#I am so fucking entitled when it comes to my favorite characters
I shouldn’t of cried over that but I fucking did
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serpulalacrymans · 14 days
//I am a writer who likes to create a friendly and inviting environment. I try my best to do so, anyway. I like making friends! I do my best to keep the peace, I like to think I'm friendly and easy to get along with-
//But none of this means you're automatically invited into my friend circle. Let that be fucking clear. I'm a friendly neighbor. I'm your Tumblr friend. I'm a good acquaintance, or a fun mutual. We can absolutely be friends. But make no mistake- If you don't have my Discord, or any other social media of mine that I have provided to you, all we are, are Tumblr friends.
//I like getting along with people, and I adore and cherish the friends I do have on this website. It is genuine friendship. I do care. Even if we hardly talk, if we haven't interacted in months, that doesn't mean I've forgotten you or left you behind- but it also doesn't mean you're entitled to me in any way shape or form. It doesn't put you on the same level of my other friends who I've known for years, who know so much about me, who know my name and my favorite dinosaur, who have history with me.
//I am also aware that I don't personally talk in DM's a lot. I know. I know it would help if I did. But know I have... like NO friendship decay, so unless we've been dormant for decades or something, I'll just kinda respond as if we've been talking every day. None of this is INTENTIONAL, I just have a very hard time talking and keeping up with people. This isn't an excuse, it's just an explanation. I still love you the same as I did 4 months ago when we both said Hey exactly once. And I know it isn't very fair for me to just.. Expect everyone else to come chat ME up while I sit and wait for it, but DM's aren't all there is- if I like you, I will interact. I will like your posts. I will send the occasional ask/post reply.
//It really fucking sucks that my outlet is ONCE AGAIN taken and turned into something weird and uncomfortable for me. If you want to be closer friends, just talk to me. Let me know. And if I want to be, I'll let you know. We're adults.
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//Not sharing the user out of respect, but things like this will never be okay. You don't know who I am. No one knows what these kinds of messages can do to a person. To sit there and guilt trip me, pretending like I have soured your favorite character is bullshit and it's not right to put that, or anything else, on me. I hate that I have to sit here and explain this shit to grown ass adults. But apparently I need to.
//If you would like me to be more attentive and present, now is the time to let me know. If you feel neglected by me, let me know. If you want to be closer, LET ME KNOW and I will give it a try.
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Talking About The Isabella Arc part 1
CW: Helluvaboss discussion
I hate for one of my first posts on here to be negative, but I feel so mad that we were pitted against Ed in the whole Isabella situation.
I really wish that we would have got to see Ed's side of the story. I felt like the whole time, we were so disproportionately seeing it from Oswald's perspective, that it really was unfair to Ed as a character.
I know that Oswald is an extremely important character to the show, and Ed's character is usually an accessory to Oswald, but . . . As a Riddler kinnie, it’s so unfair.
The thing about me is I love fictional relationships in which both characters are equally bad people, doing equally selfish things to each other. It’s like candy to me, it’s so interesting to explore and write about, and it’s always exciting.
And that is one of my favorite parts about Oswald and Ed's dynamic, that they are equals. When one of them has the upperhand, the other will eventually come out on top.
I think that their power dynamic is very compelling. Oswald helped to begin Ed's criminal career, and Ed seems lost without his guidance. But also Oswald is hopelessly in love with Ed and will always be waiting for the day Ed reciprocates.
I feel that they both love each other so much for reasons that are selfish. Oswald loves Ed for the same reason Fish Mooney loved Oswald: she 'made' him. Ed loves Oswald because he gives him a sense of identity he can’t have on his own.
I really hate the way that gay men who are in unrequited love are sometimes so infantilized by the framing of the narrative. I’m thinking about the character of Stolas in Hellavaboss (I despise that I have to mention that show).
In the beginning of Helluvaboss, the show is a lot more honest about Stolas' morality and selfishness as a character than it gets as it goes on.
In the beginning, we see Stolas as an entitled noble who cheats on his wife with an imp, using Blitzo for his own shallow sexual gratification while being belittling to Blitzo, uncaring about the effect this has on his daughter until she brings to his attention the way it damages their relationship.
Blitzo, too, is shown to be cold and callous to Stolas for reasons that are understandable, but also it is clear he is using Stolas too, for Stolas' grimoire.
I think that this was a good set up.
I was really hoping for Stella to be a somewhat sympathetic character who is lashing out because she is being betrayed by her husband who she loved, because I am very much not into the way that (often) queer-created media or queer fanon likes to demonize women who get in the way of the gay ships. (Examples: hatred for and abuse of Harley Quinn because she gets in the way of BatJokes, hatred for and abuse of Lizzie Midford because she gets in the way of SebaCiel)
This sort of thing happens with any ship, that people hate certain characters for getting in the way of their ship, but it’s just annoying to me the misogynist undertones when it comes to women characters. (Saying Lizzie deserves to die because she has an annoyingly high voice . . . Um . . . She’s a preteen girl . . . Of course she has a high voice . . . It’s okay to not like her voice, but most people who say that obviously hate her more for being a ship cockblock)
It’s so much more interesting to be able to have sympathy for all sides.
And also, I was hoping to watch a show that is honest about its own character's immorality, and lets us feel for them anyway. No moralizing bullshit to only make us feel for the 'good guys' and hate the 'bad guys'. Just a show about horrible people all around that we can nonetheless relate to and enjoy.
But as it goes on . . . Things fall apart.
The show started to frame Stolas in an infantilizing light, making Blitzo out to be the villain only because Stolas is in love with him, which is so fucked up, because Blitzo doesn’t have to love Stolas, or anyone at all. That’s just kind of true of anyone. Nobody has to be in love with anyone, even with people who they are in a sexual relationship with, and that’s a fact of life.
Even though Blitzo obviously has romantic feelings for Stolas, that’s also not an excuse. He doesn’t owe Stolas anything. This whole relationship was based off of mutual selfish gain, and so, it’s really not Blitzo's responsibility that Stolas caught feelings.
It seems to me a very easy way to manipulate the audience. Because the majority of the fanbase of Helluvaboss are queer people and they know very well what it feels like to be in unrequited love (often with a straight person, or else someone who is struggling to be honest about their identity), they are more likely to sympathize with Stolas.
And Stella is demonized completely, so she’s just a bitch who abuses Stolas because she’s a bitch and does the bitchiest things the writers can think of to make you hate her.
All this would be fine if the show stopped doing this weird thing where it tries to retcon its own characters' morality and manipulate the audience into thinking characters who are horrible people are worthy of sympathy and love and other characters who are also horrible people aren’t deserving of sympathy and love because of the manipulative framing which screws with the plot and makes the characters uninteresting pity-bait or hate-bait.
This is something that Gotham does sometimes, but it’s not such a glaring issue, I feel.
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runawaymun · 1 year
Yooo Celeborn headcannons/character ask?
1: sexuality headcanon
Sex-positive ace but a hopeless romantic <3
2: otp
Galadriel/Celeborn!! He is wife guy!!!!! They fucking fight on the battlefield & lead armies together!! They fought against the armies of Mordor and Galadriel threw down the walls of Dol Guldur with him backing her the whole way!! Political power couple literally holding all of middle earth together with duct tape and string. I would die for them aaaAAASAASDLKGHKL anyone who says they're milktoast and boring i guess you're entitled to your entirely wrong opinion he literally said go get 'em babe i'll hold your wig thAT'S MY WIFE
3: brotp
Celeborn & Elrond <3 see the Elrond post for details on that.
But also Celeborn and Celebrian. He's such a girldad. He literally loves Celebrian from the bottom of his whole ass and he's the ultimate doting dad. He spoils her rotten and they're joined at the hip.
4: notp
I can't say I've really seen him shipped with anyone other than Galadriel ??? except I might have seen him and Thranduil go by in a fic tag once or twice but like I'm not mad at it. But just Galadriel/Celeborn are so endgame.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
His favorite hobby/sport is hunting and hawking and he does it often. And just tracking in general. He and Galadriel do it together and he was VERY excited to bring Cel in on the fun when she got old enough, but when he took her out on her first hawking expedition Celebrian was so distraught over the mere thought of killing/hurting something that she sat down and sobbed and Celeborn was horrified and was just like
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and he never took her out on a single hunt ever again <3 (until he and Galadriel and Gil-Galad played matchmaker by dragging both Elrond and Celebrian out on a hunt specifically so they could discover their mutual hatred for hunts and have some time alone to talk while they hung back from the actual hunting party). They play board games instead which he also loves!
6: favorite line from this character
"Do not despise the lore that has come down from distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives keep in memory word of things that once were needful for the wise to know."
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Overdramatic bitch but also I firmly believe that if I had a wife I'd also be Wife Guy.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Overdramatic bitch and also honey please i understand you're mad about the dwarves but... he also has strong Boomer Energy sometimes. (on a more serious note I am hitting absolutely everyone with a rolled up newspaper stop writing him out of things stop writing him out of things stop writing him out of--)
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll.
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
could you please tell me how you feel about SUPER FRAME's video 'Namor Respect the King' on YouTube? Does he do a good job in capturing the character?
Here's the link if you need it - Namor Respect the King - YouTube
Watching this video and summed up all I can say to the Narrator is:
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I think it's a terrible character analysis video. The Narrator could have cut this 22 minute video into less than half the time and it would have the same impact because they repeat things way too many times. Their insight into the character basically amounts to Namor/Sue & "Reed is a Cuck" propaganda, Namor is a narcissist, a homewrecker and Namor's ego stems from the adoration of his people (?????? I’ll talk more on this in a bit). They say, in spite of this, "Namor is an interesting character" many times and then fail to expand on why Namor is an interesting character. 
The Narrator's only contribution to Sub-Mariner Lore discussion is when he talks about Namor + Rime of the Ancient Mariner, however that is then negated when he equates Susan as being the personification of Life in Death from Rime of the Ancient Mariner. This video seriously tries to tie Sue to Namor far too much when if anyone actually reads Namor’s comics, Sue’s presence is very minimal. Not to mention they don't even mention that in Issue #44 of Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990), the whole comic is a homage to Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Susan isn't in it.
I wrote out my thoughts as I watched the video so under the cut is a longer response, excuse my anger/rant:
The first thing that jumped out at me was this line by the Narrator as they try (and fail) to explain why Namor has an ego, is arrogant, and entitled; "He's also a character that's been raised to never be told No. It's made him entitled." In what Lore has Namor ever been always told yes about everything? The Narrator insists that Namor is surrounded by "Yes Men" and that "What was being created was a man of hubris, that was the favorite. Praised, loved and admired by the people of Atlantis, told that he was to be their savior." And once again repeating this same thought in a different line "When compounding all these elements What we have is a king that's been entitled, that's never been told no, that's been put on a pedestal regardless of his desire not to be praised". Lmao. I cannot take this seriously but I am trying to address more of this video. 
“Susan represents the life, the compassion, the good among mankind, Susan represents everything Namor is looking for. That's partly why he's never tried to stop boning her, ever, every time they meet he's trying to get down, make susan his wife to no avail.” < first off that’s gross, and secondly this is exactly what I mean when I say People get all their Namor characterization from how he interacts with Susan and not from his actual character. I am begging people to cut Sue out, leave her alone, why is everyone always so obsessed with a Namor/Sue connection? Get over it. 
“Namor is a character that is atoning for the sins of man” < what. the. fuck. No. Namor is not atoning for surface humans sins, Namor is the personification of Nature’s Wrath, he is the boiling anger of the Sea, he is the product of love and hatred, the balance between humanity and nature, he doesn’t give a flying fuck about making up for the sins of humans, he’s the PUNISHMENT for human’s degradation of the oceans and it’s creatures. Namor is literally Truth Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind (1896) by Jean-Léon Gérôme, but instead of a well, he’s rising out of the oceans. 
The two times they mention Lady Dorma it's about her betrayal of Namor, ok what about all the times she saved Namor's ass? Or that Namor gave up his right to the throne/trident in order to save her, begged Neptune to save her??? 
“Warlord Krang loves Dorma but she loves Namor, but Namor loves Susan, but she loves Reed, but Reed loves science, Reed wants to solve humanity's problems but neglects Susan, Susan wants Reed but pushes back on Namor's advances” < once again, that’s the EARLY Fantastic Four/Tales to Astonish dynamic, that is a plot, not even accurate because Reed LOVES Susan. This is pointless to mention in what is supposed to be a video talking about how interesting Namor is, and they never once mention that Lady Dorma is the Love of Namor’s Life, his True Love, and the one woman he never truly moves on or forgets. 
"Namor is in love with the idea of susan storm because she was the one to first tell him No-” This is Betty Dean erasure. This is why I keep saying people put way too much credit on Susan for being the one to push back against Namor, Betty Dean literally held a gun to his head, she was a human, she had no powers, and through her actions and words she convinced Namor that not all humans are bad. I’m not trying to hate on Susan, I like Susan, but people need to understand she isn’t the only person who has had a profound impact on Namor’s character. 
“But he doesn't know her intimately.” Finally something I agree with, Namor doesn’t know Susan, he does put Susan up on a pedestal but he doesn’t actually know her as a person. 
“Namor is socially illiterate, never being told no for most of his life means he doesn't understand how to process rejection or the desires of others.” < Narrator, I hate you. 
“This adoration he's had most of his life, the love he's had from his people.” hahahaha what? The character who is literally hate crimed for being born half human/atlantean by both humans and atlanteans? I can count on one hand the number of supporters Namor has who love him unconditionally (romantically or platonically); Betty Dean, Lady Dorma, Marrina Smallwood & Princess Fen, Lord Vashti. The rest of Atlanteans either love or hate Namor depending on the tides, they are such fickle people, and the majority of them are racists. 
“This adoration places him on a pedestal; he believes himself better than those around him, that they are beneath him and so he doesn't have to acknowledge their feelings.” < Namor would literally die for people. I do not understand how they managed to go so off track when it’s so simple. 
I really feel like people see Namor being a Petty Bitch to literally everyone and they go “oh wow he thinks he’s better than everyone” yeah, he does, he does think that, because all his life he’s been told he isn’t, he’s been called slurs, degraded, and the only person who would boost his own self worth was his mother. Namor is a Prince of the Blood, by extension all Atlantean aristocracy is arrogant because they are literally blood descendants of a sea god. Not to mention so many characters disrespect him constantly, the Avengers, normal humans, etc. So why is he supposed to just accept that? Nah. I like when he serves tea and throws the humans hypocrisy back in their faces. 
“Namor and Susan's dynamic.” What dynamic? The one where he’s used as the obstacle between Reed/Sue? That one? “His wants and desires are paramount, because that's what always comes first” Lmao. ok buddy/sarcasm. “Reed is a cuck.” No, Reed Fucks. I have comic proof he does. It’s super pathetic how people don’t see the common tropes that are used for early F4 romance drama subplots. 
In the first 13 minutes, he's repeated the same lines over and over, “namor doesn't get told no, namor is loved by his people, namor and susan, to Namor women are a prize” I swear I’ve never left as hateful comment on a youtube video but this one really tested my patience and I wanted to post “Hey this is complete horseshit.”. 
I think the Namor & Thor comparison was interesting but it’s hardly anything new, both characters are arrogant princes of their realms who interact with humans. However the whole “Thor has a Jane, and Namor doesn’t have this, his “Jane” is a Married woman.  He never learns the lesson of his humility.” is a Bad Take. I want to know if people even know that Namor was married twice. If you really want to compare Thor & Jane with Namor, then Namor & Betty is literally RIGHT THERE. Human woman teaches arrogant otherworldly Prince about the goodness of humankind. 
“Namor has toxic character traits” good. I love that about him. People are so fucking boring I swear to god, he’s a fictional character, he can be messy! 
"While Namor is all for himself" < kill me. Namor is so selfless, he literally puts his duty to his crown/people/the oceans above his own happiness all the fucking time. 
“Namor can show pity especially when it's a mistake made in the name of love.” They are talking about Dorma’s betrayal. I want to know if they even know about Tigershark, Namor literally goes out of his way to help Tigershark despite the fact that Tigershark HATES Namor, why? Because Tigershark’s sister, Diane Arliss, wanted her brother safe. He pitied Tigershark, even after Tigershark murdered Namor’s father, he pities him. 
“Namor is a narcissist. He gaslights.” < lmao! Namor is painfully honest, he is like that dude who will look you straight in the eye and call you stupid to your face and he’s right.
It took 17 minutes for them to finally fucking mention that Namor feels out of place among the atlanteans and humans and that should have been in minute one, it should have been the main focus. Anyways I’m done. This whole video is trash imo. It’s sad to think people will find this and think it’s the definition of his character.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
Regarding recommendations of your fic, are you more comfortable with people not ‘advertising’ it on tiktok and such? I know that the comments people make on there can be pretty intense. My point of asking this is, where is the line for you about how much you want your fic talked about outside of tumblr? I think we’ve all seen it before, fics blowing up online is a double edged sword, so I understand you wanting to keep in ‘contained’. I just love to gush about my current favorite reads, but I also don’t want to cause you any trouble.
okay i feel like this answer is gonna get long lol but. yeah generally speaking tldr is i'm not really comfortable w people posting abt my hp fics on tiktok anymore
and like. i don't wanna come off as like...ungrateful ig. like it does make me happy when people like my fics enough to recommend them + i appreciate the kind words + love etc but!! honestly if someone is wanting to let me know that they appreciate my writing the best way to do so is by commenting or sending me a message here, bc im not gonna see any tiktoks unless i go searching for them. and while i appreciate people reccing my fics i also like. have no desire for any sort of 'advertising' like i appreciate recs to the extent that they're someone telling me 'hey i loved ur writing!' i don't like. have a desire to grow an 'audience' or whatever so! that is not something i am asking anybody to help me do and if someone does decide to try and make my fics more popular i'm not really gonna be grateful bc like...i didn't ask for that lol.
and the two big reasons i'm specifically wary about tiktok are:
1. every time i have seen a fic go viral/gain popularity on tiktok there has been a simultaneous influx of hate, entitlement, and just general fuckery that has made the fic writer's life worse. so in this case, specifically with atwmd, i am 100% sure that if it did gain popularity via tiktok that i would get an influx of hate, especially bc it's like. a complex story with very fucked up characters lol. i mean just look at the people who take up arms bc atyd wolfstar is 'toxic' or whatever...i do not want 2 see what would happen if that crowd read my wolfstar in atwmd lmao
2. i have very mixed feelings abt writing hp fic in the first place and am trying to limit my personal contribution to hp's popularity. like. with ao3 people aren't going to be stumbling across hp fic unless they're already seeking it out; tumblr is, for the most part, a similar type of self-curated space where my hp fic pretty much remains limited to what are already hp-fic reading circles.
but bc of tiktok's algorithm, my fic could end up on the fyp's of people who aren't really interested in hp and pique their interest, drawing in new people to start engaging w hp fandom who otherwise wouldn't. and i don't really like the idea of that happening! i don't want the fic i'm writing to contribute to like. growing hp's popularity. i'd rather keep it in circles of people who are already choosing to engage w this content, rather than have it float into the lives of people who might otherwise not see it.
i also feel like. on ao3 anyone finding the fic is gonna be someone searching for like. those specific tags--someone who wants to read a story like the one i'm writing. on tumblr, the only people really hearing abt it r people who follow me + so have like....seen me talking abt the fic + are basically knowing what to expect. on tiktok, any posts tagged like #marauders or whatever could end up crossing paths w a bunch of people who specifically would not read this type of fic, and i do not want those people to read it and then get upset with me when the story isn't what they wanted (something else that i have seen happen to other writers). so that's kinda what i mean by the 'breaking containment' thing
anyway. i don't have any issue w people reccing my fics to like their friends or closed discord servers or whatever--spaces where like. u know the people ur reccing it to are people who would like the fic + not treat it like a product for consumption etc. and as stated previously i appreciate those sorts of recommendations bc it does mean a lot 2 me when someone likes my writing enough to want 2 share it!! there are just specific pitfalls w tiktok that i have grown uncomfortable w to the point that now anytime someone mentions seeing my fic over there and i go search up the vid, even if it's super sweet and has like lovely comments that make me smile and literally nothing negative i still get a kick of anxiety at the thought of who might see this video or what might happen if it goes viral.
i've accepted at this point that i can't control how people are going to respond to my writing once i've posted it on the internet; all i can do is say 'please don't do x with my fics' and hope people listen. but i'm not gonna like get mad at people for posting on tiktok or whatever bc obviously not everyone is gonna see this post or read my faq, and i don't want to send any hate towards people who are posting tiktoks abt my fics--like i don't need anyone defending me or whatever. usually those vids are just out of sight out of mind 4 me. but!! since u have taken the time 2 kindly ask (ty btw) this is like. the very long answer abt where i currently stand on tiktok lol
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syn4k · 1 year
It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize you guys wrote one of my favorite fics on ao3
Like I didn’t make the connection between the names on the different platforms then was like “ashes au haha like that one story?” Then realized it WAS that story and that you wrote it
I wanted to let you guys know that ashes au is The Best and every chapter rips my heart apart and stitches it back together halfway (in a good way)
I love how Gem and Fwhip are Trying to get along and sometimes it’s fine and sometimes it’s tenser than rubber band about to snap and oh god it makes me think of my own siblings. And Pixl!!! He is the densest and saddest character. The day he comes to terms with the fact people will want him around is the day the world will spring back to life haha.
I cannot wait to see where the story goes next and whenever I check my bookmarks for updates I always look to ashes au first
anon, please know that the intial response up here when we saw this went like this:
lance [clicking the askbox expecting another ask game ask]: oh shit, ray look at this ray (the main person up here who has actually physically written the vast majority of Ashes): what? lance: look at this ask ray, walking up to the front screen: yeah? oh what the fuck? oh wow. holy shit. hold on WHOA.
and then we proceeded to keysmash about it on Discord. based on our very normal reaction, one can clearly judge that we get asks of this moniker a lot and are used to it (joking)
seriously though, this ask has made our evening and probably our entire weekend due to several reasons- hold on let me make an itemized list real quick hi its ray i stole the fingers i am going insane over this. Hello. Hey.
do not worry anon i would have done the exact same thing if this wasn't our fic that we were writing. it has happened to us before on multiple occasions as well you are not alone
if you or a loved one have experienced physical or emotional pain while reading this fic, you may be entitled to financial compensation
yeah uh. Yeah theyre siblings alright! some days they are getting along just fine and some days they are literally ready to dropkick each other into a tree
pix is layered like a French pastry. this is intentional. how have we done this so in depth and so well? don't worry about it (it's a little technique called "mild to moderate projection") (yes, we are actively going to therapy and have been going for years. do not worry)
asks like these are the literal backbone of everything we write ever. i am not kidding when i say that we have been pouring all the effort we can into writing this, partially because we refuse to fully abandon a multichapter ever, partially to distract ourself from the huge amount of schoolwork we've been subjected to lately, and partially because of the readers (including you!) that leave so much godsdamned feedback that we read when we are sad
things like this are the world to me and out of all the words we've ever written, i don't think any of them would show our gratitude enough, so we'll stick to showing that by keeping this thing going for you and everyone else who keeps up with and enjoys this fic
thank you SO MUCH for this and please subscribe to the work if you haven't already because ao3 gives you emails every time a chapter updates. we love u and we understand so so much but desperately refreshing the page will not actually make us write it any faster although i wish that was how it worked </3
we wish you a Very and a Good :] hope to see you when the next chapter drops, whenever the hell that might be!
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catty-words · 1 year
Oh! The mustache thing and David. Okay, okay. It still feels kinda weird to say someone is racist over this, but yeah, now that you point it out I see it. I had a childhood friend who got in a foreign exchange student program for a year in high school and when she came back she told us how since the gringos couldnt say her name properly they just defaulted to calling her "Brazil" 😑
I feel a bit called out about twitter, even if its true and I'm only there cuz I'm an addict being held hostage. I've also curated my fandom experience, but I was really needing more info and saw stuff that bummed me out while researching 🥲🥲 I dont mind seeing people criticize characters cuz like we are all entitled to our opinion even if I disagree, but I guess it kinda shocked me still. I guess I forgot about how in some ship wars I participated in when I was 13 some people would call the other characters rapists and stuff after being away from typical fandom toxicity for so long lol.
About the tone shift: yeah I did, but it didnt feel "drastic", just different. In a bad way. Like one of the first metas I read talked about how Devi lacked autonomy in season two and I was like YES THAT WAS WHAT I WAS THINKING even thought not really I was just "wait why is this feeling a bit off... weird... let me play the next episode and just hope is merely a vibe" I dont hate season 2 as much as you seem to, however season 1 and 3 are indeed superior. Season 3 is my favorite out of the three because I really like how the characters matured. A favorite episode is probably 1x10, like the scene of Nalini with dr. Ryan moves me, then Ben driving cackles me up, then I back to being moved by them spreading Mohan ashes with beautiful day playing, then boys like you as "you stayed" and benvi kiss and paxton calling and back to the kiss and I'm like OMG WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DO I HAVE CLASS TOMORROW AND ITS ALMOST TWO BUT FUCK I NEED TO KEEP WATCHING THIS. I always feel like that when I'm rewatching even if it's not two am and I dont have class the next day lmao
You are going to think I'm super horny but probably "why don’t you show me the bitty spark you’ve been saving for his mattress?". It's the one I reread the most after all. The awkwardness of the situation?? Their great characterization??? Devi having no idea of what to do with Ben of all people making her feel like that??? Fab and Eleanor still unsure about him at school and being cutely protective of Devi??? Ugh, just kill me already (please dont)
"you're gonna fall (but i'll catch you)" is also great! I love to read adults au for shows about hs characters and hs aus for shows about adult characters idk why but there are not enough adult aus for nhie in my opinion and yours is my fave!!! Plus Ben being so into stories is adorable as someone who really sees herself in Abed Nadir. Plus the way is not just about their romance but also Devi dealing with grief and her complicated relationship with her mother and self destructive tendencies and... ugh I just love it.
It still feels kinda weird to say someone is racist over this, but yeah, now that you point it out I see it. - i think the disconnect comes from the way fandom uses words like 'racist' to build cases about how it's Objectively Wrong for anyone to like a certain character, whereas the word itself applies to a whole spectrum of behavior and morality. like, it shouldn't actually be that uncomfortable to admit that ben can be and is sometimes racist, he is a walking definition of privilege. him internalizing racist sentiment should hardly be surprising. but it also doesn't make him irredeemable scum. he's obviously a really caring character, as well.
on a related note, yikes @ those students who committed micro-aggressions to your childhood friend. as they get further and further into their life, may they reflect and do better rather than double-down.
I dont mind seeing people criticize characters cuz like we are all entitled to our opinion even if I disagree, but I guess it kinda shocked me still. I guess I forgot about how in some ship wars I participated in when I was 13 some people would call the other characters rapists and stuff after being away from typical fandom toxicity for so long lol. - i get it, i get it. for me, there need exist a gaping divide between exposing myself to critical or even harsh reads of characters i love and/or identify with for the sake of refining my own read of the text and giving the time of day to people who aren't engaging sincerely with the text. protect yourself in the echo-chamber!
About the tone shift: yeah I did, but it didnt feel "drastic", just different. In a bad way. - VINDICATION
but jfgdf - I dont hate season 2 as much as you seem to - i feel compelled to clarify that it's not that i hate season two, not really. it's more that the season let me down and then, by nature of netflix shows' release schedules being what they are, forced me to sit with that disappointment for over a year. it's that i love season one SO MUCH, i couldn't reconcile how much i didn't vibe with season two. on paper, you're right, the tone difference is not drastic, but the emotional response it elicited in me definitely was.
and I'm like OMG WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DO I HAVE CLASS TOMORROW AND ITS ALMOST TWO BUT FUCK I NEED TO KEEP WATCHING THIS. I always feel like that when I'm rewatching even if it's not two am and I dont have class the next day lmao - i love you for this, and 1.10 is such a valid choice she really is That Bitch
You are going to think I'm super horny but probably "why don’t you show me the bitty spark you’ve been saving for his mattress?". - first of all, embrace the horny within. it's important to the show that you do, we're in the spirit of the source material here! second of all, this choice makes me really happy because i love that fic and generally speaking, people are a little shier about giving feedback on smut but, like, that's hands down some of my best writing (both for d/b and more generally). so. thank you.
Fab and Eleanor still unsure about him at school and being cutely protective of Devi??? - you may already know that i'm writing a long-form follow-up with 'bitty spark' acting as the prologue since it sounds like you picked through my blog a bit and i feel like i never shut up about the sequel BUT ANYWAY one of the best parts about it is ben finding himself enmeshed in the girl squad, if i do say so myself. (x)
I love to read adults au for shows about hs characters and hs aus for shows about adult characters idk why but there are not enough adult aus for nhie in my opinion and yours is my fave!!! - okay, well now i'm going to think about you every time i read an adult AU for a high school show or a high school AU for an adult show.
thank you for fueling my vanity and for stopping by my askbox in the first place!
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pub-lius · 2 years
The Schuyler Sisters (Peggy, Angelica, Eliza) for @thereallvrboy
this post is a couple weeks late because the research took longer than normal for some reason, so i’m typing it all out on the same day im researching for the next post so you’ll probably see that tomorrow if not next week. a lot of the information for this post comes from this website, and cross referenced with my usual favorites (britannica especially) and Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow because i hate myself. but i love @thereallvrb0y so its fine
Margarita Schuyler Van Rensselaer
Margarita Schuyler was born on September 24, 1758 in Albany, and was referred to as Meggy or Peggy, but I’ll be calling her Peggy because that is how she is widely known. She was the THIRD OF ELEVEN children to General Philip Schuyler and Catharine Van Rensselaer Schuyler, which is why I am refusing to do all the Schuyler kids (don’t love you that much, richie /j). She was closest with her sisters Angelica and Elizabeth (who I will refer to as Betsey). She was known for being smart, beautiful, witty, and fiesty.
On August 7, 1781, the Schuyler home was threatened by a Tory mob. There’s this one story that when they sieged upon the house, Peggy came out of hiding to get her younger sister Catherine who was just fucking abandoned, and they threw a tomahawk at her which sliced her gown and was embedded in the staircase. That didn’t happen, Catherine made it up because she didn’t like Indigenous people (probably).
Peggy married Stephen Van Rensselaer III when he was 19 and she was 25. At this time, men were shamed for their mommy kinks, and Stephen’s dad was disappointed that he married an older woman, so they eloped. They would go on to have three children, one of which would survive to adulthood, Stephen Van Rensselaer IV.
More about Stephen, his mom was a Livingston (these three families constantly married each other it was lowkey highkey weird) and his dad was the ninth patroon of Rensselaerwyck which means he was a really really rich dude who owned a big ass piece of land. Stephen was entitled to assume responsibility as lord of Van Rensselaer Manor when he turned 21. 
The Schuylers were wealthy, Dutch American, landowning families in New York. Peggy and Stephen’s parents were third generation immigrants, and it was likely that Dutch was a common family language. They all belonged to the Dutch Reformed Church in Albany, New York.
Peggy was unfortunately affected by an illness in 1799, and died on March 14, 1801. She was really close with Alexander Hamilton, and was with her when she died. 
“On Saturday, my dear Eliza, your sister took leave of her sufferings and friends, I trust to find repose and happiness in a better country.” -Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton
She was initially buried in the family plot at the Van Rensselaer estate, and was later reinterred at Albany Rural Cemetery.
Angelica Schuyler Church
Angelica Schuyler was born on February 20, 1756, and Ron Chernow shat himself. She was described as educated, intelligent, attractive, and more sociable than Betsey because that is a character trait apparently (solid notes, Henry). She was the eldest daughter so she totally had some kind of complex going on.
She eloped with John Church in 1777 before Alexander Hamilton had time to get into her pants. She was afraid her father wouldn’t approve of Church because he was suspicious as fuck. He came to America to avoid bankruptcy, and was secretly (and suspiciously) supplying the French and American armies, and eventually became Washington’s Commissary General, which is slay, but like you didn’t need to be that suspicious. 
Angelica left for Europe in 1783 with her family and didn’t return until 1797 (once again before Hamilton could engage in Amorous Congress with her). She held frequent parties, and was an absolute bad bitch in European social circles. For example, between 1783 and 1785, John was a US envoy to the French government, and Angelica became besties with Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson (she kinda bullied him but besties nonetheless) and the Marquis de Lafayette. Also, Jefferson’s daughter attended the same school as Angelica’s daughter, and I think that’s cool. 
In 1785, she made a visit to New York, but again, left before Hamilton could make whoopee with her. She also went to Washington’s inauguration in 1789, but I don’t know if that was the same or a different trip.
She moved to London after that and became friends with the fucking royal family, specifically the Prince of Wales. Also, Church was elected to serve on the British Parliament in 1790, but this isn’t about him. 
She was reunited with her family in New York in 1797 and that was cool. The US wasn’t able to pay Church back for his efforts during the war which is homophobic so they gave him 100,000 acres of land in Western NY (Genesee and Allegany counties) in order to retain their status as allies. They laid out a town with designs reminiscent of Paris, and their son Philip named it after Angelica. The layout is still the same which is really cool!
So Angelica was very close with her brother-in-law Bitchbaby Ham a ton. She told Betsey she loved Hamilton “very much, and if you were as generous as the old Romans, you would lend him to me for a little while.”
“I am sensible how much trouble I give you, but you will have the goodness to excuse it, when you know that it proceeded from a persuasion that I was asking from one who promised me his love and attention if I returned to America.” -Angelica to Hamilton, February 19, 1796
Did they have an affair? Was Hamilton the little slutty man that Angelica makes him out to be in the first quote?
No. *roll credits*
Okay, I’m gonna say this once and never again (jk I probably will), but the idea that they had an affair is bullshit (in my opinion, this is all my opinion, my educated opinion, but my opinion nonetheless). There is like. more proof that they didn’t have an affair than that they did. 
The biggest “evidence” there is for the relationship is the flirtatious comments they made in their letters to one another. I think there’s two reasonable explanations to this than just assuming they were fucking or in love: they were joking, or they were just being affectionate. Angelica refers to Hamilton as “brother” in literally every letter we have from her to him, and the two of them, along with Angelica’s sister and Hamilton’s wife, Betsey, had extremely affectionate relationships. The affection in the second quote is a great example of how they all talked to each other. 
Now for the actual flirtatious comments, you can tell they are joking. Like in all the examples, they have a lighthearted, joking tone, that doesn’t really come across as actual flirting. 
Okay, but let’s say you’re insistent that they were actually flirting. It still doesn’t make sense. Angelica loved her husband (she had to to stay with that fuckhead for that long), and Hamilton was working constantly to balance his job, his family, and the other affair SLFHSKJFH Additionally, they were apart for a large part of their lives, and honestly, I don’t think there would have been any kind of opportunity for romantic feelings to grow between them. 
Also, I’m just going to say it, most of the people who argue for this (historians mostly) are homophobic and misogynistic. First of all, if you assume that a man and a woman are automatically romantically or sexually involved because they have an affectionate relationship and make flirtatious jokes, it gives thinking that women are inherently unable to form platonic relationships with men. Especially if you think that same sex friends can make flirtatious jokes and not be in a romantic/sexual relationship, but it’s impossible for opposite sex friendships (that’s also pretty homophobic).
But most of the homophobia comes from the people who will die on the hill that Angelica and Hamilton had a romantic and/or sexual relationship, but refuse to accept the idea that Hamilton and Laurens had feelings for each other. Their letters displayed legitimate jealousy and anger over each others’ marriages, which doesn’t exist with Hamilton and Angelica. Their letters lack the flirtatious humor, but contain legitimate evidence of a romantic relationship. The logic that backs up Hamilton and Angelica’s “relationship” provides basically double the amount of evidence for Hamilton and Laurens’ relationship.
Anyway... she died on March 13, 1814.
Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton
Elizabeth Schuyler was born on August 9, 1757 in Albany. She was called Eliza or Betsey. Hamilton called her Eliza later in life, but before that he called her Betsey.
She stayed with her aunt in Morristown, New Jersey in 1780 where she met Alexander Hamilton, who was serving as Washington’s aide-de-camp at headquarters which had been set up there for the winter encampment. Their relationship grew quickly, even after he left a month after she arrived. They became officially engaged in early April with her father’s blessing. This was very important to General Schuyler, because his two other daughters had eloped and he was starting to get sad. 
They were married on December 14, 1780 at the Schuyler Mansion in Albany. The only person to attend the wedding on Hamilton’s side, James McHenry, a fellow aide-de-camp, wrote them a cute little poem that i don’t feel like looking for, but it definitely exists. 
They moved around a lot during the early part of their marriage, but settled in New York City in late 1783. They had an active social life, and became well known. Betsey was very important to Hamilton, helping him often with his work, but had the biggest impact on his domestic life. His traumatic past caused him to really not have much of a comfortable, safe space to come home to, and he often thought of a familial environment (ie Washington’s staff) almost like he was being coddled. Until he married her ofc. She helped him mature and move past, what I call, his “I hate Dad” phase. More on that later, but he had a major change in personality after she met him.
Then there was the uh... the affair. I’ll go into more detail about Maria Reynolds in Hamilton’s post, but I’ll talk a little about what we know of Betsey’s experience. She didn’t believe the rumors at first, until Hamilton owned up to it. It put a strain on the relationship for a little while, but they eventually reconciled. That’s all we know pretty much. 
Then he died. Whoops!
This is when Betsey turned on the girlboss and kicked absolute fucking ass. She became a co-founder of the Society for the relief of poor widows with small children. She became the co-founder of the Orphan Asylum Society, of which she was appointed second directress, then first directress in 1821 and served for 27 years until she left New York in 1848.
She was required to pay substantial debts after Hamilton’s death, and sold her 35 acre estate in upper Manhattan, and was later able to buy it back because executors decided she couldn’t be publicly dispossessed. She sold it again and moved into a townhouse owned by her son, the Hamilton-Holly House. She lived there for 9 years with her kids. She left for Washington DC in 1848 where she lived until 1854 with her daughter.
She, along with her children, remained dedicated to preserving Hamilton’s legacy. She re-organized all of his letters, papers, and writing with John, C. Hamilton, and ensured his biography was published. She also helped Dolly Madison raise money for the Washington Monument. 
She died in Washington DC on November 9, 1854. She was buried by her husband and son in Trinity Church. 
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lucky-bishop · 7 months
I’m the anon who is annoyed about the way people talk about Stiles and not the Derek/Faith anon - sorry dude.
I just don’t see Stiles as innately cruel. I guess everyone is entitled to their perception of fictional characters but Derek is not a marshmallow and Stiles is not some cruel and callous jerk. Stiles has moments of behaving that way, but I don’t think those actions define him. He has so many moments of being heroic, of being caring. He’s not a marshmallow either, but there’s nothing cruel about him and there’s nothing squishy about Derek.
Just ranting, I love you 💚
It's all good! Feel free to rant. 💖
Derek definitely gets blorbofied to a point where his canon representation is lost, but so does Stiles. I'm sorry, but Stiles cares about the people he cares about, fuck everyone else, and he also hurts the people he cares about. He is not the Pack Mom™️ who gives everyone in the pack therapy and is smiles and rainbows of the time.
Here's where I get a bit caught up (and my apologies if I'm just misinterpreting you, because this is the internet, and that happens): you say that Stiles has moments of behaving like a cruel and callous jerk and not two sentences later you say there's nothing cruel about him. How does that work?
Good and bad and black and white and moral purity help no one. Stiles does have a lot of moments of being heroic! Absolutely! I openly say he is one of my favorite - if not my overall favorite - characters from the show! But your favorite character does not fundamentally need to be a "good" person! I think Stiles is a good person, but I stand by thinking that he's cruel and that he's manipulative and that he's a bit selfish and that he's very paranoid. Do those things make a good person? Maybe, probably not, but who the fuck am I to say?
I think it's entirely unfair to say that there is nothing squishy about Derek. I think he is shown to be deeply caring time and time again in the show and if you don't see that, okay. I clearly won't convince you.
I am not some all-knowing being when it comes to Teen Wolf or anything else. I am not a fandom authority on character interpretation. But this is how I see them. This is how I understand them.
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obabashut · 2 years
Just a moment to talk about how TommyInnit is my least favorite character and how the fandom has supplanted their DSMP character over the actual person.  
[In this, I am referring to the content creators by their first names, rather than "c!" or "cc!" to illustrate what lines have been blurred. If it looks weird to read, that line has been crossed. I think if I did the normal "!" indicator, it feeds into the confusion more that helps here]
Tom has become the focus of a bit of an argument among his fans over how he has been bullied and manipulated by Clay. If the wording looks confusing, yeah it is. The same confusion one could take away if referring to Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman's relationship as borderline romantic and all you've seen of their work is in "The Hobbit". The DSMP is full of content creators that have their own lives, but are friends and colleagues  first. They have over the last 3 years created a world that millions of people have come to enjoy. One of the stories that many have taken to be the "main story" is based around a late addition to the server, Tom's character, TommyInnit. Clay's character, Dream is the namesake of the story's server. Tom messaged him to be a part of the server and after seeing some of Tom's other videos and finding them funny, Clay invited Tom and when he logged in, Tom started his bit. While Tom is kind and courteous, TommyInnit is a fucking menace. As TommyInnit, Tom acts like a entitled brat, bullies everyone he meets and gets disciplined by the adults and goes back to do it again. Tom invites his friends join, including one adult that acted like they encouraged TommyInnit to engage in criminal behavior. When thwarted, TommyInnit and his friends build a fort where they established a nationalist European ethnostate that rebuked the adults of the indigenous population. They went to war and in an incredible bit of character development, TommyInnit gave up something important to him so they could keep the nation they had carved out. And fans loved it. L'Manburg became a symbol and they propped up as a great nation.  To this day, mention of it in chat elicits "o7" and has inspired art and music lauding how beloved it has become, failing in seeing how flawed its charter and claims were from the start.  
This is also where the community began to really mutate Clay and his character, Dream, into one concept. And part of this is on Clay. At the time, he had chosen privacy, and unlike other folks streaming with facecams, he chose not to stream at all. He could take the role of a villain because it allowed him to maintain that anonymity, not be the focus of everyone's streams and still work on his own channel and growth. When you don't control the narrative, others write it for you. And TommyInnit and his friends called Dream a villain with the sort of delivery that electrified his fans into Dream "antis" and because nuance is lost on some folks, antis to Clay as well. Dream was just as much Clay's identity everywhere else and as Dream's character applied more authority over TommyInnit, the more mutated and monstrous his depictions became. Some were really cool, but Dream was no longer being treated like a human. He was an abomination to be feared and maligned and this carried over into perceptions of Clay.
Currently, I am seeing some folks in the fandom that have completely bought into the unhealthy relationship TommyInnit has with Dream and implying a character's poor judgement should apply to how Tom thinks of Clay. Ignoring any other collabs they have done before. That they are friends and really looking forward to meeting each other. Grieved together with their friends when Techno passed away. Writing their stories together, and have fun doing streams. Tom regularly checked in on Clay when he is going through shit and they talk like normal people, sometimes for hours about their work and their ideas. Have been genuine to each other and know a lot of what fans don't and will likely never know. Being trusted and a confidant, even in the face of the spears of the world. Tom is like this with all his friends. Ranboo and Toby may have their differences right now, but he makes time for both of them. He's a good guy with the understanding beyond his years sometimes. He's learned and grown a lot and it makes sense that he is ignoring pressure to abandon his friends. In his latest lore stream, I think Tom took a jab at his fandom. TommyInnit's hatred of Dream is now obsessive. There isn't any rationality to it. He spends every waking moment thinking about him, stalking and wants to destroy him. Willing to drag others into their obsession too. Tom has learned from Wilbur. How to hold a mirror up to his audience and see if they pass the Mark Test. Many have totally failed, partially because they chose to boycott the stream, because hate Clay so much, but plan to watch it later or read summaries because they missed the point. That's what I think some of that call Tom had with Clay was. How to make folks just a little more self-aware. Tom knows what is going on and has not ignored it. He addresses it everytime he streams and gives fans nothing after they treat him like a child, ignore his agency and try to get him to reject his friends. Those fans treat him the way they accuse Dream of treating TommyInnit. And such an irony is hard to ignore.
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rosenecklaces · 1 year
Elain and Azriel for the ask game
Hii bestie tsm for the ask 💓
- For elain
First impression: she was just like me fr LMAO No but in all seriousness, I don't know if sjm intended to write a typical young girl with no job that just isn't fan of doing stuff but... that's me? I have getting better tho but when I started acotar almost two years ago I don't particularly hated her because I am just as lazy and kind of "in the clouds" ( tho we don't know if she and nesta took care of the house/cleaning so there's that)
Impression now: Azriel better square the fuck up or I make her my wife. I love the gradually little glimpses of who she is that we had been given, I am delighted by her grow and who she had become since the first book to acosf. I am glad I didn't gave up to read the rest of the series because GOD I needed an unapologetically soft and kind character that isn't a pushover and actually haves narrative relevance, is surprising to find (for me) esp. in a fantasy book series
Favorite moment: All? Lol genuinely practically all she does and says I'm like "yes queen get into it". But if I have to choose 100% the killing of hybern and "don't you touch my sister", the headache powder scene and the "come find me when you wish to begin" it was hot as hell + omg "and that makes him entitled of my attention?" The way I GASPED I was clapping and screaming like crazy I swear, also when she confronted lucien and called him out for his betrayal and left him GAGGED god I was smiling like crazy
Idea for a story: I'm into creepy shit and I think seer elain have potential for some spooky and gothic kind of stuff. "mother nature" elain is also an idea I'm interested in. Would love if she haves some weird extra connection to the cauldron/the mother too
Unpopular opinion: OH fuck I have a lot of those but gonna try keep it basic= She wouldn't have kids on her own but she would adopt, I see she+ az are more of the adopting side. She's morr chubby than her sisters and her arm are way stronger that you would think (this woman is a gardener full time c'mon) and I feel, in her mind, she is way more "rude" and the only think stopping her from insulting someone in their face is her self control and education, she is big lover of nature and animals but insects is a no no for her ( especially when they eat her flowers!) She likes parties and knowing new people but her social battery can get drained easily
Favorite relationship: Tamlain :)... could you imagine LOL, obviously elriel they are my 4 lifers. I also like some morlain and vasslain and casslain on the side,nice and cute. I like the archeron sisters messiness and their moments, little but good for my heart
Favorite headcanon: she's bi but tbh half the characters i like I see them as bi sowrry. I like the dusk theory a lot and I'll forever be a believer of it. I think her seer powers are just the tip of the iceberg and she actually haves mind powers (Jean Grey type of powerful) and I think she knows of her charms/how people views her and use it as an advantage she definetely could kill a person and get away with it ( gaslight gatekeep girlboss 💅)
- Azriel
F.I : 100% tought he was gonna be the typical "mysterious bad boy that doesn't give a shit and is cold as ice" I was so ready to ignore his ass, then he started to talk and do some stuff in his first pages and I was like "hmm, maybe your just like me fr.." and OH. MY .GOD I was RIGHT
I.N: He couldn't get over his crush of allegedly 500+ years? he didn't like to lost his breath in meaningless convos? he loves knifes and daggers and doesn't like to be touched by sweaty people? he hides his emotions because God forbid people realize you can FEEL? he's honest but also polite? his touch starved? like-, the online fandom tricked me... he isn't some sexy mysterious god he's just me but more baddass and a hot emo 🤷🏽‍♀️. He's everything to me now, he's like a brother to me he's my lost twin he's an emotional represed emo too weak for a woman's touch and I love him so much if sjm ruins him if someone speak ill of him if anything (more) bad happens to him I'm going to kill everyone in this room and then myself — I'm very normal about him yes.
F.M: as with elain love them all. In my top there's his moments with the archeron sisters, defending feyre and understanding nesta, the seeing and befriending elain slowly. The "im getting her back" whole scene, fucking hell that was awesome. carrying elain while injured and gotta ad the putting the necklace in elain, man's hands where SHAKING love that for him. Bonus the "I don't know what your talking about" to rhys when he knew damn well he catched him in the act, "what if the cauldron was wrong"+ knowing he would win in the BR, Slayyyyyyyyyyyy king
IFAS: hmm, gonna go with him finding his his step bros and killing them for what they did 🤷🏽‍♀️ give me vengeful azriel the bastards deserves it. As with elain, him as a high lord of dusk could be so nice. I also wish SJM didn't had ruined his+ rhys and cass relationship with the illyrians, she did awful making him hate his own people it could had been interesting exploring his illyrian blood more
Unpopular opinion: OH BOYYY AHAH. I don't believe he's a crazy sex casanova that had lovers left and right 24/7, just don't see him this much sex drived as cass/rhys, I do think he has various lovers but the number is exaggerated/no one really knows if those where different people or a same group he trust on. I REFUSE, you heard me, REFUSE to believe he has decades pining for Mor, that was 100% exaggerated and the way he felt for elain so naturally and kinda quick makes me think he has not being that crushing in mor for a good while (he also knew she likes women there's no way the spymaster couldn't know, of course he wouldn't tell anyone something so private of mor). He's older than cass and a little bit older than rhysand/same age (he gives me oldest daughter syndrome is all). For me shadowsinger is some kind of person that can literally heard and feel stuff others can't, I do think he can heard messages from the wind/any elements with vibration (like a BAT :) ) of course the shadows are a plus to detect stuff and protection but shadowsinger seems like a more highly sensorial power of a fae. He's an introvert and hate loudlyness ( sensible to big noises) except if is a family gathering
FAV.R: ELAINNN, elriel 4lifers friendship and romance and sluttyness in one package mwahh Delicious. I also like his dinamic with Cass and Rhys (AS BROTHERS AND BESTIES don't get it twisted), I kind of have a crackship of him and Varian yah, he seems like his type for some reason. I also think azriel could had a crush on Helion (well who wouldn't is the real question) and yeah bi azriel all the way idc
FAV.H: His shadows being from Hel and maybe he's connected to it so that's why they came to him ( maybe koschei knows and sees him as worth having by his side?). I like to think he is indeed into poetry, his mom likes it a lot and he picked it up from her, which gets me in the next point that is about him being a fae nerd lol, I feel he would had read a lot about bodies functions and anatomy for his torturer job, a lot about the other courts and stations, temperatures all that stuff, survival stuff for rough missions, how to cook without much resources, rosehall must be a place with a big garden so I love thinking he even gave elain advice when they talked about her plans, overall this guy reads a lot and loves to do so but mostly about practical stuff/poems and philosophy ( he's a workaholic but that's canon I think). I see him as more slim in body than cassian and rhys, kind of a little waist & big shoulders like rhysand but his arm and legs are more thick (since training) also larger, he's taller than Cass. I'm an azriel with big nose and curly emo haircut truther all the way. He doesn't know how to sing and haves a BIG sweet tooth
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inkykeiji · 1 year
hi clari :p i just wanted to ask if flawless tomura is really in love with the reader? he’s my favorite of all your characters because he seems saner and more genuine than bmb tomura but some of the stuff he does/says seems like he doesn’t really love her
hehe hi anon!! <3 this is an interesting question, and it has an equally interesting and complex answer.
tw: discussions of abuse, drug addiction, mental illness, clari overshares, LONG answer
okay SO.
flawless tomura is, just like every other character i write, HEAVILY flawed as a person. he isn’t a ‘good’ person. he has a lot of issues/problematic qualities; he’s extremely entitled, he’s selfish, he is unhealthily possessive which leads to extreme jealousy and obsessiveness, he needs to be the boss at all the times and thus is extremely controlling, etc etc the list goes on. these are all huge red flags, obviously.
he is much more genuine than bmb tomura in the sense that he is extremely, extremely honest. he is so bluntly honest about his thoughts and his feelings, and he rarely lies unless he has a good reason to (and does not consider lying via omission—ie conveniently not telling reader about how he bought the consignment store and stalked her, is a drug addict, is heir to a yakuza empire, etc—to be lying. to him, it’s her fault that she didn’t ask. but he isn’t actively lying to her or hiding things from her; if she asked, he’d be brutally honest with her).
‘love’ can be a very interesting, complicated, complex and convoluted topic, depending on the relationship and the people. my father claims to love my mom, to love his kids, but he put us nearly a million dollars in debt, he stole money from all of us to support his drug addiction, he put me in some seriously dangerous situations when i was under ten fucking years old, all to support his drug addiction. he was and still is extremely abusive towards all of us. mental illness and extreme childhood trauma may be an explanation for his actions, but it isn’t and never will be an excuse. he is still responsible for his own decisions, and it is still his responsibility to get better, to DO better, and to be a decent fucking human being.
do i doubt his love? not necessarily, but he made a lot of very dire mistakes that caused all of us a lot of pain and irreversible scars, and eventually they’re no longer mistakes, they’re decisions, they’re conscious choices, they’re patterns of behaviour. and yet, despite these choices he consciously made, knowing they’d hurt those he loves and values most, i still wouldn’t say he doesn’t love us deeply and dearly, because i know my father, and i know he does.
a lot of people would say that these aren’t things you do to people you truly love, and i get that. i understand that sentiment. they most definitely are not things good and/or mentally healthy people do to those they love. i could never conceive doing any of the shit he did to us to my significant other. but the truth of it all is the people you love WILL hurt you at least once, because they are flawed human beings. and the truth is, no matter how hard you try not to, you WILL hurt the people you love at least once, because you are a flawed human being, too. i think, personally, what it comes down to is intent and reaction. we don’t usually mean to hurt our loved ones. those of us with good hearts don’t consciously make these decisions. and then it’s important to question: does that person take responsibility for their mistakes? do they acknowledge them and learn + grow from them and become better from them? or do they continue to make these choices even after they know they hurt you? etc.
i’m going off on this tangent to demonstrate how complex and complicated love can truly become when it involves a person like this; like tomura, like touya-nii, like my father. as i’m sure is very evident, my own father is a huge source of inspiration for the men i write, for lack of a better word. i am NOT going off on this tangent to excuse anyone’s behaviour or say it’s alright; no one deserves to be treated like this, and if anyone reading this finds themselves in a relationship like this, romantic or otherwise, please leave as soon as it is feasible; it is not healthy and it is not safe.
so does flawless!tomura genuinely love his reader? yes, absolutely. is it true love? i don’t know, what is true love, really? how do you define it? it’s a different answer for everyone. most of us would say no. but to HIM it most definitely is true love; he’d rip your fucking head off if you implied otherwise. this is the only way he personally can conceive love. does his ‘love’ excuse his abuse or make it okay? no, absolutely not, and it never will. but does he love her? yeah, he does.
it isnt always as black and white as people who have never experienced abuse would like you to believe. people are complicated, people are MESSY. conveniently, a lot of these themes and topics are touched upon in part two!
WHEW okay. that was a lot but i hope it helps a lil! art is subjective and i always welcome everyone who consumes my work to interpret it however they want to (death of the author n all that jazz, my own meaning + interpretation is only one of infinite), so this is my answer as the author. but it may also be beneficial (and fun!) to ask yourself what YOU think. how do you interpret his love/feelings and their relationship? what does true/real love mean to YOU? how do you define it? do the aggravating factors (ie who tomura is as a person, the fact that he won’t ever be capable of 100% healthy love) make an impact at all? do you believe this is love, or is it just really intense infatuation and obsession? etc!! you’re welcome to believe whatever you’d like <3 but this is my answer as the author! c:
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chafelis · 1 year
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disclaimer ; as a writer i am not obligated to respond to asks if i don't want to answer them ! please do not act entitled in my inbox i will block you !
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please have your age somewhere on your blog before interacting with me! it can be in your title or pinned post, i will block you if you don't! if you don't feel comfortable sharing your age publicly feel free to shoot me an anon ask with your age and username so that doesn't happen
after consideration i've decided this blog can be 17+ however i don't feel comfortable with minors engaging with my nsfw content ! i can't really regulate who actually consumes my content or know who lies about their age on the internet so this is my way of accepting that. i will however block minors that engage with any nsfw posts!
i write noncon, dubcon, & stepcest; these are all very triggering & i am doing it to get over my own trauma. i understand these are very triggering topics for many people & i hope you proceed carefully as you consume my content. you curate your internet experience and i set clear disclaimers on all my works.
as such i need you to understand i am not romanticizing abuse & rape and that you as a reader have to differentiate what i am writing from reality. don't come into my inbox acting as morality police you will be blocked!
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basic dni criteria, hoyoverse dick riders ( don't get me started on sumeru defenders please block me if you think hoyo being blatantly colorist and racist is okay )
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i write gender-neutral readers with occasional afab inserts in some nsfw posts. try your best not to send in highly gendered asks unless i have expressed interest in such as it makes me feel dysphoric.
i highly appreciate feedback!! i won't sugarcoat one of the reasons i abandoned @/99-nct because i wasn't getting feedback on my posts which sounds silly but it really isn't. i put out content for free and to have the likes and no reblogs is disheartening. the number of followers is insignificant to me unless people engage with my work. i want to know if you enjoyed my writing, if you didn't like it, and how can i do better ? i'm not an unfeeling robot and enjoy chatting so don't feel afraid to send in asks. i also enjoy helping people out with genshin so feel no shame in asking for advice!
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i won't write for characters like klee, diona, qiqi, sayu, nahida, or yaoyao!! i also see fischl as a minor and as such won't really write anything for her. i see the rest of the genshin cast as young adults, we may have different headcanons so don't bring age discourse on this blog. genshin purposefully keeps ages ambiguous to cater to a large audience and we all have our own interpretations of characters, and it's important to note that i see the travelers as adults and will write nsfw content of them.
current favorites ; kazuha, wanderer / scaramouche, xiao, ayato, lumine, yae miko, raiden shogun / ei, alhaitham, wriothesley, arlecchino
i obviously will not write for characters like bailu clara and hook! i see yanqing, qingque, and lynx as teens and they don't tug my neurons so sorry, unless they act as an enabler to another relationship i won't write anything! i'm confused on pela's age ... mihoyo isn't good at keeping track of their timeline so she is off the table for now ( sorry pela enjoyers ) and i have no thoughts on arla & asta ... they are cute but i'm not interested in writing for them
current favorites ; blade, jingyuan, kafka, astral express crew, luocha, jingliu, topaz, any of the aeons ( i haven't figured out how to fuck a concept but trust when i say i will find a way ) yukong, phantylia, sampo
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i won't touch ddlg & age play, scat, watersports, vore, race play, beastiality, vomit, mommy / daddy, yandere! reader, or explicit pedophilia, and some others things that aren't coming to mind right now. i will probably add to this list because i occasionally get asks that make me feel uncomfortable.
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childotkw · 2 years
Wth, How am I only now finding out that u used to be or still are an MCU fan? More specifically a Toby Stark Team Tony Fan!😭😭😭 I love him, he’s my most favorite character! His death devastated me so much that Im still not watching that much MCU movies up til now. I only watched Far from home, No way home and Multiverse of Madness (Doctor Strange’s snarkiness reminds me of Tony so I think its a weird coping mechanism of mine) let me rant for a while about how they did him dirty! How come he gets to die while Cap selfishly leaves the time period he is in to go back to the past? I felt like it sort of ruined his arc. I kinda feel like the Russos strong favored and are biased towards Cap. I mean they did direct winter soldier and so on. I also felt like Thor was done dirty. He had this whole character development where he accepta he is the king then he abdicates?! Wth?!
Anyways, can u recommend me some time travel fics of Tony into his 17 yr old self? Im also open to him time traveling like onto later periods. Im also open to Thor being the one to time travel
Anyways, love this surprise meeting of another iron man fan!
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Haha, yeah, I don't really talk about other fandoms I was in / am in. MCU was a pretty big fixation for me for years, but I've hopped off the bandwagon now 😅
As for Cap...yeah, I really didn't like his ending. It just really fucks with...everything in my eyes.
I don't agree or accept the explanation they tried to throw out for Endgame of 'always intending Steve to be Peggy’s husband'. The idea makes very little sense to me, and I feel like to ruins Steve's supposed growth as a character. He's always been 'the man out of time'. His development should have been centred around learning to let go.
What happened to him sucked. Absolutely and undoubtedly. He lost everything, and I'm not saying he shouldn't long for 'what could have been' with Peggy. But to me, Captain America has always been a character that looks forward. He, in the various iterations I've seen and sometimes read, has always been someone that remembers the past but is not beholden to it. He's highly adaptive, and though he might struggle with being in the 'future', he shouldn't have chosen the past over the present. It sends a bad message in my eyes.
To me, Peggy Carter had married someone who wasn't Steve Rogers, loved him dearly, and had had two children with that man. Steve going back in time completely erases her agency as a woman who lost someone she loved but who learned to move on and have a life beyond her 'first love'. She had so many years beyond Steve, an entire life without him in it. It felt cheap to try and undo that.
And yeah, Thor was just…bad. I’m all for letting characters exhibit grief and exploring how that changes them, and he was certainly entitled to a mourning period given everything that he went through. But, it’s the same with Steve. I felt like they turned his very really issues into a joke and cheapened him completely.
MCU just doesn’t work for me anymore :/
For story recs, I don't have any off the top of my head - I normally just troll through the 'Teen Tony Stark' or 'Young/er Tony Stark' tags on AO3 when the mood for those kinda stories strike me.
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missmeganlee · 1 year
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I posted 4,441 times in 2022
That's 4,432 more posts than 2021!
831 posts created (19%)
3,610 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,875 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#young royals - 2,367 posts
#omar rudberg - 869 posts
#wilmon - 767 posts
#prince wilhelm - 763 posts
#simon eriksson - 677 posts
#edvin ryding - 395 posts
#young royals season 2 - 344 posts
#young royals analysis - 213 posts
#wilhelm - 197 posts
#ask - 191 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but being queer is so much more than that and i love that we’re getting to a point where we’re getting more nuanced portrayals of queerness
My Top Posts in 2022:
Signing on for a second cause I need to say something.
Firstly, congratulations to Kit Connor for coming out.
That being said I am absolutely disgusted that this is the way he had to do it. Not because he felt it was time, but because people were constantly saying he was queerbaiting and putting pressure on him to come out. Let's make something very clear,
and shame on anyone who pressured Kit, or anyone for that matter, into coming out when they aren't ready. I don't give a fuck if they're a public person or not, it's NONE. OF. YOUR. BUSINESS.
And to anyone reading this who is feeling pressured to come out, even though you're not ready, please know that you can do this on your own time. And if you don't ever want to come out or don't feel the need to come out, that's okay too. It's your journey and no one else's ❤️
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441 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
We all say we’re ready for season 2. Ready for the angst. Ready for the Revolution. Ready for Wille’s reputation era. But this is gonna be us the moment the Young Royals logo pops up on our screens:
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477 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Imagine if Wilmon’s first kiss in s2 is a parallel to their first kiss in s1 but with the roles reversed. Wille kisses Simon first, but Simon doesn’t know what to do. His mind is going a mile a minute replaying all of the bad that came with him kissing Wilhelm months ago. Yet, he doesn’t run away. So Wille leans in and kisses him again. It’s more tender this time and Simon kisses him back. They’re slowly remembering what’s it’s like to kiss one another. But then something happens to startle them out of their trance again, maybe a noise outside the window. Giving them flashbacks to when their privacy was violated that early morning. It was just a squirrel, but now Wille is unsure of himself. Unsure if Simon is in the same place as he is. So finally Simon takes the lead, like he did the first time so many months ago, and kisses Wille.
524 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
I just realized all my favorite pictures of Simon are when he’s looking at/thinking about Wille. He just gets that ✨look✨ on his face
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See the full post
586 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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736 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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