#I just need help
anabantoid · 3 months
I finally made the gofundme for Wednesday. If you see my deadname no you didn't.
tl;dr I had to put my cat's emergency vet bills on various credit cards and now I need help paying them off after she passed away. The total was $5,668.85, rounded up to $5700 for gofundme since they're not exact.
Wednesday was probably the best cat I've ever had, she meant everything to me and losing her has been one of the worst things I've gone through in my life.
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Here's proof of her bills.
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Please reblog and share the link.
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lauryn-order · 10 months
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Help me stay in my apartment!
I lost my job unexpectedly and just need to stay afloat long enough to find a new job. Please help me and my two cats Max and Gremlin pay rent!
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phantasieandmirare · 6 months
Is anyone available to talk? I’m really floundering right now, and I don’t want to like trauma dump but it feels like everything is falling apart, and all the websites say to reach out to friends and family, but my dad is in Kansas for another week and I don’t want to overwhelm my sister, but I’m really struggling here and I think I need to make some friends or talk to people or join a discord group or whatever but my brain hates me and tells me that that’s all so much harder than it should be and I just need some connection. So if anyone’s there and wants to talk, even if we can just talk fandom stuff or something, I’d love to hear from you
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me and my mom are planning to ask my psychiatrist for a full psych evaluation and advice on how to get an autism diagnosis and it’s crazy how many things i’ve been describing to people that i never realized were apart of autism:
sensory overload:
- i have an insane sensitivity to sound something that i’ve been trying to explain to people (including about 7 therapists) for years. i can feel it in my brain like in my ear IN my brain. it physically pains me and i’ve literally dropped to my knees in the middle of a school tour because i heard a random ass scraping noise. i also cannot stand pencils for one thing, the feeling of it hitting the paper is unbearable. i physically cringe everytime i see one being used and especially using one myself. istg my younger brother purposely tries to set me off and that gets me angry as fuck. this usually ends in me just screaming at the top of my fucking lungs (no words just screaming) and at times becoming physical. it’s just literally my brain doing anything possible to get rid of the sound
- i’m still trying to find out the definition of this but i literally just talked to my therapist about this the other day. i had to permanently move from in person to online school mainly because of sensory overload but because i always fucked up socially. i pride myself on being well mannered, polite at all times, wary of other people’s needs, considerate, analyzing facial emotions, but i’m only able to do those things with people i actually know and i’ve learned over the years how to handle those people and myself around them. i never realized that until i got out of the insanely small bubble i was in. i told my therapist that “i can’t help but be myself” and by that i mean i always wanted to change myself into just being more friendly and able to keep up a conversation without being unbearably awkward, but i always fucked up.
- this has resulted in me trying to be aware of everyone around me’s needs and i try not to offend anyone. this usually ends in me breaking down because no matter how hard i try i usually end up failing and “feeling mentally ill af” as i usually call it. this is only really a problem for me with in person situations. online i am more myself and unafraid to do so because online i feel like i don’t need to hide if that makes sense?
- YOU WILL NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY AND RELIEVED I WAS WHEN I RESEARCHED MORE ABOUT THIS. i for a stupid amount of time have certain things i do to calm down. these things have been noticed by family friends, my mom especially, friends, and random ass people because of how strange it apparently is. what i usually do is shake my hand in an orderly manner if that makes sense. like i shake it back and forth like a tambourine. i used to do it in the middle of soccer games and that’s when people started to take notice, but now i use it in breakdowns and when my senses are overloaded. i just recently was doing it to calm myself down after a failed social attempt that was thrown at me while walking my dog (my safe space usually)
- i’ve never brought up that method before because i thought it was stupid i suppose and i have a hard time talking to people about something that matters to me without thinking that they don’t fucking care. i’ve been taught for a decade now how to do deep breathing and grounding exercises but nothing compares to that random ass jazz hand i do 🤷🏻‍♀️
mutism (sometimes):
- something i’ve done for a long ass time now (that has gotten me into a lot of fucking trouble btw) is shutting up completely when i’m super fucking stressed. actually sometimes i just don’t feel like talking? i will stop mid sentence, like i run out of juice. even my thoughts get tired of moving, it’s relaxing sometimes. unless it’s almost involuntary, for example me struggling to form anything other than hums and grunts when spoken to. humming is a habit of mine that people point out and associate with me on a daily basis. i just hum out words and sometimes people get what i mean and sometimes they don’t. if they don’t i ignore them entirely because of how fucking pissed i get of having to repeat myself (even tho i have people repeat themselves to me all day because i always drift off)
special interest:
- okay this one was hard to deal with because i always talk nonstop about “you’re just mad you’re not interested in anything! i’m not obsessed it just makes me really happy!”and they may have a point but at the same time fuck off because it makes me happy so leave me alone. i go into like hyper focus on really random shit. for example i’ve had years worth of phases (or current ones): sims 4 (obsessed with the control), minecraft (easy to drift away into), certain musical group (i don’t even know how to explain this one), hot wheels (holy shit i lost my fucking mind over these things growing up), etc. the thing is when i get into something, i get into it. i learn everything about it, i make whole notebooks, i make focused playlists on spotify, i daydream about it for fucking years and lose my sense of reality, etc. it becomes a staple for who i am and i guess i do get a little obsessed? but i really don’t see it that way. it’s just normal for me
twitching (?):
- time for the “this isn’t right but i also don’t know if this is apart of asd?” i’ve read something about tics as some people have describe them? my face and body repetitively twitches hard. it usually starts when i start to get triggered but gets progressively worse as i go more into it. it can be painful at times because i can’t really control it and i knock into things (the anemia already has me knocking into things but this is different lmao)
advice please:
- i really don’t know much about this, but i do know that autism can be genetic (i’m still researching) and both of my brothers (21 and 10) have been diagnosed with autism and it’s never really been considered for me? i have been diagnosed with all the same mental disorders as my older brother, we’re very similar when it comes to how we perform as human beings, but nobody has bothered to check with me. they usually just try to add another mood disorder, ocd, or bpd to my list.
- i’ve actually been told i display ocd tendencies by my psychiatrist and looking back at it i think it was just repetitive movements and intense bursts of energy caused from me having a breakdown
- i’m going to ask my psychiatrist about what to do and get some advice about where to go from here especially with everything i’ve learned because these basic ass anxiety and grounding coping skills aren’t working anymore and i just need something more, something that is actually helpful for what i’m going through, and i honestly believe that this is it
- please let me know any info you have, i’m researching a lot and am hyper focused on this shit like a mf but i still have some stuff that i don’t know and some paper online isn’t gonna teach that to me
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sweet-lover-girl · 10 months
Okay! So I need help, I got tagged to do a moodboard but the problem is, is that I don’t know how to make one and what do I look up to make said moodboard, like do I look up my name? Or a specific aesthetic like “cute pink”? Does this even make sense?
Please just send help
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sunangelstears · 1 year
So .
Which Obey Me brother oneshot next ?
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dead--possum · 1 year
I am creating an AU and I need help
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s1ck-b1tch-2 · 2 years
I want to get caught cutting. I’m tired of being this sick and not having any support
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foggyne1son · 2 years
can someone v3nm0 me i need money to survive.
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
If I say an area is 7 meters long, 5 meters wide, which do you think of? Top or bottom
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hi, yes, hi, I'm writing a fanfic for Ari Levinson from The Red Sea Diving Resort, and I need help. I was born and raised Catholic, and am currently a practicing pagan witch, I know quite literally nothing about the Jewish faith and culture, so if there's someone who would want to help me make sure I'm writing Ari appropriately, I would be stupid fucking grateful!
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thedarkcoven · 2 years
i’m exhausted, im frustrated, i am just overall fed up with everything. Crying on and off because it seems like no matter how hard we try, my husband and I get the shit end of everything. We’ve tried everything to fix our problems we have with our shit hole of an apartment and 1) the city isn’t doing anything to help like they should 2) the slumlords we ahve dont care about anything but money; they haven’t fixed ANYTHING in our apartment and its been about 2 years since they’ve became our new landlords.  I am extremely embarrassed to say this but we have dealt with bed bugs for as long as we can remember due to the old tenants that lived in this apartment and we didn’t know about it until it was too late. We ahve tried chemicals, rubbing alcohol, steaming, heat treating, EVERYTHING you can think of even to throwing everything away and we are still dealing with the problem. I am pregnant with my second child and I am just so fed up with not being able to do anything or being able to get out of this place. Rent everywhere is way too god damn high. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I am so helpless and can’t stop crying due to exhaustion and frustration. I just want to find a better place so we can leave all our old shit that’s infested behind in the trash so we can finally be free of the pests. I just don’t know what to do. I’ve lost hope a long time ago. I just can’t anymore. 
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bonesandthebees · 1 month
one of the most infuriating things about becoming an adult is when you realize that it actually is 10x easier to solve problems by making a phone call vs literally any other communication method
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kochei0 · 2 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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nooling · 2 months
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LOOK I JUST REALLY ENJOY THEIR FRIENDSHIP OK?? You can't tell me they wouldn't hang after their respective personal quests (spawn ending ofc)/emotional breakdowns over their own mortality
EDIT: I forgot to watermark these so now more than ever PLEASE don't repost
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