shurisneakers · 3 months
hi!! i hope you’re doing well. i just wanted to say that i’m very happy i found you here. i read “harmless” two years ago on ao3 and reread it a few times. it helped me get through a rough patch and brought me a lot of joy. when i remember a random line from it a laugh to this day. it’s one of my favourite fic of all time.
so thank you a lot!!
i didn’t expect to find you on tumblr, but bucky barnes fluff tag had other ideas. just started “unsolved”. it’s great so far, i’m eaiting patiently for the next chapter.
thanks again.
love <3
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it makes me so happy to know that harmless was able to provide some kind of comfort to you. i hope things are better now and you are doing well ❤️
i would say it's fate that the tag did this 🫡
thank you so much for such a kind message. it really means the world to me. thank you for reading the stuff i write, i appreciate it so much ❤️
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hmmm okay i’m seeing the “dick grayson is a ray of sunshine” tag increase in popularity and i feel as though i may need to clarify that whenever EYE use it, the “dick grayson is a ray of sunshine” tag is not adorable harmless smiley optimistic ball of sunshine dick. to ME dick grayson is a ray of sunshine (brilliant and brutal and furious in a way that is impossible to dream of being until you meet him) (he is simmering and sharp and too bright to look at head on, raise a hand to shade your eyes) (he burns the skin of your arms and your shoulders and your cheeks until your flesh is blistered and red from prodding, in pain and glad for it, or darker and bronzed, grateful to be touched by him at all)
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feluka · 2 months
when i make a post about coptic culture and someone tags it as "worldbuilding"... a chill runs up my spine
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blueper-saiyan · 2 months
I have a firm heartfelt belief that neither Goku nor Vegeta is at all normal for a Saiyan but some of the ways that they’re weird overlap perfectly, so they’re both convinced that they’re normal and that’s just what Saiyans are like
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bugsbenefit · 1 year
attraction in ST
or. oh god stop stripping the show of it's themes no please no it needs those, stopppp
actually making this post now bc i'm sick of people claiming anything remotely sexual or even kissing happening to the party (an opinion that often pops up in the context of byler) in s5 would be horrible, sexualising, or out of character for the show
ST has always had a realistic approach to kids growing into their sexualities. the show's never shied away from directly addressing sex and sexual feelings so i'm honestly amazed by the extremely puritan interpretation of the show. i'm assuming, in good faith, that a big part of it is coming from people not having seen the actual show in ages and are just forgetting how explicitly the show handles sexuality. instead of just assuming it's from culturally raised christian people, who feel uncomfortable seeing any portrayal of sexuality, no matter how tasteful or realistic
i'm also saying all this as an ace person myself, i get not being into sex and not wanting to see it. however, refusing to acknowledge entire themes of a fictional show just because i don't experience them is bizarre to me. sexuality is vitally important to a lot of the characters and isn't just there to be fun(gross). essentially, ST is the opposite of porn without plot
so just as a little reminder what's actually IN Stranger Things. canonically.
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sorry i had this sc for ages and wanted to include it Somewhere, so here you go. at a little starter... dorry
also this is an old draft seeing the light of day now, if anything's worded weird it's bc i didn't read all of it over again so oops, grammar hard?
TLDR: the show has never shied away from explicitly addressing sexuality. buying into the puritan fanon version of the show is going to make your s5 viewing experience worse because that show doesn't exist
season 1
we're starting the show off with Stancy, which is very sexually charged in general. (even in s4 Nancy still experiences physical attraction to Steve despite them having unchanged compatibility) the plot surrounding them in s1 explicitly focuses on Nancy having sex with Steve and later regretting that choice. the scene that everyone remembers, is of course, the "explicit" (not really, because ST is really tasteful with how it shows these teens explore themselves) sex scene
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they're in sophomore and junior year of highschool here. around 15 and 16 years old - yet the show doesn't shy away from letting them figure things out. and it's not like this sexual theme is contained in only that scene. it keeps coming back the whole season as Nancy tries to sort her feelings out and deals with the aftermath of that night
also sidenote here while still at Steve and his party: even Steve's friends are very casual with their sexualities. and yes, they can even explicitly mention sex and specific sexual acts, no holding back here
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Nancy's character conflict in s1 very much hinges on her sexuality and sexual themes. and it's not like there is a magic you need to be at least this old rule to know what sex is on the show like so many people seem to believe, because even 12 year old Mike seems to very much know what his sister and Steve are up to. he even goes out of his way to use it against her
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iconic line! but i've seen insane takes trying to spin this into something not alluding to something sexual. i'm sorry to say if he doesn't think they're full on having sex he at least thinks they're getting very intimate with each other regardless
so not even the youngest characters on the show are "innocent and pure" the way fandom likes to claim when it comes to sexuality. and of course they aren't. real 12 year olds know what sex is, they're young not oblivious
and the following seasons make that even more obvious
season 2
as of s2 the kids are getting more involved with the sexual jokes, not just making them about other people but even being directly involved with those themes themselves. which is also realistic. with 13 sexuality starts to get thrown your way by every possible form of media. lots of them start developing crushes, have no idea how relationships work, etc. it's messy, typical teens thrown into the dating game. (i say all of this from a developmental media psychology perspective thanks uni and not personal experience sorry lmao, i'm a bit too ace to have my own input here)
s2 features comedic and awkward mentions of sex(ual activity) towards Lucas and Max,
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older peers giving their 13 year old friends well meant advice on how relationships work,
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and has even younger characters play around with attraction/kissing/love as well, which is incredibly normal for kids to do at that age
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they're all young and the show treats growing up realistically. while the theme of attraction or sexuality gets more relevant for them (in scenes that are often received with awkwardness by the characters themselves) the show offers them safe territory to stand on. none of them are directly confronted with sexuality and are instead offered people to seek advice from for example
meanwhile the sexuality theme for the older kids is still very much explicit. just as Nancy's arc is still heavily tied to her romance and sexuality (which ties into her non conformity themes - she's an ambition driven person trying to escape the culdesac life first and foremost)
not only do we get another sex scene (this time with a cut away), there's also explicit jokes about it after
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sexuality on the show is continuously awkward and messy. Jonathan and Nancy are only 16-17 here - no one really knows what they're doing or what the right way to go ahead is and Jonathan rightfully almost does a spittake here. out of pocket Murray
sexuality. is. awkward. (we get is s2 thanks)
season 3
s3 gets even more explicit with it's awkward puberty sexuality themes
from Dustin talking about how much he likes kissing Suzie (and her liking him not having teeth for it?) which weirds Steve out to the repeating, awkwardly received, "happy screams joke" (which gets a callback in later scene)
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sexuality is still awkward for them. it's a realistic approach to what 14 year olds act like and know. they're actively dating by now, they're kissing people And have messy relationship situations. all while still acknowledging knowing what sex and attraction is, duh, of course they know that. but i'm explicitly pointing it out because i see obscene amounts of people claiming the characters are completely sheltered and even implying that they know what sex is would be gross. to that i say, do you not remember being 14???
and while i'm at s3, also let it be mentioned that even the adults are suffering at the hands of the sexuality theme here. Hopper's hookups with random women are focused on in s1, but now that he's getting closer with Joyce they get very explicitly told to just have sex. literally
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not putting the whole dialogue in here, i already have too many images because there's so many sex mentions in this show and he really just tells them their mating ritual is painful and they should tear their clothes off and fuck right now
thanks Murray, always insightful
season 4
and s4 has stopped just confronting the kids with the existence of sexuality, but is tentatively starting to explore mature themes more directly - which allows them to tentatively start exploring their own sexualities instead of just having to acknowledge the general concept of sexuality
Max gets to ogle shirtless Steve
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Lucas has something under his bed that's never confirmed as anything except "100/10 gross" but had 90% of the audience i saw immediately assume something sexual (magazines or the like)
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and has a bunch more direct nudges, from the kids "experimenting sexually" as Murray says
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to Argyle explicitly telling Jonathan he needs to have sex with Nancy again
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to Hopper and Joyce's escalating make out in a church while shirtless
to visual innuendos (i'm looking at you hose scene. this one wouldn't be such a big deal if there wasn't a genuine moral panic about it last year. which was crazy. people literally had to pretend the scene didn't exist to escape the witchhunting mobs, except instead of being killed for magic it'd be for looking at a canon scene and acknowledging it. crazy times - aside from that there's also more visuals you can take as innuendos in s4e1 which there's already posts about out there so i'm not getting into them here, i'm more focused on the overt textual references)
to Yuir extensively talking about pleasing women and making them cum (I'm sparing you from that, the sc in at the top was already enough)
to explicit graffities all over the place, like here as an example "give me head until i'm dead" which is in frame for the whole phone call and Steve talking about his bitchlesness. and is also some of the only easily legible text (i hope this is readable, most of my screenshots kind of died a bit so maybe you need to look at an actual clip to see the text)
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that is aside from the "DRUGS" poster which touches on another point s4 makes. the show doesn't just explore sexuality, it also puts the kids into more mature situations in general (not talking about the deaths, this is a horror show), specifically drugs
Jonathan uses weed as a coping mechanism the whole season and Eddie even sells the stuff in full bags (insane weed selling practices btw, even i know that). Chrissy (17-18) wants to do weed and ketamine. and we also see Lucas (14) hungover after drinking at a party for the first time
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the show does not shy away from portraying realistic teen experiences
Murray called s4 very well, the kids pound some bears, smoke some ganja, play nintendo, and experiment sexually
literally. you have drinking, weed, and confusing queer sexualities. they took this list step by step
and all of those pretty normal things teens tend to explore. and i say that as someone who was decidedly not into those things. the ace experience is a bit different, but i can still acknowledge how that period was like for my allo friends and people in general
there is an extreme push in this fandom to reject any form of sexual jokes or references in the show, made mostly by people being uncomfortable with portrayals of sexuality. however, the themes not only still exist, they're also very prominent throughout all 4 seasons and are important to a lot of the characters directly
and it's also noteworthy here to see how ST approaches it's sexuality theme. it grows with the characters. starting out as jokes and being received with awkwardness to slowly letting them figure things out on their own time and turns. an extremely realistic progression and very common for coming of age narratives such as ST. it's a far cry from shows exploring sexuality or sexual themes for the sake of the viewers enjoyment like Euph0ria (don't want it to show up in tags)
based on what we currently know s5 could very well be taking place in 1988 or later which would place the party at around 16-17 years old. going into the season with the fanon version of the show that is completely clean and non sexual will 100% set you up for disaster
ST is very realistic and non exploitative with it's exploration of teen sexuality so there is obviously nothing to worry about in the sexualization department, that's just puritan fear mongering. however, it's very likely that we're going to get more than holding hands or pecks on the lips from the characters that are now older than characters we've explicitly seen hook up before. there could be more intimate scenes or making out, yes. but there's also at least one basically guaranteed vulgar joke in there, all seasons have them
there's no real theorizing or speculation about s5 here, anything could happen and i'm not placing bets, i want the characters narratives to be wrapped up well first and foremost and trust the writers to do it well. however, going into s5 with some of the mindsets i've seen circulating on here and expecting the show to be "clean" and cater to a version of it that's never existed outside of purified fandom could genuinely make you feel blindsided by the shows canon themes
not targeted at anyone or anything specifically, just using this as a bit of a reality check of what the show is actually like after recently rewatching all of it in one go
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mixelation · 4 months
ngl i feel a little bad for how kisame didnt rank well in the tori ship poll. He's so (comparatively) sane & honestly tori deserves someone that stable & texturally smooth imho!
aaw it's nice to know i have followers who don't just want to see the world burn* <3
*i'm looking at YOU, torito shippers. also the torochimaru nation commenter
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ithuriels-criativety · 4 months
How to write a harmless character (meaning someone who can't or will not physically fight)
There seems to be a misunderstanding between a harmless character and a peaceful one. The peaceful do not want to harm anyone, the harmless is incapable of doing so. None of them are bad traits to apply to a character, but the limits many others possible traits, so there is a list of very few characters that represents this traits (mainly the "harmless" trait).
Peaceful characters that belong among the main ones tend to be retired soldiers or someone with great skill in combat. It is not uncommon for them to be put in a critical situation where they need to use their knowledge, be it to protect someone or any other reason. I advise you, writer who are interested in this kind of character, to avoid making your character being underestimated, this is becoming a cliché that push away many readers.
Well, my actual point with this post is to advise about the "harmless" trait, based on my experience as a reader of course. Here it goes...
✨The harmless type✨
Most of the time this characters are kids, old people, woman or non-combatants civilians (basically mobs), which is infuriating! I am sure that upon reading the title you had thought one of this, so why don't I give you some examples of my creativity since you do not have enough? (I am kidding, I'm sorry).
The character who was once a great warrior known on the whole realm for their skills and now is just an empty shell. It would be really interesting if even being powerless now people respected them or he had students who would look after them.
Someone who was born with a weak body or an illness that couldn't be cured but wouldn't kill them. Being weak doesn't mean they're powerless, this character can be really smart and lead someone else or be a powerful person in business or politics and not to be ignored even by people with strength enough to wipe them out of the earth.
A person who has all they need to be the strongest or one of the best warriors but for some reason choose to not fight; be it a pacifist or someone traumatized and hater of violence. Make sure that they don't know how to fight if it is the second option! They may not learn how to after overcoming the trauma, something like "I don't need to fight to be who I am" or something (Personally, I like a lot the plot of them just not being into fighting; having all the genetics they need to be strong and just choosing to be peaceful and out of trouble).
Having their strength blocked by something that could be self inflicted. May it be a "curse", an injury or just not being allowed to use everything they have.
There are very few literary works that involve a truly harmless character that is well built and I can't even remember any who does to recommend, but you could be the one to add to this scarce list.
That's it. Feel free to add more prompts to it or use the ones I displayed here.
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leopardmask-ao3 · 6 days
Day 29 - Hypno
Drabble for @hermitadaymay!
“Skizz, meet Hypno. Hypno, Skizz.”
The two shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Impulse continued: “Actually, Hypno's gonna facilitate some... fun for us today...”
Skizz glanced over. “Why'd you say it like...” He looked back at Hypno, who now had a silver pocketwatch in his hand. “...that...”
The watch started swinging, flashing tantalizingly in the sun. Skizz’s eyes glazed over.
“Today,” Hypno intoned, “Impulse leads you. You want to do whatever he asks of you... until sundown, or until he says otherwise.”
Hypno snapped his fingers. Skizz blinked and looked around. “Huh-wha...?”
Impulse grinned mischievously. “C'mon, Skizz. Let's have some fun.”
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
I see your “Amanda is a complete mess and Angela is confused why is Amanda being weird wtf” and I raise you “Angela thought they were already dating and taking this slow so she’s like … didn’t you take me on a date last week”
EXTREMELY funny scenario. Golden.
For a pure goofy time. I thiiiink. My rpf au of Amanda and Angela are both relatively communicative/empathetic/emotionally open adults. So i need the events preceding this/explaining how Angela would have started assuming it without talking to Amanda directly. to be deeply hilarious, either in an escalating-hilarity kind of way or in a deeply sweet mundane way. Amanda needs to be preoccupied with something oe operating so deeply on autopilot that she's in it and doing stuff without thinking and Angela feels completely assured in their relationship. They're carpooling to work. Cooking dinner for each other. There needs to be at least one convo where Angela is thinking one thing and Amanda is thinking another but they're both chill with it.
Like LBR, you can do plenty of affectionate and coupley-esque things without actually having feelings for people, so the comedy needs to be that Amanda does have those feelings and is either unaware of it or is slipping up so that she's expressing it and then. Something happens to make that click, Amanda freaks out, and at some point, apologizes probably, for overstepping or for her feelings, or for etc, expecting the worst.
And then Angela, who thought they WERE dating and groovy. Thinking fondly of the candlelit dinner at the nice Italian place and the late night chats and the lingering eye contact and the constant proximity. goes. Amanda. What.
(To not get parasocial. In my brain/au: Amanda seems like the type to communicate well most of the time and Angela seems like the type to maybe second guess specific status of relationships if shes unsure. So to end up in this scenario. Is so fucking funny.)
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indelen · 3 months
I love that one fanfic trope where Loki needs a disguise on Earth or whatever so he shape shifts and the narrative makes it clear it's to look like Tom.
Exactly the kind of silly little joke I like.
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shurisneakers · 2 years
What do you think Bucky would do/think when miss villain gets hit on but doesn’t realize it.
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Bucky's glaring before he even realises.
Though, to be fair, he's always glaring so it doesn't always register when he does. System default.
You're talking excitedly on a panel, mic threatening to fly away with the way you gesture around wildly.
It's the first you'd been invited to and Bucky didn't think twice before clearing out his schedule to come to watch. EvilCon was only one day a year but he'd put it on his digital calendar, a reminder on his phone, circled it on the common room calendar. And written it with Sharpie on his metal arm. Just in case.
And here he was, pride in his chest and an extremely large, cartoonish moustache on his face. That and the giant googly sunglasses he has on-- courtesy of your online purchases to his house, obviously-- leaves him out of harm's way for the time being. Or they all knew who he was but they were ignoring it completely.
They probably wouldn't by the way he was about to flip a chair, but that was a bridge he'd explode when he came to it.
He's so proud though. Records you the same way a dad would at a kid's talent show, camera shaky and his own commentary in the background.
"The guy was flirting with you," he states the second you're in the car, heading out for dinner he's insisted on because being on a super evil panel something to celebrate, damn it.
You're basically buzzing out of your seat in excitement even though it was nearly four hours later.
"What guy? The security guard?"
"The guard flirted with you?"
"Oh, sorry, were you talking about the guy from the food court?"
Bucky's eyebrows pull together. "There was a guy in the food court?"
Right. You clear your throat, decided the hole you dug yourself was big enough so you just ask him straight up.
"The moderator," he replies.
"The moderator?"
"Yeah, Bargain Basement Riddler." Bucky nearly rolls his eyes at the thought of the outlandish green garment he wore. "Whole time-- swear to Christ, he was trying so hard."
"I literally didn't even notice," you muse.
"I know."
"You're pissed at him for flirting." You grin, wide and smug.
"I'm not pissed at him for flirting with you. I wouldn't be able to help myself either," Bucky replies absentmindedly. "I'm pissed because he was doing it all wrong."
"Oh?" you ask, eyebrow quirking in amusement.
"Yeah, it was painful," he grumbles. "Like, he kept bringing up taking you in his stupid rocket to blow up a star when you literally said you like submarines better."
"I do think the lil' fucked up creatures down there are fascinating."
"I know," Bucky emphasizes, audibly annoyed. "And that whole thing with testing your inventions out with you. Like you didn't say five minutes ago it was something personal to you."
Your lips purse, impressed. "You were listening way more than I thought you would."
"Of course, I was," Bucky exclaims. "I wanted to throw something at him. You gave him so many ins and he just went with-- whatever."
"You're mad because you... could do it better?" You squint at him.
"Yeah." Which now that he's thinking about it, sounds completely ridiculous. It's not like that guy was the one driving you to get cake from the best diner in the district.
"Well." You blow out an exhale. "Maybe next time I'll invite you up there with me. You could give him a crash course."
"Absolutely not," he mumbles. "He's gonna have to put in the effort if he wants to try with you. If he's gonna steal you away, he can't half-ass this shit."
"He's not stealing me away."
"Not with those lines, he's not."
"Yeah, all he's gotta do is pretend like he hates me for a year and a half."
"I'm not gonna apologise for your standards being low."
You snort, reaching across the car to pick up a stray hair left over from his fake moustache. "With a trash stache like that? No one else stands a chance. Got my heart all fluttery, Barnes. A real catch."
Bucky drops it when you laugh at the sheer stupidity of this conversation, a smile growing on his face.
Dinner's nice. He tells you what he liked about the convention, even shows you the keychain he picked up for Steve and the stuffed raven on a branch for Alpine. You tell him you don't think they'll call you back after you left the stage in an explosion of smoke and lazers.
He says that was probably a fire hazard. You ask him what he thought the live flamethrower counter was then.
He narrows his eyes at you when you steal the larger slice of cake and it only deepens when you amend it by pressing a kiss to his cheek, leaving a bit of frosting there.
It's a good day.
But later at night, when you're in bed with him, half asleep and warm, it comes obnoxiously at the stroke of midnight.
"I mean, honestly, 'Let's get coffee and end the world together'? What is he, a fucking CW show?"
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daz4i · 6 months
i love it when fic writers write abt japanese characters living in japan n all but. they forget that a dollar is worth over a 100 yen. just ran into an exchange like "this is a 2500 yen champagne" "what?? why is it so expensive?!" and well.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
Any AU: *sun and moon aren’t in love with y/n right away and sometimes are mean but in a ~ooh I��m just teasing~ way*
Me, sensitive and one bad happening away from tearing everything to shreds with nothing but my teeth and feral determination: pls be nice me
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kaaaaaaarf · 1 year
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Now I'm Spreading Your Legs (with mine in between) on ao3
Sirius: I HATE HIM. HE IS MY ENEMY. I NEED TO STAY FOCUSED. James: HE IS MY ARCH ENEMY AND ALSO I MUST RAIL HIM aka Sirius meets famed rockstar Remus Lupin at a pub and they become arch-enemies who really, secretly want to fuck. James is here for it. aka aka my Hatefuck texting AU
My first fic!! This fic would not be possible without @wdcmaxy, who helped me write half of the text exchange at the beginning and beta'd like a champ.
Link to the playlist on Spotify
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writing-for-life · 4 months
The Self-Love, Sex, and Pursuit of the Helm Novels: A Tragicomedy in Three Movements
Part 1~~By the Sea, I Mean in the Dreaming: A Comedy Prelude, where crack ships find their way into Dream’s Library, and absolutely everyone is left stranded.
People, I’ve done it, and I’m scared. This… erm… short trilogy has been sitting in my drafts for ages, and the unhinged Muhulhu post has finally kicked my arse into editing part 1. So here it is without further ado: fourth-wall-breaking madness, secrets about Merv and Matthew you never wanted to know, and the unholy beginning of that relationship (titles inspired by “The Love, Sex, and Pursuit of Happiness Novels” by Steven Paul Leiva).
Here’s a little excerpt, link to full story on Ao3.
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And next when it’s edited: Part 2~~Bully For You (Is it sarcastic, or an expression of praise, or something else entirely? Who will ever know…): An Unhinged Interlude, where the Lord of Dreams loses his bearings (no, not those ones), and even Desire needs a stiff drink.
I am tagging the Muhulhu inception crew, but I will need to start with the founding members of the cult: @so-i-grudgingly-joined-this-site for indulging my silly ask that kicked this whole thing off, @marlowe-zara who also gave us her deep psychological insight from the get-go and @roguelov who created the first bit of fanart for this monster (and said fanart gets hinted at in the fic—Murphy is desperately trying to figure out which way up to hold that thing to make sense of it. He is a bit slow sometimes).
Further honourable mentions: @tickldpnk8 (whom we have to thank for the HelmLord) , @ginoeh , @rriavian , @4typercent , @windsweptinred , @throwingbread , @tryan-a-bex (for the best drabble ever—now you’ll understand what I wrote about the similar premise, and Lucienne indeed needs a raise 🤣), @zzoomacroom
I also dare to tag @safeuphigh because you know my more serious stuff, and this is definitely not that, and a writer who takes herself too seriously is not a serious writer. Or something like that 🤣
And @rey-jake-therapist because you always get tagged, and just because I can 😜
New weirdos and Muhulhu enjoyers are warmly welcome in our midst!
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ayphyx · 1 month
Me when someone makes a sweeping statement that i don’t necessarily disagree with but the actual situation is much more nuanced and the statement only applies to certain situations so i cant wholeheartedly endorse or agree with it
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