#and the only way you know it is cuz my bones are kinda messed up from the weight I had to drag around
razzek · 6 months
I'm starting to feel about artistic depictions of trans scars the same way I feel about artistic depictions of blindness: they suck.
At first the art of all the jagged lined scars I saw for trans characters seemed neat. But then I started to remember that I have those scars and they don't look like that. At all. And it's kinda shitty to draw all these trans men and nbs in such a way that they look like someone took an axe to their chests. Mastectomy/top surgery scars don't look like that at all! Even when you have a slash and dash quick surgery like I did, the results are much nicer and most trans guys you can't even tell.
This is like drawing people with white/pale, unfocused eyes as a shorthand for blindness. It's a shitty stereotype and I think in the long run it causes more harm than good. Just like with real trans folks you may have to just say out loud that your guy is trans instead of giving him a design that's kinda shitty to the bros out there who went through some shit to look really good.
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harlowehearse · 5 months
Hello again!
I just wanted to stop on by and ask some questions on your lovely and creative world building!!
My main thought was how you stated that skin taker is dead, yet in some way still alive? Is it an abysmal thing? Like you can’t fully kill one until they are due to die?
Also I love hearing your headcannons! And would love to hear more of your ideas on abysmals and maybe even how the puppets function, say like if something cut there string?
Keep up the work mate, it’s incredible!
First of all, AWAWAWAWWAWAA thank you!!! I'm glad you like my silly puppet thoughts.
Second of all *points to Skin-taker* I have no clue what the hell that thing is!
I do definitely think he's dead and thats that. I feel the whole "abyssians can't actually die" deal may over complicate thing a bit, he's just undead yknow? Maybe because of necromancy shit but I like things better if it was vague and he was just... *gestures vaguley* like that.
You can kill an abyssian I think but it's really hard, and you'd have more luck banishing them back to the abyss (the realm the abyssal kingdom is found). I've had the idea that if an abyssian is banished from candle cove back to the abyss in their place will be a corked bottle with a spell that can summon them back, and holding onto it is like a curse cuz if you do you'll have the inexplicable urge to open it but also if you just abandon it you're leaving it for who knows to open and unleash.
I've considered that maybe on top of skinning him Poppy managed to banish whatever was left of Skin-taker and after the fight he was just NOT okay in any physical mental or emotional way, so he just threw the bottle out into the ocean and later on Horace was the one to find it. I kinda like and dislike this cuz it gives more distinction between necromancy and summoning as different types of magic, but also I feel candle cove should be kind of.....idk empty? Vague? I feel really detailed and complex world building and lore could disrupt the creepy, liminal, twisted childrens tale vibe it's got going on. But yknow it's still fun to think about.
I don't have any in depth thoughts on how the puppets function and their anatomy or anything, I just really really like the idea of throughout the series them being....surprisingly organic in a lot of ways and it's just never explained and you're left there just wondering "Why can they hear a heartbeat while in the bowels of the ship?" "Why is the sound of crunching bones coming from that plush doll?" "Why can they bleed?" Idk I just like leaving some things up for the imagination.
As for their strings I actually do have a headcannon about them! Only the characters on the show who become aware of the audience somehow can see their strings, but don't necessarily have the power to cut them. Skin-taker can see his and, at least appears not to or is too far gone to mind. He fidgets with them a lot actually, like a kid messing with their shoelace.
Red Mary and Gorger (ManBearPig) are the only characters who can see and also interact with everyone elses strings. Gorger, because as Grimmes sort of insert of himself, is the most aware of the nature of candle cove as a TV show and actually plays a role in keeping things in line, keeping the story going how it's supposed to. I assume if someones strings get cut it's like cutting an unnessecary character from a story. Any trace of them is wiped from the world and just their husk is left. There's a lot of limp, lifeless puppet and doll bodies scattered throughout Gorgers cave. *points to Mary* She's just a terrifying fucking freak. She's burnt her strings she says, and remains despite it.
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here we gooooo
shadow and bone s2e2 reaction
ok I know some people didn't like that they changed sturmhond's character but I kinda like it...it makes him more of a "privateer" *cough pirate cough*
also it makes sense that he didn't know the darkling and alina were working together since literally everybody else does...especially since they changed it to have the darkling not be on the ship
darklina scenes are very well done...the desire and the way the darkling is describing his past and his way of thinking
I love the genya darkling sceneeee...it shows that what the darkling is doing is affecting him physically
it almost seems like the darkling doesn't like his nichevo'ya which is a whole different side of the darkling we haven't seen
not the darkling saying thank you and then being creepy as hell
OMG PER HASKELL it's all coming together now...kind of
omg not nina knowing everything
Matthias it'll be ok babe 🥺
I love sturmhond only learning mals name after he became valuable 🤭
Tolya and Tamar understanding how Alina felt on the outside of both Shu and Ravkan 🥺🥺
they definitely make Alina more of the "hero" type as well with her originally being the one to want to find the amplifier to tear down the fold
"there is a cost, always, to making difficult choices. The key is making sure that cost is not regret."
"trust is the other side of secrecy kaz, remember that" love them...and their secrets
Pekka never took kaz seriously until crooked kingdom so having him take him serious now is gonna change some things...I just wonder how
aww now we get sentimental sturmhond
Paddy is such a good sturmhond honestly they just casted extremely well because tolya, Tamar and wylan are all extraordinary 😭
ope...he still doesn't know mals name 🤭
"when people say impossible they mean improbable" love
morozovas journal?
BAGHRA...well she's not blind...YET...but we'll see
I love this sea whip hunt...the music is so good
I think it's cool that they made it on an island and they were on their feet not on a boat
ahh the helnik flashbacks are so well placed
his facial expressions 😭🥰
"have we met before?" this man 🙄
wylan looked SO DONE when jesper called him a total stranger 🤭🤭
jack understands wylan SO WELL like he's PERFECT
also wylan and jesper have such good chemistry even though it's still the stage where jesper "doesn't like" wylan...it's great!
no FUCK THAT if that creep ass bitch thinks he can't put inej back in the menagerie
how tf is he getting stabbed and fine with it???
there's that upped rating again (aka watching the madman pull the knives out of inej)
God I love jesper he's so cool
(also don't mind me rewatching all the wylan scenes like 3 times)
I need scenes where kaz had all the shit planned the while time...cuz that was always the best parts in the book
(because when Nina showed up I thought that was gonna be Kaz's whole thing like "everything went to plan")
not jespers thumbs up while wylan was getting choked 🙄🤭
omgggg durast jesper GET IT
don't mess with nina she's a bad bitch
ope! here comes the black veil!
did jesper just slap wylans ass? 🧐
also him helping her stop summoning 🥺
"my alina" that's some bad bitch energy
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missmeowfam310 · 1 year
Lee Know knows everything 2.
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hello again, first of all, I wanna say thank you to anyone who read this, liked it, and reblogged it. so, here is the second part (maybe the last). I actually like this one better than the first one. (you'll see why)
summary: first time, lee know being extra, (and lovey dovey)
warning: minors DNI, slight smut (not so graphic cuz I can't write actual smut, I can only read it), dirty jokes, praising, love making.
wordcount: 2.3 k
“hey stupid”
He answered your call after literally the first ring.
“hey, you’re still in the supermarket right?”
You asked him hoping that he was still there.
“yeah I’m still looking for the drink you had asked for”
“oh good, could you please get me jelly bears too?”
“oh okay”
“thank you baby”
“your welcome babe, be back soon”
“hmmm don’t be late”
And the call ended.
It was the time of the month, your cravings are wild, but fortunately, you have the best boyfriend ever, he offered to go to the supermarket to get you all what you desired, sweets, chips, snacks, the list was long, but he never complained, even though you had expected him to, but he didn’t, he gladly took the list and went out shopping for you. Lee Minho the boyfriend was still the friend-lee know but your boyfriend was more gentle and caring, lee know would smack your ass if you tried to mess with him, but Minho would take it with a smile (smack your ass lovingly) and cuddle you violently as a way to take his revenge, like that one time you called him in the middle of an intense game with his friends, you were so brave, but also so bored and you needed and craved his attention, you expected him to WWE you down but instead he was like:
“oh wait till I finish the game and I’ll bite you till all what remains of you is your bones”
You freaked out, you tried to hide, almost peed yourself when he found you, he lifted you on his shoulder like a potato bag, threw you on the bed and started tickling you with power, biting you everywhere, he even lifted your shirt and bit your stomach -which in fact hurt a bit-, you ended up begging him to stop, apologizing pathetically with teary eyes, when he stopped you were left breathless, his head was on your chest, your hands were in his hair, you were panting and he was giggling at you.
“that was mean”
You said after a while.
“you saw it coming baby”
“ah I kinda expected you to slice me into pieces and hide them in the fridge”
“that was my main idea, but our fridge is too small, so”
“yeah it can barely hold our snacks”
These conversations are so usual in your relationship; you have a psycho of a boyfriend.
“I’m home”
He says this phrase whether you’re at his house or yours, whenever he comes, which melts you heart, and he’s here with SNACKS.
He showed up opening his arms with the plastic bags in his hands, you ran to him, grabbed the bags and ran back on the sofa.
His expression was priceless, his hands were still in the air, he finally got them down, smiled and followed you to the sofa.
“in case you wanted more”
“oh babyyyyyyyyyyy”
You heart was going crazy
You put down the bags, jumped on him and hugged him.
“oh so now I get my hug?”
He said, holding you tight.
“oh shut up, I kovkkc”
“what? What was that”
“oh don’t play dumb you’ve heard me”
“no I did not”
You backed off a bit and he looked at your eyes a bit curious, his hair was a bit messy so you tried to tidy it up while repeating what you said using his hair as an excuse to run away from eye contact.
“I told you I love you”
You said in the tiniest and lowest voice ever, you’ll never get used to it, saying these words out-loud and actually meaning them, but his smile? His shinning eyes, almost glittery, his teeth, they are all worth it, he just got you a bunch of snacks from the 15mins away supermarket because you said you wanted it, well you didn’t really ask him he offered to do it himself, but you’re still grateful for his flat ass, and he definitely deserved hearing these three words, which to you, are hard to say.
He took your face with his both hands, showered you with kisses all over it.
“oh you lob me??”
More kisses
“of course you do”
Even more kisses
“I just got you the whole supermarket you little weasel”
He finally kissed you, on your lips, it felt different than all the kisses he just planted on every corner of your face, this kiss was slow, full of emotions, you could feel his love, the warmth from his hands on your face, the way his thump was rubbing your cheek. He backed off with his eyes still closed, smiling, leaned his forehead on yours, finally opened his eyes to meet yours.
“I love you more you know”
You said with a smile as you kissed his nose after saying it.
“are we about to fight over who loves the other one more?”
He asked with a little giggle as his kissed you again but with more power.
“No let’s not, let’s EAT”
You both started picking your favorite snacks, which is probably why he took a lot from each one because you both definitely have the same taste.
You turned on the TV and played the show you both watch together and started it watching it, you avoiding and postponing to watch this episode for the past two weeks because your friend told you it had bed scenes, which will be EXTREMELY awkward to watch it with your weird boyfriend, you have no clue how he’s going to react, but you played it anyways, you HAVE to go through this “episode” to go further in the “show”.
You and Minho had never done anything further than simple make out sessions, little touches here and there, but never the real deal, you thought he wasn’t ready, so you didn’t try to go further, but you’ll see today.
The episode started normally, the casual drama, until the main character started acting jealous because of his girlfriend’s male friend, they got into a heated conversation, that “somehow” led to having sex?
As the two characters were stripping each other’s clothes off, you took a look at Minho’s expression and he looked so immersed in the scene, so you continued watching, and them finally having the real sex, moans and all, dirty words, you took another look at his face and he was smiling while biting his lips.
“why are you smiling like a weirdo at a freaking sex scene?”
“no I was just wondering, if you’re into dirty talk”
He left you in shook, this statement did something to you, you felt something.
“I mean, I am if you’re willing to talk dirty to me”
You gathered your courage to finally say it, you acted unfazed while your heart was pounding in your chest.
“of course I am willing to talk dirty to you”
And that’s when you heart fell into your panties, you swallowed and turned to look at his face and he had this look, that he’s willing to give you whatever you liked and more, and it melted your heart, he never showed you if he actually wanted something.
“No, baby. Do you WANT to?”
He stayed quiet, looked at his hands, you felt sorry, because you always assumed what he wanted without actually asking him yourself.
“there are few things that I really want, and one of them is definitely talking dirty to you”
He said with a soft expression, you don’t know how does he always manage to look so soft while saying the craziest shit, as if he talking about his cats or his grandmother, and you love him so much for it.
“And? What do also you want?”
You asked with a smile, to comfort him and encourage him to talk openly and freely.
-at this point the show is totally ignored-
“I want to make you feel good, and give you all the love in all the ways possible”
“I want to kiss you till we’re literally out of breath, stroke your hair as I appreciate you, kiss your shoulder and smell you”
 “oh baby why are you crying???? We don’t have to do all of th-“
You didn’t even realize you were tearing up.
“oh shut up”
You snuggled into, hugged him tightly.
“I want you to do all of that to me”
You whispered in his shoulders.
“I want you to love me even harder”
“you do?”
He asked quietly as he stroked your hair, his tone had changed and it hit you hard since you were literally on his lap, his head was in your neck, his voice was sending shivers through your whole body, goosebumps.
“yes, I’d very much like you to love me and appreciate me in all ways possible, I really want to love you back too, show you how much I really love you, and make you feel good”
The kiss he planted on your neck affected you more than it should, your fingers found his soft hair and played with it, as he planted more kisses.
“we shall continue this once you’re really comfortable, ready, and definitely not on your period”
You moved you head to look at him as he looked at you too, with his blinding smile.
You kissed him deeply and backed off to say.
“yes we shall” 
Minho was still the same weird Minho, but a more extreme version, he became flirtier, throws dirtier jokes, like that one time he asked if you liked being choked.
You were texting your friend, she was making jokes about her ex which made you laugh, while Minho was sitting right next to you, staring at you with curiosity.
“who are you texting and giggling with?”
He asked calmly, and you, being you, replied:
“the one I’m cheating on you with”
Without even lifting your eyes from the phone, because you were actually telling your friend what is currently happening, you can tell he’s jealous and he wants your attention, Minho’s usual cat behavior.
“you’re asking to be choked, aren’t you?”
With a threatening tone he sarcastically asked.
You answered, looking straight into his eyes, it felt like he was challenging you to answer, and you are always up to a challenge.
“hell yes”
“so you ARE into choking, noted, good to know, nice nice.”
He giggled at your blank expression, staring at the void, you thought he would be flustered by your answer, but turned out you had fell in his trap, again, there is no wining, he’s always one step ahead of you.
He giggled, throwing his head back
“I was joking baby “
you should’ve gotten used to his jokes by now, but no he still manages to get you all flustered.
Today Minho was exceptionally adorable? He was clingier than usual, he followed you around like a lost puppy, even when you were making something to eat, he was back-hugging you, smothering small kisses all over your neck, while whispering cute stuff in your ear like:
“hmmm you smell nice”
“ohhh you’re so fluffy”
He was literally glued to you, you weren’t complaining though, giving him head pats, appreciating this soft and loving Minho, it’s not like he is not affectionate at all, there is always this balance between lovey dovey Lee Know, and little shit devil rabbit Lee Know.
“you love me more today”
“I love you lots already what do you mean more”
He whined at you and bit your shoulder as you smothered the cream cheese on your sandwich.
“ouch Minho”
“you love pain don’t act all hurt”
You laughed shocked at his reply
“what the actual heck lee know?”
You left your sandwich on the plate, turned your neck to look at him, lifting your eyebrows at him.
He looked at you smiling while patting on you head, stroking your hair and said:
“you said you liked being choked, remember?”
He was biting his lips obviously holding his laugh, sometimes you hate him, for getting under your skin.
“please can I finish making the damn soundwich?”
You turned to finally eat your sandwich but he turned you around again, you will start getting dizzy
“I love you so much you make me want to bother you all the time I can’t help it”
He said while holding your face with his both hands landing a small kiss on your pouting lips.
“I love you”
You hit him on his shoulder
“I already know so stop repeating it”
He had said it million times already but it still feels like the first time, you hate how affected you get.
“you don’t love me do you?”
Here we go again, his dramatic ass is at it again.
“shut the fuck up and let me eat my damn sandwich”
“I knew it, you will always choose food over me, and by the way, this is MY bread and MY cream cheese, so technically this is MY sandwich”
“yeah and you are MY boyfriend, what yours is mine”
He back-hugged you again.
“yup that’s right, I’m YOUR boyfriend and you love so damn much you can’t live without me, and my food”
Said it in soft voice, moving his head in your neck like the small kitten he is.
“yes, I admit, I can’t live without you nor your food”
You played along, smiling.
You were just about to put the sandwich in your mouth when he asked
“you still love me, right?”
He sounded serious this time, you gave up, you’re not eating this sandwich, not today, so you put it in the microwave, and turned around to face him.
“Of course baby, I love you, I love your cute small three cats, I love your cute teeth, your long lashes, your laugh, I love how you smell in the morning, I love your clothes that fit me just right], I love when you randomly kiss me, I love how you look at me when I’m not watching, and I lo-“
He is pro at cutting you off with his passionate kisses now.
He kissed you, and you lost all the senses nothing on your mind but him, no smell but his, no touch but his, no sound but his. He held your neck with one hand while the other one was wrapped around your waist pulling you even closer, your chest touched his, where these fast heartbeats, yours or his? You didn’t know, your arms found their way around his neck, your fingers pulling at his hair, you both were immersed in the kiss that’s getting deeper by the second, between your kisses that got sloppy, you barely managed to say:
“to the bedroom”
Never cutting the kiss, he wrapped both of his arms around your hips to lift you up, walking stably to the room, I guess the gym is working because two months ago he couldn’t lift the coffee table, and now he’s lifting YOU up.
“Oh, my strong boy”
You mouthed on his lips, and he smiled “only for you”
You moaned “that’s hot”
You kissed him harshly, bit his upper lip, and pulled at his hair even harder.
“oh getting rougher I see”
He mischievously said while putting you on the bed slowly, lowered himself slowly, not kissing you yet, he decided to play with your messy hair as he was staring at you with so much love in his eyes, got you all emotional and in your feels, but you just HAD to ruin it.
“are we about to kiss right now?”
“yes, and so much more”
Deserved, you can’t really try him without getting immediate payback
The way he leaned to kiss your cheek softly and slowly, taking his time, every kiss he landed was burning, and as he was kissing you, his hands were drawing shapes on your waist under your t-shirt, your hands were playing with his hair, which smelled so fucking good.
He was soft and gentle, as his kisses were.
“Do you still wanna keep going?”
He asked when he got to your pants, did he hear your racing heartbeats?
“hell yeah why would I want you to stop now?”
Breathless, you sounded.
“you could’ve just said a small “yes” but you being the dramaqueen that you are…”
Dead serious, he looked, but you guess he’s nervous too, both are mumbling random shit.
So you took his hands and looked straight into his eyes.
“it’s okay baby, you’re doing good, keep going”
You comforted him hoping he’d keep going in that pace. H took your hands that were in his, planted a kiss on each one of them, and lifted them up near your head on the mattress, tangled your fingers, and began kissing you hard, while his whole body melted on yours, you didn’t think he was heavy, he was warm. You detangled your fingers from his, and moved your hands under his shirt, around his waist, he felt so soft and warm, he got your message and got up to take his t-shirt off, and damn what a sight, the way he lifted his arms, his cute belly, he had big ass biceps, strong back, strong ass thighs, he had a bit of muscles here and there, but you really adored his cute belly, he was just beautiful and graceful. You reached to touch him probably, your hands went from his belly to his chest, to his shoulders, and ended up on his neck, pulled him down to kiss him again, it seems like you’ll never go somewhere with this because you’re both so addicted to kissing each other, so you reached to your own shirt to take it off as he stared at you in awe.
“stop it”
You said because he kept staring, it’s not like he had never seen you shirtless, but he always never looked at you like it’s first time he sees it. You could feel your skin tingling under his eyes, his admiring eyes.
“damn, how could you be so beautiful in every freaking situation?”
With  bored face you said, as you took your bra off, and he started taking his pants off, ‘oh it’s happening’  you though, you were starting to freak out but tried to play it coo. Until you saw him pulling the blanket over the both of you, safe, comfy and warm, that’s what you felt.
“how about YOU take my panties off for me?”
The look on his face was priceless, the way he smiled shyly after it, giggled in tiny
“I think I’m so in love with you?”
You said , dead serious, because the way you felt in this particular moment, in the most sexual moments ever, you felt so in love, he never made you feel uncomfortable, how can he be so, perfect?
“in love?”
He asked, because yes you both say “I love you”, but “in love”? it’s so much more, deeper and sensual.
“yes, Minho, I’m pretty SURE I’m in love with you”
He smiled again, flushing, you didn’t know how you could you take it, it was an overwhelming feeling.
“just fuck me already you’re wasting our time”
You had to escape this overwhelming feeling, your heart was about to burst out, you will lose your shit, you were also impatient.
staring directly into your eyes, getting closer, but not kissing you yet, then you realized he was reaching down to take your panties off, you stared away, embarrassed and shy, considering the way he his fingers touched your thighs as he was sliding the panties down, oxygen, air, a breath, ah…
But of course this dork HAD to ruin it by swaying your red cute panties in the air while laughing at it
You slapped his shoulder
“what? I said it was cute”
He said with his cute little pout.
Then he reached to his own boxer, to take it off.
At this point you were a hair close to fainting out.
But the way he held your hands after it, kisses you slowly, sensually, calmed you down, the Lee Know affect, you call it.
“you okay pumpkin?”
He asked as he stared at your expression trying to read it, you were obviously nervous, but it’s only natural.
“yes baby, keep going, I’m perfectly fine”
He reached down to prepare himself, when he was done preparing, he looked at you, gave you one of his beautiful smiles, and grabbed both of your hands, kissing as you both connected for the first time, the discomfort at first was bearable, you needed to breathe, so he broke the kiss.
You hear his panting, he was breathing heavily, was it because you weren’t as relaxed as you should be? you tried to breath out, relax, remind yourself that this is Minho. You heard him sigh.
“you okay?”
You asked him and breathlessly giggled, looking a bit shy.
“I’m the one supposed to ask you this”
With a red face, he said.
“I’m okay baby that’s why I asked you”
“I’m alright love, you’re doing great”
“you’re doing great too, you’re doing so good”
You both were sucker for compliments in these type of, situations…
You were both taking your time, then slowly things got heated, the room was filled with moans, sighs, and groans, you weren’t so loud, not in bed at least, and you also found yourself enjoying praising him, he groaned louder every time you did.
“you’re doing great, yes baby just like that”
You loved how it felt like you were both equal, no one is less than the other.
“I wanna be on top ”
You said out of the blue, you had this burning urge to see his face as you were pleasuring him, he changed positions, and held your waist up to help you lift yourself.
It was worth it, the look on his face, the way he closed his eyes, mouth a bit opened, he still managed to look soft in the most sexual moments ever.
Your found your pleasure in pleasuring him, you liked the feeling, making him feel good, but you couldn’t ignore the burning sensation, you were a sweating mess, but not as much as Minho, whose hair was sticking to his forehead, so breathless, so lost in his own pleaser.
His grip on your waist was so tight and harsh, he’s close, and so were you.
The closer you both got, the louder you became, till you both reached you highs, that blissful feeling.
You fell on his chest, feeling sticky, but it didn’t matter at this point.
As you both were heavily breathing.
“you did so good, you were so good for me, beautiful”
He said, moving your hair from your face, to look at you properly.
“was I?”
“oh yeah”
You kissed his chest and held one of his hands near your chest.
“only for you”
You said with a smile.
“only for me”
You giggled at his childish tone.
“we definitely should do this more?”
You whispered.
He agreed but the way he was still panting and breathing told you otherwise.
You whispered, but the slap on you naked butt told you that he heard you.
“wanna go another round? Huh?”
“no I was joking sit the fuck down”
“that’s what I thought”
(I hope you all like it, tell me what do think)
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materialgworlas · 1 year
Hey Siri how long has it been Sense
Materialgworlas posted
Siri: playing material girls by saucy Santana on Apple Music
Me:pauses music
You get what I’m try to say tho bestie YOU HAVENT GAVE US ANY SAUCE WERES THE SAUCE Please hook a sister up post POST PLEASE
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Visitors From The Future- Satoru Gojo x Fem!reader
Synopsis: M kinda loving the whole Y/n gojo roommate canon so imam stick w it for now. SO imagine like u n gojo be arguing again, over sumn domestic like the nasty mf leavin skid marks or smthg😭 AND THENNN yall interrupted by sm1 at the door and its future nanami n yo future kids w gojo (Cuz of some mission into da future that takes place in da past… uh… YK WHAT FUCK THE LOGISTICS MAN JUST ALLOW IT). And gojo be smug as hell cuz he already got a lil crush on u so knowing yall get busy in da future is a major confidence boost.
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And like u in denial cuz u been resisting the urge to jump in this blind mice ahh mf’s bones for AGES
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 anddddd u kinda feeling geto rn but yo kids r cute so u aint really complaining. And it’s just future nanami tired as hell cuz yo kids got gojo’s energeticness and ur stubbornness so they can’t be reasoned w😍
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pov its bedtime🥰
warning: uh da n-word? sm foul language, the readers black, gojo be simpin then foul at the end, poor suguru just wanted nyash, nanami deserves better than designated nanny AHAH GET IT NANANNY-MI REHEHEHE IM SO FUNNY-
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
“Eughhhhh it’s not even that bad-“
“Mf actin like its on the walls”
“Gojo?? I thought we were at that ‘Satoru’ level-“
“NIGGA STFU! Yo crusty ahh been fucking up my damn kitchen for WAY too long! Clean yo shit mf, last I checked slavery was over!”
“This is why we should get a maid.”
“phhfft speak for yourself, im loaded.”
“Correction, was loaded. Until yo parents got tired of funding ur dookie lifestyle n cut you off.”
“reheh, gotcha nigga.”
“Ughhhhh I hate this.”
“Oh and u think I like wasting my breath?? Mf just clean the damn mess you made so ion have to yell.”
 “yeah, u only be yelling for Suguru these days...”
Great, now you’ve done it
“yk what fuck this shit, I’m heading out.” you huffed before storming off to your room to get changed
You always take things too far, don’t you satoru. And the worst part is I only made that mess cause I was tryna make that weird dish Y/n loves, but I fucked it up n got embarrassed. God I gotta let go of this petty crush, I mean- shes literally hooking up with my best friend, by definition that should make Y/n off limits. But I just… She just so smart n funny n GAHD DAYM THAT ASS PHATT- but all I manage to do is piss her off. EUGH curse these damn feelings! Maybe ill call hoe#2 later to de-stress, she doesn’t mind when I say the wrong name at least-
“You gon get the door or not!?”
Your yell from the other room had broken through Gojo’s thoughts, now aware of the ringing the 6’3 man lumbered to the door
“Oh yeh nanamin-“
Gojo’s greeting had been cut off by the shrill of the two young children that clung to Nanami’s frame, eagerly reaching out to touch him. “May we come inside.” The weary blond spoke, waiting patiently for his ‘friend’ to move aside allowing him to enter, the two infants in tow.
“who was at the door-“you padded into the living room, dressed much nicer than before, stopping short seeing your best friend, Nanami, and the two children in his arms. “Mini, who’s black babies are these” you chortled
“MAMA!” The children wailed, squirming hard enough to break free from Nanami’s hold and rush to you.
“The fu-“
“Y/N! no cussing in front of the kids!” Gojo hissed, you rolled your eyes but relented. Turing your attention to the children clinging to your legs
“these babies kidna cute.” You muttered
“I KNOW RIGHT!!” Gojo cooed, tickling the younger girl who let out a happy squeal
“I should hope you find your own children cute.” Nanami said, in his matter of fact tone, as if he aint dropped a phatt ass spoiler in yo lives.
“My own children- huh?”
“Yes, myself, Kasumi and Saku are from the future. They are your children.” Mf dropping bomb after bomb without a second thought THAT’S how tired he is.
OUR WHAT? KIDS? U MEAN I- SHITTT, I have so many questions! When do we get together? Are we still together?? Do we get married?? Wait he said from the future- just how far into the future we talking??? How long I gotta wait to dick Y/n down n make my Gojo army... Saku’s got Y/ns smile and Kasumi got her… well everything. Damn I really lucked out-
So many thoughts in Gojo’s head. Yet all he could muster was,
“Huh… come to think of it you do look a lil older to how I remember.” Trying to keep his composure whilst he did internal backflips
Our kids? You mean me and this dusty- who am I kidding GORGEOUS idiot fuck?? AND I POP OUT TWO OF HIS EGG HEADED BABIES?? I mean, when?? Where?? why?? I mean sure the niggas fine but uh me n Geto kinda… well its complicated. But DAMN if these babies aren’t the cutest lil shit I ever seen. Saku’s got Gojos big ahh blue bug eyes but he makes em work w his brown skin n adorable lil afro… he can’t be more than 6 I’d say. AND OH MY LIFE KASUMI IS ADORABLE EHEHEH, she gets her cuteness from her mama let’s not lie but her beautiful curled her got white locks that fit her so well. Ehehe yk what, I’m not mad.
“Mama, no angy?” Kasumi babbled
“Huh- why would I be angry??”
“C-cause we twied to make (insert favourite food🥰) n-nd made biggggggggggg mess.” Saku said, peering at you with those beautiful blue eyes.
“Dadda’s dia!” Kasumi pointed to Gojo who picked up the happy girl
“Dadda’s what?” he hummed
Gojo rn:🧍🏾‍♀️
“You were tryna make (favourite food)? N made a big mess…” now u aint the brightess when it comes to this shit but even you could connect the dots.
Now the famous Satoru Gojo, strongest sorcerer, was shying away from the knowing look you gave him. his cheeks dusted with an embarrassing amount of pink as he used Kasumi’s chubby body to shield himself.
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Your cute lil moment was cut short by Nanami’s haggard snores, the poor man was sprawled on your couch. If it weren’t for his aggressive ass noises, you’d think the mf was dead😭
“Um- er, well they can’t exactly leave until Nanami’s awake…” Gojo started
“True, and it’d be cruel to wake him… he looks so tired.”
“…I guess we’ll have to look after the kids until he wakes up🥳🥳🥳. Oh well, HEY- who wants to teleport to Uncle Suguru n tell him the good news!!”
“Gojo you’re foul-“
“MEEEE!” Saku and Kasumi yelled in unison
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ik its been a hot minute yall but dw ur warrior @jordanahart been on my ass everyday to post dis 😔✊🏾 1 man army fr
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thewarriorkinyt · 2 years
(Updating soon!, the comic i'm making will be a tad different from what i wrote here since i may change some stuff! So once my comic is out ill update this post!)
I made my own oc named brokie sans cuz i was bored and randomly drew it, i havnt made anything like this in a long time, or writen a back story like this in a long time soooo srry if its kinda confuseing, hope u like it UwU, back story on bottom. Also might change a few things on his past life
(More info soon)
Details about past life:
brokie is from a glitched and destroyed au called broktale, how did it get glitched and destroyed u ask?
Well a long time ago when broktale was first created and now existing in the multiverse everything seemed fine, everything seemed peaceful and normal, they lived together with the humans and other kinds of creatures, untell a mysterious black mist like figure entered the broktale au, the black mist figure walked threw the town,
brokie noticed them an went up to them not getting too close an said "i havent seen u here before, wanna hear a joke i got plenty you wont 'mist' " the figure looks at him with a smiles the face is completly black but total white eyes and white smile can be seen it kinda looked like another sans? and in a deep voice they say "don't worry, im only looking around before i do what i was created for~" brokie looked confused on what the mist figure meant and asked what he meant. Suddenly the air grows colder,
mist figure say "u wanna know what im gonna do~ well since ur not strong enuf to stop me might as well tell you first im going to take ur brother. And send him to my endless black sky and red ground void that i lived in for years after losing my au, i used to be a sans just like you, i used to be happy, untell SOMEONE TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME, they destroyed my au now im going to destroy yours as well after all ur never going to understand true happiness without experienceing true pure pain"
Brokie says to them "leave now. I don't want u to hurt anyone of us." Mist just laughs and says with a sarcasticaly tone "u really think i'm gonna stop after all these years of getting stronger!?~, oh my words! Your words hit me so hard i think i should stop!" Brokie says back "well if ur gonna stop then leave us alone" mist answers "well guess u don"t understand what sarcasm is now do you" brokie yells back and says "u wanna fight WELL LETS FIGHT! If i win u leave!" Mist says "and if i win ur au is forever gone and ur not allowed to stop me from getting rid of it~. Do we have a deal?~"
brokie... agrees on this deal and they start to fight.
Mist hits brokie and he goes flying and falls into a lake, brokie then jumps out of the water and uses bone knifes and shoots them at the mist figure and they go right through them... Brokie says "w-what... How..." Brokie has this scared, confused, worried look on his face. Mist says "wow, did u forget already?, i could've sworn i said i was stronger then you... Maybe i didn't but guess u really know now~" brokies look says everything, brokie knows he cant defeat the mist figure as brokie looks towards the ground. Mist says "well guess ill help u a bit" the mist figure punches brokie in the face and suddenly black goop like stuff starts forming out of his eye and he starts to turn to goop, and mist starts to destroy broktale, and brokie.. Suddenly started to fade away into dust while seeing everyone he loves and cares about DIE in brute force in the most messed up ways, after killing all his friends and taking brokies brother away into mists endless void, mist touches the ground and black goop starts to spread across the entire au glitching a bit as well, mist looks at brokie an says "guess this is it, well it was nice while it lasted now didn't it" brokie says to mist "I HATE YOU LOOK WHAT YOU DID" mist says "well, does it look like i really care if u hate me or not. I've gotten so much hate i don't really feel sadness at all when u said that, i didn't feel anything in fact" brokie for once is speechless while he's still fading away into dust. After all that mist leaves an brokie is just there in a glitched out au still being destroyed by what ever virus or whatever that's spreading throughout the au consumeing everything...
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Hello. What about a villain SO who adores animals for Captain Hook, Hades, Dr. Facilier, Bill Cipher, Beetlejuice, and Jafar? Thank you hun😊🍯
Hope you like these ^^
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·         I wouldn’t put it past him to make one or two beastiality jokes…
·         But apart from that, he doesn’t half mind animals either! (And he finds it endearing to see you playing with them, not that he cares to identify at all the warm, soothing feeling in his chest when he sees you boop your nose against a tortoise’s.) He’d love a dog, or… a tiger. A dinosaur would be ideal.
·         But actually, its animals that tend to have a problem with him.
·         Cuz of course animals are a lot more sensitive than humans tend to be to ghosts, and demons, and souls. And his soul is pretty damn mucky. BJ has met exactly zero animal’s so far (Since his death) that haven’t taken an immediate dislike of him. They hiss at him, or growl, or try to wriggle away even if they aren’t being held by him; Just nearby to him.
·         He scares them because they can feel his evil and want nothing to do with it.
·         So your dreams of adopting a dog with your new ghostie bf will need to be put on a back burner. Maybe he can lasso a sandworm and y’all can name her Rose and she can be your pet? He absolutely does not want you to be sad because of him!!
Bill Cipher:
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·         “ooOOH, what kind? Anglerfish? Clown fish? Sharks? Lobsters? Giant Squid? Wolffish? The Textile Cone Snail’s native to the Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Oceania waters? Octopus? Lock Ness Monster? Mermaids? Shrimp? Koi? M E G A L A D O N S? OH OH- THE KRAKEN?”
·         “Wow, that was a lotta underwater stuff. I mean, yeah, they’re all great but also land animals and birds… And I don’t think all those are actually real?”
·         “Heheh, that’s what you think… “His body loses its colour and becomes like a Bill Shaped screen, like he does sometimes when he’s brainstorming, and you just catch a picture of somewhere under the ocean and a beautiful, purple tale flapping out of the picture and a flash of soft, human skin just above it. Your eyes blow wide open. “Y/N, remember 80 percent of the ocean is unexplored.”
·         SO, yeah. Bill’s really into underwater creatures. It is the most mysterious part of earth and in it lives some of the world’s freakiest creatures.
·         He’ll install a whole aquarium in your house out of excitement, and inside? Nothing but angler fish, giant squids to watch you while you sleep and beautifully coloured sea snails climbing up the glass walls.
·         Land animals though and birds? Very little interest. Birds get points only for being close to dinosaurs (You ask about reptiles in that case and his eye inverts in its colouring. His ‘skin’ goes red. “Those jerks know what they did.”), but still he’d much rather talk about star fish! Get ready to be more educated about the ocean’s weirdest creatures and mysterious happenings then you ever wanted to be.
Captain Hook:
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·         He has very confused feelings about this- especially when you act so chummy with Tik Tok who, naturally, loves you and your T-Bone steak snacks.
·         On one hand, if you’re feeding Tik Tok then Tik Tok probably won’t feel the need or be able, to eat him.
·         But on the other- bEtrAyER! How could you feed and love that monster, that has plagued his life for years and made his existence a living hell?
·         But then again, the fact that Tik Tok is now often too full to bother with him rears its head again and he calms down.
·         Because of this, its typical that he says nothing when you have animals around (Any animal. They all remind him of Tik Tok. Scales, fur, or feather). He’ll want to. Gosh, the need to speak will overflow in his throat and he’ll take a deep breath- … but then no words come out. He forces it down. Because he can’t mention his dislike without mentioning his relief also, so speaking at all would really just make you confused and feel bad and leave him frustrated because he doesn’t know how either of you could change to make this better for anyone, so its just not worth it.  
·         So then he just walks away.
·         Its pretty humorous to see, actually. Because he’s just all grumpy and slouching off, maybe shaking his head and muttering, and you’re all wide eyed and confused. Holding, like, a budgie or a snake or something.
·         The other pirates are keeping a tally.
·         Bonus point: He’s not scared (Or allergic) of any other animals apart from Tik Tok, so you don’t have to worry about him being skittish or anything.
Dr Facilier:
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·         Frogs are a difficult subject for him so enjoy amphibian cuties somewhere that he is not, please. Also rabbits- there was an incident before you came along that he does not speak of.
·         Other then that, Facilier is basically a normal person about animals. He can appreciate a nice zoo visit every now and then and pet the odd dog or cat but with you in his life he never wants to go to a zoo again. And he’s bored as hell by everyday pets.
·         But he won’t tell you he’s sick of all the animals. Nay, nay. Its one of those things where you love the person, so you put up with the crazy/annoying shit they love. Like ‘Yes, yes. Very interesting, cher… ‘ when you talk about it, while he’s actually reading the newspaper and he hasn’t heard anything you said. After all, you stay quiet when he’s plotting or cackling over something he did to a victim that day. Its only fair.
·         He is fascinated, though, when he’s just watching you (Sometimes he just sits back and observes you doing your thing. Its relaxing for him) and he notices little quirks you’ve picked up from various creatures. Like the way you curl up when you’re lying down on the couch and how you shrink back from things that happened to surprise you, similar to a big cat. Your eyes are focused like a wild animal, too. Very cute.
·         Lots of animal-themed nicknames.
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·         “You know, some tell me I’m a kinda animal, babe… “He wiggles his eyebrows at you over his mug of whatever-he-drinks (You fear asking, after watching him eat a bowl of worms), offering his best (And funniest) bedroom eyes to you.
·         “Yes, but are you as cute as this snake Hades?? Are you?? Look into these eyes and tell me this snek is not as cute as you are.” You lift the little grass snake gently from the table and onto your arm, letting him wrap its body around you and lift his head to look around; Checking out what’s up. He was getting his scales stroked good; Why has it stopped?  
·         “Pfft,” Hades rolls his eyes, returning to the chess board in front of him (He likes to play both sides and challenge himself).
·         Okay so, Hades can take or leave most animals. But it’s so cute that you love them, so he lets you keep them around. Whatever animals you like (Don’t worry, you also have the proper equipment and enclosures for them, and Hades makes another God, who is an expert on all things animals, come by whenever you have a question), and however many you like. I mean, what’s the good of being a God if you can’t spoil yourself and your preciously excited, human significant other?
·         So you have, like, Reptiles at the west end of his underworld castle, nocturnal animals on the east, more pet-type animals like dogs and cats and rabbits in the living area part of the castle, etc.
·         The animals give Pain and Panic a hugely hard time, which Hades thinks is a great bonus to doing this for you.
·         He really loves it when you call him and yourself the animal’s parents. Yes, call me Daddy, babes. Its fine by me!
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·         Oh my god, the disdain in his voice when he looks from you, practically bouncing on the heels of your feet and to the fluffy white kitty you’ve gently shoved in his hands- which he holds at nearly a full arm’s length away from him. “Eugh. Really?”
·         “What’s wrong! ? Isn’t she the cutest?”
·         “She’ll get fur everywhere.”
·         “Oh, that’s rich… “You say, side eye-ing Iago, who’s making a face at the cat from Jafar’s other shoulder. “Iago stress moults- and you stress him out all the time!”
·         A dramatic, offended gasp erupts from one of the two males (Not gonna tell you who). “It is aesthetically pleasing mess!”
·         So basically if the animal doesn’t speak a language he understands, he doesn’t care for it. You’re going to be fighting him on this for the rest of your life, Y/N. (Or his. I mean, I heard evil double crossing sorcerer vizier’s are dying at an accelerated rate these days. Hm, mysterious.).
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velveticamoon · 3 years
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these totally weren’t supposed to go up yesterday ahaha- 
P.S: this is my first writing post!! i thought it would be an easier transition by writing hc’s, and i got my friend saniya (@bokesaniyaboke) to help me out with writing them, so i hope y’all enjoy :) (enjoy our 2 am chaos-)
i have more writing planned for the future too, and decided that i’ll be writing for: 
- attack on titan
- bungou stray dogs 
- free!
- fugou keiji: balance unlimited. 
don’t be shy to send in your requests, i’m more than happy to do them ;) 
anyways, i hope you guys enjoy, let me know if you want more! and to those of you that celebrated, hope you had a merry Christmas :) 
Decorating the house with him!! Except he’d be trying to get out of doing it at first lol
He’d be pissed about the mess that would come with decorating the house 
But if you keep pestering him enough he’ll eventually give in lol 
He’d be very meticulous about which decorations go where, but you’re just gonna have to put up with that 
Pls don’t complain too much, he really wouldn’t be doing it with anyone else 
(in the words of saniya: “ur the only exception be happy about that)
Idk why but i feel like he’d be really good at hanging up the lights?? With the placement and whatnot? 
He probably has a very keen aesthetic eye i feel like (saniya: “pinterest but as a person vibes”)  
At the end of it, while y’all are sitting on the couch drinking some tea, he quietly mumbles how he likes the work you two did 
But you felt like teasing him and he got all huffy and said it louder, obviously calling you a brat right after cuz why wouldn’t he 
Ask him to make gingerbread houses!! pls he’d be so excited about it 
He’d even go to the store himself and get all the supplies on his way home and you both wouldn’t waste a minute to start a baby
Look he’d start getting competitive (pls we all know how he is) and would turn it into a competition so be prepared for that lol 
But when his gingerbread house falls over he starts getting angry
Proceeds to drive to the company’s factory to break it down in his titan form (there’s no stopping him now) 
Gets Armin to join him and they smash the houses in their titan forms together LMFAOFNDND PLEASE IM WHEEZING- 
But for real, he’d probably get pouty, and turn into a whiny baby
Don’t call him out on it though he’ll just get even worse lol  
Shower him with kisses right after and he’ll be blushy but he’s fine dw about it 
He’ll get over himself eventually and then proceed to ask with a boyish grin on his face if you wanna give up and just eat the houses as they are 
Y’all end up with stomach aches but it’s fine he makes it a little more bearable :))
Making ornaments (pls it’d be so cutenjdjn)
Saniya: “she would stab me with an ornament and i’d say thank you” 
Comfortable silence with a little chatter here and there
Every now and then she rests her head on your shoulder (softie) 
Just like Armin, getting super flustered and blushy when you compliment her 
She helps hang the ornaments onto the tree and the tree turns out to look so pretty
Would take your hand and sit the two of you on the couch and just admire the tree in silence 
It’s so comforting you slowly feel like you’re about to fall asleep 
Make her some hot chocolate pls all she really wants is to cherish this atmosphere the two of you have created, all huddled up on the couch together 
She’d totally fall asleep cause the girl’s always working in overdrive pls does she even sleep-
Make sure she’s warm alright?? If u don’t i’ll stab you ;)
Watches hallmark movies with you, only to make fun of them (romance at it’s finest amirite) 
Popcorn fights while watching them 
Will get mad when you see a horse and say “look it’s you horse face” 
He says the dumbest pick up lines during the movie as an attempt to impress you 
“hey y/n, can i have your picture so i can show santa what i want for christmas?” 
“jean, we’re literally dating-” 
Something romantic will happen in the movie and Jean will continuously ask you to recreate that scene. “y/n can we-“ “if your about to ask me if you can spin me whilst ice skating, then no” “aw :(“ 
Oh to be spun by jean while ice skating- but that’s not the point 
Wrap him up in a blanket while watching the movies, he’ll melt 
Call him out on it and he’ll turn into ereh 2.0 (aka another whiny baby) 
Jkjk but he’ll definitely try to deny it cuz u know he’s a “biG oL maNLy maN” but he’s a softie ;)
Making holiday cards with him 
When you bring up the idea his face lights up instantly it’s the cutest thing omg
I can see him bringing his own supplies to help with getting started
Envelopes, letter paper, markers. Hell, he’ll show up with glitter markers (those things are god-tier istg-)
he gets super flustered and red when you compliment his card
If you mess up on your card he’s totally gonna be there to cheer you up!!
“Hey don’t worry, you can just start on a new one :D”
He probably won’t ask but he lowkey wants the card you messed up on cuz he thinks it’s cute
Makes cards for everyone and then takes you with him to deliver them
Would be really shy at the post office cuz he’s never done this before 
*cue you falling even more head over heels for him because he’s just so?? endearing?? it’s insane??*
Eventually, he gets the hang of it and ends up having a really fun time :D
Let him be the one to place the stamps on the envelopes, it’s ~therapeutic~ for him 
Overall, he’s probably the best person if you wanna use this as a healing opportunity tbh, the entire day is just filled with the calmest atmosphere one could wish for, and the smiles never leave your faces, even after you’ve finished
Snowball fights w/ our resident baldy jKJKJK
Pls you wouldn’t even plan for it to happen 
It just kinda,, did,, 
Y’all we’re walking through the park, on your way back from lunch or something 
But you decided to make a pit-stop at the park cuz you saw an ice cream truck (do y’all know how rare those are in winter?? I’d be running to get to it pls i have no self-control) 
Anyways, other ppl had the same idea, so now y’all were standing in line waiting 
As he was looking around, his eyes landed on some other kids throwing snowballs at each other, and ideas started forming in his head uh oh-
And there just so happened to be a pile of snow right next to his feet- 
Y’all can probably guess what happened- 
“Hey y/n” “yeah-?” *throws it right at your face* 
And so the war begins 
Two words: S N O W  F O R T S. pls ppl would be concerned as they walked by and saw y’all just trying to fucking PUMMEL each other (sounds like fun tho i wanna do it now :( haven’t done it in years pls-) 
But you have to stop it before one of you gets hypothermia considering how long y’all have been going at it 
Anyways, he’ll buy you a hot chocolate to make up for making you frozen to the bone dw :)
Popcorn and cranberry garland 
Look away for one second and the popcorn is gone but you don’t really mind
Make sure to bring a second batch of the popcorn because the first one WILL be gone 
(maybe even a third stashed away-)
She’s really excited about it tho!! But didn’t expect it to take so long omg 
I imagine her to be really clumsy while making them, so pull a move straight out of a cheesy romance movie and help her out while holding her hands ;) 
She probably won’t notice what’s going on for a good minute tho 
Pls be patient she’s doing her best 😔🤚🏻
But once she does she has the cutest blush on her face pls (i just love her a lot can y’all tell-) 
She’ll eventually get the hang of it and you both make really pretty garlands!!
She suggests hanging it up in the bathroom as a snack pls-
Caroling with them omfg- 
It’s gonna be chaotic
The neighbors hate y’all but its fine 
Look man if ur like me and can’t handle people being loud all the time bring earplugs cuz it’s gonna get L O U D
But if you tell them that their screeching is giving you a headache they’ll absolutely tone it down!!
But don’t be surprised when they inevitably forget about that-
But if you're more energetic than I am then have at it ;) 
Pls me and my lazy ass could never handle that- 
Anyways when y’all reach the houses where they refuse to open the door?? Hanji’s breaking that shit down and hollering into their house at the top of their lungs
Ur literally gonna have to drag them away before someone calls the cops 
Moblit pls get over here and collect them I’m begging u dude-
Don’t be surprised if y’all spend the night in jail that’s just how it’s gonna be oops 
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Eye of the World Ch 23-24
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show this far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book under the cut. Potential mild spoilers for the entire series. It’s a long one!
Immediate impression: Fleeing continues, in many forms. Revelations occur. Actions of the past cause problems.
Edit- fixed the disclaimer and spoiler blerb.
Ch 23: Wolfbrother
Nah Egwene is right that’s a good idea.
“Leaders in stories never had to put up with that sort of thing.” -(Perrin) on Egwenes insistence they take turns riding Bela [he thinks he’s the leader b/c she let him decide where to go]. To this i say- HAH!
… and also, the world here is so very different. Also probably- You have a storm coming young man.
Food! Obtained thru violence! (aka hunting)
You can! But it’s called channeling not wishing
Lol. Sure she’s never going to mess with the One Power again. Yup. You’ve convinced her
Lol. She’s like a cat that just keeps knocking shit over from his perspective. Good for her!
Lol ‘we’re sick of bread and cheese’ to ‘what we’d give for some bread and cheese!’
Oh shit it’s still fully snowing in some places.
Huh. He’s getting ol’ Balzo dreams. At least he isn’t talking to him. There’s that at least (I later learn it’s still likely real bad)
Or… it’s not people. Not cooking at least
Hmm. Everyone gets there differently
There’s no one… hunter, like outlander types around the Two Rivers? Seems like the place for them honestly. Huh
Lol. This guy has been trailing them two days? I guess he got tired of watching them be so sad
Lol. Bela has the highest stealth
So they found this fur trader ranger forest man. Elyas Machera
“[Elyas’s] eyes were yellow, like bright, polished gold”
Oops. Oof. Glad they found the only person in like hundreds of miles
This world was wrecked huh? Everything is very empty.
Well all of that sounds terrible. (And listen ok I’m going to try not to do this much but like… the Aiel, who look the way they look live in the fucking desert? For 3k years. Are they nocturnal? I… mean… idk. I really don’t. Maybe? Excited to learn more. Ok I’m done. Bone picked.) [follow to learn if I actually let this go. Cuz I didn’t promise]
A hermit more like. Easy mistake
At least give the poor kids some better directions.
‘Course but come on take them to a road. Be a decent human being. Plz? Plz. (I later learn he is!)
I knew he helped them b/c they are sad little babies.
Ironically I fully believe Rand and Mat might have been just too compentant to get help and have ended up in the Wastes. That’s how their luck seems to work. That would have been a funny version of the story
Friends?! Bela does not like that
His friends are wolves! Cool
Hey wait!
Why are they all getting stared at creepily so much?! Huh?!
Oh poor Bela.
I mean wolves can become tame. Sorta. After a while and in… sorta. Right?
Ah yes animal telepathy. Got it
Yea most humans actually enjoy some human company. At least occasionally.
I love Egwenes just hunger for knowing.
Yes. Play to each other’s strengths.
From Saldaea? Why… I hope you know a lot about freaking Saldaea
Lol. Elyas- ‘bullshit’
Hahahah! That wolves know is bs!
Oh shit. Well likely, hopefully, he knows that much because of the wolves.
Yup. Wolf powers
“I don’t hold with Aes Sedai. The Red Ajah… they wanted to gentle me, once. I told them to their faces they were Black Ajah; served the Dark One.” -Elyas. Well, that’s fucking impressive. And he got away, clearly.
Interesting he had to kill Warders. And unfortunate
Wild that this isn’t the Power. Huh
“Old things coming again.”
She’s actually pretty restraint around strangers. Knows how to get what she wants along with the personing to generally.
There’s time yet for them to join in!
Mm yea wonder how… /s
Ohh that’s kinda sweet.
Interesting with the wolves and Trollocs hating each other and wolves coming down from the mountains in Emonds Field.
Holy fuck they can take a Fade?
Yea Egwene is not going to live in the woods with you two and some wolves.
Tbf to her it might actually be deadly with her and the power
Yay! He’s gonna help!
Mm. Yup. That’s not a average person thing bud
Edit- they didn’t die of pneumonia!
Ch 24
So. Many. Bridges.
Read half a paragraph before learning-
Rand POV.
And honestly thought that was kinda cool
Oh. It’s a dream. That tracks. Many bridge’s = dream
Huh. I don’t recall ever smelling anything in my dreams
More damn being watched
This is just some inception shit. What is the origin of that? This dream fuckery; did inception get its thing from this or this from something else?
“The only thing to do was… was to keep moving. Keep moving, and not think. Thinking was dangerous, he knew.” -Rand in a dream
So… based on everything so far ol’ Balzo seems to find it easier to find them the more people they are around? That’s my guess. No idea why that would be but it’s what I got. Possibly because he need to know their location to catch them?
Don’t think this is just a dream
You think. You freeze. That’s terrifying.
Once again the horror writer emerges
I would not be pleasant to be around either if I had these dreams even once a week.
“His heel had overturned one of the smooth stones, kicked it out of the dry ground. He stared at it, and empty eye sockets stared back. A skull. A human skull. He looked along the path at all the smooth, pale stones, all exactly alike. He shifted his feet hastily, but he could not move without walking on them, and he could not stand still without standing on them. A stray thought took vague shape, that things might not be what they seemed, but he pushed it down ruthlessly. Thinking was dangerous.” -Rand in the horrible hellish nightmare place of his dreams.
No. Turning the same direction didn’t work! It led to Balzo. Not good!
“…the Eye of the world will not serve you… I will strangle you with the corpse of the Great Serpant!” -Ba’alzamon- ol’ Balzo to Rand. Sir, that seems like a bit much
I just keep wanting to put in more quotes because it is so good.
Like… there is just no good choice here. He got rid of Balzo and then is faced by thousands of mirrors pointed at him, and empty darkness besides. Horrifying.
“He wanted to scream, but his throat was frozen. There was only one face in those endless mirrors. His own face. Ba’alzamon’s face. One face.” (Couldn’t resist) and with that the dream ends.
Oh no he’s bleeding from that dream? Yikes.
Tbf he was supposed to be on watch
Still might be a Problem
Yup. Ride em to hard and mutiny will follow
He’s so earnest. Even when sad
“…the stone had been cut into figures, men and women a hundred feet tall… long years separated the first from the last. Wind and rain had worn those at the north end smooth and almost featureless, with faces becoming more distinct as they went south.” -the statues carved into the cliffs along the Arinelle River. Things lost to history huh? I like it.
Oh strange shinny metal towers with no openings. And no explaination. Always a good sign /s
“On Tremalking… there be a a stone hand [50 ft] high sticking out of a hill, clutching a crystal sphere as big as this vessel.” -Cap Domon to Rand about the oddities of the world. Uh think that treasure may consist of a statue yea? (There’s allegedly treasure under it)
Sea Folk only caring about finding their Chosen One huh? Coramoor?
I’m sorry? Dinosaurs? Are those fucking dinosaur bones in… Tanchico?
Rand… you woolheaded earnest baby. ‘Well all that’s [magic, ruins, wonders of the world] nice I guess. But we found a giant fish skeleton at home once’
Honestly the world does not seem to be catching Rand without a serious fight
He really is just Samwise kinda. Which imo. Is great.
Lol. Mats going to get caught for sure. Time will tell if he’ll even want to go home
… also seems a bit fixated on treasure huh? Creepily so
I don’t like that he’s laughing into the wind. I dunno why but I don’t
Ok. People watching, less concerned now
Just looking down at the world and feeling the wind. That’s seems notable…
Ok now he’s just Titanic posing. Hilarious. And dangerous on top of a mast.
Dude. You almost died and now you’re laughing. Listen to Thom and get the hell down.
Risky behavior there.
Oh. And not noticing everyone shouting at him. Great. /s
I’m glad the crew had fun with that. I’m concerned (don’t think I don’t remember what Moiraine told Nynaeve a few chapters back!)
Oh nice… dagger there Mat. Mhm
Oh noo
Chapter ends with a bang-
“Rand’s gaze drifted to the top of the mast, and he shivered. ‘What’s happening to me? Light, what?’ He had to find out. He had to get to Tar Valon before he really did go mad.”
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wozwaid · 4 years
Strawhats with an affectionate fem S/O
(everyone but chopper i love him but i dont feel comfortable writing for animals even though he’s kinda human??? idk man)
- literally he will wrap his entire body around you if you hug him
- especially when hes jealous omg mans will wrap himself around you and hiss at whoever you’re talking too
- my lil snake boi awe
- but he won’t pass up a chance to show you that he loves you
- and it makes him so happy that you love him too!
- kiss his nose and he’ll dissolve 
- he doesnt understand the concept of privacy, so if you give him a kiss in public he just like starts to make out with you? its not an issue but luffy... honey... we’re about to die can you wait like 3 seconds...
- he loves pure gestures of affection, like hugs, cheek kisses, nose kisses, cuddling, god i need luffy in my life
- when he gets attention from girls he like...explodes
- but it’s different with you
- he’ll start crying
- sanji had a rough childhood, so when someone shows him a pure gesture of love he doesn’t know how to react
- the only person that actually showed any form of affection was his mom
- and NOT IN THE SANGWOO WAY, but u remind him of her
- henceforth the reason why he cries
- he just loves you so much, and he finds it so unbelievable that someone like you could love him back
- he loves it when you sit in his lap
- not in a weird way, like you sit on his lap, hug him and/or rest your head on his shoulder 
- it makes him feel safe!
- ahhh zoro zoro zoro
- he’s so confused
- so you gotta explain it to him and he’s like “oh thats easy enough”
- he’s an awkward hugger but once he feels comfortable he’ll MELT
- he thinks you’re so adorable
- and i know for a fact that zoro is just WARM 
- so you tend to fall asleep while hugging him
- and he doesnt. move.
- doesnt matter whats going on. if theres a storm? he wont move. itll wake you up. a monster? luffy and sanji can handle it. he doesnt want to wake you up. HE WILL LITERALLY CUT ANYONE THAT TRIES TO WAKE U UP WHEN UR SLEEPING
-he gets up early to work out, and when he gets out of bed you start whining and reaching for him in your sleep
- my god he almost broke into tears 
- he might be awkward but he loooves you
- he gets really cocky and ends up saying something really REALLY stupid
- he WILL call you sugar tits
- and then he’ll throw himself overboard
- usually you can only be super affectionate with him when he’s asleep cuz he will freak the fuck out when he’s awake
- he cuddles you when you’re asleep cuz he’s secretly just as affectionate, he just gets flustered!
- yo (hohoho) he just doesnt get it
- like hes bones? he doesn’t understand why youre hugging him but he LOVES IT
- he gets a bone- nevermind sorry 
- if you run up to him and hug him he might shatter out of pure love
- his heart would explode
that is if he had one in the first place YOOHOHOHIOHOHOHOHUOIJAWTEAWWROE
- so SO SOFT
- not physically, hes metal
- if you ask for a hug, you’ll have to pay her
- but if you just run up to her and do it, she’ll LITERALLY PAY YOU
- like you pull away and she’s like “bitch why tf did u stop”
- you give her a kiss in public? she ain’t afraid to make out with you in front of everyone. she’s very possessive.
- if you hold onto her in any way... this woman will literally melt she won’t let go of you no matter what she just loves u SO MUCH
- ceo of not knowing to do with her hands pUN INTENDED
- she just kinda sits there?
- don’t get me wrong she LOVES IT
- she just has no idea what to do
- she buys a book about it so she knows what to do
- like touch her and she’ll SQUEAL
- robin isnt very affectionate but once she gets the hang of it SHE WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE LOVE YOU DESERVE
- when you subconsciously cuddle up to her she will pull you so close to her and just hold you. she doesnt sleep bc you just make her so happy
im hugging my pillow robin come here gimme a kith
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
Thoughts on Bones and the bad decision making
The thing is about how MVA is being handled is that, generally, other animes that cut stuff out or have not as good animation as other seasons (which idk its literally only been one episode so we’ll see what else comes out of it, but I’m just stating the animation thing as one of the problems too) seems to be due to the time limit of an episode + how many episodes you have to fit in the season and evenly space it out + animation budget
Thats what I reason anyway. When I watch an anime and then read the manga, I notice stuff that didn’t get put into the anime, but I usually reason that “oh maybe it was the time limit of an episode and how many episodes they have left to put it in. If they couldn’t add that in but put this in instead, it’s probably due to what they think is more necessary to fit into the season before it ends. I can kinda understand that, and if its the case, I’m not really gonna hold it against them”
Same with animation, because adaptations usually try and space out the animation quality between Oh My God This Looks Ugly during a minor scene to Oh My God This Looks Incredible during an important scene. Again, I can understand that with budgets and the limit of available staff to animate. If you’re gonna hold back on some pieces of animation, I can definitely see the reason for sparing the Good Animation for the really important and impactful parts
But that doesn’t seem to be the case here
Bones cut out stuff that was actually quite important to understand the character. The League finding that racist cult and killing them was part of showing that they are decent enough to not be totally evil, and plus it tied in with Spinner’s arc of discrimination and that “empty feeling inside” which was actually caused by the people who lived in his town. Getting rid of his narrating too totally gets rid of that introduction to his arc, because when you first read that part in the manga, you think “why spinner? why spinner of all people? what distinguishes him from the rest?” and that question you ask yourself gets answered by his following development with Shiggy
Sure, Bones added in his narration in the forest, but the point of the initial narration is to make it feel personal. Spinner narrating in the forest is more like observational narration, rather than something personal. With 220, it felt like “Oh are we getting to Spinner’s arc? Are we getting his development or smthg? That sounds interesting, since he’s a background character. I wonder what will happen” but with the narration in the forest, it kind of gives off the feeling of “Why is Spinner narrating? Why did it switch to him? He’s just watching them, but is this important? I don’t understand”
There’s a difference between personal narration and observational narration. For example, lets compare a vlog and a documentary. A vlog is something personal, and when you watch it, you’re getting a glimpse into the persons life. That’s what I’d say Manga Spinner’s narration is equivalent to, because it literally starts off like “Whats up guys, I’m Spinner from the League Of Villains! We’re not in the best of conditions, as you can see, and we’re trying to work our way back to the top! Stay tuned!”
Anime Spinner’s narration is probably equal to a documentary, stating what has happened and whats going on now. And describing what Tomura’s face looks like. In fact, the description of the face is probably the only personal thing the anime put in from Spinners POV so far. I guess they were trying to keep that bit in to add that “personal” feeling we didn’t get from the initial narration, and since its such a small moment, it would quite easily fit into a few seconds of the episode without running over the episode limit but. there’s a big difference between “Whats up guys, I’m Spinner from the League Of Villains and we’re homeless, but we’re trying to get better!” and “His face looked like an eager child”
With the League in the shed scene, there was an awful lot there to be concerned about being cut. First we have Toga and Twice’s interactions, wholesome and sweet, which was supposed to cement their friendship which would make it all the more heartbreaking when Twice breaks down over Toga being in danger. For anime onlys, they could go off the past scenes from past seasons but idk that bit with them in the shed was supposed to be a recent reminder, to refresh your memory and such
Then we have Compress and Shiggy, because that mention of the sushi was supposed to be something Shiggy would remember and look back on, showing how connected he is with the League. With Spinner and Shiggy, that was meant to show the unrest and tension in Spinner and his ideals, and when he grabs Shiggy to yell at him, thats supposed to show you how much this matters to Spinner and how that moment tells the reader “Oh this arc is about Spinner and Shiggy”. The arc is about the League as a whole, but it’s meant to tell you as the reader that “This main villain and one of his background lackeys are going to have conflict”, and thats interesting!
Dabi’s entrance and what he said about recruitment was meant to be a build up to his conflict with Hawks. It was also meant to show how Dabi, despite seeming pretty aloof, still chooses to come back to the League and be a part of things. That despite Dabi trying to separate himself from them, he still finds a place to belong. Him bantering with the other members also showed how familiar he is with them, again, to show that this is a place he belongs
The Big Thing with Horikoshi is build up. The man slow burns to hell and back, and while it’s frustrating, it’s good. The Dabi Reveal’s burst of excitement in the fandom was because of that build up. It shows that Hori is willing to show little bits of development to really make the pay-off of waiting and reading worth it when something impactful happens.
Now, I can see why that would be a bit of an issue for the anime, because again, time limit of an episode and how many episodes/seasons you have to fit the storyline in and evenly space it out. Fitting it all in while still creating that feeling of tension must be hard, and I can see why it would be too.
But this isn’t about fitting in. This isn’t down to time limit or episode space. The simple fact is that Bones already screwed too much with it before MVA even started. They messed around with storyline, with the cuts, with dragging out scenes that really don’t even mean much - except for that scene with Enji thinking about his family, cuz that had meaning, but it was just way too dragged out. With dragging out scenes, both with and without meaning, I can see that as the studio trying to make fit the length of the episode but it just doesn’t work
And then there’s the Beach Episode for the girls, which wasn’t necessary at all. And I could also see that as them dragging out the season in order to potentially make S6 the League’s arc. But that didn’t happen
Instead, they rushed it, tried to fit it all in, while trying to keep in that Popular Characters Are Here So Please Watch element. Which AGAIN doesn’t work as good story telling because if you’re going to stretch it out for the Popular Characters, you need to evenly space out what scenes are used where and still be able to tell a coherent story. Which isn’t the case here because they prioritized Popular Characters Are Here So Please Watch instead of the actual plot
So I don’t think it’s about time limit of an episode + how many episodes you have to fit in the season and evenly space it out, not in this case. It genuinely is just bad decision making
Animation is kind of an exception because of that whole priority of saving the budget for Oh My God This Is Incredible scenes as opposed to minor scenes. We’ve only watched the first episodes so far and there is that whole concern with the characters height and Spinner’s face, but we’ve yet to see the rest of the arc, so I’m personally gonna hold out until its over to really judge the animation. With the heights and Spinner’s face though, I can see that it probably (probably) wasn’t the case of “We hate these characters fuck you”, it’s likely more about “We have to get this out and done on time so idk just quickly draw and get it over and done with”, you know?
Anyway lol I don’t think I’m saying anything that hasn’t already been said by the fandom, but I still felt compelled to talk about it. It’s such a shame, because anime onlys don’t get the full experience of what happens.
MORE THAN THAT, it’s all very well and good saying “Anime onlys please read the manga”, but for a lot of anime watchers, the only way they CAN follow the story is through watching it. I think I remember reading about how its hard for people with ADHD to focus enough to read the manga (I know thats the case for one of my irl adhd friends at least) and then there’s also the fact that they may lead busy lives. But it’s because of this rearranging of the arcs that I know it has to be frustrating for anime onlys too because they don’t get the full experience and they hear from manga readers that they aren’t getting the full story either! I’ve read some posts about how manga fans were excited to connect with their anime-only friends without spoiling anything, and the anime onlys just ending up confused and unimpressed. I feel for them and I know it has to be frustrating from both ends
Thats kind of why “being creative and messing with the storyline” doesn’t work in anime adaptations. Adding stuff in and having anime only episodes is nice for creativity and stuff but you have to be able to still have time for the rest of the story in order for it to work, otherwise you just end up confusing everybody, and again, those who can’t follow the story through manga miss out on the fun
I’m not an animator, nor am I entirely sure how production and such works, this is only based on the aspects that seem more logical with animes and why they do the things they do. So if anybody who actually is an animator or knows more about this than I do wants to come forward and tell me whether this is right or not, I’d be happy to be corrected with constructive criticism
Same with the ADHD stuff. I don’t know everything about it and there’s likely exceptions to the focus thing, but please don’t hesitate to also correct me on that
If you’ve made it this far, then thank you for reading my thoughts on Bones and how they’ve dealt with everything. Once again I’m sure I’m not saying anything that hasn’t already been said but still. I’m just putting my thoughts down
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
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Me writing an Au of my original character’s story cuz I had a “what if” moment
This drawing is also a partial ‘redraw’ of an old Kaya picture
I used one of her older outfit designs for this cuz I wanted to. it’s simple but yeah I hope ya like.
Um but here’s the ficlet (this is a short oneshot AU based on my original story “Nightmare’s Dream” this is an Alternate Universe where her human dad isn’t dead and it’s modern age not ancient like her actual storyline):
“Sir, Miss, this way.”
She turned confused as she heard her father being called. She trailed after, doing her best to keep hunched over as they stepped over the barricade into the crime scene. Her nose burned and she reached to cover it disgusted. 
The area was a disaster. Rust colored splothces covered the concrete and pavement. She frowned as she narrowed her eyes as she looked around. Something was bothering her but her dad kept chatting with the police officer. 
Gabriel laughed as he tapped his cigarette package and put one in his mouth, lighting the end with magic. His silver hair was slicked back in a thick braid with many smaller braids interwoven. His brown eyes moved to look at the young woman as she was busy looking around. He chuckled.
She kept her hand over her nose as she wrinkled her nose. It was astringent smelling. She could smell blood, urine, feces, metal, rust. It was giving her a headache. There was also now her father’s smoke. She hated the cigarettes he smoked. It made her head fuzzy. She knew he did ti for his safety but it made her eyes spin. She grabbed the man’s sleeve as she frowned.
“Dad… it smells bad… really bad… it’s sharp and stingy,” she stated quietly as she tugged on his sleeve. She chewed her lip with pointed fangs as her gold eyes darted about the rubble. She gripped his sleeve tighter, “There’s a lot of iron and… dad it smells---” she whined as he didn’t respond. He was busy taking notes down. She made a whine in her throat as she put her chin on his shoulder, “Dad--”
“Kaya dear, just put your mask on if it bothers you that much,” Gabriel stated finally. Reaching into the pocket on his long grey coat, he pulled out a black fabric mask. He held the black fabric up to her and she sighed as she hooked it behind her ears, the smell of lavender overpowering her nose. It made her head dizzy but it was better than the bodily fluids and sharp smoke she was smelling. She looked around, her golden eyes wide open as she surveyed the scene. Her eyes flickered to slits momentarily.
The building had exploded from the left side. The sidewalk was littered in broken bodies broken stonework. Even though it was nighttime there weren’t even gawkers or passerbys. She listened and heard no cars and she frowned as she looked at the sky and narrowed her eyes. As she continued to look around something was annoying her and she couldn’t figure it out at first. Something wasn’t sitting right. This whole scene seemed off to her and she was having issues figuring exactly what it was. Was it the smells, was it the lack of noise, was it her father trying to make small talk with the officer? No. Something felt like eyes. Watching. She knew it wasn’t the normal paranoia she dealt with. This was something else. But where? Where was it coming from? She chewed her lip beneath the mask.
Her eyes paused near one piece of carnage. A large block that’d fallen when the building erupted. That was it! She felt a smile on her lips as she jumped past her father to the shock of the police officer who’d been leading them and made use of her large stature to get over the rocks and cement. The belts and buckles on her outfit created a clink and a clank as she moved. Slowling to a stop before the stone she shook her head to center herself. She put her hand to the stone and scowled, furrowing her brow as she growled. This was what was making her annoyed. She knew it. She looked around at the rubble trying to figure what was different. She pulled her mask down and sniffed at it. She retched slightly.
“Dad.” she stood back up looking over at the older gentleman and pointed. She looked back at the stone as her eyes glinted.
“What did you find? Is it something nice?” Gabriel asked as he took the cigarette from his mouth. He tapped the ash from the end with a small smirk on his face. He watched as she raised a gloved hand and large circles lit up, creating a gust of wind, sending her black hair fluttering. The officer gasped at the sight of the young woman using magic.
“I open at the close, the one who seeks my name shall perish in the blinding lights of my unjust rage. That which began will cease and begin once the time clicks forward.” she recited as the wind and circles faded. She frowned under her mask and pulled it down under her chin. She stuck her tongue out while she started to cough. She turned back towards her father and the shocked officer. Bright red markings dripped on her cheeks like jagged slices. The whites of her eyes appeared a greyer color, darkening as she stood there.
“Was it creature, beast, caster, or spoiled?” her father asked as she frowned. He looked at his notes as she stared at him. The officer looked confused as the others surveying the scene turned towards the commotion she was causing.
“Yes.” was her only response before she looked back at it confused. She raised her hand once more and pulled the glove off. Dark claws and darkened skin blurred together as she placed it on the large block. She began to scrawl on it. Symbols. She worked quickly as she carved line after line into the stone. It started to erode. She sided stepped as a skeleton fell out onto the street. When it clattered to the ground, coins fell out with it as well as a book and some pages. She picked the book up and tucked the loose pages inside. She flipped through it before she tucked it away into her coat with a huff. She would deal with THAT back at the office.
“Oh. a vessel.” Gabriel watched the officer vomit and sighed before laughing at the other man, “Good work sweetie. Is that why it smelt stingy?” he asked as he scribbled in his book.
“Mmhm. Kinda. Partially. Not really. This is more…. It was making me really uneasy? Like how people describe being around me. How I always feel the eyes of the moon staring.” she pulled her mask back up over her nose and knelt down poking the skull with her claws. She sighed heavily before she stood up, the various chains on her outfit ringing. She stretched as the slits in the back of her shirt showed her pale flesh and the dark markings on it and she took a deep breath.
“R I S E.”
Her voice was strong and had an echo that caused a shudder to run through the air as the bones began to shift. Shimmering black threads wrapped the brittle yellowed remains together as it slowly stood up. Its skull clacked and teeth dropped. It clicked and chittered as it shifted with the threads holding it together. A light behind the eye sockets glimmering.
“That’s new.” Gabriel whistled, “who taught you that?” he raised a brow as he watched, “that wasn’t your normal work.”
“Miss Holmes in the necromancy department.” she stated as her father walked over, “she said voice of authority should work for a limited time if the corpse was magic respondent.” she explained as she looked at him. Turning back towards the skeleton, she narrowed her eyes, “Who buried you in the block?” she asked it with a stern tone. It had a similar echo to when she rose it from the ground.
It stared at her. It clattered. It tried to point but it’s arm was limp and it couldn’t fully raise it.
“Hrm. I don’t think this will work sweetheart.” her father patted her back but her eyes were staring firmly at the skeleton. “Sweetheart?” he chewed his cigarette.
“The one who buried me sleeps in the earth but the descendants crave destruction of the barriers,” she stated in a hollow tone. “They knew not that I would rise and that I rested here. The child brings sanctuary.” Her gold eyes were blank as she spoke. Her pupils returned as cat like slits as she snarled some.
“That’s no good.” Gabriel sighed, rubbing his neck tiredly. “I’ve worked hard on barriers after all.” he chuckled lowly, “I would prefer them to not be destoryed.” 
The man turned to the officers, “it seems this is very much a case for our office. I’m going to let my daughter loose to have a little look. It’ll cut on cleanup and casualties.” he laughed as he stomped on his cigarette and looked at Kaya once more, “Ready, sweetheart?”
She whined some as she bent down. He reached to undo the leather choker she wore. He gently unclipped the belts from her arms and legs. There was a sickening feeling in the air. It became heavy. The sensation of being watched. The air was thick and oppressive as he continued to remove the belts.
 She stood up straight for the first time that night. Her stature towering over those deployed. Despite her height she was thin and wispy. Her face was hardened into a steely glare as the man held a black mask up. It had two small horns. 4 white slits decorated the dark surface.
“Here you are.” Gabriel chuckled as he handed it to her.
“Thanks…” she lifted it to her face and set it on. At once four eyes opened on the inky surface before a jagged grin spread. She yawned and the mask moved with her motions.
“Find the one causing this mess and bring them back. If they prove difficult. Eat them.” he ordered her. She gave a nod and in a flash was gone leaving a crater in the pavement. The skeleton wobbled and collapsed into dust on the ground. Gabriel sighed.
“Well that’s not helpful.” he scribbled a note as he looked at the remains. He took his cigarette packet out.
“S-sir… what exactly….” the officer whipped his mouth in shock.
Gabriel smirked as he lit another cigarette, “that’s my wonderful baby girl! She’s a special one for sure!” he chuckled as he blew the smoke through his teeth, “a wonderful girl ever since I found her asleep in the lost woods. My sweet little Kaya.” he chuckled, “she’s our best agent you know.”
She jumped from building to building. Her head was throbbing from the release of her seals. She stood on the church steeple and looked around. She raised an arm as the shadows squirmed and formed crows and bats and tore off into the sky. The moon shifted as eyes opened and the night seemed darker. She looked around as she closed her eyes and focused on the shadows that flew around searching for magic traces. For the one who exploded the grim’s holding.
They ran through alleys. They spied in windows. They flew through buildings that whistled with openings. Her eyes snapped open.
“Found you.” she jumped from the building and vanished into the shadows.
“Should we help her?” the officer asked as Gabriel sat down to pull a not book out. He rolled the belts up as he looked up.
“No, we’ll only get in her way. This is training for her you see.” he chuckled, “do you know who we are?”
“I know you work for Prometheus…” he frowned.
“Correction, I own Prometheus.” Gabriel chuckled as he took a pen to write. He scrawled the message his daughter had recited and frowned, “Someone is messing with the barriers my ancestors laid down to keep the other side from interacting with humans. Kaya is a key to maintaining those barriers.”
She jumped from shadow to shadow, the tendrils clinging as she ran through the city. She stopped as she arrived back on the scene and the officer jumped.
“Welcome back sweetheart.” he hummed, “did you find it?”
“Mmhm.” she pulled her mask off revealing she had four eyes below it. All four trained on the officer. The whites of her eyes were the same inky tone of her hair and claws. Her gold eyes glowed in the night air. The officer backed up. He shook as she kept her stare on him. Like a mouse cornered by a cat he was starting to have issues with his heart. Something wasn’t right.
“Isn’t it fascinating?” Gabriel continued, “how the very people who protect the common folk happen to keep others on their side?” he kept scrawling without looking up. The officer swallowed their spit as the young woman kept her multi-eyed gaze on him. Gabriel chuckled some. “The real way to keep the peace is to play togehter sometimes.”
She moved to open her mouth revealing larger fangs. A dark mist left mouth as she gave a low growl deep in her throat. A second mouth opened along her jawline creating the illusion of her face being a mask. It clicked aggressively as she open and closed it.
“I said it smelt bad,” she spoke in a grumbly tone from both mouths. An echo of her own words. “So bad. The moment I got here. Bad magic. ROTTEN magic. Festered, old, wrong.” she hissed word by word.
“I open at the close.” Gabriel recited from his notes. He snapped his book shut and tucked it away into the inner pocket of his coat, “Sweetheart what does that mean typically?”
“It’s where it started,” Kaya answered him as she dropped her shoulders, her claws seemed larger and her limbs longer. She moved closer to the trembling officer. Four large black wings spread from her back as an unease filled the air. She stepped closer as Horns lifted her hair like inky tendrils and she hissed another cloud of smoke. The air grew heavier.
“Do you know what it means to make thine enemy your friend?” Gabriel asked as he stood up. He dusted his coat off with a chuckle as he looked at his daughter. “It helps you immensely in the long run to not make enemies of those who dwell in magic. Officer.”
Kaya cackled as eyes opened on the wings and the officer fell over foaming at the mouth. She straightened up and sighed as she relaxed now. Her horns vanished like mist as she seemed to return to how she had appeared earlier in the evening.
Gabriel clicked her belts back on and the air returned to the normal calm evening chill. She stood up and shook her head as she shut her lower eyes and mouth. She let her father put the belts back on as the wings faded back to the shadows and she grimaced. She took her choker and strapped it on, the silver cross on it jingling as she did.
He pulled a bottle of cola from his jacket and gave it to her which she eagerly sipped on. She took a large gulp before she groaned and stuck her tongue out.
“What’s the point of making me run around if he was the one?” she frowned, “My mouth tastes so gross now.” she shuddered, “Dad. you said this was a simple thing. I ran all around the city.” she whined as she sipped the soda, “In the end it’s just bad smelling and now my head hurts because you removed so many seals at once!” she leaned on him tiredly as she complained about the evening. She gave a large yawn. Her forked tongue flicked as she shut her eyes tiredly. “It’s rotten and icky and bluh.”
“I had a suspicion. I mean this is nothing but a dummy scene.” Gabriel chuckled as he lifted the round stone from around his neck and peeked through the hole. “You noticed I’m sure. It’s far too quite for a thursday even if it is midnight. He would have done better to stage this during the day, but I feel he wanted to wait for less real victims.”
“Of course I did.” she pouted as she moved to grab the officer’s shirt. The shadows swirled and she threw him through it with a shudder. “I see everything.” she opened her lower eyes as the fog began to lift, “That’s why you bring me, isn’t it?”
“No, I bring you because you’re my daughter and you need to learn to manage this.” He looked at her with a small glare on his wrinkled face. “What will you do when I can’t be your handler?” he asked seriously, “I’m not going to be around forever young lady. You’re already 37. I’m hitting 80 next month. You may look like a teenager but you need to learn this faster.” he chided her.
She sighed and looked away from her father ashamed. She continued to grumble, “you don’t even know that. You found me as a toddler...ish.” she sipped her drink as she pulled her fabric mask back out to cover her face.
“Yes, but you’ve been in my care at least 36 years, and you’re still my baby girl. Now. clean the area up, eat the remains.” he instructed as he checked his notes, “that vessel is the only concerning thing.” he scowled as he looked at what he’d written, “the idiot mage I expected but not an actual vessel to be here.”
“It’s a grim. Not a vessel.” she corrected him as bright circles and symbols lit up. The rubble began to rise into the air. She waved her arms as black threads danced and tied the building back together and stitched them whole once more. She looked at the bodies and whined, “can we please call a clean up instead?”
“Kaya.” her father sighed with a firm tone. He stared at her with faded brown eyes.
“Ugh.” she frowned as shadows shifted and covered the bodies. She shuddered violently and started to retch and cough. She held back the urge to vomit as she continued to remove them and crumpled to her knees gripping her stomach. She wiped the black sludge tears from her eyes.
“The magic tastes so BAD it’s so out of order! Messy! Old! Miscasted! Yuck!” she whined as she bit back tears, “I hate it! Hate it!”
“I know sweetheart but you need to consume the fear they produce.” he rubbed her back as she hiccuped and groaned. “I’ll get you burgers on the way home okay? We can even get some sunflower seeds for your bird.”
“I just hate it!” she stood up and wiped her eyes, “this is the worst.” she looked at him as she sniffled.
“I know sweetheart.” he sighed as he looked at the street. He frowned as he raised a hand, “Oh powers which guide the night into the light I call upon your strength of fate. Return that which has wronged and repel that which is sight.”
There was a haze that quickly faded and the sound of cars was heard as people chattered.
Kaya looked at the city and leaned on her dad with a sigh.
“Let’s go home,” she stated as she stood back up and started to walk.
“We should get your mother a cake.” he laughed as they headed down the street into the crowd. A three-eyed crow taking flight.
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aomine-ryo · 4 years
♥ Aokise
Aomine Daiki x Kise Ryota
Request; Fluff/crack/lemon
Gom have a movie night (or any kind of get together)and Aokise (especially Ao) do a lot of PDA.....
Hehe..pls consider this too whenever possible.. U Hv been posting regularly n u Hv amazing skill and art.. I know and seriously appreciate ur hard work and creativity.... So whenever possible pls write this idea too.... Can be sfw or nsfw.. Ur choice.. Juicyyy
(Umm.. U know I kinda have a fantasy where gom + kagami visit aomine's place and are greeted by a Aomine in boxers or pyjamas and kise comes from behind clad in only aomine's large shirt with hickeys all along his collar bone to neck ( cuz they met after a week and were making up for lost time if u know what I mean !!!)
Ah.. So as u like it.. Cuddly aokise.... Making out aokise.... etc >_<
Thanku author~san♥
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I loved writing this so much ahsjdj thank you for this ask!! I hope you enjoy it!! xx
Scenario: Aomine and Kise at a movie night with the GOM (aokise)
It had been a while since all the Generation of Miracles and Kagami had hung out together, so Kise decided to host a movie night at his place, which may not have been the best suggestion because half of them couldn’t sit still for more than ten minutes, but it was happening nonetheless. Aomine definitely wasn’t one to be early to any get together, but him and Kise had planned for him to get there a few hours beforehand so that they could spend some time alone together, since they hadn’t been able to hang out in a while.
As promised, Aomine made it there first, ringing the doorbell and standing at the front door impatiently. The moment the door opened and revealed his effortlessly gorgeous boyfriend, Aomine’s face lit up in excitement.
“Aominecchi! Come in—“
Kise was immediately cut off by Aomine pouncing onto him and pushing his lips against his. Kise would be lying if he said that he wasn’t expecting Aomine to be all over him, considering that they hadn’t been able to see each other in a while. However, the blonde was hoping to have him come in and chat for a while before things got heated. In hindsight, that was a stupid assumption since it was Aomine he was dealing with after all.
Before he knew it, Aomine had carried him into his bedroom and tossed him onto the mattress, nothing but hunger and desperation in his dark blue eyes. “You know, a ‘hello’ would’ve been nice,” Kise said breathlessly as Aomine climbed on top of him.
“Hello,” Aomine mumbled with a grin as his face inched closer to Kise once again.
“Well, there’s no point saying it now,” Kise giggled, looking up and into his boyfriend’s eyes with adoration as a hand softly caressed his cheek.
“Is it just me or did you get hotter?” Aomine asked, squinting at his boyfriend to figure out why he found him more attractive than usual.
“Probably just that idiot brain of yours,” Kise grinned, causing Aomine to narrow his eyes at him.
“Shut up,” Aomine sighed, smiling like an absolute dork at this point because he was just so glad to be with Kise again.
“Make me,” Kise challenged with a devious look in his amber eyes that make Aomine go wild.
In an instant, Aomine’s lips were reconnected with Kise’s, except the kiss was filled with much more force than earlier. As their tongues found their way into each other’s mouths, clothes were quickly discarded and things quickly escalated. Aomine’s lips moved lower and lower, and the room was soon filled with gasps and groans as the two of them melted into each other’s touch.
Losing themselves in rounds and rounds of making up for missed time, the movie night with their friends managed to slip their minds. So when the doorbell rang as they were catching their breaths from their third round, both of their minds were filled with confusion because they were practically on their last braincells at this point. “Aominecchi, go get the door,” Kise groaned, looking over his boyfriend, whose tan skin was glistening with sweat.
“Huh? Why me? It’s your house,” Aomine scoffed, not wanting to move.
Equally as determined to not move, Kise’s mind worked quickly to ensure that it wasn’t him going to answer the door. His pink swollen lips leaned in close to Aomine’s ear with a a soft smirk, “Yeah but I can’t move too much because someone destroyed my insides.”
Cheeks flushing red as his ego was inflated, the navy haired boy sighed as he pulled the sheets off and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “God you’re so annoying,” Aomine rolled his eyes as he looked around for the boxers he tossed away. Finally spotting it by the door to the bedroom (how did it even get there?), the taller boy dragged himself over and pulled them on, glaring at his boyfriend who just sat on the bed batting his lashes and looking pretty.
“Thank you Aominecchi,” he sang as Aomine began to head out, making sure to raise a middle finger at him out of spite. “I love you too!” Kise called out sarcastically.
Aomine finally opened the front door in nothing but his boxers, and was stupidly surprised to find his friends there. “Eh? What are you idiots doing here?” He mumbled, running his fingers through his messy hair as he leaned against the door.
“We’re meant to be having a movie night dumbass,” Midorima said, beginning to wonder if it was too late to go back home.
“Oh yeah that. Uh, come in I guess,” Aomine shrugged, opening the door wider to let them in.
“Where the fuck are your pants??” Kagami yelled, eyes being drawn to the boxers with the evident bulge.
“Oi, eyes up here Bakagami. I have a boyfriend,” Aomine snapped, only making Kagami more agitated.
“That’s not what—“
“Aomine-kun can you please put some pants on,” Kuroko intervened before Kagami could absolutely lose it.
“Yeah, there in Kise’s room somewhere, I’ll go get them eventually,” Aomine said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Kise-chin! Where’d you keep the snacks?” Murasakibara yelled, seemingly unfazed by Aomine’s appearance as he began to raid Kise’s fridge.
Just as he said that, Kise emerged from his room, also shirtless, though he was wearing a pair of sweatpants. “Oh it’s you guys,” Kise said as he tied the strings on the waistband. “There are chips in the top right cabinet Murasakibaracchi!” Kise called out.
While Murasakibara scrambled around the kitchen, everyone just stared at Kise in awe. There were red marks all over his torso and Aomine just stood there with his arms on his hips and a proud smirk like an artist admiring his artwork.
“Kise, your chest— you know what, I won’t even bother to ask,” Midorima sighed as he plopped down on the couch in frustration.
“Oh, oops sorry about that,” Kise said, looking down at his skin and back up at Aomine with a smile.
“Okay, why don’t the two of you go put some clothes on, and Tetsuya and I will get things set up. Alright?” Akashi suggested, wanting to move on from this mess of a greeting.
To his relief, Aomine and Kise did as they were told and no more back and forths were exchanged. After about ten minutes, everyone was finally fully clothed and sitting on the couch, ready to get the movie started.
Of course, Aomine and Kise’s disruptions didn’t end there. Since they didn’t get their opportunity to cuddle after they had finished, they decided to do so during the movie. They kept muttering things to each other and sneaking in kisses here and there, much to Kagami’s, who was forced to sit next to them, dismay.
At some point, they were fully making out as the movie played and Kagami finally reached his limit. “Oh my god can you please not make out right next to me?” Kagami yelled, causing everyone to turn their heads to Kise and Aomine who finally pulled away from each other.
“Yeah actually, those sounds are kinda disgusting, Mine-chin and Kise-chin,” Murasakibara added, though he didn’t seem as bothered by it.
Akashi shared an exhausted look with Kuroko as they just watched things unfold.
“Geez, Kagami stop watching us, you perv,” Aomine replied, with a smug grin.
“Are you jealous, Kagamicchi? I can give you a kiss too, come here,” Kise joked, leaning towards Kagami who just shoved him away immediately, sending both Aomine and Kise into fits of giggles.
“Can you guys just shut up and watch the damn movie?” Midorima snapped.
“Alright alright we’ll stop,” Aomine sighed, all of them finally simmering down after that. Well, for a few minutes at least.
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oscars-wifeyyy · 4 years
The Innocent (Oscar Diaz Fanfic)
I just want to see if this is a good start lol I kinda just wrote this cuz it just came up in my mind
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In middle school and freshman year of high school, Elizabeth Hernandez was a girl that had braces and acne all over her face. Before summer came she was accepted into the same writing camp that Monse got accepted in and didn’t have to pay a thing except for the transportation. The school year ended and the class of 2018 was having a party to celebrate the end of high school so the crew went to look at the party. The crew went to hide behind the wall to watch the party as it progressed into the night until everyone decided that they wanted to get a beer so Cesar snuck into the party to get everybody beer.
Ruby, Monse, Elizabeth, and Jamal stood watching the scene unfold. The girls were looking for Cesar, Ruby was looking at the girls, while Jamal was freaking out over the football players that stood by the house.
“Do you see him?” Monse asked, crossing her arms. 
“I don’t see him,” Elizabeth went on the tips of her toes to see if she could get a better look.
“Something bad is gonna happen. I can feel it,” Jamal freaked out.
“Take a xanny, J,” Ruby glanced at Jamal, “We just can’t see him, ‘cause he’s being stealth,”
“Yeah,” Monse agreed, “besides, when has Cesar ever let us down?”
“Fourth grade. Kickball tourney,” Jamal looks at the group, “we lost,”
“That’s because I picked the kid with no skills,” the group turned, “and I would do it again. Loyalty trumps victory, compa,”
Elizabeth took the beer being offered to her, “got that right, salad,”
Cesar stood up behind the wall, “take it in, guys. This is about to be us. This is high school,”
The five took a sip of their beer and made a face of disgust, but continued drinking out of the can with the bitter-tasting liquid.
“Ruby,” Monse said, “you think Mario is gonna marry Angelica?”
Ruby shrugged, “No idea. Mario tells me jack,”
“What about that time he said Angelica had a dangler?” Jamal chuckled as Ruby tried to shut Jamal up, “what? He said that,”
“In private!” Ruby exclaimed, “time and place, dude. Oh, guys, check out Huerita at 9 o’clock. Monse, Eli, if you were a girl-”
“We are,” Monse interrupted.
“But if you were a girl like that, would you wear any underwear?” Ruby stared dreamily as Elizabeth turned to look at Ruby in disgust.
“Oh, my God. I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die,” Jamal said.
“Why are you gonna die, J?” Elizabeth asked Jamal.
“See those guys over there?” Jamal pointed towards the guys in football jerseys, “they play for the ‘ridge. Did you know that last year alone a quorum of kids-”
“Died playing football?” Monse butt in, “you’re stuck on repeat,”
“So don’t play, sweets,” Elizabeth chuckled.
“No choice,” Jamal said, “Pops was a legend. It’s a family tradition. I’m dead,” Jamal jumped off the platform with Monse and Elizabeth.
“You’re not dead,” Monse said.
“Football spiral?” Cesar asked as he got down to help Jamal calm down, “Jamal, CTE is not in your future,”
“Guys, check out my game,” Ruby turned, “Heurita gave me the nod,”
A bald guy popped up and grabbed Ruby’s shoulder, “Eyeing my girl, cabron?”
“No, God, no. I’m not into blondes,” Ruby tried to get out.
“Easy,” Cesar said, “he does your mother’s taxes. Mrs. Guzamn, right?”
“Three thousand dollar refund. Schedule C, line 30. Home office deduction,” Ruby said.
“Seriously,” Monse looked at him in disbelief.
Another cholo came over the wall to see Cesar so he nudged the bald guy, “Yo, homes. What are you doing, ese? That’s Spooky’s lil bro, dawg,”
The guy let go of Ruby, “I didn’t realize it was you, homie. Hey, listen, man, tell Spooky Sad Eyes sends his respects,” Cesar nodded as the two cholos left the crew.
“Thank God for your brother,” Ruby rubbed his shoulder.
“Nah, thank God for better things,” Cesar shook his head as gunshots rang out and everybody crouched down.
“.357!” the crew yelled out after the 5th shot.
Soon they were in Ruby’s place, Jamal and Ruby were spying on Mario and Angelica arguing outside while Cesar, Monse, and Elizabeth were sitting on the couch. Elizabeth took out her phone to tell her mother she was fine and in Ruby’s house until Ruby and Jamal ran to the couch, “Mario’s coming!”
Elizabeth didn’t bother listening to Mario so she just put on her earbuds and looked at him as if she was listening, but when she thought he was done she took it out. Mario came back and said, “don’t bone Elizabeth and Monse,”
Everybody started laughing as Monse said, “Who would even wanna do that?”
The next day Monse and Elizabeth went to the coach station to catch their bus to the camp. Summer was spent writing in the middle of nowhere with activities and amenities provided for the students so Elizabeth was able to start working out, losing the acne, and lost the braces. A few months later, they were back and on their way to Ruby’s house.
Monse wore simple jeans and a shirt that showed a little cleavage while Elizabeth wore a blue destroyed  with a burgundy bralette and ripped jeans that covered her legs. Smiles were on both faces, happy that they lost the metal prison that held their teeth captive. Both had grown breasts which attracted a lot of unwanted attention from the ice cream man as he was selling. They walked a little faster until a voice was heard that they recognized.
“Angelica, once I’m gone, I’m gone! There’s not gonna be a Christmas break hook-up! You know why? ‘Cause I’m gonna be hooking up with other chicks!” Mario took a pause, “white chicks!” another pause, “I don’t know why I’m saying that. It’s you! Talk to me, boo!”
“Maybe she’s not home!” Monse called out as Mario turned.
“Oh. Hey, guys,” the three met on the street, “how was camp?”
“Terrible. Mildly life-changing,” Monse shrugged.
“I can see that,” Mario looked down at their chests.
“Shut up, Mario,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes as a blush came on and tried to hide her newly found breasts.
“You can? How?” Monse asked confused.
“You just...look, I probably have to go before traffic hits,” Mario changed subjects.
“No prob. Good luck at Cal,” Elizabeth waved.
“Thanks,” Mario sighed, “and you two, keep an eye on Ruby? Don’t know what that kid’s gonna do without me,”
Monse and Elizabeth arrived at Ruby’s house and to his now own room, “we’re back!”
“Can you guys move that side table?” Ruby pointed at the table.
“No, seriously, don’t make such a fuss. We’ve only been gone all summer but really, it’s no big deal,” Monse glared at the boys.
“How was camp?” Ruby reluctantly asked.
“Camp was fine. Notice anything different?” Elizabeth and Monse smiled wide.
“Both of you got boobs,” The boys said.
“You can wait for Cesar to help,” Elizabeth glared.
Jamal stood up, “then we’ll be waiting a long time,”
“Why?” Monse asked.
“Where is Cesar?” Elizabeth asked.
“We’re not talking to him,” Ruby shrugged.
“Y’all in a fight?” Monse asked, crossing her arms.
“Well, it wasn’t really a fight. More like…” Jamal started but Ruby cut him off, “we’re not getting into it. Trust us, Cesar’s not cool,”
“Well, I’m not cool being not cool,” Monse crossed her arms, “and why aren’t you at football?” Monse asked Jamal.
“We should really get to orientation,” Jamal changed subjects as he stood up, “before those lines get too big,”
“Yeah, I don’t want to get too sweaty for my ID. Like Mario said ‘it’s all about the right first impression,’” Ruby said, straightening his clothes.
“And sticking together! You’re definitely deflecting this whole Cesar sitch,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes, “so stop being bitches and tell us,”
“Right!” Monse agreed.
Now they were on their way to school and Monse was continuing to pester the boys while Elizabeth gave up and let Monse deal with that. However, it was kind of a backfire for Monse because the boys’ gave her the silent treatment.
“What happened with Cesar?” Monse threw her hands up, “this silent treatment will only last so long. I will break you,” a pause went by, “come on! There is no way Cesar did anything on purpose to destroy our crew,”
“He’s the glue of our crew!” Elizabeth added.
“That was then, this is now,” Jamal shrugged.
“Yeah. Cesar ain’t shit,” Ruby agreed.
They turned the corner to see the Prophets so Elizabeth alerted the crew, “shit, Prophets!”
Everyone was searching their clothes to see if there were any colors that would set off the gang members. Ruby took off his hoodie but messed his hair up a little.
“Damn it. Did I just jack my do?” Ruby pulled out his phone to see how it looked until he saw Jasmine, “code dread, code dread, code dread. Approaching on your six,”
“Yo! You guys going to orientation?” Jasmine’s voice popped up, “hey, you know my cousin, Berto, the fine one? Hey. His daughter, Letty, said it ain’t nothing unless you can’t spell your name and then you hold up the line and people get mad,” Jasmine ranted, “hey, why you guys walking so fast? You know I got asthma,”
“Sorry, Jasmine! We’re having a private convo,” Monse called out, “real sensitive stuff,”
“That’s what you always say!” Jasmine yelled but took a deep breath from her inhaler and began running after the crew.
They finally lost her after a few minutes and they breathed out a breath of relief not seeing Jasmine behind them anymore.
“Man, she is relentless,” Ruby shook his head.
“Nice save,” Jamal appraised Ruby,
“Oh, you’re not safe,” Monse interrupted.
“You’re threats aren’t penetrating, ok?!” Jamal said, “I’m not telling you what Cesar said,”
“Aha!” Monse turned to them, “so he did say something!”
“Jamal!” Ruby yelled, “do you need a muzzle? Monse, no offense, but you’re a loose cannon. We’re not telling you for your own protection,”
“My protection?” Monse leaned closer to Ruby, “eat a dick,”
“Case in point,” Ruby said, “you don’t even know and you’re at Defcon Solange,”
They continued walking and as they were walking past an alley they saw a guy getting jumped into a gang. Monse and Elizabeth began staring at the actions happening, but Ruby and Jamal took each of their arms.
“Don’t look,” Ruby grunted, “keep walking,”
“Why would anyone wanna get jumped on 19th street?” Jamal asked, “I’d join First Street. Only one second of pain,”
“Agreed,” Ruby said, “besides, who would want a lifetime commitment at our age?”
“Apparently neither of you,” Elizabeth chuckled.
“Lack of commitment seems to be a noticeable trend in this friendship,” Monse shook her head, “as does lack of space,” Monse pushed the boys away.
“We can’t tell you what Cesar said,” Jamal said.
Rap music was being played from down the street from a red Impala, “fine then. I’ll ask myself. Eli, let’s go,”
Monse walked in front of the car as a head stuck out of the window, “Hey, you crazy?!”
Monse and Elizabeth walked over to the driver’s side and leaned down, “we just wanted to let Cesar know that we were back in town,”
“And looking like some fine ass hynas,” the mystery cholo smirked.
“Underaged hynas,” Monse snapped.
“Not for some,” the cholo stared at Elizabeth, “it’s all good. You just look a lil different. What is it?”
“My boobs,” Monse deadpanned.
“Nah, you got your braces off,” he laughed, “and who are you, hermosa?”
“Elizabeth,” she blushed.
“Cool. Spooky,” he drove away as the girls went back to the boys on the sidewalk.
“When did Oscar get out?” Monse looked confused.
“Six weeks ago,” Ruby answered as they covered the girls cleavages with their sweaters.
“Now it makes sense! Whatever Cesar said, he said to impress Oscar. Cesar’s terrified of his brother,” Monse smiled.
“Along with everyone else,” Ruby said.
“Then who cares what he says,” Elizabeth shrugged.
“Oh, just drop it!” Jamal raised his voice.
“Do we look like we can just drop it?” Monse asked.
“Actually you do. You just won’t,” Jamal shrugged then a body jumped out from behind them.
“Tax time, bitches!” Latrelle said, “hands up, money out,”
“How can we take out money out with our hands up?” Elizabeth asked.
“I know you bookheads got that back to school gwop,” Latrelle scowled.
Monse started talking, “actually, it’s orientation day. Technically, we’re neither in school nor out of school. We’re…”
Ruby covered Monse’s mouth, “we don’t have any money,”
Latrelle gave a look to Jamal, “what about that 20?” Ruby groaned and handed Latrelle his 20.
Elizabeth, Monse, and Jamal were walking from orientation and were now in front of Cesar’s place that was filled with Santos. Monse and Jamal were going back and forth on the situation, but Elizabeth was stuck on the sight of “Spooky” working out as his muscles constricted when he lifted the weights. Slowly, she came back to reality and the bickering between Jamal and Monse.
“...but he would never join the gang. He’s an outlier so whatever is going on it isn’t that,” Monse snapped at Jamal.
“He isn’t the same,” Jamal said, “he dumped us,”
“But we weren’t here so it’s not official,” Monse looked across the street.
“If someone breaks up with you over text, is it official?” Jamal asked,
“Consider me the text,” Jamal clicked his tongue, “Ding! You’ve been dumped,” Elizabeth and Montse rolled their eyes and started going over there, “wait! Please don’t go. Please, you’re not… you’re not safe,”
“Why?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because…” Jamal looked at their newly developed chests, “both of you blossomed,”
“Blossomed?” Monse asked.
“Popped. Busted out. Puffed your party pillows. Whatever you wanna call your new cha-cha-bingos,” Jamla pointed towards the cholos, “these new homies he’s hanging with are thirsty,” Jamal threw his hoodie onto Monse, who tossed it back as Elizabeth and herself walked to the other side of the street, “Ok. don’t worry, girls! I got your back…”
The two approached the exiled friend as the other Santos turned to stare at the two walking up to the younger Diaz. Monse stopped in front of Cesar as Elizabeth, coincidentally, stood in front of Oscar, who was staring at her. The leader’s eyes felt like it was burning holes through Elizabeth’s face, but she didn’t make it look obvious even though there was a blush on her cheeks.
“I need to talk to you,” Monse said firmly.
“I’m listening,” Cesar stayed seated.
“Privately,” Elizabeth whispered as the Santos turned to stare at them longer.
“Yeah. We can go inside,” Cesar’s older brother cleared his throat, “but, uh, if you both wanna sit on my face, y’all gotta put those mouths on pause so I can concentrate,” Laughs were heard from the cholos so Monse quickly bailed and went back to Jamal; however, Elizabeth felt a wave of burning anger in her so she pulled her fist back and punched Cesar on the mouth. He groaned as Elizabeth leaned closer to whisper into his ear.
“Do not try to come back and get along with me until you make things right with Monse. I know what y’all did so I’m only doing this for her now,” Elizabeth said, “come near me and I will punch the shit out of you again,” Elizabeth left as Cesar looked at her with slight fear in his eyes and the cholos stared at her in lust after the action was taken by her. Her cheeks burned red at the attention especially from the certain leader that sat next to Cesar. Oohs were heard from the porch, but Elizabeth paid no mind to it as she went back to walking with Jamal and Monse.
“Cesar is dead to us!” Monse yelled.
“Told ya,” Jamal said as he ran to the back of the bushes.
“He doesn’t get to break up with us,” Elizabeth rolled her eyes, “we’re breaking up with him,”
“Sit on my face? Who says that?” Monse stuck her hands out.
“Chairs who can talk! And buttholes!” Jamal called out from the bushes.
“I wouldn’t put dumb crap like that past Oscar, but Cesar?” Monse asked in disbelief, “what happened to him?” Jamal was rolling around when Monse came into an idea, “Cesar’s gotta be hitting the pipe. Right? right!”
“Could be?” Elizabeth shrugged as Jamal jumped onto the next patch of grass. “That was totally out of character,” Monse shook her head, but realized what Jamal was doing, “what are you doing?”
“I’m getting into character,” Jamal sprayed water onto her armpits and clothes, “hey, pops. Say nothing and go with my flow,”
“Monse! Eli! Welcome back, babies. Ready for the new year?” Dwayne hugged both girls.
“Bound to be a lot of surprises,” Monse shrugged as she reciprocated the gift already.
“How was practice?” Dwayne asked his son.
“Yeah, how was practice?” Elizabeth smiled as Jamal threw his gym bag at her.
“I don’t know. Ask those D1 scouts who were all up on me,” Jamal pulled on his jersey.
Dwayne chuckled, “that’s my boy!” He pulled Jamal into a man hug then walked away with an extra pep to his step and back to his gardening.
“Did you quit the team and not tell your dad?” Monse asked.
“No,” Jamal looked at Monse, “yes. Look I suited up first day, and I just wasn’t feeling it,”
“Wasn’t feeling it?” Elizabeth threw the bag back at Jamal.
“Yeah. Wasn’t feeling like breaking my neck,” Jamal threw the bag down on the ground, “listen, everybody that knows me knows that I suck, except my pops. And he keeps thinking that I’m just gonna wake up one day and be him, and...I’m not him,” Jamal sighed, “I just need the right time to tell him,”
“How ironic that a guy that can’t keep a secret is keeping the biggest secret of his life,” Monse smirked, “I’m gonna rat you out to your dad,” her smirk fell, “unless you drop the 411 about Cesar. What did he say?”
“No!” Jamal denied.
“Yes!” Monse said, “Mr. Turn-”
Jamal covered Monse’s mouth, “Cesar said you let him hit it before you left for camp,” Jamal said in one breath.
The two girls were fuming and decided to do a group call later with Ruby to find out the context and how he said it, but Elizabeth had work that night so she couldn’t participate, settling on telling Monse to keep her updated. A long six hours of working, she got off at 10pm and checked her phone to see a text from Monse telling her to meet at Dwayne’s joint at five to chop it up.
The next day came around and Monse and Elizabeth were at the joint with Jamal as he and Elizabeth worked. Elizabeth sometimes worked for Dwayne to earn a little extra money to prevent herself from asking for money from her mother because her mother was already deep in debt and Elizabeth was doing anything in her power to help her out.
“That’s the eleventh text,” Monse sighed, “Ruby’s almost 2 hours late,”
“He said he’ll be here, so he’ll be here. Trust me,” Jamal gave the customer his order.
“Yeah, Mon. Chill,” Elizabeth smirked.
“Said the guy pretending to play football?” Monse stared at Jamal. 
“Maybe my pops won’t notice,” Jamal hoped.
“I don’t think that’s possible, J,” Elizabeth motioned towards the countless photos of Jamal playing football.
“Where the hell is Ruby?” Jamal put his hand on his head.
After a few minutes, Monse and Elizabeth decided to go to Ruby’s house to see what was going on. The two rushed in through the door to see Ruby standing on top of a table, wearing a pink dress, and Abuelita was hemming it.
“What the hell is going on ?” Monse asked.
“I think it’s pretty obvious,” Ruby rolled his eyes.
“Great,” Monse rolled her eyes, “so, walk me through the moment Cesar said what he said,”
“Don’t worry about it,” Ruby looked at Monse.
“There you go again,” Monse crossed her arms.
“There you go again what?” Ruby looked confused.
“Keeping things from us,” Elizabeth stood by Monse’s side, “stop withholding things from us,”
Monse pulled Ruby outside onto the porch, “Monse, wait! Monse! We need to go back inside,”
Monse faced Ruby, “what did Cesar exactly say? And how did he say it? We need context, tone. We need to know, Ruby.”
“Y’all know what I know,” Ruby insisted, “what I don’t know is why he said it. But he said it. We tried to get him to take it back, but he wouldn’t. So what can we do? Drop it,”
“I can’t,” Monse looked down.
“Why not?” Ruby asked.
“‘Cause I’m still figuring out if I still hate him. You heard what your brother said. How are we gonna survive high school without Cesar?” Monse said.
“Mario’s not some sage. Don’t take his words to heart, it’s just words,” Ruby tried to persuade Monse, but she wouldn’t give up.
“If that’s true then why should we take Cesar’s words to heart?” Monse turned the tables, “they’re just words,”
“Sometimes, it’s not what you say, but how you say it. And Cesar said it like he meant it. But things could be worse,”
“What’s worse than losing a friend?” Elizabeth asked.
“Entering high school with a rep,” Ruby said, “you’re smart enough to know that a rumor could ruin your life,” Monse and Elizabeth nodded, “but it’s contained.”
“You’re right. No one knows,” Monse sighed.
Jasmine rode by Ruby’s house with her scooter, but she stopped to talk to the three, “hi! Damn, Ruby. I see you! I see you! And I’m down with it,” Jasmine winked at Ruby, “I like the freaky, just like Monse,” 
“What are you talking about?” Elizabeth asked.
“Y’all ain’t gotta be shy with me,” Jasmine smiled, “I know Cesar and Monse be getting it in,” Jasmine humped the air.
“No one knows?! Really?” Monse scoffed, “I officially hate the traitor, and now I’m gonna kick his ass,”
“Girl, I’m coming with,” Elizabeth growled.
“Monse! Eli!” Ruby ran back inside to take the dress off as the two girls got closer to the Diaz residence.
The two girls arrived at the Diaz house to see Cesar riding his skateboard and Oscar chilling on the wall. When they saw the suspect, Monse marched her way to Cesar and pushed him off of his skateboard.
“You little bitch!” Monse yelled as she began hitting Cesar.
“Damn, that hyna’s wild. Must be a freak on all fours,” a cholo said.
“Shut the fuck up, cabron. Before you’re gonna be like little homie over there,” Elizabeth snapped at the nearest cholo.
“I fought for you. I had your back. For what? For you to impress your puto friends and humiliate me?” Monse continued hitting Cesar as he tried to shield his face from the enraged girl on top of him.
“Hermanito, you better back up before you get smacked up,” Oscar smirked.
Elizabeth turned to the leader, “Callate, puto. You aboutta be smacked up like tú hermanito,”
“Watch it now, nena,” Oscar winked at the spitfire sophomore.
“Monse! Eli!” Jamal yelled as Ruby and Jamal pulled Monse to the sidewalk.
Elizabeth glared at the leader of the Santos as she walked back to her group of friends to listen to what they had to say.
“This is why we didn’t want to tell you guys!” Ruby yelled.
“Y’all goin’ crazy!” Jamal added.
“Crazy? We’re crazy?!” Monse yelled.
“Calm down. Breath,” Ruby tried to calm Monse down.
“Don’t you patronize me!” Monse pushed Jamal, “I don’t need you! Any of you! I was just trying to keep our crew together, but since Eli and I are the only ones who cares, y’all are dead to me! I’ll survive on my own,” Monse walked off.
The three stood completely dumbfounded by the afrolatina’s rant, but began walking home until a certain voice stopped them.
“Elizabeth,” The three turned to see Oscar standing on the steps of the porch, “come here,”
Jamal and Ruby looked at Elizabeth, asking if they should stay with her, but she knew that they were scared to even stay another minute, “it’s alright. I’ll text y’all when I get home,”
The two boys nodded and rushed to get home and avoid the feared leader so Elizabeth turned to walk towards the now empty porch. Oscar stood on the porch with a strong pose that oozed power and a smirk showed proudly upon his lips.
“Y-y-yeah,” Elizabeth stuttered.
“Let’s go inside so we can talk,” Oscar turned to the door to open it for her.
“No, gracias. Podemos hablar aquí,” Elizabeth blushed.
“Por qué eres tímido ahora? You were just talking real big, bebita,” Oscar smirked at the sudden shy girl in front of him.
“I w-was just heated i-in that moment,” Elizabeth put her arms behind her back and looked down when she felt the leader’s stare on her face.
“Alright. Let me see tu teléfono,” Oscar held out his hand.
“Por qué,” Elizabeth looked at him confused.
“Let me just see it. I’m gonna give you my number,” Elizabeth handed him her phone, “you can text me whenever and call me. If you need anything then hit me up, hermosa,”
“Oh, o-ok. Gracias, Spooky. Call me Eli. I kind of don’t like my name,”
“Oscar. Call me Oscar and no problema, princesa,” Oscar winked, “let me walk you home. Where do you stay at?”
“A few houses that way,” she pointed to her right.
“Alright. Vamos, hermosa,” Oscar walked down the steps, holding his hand out to help Elizabeth down the stairs, “so why haven’t I met you yet?”
“estaba en la prisión when I started hanging out with the crew,” Elizabeth shrugged.
Oscar nodded, “well, I find you muy hermosa. Let me get to know you,”
They were in front of her house as she leaned on the gate with Oscar leaning his hand next to her body and the other hand in his pocket, “we’ll see, Oscar Diaz. Buenas noches,”
“Buenas noches, hermosa,” Oscar smirked at the girl that walked under his arm to go inside the gate.
She had to work the next day so she immediately did her nightly routine then fell asleep in her bed with dreams of the big bad leader that live a few houses down. Her dreams carried her away and into dreamland until 7 am and her alarm blaring and telling her to get up. Elizabeth groaned as she slammed her hand down on the alarm and got up to get ready for the day. Once she was dressed and ready to go, she started cooking breakfast for herself and her mother since her dad was at the hospital still so she settled for eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns so she wouldn’t be late to the bus.
Elizabeth closed the front door and made her way to the bus stop with her earphones pushed into her ears with music blasting to keep her distracted from her surroundings. After a short five minute walk to the bus stop, a red Impala pulled up in front of it, but Elizabeth didn’t pay any mind to it until the driver had honked his horn. She looked up fast and saw the familiar bald head and bicep tattoo.
“H-hey,” Elizabeth smiled.
“Where you headed?” Oscar raised an eyebrow.
“Some of us have to work and can’t lead a gang,” Elizabeth chuckled.
“Where is it at? I can drive you,” Oscar leaned over to open the door.
Elizabeth thought for a second before getting in, “it’s in San Bernardino. Amazon warehouse,”
“Why are you working there?” Oscar began driving the car, “don’t you gotta have your diploma for that?”
“Yup, but I have some connections and they let me work there. They pay well and I got enough saved for the future,” Elizabeth sighed.
“Whatchu savin’ up for in the future?” Oscar glanced at the young girl.
“That’s gotta be at a later time,” Elizabeth shrugged, “if y-you even s-stick around,”
Half an hour passed with small talk between the two until they finally arrived in front of the warehouse building. Elizabeth gathered her stuff and opened the door to get out until a hand touched her forearm, 
“Mamita, what time you getting off?”
Elizabeth turned with her cheeks ablazed, “3. Bye, Oscar. Thanks for the ride,”
It was the end of Elizabeth’s shift and she made her way out after clocking out and as she opened the door, she saw the familiar Impala with a familiar body leaning against the front. She walked up to the body with red cheeks that seemed to always come when he was around.
“W-what are you doing here?” Elizabeth cleared her throat.
“What does it look like?” Oscar smirked, “picking you up, bebe,” Oscar opened the passenger door for her so she got inside and fiddled with her fingers as Oscar went around to get into the driver’s side. When he got inside, Elizabeth quietly thanked him for taking her to work and picking her up, 
“Gracias, Oscar, for picking me up and dropping me off,”
“No problema,” Oscar looked straight ahead at the traffic and a comfortable silence followed. “You’re very shy pero you have a fire in your eyes that you won’t let out. Por que?” Oscar questioned her as they got closer to Freeridge.
They were getting closer as Elizabeth thought about her answer until they reached her place, “some things...are meant to be kept inside,” she opened the door and got out, “bye, Oscar,”
The two went separate ways as the days went by and it was the first day of school. Elizabeth’s alarm went off as she groaned and slammed the snooze button to rub her eyes. At that moment, her mother came in and sat on her bed with a small smile at the sight of her daughter waking up, reminding the mother of the past times her daughter woke up.
“Mi amor, time to get up. It’s time for school and I made breakfast before I have to leave for work,” Leticia Hernandez smoothed down Elizabeth’s hair.
“Gracias, ma,” Elizabeth smiled before it dropped, “how is papa?”
“Tu papa es bueno pero still the same,” Leticia teared up, “things will be ok, mija,”
“I know, mama,” Elizabeth kissed her mother’s cheek, “I paid the phone bill and the internet bill so don’t worry about that,”
“Mija, don’t do that,” Leticia slightly frowned, “you should keep that money for you. I got the bills,”
“I know, ma, pero it’s fine. I have enough for myself. I just wanna help relieve some stress from you,” Elizabeth pouted.
Leticia’s eyes began overwhelmed with tears as it began running down her cheeks, “I don’t deserve a daughter like you,”
“Yes you do, ma,” Elizabeth hugged her mom, “you deserve the world with how hard you’re working. Now get to work so you’re not late and so I can get ready for school,”
“Wait, before we do that. I got something for you in the mail,” Leticia pulled out a letter, “read it,”
Elizabeth took the envelope and saw “UCLA” on the corner, when she saw it, her heart pounded in her chest and she began to get nervous, “open it, mija,” her mother softly said, Elizabeth’s hand shook as she opened the envelope and took the paper out. Her eyes skimmed over the letter and stopped at the first few lines of the letter seeing the “congratulations.”
The two cheered and jumped around with tears going down their eyes, but soon embraced each other in a long hug. After a few minutes, they went their separate ways to continue with their day as Leticia left the house to go to the hospital for her shift as a registered nurse. Elizabeth went down to eat her breakfast, but was able to finish half of it so she packed it to put it in the fridge then did her morning routine. Once everything was done, she put on her denim shorts and a black v-neck t-shirt with checkered Vans slip-ons that adorned her feet. When she grabbed her backpack from next to her bed, she left her humble abode and to the Diaz house to meet with the gang.
“‘Sup, guys,” Elizabeth yawned, “we waiting for Diaz?”
The group nodded as the sound of a door opening caught their attention even more when Cesar walked out and to the group. Everyone looked at each other then began walking to school to start off the new year.
“I can’t do this,” Jamal said, “I can’t keep secrets! It’s gonna make me implode! I don’t know why anybody keeps secrets,”
“There is something I need to tell you guys,” Monse said before gunshots rang out.
“.44!” Everyone yelled with a smile for the feel of things going back.
However, that was when a car pulled up next to them, “Cesar,” Oscar called out as he got out and pulled the seat to allow enough space for Cesar to get through.
Cesar looked at the group then went into the car with his older brother and gang before Oscar pushed the seat back and got in himself, sparing a glance towards the crew. He drove away as the group followed to stand in the middle of the road looking at the back of the Impala.
“What were you going to say?” Ruby asked as he turned to Monse.
“Cesar,” Monse turned to the remaining group, “we need to save him,”
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dapper-nahrwhale · 4 years
for the writing ask, number 3!
Asiksj thanks so much for the ask!! (Under the cut is some fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been writing)
"One scene you want to write but cant because its difficult"
I guess it's hard for me to write like cohesive scenes like I'm used to writing slightly connected oneshots like 5 + 1 type stuff, shortish scenes that arnt connected much. But writing like stuff with connected plots is difficult, coming up with ideas for plot is easy actually writing it all together is hard.
Like theres like this fantasy high mafia road trip thing au (the title would be Pretty like a Car Crash from some song I think) I'd want to write but... trying to put together a whole plot ugh I enjoy writing lil oneshots and scenes but trying to get it all figured put is hmm not my strong suit.
Like writing out whole scenes that are connected with actual plot is hard so I just write unconnected scenes and all I'd like to figure out how to do like whole stuff but idk.
Actually some writing (fantasy high riz and aelwyn friendship I've been cooking up) under the cut cuz it got pretty long
I'm not going to write out a whole entire plot multiple chapter thing here so I'll just write some stuff that I've been working on. Even though this is a multi chartered plot thing so.
The road to recovery is paved in sleepless nights and tired mornings. (Title)
The bad kids are rightfully wary about letting them hang out together. Partly because they're both paranoid enough to think the other would take an attack of opportunity on them. Of course what the bad kids didn't expect was for them to band together when someone else gets murdered. Basrar gets framed for murder. Riz and aelwyn are on the case.
Riz doesnt like or trust Aelwyn. Aelwyn doesnt care about his opinion, but it's easier to try and get along with each other to make this long suffering case go by quicker.
Aelwyn decided to stop doing super toxic things because her sister and jawbone have gotten her to and because she doesn't like or enjoy going to parties getting rekt and kissing strangers anymore. So she needs new, slightly less toxic habits and if staying up late researching stuff while not sleeping is that then the only one to also do that would work. Putting her high intelligence to good use. (Sleeping is hard for both of them, so why not be productive instead of going to have a bad time sleeping.)
They've both killed more people then they should have. They both refuse to talk about too much with jawbone, even though at this point they really should. Instead they avoid all of their problems by solving cases and researching stuff. They both value knowledge. Adaine isn't here because she'd only discourage them and they know it's not healthy to burn out like this but. Well. It's the only way they know how to function. So. They don't talk about their feelings or anything. They both don't sleep at all if they can help it. They just work themselves to the bone, refuse to sleep because of really bad nightmares and hope it's enough. It isnt. But they'd really like to think it was.
Combined, they would sleep about 6 hours, riz passed out for 4 and aelwyn trancing fitfully for 2.
(Aelwyn will trance for just a few hours, sitting in a creaky old chair while riz works on something or other. They make it a rule to always have one of them awake if the other is sleeping when they end up working late. Paranoia and all that. So whenever riz inevitably passes out in his desk aelwyn will keep watch and go over spells in her book to keep herself awake. It's a shot system but it works for the most part. Sometimes they'll both stay up the entire night, sometimes theyll both be too exhausted to stay up anymore and fall asleep at the same time.)
To solve the case they hole up in rizs office for a few days, everyone panics at first when neither go to school and then riz and aelwyn dont answer their crystals cuz it wasnt charged and they were so focused on the case they forgot to do school. They freak out considering what happend last time and actually bust down the door of his office and find them both sleeping. It's cute but they wake up and start fighting them before they realize oh it's just the bad kids.
(Undetermined time later)
"Just had to get away from adaine for a bit. She worries about me too much."
"Are you giving her reason to be worried?"
"I dont know how sam and adaine and everyone else can forgive me. I'm a terrible person." Alewyn
"Were. You were a terrible person. You arnt anymore. Even if you think you still are, you arnt anymore. The horrors you have done are not who you are. Or something like that. The you who did all the terrible things is still you and that sucks but you just have to do better now" Riz
"It doesnt make up for all the stuff I've done."
"Probably not. It might never."
"Ostentasia still hasn't talked to me or even been in the same room as me. and I cant blame her. I cant forgive myself."
"Yeah. I mean you did put her in a palimpsest prison for several months. And then almost get her and the other maidens sacrificed to our evil vice principle dragon. That's pretty messed up "
She feels she doesnt deserve her new family. She hasn't done anything to deserve their free love. She in fact has done more to hinder it than anything.
Adaine reminds her of love without expectations. It's hard to remember but shes getting better at it.
Jawbone tells her he wanted to adopt her. She didnt understand why. Shes almost old enough to be on her own she doesnt need anyone to look out for her. But it would be nice to have a parent who cares. At least that's what adaine tells her.
Everyone else is getting better and they both feel like they're not.
This is by no means all of it or in any way done or edited and I'm still working on riz parts of it, those are much more difficult than aelwyns for me to write as of now because they're so based on my own personal stuff kinda but I'm so wicked excited to be writing this! I just think they're friendship would be so intersting and all!
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pussytime · 4 years
|| ohfuckno’s second, messier masterlist ||
heyo peeps!!! so, i “orphaned” (cuz there’s no option to actually orphan fics on tumblr, so i just removed them from my main masterlist) some fics from my main, and all of them can be found here (including the non-orphaned fics)! :))
Tumblr media
Natasha Romanoff x Reader:
The Majestic Devils || ONGOING
You wake up in an underground obsidian cave in Hell with no memory whatsoever. Amongst the confusion of being in a new place with no recollection of who you are, a certain redhead, who happens to be the Queen of Hell, reveals some crucial information to you that will change how you view her forever.
{individual warnings for each chapter}
ONE - The Dummy’s Arrival
TWO – The First Conversation
THREE – An Unfortunate Encounter-ish
FOUR - Being Au Fait with Hell
FIVE – Two Awkward Idiots being Awkward
SIX - The Garden Talk
SEVEN -  Is Everything Okay?
EIGHT - Bring You Back
NINE - Creation of an Insurmountable Force from a Barren Womb
TEN - A New Fire
ELEVEN - The Last Battle
TWELVE - The Devil’s Homecoming
THIRTEEN - Nick’s Trial
FOURTEEN - Finding Middle Ground
Experiment || FINISHED
A mission brings you back to your traumatic past, let’s see what happens.
violence, angst, a bit of fluff
Part-1 : Underground
Part-2 : Hey y/n!
Part-3 : Lab Hamster
Part-4 : EGS37
Tipsy Basketball || oneshot
fluffy –> tiny fight –> fluffy
Imprinted || oneshot
You and Nat have a day off and decide to hike to the waterfall, and BOOM, now you have 7 kids. FLUFF
Mannequin || oneshot
Natasha and you have a horrible fight, and break up after being together for four years. After the breakup, you both lost parts of yourself. ANGST
It Was Nice Knowing You || oneshot
You and Natasha have been together for two years. Two years of being together, and you break her heart in the worst way possible. IT IS RAINING ANGST IN THIS ONE
Only If She Knew || oneshot
You haven’t led the most righteous life, but will that lead to Nat having doubts about your relationship?? Why don’t you come and find out, huh?? Oh, and minor warning, it’s gon’ be ANGST.
Rotisserie Chicken || oneshot
Wade is visiting, Steve gets traumatised. FLUFF
Big Oof || oneshot
You’re a jock, she’s a nerd, what more can I say than I am bad at summaries. FLUFF FLOOF FLUFF!!
Times New Roman || oneshot
Nat is, well, acting, umm, kinda unusual- LIKE A DEMON!!! Also, you need a summary for 414 words?? JUST- just read it?? ???
Nat?? || oneshot
It’s your wedding day, and the most unexpected, random thing happens. 1674 words. FLUFF.
Nat being obsessed with kissing you || hcs
The Devils Universe:
These are set in the same general setting (hell au) and don’t affect the plot of The Majestic Devils :))
Never Gonna Get Over You || Carol Danvers x Reader || oneshot
You are the Ruler of Hell, and the Queen of Heaven, Carol Danvers has the hots for you, even though that bitch is in constant denial of her own horniness. Let’s see what happens at a certain gala. SMUT. 18+ ONLY.
Ruler of Hell!Reader shamelessly flirting with Queen of Heaven!Carol || hcs
The Avengers accidentally summoning you, the Ruler of Hell, on a game night || hcs/blurb
Wanda Maximoff x Reader:
Come With Us? || ONGOING
Wanda and you are retiring from the Avengers along with your mentor, Natasha, to go live on a secluded hill-top.
{individual warnings for each chapter}
Wanda dating a touch starved Reader || hcs
Wanda falling in love with Civilian!Reader || hcs
Being in a sapphic skateboarders’ gang and dating emo!Wanda || hcs
Carol Danvers x Reader:
Hurtful Endings & New Beginnings: Part-1 // Part-2 || FINISHED
Carol has a crush on you, and is a gay mess, let’s see what happens.
a bit of drinking, rest is FLUFF
Go A Little Easy (On Me) || blurb || 400 souls celebration
alexithymia (n) the inability to express your feelings // basorexia (n); the overwhelming desire to kiss // akrasia (n) lack of self control
a bit of blood, a lot of fluff
Hoeing Around The Galaxy:
You’re an intergalactic outlaw, going around the galaxy, just having fun ;)……this is basically a fem!reader-insert smut series with different characters in each chapter.
Series Warnings - This is just…a whole lotta smut. They’re all just boning down in each chapter. Each chapter will have individual warnings. || 18+ ONLY
ONE - Sly Motherfucker || Carol Danvers X Reader
You go to the bar to collect the payment for one of your recent jobs, but when the middleman bails on you, and you end up finding some wayyyy better company.
Yelena Belova x Reader:
Cotton Candy || blurb || 400 souls celebration
3) first kiss // 7) Your friends walk in on your kissing but they don’t know about your relationship
Bobbi Morse x Reader:
Stay || oneshot || 400 souls celebration
Prompt - 2) Your child (goddaughter*) holds their hand instead of yours by mistake // Dystopian AU
Maria Hill x Reader:
Lost In You || blurb || 400 souls celebration
Prompts - basorexia (n); the overwhelming desire to kiss // sehnsucht (n): the inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what, a yearning for far, familiar, non- earthy land one can identify as one’s home // 27) They get hurt and you patch them up
Wade Wilson & Reader:
Being best-friends with Wade Wilson would include || hcs
Saala Dard || Safeena x Reader (Gully Boy) || [english translation]
Unable to hide your feelings from her any longer….you finally tell her.
SMUT, fluff, cheating, angst….18+ ONLY
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