#I don't get why so many people feel the need
i-yap · 3 days
- first of all , he is the hottest character in dc (literally the comics have written this line by line)
- he is the real one with communication issues. You think jason struggles with that? NO jason uses any chance to tell me people how much he suffered. But dick? He wears a smile, he hides everything he is feeling
- the only person who gets to see the real him is YOU. The stress, the pressure, the mommy daddy issues...cmon. and bruce prolly was the worst at raising grayson and learned from his mistakes for the rest
- dick is someone who tries to be happy. Who tries to have a normal life. Who tries not to let his issues affect him . But they do which is why he has so many fucked up relationships. But when he meets you he wants to keep you, he needs to keep you with him. So he tries yet again to open up, fix his issues, love you the way you truly deserve.
- AND let us all not pretend we are all not stressed asf in life. He is so joyful and bright and will almost never dull the mood. Car karaoke ? Done. Skinny dipping in some random lake you drive by? His suggestion. Amusement parks? He is excitedly pulling you to all the rides and WILL 100% WIN YOU THE BIGGEST TEDDY
- he is deep, he js in touch with his feelings and he knows how to take care of you. Idk abt u guys but I have issues . I want a man who gives you those words of affirmation, who makes it super obvious he likes you.
- he needs you just as much as jason or tim or damian do. He also never had genuine love, he also has been a soldier a leader the person responsible all his life. He needs yo hold you, he needs that peace and quiet away from everything he has to deal with . He wants someone he can come home to and just show how drained he is .
- he is so kind to the world but he WILL BURN IT FOR YOU . I refuse to believe any other opinion on this. No matter how big a hero this guy is...remember how he killed joker for jason? Someone he said he hated? Broke the no kill rule?? Yea imagine what he will do for you.
- and how dare u suggest he isn't jealous/ possessive. He gets so cranky..not insecure and u don't have to coddle him and avoid all other men ...but u do have to give him extra kisses
-HE IS THE REAL GREEN FLAG fuck the whole " a hero will sacrifice you for the world but a villain will burn the world for you" NOT HIM NO HE WILL KILL EVERYONE OKAY cuz how date anyone suggest taking you away from him after everything he has done for the world. You are his reward and you better remember that.
- slow waltzing in the kitchen while he sings you his favorite love song, giggling in a pretty cafe while sharing a piece of cake( he is feeding you the whole thing and will kiss you when u Ask why he isn't eating any himself) , getting tipsy and walking back home all sweet and drunk and in love. He is adventurous and wants to experience everything With you.
- best part, everyone around u will love him. I'm sorry but I like it when my bf is liked by the old ladies and my parents and my boss. He will make you the power couple, even if you aren't as "powerful". He is your biggest loudest supporter always. Always introducing you to ppl as if you cured world hunger , telling everyone just how smart and kind you are taking any opportunity to talk about You. And dancing with him at galas makes you feel like a princess
- he will get the best gifts, say the sweetest things, be the most supportive kind eyes only for you guy once he genuinely falls in love.
I love jason a lot too, and tim and bruce too. Like yes I daydream about all of them But I just hate how underrated my boy here is.
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Alright, so there's been a lot of chatter about some of the most common racist takes in the fandom lately, and I know most people aren't engaging in good faith but I'm gonna spell some things out anyway. Here's a handy-dandy White Fan's Intro to Racist Fanon 101
Why is it racist to depict Ed as uncontrollably violent?
Because he's not actually depicted that way in the show. OFMD goes out of its way to depict Ed's relationship with violence as complex and intensely traumatic for him. Because he has so many hangups around violence, Ed is one of the least violent characters in a show full of violent characters. He is always shown giving people many chances before they're able to push him into reacting with violence.
Even if you think you're just doing a character study on a guy who is really very complex and nuanced, please take the time to consider if you're assigning more weight to Ed's violent actions than those of other characters or assuming he's worse than he actually is (for example, Ed never physically hurt the crew during his kraken spiral, just Izzy. His crime was being a shitty boss, not going on mindlessly violent rampages).
What do other common fanon depictions of Ed that are racist look like?
The biggest ones are depicting Ed as untidy/messy, as illiterate, and as needing a white man (most often Izzy) to clean up after him. I hope I shouldn't have to spell out why these are racist, but please keep an eye out for them in the fanon you consume so you can be critical of how you respond when they pop up.
Are you saying that all Izzy fans are racist?
Liking a character is morally neutral. Insisting that the viewpoint of an antagonistic character is the lens through which the show should be understood, though, especially when that antagonistic character's whole deal in the first season of the show was trying to control the behavior of the brown lead so he could gain power for himself, however...
Just please consider - why do you find Izzy's tears more deserving of sympathy and compassion than Ed's?
But my hot take/fic/meta doesn't say anything about Ed's skin color!
It doesn't have to. Most of the racist takes/fic/meta out there don't mention Ed's skin color explicitly. Racism doesn't just look like saying "this character is a brown man so he's bad." Everyone who grows up in a racist society (that's everyone on the planet, btw, you included) has biases to unlearn, and those biases impact how you interact with the world around you, including with the media you consume.
The thing is, OFMD isn't a subtle show. It's very consistent with telling us who Ed is, how he responds to situations, and why he behaves the way he does. If you find it easier to throw all that aside in favor of believing what a white antagonistic character tells you about him, then you should really take a bit to examine that.
And here's the most important thing to keep in mind:
This is not about you.
Trust me, it has to be pretty damn bad for fans of color to call out racism in fandom. Every time we do, we know we're gonna harrassment and just some truly awful shit in our inboxes. But you, random white fan who Did A Racism? No one is out to get you. No one thinks you're an awful person for including a racist trope in your stuff, we just wish you'd examine it so we can make this fandom a better place for everyone.
I have had amazing discussions with white fans who saw my posts on fandom racism and wanted a sensitivity read or a check so they could fix an instance where they uncritically included a racist trope. But most people who make similar mistakes will just double down and insist they didn't do anything wrong, and that makes fandom a worse place for all of us.
Fans of color deserve to feel safe and included in this fandom, and we're just tired of feeling like we have to beg to get some circles to see poc as people. You can do your part by being critical of these tropes and your reactions to them when they pop up.
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kanmom51 · 1 day
This one is kind of personal and a lot mushy
(And as I'm writing this, a bit of a rant as well)
*Be advised.😅
Been a bit.
Well, I was kind of busy. On one of those 'once in a lifetime' trips you take to celebrate a big one, this one being my 30th wedding anniversary.
And while I was on this trip (and I am sure to share some pics, cause why not, seeing we got some spectacular ones) I got to thinking about Jikook. Because, who doesn't think about Jikook on their 30th anniversary trip, right?
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Let's be real for a sec. Who doesn't think about Jikook ALL THE DAMN TIME?
Obsessed much?
Hell yeah!!!😂
Proudly admitting it!!
Look at those two:
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Can you seriously blame me?
Nah, but seriously.
I couldn't help but think about who I am, where I've come from, how my partner and myself came to be, our love and respect for each other, how we fought through everything life swings at you and how our love not only survived all of it but seems to have flourished even more. I can honestly say that I love my husband today even more than I did when we got married. It's a different kind of love. A mature love. A love that survived many trials and tribulations. Some you know of when you tie the knot but many more you don't expect.
And thinking of us I couldn't help but think about those two young men and how they met, what brought them together, how they connected, how they have been through so much together, the hardships, the struggles, the amazingly good and the terribly bad, all making their bond even stronger.
There are those that cannot fathom how 2 young beautiful talented men could be in a committed relationship when they have this whole smorgasbord of beautiful people just wanting to lay a hand on them. Everyone wants a piece of them and here they are in a committed relationship with each other? A long term committed relationship? How ever could that be?
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When you love someone to the core, which is exactly how those two feel (people can deny it all they want, but it won't change the facts, these two have chosen each other every single time over anything and anyone else), when you get to know that one person and fall deeply in love with them, know their ins and outs, know their flaws and issues, seen them at their best and at their worst. When they are happy or sad, healthy or sick, elated or furious, and find them attractive through and through, still want to be by their side.
Need to be by their side.
Want to be there when they are happy, share their joy, but also be there when they are sad or down and stand by their side to support them through it (even with and despite all those flaws and issues and difficulties that at times can also infuriate you and basically make you want to ring their necks at certain points in time) there is no love (between partners) deeper than that.
I do know, we all should, that what they experienced and how they are living cannot be compared to us regular folk. Their circumstances are such that they have to deal not only with an industry and society that deems them as 'wrong' (that includes a big chunk of their own fandom btw), but also a lifestyle that is nothing like the one we know or have experienced. The hours, the cameras in their faces close to 24/7 (up until their break and hiatus and even prior to that during the pandemic - which btw is one of the reasons people have gone mad at that point given we stopped getting an influx of BTS content for such a long time), growing up and maturing in the limelight, enjoying the fame and exposure at first and then fighting for privacy and 'anonymity' when you realize there is a price to that fame. None of us have experienced that. Yes, we can find the similarities and by extension make conclusions about them, but at the same time we always need to remember that their lives are different than ours and that we cannot always hold them to the same standards of behavior that we are used to in our own lives and relationships.
This is beside the point that every relationship is different. I will just say this. A healthy long term relationship is built on 2 or more (I ain't judging) individuals that stand as their own person and chose to be with the other/s. They don't necessary have to have the exact same interests or likes. What they do need is to love, respect, trust each other and understand that part of that is allowing your significant other to do what they love, even if it means doing it without you. Even if it means doing it with someone else. You all know where I'm getting with this right? Going out with others, travelling with others, drinking with others, spending time with others, choosing to spend time alone without your significant other, none of them diminish from your relationship if indeed it's building blocks are solid. And brace yourselves (well, those that are in long term relationships know this already...), but all of the above actually helps maintain your relationship. Can make it better and stronger.
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I've been lurking a little on SM, even while away, only to find that once again, or should I say still (surprise surprise... NOT) there are those that are doubting the bond that these two young men have. It's solos and cultists trying to create an alternative universe in which JK and JM are not close and even distanced (some would love for them to actually hate each other - good luck with that psychos). Or it's once again those insecure 'Jikookers' that seem to need that constant affirmation from a real life queer couple that most certainly will not be giving them that. I keep asking myself why is it that a couple like JM and JK need to constantly prove they are together (all while they actually can't come out and say it due to their circumstances - industry and society they live in), when a heterosexual couple, say Zendaya and Tom, for example, are not expected to? How come a blurry clip (which I still say is fake) released at a very suspicious point in time, together with other obviously edited clips and serious claims of misconduct that are clearly made up and were intended to cause JK harm, have more of an impact on them than years and years of interactions, talk, actions (including just before the clip was released and after it as well)? And now another blurry clip that people are going all crazy over. Like seriously, what is wrong with people? Is the lack of content driven them mad? No drama so we need to create it? Well, thing is that when you are in a healthy committed long term relationship there is not much drama. That's the way it is when you are settled and happy and know who you are and who you love and know that they feel the same about you. Arguments, disagreements, bad days - sure. That's life. But at the end of the day if people want drama they should go watch one on TV.
So, how do I put it to make is as clear as possible?
These insecurities we get from some of the fans, they work like clockwork. Every single time, in the past, when we didn't get much from the two there were these whispers and question marks regarding their relationship. Not even if they are still together, but down to the core of their bond, as to even question if they are close or friends. This phenomenon goes way back.
But since end of 2021 beginning of 2022, when they were on their break and later the hiatus into 2023 it blew up like a full on hydrogen bomb.
This got worse after they were assigned their own 'personal' IG accounts and went on their break.
The misconception by many that these accounts were somehow their private accounts that they use to interact with each other, I can't call it anything other than delusional. Sorry not sorry. And if people did not realize that themselves if only from the lack of posting or interaction with whoever, then we had the members themselves telling us that they regularly interact within their own private chat groups. That photos shared on IG with us have been previously shared with the others in those groups. These IG accounts were created to maintain contact between the members and their fans, knowing that the group is going into hiatus and that they will each be promoting their own individual solo projects. Yes, the group Twitter (X) account could be used for that, but there was an attempt to create a more 'personal' connection between each member and Army. These accounts were work, as simple as that, and them reacting to other members or talking with each other through these accounts was not an indication what so ever to whether they were in touch or not otherwise.
At the time, back in early 2022, when people were reeling over the lack of interaction between the two on their IG accounts I tried to explain that a. not seeing something most definitely does not mean it's not there (something those two made sure to prove time and time again over the past couple of years), and b. that the lack of interaction can actually be an indication to them spending most of their time together, as there is no need to comment on another's post when you are right there to tell them whatever it is you want to tell them to their face. Not to mention, and this part is all me, so take or leave it as you will, but some of said IG posts, well, how do I put it? I guess I just say it as it is... some of these photos posted were either taken by the other or they were right there or really near by when it was taken. There. I said it. In any case, the fact that these were the only two not to interact with each other in front of Army's face, out of the whole group, that, to me, meant they were the ones spending most of the time together.
Oh, and let's just address the whole fanservice stupidity surrounding those two once and for all.
If they were all about fanservice, how is it that since that during the break in 2021-2022 and then during the hiatus and their solo endeavors, we were robbed of said fanservice? Wouldn't you expect that the fanservice couple, the scripted couple, be pushed during each other's promotions? How is it that we have seen during these periods of promotions every single other coupling other than JM and JK. Even JK visiting JM during his rehearsals was heavily edited. How come, if we are being sold a fake bond? No JK being forced to go visit JM when performing at the music shows. No JM being forced to do the same with JK. JM paired with Suga for an add for Busan (? that one was really an odd one for me). When did we see them? So yeah, people can scream fanservice all they want, but deep down inside they know it's a crap claim. I won't even go into JK's lives. There was not one ingenuine bone in his body, and that excitement seeing JM's comments, that coquettish behavior while interacting with him (especially during the bed live, OMG!!!), the reactions to the JM centered content he CHOSE to watch during those lives, none of that is scripted nor acted. It's all JK. All him. And JM's reaction when JK shows up at his documentary viewing live, that little butt wiggle in his chair (reminds me of Bam when happy to see his dad/s, as shown by JK), the face lighting up, the genuine worry on his face talking about JK working hard (during another couple of lives), again, not faked.
So yeah, not fanservice.
I digressed, I think.
Let's get back to 2022 why don't we?
On their break these crazy stories of heartbreak and breakup and hate and suffering and god knows what, only all to be thrown out of the window as soon as we got to see the two together again during the Seoul concerts and then LV. Oh LV. That was a wild ride.
Then BTS went on hiatus and the solo era began. And we were getting less and less ot7 content, and once again the insecurities. These ups and downs (you know, the whole JITB party stories about them not being together - that was countered by the BTB that followed a while after), then Busan concert's high, then 2023's downs and ups and downs and ups and fruck it all, I'm sea sick from this stupidity.
Same exact stories were repeated in 2023!!!
Especially after THE CLIP "which shall not be named" dropped.
But again, I digress.
Insecurity regarding the two and their bond (seeing they aren't in the public eye) followed by realization that everything is as it was (if not even better and stronger) once we see them together again. And the reason we don't see them together while on break... wait for it... is because they are a private couple living their everyday life, not for the cameras, not for Army, but for THEMSELVES.
Who would have thought.
And when they are together, as in working together, either filming or shooting or performing, well their bond can't be hidden, as much as they might have to wind it down at times (which is mainly not when they are on stage hyped up on adrenaline, lol), seeing that this is still Kpop, with fandoms that feel ownership over them, not to mention them being a queer couple. You know. All the usual reasons.
This idea people have that these two owe us something. That they constantly have to prove their bond, their connection, their relationship. What utter bull.
Anyway, what a slap in the face (for some a good wake up call, for others a well deserved one) the news of them choosing to enlist together was for so many.
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Bottom line is, repeated for the millionth time, that these two young men have shown us time and time again that when push comes to shove they will chose one another!!!
I feel like I'm all over the place here. Came to talk about my trip and ended up talking about fanservice and insecurity and god knows what. I guess it's the jetlag (yeah, let's go with that and blame it on the jetlag).
In any case I will go with my favorite saying as of late:
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Why this whole long word vomit, you may ask (or you might not ask, who knows, lol)?
What the hell does this have to do with my trip?
Probably, lol.
But I am going to try to connect the dots. Even if they did make sense in my mind when I first started writing this post and no longer do...
How about the fact that the two chose to take these trips together?
See how I did that? Connecting the unconnected?
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Not even going to ask the egg-chicken question here, as I am quite positive it was always about the trips and the show/content for army was the excuse that allowed them to travel 'for work', and a little bonus of content for army when they are away - not to mention perhaps even an opportunity for a soft outing, who knows.
They wanted to spend this time together before enlistment.
We know of at least 3 trips. Connecticut, Jeju and Japan (the Jeju trip may or may not be part of that 'show').
We are yet to know what exactly this 'show' will be. Will it be an actual show, style BV or ITS? Will it be a Vlog? Will we be getting actual episodes or several minute clips? But one thing for sure. Whatever we get, it will be a drop in a lake of the time they spent together. They went on these trips to be together. They shot this 'show' to allow them to be on these trips. This 'show' will give us a glimpse, no more than that, of what they got up to while together. Bottom line - it's about them, not the show and definitley not us.
So yeah, tripping together (lol, as in traveling, just felt like using that fun word, which can mean so much more as well) is something couples love to do, and going on said trips prior to a huge life changing event (let's be real here, going into the military for 18 months, especially knowing that to be able to enlist TOGETHER, they will be placed in one of the harsher units and environments, knowing that even though they will be together they most certainly will not have the freedoms they enjoy prior to enlistment), well that is something they would do as well.
To sum this whole rant up:
I came here to show off some pics from my trip...
If Jikook are allowed to (and god help them all if we don't get that show eventually...), then so am I...
The scenery...
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And the wild life
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So there you have it.
I managed to talk about my trip and about Jikook all in one long ranty post.
To those that managed to work their way through it I have this to say:
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purple-babygirl · 3 days
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x guardian angel!f!reader
Word count: 1,395
Summary: Steve thought Bucky falling out of that freight train was partially his fault. What if there was another unseen side to the story?
Warnings: angst, crying, mentions of violence including being captured by the war enemy, torture, blood, angel wings snapping, imprisonment, cryo freezing, suffering and nightmares.
A/N: i don't know what i'm doing. I'm sad. i don't even know how I'm gonna continue this story. i have nothing prepared for it. again, I'm just sad. i love you tho.
Guardian angels, beings as old as time. They exist and protect without getting bored or fed up. They are there even if people have created too many wars until they have stopped believing in them and in gods altogether.
She was the same, and although she wouldn’t know, she was a piece of art. Lilac hair and eyes, skin softer than silk and a voice so sweet it could melt mountains.
She had no name or age. She had a number. Angel number 11 was who she was. She had no family or friends.
But she had a human.
He was assigned to her and she was made for him. Her only purpose as a creature of the light was to look out for him and keep him safe.
What she wasn’t supposed to do though, was fall in love with him.
Unlike her, he had a name. He was James Buchanan Barnes. This handsome, brave, young man who got enlisted and was about to go fight for his country. He was so kind, so charming and so so far away.
She was very worried, her angelic heart only ever knowing these feelings for him, yet confident in her powers. She would never let anything bad happen to James, or Bucky as he liked to be called.
War or not, she had his back. He could walk through fire and she would get him out of there unharmed.
Sadly, all of her planning was burnt to ashes when her ‘superiors’ found out about her latent feelings for the human she was assigned to guard since birth.
It has never happened before. Or at least that was what they had said.
It was all the same with each and every one of them. They get assigned to a baby human, be it male or female, they look after the human all their life until they no longer have one and then they move on to another human.
No angel has ever broken the rules, let alone to this extent.
Why did she think she was going to get away with this? Why did she think she was any different? Who did she think she was trying to carelessly cross the clear boundaries?
The night they were sure she had those forbidden feelings for a lesser being, she was chained and temporarily deprived of her powers, and Bucky was captured by the enemy.
They left her alone to wallow in the dark and cry in worry about her beloved, wishing she was strong enough to get out of her shackles and go be with him in this time of war; in his time of need.
When they kept her there for days to give her a chance to have a ‘change of heart’, Bucky was experimented on and tortured by Hydra.
And when she begged, swearing on all things holy that she was past her silly feelings for him and was ready to go back to serving her part and her part alone, Steve had found Bucky and brought him back with him.
She saw the bruises on his face, the dried blood down his ears and she cried and cried until her eyes were out of diamonds.
She blamed herself for being sloppy with her feelings. She had to be careful if she wanted to stay by Bucky’s side. She had to step on her heart and suppress her emotions if she wanted to keep protecting the man she was in love with.
The way she was unknowingly being monitored, however, ruined everything for her and ended her life as she once knew it forever.
Bucky was being the good friend that he was, going with Steve to fight again, looking more courageous and more handsome than any human ever has.
She was so proud of him and her smile wasn’t missable.
They noticed the focus on her face as she made sure the rope Bucky used to descend on the back of the train held up. They noticed her angel heart and how its beats accelerated with every bullet she dodged for him.
They noticed and they had to stop it.
“You lied,” they said, coming prepared with stronger chains to lock her in.
“He needs me. Please let me be with him,” she begged instead of  finding a way to defend herself.
They didn’t care, hands already on her wings and others on her neck.
“It’s over. He’s on his own from now on and it’s your fault.”
They were punishing Bucky for her mistake. He was going to get hurt and it was all because of her stupidity.
“Please, no!”
They didn’t hear her pleas or her cries, or pity her heart-wrenching screams as they snapped both of her wings off her back at once.
The second she fell to her knees, bloodied and broken, Bucky fell off the train, her last sight of him being him trying to reach for Steve’s hand and failing.
“You’re gonna be in there for at least 80 years, better try to forget because when you’re out, he might be gone.” They advised with little sympathy as they threw her inside the dark cave-like cell.
If this was heaven, what was hell supposed to be like? She can’t be feeling her heart get crushed over and over like that in the one place that was supposed to be void of such bitter feelings, could she?
She cried and cried, day and night. The bright lilac of her pupils turning dim and dull.
Has she just caused Bucky’s death? Did she just kill the one man she was created to protect? The one man that had gotten her heart to beat?
Screaming until she couldn’t breathe, she mourned the man she has known and loved all her life.
Nothing mattered anymore. Not her wings or her imprisonment. Nothing made sense without Bucky. Her life didn’t make sense without Bucky’s.
They let him die. They let her watch him die. Her heart ached with the memory for nights on end even though she could still feel their bond as if Bucky was still there. It was weaker, but it was present.
She became quieter as the years passed, no longer singing or screaming or even talking. The heavens didn’t miss her though, but James sure did. They had too many of her kind, but James only had her. Such thoughts would attack her every night year after year until she would cry herself to exhaustion every night, eventually losing sense of time.
20 years later, she started having nightmares. Terrible, horrendous dreams of her long-missed beloved hurting others.
Her once gentlemanly, well-mannered, kind man was now ending lives in cold blood in her nightmares.
James looked different. His hair was longer, his face grimmer, his eyes darker and his left arm shinier. His warm gaze was replaced by a dead one she never knew.
Had she not known him with her heart before her eyes, she might have not recognized him.
She knew it was her James. She could feel him. She could never forget him even if she wanted to.
Their bond felt strained, weighed down and suffocated. She had no idea what that meant. She thought she was turning crazy, her mind conjuring up an evil version of James to make her fear him or hatr him or leave her memories of him behind for good.
But she would never. Let her turn crazy, she was still going to be in love with James until her last breath no matter what.
Another 50 years and her nightmares have been recurring visions that she was used to, and even waited for.
Any glimpse of James was welcome even if he was acting nothing like the James she had known and loved.
The hardest visions where the ones where she saw him get hurt, his pained screams pulling her heart out and shattering it.
It all felt so real and that made her hate it all more.
It took her a while but she eventually figured out that James was still alive. She didn’t understand how he didn’t age until the cryo-chamber visions came on. Her heart ached for him, bled and sobbed inside her chest for the man who was suffering because she couldn’t be there to protect him; because she let both herself and him fall.
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@harrysthiccthighss @tinystudentfirepurse @lavendercitizen @tumblin-theworldaway @pretty-pop-princess-hs @lilymurphy03 @idontwannagomrstarkk @glxwingrxse @littlelioncub43 @mathletemadison @canned-rootbear @pandaxnienke @loveisallyouneed1125 @floral-recs @littlemoonkiller @hallecarey1 @vespasianphantom @vicmc624 @winters1917 @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @blkmystery @millercontracting @trappedwriter @am-3-thyst @obsessedwithquinn @sydnielauryn @alittlerayof-pitchblack @olipiaa @peterparkersgirl-blog @buckybarnessweetheart @thealyrs @colorfulbluebirdpainter @stuckysgirl27 @ihavetwoholesforareason @princess-bee0 @pastel-noah168 @steeph-aniie @buckitostan @onthr-dream @123iloveyou456 @ciaqui @lindasweetie @justherefortheficandsmut @xxdiaqiaoxx @morgthemagpie @wintrsoldrluvr @goldylions @serendipitouslife90 @sebastians-love @leelee1234love @tiedyedghoulette @saint-marvel @helenaellie @onceithough @raynelbabe @a-very-fictional-girl @justabeluga @lindababe69 @sapphirebarnes
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I Love You, I've Sinned - Silvio
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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While I was busy doing official duties, a maid walking behind me suddenly called out.
Maid: "Um, there's a hickey on the back of your neck."
Emma: "What!?"
I hurriedly let my hair down to hide the hickey, but the embarrassment made my face flush.
(I told Silvio so many times!)
Just a few days ago, another maid pointed out a hickey to me, and I confronted Silvio about it.
Emma: "Prince Silvio, what’s the meaning of this?"
Silvio: "Huh? Why do you look so angry?"
Emma: "Who do you think is responsible for making me this angry!?"
Emma: "Didn't I mention last time not to leave hickeys where I can't hide them?"
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Silvio: "Heh, you already noticed?"
Emma: "The maid told me. I was so embarrassed I felt like my face was on fire."
Emma: "Why do you always put them in such obvious places? You're so cruel."
(Just remembering it makes me want to faint.)
Even though I was seriously protesting, he laughed as if it were none of his business.
Silvio: "You're my woman. What's wrong with marking what's mine?"
Emma: "There's nothing wrong with it, but at least do it in places where I can hide it."
(I'm happy to hear him say that, but having other people point it out all the time is still embarrassing.)
Emma: "Anyway, seriously, please stop."
Silvio: ".........."
Emma: "W-What?"
Striding over to me, he grabbed my chin and tilted my head up.
He gazed at me with eyes that held a hint of amusement and smirked.
(I have a bad feeling about this.)
Silvio: "You don't like it when others point it out, right? In that case..."
With a confident gesture, he pointed to my neck.
Silvio: "Here."
Emma: "Here? Wait, what!?"
Without hesitation, he pressed his lips there and sucked hard.
Feeling a slight pain, I quickly pulled away and rushed to the mirror, where I saw a vivid red mark.
Emma: "Just because you gave me a warning doesn't make it okay!"
Silvio: "Like I care."
Emma: "You should care!"
As he tried to close the distance again, I turned to evade him, but he grabbed me from behind, nibbling on my nape this time.
Silvio: "How about here next?"
Emma: "Ah!"
Frustratingly, I couldn't deny that I was weak to his kisses, as my voice betrayed me.
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Silvio: "You act so stubborn, but you sure make pleased sounds."
Emma: "You're the one who's being stubborn."
Silvio: "Huh? I can't hear you."
His teasing voice brushed against my ear, and he traced his tongue over the freshly made hickey.
Emma: "........."
Silvio: "If your embarrassment is stronger than the mark I've given you, maybe you don't fully realize that you're my woman."
Silvio: "In that case, I'll just have to keep marking you until you do. Next will be here."
Emma: "That's not the point, mmph!"
He firmly embraced my waist from behind, repeatedly sucking on my shoulders and neck while we stood.
The relentless rain of forceful kisses showed no sign of stopping, and he showed no remorse, let alone any hint of regret.
---------Flashback Ends--------
(Things are getting out of hand. I need to come up with a plan.)
(Now that this happens...)
Silvio: "Hey, Emma. Later..."
Emma: "........."
(Since he's not showing any remorse, I'll have to maintain a stern attitude and not let my anger show for a while.)
I remained resolute in my silence, but since he had repeated the same behavior yesterday and the day before, perhaps sensing my irritation, he furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed my arm as if to stop me.
Silvio: "Are you sulking?"
Emma: ".........."
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Silvio: "Don't just stare at me."
(I bet he only thinks I'm just slightly upset.)
(I won't talk to him unless he gets the message.)
Emma: "Take this!"
Silvio: "Damn it, don't just suddenly hug me like that!"
Blushing and clearly flustered, he watched me flee hastily from the corner of his eye.
Silvio: "Don't make things any more difficult."
(Ugh, I didn't expect him to chase after me.)
Silvio: "Hey, if you have a complaint, say it to my face."
(I tried to tell him, but he didn't listen to me!)
In defiance, I turned my face away.
Emma: "If you're not going to listen to my requests, then I have the right not to listen to yours."
Silvio: "You finally decided to speak up, huh? And what's up with that attitude?"
Silvio: "You know what'll happen if you talk to me like that, right?"
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(Until he understands my side, I won't yield to any kind of threat.)
Emma: "I don't know. I've said my piece, so if you'll excuse me."
Silvio: "Fine, suit yourself."
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The next morning--
Emma: "What the hell is this!?"
I started getting ready but was shocked by my reflection in the mirror.
(There were hickeys on my neck, arms, collarbone, and in places I couldn't hide.)
Silvio: "I could hear you all the way from the hallway."
(When did he come into the room!?)
I was too shocked by the hickeys to notice.
Emma: "What’s the meaning of this?"
Silvio: "I did it while you were asleep."
Silvio: "They suit you better than any jewel."
Silvio: "You understand now, right? No matter how much you struggle, you're mine, so let me leave my mark as I please."
Emma: "Y-You tyrant!"
(I only wanted him to show some remorse, but my defiance seems to have fueled his fire even more.)
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(I've completely lost this round. Ugh, this pisses me off!)
Emma: "I'm sorry. I apologize for ignoring you."
Silvio: "You're unusually obedient."
Emma: "I've realized that resisting is futile."
Silvio: "As long as you understand."
I suppressed the urge to charge at him.
Emma: "I appreciate you giving me hickeys, but I can't help feeling embarrassed when others point them out."
Emma: "And I also don't want to show the marks you leave on me to anyone else."
Silvio: "You felt that way?"
Silvio: "Then why didn't you say so from the beginning!?"
Emma: "Kyaah! Don't ruffle my hair like that!"
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Silvio: "Shut up! It's your punishment for ignoring me."
(My cheeks must be as red as his by now.)
To dispel the awkward atmosphere, he cleared his throat softly.
Silvio: "Since you seem to understand what happens when you defy me, I'll forgive you this time."
Silvio: "But think about why I purposely leave marks in places you can't hide."
Silvio: "I don't like pests getting too close to my woman."
(I feel embarrassed, but his feelings make me happy.)
Suddenly, he pulled out a sea-colored scarf from his pocket and wrapped it around my neck, covering my hickeys.
Silvio: "You drive me crazy when you ignore me."
Silvio: "So from now on, I'll be a little more careful."
Emma: "Thank you."
(He always seems to understand my feelings.)
(Still, putting so many hickeys is going too far.)
As a small retaliation, I hugged him tightly and planted a kiss on his Adam's apple.
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Silvio: "W-What the!? You!"
Ignoring his flustered reaction, I sucked on his skin and left a mark.
Silvio: "You always do this to me."
Emma: "I'd like to call it even, but there aren't enough yet, so brace yourself."
I made the declaration, and he burst into laughter.
Silvio: "You've got some nerve. I hope you don't regret it."
After leaving a kiss on the back of my hand and marking it, he lifted me in his arms and pushed me down onto the bed.
Silvio: "It's not me who needs to brace myself."
Silvio: "I'll leave plenty in places covered by clothes, too, so get ready."
Emma: "W-Wait! It's my turn to leave marks now!"
Evading my plea with a smirk, Silvio continued to leave marks all over my skin.
Repentance and retaliation both eventually turned into sweet moments as I bathed in the evidence of his love.
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genericpuff · 21 hours
You know what do you think of hanza cancelling her own comic that is the guy upstairs? Like for me,I really really hope she's okay. And I know blacklightjack(he make a video about this) and the line he says about artists need to grow a thicker skin is just. I'm sorry like,look I get what he's saying but hanza have to cancel the comic because of toxic shippers. Sure,you can just ignore them and pretend they don't exist but they will still still still annoy you and h*rass you to the point you can't take it anymore and have to cancel the comic because of the whole goddamn toxic fanbase.
(as a Malaysian myself,I need to say this,I really hope hanza is alright. And in my language saya harap dia dapat bantuan Dan menjaga kesihatan sendiri)
sigh I feel like this isn't the answer or essay you expected but I hope you're open to at least hearing it out all the same.
I do not think Hanza handled the situation in a way that benefitted her as a creator or her audience of people who genuinely love her work.
I DO think she was justified to be pissed off with the people harassing her. Those people suck ass and they're the definition of "this is why we can't have nice things."
But like... the notion of "you need to grow thicker skin" is true in being a creator who puts their work out into the world for an audience. Hear me out, this does NOT mean "creators aren't allowed to have feelings". But it does mean that you have to find peace with the fact that there are gonna be weirdos and assholes who take shit too far within your community. You don't necessarily deserve that. But you can't give those people power over you by going scorched earth in the way that Hanza did, because who does it really benefit? Hanza is now out a job and she's soiled her own reputation with her audience by basically going "FINE, because of these few people who were shit, NO ONE gets to have a good time!" And that's just... not a productive or healthy way to deal with these issues because it's just doing what those trolls and shitheads likely wanted. They wanted a reaction out of her, and she delivered it to them on a silver platter.
Like, I think of the dumbasses complaining about Hanza "taking advantage of the dark romance community" (she didn't, she just made a horror thriller comic that they felt entitled to see romance in) and guess what? Now those dumbasses have power over here because she ended the comic and in their heads, I'm sure they're thinking "good riddance". By choosing to not only end her comic, but spoil it entirely for her fans who were there in good faith, Hanza gave power to the people who weren't even a part of her target audience to begin with.
I do think it's ironic if people assume I'd automatically boo the "grow thicker skin" mantra because like, y'all... many of my complaints here are literally about people like Rachel who behave badly with their audience and desperately needed to grow thicker skin. In a lot of ways she's not even reacting to direct harassers, she's reacting to people simply discussing her comic in their own spaces which aren't mean for her. If she spoiled the ending of LO for her fans and ended the comic prematurely, I would feel awful, but... it still would have been her decision at the end of the day that she'd have to stand by and take responsibility for.
I think, at best, if I were to give her any unsolicited advice, she should have just put the comic on hiatus, taken a break, focused on her mental health and given herself enough distance to ask herself if she wanted to continue TGU. Maybe it still would have ended the same way, but at least she would have given herself the time and space to heal and rationalize her choices.
Instead, by choosing the nuclear option of spoiling the series for her readers and axing the comic - just to backpedal and go back to "no no it's just an indefinite hiatus!" - she gave up her power to the people who were harassing her. She reacted in a way that gave them power over her, not herself over them.
And I say this as someone who's currently on an indefinite hiatus with their main project, which I still have not spoiled for the 5 readers I have, despite the fact that I have zero clue when I'll return or if I'll even be able to. Whether or not Cyra and co. break out of the Reaper Society is now a 2 year old question.
I say this all as someone who has been harassed and is still harassed for doing what I wanna do. My first ever webcomic website when I was like 17 used to get emails and comments from shitty classmates and other local yokels who knew of me and wanted to pick fights over a teenager's dumb lil' gag comics. I kept making those comics anyways for myself and for the people who did like reading them, until I was ready to drop the comic on my own terms and move onto my next project, which would be Reaper. Reaper also got a lot of nonsense complaints and harassment. As did my fanfiction projects, as did my digital art, as did everything that I've ever put out into the world through the Internet, because the Internet just sucks for everyone always and then you die 🤣
And now, 10+ years later, I get the occasional "you're a shitty talentless person who isn't gonna amount to anything and yaddayaddayadda" which, to be fair, is a reaction from the folks who are unhappy with my intentions to make a Lore Olympus rewrite comic!
But I'm not going to give them power over me by stopping. I have a story I want to tell and if I stopped telling that story due to the shitty things they had to say and do, then I would be punishing myself and punishing my audience for the actions of a few bad apples. I do not deserve to have those abusive actions targeted at me (though they surely do and that's on them) and I do not have to put up with it, but I genuinely would not be able to live with myself if I gave them power over me by reacting in such an explosive way that my bloody remains land on everyone around me, including the people who were supportive and loved my work along the way.
That said, I also don't know to what extent Hanza was harassed. I've seen people claim she was doxxed, but have yet to see any evidence of that. I have seen people claim she got death threats, but Hanza hasn't shown anything to back that up. I'm going to assume the best of her that the harassment must have gotten pretty fucking bad for her to want to quit, and again, that is justified, and I cannot in any way use my experiences as a way to diminish hers. Maybe she just flat out isn't interested in making TGU anymore which... I can definitely say I relate to that, too.
There's this sort of mindfulness technique in stress and emotional management where you have to recognize that other people's actions are NOT your responsibility, but your REACTION is, because your reaction is what you can control and have power over.
Rachel Smythe finished LO in spite of what wackjobs like me said (and still say) about her and she has power in that perseverance, power that wackjobs like me cannot and *should* not try to take away from her.
mongie decided Webtoons was not suited for her work and vision and decided to put the comic on hiatus until she could get her distribution rights back and continue Let's Play on another platform. She has power in that decision and integrity, power that Webtoons cannot take away from her.
Whether or not you like my work, whatever opinion you have of it that you're entitled to, I have power in knowing that I started a project that I now love dearly and can take pride in, and has brought closure to people like me who were left disappointed by LO. I have power in that stubbornness and refusal to let other people determine what I'm capable of.
Even if you remove the external influence of the audience from the picture, we all have power as creators that we need to harness and take ownership in.
By going nuclear and spoiling her comic for her audience and ending it entirely, Hanza may have gotten the short term satisfaction of turning the school bus around to go back home, but she still disrespected herself and robbed herself of her own power as a creator which will ultimately stick with her far more than it will the harassers who will inevitably move on to some other target and forget she even existed. And that's a decision that she has to live with.
The harassers got under Hanza's skin and gave her more than enough reason to feel frustrated. But they did not choose to spoil and end the comic. She did. And she is ultimately the only one who will have to live with the consequences of that.
I do hope she's okay and that she's getting the time and space she needs to heal from this. If this truly is the outcome that she feels gives her the most power and the ends justified the means for her, I hope she found strength in it, regardless of the opinions of people like myself that ultimately should not matter to her. I hope the people harassing her get what's coming for them whether it be actually getting called out or just the universe delivering karmic retribution on them. I hope Hanza can find joy and peace again either in TGU or whatever project she pursues next. But most importantly, I hope she finds the confidence and power she needs to stick to her guns and create what she wants to create, unapologetically.
"Growing thicker skin" doesn't mean we as creators have to be comfortable with abuse - it just means we need to do ourselves the honor and favor of making decisions that give ourselves power rather than giving it away to the abusers who do not have to live our lives at the end of it all.
And that is my very big bag of cents on that.
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milkloafy · 14 hours
⋆。˚ ❀ prompt: "don't ask me to forget last night. in my heart laid a map of your body" by delilahfairchild ⋆。˚ ❀ contents: implied smut, fluff but bittersweet ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 1.5k ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: loosely based on the dialogue prompt above! i saw it and immediately thought of neuvi c: writing this made me so soft for him ahh pls enjoy!! xo
Amidst the stupor of the night was when poor decisions appeared to be good.
Add in the mixture of wine from a celebratory evening out and you felt just about invincible. The mere thought of any consequence seemed so far away from you.
But the moment you woke up with a throbbing headache and lack of clothes, you knew the consequences would catch up to you.
You stilled as you noticed the plush, royal blue sheets you laid in. It was all too familiar, yet experiencing it in such a way was foreign to you. Turning your head cautiously, you spotted a sleeping Neuvillette who looked completely unbothered in blissful unconsciousness.
Gravely, you examined his peaceful figure, savoring the last few moments of normalcy before your relationship was likely to change forever.
As you took one last look at the slow rise and fall of his bare chest, you slipped out of the bed to gather your clothes—all strewn around across the room. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks at the memory of exactly how your clothes came to be on the floor in such a way. For such a gentle soul, Neuvillette sure surprised you in that department.
Once you located your undergarments and began to clothe yourself, you felt guilt flood through your body. Guilt from the events of last night, guilt at the act of you leaving in the morning without a word… 
“Heading out so soon?” 
You jumped, your dress falling from your hands and back onto the carpeted floor. 
“Neuvillette! You’re awake.” 
He sat up slightly in his bed, exposing the toned muscles of his torso out for anyone to see. Tilting his head to the side, he said, “Your tone informs me you are not pleased with the situation. Shall I pretend to continue being asleep?”
Shaking your head, you hastily pulled your dress up from your feet, slipping your arms through the bellowing sleeves. “No, of course not.” You shut your eyes. “I just didn’t expect to have to talk about this so suddenly.” 
Neuvillette didn’t say a word, instead staring expectantly at you. 
“About last night—“ you began hastily, fingers tugging at the loose fabric of your dress. “You are one of my dearest friends, and I, yours. And we were both intoxicated. And—”
“If you are about to ask me to forget last night, please, stop.” 
His voice was filled with such sorrow that you forced yourself to look up at him. With a morose, yet understanding look in his eyes, you were hit with the realization that this likely wasn’t the first time he went through something like this. Despite his preference towards solitude, you knew his heart was kind enough to let people in, no matter how hard he tried not to let it be the case. Throughout his many, many years of life, he must have experienced a multitude of love and loss. 
And that only reminded you just why last night had to be a mistake. 
As if reading the expression on your face, Neuvillette spoke once more. “You may wish to erase the memory we made together, but painted in my heart is a map of your body. I am uncertain if I would be able to comply with your wishes.” 
You held your breath, grip tightening around your dress as your stomach churned. Feeling the wrinkles beneath your palms, you sighed. You would certainly need to get your outfit dry cleaned after this. 
“Neuvillette, I don’t want to forget last night, either,” you said, breathless. How could you forget, even if you wanted? The feeling of Neuvillette’s hot breath against your neck, the image of his sculpted figure that could somehow be so gentle when it touched you. Those moments were etched into your memory, too. “But what if it is for the best?”
“How could it possibly be so?” 
“You’re immortal, for one. I am not.” 
Truly, that was the bulk of it. You could have stopped there. What reason could be more potent than this? You were a human, with a lifespan limited by health, illness, aging. He was the Sovereign Dragon on Fontaine. If you friendship turned into something more, then the attachment would only grow. And when the time came for you to part with Teyvat, a storm was certain to come to the land. 
“I am not immortal,” he corrected. “I have reincarnated.” 
You looked at him helplessly. “And I have not. I will not. We’re good as friends—amazing even. If we stay this way, it’ll be easier on the both of us.” 
Neuvillette rose from his position in bed, slipping on a silken robe before walking over to you. Slowly, he approached, placing his hand on your cheek and you sucked in a sharp breath at the cold touch. 
“The easiest way does not always mean the best,” he said, softly stroking the high point of your cheekbone. “I would rather spend a life being able to hold you, kiss you, love you, until the last moments, rather than living in regret.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut, allowing yourself to melt into his touch. “But then when those last moments come, and it is inevitable that they will… What then? I do not want you to suffer—to feel anymore loss and sadness.” 
“I have grown to accept that it is part of life, no matter how long or short we live for. Loss is a constant.” 
You let out a breathless laughter, feeling almost hopeless. “Is that supposed to make it any better?” 
Neuvillette gazed fondly down at you, hand falling from your face to trace its way down your arm. You found your own hand finding its place in his, and you hoped he would never let go. 
“It does not make it better,” he said solemnly. “Loss is still painful, no matter how many times it occurs. Still, we cannot let that stop us from living our lives.”
He drew closer to you, so close you could almost feel the warmth radiating from his core. You held your breath and peered up at him. 
“I, for one, believe experiencing moments such as last night with you, and those like it to come, is worth the crushing pain of it all coming to an end,” he declared. At the look on your face, he placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. “Still, I cannot decide for you.” He took a step back. “If you wish to not go further in our relationship, I will respect that. I can never forget how you looked, how you felt, as you laid underneath me. But for your sake, I will not speak of it again if that is the what you so desire—”
“No!” you cried out, tearing your hand from his to hold his face gently between your palms. “That is not what I desire. I wish to have more moments such as last night with you. I wish to grow old and experience life with you. Still, I just wish I could always be there for you.” 
Resting his forehead against yours, Neuvillette sighed solemnly. “I know, mon coeur. There are days I wish the same, but until that is a possibility, please know that you will always have my heart.” 
You nodded, pressing your lips against his. You felt relief overcome his body as he returned your kiss. He enveloped you in a warm embrace, hands cupped around your waist as he nipped at your lower lip. Your hands that rested on his face made their way to the back of his neck, only deepening your connection. 
As you pulled away for air, you managed a quiet, “Thank you.” 
“What for?” he asked, brushing aside the hair that fell across your face. 
“For one, not getting mad at me for trying to sneak out and pretend nothing happened,” you said sheepishly, looking down in shame. “I am truly sorry. I really thought it would be the best thing for both of us… But it’s not.” 
Neuvillette gently pinched your cheek, hints of humor in his eyes. “Indeed, it is not. And while I may not be mad, a punishment has yet to be doled out.”
“The Chief Justice’s work is never done,” you said with a nervous laugh, wondering just what type of punishment he could be speaking of. 
“We deal with that later tonight,” he said firmly, giving you a gentle squeeze. “For now, we celebrate the evolution of our relationship.”
“Here’s to the rest of my life that I now have the honor of spending with you.” 
“The honor is all mine, mon coeur.” Neuvillette held your hand in his, placing another chaste kiss on lips. “Thank you for choosing me in this lifetime.” 
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mayajadewrites · 19 hours
could've been you: aizawa x fem!reader x hawks
summary: You're the new teacher at UA with a rocky past with one of their beloved teachers, Shouta Aizawa aka Eraserhead. You'd rather never see him again but alas, such is life. You also meet Keigo, aka Hawks, who is the opposite of Aizawa. Smiley, golden retriever energy. Nothing could go wrong... right? relationships: aizawa x fem!reader, hawks x fem!reader warnings: some chapters will be NSFW, they will have a warning on them in bold. not many descriptions of reader, other than she's midsize.
@come-away-with-me87, @kxshdoll, @evilsanzu, @friendly-neighborhood-turtle, @lili-pond,
@the-unhinged-raccoon @falling4fandoms
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this is a super smutty chapter and i'm not sorry
Your fingers grazed the petals of the roses that Keigo got you. You placed the vase in the middle of your dining table and they were undoubtably the center of attention.
Keigo is a rose. Stunning, adored by most people, and gives whoever receives them an immense sense of adornment.
Shouta is an Azalea. Specifically purple Azaleas. They need more shade in order to flourish, but they are absolute stunning once in full bloom. Azaleas also never receive a quarter of the love and recognition that roses do.
You pour yourself a glass of white wine after your first day as a teacher at UA. You're now in a cream colored lounge set consisting of pants that hug your curves and a tank to.
As you swirl your glass you glance at your phone. You're not sure why you're hoping to see Aizawa's name - he doesn't have your number and you refused to give it to him.
Keigo's name flashed on the screen. You slid the arrow to the right to answer the FaceTime call.
"Hi." You smile as you answer the phone. Keigo is in the air, you can tell by his dark red wings moving through the air.
"Tell me all about your first day!" He smiled into his phone. His yellow goggles moved with his cheeks.
"You're too cute. Well, it was good! Then I got a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from a man that just so happens to fly."
"He sounds like a keeper." Keigo flashed his teeth. Your heart rate increased when he said that. You didn't know if you wanted him to be your boyfriend. You didn't know if you wanted a boyfriend period.
Did you want to have this conversation now?
So you don't.
"How's patrol going?" You changed the subject. Keigo's lips slightly lowered as his smile faded. Not too much, but noticable enough.
"It's going pretty well. League of Villains seem to be in hiding. Which worries me."
"Well at least it's quiet for now." You sigh thinking about Shigaraki. How much pain he was feeling, that in turn you had to feel but only temporarily.
"Please get home safe, Kei." You pressed your chin into your palm as you leaned on the counter. Keigo smiled at the screen - his honey coated eyes shining under the moonlight.
"I miss you." Keigo said softly.
"I miss you too. Come over on Friday and you can sleepover since it's not a school night." This makes Keigo smile form ear to ear.
"It's a date." He takes flight and you notice the screen moving slightly.
"Keigo please hang up if you're gonna fly while on FaceTime, I feel like I'm gonna be sick." You giggle.
"Sorry, I fly when I get excited." He stops moving, presumably leanding on the ground. "Have a good night baby bird."
"You too Kei. Be safe, please." You press the red button on your screen to hang up, leaving your phone on the counter.
One glass of wine turns into two. Two turns into three.
Three turns into knocking on Shouta's door.
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Your body felt fuzzy. You could control your actions (mostly) but you felt more... free.
So why wouldn't you knock on Shouta's door at 11 PM?
You pressed your knuckles to the door and knocked semi-quietly.
"Eraserrrrrr." You sing as you plant your hands on your hips.
You hear footsteps and then suddenly the door is open.
Shouta is standing in front of you wearing a black t-shirt, sweatpants and slippers.
"Why are you knocking on my door at 11 PM? No boyfriend tonight?"
"I don't have a boyfriend silly." You look past his shoulder into his room. "I've never seen your room so I wanted to see it!"
"At 11 o'clock at night?"
"Yes. Why do you keep mentioning the time?"
Aizawa stared at you for a few moments, analyzing your face. "You're drunk?"
"I've had 1... 2... 3 glasses of wine!" You held up three fingers in front of his face.
Aizawa grabbed the hand you were holding up and pulled you into his room.
It's spotless, but very dark. He has one light in the corner that's on next to a comfy looking chair and a book. His kitchen is the same as yours, just decorated different.
"You're so clean." You press a finger to his counter.
"Did you think I would be dirty?"
You shook your head and plopped on his couch. "No. I don't know what I was expecting." You shrug your shoulders. Shouta sat next to you and placed a glass of water on his coffee table.
Your eyes wandered to his chest, his muscles filling out his shirt perfectly. His biceps peeked out of the sleeves, something you didn't know turned you on.
But the wetness in between your legs would say different.
His hair was in the low ponytail that it was this morning that made you cross your legs. You must've looked like you were squirming.
"Are you okay?" Aizawa leaned back on the couch and extended his arm behind you. You bit your bottom lip at his movements, unable to hold it in any longer.
"I want you to touch me." You blurt out. Aizawa stared at you through his lidded eyes.
After a few silent moments, he spoke.
"Show me where." He moved his body closer to you, your hips touching. You grab his large, heavy hand and bring it to your body.
"Here." You pressed his index and middle finger to your lips. "Here." You moved his hand to your chest, goosebumps growing along the skin of your tits. "Here." You slowly brought his hand to your aching, wet core. His fingers grazed your clothed heat gently, causing a moan to escape your lips.
"I haven't even truly touched you and I have you moaning already. How long have you been thinking about this?" Shouta's body covered yours as he brought the hand that you were using to show him where you wanted to be touched, to your cheek. His other arm is still laying behind you on the couch.
"I've thought about it a lot."
Why were you admitting this.
You could smell the mint of his toothpaste as he leaned in to rub his nose on yours, something you take note of. He did this before. He loves to kiss with his nose first. It's cute.
"Have you thought about it?" You tilt your head to the side and wrap your arms around his neck, letting your fingers drag through his hair.
"Only every day. Hourly, probably." He whispered and kissed your lips slowly. You take no time to deepen the kiss, opening your mouth to let his tongue in.
You're needy and he knows it. You felt his lips form into a smirk as he slid his tongue into your mouth, one hand in your hair, the other gripping your hip tightly.
You drag one of your hands down his chest to his lap where you feel his erection pressing against his sweatpants. You smile into the kiss with satisfaction, knowing you caused Shouta Aizawa to get hard.
"You're not touching that tonight." He whispers and moves your hand to his chest as he brings his mouth to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses and bites. In your drunk state, you're not thinking about the bruises he will leave behind.
"Why nottttttt." You whine as he bites down on your skin, rougher this time.
"I want you to be sober when you see it. So you remember." His words are hot against your skin as his large hand grazes your clothed core. You whimper with need, knowing your panties are soaked at this point just from kissing him.
"I need something, Shouta." You throw your head back when you feel his tongue drag along your neck to your chest, leaving bites along the front of both of your tits. He looked up at you for approval to take your shirt off, to which you nodded.
Your touches are turning desperate. You're about to come and he has barely touched you. You feverishly pulled him into you, dragging your fingernails along his back.
Aizawa pulled your shirt down, your tits bouncing out of them. He needs two hands for these, maybe three, but he's not complaining.
He left hot kisses along your right breast before he took your sensitive nub in his mouth, sucking and biting as he kneaded your other breast. Your cheeks were red from arousal as he kissed down your soft stomach to the top of your pants. He kissed your cloth core with a smirk on his face.
"You are such an ass." You squirm as he moves to his knees on the floor. Your thick thighs encase his head as he uses one hand to spread your legs apart, pulling your pants down to your ankles.
Aizawa sees your black laced panties and runs his fingers over the fabric. "These are pretty. Too bad they're about to be ruined." He pulled the side of your panties and watched them break with ease.
The sound of your panties breaking sobered you up just a little.
"Hey! These were my favorites." You whined as you looked down at him. He looked like an angel between your legs, his tired eyes gazing up at you as he planted one of his hands on your thigh.
"I'll buy you more." He mumbled as his nose grazed your entrance. You moaned quietly as you felt his tongue slide past your folds. His other hand kneaded your breast with his calloused fingertips.
Aizawa dragged his tongue down your slit, letting all of your juices fill his tastebuds. You place your hand on top of his head as he devours you.
This man is starved.
He turns his attention to your clit, wrapping his lips around the sensitive nub. Your breath hitches as his lips attach to your clit, while he inserts two of his long, thick digits into your aching pussy.
"Shouta," You moan as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you.
"You taste so good, baby." He mumbles as he laps up your juices. You watch his lidded eyes find yours as he continues to destroy your pussy with his tongue. His stubble tickled your thighs as he buried himself into you using his tongue.
You feel the knot in your stomach about to break as you buck your hips into his face. "Shouta, fuck, I'm about to come."
"Not yet." His words vibrate against your body.
"The fuck you mean not yet? I can't control-" His thrusts his fingers into you, curling them once they're burried in your pussy. "Aizawa, please." You whine.
He ignored you, his mouth sucking on your clit and his fingers pumping in and out of you. "I know you can do it, Princess. Don't come until I say so."
You felt the knot in your stomach grow tighter as you heard the squelches of his tongue against your clit. Your hand gripped his raven hair, pulling it gently as pleasure ripped through your body. You bit down on your bottom lip, hoping it was enough to stop you from coming.
"See you are a good listener." He smirked against your pussy. "Tell me what you want, baby."
"I want to come. Shouta, I want to come." You moaned as your toes curled. You were so close. "Please."
"Go." Was all Aizawa said before you had the most mind blowing, body changing, rippling orgasm. The knot in your stomach finally broke. You were seeing every color in the rainbow. This was euphoria.
Aizawa lapped up your juices as your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave. He sucked on your sensitive, overstimulated clit, sure to drink up all you had.
His hands gripped your thick, plush thighs as you he took his last slurp of your sex. His nails dug into your skin when he finally removed himself from your pussy, his face lathered in your arousal.
He wasted no time bringing his lips to yours.
"Taste yourself." He mumbled against your mouth as he slid his tongue inside of yours. "I could live between your legs and never get hungry."
Your mouth was greedy with his kisses, drunk off of not only wine but also his mouth.
Reluctantly, Aizawa pulls away from you slowly. His cheeks are a shade of red that matches his bloodshot eyes. You whimper at the loss of his touch, knowing that this was ending.
"Goodnight Princess." He kissed your forehead gently before standing up. You sat on his couch for a moment, your pussy devoured to the bone, your body bruised from love bites, and your mind was a mess.
"Night." You pull your top and pants up, and you leave.
Without another word.
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Anonymous asked: I have a few questions as an aspiring writer and a current fanfic writer who publishes.
Okay! But if you write fan-fiction, you're already a writer! I'm guessing you mean an aspiring author? ♥
How would you help with distractions and writer's block? I try to dedicate myself to writing, but then I wander off to other stuff and my motivation wanes.
This is not uncommon and there can be a lot of different reasons for why it happens. Understanding the reason behind why it's happening is important for knowing how to fix it. I have a couple posts that will help with this:
5 Reasons You Lost Interest in Your WIP, Plus Fixes! Feeling Unmotivated with WIP Writer’s Block
How do you advise me outlining a huge original story plot with world-building in an organized way that isn't just scattered?
Outlining is really just any method that helps you get all the important pieces of the story out, in order, so that you can use it as a reference while writing. Some people use one big beginning to end summary. Some people like scene lists or timelines. Other people like scene cards or mind maps... Different things work for different people, so part of the work you need to do as a writer is figure out which method/methods work best for you.
I often find, though, that the struggle people have with outlining is less about what method to use and more about how to actually fill out the details, which brings me around to plot and story structure. All stories have structure. Fan-fiction is often short, character-driven fiction, which gives it a different structure from the average novel. That said, even if you're a prolific fan-fiction writer, you may still need to take some time to learn about plot and story structure. I'll link a few posts that will help, but once you understand story structure (all the specific plot points a story should go through), it becomes much easier to know how to outline it.
Guide: How to Outline a Plot Guide: Starting a New (Long Fiction) Story Basic Story Structure Beginning a New Story How to Move a Story Forward Plot Driven vs Character Driven Stories Understanding Goals and Conflict
What advice would you give for writing fictional religions and mythology?
First and foremost, it's important to understand the role religion and mythology play in your story... how do they feed into your characters' beliefs? How do they influence your characters' actions and behavior? How do they guide the forces of power in your story's world? How do they impact the story's conflict/s and plot? Ultimately, you don't want to put a lot of time into creating and fleshing out a religion or mythology that's ultimately unimportant to the story. It helps to focus most on the aspects that truly matter.
Also, you might consider using real world mythology and religions as inspiration... just be careful about cultural appropriation. It's best not to use anything that belongs to an active culture or religion unless it's yours, or unless you do intense research and consult with sensitivity readers to make sure you don't do anything harmful.
And lastly, what sources do you recommend to accurately describe buildings (especially castles and manors) battlefields, geographical locations especially when it comes to mountains and rivers, etc), dresses and clothing especially if it isn't modern, and fighting techniques that are believable (for example, how a smaller woman would fight a larger man without being unrealistic)?
1 - Find Inspiration Sources - No matter when and where your story is set, it's important to find inspiration sources for the places in your story, whether that's buildings, towns, regions, whatever. Not only will this help you imagine and describe what you're envisioning, it will help you immensely with research on specific details.
2 - Time and Place Are Important - Many descriptive details are specific to time and place, so make sure you know that about your inspiration sources and/or the elements in your story. You can do a Google search for layout, architecture, and design (along with relevant location and era information) to find the details you need. For example, "medieval European castle layout" or "Victorian era manor house architectural details." Likewise, you can look for "Tudor era menswear" or "Victorian era dress details."
3 - Fighting Techniques - This again will tie into the time and place when your story is set. However, some fighting techniques will be somewhat timeless. I would strongly suggest heading over to @howtofightwrite for the best information and resources about portraying fighting techniques in writing.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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Y'know, I think so often of how Spain is this hotpot of multicultural existences throughout history and how utterly fucking insane it is to homogenize it all as "Spanish" when we could be like. Idk. Celebrating how cool and diverse we are. When I was a kid in the south we had a day in school to talk about the different places we all came from, and it's like, IMBEDDED in my brain when a nun and my mom were talking and how my mom said, "Learning a language is never useless. Every language has a value, because every culture has value." It fucking stuck with me.
Saying that euskera or any other language in the peninsula is a Spanish dialect to me feels like fucking cultural genocide at this point.
Kaixo and eskerrik asko for your message! 🧡
Totally agree. Your mother's attitude is a treasure! Sadly in Spain there are many people that don't share her point of view at all and can only respect the people that are, talk, and vote like them.
Spanish nationalists - call it righties or far righties, they're the same - truly believe that Spain and their idea of Spain and Spanishness belong to them. They've kidnapped the anthem and the flag, for example, and I'm sure there are many Spanish lefties who would like to show their support and pride to their homeland, but we all know what wearing a wristband with the Spanish flag or having a Spanish flag on the balcony means. They're theirs. And the government should be theirs, too, that's why they keep on asking to repeat the elections, because they didn't turn out as they wanted to.
And inside their idea of Spain and Spanishness, the usual suspects: just Spanish - with no accent, please, don't be a hillbilly - no dialects or any other language, ffs, a true Spaniard just speaks Spanish and if you don't, you're attacking Spaniards and their culture. Even no Spanish nationalist leader speaks English, because they're SPANIARDS. Male white Spaniards, btw. As Primo de Rivera used to say, Spanish nationalism "is a movement of men". There's a loooot of sexism and homophobia and transphobia in their roots even now. Put God first, but don't touch the Church. And it goes on and on. Just Francoism 2.0, where they want to reach the political elite to benefit from million-euro contracts, commissions, money diversion, etc etc. Let's be honest, most of them don't even believe in what they preach, just want to be put where the money is and start grabbing it.
Coming back to your ask, sorry, Spanish nationalism has always needed an enemy, and what a better enemy that somebody that doesn't speak like they do? Here we come the Basques, and when they got bored of us and couldn't get many votes out of selling how bad we all were, they turned to the Catalans.
Now the Catalan tale seems not very profitable, they side with Israel and call the rest antisemitic.
Tomorrow who knows who the new enemy of Spain and Spanishness will be.
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rant time
This is so disappointing, and the worst part is I have no one to blame but myself. I've always sorta seen the writing on the wall. Hori has always had a really weird track record with his writing; dropping plot points, being purposefully cagy and noncommittal to certain themes etc. However I do think there is a difference between something being an objectively poorly written story and just a story that, while well done, might no be something I personally enjoy (or even a overall fine story with a few flaws). For awhile I thought, like many people that mha was going to be a scathing critique on hero society and Deku & Co. would have to reccon with their places in it: how the hero-villain dichotomy does not help anyone, scapegoats those deemed undesirable, allows heroes to get aways with murder, and perpetuates the complicity of the masses leading them bring about some sort of systemic change with the help of the antagonists . When I realized it wouldn't be that I thought "OK" then it is a story about saving the have-nots and proving why they are going about things the wrong way and offering another solutions while working within society–a bit sanctimonious but sure–they become the greatest hero's because of their compassion and willingness to save. And then when the villains bring up their issues with society their continuously told to shut up or that their wrong with no further elaboration, better yet that they just dealt with what happened to them the wrong way as if was somehow their fault for reacting badly to being treated badly and given no real recourse. And then the All For One reveal happened. And god. the last minute reveal (right before he's 'killed') that all of Shigaraki's family issues and quirk were the direct result of AFO? It's a really nice way to further invalidate all the criticisms he's ever made now that nearly everything bad that's ever happened in his life was because of some really bad guy, doubling down on making everything an individual problem rather then a social one–because that way you don't have to challenge your characters core ideologies right? or think of actual solutions? And that's where I feel like MHA crosses objectively poorly written story overall, to establish all these issues and themes and back out on them at the last minute for a simple solution.
I have to ask: What the fuck is going to change? Stories set in a fantastical world usually have something to actually fucking comment on in that world. We are shown explicit issues in the world of mha What has been deconstructed about the world of MHA? After all of this, what have any of these so called greatest hero's done to make an actual, tangible difference in the world they live in? The end of MHA is shaping up to be just a continuation of the same cycle it the begins with, all of it's issues going unaddressed or swept under the rug. People want to say that MHA doesn't need to address those things, that it's just a story about hope and redemption, where is the hope and redemption in killing off the people shown to be the most victimized by society? If it is a story about true heroism being intrinsically linked to saving then what does it say that some people just can't be saved, that are 'too far gone' that have to be fucking mercy killed.
In conclusion, the LOV deserved to be in a story which actually lived up to what it promised.
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velvet-vox · 2 days
Why Po from Kung Fu Panda and N from Murder Drones are the exact same character: an analysis of Po's and N's low empathy.
If there is one thing that unites the Murder Drones fanbase and the Kung Fu Panda fanbase is the misinterpretation of their male lead character traits.
More specifically, the two fandoms in their fan works tend to leave out or outright forget one of the most interesting aspects of their characterization:
Their low empathy
So, today, I'm going to explain to you the difference between being kind and being empathetic, why both N and Po are only the former and not the latter, what are their similarities and how said similarities makes the other more interesting, and why it's ok and totally fine for someone to have low empathy as it doesn't make you a monster by definition (well, that's the case at least for Po; sorry N, but you committed genocide).
Let's get right in.
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1. Defining kindness and empathy
For starters, I'm going to define the difference between kindness and empathy, as the two terms are often used interchangeably when in reality they are nothing alike. So:
A kind person, is someone who goes out of their way to commit an act of good towards the other, usually said act gets expressed in a physical way (hugs, gifts, favours etc) or a psychological way (pep talks, encouragement, comfort words etc).
An empathetic person, is someone who understands the pain and struggles of the others on an emotional level without necessarily having experienced it before and can relate to them through said connection even if they don't necessarily act upon it.
I'm a kind person, but I'm not an empathetic one. I always go out of the way to not inconvenience the people around me, and I even go out of my way to buy expensive gifts and surprise the people I care about the most, but I don't necessarily feel anything intense when they are present in my life nor do I really relate to their struggles and losses.
I wouldn't define myself as a Po or an N since I'm more on the introverted side of the low empaths, but I can use my extensive knowledge on the matter to demonstrate these next two points:
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2. Demonstrating that N has low empathy
I expect this to be easier than Po, since despite the Murder Drones fandom being younger than the KFP one, I assume that most people would believe you if you told them that N is rather unemphatic, because when you really start to think about it for more than one second, you'll realise that N doesn't really feel directly bad for the people he killed, he more so feels remorseful for his past actions and uncomfortable whenever he inconveniences the drones who are still alive through his murderous nature.
In the pilot episode, he kills an entire room full of people and almost kills Uzi as well, and when it's time to apologise? He says that he's sorry for ruining their card game and making Uzi have an awkward moment with her dad. You know... aside from this being a horror comedy show with a tinge of romance, Murder Drones doesn't really make N feel awful for the horrible atrocities he commits, instead makes N feel sorry for the down to earth annoyances he produces.
There are many other examples of his uncaring nature towards life: the death of Uzi's classmates, both by his, Doll's and V's hands, his increasing anger towards V caused more by the fact that she kept secrets rather than her attitude towards the murders, and the speed at which he reacted to Beau and Tessa.
Despite his happy go lucky attitude and gentle treatment of others, N doesn't feel the need to cope with his murders that V and Uzi have (at least on the surface). V couldn't cope with her murderous actions, so instead she created this killer psycho girl persona that enjoys the thrill of death, while Uzi had an entire mental breakdown after taking out half of his classroom and needed N to calm her down.
N's main motivation throughout the season is being useful to the company and his friends, and more often than not this goal involves him being a violent killer to everybody who threatens the wellbeing and happiness of his owners.
N's lack of empathy isn't a flaw that he can overcome like Uzi's ego and V's insecurities, but rather an innate character trait that he has to live with for the rest of his life, and that's ok; after all, the show doesn't punish him for being unable to relate to other people's deaths and traumas, but instead punishes him for being submissive and following orders unapologetically; a flaw that he shares with J.
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3. Demonstrating that Po has low empathy
And now, it's time for the hardest sell. Many of you up until this point might have been thinking: "How the hell did he even think about comparing Po from Kung Fu Panda to N from Murder Drones, they are from two completely different franchises with a distinct difference in tone between the two" but trust me, once I came up with the comparison, I was unable to not see it, so I had to write this article.
Much like N, Po has a happy go lucky attitude towards his fights, and uses humour to his advantage and to the disadvantage of his enemies. But don't let his cuddly appearance fool you in the same way pandas fool people in real life and Kung Fu Panda 1 fooled audiences when it first released: behind Po's childlike wonder for martial arts (which is already a red flag, if you think about it, it's similar to Lizzie's passion for murderous women) there's a strong, unyielding warrior who was ready from day one to do the necessary things to keep the Valley of Peace safe.
Don't believe me? Then just look at the photo above; the execution of Tai Lung is definitely the first thing that comes to mind when everyone thinks of Po lacking compassion, for obvious reasons, but there are way more than that: at the beginning of the second movie when Shifu receives the letter informing him that Master Rhino was executed by Lord Shen's weapon, Po is super enthusiastic about Rhino's legendary status right up until Shifu drops the truth bomb on him and reveals that he was killed, and Po's reaction is to instinctively reiterate one of his previous statements, and then moves on from it immediately without any second thoughts. That's not normal, right?
A minor portion of KFP2's conflict is Po's inability to see how much his dad did for him, a struggle overcome only by the end of it. Po, despite loving his dad dearly, is unable to personally relate to all of the things that he did for him, so he puts him off until he can find the answers that he seeks.
Side note: this is what makes their reunion at the end of the movie so impactful for me, I also tend to emotionally neglect people by accident, and when I realise it I go out of my way to make it up to them, like Po who comes back with a lot of ingredients that his dad doesn't need just to let him know that he cares even if he doesn't show it in a normal manner.
The only time in the trilogy where Po's lack of empathy becomes a noticeable problem for him, is in Kung Fu Panda 3, where, after his biological dad tells him that he lied to him in order to make him come to the village, Po, who clearly can't relate to his struggle and barely knew him for a day, immediately rejects him, going as far as to say that he lost him.
Other minor examples are his treatment of the Furious Five, especially the scene in KFP1 where he enters Crane's room and doesn't immediately realise the problem.
4. And now, with that out of the way, it's time to confront the two and explain why their similarities make the other more interesting
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When comparing the two, the thing that comes to mind immediately is that Po has a lot less emotional baggage than N, and while that doesn't mean that Po doesn't have trauma (insert Po finds the truth from John Powell and Hans Zimmer), it means that Po compared to N has lived a pretty stable life; while N instead has never been fully safe from harm since he is a robot.
Po feels like a version of N that was not as scarred from tragedy and backstabbed as the other; Po, at least in the movies, doesn't have someone who takes advantage of his kind nature to trick him into committing something bad, while N instead suffers consistently from other people abusing his kindness and trusting nature and more often than not ends up almost dead.
While Po throughout the trilogy struggles to find who he is, who he was, and who he's meant to be, N throughout the show struggles with a worse version of that same concept by lacking self worth, which culminates in his blind thrust.
Po, thanks to his dad, has an internalised moral compass that helps him decide on his own what is right and what is wrong despite lacking empathy, while N never had anybody to explain morality to him, aside from his programming and maybe Tessa, so instead he just goes along with what anybody tells him to do, since he can't directly relate to the pain of others.
That's why comparing the two is so fascinating to me: in many ways, Po and N are each other's foil, because they are so similar in terms of personality and fandom portrayal; they are both genuinely kind individuals, but while one of them had the care and support he needed to become his best self, the other still struggles to find an healthy support system aside from Uzi.
5. Low empathy doesn't make you a monster
A lot of fans tend to dumb down their characters to just kind, sweet and innocent, despite the fact that in the actual canon works they have willingly and intentionally killed people; the general terror, it seems, is the idea that just because they have committed crimes before and they lack the societal traits that make a person traditionally good, then suddenly they are horrible people and you are glorifying violence.
But that's not the case; a lot of the mental conditions stigmatized by society, like sadism, sociopathy, BPD, are just that: conditions. They don't indicate that a person is inherently more good than the other, nor do they indicate that someone is more at risk of becoming evil than the other.
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It's who you choose to be.
I hope this post gave both fandoms the insight they needed to write about these two characters properly.
You don't need to be afraid of not having the same personality type as most other individuals, we are all different people yet we all deserve to live in this world equally.
Don't you ever forget.
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radicalexchange · 2 days
I am "radqueer" to an extent. I believe that terms such as "transdisabled" and "transrace" both dismiss the struggles of their respective communities, but I believe things such as "transage" are completely okay. I also think that "lesboys" and "mspec lesbians" are, for the most part, invalid identities. Even if I do have a negative opinion on lesboys and mspec lesbians, I do believe that the queer community has no need to go against eachother while we still have so many people attacking us as a whole. Queer people should come together to fight injustice against us, not fight our brothers, sisters, and others in arms.
Transdisabled and transrace are both terms that dismiss the struggle that both disabled people and people of color have both gone through for basic human rights, and in some disabled people's cases their struggle to have a stable life.
Transdisabled - As someone with Autism, I struggle with a ton of things socially due to my disability. A "transautistic" person just feels like a slap to my face, because they are taking the "silly" and "cute" parts of autism while dismissing the struggle that some actual autistic people go through on the daily. I can't even begin to understand why someone would "feel as though they were meant to have [disability]", because if you don't have it then you clearly weren't meant to and will never truely be able to see the world in the exact way they do. Not to mention how a lot of these "transdisabled" people inforce stereotypes of the disabilities they're "transitioning" to. I have lost friends and had close bonds with family severed because of things I've been hyperfixated on, my struggles with tone, and many more autistic traits. I've been denied certain things because "an autistic person won't be able to do that!", and I've been told "you're just being lazy and using your autisim as an excuse" while I was crying due to overstimulation. Being autistic is something that I personally wish wasn't apart of me at times, but as every disabled person will learn, my disability is a part of me that I will have to learn to live with and manage.
Transrace - I won't go in too much depth about "transracial" people, because I myself am not a person of color. In my opinion, "transracial" completely dismisses the struggles that people of color experience around the world. If you are white and "transition" to a different race, you will still never fully understand the struggle that people of color have getting jobs or the way they're judged on the street. Also, every time I've seen a "transracial" person they simply live based on the stereotypes of that race which sounds beyond insulting. Claiming to be apart of that race while still inforcing the harmful stereotypes that they've been fighting for years just screams loud and incorrect.
Transage & others - I can get behind some transids though, like transage or transspecies. The only issue I have with these sorts of identities is the romantic and sexual aspects, but from what I've experienced in my years on the internet that hasn't proved itself to be a problem outside of bait accounts. I understand the want to be older than you are, and feeling as though you were meant to be an adult or a child. Sometimes I too feel as though I know more than the average child, not intillectually, and that I would maybe function better as an adult. I've also experienced the feeling that I should be younger, because I am not very emotionally developed and if I were younger that wouldn't be a problem anymore. It's an understandable feeling, and something I myself have experienced at some points. I wouldn't say I am "transage" or whatever a person who's age is fluid would be called, but I can understand the appeal and I support those who identify as such.
As for lesboys and mspec lesbians? I believe that this issue shouldn't be a priority while queer people are still being arrested, assulted in public, denied jobs, and more for simply being queer. I disagree with the idea of mspec lesbians competely, but I can understand lesboys in some contexts. But in the end, who am I to judge two consenting people in a relationship? It's not my place to decide what you do in your freetime, as long as both parties are okay with it.
Lesboys - I disagree with the idea of lesbian men, as the definition of lesbian is "non men loving non men". Though I can understand genderfluid people or nonbinary transmasc people being lesbians, and using the term "lesboy" to describe their experiences. Transmasculine people are not always "men", they are "masculine". I dislike the idea of a transgender man being a lesbian, because it defeats the purpose of "non men loving non men".
Mspec lesbians - The term "lesbian" is not an umbrella term for any nonman who loves nonmen. If you're looking for an umbrella term that accurately describes this, the term would be "sapphic". If you are a non man who loves men, you are by definition not a lesbian.
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brynnsasha191 · 20 hours
Why I don't like Cressida and Eloise's friendship, and why I still don't like either character: A freaking novel.
For some context: I don't like Eloise. Ever since S1, I found her to be incredibly annoying and invasive, constantly shoving her own opinions down people's throats (Daphne, Pen, Violet). And of course, I never liked Cressida for obvious reasons. But disliking Eloise felt like the greatest crime a Bridgerton fan could commit so I kept my mouth shut about it, when the trailer came out I felt like I finally had a valid reason to dislike Eloise because of her friendship with Cressida. But then they hit us with Creloise being actually...cute. (okay, back to getting to the point)
I think we were supposed to end up drawing parallels between Pen and Cressida, and feel like they're both girls who have families that are mean to them...yeah I'm not buying that, because the difference is Cressida is mean and cruel, whereas Pen is kind and compassionate (yes, even with/as LW). S1-S2 Cressida is a miserable human being who makes a game out of hurting people, seeing such a strong 180° change gave me severe whiplash. She didn't even change between the seasons, she changed between episodes 1-2. One minute she's destroying Pen's dress and the next she's keeping Pen's secret for Eloise?? But regardless, she changed for the better, logically I should be happy about it. So why am I not?
Because I truly don't understand why every single generic mean girl needs a redemption and sad backstory. Some people are just miserable people to be around, some people are just narcissistic without a sad backstory and no hope of a "redemption". And to most TV shows there's one character that everyone is supposed to hate, I love hating that character lol.
Despite my dislike of Eloise, I tried to put it aside and be completely fair to her on the falling out. I completely acknowledge that Pen deeply hurt her and I completely understand why she would need distance, but Pen was trying to protect her. But here's something I noticed, Eloise completely sold out on all her values this season. Eloise has never taken cues from anyone, and here she is almost entirely at Cressida's beck and call. Pen really notices this, El does too *insert the moment they look at each other in EP 3*
"I lost the battle and I have no appetite for war, so I simply joined the winning side" is regency speak for "I sold out". And let me make something clear, Eloise is not a victim in S3. She's so, incredibly fine. She's clearly struggling with her falling out with Pen and she doesn't want to revisit the past. Respectable. But she is not nearly the victim that Pen and Cressida are. As Cressida said, not everyone is lucky enough to have a supportive family.
"I simply cannot understand why people don't see things the way I do" I physically recoiled at that line. Harsh eye roll as well. If that line isn't the mark of a selfish character I don't know what is.
That being said, I truly can't wait for Eloise's season. Her and Phillip will GAG us, I know it. They're my favorite book couple.
Creloise claiming to be nice to Pen while simultaneously being horrible to her
I can't count how many times Creloise is rude to Pen this season. Tearing her dress, faking an injury to take her only suitor away (Eloise was complicit in these things), saying Pen isn't worthy of their attention, pretending she's dead/a ghost. I don't blame Eloise for Pen and Colin's secret because everyone is entitled to support and she apologized for it, I don't blame Cressida because she didn't tell anyone but she seems weirdly amused by it, she comments on them almost mockingly. They both have a right to not like her, they however don't have a right to destroy her dresses. Eloise saying that LW might just make something up for her colum irks me because Pen has never once made something up for LW. She nevers trades lies or misinformation. Eloise should know this.
Peneloise was one of my favorite parts of this show and I have no doubt they'll be friends again by the last episode's end, but part of me can't help but wonder if they're better as just sisters in law and not best friends.
Part two Cressida
I know that in part two Cressida pretends to be LW and seems to cause Peneloise a lot of headaches. I'm wondering if Cressida will revert back to her old, mean self for the LW prize and it will lead to the end of Creloise. I'm really scared for El's ultimatum in EP 5 (she's right for it though) and since Cressida seems to be the one who makes Pen faint, I'm anticipating making a part two to this post.
I hope this was all coherent. And if you're still here then you are an incredible human being, I've tuned myself out. If you have opinions I'd love to hear them, please share them kindly and with respect. ❤️
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melonteee · 1 day
What are your thoughts on One Piece's anime reboot?
Personally I don't think we needed one with the Live Action and all, but I do think it could be something used to fix the problems people have with the current anime (whitewashing, pacing, animation style, etc.)
I think we definitely need one WITH the inclusion of the live action. I was wondering for the longest time WHY Shueisha (One Piece's copyright holder) even approved of a live action and handed those rights over, but after the new anime announcement, it makes total sense! Shueisha have been pretty uncaring of the USA's inclusion in One Piece for years now, because the USA is more into anime like Naruto, AoT, BNHA, etc - and during the Naruto times, One Piece kind of missed out on the American anime fandom boom. It was a combo of a terrible form of localisation (the 4Kids dub), and also the fact One Piece just wasn't really what 'edgy' American teens at the time wanted to watch lol.
But...Shueisha didn't care! One Piece is the biggest anime/manga in Japan, along with other western countries such as Italy, Germany, Spain, Brazil, etc, so they didn't need America by any means, because they'd already satisfied their home base and beyond.
But now that One Piece is in its final saga, Shueisha are trying to get as MANY eyes on it as possible - because the eventual end of One Piece WILL be a huge event, so why NOT make it even BIGGER? For the first time since the 4Kids dub, One Piece is actively being pushed to America, and the live action was one of the steps for this push. Because...what does the American populace like as a whole? Apparently they like live actions, and apparently they like grittier shows, and...it worked! The live action did its job tenfold, and now with a whole new audience, we need a whole new anime that's updated and modern to help these new fans start their One Piece journey from the beginning!
When you look at the amount of One Piece eps there are, it feels daunting, but if you make a whole new series where a new audience can watch from the start - and watch it (maybe) weekly - well...it just makes sense, doesn't it?
Overall, the new anime announcement makes tons of sense and is a good idea to me, and it's why I gotta wonder how long the live action will last at this point - because, in my opinion, it was nothing more than advertisement for the original animanga LMAO
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yu-huuuu · 1 day
Hello dear! I saw that your requests were open & you take requests for Naruto, could you write headcanons of Itachi with a girl who’s just as admired as him? How would he take that situation especially when he has a crush on her as well? 👀 Please take your time with it & if you don’t wish to write it or it doesn’t spark the interest, feel free to discard it <3 have a great day!
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[ 🌸 ] hi sweetie 🤍 hope you are good too
characters: itachi uchiha; other characters mentioned
genre: fluff, a romantic comedy maybe (?)
warnings: none, a nervous itachi feat; two meddling fools (shisui and sasuke)
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—What a funny situation!
—No, but seriously
—Maybe his attention focused on you the moment you were promoted to Jonin, or maybe when his own Jonin colleagues and retired ANBU companions were talking about this lovely medical ninja.
—Don't get it wrong, but how could he avoid feeling intrigued when his own retired ANBU colleagues kept talking about this person, always commenting on how careful and beautiful you looked when you were healing them?
—But, of course, it wasn't until you were paired with his team for a mission that split into two missions that he really got interested in you.
—You were put on his team by the Hokage, all because they needed to escort a medical ninja from Konoha to the Sand Village to see the Daimyo, who had been poisoned with a strange venom by one of his servants who turned out to be an infiltrated spy following the orders of a missing ninja from Konoha.
—His team, on the other hand, was sent to find both.
—He didn't think much of you, more like another member of his team. Of course, that was until on the way back (surprisingly) he got hurt by a venomous kunai from a rogue ninja who attacked them.
—You extracted the venom without complications; however, what you didn't notice was that he was watching you while you did your work.
—And that’s where the magic happened.
—Maybe it helped that he was already interested in you long before meeting you in person, or maybe not.
—Itachi wasn’t foolish; he had already heard about you before, but seeing you up close, he could understand why so many people talked about you.
—When they arrived in Konoha and he had the chance, he thanked you for taking care of him.
—It was when you reassured him saying there was no problem that he fell.
—He fell HARD for you.
—I think I already said it before… but I'll say it again!
—For some reason, Itachi tries to find more information about you, you know, the usual: parents, friends, likes, secrets, though he wouldn’t go as far as stalking you (or maybe he would, who knows).
—Poor Itachi.
—In love and being teased by Shisui about it, who encourages him to confess.
—Sasuke joins in too for some reason (little brat)
“Sasuke, what are you...?”
“You should go and confess to her or at least ask her out, you know? You finally look interested and happy with someone, and you don’t look so bitter anymore-”
“Ouch! What was that for-?”
—He tries!
—He really does, but whenever he tries to approach you, you are talking to someone.
—He doesn't want to intrude on your conversation and look like a fool (poor thing).
—It wasn't until one day, while you were walking through the streets of Konoha, that he appeared out of nowhere (boy, he was literally thrown towards where you were by Shisui).
—You two almost collided if it weren't for Itachi's good reflexes.
—Despite his nervousness, he manages to invite you to eat (please say yes, the poor guy's heart is about to burst).
—To his good fortune, you say yes (he swore his soul left and returned to his body).
—Slowly you two begin to spend more time together.
—Whether it's for missions or their unexpected encounters to go out to eat.
—Itachi starts suggesting the idea of training together.
—Gradually realizing that his little crush turned into something big when he really gets to know you for who you are.
—Constantly trying to find signs that maybe you feel the same way about him.
—Itachi realizing that maybe he's not as careful as he thinks he is when his mother and father find out about his crush.
—It wasn't until he found out that Shisui and Sasuke spilled the beans to his mother and his mother to his father.
—He swears he wants to disappear at the happy and constant questions and teasing from his mother about his crush in front of his father’s amused gaze.
—Now his family wants to meet you, ay.
—He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
—He really doesn't want to.
—Especially making you think that he’s just another one of those admirers who don't see beyond your looks.
—*sigh* If only instead of constantly thinking about how beautiful you look, he noticed how you look at him and how your eyes shine, he would stop thinking that he’s going to make you uncomfortable.
—All this is a time bomb though!
—In the sense of who knows which one of you will confess first; you or him.
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