#Hero - 'they'll be done soon'
vixx-ari · 2 years
Day 1 of @bakuiidaweek finished!!!! Took two days and the explosions look so musty but I'm actually proud if myself :)
Ingredients to this:
Bakugo & Iida (odviously)
3/4 cup of fantasy au
A pint of enemies to lovers
A cup of angst and violence
A 1 hour long bakuiida playlisy on Spotify
and a crayon :)
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storydays · 5 months
C'mon, baby! Let's Go CRAZY
John Dory X Male! Rock Troll! Husband! Reader.
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John Dory chuckled to himself as he watched his three children chase their cousins around. Currently, he was relaxing at the bar with his brothers', enjoying a drink and warm atmosphere.
After meeting Bruce, and knowing how dangerous things were, JD asked his sweet sister in law, Brandi, if he could leave his children safe on Vacay Island until either his partner came for them or he himself came back.
Of course, she happily kept the 3 Trollings. "It's honestly safer for them," she chided him before they left.
The oldest at 10 years old, Ash was a stubborn Troll and got along well with Bruce's oldest child, Cove. They were both super sarcastic but cared deeply about their siblings.
Cove would show Ash all of the cool hiding places on Vacay Island, and Ash was small enough that they could fit into the nooks and crannies that Cove couldn't reach. The two pre-teens bonded over learning about being non-binary and being true to themselves.
Ash took after John the most. Their hair color, eye color, and was a Pop Troll. Ash even wore compression gloves like their Papa, to keep their shaking hands still when drawing in their sketch book.
Then their only girl, Brooke, was an exact carbon copy of her Daddy. She was only 6 years old, but she was a wild card. She would jump off of stuff, then used her (h/c) pigtails to catch herself at the last moment. She took after John's husband in personality, looks, and even in music genre: Rock! John's favorite part was that (Y/N) and Brook shared (e/c) eyes.
Honestly, most of John's gray hair comes from that child. She was LaBreezey's little shadow. "She's just following what her big cousin does because to her, LaBreezy is her hero." Brandi laughed when John wondered outloud.
Ugh, John could just hear his husband's smirk when Brooke started talking about the government's control..or lack of it. Great, he already (Y/N) to worry about, now he's got two to deal with. Hopefully, that phase will pass soon.
The teal haired Troll hissed when he felt something tug sharply on his tail. Looking down, he brightened, seeing his youngest, Reed making grabby hands at him, demanding attention. John set his drink down before grabbing the Trolling.
"Reed! Finally up from your nap, little man?" Reed was currently struggling with speech, so he just made some babbling noises, before cuddling in his Papa's arms.
Reed was quite the surprise. John and (Y/N) thought they were done having kids, both of them in their late 30's. But one day, they woke up to Reed's egg sitting snugly in John's head.
Reed was a little miracle egg, and hatched looking like both of his fathers, John's hair, (Y/N)'s nose, but what was unique about the little dude, he had heterochromia. So his right eye was the same blue as John's and the calm (e/c) as (Y/N).
"So, where are you John Dory?" Bruce snapped his older brother out of his thoughts, making him realize his siblings' were looking at him.
"Huh?" John asked dumbly. Clay snickered, "John Dory has left the building, gentlemen." They joked, making the other brothers laugh.
"Ha ha." He chuckled, jumping slightly when he heard Brooke squeal loudly. BroZone looked over to where the little teal trolling watched excitedly as a (s/c) Troll went nacho diving.
Even though, there was salsa and cheese in their eyes, the new Troll got out yelling happily and excitedly. Bruce's children and John's older children crowed around him, chattering away.
Bruce frowned, knowing his kids wanted to copy the mysterious Troll's actions. "Ugh, that is so reckless. Now the kids are going to want to do it, and they'll be all sticky. Have you ever tried to give children in general a bath? Not to mention my kids are giants." He groaned.
John ignored his brothers' as Reed's tail excitedly wagged in his face, pointing towards the crowd.
Laughing, he adjusted the little Troll and stood up. "Okay, okay, we're going." He turned towards his brothers, with a raised brow. "Y'all coiming?"
BroZone scrambled after their brother, watching in shock as the new Troll grinned and rushed to John Dory. John stopped him with his tail, and deadpanned expression. "You are NOT touching us, until you've showered or rinsed off, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) grinned mischievously, turning towards Ash and Brooke, who bore matching grins. "Come on, kids!" "Wait, no!" John yelped when he was suddenly pushed from behind and pulled into the stream.
BroZone watched as (Y/N) held Reed in his arms, with a smug grin on his face. "Well, I rinsed off." He cackled, helping John Dory out of the water, before leaning in and kissing the grumpy Troll.
John smiled into the kiss, and kissed him back.
"Daaaadddddssss!!!!" Ash and Brooke squealed laughed, as John and (Y/N) covered their children's eyes with their tails.
Pulling back, (Y/N) pulled his children into his arms, squeezing tight. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here. This place is a good 3 day ride by caterbus. And I forgot my snacks!!!" (Y/N) whined, ears pointing down, perking up when his children giggled." So when I saw those nachos, I had to dive in and eat something."
John laughed, shaking his head. "Papa, I think our uncles' stopped working.." Ash pointed towards the frozen BroZone where their jaws dropped and stared wide eyed.
"Oh, right! (Y/N), babe, these are my brothers! Spruce, who now goes by Bruce, Clay, Floyd, and Bit-- I mean Branch. Guys, this is my husband, (Y/N)."
"Husband?" asked Clay. They were cool with it, same sex relationships weren't taboo or anything, but Clay was just surprised that John Dory of all people was in one.
"Cool." Floyd smiled.
"Papa?" Bruce whispered, a smile growing on his face.
"(Y/N)?" mumbled Branch, your name sounding familiar.
"Dada!" Reed giggled, tail wrapping around (Y/N)'s forearm.
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002yb · 5 months
Dick peppering kisses all over Jason's face as soon as he gets home?
The problem with loving a hero is that nothing will ever come before their cause. Despite this, Jason isn't bothered. It's not like he sets aside his own agendas as a vigilante to assuage his boyfriend. Then again, Jason has never asked Dick to wait around with no contact for a fucking month, the bastard.
It's the longest they've been apart since they got together and Jason can't help but grimace at the hollow ache he feels in his chest because damn it - even if Jason resolved himself to being okay with Dick's hero work, he misses his boyfriend.
Jason wonders if Dick has missed him, too. How embarrassing would it be for him if it's just Jason that's been despondent and grouchy and distracted and needy all these weeks.
The only consolation Jason has is that he has a stranglehold on the crime in his territory after a month of boredom and loneliness. It's done a lot to help quell his agitation (over being left alone, over not being able to help, over the haunting thoughts of what-ifs and worst case scenarios), but now with nothing to do - Jason is back where he started.
A lot can happen in a month. Maybe Dick got hurt and needs help. Maybe Dick regained some sense and realized Jason isn't worth the trouble. Maybe he ran off to ghost Jason entirely. Fucking bastard.
Or maybe he's being stupid and Dick is thinking about Jason - missing him. Maybe he's rushing home like he said he would and they'll do all those depraved things Dick promised before he left. Or maybe they'll just hold each other. Jason wouldn't mind that.
Fuck, Jason misses him. The charming, handsome son of a bitch.
"Come home already, dick." Jason grumbles to himself.
And like the universe has finally heard enough of Jason's incessant whining, Jason hears a knock on his window. He sits upright from where he laid on his couch, wild-eyed and breathless, a biting smile pulling at his lips to match his boyfriend's toothy grin as Dick persists in slapping the window
Dick is already leaning through the window before Jason fully opens it, hands on either side of Jason's face and peppering it with kisses. Pressing forward until they tumble back to the floor and laughing through complaints because, 'A fucking month, c'mere.'
Chaste, fleeting pecks that still somehow make Jason flush with warmth because they're relentless and wanting and as desperate as Jason has felt for so many weeks.
"Missed you." Dick breathes over his skin and the combination makes Jason shiver and laugh under his breath. A cut off, breathy sound that hitches when Dick nips just beneath Jason's jaw and presses another three kisses to his face after.
"Thought you might have ran." Jason says, holding Dick back. It does little to stop his boyfriend who just takes Jason's hands and kisses his fingers instead, the heel of his palm.
"Ran here." Dick laughs, breathless. "Couldn't wait to see you."
Nothing will ever come before a hero's cause, but Jason thinks he might come close just from how Dick looks at him - bright-eyed with contentment and delight. Maybe their relationship can't be conventional, but Jason doesn't think he needs it to be.
They're a hero and a vigilante; they're made of tougher stuff.
A month's worth of kisses and affection. A month's worth of uncertainty chased away in an instant. They'll be okay.
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ckret2 · 5 months
would you say Ford is overall happier in the Evil Ford AU? Strangely, it seems he's more fulfilled as Bill's weird little pet rather than trying to destroy him, but then he gets the trade off of the people who actually love him hating him forever
(I guess Bill cares in his own way? But, it's not the same)
I'd say he frontloads more happiness, but ends up unhappier overall.
There comes a time in every Gifted Kid's life that they hit adulthood and discover they aren't, as they'd been told, an intellectual superhero who will change the world, and that they've let down everyone who thought they were.
In canon, Ford had that realization after Bill exploited him, and then spent the next thirty years trying to live up to that high expectation anyway just to try to undo the damage he'd caused while he was being manipulated. But by the end, he makes peace with being Part Of A Family rather than a lone hero who must do it all himself.
By joining Bill, Evil Ford didn't have that realization. He got to spend the next thirty years telling himself yes, he IS that great, he WILL change the world—already HAS changed the world, he's already done the magnum opus that will (figuratively AND literally) immortalize him. All he has to do is wait—while being preemptively hailed a hero by Bill—until somebody repairs the portal.
So instead of being 30-something when he has his great disappointment—you're not the Great Scientist you were promised you would be, you let your family and friends and yourself down—he's in his 60s.
And he comes out of Weirdmageddon alone. As soon as Bill's destroyed, he runs.
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His muse, partner, and longest friend is dead. He's sure his niece and nephew hate him now. His brother lost most of his memories, without Ford's help he still doesn't remember half his childhood, the family had to hire a nurse to look after him, and now Ford's estranged from him again.
(In truth Stan's doing okay—he regained most of his memories, and anyway his mind is sharp and he's functioning fine. But the family outside Gravity Falls heard he's losing his memory, went "oh, dementia," and decided a nurse was necessary. However—Ford doesn't know that. He thinks Stan is much worse off than he really is.)
Ford's too ashamed and angry to face his family now. So he finds one of the mini-rifts that opens in Gravity Falls after Weirdmageddon, jumps back into the Nightmare Realm, and goes to rejoin the Henchmaniacs. He doubts they'll be excited to welcome him back, after Bill hyped him up for 30 years and it all came to naught, but where else can he go? Maybe there's a way to resurrect Bill, or maybe he's not really dead. It's the only thing he can think of to do.
And at the end of it all—he still doesn't think assisting in Weirdmageddon was the "wrong" or "bad" decision. If they'd been allowed to finish—if Stan hadn't interfered and ruined everything he'd worked for, for the third time—then he'd be ruling the galaxy like a god and he could have elevated his family with him.
He's not ashamed because he's realized he was wrong; he's ashamed because he's a failure, and everyone he cares about has suffered for it.
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forgeofthenine · 7 months
Not a request this time, just a little fic based off the song 'Mrs Hollywood' by Go-Jo. Reader is Tav and they/them pronouns are used throughout.
Hopefully you guys enjoy, next one up will be a set of headcanons :)
The three times you leave Dammon, and the one time you stay
the first time
The excitement reaches its peak around the forge, tieflings bustling to and fro as they prepare. Dammon pauses at his forge, wiping the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand before turning towards the familiar crunch of gravel.
"Hey stranger." He jokes, turning towards you. "Or maybe I should call you 'our hero' now." The correction comes as he turns fully, eyes taking in the figure before him.
God he wishes they could stay, that he and his forge could be enough. But they have their destiny ahead of them. Dammon is already sure he'll be but a small part.
"I heard you weren't coming to the party, I wanted to say goodbye to my favourite blacksmith." His chest tightens as you say the words, not wanting to let you leave, but Dammons knows this is how things need to be.
"It's hardly goodbye, you'll see us again soon, won't you?" The question is one neither can really know the answer to, but they smile and nod anyway and that's enough for Dammon.
The second time
They'd been lounging on the hay in his forge, two days of idle chatting as he worked and asking that ox with much to human eyes random questions.
The assault on Ketheric Thorm has kept them all busy, Dammon at his forge, them trying to form a plan. "What if I just have Gale disintegrate him, Dammon?" The question comes from the corner of the room, where they sit by the open arches.
"Can Gale disintegrate him?" Dammon asks, pulling back from his whetstone. "Maybe you should just use this." He gives the sword a little flourish, holding it out to them. Jumping from the mess of a hay bale, they reach for the sword.
"Oh, this is beautiful..." hands delicately take it, admiring it before stowing it away safe in it's sheath. Just as Dammon thinks nothing they do could surprise him, they're already pulling him into a hug.
Arms wrap tight around his chest as they press in close to him. "Thank you Dammon, I feel like my words just aren't enough." They murmur, Dammons own arms looping close around their waist.
"Just come back alive, that's enough, don't keep me here waiting."
The third time
Rolans words pause as the footfalls of boots echo up the stairs to Dammons new forge, and the blacksmiths attention turns towards the potential customer.
Excitement courses through Dammon as he sees them crest the top of the stairs, a bright smile adorning their face as they wave. "Hi Dammon! Oh, is Rolan here too?" They ask, looking between the two tieflings.
"A few things broke at his new tower during your fight, I'm just giving a quote at how much it'll be to fix." Dammon explains, seeing the way Rolan eyes how his tail sways as he focuses attention on them. It's hard to contain himself, but they'll never know or realise, the way his body reacts only obvious to other Tieflings.
"Well, I know you're busy, but I needed someone to look at my sword. It took a bit of a beating while we were, uh, doing an errand for Astarion." The end sounds more like question than fact, but Dammon hardly minds as he carefully takes the sword from their hands.
"No problem, I'll have it done by tomorrow. So long as the absolute don't invade the city by then." He winks at them, smiling as they laugh and turn away.
"I'll be back, then!" They throw up a hand as they start to walk away. "See you later Dammon, bye Rolan. As they leave a steady silence falls over the two men, Rolans eyebrow raising slightly.
"Still waiting in line for them, then, prince charming?"
Dammons only reply is to hang his head in his hands.
The time you stay
Parties rage through the streets, the celebration of the absolutes control finally being destroyed. Fireworks fizz and pop outside, children shout and squeal, men sing merry drinking songs.
It's no surprise Dammon stays inside. He's never been one for parties, that much is obvious. What is less obvious is why someone is knocking on his door so late.
Opening it with a stifled yawn, he soon sees the very object of his affections. Standing up straighter, opening the door wider to let them in, one question runs through his mind. "What could bring you here on a night like this?" He's in near disbelief, almost wondering if he nodded off as is dreaming.
"The parties are great and all but..." they trail off, looking down to their feel as they toe the wooden floor. Glancing up again, they finish their thought. "But they don't include you, Dammon."
He can't help the way he pulls them in by the arm, this time being the one to start the impromptu hug. Tail wrapping loosely around their leg as they sigh against his chest, Dammon feels the way their body sags against him.
"Stay." He tells them, face pressing into their hair, bodies curling around each other. "Stay with me this time, I've been waiting so long." The hands gripping his clothing hold him tighter, their face pulling from his chest to look him in the eye.
"Kiss me Dammon. I won't be leaving again." They barely get to finish their sentence, a hand finding the side of their face as Dammon does the very thing he's dreamt about for so long.
Even the fireworks outside can't compare to the ones when they finally kiss.
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inferencesarchives · 9 months
Hey can I Request a headcannon of the ancient Heroes (and dark enchantress I guess) reactions and Feelings towards a new hero in town with the powers of Spider-Man.
Bonus points if you add references towards the villains.
The Fantastic Spider-Cookie!
dark cacao, golden cheese, hollyberry, pure vanilla, white lily (not really x reader but uh you can think of it like that if u wanna this is mostly just a random au tho)
summary: how do the ancients react to the new superhero in town?
warningns: mentions of fighting, possibly ooc golden cheese/white lily? (written before their release), also not proofread sorry im tired
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confused at first. also very suspicious of the new hero. just who is this cookie, and what are their intentions?
he tries to uncover the identity of this strange hero, but to no avail.
after a few months, he eventually gets used to the presence of the hero. as long as they aren't causing too much trouble, he doesn't have a problem with them.
he does find it a bit annoying whenever spider-cookie gets slammed into the side of the citadel by doctor octopus cookie during a battle though.
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as soon as the new superhero shows up, she's interested.
she really wants to know who spider-cookie really is, but of course, she can't find any solid evidence that could lead to their identity, which leaves her a little frustrated.
sometimes she can't help but wonder why exactly spider-cookie decided to use their powers to help the city, but she's not complaining, soooo....
cheers (rather loudly) whenever spider-cookie ends up triumphant after a long and fierce battle against the spot. also gives the hero a high-five if she has time after the battle.
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she's surprised when the hero shows up for the first time, but she certainly welcomes them with open arms.
she tries to ask spider-cookie directly who they really are, but, obviously, the hero keeps their identity secret. she doesn't really mind, through, as long as they continue to keep the city safe.
she tries to get to know the cookie. she's curious as to what they're like and why they decided to use their power for good (and if they'll be her drinking buddy).
after spider-cookie wins an arduous battle, she can't help but have a feast in their honor to celebrate.
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very confused when spider-cookie first shows up. like who?? are you??? why?? do you have spider powers??? h U H????????
he is happy that the new superhero is helping take care of criminals though. it makes him less stressed while he's working.
he does get a bit curious about who the mysterious hero really is, but he knows not to butt into other cookies' business.
he does get a bit worried whenever spider-cookie has to fight a villain, but he knows the hero is plenty capable of defeating them.
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confused and surprised when the hero shows up for the first time. also a bit concerned, since she's not really sure what spider-cookie's intentions are.
she tries to figure out the identity of spider-cookie of course, but obviously she can't find any leads.
after a little over a year since the hero showed up, she eventually gets used to the hero being around the city. of course, she's still a bit suspicious of them, but she figures that if they wanted to do something bad, they would have done it by now.
she's always happy whenever the hero defeats a villain though. it makes the city safer and makes her work easier.
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a/n: anon im so so sorry for the delay,, writer's block has been absolutely kicking me in the ASS,, but i finally finished this request after like forever- now that this is done, ill officially be starting to revamp my blog!! yay yippee okay byE
thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
wanna be tagged? let me know!
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gunilslaugh · 3 months
hi!! idk if it has already been done, but can you do ot6 meeting your best friend/friends for the first time and them getting all protective giving him the "if you play with my best friend i will jump you" speech when reader walks away for a moment or something? of course keeping it as lighthearted and fun as possible bdksbs thank you so much in advance 💕
Hello!! I hope you enjoy!
All members 7 * o * 7 
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to your friend(s) being protective over you. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Today you and Gunil were both a little nervous. Today he was meeting your best friend. Obviously you wanted your friend to like Gunil and Gunil wanted your friend to like him too. It looks like both of you had nothing to worry about after all. Gunil got along great with your friend, so great that you felt no worries at all when you left them alone to use the restroom. 
However as soon as you left the atmosphere of the room completely shifted. Your friend’s bright energy quickly became dark. Their face grew stern. Gunil nerves were quick to return. Did he say something wrong?
“If you ever hurt y/n”– they leaned closer, looking Gunil dead in the eyes. “I’ll beat you to a pulp. I don’t care how big your muscles are, you're done for if you hurt them,” they state. A nervous chuckle erupts from Gunil’s throat, very much feeling intimidated. 
“I promise I have no intentions of ever hurting them. I’d beat myself to a pulp if I did,” he says.
“Good,” your friend said. With perfect timing you entered back into the room. 
“Did I miss anything?” you asked. 
“Nope. He’s a good one, keep him.” Your friend reverts back to their bright energy. 
“I’m planning on it,” you spoke with a smile. 
They are just your friends. Friends that he has heard about before and friends that have heard about him, but Jungsu can’t help but feel nervous about actually meeting them in person for the first time. 
“Jungsu relax, they'll love you,” you tell him and they do. In fact you think they might like him more than you with the way they intently give him their full attention. Listening to every word he says. Since they had their full attention on Jungsu you had no problem excusing yourself to answer your phone when your mom called you. If your friends weren’t giving Jungsu their full attention they definitely were now. Their once caring gazes turning predatory. 
“Jungsu you seem like a really sweet guy, but if you ever hurt y/n you’ll be a really sweet guy who suddenly disappeared,” one of your friends says. Jungsu gulps.
“You understand what we’re saying don’t you?” another one checks. Jungsu nods.
“I do,” he states. 
“Why are you guys staring at him like your vultures?” you questioned, walking back into the room. 
“We were just making sure that he knows what would happen if ever hurt you,” one of your friends said. You walked over to Jungsu, standing between him and your friends. 
“Thanks, but I’m honestly the one who’s scared of hurting him,” you admit. 
“Oh we’ll make you disappear too if you ever hurt this cutie,” your friend tells. 
You weren’t expecting to run into your friend while you were out with Jiseok, but that’s what happened. Now you're all sitting at a table having lunch together after insisting that your friend should join you two. Introducing Jiseok to your friend seemed to go smoothly. They actually have a few common interests that got them to click. Instantly breaking off into conversation about said interest. You took this time to excuse yourself off to the restroom. 
“Alright now let’s get down to business,” your friend announced upon your absence. 
“Huh?” Jiseok asked. 
“I mean if you hurt y/n, I’ll hurt you,” they said, picking up their butter knife. Jiseok raised his hands in defense. 
“I’d never do that,” he says. “But if you ever hurt y/n then I’ll hurt you,” Jiseok told them, picking up his own butter knife. Your friend is a bit taken back by Jiseok’s actions, but also impressed.
“Should I be scared that you are pointing butter knives at each other?” you asked, coming back from the restroom. 
“What? Oh no,” your friend says as they set their knife down. “You found a good one, hang onto him,” they tell you. Jiseok sets his own knife down. 
“Yeah, you have a good friend here. You should hang onto them too,” he voices. You let out a light laugh taking your seat again. 
Today was the awaited day. Seungmin was finally meeting your friends. They had actually been wanting to meet him for awhile, but you kept putting it off. Saying that you thought it might be a bit early and you didn’t want your friends to scare him off. You knew that they could be a bit protective over you. Your want to keep Seungmin around showed your friends how serious you were about him. Since they knew how serious you were about him they had to know that he was just as serious about you. 
One of your friends had just asked for your help. Leaving Seungmin alone with the rest of your friends. 
“You know y/n made us wait to meet you because they didn’t want us to scare you off,” your friend starts.
“I didn’t know that,” Seungmin answers. 
“Well that’s how it went, which means they care a lot about you. It also means if you hurt y/n we’ll pummel you,” you other friend adds very seriously. 
“I’d join you in pummeling me if I ever hurt y/n. I could never forgive myself if I did,” Seungmin responds. “I’d also pummel anyone else who hurts y/n,” he notes. Your friends quite like his answer. When you walk back into the room with your friend the others look at Seungmin then you and give the nod of approval. 
Hyeongjun fiddled with his fingers as the pair of you waited for your friend to arrive. It was the first time he would be meeting them. He did feel a bit nervous. He wanted to make a good first impression because he knew if your friend didn’t like him it would definitely affect your relationship. 
“I’m so excited to finally meet you!” your friend greeted Hyeongjun happily. They had been dying to meet him. From what you told them about him he sounded like the perfect guy for you, so of course they had to see that for themselves. You stepped away for a moment when your phone rang to talk to who was calling you. 
“I get why y/n always gushes about you,” your friend began. Hyeongjun feels a bit of a blush threatening to paint his cheeks. “However, if they ever come to me hurt and crying because of you.” – Your friend drags their hand across their neck in a slicing motion. Hyeongjun’s impending blush quickly ran cold. Hyeongjun smiles nervously. 
“I would never do anything that could hurt y/n I assure you,” he says. 
“I hope so,” they state. 
“I hope you two didn’t have too much fun without me,” you joked, coming back. 
“How could we?” your friend smiled playfully as if they didn’t just threaten Hyeongjun. 
You weren’t really that nervous when it came to Jooyeon meeting your best friend. Jooyeon was very likable, that was a given. He knew how to draw people in. On the other hand Jooyeon did feel nervous about meeting your friend. He wanted them to have a good impression of him. He knows he has quite the goofy side, but he still wanted to come off as someone they could trust you to be in a relationship with. In other words he wanted to show that he was capable of taking care of you and someone who could make you happy. 
Everything was seemingly going well between your best friend and Jooyeon just as you expected. They were currently talking about a band both of them like. You excused yourself to go grab some drinks for you guys. 
“Hurt them I kill you,” your friend stated blatantly. The suddenness of their words shocked Jooyeon. 
“I’m sorry?” he said, feeling a bit scared. 
“If you hurt y/n I will kill you,” your friend repeated. 
“Oh I would never do that. I swear on my life,” Jooyeon promises. 
“I’ll be sure of that,” your friend smiles, but it’s not a kind smile, it’s threatening. 
“I’m back, did you miss me?” you joked. 
“So much,” Jooyeon said, reaching to hold your hand. You look at your friend seriously. To which they only shrug. 
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
For Villain!Reader, I was imagining for their power/mutation/s to be something linked with mind control, pheromones, and possible some stingers or venom, like a bee or wasp or hornet. (They definitely have bee-like powers, and a mutation, but they don't have much proof at first to what their powers are based on). They never wanted powers, let alone the type they ended up having. They're unsure if anyone ever likes them for them, if any person around them will hurt them or abuse them, and fear they'll be used again by those who would hold power over them or blackmail them into doing their dirty work.
(WARNING: Mentions of self-harm, self-harm ideation, and abuse. Viewer discretion is advised...)
They thought they were insane, the first time they used their power, to protect themself from a thief or petty villain or abusive adult, only to find out they could see into that person's mind... Reader would spend the next several years defending thenself as they were used as a pawn by an older villain (an oc) who forced them into making minions, lest they kill another one of their family members. Reader hates their powers, but hates them even more. They've tried everything to rid themself of it, ripping stingers from their nail beds, bashing their head into walls, severing any connections in their mind to who they infected, no matter the pain or terror it caused them...
One day, though, heroes, maybe even other villains, show up, and go to take down their abusive boss... Reader watches from the shadows, doing their best to disengage traps and hunting down anyone who had darts full of their venom, or tests on their pheromones... The heroes do their best to stop this new and dangerous villain, but... lt seems no matter what they do, it doesn't faze their foe in the least. No matter what they throw at them, no matter their scheme or plan, it does nothing to stop this wicked villain... Until Reader comes up from behind them, a small shadow. Their powerful foe grins, saying how their most perfect minion has arrived-
Only to be scratched by sharp, gleaming stingers, dribbling bright venom into their bloodstream. They hiss, soon going into a violent meltdown, screaming at the top of their lungs. The heroes aren't sure what's going on, neither are the villains, but the moment they realize Reader's power had been used (they weren't aware what it was), they keep their distance, watching warily as their ultimate enemies screeches plans of vengeance and death. Reader escapes in the chaos, running as fast as they can so as not to be caught if someone followed them. The fires they set in the labs had grown, spreading soon to the halls, and the building was filling with smoke and ashes. They manage to find an exit, and prop it open, opening a few more around the building before they flee, escaping into the night.
The next few years they spend trying to rebuild their life, learning how to sever any mental connections (they can always hear the wails on the other end-), creating art and finding odd knick-knacks and old items to sell, getting a small job in a little coffee shop, where they can help put their OCD and hobbies to good use. It seems good, if only for awhile. It took them YEARS to finally shove out the voices, to take control, to try to free any caught up in what they did. The time doesn't lessen the pain of what happened to them, the loss of family, of friends, the self-mutilation done by their own hand, the hours spent crying alone, sleepless nights and endless days of trying to find a job, books, anything to give them something to start anew, to get a better life...
And all of that comes crashing down when they find out heroes are looking for their old alias.
Reader does their best to stay calm, working through trying to keep their head down and covering any hidden strings and threads that could lead to them. But apparently, it seems that that doesn't stop them from being discovered, someway, somehow...
Their confrontation is small, Reader staying tight-lipped in silence as the hero/es and/or villain/s remark that they've heard a lot about them, their exploits, what they did under their old boss... And reveal they know they're a kid. That they figured out what their powers did, from their defeated boss and those infected under them. And that they want to help them.
Reader would be wary, saying that they have no idea what they are talking about, who they've mentioned, and that the old alias they mentioned sounds better off dead. The hero/es/villain/s interrogating them eyes narrow, and they make a statement about keeping in touch. And just like that- they leave, stalking off, leaving Reader to their own devices. Reader is frightened, breaths wild and erratic, and they take the chance to hide, having a breakdown. After all those years, all that time- They were found. And if they weren't careful, they could be dragged back to face comeuppance for their past.
Over the next month, they have various heroes and villains approach, trying to coax them into talking, opening up conversations over their own past, some going as far as to say they aren't so different... They know where Reader is, going to where the coffee cafe they work at is to try whatever drinks and foods they make, making polite compliments on whatever they've tasted, having a delighted look when a coworker points out Reader made what they were trying. Even the thrift stores and antique malls they frequent, having a booth where they sell and trade their findings, even handmade items such as blankets, small plushies, ornaments and magnets, even paintings, they're there, ready to talk and try to catch them on their own. A few ask what they did to make them, others offer tips (words and change), and plenty of the heroes and villains buy some of their creations. (Especially bee-themed objects, as it reminds them of their old alias, whom some actually fought or chased on several occasions).
Reader eventually reaches a breaking point, where they pack up any useful items, all of their money, and whatever necessities they need, and go to leave where they've hidden out... Only to find they're being followed by the same people they were fleeing from. When they catch up, they point out they'd be happy to have Reader with them, that they certainly wouldn't mind a chase like the good ol' days... Reader shrieks and makes a run for the woods. They're scared out of their wits, they're being pursued by people who could have a grudge against them and want to use them, and don't have anywhere to hide. Getting cornered into a fight, they don't want to engage, but... They can't stay, and they sure as h*ck can't be caught.
And the moment their stingers are out, the platonic yan hero/es/villain/s are smiling, saying how they're glad their favorite little bee is getting back into the hang of it. When Reader goes to back out, quickly letting their stingers slide back into their nails, they can see the annoyance of the platonic yandere/s. Who point out they aren't afraid of a little sting, that they can take whatever Reader throws at them, so why not go ahead and let out some stress? When Reader backs away, trying to slip into the shadows, well-
The platonic yandere/s isn't/aren't having any of it.
"Come on, kid... I've tasted it before, and I'm not afraid of it. If anything... it feels pretty good. I've missed hearing you. So why not fix that?"
And that is how Reader learns (guesses correctly) how far their venom and pheromones had gone. It could let others, those stung or who inhaled/were injected hear THEM, as much as Reader heard them, becoming soft for them as they found out how they hated what they did, how they did their best to stop their boss' evil from the inside, how they hurt themself- And it seems plenty of them grew attached through a bond Reader hadn't realized they'd severed from their old foes...
"So, how about it, kid? Let's catch up, hmm?"
Which leads to Reader having to try to escape from a web they didn't even knew they'd weaved...
(Example of what the platonic yanderes went through (those infected or telepathic, anyway:
Reader desperately wants hugs and reassurance, is hurting due to ripping out their stingers again, and has been crying for the last three hours:😭💦💔🖤😫
Infected Platonic Yan Heroes: Kid, please just let us in! We can give you plenty of hugs! We can even throw in heated blankets and cookies! Just PLEASE stop doing this to yourself and let us in!
Infected Platonic Yan Villains: Bee, please open up the (mental) door! We don't want to have to hunt you down to strangle (hug) some sense into you! We can get rid of your boss! THAT would make you happy, right?! H*ll, that crazy *sshole is locked in a special prison only Fury, Wolverine, the Professor, and Iron Man know about! We can break in and break them, yeah?!
Telepaths who can hear all of this, and are unaffected: Oh sweet heavens, get a grip! And child, please, please calm down. We will try to find you (hopefully adopt you and give you therapy), just please take down your walls for only a minute!
Reader, feeling a headache at their mental block: slams it even harder, severing several connections and leaving those severed in pain
Platonic Yanderes (all of them): ... Well, it seems we need to pay our little friend a visit... Someone distract Fury while we go out-
All the infected heroes, villains, and unaffected-but-concerned telepaths seeing each other at the train station:👀
Everyone: Who the F*CK told you about this?!)
Any ideas for Reader's old villain/anti-hero name? Maybe I can hold a poll for it?
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Yandere tamaki, bakugou,kirishima,shinsuo(separate)
Taking care their unwilling kidnapped sick darling
It's been too long since I've writen for My Hero...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationhip, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, overprotective behavior, mentions of abduction, sickness
Unwilling kidnapped darling is sick
Katsuki Bakugou
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💥 Katsuki keeps that frowning scowl on his face as he forces you into not one but three blankets and just tells you to rest and do as he tells you. Is he angry at you? Probably, he blames you a little bit for getting yourself sick like this. You should have done this and that like he told you too but you just had to play the rebel which is, admittedly his doing. Kidnapping you was a wrong choice but a choice the hero made nevertheless. Your rebellious attitude had to be expected but it's incredibly hard for Katsuki to hold back his temper at times. He won't succumb to his anger and scream at you and scare you like some sort of asshole. He isn't the violent bad guy you might write him off as and he is adament to prove that to you. So maybe he's partially responsible for your sickness now too, he should have taken better care of you.
💥 Despite what his darling might think, Bakugou is actually disturbingly good in nursing them back to health. He's informed and knows how to use that knowledge practically too. He cooks the food that will benefit your health, knows how much you need to take from which medicine per day to feel less like shit and still respects the fact that you need rest. Sure, he checks still multiple times a day for your temperature or to see if you have no problems whilst sleeping but otherwise he just lets you rest. Katsuki even acts like he wants the distance, tells you that he doesn't want to get sick too and luckily you never test him in this conviction since you despise him. He might want to cuddle up to you a bit but knows that you'd hate it and that would just mean scratching his ego. A hint of arrogance can't be helped though since he basks in the fact that you're more reliant on him now and he occasionally rubs that into your face although he doesn't push you to the point where you refuse said help.
Eijiro Kirishima
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♦️ Kirishima makes an instant fuss over his darling when they start feeling sick and tired and is likely over the top enough to swoop them up in his arms and carry them into their bed. His poor baby got sick so it's obviously his job as their loving boyfriend to take care of them now that they'll need him. Everyone gets sick once in a while, don't worry. This will pass soon. I' say that he has less knowledge than Katsuki and whilst he might know the common folktales how to help with this and that, he has only vague ideas when it comes to the medicine. He's probably the type who'd actually try to nurse you back to health without relying on pills and medicine unless he realizes that it would seriously help you. Tries to make jokes in hopes of making you feel a bit better, he generally talks a lot unless he knows that you just need some silence right now.
♦️ Kirishima kind of glosses over the fact that you're still an unwilling participant in this all because this man has straight up kidnapped you, even if it was in a risky situation. He's decided to put his delusional walls up in order to defend his actions and with your sickness in full work right now, you have not the energy to argue with him anymore. Eijiro grows even more clingy, tells you that he has a robust immune system so you won't have to worry about him getting infected by what you have. Affection and cuddles are good medicine too after all! Well, that's at least what he always tells you when he has you trapped in his grip. He spends hours like this with you where he dozes off a bit and you somehow manage to do too even if begrudgingly. He is a bit more clueless at times but refuses to let you help, reassures you that he'll figure out how much of this specific medicine you need. You just rest and get well soon.
Hitoshi Shinsou
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💟 Hitoshi feels guilty after the abduction of his darling, especially since he used his quirk without any hesitation. Sure, you were in danger but it doesn't change that he feels like he just used you the way everyone else was always afraid he'd use his quirk when he was younger. This guilt only gets fed more when you fall ill because you vehemently won't listen to his pleads to be more careful and due to the increased stress of the situation you're in. He sort of panics at first since he hates to admit it but he doesn't really know what he is supposed to help you with in this situation. There is this lingering hope that he can change your opinion of him at least a bit though by taking care of you now and proving to you that he genuinely loves you. He just sends you to bed at first and spends hours in front of his laptop, reading online what he can do for you now.
💟 His approach is similar to that of Katsuki in that he also lets you rest enough. He knows that you're in a bad mood now that you've fallen sick and are forced to rely on him more and for that very reason he's afraid that you'll potentially snap at him and hurt his feelings if he acts too overbearing. It's already a relief enough that you accept the food he prepares you and the medicine he gives you to ease your symptoms. He never brags about it to you though, Hitoshi is just grateful that you comply with him right now instead of continuing to be angry and worsening your health even more by doing so. You might accept his help because you're worried that otherwise he might brainwash you again, he doesn't know and is too afraid to ask you that question. He doesn't speak much but there is some sort of pride bubbling up in his chest when he notices that his treatment helps you and the sickness you're enduring as of now.
Tamaki Amajiki
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🌗 Tamaki is devastated by the cold shoulder his darling gives him and copes with it by thinking lowly about himself. He understands you, he's just a miserable person isn't he? Taking you away out of his anxiety to be left by you and ruining you like this, he really is a low piece of trash. When your health slowly deteriorates, the guy suffers a small panic attack and instantly blames himself as the reason. He must really make you sick. A part of his consciousness knows that he shouldn't overdo it but that part is muddled under all the panic that his brain produces as he can't help but turn overbearing now. His poor sweetheart is suffering so much right now, how couldn't he? Even if it's just your common cold, Tamaki will act really dramatic and make it look like something more serious as he starts acting like the worst mother hen you've ever met.
🌗 You're placed in a bed with multiple pillows and blankets and he even goes out to buy you more, occasionally even gets you a cute plushie to cheer you up a bit. He spends a lot of time in the kitchen or hunched over his mobile and reading articles how to help you. He gets you medicine and asks you in a jittery tone if you could take a bit since it should help you. He's still scared that you'll hiss at him, insult him even if he almost expects it because of what he has done. He lingers around you, often peeks into your room to see if nothing is bothering you. Deep down Tamaki really wants to lay cuddled up next to you though even if he might get sick too. His immune system should be strong though, right? You find him staring at you when he thinks like that although he looks embarrassed away the moment he snaps back to reality. If he's desperate enough to tip into his delusional side, you might wake up one day to his form holding you tightly against him, mumbling that you'll be fit soon.
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jennagrinsoverml · 2 years
hii do you have a list of miraculous fics you think everyone should read at least once?
Anon, I have been excited to answer this request ever since I got it. What better way to celebrate my 50th Rec List (!!!!) than with my favourite fandom fics? 🎉🎉🎉
I've tried to choose fics with a variety of tones, from different fandom eras, and different authors. These fics are all special to me in some way, and whittling this list down was HARD. Others may have fics they think should be on this list, and to those people I say: make your own rec list. This one's mine. 😘
Experimental Kisses by @komorebirei
Ladybug watched him. Maybe it was guilt, maybe sympathy, maybe a streak of playfulness. Maybe the traumatic akuma experience had softened her up. Whatever the reason, a thought wafted lazily through her mind and out of her mouth. “You know… you’re right. It isn’t fair, is it?”
Chat Noir looked up.
“I remember my first kiss, but you don’t.” She hummed and tapped her chin, making a show of remembering. “It wasn’t a bad kiss, but we were in the middle of fighting an akuma, so I didn’t get to enjoy it much, either.”
Oops—that came out sounding a little, no, a lot more flirty than she had intended. Anyway, if she was going to commit to this idea, she may as well go all in.
One-shot. Ladybug offers to kiss Chat since he doesn’t remember their kiss and the way she reacts to the kiss…it lives in my mind rent-free. I have fallen asleep many a night fantasizing about what the repercussions of the kiss might look like. One of my absolute favourite Ladynoir fics.
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle
Alya didn’t want to come between Ladybug and Chat Noir. But she didn’t want to stop being Rena Rouge either. And if Chat Noir didn’t want to talk to her, then she’d need to find a different way to prove all three of them could be a team.
Her plan unintentionally brings a few secrets to light, which leads to even more secrets coming to light, which leads to… well, Alya is sure it’ll all work out eventually.
Multi-chapter. Warning, this fic is a WIP! (But there’s only one chapter to go.) Honestly, I didn’t want to have any WIPs on this list and I was lowkey hoping that it would be finished before I posted this list but I’m obsessed with this one and couldn’t leave it off. It’s literally one of the BEST fics in the entire fandom and, I think, the absolute best delving into the characterization and relationship dynamics of the core four. This fic feels so dynamic and complex, with all of the characters feelings so like themselves and each having their own distinct voices. The conflict is so well done and so realistic. It’s such a fantastic tackling of the issues that came up in the last couple seasons and I cannot rave about it enough!!
œuf ouch owie by @ominousunflower
Chat Noir enlists Rena Rouge's help to create an Aspik illusion. Absolutely nothing goes wrong.
Ladybug smiles. “I wanted to drop by and welcome Aspik. I know it must be a little intimidating, being surrounded by so many veteran heroes…so, welcome! We’re glad to have you on board.”
“I look like an egg!” Aspik announces, T-posing.
Chat turns to Rena, feeling like he has been punched in the solar plexus. What the hell? he mouths.
Rena grimaces, her eyes wide with panic. Stomach sinking, Chat remembers one of the first things he learned about the Fox Miraculous: that if Rena Rouge isn’t focused, her illusions go haywire.
Oh, no.
One-shot. This is hands down the FUNNIEST fic in the entire fandom asdfghjkl like I have read this fic at least 50 times and I still laugh out loud every single time. If you have somehow failed to read this fic before, read it now. You won’t regret it!
lucky (we're in love in every way) by @carpisuns​
Chat Noir is Adrien, and Marinette is freaking out. If she manages to quiet her internal screaming, maybe she can also find the guts to tell him her identity too. And maybe they'll actually live happily ever after—well, as soon as Tikki and Plagg are done humiliating them.
One-shot. This fic just makes me so incredibly happy. Like it puts a smile on my face every single time I read it (and I have read it many, many times!) I love Marinette’s reactions and Adrien’s sweetness and the kwamis just absolutely ROASTING both of them. Marissa has written a ton of amazing fics for this fandom (seriously we are so lucky to have her) and I was tempted by others (like tell me something i don't know) but in the end, I had to follow my heart with this one.
Your Kitty by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights​
“Such a dramatic kitty.” Marinette scratched under his chin, bringing a smile to his face and a purr to his throat.
Your kitty, he didn’t say.
Wait. What?
(The one where Chat Noir thinks he needs pats like a cat, only to find out he may have jumped to the wrong conclusion.)
One-shot. When I think of Marichat, this is THE fic I think of. Adrien being touch starved is 100% my headcanon now. This is just so sweet! Marinette’s affection and Adrien’s determination to do the right thing no matter the personal cost and the way they fell for each other without meaning to... Also I love that they both encouraged the other to go back to their original crushes because that makes so much sense!!
rattle my cage by @lnc2​
In which history, despite Alya's best efforts, does not repeat itself.
One-shot. I am always here for Adrien being rash and Marinette being smart and capable and just switching to treating him as Chat absolutely seamlessly after a reveal. I absolutely love the vibes of this one.
Chasing the C/h/atwalk. by @runningoutofink
Paris. The city of lights, love and fashion. Follow the progress of Marinette Dupain Cheng as she enters the extremely competitive world of Reality television for a chance to be the winner of Project Runway: France.
Multi-chapter. It should come as no surprise by now that I’m a sucker for reality tv and this is my absolute favourite reality cross in the fandom! I love that it’s canon compliant, and frankly the idea of Marinette and Adrien as designer and model on Project Runway is friggin’ BRILLIANT. The slow burn and pining are delicious, and the identity reveal is incredibly well done! (And it has a steamy sequel, Meet me in the Middle, which is 🔥🔥🔥 and intensely satisfying after all of that build up.)
daydream by @clairelutra
you're my daydream
you know that i've been thinking about you lately
In which Adrien finds out Ladybug is Marinette, and beats the 'this is fine' dog at his own game.
One-shot. Shout-out to the author for realizing way before canon let on that Adrien is way more likely to figure out Marinette than the reverse! And then absolutely murdering us with this intense slow burn that absolutely drips with mutual pining and UST.
What Will You Do When Everyone Knows? by @sariahsue
They stepped in closer, shoulder to shoulder to catch the akuma as she landed, but she twisted in midair, landing squarely in front of Cat Noir, swiping at him. He stepped back, trying to keep his balance. Her fingertips almost touched his face, and Ladybug felt her stomach lurch.
“Duck!” she yelled to him as she whipped her yoyo around. He did, but unfortunately, the akuma woman did, too. Ladybug suddenly had no target to latch onto and lost her balance. Her stomach twisted again as she pitched forward. Black hands darted forward to catch her, but too late she realized it wasn’t her partner. Cold gloves caught her shoulder and neck, then slid up her face, brushing past her earrings. Cold. The woman’s touch froze Ladybug’s breath in her throat.
Then there was something warm around her middle. Cat Noir’s shout sounded distant as he pulled her away. As the woman’s black gloves left her face, Ladybug felt even more heat being pulled from her, along with… something else.
Multi-chapter. There really isn’t another fic in the fandom like this one. The akuma is original and provides an absolutely amazing premise for this fic. We have mystery, intrigue, and a huge upset to the status quo with the public revealing of Ladybug’s identity. I also loved the dramatic irony of Marinette being unable to understand Chat’s reactions to things that make perfect sense to us readers. It’s got amazing characterizations and suspense, and I love it!
But All I’m Seeing Is You by @chelseaapproved
After Ladybug finds out Adrien is her Chat Noir, they start dating. She didn’t think it’d be so hard to keep her identity a secret from him. She also didn’t realize how much it would affect her friendship with him as Marinette.
One-shot. This might be my favourite ladrien of all time. It’s only about 5k, but man does it ever pack in a lot of emotion and relationship development and I really, really, really love it.  I really felt how much they love each other in this one and Marinette is just so, so wonderful to Adrien and he’s so wonderful to her and if you haven’t already please read this.
A Miraculous Reveal by @kasienda​
Series of one-shots and drabbles all centered around The Reveal Moment. Identities will be revealed, feelings will be confessed, and secrets will be discovered through contrived situations, accidents, meddling friends, desperate moments, and moments of emotional vulnerability. Each chapter is a self contained piece. Love-square focused, but will not remain exclusive to them. Each chapter will have its own trigger warnings.
Collection of one-shots. I feel a little like I’m cheating in including a collection here, but like most of us in this fandom, I’m an absolute sucker for identity reveals, and @kasienda is especially talented at writing them! Every single one of these is beautiful, amazing and worth reading at least once.
the wonderful part of the mess that we made by heresie_irisee
They knew.
They knew, and there would be no magical reset button for the memories they'd made today. She'd have to  see him at school every day, and she'd see the Chat in him, as surely as  he'd see the Ladybug in her.
One-shot. Oblivio is probably my favourite episode and this is such a great alternate take on it. The mutual pining is so, so, so good! Especially love Marinette struggling to assimilate Adrien’s identities and Adrien’s obliviousness.
The following fics are amazing and absolutely worth reading, but do feature sexual content, so minors beware.
The Ladybugs and The Bees by @bullysquadess
AKA the early-fandom Ladynoir puberty fic that spiraled waaaaay out of proportion.
Multi-chapter. I’ve avoided reccing this fic for so long as it was literally the most kudosed fic in the entire fandom when I joined. However, the kudos are well-earned and I can’t make a list of must reads without including it. I love the ladynoir, the way it builds slowly, the focus on the developing relationship, both physical and otherwise, the yearning and the devotion and the vulnerability. And, of course, the steamy scenes are fantastic!! The whole thing is just so well developed and feels so grounded and real. I absolutely love it.
one night of moonlight by @mirthaculous
i’ll always think of you
inside of my private thoughts
i can imagine you
touching my private parts
2:13 ok im texting you now like i promised instead of drunktexting adrien and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. arent you proud of me?
2:19 this is Adrien, hi.
Marinette’s brain-to-mouth filter isn’t great on the best of days. Add some beer and some misplaced texts, and things get a little more… interesting.
One-shot. Rated M. This is one of my favourite fics of all time. This is so steamy, seriously the UST is off the charts!! It is absolutely unreal how much these two want each other and the mutual pining and they’re so stupid and this fic literally killed me and I thanked it.
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knullanon · 2 years
Platonic Batfamily growing attached to a competent civillian informant. Grown up, like late 20s and attached to their community, they have picked up and nursed vigilantes from bloody battlefields and had quite few grazes with death over their years in Gotham
headcannons for this one! sorry for taking so long!
words: 897
warnings: blood, injuries, stalking, lmk if I missed any!
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the first time that they were introduced to you was when you helped out Dick with a leg injury. It was in the middle of the night, and he was just about to pass out, when you showed up. while he originally thought it was someone to finish him off, when you pulled out medical equipment from seemingly nowhere.
he was really confused. did Bruce send for you? did you just spot him and so happened to have bandages? while he had a bunch of questions, after you were finished you just waved at him and then walked away. he didn't remember much as soon afterward Cass found him, but he told her about the strange experience.
she was also a a little confused, and worried. they both looked into it, and found out about who you were. when they told Bruce, he decided to ask around, to see if anyone else knew anything. apparently, you would just go up to injured heroes, patch them up, say goodbye and then walk off. on a regular occurrence.
while Bruce was intrigued, he also knew that maybe appearing before you to thank you wouldn't be a good idea, so he really left it alone. and then his other kids started meeting you.
Tim had a dislocated arm. duke was bleeding from a stab wound. even Damian, however reluctant to accept the help, had to be fixed up by you once in a while.
and then, one day it was Bruce who you found. he was suffering from a cut on his side, one that was a little too painful to just walk away from. he was leaning against a wall, already trying to contact Alfred for a hand, when you just appeared.
you two just stared at each other for a minute, before he decided "fuck it" and let you do your thing. this was also the turning point where he decided to get some answers.
"who are you?" "_____." "why do you do this?" "because I am good at it."
after you were done, you just left. again.
Bruce already had your info and who you were, he had known about it since you first appeared. but it after his encounter with you, he actually decided to do some stalking of his own.
he soon realized that it wasn't just some occurrence that you were more often in Gotham than other cities: you preferred helping the family, often going out of your way to find them in case they needed a medic.
eventually, it was a regular occurrence to see you around the batfamily or even just hanging out with them while they're on patrol.
at some point, Bruce just decided to give you access to the cave because 1, you pretty much only go out as your 'medic' persona with the rest of the family, and 2, he realized you were almost like Dick.
this new promotion also made you officially part of the batfam. while beforehand, they couldn't do much about you or how you thought because of your independence from them. however, after you're given access, they will try to convince you to become a "base medic", or basically only stay at the cave on duty.
at first, you think it was a joke by the kids because you really only wait for someone to be injured, and then you can do your job. but then the whole family starts to get in on it, telling you the perks of not having to prowl the streets all night or day looking for trouble.
you point out that they do almost the same thing, but your arguments are ignored. it's only when Alfred sits you down to ask if you would become the medic is when you realize you probably should consider it.
if you do accept the idea, then there wouldn't be any other issues. they'll set you up probably with your own little area, for you to patch them up and make sure they're alright. eventually, you won't really need to go outside that much, as everything you need is provided by them, so why would you leave?
if you don't, it will only be a matter of time before you do. your apartment suddenly got destroyed or you're being evicted for no reason? they have (many) spare rooms at the manor! your income isn't making ends meet for supplies? they have plenty of them in the cave!
even if for some reason you avoid or fix every scheme of theirs to somehow "ruin" your life, they will just tell you "get in the cave or we'll drag you there."
while sometimes it's lonely in the cave, Alfred is almost always there. he likes to just sit down and talk to you, like a grandparent asking their kid how their school is going.
the rest of the family always avoids topics that relate to the outside all the time. even if you ask, they'll try to redirect the conversation to something else, usually someone's injuries to try and distract you.
while they understand that you want to leave, or that you want to help other people, they tell you that a lot has changed in Gotham, or that you don't know what it's really like. basically anything that will keep you from getting curious about the outside.
they will never let you outside again.
love you guys! ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
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alchemicaladarna · 10 months
Just to clarify, I am obviously talking about the characters and the QSMP as a story. I am simply an avid viewer that had too much coffee and time on their hands so I basically wrote an essay. What is it about? I have no idea. So, read it if you want, but beware that nothing at the end of this should make sense.
In my opinion, morally ambigious characters are interesting, but UNPREDICTABLE morally ambigious characters are even more fun to analyze because they take more risks and play more dangerous games. If a character was labeled as a "hero" and played on the "good" side they are guaranteed a safe spot within the group. Regardless of whether they kill or hurt others, they are on the good side because they are fighting against the corporation that is keeping them and their friends trapped in a place that is a nightmarish paradise. If they had done actions that worked against the islanders' favor, by, for example nearly getting everyone killed by explosives at a party they are justifiably labelled a villian. But what if a character played in the middle? What if they were neutral? What if they simply wanted to let things play out- sticking to the sidelines and only becoming involved when the situation benifits their entertainment?
So, pardon me for the long intro, but here's the gist folks: q!Foolish arrested q!Pac e q!Mike and unknowingly put them through loads of emotional trauma that I don't think they'll be recovering from any time soon, for fun. To a person with a normal moral compass, that's obviously fucked up.
"Friends don't send friends to prison."
In q!Foolish's perspective, he REALLY didn't think the consequences of his actions through, but he wouldn't have arrested q!Pac e q!Mike for no reason. Mr. Mustard is missing and the Federation told q!Foolish that q!Pac e q!Mike were responsible for his disappearance. At this point, I think enough time has passed that we the audience know q!Foolish is being manipulated by the Federation. Even Foolish himself knows he's being manipulated by them, yet he still partakes in this precarious game because it's simply more entertaining than just sitting on the good side and letting things play out.
Q!Foolish has never actively gone out of his way to hurt people on purpose. Does he lack some emotional maturity and the appropriate response to some situations? Yes he does; but he doesn't have malicious intentions. He's there to have fun. Where others see a dire situation- at the mercy of the inescapable claws of a malevolent corporate entity, q!Foolish sees fun and exciting opportunities. The others might not want to admit it, but aside from the tragedies and kidnappings that have occured on the island, this nightmarish paradise has provided the characters with more excitement and enjoyment, than what is worth.
But, not everyone understands q!Foolish's perspective, and that's good! That's ok! But what I'm perplexed about is their constant unjust treatment of him- the exclusion, threats, torture, many many pointless accusations disguised as interrogations, etc- simply because he did one task for the Federation. One task that affected the lives of two people, but in the end both parties communicated and forgave each other anyways. One task that required q!Foolish, and by extension, q!Jaiden to harmlessly investigate around q!Pac and q!Mike's base for a considerably long time before finding nothing that would incriminate the duo. Throughout q!Foolish's endeavour, working with the Federation cost him most of his friends' trust and gave him no benifits, but he still reluctantly chooses to carry out another task because it's entertaining. But like q!Foolish said to q!Cellbit the other day, he may be stupid, but he's certainly not an idiot, and he has limits. A lot of people, specifically q!Max don't seem to understand the concept of a neutral party. If you work for the Federation, you are a villain- and honestly, that's a fair assumption considering their reputation. But what about people like q!Jaiden? Q!Jaiden, one of the kindest people on the island, who is compassionate to everyone, even Cucurucho, who is always perceived as a malicious entity?
What exactly defines a villain in this story? In my opinion, everyone on the island has a skewed sense of morality. Everyone except Elquackity knew of his first assasination and simply watched as he lost his first life, then celebrated when he lost the other with no regards to the repurcussions of their actions or how Elq felt about all this. And while we can justify their actions because Elq hurt people before, and either brainwashed or replaced q!Quackity, how do we justify their treatment of q!Foolish even after he communicated honestly to q!Pac e q!Mike and done nothing to deserve their maltreatment of him. Maybe I'm a bit impatient, but at this point, q!Foolish's arrest, has had the same value and impact as q!Bad giving people the survey for the Federation; I'm even more willing to believe that q!Cellbit's accidental "employee of the month" investigations benifitted the Federation more than whatever measly and repititive tasks they're giving out to q!Foolish.
So, what warrants all this hate and injustice towards q!Foolish then if he's not harming anyone? Why is he the punching bag? Why is he the butt if the joke Every Single Time? What warranted all the cruel jokes and malicious beatings after the Nether event? Is it because they know he won't exact revenge upon them? Is it because, in their eyes, they only value him as a court jester and nothing more? Q!Foolish even said the Nether, an obsolete dimension of fire and brimstone, offered more compassion and comfort than a world where the sun shone and the air was less polluted because the inhabitants, his "friends" treated him with more malevolence than literal souless monsters from hell itself.
Think about q!Jaiden- a person whose compassion broke through Cucurucho's souless programming and gave it a home, a sense of safety, and relaxation. Jaiden works (and apparently worked???) with the Federation, yet she has more kindness within her than an entire group of people, on the "good" side, fighting against evil.
The truth is, there is no bad side among the islanders. The admins (meta) wrote the Federation (and codes?) as entities that the collective group should be against- a common enemy. But once you "ally" yourself with the Federation and do tasks for them does that make you the common enemy as well, or do you need to commit more heinious acts to be considered a villain?
And what about the islanders? At what point do the rest of the players begin to consider a character on the wrong side of things? At what point do they begin to abandon compassion in favor of searching for the truth? How far will they go in pursuit of the truth?
In my opinion, there are no villains in the story because everyone is capable of becoming an antagonist in one way or another. Basically, EVERYONE is morally ambiqious because they have all been antagonists to each other at some point in the tale, and as the story keeps unfolding, who knows what could happen? A character might say they are a good person, but as the story changes, so do their values, their morals, their limits. How thin can someone's patience be before it inevitably snaps?
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doodlegirl1998 · 2 months
I REALLY hope the latest leaks aren't true...
I REALLY hope I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing...
AFO manipulated Tomura from his very conception since Hana was supposedly "too old" for him to do it to her. Which is INCREDIBLY stupid!
And not only that, Izuku also ended up losing BOTH of his arms! Like he hasn't had enough shit thrown at him than he already did!
And not ONLY that! The other characters started to show up and saying they'll take care of AFO!
So the Main FUCKING Character doesn't get the final fight to himself! He's crippled and has to rely on the other characters to do it for him!
What a fucking joke of a story! How can anyone read this and think this is good story telling!?
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
This story is a complete joke now.
The truth of Tenko's backstory and all the Kotaro and AFO friendship shit is just ridiculous.
Hana being too old feels like a lazy excuse as to why AFO didn't use her. Sure, AFO would have a harder time with her, but a kid accidentally murdering their whole family would make them susceptible to manipulation through that trauma whatever their age.
Izuku losing both arms felt disgusting to see. The manga panel was so gory. The poor kid has already lost his quirk he worked so hard to master, then his arms on top - he's bleeding out and distraught because of that, along with Shig dying. When help arrives, no one - not even the adult hero present - (FUCKING AIZAWA) is rushing to help him.
Aizawa gives an overdue apology (using Izuku's first name, that feels unearned and OOC), which well - I'll be blunt he fucking should be sorry. Aizawa didn't teach any of 1A this academic year (only someone outside his class!) then threw them all (including those who had problems with thier quirks) to the wolves against the biggest villians in Japan. He's lucky 1A aren't perma-dead yet (but some might be soon with Izuku's state and Ojiro, Sero and Sato rushing ShigAFO 😬.)
I have never seen an MC humiliated like this. Never have I seen an MC not be able to fight their own battles or achieve their goals quite like what Hori has done to Izuku recently.
How can Izuku be the number 1 hero, or be a hero at all, armless and quirkless?
How can he save Shigaraki when the villain is dead?
How can Izuku continue to fight at all, let alone against AFO, in the state he is in?
Izuku began the story as a quirkless civilian boy, and he looks like (if he survives) he is going to end it as a civilian again - quirkless as well as armless with a shit-ton of PTSD.
Rather than the, as previously promised by Hori, next number one hero.
This is not the manga I gleefully began investing in.
This has become morphing over time into something else entirely - a bastardisation of the original premise of MHA - My Abuser Academy.
I am so angry. Never have I felt bait and switched by a manga as much as I have this one.
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innerchorus · 1 month
Arslan Senki Chapter 128 (Part 1)
We've finally reached it. The Worst Coronation Ceremony in the World. As I'd hoped would be the case, it's a split chapter, with the first half sticking with Team Arslan before the second half moves to Ecbatana to focus on Team Hilmes.
The chapter opens with the gang sitting around a campfire.
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An owl... Do Team Zahhak have someone watching them? Are we going to see that someone report back to the Master soon about how Prince Arslan now has Rukhnabad? Yeah sometimes an owl is just an owl but this really has Team Zahhak vibes.
Arslan trying to ask Don Ricardo to hand Rukhnabad to him, realising he doesn't speak Parsian, and then... managing to speak some fragmented Lusitanian? 👌 I love that he's been learning this and is willing to try instead of just asking Estelle to translate.
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Who wouldn't immediately hand over the sword that saved your life upon seeing this face, amirite?
(Obviously, it worked. Totally disarmed, Don Ricardo gives Arslan the sword.)
Anyway now we have RUKHNABAD PLOT TWIST, because Arslan can't draw the sword. And while he's all 'welp, looks like I don't have the right to wield it!' Gieve is absolutely fucking enraged by the fact that Hilmes could draw the sword and yet Arslan can't. Gieve = not the greatest fan of Kaykhusraw's judgement, lmao.
The next section is interesting. After things are briefly disrupted by the tremors of an earthquake that soon dies down, discussion continues, and despite Arslan's recognition that his bloodline gives him no right to the throne, he's not backing down.
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This panel... The fact that the (harmless) earthquake started up right when Gieve was trashtalking Kaykhusraw, lmao. Feels like the Hero King's spirit was putting Gieve in his place, ahaha.
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The fact that he says this while looking down at Rukhnabad... I think this panel is conveying not only that he's not prepared to give it (and Pars) up to anyone else even if they can wield it and he can't, but also that the sword's function as a (protective) object of importance to Pars is more important than having it in his possession.
Is it possible that he will try and return the sword to Kaykhusraw's mausoleum instead? Sure, Zahhak is out already but maybe it will quell the earthquakes. This would set up nicely for a scene that is the inverse of Hilmes taking Rukhnabad from the sarcophagus, where Arslan instead tries to replace it and in the process of doing so proves himself worthy of wielding it.
And if Team Arslan try to place it in the sarcophagus itself (assuming they can still access it after the big earthquake back then?) they'll see the absence of Kaykhusraw's body and understand it has become a vessel for Zahhak.
(I feel like I want that realisation saved for Hilmes, though. He's seen Kaykhusraw's remains before, and I want him to see them again and realise what he's done... Sure, multiple parties can come to the same conclusion but I feel like that would be a great one off moment of 'oh FUCK')
That's the first half of the chapter. You know what, I'm going to split my post into two parts, so stay tuned for the next one.
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tickly-giggles · 11 months
Can we have a drabble for lee!Hawks, prompt 12, with his wings? I'm a sucker for lee!Hawks and especially ticklish wings! Only if you want to, tho!!
YES OF COURSE YOU CAN, ANON! Thank you for sending this in, I've been waiting for someone to send one!
A/N: Some sentence starters are a little awkward for me to put directly at the beginning, so this one is a little further down, but it's there! This isn't necessarily connected to my current DabiHawks tk universe, but if you wanna think of this as a little flashback type deal, then go for it! Also, I decided to make this a college AU, cuz I couldn't find a proper way to make it in the normal universe and have Hawks be struggling with something that has a deadline that he could fail on. So, college AU it is! A quick thought just popped into my mind, though, about renewing hero licenses, though I don't know if that's a thing. REGARDLESS, ENOUGH RAMBLING-
Warning: Tickle fic ahead!
Prompt: "I'm gonna fail if I don't finish before the deadline."
Characters: Dabi, Hawks
Shipping: Technically DabiHawks, I promise they'll get together soon, guys
Lee: Hawks
Ler: Dabi
Word Count: 1,072
Yet another sleepless night of never ending studying put Keigo into quite the irritated mood. He sat at his desk in front of his laptop, head in his hands, the screen displaying a document that currently only had three paragraphs written. Birds started chirping outside his window as light from the sunrise began streaming into his dorm. With a frustrated sigh, he looked up at his computer screen and glared at the document. He had never been this stressed in his life.
Keigo’s overthinking was abruptly interrupted by a low groan and the shuffling of bed sheets from behind him. Touya slipped out from under the covers and stretched, then he looked over at his roommate, who had his back turned to him and was still staring at the laptop.
“You’re up early,” Touya commented, shivering as his bare feet hit the floor.
“Haven’t slept,” Keigo replied curtly.
Touya frowned and stood, walking over to his roommate. Empty energy drink cans littered his desk, and a small pile of dirty plates sat beside his laptop. When was the last time he even moved from his chair?
“You gotta get some sleep, Keigo,” 
Touya said as he reached for the laptop. He huffed when Keigo swatted his hand away,
“When’s the last time you showered?”
“Like, last night or something?”
Touya hissed, glaring at Keigo, who refused to look at him,
“I had a hard time getting to sleep cuz your sleep deprived ass wouldn’t go to bed, and that damn laptop is brighter than my fire.”
“Tsk. Whatever, I just need to get this done.”
“You need to look after yourself.”
“I’m fine, Touya.”
“You’re not fine,”
the hot head crossed his arms,
“Your wings are drooping.”
“Dude, I’m gonna fail if I don’t finish before the deadline,”
Keigo finally turned to his friend, 
“You know how important this essay is! It’s due tomorrow, and I barely have anything written down. I know how my quirk works and how I can use it in battle, but I can’t explain it!”
he growled and slammed his fist on the desk,
“Why is an essay gonna be the deciding factor of if I graduate or not?!”
Touya sighed and rubbed his roommate’s head soothingly, 
“Relax, birdbrain. It isn’t the end of the world. You still have a whole day to get it done,”
he then took Keigo’s hand and tugged gently,
“But you need sleep first. You won’t be able to think properly if you’re running on fumes.”
“I can’t sleep right now,” Keigo groaned,
“Please leave me alone.”
Touya glared at his friend, getting more frustrated as time passed. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, and his annoyed expression quickly transformed into a mischievous one.
he huffed as he walked behind Keigo and positioned himself at his wings that hung over the back of the chair,
“I guess I’ll have to make you.”
Keigo shrieked with sudden, uncontrollable laughter. Touya smirked as he dug into his friend’s fluffy wings, then yelped when one of them flapped a little too hard and smacked him right in the face.
“You little shit,” the hot head grumbled.
“I-I’m sohohorry,”
Keigo whined, standing up and holding his hands up in surrender while his roommate approached him,
“Touya, please, I’ll go to sleep, just anything but this– TOUYA!!”
Touya wasted no time, pouncing on his winged friend and pinning him to the bed, then scribbling all ten of his fingers over his sensitive feathers. Ever since they were children, Touya knew Keigo’s worst spot was his wings. He loved tormenting him whenever he got on his nerves, or even if he was just bored. His friend never failed to provide an entertaining experience.
“Too little too late, Keigo,”
the hot head smirked evilly, savoring his trapped roommate’s screams of ticklish agony,
“You should’ve decided before I had to resort to this. ‘sides, you hit me with your wings. I deserve some payback for that.”
“IHIHIHIT WAS AN AHAHAHACCIDENT, YOU PRIHIHIHICK!” Keigo cackled, thrashing helplessly,
“Not my problem,”
Touya shrugged, moving his fingers toward where Keigo’s wings connected to his back, and he chuckled as his friend’s laughter became more high pitched and desperate,
“Poor little Keigo. Can’t handle it, huh? Is it too much? You poor thing~.”
“Awww, does teasing get to you? Hmm? Does it make it worse?”
he leaned in closer to Keigo’s flushed face, still talking in that sickeningly effective baby voice,
“Do you like it when I tease you? Huh, little birdie~?”
Keigo felt extremely hot, and he pushed at Touya’s face with one hand while covering his own with his other hand.
“Ohh~? Do you like that nickname, little birdie? Does it make you flustered? Ah ah ah, don’t cover your face,”
Touya huffed and quickly grabbed Keigo’s wrists, pinning them above his head and giving him a little breather,
“Or I’ll make you regret it~.”
The winged student swallowed nervously and stared deeply into his friend’s eyes while catching his breath. He’d be lying if he said this wasn’t exciting and fun, but he still had his paper to write. He frowned and averted his gaze.
“Can I go back to working on my paper, please?”
“Your paper will be there.”
“Touya, let me up.”
“That’s it.”
Laughter once again rang throughout the dorm room, only stopping when Keigo’s boisterous cackling turned into silent hysteria. Touya knew he wasn’t going to listen, so he had no choice but to tire him out enough so that he wouldn’t even think of anything but sleep. 
About an hour had passed when the hot head finally decided to let up, and his plan had worked. Keigo fell asleep almost instantly after the tickle attack, and Touya tucked him in gently. He smiled as his roommate snored peacefully. It was an adorable sight - his flushed face stained with mirth and a small smile resting on his lips. He looked so comfortable. Touya sighed fondly and ran his fingers through Keigo’s soft hair, his eyes lingering on his lips for longer than he would admit. Finally, he walked over to the desk and made sure to save his friend’s work before closing the laptop, and began cleaning up the mess. He was positive Keigo would do better once he got some rest.
Request a drabble~
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sugolara · 1 year
𝘼𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙪𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙤
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feat. katsuki bakugo x fem! reader
cw: angst
˗ˏˋ+ ´ˎ- y/n knew it wasn't meant to last, but she wanted to be with katsuki just a little while before he deserts her
❝you've been riding two wheelers all your life it's not like i'm asking to be your wife.❞
+ training wheels by melanie martinez
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while he slept soundly in his bed, y/n silently watched katsuki's neutral face. she like sleeping next the spiky haired blonde, it was the only time where she gets to see his calm face instead of his angry expression.
she knew that the moment he asked her out, it was never meant to be for long; forever. she only accepted it because she's been crushing over him for years. since they were in middle school. she knew that being a future hero meant sacrificing your life for others, and she knew katsuki would leave her for his work dutys.
but she didn't mind. she didn't mind that he would leave her. she understood and had accepted the feeling.
they've only been together for a couple months and graduation is right around the corner. soon they'll both be pro-heroes, they'll be overworked with saving their city. and y/n doesn't mind that they'll only be together for a couple more weeks. she wants to cherish this feeling a little longer.
she dreamt of them being together, moving in, getting married, and possibly have a few kids if katsuki wanted to.
she gave her half of heart to katsuki. he was her first everything, she had hoped that she had been his first everything to. he took her heart wherever he went.
and when graduation finally came, he did leave her. he took her half of heart with him. and she didn't mind.
she didn't mind when katsuki went up the rankings, successfully coming in first place just like how he said with izuku next to him and shoto following along.
she didn't mind as she worked next to him, ignoring her feelings she still had for him and told herself that this will end once the mission is done.
she didn't also mind when she stood in front of a tv store where the tv displayed katsuki and an interviewer asking him if he's in a relationship, only for her heart to shatter when he said he was indeed in one.
she didn't mind that he was engaged and was soon expecting a child with his new wife, the way he proudly showed his ring and his wife with her belly bump.
because, all in all, her heart will always be with him. she will always love him for the rest of her life, till death.
and as she was impaled by a pipe that a villain had flung at her, her only regret was to wish she was in middle school again and not look around as the teacher had introduced her as the new student, to not make eye contact with the spiky blond-haired male, to never talk back to his outburst he threw at her, and to not fall in love with katsuki.
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