dulceespinoza · 3 months
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gastronominho · 24 days
Veja os novos brindes do Giraffas
Garrafinhas, copo com canudo e giracopo com os mascotes da empresa são os destaques da vez
Garrafinhas, copo com canudo e giracopo com os mascotes da empresa são os destaques da vez Se você gosta do Giraffas e dos mascotes da marca, vai gostar deste post. A rede acaba de atualizar a oferta de brindes e, desta vez, homenageia s tradicionais Giraffinhas. Agora, é possível encontrar duas garrafinhas em formato de girafa, um copo com tampa e canudo e um giracopo com emojis, todos eles…
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mondomoda · 1 year
Chaves e sua turma chegaram no Giraffas
Os novos brindes da Giraffas são inspirados no personagem Chaves e sua turma. Os consumidores da maior franquia de alimentação completa do país poderão encontrar miniaturas de Chaves, Quico, Chiquinha, Seu Madruga e Dona Florinda. “O Giraffas está constantemente buscando inovação e formas de proporcionar uma experiência memorável aos seus clientes. O lançamento dos novos brindes está previsto…
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alesandrarocha · 2 years
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#Giraffas #petitgateau #chocolate https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckv1emqr6Zr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fyanimaldiversity · 8 months
They seem to have found another spotless giraffe calf. In the wild, in Namibia.
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Wow, what a coincidence! And it’s a different subspecies, the previous was reticulated and this one is an Angolan! Sending good vibes that they make it to adulthood. Read more about it here. Here are two of the other three known patternless giraffes the recent one born in Tennessee and one from 1972 in Tokyo!
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inatungulates · 2 months
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Grant's zebra Equus quagga boehmi, left
Nubian giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis camelopardalis, center
Observed by gbrunvoll, CC BY-NC
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mammalianmammals · 5 months
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Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis), males engaged in "necking" - a n activity to establish dominance, family Giraffidae, Amboseli National Park, Kenya
photograph by Vicki Jauron
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snototter · 6 months
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A giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) in the Okavengo Delta, Botswana
by flowcomm
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 months
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Rothschild's giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi) walking across savanna landscape, Uganda.
Photographer: Pete Oxford
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the-named-anon · 6 months
30 days of weevils day one!
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Day one: elephant weevil
OG idea by me
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makairodonx · 11 months
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Giraffa jumae under the sunset -
A pair of Juma’s Giraffes stroll through a grassland in the Plio-Pleistocene of what is now the Olduvai Gorge fossil site of Kenya’s Turkana Basin. A flock of small birds use the giraffes’ heads and necks as launching pads for hunting small flies and other insects that might disturb the mammals as the sun sinks below the fields.
Made for World Giraffe Day 2023.
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colorsoutofearth · 7 days
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Giraffe necked weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) male
Photo by Alex Hyde
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gastronominho · 2 months
Giraffas apresenta a Jantinha
Nova opção da rede é servida diariamente, a partir das 17h
Nova opção da rede é servida diariamente, a partir das 17h O Giraffas está com uma novidade no cardápio. Agora, os consumidores podem pedir a Jantinha, que é servida diariamente, a partir das 17h, em todos os restaurantes. A partir desse horário, a rede servirá um prato exclusivo, formado por espetinho – frango, carne ou linguiça -, além de porção de arroz, salada de feijão fradinho, farofa e…
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mondomoda · 1 year
Brindes de Garfield chegam ao Giraffas
O gato mais preguiçoso do mundo do entretenimento acaba de chegar ao Giraffas. São três canecas com estampas de Garfield e alça estilizada com miniatura do felino, além de um prato suporte que também serve como base para as canecas, que são empilháveis e formam um lindo objeto de decoração. O verso das canecas traz frases icônicas do personagem. Neste ano, o gatinho comilão completará 45 anos de…
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alesandrarocha · 2 years
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#Giraffas (em Giraffas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjl6S_hr0ht/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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actualcoolbugfacts · 1 year
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✨cool bug facts's✨
Trachelophorus giraffa, or the giraffe weevil!
Aughdhgh the neck
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The anatomy of these Achates-shaped insects!!!
The males necks are typically 2-3 times the length of a females, but can be much larger, as they are one of the most diverse species of weevils when it comes to height.
Their whole body and wings are black, but their elytra are are an ostentatious red.
The males are around 2.5 centimeters long, which is nearly the longest any attelabid species is.
The larger males snouts and legs' tissue aren't as metabolically active as the smaller males. The larger males also have more cuticle, meaning that despite their ridiculously large size, they use up less energy than the smaller males.
The larger males can be 30 times the size of the smaller males.
Smaller males typically die younger than larger males.
The females have very powerful legs compared to the males.
They are a species in the attelabid family, which is one of the few families of primitive weevils.
The larvae eat the nests they were born on.
The adults eat the leaves from the Dichaetanthera arborea, unscientifically known as the giraffe beetle tree, because that's really all this tree has going for it.
The males use their necks to joust with other males, similar to how other beetle species use their horns and mandibles. But instead of trying to pick up and throw their opponents, they try to shove them off their tree.
When startled, they will backflip off their tree.
In order to actually be able to mate, the smaller males will sneak under the larger males while they're mating.
If a female prefers a specific male who's fighting over them, they will walk in between the fighting males, breaking up the fight. They will then shoo away the male they don't like, and mate with the preferred male.
Even if they haven't mated yet, the females will make a nest for their eggs using their neck, by way of pressing their neck against the leaf to make indentures. After making these indentures, they use their legs to fold the leaf in half and curl up the edge of the leaf. When they do this, they only lay one egg in the curled end of the leaf and snip the leaf off their tree. They will then go do this to other leaves until they've laid all their eggs.
The males may try to help their mate make their nests, but they typically don't follow the normal procedure. This can lead to the female pushing their mate away after a while. The males may actually help by getting rid of smaller insects that could harm the eggs.
They live in Madagascar, but have a cousin species with the same name that live in New Zealand.
They spend their entire lives on a Dichaetanthera arborea. They are rarely seen not on their tree, except for when they're in the larval stage, as the larvae are born on the collapsed leaves from the Dichaetanthera arborea.
Cool fact that didn't fit here.
They were only discovered in 2008, which unfortunately means that not as much is known about them compared to other insects.
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