#I don’t often find people that I’m on the same wavelength with like that. like a kindred spirit thing
sailforvalinor · 11 months
#oohhh girlies in my phone I’m really in it now#I went to talk about this in the tags last night but then I rambled so much I HIT THE TAG LIMIT LOL#but um basically I got re-acquainted with a boy I was friends with when I was nine only to discover that I still have a crush on him???#MAYBE??? I DON’T KNOW????#I genuinely don’t know if I actually do or if I’m just thrilled to find a guy I can talk to like a normal person who doesn’t make me want#to dig a hole in the ground and hide (this is not a dig at the menfolk I’m just nervous around guys my age for some reason)#it’s such a rarity you know???#I just I don’t know aaaaaaaaaahh#I don’t often find people that I’m on the same wavelength with like that. like a kindred spirit thing#and like one thing is he IS a year and a half or so younger than me which is slightly awkward now but won’t be in even just a year or so#my family (in their usual fashion) have tossed him up to me as a potential option multiple times this week and I haven’t been as adverse as#I usually am to their suggestions so like. I think they can TELL haahahahhahahaha#like it doesn’t matter I guess because I’m going on an exchange program and I won’t see him again until next year anyway#but it’s been two days and I can’t stop thinking about it#also the other thing is I don’t have his number but my brother has it and like I’m not going to ask for it because a) my brother would make#fun of me relentlessly and also b) what would I even do with it I’m not that brave#I am perfectly content with just being friends for the moment but I don’t want to let that friendship atrophy in the whole year we don’t#see each other but!!! I’m too awkward!!!#but. anyway. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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byunejoo · 8 months
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four seventeen p.m 𐦍
pairing asakura jo x fem reader
content est relationship, virgin!jo, inexperienced boyf!jo, big dick!jo, he’s kinda massive, oral (m rec), handjobs, fingering (f rec), finger sucking, kind of dom!reader but not really, virginity loss, protected and mentioned unprotected sex, condom breaking, he’s embarrassed, he lowkey has a praise kink, potential size kink, mentioned pulling out (but only barely)
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word count 3.8k
notes not a request! (where are the jo requests </3) lol i told myself when i was writing this that it wouldn’t be long bc i wasn’t attracted to jo like that…..brain said “u wanna bet dani?” also this is not proofread and the ending was rushed so don’t mind any mistakes please
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To say that Jo was nervous would be a major understatement.
You’d been dating Jo for a few months now and it was nothing short of wonderful. It seemed that the two of you operated on the same wavelength; you both shared the same hobbies, opinions, interests, and even your differences didn’t clash, but instead balanced each other out. It almost felt like you were made for one another.
On the other hand, though, he felt very nervous for the next step in your relationship. So far, all you have done was minimal affection—a kiss here and there, hugging and some slightly-stiff cuddling. But he’d noticed lately how much more clingy you were, how your touches lingered, kisses were longer, and your eyes wandered. He wasn’t dumb. He knew what you were thinking about.
But the issue comes when it actually gets down to it.
It’s not that Jo is a virgin by choice. Well—his own choice. There were times where he brushed off his nerves with others he was interested in, but once they had gotten his pants down, all plans fell through. In short, Jo’s dick is big. Much bigger than most people know how to handle. And instead of making him cocky and confident about his size, it did the complete opposite. He felt almost ashamed.
So, when you took initiative one afternoon, kissing him a little harder and longer than you usually do, he got nervous. He tried to keep up with kissing you back, but all he could focus on was your hand that dropped past his shoulder, sneaking further and further down his front. When he felt your fingertips brush past his belly button, he gasped and pulled back from the kiss. You, shocked from the abrupt action, pulled your hand away quickly and stared at him with wide eyes. Have you done something wrong? Did you make him uncomfortable?
“I’m sorry—,” you both started. The two of you gestured to one another to continue, awkwardly laughing.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” You shared a laugh about speaking again at the same time, but a blanket of seriousness covered the two of you after that. It was quiet and a little awkward. Neither of you wanted to be the one to break the silence after that. You watched as Jo avoided your gaze and fidgeted with his fingers. Those fingers that you often find yourself staring at as of late. Just thinking, wondering, imagining how they would feel—. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous to…do anything.”
You regained your focus, letting your eyes snap back up to look at his face. His cheeks were tinted a slightly pink shade, his ears red, and although he was trying to look at you, he couldn’t stop his shifty eyes. “We don’t have to do anything, JoJo, that’s okay.”
“I want to!” If you hadn’t been staring at him so intently, you would’ve been startled by his sudden burst. “Sorry…. I-I want…to do stuff. I’m just nervous.”
Reaching a comforting hand out, you patted him on the shoulder. “Why’s that, babe? What makes you so nervous?”
Jo finally made eye contact with you. He sighed, squeezing his eyes shut to avoid your gaze yet again. He’s not sure if he could tell you while you’re looking at him like that. He doesn’t want to see the look of disappointment when he tells you “I’m a virgin.”
You snort a little, breathing out a sigh of relief. Scooting closer to him, you pressed right up against him to lean your head on his shoulder. “Thank god. I thought it was something I had done. You know I don’t care if you’re a virgin or not. We can do whatever you want, and not do whatever you don’t.”
He couldn’t deny how he hardened in his pants, thinking about finally having that moment, and with you of all people, being someone he cares about deeply. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw the bulge in his pants, but kept your eyes trained on his face as you reached for it. You were searching for any sign of hesitation, any sign he wants you to stop. But there wasn’t one.
And when you finally placed your hand over it, Jo felt his breath catch in his throat. He wasn’t fully hard yet, but that didn’t matter. In just a matter of time, with the way your hand was now working over his pants, he would be.
“Is this okay?” You could feel the way his thighs tense beside your hand. He was still avoiding your gaze, but you could see that he was looking at where you touch him. He nods. “I want to hear you say it.”
“It-It’s o-kay.” His voice was a little shaky, but it gave you all the confirmation you needed.
You leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss on the underside of his jaw. Adding a little more pressure, you cupped your hand more firmly around him, squeezing occasionally. His cock hardened, becoming more solid in your grasp. He gasped, taking shallow breaths as you kissed along his jaw and neck while you moved your hand. “Can I take your pants off?”
Your fingers slipped under his waistband when he said yes, hooking around his pants and underwear, pulling them both down to his thigh. His—now fully hard—cock sprung up, hitting against his stomach with a soft thud. Heat rushed from his chest all the way up to his forehead, and you couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh. He groaned, reaching for his half-discarded pants. But you pushed his hands away and pinned his wrists to his side. He stares at you with wide eyes, waiting for your next move. Were you going to laugh at him? Humiliate him and tell him he was too big to do anything with, like everyone else?
No, you didn’t do any of that. “Is this what you were worried about, puppy?” He almost sighed at the petname. “Were you worried that your big dick would scare me away?” He nodded. You couldn’t help but let out another laugh. Not because you were laughing at him, nor making fun of him, but you can’t believe that all this time it was only because of something he has no control over.
“Please don’t laugh at me.”
You coo. “I’m not laughing at you. I think it’s cute that you were worried about this. But I promise it doesn’t scare me. Actually, it’s kind of arousing.” As you spoke, you smoothed over the skin of his thighs, hoping to make him less tense. “I’ll only do what you allow me to do. Can I touch you?”
“Yes. I want you to touch me, please.”
As you move to straddle his legs, Jo feels the bed shift under the movement of your knees, much like the way his stomach turns and dips at the realization that it’s happening. You are about to touch him, you’re going to make him cum, being the first person other than himself to do so. Your steady hands reach out, and after what feels like centuries, you finally wrap them around his cock. Two of your hands don’t even cover him completely from base to the tip. You give him a few experimental, dry pumps first before removing one hand. Spitting into the palm of it, you then used it to lubricate the glide of your hands on his length.
It felt much different having your hands on him versus his own. Your touch, although firm, was a lot softer. Gentler. You moved your hands a lot more slowly, familiarizing yourself with the heavy feeling of him in your hands. Feeling every inch of him, every little vein, and embedding that feeling into your mind. Your thumb swipes over his tip, dragging little beads of precum down, making every tug and twist of your hands on his cock even wetter and more slick. All he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and let out low moans. He could barely register when you asked if you could use your mouth, which he agreed to, of course.
The contact from your tongue had his eyes shooting open, feeling like all the air was knocked out of his lungs. He managed to let his eyes wander down, and he was met by the sight of you already looking at him, kitten licking over his tip while stroking him. Then, while he kept eye contact with you, you wrapped your lips around him. Only the tip at first. Gently suckling, hollowing your cheeks, then pulling off. After a few moments, you began to take more of him into your mouth. Just a couple of inches, little by little, until you felt you couldn’t take any more. You used one hand to follow behind your mouth so not one inch of his cock went untouched as you moved your head, bobbing up and down, back and forth. Jo could only grip the sheets beside his legs tightly, moaning and sighing. It was a feeling he’d never felt before. One that he could only think about in his dirty fantasies. The idea of someone being brave enough to pleasure him and his big dick was something he thought was too far-fetched, something he thought he’d never experience in his entire life. But here you are, sucking him off and giving him pleasure he could only dream of.
Before he realizes it, a tight feeling spreads from his flexed abdomen down to his toes, where he curls them while trying to fend off his pending orgasm. He knows he can’t hold off much longer, but he selfishly wants to have your mouth around him as long as he can have it. “Ah, I-I’m gonna c-um…” His words were broken from the sounds he’d been making previously. You didn’t stop nor slow down, and instead attempted to take just a little more between your lips. One hand moved to shuffle his shirt out of the way, the other holding his length steady as you moved your focus to rolling your tongue over and suckling what you have stuffed in your mouth. His thighs tensed and shook lightly as you pushed him right over the edge, humming around him. Your tongue laps up every drop he spills, causing broken moans to rumble from his chest straight to your core. You’d pretty much tuned out your own reactions, focusing on pleasuring him for the first time, but you can’t deny how badly it had affected you.
Once you’d swallowed every drop you could, and he was twitching from overstimulation, you climbed off of Jo’s legs and sat by his side. “Was that okay?” You pressed your thighs together looking at him. His chest was heaving up and down with the deep breaths he was taking to regulate his breathing, his hair was slightly tousled from your previous kiss, and the slight sheen of sweat on his flushed cheeks looked all too good to you. Not to mention the faintest of red marks on his neck from where you’d attached your lips earlier and the way his eyes are squeezed shut. He nodded, not confident in his voice yet. Yes, it was good, he wanted to tell you. Better than I could’ve imagined.
A heavy, but comfortable, silence fell upon the both of you as you allowed Jo to catch his breath. However, you couldn't deny that his labored breathing next to you, and the desire bubbling up and finally coming to a head once you’d finally seen what you’d been longing for didn’t make you want more. But you promised, you’d only do what Jo wanted. You’d go at his pace. It wouldn’t hurt to ask, though, would it?
“Do you want to go…further?” Yet again, his breath caught in his throat at your bold question. “It’s okay if not.”
He nods, seemingly the only reaction he can manage at this point. And with a few more questions, answered with a shake or a nod of his head, you had switched positions. Now you were laying in the spot he previously had been, knees bent and pressed together as Jo sits on his heels, waiting for you to tell him what you wanted him to do. He’d never gotten this far with anyone else, either.
“Take off my shorts. Just the shorts.” You stared at him, watching him nervously lick his lips. His plump lips that you can’t wait to feel all over you—but that’s for next time. This time, you wanted the focus to be less about you, despite how his full attention was on you now. This was his first time, and you want the experience to be all about him. But you aren’t sure if you could take him without some sort of preparation first. So you watch as his trembling fingers hook around the waistband of your flimsy shorts, gently tugging them off of your skin. You lift your hips so he could pull them off easier. Then, you moved your feet once the fabric pooled around your ankles, watching as he dropped them to the side. He struggled to keep his eyes at an appropriate level, totally unsure of where he’s allowed to look. “Look at me, babe. I want you to take my panties off, and I want you to see how wet I am for you.”
Jo feels like he’s going to explode with the words you’re saying. You’re wet? For him? These words are so simple yet so new and vulgar to him, but he thinks he likes them. He wants to hear more. So he hooks his fingers around the fabric of your underwear, much like he had done with your shorts before, only this time more confidently. However, he wasn’t ready for the sight in front of him when he’d pulled them off. Naturally, his eyes followed an imaginary line from your ankles all the way down your legs, where he saw what he thinks is one of his new favorite sights. You’d spread your thighs as he slipped your panties off of your legs, and he had a clear view of your gorgeous pussy. It was so pretty, and you hadn’t lied when you said you were wet. He couldn’t help but admire how some of your arousal had leaked into the seat of your underwear, spreading across your folds that glisten now that he’d removed the clothing.
“Give me your hand.” You reached out for him, and without much thought, he placed his large hand in your own. One by one, you curled his fingers down until he had just his pointer finger standing. Then, you guided his hand between your legs. You helped him slide his finger through your slick arousal, wetting his finger and dragging it back up to your clit. “You feel that? All for you.” After that, you let go of his wrist and let him feel for himself.
He timidly ran his finger through your slit like you’d done, then stopped at your entrance. His fingertip breached the opening, being met with little resistance. Inch by inch, little by little, he pushes his finger into you slowly. Pulling it out, pushing back in, he sets an inexperienced, slow pace. Jo was fascinated with watching his finger disappear inside you. “More. Another one, please.” You breathed out. He hadn’t even noticed any of the sounds you were making before. But he obliged and added a second finger beside his first one. The feeling was new to him, having you squeeze around his fingers each time he thrust them in. And every moan and shaky breath you let out was something he could get used to. “Oh, Jo, your fingers are so good. Doing so well.” Every praise sent a shock through his body, and in turn caused him to fuck his fingers into you just a little faster. Twisting his wrist, curling his fingertips—anything to get you to make those noises again.
Suddenly, your hand shoots down to grasp at his wrist. He freezes in shock, halting all movement. “Mm, don’t stop, please. Almost there.” With barely enough time to register the words that slipped past your lips, Jo watches as you begin to grind yourself on his fingers. Whines, whimpers, gasps, all noises floating through the air make him twitch, already getting hard again. You’re fully fucking yourself on his fingers now, taking charge and pushing yourself closer to orgasm. And when your thighs start to tremble and your hips jerk, Jo finally snaps out of his trance and begins to move his fingers. He curls them and drags them against your walls, feeling you clench down on them. His thumb brushes against the spot you showed him earlier, your clit, and starts rubbing gentle circles on it. Your hips jerked, stomach caving in with the pleasure. A few swears mixed with broken moans ripped through your throat at the added sensation, riding out your high until you lightly twitched with overwhelming sensitivity.
He pulled his fingers out of you, covered and soaked by your slick release. Staring, he’s a little uncertain of what to do now; does he wipe them off? What is he supposed to do now that they’re sticky and covered in you? Luckily, he didn’t have to think much before you sat up on weak arms to take his fingers into your mouth. Your tongue swipes up, down, and between his two fingers, licking him clean of any trace of arousal left behind. His mouth drops open in shock watching you, eyes following your every move closely. You hum around his fingers and pull off with a lewd pop sound. He couldn’t deny that he was hard again, mind racing with thoughts as you stare at him with eyes clouded by lust.
“Can-Can we…keep going?” He’s the one to ask this time. It was obvious that he was nervous from the shakiness in his voice, but you confidently nodded.
You rolled over to your side, stretching to reach your bedside table and pulling open the drawer on it. Reaching in, you fished around before pulling your hand back out with a shiny foil packet. “Have you ever put a condom on before?” He shook his head no and you beckoned him closer. Sitting up, you watch as he awkwardly shuffles his way to you, hard cock pathetically bobbing with each movement. “Watch me do it.”
With a firm grip, you held the base of his cock steady. You pinched the very end of the condom with one hand, and slowly started to roll it down his length with the other. It was a bit hard to do, but you managed to completely unroll it. The entire time, Jo’s eyes were trained on the work your hands were doing, trying to etch it into his memory for later use.
“It’s a bit tight.” He almost chokes on air at your words. “The condom, I mean. Does it feel alright? It doesn’t hurt, does it?” Jo looks at where you’re staring, and he sees the condom stretched tightly around his girth. He shakes his head no again, and you lay back, allowing him to continue.
He shuffles between your spread legs and tries to line himself up. When you realize that he’s just a little bit too shaky, you grab his wrist. “Jo. Are you sure you want to do this? You seem really nervous.”
He nods. You shake your head, urging him to use his words. “I’m…okay. I want to…do this. Please.”
“Okay. Okay. Take your time, babe.” You leaned back, relaxed. “There’s no rush.”
To Jo, it felt like an eternity before he was able to calm down enough to do anything. He was nervous, and excited. It was finally happening; he’d finally lose his virginity if he could just—. He presses his tip into you. The stretch was a lot, almost too much, but your slick wetness and the extra lubrication on the condom made the glide easier. Coupled with the fact that Jo was taking his time — he was pressing into you so slowly that if you couldn’t feel how he was stretching you out, you wouldn’t believe he was moving at all.
Jo braced himself on his hands beside your body. He slowly pushed his length into you until you couldn’t take any more. The two of you let out shaky breaths in unison, adjusting to the feeling. Of you being so full and of him being squeezed so tightly.
It was unlike any time he touched himself. For a while, he’d wrap his large fist around his equally long and thick cock, dreaming about this moment. He knew it would feel different. He just didn’t know it would feel this different. Having your gummy walls stretched and squeezing so tightly around him had his head spinning, and before he knew it, he was absentmindedly rutting his hips into you, trying to pathetically bury himself deeper inside you.
You gasped, grasping his shoulders, lightly digging your fingernails in. “Oh, Jo.” Small moans floated through the room. “You’re doing so good.”
He sits up on his knees to better drive his hips into yours, slightly jolting your body with every thrust. He, too, was letting out small noises of pleasure, trying to focus on what he was doing so it was pleasurable for both of you. But all of a sudden, he stops.
It took everything in you to not whine. Instead, you kept your composure. Maybe he didn’t want to continue anymore? This is a lot to take in, going from completely inexperienced to having your first everything in one night. You glided your hands down from his shoulders to his bicep, all the way down to his wrists to squeeze comfortingly. “Are you okay, Jo?”
He nods, shakes his head, then nods again. “I-Um. I’m…fine. It’s just,” you gently encourage him to speak. “I think…I think it broke.”
“The condom?” He nods. “Pull out. Pull out and let me see.” It took some urging, but he did eventually, hesitantly, pull out. And he was right — the condom had split and now had to be discarded. Jo had a pout on his face as he watched you gently pull off the ripped condom and toss it aside. He was fully prepared for you to tell him you can’t continue, and he accepted that. But you didn’t.
He lets out a confused noise. “We can keep going if you want.” You repeat. “Just let me know when you’re going to finish so you can pull out, okay?”
The feeling of being inside you without that extra barrier is so mind numbing that he almost doesn’t pull out. Almost.
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thrashkink-coven · 4 months
I think we need to discuss something that I’ve literally never heard any other practitioners talk about but I think it’ll immediately clear up A LOT of confusion! This is obviously my own upg so take it with as much validity as you please.
When doing any kind of work with any kind of deity, you really need to understand the concepts of archetypes and syncretism.
Religion, faith, and mythology, it’s all a big mess. Our clumsy archaic human language and our tendency to destroy and distort information means that the ancient world is really, to our modern understanding, A LOT (and I mean a LOT) of hypothesizing.
We often use the same words to describe different concepts, mix up names, combine names, and misunderstand each other. Such is the nature of humanity.
Theology is always fluid. Different entities have different cultural associations, some major entities or characters are even shared among multiple groups of people. Syncretism means that groups of people develop their ideas with the influence of other groups of people, though shifted to make sense for their personal experience.
My favourite thing in the world is when different religions share stories- viewing history from totally different perspectives- Retelling the same events through the scope of their theology.
This is why we have archetypes. There are many goddesses of love and sex that are associated with the planet that is commonly known as Venus. Why these archetypes emerge in the way they do? That’s up for you to debate with yourself.
The question of whether Aphrodite is Astarte or Ishtar or Lucifer or Helel or Eosphoros or Hesperus is not a question that can be answered entirely objectively. It can never be proven and it can never be disproven. Because sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes the answer is definitely no, and sometimes it’s really hard to tell.
The way that we all experience the energy that is “Venus” is going to be different. If she definitely feels like the same energy as Astarte to you, then that could be the case. There’s no objective authority on reality or faith. There is no reason why the findings of 1000 year old magis are more legitimate than yours. Study, learn, experiment.
I like to imagine it similar to colors. We all agree that wavelengths between 620 to 750 nm are red. We have silly little cones in our eyes that work with our brains to turn information into color. But we all understand that there are thousands of shades of red, and some people can’t even see red. Do you see where I’m going? I hope this makes sense.
Because of the way that we interact with reality, there are as many Aphrodite as there are people who believed in Aphrodite- and this is true for every God (at least in my silly little opinion).
There are as many variations in her energy as there are variations of people who follow her.
I try to scope this around what Jophiel told me once. YHWH created him, sometimes. But not at the moment when I was talking to him. When I asked him if Lucifer was the Satan of Christianity he said “sometimes” as well. It depends. It all depends. That’s the beauty of this weird wacky thing that we do.
I don’t know how else to write this but to say some people aren’t compatible with every archetype lol. This is totally okay though, it’s not anyone’s fault! It’s just like … spiritual chemistry. Alchemy? Stay with me!
Nature has laws. If you try to push against these laws you will experience difficulty and suffering. ☹️
Nature creates certain compounds. Stable compounds thrive 🙂 and unstable compounds explode ☹️. Interactions create products and outputs. When two or more elements that are not compatible are introduced they may have a volatile reaction.
I will not claim to know how divinities operate. This is all just my silly billy pondering. But I do know for fact, that at least in my experience, certain entities that share the same address interact with different people in different ways- and some entities will only respond to you under a specific face. Some entities will share faces, and some won’t even respond to you at all.
I’ll use a couple personal examples for reference.
When I first started working with Prince Cerberus, I addressed him using his Goetic name Naberius, as recorded in the Lesser Key of Solomon. I used his sigil and addressed that name.
One of the first things that came through crystal clear was his request to not be called Naberius. He made it very clear to me that he wanted to he called Cerbere or Cerberus, or that I could make up a personal name, but never should I use Naberius. He did not give a reason but he was firm on it.
Now, does this mean that we all can’t use the name Naberius and that we should all blacklist the name? NO! and this doesn’t mean that anyone who works with Naberius is disrespecting Cerberus!!!
For whatever reasons, I don’t know why, my Naberius is Cerberus. I don’t know if Naberius and Cerberus are the same entity or not, I just know that when I think of Naberius I get forwarded to Cerbere. I’m still able to use Naberius’ sigil, but I always get Cerberus.
That might not be true for you. That might not even be logical. That’s just the way that my spirit interacts with that spirit.
I’ve been a long time admirer of Lord Hermes. I approached him and tried desperately to gain his favor, but he refused 💔💔. He made it pretty clear that it wasn’t going to happen through a few ways, and since then he’s repeatedly rejected me…
lol 🥲
I was confused about that for a while, until I started getting hints towards Lord Mercury.
I can’t explain why, I have no idea what the real reason behind this is, but I feel extremely compatible with Mercury, but not with Hermes, like at all. Their energy feels quite separate and different to me. My Mercury isn’t quick like silver, he’s actually quite slow and contemplative.
I was bummed to not be able to establish a “work” relationship with Hermes but it’s probably for the best. Mercury is an excellent teacher.
What I mean to say through all of this rambling is that these things are not concrete. My Astaroth is only Astarte sometimes. Sometimes they feel very similar, sometimes they feel very distinct.
It’s important to remember that the Gods are not one thing, but many things at once. The answers to these questions are all variable. Only you can find the answers for yourself.
If you read this far you’re a real one 🫡
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
💗 how do you make them feel? 💗 ~ pac
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• pile 1 • 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁
your person feels conflicted. they feel as though they need to be in control of themselves and what they allow themselves to think about because if they leave their mind to it’s own rulership, fears and anxieties will set in. they release these anxieties by allowing their ego to control them instead.
this person feels like they’re not good enough. like they’re not even one of your options anyway. this person could think that you’re not even attracted to their gender, so they either think that you’re gay when you’re actually bi, pan, etc. or they think that you’re straight when you’re actually not.
you guys could also be a different race or from a different culture than this person, and i feel like they’re the type of person who has either been conditioned to only seek partners within their own race/culture or that was always just an expectation of them that they were happy to fulfil.
this person could even be in a relationship of some sort, already. or in an arranged situation if they’re from a culture that participates in that (i feel like that’s for someone specific). they could even have a child already. if not then i feel like i’m picking up on the type of future that they dream of, regarding having a family. you don’t fit into that image for them though. and it’s not because they don’t want you to, it’s because of some sort of differences between you two. physically. identity wise. something about this person feeling like there’s no way that you two could make a relationship of any sort work, due to the criticism and judgement that would come from others around them about you and your differences.
i’m also seeing that they may feel as though you’re not even interested in a person like them. they feel like you’ve completely released them for some reason. like they were never that important to you. i feel like you guys didn’t even get to know each other that well, because i’m picking up on a separation. a disconnect.
this person still thinks about you, but it feels like they don’t want to. it makes them uncomfortable because the feelings that they had towards you before are still there. when they think of you, they still feel the way that they did when they could actually see you and be around you. i don’t think that this person is used to not being able to control their feelings for people. they seem very in control of themselves and a very typical, emotionally cold and distant masculine.
they haven’t been able to be their usual selves when it comes to you though. they can’t just tell themselves that you were just another person that they met because the connection that you both had was very apparent. very different for this person. if you guys are opposite genders, this person doesn’t usually connect to your gender group for anything other than superficial reasons (could be sex, money, power and influence. anything.) but with you, they felt like you guys were just naturally on the same wavelength. like you saw each other clearly and just understood each other. they don’t find that often in people who they have feelings for (surface level feelings at least). i feel like they genuinely feel like you’re a soulmate basically. i don’t think this person speaks in “soulmate” terms though, so they can’t even put it into words.
i just heard “she’s different”. switch the pronoun if you need to, but that’s what this person would say to describe what they think of you and why they feel this way. because you’re different. in a great way. i’m feeling like you were a shock to their system. are y’all aquarius/uranus/11th house dominant? 👀🤔
they’re still keeping hope alive that you’ll meet each other again. but that triggers their fear of disappointment. they might even feel goofy af for staying stuck on you for so long, but they don’t want to release the idea that meeting you again is a possibility. because that’s what they’re hoping for. at the same time though, they don’t want this to happen because what could they do if they’re so worried about the opinions of other people? they feel as though being able to see you again would be futile because they feel like they wouldn’t be able to get the outcome that they want with you anyway. the feelings for you are persistent within this person because they feel like you’re someone significant and special in their life (even if you only knew each other for a short while), but ego-wise, they’re ignoring them. this person is so conflicted. their mind without the distractions is a mess.
• pile 2 • 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
ngl, you guys trigger this person. but not purposefully. this person knows that the abundance and wealth that they have in the materialistic or physical sense isn’t good enough for you. i feel like this person could be a part of hustle culture, or they’re just extremely hard workers. workaholics even. they might think that physical appearance, money, and materialism were all that they needed to be wanted by anyone that they wanted, but it’s not the same with you.
i’m also seeing that this person feels ridiculed by you? again, i don’t think you’re actually doing this, but they feel as though they’re under criticism or scrutiny. you could’ve put this person in check? 👀
actually, they could be projecting right now. i feel like they could be a very insecure person, but they secure their persona and physical appearance to make themselves seem confident. you don’t give af about any of that though, so you see right through it, triggering tf out of them. you’re seeing the most vulnerable sides of them without them even lowering their guards. this person knows that you’re intuitive af. i don’t think they’d use that word, but they know that you just know shit about people 😂
you make them feel as though there’s value in them. damn. i felt a pang in my stomach as i typed that. you might’ve been able to tell that this person was seeking your attention in small ways but talked yourself out of believing it. they were. you validate them. your attention and their interactions with you both validate but scare them.
this is someone who wants to portray themselves as a big, strong, powerful, emperor type of person, but they feel the complete opposite around you. they feel powerless around you. this person might clearly be scorpionic, plutonian, or an 8th house person in nature. they could have a very intense, fixed, heavy, stable, but maybe unnerving energy to them. very intoxicating in a way? there’s something about them that just seems dark. but intriguing. yeah, they’re probably scorpionic/plutonic af. but you see through the outer shell that they navigate this world in. they have no idea how you do it, but they like it although they’re not used to it.
you also make them feel nervous when speaking. this person might feel like they don’t communicate “properly” or sound intelligent enough in general day to day conversation. they don’t usually care though (it seems on the surface anyway. this is actually quite a deep insecurity of theirs too) and it gives them a bit of anxiety when wanting to speak to you. it’s like they clam up or shut down. they might even ruminate about all of the conversations you guys have had, knit picking at everything that they think made them sound “stupid”, or at their tone of voice, etc.
i think you guys actually planted the seed of introspection into this person. they’re not often in situations where they feel “below” someone else in some way, so feeling like that around you was uncomfortable but also rewarding for them. i feel like this person is either stoic af or egotistical af but in a quiet way. the type of person to “humble brag” 😂. i really believe that you kickstarted this person’s soul searching journey by exposing a bunch of insecurities to them that they themselves never really paid attention to.
you make them want to improve and be a better person. thoroughly from the inside out. not the outside in.
you know what i’m seeing rn that sums up this person’s feelings perfectly? i’m seeing a king who gives orders and controls everything - all day, everyday. nobody can get him to do something that he doesn’t want to do, or to feel any other way about himself other than prideful.
his queen though? she keeps him in check. without even having to say anything. her presence alone makes him want to act right, but the pressure that he feels to be better in her presence also causes him to start searching for anything and everything that he needs to improve. and when he receives confirmation that he has made his queen happy/proud (she compliments him, laughs at his weak ass joke, gives him words of encouragement), he becomes happier. he feels as though his queen’s happiness is his reward for his improvement. but he still suffers from major anxiety about “failing”. so much to the point where sometimes, he has to take space away from her because he’s dug himself into a hole full of self deprecation and self criticism. some of you guys might notice that this person is hot and then cold with communication. or that they hesitate around you. aw, bless 🥺
this is so fucking cute, pile 2. your person is a secret simp for you lmaooo.
• pile 3 • 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
the first thing that i’m hearing is “proud”. you make them feel so proud of themselves. you’ve taught them how to be self sufficient in some way and only rely on themselves for something. i feel like this has something to do with being stable within themselves enough to give up caring about other people’s judgements. you could have this type of energy. very much a mix of aquarian and piscean energy. the type of person who doesn’t care enough to try to fit in with people unless you want to, and because of that you fit in with everyone. you’re multifaceted, and this person may have felt the need to be one type of way when around others. until they met you. then you cracked their stoic, emperor-like demeanour and you influenced them to just let go of control over their self image for a few moments.
damn. i just heard that they feel like no other woman compares to you. deadass. the image on this card is a woman on her knees, crying, but being ignored by the person next to her due to them looking elsewhere. this woman feels ignored in this card. they don’t care about any other person as much as they cared about you. you’re the full package for them. specific for some of you guys: you could be black women and have short afro hair. this person thinks that you embody both masculine and feminine energy in the most divine way in your physical appearance. they also love the fact that your hair is natural and short. they like the fact that you can pull off a “masculine” hairstyle and still look divinely feminine and adorable. i just heard “infatuated”.
i feel like there may be a disconnect between you two. distance? and/or a change between them and their viewpoint on what they find attractive thanks to you. you’re the biggest “temptation” that they’ve ever met, but you’re not someone who they would’ve ever thought that they’d be this attracted to physically. but you are. you’re not their usual type. they may have thought before that they could never find someone who isn’t typically masculine or typically feminine attractive. you guys are this person’s idea of what a perfect mix between masculinity and femininity looks like and feels like. because this is even expressed through your personality.
but, back to the type. they don’t know wtf their type is anymore. not really. you have a very unique beauty. again, aquarius and neptune energy heavyyyy. i heard “fuck the type” lmaoooo. you destroyed this person’s idea of a type. damn, pile 3. you are a bad bitch. don’t fucking second guess that shit ever again in your LIFE. i don’t usually interpret readings that are centred around someone’s looks but your looks are emphasised here. you are a damn temptation to them. i’m seeing that this may be because you look like the type of person who they’d assume would be scared of them but you’re not. if anything, you’re bold af towards them at times. lightly roasting them, calling them out for something, or putting them in their place when they crossed a line switched something in their head about you. that doesn’t have to resonate but they find your attitude paired with your physical appearance intoxicating af. gworl 👀
if you’re a woman, they can tell that you’re for women. they may have seen you defend a woman on her behalf. you may have stepped into your lilith energy. but at the same time, you’re like “one of the boys” without being a pick me bitch and feeding into things that you’re not okay with. you will call men out, but again, you’re like “one of the boys”. they didn’t think that a woman could hold men accountable while not hating them at the same time 😭 your person may be quite close minded. i feel like that’s why i’m picking up on that you could’ve called them out for something. you’ve expanded their mind a lil though.
you make them feel as though they’re attracting good luck and abundance to themselves because of you. i’m literally seeing that they see you as a good luck charm. they may have realised that their life started to become way better after meeting you.
they’re very protective over you because they see you as a rare type of person. they could be quite “possessive?” naturally but they’re not the type to control you. they have a very stable self esteem around you it seems. although they do shy away or become bashful when you know the right thing to say.
they want to share their abundance with you. you’re the type of person that they literally want to spoil. you guys could have lilith in 2nd house/taurus and this person could have scorpio/8th house placements. i’m picking up on placements and synastry that indicates that they just want to give and give gifts and materialism to you. maybe this is their love language. i feel like they’re very much a materialistic person so it makes sense 😂 they really like how natural you are though. i feel like that’s the difference between you and the people that they usually go for. and your naturalism doesn’t just apply to your physical appearance. it also applies to your behaviour and attitude. you don’t force anything. you don’t try to change yourself for anyone.
there’s a longing energy that i pick up from them. again, you guys could have distance between you and you’re in separation. but this person daydreams about you a lot. they’re not anxious during this separation though because they’re convinced that they’ll meet you again. i’m hearing that they’re daydreaming of things that they (hope) they’ll say the next time they see you. they’re not stressing about this distance at all. i heard “i’ve got you already”. 👀👀👀👀 this person’s self assurance is definitely in abundance right now 😭 they’re convinced of this.
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ataraxiasflame · 17 days
You know that feeling you get when you by chance find someone to rant with over a mutual passion or a similar opinion on something? Because we all know that negative feelings in fandoms really require a ✨safe space✨ sometimes, so finding someone who is on the same wavelength as you can be blissful.
So, here’s a list of things you can always rant to me about so you don’t ever have to wait for chance to find that safe space:
FMCs who don’t have to be sassy, snarky warriors to be respected/viewed as strong
Aemond Targaryen and House of the Dragon
Actually, a lot of G R R Martin’s work
Fated Mates
The Handmaid’s Tale (I know, random).
The freedom to appreciate complex fictional characters who are morally grey/black. I’m not an apologist, I swear. I’m just ignoring their flaws (I’m only kidding. Kinda.)
Writing fanfiction
Failing at writing fanfiction but still enjoying it
Any interactions over fanfiction gives me life
Personal gripes that I often fight (and often fail) the urge to rant about (some more recent, some may pass):
Feyre / The Inner Circle (this won’t pass lol)
Attacks on Nesta in defense of Feyre (this won’t pass either)
Writers who use SJM (most often Feysand/acomaf) as a blueprint for their books.
SJM criticism. I love some of her characters, but they haven’t blinded me to the issues.
Anyone who attacks another for having a different opinion. We don’t all have to like the same stuff. It’s really ok.
People who watch HotD and think that there really is a good and bad side (I don’t hate this. I just think it’s hilarious. You can laugh with me if you agree.)
Any and all Lucien Vanserra criticism. Not being a broody bat-boy isn’t a flaw.
I’ll probably add more to this list when I think of it, but in the meantime, don’t be shy to drop an ask or send me a message so we can rant together 💕
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parachutingkitten · 2 months
Not an ask per se, just a similar feeling. You’re someone whose Ninjago stuff, here and on YT, I’ve really enjoyed for at least a few years. And I’ve been similarly obsessed with the show for some time. But… it’s as you say — DR is objectively fine, objectively nice, but I don’t feel the same obsession about it and its characters, plot, etc that I used to feel all the time with Ninjago. And I *cannot* figure out why, and it’s also been driving me slightly up the wall. It’s maybe because I genuinely try to give media the best chance when I interact with it, but despite multiple DR rewatches I don’t see what everyone else sees. And the disconnect is a sad, like you mention — I joined the community here because I was so glad to have people who loved this show in the same ways I did, and now it’s like they’re all on a different wavelength and I want to be there but I’m not. It’s definitely strange for sure, made worse I think by the fact that DR isn’t like horrifically bad or anything, I just feel… okay, when watching it, and can’t even explain why.
I don’t know how much sense this makes, but I thought it might be something for you to think about if you’d like. I’ve been tossing around the idea that I don’t love DR because it is… good. It’s good, but too neat — if that makes sense? The new characters — I love them all, but their personalities and backstories and situations they’re put in all remind me of several other stories. The subplots of the episodes always have an end goal in mind, often an emotional realisation, and whilst that’s a neat way to tell stories, it doesn’t feel like, to me, the way Ninjago used to tell stories. Like, the first thing that comes to mind is Sora feeling hopeless and that episode with the djin where she realises that it’s important to hope. And maybe this isn’t a great comparison (as I’m typing it out, I realise that it isn’t the best example oof), but I immediately thought of Zane after Seabound, when he’d turned off his emotions. Sora’s bad feelings, whilst not as ‘significant’ as Zane’s in that context, began just before and were wrapped up neatly in that episode and not brought up again. Zane acts detached from the start of S16 if I remember, and it’s only near the end of the season (I think! I know that it’s a few eps at least) when he meets Sally, talks to her, learns a little about her life, and is able to come to the realisation that he shouldn’t be repressing everything. I think DR, because of the amount of characters it has, especially those that are new, and the amount of new worldbuilding, plot stuff, etc that they have to add in, it being a reboot/sequel type of thing, leaves less time for the nuance and time devoted to the character arcs in the original show. Or maybe I’m just crazy, honestly idk.
Something else that stands out to me is the fact that DR has to establish so much about these new characters and their world that they… they do something that old Ninjago didn’t do, and whilst it’s maybe objectivity a better storytelling choice, I think it’s part of the reason I’m not really feeling it. What they do is that they have the characters act kind of realistic. Arin worries about his parents, often. Sora did too. Wyldfyre and Kai definitely have a few moments where it’s implied that they’re confused about what’s up with their powers. In Ninjago up to s16, because they wrote a lot of it without intending much or anything to come after it, I feel like they thought less about this than the DR writers, who know that they’ve got a few seasons lined up, do. For example — hands of time is when we find out about Ray and Maya, but it was never often addressed by Nya and Kai. It’s brought up in s4, of course, but if they were real kids whose parents had vanished one day they’d probably bring it up more often, like Arin did. But it’s often not done in the narrative because the writers gave them other things to focus on, because they’re storytelling devices and not real kids. There was no real buildup to Nya being the water ninja, for example, but Sora’s said to be good with tech a few moments after we meet her. This ain’t a critique of either show — just a different choice I sort of picked up on, if it even makes any sense. And as crazy as it may sound, I liked that about the old Ninjago — it saw the characters more as storytelling devices, I think, than relatable to the audience (Kai was the hothead, Jay the humour, etc — ofc they were more than that, but they retained that sort of vibe from S1 a little all throughout the show I think). DR, on the other hand, seems to want their characters to be more relatable, more multifaceted, make more sense — which, when coupled with the fact that they’re new characters and that the ninjago fandom has historically thrived on gaps in the show to enjoy it (we’re a very AU, OC, heavy fandom, etc), I think DR attempting to flesh out their characters in the way that we’re often used to doing with the old characters in fic, art, etc means that I like DR a little less because there’s less to ‘work with’, and less that inspires thinking of the characters in different situations — bc whilst relating is nice, it is also enjoyable when the characters are written with some core characteristics in mind and you explore other parts of them or those characteristics in different contexts. I don’t think makes much sense, but I hope that it maybe gives you something to think about — as you can probably see, I’ve been going a little crazy over not liking it and not knowing why, so I know that the feeling isn’t great.
I'm picking up what you're putting down here. My next video has a bit about getting disillusioned with a fandom, and it sucks. It always does. It's heartbreaking when you feel like that special bond between you and your show was somehow broken. I empathies, and it's important to feel it out.
Now, I don't think ninjago was better at character arcs, i don't think having a character arc be longer is better, or even really a characteristic of classic ninjago, but I do think the DR character arcs feel very by the book. They're following the screenwriting 101 guide perfectly, but it ends up feeling a bit lacking because of it? If that makes sense? Now, ninjago was historically very bad at character arcs, but when they got it right, they always had a bit of a spin on things, and interesting visual payoff, whatever. I think the zane's emotions arc isn't particularly great (and the sally piece is sort of at the end of the first half of the season ;) I would argue sora's arc in season 1 about finding confidence is better, but that doesn't mean I find it much more enjoyable.
I will agree that that the characters in ninjago definitely feel more like characters, while the DR cast (old cast included) feel more like people. Neither are a bad thing, but I think it definitely has an effect on the tone. Characters allow for a more lighthearted goofy vibe, because the show is operating on a higher suspension of disbelief most of the time. DR on the other hand, does want a little more vulnerability from its audience on a regular basis.
Lastly, I do think you're onto something with DR being fully planned. The two seasons we have so far feel very indistinct. There is less of a defining singular "adventure" in each season. And again, that's not a good thing or a bad thing, but it ends up making things feel different. Ninjago is an episodic series of adventures. DR is a continual evolving set of circumstances. Those are just going to feel different.
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
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this reading was a paid request, a big thank you to the buyer!
so they’re just very out of sync, they can get along somewhat often but it’s as if every time they’re getting along they know they’re only 2.5 seconds away from them pissing each other off. they don’t really seek to be best friends but they do want to get along. i get the vibe of wanting a work bestie almost - it’s sort of like, they know a lot of members in other groups are not actual friends but when they travel together they’re able to explore the new city or country together and still have fun so they wish to achieve that sort of dynamic. they really both don’t want to waste the unique experiences that come with their job especially, knowing that these travels and events should be cherished, so it really is motivation for them to get along. in this sense they’re both definitely putting in a somewhat significant amount of effort, this effort is also coloured by what they’ve learnt about each other over the years and is genuine compromise (and comes with pushing down their feelings and inhibits some natural behaviour). so, for example, what ends up happening is essentially winter doing things like, “okay since i’m not a picky eater, i don’t mind eating what karina wants to eat so i will just go where she wants to” and karina doing things like, “instead of getting annoyed that i almost stepped on winter’s dirty laundry again, i know she is genuinely forgetful so i will just pick it up myself (or joke about it instead of addressing it angrily)”. there’s also a sense of trying to not get annoyed by what the other person says, both of them finding each other unnecessarily hurtful or irritating. however, where the problem lies is that it’s much more difficult in practice or when it’s actually happening, which is why in the beginning i said it’s as if they’re only 2.5 seconds away from pissing each other off. basically, they both tell themselves they won’t get annoyed but then when one of them actually says something annoying it’s like, “well how am i supposed to not be upset now?” and the mood shifts from being light to awkward or tense. overall, they really try to be responsible and practical with this connection but the fact that it feels like a responsibility becomes overwhelming.
how does karina see winter:
she sees winter as someone who doesn’t care what people think, for better or worse (she likes that winter is going to be who she is but finds that she’s really immature at times). she thinks winter is almost rebellious but thinks she is clever (think: giving a real answer in an interview and not a PR one but being really smart and even funny about it), karina likes this at times but it still makes her nervous. she views winter as someone who is genuinely giving, as someone who makes an effort to be a good person to other people and gives more than she receives in most cases (which karina appreciates). however, there is the sense of understanding the fact they’re not really on the same wavelength so she sees winter as someone who is inherently different from her. she also knows winter is someone who can make her laugh a lot but also someone who can make her mad easily (so karina is honest and aware of the connection in this sense, knowing winter makes her “emotional”). she has a genuine soft spot for winter, wanting good things for her and sympathising with her rather easily but it comes with a condition almost, the condition being that winter knows her place and doesn’t try to outdo her. lastly, she thinks winter can be childish and that she can be too impulsive (even in small ways, e.g. she thinks winter is likely to say the wrong thing on bubble due to immaturity and thoughtlessness).
how does winter see karina:
winter views karina as highly capable, thinking that karina just knows the correct way to do things. winter admires this about karina but thinks it also makes karina overly demanding sometimes and impatient when people aren’t as intuitive or as smart as she is. she thinks karina has great stamina and drive, that she sees karina work hard practically every single day to achieve her goals (even in small ways such as being very strict with her diet and never making an excuse to not exercise). in this sense, winter sees karina as really authentic and honest - kind of like, “when i met karina she told me she was going to make it to the top and stay there and that’s exactly what she does daily”. winter also thinks karina values money highly but doesn’t actually see her as very selfish even though she can tell karina wants to show off, she thinks karina is very generous to her family (and likely especially her mother) and tries to share and give them a lot. she thinks karina is pretty ruthless and mean sometimes but a part of winter admires this too, since she thinks a lot of people in the industry are cruel and that karina is strong for this and won’t easily be taken down. she thinks karina is pretty, seeing her as wanted by many people but also in the sense where she views it in awe a little (e.g. why does karina wake up looking refreshed everyday and i need to shower and everything before i look normal). however, she views karina as quite lonely and that her intense focus on career is harmful - both in the sense it means she focuses on other things (such as personal connections) less and also in the sense that she’s easily upset (such as crying often when she thinks a stage or variety appearance went poorly). this is also why winter thinks her and karina simply just value different things and it causes them to walk at different paces.
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
I think the prevalence of the opposites attract trope in the romance genre has led people to believe this dynamic is a necessary part of romance and not just one potential dynamic. 
Like don’t get me wrong, there’s something very satisfying about watching two very different people come together and love all the different things about each other. Poppy and her wanderlust and exuberance with Alex and his khaki shorts and homebody-ness. January with her romance novels and Gus with his pessimistic literary novels. Even Rapunzel the ray of sunshine with the jaded thief Eugene. It’s a tried and true formula and it works. Grumpy x sunshine is often an offset of this dynamic and it’s well loved for a reason.  
But characters who are similar...also work? Like let’s not forget that having interests and goals in common with your significant other is a good thing. If Book Lovers taught me anything (stars i love that book), it’s that characters who are the “same” in a lot of ways can be the ones who understand each other on a deeper level. In Book Lovers, Nora is a cold-hearted shark to everyone who knows her, but since Charlie is similarly ambitious and dedicated to his job, he’s able to see past that and understand Nora for who she is. Not only that, he respects her drive and dedication, something everyone else overlooked. He helps Nora to see the good in herself that everyone else missed, and she does the same for him. 
The reason I’m talking about this is because I’ve seen posts recently saying things like “Avery and Jameson are the same person so they don’t work as a couple.” Or there are people who don’t understand or appreciate the Portwell dynamic. Which, it’s fine if this isn’t your preferred dynamic, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a possible romance, or that it’s not good. 
Avery and Jameson aren’t the exact same person, but they understand each other, which allows them to be in sync and know what the other is thinking without them needing to speak. They know when the other needs them to step back, or distract them, or to pursue a clue or a thrilling experience. They find the same things in life exciting, and they operate on the same wavelength, so to speak. Yes, this would make for a great friendship, but it also makes for a great romantic relationship, because you know each other and can appreciate the same things and enjoy things together. 
Stefan and Elena work so well together for a lot of reasons but part of it is because they’re both extremely selfless, so they can respect each other’s choices and also give the other person a chance to be put first, something they don’t experience a lot elsewhere.
Gina and EJ are different people but they both have a drive to succeed, they’re both ambitious, they’re both willing to go to shady lengths to accomplish their goals (talking about season 1 in that regard), which is why they’re able to connect. They can see the good and the bad that they share, and it helps them to better accept themselves. 
Which is one thing I’ve come to love about relationships with similar characters (idk what this is officially called. Same attracts?): The characters learn to accept their own flaws as they accept the flaws of the person they love. It’s so good guys. 
Also, it’s worth noting: in a lot of opposites attract scenarios, the characters don’t actually have that much common ground, and if we were to see their relationship play out past the end credits or final chapter, we’d see their interactions slowly fall apart. Because if they’re too opposite, then their goals and interests will take them down separate paths. 
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
So I’ve been meaning to ramble about the beauty of four walls for so long now but am only just getting round it so i really apologise because the amount I’ve enjoyed reading every chapter and just the pleasure the story has bought me I should’ve been leaving huge appreciation on every chapter. You’re so talented.
I’m just gonna start by saying that four walls is one of, if not the most, thought provoking and intimate things I’ve ever read. I don’t really have the vocab to explain what it is about it, but the way you portray emotions and just the delicacy of every situation, especially in chapter 8 where they finally get together, is just something else. There’s this underlying yearning and carefulness in each chapter that’s just so realistic, and seeing it written down and feeling that ache in my chest whenever something you’ve written just encapsulates that so perfectly is just heaven.
Also the way you depict insecurity ;-; Alex thinking miles is suddenly going to start looking at him differently. And that possessiveness of miles and confusion he feels about Suzy because she’s more than just a fling and is in Miles’ personal space and bubble that Alex sees as his but now includes her. I just can’t because it’s so relatable and written SO PERFECTLY.
And the little details? THE LITTLE DETAILS! These tiny bits of intimacy like the mixed jackets and the shoes next to the door and the description of miles’ belt buckle and how it moves with his breathing is just- omg. And the little addition of Alex always trying to unlock each door with the wrong set of keys? And the ‘where’s home’ ‘here’ ’me too’? SOBBING. It’s honestly a little scary how perfectly you depict that kind of lostness that can be common for people who are constantly moving about and find that security in that one person who’s always been their person no matter where they are. Sometimes I really think you must just be one of them writing their actual story just pretending it’s fanfic xD
And the nerves, and that doubt, like even though Alex must know deep deep down that miles feels the same he just needs to provoke it until Miles breaks and he can be sure. And that ‘c’mon al, it’s never just you, is it?’ That miles says because it’s just them, on the same wavelength, overthinking themselves into being convinced the other doesn’t want them. And the HURT omfg the hurt. Miles thinking Alex is just pushing to see what happens and to get his own way like again I can’t explain how incredibly you do that and how realistically you portray it and without seeing inside Alex’s mind it does seem like that’s exactly what he’s doing. But Miles’ perception of him vs the way Alex sees him as home (like ‘just the two of them alone in the room Alex most often sees when he closes his eyes to escape other rooms’)just ASGDKFLFOENDB. Babies.
I’m really really late going somewhere and this isn’t nearly the appreciation I want to show for you or four walls, nor is it anywhere close to highlighting all the things that are just phenomenal about the way you write and portray these characters. But the way you write has honestly introduced me to this whole new world of how characters emotion’s should look, and how it’s this simmering beneath the surface that you do absolutely incredibly that makes the characters so much deeper and more vulnerable and just perfection
So thank you so so much, honestly love this story and your writing beyond belief <3333333
hii 💖 oh my GOD where to start??? this is so unbelievably, UNBELIEVABLY lovely i don't even know what to say 😭😭 genuinely, i can't even begin to tell you how much this made my day (scratch that. my whole WEEK) when it popped up in my inbox 🥺
writing four walls over the past year has brought me so much joy, so to hear that this little world i've created has been bringing other people joy too is truly the most special feeling in the world ✨💫
your kind words about how i portray emotions and inner workings is just - god, i don't even know what to say 🥺 that's always been one of my favourite things about writing, but when you immerse yourself in a character's headspace as much as i have with alex in this fic, it can also make it really challenging. like i definitely spend a LOT of time going back and forth and worrying that i haven't got it quite right to make sense for his character, or that i've spent too much time on the introspective side of things vs dialogue. so yeah - to hear that when you're reading it all the emotions feel that real?? aghhhhh. that's everything i could possibly want and makes all the challenges of writing it feel TOTALLY worthwhile 💗 (also, i love that you feel that ache in your chest when you're reading, because that's what i feel when i'm writing them in this fic too 🥺)
i'm also so glad you think all of alex's feelings of jealousy/insecurity around suzy work - that's been something i've really enjoyed writing actually, it feels like her presence is (slowly 🤦‍♀️) helping him unlock a lot of doors that it might have taken him a lot longer to notice otherwise! it's been really interesting to write that dynamic.
AHHHHH as i'm sure you can tell, i'm an absolute sucker for little details, so it makes me SO HAPPY that you enjoy all those elements of the fic 💗 also all your comments about chapter eight specifically and how everything unfolded there have made my heart absolutely sing 🥹 i was actually really nervous about sharing that chapter and worried that it wouldn't measure up, so hearing your lovely words about that scene is just - thank you 🥺 it truly means so much💖
honestly it's not the first time someone has said that they think i must be either alex or miles writing this, and each time i hear it it just leaves me speechless because that is just the BIGGEST compliment ever??? 😭 obviously we only get glimpses of what they're like from interviews, lyrics etc - but they have *such* a special dynamic and are such fascinating people, so to feel like i've managed to capture even a semblance of who they are is truly so special, thank you 💗
i'm going to stop flailing at you in a moment because i feel like i've rambled on quite long enough now, but this: "the way you write has honestly introduced me to this whole new world of how character's emotions should look" THIS??? this has to be one of my favourite things someone has ever said about my writing 🥺 i want to print it out on a post-it note and stick it above my desk ✨
thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful and generous comment - i truly can't begin to tell you what a gift feedback like this is, and how much it inspires me and keeps me going through the tougher moments of writing 🙏 you also sent it at a time where i'd been struggling particularly with self-criticism and doubt around the chapter i'm currently writing, and honestly reading all your kind words just restored so much confidence and joy in my writing. thank you so very much, i'm wishing you the most wonderful day and sending all the best vibes your way 💜💜💜
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(PS the next chapter is nearly ready now! 💖)
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Dr1 characters and their ideal partner
Since I’m writing for dr again I decided to write all dr characters I write for and just the kinda partner they’d like I suppose ! Here’s part one with the thh characters! Now you could have different personalities from what I put here and I’m sure they’d like you, these are just the most ideal partners for them.
Sayaka probably likes somebody shy. Whether you deal with this shyness by acting tough and angry, or perhaps even being like mukuro or kyoko, or straight up like chihiro. She finds shyness to be a nice contrast to herself, and it’s likely you aren’t very popular, something she likes in a person since it means there isn’t too much competition.
Leon likes people who just have a chill personality, honestly. People that don’t get needlessly upset and angry all the time, he likes to joke and tease a lot so he definitely would like somebody who’s on the same wavelength as him and he doesn’t have to worry about upsetting them.
Chihiro likes somebody with a louder personality, the reasons should be quite clear. Whether that means you have an angry personality or an upbeat one, they like people that are boisterous. They also find confidence attractive, and those who tend to be noisier tend to be more confident.
Mondo generally doesn’t care, but would like somebody more introverted. He’d get too nervous if you were popular, so he’d like somebody who doesn’t have too big of a friend circle. That doesn’t mean you have to be shy and awkward either, you could really have any kind of personality.
Hifumi would like somebody kind and doting on him. After all the mistreatment he gets from Celeste, he would definitely want somebody who’s sweet and caring towards him, even when he doesn’t deserve it at that point in time.
Ishimaru likes an honest person, he values honesty. He’s a very honest man himself, and he doesn’t want to constantly be guessing things about you. Somebody who wears their heart on their sleeve would make him comfortable.
Celeste also likes somebody rather honest, so that she would think you were trustworthy. Somebody who’s generally a horrible liar as well, due to how honest you typically are. She also values somebody who’s very emotional and open, it makes her comfortable around you.
Sakura doesn’t mind what kinda personality you have, but she values kindness. As long as you’re a genuine person who cares for others and trusts others, she will love you.
Mukuro likes people she deems as kind and caring, much like Sakura. However her views on kindness are a lot more messed up than Sakuras. Somebody who gives her the time of day, and is often liked by people due to their kindness, so most likely popular as well.
Junko likes somebody who isn’t boring, the reasons should be obvious. She likes somebody who can keep her on her toes, if that’s even possible. Somebody interesting and somebody she’ll never get bored of. Once in a lifetime opportunity for her, yknow.
Hina likes calmer, more quiet people. It not only contrasts with her personality but if she were to get upset with anyone you’d be able to calm her down quickly. She would admire how collected you are, no matter what.
Kyoko would like somebody who’s open. Kyoko admires anyone who’s brave enough to be emotionally vulnerable, despite crazy situations they may be put in. She admires anybody that can do something like that, if you’re unapologetically open and vulnerable, unapologetically you, she will fall for you quickly.
Toko likes honesty, it’s the reason she liked byakuya to begin with. It may take her awhile to realize when you’re being honest, if you were complimenting her, but she’d get used to it eventually. Jill likes people that are interesting, that don’t bore her and give her a chase!
Byakuya probably likes confidence in a person, first and foremost. However, he’d like somebody who on top of that is very teasing, perhaps even cocky at times because this gives them the “arrogance” to think they’re an equal to him. He’d grow to like it more than he’d like to admit.
Yasuhiro likes pretty chill individuals, like Leon, he wouldn’t want to offend you so he likes people on the same wavelength as him. He also cannot stand the idea of being with somebody 10x smarter than him so being pretty dumb would probably work well too.
Makoto unsurprisingly works well with anybody, but would work best with quieter individuals that tend to not make too many friends. It makes you more approachable.
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elvendorx · 1 year
Hi! I really like your blog! I was just wondering, how do you manage to find canon-based marauders content? I’m pretty new to Tumblr and while I follow the main tags, I’m tired of the short and shallow Siriuses, activist Jameses, and naive Lupins that don’t seem anything like the marauders I fell in love with. And the hatred for Snape and the condescension towards his fans makes me super scared to interact with blogs since I have posted Snape content on my main blog and I feel like I’d be eaten alive. I’m so overwhelmed! Do you use filters to help you? Or is it just finding and following the right people? Thanks for any and all advice!
hello and thank you! <3
a lot of it honestly is just finding and following the right people. the exact balance of that is personal that it will take a while to feel like you're consistently seeing things on your own specific wavelength but it's definitely doable. i think once you find one blog you really align with, see who they interact with regularly, check out those blogs, then check out who those blogs follow, etc etc. i used to systematically go through likes and reblogs on posts i liked, but once you find a few blogs you really enjoy, you'll end up finding more like-minded people quite naturally. and honestly, anyone who expects you to have the exact same tolerances for different characters as they do is probably not going to be much fun to interact with anyway.
i use filters for things i absolutely never want to see but not everything gets tagged/not everything that is tagged is the thing you don't want to see (so much sirius solo art/gen marauder stuff is tagged wolfstar) but it works and i would recommend it for absolute no-gos.
the main tags unfortunately are not safe spaces anymore and tbh if there's anything worth seeing in there, someone else will reblog it so it ends up on your dash anyway. sometimes i look in the prongsfoot tag but if anything look at anti (ship)/anti (character) tags lol and sometimes finding people who dislike the same things as you is also a good way to find like-minded people - hating can work, kids.
specifically for mwpp stuff, in my broad experience, snape fans are often more comfortable with the morally grey thing so they have solid views on snape AND sirius, james and remus, tho obviously you get the ultra protective stans too. but def follow snape fans if you are even slighty interested in snape, it's a great way of seeing how other pockets of hp fandom function. also, you could have identical views on a character as someone but you love them and they hate them, for the same reasons, and i feel like the joy is in finding the same interpretation, it's very fun and just in life it's good to see different perspectives. i got unfollowed a while back for a snape post i can't even remember but it was like 5 people and honestly the right people will probably be cooler than you think about it :)
so really my advice boils down to:
know what you do and don't want to see
know what you can and can't tolerate seeing (things that annoy you or more serious triggers)
find connections through sources you trust
try finding a mix of people who like the same things as you do/people who dislike the same things you do/people who you might not always agree with in judgement but whose analyses and approaches are objective
and eventually you'll have a great balanced lil circle <3
anyway a few recommendations of people i follow who i think offer great hp ideas:
@remus-poopin @narcissa-black-supermacy @ashesandhackles @urupotter @act-more-like-a-dog-sirius
but also consider anyone i follow/interact with a lot an endorsement! hope u have fun exploring :)
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lion-of-liberation · 1 year
I need to expose my thoughts. I talk and express a lot and yet there’s endlessly more under the surface always. It’s never-ending. I doubt there’s a single person that can handle the endlessness of it all. Some of its mundane, some is significant, some is deeply emotional, but they’re all intertwined and I can’t tell if that’s just what is or if I created it myself. I’m not sure if that even matters either because at this point it’s all real enough that I feel the need to purge it from my brain. I’ll start with some straight forward stuff: what I have self-diagnosed myself with and done nothing about.
It’s honestly embarrassing to think about self-diagnosing myself but… I know me best and I see how different I act in front of any human. It’s almost like I’m never there. Sometimes I am and I love it. But I don’t know why it’s hard to be there. And afterward I regret it and begin thinking about non existence. I’ve challenged myself to type out every natural thought as it comes. I’m not a fan but I need this out. I feel pretty qualified to self-diagnose as I work in the mental health field but do to the nature of what I believe I got going on, I haven’t done anything about this to go find out from an outside source.
This also embarrassing because I feel it’s common. But I hear others using stereotypes and basic examples as justification for their self-diagnosis. I’ve spent years on this. It was 5 years before I said anything to a friend out loud. Anyways… I believe I have ADHD. Stemming from that I’ve developed a propensity for anxiety, depression and imposter syndrome.
Currently, imposter syndrome and depression seem to be taking over. Anxiety used to be a bugger issue, leading to panic attacks and very literally running away. I’m in massage therapy school right now so I feel I’ve learned how to manage anxiety better naturally through this experience.
Depression - my motivation to do anything, including eat or shower has been dwindling for months. It gets better and then gets worse. I know that’s the nature of things but I just want be able to eat at least. I don’t know why something so simple is so difficult for me. Everyone seems to see me as an intelligent and thoughtful person and it just feels like they don’t know me at all. That’s the imposter syndrome right there.
I feel like my brain is full of all these things I want to be and do and I do none of it and my self appreciation just goes down every day. The thoughts of falling into a coma or disappearing have been more and more frequent and starting earlier and earlier in the day.
I feel stuck in some void, but it’s surrounded by mirrors so only I can see me and everyone else sees…something else.
I felt called to type all this out today because something significant yet insignificant happed as soon as I woke up. Someone had deleted me as a friend on Snapchat. I’d never known them in real life. We’d been in each others social media for a few years now. I thought of them as strange and cool, and potentially someone who’d be a friend. It seemed like we were on the same wavelength for a lot of things. He’s even said that once as well. I think people say things heartwarming often thoughtlessly and I’m always the person who takes it seriously and cherishes it. It’s why I hate hearing “I love you.” Anyways I was filled with thoughts that this man could be part of my soul family - a friend I’m meant to have in this life because so many of our interests and ways of being overlapped. I responded to his story yesterday… I guess he hated my response. Maybe something about it revealed to him an aspect of myself he found annoying enough to delete me after 3 years.
I didn’t think I’d be so hurt. But I cried really hard and I’m still crying now. Partly I had a small crush as I often do strictly with males very far from me, but honestly I was holding out hope I’d meet him and gain a new kind of friend. Now that fantasy is demolished and I’m devastated. There’s something good out of this I know. The universe might be pushing distractions out of my way. I’m too good at finding them. Maybe he felt how hard I was hoping he’d be my friend in real life. It all sounds pathetic. I feel starved for deep human connection yet when I make friends I’m so….awkward and feel I have to hide how much I like them. I don’t even like people often. I just don’t know what to do with myself. I’d rather disappear.
I think I’ll procrastinate on talking about what I feel is ADHD in behavior. Specifically the imposter syndrome is what I feel the most. I feel like a joke and disappointment and I’m not sure how I’ll ever change or how to fulfill myself.
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can you explain matty’s non-binary jokes to me i do not get them😭 i know he’s being satire but don’t non-binary people find them insulting? i’m confused. like for example at that one atvb show he was like ”get off with your girlfriend or you boyfriend or your… your they🥴🤷🏻” before playing m&yts.
oh and don’t get me wrong this isn’t hate!! i love matty and the band sooooo fucking much i just don’t know how i would explain that to someone cause, as we know, some people like to hate everything he says, does, eats, fucks, the air he breathes and whatnot.
Sure! Did you have any specific jokes in mind that were tripping you up?
Funnily enough, I just sent that clip where he says it before m&yts to a friend and said “the one time that Matty tried to be woke” hahaha. So that’s kinda what I think it’s supposed to be. Like he’s only half kidding. I think he genuinely wanted to like be inclusive of everyone, but as is often the case with him, his brain and his mouth are on two different speeds, so he just said “your they” instead of “your partner” or whatever. He did it during the last show too. Where he was like “ladies and gentlemen, theys and thems” lmaooo.
Like he’s making fun of the people who object to greetings such as “ladies and gentlemen” because some people don’t fall under the category of “lady” or “gentleman.” But of course ‘they’ and ‘them’ are the same thing. One’s an object pronoun and the other is a subject pronoun (sorry, grammar shit). But at the same time he’s being inclusive. But like there’s no world in which Matty would be caught dead saying pre-scripted stuff like “guys, gals, and non-binary pals” or whatever it is that people want him to replace “ladies and gentlemen” with. So this is just his way of both poking fun at “woke culture” and still being inclusive. In other words, that’s kind of what ironic and subversive stuff looks like. *
* the premise behind it is that non-binary folks have much bigger problems than “ladies and gentlemen.” Such as being discriminated against, being called names or told that their identity is in valid, that you can’t be anything but one gender or the other. Etc. like we haven’t finished fighting all the systemic issues to start being angry with each other about “ladies and gentlemen.”
It’s kinda parallel to when people try to be “feminist” by saying that we need to make Santa Claus a woman or whatever. Like, trust me, feminists are angry about abortion rights. We don’t have time for female Santa right now. You see the idea? Of course it’s just one opinion and not everyone is going to agree with it. I think some people would benefit from seeing Matty as kind of along a similar wavelength to “dirtbag leftists” (I’m not saying this what he subscribes to cuz I don’t think it is, but it’s a leftist position). He’s not like making fun of leftists because he thinks progressive ideas/values are dumb as shit. He IS a leftist/ progressive. He just thinks that progressive values have become so disconnected from real actionable politics and wants to suggest that we try to move in that direction.
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creative-anchorage · 9 months
I have been trying to distill down what it feels like to share a wavelength with someone. That feeling when you meet someone and think: you are my people. When the texture of your energy is similar. You care about similar things. You vibe in a similar way. You connect naturally, instantly. Perhaps through a deep conversation, at a concert, shopping, reading, writing. Somewhere where you feel like you can be completely yourself. You connect over something so fundamental to both of you that you think: wow, this person really gets me. To be on the same wavelength as someone is to feel seen for who you truly are and to see them for who they truly are. ... Clicking with someone means you don’t need to start from scratch—you feel familiar to each other instantly. Context you would typically need to explain to a new person is collapsed. The connection is fresh but deep: you both just make sense to each other.
Whenever I’m meeting a lot of people in a short period of time, I always notice the stark contrast between people that I share common interests, values, principles, and context with, vs. those who I don’t. And when I say “context”, I don’t mean upbringing and background, but the context of what is going on in your mind—the contents of your inner world.
I’ve come to understand that being on the same wavelength as someone is some combination of (1) admiring them, (2) sharing deep elements of yourselves (values, interests, principles, current inner context), and (3) being socially compatible (having similar ways that you like hanging out with one another). If you align on any of these, you’re going to connect. If you align on all three, you’re going to click.
When you find these people, it’s easy to think that many more of them will come around—that it’s quite common to find someone on your wavelength. But my observation is that you will find a lot of people you connect with on some level (same background, same interests, same values). But to find people you connect with on all three in a way that makes you feel instantly understood—that transcendent feeling of: I just met someone that gets me without even trying—now, that doesn’t come around very often. [...]
when you don’t “click”
To be on the “same wavelength” is to feel in synchronicity: like you operate in the same way, like you can skip some conversation you would have with someone who isn’t on your wavelength. Those people you end up over-explaining yourself to in an effort to feel seen—only to eventually feel like they simply don’t “get it.” We underestimate how much feeling seen has to do with the other person understanding how and why you make the choices that you do. If there is too large a gap between how you both approach life, it can be nearly impossible to feel fully understood by them, and conversely: for you to understand them. You’re just different. And that’s okay! We’re not meant to make sense to everyone: we are not all on the same wavelength (the world would be pretty boring if we were). Our job is to vibrate loudly on the wavelength that we are on by being open, expressive, alive, and authentic to who we really are. When we do, the people that vibrate like us can find us. ... Your wavelength is a sacred place—when you find others bopping along it with you, sync up with them. We connect best with people when we aren’t trying to force anything, when we are not trying to be something that we are not. We click with people when we are simply being ourselves, vibrating at our natural frequency: trusting that being ourselves will invite in others that can meet us where we are truly at. And those moments where you click with someone are precious. It’s like finding new family. You both “get it” without having to try. You share an invisible language. You don’t need to translate yourselves to each other. It’s easy. Effortless. That’s what it feels like to be travelling along the same wavelength. The connection between you just glides.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hi could I get a romantic matchup for Haikyuu
Pronouns are she/her and I have a preference for men. Could I also ask for a mini fic of any kind like whatever you think of. I’m not sure if it’s part of this specific event but it was on your matchup rules. If not that’s totally fine!
Also please let me know if I forgot to include something!
Ideal First date: My dream date is probably at an amusement park (Disneyland maybe) because it was the highlight of my childhood and allows me to not act like I have a stick up my ass all the time and have fun LMAO. I’d prefer it over just a dinner date or a movie because it’s more fun. I also just think amusement parks are romantic and in a sucker for cute fluffy cliche stuff. In general though I would enjoy any date that shows that he put thought and effort into it and actually values the time I’m spending with him. (Like instead of just saying “let’s hang out. What do you want to do”, be like “hey when are you available this week? Saturday? Ok be ready at 7 on Saturday”. I like that because it shows initiative and interest). Also if we are meeting each other somewhere don’t be late I will leave. So overall any date that’s fun, shows effort, interest, and shows that he actually took the time to think about my personality and what I’d like.
Personality: INTJ 3w4. I’m introverted and calm most of the time. I can be socially awkward but if I prepare myself or plan beforehand I can be very charming. I'm really analytical and am good at finding loopholes and working around problems under pressure. But I can also overthink a lot of things and plan out too much of my interactions with people. I'm not good with emotional support and can come across a little cold because of that but I usually try my best to understand the other person and their needs. I hate small talk and I like people who are blunt and logical but also have emotional intelligence. However, I cannot deal with overly emotional people who are extremely dramatic and make a big deal of their feelings when a situation can be logically resolved much more quickly and peacefully. I'm not that expressive (outwardly at least because I'm actually really emotional I just hide it well) and have a hard time relaxing or enjoying things because I've been conditioned to always consider how it will look on mine and my family's reputation. I'm a perfectionist and hold myself to very high standards and I can sometimes be very critical of others because of my high expectations. I constantly chase perfection for myself and try to be the most idealized version of myself but these standards cause me to be extremely hard on myself when it comes to falling short of my expectations or making mistakes. I’m very understanding, fair, and extremely loyal. I’d literally take a bullet for my friends but I also expect the same kind of loyalty in return. I’m very devoted to my principles and can often have a hard time forgiving people if they do something I find to be fundamentally wrong according to my principles. I have trust issues with romance but when I fall in love I fall really hard and I’m very romantic (im a songwriter so I’ll literally write lyrics about them and draw them and stuff). A lot of people don’t realize how deeply I feel things because I don’t show it on the surface. I’ve also been told I seem intimidating until someone gets to know me. Some of my dealbreakers are: misogyny (when people especially men undermine my intelligence and experience and end up making a mistake I warned them about only to listen when another man repeats the same thing l've been saying since the beginning), big egos with nothing to back it up, people who can't keep up with me (I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone whose hand I have to hold all the time. They need to be on the same level/wavelength as me and not drag me down), being a coward and not standing up for your own beliefs/motives, people that are way too nice (whoever I end up with has to have a mean streak because it shows they are able to take action when needed. How are they going to support and protect me if they can’t even stand up for themselves when needed.), being self absorbed and not considering the consequences of your actions, people who have a moral superiority complex that think they're better for not wanting to break rules to get what they want, and people who can't take responsibility for their actions. (I would respect someone whose honest about being a bad person a lot more than I respect someone who tries to come across as kind and caring all the time no matter what. It’s like that Jack sparrow quote, “I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid”. I fully agree with him. I also have a short temper when people act like the things I mentioned, or if I’m in a situation where people are being inefficient or wasting my time but if people communicate effectively I’ll be very patient and help them come up with a way to deal with their situation.
Hobbies/ Likes: I love music. I make my own music and music is probably the thing I love the most. It's really what I use to process the world so music is definitely the way to my heart. My all time favorite band is Buck-Tick and I love dark wave/goth music like Depeche Mode. However I literally listen to everything so it’s hard to say a single genre I like more than others. I can't play any instruments but I also make my own music. (Shameless self promo but here’s my new song) I'm a good artist but I don't like doing it on a deadline. I've gotten back into drawing recently tho. I've also been doing martial arts since I was 7 + fencing. I'm good at chess and poker and made money from playing/betting on games when I was younger. I also love reading.
I love fashion and ive been modeling since I was 14. I also did some pageants as a kid. As for my style, I can’t pick a specific vibe or aesthetic because I think I’m simultaneously goth, preppy, athletic, and nerdy. It just depends on how I feel. The only common trait is whatever I wear will always look great😌. I tend to wear darker colors though but I also really like y2k and I have a bunch of lavender juicy tracksuits and stuff (I love purple). I also switch between wanting to look more masculine and androgynous or more glam and feminine. Sometimes I think of a song I want to look like and pick an outfit based on the song. My style is very bold and sometimes flamboyant and I love being admired and complimented. I may not be very social but I instead attract attention with how I present myself. I’m Indian but a lot of people have said I look like Atsushi Sakurai when he was younger.
I don’t want to be paired with nishinoya, tanaka, or hinata I don’t think I’d get along with them that well.
notes 💌: GURL I LOVE YOUR CONFIDENCE OMG! I love seeing confident people like you and btw that song SLAPS! Cant wait to see what else you make in the future!! thanks so much for participating in my event and i hope you have an amazing valentine's day this year!! <3
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he's kinda the opposite when it comes to you being introverted
he is definitely not a shy guy
he's super social, but he will NEVER force you into a social situation if you dont want any part of it
he likes that you have a charming side. and he especially likes that you have that charming side around him <3
like seeing you be this very prepares and thoughtful person has him head over heels for you
he finds that part about you very attractive
he will definitely encourage you not to overthink though
overthinking can be AWFUL and leave nothing but bad thoughts sometimes, so he sure can help when you think you've bumped into a really bad area in your overthinking journey
he is just always here for you
luckily, you dont really need to worry about his emotional health, he knows how to handle when things go downhill, but know that if he really needs your help, he will ask
he will support you if you do the same as a relationship should be
he very much has his shit together
he is very logical and emotionally intelligent so you have a good man on your hands
he is super calm about his feelings and again, knows how to deal with bad situations on his own
he knows that you have a perfectionist side about you and sometimes you two can butt heads because of it
mostly because he doesnt want you thinking that you need to be perfect
imperfections are what he loves and to see you hating on them makes him upset
so just know that you're getting a man who will show you A LOT of his love
he will be 100% loyal to you and to know that he has that in return makes him LITERALLY SO IN LOVE OMG
literally both of you are so in love fr
and if you wrote a song about him he would probably lose it tbh
like he cant believe that you love him that much, but he is so over the moon about it
he thinks it is super romantic that you are able to show your feelings that way to him and he's glad you have that outlet
so he 100% supports your music
he actually didnt think you were intimidating and that's why yall fit LMFAO
you two just liked each other right off the bat
you two definitely make fun of oikawa and his huge ass ego LMFAO
you two get through arguments and stuff very well
and very logically
it's wonderful and SUPER HEALTHY
like people around you are JEALOUS omg
sing to him or just play music around him
that's his comfort time for sure
he also loves how confident you are, it really makes him love and support you even more and means there's nothing that he has to do unless you really need it and he will latch onto you the moment you need help
he loves the way you dress and present yourself and wants you to help him dress just as cool lol
literally thinks your a stunning and wonderfully smart partner and wouldnt ask for anyone else <3
simply, he would just ask you upfront. you would be doing some work and get an unexpected little kiss on the head from kuroo when he asks: "wanna be my valentine?"
"Are you open Valentine's day?" Kuroo asked you, looking at his own calendar, his computer open in front of him. You checked your schedule, the 14th completely free. "Yeah, why?" Kuroo smiled at you and walked over, placing a kiss onto your cheek. "Because you and I are going to Disneyland on the 14th." "Really?!" You exclaimed, feeling like a kid again. "Of course we are! I know how much you love it and you haven't been in a really long time, so why not? Plus, I've never been myself, so I think it would be a good time." "You've never been?" "Nope, not once." Kuroo walked back to his computer and ordered the tickets, getting excited. "Well, you're gonna love it. Man, it's been so long." You laid back on your bed and smiled at the ceiling. "Kuroo, you're the best." "Aw, you're too sweet, y/n." He ordered the tickets and walked over to you, pulling you into his arms. "I'm excited. Just the two of us and a really stupidly fun day." --- When you two ended up in Disneyland again, you couldn't help but feel overjoyed. It's like all the stresses of life disappeared, and here you were in the most magical place on earth. You showed Kuroo all of your favorite rides and ordered all of your favorite foods. Kuroo even ended up getting you something special from the gift shop. You showed him the best time that he's had in a long time and he did just the same for you. Hours passed and you couldn't stop all of the fun. Lots of small jokes from Kuroo and loving giggles from you. At dinner, the two of you were seated at one of the best places at the park to eat and a smile was stuck on your lips. "Thanks for taking me here, Kuroo." "No need to thank me. Thank you for having fun." A special Valentine's dessert came to the table and the two of you smiled. "Happy Valentine's Day." You said in unison. <3
mystery date rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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scary-senpai · 2 years
Bestie you shouldn't have done this because I'm going to ask you the worst one. (I almost went with the most controversial tropes I could think of but decided it was too mean.) 🔪 Fuck, marry, kill: Florist AU, Band AU, Soulmate AU?
Fuck the Band AU (affectionate), because that’s what it’s all about, right? Raw attraction, carnal indulgence, “making beautiful music together.” It’s mostly fun and a little dangerous—always a good time
Marry Florist AU. It’s sweet, it’s stable, there’s nice symbolism… in a Florist AU, nothing can hurt you, not even bees.
…Unless your flower store is all about money laundering and (plot twist!) it’s been a mafia front all along. Anyway I did end up executing on that idea (no pun intended…or is it? 🔪🔪🔪☠️), but since the Jujutsu Kaisen cast happened to be a better fit, the OPM-verse is safe from me..for now.
You see, as I was brainstorming the Money Laundering Florist AU, it lead me to marry all the Flufftober and Whumptober prompts into some terrible, 31 day bastardization of two wildly disparate fandom events. Anyway, I hope for everybody’s sake Flumptober doesn’t take off—especially mine—but who knows. Maybe it will become tradition.
By process of elimination, this would lead me to kill the “soul mate au,” but as I’ve taken a personal vow of nonharming, I won’t be killing anything, which makes the ant problem in my office a bit of a sticky wicket.
I don’t the soulmate au needs to die, but I do believe it could benefit from more reincarnations. I think about how often we attribute strange, conflicting feelings to noumenal elements like the spirit or soul. And while I’ve never neither fully believe nor disbelieve in such things, I find myself leaning towards whimsical thinking when I want to escape the reality of something—historically, a bad romantic relationship. I feel like I’ve seen other friends experience more or less the same (especially late teens / early twenties). It’s hard to conceptualize healing from a broken heart when it hasn’t happened to you yet.
Anyway, even if soul mates are a scientific given, there’s still uncertainty in real science—even a seemingly straightforward diagnosis—so I thought it might be interesting to apply that same uncertainty to the concept of soulmates. I’m thinking back to okCupid algorithms, how you answer a litany of questions and get a percent match. I met my nest partner on okc and we eerily always order the same things, which makes sense since food / drink preferences were some of the questions asked.
Or what about different flavors of soulmates? Why just one kind, or just one soulmate? I (briefly) worked in a linguistics lab (even though I’m not really cut out for research), because I felt such a deep and immediate affinity for the grad students and faculty. We were on the same wavelength about pretty much everything except for how lack of diversity consistently and profoundly impedes developmental psychology research. I’ve (seriously) joked that my senpai John is my creative soulmate because we’re always absurdly on the same wavelength and people sometimes think we are dating if they see us together. (We are not flirting, we are “yes, and”-ing and they are not the same). But I do feel that way, that there are other types of otherworldly bonds aside from the standard romantic ones. My best friend and I were born exactly six months apart and I’ve always felt there was something auspicious about that.
And, of course, I’m a huge fan of The Good Place take, which is that “If soulmates do exist, they're not found, they're made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and they get to work building a relationship.” Because as I get older I find that the most fulfilling and beautiful aspect of a relationship is not that it just magically works, no matter what, it’s that I commit to making it working. Repeatedly. Every day. I think that this is a massively underutilized approach when it comes to prickly characters, because it can show two partners working to change behavior and strengthen communication as opposed to potentially excusing a “ride or die” mentality.
I had a whole rant about the unbearable lightness of being, but I decided to spare you because this is a Wendy’s an anime blog 🤷‍♀️
Thank you so much for the ask! I really enjoyed this (and I got a lot out of this question, including a new WIP)
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