swaps55 · 1 year
I think a lot about Shepard's fish tank wipeout in the Citadel DLC.
The entire DLC is this lighthearted love letter to Mass Effect, and it's beautiful. But then there's THIS moment. When Shepard falls through a fish tank.
The entire way down, they desperately try to arrest their fall. They have no shields. No combat armor. There is no one to catch them. It feels like this is one of the few times there is ever fear. And they don't land gently. And the cut scene lingers on it. There is no levity in this moment. Shepard is on the ground, groaning in pain, slow to get up, clutching their ribs. First instinct before they try to get to their feet? Reach for the gun. Have that first. Then see if you can stand.
And I think the only reason we can have this moment, where Shepard is vulnerable, injured, and in trouble, is because there is no one there to see. The moment Brooks gets on the comm, they crack a joke. "Yup. Feeling good." While unable to stand up straight.
We get this at the end of the game, too, but that's when the stakes are at their highest. That's when it's supposed to be hard. It's no less magnificent then, but now, in this moment? When everything was happy and fun and silly? MAN.
And afterward, everyone jokes about it. Every single member of your squad makes a crack about the sushi place. And Shepard plays along. Haha, yeah, fell right through it, while trying to change the subject.
No one knows what that fall was like. No one saw Shepard lying on the ground in the bowls of the Silversun Strip, water dripping off them, struggling to get to their feet.
And no one asks, because it's Shepard.
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autumnalmess · 6 months
Forced my family to watch les mis (2012) with me yesterday. Half way through, we're watching Huge Jackman sing bring him home and my dad goes "who let him be this bad?"
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transboysokka · 6 months
I’ve been thinking about this for a couple days and the original ending of the show is great and perfect and it Had to Be That Way with Aang sparing Ozai’s life
But I really want Sokka to kill Ozai
I want him to one day find out exactly how bad he messed Zuko (and Azula) up and I want him not to be able to take it anymore and I want him to just snap and go to Ozai and kill him
And I want Zuko to see it and I want him to see the blood dripping from Sokka’s hands and I want him to smile and feel such intense relief that the man who’s always held so much power over him is finally gone but the I want him to be overwhelmed by a Terrible sense of Guilt that Sokka felt like he had to do that for him
And I want Sokka, King of Repression, to look up over Ozai’s corpse, soaked with the man’s blood, and smile. Because now Zuko is safe. And Sokka will never have a single regret.
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f1-birb · 4 months
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you just know lando has such a large number of pictures to choose from, even probably plenty of other pics of martin and yet he picked this one???? it's so fucking soft???? and almost intimate???? and it's such a contrast to one that martin posted but in a complimentary way????
like it's early morning, the soft dawn of a new day, and lando's woken up in his tent on his own, thrown his hand out to the side and done the patpatpat at martin's empty sleeping bag even before opening his eyes because it's quiet, too quiet
and he pries his eyes open, one still half shut and squinting and he can see something, a shadow through the fabric of the tent and he's wrestling a hat onto his bed head and wriggling out of his sleeping bag to worm towards the zip, just enough to poke his head out and he freezes
opens the zip a little more, disappears inside to grab his camera because the moment is too special, too valuable to not capture and immortalise in a photograph
martin, shirtless, not just comfortable enough to go no shirt but comfortable enough to keep his back to the tent, trusting, no guard up, soft and open and vulnerable in a way that screams that he knows lando could sneak up on him but there's trust that he won't, you don't turn your back to a predator but you do to a friend because you trust they'll have it
the light only hitting martin's face, so much that there's a single line of it visible on his shoulder, the rest in shadows but lando would still recognise that silhouette anywhere
what're the odds lando joined him like that, sitting together and watching more light creep into the cave, listening to the sounds of nature and the sounds of everyone else waking up around them shattering their peace, but it was still theirs, shared in that moment
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ibenology · 6 months
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I wonder how many times this happened.
It always hits me just how calm Loki seems to be when Mobius grabs him here. Yes, he is stressed and dismissive, but still he lets Mobius grab his jacket and hold him and ask. He doesn’t pull away, he doesn’t flinch. He calmly stands there, almost leaning into it, and lets Mobius be scared and confused.
I wonder how many times it has happened before this. I wonder what Loki felt the first time he said “trust me” and Mobius said “no!” I wonder how many times it took for him to stop fighting it. I wonder if there was a time he let himself stay there for too long, feeling the grounding touch of Mobius’s desperate hands keeping him still, only this time, just for a moment, if he let himself rest there. I wonder if his heart broke a bit each time, but he couldn’t make himself change his choices, making it happen again, and again, and again, and again.
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malama-art · 1 year
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liko and roy
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Happy International Women's Day to trans women. To BIPOC women. To GNC women. To intersex women. To fat women. To all the women in the world who have been marginalized and mistreated and isolated from womanhood at large by the dominant narrative of femininity.
Remember that womanhood is intensely personal as well as communal, and there is no one right way to be a woman. You are the only one who gets to define your womanhood.
Happy International Women's Day
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mephestopheles · 2 years
So I keep seeing this take on Gerard's storyline in Neverafter and it's bugging me. The problem is not that divorce is terrifying, or terrible or the "real horror". The horror in Gerard's story is that after the kiss, after 'true love' turned him back from a frog into a human, he didn't learn anything. He thought that was it. He thought that was all he had to do to beat the curse.
So he stopped he trying.
He stopped working on himself and he stopped courting his wife. He stopped engaging with her and went back to a spoiled prince, while the kingdom burned around them.
Elody is left to care for the Kingdom. She's the one in charge, listening to advisors, sending out troops, responding to the demands of running a country.
Gerard sits there, ignoring everything. Not just the changes in his body as he denies the curse is returning, but the effects of war on his Kingdom. The effects of the devastation and the famine and probably plague that comes with large wars. This is not a small war, there is evidence that two other kingdoms have fallen, Rosamund's and whoever Pib put in place where he's originally from. Given Pib's drive to be comfortable, we can assume he didn't leave a good situation, he left with the rats.
The tragedy of Gerard is that he learned nothing. He changed just enough for Elody to see something in him and take a chance. But the moment he was back in the lap of luxury he turned to old habits, old customs, and stopped trying to be a better person.
He wants to go to parties and play the part of a prince, but never take the responsibility of running a kingdom on his shoulders. So he left it all to Elody to manage.
This did not happen overnight, this was years of him neglecting her and their kingdom. He bought into the idea that happily ever after is the be all end all.
Never once recognizing, that after the wedding there is work to be done.
He's still living in that oblivious state at the beginning, he believes the curse has taken Elody from him. And I think if pressed he'll blame her leaving on him being turned back into a frog. And not the years of neglect that mounted before she finally stopped trying.
He is going to have a reckoning this season, he is going to have to face the truth that he never changed, never sought to better himself beyond the bare minimum to wed Elody. And that even if he manages to change enough that it works this time, he may never be with Elody again.
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I kinda really love dexiana
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kenneth branagh should actually just not be allowed to touch poirot again. pls let me have my silly little detective back. pls. make the mysteries cozy and let him be fucking silly and imperfect again. he is overdramatic, he has a big ego but he doesn't run around firing guns and kicking in doors.
he has someone kick in the doors for him. and then he pays for the damage. and gets a better more sturdy door as a replacement.
also what the fuck did he do to my girl ariadne oliver? poirot and her are besties. they're friendship is literally so important in the books. put some respect on her name.
also where is hastings? he should be there.
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courtingchaos · 23 days
I’m just here as your friendly neighborhood podcast listener and current layabout with not much going on.
I’ve seen a few things about Eddie and the community turning on him quickly. I think a lot of things people aren’t remembering or realizing is just how prevalent the satanic panic was, and is, in the US.
Now there’s no chance that everyone in Hawkins hated Eddie and believed the satanic stuff. I mean, look at everyone in Hellfire. I guarantee parents were wary at first but then Eddie shows up like a goofball or has a string of ma’am’s and sir’s and they realize he’s just a kid with a lot attached to his name from a lot of terrible circumstances.
Anyways. A good thing to listen to is the You’re Wrong About podcast. Specifically these episodes.
Very first one of the podcast:
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And then these two both have multiple parts to them, the first one is actually about the book that kind of jumpstarted the whole panic to begin with.
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This also has multiple parts. This one is about someone getting seduced by a ‘satanic cult’.
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These would have been books that while not everyone would have had one in their home, anyone who was devout or at the least religious, would have bought or read their own copy.
Basically all I’m getting at is that Eddie would have had a lot going against him. I know that a lot of people didn’t want to read Flight of Icarus but Eddie’s character is built on a very shaky foundation. The town dogpiling when the ‘Queen Bee’ gets killed, especially if they’ve already decided that he is a satanist? It was only a matter of time.
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try not to think of adam from saw hearing that nasty ass bathroom door siding open and seeing the outline of a person appear from the light thinking that it’s lawrence coming back to save him only for that hope to die when it turns out to be amanda coming to mercy kill him instead
rip adam you deserved better bby
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lavishtine · 18 days
What the fuck do you mean that Richard Speight Jr. directed the hell episode of Dead Boy Detectives, what do you mean??? What do you mean???? What the fuck is this now????
I have no words, or not enough of them at least.
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softhairedhotch · 2 months
i really hope buck and tommy have at least a couple episodes together where buck can feel free to explore this new territory and tommy makes him feel safe about it. bc the way tommy looks in the trailer after buck says this is his first time he's been on a date with a guy, that kinda shocked and maybe a lil uncomfortable face? i'm so worried tommy is gonna be like "hey buck i wanted to mess around and have fun with you for a while but i don't think i'm ready to be your first queer experience" and that's totally valid, especially since we can probably assume tommy's been out for a lot longer, maybe since he was a teen? or he at least knew for that long. so it's understandable he might wanna take a step back, especially if he wanted to just have some fun for a while with a pretty guy he met but now he's realising that, not only is he kinda standing in the way of this guy and his best friend/years long crush, but it's also this guys' first time exploring all these new feelings and emotions, and he might just not wanna be a part of that? which sucks but if he does that then i really hope he let's buck down gently :/
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https-hunter · 2 months
he says i’m so american 💕
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young-and-doomed · 2 years
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And he did. And they did.
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