
favorite colors:
12. very dark or very light Blue
13. pastel pink
14. dark purple/red also black
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: Depends on what you call friends, but I suppose. I’m not good at social interactions.
16. fallen out of love: I’ve never fallen in love so...
17. laughed until you cried: I don’t cry when I laugh
18. found out someone was talking about you: yes. That caused me to loose someone special (see above).
19. met someone who changed you: I think the people that I already knew changed me 
20. found out who your friends are: Yes, sadly. (see above again)
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t have Facebook.
general (mun):
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have a facebook
23. do you have any pets: A dog named roxy, like… eleven chicken or so? and two ducks… and a tortoise 
24. do you want to change your name: This is actually quite a funny thing to ask me, because I’ve given myself the names I want to have, so no, not really. for my actual real name I also have to say no, because I really like it’s meaning and also it’s ancient greek, so… i like it.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went ice skating to celebrate mine and a friends birthday who happens to be born just one day after me.
26. what time did you wake up: 12:03
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: reading fanfic probably
28. name something you can’t wait for: having finished that damn first pilot licence so that I’m at least allowed to fly in official flying places and after that to make the second licence so that I can fly wherever I want.
31. what are you listening to right now: the laughter of my family downstairs who is watching a movie and my laptop having trouble breathing.
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: tom? no. Just some tims, i think.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: my class teacher. I love her, but she’s done something that was really wrong for me. 
34. most visited website: tumblr and ao3
35. hair colour: actually dark blond, but atm there is a bit of green remaining in it, because I had them blue and tomorrow I’ll dye them purple hopefully
36. long or short hair: short. Because I made the worst decision in my life and cut it.
39. piercings: normal earrings, but I want more.
40. blood type: I should know, but I’ve forgotten.
41. nicknames: soso, and puffy (not anymore, I suppose…)
42. relationship status: single and happy
43. zodiac: Pisces
44. pronouns: used with me?: she/her , but I actually would like to try other pronouns, because I’m uncomfortable with being seen as cis, because I’m not, but I’m still trying to figure out what gender I really have, so… I’m talking to much.
45. favourite tv show: I don’t watch tv very much so I’ll go with game of thrones at the moment? Because I’m watching it right now and I’ve nearly finished season 5
46. tattoos: no, sadly
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: yes, I needed surgery for my leg, because I had a “malformation” since I was born (my leg was 4 cm longer than the other and the difference was growing), so I had surgery twice.
49. piercing: nope.
50. sport: I did so many kind of sports., but since over a year I’m doing nothing. Hello hello chubby body! I want to start something though.
51. vacation: I was the lads two weeks and I’m going the next week
52. pair of trainers: none? Ok I need to find my converse...
more general (Sofia)
53. eating: I had dinner not too long ago. Mama made soup.
54. fav drink: coffee. Black.
55. what you’re up to: I’ll be reading until I go to bed.
56. waiting for: nothing, really.
57. want: to have more books I can read even though I was just recently to a bookstore and got more books.
58. get married: I don’t think that will happen.
59. career: I’m still at school, but I’ll be finished soon.
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: hugs, I don’t particularly like kisses, except if they are from my brother, he used to kiss me goodnight. But that’s in the past since he moved to train away from home.
61. lips or eyes: eyes.
62. shorter or taller: I’m short. It runs in the family. For me I likes being short better, for others being tall.
63. older or younger: older? younger people tend to like me, especially small children (god knows why), but I don’t really like them. But from a certain age on it doesn’t really matter anymore, I suppose.
64. nice arms or nice stomach: both. One alone looks stupid, normally.
65. hook up or relationship: neither.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: both? 
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: no.
68. drank hard liquor: yes.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes. Once at the same time as beak. It was hilarious. We were both blind.
70. turned someone down: yes.
71. sex on the first date: no sex, thank you.
72. broken someone’s heart: I don’t think you can call it ‘breaking a heart’
73. had your heart broken: in a friendship way yes.
74. been arrested: ugh, yes. It was stupid.
75. cried when someone died: I cry when fictional character die. I also cry which real humans I knew. Yes.
76. fallen for a friend: No.
do you believe in
77. yourself: More often than not, but that’s normal.
78. miracles: ,oracles are a thing, just like fate and stuff.
79. love at first sight: nope. What’s with all that love questions?
80. santa claus: not really, no.
81. kiss on the first date: not for me ugh thank you.
82. angels: nah, can’t say I don’t, can’t say I do.
83. current best friend’s name: I don’t really have a best friend at the moment. 
84. eye colour: black, if you squint you can see a tiny little flash of brown.
85. favourite movie: I don’t really watch many movies, but probably Heathers?
Tag: I think nearly every rp blog already has been tagged? So maybe @justhereforthefanartbean If you want? I honestly don’t know anyone else? Or I’m way to shy to tag them. way. 
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remade-jimintensify · 7 years
he was a child when he became a member of bangtan sonyeondan, and look at him now!!!
his smile and bunny teeth, so big so bright so precious
when he laughs and giggles
the way he dances and his goddamn body control, like would you please look at blood sweat & tears, wouLD YOU PLEASE LOOK AT HIM DANCING
the way he scrunches up his nose all cutely :(((( like a bunny just !!
his eyes turn into beautiful crescents when he laughs or just smiles and like the wrinkles at the sides!!!!!! of his!!!!!! eyes!!!!!!
he is the fearless and golden maknae
oh and his EYES are so pretty, they literally look like perfectly shaped almonds
he is a masterpiece, made by god himself
his dimples!!! like, yes, ofc he is not the king of dimples but his dimples are big and they could hold a couple of my tears that i would only shed for him
his hands are so beautiful, and his nails are too? like, i don’t wanna sound weird or anything, but they are always neat and nice and just wow
“pardon” - english lessons with namjoon
okay but his english in general tbh. it’s just so nice to listen to and calming and it makes us all super proud, we can’t deny this fact
he loves bowling
his friendship with the seventeen members and yugyeom is soso cute and it’s so nice that they are there for each other (let’s hope that yugyeom goes out to go bowling with jeongguk lots)
FIGHTING! *clicks tongue*
when he smiles his upper lip disappears and its rlly cute (his smile is just rlly rlly cute)
apropos his lips - they are shaped beautifully and kinda curvy? like, not the fullest but definitely super beautiful and the person who kisses them one day will hopefully praise his lips a lot
lmao but his hip thrusts are honestly nowhere near to be a joke
the mole under his lip, the mole on his neck, the moles on his cheek, the moles on his thighs - just all of his moles i love them
“oh man, holy shit”
jeongguk during now3
DOPE ERA OKAY, listen this is the best thing in the world - not only his hair but also the cop!look and 
AYO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - you are lying if you didn’t hear his voice singing it just now ://
his voice is pure and angelic and just liquid gold when he sings
his stage presence is no joke to be honest, he is so rude and hot and sweaty and- what a sight 
but he is sosososo soft, really
he eats so noisily and it’s too cute to be mad at him, honestly why is he like this
he is so passionate about what he is doing and he works so hard every single day to reach his ultimate dream
um so he started to push his hair back recently and this is another big thing to just love the heck out of his soft boy!!
his washing routine
um, his cover of paper hearts, lost stars, we don’t talk anymore, sofa, nothing like us, working, like a star (feat. namjoon) and fools (also feat. namjoon) are the best things ever
probably the most beautiful ever when he sleeps, so calm and soft
jeongguk has the cutest nose ever, like, it’s big but so beautifully shaped? i just wanna boop it and kiss it a lot :((
his round house kick at the end of the war of hormone mv is !!!
OKAY BUT rainism suit him soso well and this dance and just the performance overall was made for him, still swooning abt this ngl
he loves his hyungs soooooooooo much
jeongguk helped a staff member at isac 2017 to clean up the trash that some people left behind there
him in blue contacts is magical
the SCAR ON HIS CHEEK like really, can you believe that people fall in love with this scar with every new day that comes - how can such a flaw be so beautiful? i will never know
the rlly big scar on his elbow is .. well its just there but i feel like mentioning it too (i remember the time he always had a padded skin colored patch on it - just a random info)
his acne - i mean, ofc it’s probably not nice for him but it’s a part of him and therefor it makes him even more beautiful, also it makes him more real and everyone who says something else is kinda rlly wrong imo :////
here i have to mention barefaced jeongguk and hotel room jeongguk if you know what i mean - just a really soft boy being all cozy
he drinks milk when eats ramen, this is more than precious
jeongguk in beanies is such A Look, you can’t deny it cause it’s a fact
also omg the time he wore black face masks and the white ones and the blue ones with the white pattern, it was great
his ears have such a funny form tbh and they are kinda big
bring!! back!! jeon!! jeongguk’s!! tunnels!! 
his thick rings he is always wearing are super cool too though, they look so good on him idek
OKAY UM BUT CAN I MENTION HIS NEW PIERCINGS HERE??? because he has two (!) helix piercings now and they look super good on him, just like his five other piercings on his lobes
his eyebrows are on fleek
legs!!!! his calves! his knees! his thighs!!!!!! (also he has so many scars on his legs its no joke, all from training so hard im sobbing)
okay i know that his biceps is big af and it makes me choke at times, but his tricEPS OKAY
free his forehead more tbh :/// because its beautiful and everyone shld have a right to see it once a day
oh! when he wears his bangs parted he looks super good!
when he sang dean’s half moon though
when he teases his hyungs (and his little shenanigans with his fellow members of the maknae line)
he has the softest abs ever, like, his tummy looks so cute? AND HIS BELLY BUTTON OKAY, HIS BELLY BUTTON IS CUTE AND !!!
sharp features, that’s all i have to say
he is the cutest nerd in that the world has ever seen
his smug smile which is oddly enough rlly cute
he is so goddamn talented - singer, dancer, producer, rapper, good at every sport and he can draw! can you believe he is real?
so shy around girls (even though it got better)
he is so goddamn humble at times which makes him even more golden than he already is
he cried on his 16th birthday when the members surprised him after filming the comeback trailer :(((
coconut head
um he owns like 23255385059 plain shirts and do you all remember the time he wore like a different color everyday? it went from yellow to green to purple to blue to black to white back to pink. it was great
whenever he wears a navy blue overall tbh
bangtan passing the baby around to sit on everyone’s lap once in a while - jeongguk sitting on someone’s lap - jeongguk is the baby
i know i already mentioned his voice but like, his voice when he talks all calmly. like, when he films logs by himself. it’s so nice and soothing to listen to
jeongguk in hats or caps is a goddamn thing y’all
over sized sweaters on him are a blessing
remember when he wore this black turtle neck? like, ok, just turtlenecks in general are beautiful on him (x) (x) (x)
and his sweater paws are the cutest thing ever, when the tips of his fingers are slightly showing
sleepy kook
the way he waves. like, his pinky is sticking out when he does so and this is adorable
HIS! SELFIE GAME! is rlly good okay
ohh when he used to always dance girl group dances! i mean, he still does but he used to “be known” for being the best at it :’)
veins - it’s as simple as that
his trot ver. of n.o. (um the way he smiles in this video gives me several heart attacks bye)
even though it was really obvious that he was really
he is so into photography and this is really nice, cause that means we all get really nice pics from time to time on twt and he is having fun with it
curly hair on him makes him look like such a floof (not only referring to fire era, but yes, also there)
it is kinda endearing how often he lets his phone fall down, so clumsy
THIS ONE TIME HE SET OFF THE ALARM AT IKEA or the time he ate the shell at an interview even though the pd told him to not, or the time he sniffed at the bottle and spotted that the camera was filming him, or the time he looked at namjoon all horrified when he told him to not only bring white shirts, or-
he cried while listening to yoongi’s mixtape for the first time
pls never forget that he was all offended when more than half of the members voted for no when the question was if jeongguk truly likes jimin, thanks (he loves his fellow members, just wanna state this here)
Lip Syncing 
the coming of age ceromony choreo or the own it choreo he covered with jimin OH! and when he danced to the choreography of keone madrid to manolo
both of his gradutations, he was such a precious bean ok
when he imitates other members
jeongguk often cheers the other members up by being a clown but he also have a lot of kind words. we probably all know that he is not the best with words, he is still young (mentally anyway) so it makes it even more precious when he finds kind words for each and every member
perfectly imperfect is what describes him so well to be honest, a living masterpiece
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ahagony · 7 years
@yconmins tagged me in this thingi, thank u so much oml
nicknames: sam, sammy, sambam, p much any bastardisation of samuel rly
gend: male (but p androgynous idk fuck gender (he/him tho def))
star sign: cancer
height: 162 loving that smol life
time rn: 21:05
last thing i googled: “enneagram type 3 fear response” im doing fic research ok i am Not a type 3 favorite bands: cage the elephant, the 1975, nephew (and spector too lately), bts and exo too ofc
fave soloists: lorde, lana del rey, hozier, t.o.p, zico, cro, etc etc etc
song stuck in my head: stay high by spector, honestly the entire album is a gift from god
last movie i watched: captain america - civil war i think it was
last show i watched: please like me (the best god damn gay sit com ever)
when did you create ur blog: early 2014, i was a supernatural blog back then ,, wild times
what do you post: mostly kpop, but aesthetic, bad memes and the occasional stuff form other fandoms too
when did your blog reach its peak?: in like ‘14 or ‘15 when i was a super active member of the spn writing community like wow what a time
do you have other blogs: i barely have time to to keep this one running lmao
do you get asks regularly: not at all, but i love it when i do get some why did you choose your url: i wanted a bts one, i love everyone, it looks so damn pretty so yeah i stuck w it
following: 235
posts: 22,481 (so much spn)
hogwarts house: ravenclaw (or slytherin idk im having a hp identity crisis atm)
pokemon team: i have never played it so
fave colors: any pastels, and dark red and violet
avg hours of sleep: around 8, 9 if it’s weekend 
lucky numbers: 15
fave characters: draco malfoy, amethyst from steven universe, soso from oitnb, jaime lannister in the books not the series bc eh what am i wearing now?: the loosest most fluttering soft pants and a hoodie
how many blankets do u sleep w: 1
dream job: full time writer, or maybe a translater of some kind. making music on the side, def dream trip: roadtrip with a best friend, going everywhere, for as long as we want to
this is a tag 20 people thing but that’s not realistic for me, so i’ll just tag some super nice friends and mutuals:
@nsfwseok  @amalie-s  @atdawn  @cheolhan  @bi-hoseok  @viking-witch  @anga-sassumi  @velvethoseok  @meeowra
+ anyone who wants to do it yay
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blueful · 7 years
Bored haha
100 questions Is a kiss considered cheating? Yes Have you ever faked orgasm? Haha If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Waterbend if that's a super power Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? I hope so Tell us some funny drunk story. When I was on the stairs laying down and telling everyone my name was dominque but I don't remember any of it. I was partying the day before ACTS Why are you no longer together with your ex? Bich If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Through sleep What are your current goals? To have more fun in life and worry less Do you like someone? Yes Who was the last person to disappoint you? My friend Do you like your body? No Can you keep a diet? Nope If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? Probably some positive shit haha Do you work? Yes fuck it thoo If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Fuh... Mac n cheese? Would you get a tattoo? I WOULD LOVE ONE Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? FOOD & FRIENDS Can you drive? Yes, I am not the best tho What was the last thing you cried for? I think my crush who knows Do you keep a journal? Nah Is life fun? Yes! Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I only do it if I fuck with you What’s your dream car? Who knows Are grades in school important? Ofc! Describe your crush. Someone who jokes around a lot and makes me laugh but also makes me mad. Yeah, he coo sometimes. Just the way he is, makes me like him even more but sometimes just sometimes I don't know why I like him. I'm hoping to find someone and get over him in college. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? I actually read a book called "Wonder" and the movie is coming out soon!! What was your last lie? I casually lie but it's not like a huge ass lie haha, people know when I lie Dumbest lie you ever told? I'm not sure but I lied to this dude that tried to get in my DMS so I'd reply late and show no interest haha Is crying in front of people embarrassing? Nah, let ur feelings out fam Something you did and you are proud of? Helping others!! I'm proud of anything that I made someone smile or happy What’s your favourite cocktail? I'm not sure Something you are good at? Hmmm talking? Do you like small kids? I love kids haha How are you feeling right now? Frustrated and confused What would you name your daughter/son? Puta, jk idk What do you need to be happy? Money, Family, Friends Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? Not really What was the last gift you received? A Starbucks gift card What was the last gift you gave? Cool ass lights because I forgot to get her a present before haha What was the last concert you went to? Ying yang twins, THIS CONCERT WAS SO LIIT Favourite place to shop at? H & M or Vans Who inspires you? My family n friends, How old were you when you first got drunk? 17, got drunk to hoe around and have hella fun. Jk I just tried to have fun How old were you when you first got high? 17, probably started getting high so I'd forget I liked u How old were you when you first had sex? Nah not yet When was your first kiss? Nah wait 4 someone special Something you want to do until the end of this year? Talk to the people I love everyday Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I regret many choices I make now, but I'm trying to stop Post a selfie. Don't take selfies haha Who are you most comfortable around? Not even sure, mostly my close friends n family Name one thing that terrifies you. The future What kind of books do you read? Don't really read, but anything that is interesting What would you tell your 12 year old self? Be more nice to people What is your favourite flower? Not sure Any bad habits you have? Eating at night What kind of people are you attracted to? The ones that make me laugh a lot What was the last thing you cried for? I just randomly cry sometimes at night. I think I cried last time cus I'm so sad I graduated high school Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? MUSHROOMS R FKIN NASTY Are you in love? Yes Something you find romantic? Anything How long was your longest relationship? Where What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? Not sure What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? Not sure What are you saving money for? I barely save money but usually for like something cool asf How would you describe your bad side? Rude & Pathetic.. I always feel bad after but don't treat me like shit Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I am, well at least I try to be. What are you living for? My family, friends, and myself. Life has been tough in this past year but all good Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes and I regret it Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? Not intentionally Ever sent nudes? Haha yeS Have you ever cheated on someone? No Favourite candy? SNICKERS Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! No? Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? I only play league of legends rn haha Favourite TV series? HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER Are you religious? Does God exist? I'm not religious but I believe so! What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? Yes shit was so sad What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? So glad they can do it, it's really something that's hard to do How long have you been on Tumblr? Like four years Do you like Chineese food? Ya McDonalds or Subway? Don't like both but prefer McDonald's Vodka or whiskey? VODka Alcohol or drugs? Alcohol Ever been out of your province/state/country? Yes Meaning behind your blog name? Love the color What are you scared of? Losing people Last time you were insulted? Today cus me and my friends roast each other Most traumatic experience ? When some bitch rear ended me and I had a panic attack and couldn't breathe Perfect date idea? Something basic with effort Favourite app on your phone? Tumblr What colour are the walls in your room? Tan Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? I don't watch as much Share your favourite quote. Don't got one What is the meaning of life? The meaning of life is so beautiful, it may be rough sometimes but at the end it is always worth to fight through. Yeah at times you want to end it, but people love you and you are here to support one another and build a better place Do you like horror movies? Sometimes but usually NO Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? Yes our little arguments and me saying something dramatic. I always feel sosos bad after and cry cus of it Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I sometimes get lucky with things that I lose, most recently I lost my phone and keys but gladly someone turned them in Can you keep a secret? Yes I honestly can. If you tell me to keep it.
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