#savanna landscape
sitting-on-me-bum · 3 months
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Rothschild's giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi) walking across savanna landscape, Uganda.
Photographer: Pete Oxford
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uxbridge · 4 months
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Snowy trail 1
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mossmosss · 7 months
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worm-gar · 4 months
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Combining a couple of the things I’ve been working on; architecture, landscapes and a more loose/ abstract style, into this 3inx5 painting.
I really enjoyed making this and I want to do more pieces putting gothic buildings in nature
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wildlifetracker · 10 months
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Oak savanna overlooking the river
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fallensapphires · 1 year
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Nature: Biomes - Savanna
That is certainly the point: when the human species was born, on the African savanna, life was pretty good; we could live in harmony with the rest of nature, and that's what I've been calling Eden. The only technologies that humans devised for some 2 million years were fire and the hand ax. That's all. Eden didn't need anything more.
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viagginterstellari · 2 years
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Savanna - Kyambura Gorge, 2015
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daily-public-domain · 2 months
Day 18: Spraying cactus clumps from back of truck, 27 November 1974
Would make a great screensaver.
--This image is part of the public domain, meaning you can do anything you want with it ! (you could even sell it as a shirt, poster or whatever)--
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woyooo11 · 8 months
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Savanna 🌱🍃
📍Mt. Merbabu, Central Java
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headspace-hotel · 6 months
I have been reading about the history of landscape architecture and apparently there was this theory that humans have an inherent, innate preference for "savanna-like" open grassy environments with scattered trees due to our evolutionary past, with the reasoning that open grassy understories allow us to see predators coming. And for some reason everyone just accepted it as the truth for decades.
And then this lady Margaret Grose in a book called Constructed Ecologies is like "wait, why did we accept this as the truth for decades? How do we know this is innate and not a cultural preference ingrained by European style landscaping? Did the human species actually evolve in mostly savanna-type landscapes, or did we just randomly decide that because we associate Africa with savannas? Throughout millions of years of recent evolutionary history we've been in a shit ton of different environments because there were a bunch of ice ages. Also African savanna grasses get like 4 meters tall and predators can hide just fine in that."
and it's like wow when you put it that way it's kinda stupid that people decided this idea was true for no reason
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar Beastly Garb Voice Lines
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When Summoned: I got no interest in this old-fashioned tradition, but... I'll make everyone else give everything they got for me.
Summon Line: This is a pretty decked out fit they gave me. They must've really been looking forward to me coming home.
Groooovy!!: Doesn't matter who the opponent is. The only one deserving a win is me.
Home: Come, I'll take you on.
Swap Looks: This outfit's the only thing that's not lame about this.
Home Idle 1: The Sunrise City landscape that Lilia keeps mentioning is from a lifetime ago. He said he'd been here before, but when exactly was that...?
Home Idle 2: What kind of dishes do I recommend? Obviously, that'd be the meat. A hunk of meat roasted over an exquisite fire is especially tasty.
Home Idle 3: He's thoroughly enjoying himself here, as if he wasn't being a sourpuss at all in the beginning. I'll definitely make sure Vil does his fair share of the work after giving me all that trouble.
Home Idle - Login: This place's got nothing but wilderness for miles, as usual. So it ain't a shocker that all there is to do is nap around, don'tcha think?
Home Idle - Groovy: Kifaji's always been a noisy scold. I gotta admit, he's an excellent chess opponent, though.
Home Tap 1: I bet for you and Grim, this trip is the height of luxury. I doubt it'll be as satisfying for that little rich boy from the Asim family, though.
Home Tap 2:  Magic is strictly forbidden in Catch the Tail. Maybe I'll train you up for the next one... I kid, this ain't ever happening again.
Home Tap 3: If you want to head up to the royal palace, go ahead. But if you get caught by the guards, I'm gonna pretend I don't know you.
Home Tap 4: The textiles made in the Sunset Savanna are made of raw materials and dyes that're native here. There's no way to get them anywhere else.
Home Tap 5: Hey, hey, don't blame me if you end up accused of high treason, or anything. You're still dealing with a prince of this country here, after all.
Home Tap - Groovy: What, you want to sit in the passenger seat again? Yeah, no. You got some nerve trying to make me your driver.
Duo: [LEONA]: There's no time to fool around, Lilia. [LILIA]: Leona, you sure know how to use others.
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Requested by @dorito9708.
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mossmosss · 2 months
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
You know, the civilian Bruce au is so funny to me, just because of the whole situation with Talia.
Like can you imagine:
Bruce: *acts like a himbo*
Talia: Well I can't just not fuck him now can I?
I think Damian was created by taking Bruce's DNA?
Ra's: Who's DNA did you take to make this baby?
Just imagine Damian leaving to go live with his father and expecting him to be this powerful warrior or something and instead getting this rich himbo.
Damian: I'm the blood son, so I will be the one to inherit his legacy!
Tim...you wanna be a doctor that bad?
Damian: What
Like, his father doesn't know about his children's vigilantism, he doesn't even know that Talia was an assassin from the league, he doesn't even know what the league is. Mother why?
If he wants to be a vigilante as well he has to listen to his adoptive brothers, which really grates him. He also has to keep it from Bruce, which he really doesn't get.
Bruce just keeps accidentally guilt tripping Damian into a normal child.
Bruce: I'm just so glad our family is getting along. I just don't what I would do if you didn't like your brothers 🥹
Damian, who is definitely not getting along with his brothers:...yeah...
Do you think he'd inherit his mother's taste in men?
Jon: *does something stupid*
Damian, near tears: I think I get it now mother, I'm sorry I kink shamed you.
Okokok I getchu, but I also need to add here that Bruce’s parents were certainly not normal and He certainly isnt normal. His parents read motherfuckin The Veldt by Ray Bradbury to him as a BEDTIME STORY!!
The Story in Summary: the Hadley family, two kids and their mom and dad, live in this automated home that can do anything for them. It can cook, clean, wash the kids, put them to bed, anything household work like you can imagine, it can do.
Kids have a VR Room called The Nursery. The Nursery is stuck visually showing an African landscape (w/ lions eating dead carcasses in the background and people screaming). They call a Psychologist for answers of this landscape. Psychologist tells them to turn off the house. The Hadley’s agree. They doubt their parenting abilities but this guy helped reassure them that doing this will help their issues. The kids protest heavily but the parents’s resolve is firm. They tell their kids they can visit The Nursery one last time.
The parents talk about the kids a bit more before going into The Nursery to collect the kids. They are met with a pride of lions. The screams they heard in The Nursery before is reminiscent as the ones they are currently making as the Lions tear into them.
The psychologist goes to check on the kids. They are in the Nursery having tea. It’s still the African Savanna. Lions are feasting on two bodies far in the distance.
The psychologist realizes what has been done. A child offers him tea like nothing is wrong.
That’s the story. Its a very shitty summary but its the best I could do with my current brain functionality. But can you imagine why I think that’s a Not Normal Parenting Tactic for the average child?
I have the personal belief that Bruce’s parents were quite eccentric and a tad on the strange side. You dont grow up stewing in your own grief and then decide to become a vigilante crime fighter after a traumatic event with a regular upbringing.
All I’m saying is that if you’re going the Civilian!Bruce route, he’s absolutely protective of his kids, but his personality would still have some similarities to the OG Bruce Wayne. Still enjoys working out and maybe this time he actually gets those copious amounts of injuries doing eccentric Rich people sports and getting hurt from trying to pull off wild as hell stunts.
He isn’t a man who doesn’t do anything when he’s in the line of fire. He still has learned self defense and knows damn well how to fight and fight back, just not to the degree of a vigilante.
I’m unsure how to fully characterize a Bruce who his parent’s death never consumed his entire being and made him into Batman but this man certainly will pretend to be a himbo in front of the press. He might not have that playboy guise anymore because normally its a way to hide his Batman identity. He certainly doesn’t have the Batcave but you bet your ass that this man HAS tried to go spelunking in the caves below his house.
Idk that’s all I got for this but its just me adding on with my thoughts. Bruce unknowingly keeping the boys grounded in normal life actives in a way that means more for the boys than Bruce would ever understand or realize is some good shit.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
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The West African crocodile (Crocodylus suchus) is considered to have disappeared from Morocco in the 1950s, although there is some evidence that some may have persisted in the “guelta” of Tanzida (Guelmim-Es Smara Province) until the 1970s. For the first time in over 50 years, the species is once again present in Morocco.
Images, captions, layout, screenshots, and all text above from: Ariane Marinetti. In: Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter. Volume 41 No. 3. July 2022 -September 2022.
For context:
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The West African crocodile is also known to some researchers as the “sacred crocodile” for its association with the deity Sobek and crocodile veneration in ancient Egypt. Though the creature inhabits tropical woodland landscapes across most of West Africa, it is also sometimes described as the “desert crocodile” because of how some populations live in oases in the Sahara, in small pools amidst vast desert. The sites in Morocco where crocodiles were historically reported are at the northern edge of the Sahara, far removed from other contiguous populations of crocodiles in the tropics. Previously, the West African crocodile (Crocodylus suchus) was considered to be the same species as the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus). Research in recent years has shown that the West African crocodile is a unique species, and it was historically present at sites across North Africa and the Sahara, including at sites in the Tassili n’Ajjer and Ahaggar mountains of Algeria. Crocodiles were reported to have survived in the Draa river system in Morocco until at least the 1940s. Crocodiles were even reported within the 20th century to survive near the Mediterranean coast (!), at Chott el-Djarid in Tunisia. Though both West African crocodiles and Nile crocodiles seem to be present in Egypt, many mummified crocodiles from ancient Egyptian sites have also been determined to be the West African crocodile. At times throughout the Holocene over the past 12,000 years, much of the Sahara featured savanna landscapes, and the “desert’ was home to many rivers and wetlands, now vanished. Even as the desert became dry, some hippopotamus and crocodiles survived in oasis landscapes in isolated parts of the Sahara. Today, some oasis sites in Mauritania provide a cool illustration of this lifestyle, as West African crocodiles still swim in isolated pools, gueltas, tiny spring-fed streams, and small caves surrounded by desert.
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In drylands and montane systems, these are often what are called ‘non-equilibrium’ systems, driven by variations in rain or snowfall, rather than the population pressures of animals. When a drought occurs, for example, very often, annual grasses disappear, grazing is short, and animals are lost, but when the rain comes again, the system bounces back, and so do animal populations. Concepts such as carrying capacity and stocking rate control, designed for stable grasslands in more temperate settings, are largely irrelevant in such highly variable environments. The traditional conservationist plea to return to a balance of nature simply does not apply. This makes regulating livestock populations according to fixed numbers for ‘conservation’ purposes inappropriate – as has been imposed on reindeer herders in Norway or Maasai pastoralists in Tanzania.
Rangelands, where pastoralists make a living, are ‘open ecosystems’, mixes of trees and grasses maintained by a combination of grazing and fire. These are highly dynamic ecosystems – savannas, parklands, montane rangelands, and so on – and are important on all continents. Yet they remain poorly understood as many assume that the ‘climax’ vegetation is always a closed forest. This has led some to argue for the planting of trees in rangelands. The assumption is that these are degraded forests and planting trees can return the landscape to its ‘natural’ state, and in the process, carbon can be sequestered and sold. This is a big mistake, rooted in a poor ecological understanding. What is ’natural’ is, of course, unclear given these areas have been used for millennia. Trees planted in such settings often die and tree planting projects have a dismal track record. Tree planting may not be the best method for sequestering carbon, even if above-ground carbon is easier to sell on offset markets, as grasslands and soils are massively important but poorly understood parts of the carbon cycle.
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Prompt: "In my defence, ice skating always looked romantic in movies."
Pairing: Ruggie Bucchi x GN!Reader/Prefect/Yuu
Genre: Fluff
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"Ruggie," you giggled as you watched your boyfriend hold on to the handrails as if his life depended on them, "Why aren't you skating?"
Ruggie huffed, looking at you with slight envy in his eyes. You stood confidently on the ice, gliding across its slippery surface with all the gracefulness of a swan.
Now, Ruggie was a resourceful young man. He was good at picking up skills fast. But ice was not his territory. He was made for the hot and dusty conditions of the Afterglow Savanna, not the icy landscape that was the ice skating rink he had taken you for a date to.
Ruggie watched as you glided closer to him effortlessly, knowing that if he tried to replicate your move, his pride and his behind would both be bruised. "Yeah, yeah, laugh at me all ya want," he said, unable to keep a smile off his face when he saw you smiling, even if it was at his expense.
You rested your hand on his, trying to pry his fingers loose from the handrail. "Come on, we're on a date. Here, I'll teach you," you tried to coax him. You didn't need to try to convince him for too long; Ruggie let you remove his hands from the handrails fairly easily, letting you hold them in your own.
You started to move backwards, pulling him to follow. You gave him instructions as the two of you moved, telling him which leg to push ahead and gently encouraging him. Once both of you were comfortable enough to drift along the ice, you asked him, "So, ice skating for a date?"
"In my defence, ice skating's always looked romantic in the movies. And it seemed like sonething you'd like.."
You felt your cheeks warm at his sweet words. Ruggie snickered at the sight, opening his mouth to tease you. However, it seems fate had different plans.
Ruggie tripped over his own feet, letting out a startled yelp as he began to fall forward. Your eyes widened as his grip on your hands tightened, and before you could support both of your weights, you found yourself on the ice.
You gasped, feeling the sting of falling on your back and the cold of the ice seeping in through your clothes. Ruggie had fallen over you, hands caging your head between them. Somehow, he had managed to straddle you.
"Shit, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" His worried eyes scanned your face.
"I'm fine, I'm fine..." you groaned, lightly pushing Ruggie to get off of you. Ruggie turned and sat down next to you on the ice, taking deep breaths to calm himself.
He glanced over at you again, eyebrows furrowing as you remained lying on the ice. "You sure you're okay?"
"Yeah... but I think I'm done with ice skating for now. Let's go do something else," you offered, smiling in amusement as you watched Ruggie's eyes turn from worried to sparkling with excitement. There was no need for you to tell him exactly what you wanted to do; he knew very well, it having turned into a tradition after every date.
"Wanna get donuts?"
"Sounds like a date."
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