glacierruler · 5 months
Alright, so the challenge I'm gonna do!
For every dollar donated I will drink 1 water bottle, maximum of 5 per day(I am not about to die of water poisoning thank you very much!)
The minimum donate amount is $1, but the suggested is $5.
Any extra money will go into next days water bottle count until the challenge is over. To prove I am drinking 1 water bottle per dollar donated, I will reblog with me drinking the water bottle in different places.
My ko-fi is:
Link here is copy and paste because tumblr doesn't link things on mobile.
Of course, commissions are still open if you're interested!
Also I am 20% of the way to the oil change goal, if that gives you any clue as to how many water bottles I am planning on having to drink.
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Imagine If she knew....0_0
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lynaferns · 7 months
TW: SUGESTIVE POSE (My brother getting late to the Jack o pose thing because we recently finished his OC after 7 years)
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Petition of my bro, not mine
This guy finally changed his discord pfp after 7 years of using the first artwork I made of his OC. Which- cute, he always liked the art I made of it since the very begining BUT I WAS CURSED TO LOOK AT MY OLD SHITTY ART WHENEVER I TALKED TO THEM TROUGHT DISCORD.
There is a pantsless version of this but I'm not posting that because of- people. IDK why??? it's exactly the same but the ass is not green. like. ???? It wouldn't be showing anything anyways. His character is half lizard, it has a retractible dick. It would be like a barbie.
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yayakoishii · 9 months
I wanna write more for Sanji because I'm still in a Sanji mood these days but I don't have any big ideas floating around so, I'm going to do a really scary thing and...
ask for any requests you might have our cute blonde chef? :3 I probably won't do them all, but if something strikes my fancy, I might write it so slide in and ask for something you might want to read. it can be a little specific, that's fine, as long as it won't be too long! because I'm hoping to write like drabbles or upto 1-3k, nothing longer...
this is my first time trying requests so don't keep high hopes ;-; requests open till midnight of 15th (wherever you live, I'll consider it till the last country's 15th is over, dw)
edit: requests are now closed <3 thank you to everyone who sent in an ask!
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trulybetty · 10 months
I should also start off with this is not aimed at anyone - because if I had a real issue on something I wouldn't be amiss at reaching out to them directly to have a conversation. Because disclaimer, I follow people who both write and don't write age gap tropes, so in saying that...
The whole dbf! thing is escalating again, and I may regret trying to voice some reason here, but what's the saying? In for a penny, in for a pound?
The trouble with this trope is that you have impassioned people on both sides, and it appears their voices are the loudest ones drowning out any kind of reasoned conversation.
There are also those too who need to learn the difference between having an opinion on something vs. open criticism. I can have the opinion that I don't like age-gap fanfics and that there's a lot more dbf! fics than same age etc. fics in the tags.
I can't stress enough, opinion vs. criticism are two different things:
The purpose of criticism is to direct a commentary on someone or something with the particular goal of change. A person who criticizes the behavior of another is specifically hoping to effect a modification. The purpose of opinion, on the other hand, is simply to offer a viewpoint that does not require a change.
I can have the opinion that I don't enjoy the trope, and I can have a discourse on why I think a certain character wouldn't partake, BUT that does not mean I'm shaming anyone for writing it (a reminder that's why AU's exist).
It's just me reaching out to others of the same opinion and who may be writing what I'm looking to read (or read what I've written) but getting lost among the tags.
Because everyone should have respect for people's preferences/kinks/whatever and I feel like some people need a reminder to not be a dick and everything (despite the reader insert popularity) is not written with you in mind.
Because between complaints about the crowds asking for less dbf! on their dash, I'm sadly seeing equally if not more posts about writers talking about people coming into their space and trashing their fics and stopping people from enjoying the fandom. If someone has appropriately tagged their fic and written their warnings and it's not a topic you want to read about? Then why are you reading it and leaving comments, or jumping into asks on annon? You had your warning - it costs nothing to scroll on.
The same goes equally for anyone voicing their opinion - doesn't pertain to you and your preferences and you have nothing constructive to add, scroll on - because opinion doesn't equate to criticism of what you enjoy remember?
I think everyone on whatever side you fall on can agree on the following:
Tumblr needs to work on its filtering tags/content situation
Everyone should be filtering topics they don't enjoy or find triggering
Everyone should be using tags appropriately on their posts for the above to work
And if someone has come after you for wherever you stand on the topic, I'm truly sorry you experienced that because it's not a true representation of the fandom on either side ❤️
No Pedro tax today, but I'm open to an adult conversation on this topic though if anyone wants to participate.
B x
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wilanserulia · 8 months
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I'm putting together a new glam for my lizard girl Delen. This one is another adventurer outfit, since as she got into adventuring relatively late her wardrobe is frankly a little short on those.
As per my usual design philosophy for this character, it's sporty and youthful and just a tad sophisticated. And of course it's got a white shirt. Unlike my usual design philosophy however I'm doing my best to not default to the miniskirt and knee-high boots I usually go for her silhouette, rather opting for cropped pants (of which we don't have a whole lot of options to begin with though). I ended up going for the Amatsu Haidate because that decoration on the side is just amazing and it adds a touch of red at the waist that goes well with the overall White Black and Red palette, but I'm still not sure how I feel about those armor pieces, they look a bit out of place. Likewise the Dinosaur Leather Shoes are not my favorite in the game, but I wanted flat, low shoes and they fit the color palette well enough. I may still replace them if I can think of something else later, I don't know.
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Opinions? Feedback? This glam is still not quite finalized and I'm still open to modifications, so feel free to let me know!
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gotchi-blog · 19 days
So. I have preordered the double Tamagotchi Connection set
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tyunamite · 2 years
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kay-elle-cee · 1 year
Alright. Getting close to a follower milestone!
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thotcontagion · 8 months
shaking right now because i just bought a new guitar
there was a $200 price drop so i just kinda went for it since it's a limited time thing
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crimson-violets · 6 months
I have successfully recruited a friend and someone I’m dating into the dumpster fire 🔥 🗑️which is best known by fans as The Black Butler Fandom. 🖤
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friendrat · 2 years
Apparently I'm weird because I break Kit-Kat bars before I open the package... so inquiring minds want to know! Reblog and let me know in the tags if you break your Kit-Kat bar before or after you open it?
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
hey are you japanese? bc riku is a japanese name im p sure, and thats a closed culture. /info/nm
sorry if im misunderstanding!/gen
I was considering not responding to this solely on the base that it's a complex practical-focused discussion we've had in our system over it in balancing out a number of factors that would tie into our nuanced views regarding the internet and closed culture names (we are half Chinese/Indonesian with our own Chinese name) and I wasn't sure if I really wanted to put that effort / risk bringing up discourse that I know a lot of white people would jump in on.
So with that being said, if you are not of a closed culture, don't even bother commenting on this post or sending an anon, your opinion means nothing and I'm really tired of seeing white people join this discussion and/or talking over those that aren't. That said, if you are Japanese or of another closed culture, feel free to communicate in good faith about this. It's a topic we have thought on a lot and our principles for this nuanced situation is principles we'd put out to others (including white people), but we are one opinion and one person and I'd be interested in hearing others perspectives.
But anyways, to the proper answer.
No, we are not Japanese but beyond online spaces, we don't use the name "Riku" on the account that we 1) have our own Chinese name 2) It's cringe for me - someone not Japanese - to expect someone to call me a Japanese name, super weeby, super disrespectful 3) why? its not mine and its weird. We don't introduce ourselves with it and entirely transitioned in practically all settings to our irl Chinese name (its also a chosen name since #Trans and fuck hyper female names)
With that being said, the name "Riku" comes from it being my old username on an anonymous website similar to this and has largely since been more of a placeholder username for anonymity purposes than it is a proper name. I've largely wanted to switch away from it in online spaces because I do feel a bit uncomfortable having people refer to me as such, but at the same time, the alternative is going by the name I go by IRL which is a security / safety hazard since I am the part that shares the name with the body.
With the balance of anonymity and this overall issue, considering we only use it in anonymous spaces and treat it like a username or a tumblr url - that much like any other website here its implied that you are referencing the character in context of "this is a username" and all, I don't see the massive harm. Is it unideal and still a part of the problem to some degree? Yeah. But at what point is someone on a website using IchigoKurosaki41 and this a drawn line?
Either way, I am of the (soft, ie open to changing my mind) opinion that so as long as it isn't being used irl and in face to face environments and once friends go from "anonymous to non-anonymous" that the name is shifted over and thus treated and handled like a username (something that protects anonymity), that it is fine.
The other statement of the matter would be that I could just come up with a different online name / username which would be a fair commentary, but considering its a name I only use online, we've come to the general opinion that it's more hassle than its worth since we don't really much see the damage as anything more than talking about a username with a character name in it, or talking about an OC with a name from a closed culture and find it hard to be motivated to find a fitting alternative online-only name short hand.
And I guess in a TLDR clear statement of my current standing soft opinion on the matter, I don't personally think it is a huge issue for online anonymity protecting names that are used and handled like online usernames to be based on a character or whatever is naturally developed from username. The large issue in closed names, in my opinion, comes when the person has people they know in person, in face to face, and irl use it as a >name< because in that case it comes with large disrespect and insult.
We largely have soft opinions on the matter cause we very much do understand and do not like people stepping on the toes of closed culture names, and we just come to this opinion based on how we would feel if a white person were in the same situation and only went by the name Xiao, Yuan, or Ji or similar chinese names. If people of closed cultures have opinions and thoughts on the matter, I'd be open to hearing and holding discussion if it good faith.
In the end though, if this topic / discussion becomes too negative / of bad faith / into a "debate" or just generally taxing on our peace, we'd probably just stop discussing it since we use this blog as a hobby chatting area and don't see the topic important enough to stress about it all day.
So anyways, feel free to join the conversation on this nuance if you are 1) of a closed culture 2) want to DISCUSS and not DEBATE or DISCOURSE.
-Riku (Host)
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larris-s · 4 days
not me saying "oohhh i'm such a introvert and so shyyyy
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So I decided to learn how to crochet because my little sister got me a "crochet a cactus kit" but it's hard so I asked my older sister for help because she's an expert on crochet at this point
And she immediately video calls me and shows me how to single crochet and then later she drops by with supplies so I could practice the stitches.
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