#I know I don’t want color this time
ashesofacheron · 9 months
Beep ignore this shit but ofc whenever I can schedule a tattoo appt I finally know what I’m getting
Yes ofc it’s another band related tattoo to likely match my La Dispute tatt.
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puppyeared · 11 months
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Wyrm on a string
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cowardlykrow · 5 days
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Even a hero needs some hope
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swedenis-h · 6 months
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Phoenix Tatooine day trip Goes Wrong™️ (X)
This is a little idea where Luke needs something (don’t ask me what) that he can only get on tatooine, so dinluke adventure ensues. The plan is to get there and leave ASAP, but then nostalgia hits and he needs to hit every shop and place he used to as a kid. But you know, “college kids comes back to hometown” syndrome hits and he realizes he’s changed too much. Think of how the holiday season doesn’t feel the same anymore now that you’re an adult, same feeling. AND YES ITS ALSO DUNLUKE BECAUSE I WANT THEM TO KISS AND TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS AND ALSO KISS.
Heres some extras 🫡
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3amsnek · 1 year
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more aro week dragon! he’s very enthusiastic about his job <3 (flags: aromantic, demiromantic, cupioromantic, aroace, greyromantic)
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fahbev · 2 months
hey @sillysealll!! Im the anon who sent you this ask. I did in fact end up doing it.
So here’s my… I don’t even know what to call it? It’s not a redraw because I definitely traced it, but it’s also more than just a coloring job. I guess I can call it an edit?
Here’s my edit of the first page of sillysealll’s amazing kid gang au!
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and down here is the original ⬇️
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soooo… you may have noticed that I changed Jason’s outfit. That was by accident 😔. I misunderstood his clothes and by the time I realized, I was already committed. So then I thought… what if he’s just borrowing Dick’s hoodie? So I colored it red and here he is. Wearing Dicks hoodie.
also, I tried to keep with the original style, but by the time I got to inking that was kind of out the window bc I got super pen-happy.
Oh, also also! Nobody asked but this was my Batmobile ref (I flipped it)
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I gotta find a faster way of coloring— I literally traced your art and it still took me 11 hours
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hey guys just doodling the guy again (i am booed offstage)
#death note#l lawliet#bright colors#eyestrain#my art#yeah it’s him again#went to actually draw something but like#eh#might as well draw this guy#i’m projecting my tiredness onto him but is it really projection if he’s also tired? i don’t think so#i would pay cash money to pass out for the next 24 hours dm me and i’ll give you my location and u can bonk me on the head w a bat#genuinely think the lack of sleep has been aggravating a lot of my issues i’ve been weirdly flipping between like#paranoia and weirdly happy and irrational anger and just deeply numb#which actually now that i think about it is exactly what happens every time i don’t sleep enough for long enough#methinks i should sleep more snork mimimi it makes my brain work better#god i want to sleep so bad rn#but i have to do laundry and make 2 pies for other people to consume tomorrow#i plan on decorating the crusts w dicks or smth bc i hate the people it’s going to and they are very conservative religious sorta vibes#but some people there would get a kick out of it (the good ones)#u know i was wondering if i really complain about being tired enough for those anons about sleep and y’know what#i really do#and i will forever#if i’m tired u will know of it and thats because it’s always#maybe i should try that caffeine shit people rave about (<- has not drank energy drinks or sodas or coffees since i was like. 14)#actually i think my heart would give out idk what’s with it but it gets silly sometimes so i don’t think it would like caffeine#or maybe idc who knows#the best solution imo is passing out forever and ever and waking up and hopefully being refreshed or smth
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the-real-couchrat · 2 months
Posting some mini art tutorials while I work on some bigger projects.
First we have Darceus Alamastern, created by @toothpastecanyon in Unto Dust
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And last (but not least) we have Nxlar the Antithetical, made by @gnomewithalaptop in Transcendence AU dash simulator and also appeared in The Comfort of Agony chapter 8
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starryluminary · 1 year
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Ridonculous Race but Noah is friends with Owen part 4.5: Don’t worry buddy, I’m right here with you.
Thankfully, Hello and Dubai didn’t have anything too bad with Noah and Owen!
The only thing I thought about changing in this episode is Noah being *just* a tad more willing to help Owen with his fear, so consider this reparations for every scowl and yelp Noah lets out in that regard
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we all broke our rules for someone
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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Work in progress Wednesday, why not? A snippet of June under.
He couldn’t stop the sob that wracked his chest. He tried to pull away, hide the shame he felt from his misery and the pain from his body’s ever changing reaction to his losses, but his daughter would not allow it. She held onto him, hand aglow, looking right into his eyes.
And though it was the very last thing he wanted to do, he accepted her solace and support. He no longer tried to get away. Instead, Seteth quietly gasped and wiped away his tears the best he could.
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juvellianthebee · 2 months
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firein-thesky · 2 months
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—————————————— Nynseph ——————————————
daughter of death, born with too much life. clawed her way out of her own grave, from the underworld, from her father’s frigid embrace. sister killer, life saver. the great change of the seasons, from pale winter to shuddering, hot spring. the flower and the serpent underneath. death’s lost love; the seed to his scythe. so desperate to defy fate and their red strings. life-sworn; promised to protect nature and in doing so, defying her own. wayward, aching, furious soul, begging for forgiveness. begging for life, for love, for a world untorn. begging to bury her father’s sickle, so that she may bloom.
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loopalooploop · 2 years
I started this project in June and I’m finally done! So for the 20th anniversary (late I know lol) I present my own Princess Tutu doll!
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3amsnek · 1 year
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she’s going to break something
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stickyspeckledlight · 2 months
ok but aventurine and ratio have such a complex and beautiful dynamic that it nearly drives me to tears for the sheer beauty of it. Yes this is a prelude to a much longer ramble I will compose when I get back to my computer.
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