#I kinda envy all the boys who get to see doctors who do this for trans folks
razzek · 6 months
I'm starting to feel about artistic depictions of trans scars the same way I feel about artistic depictions of blindness: they suck.
At first the art of all the jagged lined scars I saw for trans characters seemed neat. But then I started to remember that I have those scars and they don't look like that. At all. And it's kinda shitty to draw all these trans men and nbs in such a way that they look like someone took an axe to their chests. Mastectomy/top surgery scars don't look like that at all! Even when you have a slash and dash quick surgery like I did, the results are much nicer and most trans guys you can't even tell.
This is like drawing people with white/pale, unfocused eyes as a shorthand for blindness. It's a shitty stereotype and I think in the long run it causes more harm than good. Just like with real trans folks you may have to just say out loud that your guy is trans instead of giving him a design that's kinda shitty to the bros out there who went through some shit to look really good.
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jobey-wan-kenobi · 1 year
Revolver~ 💿
Revolver is a weird one because I can find a flaw with every song, except for...
Favorite song: Tomorrow Never Knows
It's the only one that doesn't have at least one lyric I find annoying so it kinda wins by default. Of course, they did kinda cheat by just making it one long quote from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, but that was a better choice than some of the others made on this album...
Also you can't beat that soundscape. Just fantastic studio work there. A little work of art.
Now, I thought it would be hard at first to find a least favorite on this album, but in the end I found two...
Unfavorite: Taxman or Doctor Robert
Lookit the boys in "Taxman," maxing out their Boomer energy while only averaging twenty-four years between them. Object lesson in how wealth turns your head. Cry me a feckin' river, George.
From my vantage point in the capitalist hellscape of USA 2023, I read about the England the boys grew up in and am sick with envy. Well, not so much the repressive and toxic social attitudes. But the community aspects? The government's doings? It makes this American cry. Robust public transportation. The National Health Service. A functioning social safety net.
And, uh, all this is essential to the Beatles (four nobodies with no real show biz connections)' rise to the top? Yeah, I think you could be a bit more "thankful," Georgie. You'd not have broken out of the world of playing sleazy nightclubs without the leisure and support of the thousands of local fans who began patronizing you at the Cavern and getting your name in Brian Epstein's ear. A full lunch hour, even for the lowliest pink-collar jobs, whereby you can make a daily habit of seeing BABY BEATLES play down the street at noon? John (and other key British '60s musicians) getting to go to 'art college'? George's dad being able to support a stay-at-home spouse and four kids on one bus driver's salary? Paul's dad's employer paying off his gambling debts and trying to keep him on the straight and narrow, instead of sacking him on the spot as would happen in any "at-will" employer? Mona Best having the spare room to turn her basement into a club? George Martin having the tenure and creative control at EMI to take a risk mentoring his rough Liverpudlian studio-virgins? Ringo's extremely poor family not being rendered so broke by his year-long hospital stay that his stepdad couldn't afford to buy him a drum set for Christmas? Oh, and let's not forget the Labour government decriminalising homosexuality. That's civilisation. It's all worth paying for, lad!
Anyway, the government still left you boys enough money to a) buy nice homes and cars and party party party, b) found and then completely mismanage Apple Corps, and c) spend a decade suing each other into oblivion. It's not like the taxman left you bereft. You were, like, fine.
But at least Taxman's lyrics are vaguely clever, and it's fun to listen to. Doctor Robert sounds too samey, but in a less interesting way. A true throwaway. And its lyrics are shit.
I could lop both of them off the album and be OK.
---- ask game ----
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fanficmemes · 2 years
Okay, I finally have a CAS fic! So a friend of mine on Discord was like 'oh you like FMA:B? You like weird biology? BOI do I have a fic for you!' And instead of a link she sends me a PDF of a FF.net fic she saved in like 2012. That was my first warning.
TW: medical torture of all kinds, insides on the outside lovingly described, mpreg but not really?
So in the prologue Hohenheim (dad of the protagonists Ed and Al) leaves home but instead of wandering around for 10 years Father (main antagonist, demigod who wants to be full-god) finds him immediately and straight up eats/absorbs him, then finds Ed and Al and nabs himself some kids, since now he has Hohenheim's emotions after absorbing him, so he now also cares about his sons. This is not a good thing.
First chapter is a timeskip, we see Mustang and his team (primary allies in canon) raiding Lab 5, all kinds of monsters running around, and he comes into a lab and finds two kids (Ed&Al) skeletal-starving, one missing an arm and one missing a leg. They look human but are clearly experiments, and Mustang scoops them up and beings them home like stray puppies. Of course, they are traumatized to hell and back, scream and bite whenever anybody approaches them, won't eat because the scientists poisoned their food, won't speak because they were beaten if they did, and they were vivisected more than once, healed up and then done again. There are some experiment notes bit not detailed. The details come later.
So Mustang's trying to keep them alive without scarring them even further, and meanwhile Father is like 'Envy, my kinda-DIY-child, remember those children of my dear friend I entrusted to you? How are they doing?'
And Envy, who gave the kids to the worst sadists he could think of because he was jealous of them, and is now convinced they are dead and burned to death: 'Um, funny you should mention that.'
So Father is furious and goes to kill Mustang, but instead finds Ed and Al on death's doorstep and not really interested in cooperating with those who want to keep them alive, so he kidnaps all three of them and takes them to his lair. Then he starts talking about how he's done all kinds of experiments taking people apart and changing them inside and out, and how the best life support system is another living being.
This is the part where it gets explicit.
So he cuts Mustang open and starts rearranging his insides in preparation to shove two 5yo in his abdomen. This goes on for 12 pages and, biologically, it holds water better than 99% of ABO fics. I do not know how to feel about this. So Ed and Al are hooked up on Mustang's respiratory/circulatory/digestive systems like coma patients on life support. A few swishes of healing alchemy later, Mustang's awake and housing two baby xenomorphs. First thing he demands is that he gets back to work.
He tries not to panic by rationalising that this just like a pregnancy (hence the mpreg warning) and women go through this all the time, he's a soldier and an alchemist, he survived worse, he's TOTALLY FINE. (You know how bad it is when mpreg is the less squicky option).
Of course, you can't just shove two 5yo kids in a man's abdomen and expect things to go smoothly (what is this, a fanfic?). One of them kicks and you got a ruptured liver. Father rushes in and makes adjustments. Perforated bowel, pleural effusion, all kinds of medical disasters that need fixing, and every time Father is elbow deep in Mustang's guts you get an in-depth, really fetishistic description of everything that's happening. I think the author was an actual doctor and I hope to never meet them on a surgical table.
And inbetween those 'adjustments' Father tells his shapeshifter son (Envy) to turn into Mustang, complete with kids in the belly, and fucks him stupid. Envy's biggest problem with that is that he has to wear Mustang's face for it.
The fic ends there, presumably because the author ran out of medical procedures.
(I hope I'm not late for CAS, this took forever to type up)
What the SHIT this would make the most fucked up low budget horror movie 8.5/10 the last few paragraphs took me out
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stevenbasic · 3 years
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So far AJ’s day, his first at this new job, had been predictably miserable. He figured that was sort of normal, kinda expected. He’d been his own boss, owner of his own little construction firm for years, so going back to being a manual labor grunt for someone else again was sure to feel like ten steps in the wrong direction. But working on a demo team for a bunch of girls? The women, the company that had put him out of business? That was turning out to be particularly soul-sucking and demeaning work. But, hey, a buck’s a buck and he needed as many of those as he could muster these days. His saving grace was, with a little effort keeping his head down, that he could remain faceless and anonymous and just do his work. The morning had been spent taking down some walls in the area of the building that was to be the new wing. He’d sat by himself for his meager lunch outside - his buddies, guys that used to work for him, were on another team entirely, at another site - and he had now this afternoon been asked to step into the doctor's office area to look at some venting. Privately, he leapt at the chance: maybe he’d be able to see Angie. Or, for that matter, catch a glimpse of - or even meet - that statuesque, brunette boss of hers, her friend Melissa...
He was in luck.
“Oh! H-hey, hun,” AJ said, acting surprised to bump into his girlfriend, Angie, as he turned the corner in the back hallway. He’d already checked out what he’d needed to see, looked at the thermostats, and had been sort of aimlessly drifting around, avoiding others, waiting for just this moment. He managed what he hoped was a casual smile. “Funny meeting you here haha,” he joked, wiping plaster dust from his forehead, “H-how’s the first day?”
At first, Angie looked surprised to see him, too - eyes widening. But she didn’t even give him a word of greeting before her eyes flashed, her smile grew into a grin, and she bit her lower lip. Looking behind herself, down the hall, checking if they’d be seen, she then suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his green, grime-covered t-shirt and pulled him aside. “Here, let’s go in here-“ she said, opening the door to a supply closet and yanking him into it. She shut the door behind them and flipped on a switch.
“Hey wow..!” AJ exclaimed, eyes immediately going wide in pleasant surprise, “Nice to see you too!”
The switch she had hit had turned on an overhead fluorescent, which was just flickering to life. “Shush,” she said, locking the door, “The last thing I need is someone to see us together.” She’d just gotten out of lunch, where all the office girls had assembled, crowded into the too-small breakroom for a welcome meeting.  She’d had a few great little chats and was just really beginning to grasp what was going on here, what she was now part of. It was thrilling and her blood was still on fire from the excitement, the potential. Yes yes yes...female empowerment, sisters united, blah blah blah. But there was opportunity here for her.
She’d just been headed to her new temporary, makeshift desk in accounting when she ran into her, well, boyfriend. Though AJ was here doing some work for the construction company hired to renovate the building, she really didn’t want to be seen with him. Things were too big here, there was too much at stake for her to risk getting muddled down by, well, him. “I can’t be the girl dating the hired help,” she said, not smiling, but her heart still thumping.
“Hey, that hurt..!” AJ remarked, taken a bit aback by her bluntness but trying to laugh. Angie looked so good in her short, floral dress, boobs big and on display. “How’s the first day?” he repeated.
Angie faced AJ, mind still swimming with the excitement from the meeting and an electric, estrogen-fueled energy. “Eh, sort of chaotic, with all these new girls, there’s not enough space for us all until the new wing is ready,” she answered, looking him up and down. She’d seen him in his construction gear countless times before, but here - on the job, dirty, as a low-level grunt - he just looked so plebeian. And too tall. “I got to meet the doctor, this morning,” she said, feeling her eyes sparkle and the enthusiasm in her voice, “he’s sooo vulni…”
He’d heard that term before, and he knew how girls were all starting to like that: small, weak, vulnerable men. It had been why she’d had him stop going to the gym, eat less, get skinnier. He thought she liked it, though it never seemed as if it was quite enough for her; he was still tall and lanky, and he felt she’d actually like it if he was somehow smaller than her, shorter than her, weighed less than her. That was the fad, these days, and Angie was into it. But he’d never heard that weird tone in her voice when talking about another guy, not in all the months they’d been together. Here in the supply closet he felt the first pangs of jealousy, starting in his stomach, and it was envy for Angie’s new boss. Not because he was successful, a doctor, and was her superior here (though Ang probably loved that too), but because he was so “vulni” . As he watched her face, seeing how she talked about this guy, the sensation grew heavier, and worked its way up to his throat.
“He was hiding, totally hiding, in his office. But I went in and met him,” she said, “he looked like a kid sitting at a big-boy desk. He was afraid to stand up in front of me, but I bet I’d be taller than him in my heels…”
There it is, AJ thought.
“Your friend Melissa probably has him by more than a foot, then,” AJ blurted, smiling but speaking before thinking and immediately regretting it as Angie’s eyes narrowed, analyzing him. His grin disappeared as her expression changed.
“Yeaaaaah...have you noticed?” she continued, still watching his face, “a lot of the girls here are tall. They’re all hot…”
Smart enough at least for this moment, AJ held his tongue. Saying too much would just dig him deeper into the hole that he was apparently already in.
Angie still looked at her boyfriend of these many months, her smile crooked, and considered him. He’d always felt like she could read his mind, and seemed to be doing it now. She knew what he wanted. “Take off your shirt,” she instructed, hands on her wide hips.
Without as much as a thought, AJ was peeling himself out of his dusty work tee, revealing his trim, lean torso, his ink. Angie’s eyes immediately drifted from his still-defined abs, up his chest and went to the new tattoo on his throat, her name: “Angie Wade”. She reached out and gently caressed it.
“Yeah, he’s surrounded by women here, pretty women,” she continued, once again talking about this dude that AJ was starting to like less and less, “Lots of them are taller than him, walking around in their pumps, their high wedge sandals.” Her hand drifted up to cup the right side of his face, tenderly, watching how her words affected him. “They’re all ditzes, but they adore him,” she said, her expression still hard for him to read, “Imagine that? Imagine being surrounded by huge, brainless bimbos that all love and adore you and just want to get into your pants? I’ll bet he loves it. God that’s so hot.”
AJ, still knowing he shouldn’t say a word, just watched her as she looked at him. Despite his rising jealousy - what kind of girlfriend talks about another guy like this? - he was starting to feel himself hardening between his legs. He had no idea what she was thinking, what she was doing (or why she’d had him take off his shirt) but there were gears turning in her head, for sure.
“And,” she pressed on, “his office is smaller - a lot smaller - than hers. The way she was talking today, you’d have trouble knowing exactly who was in charge, here...” Angie’s left hand had settled behind AJ’s shaved head, holding it, and her right was now resting lightly on his chest. The feel of her soft palm on his shaved skin was exciting him. “...But I’m going to find out. There’s something going on under the surface here, something big. Here. Sit-“
At that, Angie pushed his chest, forcing him to half-sit back on the low shelving unit behind him. He knocked over a couple reams of paper towels, but was left with his eyes at just about boob-level.
She stepped in close.
“Lunch, with all the girls,” Angie continued, smiling again as his eyes settled right into her cleavage, “There was so much estrogen in the air, what with all the laughing and rah-rah cheering for this new place. Most of the girls here are morons, but damn if they aren’t hooked up to the right train, as things are going to be changing.”
She was talking almost to herself, he thought, while he knew he was being so passively quiet. He struggled to think of something to say. “Wow, Ang,” AJ finally spoke, “your tits look really big today.”
Angie chuckled, took a casually deep breath for him.”He’s a boob-guy, just like you,” she mused, reveling in the gift of her naturally big, full bosom, with its perfect, milky skin, “so, yeah, I wanted show them off…think he’ll like me?”
The jealousy continued to sit with him, inside his throat, tightening.
“Well, uh, y-yeah, of course,” he managed, figuring he should be supportive rather than risking her ire by sounding indignant. “Wh-what are they going to have you doing?”
“I’m going to be working with Kathy, this lady reassigned from some pharmaceutical company, to help run the practice’s accounting,” Angie continued, “Technically she’s my immediate boss, for the time being. But it’s okay, for now. She actually sounds like she has half a brain.” Her hand went up onto the side of his head, stroked his scalp leisurely, kept his gaze focused where she wanted it. “If I play my cards right, I’ll get hooked up doing financials for this study, with all the money coming in from the grants,” she said, her tone aggressively self-assured, “I’m going to be on it, totally in the right place, when things go down. Meet the right people, rise up the ranks, make more and more money…”
This was...yikes, wow...really turning him on. Secretly he loved hearing Angie embellish her own ego like this. Her boastful narcissism - she was constantly convinced that she was the smartest person in the room - was just always so hot to him. And he wasn’t nearly sure what she was talking about, but he loved how excited she sounded and how, in the face of his recent career troubles, how powerful she wanted to become. When had he gotten this way? When had he gotten to be such a junkie for the, well, submissive thrill he felt hearing a woman talk about being smart, successful...superior?
“Yeah, well, t-they’ve given me some responsibility too…” he found himself saying, maybe out of a reflexive knee-jerk reaction, some male pride bubbling weakly to the surface, “They’re having us tear out the old HVAC systems, and have me inspecting the venting, some of the thermostats...” Angie was letting him talk, possessively stroking his head, so he just continued. “Supposedly they’re putting in a new central one that’ll handle the whole building,” he explained, “be able to put some sort of aromatherapy into it. Weird, huh?”
“Aromatherapy, huh?” Angie asked, her interest piqued - and betrayed by a new purr, “In the air-conditioning?” She continued to pet his head, and drew in a little closer to him as she thought to herself. “Can you find out...any more about that for me?“
“Oh, uh, yeah...sure…” he agreed, though not really sure what he could do. Lots of this project seemed so under-wraps, at least from the guys. He hadn’t laid eyes on much in the way of blueprints or tech sheets or whatever.
“Good boy…” she praised, speaking plainly, “pull down your pants.”
Suddenly, AJ’s heart leapt. Was he about to get some?? Here in a storage closet?? Ha he’d take anything he could get these days, he thought to himself as he clumsily unzipped his thick, loose-fit utility pants, started to pull them down.
“B-boxers too?” he asked.
“Sure,” Angie allowed, and in a moment they were down at his knees, too. His erection already stood proud; of that he was glad. He wanted her to know how much she turned him on. But, then he thought - how had they gotten here? Didn’t she used to be the swooning drama nerd in high school, who’d barely been on his radar? The one who used to have the crush on him??
“A-Angie…?” he began.
“Shush, quiet,” she said, “grab your cock.”
“Wh-what?” he stammered, knowing exactly what she wanted him to do, “n-no I’m not going to, like, j-jerk off here in a cl-“
“Yes you will,” she stated, her confidence only making him harder, as she physically took his hand and planted it on his erection, balling it into a fist around his turgid shaft, “because you're submissive, just like him, and you’ll do exactly what I say...just like he will, some day.”
”I-I’m n-not,,,’submissive’..!” he bristled, male ego once again raising its battered head in the face of insult and jealousy. Like, what did she mean, ‘just like he will’??
“Okay sure, you’re not submissive,” she chuckled, laughing unpleasantly at his little snit, “prove it.”
With that, Angie took AJ’s full head between her hands, palms on his face and manicured fingers stretching back behind his head, and faced him solidly into her plumply bulging cleavage.
“Now stroke,” she directed, and to his own aghast he couldn’t help but obey. He’d been conditioned, over these past months, helpless when confronted by her, powerless to defy her will...especially when she used her tits. What was wrong with him??? In his hand, with his eyes plastered on the pale, soft flesh of her big breasts, his cock suddenly became even more needy, ached immediately for release. He groaned, both in spleen at himself and this crippling arousal.
She laughed again. “Not submissive, hm?” she purred, “Look at you. You're totally dominated by women. You’re working for women now, you do everything women tell you to do. At the job here, in bed with me…”
”hey..!” he began to protest, eyes rising for the moment, looking for hers, “I thought you liked-”
“Oh, I do, we all do,” she capitulated, shaking her hair over her shoulder with a toss of her head, redirecting his gaze back to her chest, “we love when the roles start reversing like this. Like you, getting to be my little bitch.”
“h-h-heyyyy…” he began to protest, but his voice faded, most of his fight lost between her E-cups.
“Aww, don’t feel badly,” she said, “I’ve been reading up on this. I really think men in general are getting more submissive, turning more beta, just watching as women take charge more. The doctor here included. Look what he’s done - or let happen. This whole place is run by girls.”
“H-h-huh…” AJ stammered dumbly, not even realizing he’d fallen into a rhythm, stroking himself, staring at Angie’s breasts.
“This is my chance, to get in, to take my piece,” she pronounced, ego swelling her bosom like a deep breath, “I’m so fucking alpha, I could run this place.”
”oh, uh, y-yeah..?” he spoke, bewitched and befuddled by every ripple and jiggle under her skin.
“You men like me to be in charge, don’t you? The thought of a woman boss?” she pressed, “You’d all never admit it but it gets you excited, how the women here - everywhere - are really the ones running the show, that any male authority is really just a thin facade, ready to be, like, cracked.”
“Oh my god Angie,” AJ moaned, now in the full grip of arousal, starting to pump himself with more abandon as Angie’s words struck chords with him neither he nor she had yet heard. Angie was experimenting, learning.
“Women have always been the ones to take up responsibilities, accept them and take them on, when men fail. We’ve been getting more able, more and more competent, while you all just, like, get lazy and dumb and shrink away,” she said, watching how his eyes were glazing over, his face going slack. Still he stared at her tits.  “And you know the best part? It fucking turns you all on. You like getting weaker, losing responsibility and authority, your lives getting smaller as ours get bigger…”
“J-j-jesus Angie yes,” he stammered, mouth fully gaping now, his whole body shaking as he jacked off to her, to this vision of women.
She pulled his face closer. “Look at my tits. Look how big they are, look how deep and dark my cleavage is,” she commanded, “I’ll bet you wish you could shrink down and sink in there. Just become a little man and live between your girlfriend’s tits.”
“A-Angie n-n-n-...” he began, trying to deny but unable to come up with a sentence, in the face of the shame.
“Shhh, I know. I know what kind of porn guys have been into these days. I know what kind you’ve been into,” she said, “the shrinking, the bodybuilders, the giantesses…”
“unnh...unnnh…” he grunted, vision starting to close in, laser focused between her tits.
“And our breasts,” she continued, but knowing she had him close, “When did you become so obsessed with breasts? Even when you sleep, they’re there, aren’t they? Vision of my breasts swim in your head all night long.”
It was true. Her boobs were all he dreamed about. He moaned in forbearance and began to shudder.
“It’s true,” she said, her words echoing his thoughts, right as his climax began to crest, “It totally is. It’s why you wake up in the middle of the night sucking your own thumb. You want to be our fucking babies…”.
That was it, that was the final blow, and AJ could take no more. He groaned, finally closed his eyes, and came. His body lurched, shook, and cum shot up out of his cock.
Angie backed off, an inch, his head still in her hands. “There you go,” she said, plainly, “don’t get it on my dress.”
AJ, for himself, opened his eyes again, now jerking himself through it while staring into her tits again. He didn’t want to get it on her dress, so he pointed it back at himself, soiling his hand, his belly, his thigh.
“That’s right, get it all out,” she employed, patience now starting to wear thin, a new edge sharpening her voice. Though his climax still had him, she released his head, backing off another step. Her hands went to her top, pulling her neckline now more fully up over her breasts. “Finish up…”
AJ groaned in distress, his orgasm waning but ruined in its final moments. He just wanted those tits to bury himself into, and she was stepping away...
“Mommy’s got to go,” she said, finally, looking down at herself, shimmying herself back into some semblance of modesty, “Now, Aaron. This is it for us. I’m through.”
“w-w-wait whut?” AJ sputtered, confused, as his cock - just starting to deflate - leaked its final jisms onto his hand.
“I said I’m, like, done,” Angie said, straightly, looking down at him again, “You’ve been the perfect toy to practice on, and I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t been fun. But I’m moving on, to bigger and better things.”
“Wait, no…” AJ managed, sobering quickly in shock but still struggling to grasp what was happening, “...are you...b-breaking up with me?”
“Yep,” she said, no hint of empathy softening her words as she watched the guy she’d lived with, the man she’d broken, start to shake. He was flailing, looking down at himself, at his mess, unsure what to do.
She reached out, grabbed a team of paper towels, and tossed it at him. “Here, clean up.”
“Angie, wait,” he tried, pulling several sheets out and starting to wipe himself down. She can’t do this, not now..! he thought, What will I do? Where will I live?? He had to stop her. “Let’s-“
“No, I’m done waiting,” she stopped him, turning away, hand already reaching for the door, grabbing the handle. An image of Melissa, her last Instagram post, flashed into her mind, made Angie seethe. “I’ve got things to do.”
And then he was alone.
sorry for the poor image quality, ‘twas the best I could do.
more stuff, newer posts at my Patreon
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hi there! How would the twst boys react to their s/o being slapped by Eliza 😂. Thanks for feeding us the wonderful headcanons! 💜
I love writing for such brilliant ideas , enjoy !
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle goes blank for a second , unsure what to say or how to react : Half of him wanted to act in and condemn ghosts for their arrogance to lay a hand on you but on the other hand , he knew that he didn't have the right to ; It was their brides choice and she did have the right to do it - which wasn't really pleasant -
You give him a sad look , expecting a show of mercy of sympathy , but he didn't move an eyebrow
You run to a silent corner to cry , and he comes after you . Riddle gives you a hug and apologizes that he couldn't help anything back then
He criticizes your movements as well , how you didn't present yourself properly and why Eliza could've changed her mind
But in the end ; he gives you a small reminder : " Perfect or not , know that you're enough for me ,"
Trey Clover
He got slapped himself so he understands how the world flashed before your eyes for a second
You look a bit down about failing so easily while you were trying to help ; but so did Trey . You get each other on that point
He barely notices it but he literally doesn't know how to flirt , but he tries his best to cheer you up "Ah don't give me that face ! At least you were waaay better than me,"
Well , maybe you weren't such an overly perfect being but neither was Trey , he was just an ordinary guy you'll get to see everyday ; not a stunning prince . It seems like the two of you come from a rather similar level
Perhaps that's why the two of you get along pretty well
Cater Diamond
You didn't expect him to even put his phone down for you but he eventually did ; you find it pretty odd to see him this eager about anything without wanting to share it via Internet , but it also means that he does care for you
He doesn't bother touching your cheek and asking if it hurts
He plants a small kiss on your blushing face and then goes salty again : " So glad that she didn't get you , means you're still all mine ! "
He brings up his phone and before you could've recognized , takes a selfie of him kissing an all shocked you . You beg him to delete it but he isn't listening , but he insures you that this one's a private issue so he won't post it ; perhaps the first selfie he isn't going to share anywhere
Ace Trappola
Trey and Riddle grab his body and mouth before he could do something stupid , how dare she , how dare she slaps you !?
Ace ws already tired of this drama with the hopelessly romantic bride , and you were the final shock .
" SHE IS A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER THAN Y-" Ace tries to shout at Eliza but Riddle grabs him by collar and puts a hand on his mouth : "YOU IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU..."
You come to calm him down , insisting that it's really nothing important , you didn't care . He still seems to be really pissed off at Eliza : " Huh , does she really think that she's any big deal ? My- girls are really crappy sometimes ,-"
Ace refuses to believe that you don't feel any offended so he pulls you to his embrace and keeps on sending you positive vibes non-stop : " You're gorgeous (y/n)! I mean it ! You're smart , talented , dignified ..."
Deuce Spade
He is low-key happy that you two join him at the losers bench . At least you won't now see him as the awkward loser he was in front of Eliza ; not too much to say
"So you too got slapped ?" he tells you he has no idea how to start the conversation
He knows that he is supposed to do something better but he is just blank about it
One half of him wants to hug you and tell that it's fine , then ask if you think he's awkward or something . But the other half just doesn't know what to say
He says that you two must learn some social skills together , that's the most he can do to flirt now : He soft boy
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Leona Kingscholar
He actually doesn't mind insulting you a little for getting slapped . He's pissed off himself so he appreciates teasing you
From putting on a cocky smile and smirking to playing with you using sarcastic words
His very last sarcasm seems to be the worst : " I can say that you are way lower than royal standards ,"
But he puts a different end to his words : "...But since I as well got rejected , I guess we're now rejected mates ,"
Is it his sarcastic way of saying a small "I love you" ? Yes it is
Ruggie Bucchi
He didn't bother to come and try proposing , but wasn't expecting for you to try either . He lets out one of his Hyena-like giggles and comes to you
" Was that bride this savage ? Then I'm thankful that I didn't show up ! " he sneakers
He disappears for a second and comes back with an ice-pack : " Geez , it's my third time doing it today . Come over ," he tells you
He already did it for Leona and Jack because he was told to , but he is all ready to give you all those services and more to you
He does enjoy teasing you , but nursing you in situations like this is another hubby of him , after all you're an exception
Jack Howl
He kinda feels guilty about you getting slapped ; he shouldn't have let you tried it anyway . The possibility of you making it was low and you weren't a NRC student anyway
He knows that everyone else were the same but when it was you who got slapped right in front of everyone , he fears it being an issue
He quickly checks on you to see if you're fine and or need a doctor
He is a bit worried about your face swelling so he takes you school's nurse
On your way back , you thank him because of caring for you and he starts to blush and denies it all : " What do you mean ? It was nothing important . No need to thank ,"
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul grabs your hand , wishes Idia a happy marriage and the two of you leave the rest in the middle of chaos
He nags under the lips , telling how he wished others to let him turn her into a little clam
He telles you what an unfortunate soul Eliza is , not only did she die on her marriage day but she also lost perfect lover such as you
He doesn't care about the rest now , so he decides to leave them on their own and instead , have some free time with you
While you wear having some tea at mostrolounge , he shakes head and insults Eliza : " You are surely too much for her , my dear (y/n) . Ghosts always envy humans ; specially when it comes to someone as great as you ~"
Jade Leech
Eliza is now pretty odd to him , first she dislikes the flowers , and now , she rejects you ? Ghosts seem to be even weirder than surface creatures , he thinks
He understands the high standards required while choosing a partner , but you don't seem to lack anything ? How strange
He even cares to ask Eliza about what she might have disliked about you since you don't seem to have any problems , but he avoids it anyway because he isn't ready to get secondly slapped
He offers you a short walk with a bright smile , and you accept
" Miss Eliza surely has weird standards , (y/n) sweetie . You were perfect enough to win ,"
Too bad Crowley insists on them respecting their ghost visitors as long as the stay , Jade is really encouraged to give them a lesson . But uh , he has to have a hold of himself as Octavinelle's vice dorm leader
" Too bad she is dead , flowers would have had an interesting effect if she weren't ," he sighs
Floyd Leech
This bride is getting on his nerves , loud , dumb , in love with a blue , awkward chicken and finds silly excuses to reject everyone proposing to her. If she weren't dead , Floyd would wish her to be . Some brats are better dead
He doesn't see any need to spoil you , but he decides to spill somevtea since it was you " Don't worry shrimpy . You may not be perfect , but she's worse than you , " he flirts .He gives you a tight hug and squeezes you , rambling that it's because Eliza didn't let him do that
He actually finds the red mark on your face cute , saying that it makes your skin color just similar to a shrimp .
He can't help loving your -shrimp-like face - and so , he lowers his head and gives it a small kiss
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Vil Schoenheit
If Eliza were alive , Vil would love it now to burn her alive in a huge dig of poison . Or maybe feed him to the dogs , both seem nice
He gently holds your face within his hands and carefully looks at the mark Eliza left behind
He curses under the lips and then pulls you into a soft hug : " Don't mind her love , lowly creatures are unworthy of true beauty , don't let their though bring you down," he mumbles
He absolutely hates being disrespected like this , so he leaves it to Rook and Epel ; though he doubts them being any helpful
He takes you to Pomefiore for firstly , making sure that your slapped face won't swell and then , giving you a full day spa . From extreme showers to putting on your makeup
When you're done , he stares at you through the mirror and smiles : " What an idiot she was to lose this stunning beauty of yours ,"
Rook Hunt
This bride keeps fascinating him , first Vil and now you ? Good god , she is pathetic
Rook really looks up to both of you as a symbol of beauty , grace and in general , perfection . Seeing the two of you being insulted like this is a real pitty
He is being relied on as one of the only four guys who didn't get slapped so he sadly doesn't have much time to comfort you now ; so he comes up with a new idea :
He asks you to give him the pleasure and be his : Bride model ; he has got plenty of tricks up his sleeve , but he still needs to practice them on someone
His long and beautiful poem which was hiding an I love you within its words , and his brilliance ways of winning one's heart leave you speechless ; not ever imagining that he might be this much of a romance man
He practices literally anything he was planning to do with you , and then comes up with the final words : " Dearest (y/n) , would you give me the honor of being your servant of love for eternity ? "
Epel Felmier
You got...what ? Epel was a normal guy at least in his own opinion , Vil senpai was surely beautiful but...not perfect either . But why you ? You didn't seem to have any specific problems . He doesn't like this thing with proposing anyways , so he was hoping someone , specially you , to succeed before he has to...
He is supposed to be practicing dos and don'ts of being a perfect groom , but he just can't do it without checking on you
He comes to you and gives you a tight hug , asking if you're alright
He confesses that he as well is now really scared since he has never even kissed a girl before , but he's going to try his best and put an end into this
He isn't the best of his own , but if a prince on a white horse is what this Ghost needed , he is going to make it , and prove it to you that he can
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Kalim al asim
He doesn't know what is going on when you face him with your half red face , he gasps and worriedly starts asking questions : was there a fight ? Did you get hurt ? Was someone trying to bully you ? Who on earth had dared to do this to you !?
You explain the whole issue with he ghost bride and how almost everyone got slapped , making him calm down a bit
He now wants to have a word with this bride , it's rude to slap people just because you don't like them and that really bugs Kalim
Jamil stops him by reminding that it's none of Scarabia's business and as the dorm leader , he has to stay here taking care of more important stuff
Kalim has to agree but he isn't quite satisfied , but he comes up with another way to cheer you up :
" Imagine you're the bride and I'm proposing to you , let's see if I get slapped or not ! "
Jamil Viper
Just as Kalim , he can't imagine why you got slapped for at first but when you explain , he chills a bit
Most of the brides Jamil know gave in to marriage after being given tons of gold and jewelry , but since it is with a ghost , he wondered what might actually attract her. Princesses have to marry people from the same level as themselves , probably a prince or someone pretty rich ; so he isn't really fascinated that you and others all got slapped
He can't help it much , but perhaps insulting all other guys losing their chance is something he would appreciate talking about . It isn't clear if he wants you to feel better by neglecting every other guy or is just trying to chill a bit ; anyways it's joyful for you to talk and having him spending some time with you alone
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Idia Shroud
Idia is locked inside the room ,, but he hears sound of you trying to propose to Eliza . His feeling are a bit complicated , both hopeful that Eliza would give up on him because of you and jealous of Eliza , whom you proposed to. No one's here to see him can freely admire your beautiful words coming one after one , and then an unexpected sound : You got slapped
Idia now has lost both his very last hope to get freed and his temper : His hair is slightly turning read . This crazy bride made him lose the global championship league of his favorite video game (since he was tied up by her ) and now slaps you !?
His thoughts are really wild now , especially because of how he can't do anything at all . He wishes he could see you and tell how beautiful and great he thinks your proposal was , hopeful that it'll make you smile
You still went out of his way and tried to free him , and that was more than enough for Idia . All he wishes is to see one more time and get to tell how he feels for you♥
Ortho Shroud
This ghost : Kidnapped his brother and now , slaps you
Who says robots can't feel anything ? Because now , Ortho is mad
He really does want to hack all of NRC's servers and share pictures of ghosts who dare kidnapping and insulting students without the principal doing anything . That'd be an end to Mr Crowley's career but since he isn't doing anything serious , he deserves it
You apologize him because of failing to save his brother , but he just gives you a hug telling how scared he is
You and Idia are the most important people in his life , he just can't stand having you hurt . Not even imagining what he might do if he loses any of you
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Malleus Draconia
He wasn't there to recognize this any sooner , but Lilia and Sebek did tell him everything .He shouldn't show up in front of any other students (because they might spoil his real name ) and shouldn't show up in front of any ghosts (because they may catch him and force him to propose ). He was thinking of meeting you in front of ramshackle drom ; your regular corner but since there as well is haunted by the ghosts , he can't help but to wait for this drama to cool down
When you finally return to Ramshackle dorm in the middle of the night , your unexpected guest , tsuno-tarou , is waiting for you
You are suspicious that you didn't see him at all today , so he explains that due to some reasons he couldn't make it . He says hat he doesn't really know what had happened since he stayed in dorm all day , so you go on telling everything from the very beginning . He already knows everything but wants to hear it all from you one more time . He likes to see what they all might've looked like into your eyes . When you're done telling him the story , he giggles and asks one more question ; just curious to see how you'll answer : " So didn't you try proposing , or did you as well get slapped...?"
Lilia Vanrouge
This day was getting more and more complicated... First getting rejected for being too cute and having his 500+ year reputation ruined like this and now , you being the second to get slapped ; this isn't fair
He can help but to let his tears fall , if he's too cute then it's fine for him to cry . Sebek and you freak out in fear of him being through some sort of serious pain or injury , then he just laughs and tells you that he's alright . He just needed to comfort himself but freeing those tears
He doesn't see any need of today getting worse , so he doesn't mind flirting a bit . He jokes on whatever you rejected for not being more frustrating than being too cute and laughs
He thinks that you may like to talk more , so he brings up a more interesting issue : His hundred years experience with women
You are fascinated at how many times he has joined ladies for dances or drinking , yet has never been on a serious relationship
He's actually trying to spill more tea of his low experiements with relationships , hopeful that you get his point
You return along with Lilia and Sebek. , all of having half of your face red . Silver wasn't there to know what was going on or why Sebek is shouting at him for being a coward not trying to propose like a real man . Poor boy is just blank
Lilia takes Sebek along with him and leaves the two of you alone , so you start telling everything over . He tries his best to hide his laugh at the point where Sebek got slapped but he failed , then Lilia and finally , you
You tell him that you really feel frustrated about failing others and not being good enough , but it makes Silver gently laugh : " Well , from Leona Senpai to Mr . Vil , they all got slapped one by one , doesn't it sound a bit weird ? "
You surely don't get hos point so he continues : " When someone keeps rejecting everyone one by one , it means that they don't really know what they want. They're seeking perfection ; but no one's ever perfect enough for them . Through lovers would still love each other aside lacking too much on their own , and that's what makes their love last : They complete each other "
His words really move you and make you ask how he can tell all these words so beautifully
He gives you small smile and adds : " Well , it's because I've experienced it all with you "
Sebek Zigvolt
Having both master Malleus and you insulted on the same day : This is too much !
You shouldn't have been the one forced propose while others like Silver were laying comfortably on a sofa dreaming of rainforests and colorful birds , it wasn't your right !
He doesn't even ask , he immediately takes you to the nurse office to put a stick on your slapped face . You insist that it's be too much but he isn't listening
He then , apologizes for about an hour for not talking you out of something that wasn't even your duty and promises that there won't be a next time on it
You really get concerned at how stressed out this boy suddenly gets over nothing , so you cut him off by pulling yourself to his embrace and giving him a hug . He freezes at first , but then relaxes and hugs back
" Promise that I'll never let you down (y/n) , never"
Tagging : @lilyholo @yourlittlerunt @minteasketches @epher-posts @takumipineapplexd @yandere-of-your-dreams
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uwumessenger · 4 years
random headcanons i have for each om! character teehee
hi it's been a while since ive posted some hcs bc uni has been kicking my a$$! luckily i only have a few papers to tidy up and im done. here r some hcs for each obey me character that ive accumulated over the past few months wink wonk
most are random but some constants you'll find are what i think they smell like, languages they can speak (other than their native (demon/angel) and eng/jp), and music tastes !
i have a strong feeling that he showers twice a day: in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed
his cologne is probably the type that will last in an elevator for like a week after he uses it once. i dont think this mf ever smells like anything other than his cologne
has a secret folder on his phone of semi-nudes and other scandalous pics from when he felt sexy at the time omg
aside from demon language/eng/jp he can speak french and knows latin
listens to classical stuff yea but he also listens to diavolos mixtapes (re: diavolo's section)
not a fan of sweets but will eat sweet things when craving
really bland sense of humor...borderline cringey 😭✋🏻
has gone to google images and searched for "inspirational quotes tumblr" "gold aesthetic tumblr" & "relatable crush post tumblr" then reposts it onto his socials or just taps thru them and giggles bc he relates
his cologne doesnt last as long as lucifers and probably smells common. he has to reapply a lot but it's a people pleasing smell. it's cheaper hence the constant reapplying
he probably does have an expensive bottle but is the type to totally overspray...eek
he is canonically a car guy 🥲 and probably tells the one in his room good morning & good night + kisses the hood every once in a while. has tons of car magazines
he doesnt really speak other languages but has attempted to learn spanish before
listens to whatever is on the radio. doesnt rly stan anyone but he eventually will listen to mc's playlist and mc's playlist ONLY
lurks on mc's socials ALL THE TIMEEEE like he will rewatch ur stories and scroll thru ur feed and overanalyze ur tweets/rts or blog posts. if ur mc isnt the type to use sns much he still googles ur name all the damn time just to find any sites u might be on fjdjdjdjskks
probably streams on whatever youtube or twitch devildom site equivalent there is, but only has like 40 or so followers. which he is okay with!
until he sees someone else who gets more attention than him. then the envy starts kicking in bad. especially if they suck 🧍🏻‍♀️
classic gamer boy smell. you know, sweat, tears, must, and (sometimes) axe deodorant. lucifer has to do a scent check before he goes out to any event & lets him use his cologne. how sweet!
kpop stan!! more girl groups than anything and his ults are probably GIRLS GENERATION, wonder girls, twice, loona, & red velvet
cried when ioi disbanded and refused to leave his room. the only thing u could hear was downpour on loop at full blast
can also speak korean & communicate in echolocation like dolphins 😏
listens to country music you cant change my mind
smells like whatever environment he is in. he doesnt really have a designated smell just throws some deodorant on and goes about his day.
he's sooooo bad at driving...gets road rage way too often so his license has been REVOKED
but hes totally a backseat driver. needs to be sedated on long trips
do not let him watch finding nemo when luke asks to watch it. it's not worth it. he will cause mass destruction.
if he was a human or lived long term in the human world he totally has the ability to be a doctor
is studying as many languages as possible, but he mostly knows latin & french & german etc etc. wants to learn all the dead languages out of curiousity
dont think this mf has ever held down a relationship. ever
he doesnt compromise much & is not willing to change his lifestyle to fit an s/o into it. you keep up with how he lives or it just isnt meant to be (but dont worry! he'll eventually learn...maybe,,,,)
has the hardest time out of everyone when it comes to breaking bad habits
his smell varies bc he uses a variety of perfumes (whatever is the most popular at the time) but he probably sticks to floral and fresh scents. he never uses generic people pleaser scents like mammon
listens to electropop, mainstream pop, & some alternative rock
as for languages he too knows french, spanish, italian, etc. in general, if it's a romance language he knows it!
opposite of lucifer in the sense where he loves sweets and will refrain from eating too many bitter things
i think we all know that asmo is the biggest rockstar of the group! he's probably been in a boy band at least once, but now he makes his own music
has tried to teach mammon how to sing once. ended up in a broken piano and bleeding ears...
i feel like he is SO SHY
like unless ur close to him he will not start conversations or anything
i think he listens to r&b a lot ! and jazz 😎 maybe rock as well
smells like ur typical athlete with undertones of wet wipes. he carries them around bc he likes to clean his hands before he eats & is prepared for when theres no sink nearby
he can drive and he drives really well. no rough turns, parallel parks perfectly, and never has problems with merging
driving with beel is probably really soothing. left hand is steering the other is gripping ur thigh 😫
dont think hes really fluent in any other language but hes probably semi fluent in korean because levi wanted beel to help him out
definitely know how to order food in practically every language tho HAHAHA
he reminds me of randall from monsters inc
smells kinda musty IM SORRY but not the way levi does hes more like the kind of musty u feel or smell when it's a shitty morning
but that's only because hes so lazy, when he cleans up hes like satan
has definitely murdered multiple people before. mc is not the first 😐✋🏻
with that being said belphie has been put into prison at least twice when visiting the human world, the mf had such a strong hatred for humans theres no way he never got into trouble before
lucifer probably broke him out and they used the pen thingies from men in black to erase everyones memory of that 🙄
dont think he listens to anything other than music that'll put him to sleep. really likes lazy song by bruno mars but thinks that bruno mars put too much effort into the song. should have been one acapella verse and then finish
similar to beel hes only semi fluent in one language, probably french bc of lucifer. doesnt remember much but knows a couple of lullabies and bedtime stories
the sandman used to be his bff until they drifted. they do, however, like and comment on each other's sns posts.
once he found out who nicki minaj was he became her #1 stan
def an ariana grande stan too 😌
choreographs dances when hes stressed...idk just seems like a diavolo thing to do
also makes rly bad soundcloud rap music sometimes. turns to poetry when hes feeling emo but only lucifer knows this. barbatos is suspicious of him but doesnt have enough evidence to confirm.
his dad is like hudson abadeer from adventure time aka marceline's dad? something must have influenced him to want to unite the 3 realms + he would need the approval to do so, so his dad must be more chill than all the others before him 🧍🏻‍♀️ IDK ok anyway
currently going through his hamilton phase bc of mc. whether mc's intent was to get him hooked onto it or just to explain it bc of something he saw online, he tells everyone that he found out abt it bc of mc!
this man cannot drive his skills are only second to jumin han
not too fond of many languages but knows the widely spoken ones like spanish, mandarin, etc. if it's taught in high school he knows it
smells like a las vegas casino. not sure why but i feel like he does. but there's also an interesting & nice smell to him if he embraces you. it's a smell you cant quite identify. but it smells nostalgic, it's mysterious, and it's tempting.
very calm demeanor but underneath hes WILD hes probably done everything at least once oof
he just has a lot of control and stability over himself (must be nice!)
on a more angsty note i feel like he might have had his heartbroken sO BAD IDK he is hurting and maybe that's why hes so willing to obey diavolo and not abuse his time lord power thingies bc he learned his lesson the hard way
mans is so smart he knows every language you could switch languages mid conversation with him and he wouldnt be thrown off. he'd probably start speaking it too.
listens to the same stuff as lucifer but also likes eminem. likes the movie 8 mile but criticized it heavily
have you ever been to a chinese herb shop? naturally, he smells like that. his room probably smells like it too. he doesnt really have a significant smell like some of the others
when he bakes he smells like whatever hes baking tho
one of the few out of everyone listed to have been able to travel to literally everywhere
was probably on kitchen nightmares once, but only to get feedback from chef gordon ramsay. then he used his magic to prevent the episode from airing...
was in an orchestra, one of the best times of his life. played the violin. asmo watched him in the audience once, but didnt approach him until well after that performance.
he CANNOT sing. he can, however, rap.
doesnt listen to music. he listens to podcasts! but every now and then he turns on background music, but prefers it to be instrumental stuff
never wears sunglasses. also does not have a driver's license. cannot drive a regular car. could maybe fly an airplane.
due to his immortality he has learned almost every language to exist, but finds himself speaking mandarin the most. knows most dialects too
similar smell to barbatos but u can also smell some sunscreen on him too. like, generic beach day suncreen
he has a lot of pact marks, so he once had the idea to match foundation to his skin. it took him two weeks but he eventually perfected a combination. yes he will help u find ur perfect shade if u ask him to
another country music man. has also made a tiktok or two to that one song that goes "he cant even bait a hook." they are private tho
angel country music exists and simeon invented it
if he visits the human world and wears more causal clothing he probably tucks his shirt into his pants
wears a speedo at the beach i tell u, speedo at the beach
he can speak german...i can feel it
uses his pointer finger to type and holds the phone like 2 inches away from his face so sometimes his nose will push a key hence all his typos
has no signature smell. he simply smells like your favorite scent all the time. if multiple people are around him at once, everyone smells a different smell. it's pretty rad
"what does he smell like to himself?" u may be asking. hmm...a church? 💀
his first pet was a goldfish and a few months before the exchange program happened, he was given a koi pond!
secretly likes hanging out with levi sometimes just to play with henry. makes him miss his pet fish back home
so his favorite movie is probably finding nemo and he threw a fit when nemo touched the butt
luke is probably learning german bc of simeon, though he'd like to learn more of the dead languages just for fun
i dont think he listens to music often or has any preferences, he just listens to whatever is playing on the radio
but he finds himself listening to the music mc listens to
smells like freshly baked goods all the time. or fresh laundry. but like, not combined. just depends on the day
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clynnra · 3 years
Strongest Together
After that disappointing last ten minutes of the series finale, I didn't think I would ever write for my beloved boys again. But, thanks to binging lots of episodes of the show on ion since it started airing there (happy to post this story on one of ion's Five-O Fridays) and reading many fix-it fics, I had to do this for Danny. I will be forever bitter that our last glimpse of him ever was hurt (physically and emotionally) and alone on Steve's beach. So this is my way of fixing that sad image. There's background (literally, just a few minor mentions) Steve/Catherine and Danny/others, but this is a McDanno story. I didn't want to vilify Steve, since he should take care of himself and find peace, so I hope that comes across. Finally, eternal thanks to my beta PhoebeMiller for making my story way better than it was with her fantastic feedback about story line, diction, and all the grammar. She's an awesome writer in her own right - go read her wonderful stories! And always thanks to SheppardMcKay for inspiring me to post fic.
Steve and Danny. Danny and Steve. Steve left Danny. Danny was alone.
Sighing, Danny knew he had his kids, his family and the team. But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt so fucking much. Days like today, it still hurt to breathe.
Danny didn’t begrudge Steve finding his peace. Or his taking care of himself. Hell, he tried to instill self preservation in his Neanderthal time and again. But when Steve finally took his advice and put himself first, it had ripped Danny’s heart to shreds.
It still hurt so damn much because of the way Steve left. The timing sucked. Just out of the hospital, Danny could barely walk even with his cane. This proved Steve was hiding the depth of his own suffering. Normally, he'd never leave Danny when he was injured. Danny smiled and remembered Steve raiding his house for cookies after he'd been shot in quarantine. The fondness bubbling up just about killed him.
More memories of this year from hell came back, and Danny had to sit down. He'd moved himself into Steve's house after Doris died because he sensed Steve needed him. The loss was just too much after Joe's death. When Joanna had died, Steve was there for him, cooking him eggs most mornings, claiming routine was good. Danny knew Steve was talking about himself, too.
They'd fallen into something Danny dared call a relationship when he was awake late at night, insomnia raging. He and Steve lived together. They ate meals together most nights. They walked Eddie, locked up the house and said good night like a couple.
A couple of idiots, Danny grumbled now. Or was he the biggest idiot? He'd made this huge leap into what proved to be a lonely abyss.
What hurt the most was Steve pretty much rejecting the idea of the two of them growing old together on that beach. Danny didn't know for sure when his best friend would return from his Kung Fu adventures. He'd only counted on Steve coming home at some point. Now, when he replayed their last conversation, the dagger twisted in his chest even more.
The sad fact was - Danny loved Steve. Not just like a friend. He loved him like I want to spend the rest of my life with you even though you drive me crazy, you caveman. He never told Steve he was in love with him. Danny was scared and convinced such an admission would be suicide. Because he feared their friendship would be over, was so sure of it, in fact, that he kept all of his feelings locked away. He didn't want to fuck up the best friendship he'd ever had.
Not to mention, Steve was straight. He'd never given Danny any hint that he was interested. Unless you counted Steve's octopus arms and his total disregard for Danny's personal space. Which Danny did not dwell on. No way could he let himself go there. That's why he'd pushed Steve into dating. First Brooke and then the vet. Neither had really worked out, and Danny did not allow himself to question why. He would have kept on searching for the perfect mate for Steve, too, if he hadn't left. Even though Danny wanted it to be him.
No one knew Danny's secret. Although he mostly dated women, he had a few relationships with men while at Seton Hall. He kept his attraction to men close to the vest. He'd thought his college experiments were in the rearview mirror until the giant goof stole his crime scene.
To distract himself from the heartbreak over Steve’s dating, he’d focused on reconciling with Rachel in a vain attempt to stitch his family back together. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, it just didn’t work since he was in love with Steve. When they finally figured out they were better as friends, Rachel shocked him with advice to stop dithering and tell Steve. He was so taken aback by Rachel’s accurate insight into his heart, past all his bullshit, he’d gone to that bar and met Joanna. Like so many other things in his life, hooking up with her to forget Rachel and Steve had ended all kinds of bad. Spectacular didn't even cut it. Joanna's death wasn't his fault. This he knew. But he couldn't stop feeling guilty. She was with him in the car because of how he'd chosen to mend himself, and she'd died after everything he'd done to try to save her.
And of course, there was Catherine. He envied her for having Steve the way he wanted. She knew every inch of him. She knew so many more secrets.  Steve had opened his heart to her - and what had she done? She'd pulled a Doris. More than once. And the idiot took her back.
Weren't they a pair? Danny knew he was a hypocrite for being angry with Steve about getting back with an ex time and again. He didn't care. He couldn't help feeling upset that Steve was with Catherine (probably this very minute) and not him.
Three months had passed since Steve left, and Danny’s PT was coming along well. He texted Steve a few times a week to check in, while Steve returned his texts within a couple hours. They’d spoken on the phone a few times, and Danny lost himself in the comforting cadence of Steve’s voice. Their calls ranged from about 20 minutes to almost an hour, and their talks were nice. But during one of their conversations, as he listened to Steve chatter on about what he did in whatever destination he was currently staying, Danny realized that Steve’s journey to find himself didn’t include him. Steve didn’t need him like Danny needed him. And that revelation punched the breath out of him. He tried to cover it, but Steve, with his keen SEAL senses, heard it.
“Danno, you okay?” Steve interrupted his story about what he saw in Scotland.
“Yeah, babe, I’m ok. Just still get tired sometimes. Had PT this morning and energy kinda zapped. You mind if we pick this up some other time? I’m gonna have a lie down.” Danny chewed his lips as he lied. It was a white lie, but still.
“Ok… you take care buddy. I love you.” Steve said with a note of concern.
“You too.” replied Danny. He couldn’t tell Steve he loved him on their calls because he didn’t want Steve to hear how in love with him he was. Texting “love you, too” was fine, but when he said it, he felt his heart in his throat.
Putting his phone down, Danny glanced around himself. He was still at Steve’s house sitting on his couch. Eddie was laying on the floor nearby. And Danny came to a decision. Steve was out finding himself, and Danny really needed to do the same. He had spent so much of the past ten years being part of Steve and Danny that outside of being a father to Grace and Charlie and being on the task force, he‘d kinda lost himself. He felt like his life wasn’t making sense after deciding to just be friends with Rachel and then the tragedy with Joanna. He knew that in order to move on with his life, he had to make a change. He would always be there for Steve, but it was time he was there for himself.
A few days later, Steve called again. This time he was in Ireland. He told Danny about the beautiful scenery there, and after he was done, he asked, “So, what are you up to now, Danno? PT almost done right?”
Danny took a deep breath and started. “Funny you should ask that. I, um, I’m gonna move back to my place, Steve.”
There was a moment of stunned silence.
“Why? Danny, is something wrong?” Steve replied, trying to keep a lock on his emotions.
“No, babe.” Danny grimaced and continued. “I just, uh, think it’s time to move back. You know, you’re out there trying to find yourself and your peace without me…”
Steve gasped, “Danny…”
Shaking his head, Danny kept going. “and that’s fine, Steve. I’m not trying to make you feel bad. You deserve to find the peace and happiness you need. I just need to find myself again a bit. After Joanna died, I felt sorta lost. And I was starting to make sense of my life again before Daiyu Mei swooped in…” He didn’t mention and when you left me. Danny shook that thought from his head.
“So, I need to do this. To remember who I was before I was part of Steve and Danny…” he finished with a fake chuckle.
“Danno, are you sure?” Steve asked, a note of sadness in his voice.
Danny nodded even though Steve couldn’t see him. “Yes.”
There was another moment of charged silence.
“Ok, Danno, I got it. You need this, so I got your back. Whatever you need. Hey, I gotta head out, but I’ll call again, alright?” Steve sounded like he was happy for Danny but wasn’t quite believing it.
Danny replied, “Sure. Bye, babe.”
Steve said clearly, “I love you, Danny.”
“You too.” Danny croaked out. When the call ended, he dropped his phone next to him and covered his face with his hands taking in a few deep breaths.
It was time to find who he was again without Steve.
Danny finally completed his eight weeks of PT, and his doctor okayed his return to light work aka paperwork. He still had to check in each month since it was his second gunshot wound in his chest in two years. As part of his process to return to Five-O, the governor mandated Danny to complete visits with his therapist since he survived such a traumatic experience. At first, he was annoyed he had to go to therapy again; he’d rather eat pineapple on his pizza. But during the couple of months of sessions about his kidnapping and near death at the hands of Daiyu Mei, he found himself working through various issues including the death of his partner Grace, his guilt over Matty, his complicated relationship with Rachel, Grace’s kidnapping and almost fatal car accident, Charlie’s paternity and medical condition, as well as other work related stresses and traumas. The governor’s directive for Danny’s therapy was once a week for two months, but he continued past that, and for a few weeks, he was going twice a week. He just unloaded whatever was burdening his mind and heart. He felt stronger for it. He even told the therapist about his feelings for Steve, and she suggested that to find closure or peace about it, he should consider discussing his feelings with Steve. Danny knew she was right but wasn’t ready yet. However, talking things out gave him the perspective he needed.
With the end of PT and his ongoing therapy doing well, he told the kids first he was moving out of Steve’s house. They were shocked, Tani near tears while Junior took the news stoically. But once Danny told them why, they were very supportive and helped Danny move to his now renovated place over two weekends. Lou, Quinn, and Adam also chipped in their time to help with Danny’s move. Since Junior moved in with Tani, they figured out a schedule of who would check on Steve’s place and when including the upkeep of the grounds. Junior and Tani told Danny once he was cleared for regular work, he could share some of the maintenance duties. They'd take care of it for now. Tani joked that maybe they could get Kamekona to hire some of his family. Danny rolled his eyes and smacked her. None of them had enough money for that enterprise.
Eddie was another story. Poor guy was just adapting to his master being gone. Now they were relocating him. Danny decided Eddie would live with him, and Junior would take him as time allowed since he loved Eddie, too. It was a good arrangement, as the loyal dog loved each of them. And he enjoyed the extra attention he was getting.
Danny felt like things were starting to get back to the new normal without Steve while he was at work doing paperwork and running point for any cases from HQ if needed. He surprised himself that he got the hang of the HQ computer table after getting lots of help from the team. Quinn was especially patient, and he appreciated it.
While Danny settled back at work, he still kept in contact with Steve. His best friend would mostly text him to check in with how things were going and send some pictures of gorgeous landscapes and appetizing food. When they did talk on the phone here and there, Steve would catch Danny up on things with him. Danny winced when Steve spoke about Catherine, but tried to sound as supportive as possible. He had to keep reminding himself that if Steve was happy with her, he would just have to accept it. And during one of these phone calls, Danny promised himself that he needed to start dating again. He may be in love with Steve, but he also owed it to himself to move forward and not spend the rest of his life pining after his best friend who was happy with the love of his life.
In a bold move, he asked Adam to be his wingman, explaining he needed to shake things up. He wanted to reclaim who he was before Daiyu Mei and even before his last disastrous attempt to get back with Rachel. What he left unspoken was his need to reinvent himself without Steve.
Adam didn’t even raise an eyebrow and had replied, “You got it, brother. You were there for me when I was lost without Kono, so I’m here for you.”
Danny was so grateful. They went to nice bars, the types professionals patronize. Danny did score dates with some doctors, lawyers, and accountants. He surprised Adam by dating both men and women, but after that initial shock, Adam supported his choices, even offering to set Danny up with friends. He even went on a few double dates with Adam and Tamiko. The companionship was nice, and the sex even nicer, but Danny didn’t feel like any of these people would help him get over Steve. At least he felt like his life was more balanced and not just focused on Steve all the time.
When he first mentioned to Steve that he was dating again, there was a silence long enough that Danny thought the call dropped. He could easily FaceTime Steve but just could not find the courage to see his beloved face again. The phone calls offered distance, a buffer. And Danny needed it so he could continue to support Steve and survive his updates when they included Catherine.
Just when Danny was ready to ask his best friend if he could hear him, an exaggeratedly upbeat Steve jumped back in.
“Hey, buddy, I’m glad you’re getting out there again. You deserve to be happy, too.” His voice cracked on the last bit.
After that last odd tone from Steve, they continued like normal when Danny filled him in on the latest with Grace and Charlie. The rest of the call was pleasant with some of their usual teasing.
But on the next call when Danny mentioned how he and Keith went on a double date with Adam and Tamiko, Steve choked and started coughing on the phone.
“Hey, babe, you ok? Don’t choke on the butter in your coffee, alright?” Danny joked.
Steve got his breath back and said, “Sorry, went down the wrong tube. Wait, so you’re dating guys now, Danny?”
Danny didn’t care for Steve’s tone, but answered, “Well, I did date a few guys back in college, but just stopped once I met Rachel.” He didn’t mention and once I met you. “Is that gonna be a problem for you, Steven?”
Steve quickly responded, “Of course not, Danny. I’m just shocked you never told me this in the over ten years we’ve known each other. And for the record, it’d be hypocritical of me if it was.”
Now it was Danny’s turn to gasp. “Wait, when the hell were you dating guys, Steve? In all the years we’ve been together, you’ve only talked about women.”
Sighing, Steve said, “Well, I didn’t really date guys, Danny. When I was deployed, I helped my teammates out like they helped me. So to be more specific, I’ve had sex with guys, but not actually dated them. I enjoyed the sex and was even attracted to some of the guys, but DADT kept me from being open about being sexually attracted to men.”
Danny couldn’t help himself. “Did Cath know?”
Steve chuckled briefly. “Of course, man. I told her I slept with several men and was attracted to some. She was cool with it since she had some bi friends and family.”
Danny admired Steve’s honesty, and he wanted to be honest, too.
“Steve, dating these men and women - it’s nothing serious. Don’t get me wrong, the company and sex are great, but they don’t compare to you.”
It sounded like Steve sniffled on the other end of the line. His voice was slightly hoarse. “And just so you know, partner, no one will ever replace you. No one can. Hey, we gotta grab some food…”
Danny teased, “Try not to ruin your food with pineapple, you animal. Enjoy your meal.”
Snickering, Steve added, “Copy that.”
Steve’s voice became sincere again. “I’ll call you again soon, Danno. I love you.”
Automatically, Danny replied, “You, too.”
Steve’s breath hitched before saying, “I miss you, Danny. Talk to you soon. Bye.”
Danny exhaled, “I miss you, too. Bye, babe.”
Once Danny placed his phone down, he was like, good going Williams. You almost told him you’re in love with him while Cath was right there. Don’t be an idiot next time.
It had been a week since that eye-opening phone call and about six months since Steve left, Danny had been back to regular responsibilities at work for about a month. His therapy sessions were twice a month now. He was still seeing people but didn’t feel the desperation to date like when he first started a few months ago. He felt confident in his own skin again, feeling better both professionally and personally. But he was still in love with Steve. Danny finally decided. Fuck it. I’ll always love the maniac, I just have to live with it.
And it came to a head during one of their phone calls almost two months later.
Danny couldn’t keep himself from asking, “You happy with Cath, Steve?”
There was a pause before Steve said, “I wouldn’t know. She left about two months ago on another CIA assignment. She offered to come back when her job was over, but I told her that I need stability and consistency and her work didn’t provide that. I said I was proud that she found her way and happy for her that she loved her job. I told her that I would always love her, but she deserved someone who was in love with her.”
Danny’s heart sped up with hope. “So, what are you saying, Steve?”
Steve pushed air through his nose. “I’m saying that I couldn’t commit to her because I’m in love with you.”
“Steve…?” Danny’s voice shook with emotion.
“Danny, every time I told you I love you when we ended our calls, I meant it as I’m in love with you. You never repeated it to me so I assumed you didn’t feel the same way. But once you told me you dated guys, I got hopeful again. And after that phone call, I stopped sleeping with Cath. And she knew something was up with the no sex but never called me on it. That’s just not what we do. Things are easy for us, and when they’re not, we still pretend that they are. But my heart couldn’t just be satisfied with what was easy and familiar anymore. I needed the challenge and passion. I need you.”
Danny confessed, “Babe, I’m in love with you, too. I just couldn’t tell you since I thought you had your happily ever after with Catherine. When I figured you guys were permanent, I dated to move on without you. But it’s no use, Steve. I want you. I want everything with you.”
Choked with emotion, Steve whispered, “Danny.. I’m coming home.”
“I’m so glad, babe. I love you.”
Two days later, Danny was at baggage claim. He spotted Steve immediately, tall and gorgeous with a full beard and short but longer than military regulation hair. Steve saw him too, and his face lit up with a huge smile that crinkled his eyes. They moved quickly through the crowd to each other. As he got closer, Danny spotted the specks of white in Steve’s hair and thought it just made his big goof even more handsome. Finally, they were in front of each other. Dropping his duffel, Steve wrapped his arms around Danny hugging him tightly. He tucked his face into Danny’s hair and inhaled deeply.
“Danno, I missed you so much.”
Danny just squeaked out a “me too” while he hugged Steve. He was too busy inhaling the travel worn scent of Steve. He couldn’t get enough of the man he loved. He rubbed his face into Steve’s chest, reveling in the physical presence he had wanted so much all these months and at long last had.
They moved so their foreheads were resting against each other. Breathing the same air, not aware of the bustle of the people around them.
Danny broke their peaceful bubble by moving his face away so he could look into Steve’s eyes. “Did you find the peace you needed, babe?”
Huffing and licking his lips, Steve shook his head. His left hand held Danny’s face as his gaze never wavered. “Not yet, but I’m working on it. I know I’ll get there with therapy and what I need most.”
Danny tilted his head questioningly at Steve.
Then Steve kissed Danny. Eyes fluttering closed, Danny returned the kiss. Like this thing they were doing happened every day.
Feeling a surge of joy, Danny broke the kiss with a smile. Smiling himself, Steve opened his eyes.
“I think I need you to repeat yourself, I didn’t quite hear you,” Danny said with a smirk as he pulled Steve down again. This time, the kiss was firmer. Danny nipped Steve's bottom lip and he opened his mouth. Always the control freak, Steve cupped Danny's face so he could move him where he wanted. He hummed contentedly as he tasted Danny. A couple times, their teeth clacked, but their tongues soothed the minor mishaps. The frantic exploration continued until they needed air.
Eyes opening and panting a bit as their lips parted, they grinned at each other goofily.
“I think we gave the airport enough of a show, babe.” Danny joked.
Steve chuckled. He sobered a bit and said, “Danny, I love you.”
Danny smiled brightly as his heart thudded happily. “I love you, too, Steve. Let’s go home.”
“And where is that exactly?” Steve asked mischievously.
“Wherever you and I are together.” Danny replied quickly.
Appeased, Steve grabbed his bag and slung it on his left shoulder. He pulled Danny under his right arm as they walked to the car.
Danny with Steve. Strong on their own. Strongest together.
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mageofseven · 3 years
What about the brothers reaction to MC wanting a baby? Like, how they would respond to it, feel about it, deal with all the intricacies that comes with a planned pregnancy and think when they see their children for the first time?
Okay, so I've obviously written about the Brothers becoming parents before, but it was always more of an accident.
Planned pregnancy though? Coming right up!
Oh! And I kept the pronouns gender neutral for this, but since it involves pregnancy, MC is afab, I guess the term is? Not fully sure.
Also, unlike my main series for this, there are no complications for these pregnancies so the brothers don't have to worry about MC as much.
Honestly...the anxiety this man feels is hard for even him to hide.
He loves MC; his Heart is everything to him and the only one that he's ever felt he could lean on emotionally. They are there for him when he'd usually have no one and because of that, he doesn't want to deny them anything as long as he can help it.
However...parenthood is a daunting thing to him. He is already a father, regardless of whether he or Satan acknowledges it, and with the direction his relationship with his son has gone, he honestly feels like a failure as a father
So to have another child to risk hurting in the same way he has with Satan? The man doesn't feel okay with the risk.
It takes a lot of comfort from MC to get him to agree to it
And from then on, he prepares.
To start with, he takes some time off of work and RAD for them both.
It's not just for the baby-making activity, though of course they do plenty of that while his brothers are at school.
It's also time for the two of them to just be together and enjoy themselves. He takes them out for lunch, watches any movie they wish, cuddles with them on the couch or bed, even dances with MC in the music room to one of his safer records.
This free time is not just to start the path of parenthood for them; it's a romantic time to enjoy themselves and express their love for each other more openly and freely without worry of his brothers interupting or Luce needing to get back to work.
When they offically discover that MC was pregnant, the anxiety crept back up in him, but his Love's excitement and smiles were enough to push it back.
Despite always having a heavy work load, the oldest made it a priority to have the nursery done very early on and stocking up certain things like diapers, clothes, and toys.
His anxiety pushed him to make sure everything was perfect, but MC had to pull him aside a few times because Luce, they are only three months along, chill dude, you have time.
With time and more reassurance from MC, his anxiety really did fall, though didn't completely disappear and hovered over her as much as his work allowed.
When MC went into labor, he had everything under control. He called the doctor and kept calm as he watched over his Love.
When he held his daughter for the first time...it was as if everything shifted inside of him. He was less worried about failing her and more concerned with making sure he doesn't.
He vowed to make sure Ksenia always feels safe, valued, and loved.
Um...have you seen his bank account, MC?
Y'all are nowhere ready for children, financially speaking.
In truth, Mammon does want kids; he's a very family oriented demon, even if his family doesn't see him that way.
But damn, he really has to get his shit together in order to be a good dad.
After hearing this Human beg for it though, how could the second brother say no?
Before they actually start the whole baby-making process though, the man has a debt to deal with now that he can no longer justify staving it off.
He managed to pay off a huge chunk of it by stealing from the demon lord's castle but after getting punished by Lucifer and facing a disappointed MC, he decided to pay off the rest and start saving up in a more honest way.
Honestly, it wasn't his preferred way of making his Grimm, but MC went on and on about morals and what they'd be teaching their child if they found out their dad was selling other people's shit so they could have him or her, and a lot of other guilt-tripping that the Avatar of Greed gave into. Man, they haven't even made the freaking kid yet and he already has to get his act together...
Debt gone and a decent start to his savings later, the fun part actually begins--making the kid! The demon couldn't help but gloat to his brothers about much he was getting laid, which was embarrassing to MC but hey, it's cute seeing the human's cheeks all red so no drawbacks for the Greed demon.
Once discovering MC is pregnant...well, Mammon is one of the brothers who hovers over his human, though he denies it the whole pregnancy.
When his Human went into labor, it was the kind of thing where the man pretended to be calm, but was obviously freaking out and eventually he fainted.
He woke up though and just in time for his Human to push out their daughter.
Cassia...just one look at his little girl and he knew that all of his hard work before and the self-improvement he's been trying to do...he knew it was all worth it.
Boy choked on his chips when MC asked him for a baby.
Like what did he just hear???
His Henry wants a baby--with him of all people??
Yeah, I mean, he is their boyfriend, but still, the Avatar of Envy felt like this must be bad judgement on the human's part.
I mean, he's a dirty otaku. The demon doesn't even understand why they'd date him, but wanting a kid with him?
There's also the fact that...well, what it means to be an otaku. Having a kid doesn't exactly fit in with his shut-in lifestyle.
Basically, it left him feeling as if he doesn't deserve to have a kid with his Henry and that he wouldn't be good as a dad anyway; being a shut-in otaku is all he knows at this point and since being dad kinda requires you to, ya know, not be that and putting your kid first, he really has no faith in himself.
But MC did and honestly, that meant a lot to the Envy demon.
Things weren't decided in that moment. Knowing that their boyfriend was overwhelmed, the human simply asked him to give it some thought and told him that they'll love him regardless.
The man let it sit with him for a couple weeks and everytime he saw a kid in an anime or saw a commercial for some kind of toy, the otaku wondered 'what if'. What would it really be like to be a dad?
It was anime that finally made him cave. Seeing families and parents interacting with their children in them, it really did tempt the man. He recognized that it was fiction and being a parent wouldn't be exactly like that, but still; it made him wanna try.
Seeing MC's face light up when he told them he'd do it honestly made the man feel good about himself.
When MC becomes pregnant, he doesn't necessarily hover; he doesn't feel the need to always be around them or limit what they can do. He's simply more touchy-feely, surprisingly enough. Not in any inappropriate way; just more hugs, hand holding, cuddles. He just insists on more closeness than before, which MC has no complaints about.
When MC went into labor, he was a bit panicky, but pulled through. Unlike Mammon, he never fainted and was able to give support to his Henry through the process.
Holding his son just felt...surreal. Like, how the hell did this happen??? I mean yeah, he knows how, but still, it's just unbelievable. He has a son. He's a dad.
Levi honestly never thought his life would be brought to this point, but looking down at Kai, he was glad it was. In that moment, he was anxiously optimistic about their future.
Yeah, MC, sweetheart, this man doesn't particularly like kids...
It's not necessarily a hard 'no' though.
After all, Satan doesn't like saying no to his sweet Kitten if he can help it.
The two spend a while discussing it, going over all the prep work they'd need to do, the finances of the situation (like, both in regards to their own finances and literally showing them statistics of how much Grimm demon parents have to spend on average for their children from birth to adulthood), and about how their life will change if they take this step. About the sacrifices they'll have to make and the new responsibilities. After all, the couple won't be able to just focus on each other anymore; their routines will have to change, their be energy put towards caring for the child. Their whole lives will have to revolve around them.
The human accepted all of it though and was ready for the change.
So the blonde agreed, despite his own feelings on the matter, feelings he never thought to speak up about before and after hearing MC's request, doesn't want to.
The couple didn't really set time aside with baby-making in mind and try to rush things. They simply slept with each whenever they just happened to be in the mood for it, like always, but stopped using the runes on they commonly put on MC for birth control.
Essentially, they just went through their days as normal and just let things happen at their own pace.
When MC became pregnant, the Wrath demon had to admit, their excitment was contagious. Seeing them happy...it really felt good to the blonde, despite his own feelings on it all.
Satan wasn't the type to hover, not really. He looked after them, giving little reminders of what they can and cannot eat in this condition as well as when they needed to take certain vitamins, but otherwise, things continued on as usual between the two.
Though his feelings about becoming a parent never completely changed during the pregnancy, seeing his Kitten's belly grow and them look forward to this child more and more as time went on, it did give him the feeling that he made the right choice
And when he felt his child kick inside MC for the first time, the realness of it all really put a crack in his mentality.
Their baby...this was a being who sparked such joy in his Kitten and that was enough for the Avatar of Wrath to start to love his child, though he didn't recognize that fact at the time.
When MC went into labor, he kept them calm and comfortable. Walked with them when they wanted to walk, which he read was good for helping labor along, and gave encouragement whenever his Kitten needed it.
When his daughter was born and he watched his Kitten hold her close, crying happy tears, the man couldn't even describe what he was feeling within himself.
When MC asked if he wanted to hold their daughter, Satan declined. Not out of rejection for Amelie but...was it really safe for him to hold a being so delicate?
With his Kitten insisting with such a cute, sad face though, how could he not?
Extra carefully, he took his daughter into his arms, causing the small baby to whine and reach up her little hands at him.
This. This was the moment that he realized that despite his original bias that he really did love his daughter.
Amelie was a gift that he never knew he wanted; knew he needed. Thanks to MC though, she's here and with two parents that her more than anything in the three realms.
Asmo is a brother that I can honestly see things happening either way: with MC bringing up the idea to him or Azzy bringing the idea up to them.
Asmo loves babies--at least, I see him as someone whose mostly good with them and likes the idea of them. He can't handle things like diaper changes or anything gross like that, but he finds them adorable.
And what would be even cuter than a baby? His baby. I mean, how can you carry genetics from this man and not be gorgeous?
Luckily, MC agrees. The two don't stop to talk about anything practical with the subject. They want a baby so Azzy has the two of them start making them right then and there (well, after Lucifer scolds Asmo for trying to do so on the living room couch and the couple retreats to his room).
The first of the brothers to be genuinely excited when MC ends up pregnant and not be overshadowed by anxiety.
Very touchy-feely during his Dolly's pregnancy, more than usual. Especially once MC starts to develop their cute little belly.
Lots of kisses and talking to their belly, even long before the baby has developed enough to hear him.
This man just has too much love for his child and can't contain it all till they're born.
When MC goes into labor, he's not too anxious, but he feels bad that his Dolly has to through such pain.
Very good at comforting the human during this time. Gives lots of kisses and encouraging words, telling them how well they're doing and how their baby just can't wait to meet them.
Cries when he first holds his son. Sees Liam as the most perfect and sweet being to exist, only tied with himself and MC.
Let's face it; Beel was the one who brought the topic up. This family man got baby fever and immediately ran to Muffin for help with it.
Like, I can literally see him rushing into the kitchen while they're on cooking duty and MC smiling and asking if he'd like to taste test, only for him to blurt out that he wants a baby, as if it was something as simple a cookie or a new shirt.
After MC gets over the shock of such a request, they sit down with Beel and actually discuss such a big step.
Regardless of whether MC had thought about it before this moment, how could they say no to this big sweet man who has an endless amount of love to give?
After agreeing, MC has to coax the man away because he gets a little too excited and wants to start right then, but the human still has to finish dinner.
After dinner though! Baby making time!
Becomes insanely happy when his Muffin ends up pregnant. This man literally couldn't stop smiling his cute freaking smile even if he wanted to.
Doesn't really hover over them while they're pregnant; there's honestly little to no anxiety in this man over his child or worry about the pregnancy.
He does, however, do practically everything for them. Let him carry that bag. It's fine. They don't need to be carrying something so heavy. Tired? It's okay, go rest; he'll cook dinner instead. Feet hurt? He'll carry them home so they don't need to walk anymore.
Just a reminder that this is all done out of love though and not anxiety. He's not worried about anything going wrong; he just loves his Muffin so much and is so grateful that they're willing to have his baby.
Finding out that MC was carrying twins just made him even happier. MC had no chance of breaking free of his bear hug (which of course, he was very careful not to squeeze their belly so it was more a side hug).
Spent a lot of time during the pregnancy snuggling up to MC's belly. Anytime the two of them laid down together, he did it. Whether on the couch as they watched a movie together, or in bed together at the end of their day or as he laid with the human as they took a nap. He'd nuzzle their belly and speak soft, sweet words to their babies.
The only time this man shows any negativity about this pregnancy is when his Muffin goes into labor. As it progressed, part of him felt guilty since they were in this pain because of him. He loved their twins and wanted them to be born, but hated that MC had to cry and scream and writhe in pain to make it happen.
When it was finally over and his girls were in the world, being fed by his Muffin, this man couldn't stop watching them. His daughters. Daughters. Devil, they were so perfect to him.
And that was the day where he felt his life could never get any better. His Muffin had just perfected his life with their loving heart and hardwork and the man honestly couldn't be happier. Arsenia and Anais are exactly what he's been missing in his life and his love for them is immeasurable.
MC...sweetie...this man doesn't like kids at all 😔
After having to deal with Satan as a kid, he has long decided that he doesn't wanna deal with them anymore.
So when MC brings it up to him and asks their boyfriend for a baby, he honestly will not be able to understand why they'd want one.
Yeah, Belphie loves MC, but this would still be a very hard 'no' from him.
Honestly, the only way MC would be able to get a baby from him would be by reminding him of the Incident™️, of him murdering them, and essentially being like 'a life for a life'.
Belphie holds a lot of guilt within him for killing them and whether he realizes it or not, a part of him has been desperately searching for a way to atone so he doesn't have to feel bad about it anymore.
So if this is the way to do it... he guesses that he has no choice.
It's honestly sad. MC really wants him to want a baby too, but can only hope his feelings will change down the line.
When MC becomes pregnant, he understands even less about why they'd want this. Each day, he hears his human in the bathroom, dealing with their morning sickness, and wonders why they want a baby so bad even when they're making them puke their guts out every morning.
Still, he takes care of them. Belphie is a lot of things, but an asshole isn't one of them. He wasn't just gonna knock them up and let MC suffer through it alone. Even if they wanted this, it doesn't change the fact that they're still his Human and that little gremlin making them puke was his kid so he's gotta take care of them.
Doesn't sleep as much as he used to while MC is pregnant. Tries his hardest to stay awake and help them out when needed.
Mostly only naps when they nap and as MC gets farther along, they need plenty of naps.
Finding out MC was pregnant with twins...devil, the man felt like he had the worst luck. He groaned and with it, he hurt his Human's feelings on accident.
He wasn't trying to ruin this for them. He wanted MC to be happy, really he did; all he could think about when he heard the news was how much extra work it was gonna be though. I mean, one baby already demands a lot of time and energy to take care of, but two? Ugh...
Kinda hovered over them during the pregnancy. He just wanted to make them as comfortable as he could, despite the fact that he still for the life of him couldn't understand why they'd choose this for themself. Puking, back pain, exhaustion, weird ass cravings. How was this worth it to the human?
He wanted to understand, but he couldn't and since he couldn't, all he could do was accept it and try to lighten it all for them, if he can.
When his kids kicked for the first time, MC's eyes lit up before they quickly stopped and grabbed their boyfriend's hand.
"Belphie! They kicked! They--" He watched the light drain from their eyes as they deflated. "Oh...sorry, I forgot for a second..."
God, this was the last thing he wanted. The seventh brother put so much effort into trying to make them happy, but they still think he cares so little about something that made them happy, just because it's about their kids?
"Show me."
MC raised an eyebrow.
"Are your sure?"
Belphie sighed.
"Just let me feel it, Butthead."
The human brought his hand to their belly, watching him closely. When he felt a kick, the man's eyes widened.
He didn't really say or do anything at first.
He took his hand off their belly, but never let MC's hand leave his. He squeezed it.
"You don't have to avoid things like that with me, Dummy. I'm glad they're healthy enough to do that."
And that was the truth. Belphie was glad his kids seemed to be doing fine. I mean, they're strong enough that he can feel their kicks so that must be a good sign
And most importantly, he wanted his Human to share with him the moments that make them happy because that's the point of all of this; to make them happy.
Devil, was this man anxious when they went into labor. Not that he let MC see that, of course. Like he tends to do with a lot of his emotions, he bottles them up and just focuses on helping his Human.
When his children were born and he watched MC hold them so close, so lovingly...he honestly didn't know what he was feeling, not fully.
All he knew for sure was that these three were depending on him and always would.
It took him a year or two, but he did end up bonding with his kids. Judas and Lilith...being their dad was different than he thought it would be. It wasn't always easy, especially with how much Lilith misbehaves at times, but these are his kids and they love him without limit. The Sloth demon had to admit, such love was just contagious.
The four of them were actually happy. This wasn't just some obligation he had to fulfill anymore; this was a life he enjoyed living and he honestly couldn't remember the last time he could say that before his twins.
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
champagne problems, ch.7
Spencer is in love with you, but you’re engaged to someone else.
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Chapter Seven: Seasons (Waiting On You): The team receives their Save The Dates. Some take it better than others. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading.    Word Count: 2k Warnings: cursing, heartbreak, unrequited / unreciprocated love, mentions of cheating, very angsty, kinda fluffy but not really, this series is a real slow burn babyyy
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A/N: heads up, i did not proof read this chapter. i rewrote it twice so forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes. also, thank you for your continuous love and support aah! i know i say this all the time but it means so much to me!
To say you were simply feeling anxious would be an understatement. The mix of emotions that circled your mind and soul was nauseating. It hurt to move. 
What you were currently troubled with was legitimately difficult. A kiss between friends, ex lovers. A forbidden kiss. A kiss that messed with your head, and unlocked something inside of you that was buried a long time ago. And as the brunette doctor called it, a goodbye kiss.
In a way, the anxiety that riddled you to the bone was a good sign. It showed that you could grasp the problem, that you weren't in denial. In a situation such as this, it would be odd to not feel the nerves. Right?
Slowly, using all your strength, you opened the glass door to the bullpen and wend your way towards your desk. Head held high, a sway to your step. Trying hard not to show how you were really feeling.
The aching in your skull spread through your whole body like wildfire. Memories of the night before haunted you like a ghost - a ghost you’d have to face in a matter of seconds.
Spencer noticed you immediately. He sat up straight in his seat and cracked a timid smile your way. Nervously, you half-smiled back at him before looking away. The nausea was now inferable.
From the corner of your eye, you could see him get to his feet. He straightened his tie and ambled his way in your direction.
“Good morning.” The soothing sound of his voice was enough to make your knees buckle underneath you. “How uhm, how are you?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. All that replayed in your head was the kiss. The magical, sultry moment that your lips touched. His hands holding your face. Heart beating hard in unison with yours as your fingers tangled in his hair. You hated yourself for it. 
And you were about to feel even worse.
“I’m o-okay.” You replied without looking at him. From the handbag you placed onto of your desk, you retrieved a small stack of envelopes. Hands shaking, you finally turned to him and nervously glanced up to meet his gaze.
The look in his eyes was clearly one of heartache. Even though he didn't show it now, or last night for that matter, you could tell he was feeling just as troubled as you about all of this.
“This is for you.” You handed him one of the envelopes.
“Oh. Thank you.” Spencer responded, taking the item. “What is it?” He asked, curiously raising a brow.
Before you got a chance to tell him, explain that you had this planned for today long before, Penelope appeared next to you. She gave you a quick hug before greeting the brunette doctor with a wide smile. Her gaze traveled down to the envelope in his hands and an excited shriek escaped her lips.
“Is that what I think it is?” She turned to you. To answer Penelope’s question, you handed her one of the envelopes you were clinging tightly against your chest. 
She clapped her hands before taking the small paper pouch. She didn't waste any time to rip it open, carefully as not to damage what she suspected was inside. You glanced up at Spencer who was intensively watching Penelope’s every move.
A wide grin on her face, she retrieved the contents. “A save the dateee! Ooh, this is so exciting!” She sang. 
Spencer’s face fell. He tilted his head to look back at you. His grip on the paper envelope in his hands tightening.
Truthfully, he still held out hope that perhaps one day he would get to call you his once again. He didn't really mean what he said yesterday after kissing you. A goodbye kiss. He only said those words because they felt like something you needed to hear after he crossed that line. He didn't mean it.
Now, you were handing out save the dates. It made your impending wedding all the more real. You had picked a date. Coincidently, you chose to share that with the world the day after he kissed you.
His heart ached. The feeling of guilt was eating him alive on the inside. He couldn't help feel like this was all his fault. He couldn't help but wonder whether you did this on purpose. He knew of course you weren't that type of person, it had to be a terrible coincidence, and yet.
If he had just stopped himself, if he hadn't kissed you, perhaps this wouldn't be happening right now. If he hadn't kissed you, perhaps you wouldn't feel the need to remind everyone you were engaged to be married.
Spencer promptly excused himself and rushed away. He couldn't be around you right now. He couldn't listen to Penelope repeat over and over again how happy she was for you. How happy she was that one of her best friends was getting married soon. So soon.
Too soon for his liking.
He pushed open the bathroom door and hurried inside. Placing the envelope next to the sink, he fumbled with the tap and splashed the cold water on his face. A desperate attempt to calm his nerves.
He pressed his palms into the tiled counter, a deep sigh escaping his mouth. He told you yesterday that nothing was stopping you from your happily ever after, so he shouldn't have been so surprised that in a way you listened. Once again, Spencer pushed you into the arms of the man he envied.
This was all his fault. He shouldn't have kissed you. And he definitely shouldn't have said what he said.
He turned the tap off and ran a hand through his wavy hair. He picked up the envelope and opened it. The piece of paper inside was beautifully designed. Simple and elegant, just your style.
Save Our Date
Y/N and Ethan  are getting married
June 15th Alexandria, VA
formal invitations to follow
The date screamed out at him. June fifteenth was only a few months away. With a heavy sigh, he placed the paper in the inside pocket of his blazer and walked out of the bathroom.
The sound of his name caused him to turn back on his heel. You were leaning against the wall, by the bathroom door. An apologetic look gracing your features.
“I’m so sorry Spencer.” You said approaching him. “We had this planned for weeks, and it just so happened...” You found yourself unable to finish that sentence, but the brunette doctor knew exactly what you were going to say - it just so happened that the save the dates were sent and given out the day after he kissed you.
“I swear it wasn’t intentional.” You reassured. Spencer nodded his head. “I believe you Y/N. You don't have to apologise, or explain yourself.” He stated.
“I just- I...” You sighed. “Are we okay?”
The question caught him slightly off guard.
You were planning for what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, with the love of of your life, yet you were worried about your relationship with the man that turned you into a, for lack of a better word, cheat.
He knew he couldn't answer your question honestly because that would complicate things even more. You already appeared to be worried about hurting Spencer’s feelings further when you should have been celebrating this moment. It only made him feel worse about himself. Therefore he did what any person in his situation would do.
“Of course we’re okay.” He lied, lips twirling into a warm smile. He extended his arms out and like a magnet you melted into his embrace. If you weren't as exhausted, you would have noticed he was lying. Instead, you rested your head against his chest and closed your eyes. A rush of relief cascading through you, replacing the nausea that’s been following you since last night.
“Good.” You muttered into his shirt. “I'm glad we are.”
You pulled away after a glorious moment and the two of you walked back to your desks in neutral silence.
The rest of the day flew by in the blink of an eye and just like that it was time to go home. Ethan returned from his conference earlier that afternoon meaning you couldn't stay longer, like the previous nights. You said your goodbyes to everyone before turning your attention to the hazel-eyed man.
“Do you need a lift home Spencer?” You offered, but he shook his head. “No. I still have a few things I need to get done.” He declined politely. You nodded in understanding and shot him a kind smile. “See you tomorrow doctor.” “Bye Y/N. Get home safe.”
He watched you leave. His heart heavy.
One by one, the rest of the office scattered for the night until it was just him in the bullpen. He found himself unable to get up. Subconsciously, he knew it was because staying at the office would keep him distracted. It would keep his mind occupied. He wouldn't be thinking about you.
Penelope found him slouched over his desk, reading something. The workday concluded hours ago. Locked away in her little office, working away, she thought there was no-one left.
The bubbly blonde could tell something was troubling him. Spencer was also her best friend, just like you. Therefore she couldn't leave without at least trying to help him out somehow.
She approached his desk and swiftly pulled up a chair next to him. The brunette man glanced up at her as she sat down. A encouraging smile on her face.
“I know how hard this must be for you.” Penelope muttered.
Sitting this close to him now, she could tell Spencer really wasn't feeling like himself. He seemed crushed, helpless even, and really disconnected from the world around him. 
“Really, I'm okay. You can go home.” He replied, but the blonde just rolled her eyes. “Cut the crap boy wonder. You know you can talk to me.”
Spencer swallowed. If there was anyone he could open up to about all of this, it would be Penelope. “Did she tell you what happened between us last night?” He asked after a moment of silence, averting his gaze.
“Yes, she told me.” Penelope replied. To Spencer's surprise, the tone of her voice was kind and free of any judgement.
He glanced back at her. “I’m a terrible person.” The tears he’d been fighting back all day fought hard to escape. Garcia shook her head. “I don’t agree.”
“I took advantage of her vulnerability. I let my true emotions show. I wanted to be there for her so badly that I made myself into the other guy, and now, I can’t help but feel like she hates me.”
“She doesn't hate you.” “How can you be sure? We crossed a line, I can’t help but feel terrible about that. And today she came into work with those save the dates. She told me it wasn't intentional, but a part of me isn't so sure.”
“Y/N doesn't hate you Spencer.” Penelope repeated. “And trust me when I tell you, handing out the save the dates today, of all days, has been planned for weeks.”
“She’s getting married in a couple of months.” He mumbled quietly in response, completely ignoring what Garcia just said. The sentence was mainly as a painful reminder to himself.
“Do you love her?” Penelope asked.
“I-I...” He hesitated for a second. Spencer wasn't sure if he was ready to admit out loud what the feelings he’s kept bottled down for so long. He’s told everyone he’s moved on, yet his actions since your engagement screamed different. 
A deep sigh escaped his lips. On the other hand, Spencer knew deep down didn't have a lot to lose anymore.
“I-I do.” The brunette doctor stated. “I never stopped loving her actually.”
Penelope smiled. She reached across for his hand and gave it a gentle encouraging squeeze. “Then tell her genius.”
'Cause I've been hanging on you I've been waiting on you
A/N: hello friends! i hoped you liked this chapter!! as always, i’d love to hear your feedback and if you would like to be added to a taglist, please let me know. thank you for your continuous support. with love, mal. x
story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26, @do-yr-research, @nazifa94, @stepsofthefbi, @chatterbug2-0
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​
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uhhhhhhhhhsblogyea · 3 years
♤| dragon ball shapeshifter au
storyline rundown
part two
tw: profanity !! a bit of gore and such
the story begins on kakarot's farm! he lives with his parents, bardock and gine, and his brother raditz.
kakarot takes his produce to the market to sell, talking to krillin who is a police officer watching over in case of robbery or stolen goods, with his wife 18 and his daughter marron.
he hangs out there and sells all his produce, making a whopping amount of money to give back to his mother to go towards their farm. so thats what he does.
later that night, raditz barged in through the door, huffing loudly and covered in purple blood. it had a reddish tint. gine and bardock jump to their feet, bardock still in his training gi and gine in her white shirt and some sweatpants. "raditz!? what happened?" bardock exclaimed, gine following up with "why are you covered in... purple blood!?" this caused kakarot to come out of his room in a rush, "h-h-holy s-shit! i didnt kill anyone i swear mom, mom, dad please, i wouldn't do that!" raditz panicked. "s-something tried to attack me! i didnt know what to do so i attacked back!!" he tries to wipe the blood off, it being on his face.
whatever happened, scared raditz enough to make him shake in fear and what seems to be regret despite it being to protect himself.
kakarot however, still was unsure what happened. his father said he would explain in the morning, the situation was too dire for kakarot to get involved - especially with the police.
in town, vegeta covered his bloodied chest, panting as he hid deep in an alleyway. "goddammit," he huffs, slicking his hair back to keep the human bangs out of his face. hes got a huge gash across his chest, thanks to that damned raditz he happened to work with. luckily, he was morphed into some other alien lifeform and not his original shift state. he slowly morphed into a bird, a finch, and flew off to him apartment. he always kept his window cracked just in case this were to happen. just his luck, we wont be able to eat and to heal he needs that energy for food or else hell be out asleep for awhile.
he decides calling off work, so thats what he does. what he doesnt expect is a man with a thick ass fucking tail and slicked back purple hair and red eyes to be reading a book, lounging like a king on his bed. "f... frieza!?" vegeta says, startled.
"ah hello my creation! lovely seeing you here, dont you think?" he throws the book off to the side, getting up and striding over to the bloodied vegeta. "aw looks like you got a paper cut." he jabs a finger into vegetas cut across his chest. vegeta groans in pain, a tentacle whipping around to hit frieza away into a safer distance, but the icejin blocks smoothly with his muscled tail.
from here:
wow!! you found out vegeta is a "creation" of friezas, but what exactly does that mean?
raditz gets taken in for questioning. he gets blamed for a murder that happened on the otherside of town, the law system being dumb sentenced him to 25 years in prision for a murder he didnt do
kakarot is confused, bardock telling him there arent any alien threats and it was a misunderstanding on the jury and judge's parts bc raditz was getting mugged and a murder far away happened at roughly the same time, and they were desperate to throw someone into jail.
this is a lie, to some extent. kakarot believes it, living happily thinking there are no threats
vegeta attacked raditz, needing food. shapeshifters need to eat hearts and lungs of animals as food
raditz is the one who cut him across the chest (thatd why he has a scar on his chest in the ref sheet)
kakarot has to bring crops and milk into a market farther into town sometime in the next week, it being an event ran by capsule corp, a company that produces a lot of housing and vehicles and being in business for 40 years being the anniversary that day.
vegeta is a mechanical manager, wearing fancy clothing that day since its technically a high spot in the ranks for capsule corp.
vegeta likes milk, surprisingly. it helps a lot when recovering damage, especially his species. this is when he meets kakarot
kakarot is running his stand with the crates of crops and glass jars of milk set out on display with their price, krillin with him
vegeta is annoyed he has to speak up to get the seller's attention so he grunts with an "ahem"
kakarot jumps, apologizing and asking what he wants to buy. vegeta gets his milk and some vegetables for someone he knows
"hey, whats with the fancy suit?"
"you dont know who i am?"
"no. should i?"
"i-? im vegeta! im manager of the mechanics in capsule corp!"
"oh. is the job hard?"
they conversate, as kakarot sells his produce happily listening as he was able to get the short man with a temper to talk about his job.
vegeta himself was caught off guard by this action but happily talks
this ends in kakarot running behing the stand's curtain and grabbing his business card so vegeta can have a discount on milk next time he decides to buy
vegeta takes the card walking off
the card has kakarots name and number on the back, a message saying "text me personally if you want extra, i dont mind taking some. you seem cool!"
vegeta is a bit ticked, but pockets the card
over time, vegeta and kakarot talk over text a bit, kakarot delivering him milk like an old time milk delivery boy
turns out he actually used to be one as a kid
turns out hes been into marial arts as well, a long time interest of vegetas
they bond over this, kakarot find himself growing a crush on vegeta
one time kakarot stops buy with a delivery unannounced, not knowing he typed the text but didnt send it. he knocks on vegetas apartment door, but no answer.
he checks to see if its unlocked, and it is so he lets himself in, just wanting to put the delivery on the counter and head out.
he doesnt expect to turn around and see a vegeta with a towel wrapped around his waist, tentacles coming out of his back, green eyes, and sharp ears, teeth, and claws. "K-KAKAROT!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he yells, surprised. he doesn't have bangs either
"why do you have tentacles?? why do you look different? why do you have that scar?"
vegeta is caught off guard, not sure if he should push kakarot out or tell him the truth. one way or another he knows the truth will spread, so he carefully debates his options
he tells kakarot the truth, hes a shapeshifter and hes insanely dangerous
kakarot is surprised dangerous aliens exist
he tells vegeta this, and deep down vegeta is mad kakarot is sheltered
little do they know as they conversate and bond, growing closer to each other kakarot finds out vegeta made a vow not to ever get in a relationship no matter how much he envied them, especially a human relationship, a certain someone is watching them and listening in, theyre keeping tabs on vegetas and kakarots feelings
trust issues amirite?
later that night, kakarot says his goodbye heading home, heart pounding. wow!!!! vegeta is... great. very great. kinda cute too, i mean what!?? no!!
kakarot rants to himself aloud in his room, window open to keep himself cool, about vegeta as he debates his feelings. he doesnt care if this seems out of character in his friends terms, all they see from him anyway is a dense fightcrazed guy with a dysfunctional relationship with an ex and his son. he realized vegeta doesnt see him like that, but, what DOES vegeta see him as?
he calls it a night
he wakes up to a "thwap, thwap, thwap" against his wooden floor
he sits up, looking around and seeing a short figure sitting at his desk.
"whos there?"
"ah, youre awake monkey! i have valuable information for you, about your lovely vegeta." the voice is squeaky
"and, who is telling me this?" kakarots interest is piqued, not seeing the mysterious figure as a threat, as of now at least
"oh-hohoho! im dr. cold! but please, call me frieza. doctor cold is my father's name."
"and what do you have to tell me about vegeta?"
"mmm, are you sure you want to know?" he gets up, beginning to pace
"theres a catch isnt there" kakarot realizes, serious
"oh! maybe you arent so dense afterall. yes, there iss monkey. its simple, deliever some of your left over crop to my facility tomorrow, i already left the address on a paper over on that... pitiful little desk of yours." frieza pauses. "vegeta will kill you if you arent careful. hes hungry, and he wants that heart. but... i think the poor creation wants it in more than one way. kill him before he kills you."
frieza hands kakarot a box cutter
"thats the only thing that will kill him. if you dont do it i expect that delivery tomorrow by midnight. if you dont show, and theres no news of him being dead, youll be a brilliant collection to my creations, monkey!" the man laughs in joy, clasping his hands together as his red eyes pierce through kakarot
kakarot reluctantly agrees, unsure how this will play out
anyway heres the part 1 of the rundown.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
What if angel’s grandma is friends with pops and he invites her grandma for tea and angel and Chrono are in the same class and Kai is like my women is coming to the house I just prepare and Chrono is just like she doesn’t even know your name so angel hangs out with Chrono and Kai just tries to impress her the whole time until Chrono does parkcore trick he’s been working on and Kai tries to do one but he breaks his arm and Angel visits him at the hospital
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"Alice, what a great pleasure to receive you and your grandaughter." The old man grabbed the woman's hand to plant a kiss as she laughed.
"As always the charmer my friend." The old woman looked down at the girl with a fond smile, noticing a quite while that both boys with white and brow hair were watching from afar "Go on dear."
"Thank you for accepring us in your house Mr-"
"Oh please young one, is always a pleasure." The elder said with a smile before showing his palm at the inside "Come on now in, I bet Kurono would love to spend time with his colleague."
"Just don't cause any problem sweety." She said before looking again at her old friend as she made herself at home "So? How is your daughter?"
Not much afar Kai arched one eyebrow before looking at Kurono whose was also spying on who Pops was talking with.
"You didn't said my woman was coming."
"First, she doesn't even know you dude. Second, neither I had idea..." Hari answered just as nonchalantly as his friend before widening his eyes at seing you aproaching. "She is coming."
"Pretend then we weren't looking." Kai hissed before you aproached.
"Hi Hari-kun! Who is your friend?" You aproached and the white haired boy gave his friend a look of 'I told you so' while Chisaki only glared back at him.
"Hey (Y/n)-chan." He spoke more to pick on Kai's nerves "This is Chisaki Kai."
"The future leader of the Shie Hassaikai if I might add, Kurono." He growled his friend name as you cooed at how cool it was.
"Guess what i learned (Y/n) chan? Look." The bly spoke with eargness before mentioning for you to distance yourself before he jumped to do a backflip as you gasped in awe.
"Wow Hari! So cool!!!" You gaped at him while he smiled.
Yeah... someone wasn't happy with that as he watched with envy at the distance and crossed arms.
Sure, you were on the same class with that blockhead, but you had spend almost all day with him! Dammit, what was so cool about Hari anyway? He was just going to become a subbordinate anyway, he was going to become the main boss! You should be spending time with him at least.
Yet no. You just awed at that-that idiot over there!
"Im trying this new thing called parkour, wanna watch?" The bky suddenly spoke as Kai huffed and decided to join for a bit the conversation.
"Isn't it dangerous though?" You asked in worry as Kurono made a more less signal with his hand.
"Kinda? See all of those obstacles?"
"He means the boxes he just plantes over the yard and the three." Chisaki nonchalantly stated from besides you, making Kurono a bit offended.
"Think you can do it then? Mister I know everything?"
He was taken a back at how Hari had reacted but one look towards your cute face was enough for him to scoff and accept the offer.
"Is just mostly jump and run around." He shrugged as he got by Kurono's side, in the count of three the two boys started.
Everything was fine until Hari jumped and grabbed on one of the tree branches he had swirl around with his body doing a 360 angle and landi g on the ground... although when he was his turn the dammit branche suddenly cracked, and he didn't need to be a genius to know what was going to happen.
"What on earth were you thinking kid?" The elder exclaimed when the doctor finally aplied the the cast on the boy's left arm, worried about the numerous hives that were appearing on his skin.
"He should wear it until the start of spring mister."
"Thank you miss." The woman bowed and left the room as the elder croased his arms and looked at Kai expectantly.
"I'm waiting."
"I still don't see the point of wearing this." The boy grumbled while aproaching his hand to the cast "I can just-"
"Do not even dare Chisaki or else myself is making you stay on the hospital until that arm gets better." The elder said in a low tone, making Kai internally shiver "And don't change it the topic, you often said that Kurono running and jumping around was something idiot."
The boy scoffed and looked down at his lap with a frown as the elder sighed, hopeless.
The old man's head tilted his head up when he heard a knock before smilling tendedly as he got up, looking to see who it was.
"Kai my boy, you have a visitor."
"I don't want i-"
"Hey Kai!" You greeted him and he almost choked on hsi breath at seing you there as Pops quickly got what was up with the kid.
"I will leave you two for now. Take care of him for me will you (Y/n)-chan, make sure he doesn't touch the new cast on his arm."
The flustered boy almost shouted at the elder and with one look he almost even begged to not leave the room, but it was too late.
Freackung old geezer.
"You're okay?" You aproached slowly, climbing on his bed as he got all tense and felt his cheeks burning up at how close you were getting.
"Is just a broken arm." He mumbled before you scooted over to be sitting right on his side, his body now freezed and mind almost blowed up.
"I'm sorry about this, I once broke my leg and I cried a lot." You smiled at him "But you didn't even cried a bit! You are very brave Chisaki-kun!"
This made him flustered a bit as he adverted his gaze with a scoff. Trying his best to ignore your giggles before he felt you poking his shoulder.
"I brought you this!" You gave to him a box of sweets which made him widen his golden eyes "When I get hurt is normal for to offer sweets and chocolates, so I thought on giving it to you!"
He gulped a bit before grabbing the box with his good arm and place on his lap to open it. The amount of chocolates and bonbons on that box made his mouth water and he cursed himself for his weakness.
"T.. Thanks." You smiled back before widening your eyes and searching in your pocket for a red pen.
"Can i draw on your cast?"
"What? No." He sais as if you had grew another head while you tilted your head.
"Why not?"
"Is a cast not a paper." He grumbled before you giggled.
"You never broke a bone before have you? Normally we write things to cheer the persons up or to distract themselfs! Like silly drawings or something else!"
"Whatever. Is not a paper so no." He grumbled before frowning at your dissapointmented face before he grumply shoved hsi broken arm in your direction, looking at every where but you "A small one and that's it."
You cheered a thanks and scribbled on it quickly. The curiosity got the better of him and he sneaked a peak only to feel more warm than before when you had written "get better soon" with a heart on the end.
"There!" You chirped, smiling at him bit blushing when you noticed he had been looking at you for quite a while now "W-Well... I-I should probably go now-"
"You brought too many of those." He quickly stated and you got confused before he coughed on his good hand and montioned tothe box on his lap "I will get a toothache because of you, so the least you could is... grab sone as well."
You snickered at his actions of offering you the gift you had given to him. "What a weird but cute boy." You thought as you happily nodded and shared the snacks with him.
Maybe breaking a arm wasn't so bad if he could apend time with his future bride.
"So you let her draw on it?" Kurono asked in pure interesting as Kai nodded, still looking at the message. "Right then, can I do something too?"
"Why not?!" He exclaimed in offense as Kai glared at him while holding the cape close to his chest.
"You're going to ruin it (Y/n)'s message."
"Dude there's like too much space on it! Let me!"
The elder simply sipped on his tea as he heard ths boys discussion on the distance.
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belphegorbillickin · 3 years
Hmm I didn't particularly get an om matchup before this, but I got guys from other fandoms who I DIDN'T even know LOL like,,, the matchups were cute and all, but who tf is that guy??
However, my friend stated that I could go with Mammon well, but I didn't think so. He's sweet and I love him, but he's just dumb someone I'm literally not attracted to. He's also too childish, and while I like that, we're better off as friends lol. Mature guys with a mischievous side to them lol or JUST mature even (as long as I can drag him into mischief hehe), I like that more romantically tbh. Also proves how your matchup was accurate tbh ^^
Similarly with Levi, we're better off as friends. I'm surprisingly really into anime and video games (thanks to my brother) but still. Clingy people... Oof. And esp if they get offended then.. o o f.
Diavolo is someone I view as a literal friend, idk why. BUT SIMEON CAME AS A PLEASANT SURPRISE AGAIN LOL.
How about you? Who do you think you're most compatible with? – 🍹
Sorry, I've been a little busy dealing with doctors visit and the side effects with a new medication. I keep passing out or getting dizzy enough that I have to lay down while writing lol, but this new stuff should be way better in the long run! I also got to change my heart meds into something I take once a day that's supposed to have less side effects too!
But yeah, I can't really see Mammon at all lol. Levi is definitely a specific niche that most people prob wouldn't be into, but I also think people ignore his personality and make him into a human otaku stereotype instead of a complex demon using his hobby as escapism. Even his fans often turn him into a western gamer or uwu weeb boy stereotype imo.
Levi and Diavolo were definitely put there to be friends though, I just felt like a mini rant lol.
IDK who would you say just based on how I talk and write? Jk, I love pretty much all of the obey me characters in different ways, but tbh I wouldn't set out to date any of them irl.
I'm someone that'd much rather be alone than with someone stressful, and I'm an "extreme" antisocial introvert for the most part anyway. Even ignoring the danger and demon/angel problems they're just annoying and not exactly great partners lol.
If I had to choose though it's definitely Beel. Assuming the whole running out of food and human-eating thing isn't any more of a problem than in game that is. I mean even his brothers are scared of Beel eating them in his sleep.
He's just so sweet and chill, Beel just wants a simple happy life and so do I. He may not always succeed, but he tries to be responsible and keep MC safe. I feel like everyone else is so stressful and wants to play mind games or feels like they have to.
There's also the problem of Belphie though, it'd be pretty much impossible to spend all that time without him being a part of it and Beel would prob enable him.
Belphie is the toxic emo bf I've always wanted, but even ignoring the whole murder thing he's extremely clingy and manipulative.
I'd def feel way less bad about telling off than I would with Levi though. I'd actually step on him on purpose when he falls asleep on the floor if he wouldn't be so terrifying irl.
I've gotta be honest though, that and the manipulation is what makes him hot in the first place. I wouldn't be into him if he was just "sleepy softboi uwu."
Also I would never willingly let it be known that I like Belphie to anyone irl, especially not to him. I'd probably still couldn't stop myself from being a huge simp, but y'know. All it'd take is some fingerless gloves and piercings and it'd all be over for me.
I guess there's a decent chance of him worming into the relationship and being "compatible" that way. Honestly overall he'd still probably be one of if not the one I'd enjoy hanging out with the most. He's pretty much the perfect blend of chill, mischievous, and fun to go back and forth with.
I love Levi and I'd honestly be happy being a shut in with him, but tbh I can't help but feel like I'd reach a bad end with him even if I try to imagine them less demonic. At least Belphie's too lazy to do much so long as you prioritize him.
I can't help but see Levi getting worse the more confident he gets and the more he feels like he has claim over you. The more he monopolizes the more he needs to feel secure and etc. Envy iis kinda never ending that way and I'm not someone that'd spend enough time with the others for him to back off.
But ignoring that and sticking to canon I think we'd both be super compatible as friends and probably end up being more. Although tbh I have a ton of bad memories with guys like him, mostly just as friends but y'know, to the point where it affected how much I liked him for a while at first.
Despite what I said he'd probably be the least terrifying irl because the danger is more subtle and kind of forgotten after the trivia. If anything the romantic side would probably really start from me hiding from Belphie in his room all the time lol.
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askmyboys · 3 years
I’d call these more, my own interpretations instead of just OCs
I’ll tell you how this happened tho, i was literally just comin back from a l o n g ass road trip listenin to the musical and my tired lil brain started thinkin bout these boys and i was like ...what if i just,, made my o w n versions of em? What if I just,, and then boom, out popped well, this-
| Names: Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde
| Nicknames: Jekyll doesn’t much care for nicknames but Hyde calls him Jek, Hen or Hen-Hen, or Henny which he REALLY hates. For the other, it’s either Ed or just simply Hyde ...Jekyll has given him many ‘nicknames’ mostly they are hateful ones tbh.
| Genders: Henry goes by he/him and Hyde goes by he/him and it/its
| Ages: Unknown but they are both adults
| Heights: Jekyll is 5’7” and Hyde is like 6’6” for sure (even tho they inhabit the same body, fuck it, im makin the rules ..andchangingthemfromtheogthing but i say height changes when Hyde’s in control)
| Species/Races: Henry’s a human ofc and Hyde? Honestly, idk what this thing is, all i can tell you is he’s stinky
| Eye Colors: Jekyll’s eyes are a Baby Blue color and Hyde’s eyes are Blood Red (ooh e d g y man)
| Hair Colors: Jekyll’s hair is honestly a messy curly undercut and the color of it is a dark brown and he has gray on the sides meanwhile Hyde’s hair is Black and in a spiked quiff style and he also has gray on the sides
| Skin Colors/Body Types: Jek’s a BIT pale but Hyde’s a much more- his skin is definitely more so a Whitish Gray kinda color so it’s definitely more noticeable than Jek’s skin if you look close enough at that (things do have to change when a certain one is in control of the body, can’t be EXACTLY the same or else it might give away that their the same person hehe) and their body types don’t really change- Jek’s body type is skinny (nothing TOO bad ofc, just a tad bit) if Hyde had his own body he’d definitely be a more average kinda bulkier build.
| Appearances: Okay first things first- they both have circle beards EXCEPT Hyde’s is a LOT more scruffier (he also has thicker sideburns btw!) and a BIT more grown out than Jek’s which is trimmed a bit more and groomed perfectly.
Jekyll usually has the typical lab coat on and a baby blue turtleneck underneath it, he also has blue pants that he wears with it as well and some oxford shoes that match the outfit, he also wears circle glasses as well (they help him see a lot better p much whereas when Hyde’s in control he doesn't really need em actually) Henry has a GOOD amount of scars all over his body, whether it be by accident, inflicted on purpose, or something more… It’s partially why he keeps his turtleneck on mostly and the lab coat helps as well- he’s ashamed of the scars and he tries to hide them especially so no one will worry about him, also for some more minor details- he wears a black watch on his wrist as well (he has no piercings or nothin like that) that’s p much it for Jek tbh, his features are p much 100% human so uh yeye
Now onto Hyde’s outfit- And yes, keep in mind- he’s still kinda,, an entity or whatever the fuck he is inside Henry’s body essentially but he DOES change his clothes when going out- his main one for going out is usually a black cloak he wears around himself (the outfit underneath is a black suit vest with a long dark red tie (his shirt underneath the suit vest is a dark red long sleeved shirt), he also wears black pants, and dark red oxford shoes, and of course he’s got a black top hat on (the band on it is red, definitely keeping a black n red themed appearance here aint he?) (his other outfits, hm I can leave up to the imagination tbh this is just for when he’s travelling around and so other people don’t spot him nearly as easily, especially when it’s n i g h t t i m e…) he’ll wear whatever the fuck he wants, and it doesn’t have to be fancy in the s l i g h t e s t- he has a variety of options.
He also has pointed ears, razor sharp teeth (got them bear trap teeth but not only that, he’s got a lot more s e c r e t teefs than that ;) he’s a lot more monstrous on the inside than the outside i’ll say that much, Jek’s n Hyde’s anatomy does change and transform depending on who gains control ...honestly it probs hurt to have your body transform and shift like that ouchie) he also has multiple tongues, he has claws that he painted black and red for the a e s t h e t i c s ya know- and hell at this point he might as well have tentacles ...He might- but I mean if you really wanna know, fuck around and find out for yourself and fuck it- he also has a dark red devil style tail since he wanna act like fuckin Satan himself smh
...I made him a lot more monstrous than originally planned but eh its fitting- bc this is Jek’s body even with a LOT of changes in these regards, he’s got the same scars n such as that, he also wears black and red spiral gauges in his ears (I should also say, he can technically hide these features to make himself appear more human, i didnt originally intend on giving him any actual monstrous features except maybe sharp teeth, claws, n the pointed ears but here we are, he still gotta not arouse suspicion around him too much tho) also his eyes have dark circles around them, not because he’s a tired man he’s just a fucking- hellish bastard who loves to look intimidating.
| Personalities: Let’s uhh start off with Jekyll because he’s better and nicer and not nasty and gross n smelly looking- He’s kind, sweet, compassionate, caring, honestly wouldn’t hurt a fly himself- could never willingly hurt someone! A sweet babey man! He’s very intelligent- I mean,, he IS a Doctor after all, he takes pride in his work but it’s not that overbearing narcissistic type pride, he’s just proud of the breakthroughs he’s made ...Granted, there is one “breakthrough” he wished he could take back .. -glancing slowly at Hyde in the reflection of the mirror- ahem- but he’s always been pretty outgoing but a lot has changed since, that abomination came into his life, sure he still tries his best to be a good person, he tries his very damnedest to find some sorta way to separate or better yet a way to destroy this evil vile beast that plagues his and everyone else’s lives! He’d rather destroy Hyde than separate from him because even then, it's still back to square one only with worse damage since he’d be of his own free will now.
He shuts himself away in his Lab a LOT, as much as he can anyways to avoid going out and risking something more happening to anyone else, of course…
There is no avoiding the outside world forever, he needs things to eat and drink, he needs things to keep his body functioning and not to mention not going outside could drive him, well, more insane than he already feels he is- He just tries to be as quick as he can about it before the other takes control or tries to, Jek definitely has a lotta anxieties and fears, and ya know at this point I mean,, hell- the man’s got trauma- Sometimes he wonders if any of this is actually real, if he had just gone insane and was just imagining all this, sometimes his head hurt because of all the thoughts and potential scenarios along with their outcomes plagued his mind, he feels a lot of things he never thought he’d feel towards anyone, he feels anger and hatred toward Hyde but in a way aside from feeling so negatively toward the other, he can’t help but admire the way Hyde wishes to just simply l i v e, and even before this beast became apart of him… He was always anxious deep down and almost scared to take that jump when needed.
But Hyde? Hyde doesn’t seem to even c a r e! That thing lives it’s life without any care whatsoever, he doesn’t have any anxieties or fears at all it seems! In a way, Henry might even be a lil envious toward the other’s carefree attitude and that he’s free of anxieties and fears ...H-He still doesn’t want the other around, he still wishes to destroy Hyde of course, even with the envy and maybe a slight bit of admiration he has his morals and principals, and if Hyde continues to exist or w o r s e gets his own body it could prove v e r y perilous.
Now onto… Eugh, Hyde- The bastard man himself- He’s stinky- an evil bastard who really needs just a good punch in the face (god don't do it yourself tho, he’ll probs eat ur entire arm) Hyde’s absolutely disgusting, will do ANYTHING to get what he desires, he can be narcissistic in some regards, VERY prideful and greedy in many ways, he isn’t above committing murder like really, was he EVER above it? If he wanted, he’d literally murder you not even for a bag of corn chips but literally just one, psh- selling you to satan for one? Bah that’s amateur’s work! He’s somehow a minor inconvenience who can commit REALLY nasty and horrible atrocities at the same time if he feels like it, if he finds out something annoys you or REALLY pisses you off he’s going to keep doing it, he will literally try driving you insane just for the fun of it, really at this point it doesn’t seem like he HAS much of a goal but to just l i v e and cause chaos, destruction, and mayhem wherever he goes, he despises Jekyll in many ways, one being for trying to destroy him first and foremost but also Henny is just s o fucking weak, such a weak man with far too many anxieties, fears, etc- He’d be SO much better of a man if he’d simply let Hyde take control and STAY in control!
It’d make everything a lot easier, then Jek wouldn’t have to worry about ANYTHING ever again! No more of that pathetic nonsense! If it were possible, Hyde would absolutely l o v e to have his own body, separate from Jekyll, that way he could have his own life separate from that pathetic weakling’s! But… Even then, Jekyll and Hyde are one, in many ways they are absolutely apart of one another, two sides of the same coin, even with their MAJOR differences in personality and Hyde almost seeming like an entirely different entity just merely possessing Jekyll, after all, Hyde will admit it himself, he spawned from deep within Jekyll’s mind, he’s tried to get the other to see time and time again that he’s always been apart of the other deep down, Jek’s always had a more mad and evil side to him! Even if the other will deny this and take the denial to his grave, Hyde always persists in trying to get the other to see the truth in front of his eyes!
Aside from that tho, Hyde is just generally a dick and loves to mess with Jek and terrify him sometimes for literally no reason, hell he could be bored one day and decide “Hey Henny, fuck you, you suck” he loves to start drama, he loves to cause problems on purpose- Both of them would give anything to separate from each other, even if Hyde knows the truth deep down bout the both of them, even if he were always originally a part of Jekyll, it didn’t matter, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to get his own body, away from that pathetic coward of a man!
| Side Facts: Jekyll rarely ever gets to relax or any free time, he’s too worried to give himself that in fear he’ll lose control, he’s almost CONSTANTLY fighting to keep control over the other, even though he knows it's physically impossible to do so, after all, he can’t stay awake forever, sure that doesn’t stop him from trying to stay awake as long as he can before his body practically forces him to pass out and he’s MUCH weaker than he used to be, I mean hell, given how long Jekyll seems to have been around, fighting SO much and almost EVERY single day has practically worn his body down but whenever there is an opportunity for any “free” time he usually spends it trying to figure out an antidote or a way to get rid of Hyde (I will say, before Hyde REALLY started doing bastardous n horrendous things, Jek would still get annoyed with him bc he was always that way but he actually, I’d say tolerated him more so than he does by now) and Hyde even- well, he still disliked Henry IMMENSELY so, but he definitely wasn’t as bad or as awful as he is to the other now, it was more so I tolerate you and we dont have to seriously fight or struggle with each other for control and back then Jek would even sometimes let Hyde have control.
But then… A serious incident (I wont name what exactly) but a serious incident that happened caused the two to absolutely despise each other (i didnt say up there, yes, Hyde absolutely despises Jekyll but there is some heavily hidden admiration in regards to the other’s determination, his persistence, and even somewhat of his creativity, Jekyll despite being an annoying nuisance in Hyde’s way, he does have some admirable things about him) but anyway- ever since that incident occurred, Jek has tried almost EVERYTHING he knew of to get rid of Hyde, even if separation from his body would still be bad bc that could mean Hyde would obtain his own body honestly? I believe Jekyll would still take that opportunity if he were given it, if he needed, he’d try and find someway to stop Hyde’s evil, maybe it’d be easier even if the other had his own body, he didn’t know, he just wishes he could be free from all this torment and agony like gosh damn give this man a b r e a k. Give him some fruit gummies and an appy juice carton and leave him be!
When Hyde is in control he wastes little time in finding things to do, being able to be out, to see the world, the world ripe for chaos and destruction, he wastes little time in getting straight to work with whatever his devious lil mind wants to think of- also for more monstrous purposes, back up there, I was p vague with the mention of teeth on his insides- p much teeth going down his throat and hell who knows, the bastard probably has teeth on the inside of his stomach at this rate- Another not so fun fact, this man can unhinge his jaw! Yaaay so u can see sharp teefs! ...He does have to kinda set his jaw back in place though bc god forbid Jek takes control then.
Smh imagine taking back control of your body only to have a fucking dislocated j a w wouldn’t that be hellish?
Hyde rarely ever does this for a few reasons- he only does it if he’s in the mood for just takin a big chomp outta someone (big chompy) just, just please- lock this thing away- or kill it, it's a menace to society and deserves nothing good- two more things btw, tbh I genuinely wasnt even considering inhuman features at first but ya know, I compromised- he has them he just chooses to hide them more often and speaking of, while Hyde says he’s always been apart of Jekyll (well this version I made anyway) that deep down their two sides of the same coin, can you really believe him? I mean, I’m not going to spoil it and tell ya anything in that regard, but who knows, who knows what Hyde REALLY is, whether or not he’s always been apart deep down inside of Jek or just some form of entity that spawned via that wonderful little formula.
And the final thing is, their voices are p much based on the musical ones' voices- Hyde’s is that deeper n raspier kinda voice while Jek’s is much softer and ya know POLITE sounding.
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (151-175)
We’re almost there, gang. Out of the Lonely and into the Eyepocalypse we go! Blah blah I had 75% of the series spoiled and am jotting down my thoughts, you know the drill.
EP 151 (Big Picture): - OH SIMON??? - okay okay Simon's kinda funny, you go you funky little sky grandpa - Martin Tell Her The TRUTH EP 152 (A Gravedigger's Envy): - oooh another ancient one - hey that's terrifying wtf - can someone please comfort jonny boy good lord EP 153 (Love Bombing): - Idk why the cult ones freak me out, maybe because cults are real? - oh god what's gonna happen to that dog - I literally just made my dinner with white wine vinegar that's a little old are you sHITTING ME - GIRL GET OUT OF THERE WHILE YOU HAVE A CHANCE YOU KNOW SOMETHING'S OFF - AYYY THE HUNTIN' GANG - tbh it was weird that they helped him even though they knew he wasn't human actually - DAISY!!!!! - Jon can you chill w/ the sass if you're not gonna help - Okay I'm gay but Daisy Growl Hot - Two dying monsters trying to reconcile their humanity, this is sad I hate it here EP 154 (Bloody Mary): - oh god it's This Episode I've been dreading it poor Eric - g o d Gertrude sounds so upset - I would die for Eric - "Eric I'm gonna count to ten and you're gonna tELL ME HOW YOU QUIT" - I'm already crying good god - "he needed me" o w - MARTIN GOT TO SAY FUCK!!!!! - O U C H - i am so upset FUCK this podcast - the catalogue of the dead is just the Delano-Keay family album EP 155 (Cost of Living): - CALL HER OUT JON - Tova, to this doctor's heart: it's free real estate - A FUCKING C H I L D?????? - ah yes, some more DIY surgery, who needs doctors when you have knives? EP 156 (Reflection): - ayyyy adelard how are ya - oh fun flesh time - oh? extinction? - also that was gross what the fuck - M A R T I N EP 157 (Rotten Core): - go save Martin before I cry - ADELARD!!! - ah no, I'm gonna miss this dude he was kinda cool - this hits different in corona times - okay this is actually pretty gross wtf - Martin's lonely because he chose to be, Jon is lonely because everyone hates him, poetic cinema EP 158 (Panopticon): - Ah Shit Here We Fucking Go - OH WHAT THE FUCK NOT!SASHA???? - AYYYYY THERE'S JONAH MAGNUS WELCOME HOME RAT BASTARD - uh oh bye bye Gertrude Time - mom and dad are fighting to be Martin's favorite parent lmao - no not the promise :C - Martin is the brain cell, he really just played both these men like kazoos - gdi Peter give me my boy back EP 159 (The Last): - hi I am Sad - Marto blease just go with the tired eyeball man - "i see you" MY B O Y S EP 160 (The Eye Opens) - oh lord here we go - at least we get some Jonmartin conversation - Monologue Time! - Jon: can I just say, from the bottom of my heart...my bad EP 161 (Dwelling): - welcome to the apocalypse bitches - FINALLY i've been waiting for these tapes for my entire life - TIMMMMMM! SASHAAAAA! - Elias being a normal person is unsettling - ALL THE EYE JOKES gdi I refuse to simp for eyeball man - THE JARRING "ARCHIVIST" I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD - "If I wish for all of you to go away do you think it'll work?" well it worked on Tim and Sasha - Elias: I'm a cool boss, I can drink wine - the image of Jon just huddled on the couch with a bag of tapes and listening to them over and over is so sad - sorry Gertrude no Sasha, just a sad little man - thank u for the powerpoint Gertrude - JON DON'T SNAP - i love them so much your honor EP 162 (Cosy Cabin): - GERRY GERRY GERRY - okay Gertrude and Gerry are adorable I love goth boy and his badass grandma - Gerry, ever the pragmatist: but what about TAXES gertrude - Tim and Sasha interacting is the sweetest thing ;_; - oh this is AFTER the hookup lmao - OH WAIT Sasha canonically knew about Danny??? I didn't know that oof - Oh Jon's getting a phone call I suppose - Jon's trying so hard to be dramatic and Martin's like "okay bitch grab ur backpack and lets go" EP 163 (In The Trenches): - "Tell everybooooody I'm ooon my waaay, new frieeends and new plaaaaces to seeeee" - YESSS LET MARTIN CURSE OVER THE GUNSHOTS AND BAGPIPES - "Martin can you stand over there and cover your ears while I cast Eldritch Ramble" EP 164 (The Sick Village): - another one that hits different in corona times - I hate the word soupy - what in the midsommar - if you can't find your own statements, DIY your own - Martin: fuck u Jon, Helen's my friend now - Martin: can I get an Uber, can I PLEASE get an Uber EP 165 (Revolutions): - this is my friend's favorite episode so I'm excited - oh circus music gross - THE RHYMINGGGGG OH I LOVE THIS - my arms are sore from happy stimming at this audio oh my god - SHUT UP JON IT WAS A GOOD POEM - GET HER ASS JON - is that our first "Ceaseless Watcher"?? I think it was! - Jon: Level Up! - Martin: that's hot EP 166 (The Worms): - HELL YES JON SAID FUCK - oh worm? - Martin answer your damn phone - awww Martin don't doubt yourself :C EP 167 (Curiousity): - Fiona: lmao watch this -passes out- - oh I didn't realize Eric was one of the OGs, their conversations make more sense now - Michael :c - Gertrude you got played like a fiddle damn EP 168 (Roots): - jealous Martin lmao - Jon just tell him why you woke up that would probably solve this - As someone who also freaks out about every little twinge this episode felt targeted EP 169 (Fire Escape): - desolation time? desolation time. can't wait to walk through hell - so aside from Smirke's 14 we have the 3 additional fears: the Extinction, the Scotland, and the Landlord - oh this one is terrifiyng i love it - OOOOH the "jons" slowly fading in was really clever - G O D martin sounds so defeated poor boy EP 170 (Recollection): - Martin finding tape recorders is the cutest thing - Oh fuck are we in the Lonely oh shit - this is so disconcerting i love it - someone get this man a better chair EP 171 (The Gardener): - Martin: damn that's a lot of bones - oh not THIS dude again I can barely understand him oh my GOD - well that was interesting EP 172 (Strung Out): - oh web? - oh this is sad shit - I think this is one of the worst domains yet for me personally this sounds like hell - g o d the web makes my brain hurt blease Jonny I'm stupid EP 173 (Night Night): - oh dark? - oh so the darkness is just the apocalypse daycare? nice - oh and this tween runs it, nice - Jon: are you SURE you want me to kill this middle schooler? - wow this is depressing EP 174 (The Great Beast): - oh hunt? - oh vast? lmao that's what i get for assumptions - Martin just wants to kill a man is that too much to ask someone give him a gun EP 175 (Epoch): - ex...tinct...ion? - “Peter was right” no FUCK YOU I refuse to give Peter any credit LOOK ADELARD WAS RIGHT, Adelard Decker laid the BLUEPRINT - poor Jon he's gettin these hard-hitting google searches - Basira and Daisy?????? OH WAIT THAT MEANS OH NO
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Survey #420
lol blaze it (i’m funny i swear)
In your opinion, which fast food place has the best fries? Without a doubt, Bojangle's. Good. Shit. Are there hurricanes where you live? Yeah, they're common here. What do you hate the most about yourself? I'd really rather not get into this right about now. What song are you listening to right now? "Beast of Gévaudan" by Powerwolf. What was your first concert? Alice Cooper. Also my only concert. What’s your favorite Johnny Depp movie? Alice In Wonderland. Who did you last say “I love you” to? My sister. Do you like pumpkin pie? Anything pumpkin-flavored is a hell no from me. Do you know anyone named Austin? Knew, rather. Do you know anyone who is having a baby? My friend recently announced she and her husband are having their second child in December. What was the last thing you cried about? Just PTSD. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? I like both, but I prefer chocolate. Do you think you are an argumentative person? Definitely not. How many deep dark secrets do you have? Two or so, idk. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? Some wings at Buffalo Wild Wings with one of the hottest sauces. Wanted to die. ... Yet I continued to get that one whenever I went for years lmao. Who last called you sexy? I don't know. Would you class yourself as a good role model? In some ways, but in a lot of other ways, no. Are you scared of the dark? No. Do you have a motto? No. Who did you last see on webcam? The doctor that overlooks my TMS progress. Do you need a haircut? I need a trim for sure. How would you react if your mother told you that she was pregnant again? Well, considering 1.) she's way past menopause and especially 2.) she's had a complete hysterectomy, y'know... that's kind of impossible. She also hasn't been with a guy in many years, so she would have to be joking. You log into Facebook and see the red ‘1’ notification next to the message icon. Who do you want it to be? -___- Would you rather exercise alone or with other people? ALONE. You will NOT see me exercise in front of other people. What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played? The most involved is DEFINITELY World of Warcraft, and I guess you could consider it the hardest too, given some of the much more difficult things I've done in it. It itself isn't a hard game whatsoever, but you can pursue some really hard achievements. Ever watch the show Supernatural? If you have, then what’s your favorite episode? I used to love it, but just stopped watching eventually. My fave episode... Man, it's been too long to remember many. Probably one of the funnier ones. I remember I specifically liked the bit where they were in your everyday comedy show, as well as the one where I THINK Dean kept trying to prevent Sam from dying. I just remember the "Eye of the Tiger" bit that is pure gold. Ever heard of flavored honey? If so, what’s you’re favorite flavor? Oh, no, but that sounds good. Do you remember what your favorite show was when you were little? Yeah, Pokemon. Do you put anything besides cheese on grilled cheese sandwiches? Besides butter, which I think is pretty standard, no. When it comes to books, what do you think is the “perfect” amount of pages? Uh, I dunno. It depends on the book. I don't really care about page numbers. Would you ever be interested in going scuba diving? Yeah. Out of all of your friends/relatives, who would you say has the best vocabulary? Girt, probably. Are any of your fingers or toes deformed? What about the nails? I don't think so? When is the last time you cried? I was sobbing earlier today, fun stuff. Would you ever date somebody that has been divorced more than once? Most likely not. ESPECIALLY at my age. What are some stereotypically nerdy things that you like? Oh god. WoW, M:tG, big glasses, anime (does that count? idk really), video games... a lot of stuff, really. Have you ever attended a wedding that ended where the bride and groom didn’t actually get married? What happened? Y I K E S, no. That would be SO uncomf. What scares you the most about becoming a mother (hypothetically, if you don’t want to have children)? Actually raising it properly, physically and emotionally. Would you ever want a job in fashion? What would you enjoy about that type of job? No. Would you ever be a surrogate mother? No. What do you think would be the best and worst parts about being a twin? It'd be cool to have someone you feel an almost supernatural connection towards, but I'd also feel like I wasn't as "original" as I would be if I was born alone. Do you feel that your childhood was more rough compared to others around you? I mean it wasn't awful at all, but sure, in some ways compared to at least someone. How would you react if you found out today that you were actually adopted? Well today I'm a wreck, so don't tell me. I want to know that I wasn't lied to for 25 years. Have either of your parents ever cheated on one another before, that you know of? How would you react if you found out today that one of them cheated? I'm not entirely clear on this, but I'm 90% sure Dad cheated on Mom with his now-wife. Dad also accused Mom of cheating, but I HIGHLY doubt that's true. Do you like cleaning and organizing? Not really. How would you react if you found out you were infertile? If you don’t plan on having kids to begin with, what is a long-term goal you’d be crushed to find out was impossible to achieve? Fuck having kids. I'd be a terrible mother. So to answer the other question, I'll be pretty, pretty sad if I can't get permission to spread Teddy's ashes at Yellowstone. Would you take your dream job if it were out of the country? Well, obviously not considering my dream job is a meerkat biologist, and I'm not moving to Africa. Have you ever been robbed? No. Is anyone close to you an alcoholic? Not anymore. Dad was, but he's recovered. Have you ever dumped anyone? Yes. What kind of tea do you drink? I hate tea. Do you know anyone in a gang? No, and I hope I never do. What’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you? Risk his fucking sanity and health to try to hold my fucked up self up. What is your orientation? Gay? Straight? Metrosexual? Anything other? Bisexual. I've kinda been questioning pansexual of the late, though. I don't know. Have you ever done anything really dangerous or illegal with friends? Not to my memory. Name three feelings you’re feeling right now: Regret. Hopelessness. Loneliness. And the reasons for these feelings? Take a wild fuckin' guess. How do you feel about your life right now? It's an actual dumpster fire. Is it easy for you to like yourself? Why or why not? Fuck no. Because there's just not very much TO like about me. Even on my good days, I see flaw after flaw in myself. What subjects come naturally to you? English, some aspects of science. What subjects do not? Math, economics, politics, history... Do you read more fiction or more non-fiction books? Definitely fiction. When I read a book, I want an escape from the real world. How has today been for you? BOY HOWDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did you do? Went to TMS therapy. Sat on the Internet. Cried. :^) Are there any candles lit in the room you’re in? No. Are there any lava lamps near you? No. I want one, though. Do you like cats or dogs better? Cats. Are any of your friends a pothead? Yes. What’s a goal you’re trying to accomplish soon? Start losing weight again. That'd be pretty goddamn grand. Are you a high maintenance person? Definitely not. The last time you yelled as loud as you could, what was the reason? I was having a nightmare. Have you ever been heartbroken? For sure. Who did that to you? First Dad, then Jason. Did you go through an ugly stage as a kid? Boy, did I. The last type of sandwich you made or ate: A pb&j. The last time you spent most of the day in bed: Literally every day. I do just about everything in bed. Pathetic, I know. The last friend or acquaintance you made: Ummmm idk. The last thing you took pictures of: A hydrangea bush. The last time you were scared: Now. The future is terrifying, my friend. The last thing you looked up online: The definition of a word to ensure I was using it correctly. The last thing you disagreed with: So I've been watching John Wolfe's old stream of him playing Alice: Madness Returns, and he went on a total soapbox about smoking being okay essentially because we're all gonna die eventually from something, and I really disagreed with it. Does your house have a separate laundry room? No, just like a closet. Do your parents still help you financially? I'm still entirely dependent on them. Does your car have a backup camera? No. Have either of your parents ever been in trouble with the law? Not to my knowledge. Have you ever had a pet that lived to be really old for its breed/species? REALLY old, no. Teddy was definitely up there, but beagles have lived longer. What was the last strong scent you smelled? Lysol. Have you ever told someone to their face that they were ugly? Christ, no. Is your bed against more than one of your walls? No. Have you ever been attracted to someone’s parent? Don't think so? Have you ever pole danced before? No. Have you ever broken into someone’s house? No. Have you ever seen a live bat? Yes. What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before? I dunno. Have you ever taken a woodshop class? No. How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? Funny you ask, because as of today I decided to take a break from it for awhile. I've found it's nothing more than a breeding ground for envy and making me feel like a horribly incompetent adult. Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? I had one photography teacher in college that I was NOT a fan of. He was super, super hard on everyone, like to an unnecessary degree. We were students, not pros. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? No. Are your parents supportive of you? Somehow.
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Reading One Piece pt 193: Down The Memory Lane
Chapter 440
- Fpos/cs: Tiny chibi moon soldier is being brutally murdered :(
You know, it was a space pirate that killed him but it’s Enel standing aside and looking bored what makes me lose faith in humanity
- Hey, look at that, it’s Jeff, Sanji’s dad! Cook Senior! How it’s going, man!
- Ah, he’s reading a newspaper. Now he knows about Straw Hats too :D
- And he saw Sanji’s poster! He must be so proud
- His fellow cooks are losing it at the sigh of that picture :D I’m so sorry Sanji, you will get a good wanted poster someday :)
- Lol, they now use Sanji’s poster for marketing :D
- At Fuusha Village! (Luffy’s home town!!!!!) I didn’t know we still make rounds around the world in this chapter
- They’re so happy for Luffy and his 300M Beri :D we are kindred spirits
- Village mayor doesn’t approve :( Well, there’s always a party-pooper
- “What is Garp doing?” his best
- Eh? Who’s Dadan?
- Syrup Village!!!! (Usopp’s hometown) we’re seeing Kaya!
- I like Kaya. I complained once she looks just like Nami in manga and, well, she does. but so do 36872648+ other women in One Piece
- Aww, she recognized Usopp in his Sogeking mask :D not that it’s hard but you know what I mean
- Aw, these kids still call him Captain Usopp :D
- Nostalgia
- “I want to become a licensed professional as soon as I can! So that I can heal Usopp-san when he comes back, regardless of what injuries he has!” so she noticed the bandages. This is so sweet
- “…I envy the Captain” “Let’s whack him if he ever makes Kaya-san unhappy” Yeah!
- You know what, I declare KayaxUsopp full canon. I mean just look at that
- “Shimotsuki Village” (Zoro’s hometown!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
- Koshiro has problem with his students cause they all want to be cool pirates like Zoro now :D
- “I don’t teach how to be a pirate” “Don’t lie to us, sensei!” lol
- Your sensei is happy for you, Zoro :D
- Cocoyashi Village (Nami’s hometown)
- “Nami-chan has become sexier again!” ok, my first reaction was MURDER buuuut then I remembered Nami really is unreasonably hot in her wanted poster. You can live, random villager
- Ok, this has to go here
Tumblr media
- Let there be suitors. She’ll steal all their money
- Nojiko is just happy Nami is smiling in that poster :)
- Sakura Kingdom (Chopper’s hometown)
- Huh, Doctor Kureha is still living in the castle, even though they finally have a king and everything
- “Dalton, why don’t you live in the castle like kings do? I’ll rent you a room” askjhajdjsdsk QUEEN
- Oh right, Chopper was worth under half a dollar
- “I don’t care as long as I can see his face” awwwww
- What? Another village? Weren’t we done? Robin’s home was destroyed, she doesn’t have a hometown
- ...now that I rubbed salt in THAT wound, let’s move on!
- The Island of White Soil, Vertigo (Grand Line)
- Wait, no, some people are talking about rebellions now
- “Don’t enjoy this victory! This is war!” huh. Is that who I think it is
- “Total bounty of the crew is 667M Beri… and 50” Wow. That’s. Wow. (that 50 Beri needs to GO)
- “I’ve heard their captain and Garp from the marines are…” the hottest gossip in years? Yes
- It is Dragon!!!
- “The day we shall meet again will eventually come…” WHEN
- “Going back in time… Three days ago.” There’s time-jumping too now!?
- “An event of great importance was about to unfold on an island. This is Banaro Island On the Grand Line” !!!!! Oh right! Blackbeard and Ace!
- “Commander Ace!”
“No Commander for you”
“…Fire Fist Ace!”
“Yes, I am. Hello there”
- So polite :D so Obi-wan Kenobi :D
- “Ace! Why don’t you become my nakama!” wow, Blackbeard is shooting his shot
- Aaand says he’ll kill Luffy. Sorry, Blackbeard, that’s kinda a dealbreaker
- Woo boy
- Huh, Blackbeard is admitting to murdering a nakama just like that
- “I had no other choice… He had obtained the devil fruit that I wanted!” you… goddammit… no words
- He ate that fruit of course. What’s his power?
- What’s with his hand???
- “I AM… DARKNESS!!!!” !!!!!!!!
That’s. That’s bad.        
rOP 192  rOP 194
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