#I always get carried away when I start drawing the lighting leave me alone
huevobuevo · 1 year
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Forgot to post these yesterday but WOE‼️ 11 Beast Be Upon Ye !!!
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icyminghao · 1 year
boynextdoor as boyfriends
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pairing: boynextdoor (ot6) x gn!reader genre: fluff, headcannon
requested by @yawnzzznnn! hope you like it :)
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he’s such a little puppy
he’ll be running to you whining at every minor inconvenience (especially after the boys tease him)
wants you to protect him and wants to protect you too
the type of bf who walks on the side of the street nearest to the road bc he’s cheesy like that
you don’t have to lift a single finger with him around! he’ll do everything for you
lowkey gets jealous bc he wants you to focus on him and him only
overall a lovesick puppy who yearns for your attention 24/7
“y/n…” Jaehyun is tugging on your sleeve and whining as you talk to Taesan about Oasis.
You turn to Jaehyun, ruffling his hair affectionately. “What is it, Jae?”
“You’ve been talking to Taesan for one whole hour! You came over to spend time with me,” Jaehyun whines, pouting and glaring at Taesan. Reading the room, Taesan makes up some flimsy excuse and leaves, leaving the two of you alone in the living room.
“I’m sorry, big baby, I must have gotten too carried away! It’s not everyday you find another Oasis fan around our age, you know,” you giggle, pulling Jaehyun into a hug. “I’m all yours today, okay?”
the partner privilege you get from him is insane
you could literally ask him for anything and he’d just smile softly at you and agree
values your opinion a lot
he got a new haircut? he needs to know what you think. can’t decide what to have for lunch? he’s asking you for ideas immediately.
overall a hopelessly in love bf who would do anything for you
bonus: he definitely has a sketchbook filled with drawings of you and you only
“Sungho, can I braid your hair?” you ask hesitantly, looking at him from where you’re sitting on the couch.
Sungho smiles softly. “Of course you can, love. Come here,”
That day, the boys come back to the dorms only to get the shock of their lives. In front of them is a dolled-up Sungho with barettes on both sides of his braided hair, and the boys look on in disbelief.
“No way, Sungho. I’ve been bugging you to let me do this for weeks, and you let y/n do it after they ask once? This is so unfair!” Riwoo whines.
Sungho simply shrugs. “Well, you’re not y/n.”
he’s sooo shy
wouldn’t initiate skinship first when y’all first start out, and when you do he literally malfunctions
he’s not really good with his words so he’d express his love for you through other stuff like acts of service or gifts
once he gets comfortable in the relationship, though, good luck getting rid of him
he’s never letting you out of sight (or out of arm’s reach) whenever possible
overall he’d be a really sweet shy bf™ who’s really attentive to your interests and pays attention to whatever you say even if it looks like he isn’t (somebody pls get me a riwoo)
“This place is amazing, Riwoo. We finally did it!” you exclaim, walking around your new house and reeling over the fact that you finally moved in with Riwoo.
“I know, right?” Riwoo smiles, following behind you.
Your hands brush over the walls of the bedroom. “I think we should add some personality to the rooms. What do you think about painting the walls?”
“Sure. We could paint it light green,” Riwoo agrees, looking around. Your eyes widen in shock.
“How did you know I’d want light green?” you ask, genuinely surprised.
Riwoo chuckles affectionately. “You showed me your dream bedroom once while we were playing We’re Not Really Strangers. I think it was a year and a half ago?”
i feel like quiet moments together would be your thing
dates would either be chilling at the park while you read and he plays the guitar or chilling at the dorms
he may not talk much, but quality time is his thing and he’d always make sure his attention is 100% focused on you whenever y’all are together
probably has multiple playlists dedicated to you
overall a quiet but super romantic bf
“What song do you want to listen to?” you ask as Taesan starts pulling out of his parking spot.
Taesan shrugs. “Just look through my playlists and see if there’s any that you like.”
Oh, shit. Taesan realises the implications of his words, and looks over for a second to see you scrolling through his Spotify.
Sure enough, you let out a sound of surprise. One that Taesan would have gone crazy for, but he’s panicking hard.
“Uh, it’s not what it looks like?” he says softly.
“Tae, all the songs in this playlist are all my favourites! That’s so cool, do we have the same music taste?” you exclaim, bewildered.
Taesan chuckles awkwardly, “Yeah, we’re really meant to be, huh?”
Maybe next time he’ll tell you about his uncountable playlists dedicated to you.
affectionate bf™
he’s absolutely in awe at literally anything you do
you just made dinner? he’s so proud of you. you just lost a game of league of legends? it’s okay, he thought you did absolutely amazing.
would fall in love with you ten times more if you entertained his fish hobby
y’all are the cutest fish parents!
overall the cutest bf who literally loves you and everything you do
“Darling, can we get this angelfish?”
“Hannie, we already have five of those back at home,” you boop Leehan’s nose affectionately, “what if they get jealous of the new addition?”
“Come on, babe, they’d love a new friend! We can call him Angel,” Leehan shakes your shoulder, pouting.
“Angel the Sixth?”
Leehan smiles. “Angel the Sixth.”
lights up whenever he sees you
i feel like he’d love to rest his head on your lap, too, and put your hand on top of his hair as a silent request for you to play with it (you do. everytime.)
whines when you remove your hand to do something else
he definitely talks about you to no end to the boys (much to their dismay), he just loves you so much
cannot last a minute without interacting with you in some way (physical contact if you’re in close proximity, through text if you’re not)
overall a golden retriever bf who loves you so much (good luck getting rid of him)
“Did you wish y/n a happy birthday?” Sungho asks as soon as Woonhak walks into the practice room.
“Yeah, of course I did! I wished them the moment the clock struck twelve. Wait, how do you know it’s their birthday today?” Woonhak furrows his eyebrows in confusion. You and Sungho don’t know each other, so how…?
“Of course I know their birthday,” Sungho chuckles, “You wouldn’t shut up about it no matter how many times we complained this past week.”
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a/n: i hope y’all enjoyed this bc i had so much fun making this!!! ok i should stop getting sidetracked now i need to focus on knocking on heaven’s (your) door ><
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blehcupidd · 10 months
Hello Gorgeous
Agent Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Wife!reader
Summary: Your husband, Jack, has been out on the field recently. He was constantly travelling around the globe, leaving you and your four year old daughter on the ranch.
Warnings: fluff, angst but not really, no use of y/n, hottie cowboy is your husband, grammar and spelling mistakes (I'm dyslexic), you have a 4 year old daughter called Sophia, after the events of Kingsman Golden Circle, Jack isn't meat ;), slight sexual innuendo, reader is a housewife (don't we all want to be Jacks housewife???), Reader is referred to more “feminine” terms such as mom, mommy, wife that sort of stuff
A/N: Short little one shot. I wanted Jack to be happy. Also writing this I got distracted by roblox colour or die, and I won so :). Then I got distracted by work at a pizza place; this is probably what people mean by me having adhd. But I'm in denial, so I wrote this the day after :)
Pedro & Characters Masterlist
During the four months, your husband was away, you and your four year old had done multiple things to distract each other. In the beginning, you were just distracting Sophia with her dad not being home. This shortly changed when you started to miss him, meaning you had started hugging your little girl more often. Sophia had no objections to this. If her daddy wasn’t there to hug her, then she would have her mommy.
With the summer heat coming down onto your ranch, you made sure to spend every moment outside or have the curtain open. The driveway was filled with the multicoloured drawings of chalk Sophia had drew, accompanied by your handwriting for the “Sophia, Mommy, Daddy and the horses’ names”.  Along the edges of the driveway, there used to be plain old boring grey rocks. The vast majority of the rocks were now coloured in many different mixes of paint.
Since Sophia was born, she was constantly being creative. This had carried on through to her being almost five. You and your husband learnt that to distract or make Sophia happy was to get the paints out. It's what you had been attempting to do throughout the four months. There hadn’t been any tears, not even when your clumsy girl had bumped into something, only the amazement of a purple bruise forming. Whilst your mothering skills were going overdrive being alone with some animals being bigger than you, and a small inquisitive child. Keeping the latter away from being unsupervised was hard with a massive land going so far out.
Today, you were brought with a surprise. Sophia was down in the dumps.
You had tried countless times to find what the problem was, but your mother's intuition only went so far. You started the morning with Sophia’s favourite; french toast, with extra sugar. This was enough to get a small smile and what the two of you were doing today. With Sophia always wanting to be creative and messy, she chose fingerpainting.
Setting up a blanket with a mat for the activities, Sophia brought the paints and paper. When Sophia was pressing her adorable small hands onto her ‘masterpiece’ it slowly clicked what the issue had been. Sophia had made a drawing of her dad riding on a horse with her or attempted it. Nevertheless, she was showing how she felt instead of telling you. Wiping your hands down, you shuffled towards your daughter.
“Is this what the problem is?” You quietly asked as you wrapped your arm around her and pressed a kiss to her temple, much like what her father does to the two of you. “Are you missing Daddy?” Knowing that she had been caught she pouted her bottom lip and nodded.
After wiping the paint off of her fingers you lifted her into your lap, practically surrounding her with your body. “It's okay to cry, baby.” You comforted her, giving her more kisses. “I miss Daddy too, and when he comes back you can go out on the horsies again.” Giving her another kiss you started to see the smile that could light up a dark night sky. “There's that gorgeous smile!” As the smile got brighter, you came up with a solution to the horse problem. With being married to a cowboy, you had never learnt how to ride a horse. This was harsh for your little girl who wanted to do nothing more but ride them, even with her dad away, but the thought of you falling even with Jack there terrified you.
“How about we have our horsie fun?” You asked, seeing the confusion written across Sophia.
“Mama, you can’t ride the horsies. Silly!” Sophia was trying to figure out what you were thinking.
“Who said I was riding?” You got a shriek of enthusiasm from Sophia as you bounced your legs up and down. You carried on until the only thing you could hear from your baby was laughing her head off. “Let's finish our paintings and give them to Daddy when he comes home, how does that sound, sweetheart?”
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Pulling up to the drive, Jack could see the pretty drawings he knew his little girl had spent time drawing. The sight of the rocks had also changed, there were pretty colours. He felt happy that his girls had kept themselves occupied in his absence. Walking through the ranch, no one was in. Checking in all of the rooms, and he couldn't find his girls. 
Walking outside he could hear the laughter of what could be compared to angels singing. Looking out he saw the most beautiful sight known to man, his girls laughing and enjoying themselves. He was pulled out of his daze by himself and his inner voice, telling him to go see them. 
“Hello, gorgeous.”
A familiar southern drawl spoke, alerting you and Sophia. His eye contact with you was broken by his little cowgirl running full speed at him. “Daddy!”
“Hiya, what’s my cowgirl been doin’?” He asked repositioning her onto his hip, still walking towards you.
“Me and Mommy drew you pictures!” Only this is when Jack noticed the paint on his clothes, as well as his princess's clothes and face.
“Oh, that's wonderful,” the mess didn't stop him, Sophia was happy and that's all that mattered. Taking a seat next to you, he instantly received a bundle of kisses. “I missed you baby.”
“I missed you more.”
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Making dinner that night was the best feeling in the world for you and Jack. Sophia had her chicken nuggets whilst you and Jack had spaghetti bolognese. Stirring the bolognese, you felt a presence come up behind you. Sliding his hands along the sides of your waist, you were pulled into him.
“I really did miss you, Sugar,” Jack muttered into your ear. That's when you felt something growing against your ass. “Really missed you.”
“You can show me how much you missed me when Sophia is in bed.” You spoke into his neck, gazing your eyes up at your cowboy.
“Don't tempt me with a fun time, mama.”
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Twins and Laventon waking up the morning after to their s/o making them breakfast wearing one of their shirts.
You know exactly why - Jes
Ehehehehe you know me too well at this point
Ingo whines the moment his hand hits nothing but empty sheets. The morning is too cold to be in the bed alone, and far too cold to be out of bed alone. Wherever you've wandered off to, Ingo resolves to find you and bring you back to bed, for warmth and safety.
After all, he's well aware that the previous night wasn't kind to you, in terms of how rough he was. The fact you managed to leave the bed at all is a surprise, but you've always astounded Ingo in everything you do.
Ingo, boxers on, stumbles down the hall. As he goes, the smell of eggs hits his nose. He wakes up more, opening his eyes to peer around the corner, into the kitchen. Where you are. Cooking at the stove. Wearing nothing but. . . his work shirt. The one he threw off last night to devour you.
Ingo rakes his eyes down your legs, connecting the various bites and bruises he left on you, rising back up to you neck, covered in similar marks. He traces his own hickeys, stumbling towards you.
You're distracted from your omelet by a warm body thumping against your back. You smile as Ingo nuzzles his cold nose into your shoulder, relief from the warm stove.
"You are too beautiful." He says, dragging his lips along your jaw as his fingers tuck your hair back behind your ear. His other hand turns off the stove. "And it is far too early."
You yelp, swept off your feet, but just giggle as Ingo carries you back to bed. Despite his claims, you doubt you'll both be going back to sleep anytime soon.
Emmet is already in a sour mood when he wakes up without you. After your quick date night romp, you both fell asleep naked on the couch, tangled in blankets to keep the winter chill away. But now Emmet is naked and alone, without your warmth and pressure against him. And he's upset.
But as he rolls off the couch, grabbing his underwear from the floor, he catches the scent of something sweet. His attention draws to the kitchen, and there it stays.
You hum to yourself, hips swaying, dressed in nothing but his work shirt. Unbuttoned so it hangs off your shoulders, your bruised shoulders, all marked up by him. And you're making pancakes.
Emmet is quick to drop his underwear and walk towards you.
The stove clicks off, a hand sliding around your waist. You sigh as Emmet shoves his head into your neck, nipping at the dark bruises already there. You start to whine at him, but he ruts against you, grinding himself into your ass.
"You can't wait until after breakfast?" You ask, only teasing. You're grinding back just as hard.
"You are breakfast." Emmet says simply, yanking your hips back as he lowers you both to the floor. "And I am starving."
So much for pancakes.
Jubilife is surprisingly quiet in the early mornings. The Pokémon in the pen either getting up or winding down, so their noise is minimal. The people are the same, either going to bed or just rising. There’s no real noise besides that of the wind, soft sighs of the earth around the village.
Laventon lies in the serene peace of the moment. It’s not his futon he’s in, but he’s practically made it his, with how often he’s slept through endless nights in it, in your embrace. He lies there now, buried in your every blanket, with only his head poking through the mound.
His eyes, tired but wide, watch you.
You dance, whether you realize it or not. Your footsteps are light and quick, perhaps to not disturb him, but they’re graceful. Laventon could watch you step and swing forever, but as his gaze climbs your legs, they are barred from the rest of you by the ends of a lavender shirt. His shirt.
The hem twirls with your easy movements. You gather ingredients and place them above the small fire in the pit of your home. The shirt is unbuttoned, free to dance alongside you, and reveal there’s nothing you’re wearing beneath it.
Laventon aches for you, despite your previous night. It’s unlike a gentleman to demand so much of his partner, but it’s you. You, tempting him with your graceful body, hardened from the land around you, decorated with scars that Laventon always paints in kisses when he gets the chance.
You’ve done so much for him. He’s wants to give back to you, however he can.
So he crawls from the covers, despite the cold, and takes your hand. The food can wait a while, he knows, so he draws you back to bed. And you follow, no resistance to be found.
And beneath the blankets of your futon, you work to keep the quiet of the gentle morning. Though it’s harder than anticipated, given your lovely company.
I got a little carried away ehehe
Hope you enjoy! I know I did!
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Summary: Neal tries to teach Peter some important life skills.
Words: 819
Warnings: none
Read on AO3: click (this fic is so short that I posted the whole thing here too)
Notes: This fulfills two squares on my hurt/comfort bingo card - "I trust you" and "exhaustion", plus "under 1k words" on my White Collar bingo card. It's short and sweet. Little emotional hurt much comfort. This was written in fifteen minutes, unedited, sorry about the quality. The image was too cute to pass up.
Click. He’s out...again.
“How do you do that?” Peter asks, bewildered. Neal’s summer sky blue eyes twinkle with mischief and he bows his head affectionately.
“Trade secret,” he says, but only because he’s afraid Peter is smart enough to keep him in cuffs someday. Figure out a way to lock him up for his own good. Still, the number of times Peter has found himself in cuffs recently pulls at Neal’s heart – surely he could show him one way. One wouldn’t hurt. “It’s all about tools. You have to carry things with you that no one would be suspicious of.”
“Like MacGuyver. A paperclip and bubble gum, that kind of thing?”
Neal rolls his eyes and nods. “Yeah. Like that.” Quickly, Neal jumps up and rummages around in Peter’s desk drawer. No one else is in the office, they’d been alone for hours now pouring over case files with nothing but coffee to nudge them forward in their pursuit. Until it became too much and Peter started dozing at his desk. Until he decided they would play a game to stay awake – he wanted to know how Neal escaped over and over. “It’s relevant,” he’d assured him. “This guy is as slippery as you are.”
“Oh I doubt that,” Neal says without an ounce of humility. “Come on Peter.”
And that was how Neal found himself slipping handcuffs over and over, using different tools, attached to furniture and doors and in compromising positions. Peter couldn’t seem to find a way to hold on to him.
If that wasn’t a metaphor for the storm in his heart, he didn’t know what was. Best not to think about that.
“Here,” Neal hands Peter a couple of items and shows him where to stash them so they’re useful. Peter frowns.
Peter looks him up and down, tired eyes soft but full of intrigue. “I trust you.” Does he? Where did that come from? What’s to stop Neal from leaving him cuffed in his office all night and just disappearing?
“You always have these things on you like this?”
“Maybe. Not the point. You’re learning.” He pauses, the cuffs in his hands. “Are you sure?”
Trust, he hopes. He trusts that Neal will always try to deceive him, but he also trusts that Neal genuinely cares for him.
There are tears in Neal’s eyes. He blinks them away and turns his head to the side for a moment – when was the last time someone said they trusted him? He was, by nature, not to be trusted. He’s a conman. Even Mozzie doesn’t fully trust him – sure, he loves him, but he doesn’t trust him. Not the way that Peter means right now. Thieves don’t think like that, they always hold something back. Peter doesn’t hold anything back. It’s heavy and it hurts his chest.
“Don’t go soft on me Caffrey,” Peter urges, holding his wrists out expectantly. “Cuff me.”
Neal clicks the cuffs in place and steps back, folding his arms over his chest. He blinks the last of the burning in his eyes away and watches as Peter struggles. It was a lot harder to get to his items than he’d originally thought. He shifts and wiggles and Neal shakes his head.
“You’re being too obvious. If they catch you squirming around like that they’re going to search you and take everything they find.”
“Alright slick, how do you do it?”
“It’s all in misdirection. Go for the cufflink, it’s the easiest. And talk to me while you’re doing it. Distract me. Say words that lead my attention around the room.”
“What does that mean?”
“Say something about a door. Not this door, just a door. Or a light. Anything to draw my eyes away for a second, it’ll be almost unconscious. I can’t help but follow if you’re smooth enough.”
Peter yawns and tries to follow, but he finds that it’s Neal directing him. He’s not even sure what Neal is saying and it doesn’t matter, it’s not what he’s saying, it’s how he’s saying it. Neal is putting him to sleep. It’s the relaxed cadence of his speech, his casual demeanor, his peaflower eyes. Peter yawns again. Neal grins.
“Sleepy Peter?”
“You’re scary, you know that?”
“So I’ve been told. See how easy it is to get someone to do what you want just by saying a few words?”
“Neal…” Peter scolds, lifting his hands expectantly. Neal shakes his head.
“You can do this yourself Agent Burke. I’m going down to the coffee machine. You’d better be out by the time I get back.”
Peter is still in cuffs when Neal gets back. Still in cuffs and fast asleep with his forehead on a pile of papers.
“Hopeless,” Neal whispers, crouching to unlock Peter’s hands. “Come on. Let’s get you home.”
“….so much work to do…”
“Not when you’re drooling on our case files. It can wait until morning.”
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m00nc4kes · 8 months
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she’s literally my fav ever… i tried to do something different with the shading so i hope it looks alright ^^ (she's so pretty aahhdefjkfj) And maybe one day I'll draw her with Hobie...
~Backstory + Connection to Hobie under the cut~ (TW: death, blood)
The Basics:
super sweet but has a mean uppercut (and I mean like... one hit and lights out) yet can't throw a regular punch
she was born with vitiligo and started out with small patches that grew (and continue to grow) as she got older
her demeanor changed drastically from her teen years up until the present
I say shes 19/early twenties (which I hc Hobie is pretty much the same in this universe)
She has an older brother
She used to cover her vitiligo with her hair during her early teens
Meeting Hobie + Early Life
they first met each other when they were around 14/15
Mj was on her way home from school and heard someone playing the guitar and that's when she locked eyes with Hobie
she ended up sharing her uneaten lunch
After that, Mj would stop by the alley (or some place nearby) to meet up with Hobie and eat
it wasn't the quickest friendship. there were times where Mj would go weeks without stumbling across Hobie, but it never strained their dynamic
she was very soft-spoken and shy
and he, well, wasn't.
So it worked out pretty well, until everything flipped on its head
Mj was walking outside of a store when the doors flew open and someone dashed by her. it took half a second to realize it was Hobie and the shop owner had chased him out, screaming obscenities.
there was a police officer nearby, so he decided to chase after the teen. Before she knew it, a hand was grabbing her wrist and dragging her along. Hobie had noticed her.
"Trust, you don't wanna let that wanker get a hold of ya!" he shouted.
They got away in the end, but it bit their asses in the end.
Two weeks later.
Mj was walking near the store, hoping they wouldn't come out to hunt her down. She didn't want to be a troublemaker, truly. Nothing happened when she passed the store, nor the store after that. Yet-
She was pushed into an alley, making her fall to her knees and scrape up her hands and legs. When she looked up, the officer from before was there.
"Did you really think you got away from me, little girl? You’re under arrest."
She was stunned into a silence as she attempted to back away. "I'm sorry! Please leave me alone!"
He stalked closer to her and she immediately rose to her feet. Wrong move.
He grabbed onto her arms and slammed her against the wall. Her heart was beating wildly as she tried to fight back. She couldn't think straight- she couldn't. Her brother always told her what to do with officers but in this moment, he was no longer an officer.
He was a strange man trying to pin her against a dirty wall. And she could remember what she was taught to do with strange men.
With a strangled cry, she wrangled an arm free and dug into her jacket pocket, pulling out a knife. (Yes, she would get in trouble with her school if they knew she carried a weapon on her, but her brother had insisted on having her carry it)
Before she could register what she was doing, she brought her arm up, shut her eyes, and jabbed it into the officer.
There was silence.
Then a choked noise.
She opened her eyes and her knife was lodged in the officer's neck. Her blood ran cold at the sight of his own blood running down his neck. She let out a cry, not noticing how his hand reached for the gun on his belt.
He wouldn't get the chance to do it as a guitar came swinging down from behind him, crushing the back of his skull.
The officer collapsed to the ground, revealing a wide eyed Hobie as he gripped onto his blood covered guitar.
The two of them stared at each other before Mj burst into tears.
Needless to say, Maybelle and her brother moved from the city and she wouldn't see Hobie again until a fateful day, 4 years later.
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homestuck-loving · 2 years
hhh can't see the dates on the post but if u r still here - can i get some caliborn x reader hcs? yeah, i'm over here in 2022 going like "hear me out"
Cloud Anon, I don't know if you're still out there but this is for you. I got a little carried away with this. What can I say, Caliborn's fun to write.
This is apart of the Caliborn redemption AU I had going on I guess. Enjoy!
Caliborn x Reader Hcs!
The two of you met when he had messaged you. Calling you and your friends crude names and drawing “lewd” pictures. Unlike your friends, you decided to humor this “undyingUmbrage.”
Through many stubborn chat logs, you’ve learned that his name is Caliborn and that he’s pretty insufferable. Somehow, you looked past his unsavory behaviors and continued to chat with him. 
Caliborn’s messages started as mean spirited and almost cruel. After some time of chatting and playing the game, it almost seemed like he started to mellow out.
Fast forwarding through sburb shenanigans, you’ve ascended to god tier. The final fight is drawing near. Caliborn had stopped pestering you a bit ago. He claims that there’s something he must finish. You’ve collected your belongings and prepared to fight.
Suddenly, a light flashes behind you. Red gears click together as a figure begins to form. A grating voice laughs. “Finally, the Lord makes his appearance!” 
Caliborn joined you in fighting, though he claimed it was purely for his enjoyment. Once the game has been won and Earth C has been created, everyone begins to find their place.  
On Earth C, everyone had each other, living arrangements were made easy. Though, with everything Caliborn had done, he had nowhere to go. Against your mind’s logical side and your friends’ warnings, you decided to let Caliborn stay with you.
In the beginning, he was terrible to live with. He couldn’t keep a job, he never cleaned up after himself, and he was incredibly rude.
He seemed to walk all over you with pride. Though one night, you couldn’t take it anymore. Never in the years of knowing the cherub did you ever express anger towards him. To hear you yell at him and be angry, something changed in Caliborn.
Waking up the next morning, your house had been cleaned up. It wasn’t perfectly tidy but it looked like you were the only one to live there. Upon asking Caliborn about it, he brushed you off.
“As if I’d do anything for your pleasure. You can pleasure yourself for all I care. Why are you laughing?! No! Not like that! It was a figurative speech!” 
After that, he never really seemed to leave you alone. When going out, he’d always walk next to you. He takes any seat available near you. He’s even started eating meals with you. 
One day, you were hanging out with Dirk and he had a few questions.
“So, when’s Caliborn taking you out on a date?”
“Why would we go on a date?”
“Are you two not dating?”
From that day, you’ve begun to look at Caliborn's actions differently. Before you had the chance to ask about his behavior, he had barged into your room. Not saying a word, he threw a bundle of crumpled flowers and a crudely drawn card at you, followed by him slamming the door shut. 
Seems like you’ll have to be the one to take him on a date.
And now a few Redrom headcanons:
Caliborn claims to hate affection. However, you don’t miss the times when he sits so close that your thighs touch. He also has an affinity for climbing into your bed late at night. Don’t question him about it though, he will get snappy.
He’s pretty short as a cherub, coming up to under your shoulders. He does like being carried around, though only in the privacy of your own home. That’s a bit too risque for his tastes.
He finds the concept of kissing weird and gross. In place he’ll bonk his head into your body. 
Hair is something that intrigues Caliborn. If you let him, he’ll mess with yours for hours. Though he is quite heavy handed.
Caliborn is prone to jealousy. Old habits die hard, he’s not above threatening peoples’ lives. But he's kinda working on it.
If you wish to hold him, introduce it slowly. Most affectionate gestures are completely lost on him.
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letsberealgenz · 3 months
Shoe Dog
“Let everyone else call your idea crazy…just keep going. Don’t stop. Don’t even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t give much thought to where “there” is. Whatever comes, just don’t stop. — Phil Knight
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A couple of days ago, I made one of the best decision by picking up a dusty gem sitting on the shelf. Maybe it was meant to be dusty when I picked it up. It’s like a treasure that holds an encoded message specially written for you with an aim of shedding light on your journey.
The gem is none other than a book composed of 405 pages where every word is written with utmost wisdom by the one and only, Phil Knight, better known as the creator of Nike. That’s the thing about being an avid reader, you know exactly when you’re reading a really good book!
I know there’s tons of books out there where founders share their journey of starting up but the main “make or break” moment happens when the book gives you a lot of “AHAA” moment and this is exactly what Shoe Dog brings you! I am going to share with you some key moments that truly impressed me and I hope this provides value into your life. The real key is at the ending (make sure to read) till the very end.
“Before running a big race, you always want to walk the track.” “You cannot travel the path until you have become the path yourself.” — Buddha “You are remembered for the rules you break.” — Douglas MacArthur “The main who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” — Confucius “Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.”
“A tiger hunts best when he’s hungry.” “The art of competing, I’d learned from track, was the art of forgetting, and I now reminded myself of that fact.” “Happiness is a how, not a what.”
“He looked at numbers the way the poet looks at clouds, the way the geologist looks at rocks. He could draw from them rhapsodic song, demotic truths.” “Running track gives you a fierce respect for numbers, because you are what your numbers say you are, nothing more, nothing less.” “Inspiration, he learned, can come from quotidian things. Things you might eat. Or find lying around the house.” “But everyone’s athlete, he said. If you have a body, you’re an athlete.”
“Someone somewhere once said that business is war without bullets, and I tended to agree.” “Wisdom seemed an intangible asset, but an asset all the same, one that justified the risk.” “But my hope was that when I failed, if I failed, I’d fail quickly, so I’d have enough time, enough years, to implement all the hard-won lessons.”
“I told her that I flat-out didn’t want to work for someone else. I wanted to build something that was my own, something I could point and say: I made that. It was the only way I saw to make life meaningful.” “Alcohol and time worked their magic.” “The single easiest way to find out how you feel about someone. Say goodbye.” “By nature I was a loner, but since childhood I’d thrived in team sports. My psyche was in true harmony when I had a mix of alone time and team time. Exactly what I had now.”
“Penny and I were learning to live together, learning to meld our personalities and idiosyncrasies, though we agreed that she was the one with all the personality and I was the idiosyncratic one.” “Life is growth. You grow or you die.”
“No news was bad news, no news was good news — but no news was always some sort of news.”
“If we’re going to succeed, or fail, we should don so on our own terms, with out own ideas — our own brand.” “No matter the sport — no natter the human endeavor, really — total effort will win people’s hearts.” “Like books, sports give people a sense of having lived other lives, of taking part in other people’s victories. And defeats.” “The cowards never stared and the weak died along the way — that leaves us.”
“More than a product, we were trying to sell an idea — a spirit.” “But when we did fail, we had faith that we’d do it fast, learn from it, and be better for it.”
“No brilliant idea was ever born in a conference room.” he assured the Dane. “But a lot of silly ideas have died there,” said Stahr. — F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Last Tycoon
“Whatever happened, I just didn’t want to lose. Losing was death.” “Money wasn’t our aim, we agreed. Money wasn’t out end game. But whatever our am or end, money was the only means to get there.” “I no longer simply made Nikes; Nikes were making me.”
“Beating the competition is relatively easy. Beating yourself is a never-ending competition.” “But I liked the idea of acting as if things were going to work out.” “It didn’t focus on the product, but on the spirit behind the product.”
“Obsessives were the only ones for the job. The only ones for me.” “Maybe the cure for any burnout, I thought, is to just work harder.”
“I never knew that numbers could mean so much, and so little, at the same time.” “Any building is a temple if you make it so.” “You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.” “To study the self is to forget the self.” “Oneness — in some way, shape, or form, it’s what every person I’ve ever met has been seeking.” “Change never comes as fast as we want it.” “Because mothers are our first coaches.”
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Because here’s the real gift:
I’d tell men and women in their mid-twenties not to settle for a job or a profession or even a career. Seek a calling. Even if you don’t know what that means, seek it. If you’re following your calling, the fatigue will be easier to bear, the disappointments will be fuel, the highs will be like nothing you’ve ever felt.
Put it this way. The harder you work, the better your Tao.
Yours, Asrajjit Kaur
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grapecinnamon · 1 year
Rambling and Rating Portals
I know it's been weeks since Portals was out, but I can't stop thinking about it and I need to talk about all my fave parts about it and rank the songs. Ok? ok. lets go:
"death is life is death is life..." is everything
I lost a longtime family pet and listening to this was very comforting. I even started tearing up around the pre-chorus
Speaking of which, its the best part of the song! "I DON'T WANNA BE CARRYING THE WEIGHT ON MY SHOULDERS!" Takes me out every time. I feel like my soul is leaving my body.
The music video. OMG the music video! The scene with Crybaby stabbing her old body was fucking amazing!
And I fucking love the part with her detaching herself from her old body. It's just so good I fnadklsfhiosanfiowrsjaiogfrj-
"PLEASE DON'T EVER WORRY, I KNOW IT'S MORBID, BUT WE ALL DIE ONE DAY!" Yeesssss Mel, tell it like it is!!!!
Overall, it's a really good opener to the song
"In the void, in the void, in the void inthevoidinthevoidinthevoidVOIDVOIDVOIDVOIDVOIDVOID!!!" Gets me so pumped
The whole song gives me the feeling of being alone. Like I feel like I'm in a void myself where no one else but me can judge me
The song also kind of reminds me of Ethel Cain
The little high-pitched guitar cords in the verses give me life, I swear they're perfect
9/10, perfect follow up to death
It's a shame this one was leaked and around for so long. I never listened to the leak when it came out and I wish more people did too
I love how it's a very erotic song, but the message is how you're more than just your looks
I also turn into such a whore when this comes on istg
The ending where it gets slower is so fucking good and the sound effects and the weird, alien vocals make me so hyped for the next song.
Another 10/10
This song is such a vibe
And I love the latin-sounding beat
This song feels like an actual dream. Like it actually feels like something I would dream of
"Lead me away to the faerie soiree" ugh YES
By far the best part has to be the ending where it's just Melanie's vocals
It really gives off the feeling of being disconnected. It's like you're back in the void, but it almost feels more positive
And I like that it implies that Crybaby definitely had a lot more lives before this body
This song feels like a light shower. It feels like when the sun is out and it's lightly sprinkling. My favorite weather
It's just so gentle and calming, different from the songs before this
And since I'm currently taken, this song hits me harder. I even teared up the first few times I heard this
I also kinda like how it sounds like Stairway to Heaven
Plus "You make me want to plan out my last days on earth eating you" is kind of cute. Like Mel's supposed to be a faerie in a fantasy world, so this weird line is very fitting
7.8/10 I don't always want to listen to this one, but when I do, I'm so entranced
This song actually tickles my brain
Like it wiggles in and scurries through the wrinkles on my brain and shakes my skull around when the beat comes in
I can't get over it. It just punches my ear drums in all the right places
Besides that, I like the meaning behind it. I think its about social media, but I feel like it could also be interpreted as getting an addiction to substances, like Power
I also kind of like the explanation on what spiders do to their prey at the end
Its slow, but it's so powerful
The way the instruments build up to the chorus is amazing
And I love the imagery we get on Mel getting eaten alive by these leeches
It's not just about having one thing taken away from you, its about yourself getting taken advantage of and I like that the imagery shows that. Not just by describing Mel having her blood drawn, but also her flesh until she's just bones
"I GUESS THAT IS THE LUCK OF THE DRAW!" Is another one of my favorite lines
The transition at the end fucking shakes me to my core every single time. I usually skip it when it comes up cause it's too much
I needed, I repeat, NEEDED a song like this back when I was in elementary school... and middle... and high...
It brings me back to that time in my life where it felt like everyone was out to get me. And I like this message. I wish I heard this song earlier in life
But it's just so perfect. The guitar, the pre-chorus, the metaphors.
When I think I need to intervein in an online fight, or if someone's trying to provoke me, I just think of this song. I'm better than those trying to get a rise out of me
It's just one of those songs that hits the right and wrong places at once
Again, the transition is also great. I love the imagery of the party and how you can't make out what anyone is saying, like a crowd in a dream
My morbid curiosity really wants to know what shocked those people in the room...
10/10 don't battle with my larynx on this one, it's great and you KNOW IT
The bone cracking... the bone cracking is intense, and I love it
Mel really gets a kick out of songs that make people uncomfortable and I'm living for it
This always gets me to dance! A lot of these do but mainly this one and Nymphology. I like to dance like my body's contorting in strange ways
again, the pre-chorus (I'm noticing a pattern) is soooooo goooood! The layers really make it stand out from the other songs
And the laugh! I can't forget that laugh, like Mel's really snapping (lol)
It almost reminds me of an Ashnikko song
I'm not gonna lie. I couldn't make this up for the life of me. I loved this song the MOMENT I heard the snippet. Not even kidding
I really wish this song didn't get that much hate. I get why it makes people uncomfortable, but that's the purpose of this song
And, again, I like that Mel isn't afraid to write a song about this
She even mentions period sex in this song and makes it sound so intimate
And I love that she disses her ex in this song, something she does a lot on this album
I love the message about how periods don't make you weak. Not letting a period get you down is so empowering (even though I let it get me down lol)
"Making roooooom for blessings" is so CUTE!
10/10, judge me all you want, idc
This song is a lot. It's ethereal, it's majestic, it's beautiful, its everything!!!!!!
I feel like I'm listening to a goddess sing and not just cause Mel's on the track
Another great feminist song, mainly about men who objectify women and always think they're (men) right
Oh, and I CANNOT ignore the one lyric "Put your penis into your mouth" That took me out the first time I heard it. I had to stop the song to collect myself
And Amulet... THE AMULET SECTION! It goes so damn hard!
And I love that the lyrics came from an unreleased song called Emerald (my fave unreleased song)
and the way that transitions into Evil. It so good and makes me hyped for the song
God how many amazing songs on this album?
I can't get over Mel's flow, especially in, you guessed it, the pre-chorus
And the way she sounds so angry
And how she says so much mean shit like yeessssss
"This time I reFUSE!" is perfect
I'm loving all these rock songs on the album. It's nice seeing Mel try out different genres
I feel so connected to this song, like my soul is bound to it
It might be because I had a dream where I literally heard the beginning melody BEFORE the album dropped
I'm not even kidding, I don't know how I did it
But yeah this song feels so personal, it's like a happy version of Where Do Babies Come From?
The way Mel talks about a fetus about to be born, she really knows how to make birth sound magical
And that BEAT! The BASS is fhoiwihafioherknfioernj
And let's not forget, we CANNOT forget the ending.
"Life is death is life is death..." gives me goosebumps every! single! time!
This song makes me sad. It almost kind of hurts to listen to, but that's what I like about it
It hurts knowing that people have family and friends who are drug addicts. It makes me think of one of my family members
I like the detail of the deep voice. I know not a lot of people like that but I like it. It's another detail that makes the song stand out, much more than the others
7/10 Not my most favorite, but the message is really powerful
Probably my fave song from the deluxe edition
I love the melody, it sounds very carnival esque, like Carousel
I feel like this song is basically a summary of the album as a whole. It seems like it's about transforming into a brand new you and leaving all your burdens behind
The chorus, yes the regular chorus this time, has to be the best part. I like the moments on this album where Mel sounds like she's isolated, or like there's not a lot going on around her and the world seems to slow down
Also, Mel's voice sounds so good. As much as I like the uses of the different voice filters, it's great hearing Mel's regular vocals every once-in-a-while
I'm so glad I didn't listen to this song when it was leaked
Again, another feminist song about the mistreatment of women throughout history
And the beat is so fucking ethereal, especially when Mel screams "LET THEM DROWN!"
Please don't get mad at these rankings (they're mostly positive anyway). I just wanted an excuse to talk about Portals and how much I loved it. Gotta be one of my fave Melanie albums
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
For The Kingdom Chapter 3
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Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 
Summary: The only Princess of Rhodolite, Mercia Michael is content fluttering around the castle. But that changes when a letter is received from Obsidian. In order to prevent war there, she must marry Gilbert. Raising her head, she takes on the new challenge, this is For her Kingdom.
Pairing: Mercia Michael x Gilbert von Obsidian
A/n: This fic has been constantly in my head. I am so excited to work on it. 
Tagging: @thewitchofbooks, @toloveawarlord - If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know.
“Lucius. Sheathe your sword and take Mercia away” Chevalier cuts in before the maid can answer, standing up from the gazebo and drawing his sword. The guard hesitates, not wanting to let the maid go, an uneasy feeling in his stomach. 
“She was plotting to separate us from the Princess. We need to deal with her before the Princess gets hurt” Lucius stands his ground, the light of the afternoon sun almost seems to cast an unnatural glow over his steely silver eyes. Sensing the clash between her brother and Lucius,  Mercia rises and approaches the group carefully. 
“Lucius, please” her voice pulls him from his state and he lowers his eyes from Chevalier’s harsh gaze. Mercia runs her fingers across his shoulders, soothing her guard into lowering his sword. A breath leaves her when he finally sheathes it and steps back. 
“Go Mercia, your books will be in the library after the ball” Chevalier commands, his gaze never leaving the woman before him, his sword having taken Lucius’s place at her neck.  “I’ll take care of your books Mercia, they will be in the Library for you after the ball” Mercia slowly steps back from the situation, noting the dismissal in her brother's voice. Very few times has he been this stern with her, and she turns to go down the way Lucius came, her guard on her heels. 
“Princess-” Lucius stops her once they are out of sight of the gazebo, pulling the Princess into his arms. 
“Lucius-” Now that the adrenaline wears off Mercia, her hands start to shake slightly as she hugs her guard for a bit of comfort. “Thank you for saving me” Lucius smiles down at his charge, still alert to their surroundings. 
“I promised you didn’t I?” Kneeling in front of her and picking up her hand he presses a kiss to the back of it. “I will protect you until my last breath. No matter what happens. I will always stay right by your side.” His silver eyes soften as he watches her face flush. “Now come, we don’t want your brothers getting worried about you.”  Rising to his feet, he offers his arm to the princess, but one hand still holds his sword. They walk in silence until three figures appear in the distance. Mercia pauses before a smile breaks out across her face, her steps quickening. 
“Prince Keith!” Her voice carries to where they are sitting and the three turn their attention to her. Rising from his seat, the Jade Prince bows as she ascends the stairs to the gazebo. 
“Princess Mercia, it's an honor” Taking her hand, Keith brushes his lips across it, and Mercia cuties. 
“The honor is all mine” Mercia winks before they both exchange a grin. 
“Hey Yves, hey Licht” Mercia greets her brothers with a smile as she sits between them, right across from Keith. Lucius gives one final bow and steps away from the gazebo to provide the group with privacy. His hand stays on his sword, drawing Licht’s gaze. 
“What happened Pixie?” Licht asks, startling the Princess as she looks up with widened eyes. Her gaze follows to where Lucius stands, and she looks back down. 
“We had a slight incident a little bit ago. Chevalier is taking care of it now” Mercia avoids the question and Yves stands up to go to her side. He checks her over as she protests. 
“What incident? Tell me everything” Yves orders, his hands clasping her shaking ones and she lets out a soft sigh. 
“There was a maid that approached Chev and I in the garden, but she wanted me to go alone with her to your room. She tried to say that you summoned me without Lucius and got sort of aggressive. Chevalier is handling it now.” Mercia explains, her thumbs running over the back of Yves’s hands, soothing herself. 
“Oh Mercia, that must have been scary, no wonder why you two are so tense” Yves murmurs, his eyes darkening slightly as he looks over to the edge of the garden. 
“I wonder who sent her?” His murmur is almost silent and Mercia hums, pulling her hands away from Yves. She brushes off the topic, shooting the Jade Prince a smile. 
“Prince Keith, how have you been? It seems like forever since we have had a tea party, or even talked!” Her signature grin sets the princes back at ease and Keith smiles, nodding his head, standing up he sets a plate of sweets before the princess, explaining what each is and Mercia lets out delighted laughter. 
“I’ve missed your treats and I’m happy to see you in such high spirits” Her words bring a blush to the prince and he lets out a soft smile. It isn’t long before laughter fills the garden, the three princes and princess getting comfortable in the afternoon rays. 
“Hey Mer, we have to go get ready for the ball” Yves finally comments as the teapot empties, and Mercia looks at the darkening sky. 
“Yeah, I suppose we should go get ready. I’ll see you later Licht. Bye Prince Keith” Curtsying to the two princes, she stands up with Yves by her side. 
“See you in a couple of hours Mer” Licht murmurs, and Keith reaches out to her hesitantly. Turning to him with a soft smile, Mercia tilts her head in question. 
“Is there something you need Prince Keith?”
“Will you save a dance for me?” A blush colors his face when he hesitantly asks. Mercia's eyes light up at the question and she nods, her smile widening at the Prince.  
“Of Course,  I always do,” A flush colors her cheeks as she leaves the gazebo, Lucius appearing silently by her side, his hand no longer holding his sword.  Bowing to the Princes, he offers Mercia his arm as they make their way through the twilit garden, Yves on her other side. The flowers around the garden sway in a slight breeze, carrying all the scents through the air. Mercia’s smile turns more tranquil as her attention turns to the various flowers, noting which ones needed to be tended to. Tomorrow she would speak with the gardener about some of the flowers and check on her own bed to make sure they are flourishing. 
“Princess, I was thinking that we should stay away from Prince Yves' room for tonight.” Lucius requests softly, pulling her from her thoughts, Yves stops and pulls Mercia to his side, anger flickering in his gaze. 
“What do you mean keep Mercia out of my room! How are we supposed to get ready for the ball without being in my room?” Yves starts to huff and Mercia squeezes her hand. 
“It’s okay Yves, I agree with Lucius. The maid was content to bring me to “your” room.  I would feel much safer in my room today. I have all the stuff you have given me over the years still as well. We can use that and the new mirror I got.” Mercia can’t get rid of the chill down her spine, even after the hours spent at the tea party. It had been months since the last attempted kidnapping. 
“Very well, we can get ready in your room tonight. Go take a bath, and I’ll be along with your dress and accessories in a little bit” Yves agrees with a grumble. Silence falls on the group as they approach the Princess’s door. 
“Princess, let me clear your room before you go in. Prince Yves, would you mind keeping an eye on her?” Lucius asks as the trio approaches the door,  and Yves nods, his fingers curling around his sister, pulling her against him. The guard steps into the room, silence reigning for a moment before he returns with a bow. 
“Someone was definitely in your room, I found these letters on your dresser, but there is no one in here now,” Lucius observes, black envelopes in his gloved hand.
“Alright, let's get a bath going, I’ll deal with the envelopes later. Ball stuff first” Mercia orders, servants appearing at the wave of her hand to start her bath. Yves squeezes her shoulder before wordlessly leaving her side down to his room. Stepping into her room, Mercia can still feel the edge, looking over everything to make sure nothing is out of place. Sitting at her vanity, she releases her hair from its braid, brushing it out as the maids bustle around her room. One curtseys before her, a smile lighting up her face. `
“Your bath is ready Princess, do you want help getting ready?” 
“No, Lucius will wait here for Yves, and I can wash my own hair. You all must be very busy with the ball preparations. I’ll let you get back to those” The servants all bow and leave the room with grateful smiles. Entering her bathroom alone, Mercia can’t shake the feeling of eyes on hers, the same feeling that she had in the garden. The feeling seems to dissipate when she sinks into the tub, breathing in the floral scent of lavender and rose. Voices signal the end of her bath, and she slips into her chemise and a robe to see her brother. 
Lucius and Yves are in a hushed discussion by her bed, so she steps over to her vanity, and starting to dry her hair. After a moment, Yves comes to stand behind her taking over and drying her hair, his fingers detangling her curls as he works. 
“Sorry Pixie, we are just worried about you” Yves murmurs, turning back to his conversation with Lucius. 
“You don’t think that there are still people after the Princess do you?” His voice is hushed and Lucius looks grim, eyeing the door with a distrustful gaze. 
“It is hard to say. Between all the extra ambassadors, nobles, and Princes from the other countries here, there are so many eyes.” Lucius sighs heavily,  his job is always made harder when the castle is crowded. Considering the fact they attempted to take the Princess in front of Chevalier of all people. They are either very confident in their abilities or they have a death wish. Prince Keith is the only Prince I currently trust to not have any reason to take her.” Yves nods in agreement, and Mercia lets out a smile at the Prince’s name. She always has felt as safe with Keith as with any of her brothers. The feeling of Yves’ fingers on her scalp has her shutting her eyes, soaking up his comforting touch and tuning out the men's voices. When his hands are still she finally opens her eyes. Lucius has disappeared, leaving only Yves in the room as he sets down her comb. 
“What do you think?” Yves’s sky-blue eyes meet hers in the mirror and she excitedly examines her hair. 
“Yves it’s so beautiful. Look at how the gems catch the light, and you used my favorite Tiara. Oh, I love it so much”  Gushing over her hair, she turns her head both ways to watch the gems catch the light. she smiles in excitement. Tilting her head both ways, she admires how the gems in her hair catch the light.  Yves has selected her favorite silver tiara decorated in aquamarines and sapphires. Delicate curls line her face and the rest is tied up in a delicate updo and held with silver pins.  Yves turns her chair to face him and cups her chin. 
“Makeup time, hold still” His voice is tender as he focuses on her face. Mercia nods, holding still while Yves brushes a little blush on her cheeks and presses a little makeup to her lips. “There, you are so pretty you don’t need much” Yves murmurs, reaching down to grab some jewelry. Lucius reappears out of the corner of her eye and moves the dress into the bathroom, not letting Mercia see the fabric. Mercia lets out a huff before turning her attention back to the mirror. Having adorned her neck and ears with jewelry that matched her tiara. 
“Now, into the bathroom with you, it is almost time to go” Yves shoos her into the bathroom to put on her dress, a couple of maids appearing to help her get dressed, being careful not to ruin her hair or makeup. Taking a final look in the mirror, a blush forms across Mercia’s face. A dress of varying shades of light blue and sapphire drapes along her body. The off-shoulder corset has a white rose in the middle of it. A knock on the door brings her to Yves's side as Lucius answers the door before opening it. Chevalier steps into the room in his formal wear. A small smile graces his lips when he looks over Mercia, spinning her around to make sure everything is in place. 
“You look ready” He states, his eyes conveying what his lips don't and Mercia gives Yves another delicate hug. 
“I wish you would come to one of these balls” She whispers, and Yves just squeezes her shoulder a little tighter. “Thank you Evie for everything,” hurrying back to Chevalier's side, she takes his offered arm as Lucius follows behind them. 
Their presence is announced as they entered the crowded ballroom. Looking around the room, Mercia spots her brothers and Prince Keith, but she cannot see any other Princes. Nobles rush forward as soon as they descend the stairs, swarming the siblings. Parting ways, Lucius stays close as another prince Steps forward offering his arm to Mercia. 
“Fancy meeting you here, come let’s go test some of the food”
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nikkicross22 · 2 years
Random Kakashi AU Idea
So, for those of you who don’t know, I’m a dog bather/groomer. That means I spend all day every day inside my head, thinking random thoughts while I cycle through my mostly methodical motions and, shockingly enough, this is when I have most of my creative epiphanies. This is also a time when I have absolutely no way to write any of it down, so I have mostly trained myself out of focusing on whatever fics I’m currently doing and instead on thinking up the most outlandish, ridiculous AU’s possible. There is one, however, that I actually liked enough to write down while cramming food (and so, so much dog hair) down my throat one day. Enjoy my random AU idea!
Kakashi is discharged from ANBU at 24(ish) and fails his first team of graduates. Depressed, despondent, and desperate for something to distract him, he decides to visit Uzushio after Kushina had always told him that he had her blessing, and the barrier around it would let him in. Without leave Kakashi merely departs in the middle of the night and heads for Uzu. He is ruled a psychotic break and pursued. After 2 days straight of running, he meets the ocean.
Kakashi passes through the barrier as it settles on his shoulders like a sweet sea breeze, but the ANBU bounce off. Kakashi blocks it out as a feeling of home and belonging settles on his shoulders and starts snooping around. He memorizes pages and pages of sealing material, practicing non-stop. He finally, finally feels the solidarity of pack around him, even though there’s no one there, and he digs so far down the rabbit hole he forgets to come up for air.
After days of tireless research, he makes it to the bottom of Uzushio’s library, and finds a massive seal faintly glowing. He has to know what it does. He figures out the edges, seeing it’s a time-space seal, but can’t see the middle well enough from so far away, even with his Sharingan. Throwing what little self preservation he has to the wind, Kakashi steps across the threshold and is swallowed by blue light.
Kakashi wakes up in the middle of the forest, alone and disoriented. Something is very, very wrong. For one thing, he is way, way shorter than he should be, and he also has a tail. Did he forget to mention the 4 legs? Kakashi wakes up as a lanky, stumbling (How does one use 4 legs??), borderline emaciated (It’s funny what years of self-destructive behavior and days without food will do to a body) Saluki. He’s a striking silver with a very, very messy head of fur. Being a sight hound who suddenly doesn’t understand his instincts, he stumbles after everything that moves until his nose catches something familiar.
Next thing he knows, Kakashi is slamming headfirst into Namikaze Minato in full ANBU garb. He panics at first, shaking and sliding backwards on uncooperative legs while full-body panting, but Minato ends up picking him up and slinging him over his shoulders, carrying the wobbly dog back to Konoha. Thus commences the most bizarre Shinobi-Ninken pair to ever grace Konohagakure. Lots of Kakashi being a brat out of fear/frustration while simultaneously feeling bad for doing it, and lots of exhausted, unable to be mad Minato as he cleans up the messes. Probably very whumpy.
Including bonus scenes such as “What’s in your mouth? Spit that out- no dammit get back here!” And “You have your own bed! I spent more on that thing than mine! Why are you- No, no move. Get down! Oh for the love of God at least pick a side, don’t lay right in the middle!”
So, that’s some random brain vomit for you! Bonus sloppy sketch I made a while back because the concept was too cute for me. I once again make no claim of being an artist nor of having any idea how to draw animals…
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declaredmissing · 9 months
draft one leaving my ridgewood living alone era
I finally moved out of the first apartment I lived in after college, after having lived in it for almost two full years.
It was the apartment that saw me through my first full time job, for 1.5 relationships, and the adoption of my cat Suki. It was here where I learned to write professional emails and sort out my bills and apply for a credit card and to cook without a microwave and oven and where I grew up as a woman in her early 20s.
Here, the novelty and excitement of coming home to an apartment of my own. Fantasies that this was where I’d become the woman my 16 year old self dreamed of. The thrill of turning the key in the lock and knowing this was an entire space of my own to return to dance, to slide around the hardwood floor in my socks, to shadowbox, to arrange my furniture just as I pleased, to eat on the floor without anyone questioning me. But living alone also made me weird, allowed me to grow and warp into a feral antisocial creature. There were stretches of time where I could disappear and not tell anyone, where I would sleep in and no one would know. The one time I was sick and had to stumble into the kitchen to somehow feed myself, I had never felt more alone. I wanted the noise of living with someone else, not the resounding silence. The comfort of knowing someone was in the next room if I wanted to share or rant about something silly.
I’m moving out now, from familiar routines and sidewalk landscapes and the peculiar ergonomics specific to that apartment. A bedroom I never finished decorating and that looked half-lived in because of this persistent feeling I would move out someday. The distance from the door to the living room. The windows that face north east. Balancing my kitchen utensils and cutting boards on a small sliver of counter space and always breaking dishes because there was never enough room. The pigeons that would coo from outside the window facing the inside shaft. The resident landlady that would pop out at any noise like a perpetual watchdog. The habits of drawing back the curtains in the morning, then closing them in the evening so the neighbors couldn’t see me. I’m a 5 minute walk from the community library shelf, from the asian grocery store I recently discovered, from nomad cafe and cute cat cafe and just around the corner from norma’s. All these ordinary things I had taken for granted in the fabric of my daily life.
This is the end of coming home to the same four walls, the same view from the window, the same lighting and arrangement of temporary furniture, the rooms that held the person I was in my early 20s.
Instead of moving everything all at once, I decided to painfully carry my things to my new apartment ten minutes away. I wanted to slow down and take my time to decide what to take with me into my new life – to take stock of my archive of items accumulated from my post-Kansas life. Slowly, I give away the furniture I formed attachments and memories to. A dresser I hated, because I always thought I’d move soon. The wooden side table that Mikhail had found on the curb. The mattress and bedframe I had ubered from Midtown and that would put me in tears to dismantle and put back together.
And so I’m exiting a very specific chapter of my life, though I haven’t really been able to come to terms of everything that had happened to me – that I had happened to – since moving into this apartment and starting my post college life.
The nagging, persistent feeling, that beyond the particular architecture and memories I attached to the neighborhood, beyond the familiar streets, there was something more I was closing this chapter to.
My years in that apartment represented the peak of everything my 17 year old self had wanted back when I was applying to colleges and dreaming of saving the world and getting the hell out of Kansas. Living on my own in a beautiful apartment in New York City, on my way to becoming a lawyer, making my parents proud.
But it was also in the same apartment where I came to a reckoning with what really mattered in my life.
I was a lonely girl, living in that apartment at 23. After my breakup, I was prepared for a difficult year of being lonely and alone. But I was also grateful for the gift of solitude to form myself privately. I was committed to a year of choosing to be feral. Red socks, combat boots, my military jacket with the left pocket coming undone at the seams and virtually unable to hold anything, clomping and stomping around in mismatched attire. I was somewhere between rescue and recovery, trying to learn how to compose songs again, how to have a little more faith in my ability to figure things out on my own. While living at that apartment, I joined a clumsy quiltwork temporary band of not-musicians, and no one wanted to sing so I became the singer, and I would stitch together lyrics on loose leaves of notebook paper. Lyrics about testimony, dynasty, sailors reeling in islands with nets and seabirds flying back home on the trade winds, bearing witness and mending copper seams.
It was a time of struggling to retain a sense of fully existing in the world again. My job at the law firm had chopped up and decimated my sense of self. I had forced myself to repress the pain of being in that job, and as a result, I wasn’t able to feel anything else either. I tried to make music with the violin and piano and my rusty voice, reading writers dear to me, writing for myself, writing my opinions forming opinions on art and movies and books I experienced. I tried to practice compassion and patience, pursuing my research interests, to finding languages to disappear in and find freedom through. Learning to create private and beautiful moments of solitude, where I exist to no one but myself. Slowly, enjoying just existing is what let me start to heal. Slowly, to wrestle freedom and a lightness of being for myself.
And at the end of all that self reflection, it leads me with the hard questions. To confront all that I had been turning away from.
All for what – because I want to connect with others. I don’t want to be alone.
To find out what, exactly, about my life? To recover my ability to love.
“The most important thing a human being can learn is how to be a human being, is how to be. How to be with what there is. How to be when emotions arise, how to be with those emotions. When thoughts arise, how to be with those thoughts and recognise that you’re not your thoughts and you’re not your emotions. … and you work on yourself and you create a space in your life so that when you’re engaging with another human being you can actually be with them exactly how they are, not have an agenda, not have resentment, not have resistance, not have anxiety, not be reactive.” — Gabor Maté, The Biology of Loss and Recovery
… just stood there in the living room           looking around at all I’ve collected—                    taking inventory of what’s gotten in           without invitation                     and what I won’t let leave.
— Ryann Stevenson, from “HOST,” Human Resources
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Desert Dweller
The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.
The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies,
When love is done.
 -- Francis William Bourdillon
Lost in thought, surveying his home, Steven 'Steve' McCarthy, is finally at peace with himself and his surroundings.
A former city resident, he made life changing decisions, after his divorce, glad of the fact at the age of forty three, he never procreated.
The suburban life, with all its cumbersome regulations, the neighbors constant presence, the droning sounds that irritate the eardrums, the pestilence that is society.
Steve found his oasis in the Nevada desert.
Previously his days were disciplined by the ticking of time, now he has nothing but time.
Days roll into each other, the sun rises and sets, he often loses track of time, his home, the land he likens to his own time portal.
His days are spent pottering around, tending to the vegetable garden he started, he has no green thumb, but it's something he has always wanted to try.
Steve works on his projects, diligently, with a clear view in my mind.
He only vacates his home, for the much needed water runs, and supplies.
Steve, noticing his water levels are getting low and need to be replenished,he starts his trek to town in his trusted vehicle.
Punching his key code into the water shack, Steve starts the tedious process of filling his water tank.
Busily over seeing that all is going as it should, he jumps when he hears a voice.
"Hitting the ole shack up huh?"
Steve turns to locate the owner with the booming vocals.
"Yes, running dry", he replies.
After introductions are made, Jim curiously asks, "met ole Lou yet?"
Steve, having not a clue or even the slightest interest in meeting 'Ole Lou' mumbles "no".
Jim, gives him the once over, then casually states.
"Well, my advice is don't change anything and leave his critters alone".
"Critters?" Steve asks with some interest.
"Wildlife, Squirrels, rabbits and whatnot".
As the conversation is closing and the water tank is filling to capacity, they say their goodbyes and head in opposite directions.
Each contemplating the chat.
"Who the fuck is Lou?" Steve asks  his rear view mirror.
Sounds carry in the desert, the train so far seems so close, headlights at a distance appear to be on the property line.
The howling of the Coyotes travels through the night, scurrying off the desert rodents.
For a former city resident these sounds are alien in nature and take time to adjust, no neighbors coming and going, no sirens, just the winds of the pounding the landscape and the wildlife.
"Sid Sid Sid"
"What the" Steve asks jolted from his daydream.
Looking around, no one is seen, "someone calling for their dog" he figures.
He sets back to work, pulling up pipes he has discovered buried.
"Sid Sid Sid"
Steve mutters to himself wish the dog would go home.
The heat of the midday sun, beating down, Steve decides to take a break.
While enjoying a cool drink in his trailer.
"Well this is not accomplishing anything" he murmurs to himself.
He heads back out, stunned to see, all that he dug is now once again covered.
"Fuck, What the…mother fucker"
He looks about, there is no evidence of anyone interfering.
"Sunstroke" he mumbles.
Maybe I'm losing it, he thinks to himself, the isolation is getting to me.
He walks away, perplexed.
Misplaced items, food disappearing, Steve decides to hit the bar in town, enjoy a coldie and a meal.
Sipping on an ale, and eating a hamburger, he hears the booming voice of Jim who is making his way towards him.
"Steve, come to join the land of the living?"he jokes.
After the customary greetings, and buying a round for himself and Jim.
Steve, who now had one over his limit. 
"I'm being gaslighted" he blurts out.
He proceeds to recap, all that has been.
Loud boisterous laughter fills the bar, and draws the locals attention.
"Ole Lou, I told you dont  mess 
with the infrastructure"
Jim looks at him, "Your lucky you haven't hurt his friends"
"Friends?" Steve enquiries.
"The critters," Jim explains.
"Maybe I should have a word with Ole Lou" Steve counters.
Laughter trickles through the bar, 
"Good luck on that one", someone throws at him.
Raucous laughter swirls around the establishment.
Steve's thinking capacity is muddled with beer, and is totally confused.
Jim, takes pity on the newcomer,
"Ole Lou, he's dead and gone, five years now".
"What the fuck!!!!, you're saying my land is haunted?".
"Your land?" Laughingly, "Don't you mean Ole Lou's parcel?"
Jim cackles.
In a serious tone,
"Don't change anything or hurt his friends, he will let you stay, if not, you've been warned".
Bored with the conversation Jim heads back to the pool table.
Steve finishes his beer  and heads home.
Steve relives his visit to the bar and the conversation many times over the next few months, and concludes that it is local folklore.
His projects, hampered, dismantled, often tossed around like confetti.
Ground squirrels and rabbits munching happily on his food supplies.
Water bowls, in which the wildlife love, appear, no matter how many times, he removes them.
Steve is now convinced the locals are playing with him, and or want him gone.
The cost of restocking his food supply, water, tools, items for his destroyed projects, is cutting into his budget.
Steve contemplates his choices, the financial expense with the frustration and aggravation, is it really worth it?
The townies seem to have it in for him, no idea why.
He wanted peace, tranquility, a place without overbearing city officials dictating his life, what did he get, a town that wants him gone.
Reflecting his options, Steve elects to leave, the city life is not that bad, it has its pitfalls but also many good points.
No Townies.
Decision made, he starts gathering all his belongings.
Ole Lou, sits in his fave chair, binoculars aimed at the dust trail the departing vehicle is stirring.
He slowly gets up, 
"Sid Sid Sid"
The ground squirrels come running as they know food is on the way.
The rancher, doing his rounds, looks up and sees lights.
Ole Lou's parcel is once again beaming with artificial shine.
Ole Lou, plastered his parcel with solar lights, and now the land is lit up once again, although there is not a solar light in sight.
The rancher decides to go around the property line, he doesn't want to run into Ole Lou.
Ole Lou walks the perimeter of the land, always on the lookout for trespassers.
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
hi i have a request maybe svt + taking care of sick s/o ( any member you want I honestly love reading your work so I’m just here with random requests:] )
hi! thank you for the request. i’m so soft for seventeen these days😭 i hope you enjoy these 🤍 (all 13 members for you, nonnie!)
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seungcheol: he showed up in the middle of the night after you texted him bc your ringer is different from everyone else’s and set at a louder volume: “i didn’t mean right now.” “you sent me a list of all your symptoms and expected me to stay home?” brought throat coat and the cardigan you always steal from his closet. ignores your protests and gets into bed with you, coaxing you to his chest. you’re absolutely freezing, teeth chattering, and he rubs your back until the two of you fall asleep. stays the next day for as long as he can, and texts periodically for updates. will ask what you’d like him to bring over that evening
jeonghan: draws you a bath and hangs out in the bathroom, watching you relax. helps you wash your face when you start to get tired. warms a towel in the dryer to wrap you up in once the water has cooled, and you’re ready for a nap. dotes. all the doting. is proud of himself for finding a sweatshirt with his face on it for you to wear. goes to the grocery store while you rest
joshua: his boyfriend energy was made for this. his presence alone could heal, but he takes it to the next level with his dedication and the love radiating through every caring action. makes your balcony super cozy with fairy lights and soft blankets so you can breathe the fresh air and have a break from your stuffy bedroom. is the first person in your life to ever apply Vicks on your chest. carries you to the bathroom after you had a fainting spell and is terrified to leave you alone after that. literally won’t leave until your friend arrives, taking over during his schedule. worries about you the entire time he’s away. has to be calmed down by his members
jun: cooks the tastiest, most comforting bowl of rice porridge you’ve ever had. that alone is enough for you, but he brought over some fun card games if you feel up to playing. talks to you until you fall asleep with your head in his lap. moves so carefully when he has to leave for a schedule, not wanting to disturb you. you hadn’t slept the night before, and he was waiting for you to finally drift away. looks at you adoringly before sneaking out
soonyoung: lasts about an hour or two before he’s sneezing too… but when he stays in good health, expect him to stick to you like velcro. if he’s out of the country, so many facetime calls. convinces a staff member to facetime with you and show rehearsals. orders food to your apartment and reminds you to drink water. texts throughout the day for temperature checks. is amazing at being present despite the distance and making you feel lovedlovedloved
wonwoo: probably moves in with you for a week and reads in the other room once he’s off work for the night until you come in, with a blanket cape and a searing headache. takes a break for cuddles
jihoon: he feels bad for being so busy and afraid of getting sick, but still takes it upon himself to put together a little tote bag like a sick partner starter pack but better. soonyoung threw in a tiny tiger plushy much to his dismay, but he knows it’ll make you smile, so it’s left untouched. let’s himself in at the crack of dawn to drop it off. writes a sweet note and leaves it on the counter
seokmin: he hates that you’re sick but loves being able to take care of you. is very maternal in his ways. probably has a reminder set for your medicine and gets you up and moving every few hours. has a party in the kitchen making soup. might sing a little too loudly before remembering you still have a slight headache. his kisses nearly make everything better
mingyu: there’s nothing cute about being stuck in the bathroom, throwing up, and only finding bouts of relief when you rest your cheek on the cool tile. but he’s not grossed out or worried about getting sick. probably brings a book into the bathroom and reads to you or sets up a drama on his laptop. always keeps your hair out of the toilet bowl
minghao: takes you to the doctor’s office and the pharmacy afterwards. imagine him watching you at every stop light and continuously checking in throughout the car ride: “are you comfortable? i can adjust the seat for you. is it too hot? are you cold again? i have a jacket in the ba-”. “watch the road, hao. i’m comfy.” reminds you to move slowly, and holds your waist while you walk together. offers quiet encouragement and temple kisses. you’re a champ
seungkwan: he’ll pamper the hell out of you. brings extra pillows to the couch if that’ll make you more comfortable. bought a lavender and chamomile scented candle bc it’s a relaxing combination. does your laundry and loads the dishwasher. hangs out in the living room with you, but wears a mask bc he cannot afford to get sick “i’ll love you from the other side of the couch, sweetheart”
hansol: definitely brings you soup from his favorite hole-in-the-wall place and a new box of kleenex that are supposed to be the softest ones. you probably fall asleep with your head on his chest. empty bowl on the coffee table
chan: calls his mom and asks her so many questions. writes down her golden advice on the back of a random receipt in your kitchen. “i’ve got this. your recovery is safe in my hands.” his confidence is endearing, and you’re just happy to have him around. watching him revisit the receipt throughout the day, repeating her words to himself as he prepares a remedy or meal, is adorable and makes your heart swell
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apompkwrites · 3 years
Hi, hello 👉👈
I really love the streamer AU and would like to request Albedo, Xiao, Tartaglia and Kaeya's reaction to reader's possible death theories
Just like the theories we have about them, I wonder how would they react to their favorite character possibly having a "bad ending" in the game
Like how Mona said that Kaeya's fate would catch him soon, or about Xiao's karmic thing
Sorry for bothering and thank you ✨
reader impact || fan theories
series masterlist characters: albedo, childe, kaeya, xiao genre: angst? is that what you would call this?? i don't know. summary: with so much backstory and lore, there are bound to be fan theories on the different characters in genshin. what happens when our streamers read some... unfortunate endings regarding you? notes: i normally don't look at theories... ugh mihoyo why. anyway, i made the written portions before the bullet points act as a theory fic or something similar to that :)
albedo -
"i have the utmost faith in you, traveler," you mutter as the star on your neck seems to crack. your neck begins to split apart and light pink light glows from underneath it. the cracks travel throughout your body.
your hands are pitch black and your upper arms are pink with a soft gradient connecting the two colors. you shake and tremble in what remained of your dragonspine camp. several chemicals and glass shards are scattered across the dirt floor.
"please. as my... former assistant. stop me."
albedo almost closed the tab right there.
the only thing stopping him is his chat, who is just freaking out about the fan theory comic sent to him.
the notebook on his desk, which still had a camera pointed at it, was filled with frustrated scribbles and illegible drawings.
he almost broke his pencil.
he just wants to leave.
he's been streaming his reaction to plenty of fan theories about genshin's universe, such as paimon's origins and possible endings for the other characters.
he thought that you would have fun happy theories.
not at all.
remember when i said he would pretend nothing bad is happening to you during his first meeting?
yeah, he held that denial until now.
now he's forced to confront the (very possible) idea that you will be a boss he'll have to fight later.
he absolutely loves the person who made the art.
he absolutely hates that this idea is the only thing he'll think about for... at least half a year.
childe -
"this... this is it for me, huh?" you heave, your body sprawled out on the bloodied grass and dirt. your weapon has long been abandoned, tossed to the side like trash. "you... fought valiantly as always, sweetheart. i'm... i'm proud of you."
it wasn't supposed to end like this. you were never supposed to die here, surrounded by the remnants of your enemies and comrades. you were supposed to go home.
to your family. introduce them to the otherworldly traveler you lovingly dubbed sweetheart.
"ah, i broke my promise, didn't i?" you hum, staring up at the sky through half-lidded eyes. "i told you i would introduce you to my family. my siblings would have loved you... i guess i'll be thrown on the ice for breaking it, won't i?"
he can and will ugly cry at this theory.
he doesn't even care he's caught on stream crying.
it just hits too close to home, especially as a big brother himself.
he'd call his siblings into his streaming room.
and once they come inside?
he'll hug them.
and hold them.
he'll promise to you that if that day ever did come in the game, he'd find a way to get to your siblings and meet them.
it doesn't matter if the game doesn't let him.
he'll either find it on his own in-game (which would probably grant him an achievement) or commission someone to make fanart/write a fic about this encounter.
and until then, he'll make sure to treasure you in his party.
kaeya -
"this soon, huh?" you chuckle dryly. your brows are furrowed as you stand alone. you knew this day would come. why wouldn't it?
fate was always cruel like that. coming to mondstadt for your people then growing close to the outsiders there. it was always cruel. it didn't matter if you were good or bad, fate always had a plan for you.
"what should i do?" you mutter, seemingly weighing your options in your hands. "take revenge for my people... abandon them for a new home... what would be the best choice?"
there wasn't one. and you knew that all too well. you knew you had to make a choice or else the universe would make it for you.
and if you left it up to chance... neither home you had grown with would survive.
can we go back to the simpler times, please?
all he wants is to go back to the beginning of the game when he was oh so naive.
he wanted to boot up the game again and just flirt with you until he passes on.
this theory... will actually be the death of him.
thinking you'll be forced to choose the future of mondstadt, or even teyvat, is an idea he wants to abandon entirely.
he wants to give you a glass of your favorite drink and get wasted until the sun comes up.
he takes this as a personal attack and will refuse to believe it.
but sometimes he does.
and when that happens, it's time for a drink.
just like you.
he'll join you in drinking your sorrows away for all eternity.
xiao -
"it's been years since i last heard the song of the dihua flute," you growl, clutching onto your cracking mask. the object is permanently stuck to your face. the only way to see your strained face was to look closely at the cracks, which allow a sliver of your skin to escape.
it's been a millennium or so since you started protecting liyue in secret. it's been a millennium or so since you started carrying the heavy burden of karmic debt on your shoulders.
"i have promised you that i would strike you down if you were ever taken by the darkness," you comment as your body involuntarily grabs your weapon. "i only wish for you to do the same for me. allow me... to peacefully... join their ranks."
he hates how probable this is.
and he hates how he actually believes this will happen.
he doesn't want to.
but there's too much evidence pointing to it.
all of your lore and the patterns the other yakshas followed...
he'll end the stream right there because he is not dealing with all of these emotions in front of a bunch of people.
he doesn't need that right now.
what will he do when he ends the stream?
probably contemplate everything he's known until this point.
and then look for fan content about you.
happy fan content.
he's the type of person to read fanfics about you.
be it reader insert or just general stories, he'll read it.
he just wants to think about you having happy endings :)
please, he's desperate for some fluff.
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3rensgf · 3 years
stupid/annoying, but endearing, things they do in a relationship eren, armin, jean, connie, erwin, levi, reiner, bertholdt, porco, zeke, colt, hanji, mikasa, sasha, annie, pieck
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word count: 2.3k
warnings: one mention of sex in erens, reader uses makeup in jeans, mentions of injuries and dilf!reiner in reiners
notes: this is a gn!reader. there are mentions of makeup being used, but i feel like any gender can use makeup. it's not even anything serious like a beat face. just some lip gloss n mascara. chapstick too but thats not makeup. it's just one line, so you can skip over it if you would like to!
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✩ eren bites you. its not even in a sexual way, he just likes to bite. they’re like a second form of kissing to him. you could be chilling together on the couch watching a movie, and he’ll just chomp on your shoulder. even when you were trying to focus on something, he swings by, bites then leaves. eren has no shame, so he does it in front of your friends too. you could be having a normal conversation with mikasa and he’ll just bite you, then the two of you carry on as if it was normal. it’s not normal. but you love it. sometimes you bite him back too. but only in private.
✩ armin gives you random things he finds. armin likes to go out and explore, with or without you. when he comes back after an adventure you opted out of, he always has something for you he found. a rock, a seashell or a cool flower are just some of the things he gets for you. if he can’t find something, he finds a gift shop to get you something instead, saying, “well, (y/n), i did find it in the gift shop.” he always looks so proud giving it to you, rambling about the story of how he found your gift. you have a small box tucked away with all the treasures he gives you.
✩ jean steals your things. whenever he comes over, he likes to mooch off your possessions. if he’s spending the night at your place and needs a shower, he’s using your shampoo, conditioner and body wash. if his lips are chapped, he swipes your lip balm to use on himself. one time you even walked in on him trying your mascara and lip gloss. another time he had your clothes on his giant frame. but he always replaces whatever he uses, venmoing you within the next few days with some cash and a sorry note. “sorry for using ur lip balm baby, buy some more <3” with $20 attached to it. you tell him that lip balm doesn’t even cost that much, but he tells you to treat yourself to lunch with the extra money.
✩ connie makes plans without letting you know beforehand. at 3am, you are woken up by an influx of messages and calls from your boyfriend. in your sleepy state you go to answer him, only to be told to get dressed and come out. he’s right outside of your house and hungry. you remind him it’s very early in the morning and you both have class. “but i’m hungry and craving burgers,” he repeats. you have no choice to get in the car with him. this can happen throughout the day, not just early in the morning. one time he whisked you away in the middle of your online class because he didn’t tell you he bought tickets to a movie showing in 30 minutes. the memories you share on these spontaneous dates are always your favorite ones with him.
✩ erwin buys you whatever you like in bulk. it’s not even an exaggeration when you say bulk. you mention one thing to him, and the next day there are boxes upon boxes sitting on your kitchen counter. “these oranges taste pretty good,” you mumble to yourself as you peel your 2nd one. erwins sharp ears hear this, and first thing in the morning he’s off to buy multiple bags of your supposed favorite oranges. it takes you days, sometimes weeks, to finish whatever he decided to buy you. you always tell him he doesn’t need to buy so much, but he never listens. though, you always appreciate how attentive he is to your likes and dislikes.
✩ levi cleans up for you and ruins your organization. it’s always a blessing when someone else decides to take on the burden of cleaning for you, and you thought you hit the jackpot with a boyfriend who loved to clean, clean, clean. but it could get annoying when you suddenly couldn’t find anything you placed anywhere. if you’re anything like me, you’re messy but organized. you know where things are. when levi comes to clean, he places things where he thinks they should go. you’re sent on a wild goose chase looking for your pencil case, only for it to be in a completely different drawer than the one you usually kept it in. despite this behavior, it’s always nice to come home from a long day from school to see your desk organized. what was once a mess of papers and other supplies have been filed into their correct places, the table wiped down from any lingering coffee stains and your supplies being organized in a way so you knew where everything was. sometimes there’d be a plate of fruit with the note, “good luck on your exams,” written in your boyfriends neat writing beside it.
✩ reiner coddles you too much. whenever you express any sort of discomfort, reiner is always rushing to your side. “are you hurt? do you need medical attention? how many fingers am i holding up?” he asks, checking you for any cuts or bruises. thank you, honey, but i’m fine. just bumped into the counter. despite that, he’s dragging you over to the bathroom to fix up your imaginary injuries. you always find it a bit much when you’re fine. it’s during the times where you’re actually hurt where you learn to appreciate it. he’s so gentle cleaning your cuts, kissing them softly once they’re dressed. you wonder if he’d be like that with your future children.
✩ bertholdt is too nervous around you. it’s been years since the two of you got together, and he still refuses to make eye contact with you. his hands get sweaty and shake when you attempt to hold his hand. he always stumbles over his words when speaking to you as he tries to find the right words to say. he even blushes when he introduces you to other people as his significant other! you remind bertholdt over and over again that he doesn’t need to be so shy around you. but you cant help but coo over him showing up for your date, flustered mess and thrusting flowers into your hand. “they reminded me of you,” he said quietly, refusing to meet your eyes. you giggle and press a kiss to his hot cheeks.
✩ porco is too cocky for his own good. he’s always parading around the house, boasting about his latest achievements. he beat colt in a video game colt was a supposed god in. he can throw a baseball farther than zeke. he can run faster than pieck. if he’s taller than you, he's always making fun of you for being shorter than him. if you’re taller, you’re not exempt from his wrath either. he’s boasting about how he’s perfect height to not hit his head on doorways. he never goes as far as to hurt your feelings, always knowing when to stop. though he has a big ego, he would let it crash and burn just to see you smile after beating him at smash bros. you laugh and taunt him, happy you beat him in one thing. he doesn’t mind, instead watching you with a soft smile on his lips and love in his eyes.
✩ zeke forces you to work out with him. and it’s not like in the afternoon to help you stretch out. it’s not light yoga or a couple minutes on the treadmill. no, this man wakes you up at ass crack in the morning to take you on a 5 mile hiking trip. you barely have any time to register what is happening around you before you’re already standing at the start of the trail with your gear. “come on! we can’t slack off!” he says, clapping his hands together. the sun is beating down on you and your feet hurt, but this man doesn’t let you stop for a break. “we’re almost there,” he says. your complaining goes out the window when he shows you the view at the top. its one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. hiking up long ass trails to see beautiful views with your boyfriend was so worth it in the end.
✩ colt accidentally turns your dates into babysitting sessions. you show up at his house with the promise of a good time, only to be met with a guilty looking colt and his little brother falco behind him. “sorry,” he says sheepishly, “gabi got sick with the cold, so i couldn’t drop him off there. i hope you don’t mind him staying.” you hide your disappointment behind a wide smile, nodding enthusiastically as to not hurt either of their feelings. you just wanted to spend some alone time with your boyfriend, and it would have to wait. hanging out with falco wasn’t actually that bad. the three of you had an amazing time together, watching tv, playing games and even baking together. if you hate kids, you can’t bring yourself to hate falco; he’s just the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. you and falco are already asking colt when the three of you can hang out again when you have to go back home.
✩ hanji is always talking. you don’t discourage them from talking about their interests. they’re very passionate about the things they love, and can’t help talking about them. its like the scene where hanji kept eren up all night talking about titans. when you’re trying to focus on something or go to sleep, hanji is just yapping away. you’re honestly amazed at their ability to never run out of things to say about the most mundane things. hell, one time they talked for an hour and a half about a building color they saw when they were out one day. but hanji just looked so happy when talking. their face would break out into a huge grin, and their arms would fly around as they told their story. it was too cute for you to tell them to stop.
✩ mikasa hovers too much. every corner you turn, every place you go to, mikasa is following. she claims she’s not clingy, but in reality she is. it’s like a cat who hates affection, but needs to be in the same room as you at all times. you don’t mind her following you into the bedroom or living room or kitchen. you had to draw a line when she tried to follow you into the bathroom. even when you’re out, she’s always following you around. you tell her it’s okay to break off from you and spend some time by herself, but she always shakes her head and follows you to your next destination. you’re always grateful for her hovering when a group of drunk people try hitting on you, whistling and telling you they’ll give you a good time. but one look at your girlfriend who showed up from out of nowhere, and they’re running away with their tails between their legs.
✩ sasha eats your food. she can’t help it. she likes to snack. she’s always hungry. and you get that. to stop things like this from happening, you have separate places to keep your food. just so sasha and you have your favorite snacks and takeout separated. you respect the rule, but your girlfriend seems to lose her reading skills when hungry, one too many times you have walked in on her with her hand deep into a bag of your chips, something you’ve been waiting to eat all week when you were supposed to watch that new horror movie on netflix with her. you huff and puff and retreat to your bedroom. sasha comes back after a few hours, looking upset with tons and tons of snacks in her arms. “i’m sorry i ate your chips,” she frowns. she sets down all the food she got on your bed. “i got all these snacks you liked as an apology. and 3 bags of your favorite chips.” you could never stay mad at her cute face.
✩ annie complains about spending time with you. “i like my alone time,” she says, brushing you off when you asked why she didn’t want to watch a movie with you. some people were introverted, preferring to spend time by themselves rather than with someone else. you were like that too; you had your moments where you didn’t feel like being around your girlfriend. but it became an annoying problem when she constantly shot down your attempts to hang out with you. when she finally agrees, she’s always finding something to complain about. but during important dates or when you’re not in the best mood, she’s always the first to remind you or initiate a hang out/date. she shuts her mouth and enjoys her time with you, not one criticism or groan leaving her lips. she would never admit it, but being around you made her so happy.
✩ pieck is always sleeping. you have to wait a few hours to get a text or call back from pieck because she’s always dozing off somewhere. “sorry sweets,” she yawns into the mic, “was taking a nap. need something?” good luck trying to reach your girlfriend during an emergency. when you come home with takeout for dinner because neither of you wanted to cook, she’s sleeping at the dinner table. when you’re watching a movie she wanted to watch, she’s snoring away, curled up at the end of the couch. during lectures you share together, she has her head in her arms and has the audacity to ask you for your notes in the end. and it’s not like she’s not getting enough sleep, no. she gets her recommended 8 hours of sleep and then some. it’s nice to have a sleepy girlfriend, though, when you’re dead tired from living. you drag your feet into the bedroom to see her about to take her nth nap for the day. she notices your zombie-like state and opens up her arms for you. the two of you cuddle and nap together, sleeping the stress away.
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