#I think it could be fun I like billy being disruptive
hawkeyeharrington · 2 years
The 5 times You and Steve ‘Accidentally’ Kissed
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Brief mention of beat up Steve, a very distorted timeline because I just wrote what I wanted.
Word Count: 2423
An anon request for a prequel based on Nightmares, where I mentioned Steve and Reader had accidentally kissed before. Don’t need to read the main fic to understand anything!
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The first time was in the hallways at Hawkins during a school dance. You tagged along with your friends and their boyfriends, which naturally meant you stood awkwardly by the drinks table, nodding gently every time Mr Clarke tried to make the situation less painful for you, all while he stood guard of the punch.
As you watched everyone pair up for a dance, you forced a smile and waved goodbye as you turned and left. You figured if you hovered outside time might pass a little faster and your mom would arrive to pick you up in no time.
However, it doesn’t work like that. You stood outside the hall, humming quietly to yourself as you leaned against the lockers in a world of your own. You were disrupted as the music got louder before getting muffled again, a sign that the door had been opened.
“Hey, are you okay?” A concerned voice echoed.
“Yep, just peachy. Shouldn’t you be dancing with whatever lady likes you and your fancy hair today?” You teased, your posture straightening to seem less upset by your current situation.
“I should be, but she took one look at Billy and now they’ve disappeared to what I can only assume is the back of the bleachers.” He shuddered, laughing quietly at your grimace that you couldn’t conceal. He came up beside you, falling against the lockers on his side so he could look at you clearly.
At this point you didn’t really know Steve, sure you had been to some of his parties that the entirety of the school were invited to, had the same classes and had the odd friendly conversation, but you were both in different leagues popularity wise. But that didn’t seem to matter at that moment in time.
“That’s not an image I needed but here we are I guess.” You smiled, looking up at him. “At least you were smart enough to come to a dance with someone, makes the first half less boring at least.”
“You didn’t come with anyone? You’re a catch, I don’t believe that.”
You rolled your eyes. “Not everyone has people throwing themselves at them, almost demanding a date.” You felt his breath hit the side of your face as he moved closer, his arm resting above him, against the locker. Naturally you felt your heart skip a beat as you watched him closely.
“This was set up by Tommy thinking he’s smart and assuming I can’t have fun on my own. We could have been annoyed by Mr Clarke together if that happened.” He smirked.
“You were watching me? I was just taking a breather.” You lied, trying to seem cooler than you came across.
“Doesn’t matter what you were doing, you look beautiful tonight. You deserve someone to tell you that.” He whispered, inching in again.
“What are you doing?” You questioned, ignoring any thoughts that were screaming at you to back away before you got caught. His hand dropped to your waist, your breath hitching in response.
“You can tell me to stop whenever you want.” He hummed seconds before his lips were on yours. You responded instantly, perhaps too quickly, but that didn’t matter as his firm grasp on your hip reminded you what was happening. 
It was over just as quick as it started, as you heard his name being called from the top of the hall, unable to attach the voice to a person you pulled away, meeting Steve dazed eyes again.
“They know we spiked the punch before they were at the table! We gotta go!” You heard a femine voice shout. You watched as Steve's calm persona returned. “I’ll speak to you later.” He winked before jogging away.
He didn’t speak to you for another month, that’s why it’s classed as an accident. It’s also why you never told him that was your first kiss.
The first time the kids witnessed any affection between the two of you was just before you all got separated, you going off with Hopper and Joyce, while everyone else was going to keep El safe. 
You and Steve teamed together given the choice, being two of the oldest people in the room. Once it was announced you would be separated, Hopper and Joyce needing your help he pulled you to the side. 
“I promise I’ll be okay.” You smiled, reaching for his hand. “They’re not going to let anything happen to me, they’ve basically adopted me at this point.” You joked, giving his hand a light squeeze.
“I’m not concerned about them looking out for you, I’m concerned about what you’ll be up against.” Steve clarified, pulling you a little closer when he caught Dustin trying to hear what was being discussed. “I’d prefer it if I was there with you.” He admitted, you caught his cheeks reddening ever so slightly.
“And if you were with me, who would be here to make sure the kids were safe? We both know they essentially need to be kept on a lead and within six feet of you at all times. They trust you more than me, take it as a compliment you’re being asked to stay with them.”
He opened his mouth to protest but you heard Hopper calling your name, a slight growl to his tone as he was getting impatient. You also heard Joyce telling him off which made you duck your head to conceal your giggle. “I’ll be back before you know it.” You assured him before making the bold choice to press a kiss to his cheek.
Steve, out of confusion leaned in closer, ending up with his lips on yours. Your brain, not fully registering what was happening, out of panic made you pull back far too quickly, looking up at him with wide eyes, his expression being one of embarrassment.
“I’ll see you later.” You whispered, dropping his hand before walking away as quickly as possible, while he watched you walk away. 
“Well you fucked that up didn’t you.” Dustin called out, only to be hit by the blanket Steve grabbed from the side.
“Was this on your bingo card for tonight?” You whispered, trying to lighten the mood. Given the current circumstance of you and Steve being pressed up against each other in a supply cupboard, hiding from a demogorgon that was prowling up and down the school corridors you deemed it necessary.
“Well there’s worse people I could be stuck with.” He teased, letting out a quiet laugh, his breath fanning against your hair. “Situation could be better though.” He muttered, clearly not understanding how close you were in the dark.
“This is like seven minutes in heaven, life or death edition.” You hummed out in response, ignoring the way your heart skipped at his previous words.
You felt his eyes drop lower to try to see yours in the darkness, his hand trailing down your arm. “Is that really where your mind is now? You disgust me.” He laughed, you could feel it vibrate through his body to yours. “We could be eaten alive at any moment and you wanna make out with me.” He smirked as his hand found yours, you quickly gripped it back.
“The situation could be better, but what a way to go.” You whispered, squeezing his hand back. You both stood in silence, unsure if he was considering what you were unintentionally offering or listening for any sounds outside. You were supposed to be quiet after all. 
You felt his whole body shift in front of yours, before his lips grazed yours gently.
Before you could even register what was happening there was a loud knock at the door, followed by Dustin’s hushed voice. “Are you fully dressed in there? We can make a run for it!” You felt Steve’s body tense against yours before the door was opened, wincing at the light you brought your hand up to your eyes, dropping Steves in the process. “Oh excellent, you didn’t take this opportunity to you know..” He nodded in your direction, not needing words to make clear what he was implying. 
“Shut up asshole.” Steve groaned, stepping out to shove him before striding off.
The fourth time wasn’t really considered an accident by everyone who had caught, or heard, about the interaction but both you and Steve were adamant it was an accident. Well, you told everyone it was an accident and Steve really played into it.
Not many people will ever understand the adrenaline that runs through a person's body if you don’t know what happens under everyone's noses at Hawkins, but everyones seen the movies of how people do random acts under the impression of adrenaline.
Attracting demodogs to your location is one crazy moment, but then beating them up with a nailed bat is too much for your brain to comprehend. Never in your meagre, normal life did you think you’d be spending your evening with Steve Harrington and a bunch of just-teenagers beating up dog-like aliens.
So as Steve retreated back to the abandoned school bus, you reached for his hand, pulling him forward, letting him crash on top of you as you both kicked the door shut. The wooden bat was the only thing that fell planned and gracefully making it avoid you by a distance.
There was silence as the demodogs were working out their next move, the kids shouting at Steve for being an idiot, you couldn’t quite make the words out as you laid there, panting with your eyes locked with his.
There was no hesitation before you gripped his jacket and pulled him down hard. His lips messily met yours, teeth clashing together. The kiss merely a release, desperation to make sure he was still with you. You have no idea how long you were like that, but Dustin's echoing voice shouting “Ew! Right now? Really?!” Pulled you out of it.
As you fell back down onto the floor of the bus, your eyes widened as you shoved Steve off you. The tension between you both was quickly broken by heavy footsteps on the roof.
While you never discussed that kiss with Steve again, Lucas in particular would not let you live it down.
After the week you had all just experienced with Starcourt, sitting silently in the basement was just what you needed. El and Mike were essentially sat on top of each other, playing with each other's hands, Will and Dustin were quietly setting up the D&D game Will had been promised would happen in the morning while Lucas and Max were reading a magazine together. You and Steve, having come joined them last after bandaging each other up, had to sit on the floor in front of the game table, seeing as no one wanted to give up their seats.
“So can you guys be left alone now and not make out or do we just have to accept you’re a thing now? I totally assume moments were shared while you cleaned Steve up. Totally romantic.” Lucas smirked, ignoring the nudge he got from Max, in exchange for the snort Mike and Dustin gave.
“Yeah oddly enough I felt no desire to make out with Steve while I tried to reduce the swelling on three quarters of his face.” You said, eyes rolling on impulse.
“We’re not horny teenagers just discovering feelings like you guys.” He nodded, letting them all look at Mike and Lucas’ current situation with their sort of unconfirmed girlfriends.
“I don’t know, I still definitely think something happened in the supply closet.” Dustin chimed in.
“Yeah well nothing did.” You replied quickly, watching Steve take in a quick breath beside you.
“How can we believe you, you still claim nothing happened on the bus and we all literally saw it.” Lucas added, the smirk still there. “You act like our mom and dad, might as well make it official. We all feel the spark.” He laughed, making an almost shimmy-like gesture
“How are they our mom and dad? They’re only five years older?” El whispered to Mike, he just shook his head enjoying the chaos unravelling in front of him.
“Every time you look at each other it’s like you want to rip ea-” Dustin was cut off by Steve
“That’s enough, topic change. You can all go back to bullying each other because we are done.” He said, his voice raised as he gestured between the two of you. “We are friends.” He pointed out, looking at you. “We look at each other like normal people look at each other. We do not feel the need to make out with each other at all.” He continued, although you could tell that his eyes told a different story, but you imagined that was just because you knew him better than everyone else
You looked around the room, everyone still seemed intrigued, like they were waiting for a confession.
“You know you’re all right. Me and Steve, just can’t keep each other's hands off each other. Just love each other too much.” You said, giving Steve a subtle wink and hoping he would catch on. “Just all the time, alone or not, just want him with me.” You watched as Lucas grimaced slightly, followed by Max chuckling. You were hoping she caught on.
“Oh we’re doing this now?” Steve grinned, leaning a little closer. “You guys, her eyes just glimmer when she looks at me, clearly I am the love of her life. All she wants, can you blame her.” He shrugged.
“We know you’re lying right now, it’s less fun when you join in.” Mike said flatly.
Knowing your plan was working you started making a kissy face towards Steve, “It’s just too much, can’t be left alone.” You sighed, holding back a laugh as he copied you, close enough to keep the charade up but still a small gap between you. That was until Dustin shoved the table into Steves back, jolting him forward and making your lips connect.
The moment quickly ended when Steve realised what had happened. He leapt up and started running after Dustin who was already halfway up the stairs.
You looked around the room to see a mixture of shocked faces and quiet laughs. Lucas hadn’t even managed to open his mouth enough to form a word before you were pointing at him. “You say anything and I’ll kill you in your sleep. I won’t even hesitate.”
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archive2394934 · 1 year
Wait, how do you think the battle is gonna happen...?
Ok so, thing is. Vecna has only two weaknesses: Fire/heat. And compassion/positive emotions. (For lack of a better way to describe)  The fire/heat thing was obvious and already explored in previous seasons but we established throughout S4 that positive feelings/thoughts are very potent in weakening/disrupting "Vecna's curse" as well. That's what the music was all about.
I always think its funny that people in this fandom think coming at Vecna with sadness and hate and anger is going to Do Something and that he wont just eat that and spit it back in their faces because thats literally his thing. You cannot out-rage and out-hate the hate fueled rage-monster. No one wields sadness, hate and anger with more horrifying proficiency than Vecna. We've literally seen canonly that the only times in which Eleven has been able to get the upper hand on Vecna is when she is channeling positivity and love. The Mileleven antis are gonna hate this but Mike and Els scene in the piggy back was important because - no matter what you feel about them as a romantic couple - Mike DID do something GOOD with his lil speech to her. If Mike didn't start talking his ass off and helping Eleven remember all the Good Times, the happy memories and things and people she holds dear in her heart Eleven never would have got the strength to come back at Vecna and Max would have been dead-dead. Anyway, the thing about Will? Will is the cleric. In DnD clerics are healers and spellcasters - they're described to be in connection with a "higher power" and their trade mark is basically summoning fireballs.
This is not to say I think Will literally has some kind of literal pyrokinetic powers. But then again I'm not gonna rule that out completely, we've got a lot to see and cover yet. Anyway, Wills "powers" that we do know of right at the moment are in the fact he shares a whole psychic metaphysical connection with Henry presumably through the "higher force" they're both linked into.
Unlike Henry though Will has not been twisted and wholly transformed into something vengeful and cruel by his pain and suffering. Will has had love, support, people to help him and as a result Will is a supremely compassionate individual.
And like I MIGHT be being insane here but Will could very well be the first and only person to actually acknowledge Henry's pain, genuinely and to perhaps actually offer him a genuine sense of empathy that no one else ever has (Something that we saw Eleven try to do in the piggy back episode but failed.) and perhaps that's going to be the thing that makes all the difference when facing Vecna. Because we did see in the piggy back episode that Henry wasn't necessarily beyond reach, its just Eleven ultimately couldn't get through. But the fact he had such a reaction to hearing Brenner was dead, stopped, listened, and started conversing with her in a VERY human way that we had not seen from Vecna before that, imo it goes to show hes probably not entirely beyond reason. Some other “unrelated” canon moments I think could back this are: How fast Billy's "corruption" turned around just by him being able to remember his mother, who he loved. A brief moment of compassion rocked Billy's shit in a good way. How, Dart, a literal Demogorgon that was shown love by Dustin was able to turn its back on the ""hive mind"" because of this.
Other fun things to consider here are: Essentially Clerics aren't born they're made. Whether they choose to become a cleric themselves or they're CHOSEN by a "deity". We know Will is the latter. Interesting thing here is Vecna, via DnD lore, is also considered a deity himself. He's a supremely powerful demi-god. And I presume we're all aware of the theory that Vecna chose Will personally back in S1? But this begs the question why? Why did Vecna choose Will and essentially "create" someone who could maybe “defeat” him? Is this some kind of cry for help? What does this mean?  We know he didn't go after Will to kill him because if that were the case there was no reason for all that elaborate bullshit. Homie could have just snapped the kid in two across dimensions. (( I personally am not 100% sure if I believe the theory that Vecna chose Will personally and that the S1 Demogorgon was just a poxy body for Vecna. I’m not ruling it out at all, because it could add up, and I do think due to the existance of the “hive mind” Vecna does kind of have an “influence” (even if indirect)  everywhere, but I think it might have been more a ‘twist of fate’ type thing. Currently I feel more like the Demogorgon just happened to get through the gate and it proceeded to promptly do Demogorgon things (We have a hint these things are parasitic in a sense that it seems they use living bodies as incubators for their offspring) and Will ended up connected to the upside drown through “the vine” which linked him to the MF and then in turned linked him to Henry. (Perhaps without Vecna himself being fully aware?)  My main point of reasoning here is I think there is something interesting in the flash backs we see in the piggy back episode when Henry explains his “transformation” to El and his “plan” and El has that moment of revelation that Vecna was always connected to things. There is no actual flashback of anything that happened to Will. To El, yes, but not to Will.  It seems to suggest Vecna’s attempts to break though and make “doors” are different to the “doors” El “accidently” created that showed the Demogorgon and the MF trying to get through in S1 and 2. For whatever reason season 1 and 2 are shown separately to season 3.  El says “It was you. Always you”  Vecna nods and says “All I needed was someone to open the door. And you did that for me. Without even realizing it. Didn’t you?”  We’re then shown a few flash backs of scenes in season 1. El touching the Demogorgon and the initial accidental opening of the gate in the lab that allowed the Demogorgon to get through and start Demogorgoning.   Then Vecna says “And when you did realize, you chose to resist.”  We’re then shown El dematerializing the Demogorgon in season 1 and closing the MF out in season 2.  Vecna then says “So I sought a means to open my own doors. I sought... Your power.”  This is when we’re shown scenes of season 3, dealing with Billy and the Spider Monster and Vecna says “So, don’t you see? Once again, you have freed me.” And again this might mean nothing and I’m being nuts but I find it interesting how the flash back scenes are separated and the initial attacks from the Upside-Down with the Demogorgon and the MF are separated from the attacks Vecna admits were his attacks to open “his own” doors. I’m coupling this with the fact theres very little suggestion of Vecna in S1 and 2 (the fans have made the theories and I’m not saying they're not fully believable but In s3 there is almost explicit suggestions of Vecna being there in some way when you look back after watching s4 where as the two other seasons his presence is much more... subdued at best)  So why did Vecna only start taking an active role in s3 and more obviously in 4? There is a heavy suggestion Vecna was somehow incapacitated during S1 and 2 and even though his “influence” was there he wasn't there consciously/purposely.  Which wouldn’t be hard to believe given we’ve seen our psychics fall into comas after exhausting their powers. We’ve even seen them loose their powers. And Vecna did explicitly say he needed El’s powers. Why did he need El’s powers when he usually has more than enough of his own? SO In the VR game, we’re shown Henry/Vecna Doing A Lot Of Shit since its all from his POV. I think they described it as “taming” the Upside Down. So this suggests that in doing all that, Vecna wiped himself out and couldn’t personally participate in the initial attempts to break into Hawkins. (This also might be the period in which Henry was fully “transformed” into Vecna bc we know he wasn’t all the way there when we first saw him make contact with the MF’s physical body) He was slowly building strength during S1 and 2 when El/the kids were dealing with the Demogorgon and the MF/Demo dogs.  Which could be evidence to the idea that even though these creatures are all connected to a “hive mind” and can be seen as “one” they can also act independently of each other (I think we’ve almost seen this proven with the demo creatures on occasion. They do be just doing their thing until they’re specifically “called” on) Or at least even though Vecna and the MF seem to be “one”, (pun maybe intended) they can act independently of each other, since we also saw very little of the “MF” in season 4 and instead it was all Vecna. I mean not to say they don't have constant influence over each other but yeah, they don’t seem to have to fully be present in each others shit))  We also have a suggestion that Vecna has precognition. Eg: he can apparently see the future or some version of it. This is what is suggested in the scene with Nancy. He literally tells her this: "Now that you've seen where I've been, I would very much like to show you where I am going." We're also not sure why he chose Nancy in particular to show this “vision” to but I dont believe these things were done without reason on his behalf. I dont even think that Nancy, Steve and Robin got the upper hand on him by accident. I think he let them have that win on purpose. Heres another question though: dealing with the MF. Did the mindflayer “poison” Henry? Or did Henry perhaps “accidently” poison the mindflayer? This is not gonna sound very Vecna sympathizer of me but its possible the mindflayer was more neutral until Henry linked with it and his own anger and sadness got sucked into it.
This being said this doesn't entirely explain all the little suggestions that the MF reached out to Henry first and things occurred the more the opposite way around. (Not to say Henry wasn’t already angry and sad - but that just seemed to be what made him the perfect “target”. Also, in the original script of the scene for Henry’s “fall” into the upside down it seems more explicit that he was weirdly targeted by the entire environment in a way we have never really seen before. He was particularly targeted by tentacles that SOMETHING had to be controlling and that something WAS NOT him. This could prove Vecna didn’t “choose” Will personally and something else did bc Will is the only other person the environment of the Upside Down could be described as acting kinda weird toward )  SO Yeah did The MF choose Will or did Vecna choose Will? Its currently unclear WHY exactly in canon that Vecna/The MF would "choose" Will but the thing is we know Will has been chosen and he is connected to them/him. People think it was just to be used as a spy but no, I think its bigger than that. We know Will has pretty much always been likened to a "cure" while Henry/Vecna is likened to a "curse" and we've also seen the MF at least work as a type of poison/infection/virus in a very PHYSCIAL way (s2 and then s3, which seemed to be a team effort by Vecna and the MF together) while "Vecna's curse" has similar connotations in a metaphorical/emotional way.
When I personally draw inspo for Will and Henry I draw it from places like Silent Hill, with Alessa and Heather. And also places like the Ring with Samara/Sadako to a slightly lesser extent.
What they all have in common and relation to Henry/Vecna/Will is they were powerful psychics who had bad mothers, were horrifically abused and their 'deaths' resulted in their transformation to supernatural forces of rage and vengeance. This being said, due to the fact that none of them were inherently evil, they all have a soul that is split and/or connected to a "good" half- and there is a concept of being "reborn" and essentially living the 'good life' they were denied through this "good half." Its not uncommon with this trope (Not sure what its called as a trope but I know it exists in a couple different stories) for the 'good half' and the 'bad half' to come in conflict but they usually they end up "merging" somehow - whether this is like literal/physical or is completed with the "death"/neutralization of the "bad" half. And we know we have had this whole “concept” of “becoming whole” throughout the show. We also have the color theories with how Hawkins, the upside down and Vecna’s dimension are presented by primary colors of “Blue” “Yellow” and “Red” which typically stand for “Mind” “Emotion” and “Body”. We know that these are  suppose to be in interdependence and harmony but in ST they’re kind of shown as “separated.” Maybe in some way these dimensions are meant to come together? 
But that's all really just theory and in no way am I saying that's exactly whats gonna happen and I’m totally rambling kind of off tangent but I think at least the aesthetic references are there. What I do think is Will is going to have an impact on Vecna in an "emotional" sense, so to speak. And thats the "key" to "winning" not so much the the idea of winning in a "physical" battle, if a physical battle is actually going to happen at all, and part of me is a little doubtful because what do we really think Will is gonna physically do against Vecna? Probably not that much, being realistic. He might be able to molotov him someway for some reason like the teens did sure but I don't think the focus is gonna be a big physical fight between them, I dont think thats gonna be the “focus” or whatever. 
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reyeslonestar · 3 years
Question what are some things you wanna see in season 3 of lone star? Character development, plots, anything
I want to see Tonya Kong write every episode. that's all. thanks for asking!
sadfkja I joke, I do have other ideas, but that is definitely high on my wish list! i'm gonna go through by character and talk about what I'd like to see for them, so this is gonna get quite long whoops...
the main thing that I'd like to see overall, though, would be evidence of an overarching season plan or arc - it doesnt necessarily have to be a plot that stretches through all the episodes or anything major, but I'd love them to have plotted out the season before they start. from watching this season and then reading interviews after the finale, they dont appear to plan many things from the start and end up throwing in ideas as they go along. if they plan it from the start they can foresee how theyre going to affect character development more, and they can have a bit more balance in the types of episodes they have, so that the season is less insane and more naturally ebb-and-flow with a few light episodes to break up the drama.
okay, onto the characters! just going to do this in billing order for simplicity's sake. customary reminder that these are just my own opinions and thoughts, and this is more of a wish list than a realistic expectation.
if you want to search for a specific character, ctrl F for one of these terms including the dash at the start:
press “j” to skip the whole post.
okay so I'd love to see them actually develop his character. Owen has been given a lot of backstory with lots to play with development-wise, but to me it feels like the show never goes anywhere with it. he's got a lot going on what with 9/11, feeling responsible for the fates of his fellow firefighters, the codependence of his relationships etc. I'd like to see him go to therapy and see him grow some self awareness and seek to manage himself better, rather than all his screentime devoted to him being a hero when other characters have the situation handled. it would really show him as a good leader if he drew on the skills that his team has and refer to them for advice/ideas. realistically he is the main character, so I'd like them to develop him like one.
also, I kind of love the chief role for him? I think it would suit him really well. but it would drag him away from the 126 and split up the dynamics too much so it would make for bad tv and I wouldnt actually want to see that. good for his character though.
I love Tommy :) just wanted to say that.
so obviously Tommy's got a lot of grief to handle next season, and I don't want them to shy away from that. I want it acknowledged and processed. (I'd also like a little bit of seeing the twins' grief too, because they're also suffering a massive loss). maybe something with Judd helping Tommy learn to manage her grief with his own experience of losing the original 126, encourage her to go to therapy, plus Tommy, Grace and Judd all feeling the loss of Charles together. after all, Grace and Judd were his friends and they will be grieving too.
I'd also kind of like to see Tommy have something outside being a working mother. obviously we're going to need to deal with that a lot especially now that Charles is gone, but I feel like she's been assigned the Character TraitTM of being the working mum and I'd like to see them give her a hobby or something. idk. and give her a night off with Grace or something. give her something just for her.
okay so I think theres a fair likelihood that theyre going to return to looking at TK's addiction next season which im not averse to. I think him struggling with his sobriety would be worthwhile to see for his character and to show that its not a straightforward path, plus it makes sense with all the insane stuff they've thrown at them in s2. however, Id like to see it in the context of his friends and family rallying around to help and support him and show him that he's got people to rely on, and that he's allowed to rely on them, plus the support of his AA meetings and therapy. I also need them to lay the groundwork for him struggling, so putting in signs of him deteriorating so the situation makes sense. this storyline doesn't need surprises to be interesting or good, and frankly it shouldn't have any.
as for him and Carlos, I definitely want to see them househunting! I'd like to see the combination of househunting/Carlos with Tommy's kids/Grace and Judd having their baby have an impact on their perspectives regarding their future and spark that conversation (like, looking at houses with more rooms and thinking about kids, future, marriage etc). I think that maybe one of them, probably TK, or maybe both of them those boys have way too many parent issues having anxieties about being a dad could be an interesting way to add tension without being too drastic, and then that can be resolved in a way that reassures them of their relationship and reaffirms their strength as a couple. the talk about the future would also lay the groundwork towards a proposal at the end of s3.
grace :) my love :)
I could watch episode after episode of Grace kicking ass and saving people over the phone. I'd love to see an episode set there? like, some kind of story within the call centre with all the handlers having to resolve that between them, but also tie in the first responders, so we see the fire team, the paramedics and Carlos all working but we only see the bits that Grace and the other call handlers hear, if that makes sense? also an actual Grace/Carlos team up where they are coming in from the different angles with different amounts of evidence and figuring out the best way to solve something together. plus I'd like to see her maybe get some recognition for being awesome at her job, maybe another handler coming to her for advice on how to solve something.
of course we've got the baby Ryder on the way, and I want that to go comfortably and smoothly for her. she deserves that. lots of wholesome excitement for her and Judd from the whole extended firefam, baby shower, gifts, the full works. pamper grace please.
judd4captain2k22. please.
yeah I know its not gonna happen, but I loved judd stepping in as captain this season and I'd love to see that continued with him taking more leadership, and Owen deferring to him for advice/council in a work environment rather than personal life. maybe set up a long term idea about judd being a captain someday.
he's gonna be a dad :') so what are his anxieties about that? why were they putting it off before? was it related to his PTSD? he's got lots of people relying on him now, how does that make him feel? what if his kid loses him? id like to see him still using therapy as a tool to help himself deal with everything. lots of meaty questions to dig into there :D
I'd quite like to see more of her balancing her daredevil nature with the impact of that and realising how much danger she puts herself in sometimes. or on the flip side, maybe the team is dealing with a really dangerous situation and they utilise her fearlessness to save people. her relationship with social media could also come back? but bring in the development they gave her this season, and her Firefox presence is more serious, less flippant?
I think that theres now a space for her to explore her sexuality/romantic experience now that she hasn't got her engagement with Salim as a kind of failsafe. maybe she wants to put herself out there and date, but thats really daunting as shes never really had to do that before? personally I think this could tie in really well with a self discovery/exploration regarding her sexual orientation, but I doubt they’d go there with her, so thats just my headcanon.
I want them to draw on Paul’s observational skills and perceptiveness more, especially on calls and in emergencies. I remember someone (sorry I cant remember who) pointed out that he would have been a great character to centre the arsonist plot around in terms of noticing the clues etc, so id love a storyline that revolves around him dealing with an emergency like that. I also really want a Carlos and Paul friendship so maybe them collaborating on a call to solve something, that’d be cool.
can we give Paul a girlfriend please. if im not complely insane, there was a reference to someone in like,, 2x04?? someone who put mayo in his sandwich? idk I havent checked (edit: it was aioli in his banh mi! thank you @meneatyoghurt), but if there is someone can we show him having a fun and loving relationship please. I dont need there to be any drama. just them having fun on a date or something.
so I know that some people are keen to see him in his police role more but I really don't need much of that. on calls with the 126 I'd like to see him be the officer in charge more, but I don't need police-exclusive storylines. I've talked about it here if you want to know why.
the only area that I'd like to see would be in the direction of reform/addressing the flaws of the system, and I think they can do that on a personal level for him, because he and Mitchell need a chat. if they'd gone with her decision in 2x08, he, Mitchell and the bank robber would all be dead, and I think thats gotta have some impact. also the fact that he was suspended for trying to preserve life. theres a lot they could work with there and maybe have him thinking about how he can do good and how he can effectively protect and serve. not to mention, the opportunity that would provide in terms of addressing his relationship with his dad and how he maybe sought approval by pursuing a police career?
also I’d like him to learn that he doesnt need to accept blame/preemptively put blame on himself and that he doesnt need to apologise when someone else hurt him. kind of want to send him to therapy. kind of want to send all the characters to therapy. but yeah, him learning that he can accept apologies and understand that he doesnt have to make people feel better for hurting him. hes allowed to be hurt and feel pained about it. and that can tie into his relationships with Mitchell, with TK and with his parents.
I think I mentioned most of the tarlos stuff in TK’s section, but I wouldn't mind at least one instance for them where we see it all from his perspective instead of TK’s.
finally ive mentioned above how i’d like a team up with Paul on a scene and both of them figuring it out together. I'd also like them having a friendship outside work, just the two of them, bonding over books and being relatively sane people compared to the rest of their friends.
Mateo is so sweet. I loved 2x14 and the recognition he got, more of that please! also theres still so much I want to know - one of the more consistent things they set up for him in s2 was his faith, so I want to know more about that. what's his relationship with religion and God? he's pretty isolated from his family so how does he feel about that? is his religion something that helps him feel connected to them? maybe the church helped him find a community when he first came to the states, before he got settled with the 126, and he finds reassurance in faith that God is looking after his family while he cant be there? I think maybe there's scope for a conversation between Marjan and Mateo about that, about that distance and caring for their families through faith and prayer.
also, if he's still with the horrible firehouse, I'd like to see the other firefighters being won round by his resilience and stepping up to look out for him, and someone backing him up against the captain. Mateo is used as the butt of the joke most of the time, but I'd also like to see a bit more acknowledgement of things like losing his house and the bullying hes going to get more of from this firehouse.
I think that her speech to Tommy in 2x14 was really telling, and I'd love to see them expand on that a bit more. first on the loss and fear of losing her friends and coworkers, but then also on her hopes and aspirations - she said she wants to be a paramedic captain so lets see her working to take her exams and qualifications, and showing initiative on scenes etc.
id like to see more of her being integrated into the 126 group. she and marjan turned up to the hangout together, so lets develop that relationship more. I would love it to be romantic but I'd also love to see that as a friendship. but also her forming bonds with others in the group as well as more of her and TK being a chaos duo. I love that they stole the ambulance, more of that insanity please!
I think thats it? if youre still reading, youre insane and I appreciate you a lot! honestly im open to all sorts of things in s3, this isnt a prediction or anything, its just stuff I think would be interesting based on where the characters are now. 
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maxwellatoms · 2 years
We’re there any potential celebrities that you wanted to get for Billy and Mandy but couldn’t due to unavailability or lack of interest? I know you mentioned Seth backed out due to Ted for the boogey movie but any other ones?
I mean, yeah. This stuff happened all the time. CN would want a celebrity guest star, but then they'd want more money because they don't understand how cartoons work or they'd get a better offer elsewhere, and the deal would fall apart. There are so, so many times that I've seen that happen.
The one that always sticks with me, though was during Big Boogey Adventure. (SPOILERS FOR A 15 Y/O CHILDREN'S CARTOON MOVIE): Grim loses his powers and title, and ends up getting replaced by a New Grim Reaper. This was my planned Celebrity Stunt Casting. The part could go to literally anybody. There were few lines, and I could tailor them to whoever took the part without disrupting the story. It should've been a home-run for everyone.
One of the crew had worked on Stripperella so we had an "in" with Pamela Anderson. Our amazing casting director Kris confirmed that she'd be interested. CN said that in ten years, no one would know who Pamela Anderson was. So I made a list and we started going down it.
Marilyn Manson? Too edgy. (Turns out they were right.) Drew Barrymore? Elijah Wood? Nope. CN wanted to go big. So they made their own list. And it was an impossible list. I don't remember all of the names on it, but Angelina Jolie was one of them. Absolutely bonkers. I suppose maybe her kids could've been fans? I guess we were going for a jackpot.
Either way, we ran out of time. And (if you've seen the movie) as we the New Grim Reaper ended up being Numbuh 3 from K.N.D. And in the end, I'm totally fine with that. I think it worked for the movie and it tied the cartoons together into the same universe. It was fun! It made me wish I'd never bothered trying to appease the marketing department.
That's what Celebrity Stunt Casting is like, though. Most of the time (in my experience) it's a lot of time and energy invested into something that rarely pays off.
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
Stockholm Syndrome - Billy Loomis x Fem!Serial Killer Reader (Part Two)
A/N: *laughs nervously knowing I still have requests to do but I cant stop writing dumb stories* WELL. I’m not sure that Stockholm Syndrome is the proper name for this story moving forward, but it’s what I’ve chosen and we’ll roll with it 😭 and I’ve decided I’ll most likely give both Zephyr and Billy plenty of interaction with the reader, I have an idea on how to stir up drama in the story with this 👀
Part one is here!
Contains/TW: female reader with she/her pronouns, little fruity moment with Zephyr lmao, potential love triangle? 🤔, sappy scene with Billy
@slasherbucky also asked to be tagged, so here you are <3
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Chapter Two - Croissants and Confessions
It was finally the day. After a few days of you and Zephyr struggling with keeping Billy held hostage, you both finally felt he had proven himself enough to be trustworthy. And hell, he had shown massive improvement with the whole situation in general, he was a hell of a good sport for having been held captive. Though, the majority of it had been spent talking to you, so it couldn’t have been all too bad. Right?
“Your magic moment has finally arrived, buddy!” Zephyr cheered down to the man sat in front of you both, the metal blade of the karambit in her taking up a gleam against the light once it’s flipped open.
“Finally. Get me out of this shit, what the hell was the point of even keeping me this long? We could’ve figured this out within one goddamn conversation.” Billy groaned as you watched the blonde approach him, and take the knife to start cutting the rope keeping him bound. He sounded entirely exhausted, yet you couldn’t blame him for a moment. How shitty it would feel to sleep sitting up for multiple nights straight.
“Cuz, had to make sure you wouldn’t snap on us. It’s nothing personal, Billy, I promise.” Zephyr snorted as she cut the last of the rope free, shuffling back a few steps after to hold a content smile while Billy winced with the aching in his wrists. They were red and scuffed up, maybe you guys had tied them a bit too tight..
A scoff escaped Billy with Zephyr’s last comment, shooting her a brief glare as he stood up to his feet. “Sure, whatever you say.”
Your hands tucked into your pockets as you scanned him over cautiously now that he had free range to do as he pleases, somehow he was a little more intimidating like this to you. Not like he was the tallest, buffest dude ever, but there’s just something.. eerie about him that you couldn’t explain.
Well, besides him being psychotic and all. But even then, it was almost as if there was much more to him than you could predict.
Your train of thought was disrupted as you met his eyes, feeling yourself tense with the overwhelming coldness of his gaze drilling into you. He was hot as fuck, but god, did he give you the creeps.
“Y/N. Now that we can actually interact properly, I’d really like to get to know you more. I, uh.. already know Zephyr, so her tagging along won’t be necessary.” He grinned, pulling a snicker out of you as Zephyr rolled her eyes and exhaled.
“Enough of that shit, Bill, it’s clear you wanna take her on a date. Just word it like that instead of having to find a way to get at me, hm?”
“Oh, but it’s so fun to piss you off.” Billy cooed in response, hands rubbing subconsciously at his reddened wrists and you found yourself pout with the sight. Perhaps you could help him somehow.
“Enough of the bickering, you two. Maybe we should get you upstairs so we can get you back in tip-top shape before we think of doing anything together.” You interrupted with an amused sigh, giving a gesture of your hand to signal him up the stairs and usher him to the main floor of the B&B. Luckily he didn’t put up any sort of fight, nor did Zephyr as she followed after you both happily to break off and head down the hall once you had reached it.
“Thank god.” Billy muttered under his breath as he watched her walk out of sight, until he slipped out a yelp when you gave a pinch to the sensitive skin of his wrist.
“Enough of that. She’s my friend, and I don’t support the way you two constantly get at each other. Especially if we’re gonna be working together, last thing we need is you guys fucking up during something important and getting us caught.” You scolded, being entirely unbothered with the way his face formed into a scowl down towards you when you wiped off any previous feelings of anxiety he supplied you with, instead replacing it with irritation of his childishness.
“You don’t know the half of it, Y/N. She’s fucking insane.”
Your eyebrow rose as you became unimpressed at his attempt to convince you, “And you’re much better?”
“Much better. You’ll learn to love me, just watch.”
Fighting the urge to smack his stupidly beautiful face right then and there, an exhale escaped through your nostrils as you took a sudden death grip on his wrist once more, pulling a pathetic whine from the man as his boots skidded beneath him along the plank flooring while you sought out the nearest bathroom for a med kit. Even planning to help him in the end, you couldn’t pass off the satisfying thrill of getting your own jabs at him.
Maybe Zephyr was onto something.
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“Is this something I really have to do?” Your frown grew by the moment as you gazed up to the blonde’s freckled face, subconsciously counting each one of the soft brown flecks as Zephyr’s hand tightened its soft grip on your jaw to steady you when you spoke. Your nose scrunched with the ticklish feeling of the makeup brush finding your eyelid, disrupting your silent game when she finally replied to you.
“Unfortunately. We’ve gotta do whatever we can to keep him obedient to us, Y/N, if he ends up going to the cops all of this will be fucked to the core.” Zephyr huffed, pulling back to briefly check on her progress with your makeup and taking up a slight grin out of pride. “But hey, it’s just one date. Not too bad, right? Then you can come right back and you can spend the rest of the night with me. I’ll get all your favorite things.”
“Like a reward.” You snorted with your tone coated in amusement, mirroring her grin as you met her eyes for a moment, until she encouraged you to shut them once more to sink every bit of focus she had into your eyeliner.
“Mhm. A reward.” She replied, her tone oddly gentle when she giggled. It was rare to see her calm in this manner, but you couldn’t complain. It was relaxing, when she wasn’t beating your eyelids to death with those prickly bristles. Perhaps you could get her some softer brushes sometime...
“I mean, I don’t think it’ll be too bad. Sure, I don’t know him, but I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t total eye candy. I understand why everyone obsesses over him back at school.” You gave a snort as you made light of the situation, while relief overcame you after finally being allowed to open your eyes once more.
But with that, you found the expression of slight.. ache? all over Zephyr. You could read she was doing her best to mask it, but you knew her too well for her to hide anything from you at this point. She was an open book for you, or so you thought.
“Yeah.” She was short of words when she swapped out the eyeliner for a larger brush, the movements of her hands while picking up the pigment of the blush in her grasp entirely drowned out as you stared. You couldn’t help but feel disturbed, she was never sad. Pissed off, sure, but she lacked anything except that just barely visible glimpse of melancholy emotions.
“Okay, what’s wrong? You were fine until I said that.” You pouted, you were never hesitant to poke at her on her feelings and unfortunately she knew that as she let out a sigh.
“It’s nothing, I promise. Don’t worry about it, you’ve got more important things to think about right now.” She only chuckled as she assured you, her gaze uncharacteristically soft as she found your eyes, until turning her attention to your cheeks as she lifted the brush to them.
Yet, you didn’t feel convinced at the slightest. Why would she want to keep this a secret from you? You two tell each other everything, had she lost trust in you..? What was it about Billy that fucked with her so much?
You kept quiet as she finished up with the rest of your makeup, as much as you wanted to question her further, you felt this time around it might genuinely upset her. You were so unsure of this whole situation, was there a side you were meant to choose..? You were afraid of risking your friendship with Zephyr by getting involved with Billy, though you also felt this would be the only way to gather more pieces of this confusing puzzle.
“How do I look?” You grinned happily as you watched her eyes scan you over, until she took up a fond gaze of approval and beamed at you.
“Like a doll.” She cooed, lifting her hand to swipe away a loose speck of glitter that had found itself below your lip. She looked as if she wanted to say something else, until she broke off from her thoughts and put her focus on collecting her makeup and securing it back in its’ bag.
Your frown returned again as you got caught up in your own mind, giving her the time to stand up and nearly reach your bedroom door until your intrusive thoughts finally won.
“Do you like Billy or something?” You questioned nervously, causing her to stiffen in her spot as she took a slow turn to find your with her icy eyes again.
The tensity could be sliced with a knife as she stepped towards you, towering over your seated self as you failed to read her emotions. Leaning down within only a few mere inches to meet your eye level, her cold hands sending a soft shiver up your body as they gently rested on the bare skin of your crossed knees. “Between you both? Y/N,”
“You’d be my first choice.”
A grin curled to her lips as she straightened out a moment after, continuing on her path back out the door and giving one glance back to you over her shoulder as she exited the room. You didn’t budge from your spot one millimeter, your shock keeping you as stiff as a board as you were only left with so many more questions.
Though, you were given no further time to think as Billy’s form appeared in your door.
“All done?” He questioned playfully, being entirely unaware of what just occurred a couple moments prior as he gazed at you with pure intrigue and desire.
“Uh- Yeah, yeah. We can go.” You cleared your throat as you snapped back into reality, lifting yourself up and grabbing up your bag as you approached the door to find yourself at his side while heading out.
What the fuck just happened?
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Your date. This needed to be the primary topic on your mind, nothing else could matter in this moment besides what you were doing right then and now with Billy. No questioning the past years you’ve spent with Zephyr, no wondering if maybe you were just overthinking it all and she had meant it as a joke.
Just Billy. And that wasn’t too hard of a goal to achieve, as you glance down towards your hand to find his own gently wrapping around yours while he brought you in closer to his side.
You almost admired his confidence, showing a complete lack of hesitance towards making any moves with you, although you still kept your guard with him. He’s still a stranger, after all, and you weren’t entirely ready to just become putty in his hands without knowing his true motives when it comes to going along with all of this. Does he just want to get you to a point of vulnerability where he’s trusted enough to be left alone so he can run off and expose you to the police?
You couldn’t be sure. But for now, you just had to play along and hope that this would all end up in your favor.
“You look beautiful, you know. She really did you up well. Not— not that you don’t look amazing normally.” He stated in a short chuckle, the awkwardness radiating off of his poor self as he stumbled over his words in a slightly frantic manner. Nice save.
“Thanks,” You scoffed, “Surprised it took you this long to point it out.”
You couldn’t help but take the opportunity to prod at him, watching the way he sweated in his boots thinking up a smart reply. Hell, he was dumb, but it was a bit charming in a way.
“Yeah, sorry, I was a bit distracted I guess.. Got too caught up in staring at ya.” He snorted, pulling an amused eye roll from yourself as he shot a playfully dumb half-grin towards you.
“Jesus, you’re such a pervert. Why the hell am I going on a date with you?” You teased.
Billy grew smug as he reached to hold open the cafe’s door for you. “Cuz you like it.”
You kept back any replies that came to your mind as you stepped into the small building, the instant scent of coffee and freshly baked pastries hitting your nose and filling your body with warmth and contentment. You almost forgot about the psychotic man at your side for a brief moment, until he gently tugged you along to stand in the short line of customers waiting. You hadn’t been sure as to why Billy chose this place specifically, but you didn’t mind it for a second. Hell, you didn’t even know it existed until now and you had lived in Woodsboro for years.
If you could get at least one good thing from Billy Loomis, perhaps it could be a new go-to coffee spot.
Soon enough, you were both placed at one of the tables lined up against the wall-length windows that put the calm street of your little town on full display. It was pleasant, giving you a chance to look over each of the family-owned stores across the street and get caught up in their decor until your attention was snagged by Billy once more.
“What, do you find a candle store more interesting than me now?” He grinned as your head shifted to meet his dark gaze again, being prickled with a slight chill as you recognized that familiar deadness in his eyes that you had noticed every psychopath had. Maybe he was actually like you both..
“No, no, sorry.. Just never seen this part of town before, my curiosity won.” You snickered in excuse, lifting your mug to sip at the mocha gently clutched between your palms as the brunet cocked his head slightly.
“Really? I come here all the time. My mom would bring me in every Saturday morning for the chocolate croissants since I was a little kid.” Billy chimed happily, bringing a soft smile over your lips as curiosity took you over with this new fact about him.
“Well, why didn’t you get one this time? I mean, it is a Saturday morning.” You questioned him innocently, your smile withholding for a moment longer before faltering when you read the tinge of ache on his expression.
“I don’t know.. That was just more of a her and I thing, I guess.” He shrugged, and you both seemed to frown in unison as he put his attention on his own cup of coffee, seeming to avoid your eyes purposefully.
“Oh. Well.. I’m happy you seem to trust me enough to bring me here at all, Billy.”
Your lips turned into a soft smile once more while reaching forward to gingerly pat the back of his palm, ensuring you don’t touch his wrists this time around. Finding you both sharing eye contact again, Billy mirrored your smile and leaving you to realize that he did trust you. He was being vulnerable, rolling over on his back to expose his stomach like a kitten and finally give you what you need to know he won’t betray you.
But, were his claws waiting to strike if you gave in to his loving advances?
You didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Maybe he did actually just want to be on good terms with you, you couldn’t immediately assume the worst in him, even if he is apparent mortal enemies with your best friend. If you got through to him, there was a better chance of the three of you working cohesively, after all. It was worth a shot in trusting him, too.
“It really does feel nice being back here. I stopped coming for months, actually, I couldn’t bare to stand all of the memories for a while. But, it’s nice now, and it’s.. all I’ve got left of her, I suppose.” He appeared to become somber once more, though you didn’t want to let him sink in too deep again as you softly nudged his hand.
“Hey, at least you’ve got something, right? You should hold this place close to you.” You assured him, feeling pleased as he eases up again and nods in agreement.
“Yeah. Thanks, Y/N, this all means a lot to me.. Perhaps you’re not as bad as I thought.” He gave a half-grin.
“Wha— as bad as you thought?” You huffed.
“Well, yeah! How am I meant to immediately trust Zephyr’s partner in crime, hm? Had to make sure you weren’t like her first.”
“She’s really not that bad, Billy.. If you guys actually talked instead of insulting each other, maybe you’d both realize that you’ve got some things in common.” You shrugged.
“Tch, we’re nothing alike, enough of that. I’ll play along if she needs me to so badly, but we’re not friends and we never will be.” He spoke in such a confident tone that you couldn’t help but smirk, knowing that you were determined to change that.
You weren’t going to choose a side, you’re going to take charge and put an end to this once and for all.
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Love’s Strange (Billy Hargrove/Reader)
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Title: Love’s Strange
Pairing: Billy Hargrove/f!Reader; background Steve/Nancy/Jonathan
Summary: Written for the ‘The Breakfast Club’ prompt for The 80s Challenge by @nellblazer​ . “You were starting to get your hopes up that it would only be the four of you, but then the library door opened once again and your hopes were quickly dashed by the sight of Billy Hargrove being escorted inside by Principal Himbry. Himbry had a hand on Billy's elbow, as if he thought Billy was about to make a run for it if he didn't personally usher him inside the room. “
Word Count: 9.4k
Warnings: Underage drinking
Author’s Note: Set after season two of Stranger Things. Title taken from Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds. Principal Himbry is very much so based on the principal from Scream. I couldn't resist.  Masterlist / Read on AO3
You thought the whole concept of Saturday detention was bullshit. You didn't understand what the point was of coming into school to waste half of your weekend. You would have preferred staying after school every day for a week than giving up your Saturday.  
It wasn't as if you had anything planned, though. You would sit in your room, listening to music, and ignoring that the rest of the world existed. You would probably catch up on homework or finish the assigned novel for your English class. You didn't lead the most exciting life, but you really didn't want to spend your free time stuck in detention.
You knew what people thought of you at Hawkins High. They thought you were quiet. They thought you were a nerd who only focused on your grades and had no fun whatsoever. You usually didn't care what anyone thought about you, though. You were there to get your diploma and then get the hell out of Hawkins.  
So what if you didn’t spend your weekends at parties or had a full social life? You didn’t know why you would bother to waste your attention on the other kids at Hawkins High anyways. They had never given you any consideration and you weren’t really jumping at the opportunity to try to change their minds about you.  
At the end of the day, they had already made up their minds about you. Did it bother you sometimes? Sure. Were you tempted to try to change their opinion of you? Not really.  
You sighed as you pulled open the front door to the school. You had been forced to walk to school, since your parents were out of town and you didn't have your own car. You didn't mind the walk, but since it was almost Thanksgiving, the air had a chill to it that took your breath away.  
Once you got inside, you started pulling off your gloves.  
"I see you've finally showed up," you heard from in front of you.  
You glanced up to see Principal Himbry standing there, an unimpressed look on his face.  
"I had to walk," you offered helplessly.  
"That's no excuse," he said. "All of you little delinquents are late." He sighed before he glanced down at his wristwatch, shaking his head when he noticed the time. "You'll be in the library. I suggest you get there now," he snapped before he brushed past you to step outside.  
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you made your way to the library. You weren't sure who you would be sharing detention with, but you hoped it wasn't any of the idiots you had come to dislike during your time at Hawkins High.  
When you got to the library, you noticed it was eerily silent. You considered the row of three tables taking up space in the middle of the room. Each table only had three seats, so there weren't a lot of seating choices. You were glad you were the first one in the room, since that meant you got to choose where you wanted to sit.  
You made a beeline for the table at the back. You chose the middle seat, hoping it would dissuade anyone from sitting at your table.
You sat in the silent library for long enough that you started to wonder if you should try to find something to read to pass the time. Just as you had convinced yourself to get up, the door to the library opened and three people walked inside.  
You quirked an eyebrow at the sight of Steve Harrington striding into the room followed closely by Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers. Nancy shot you a quick look before she moved to take the middle seat of the first table, Jonathan and Steve flanking her.  
You were more than a bit surprised to see Nancy and Jonathan. They were a grade below you, but even you knew they were generally regarded as good students. Seeing Steve wasn't as much of a shock. You had a few classes with Steve and while he seemed like a level-headed guy, he also had a habit of bickering with Tommy Hagan or Billy Hargrove and disrupting class.  
You really hoped neither of them showed up for detention, because you were sure it would lead to more bickering and fighting between the boys. You only wanted to do your time and get home to enjoy what was left of your weekend. You really didn’t want to get pulled into any drama.  
You were starting to get your hopes up that it would only be the four of you, but then the library door opened once again and your hopes were quickly dashed by the sight of Billy Hargrove being escorted inside by Principal Himbry. Himbry had a hand on Billy's elbow, as if he thought Billy was about to make a run for it if he didn't personally usher him inside the room.
Billy jerked his arm out of Himbry's grasp. "I told you I know where the library is," he insisted. "I didn't need your help."
"Your grades would suggest otherwise, Mr. Hargrove. Take a seat."
Billy rolled his eyes, but didn't bother to say anything as he moved forward. You noticed Steve's shoulders tense as Billy brushed past him, but you were quick to drop your gaze to the table in front of you when you noticed Billy's attention focus on you for a moment.  
You were aware of Billy dropping into the middle seat at the table in front of yours and felt relieved that he didn't choose to sit at your table. If there was anyone who didn't mind pushing boundaries just to get a rise out of people, it was Billy Hargrove.  
You didn't bother looking up again until Mr. Himbry spoke. "I know you five think you've been given a free pass to just sit around and do nothing all day, but that's not how Saturday detention in my school is run."
Billy snorted as he tipped his head back, rolling his eyes at the ceiling. "Please, enlighten us," he remarked.
Mr. Himbry shot Billy an exasperated glare. "I want you to write me an essay," Mr. Himbry started as he moved over towards the librarian's desk. He grabbed a small stack of loose-leaf notebook paper and a handful of pencils before he started distributing them among the five of you. You frowned down at the blank paper in front of you before you glanced up to see Himbry standing back in front of the door, his hand on the doorknob as if he was about to leave the room.  
You hastily raised your hand, hating that you were going to call attention to yourself.
"What?" Himbry asked when he noticed you.
"What are we supposed to write about?"
You heard Billy groan as a smirk appeared on Himbry's face.  
"I'm glad you asked. I want you to write me an essay about your character. Explain to me why what you did was wrong and how you're going to improve so it doesn't happen again."
Billy raised his hand. "But, sir, what if we're not sorry? What if we like our choices?" His voice had a mocking tone to it and by the annoyed expression on Himbry's face, you were sure he caught it.
"Mr. Hargrove, I hope out of anyone in this room, you will take this day to reflect on your bad decisions. You’ve certainly made a lot of them since you decided to grace us with your presence."
Billy leaned back in his chair as he kicked his feet up on the desk in front of him. "That'll be the day," he commented.
"I am sick of your attitude, Mr. Hargrove," Himbry snapped. "You just earned yourself another Saturday detention."
Billy chuckled as he moved to pull a stick of gum from the outer pocket of his jacket. Mr. Himbry crossed over to him and held his hand out.  
"And no chewing gum in the library. It's bad enough you kids stick it under the cafeteria tables. We don't need that in here either."
"Sure thing, Mr. Himbry," Billy replied as he handed over the stick of gum.  
He waited until Mr. Himbry's back was turned before he pulled out another piece, unwrapped it, and popped it into his mouth. When he realized he had your attention, he shot you a wink.
You rolled your eyes, not wanting to admit even to yourself that you found Billy Hargrove dangerously charming, even when he was being a bit of a dick.  
Mr. Himbry turned to survey the five of you. "I want those essays finished by the time you're allowed to leave here today," he said. "You will stay right here in this room. No going off into one of the private study rooms. If I think you've left your seat when I get back, I'll add another Saturday to your sentence. Do I make myself clear?"
"Aren't you going to stay here?" Steve asked.  
"I have better things to do with my time than watch you all day, Harrington. I'll be locking you all in so I can be sure you won't leave."
"But, sir, isn't that a fire hazard?" Billy’s tone suggested he didn’t really care, but he just wanted to piss off Mr. Himbry by bringing it up.
"Shut it, Hargrove. You’re lucky I gave you detention and not suspension for smoking on school grounds,” Mr. Himbry responded, a displeased look on his face.
Billy held up his hands in surrender before he reached into the inner pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out a pair of sunglasses. He rocked back in his seat, not caring that his head was dangerously close to the edge of your table.  
Mr. Himbry sighed and shook his head. "At least you're graduating this year," he grumbled before he turned and left the library.  
You had no intention of actually writing the essay. There was no way Himbry could grade you on it, so there was no point in actually wasting your time on it. Instead, you grabbed the pencil he had left for you on the desk and started doodling in the margins of the paper. You were mindlessly drawing stars and scribbling snatches of lyrics from some of your favorite songs when you were torn out of your thoughts by Billy's voice.
"I should have known you would live for that extra homework bullshit," he said. When you glanced up, it was to see Billy sitting back up in his chair, his feet planted on the floor once again as he considered you over the top rim of his sunglasses. "Did you get turned on by the thought of writing another boring-as-shit essay, Miss Honor Roll?"
You shot him a glare before you bent back over your paper. You made sure to print the letters large enough on the page to be able to read them at a distance. You held the paper up so Billy could read your message to him.
His lips stretched in a smirk as he read the words. "Fuck off, huh? Such language from such a pretty girl."
"Just leave her alone, Billy," Nancy cut in, shooting a glare at Billy over her shoulder.  
Billy turned back around in his seat, facing the table in front of him. "I'm surprised to see you here, princess," Billy said as he leaned forward in his seat, his gaze set on Nancy and Steve in front of him.
Steve turned around, a scowl on his face. "Hey, don't call her that."
Billy smirked. "I was talking to you, Harrington."
"You're a real asshole. Do you know that?" Steve snapped, turning fully in his seat so he could consider Billy.  
"So I've been told," Billy drawled, seemingly unaffected by Steve's words.  
"Why the hell are you even here, Hargrove? I would have thought you were above showing up for a Saturday detention."
"Oh, but then I would have missed seeing your face, Harrington. I couldn't possibly go a day without it."
"Just do what Y/N said and fuck off, Billy," Steve spat.  
Billy chuckled before he pressed his hands to the surface of the table, pushing himself up to stand. "With pleasure," he hissed.  
You watched him move over towards the library doors. When he reached out to try to open them, they didn't budge.  
"That dick actually locked us in," you couldn't help saying. You really didn't think Mr. Himbry would go so far as to lock you all in the library. What if something happened? What if you needed to leave?
Jonathan glanced at you over his shoulder, a surprised look on his face.  
Steve snorted as he leaned back in his seat. "Of course he did," he muttered. "Because that's just what today needed."
Billy turned around, his focus immediately going to you. "There you go with that smart mouth again," he said as he leaned back against the locked library doors. "How did you even end up in detention in the first place? Aren't you the perfect little teacher's pet?"
You rolled your eyes and moved to grab the paper and pencil from the desk. You pushed yourself out of your chair and then made for one of the private study rooms dotting the perimeter of the room. You didn't care if Mr. Himbry had forbidden it or if you ended up being punished for it. You would do just about anything in that moment to get away from Billy Hargrove and his insufferable attitude.  
"Oh, we've got ourselves a rebel!" Billy called after you.  
You didn't bother to look back at him or the others as you pushed the door closed behind yourself. You let out a sigh of relief when you dropped into one of the chairs found at the table in the middle of the room. You were sure you would be even more bored all by yourself in the study room, but you didn't care. If it gave you just a few moments to yourself, then you would happily take it.  
You spent a couple of hours by yourself, absently drawing your own constellations on the paper and trying to find ways to entertain yourself.  
You were thankful that it was warm enough in the room that you could slip off your jacket. You weren’t sure if the others were talking or even bothering with each other, because you couldn’t hear a thing from the main room. Sitting all alone in the study room without music or anything else to occupy your time was mind-numbingly boring, but you couldn’t help but think it was better than potentially listening to Steve and Billy fight all day.
You were starting to get sleepy and seriously considering balling up your jacket to use as a pillow when the door to the study room abruptly opened. You were startled enough that you almost tipped out of your chair.  
"Get out of there," you heard Mr. Himbry snap behind you.  
You sighed before you made yourself get up. You grabbed your things before finally turning and looking at Mr. Himbry. He sighed and shook his head, disappointment clear in his expression as you brushed past him.  
"I'll see you here next Saturday," he told you.
Billy was sitting in the seat you had originally claimed, his sunglasses still on his face. When he saw you, he smirked at you. "Looks like I won't be lonely next Saturday after all."
You rolled your eyes, choosing to sit in the middle seat of the second table.  
Mr. Himbry sighed as he passed your table. "Now, if you didn't bring lunch, which I don't think any of you thought to do, then there are pre-packaged sandwiches and chips that can be found in the cafeteria." He moved to stand near the librarian's desk, his gaze fixed on the five of you as he considered you. "You," he said as he pointed at you. "And Harrington," he added after a few moments. "Go to the cafeteria and get lunch for everyone."
Steve glanced at you before he pushed himself to his feet. You were quick to follow, glad that you would be able to leave the library for just a few moments.  
"And don't take more than ten minutes," Himbry called out. "Or it's another Saturday for the both of you," he warned.  
You really didn't want to spend your weekends leading up to Christmas in detention, so you simply nodded your head and followed Steve out of the library.  
You didn't really know Steve Harrington all that well, even if you had been in classes together for years. However, everyone at Hawkins High knew who 'King Steve' was, even if he had recently fallen from the ridiculous heights of popularity he once seemed to enjoy.  
"So," Steve started, shooting you a glance as he swung his arms idly at his sides. "Y/N, right?"
You quirked an eyebrow at him, amused by the question. "Yeah. Steve, right?" You jokingly asked.  
Steve rolled his eyes before carding his fingers through his hair, pushing it off of his forehead.  
"I'm just trying to make small talk. I don't really know anything about you except that you're one of the smartest kids in our class. How the hell did you even end up in Saturday detention?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "I'm more than just a nerd, King Steve."
"Alright, alright. Point taken."
"How did you end up with Saturday detention?"
Steve bit his lip before he shot you a grin. "I told Tommy H. to go fuck himself. Himbry overheard."
"Huh," you breathed. "Knowing Tommy, I'm sure it was deserved."
"Yeah," Steve agreed with a laugh. "Now will you tell me how you got detention?"
"Nope," you answered.
Steve laughed again, shooting you an amused grin, before he shook his head. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You seem to like your secrets."
"Oh, I'm full of surprises, Harrington."
"Yeah? I guess you are."
A companionable silence fell over the two of you once you reached the cafeteria. You helped Steve grab the food helpfully waiting for you on the lunch table closest to the door leading to the lunch line. You caught a glimpse of one of the women who regularly worked in the cafeteria through the open door. She raised her hand in a wave when she saw you and you offered her a smile in return.  
When you got back to the library, Mr. Himbry was pointedly looking at his wristwatch. "Another minute and you would have added another Saturday to both of your sentences." He considered the both of you, a scowl forming on his face. "And where are the drinks?"
"Uh," Steve started, shooting you an uncertain look. "You didn't mention anything about drinks, Mr. Himbry," he pointed out.
"It was implied, Mr. Harrington." Himbry sighed before he glanced away. "Wheeler and Byers," he called, snapping his fingers at the pair. "Go get drinks for everyone."
Nancy frowned, but didn't say anything as she got out of her seat. Steve watched Nancy as she passed by him, a look of longing on his face. You had heard about his brutal breakup with Nancy at Tina’s Halloween party and you couldn't help but feel a bit bad for him. By the look on his face, you figured it was safe to assume he wasn't over her.
You moved to take your seat again, dropping a sandwich and bag of chips in front of Billy.  
"Thanks, baby," he purred, sitting up in his chair.  
"Don't call me that," you snapped, shooting him a glare. You faced forward in your seat, noticing Himbry stepping out of the library and closing the door behind him, leaving you alone with Steve and Billy.
"Sure thing, sweetheart," Billy quipped, earning an eyeroll from you. "So, hey," you heard Billy say. "I heard an interesting rumor about Harrington."  
You saw Steve's shoulders tense, but he didn't bother to acknowledge that he had actually heard Billy.  
"I don't care," you answered, reaching out to slowly unwrap your sandwich.  
"I heard he's fucking both of them. Nancy and Byers." You heard Billy chuckle, as if amused by his own words. "The princess gets the freak and the jock. How's that for a fairytale ending?"
You noticed Steve's hands clench into fists. You only shared one class with both Billy and Steve, but that was enough to know that they had a complicated relationship. Billy constantly riled Steve up and thought it was hilarious when Steve finally snapped back. Hell, Billy liked to pick at everyone. You weren't sure if it was his own way of making sure he stayed at the top of the high school food chain or if he had another reason for bullying people, but you were sick of it.  
"You know what?" You said as you turned in your seat to look at Billy. You noticed his eyebrows rise in surprise, as if he didn't think you would actually be bold enough to stand up to him. "It's none of your business if they are in a relationship. You know whose business it is? Theirs. No one else's." You considered Billy for a moment, noticing the way he seemed to be studying you. "You know what I think, Billy?"
"Enlighten me," he retorted.
"I think you're lonely," you told him. "You spend so much of your time antagonizing other people so you don't have to take a good, hard look at yourself. Because once everything is said and done, all you have is yourself. And maybe you don’t like you all that much."
"You don't know a damn thing about me, sweetheart," Billy muttered, his tone close to a snarl.  
"Maybe that's because you don't want anyone to really look past those aviator glasses and that leather jacket," you pointed out. "Maybe if you let someone in, then you wouldn't feel the need to drag everyone else down with you. Maybe you should let someone lift you up."
Billy scoffed and shook his head. "That's the biggest piece of shit I've ever heard in my life."
You shrugged your shoulders, not bothering to respond as you turned back around in your seat.  
Steve was watching you, an unreadable expression on his face for a moment, before he grinned. You rolled your eyes, feeling yourself flush at his silent approval, before you began to pick at the sandwich in front of you.  
When Nancy and Jonathan got back, Himbry locked you in again.  
You thanked Jonathan when he handed you a can of soda. You noticed the way Steve reached out to clap a hand to Jonathan's shoulder and the soft smile Jonathan shot Steve in return. You couldn't help but wonder if there was any truth to Billy's words, but then immediately felt guilty for even thinking about it. If they really all were in a relationship, then you told yourself it wasn't any of your business. Although, a small part of you couldn't help but feel curious.  
You picked at your lunch, not really in the mood to eat. You really just wanted to go home and fall into bed.  
An hour managed to crawl past. The silence in the library was almost unnerving. You had long run out of space on your paper, so you had taken to using your pencil to try to color in the full page.  
Every so often, you heard Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan all softly whispering to each other, but you were never able to catch what they were talking about. You didn't really want to eavesdrop, but you were so bored out of your skull that you were just about ready to try anything to stop yourself from banging your head against the desk as a form of entertainment.  
"I'm bored," Billy groaned, finally breaking the silence in the room.
"No shit, Hargrove," Steve snapped. "We're all bored."
"Well, I have something that'll help," you heard Billy say.  
You turned in your seat to see he was reaching into his coat. When he pulled out a flask, you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
"Of course," you muttered to yourself, turning back around to face the front.  
"What?" Billy asked defensively. "You have something against making things interesting?"
"How is drinking going to make things interesting?" You wondered why Billy even thought to bring a flask to Saturday detention in the first place.  
"Because we're going to play a game," Billy said, reaching forward to poke at your shoulder.  
Steve turned in his seat, his eyebrow quirked at Billy. "You have to be kidding."
"Nope," you heard Billy say, a smile in his voice.  
You heard Nancy sigh before she turned to consider Billy as well. "What game?" She sounded like she didn’t really want to ask, but she was so bored she couldn’t help but grasp at any distraction.  
Billy was silent for a moment, as if thinking over his choices. You heard him snap his fingers before he spoke again. "Never Have I Ever," he offered.  
Jonathan snorted before he blushed when you all glanced at him, having obviously been caught off-guard by Billy's suggestion.  
"What? You've got something to offer, Byers?"
Jonathan sighed before he glanced at Billy over his shoulder. "Just thought you'd think something like that was lame."
"I'm bored, Byers," Billy drawled as he pulled his sunglasses off before putting them back in his jacket. "There's a hell of a lot I'd do to avoid that."
You heard Steve groan before he pushed his seat away from the table. "You know what? Fuck it," he conceded. "Sounds a lot better than sitting here in silence."
"I never thought you'd agree with me on something, Harrington."
"I still hate you," Steve told Billy, glaring at him.
"Feeling's mutual," Billy sneered.  
You shook your head, still working on shading in your piece of paper. You were going to have to get up soon and sharpen your pencil if you had any hope of completing your self-assigned project.  
"I'm out," you muttered. "You guys have fun."
"Oh, come on," Billy coaxed. "Live a little. Have some fun yourself for once."
"I don't want to play," you told him, not even bothering to look back at him.
"Why not? You scared I'm going to get to know you like you seem to think you know me?"
You finally turned and met his gaze, momentarily getting drawn in by the smug look on his face.
Playing this game with the others was probably a terrible idea. Steve had been right to guess you liked your secrets, and it was mostly because you were sick of other people judging you. You knew that Billy likely picked at people for the same reason you also didn’t let them in. You didn’t want others to see you and then decide you weren’t worth it.  
It was probably a terrible idea, but you really had nothing better to do. Besides, you didn’t like the challenging look on Billy’s face.  
"Fine," you finally bit out. "Let's play."
"Great," he said, a smirk pulling at his lips. "What about you, Byers? Wheeler? You in?"
Nancy rolled her eyes when Steve turned a pleading look on her.
"Oh, come on, Nance. Don't make me play by myself." His lower lip poked out in a pout and you saw the moment Nancy began to cave.
Nancy glanced to Jonathan, catching his hesitant nod, before a reluctant smile flashed across her face.  
"Alright," she agreed. "We're in."
"But how is it going to work with one flask between the five of us?" You couldn't help but ask. "Don't we all need our own drink?"
"We'll improvise," Billy answered with a shrug of his shoulders.  
"Wait," Nancy called, hastily getting to her feet. "Maybe we don't have to."
You frowned when she went behind the front desk and disappeared into the librarian's office. She came back after a few moments with a small stack of mini paper cups. "There's a water cooler in there," she explained. "These will make things easier at any rate."
"Alright, let's do this," Billy said, getting out of his chair.  
He moved to drop down into the seat next to yours while Nancy set the cups down in front of you. Steve and Jonathan had already turned their chairs to face your table and you felt weirdly flustered at the feeling of everyone focusing on you.  
"Look alive, nerd," Billy said, nudging you in the side with his elbow. "Make yourself useful and help me out here," he added, nodding at the cups in front of you.
You rolled your eyes before you reached out to grab the cups. You separated them, holding one out to Billy at a time as he poured a little of whatever was in his flask into each cup. You handed them out to the others as you went, wondering if this was such a good idea.
"Don't make me regret wasting the good stuff on you assholes," Billy said as he finished. He twisted the cap back onto his flask, shaking it for a moment as if checking to make sure he still had some left. "Plenty left to go around," he added. "So, who's going first?"
"I've got an idea," you said, reaching behind you to grab one of Billy's blank pieces of paper. You ripped the paper into pieces and wrote a number on each one. You made quick work of folding each piece and then mixing them up. "Okay, we'll just go in order of the numbers we choose."
"Smart," Steve commented, shooting you a quick smile, before he reached out to grab a number.
Jonathan ended up going first. He looked like he wasn't really sure what to say at first.
"Come on, Byers," Billy groaned. "Do you not know how to play?"
"I do," Jonathan assured, shooting Billy a glare. "Never have I ever," he started, trailing off for a moment. "Used a fake ID," he finally finished.  
Billy snorted before he downed his shot. You noticed Steve did as well.  
Steve scrunched up his face and shook his head, turning his head to cough into his sleeve. "What the fuck is that?"
"The good shit, Harrington," Billy said. "So shut up and drink up."
"My turn," Steve said, holding his cup out to Billy to refill. He seemed to think about what he wanted to say for a moment before he finally spoke. "Never have I ever played hooky."
You quirked an eyebrow at Steve. "Really?" You would have thought King Steve would have skipped school at least once before.  
"Really, really," he confirmed with a nod of his head before he smirked over at Nancy and Jonathan.
"Not fair," Nancy grumbled before she laughed and downed her shot, Jonathan not far behind her. You noticed Billy tip his head back as he had his second shot of the game.  
He glanced over at you when he noticed you watching him.  
"You're zero for two, sweetheart. You should join in on the fun."
"You're two for two," you reminded him. "Maybe you should start having a little less fun."
"Never," he said, smirking at you.  
You rolled your eyes, glancing away from him.  
"Your turn, Y/N," Nancy reminded you when you were silent for a few moments.  
"Right," you agreed, staring down at the '3' you had scribbled down on the slip of paper in front of you. You weren't really sure what to say. When you agreed to play the game, you seemed to have momentarily forgotten that you really hadn't done all that much. It made it easy to do your part now, sure, but you were about to make it clear how much of a social life you didn’t have. Maybe you really were as straitlaced and boring as everyone made you out to be.  
"Tick tock, babe," Billy drawled, knocking his shoulder lightly into yours.
"Don't call me that," you automatically said, barely even thinking about your response. "Alright, never have I ever been in a fist fight."
You noticed Steve, Jonathan, and Billy take a shot. You glanced to Jonathan, surprised that seemingly sweet and gentle Jonathan Byers had enough fire in him to have been in a fight.
Nancy went next, admitting that she had never been arrested.  
Billy and Jonathan downed a shot for that one.  
"You know, maybe I was wrong about you, Byers," Billy said. "You're quite the miscreant, aren't you?"
You noticed Jonathan's face flush, so you looked to Billy, figuring turnabout was fair play.
"Get on with it, Hargrove," you said, reaching out to tap your fingers against his slip of paper with the '5' written on it.  
"Patience, baby," Billy said. "I know how to make a good thing last."
You heard Steve groan and shake his head. "Stop flirting with the poor girl and just get on with it, Billy. This was your idea," he pointed out.
"Stop ruining my fun, Harrington," Billy snapped. He considered Steve for a moment before a wicked grin appeared on his face.  
You instinctively knew what he was about to say would likely be a dig at Steve.  
"Never have I ever," Billy started, pausing as if for dramatic effect. "Had a three-way," he finished after a few seconds.
You reached out to smack him on the shoulder. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You hissed at him, shooting a quick, worried look at the three in front of you.
To your surprise, all three of them were taking a shot. You felt your eyes widen in surprise before you looked to Billy, noticing the satisfied smirk on his face.  
He leaned over until he was in your space. "Called it," he whispered, winking at you, before he pulled away.  
You hated to admit that you felt a tiny thrill at having Billy Hargrove so close to you that you could smell his cologne and feel his hair brush against your shoulder. You also would never admit that when he leaned away, it left you feeling just the tiniest bit bereft. You didn't understand why you seemed to have a bit of a crush on him. He did nothing but poke at people and call you pet names. He thought you were a stick in the mud and would probably never seriously glance your way when every other girl in the school was attracted to him and looking to get into his pants.
"Uh, earth to Y/N," Steve called. "You still playing?"
"What? Yeah," you answered, blinking at Steve. "What did I miss?"
"Byers here has never done drugs," Billy told you, watching you expectantly. When you didn't touch your cup, he snorted and shook his head. "Why am I not surprised?"
"Shut up," you muttered, feeling your cheeks flush.  
"My turn," Steve said. "Never have I ever flirted with a married person."
Billy was the only one to take a shot for that turn.  
"Why am I not surprised?" You echoed, fixing Billy with an unimpressed look.
"I can't help it if everyone knows I'm hot shit," Billy told you, seemingly unconcerned.
"You're one of those things," you muttered, ignoring Billy's scowl. "Alright, never have I ever had a friends-with-benefits relationship."
Billy smirked at you before he downed his shot. "We can fix that, you know."
"You're the last person I'd want to fix that for me," you told him, even though it was mostly a lie. Would you and Billy actually have any semblance of a functioning, healthy relationship? Unlikely. Would it be hot as hell while it lasted? Most likely.
You were able to take your first shot when Nancy admitted she never got stitches. You noticed Jonathan quirking an eyebrow at you in surprise, but you shrugged your shoulders, not wanting to get into the story.  
You hated to admit it, but as the game progressed and you got to know the others a bit more, you started actually having fun. You had managed to down a couple of more shots, admitting to being drunk at a family event and then later confessing to going skinny dipping.
"Never thought you would have had it in you," Billy said. He swayed in his seat, bumping companionably into you. "You've surprised me, angel."
You shrugged your shoulders, not wanting to fess up that the only reason you had gone skinny dipping was because you had been completely alone and didn't want to get your clothes wet. Still, when Billy shot you a pleased smile, you couldn't help but gift him with one of your own.
You noticed that, to your ultimate surprise, you all seemed to be bonding. You were all so different, but it seemed one dumb party game was enough to bring you together, if only for a small amount of time. If only because all of you had nothing better to do in that moment.  
When Nancy admitted that she hadn't lied in the game, shooting a pointed look at Steve, you couldn't help but laugh when he begrudgingly drained his cup.  
"Okay, so I have played hooky before," he offered with a shrug of his shoulders.  
"I knew it!" You pointed at him accusingly, catching the amused grin on his face.
It wasn't all fun, though. When you admitted that you never lost someone, Billy and Nancy both somberly took a shot.  
"I'm so sorry," you told them both. You knew Nancy must have been thinking about Barb. The aftermath of the discovery about Hawkins Lab and their involvement in Barb's death just a few weeks before had rocked the town. You knew that Barb’s absence had to be eating away at Nancy and couldn't imagine what it was like to lose your best friend.  
You noticed Steve's arm come up to wrap around Nancy's shoulders as Jonathan reached out to grab her hand. You glanced away from them, giving them a moment of privacy, as you considered Billy. You couldn't help but feel curious about his loss, but you knew it wasn't your place to ask. Instead, you reached out to cautiously squeeze his shoulder, before you drew your hand back. He gave you a lingering look, his eyes dipping down and then back up, as if checking you out.  
He cleared his throat, glancing over towards Nancy. "Alright, your turn Wheeler. What do you got?"
By the time the contents of Billy's flask were dangerously low, everyone was at least a little bit tipsy.
"Somehow, I doubt this was what we were supposed to do in detention," Jonathan said, glancing around at the group.  
"Yeah, this has almost been nice," you reluctantly admitted.  
"Enough for one more round left," Billy said, shaking the flask in his hand. He moved to stuff it back into the inner pocket of his jacket before he glanced at you. "Your turn, babe. Make it a good one."
You didn’t even bother to tell him not to call you that, since from the shit-eating grin on his face, he knew.  
It was then you noticed everyone's attention on you. You bit your lip, struggling to think of something interesting, but not embarrassing, to confess.  
"Never have I ever had sex in a car," you finally offered, shrugging your shoulders at Billy's incredulous look.
Only Steve, Nancy, and Billy ended up drinking to that. You glanced down to the shot in front of you before you looked to Jonathan.  
"We can be losers together," you told him, holding out your cup towards him. "Cheers?"
You saw a brief smile flit across his face before he reached forward with his cup to tap it against yours.  
"Cheers," he said before he drained his cup.  
Once you downed your shot, you noticed Billy staring at you.  
"What?" You felt suddenly defensive, not knowing why he was watching you so closely.  
Billy startled, as if he hadn't realized he was still looking at you. "Nothing," he immediately denied, shrugging his shoulders. "Just don't get how you can be so boring."
"What?" It felt like your stomach dropped at his words, a cold wash of dread crashing down on you.  
"You took the least shots out of all of us. You've done nothing," he added. "You just spend your days making all your little class notes and probably having wet dreams about acing your calculus exam."
You felt the good mood you had just moments before suddenly dissipate.  
"Leave her alone, Billy," Nancy snapped. "What has she ever done to you?"
"Y/N, are you okay?" Steve asked, leaning forward and watching you in concern.
"Fine," you said. "Just regretting thinking that maybe Billy Hargrove wasn't such a dick for a moment."
"Oh," Billy breathed on a helpless laugh. "So, you do have some teeth. There's the fight I was looking for."
"I would think you've had enough of fights," Jonathan told Billy, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I love fights," Billy argued. "Especially when I always win. Just ask Harrington here," Billy continued, gesturing towards Steve. "Or did you forget I just beat the shit out of your boyfriend a few weeks ago?"
It wasn't long before an argument broke out. It seemed that Billy just couldn't help riling up the others. You sat at the desk, picking at the side of your paper cup, and wished that detention was over. All you could think about was Billy calling you boring and thinking that you lived and breathed for nothing except school. You weren’t sure why his words stung, but they did.  
You jumped at the sound of the library door slamming open, Himbry standing in the doorway with a scowl on his face.
"I can hear you kids yelling from just down the hallway. What the hell is going on in here?"
"Nothing, sir," Billy said, reaching into his jacket and pulling his sunglasses back out. He put them on, smirking at Himbry as he leaned back in his seat. "Just having a little friendly conversation."
Himbry snorted as he walked farther into the room. You noticed Nancy hastily reach out to grab the other paper cups and stack them again before hiding them beneath her chair.  
"I know better than to think there's anything friendly about you, Hargrove. I've had to suffer through having all of you in my school for some time now. You think I don't notice things? I notice things!" Himbry's face was starting to flush red in anger as his voice steadily rose. "You kids think you run this school, but you'll be out of here soon enough! And who's stuck here taking care of the next generation? Me," he hissed, pointing a finger at Billy.  
"Uh, Mr. Himbry?" Nancy hesitantly spoke up. "Are you okay?"
"No," he snapped. "I've had enough of this and I obviously can't trust the five of you to follow rules. So, you're each going to a study room and you're going to stay there, by yourself, until Saturday detention is over."
"Fine by me," you muttered, already moving to grab your stuff.  
A couple of minutes later, you were back in the study room you had retreated to for solace earlier that day. You went back to trying to shade in your paper, hating that Billy Hargrove of all people had managed to get under your skin.  
You weren't sure how long you had been sitting there, glaring down at the progressively-darkening paper in front of you, before the door to your study room opened.  
You glanced over your shoulder, hoping it was Himbry telling you it was time to go home, but to your surprise it was Billy standing just inside the room.  
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Billy shrugged his shoulders before he pulled his sunglasses off. "I was thinking," he said, moving to sit down in the chair beside yours.
"I didn't say you were welcome here," you reminded him.  
"Come on, Y/N," Billy said, grinning at you. "You can't tell me you weren't a little excited to see me here."
"I'm not excited to see you here. Get out," you told him, already turning away from him.
"Hey," he called, his tone softer than before. He reached out to wrap his fingers around your wrist, tugging until you faced him again. "I wanted to apologize."
"What?" You blurted, thrown for a loop by his words. "You can't be serious. Are you just making fun of me again?"
"No," he insisted. "God, this is why I don't tell people I'm sorry. They always give me shit for it."
"You have to admit it's a little unexpected given your track record," you couldn't help but point out to him.
Billy brought his hand up to scratch the back of his neck, a nervous smile on his face that looked remarkably out of place. You were used to Billy practically oozing an obvious charm that he bestowed on anyone he thought he could get into bed. Otherwise, he was almost hostile, picking fights and mostly winning them. A nervous and awkward Billy Hargrove wasn’t something you thought you would ever witness.  
"You know, I've seen you around school before. You get this smile on your face when you think no one's looking. Like, you're away in your head and anywhere else other than this shithole. It's nice," he said.  
"You've noticed me? I thought you were too busy being too cool for someone as boring as I am."
"Oh, I've noticed you," he confirmed with a nod of his head. "And I shouldn't have called you boring. But I just always thought you were too good for me. You’re going to graduate top of the class and go to some fancy university in a big city. You’re better than Hawkins and you’re better than me."
"Maybe I am and maybe I’m not," you said, rolling your eyes. "But maybe if you stopped being such a dick to me, then you'd find that out for yourself. Maybe if you actually got to know me, then you would know that I have more to offer than my good grades."
Billy narrowed his eyes at you before a self-satisfied grin broke out on his face. "Alright, then," he said, leaning back in his seat. "We've still got at least an hour locked in here. What do you say to getting to know each other a little better?"
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Just talking?"
Billy held his hands up, palms facing towards you. "Just talking," he promised, even though the smirk on his face did nothing to convince you he wasn't lying.  
You thought that maybe Billy Hargrove wasn't capable of being alone in a room with a girl without making a dozen innuendos. You thought Billy Hargrove would have hit on you relentlessly or tried to goad you into doing something more than having a conversation. You thought Billy Hargrove would rather eat his own shoe than spend over an hour with you alone, simply talking and getting to know each other better.  
Billy Hargrove managed to surprise you.
During your time together, you learned that the loss he admitted to earlier during the game was his mom.
"She didn't die or anything," he told you, shrugging his shoulders as if unbothered by what he was saying. From the pained look in his eyes, you knew that he still obviously cared a lot. "But she ran out on me and I haven't seen or heard from her since. Left me in a pretty shitty situation," he confessed, carefully not looking at you. “She’s as good as dead to me now.”
"I'm sorry," you said, at a loss for anything else to say.  
"Whatever," Billy breathed, his expression smoothing out. "So, what did someone like you do to end up in here?"
You normally wouldn't have wanted to fess up, but after Billy had practically bared his soul for you just moments before, or as close to it as he ever got, you couldn't help but want to trust him with something of yours.
"I threw a book through Mr. Himbry's office window. Smashed it."
"What? That was you?" Billy looked almost impressed as he finally looked at you again. "Why the hell did you do that?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "I was going to fail gym. I told him it was a bullshit requirement, but he wouldn't listen to me. I guess I got angry. He said the only reason I wasn't expelled was because I was top of the class."
"A hothead, huh?" Billy chuckled, an expression that looked a lot like fond amusement appearing on his face. "I can respect that."
As more time passed and Billy revealed more and more of himself to you, you couldn't help but wonder if he was ever this open and candid with anyone else.  
You talked about favorite movies and teachers you both hated. He told you about his car and you bemoaned your lack of one. You told him about some of your favorite books and he shared some memories about his favorite places in California.  
By the time the end of your detention was approaching, you felt like you had gotten to see a side of Billy Hargrove that no one else was allowed to.
"So, hey," Billy started, tapping his fingers on the surface of the table. "I was thinking I could help you out."
"With what?" You asked, wondering what he could possibly be talking about.  
"With some of your answers to that game. Or, I mean, lack of answers," he amended. "You barely got to participate. It's a little sad."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not having sex with you in your car just because I've never done that before." Even if it is a nice car, you couldn’t help but think to yourself.  
He laughed, sounding genuinely amused by your words. "That's not what I had in mind," he muttered before he leaned forward in his chair. He reached out, tipping your chin up towards him, before he brushed his lips against yours. "This okay?" He quietly asked, pulling back only enough to meet your gaze.  
You nodded your head, pulling him back towards you. It was strange to think that you started the day dreading the sight of Billy Hargrove and now you felt almost breathless with anticipation while he was pressed so close to you.  
One little Saturday detention had somehow managed to change your opinion of him. You couldn’t help but admit to yourself that you really didn’t hate the turn of events that ended up with his lips pressed to yours and his fingers carding through your hair.  
The next time the door to your study room opened, it really was Himbry.
"Enough!" He snapped when he caught you and Billy making out. "It's bad enough that you two ended up in Saturday detention in the first place, but it’s even worse that you just couldn't respect my rules for even one day." He sighed, sounding oddly defeated. "Detention is over. Get out of here. I'll see you two here next Saturday." As he turned, you heard him mutter under his breath. "Honestly, between these two and the other three, I'm starting to wonder why we even bother with Saturday detention anymore."
When you turned back towards the table, you caught Billy looking at you.  
"What?" You couldn't quite read the look on his face, but it had you shivering in your seat.  
"Nothing," he answered as he reached forward. He pressed his thumb just under your jaw, a smirk on his face. "Looks like I helped you out with something after all."
You remembered his biting kisses to the skin he was considering with an intent in his eyes that you couldn't help but melt at seeing. You also remembered admitting earlier that you had never before gotten a hickey.  
"You're something else," you muttered, moving to gather your stuff. You briefly wondered if you would be able to hide the love bites Billy had gifted you with, but a part of you really didn’t want to.  
You left the study room, aware of Billy trailing right behind you.  
When you looked up, you noticed Nancy righting her blouse just outside the study room she had been confined to earlier. Steve and Jonathan were just right behind her, talking softly to each other.
It was then you suddenly understood Himbry's words from just moments before. You quirked an eyebrow at Nancy when she realized she had your attention and she blushed in response, shrugging her shoulders. You grinned at her before you mimed zipping your lips shut. She shot you a grateful look before turning towards Steve and Jonathan.
"Told you," Billy whispered in your ear.  
You glanced at him over your shoulder before you shook your head. “You better not go spreading that around school,” you warned him. “It’s not yours to tell.”
Billy didn’t bother to answer, but from the expression on his face, you hoped he agreed to keep his mouth shut.  
You walked out of the library, already dreading the walk home. You pulled your jacket back on, knowing that it would likely be freezing outside.
When you opened the front doors to the school, you shivered at the blast of cold air that greeted you.  
You hastily tugged your gloves back on and pulled your jacket tighter around you. You only made it a few steps away from the front doors before you felt someone tug on the sleeve of your jacket.  
"Hey, nerd," Billy called, an almost affectionate tone to his voice. "Let me give you a ride home. You'll catch pneumonia walking in this cold."
"And you care?"
"Just get in the car, Y/N," he groaned before nodding over towards his blue Camaro.  
You watched him step towards his car before sending you a questioning glance over his shoulder. You moved to follow after him, feeling a little exhilarated as you ducked into the passenger seat.  
The car ride to your house was filled with an almost awkward silence. You weren't really sure where you stood with Billy now that you weren't sentenced to spending time together. Were you friends? Something more? Surely friends didn't make out with each other, right? You had certainly never given any of your friends a hickey. But were you dating? Were you anything other than a Saturday detention fling to Billy?
By the time Billy pulled into your driveway, you had managed to almost convince yourself that the connection you thought you had forged with Billy was tenuous at best. He would probably never speak to you again past today and the thought hurt, even though you knew you didn't really have any claim to him or his time.  
You moved to get out of the car. You hated that he wasn't saying anything as you pushed yourself out of the car and closed the passenger side door shut behind you.
"So, Y/N," Billy called, looking at you through the open passenger window.  
"Yeah?" You pulled your jacket tighter around you, shivering at the chill in the air.  
"Can I call you some time?"
You felt your breath hitch, your knees going a little weak at the expectant look on his face. He looked as if he was looking forward to the idea of speaking to you again.  
"Sure," you answered, trying to keep your tone even. If you let him know just how eager you felt for more of his time, then he wouldn't let you live it down.  
"Great," he said, reaching into the front pocket of his jacket and pulling out a carton of cigarettes. He shook one out before he placed it between his lips, his gaze going to you as he lit the end of the cigarette with a lighter he pulled from the glove compartment.  
You weren't really sure if you were supposed to leave now, but you couldn't help but say one more thing before stepping away from the car.
"So, I guess I'll see you at the next Saturday detention," you reminded him. A part of you really hoped that it was only going to be you and Billy there. You relished the idea of having Billy all to yourself.  
He smiled at you, pulling the cigarette away from his mouth to breathe out a cloud of smoke.  
"It's a date," he agreed.
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sh1tbird-shantytown · 3 years
What’s with the Goats, Steve?
Billy had never actually been in the Harrington house. But he knew what the rest pretty much looked like. The red door, the rectangle windows, the big shed by the pool that held exercise equipment. The outside of house was chic. It was clean and well trimmed and pigmented. Something a wealthy boy like Steve would assumingly live in. Billy knew it all on the outside. But he’d never been inside the house. No matter how many times he’d dropped Steve off after their shifts at work. He’d never been invited in. And contrary to popular belief, Billy wasn’t one to normally barge into someone’s home without reason.
He was aware of the key under the little blue gnome out back. How Steve himself had started the little petunia garden out front. How the pool was cleaned but closed off and Steve wouldn’t even look at it. He even knew about the rabbit Steve had had as a little kid that was buried under the pine tree sapling. He also knew that the bunny’s name had been Checkers.
Steve was a talker what could he say. If you’d listen he’d babble on and on. Billy could be the same way, but listening to Steve Harrington’s fond memories was a little more to his liking. Oddly.
But recently the BMW had been in some nasty encounter with a buck and was, so far, permanently parked in the Harrington’s driveway with a shattered windshield and craters in the hood. He swore one of the headlights hung out slightly too.
Steve had been distraught for days. Billy had to actually ask Dustin to help them revive Steve’s dopey side. Not to mention how the thing had already begun to run out of luck after so many days of carpooling the kids and rolling over stray demodogs. So, Billy and Robin picked him up when he needed to be somewhere. It was mostly to and from work and it was usually Billy even though Robin and Steve worked at the same place.
By this point Billy was sure Robin already knew what was up. Billy knew he wasn’t subtle. But Steve was also very...dense. And he also couldn’t tell when a person was interested apparently. His technique throughout life had always been 1.) tease and flirt 2.) hope for good a response 3.) ask out 4.) relationship. While Billy’s had always been 1.) flirt 2.) wait for them to flirt back 3.) wait for them to make the next move and 4.) take it from there.
Billy had been making light and flirtations notions all week and Steve gave them right back with vigor. But it was taking Steve an awful long time to take the next step. Billy didn’t think he’d be able to do it himself. Didn’t want to lose what he had if things shifted the wrong way. Steve was just about the best friend Billy had ever had.
Billy stopped in front of Steve’s driveway per usual on a warm and breezy spring day in April.
Steve looked at his house and then back at Billy with a contemplative look to his eye, “You gonna drive up the rest of the way?”
Billy stared back blankly, “You can’t walk?”
Steve rolled his eyes, “I did track, give me some credit.” Billy shook his head and then swerved into the driveway, Steve just barely missed hitting his head on the window. He then leaned back in the car right after stepping out, “Uh, wait.” Billy felt slightly disappointed about being in front of Steve in that brief moment. “I thought I mentioned us hanging out today—“
“Mentioning and asking aren’t the same thing, Harrington,” Billy reminded. He did this often. Steve would say the most generic things, a mere flutter of words in a conversation, but would then take it to heart and you’d be slammed with sudden plans. Just the other day he’d said he was hungry and then twenty minutes later Billy had been forced into driving them to the Dairy Queen outside of town.
“Oh come on,” Steve whined and pulled at Billy’s leather jacket sleeve, “We both have tomorrow off finally! You can sleep over, it’ll be fun. You’re fun, Billy, let’s have fun, come on.” He gave one last tug and then exited the car. Based on the speed he spoke and the uncontrollable smile Steve had, Billy could tell something was up. But it was also cute and Billy was a sucker when Steve was like that. Unfortunately Steve was almost always cute so there wasn’t much of a win win sort of thing.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming,” he put the car in park, grabbed the key, and jogged after Steve. Steve unlocked the door in a rush with the jangle of his own set of keys. Before he opened the door he turned back with his hand in the handle.
“Oh, I should probably warn you, um...” Steve bit his lip and glanced at the door. Billy was laser-focused on that magenta, plush lip and then...there was yodeling. Yodeling?
Billy looked at the door in shock, “Harrington, what was that?” Instead of answering Steve turned the doorknob and gestured to two goats galloping towards them. One had a fully black, silky coat while the other was spotted like a cow. Their little, blunt horns worried Billy so he stepped in front of Steve a little swing of motion. The goats skidded to a stop straight in front him and just stared up.
“I think they like your hair,” Steve commented over his shoulder. The animals were, in fact, staring at Billy’s head. He stepped around and Billy had to stop himself from pulling him back just in case. Steve picked up the spotted goat and started rubbing its back. “Billy,” he lifted the goat up to Billy’s focus, “This is Joe. He loves chewing shirts so heads up. And this,” Steve let the submissive goat go and picked up the other one, “Is Remy,” he scratched the white spot of fur between the horns gently. “She likes buttercups and gnawing on hair especially so watch your head. She’s a jumper.” As of to prove his point Remy licked Steve’s chin and leaped down from Steve’s loose hold with impressive height.
For a lack of better words Billy asked in awe, “What’s with the goats, Steve?”
Harrington rubbed the back of his neck and let out a sort of giggle, “Well. I got lonely after Starcourt and the doctor said that a pet might help me with the PTSD or...something.” Suddenly Steve was sitting on the floor with the two goats at either side awaiting his attention. “And some farmer was getting rid of the runts for fifteen bucks each! So I took these two, the last of ‘em.” Now Billy knew Steve was sugar coating some of those details.
He wasn’t just lonely after Starcourt. Robin had explained a few things that triggered Steve’s fight or flight responses. Things Steve himself would never think to tell. Billy couldn’t handle the sight of rats or tar. And the smell of bleach made him vomit instantly. Steve knew that all. But Robin was the one to sit down and tell Billy how Steve couldn’t have his hair pulled. Or the sight of needles made him horribly nauseous. And he got close to chronic migraines, specifically in the colder weather.
Billy knew Steve intentionally never mentioned the time Billy had found him with his bat prowling the junkyard. Or the woods on the southwest side of Hawkins. Or when Mike had found Steve stumbling on a route to check on all of them. Billy had had to pick him up from the Wheeler’s because he was so paranoid and fatigued that no one could calm him. But Billy had become an expert at bundling Steve Harrington in their sort of affection. It was the sharp kind that made things go back to mostly normal.
Billy sat down too, maybe a little too close. But who was counting? Billy understood though, “Been having trouble sleeping again?”
Steve sighed forlornly, “Yeah,” he answered stoutly. Billy hesitantly stroked Joe’s side as the goat inched closer and Remy nuzzled into Steve’s side.
“I better get dinner out of this,” he teased and looked at Steve.
That damn smile.
“How long have you had them?”
“About four weeks but they’re eight weeks old,” Steve smoothed down the fluffed up white fur that bunched up behind Remy’s ears.
“They spend all their time inside?”
Steve looked almost offended, “God, no. I built a little coral outside for them in the morning and in the evening. I only keep them inside when I’m not here and the weather’s bad or at night. The weatherman had said that it was going to rain ‘cats and dogs’ today.” He quoted with his fingers and looked dispraisingly at the big sliding doors that could be seen through into the living room.
Joe made a disruptive, ear sore of a ‘baah’ and climbed into Billy’s lap. Rather invasively. Billy, for fear of the kid loosing balance, hugged him securely in place. The dull horns dug into the underneath of his jaw annoyingly but the softness of the animal’s shiny coat was enough to suffice. Steve tilted his head as he watched this go by and grinned with a softness Billy had associated clouds with as a child.
“I think he likes you,” Steve stated proudly.
Billy let himself smirk as he rubbed down Joe’s back, “He’s alright too.”
Steve was silent for a minute and then he stood up, Remy galloping after him, “I’ll start supper while you go wash up. You’ve got grease and ketchup on your shirt and I think that’s lettuce in your hair.” Billy’s hand flicked up to his head to feel for the referred invader.
He found it and threw it, Joe scurried after it attentively, “The diner was busy today,” he excused himself. Steve pointed to a blue door on his way to the kitchen. Billy entered through it to walls filled with powder blue wallpaper flowers. It smelt like cinnamon and the walk-in shower had little navy colored tiles. Billy stared at the citrus shampoo and conditioner lined up on the little shelf in the shower. Steve’s hair smelt like citrus. Abundantly most of the time and Billy sometimes lost himself in the aroma. God he was done for. The guys hair sent him to his knees practically. It was mortifying.
He showered quick and when he stepped out from the foggy glass box he found a yellow Hawkins High sweatshirt and soccer shorts. Billy furrowed his brow before putting on the shorts. “Didn’t know Steve had played soccer,” he mumbled to himself before tugging the long string in the front. When he exited the bathroom and slowly searched for the kitchen doorway, he listened to what Steve was saying to his goats.
“I think he went a little overboard on the soaps. It smelt like a lemon meringue pie in there. Or maybe it always smells like that. Joe, don’t eat the lemon grass, that’s to go with the chicken!” Billy peaked in and watched as Steve chased Joe around the island while the goat kept a sprig of green in his mouth. Steve had a pink and black polkadot apron on that flapped as he jogged. Joe went to escape the room but Billy crouched and grabbed him in one fluid motion. When he stood up Steve forcefully came to a halt just in front of Billy. Steve’s brown eyes were sparking orbs. Billy blinked and grasped the lemongrass, waiting for the black goat to slacken his jaw.
“Here,” he held the herb up and Steve carefully took it, holding a bit of Billy’s own hand as he did so and pulled it away slowly. Steve smiled thankfully, gently flicked Joe’s nose, and returned to his cutting board where he continued slicing the chicken cutlets. Billy asked to help and Steve seemed to grow excited. “Oh, you can work on a salad, there’s a head of lettuce in the fridge, some carrots and cucumbers and tomatoes too.” Remy appeared right in front of the refrigerator as soon as Billy stepped up to it. Steve noticed, “Just nudge her away, she likes the cucumber and she always tries to steal it when I get anything else out of there.”
Billy toed at her, prodding her away, “I thought you hated tomatoes,” Billy mentioned as he took out everything Steve had mentioned. He dropped everything in his arms on the other side of the island to where Steve was focused on seasoning the chicken. He bit his bottom lip when he was focused. Billy stared.
“Uhm,” Steve mumbled distractedly, “Just cube it and pat it a little with a paper towel. I can handle them when they’re not so wet.” Billy nodded and grabbed a cutting board from the drying rack by the sink and a knife from the wood block. He worked as he did in the kitchen at the diner and had a salad tossed up just as Steve was putting the chicken in the oven.
The goats where nowhere to be seen and Billy felt unnerved by the sudden quite, “Where are they?”
Steve looked up from cranking a timer with a wide eyed look, “Who?”
Billy held back a chuckle, “Steve,” he grinned amusedly and shook his head as Steve hesitantly gave back a confused tilt to his head. “Where are your goats?”
“Oh!” Steve pointed to the living room where the two animals where lying and staring at a robin hopping outside the glass sliding doors. “They’re waiting to go out,” Steve explained and hurried over while untying the apron. He opened the door and both goats messily ran out into the dewy evening grass and over to the small but spacious corral that Steve had referred to earlier. It was simple wood fencing, not much more that four feet high. The goats seemed to not care for it though and neither did Steve in the moment. Because the goats where lazily chasing the robin down to the tree line until the bird flew up and out of sight.
Billy walked out to Steve’s side at the end of the patio. Steve shivered, it had rained a little, hence the cool dew in the grass, and the air was chilly. Billy felt fine but he knew how Steve got colder then most, even though the man ran hot most of the time. He was a similar way himself, was a human heater but almost never got cold. Billy didn’t really think about it before he did it. Just pulled Steve close into his side and hugged him around his torso with one arm. Steve didn’t show any resistance and only froze up for a millisecond before he leaned into Billy’s side comfortably.
The sun was half covered by the end of the tree line. Cosmic orange and yellow highlighted Steve’s features cinema-like as Billy watched him gaze at the goats chase each other. When Steve finally did crane his neck back to catch Billy’s eye, he found plainly that he’d already had it. Steve’s eyes shifted down for a second and Billy had just enough hope to think it was his lips Steve had willingly glimpsed at.
“Wanna go get some ice cream from Donna’s later?” Steve asked and Billy caught something knowing in the glimmer of Steve’s irises. Highlighted like aged honey from the sun.
He nodded, “Sounds nice.”
“It’s a date,” Steve stated decisively. A date. He turned back to clap for Remy, who had just successfully jumped over the small bin filled with a basketball, soccer ball, and rubber ball.
Which reminded Billy, “I didn’t know you played soccer.” Steve seemed taken aback at the sudden question, like he’d forgotten too.
“God,” he said and leaned into Billy more, “That feels like decades ago. Yeah, I played the summer before junior year. Wasn’t my thing, I was put in goalie all the time because I couldn’t dribble the ball and kept tripping over it and staining my uniform.” Billy chuckled and Steve joined him heartily. “My mother has a picture of my whole front covered in mud somewhere.”
“I’ve got to see that,” Billy loosely pinched Steve side, making him bundle over to try and protect himself. Steve yelped with ticklish spouts of laughter and Billy laughed with him. Steve’s laugh was like a bell, like the church bells that even the non-religious could find a meaning too. Even at almost twenty, Steve’s laugh made him seem so much younger. Like he wasn’t plagued with neglectful parents, monsters invading his hometown, and the memories of all too many unnecessary deaths. Billy’s own was rougher but Max had told him once that his laugh did the same thing. She told him that when he laughed he seemed thirteen again, when he had first met her, when his father had been nice and Max had been innocent enough for Billy to take care with every step towards her. When she made him laugh like he had just started remembering how to do now.
Steve leaned his head on Billy’s peck and sighed, “I don’t even know where it’d be. My mother might have it. I have a hunch she had a photo album with her.”
“How’d you figure that?” Billy settled his hand firmer against Steve’s hip.
“She calls sometimes when she’s drunk enough to let loose and tell me how she’s feeling. Seems she only remembers me when she’s intoxicated. She babbles about times when I was a kid.” Billy couldn’t see Steve’s expression but he almost assumed the man was smiling a little. Like he was okay and happy that his mother only called when she was drunker than a sailor. He was fine with the scraps he got. And Steve was never one to stick up for himself. Never one to actually complain about the muddy puddle he was stuck in. But Billy didn’t want to watch Steve become immune to that. And it was bad enough that he wasn’t even registering what’s right and wrong anymore. But maybe Steve was finally accepting the outcome his family’s path had lead to. Maybe Billy missed being selfish and now he was selfish for Steve.
“Why does she do that?” he asked and Steve didn’t respond for a moment. The goats started to chase each other around the corral, shadows deeper as the sun set a little more.
“She doesn’t trust my father so she’s always by his side. He cheated a couple years ago and she’s trying to keep a hold of him. She can’t leave him for more to an a day without worrying to bits and pieces.”
“And you’re fine with that?”
Steve sighed and shrugged over Billy’s arm, “I get it, I don’t like it, but I get it. I spent so much time doing the same to Nancy. I lost the game and I have a feeling she’ll lose eventually too. I guess...I never hang up because I want her to know, even if it’s in the back of her mind, that I’m here for her when she realizes it. When he finally makes the final blow.” Steve looked up and Billy couldn’t regret causing the loosing stance in Steve’s eyes. Because what he’d said was the truth. It was what he felt for real and that what Billy had wanted. But he did feel apologetic for pushing. Steve had a hard time talking about his family, anyone could be able to spot that much.
“That’s kind of you to offer her,” Billy said and stared back at Steve through both their eyelashes.
Steve shrugged again, “Yeah, well, one of us has got look out for someone.” Billy knew he was implying his own family. But he couldn’t help but connect Steve helping him through all the hurt Neil had caused. How Steve had definitely been there for people before. But this was different. Billy knew that. “And I’ve got the goats, I haven’t told Dad about them but Mom thinks it’s sweet as long as they don’t eat the furniture.” Billy smiled and leaned his chin atop Steve’s hair part. Steve sighed, a little tired and a little content, “This is nice.” Billy decided to take the next step, maybe Steve already had, but Billy was making his own leap.
He slowly stepped around Steve while still keeping him trapped in the embrace. He leaned forward till their noses touched and he ignored the slight tickle. Steve and him were mostly the same height, Billy only shorter by an inch or so. So Billy had the best sight of Steve’s dark, coffee bean eyes and the starkly gentle emotions they emoted. Neither of them looked anywhere else, no ones eyes looked away from the others. It was peaceful until Billy felt two somethings, he assumed were horns, ram into his calf. He shouted and stepped back from Steve so he could check his assaulted leg. The smooth, black coat that Billy had just been stroking earlier was now jumping in front of Steve like it was disturbed by the both of them. He made a low ‘baah’ towards Billy before chomping onto the hem of Steve T-shirt self riotously.
“Joseph!” Steve scolded, rather harshly, “How dare you,” he ripped his shirt out of the goats mouth and hurried over to Billy. Remy had remade her appearance, making herself known to Billy by licking his hand and making a sympathetic sounding ‘baah’ much different from her brother’s. Steve took Billy’s hand and rushed back inside, guiding the goats with him. Joe was reluctant and obviously in a fit of self pity, but Billy was sitting on the counter as Steve checked over the bruising area with extreme intent. “I’m sorry he did that, he’s not usually so violent.”
Billy snorted, he couldn’t help it, “I think he was just being protective of you.” He winced when Steve gingerly felt around the bruising dots.
He looked up sheepishly, “Sorry,” he stood up and gave a quick peck to Billy’s forehead affectionately. And if that where any other person Billy knew he’d probably be very confused. Even with almost kissing outside, Billy wasn’t quite surprised by Steve’s actions. Because Steve was always affectionate, he hugged and squeezed you when you hugged him like he loves you more than anything. He was just soft hearted like that, defrosted in a way most weren’t.
Steve returned with a bag of frozen peas, “Here, this’ll help,” he held it to the two dark purple circles on his leg. Billy ignored the cold and ran a hand through Steve hair calmingly. He told himself there was a tangle and he was just making sure Steve’s pretty head of high hair wasn’t catching snarls. Steve hadn’t used any hairspray that day, or at least very little. He was surprised by the light, softness to it. Steve closed his eyes and leaned into Billy’s hand by the third stroke of his hand.
“Steve,” Billy began, he didn’t continue until Steve opened his eyes and looked up at him, “Do you think the goats will ambush me if I try again.”
Steve’s lips curved up and he leaned his temple against Billy’s knee, “Nah, Remy will protect you. Promise it,” he put his hands on the counter on either side of Billy’s sides and pulled himself up to standing. The counter was tall so for once Billy was the one an inch or so taller. Steve didn’t close his eyes as he leaned in and neither did Billy. They stared a moment before they closed their eyes and their lips actually touched. And then they were pressed together from forehead to waist. Steve was warm and breathy and confident. It was more relieving than the cold against the bruises. Billy was actually the one to break first. He hadn’t even realized until he tasted salt. Steve looked panicked, “Are you okay?” Steve’s hands were in Billy’s hair, pushing it back soothingly.
Steve wiped the tear tracks and Billy coughed out emotion, “I never actually thought that would happen. For real. You— You kissed me.” Steve smiled as it dawned on him and hugged Billy. Just hugged him, nothing more, nothing less. Arms around torso and slightly stubbly chin against his jaw. Billy almost fell apart. He wrapped his own arms around Steve’s torso and clasped around him like a magnet.
“I’ll do it again later too,” Steve whispered after a very long moment. They both pulled away when they heard the clomping of small hooves. Remy was pushing Joe over to them with the flat of her head and the force of her side. She stood silent and stared at Joe for a long while, the white of her spots reflecting the last light of the evening. Joe stood on all fours and slowly inched his way over to Billy’s dangling legs and licked his knee before galloping off with a blow through his nose. Steve chuckled, “That’s his way of apologizing.” Billy raised a brow and watched as Remy made her way over, calmer than the other.
“Some apology,” he mumbled sarcastically and Steve laughed while putting his head on Billy’s shoulder.
Then the timer went off.
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StackedNatural Day 78: 6x11
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
December 10, 2021
6x11: Appointment in Samarra
Written by: Sera Gamble & Robert Singer
Directed by: Mike Rohl
Original air date: December 10, 2010
Plot Synopsis:
Dean decides to bargain with Death to get Sam's soul back, and has to accept a wager. Meanwhile, Sam refuses to take the risk of getting his damaged soul back, and prepares to cast a spell to prevent Dean's efforts.
Sketchy backdoor doctors, Death’s wager, the cost of making your body uninhabitable to your soul, Dean becomes Death, Bobby has a trapdoor, Death’s dominos and his lessons, don't scratch the wall.
My Thoughts:
I started to watch this one on the bus on the way to work and then realised it was actually a good episode and stopped so I could watch it properly and take notes. Right off the bat, I enjoy being dropped in media res, I like not knowing what Dean’s game plan is when he talks to Death. I LOVE this actor for death. He’s iconic. One of the reasons I actually stopped watching when I did was because I was mad that they killed him off and I didn’t think they’d earned that. I’ve forgiven them now though, because Billie as Death also rules.
I like when they’re forced to confront the natural order and the human consequences of their actions. When Tessa was looking at the little girl that had to die and said “Chaos and sadness will follow her the rest of her life”, it made me think about how circumstances have just gotten worse and worse for them since Dean was saved from his time for death during 2x01 In My Time of Dying. They’ve both cheated death so many times, and the butterfly effect chaos that follows them does cause the deaths of a lot of people around them.
Obsessed with the fact that Bobby has a titanium basement door and a trapdoor into it, not to mention the panic room. He is the most prepared man in the universe. Also, Jared is pretty good in this episode!
I love that Tessa got to come back. If I didn’t love Billie so much, I would have wanted her to be Death in the end, just to bring everything full circle.
Notable Lines:
“She's disrupting the natural order by being alive. You of all people know what that means. Chaos and sadness will follow her for the rest of her life.”
“Today, you got a hard look behind the curtain. Wrecking the natural order's not quite such fun when you have to mop up the mess, is it? This is hard for you, Dean. You throw away your life because you've come to assume that it'll bounce right back into your lap. But the human soul is not a rubber ball. It's vulnerable, impermanent, but stronger than you know. And more valuable than you can imagine.”
“You and your brother keep coming back. You're an affront to the balance of the universe, and you cause disruption on a global scale.”
“Right now, you're digging at something. The intrepid Detective. I want you to keep digging, Dean. [...] It's about the souls. You'll understand when you need to.”
“Do me a favor --don't scratch the wall. trust me -- you're not gonna like what happens.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.4
IMdB Rating: 9.2
In Conclusion: I love so much when we have a one-episode day and it’s a good episode. Really makes me enjoy Stacked.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Monster Exchange Draculaura Passport
6 June
I have lost my passport. Okay, maybe “lost” isn’t the right word, maybe “misplaced” is better, or at least it makes me feel better to think of it just not being really “lost, lost”; because “misplaced” means I can actually come across it by looking in places where it is not normally kept, whereas “lost” means the possibility of me ever finding it again is dreadfully small. I am not in panic mode yet, though. There is still time to find it before I have to leave for Shibooya. I hope. Clawd thinks I need to apply for another passport, but that would mean giving up and admitting that I really have lost it instead of just misplaced it. I can hear Dad now, “Draculaura, it is totes irresponsible of you to lose such an important document.” Okay, maybe I can’t exactly hear him saying “totes”, but the rest of that sentence comes through loud and clear. I’m doing my best not to tell him, which is waaaay easier since he’s out of country right now... with his passport not lost or misplaced, I’m sure.
13 June
I am sitting in the student exchange gorientation class right now. I am pretending to take notes, which makes Mr. D’eath happy. It also has the curious effect of keeping him from repeating himself, which means the class doesn’t go as long. If I were legitimately taking notes, these are some of the subjects I would have written down:
Do not lose your passport. This is an important document, and it is your responsibility to keep up with it.
One time Mr. D’eath lost his passport and never got the chance to go on his exchange trip, which meant he had to stay home and work in his father’s shoe store instead of getting to see the Eiffel Terror.
Do not lose your passport.
I think I would be getting a lot more out of this class right now if I weren’t being constantly reminded of this. Bats! I know it has to be somewhere - “Well, of course, it has to be somewhere Draculaura, things don’t just vanish into thin air.” Oh, yeah? What about Invisi Billy? “Okay - except for Invisi Billy.” Lagoona just snorted again, I know that snort; it’s what she does when she tries to turn a laugh into a sneeze. I wish I were sitting next to her so I could be in on whatever it is that she’s laughing about, but Mr. D’eath won’t let us sit next to each other because, apparently, we’re “disruptive.” So not fair, and right now Lagoona needs some encouragement. She’s already missing Gil, and she hasn’t even left yet. I’m going to miss Clawd, too, but our situation is totes different than theirs is. I should talk to the ghouls and see if we can do something special for them. Ooh, I think Mr. D’eath is wrapping things up. Feariously? Again with the lost passport? I get it already... I just wish I had gotten it before I lost... er... misplaced it. Sigh...
15 June
I went over to Clawd’s house for dinner tonight. It was fun. His mom always makes sure to cook something without meat in it for me. This time it was pasta with scarinara sauce. She also made meatballs, but, of course, I passed on those. The Wolfs treat me like I am a member of their pack, and I always feel so special when I’m there. It made me think of Lagoona again, and how even something as simple as dinner is such a scary hard thing to make happen for her and Gil. When we finished eating, Clawd and I went for a walk. If he was worried about me being gone, he did not show it. I think some ghouls would take this as a sign that something was wrong, but I know better. There’s barely enough room in our relationship for the drama I bring to it, so I’m glad Clawd doesn’t add his own. Speaking of drama, I told him about my passport. Clawd snorted, but it wasn’t because he was trying to turn a laugh into a sneeze. It’s a “concern snort” which tells me that a solution has been released in his brain and it is currently trying to find a way out that does not sound like an order. Clawd is used to barking out orders. I guess that comes with being the captain of both the football and caketball teams. “I think, maybe you should get a replacement,” he said. “If you apply now, you’ll have time. If you wait, you won’t. That happened to Clawdia before she went to school in Londoom - it was a total pain in the fang.” I told him I would download the paperwork and fill it out, but I still don’t want to admit that it’s actually lost. I wonder if there is a box on the form for “misplaced”? I know it’s totes silly to carry on like this, but I don’t want to give up until I find it. 
25 June
It wasn’t hard to get the ghouls to agree to act as hair and makeup artists, it wasn’t hard to get Cleo to ask her dad for the use of a limo, it wasn’t hard to get the mansters to dress like body guards, but it was deadly difficult to get Gil to agree. “I don’t want to do it,” he said. “It’s just going to fall through, and then we’ll both be disappointed.” I finally had to resort to an intervention. Gil thought he was going to have a game day with the mansters at Deuce’s house, but not so much. When he walked down the stairs to the basement and saw all of us sitting there, he turned to Deuce and said, “I knew I smelled a trap.” Deuce said, “I could have just stoned you, but I’d rather have you mad at me than Lagoona.” It took a while, but after we laid out the plan... several times... he finally agreed. He was a nervous wreck on the way to pick her up, but by the time we arrived, with no flat tires, engine trouble, alien invasions or Heath Burns incidents, he was so excited he could barely stay in the limo while we went to get Lagoona. They had a clawsome day just to themselves, and we got to be a part of it. Totes perfect.
27 June
I was this close to moving my passport from “misplaced” to “lost” when I decided it was time to call in some backup. I invited Clawdeen, Frankie, Ghoulia, Abbey and Cleo for a creepover/passport hunt. I may or may not have mentioned the part about the passport hunt before they showed up, although according to the ghouls I definitely did not. It is possible that I did not mention it since I have been under a lot of stress lately. Frankie came to my rescue when the grumbling started to get out of hand, and said we could turn it into a treasure hunt, and that it would be fun. The other ghouls were not completely convinced that it would be fun, but Frankie could convince a werewolf to run barefoot through a field of wolf’s bane. We turned my room upside down - literally; Abbey is very strong. Cleo wanted to know when the last time I used it was, which, I think was when we all went to Scaris. I didn’t really need it for that whole “Queen of the Vampires” thing when we jetted off to Transylvania. Cleo suggested that maybe I left it in my luggage, so we all headed to my closet. Dad had put in some new track lighting, which makes it totes easier to find things now, and my clothes no longer smell like torch smoke. We went through all of my luggage from the trip; this took some time, but we found nothing except an old croissant. We had to keep Abbey from eating it, which made her crabby. Not that all the other ghouls weren’t crabby by this time, too, and that’s when Ghoulia, who was lying on the floor, pointed up to a shelf that had previously been hidden by the luggage. “Does that box say ‘Passports’?”? Abbey reached up and took down the box. Frankie opened the lid and pulled out a passport. “Draculaura, this passport expired 60 years ago.” Abbey dumped the box in the middle of the floor, and we all started going through them. Cleo said, “This one expired 30 years ago, and what is up with your hair in this picture?” It was a phase. Ghoulia flipped through the one she was holding, “Only 15 years out of date.” Clawdeen jumped to her feet with the one she was holding. “Found it, and it’s only expired by... TWO WEEKS!” I had two thoughts as I watched my ghouls freaking out with concern. Number one was “Misplaced, not lost”, and number two “Good thing I already applied for a replacement.” 
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eclecticash22 · 4 years
🔮 November Month Ahead Reading 🃏
Take a moment to breathe. Take three deep breaths, and look over each pile. Which one do you keep going back to? Follow your intuition and choose the one you are most drawn to.
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Pile 1 - White Piece & Rope | Pile 2 - Green Piece & Lead Pipe | Pile 3 - Red Piece and Candlestick | Pile 4 - Yellow Piece & Wrench | Pile 5 - Blue Piece & Dagger | Pile 6 - Purple Piece & Revolver
Pile 1 - Mrs. White
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Hello Pile One! So immediately I'm getting that this month is a good time to open up and pay attention to the things that have been trying to get your attention. I do feel like there are things you haven't noticed that now need you to see them.
This month I see you going through a transition and engaging in self growth. I see you being more confident in your abilities and really feeling on top of things. I see you feeling relief this month as well, like things are balancing out. There is also a message here of balance, so I feel things will straighten out and calm down, leading you to feel balanced. Again, there is a message to pay attention to what needs your attention. Try to focus on what is important this month. Touching back on that self growth message, allow yourself to let go of things that no longer serve you and the things that hurt you. We cannot dwell forever, we must move forward. And for many of you, now is the time to let yourself move forward.
Charms: I see that self growth message again. Face your emotions and face what has been bothering you. It isn't easy, but it is worth it to heal. Also, take time out this month to have fun. Find a new hobby, have a movie night and eat your favorite snacks, go out and have fun (if it is safe to do so and as long as you're being safe). Whatever it is, have fun.
Runes: You are coming into abundance this month! There are also new beginnings and prosperity coming forth, as well as change.
Important Numbers: 5, 2, 17, 10, 12, 21
Important Letters: N, K, Q, M, F, W, W, Z, N, U
Shufflemancy Songs: Maniac by Conan Gray | Two Young Hearts by Sabrina Carpenter | Joanne by Lady Gaga | S.O.S. by Rihanna
Pile 2 - Mr. Green
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Hello Pile 2! This month you may be feeling a bit more confident and you may be setting clearer boundaries. You may also be communicating more clearly with others this month. On top of this, you may be feeling very emotional this month. You may feel things very strongly this month, but want to shut those emotions down and ignore them. But that is not the path to take, pile two. Instead, face your emotions head on. It may not be comfortable, but you can do it. This month, I also see an end to a cycle for you, but a new one beginning soon after. You may be getting a job you wanted or a promotion, or you may be getting into a new relationship or moving to a next level in a current romantic relationship. Whatever this is, pay attention to how you're feeling. Address how you're feeling and allow yourself to take a break, talk things out, etc. Finally, pile two, I am seeing that this month you should allow your beauty to shine. You are an incredible human being and you are so beautiful and worthy of goodness. Allow your light to shine this month.
Charms: Immediately what is standing out to me here is communication. With your cards it is hinted at as well. Communicate your needs and desires this month, pile 2. This could also be a message that someone may be communicating with you or reaching out to you this month. Bottled up emotions may end up spilling, and this could have something to do with the communication message. There is commitment here- this may be a specific message for a handful of people, but some of you may be getting engaged/married this month. For others, this could indicate you entering into a committed relationship. Take time to relax this month. Face your emotions. Look at the bright side of things.
Runes: Prosperity. Something is being left up to fate. Joy. Romance.
Important Numbers: 7, 11, 10, 15, 13, 22
Important Letters: A, B, G, Q, M, B, S, V, I, Q
Shufflemancy Songs: Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears | Mustang Kids by Zella Day | Kiss the Girl (cover) by Ashley Tisdale | You're My Best Friend by Queen
Pile 3 - Miss Scarlet
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Hello Pile Three! I see that November is a good month to work towards what you want in life. You have the skills, you have the tools, and you are ready to work towards what you want. This will require you to work through self healing and to release things that no longer serve you. Do not hold onto negative emotions, but rather work through them and release them. It isn't always easy or comfortable, but it is needed in order for us to grow. This is necessary in order for you to progress towards what you want in life. This month I also see you finding something you really love. Whether this be a sense of independence, a new relationship, a new friendship, a new job, a new hobby, etc. Finally, pile three, I see this month is a good one to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. But choose your battles wisely. Avoid petty arguments, but continue to stand up for what you believe. Take initiative.
Charms: Let go of the past. You are strong and protected; your guides and angels are with you. Try not to be super stubborn or hard headed. Know your worth and know you're amazing. Something is unfolding in your life. Don't allow others to disturb your inner peace.
Runes: Success. Support. You are protected by your angels. Conflict. Adversity. Positive Outcome. Satisfaction. Awareness.
Important Numbers: 20, 27, 28, 20, 22, 28
Important Letters: X, E, J, X, K, V, G, D, O, K
Shufflemancy Songs: Save My Soul by JoJo | Love Me Two Times by The Doors | All We Have is Love by Sabrina Carpenter | Eh, Eh by Lady Gaga
Pile 4 - Colonel Mustard
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Hello Pile Four! I'm seeing a lot of defensive energy for this month. Remember, stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Don't let others run over you. But choose battles wisely and try to remain calm. There is an energy here about looking back on things from the past. The message here is to allow yourself to move on from your past. Let go of what doesn't serve you and allow yourself to let go of negative and toxic energies. Find balance in your life, and don't allow others to disturb the balance you have. Things are going to be just fine. Believe in that and know that better things are coming your way. I see you may be undergoing some sort of transformation this month. Be flexible and adaptable. This month may also be am important one to let your friends and/or partner know how much they mean to you. This may also be a good month to make the first move if you find yourself crushing on someone.
Charms: Nurture yourself. Let go of negative attachments. Know you control your life and how you feel. New beginnings. Give love and be persistent in order to reach your goals.
Runes: Gifts. Skills. Prosperity. Disruption. Sudden Loss. Something is being left up to fate.
Important Numbers: 6, 14, 16, 13, 22, 9
Important Letters: B, U, W, Z, F, Q, U, J, Q, M
Shufflemancy Songs: The Way You Make Me Feel by Micheal Jackson | Hollaback Girl by Gwen Steffani | One by Lewis Capaldi | You Deserve Better by James Arthur
Pile 5 - Mrs. Peacock
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Hello Pile Five! This month I see you feeling very in control of things. You're feeling driven and determined. You're using clear thought and focus to make decisions. This will lead you to success. You may have been feeling down or rough lately. Like maybe things are just going wrong, but I see you getting back up and continuing to work hard towards your goals. Keep going after what you want and do what makes you happy. Find inspiration and use that to stay determined. There is a message here to keep going! You are capable of creating the life you want and reaching the goals you have. Stay focused, pile five! Do not allow self doubt or a false self image being you down. You are worthy of greatness and you are capable of greatness. You are incredible and amazing and you can do whatever you set out to do. Don't forget it, friend!
Charms: Know you are loved. Love yourself. Nurture yourself. Nurture your inner child. You control how you feel and you control your life. Be careful. Think positively. Listen to some feel good music.
Runes: Renewal. Dreams. Success. Shield. Support. Passion. Vitality. Courage. Instinct.
Important Numbers: 13, 10, 12, 14, 5, 26
Important Letters: X, L, A, L, B, N, C, I, F, F
Shufflemancy Songs: Father by Demi Lovato | Why by Sabrina Carpenter | Detroit Rock City by KISS | Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Pile 6 - Professor Plum
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Hello Pile Six! This month, I see you moving forward. Moving forward past a situation that has left you feeling stuck, regretful, or sad. Things are falling into place for you to move forward and continue on to achieving goals. Remember, do not dwell on the past. It has already happened, and we can't change it. What we can do is fix it or choose to let it go. I do see you moving forward to a better place. There is a lot of energy here about moving on to something better. There is also energy here of success. Approach things with fearlessness (but still be careful and use your sense). Don't be afraid to try new things or go after what you want in life. Stay determined and don't allow others to disturb your peace. You are on the right path. Know that life is an unknown journey that we must go down. The unknown may be a bit frightening at times, we must approach it with bravery. Find your inner peace.
Charms: Knowledge and learning. Moving forward. Friendships. Seeing something you didn't see before. Something being revealed to you. Adventure. Curiosity. Picking something. Choices. Overcoming obstacles. Good things happening in life. Success.
Runes: Leadership. Truth. Wisdom. Confrontation. Turning Point. Death (metaphorical). Wealth. Prosperity.
Important Numbers: 17, 14, 19, 24, 15, 24
Important Letters: P, G, Y, X, P, I, R, T, Q, Z
Shufflemancy Songs: Bad Guy by Billie Eilish | Tough Lover by Christina Aguilera | Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna | Bad Liar by Selena Gomez
*** All Groups ***
Thank you so much for your time today! I hope you have such a wonderful day and an incredible month ahead ❤❤❤
*This reading is for the collective. If it resonates- awesome! If it doesn't resonate- that is okay. Take what does resonate and/or pick another pile.
* This reading is for entertainment purposes. This can not tell you are exact future. I am also not responsible for any decisions you choose to make. Any and all decisions you make are 100% your own.
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mizgnomer · 4 years
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Behind the Scene of Turn Left (Part 3)
Excerpt from DWM 397′s feature on Turn Left, by Jason Arnopp:
Tonight’s scene will see Donna Noble and Rose Tyler sitting on a park bench (currently being kept dry by plastic sheets), while flame from the destroyed Sontaran ship blazes across the sky. Catherine Tate laughs as she and Third AD Paul Bennett jump over a small lake of rainwater, hand in hand, approaching the set.
“Is it possible to rehearse with brollies,” smiles Catherine to good-humoured First Assistant Director Simon Morris, “or is that out of the question?”  She and Billie are sitting on the bench, with the benefit of umbrellas, coats on their legs, and cute mini hot water bottles.
A red light stands by to shine on them both, representing the Sontaran flame. “Sexy,” laughs Billie, teeth chattering.
Filming continues, although one take is disrupted by increasingly strong winds blowing Catherine’s hair across her face.
“Pick it up from there!” calls Graeme (Harper, director)
“I think I should do it again,” sighs Billie. “I was so rubbish.”
“Billie,” asks camera operator Roger Pearce, “could you wipe the rain from above your lip?”
“That’s sweat!” she laughs.
“Cover the cast!” says Simon, as another take ends. Billie and Catherine are offered pasties. Billie takes one, but Catherine doesn’t like the way “they stick to the roof of your mouth.”  It’s 1 am.  
During one take, when Billie tells Catherine, “You’re going to die”, they disintegrate into laughter and Billie does some dance moves. Wonderful corpsing fun. Somewhere around 1:40am, Catherine mentions that she’s keen to avoid “the EastEnders moment” in this scene - she suggests a change which prevents Donna from keeping her back to Rose while talking to her. To celebrate Catherine’s victory, Billie and Catherine perform the ‘Enders drum-beats together.
Link to [ Part One ] [ Part Two ] (or click the #whoBtsTurnLeft tag)
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rnegitsune · 4 years
Ok so I thought I'd put together some horror stories from my time as a babymetal fan bc of how drastic the shift in the fandom has been the past year or so. For context I got into babymetal in like june of 2014 (all 3 girls were still underage at the time, I was 22; when I first got into them I thought I would be considered an older fan lmao the naivete, the innocence of new fan me wow I know now I'm not at all in the older half of the fandom esp considering I was born the same decade as su and moa), and I made this blog in I think may of 2015.
I've had people say I should compile men being gross into a post and I just couldn't do that out of fear for my own mental health but this will be pretty close. These are all my experiences with this fandom over the years; I'm definitely missing some but what I do remember should do well to cover most of how this fandom used to be vs now. It's gonna be a lot and tw for men being gross about minors.
Back in my first year or so of this blog I on multiple occasions got dms from men asking to be friends. At the time my bio only said my name and my pronouns. I've always been cautious of dms so I'd ask their age and every single one was considerably older than me. I wouldn't usually answer after that bc no thanks but they would generally try to continue convos til I blocked. The only one I still had was this one
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After I put my age in my bio, which was 23 at the time, I never got a dm like that again; take from that what you will. But if you're young please be wary of this hell fandom even now. And if you're an older fan and esp an older male fan reading this, don't dm people trying to be friends. I was over 18 and it still creeped me out to no end.
One of my real first men in this fandom are disgusting moments was a blog back in like 2015 or 2016 who I had some contact with due to common interests; he was a huge yui stan and made bm content. He was like 28 or 29 at the time and I eventually noticed he would tag idols, mostly kpop girls, by their body parts (legs, butt, etc) which is disgusting enough as it is but then I saw him do the same for literal minors, like tzuyu from twice. I messaged him asking what the hell he was doing objectifying women but also actual children and he blocked me lmao. He later unblocked me to let me know that's just how he tagged things and it was my fault he had anxiety and then he blocked me again.
Back before the tumblr purge this fandom was repulsive to a degree I cannot even begin to describe. Someone would reblog something from me, I'd go to their blog and it would be underage jpop idols and japanese p*rn all the way down. I even stumbled upon a man editing underage su into p*rn gifs. Obviously no proof of that but I did go find my initial reaction to it
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The number of times I'd get a follow from someone then go to their blog and it would be as mentioned above or their bio would be the most misogynistic trash I'd ever read was staggering. I genuinely considered giving up and deleting this blog so many times bc i felt oberwhelmed and outnumbered by these gross old dudes; and so the fact that this fandom has evolved into a bunch of chaotic wlw?? Amazing, I could cry.
Fun phenomenon of women running bm blogs was men sending messages asking if we liked babymetal. No joke. I think this happened to me two or three times but I spoke w other female creators at the time and it had happened to them as well. My entire blog is babymetal, and yet???
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He said the weird guy idk bc he sent some random ass messages vaguely insulting me and when I responded coldly, he acted confused so I said you're some guy idk, hence the above message starting as such. Also that pic and the one up above that has my current pfp bc I just took those screenshots. Like I said I typically blocked weird dms but I guess these passed me by so I still had the messages.
Most people know the sub reddit is the worst and don't need me to tell you but it's a hellscape and I highly recommend avoiding it. A short list of things I've had to see as a result of going there: men discussing at length kano and momoko's appearances and how they look in costume vs in normal clothes. Men discussing at length the hope that the girls would marry men who aren't Japanese, a thread that was from when all 3 girls were underage. They aren't gonna marry you dude they're really not.
The insulting of billie Eilish, a 17 year old at the time, was horrible too. Su and moa got to meet her, something they were extremely excited for, and they posted a pic; the comments were disgusting as you can imagine. The yui rumors were terrible too, fatshaming, slutshaming etc all based on nothing. Some man saying the rumors about yui leaving bc, no joke this was a real rumor, she "got too fat" couldn't be true bc "look at saya." Saya being a barely 18 yo back up dancer who covered the third spot after yui left but before the avengers. Not to mention the upskirt shots from when they were minors, the constant editing of their faces onto explicit photoshoots etc. I remember being a new fan looking for a su pic on google and being horrified at the fact that one of the top suggested results after her name was “bikini;” she was 16 at the time. Also, the uptick in massively creepy posts and messages sent to bm blogs as each girl, but esp moa and yui, approached 18 was disgusting.
Now for some personal nonsense. A big reason why I haven't touched my youtube channel in months is bc I got tired of dealing with the men of this fandom. I poke fun at metal and get told I deserve to die. I say ped*philes and creepy men are gross and get a swarm of middle aged men cursing at me. Had a guy cry about how men are shamed for liking bm and then he turned around and said some gross shit about wlw. Had a guy call me racist for liking a band he also likes (and despite him having no way of knowing my own race) and tell me the babymetal fandom doesn't need my kpop feminist bullshit, which is honestly a great description and I thought about putting it in my yt about lmao. Had a middle aged man unironically say he'd never seen a man be creepy towards bm but fans su and moa's ages calling them hot was creepy. The disillusionment....the level of unawareness is astounding. If you want to see screenshots of some of these comments they are fairly recent in my don't mind me tag; I don't want to see them anymore tho bc they're infuriating so I'm not going to look at them to post here.
Essentially I haven't looked at my channel since may bc men are exhausting and rude and refuse to examine the fandoms they're a part of no matter what. They're told by a woman of the fandom that she's had bad experiences personally and they all start crying about how it's either a lie bc they haven't seen it or unimportant. I did stop reading comments in may and I will never read another one again probably as a result of this shit. Trash men being trash are not worth my time and I refuse to give them anymore of it. I do plan on making more videos tho and let my ~feminist kpop bullshit~ live in their minds rent free.
I will also continue to make fun of metal and the creepy men in this fandom bc it's important and I'm a spiteful asshole who likes disrupting these dudes perfect bubble of a fandom. It genuinely brings me so much joy seeing all the new fans recently (which sidenote if you got into them recently I am kinda curious as to how you found them; I've gotten tons of new followers and considering how inactive they are rn I'm curious). People sending messages about how they finally feel like they belong or that they have a safe space....like I don't even know what to say and I never feel like my responses fully convey how genuinely wonderful that is and how thrilled I am that this is where we're at now and I have had at least some part in it. As this post shows, my experiences have been negative for the most part so the shift recently is such a relief I cannot even begin to explain my gratitude.
So to anyone who read all of this and hasn't disintegrated from the male bullshit, thank you. Keep being yourself and fighting for your place in this fandom, esp if you're a young woman; keep making fun of the creeps and keep making wlw memes!! Babymetal's music is in such a huge way meant for girls and to see more and more finding their way to this previously hellish beyond belief fandom is incredible.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 4 years
Not sure If u ever write for tatum from scream before but can I request tatum x billy Something similar to ur other stories of her being watched and kidnapped smut scenario type thing-but take it where ever u want/comfortable writing
I have never written for Tatum before but Anon Rose McGowan was my bisexual awakening (Not her in Scream but in Planet Terror) and I adore her so I am MORE than happy to do this! This was so much fun and I loved this idea, I wrote it all in basically one sitting! I hope it was worth the wait and that you like it Anon! Bex doesn’t do non-con or non role play communicated dub-con really, and this kind of set up would be so easy to fall into that, but in typical fashion I found a way around it. Complex consensual kink in this house only y’all! Curious how I swung it? Read below. 
Rating. Explicit. Length. 2.3K. Billy Loomis X Tatum Riley. Warnings: NOT READER INSERT. Stalking. Kidnapping. Hand cuffs. Hair pulling. Rough oral sex. Blow job. Throat fucking, Outdoor sex. Dirty talk. Begging. Rough sex. Vaginal sex. Cream pie. Implied cheating.
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It started off just for practice. 
It wasn’t supposed to turn into this, truly it wasn’t!
At least he didn’t mean for it to get this far, this serious.
For the past while Billy Loomis and Stu Macher had been terrorizing Woodsborro, enacting their plan and having a hell of a good time while they did it. 
But before they had started on doing it, in that time between Maureen Prescott’s death and them enacting the rest of their plan they did a lot to prepare. Watching movies and taking notes and then as Billy had suggested, practicing stalking. 
Stu had picked the target. It was over lunch when day when Stu suggested as enthusiastic as ever and Billy repeated the name, an unsure question,
“Tatum Riley?”
“Yeah! Why not? No good?”
Stu looked for approval and Billy gave it with a shake of his head, Stu was such a people pleaser,
“No it’s fine, just...Surprising man, that’s all.”
And that is how it went.
They practiced following her and honed their skills further and as it went they talked about it and Stu eventually started dating Tatum. He ended up liking her as they watched her, something about hanging out with her when he was around Billy and Sidney and then watching her when she didn’t know it just did it for him.
Billy could relate.
So Billy gave the go ahead so long as Stu remembered they were eventually going to have to take her out because she was so close to Sidney.
Now Billy didn’t tell Stu this next part, wasn’t even sure why he did it but he didn’t stop stalking Tatum. It was fun and easy and he felt strangely drawn to her and hell maybe the fact he was doing this without Stu knowing when they shared so much was exciting on it’s own. He also liked that even after doing it for so long she hadn’t caught on, he got bolder and bolder and when he managed to get away with it time after time it felt better and better, he was very confident in himself at this point. 
So what if he was a little obsessed?
Didn’t he have the right?
Even if it wasn’t right.
He wanted more, he knew it might have been stupid considering how they had started everything with it being so close to the anniversary of Maureen’s death but he figured fuck it, he would be disguised and they were going to kill Tatum eventually, he needed to do this, get her out of his system before they did that.
He wanted to find out what she was like, the sounds she would make, how good those pouty lips would feel wrapped around his- okay fuck he was hard as hell thinking about it and he needed to move.
That is how he ended up right here.
Outside of Tatum’s house. Crouched in the bushes, in his full Ghostface garb and waiting. He knew she was going to leave to go out to the video store, pick up some movies to watch with Sidney later but he was going to disrupt those plans. 
He was waiting and the anticipation was palpable. 
Consumed with thoughts of just what he was going to do to her, it was going to be such a thrill-
And then the sound of the door opening pulled him out of his thoughts and there she was. 
He watched as she called good-bye to her parents and closed the door behind her, heading down the few steps and starting to make her way to her car in the driveway.  Fuck she looked un-reasonably good in that mini-skirt and the way that top hugged her, she looked delectable and he wants.
The next few minutes moved very quickly. 
She put up a good fight but she wasn’t really a match for Billy catching her off guard. He had crept behind her and waited for her to unlock the door to her car and open it for him to pounce. Hand threaded in pretty blonde hair, and pulling her back forcefully, one gloved hand over her mouth, she struggled hard, trashed and fought, she got a couple of decent hits in with her elbows and almost landed a kick until Billy had her pinned. Head forced down, face pressed in the driver's seat, one hand on the back of her head holding her there, a knee on her back holding her down, her bare knees on asphalt, she squirmed but she couldn’t get out of this that easily. Getting the handcuffs on her took a minute but then with her arms now stuck behind her the next part was easier, once she was gagged and a bag over her head she was pulled up and pushed into the backseat of the car, she could struggle all she wanted back there but no way was she getting out of this. 
The drive was quick. 
Soon Billy was getting out of the driver’s seat and then walking around the side of the car, he opened one of the backdoors and set to work. Hands on her hips he dragged her so she was on her back, reaching out and snatching the bag off off her head, he was almost expecting tears but there were none, her eyes still looked defiant, face a little red and fuck she looked good. 
He pulled her out of the car then, her knees met grass and she was looking up at him, he gestured and showed her just where they were. Middle of nowhere. She could scream and scream and no one would hear her, it was perfect. 
He motioned that he was going to remove the gag and she nodded, he took it out and she spoke first, 
“Jesus, Stu you really stepped it up, huh?”
She was looking up at him, that small smile, she looked…
“I mean I love it, don’t get me wrong, it’s very hot, very convincing.”
See Stu hadn’t told Billy that he may have introduced Tatum to a little roleplay fun. You might be wondering why Stu wouldn’t have told Billy when he tells him nearly anything and everything but Billy never asked. And why would he? Why would he ever suspect such a thing of Stu? Stu wouldn’t lie to Billy but simply not telling him something he never even asked for was different. Tatum thought this was an elaborate role play with her boyfriend.
Speaking of Tatum. 
She looked good.
Her arms still behind her, bound at the wrists, she stood up on her knees, eyes still trained up on that mask as she walked forward on her knees. She was at the perfect height, she leaned forward, her cheek meeting the front of that black robe, fuck, she had her face right on it, nuzzling her cheek against him through the robe and his jeans, he was already so hard.
“What are you gonna do to me Mr.Ghostface killer?”
How she said it, that little pout, her lipstick smudged from the gag he had used, God what wasn’t he going to do to her?
“I think I know one thing you want…”
She kept looking up at him as she mouthed at his clothed erection and yeah he NEEDED that right now. He huffed out a breath, head tilting back for a moment as he started to hike up his robe, when he looked back down she looked practically giddy at the prospect of this, of sucking him off right here kneeling in the grass in the cool night air, handcuffed and helpless. 
And once his jeans were down off of his hips enough his hand found those blonde locks again and he pulled her forward, she let him in easily, stuffing her mouth and sliding him in far, the moan she let out against him made his knees just a little weaker. 
Tatum Riley. 
Feisty and funny and pretty, looks like literal perfection with a cock in her mouth. 
He pulled her back by her hair, hard and she allowed herself to be led, looking up at Billy with just her lips wrapped around the head and she sucked deeply and it drew a moan from him. She smiled for a second before he pushed her down hard again, wiping that smile from her lips, making her eyes fall closed as she took him to the back of her throat. 
He used her mouth just like that, fucking her throat, she seemed to love it, gags and all as she took it, looks thrown up to Billy with those shiny pleading eyes, she wanted more than just this and he could tell.
Using her mouth was just so fun though, felt so good, her mouth was so warm, drool starting to slide down her chin and some dripping down onto her shirt, making a mess, but not enough of a mess yet, he wanted her looking wrecked by the end of this. 
He finally decided enough was enough and pulled her off of him, she was breathing harder, looking up at him, slight smile back as she asked,
“And what’s next?”
So damn eager wasn’t she?
He pulled her up by her hair, she winced but allowed herself to be pulled onto her feet and led once more. That was how she ended up bent over the hood of her car, mini-skirt hiked up and panties around her knees. 
She was fucking dripping.
She wanted it, badly.
He was admiring the view for a moment. Hands on her hips as he looked her over, she had her head turned to the side, looking up at him, she said,
“What are you waiting for? Hurry up.”
Impatient thing wasn’t she?
It was better than he could have ever hoped. 
The sounds she made, the way her face flushed, hair splayed out, shirt slightly pulled up, fists clenched, panting and sweating, rocking back to meet him in the middle, she was so fucking hot and wet and needy. 
“Har-harder, fuck-”
Merciless was an apt descriptor for how his fingers dug into her flesh harder and he slammed into her over and over. Thank God no one was around, between how she was moaning and the sound of skin on skin someone would have certainly overheard if he had done this elsewhere. 
There was a hitch in her breath, she gasped and her bottom lip was between her teeth and he could feel how she clenched around him, she was close to her end and he wanted to see it. One hand on her hip pulling her up just enough, his other hand slipping down to find what he wanted, two gloved fingers drew circles over her clitoris and she cried out and a moment later she slipped over the edge and into her bliss, and he almost wished he had a camera. 
She was breathing so hard, she looked so good and felt even better, he wouldn’t be far off, she could tell, she looked over her shoulder up to him, she moved back again, hard as she begged,
“C’mon, do it-I want it.”
His hands moved, one grabbing her cuffed wrists and the other reaching out, hand in that pretty blonde hair once more, gripping hard and pulling, jerking her head back, using his new position as leverage to pull her back onto him as he thrust forward. She let out the best little moans and gasps upon each thrust forward, small pleads as she begged for it, to get pumped full and after a minute more she got her wish. He was buried inside her to the hilt as he came inside of her, she shuddered and let out a long and low moan of pure satisfaction upon feeling that warmth spread inside of her. 
It was quiet for a moment. 
Just the sound of labored breathing.
A pause, a very brief one before he pulled out and was admiring that view once more. Sweaty and flushed red skin, shaking legs, cum already dripping out from her well fucked cunt. This really couldn’t have gone any better.
Then she spoke,
“That was great.”
She sighed content before asking,
“Mind taking the cuffs off?”
She was looking to him once more and he thought for a moment before shaking his head and she pouted a little,
“Come on, my arms are getting sore.”
He moved closer and helped her a little bit, fixing her panties and pushing her skirt back down, hands on her arms as he pulled her up to be on her feet once more, she was so close to him, he was just going to get her back into the car and take her back home but then as she was looking up at him, that soft breathy voice, another plead,
“I’ve been good, take em off. Please, Billy?”
He stopped dead. 
He looked to her, his expression obviously unreadable to her under that mask.
A beat.
He spoke,
“How’d you know?”
She laughed softly, a roll of her eyes as she said,
“You think I don’t know the difference between you and my own boyfriend? I’m not an idiot Billy.”
She knew.
She knew the whole God-damn-time and she still acted like that. DID all of that, played along and begged him to have her like that, to fuck her and paint her insides, cum in her and own her inside and out even if it was just for a night.
It was insanely hot.
Tatum Riley...
Was a freak.
Billy was taken aback but so very into it. 
“It was really fun. We should do it again sometime.”
She wanted a repeat performance too? 
And then she leaned up on her tip toes and placed a kiss on the cheek of that cold plastic mask as she whispered,
“Don’t tell Sid and neither will I.”
If Billy Loomis is good at anything it is keeping secrets.
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halo-jpeg · 4 years
The slashers reaction to discovering their sweet little S/o was once or still is rageaholic hot head, who has/had a super long arrest record for disrupting the peace, disorderly conduct, assault, assault on a peace officer, and a lot of other disruptive offenses. (Maybe bubba, Michael, Jason, billy and Stu and anyone else you think would be good for this))
Slashers with a Hotheaded S/O
Michael Myers
Michael would be 100% shocked the first time you exploded around him. Whether it was directed at him, or at someone else, he’d be completely stunned. 
His next emotion would be amusement. you, sweet little you could get angry like that? He didn’t think you could fit any rage in that tiny little frame of yours! You were always so kind, and calm and gentle but now you were erupting like Mt. Vesuvius!
He’d be so, so proud, especially after hearing about your arrest record. Assault? Awesome! He never would have guessed you could ever possibly be violent, and now he loves you even more.
He’d also be fairly intrigued. What ticks you off the most? What warrants what behavior in return? He’d start to purposefully push your buttons, trying to get you to yell at him or try and hurt him, just to get to know you better.
Get ready to be pissed at him 24/7, because he is relentless in his research and wants to know every little thing that makes you turn violent, as if you were a science experiment. 
Jason Voorhees
The moment you raise your voice, he’s shaking, even if it isn’t directed at him, so seeing you ram your fist into some dude’s nose made him feel one thing; I n t i m i d a t i o n
How? When? What? Who are you? Why aren’t you calm little (Y/N)? Is this really you? Jason would be horribly confused as to how he’d never seen this side of you before. 
After coming to terms with your hotheadedness, he kind of admires it, even though it will always scare him a little. You just look so strong and scary, like two sides of a coin! Wow, Jason never knew people could change to a whole new personality so fast!
He knows what your rage feels like, he’s felt it himself, so he knows how to deal with it. He never makes fun of you like Michael would, instead he hugs you tightly and strokes your hair until you’re calm <3
Overall, he doesn’t like when you get mad, but he does his best to tolerate it since he knows how difficult emotions can be. He grows less afraid of you every time you get angry, and he knows exactly how to calm you down. 
Billy & Stu
Billy & Stu fell in love with sweet, kind little (Y/N), not this threatening, screaming beast before them. They love you even more now.
Billy is endlessly attracted to your angry side, he thinks you look hot when you’re angry, and the idea of you being strong and dangerous is so admirable. He thought you were so cute when you were just a sweet little girl, but now that you’ve show how vicious you can be he thinks you’re the coolest. 
He always wants to be there when you snap, so he’s always close by, waiting. 
Stu is completely dumbfounded for a moment, and then he’s laughing his ass off. How had he never noticed you could get so vicious? This is awesome! 
He thinks it’s so impressive, the way the intense look in your eyes makes people shrink into themselves, the way you can lunge even the slightest inch and people will flinch away. You’re so cool!
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billyhardgrove · 4 years
all i want for christmas is booze (b.h)
A/N: It’s Christmas in a month and so here’s a festive piece to get us in the mood. I think it might be 2 or 3 parts so just a mini series xx
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Pairing: Billy& Reader Word Count: 2.1k approx. Warning: Swearing
Summary: You’re about to head over to your parents for Christmas until you find the one guy that you despise sitting on a bench by himself.
You detested him - his obnoxious arrogance that drenched and filtered into every room he walked upon; his goddamn smirk that held the sure confidence he bore too much of; his thoughtless, nasty words that departed his lips without consideration of anyone but himself – you detested Billy Hargrove and everything he stood for.
Though the feeling was mutual.
Billy hated you too – your bitchy-attitude filled with supposed superiority to him, matching your endless sighing and groaning of annoyance at anything he did; your signature response of rolling your eyes too often having had failure to actually respond with a verbal reply to his dim-witted words; your constant rejection of his crude and perverted suggestions that made you want to hurl if you heard him speak them one more time – he hated you too.
The pair of you had been neighbours for nearly a year now, and it was from the very beginning when you were sleeping in your new place that this hate-filled feud began to brew between you and Billy.
It all began with the first night consisting of him throwing a party overrun by blaring house music and rowdy young adults. It kept you awake to the early hours of the morning which wasn’t exactly how you wanted your first night in your brand new home to be spent.
But, not wanting to get off on the wrong foot, you never confronted Billy about that first night initially, hoping that this was just a one off, that not every night was going to be like this.
But you were mistaken.
Once again another noise complaint was brimming your lips. Only this time it was for a reason you’d really rather not interrupt.
The second night was a reckless one as your desperate need for sleep was interrupted repeatedly by the high screams and blissful moans of an unknown girl, the sounds of such ecstasy fighting for the urge of control over the repetitive banging on the wall of what you could only assume to be a bed.
Two consecutive nights of no sleep. Surely it wouldn’t be a regular thing?
You had hoped not but by the third night, just as your head had hit the pillow, your eyes barely closing before the unmistakeable sounds of sex echoed through the seemingly paper thin walls once more.
You weren’t going to stand for it and you didn’t want this to be a reoccurring thing so why not nip it in the bud early?
You were fuming, angry and exhausted, and you didn’t give a shit that the then unknown appearance of your neighbour would be the tanned blonde curley-haired guy with the unfortunate pretty face.
It had caught you off guard at first, having been thumping loudly on his door over and over until you heard distant curses of the disruption. Your words had caught in your throat as you took in the glistening bare chest and broad shoulders of the man before you.
His hair was dishevelled and sticking up in ridiculous places, his stubble scruffy and tracing along his jawline while his mean but ocean blue eyes glared at you.
You hated it. You hated how goddamn attractive you found him. And you had almost gasped aloud in awe at the appearance of your then-new-neighbour, but then the whiney voice of a brunette perking up from behind the blonde reminded you of the reason you were first there.
And you had been sure to give him a piece of your mind after that.
Irritated, tired and bitter, profanity after profanity had left your lips at an uninterruptable rate leaving barely any room for argument. You had made sure to get your message across at how inconsiderate and selfish he was being towards the other people in the building, and you felt satisfied and smug at the way you handled the situation…that was until the only response you got from the guy was a wordless scoff and the door being slammed in your face.
You were outraged to say the least. How could someone be so rude and have such indecency?
That’s when you decided you didn’t like him. Not even knowing his name and not actually holding a conversation with the guy yet, you detested your next door neighbour.
And you made sure he was aware of this. At first you decided to try and get some sort of revenge on the unnamed blonde, and for the next two nights you had blasted your music as loud as possible until the floors shook and the walls vibrated with the bass of the melody.
But in turn it ended with you receiving several noise complaints from other residents in the building and a smug-looking Billy that stood resting against his doorway as he watched you get bombarded with annoyed neighbours at yours.
He had known that you were trying to get back at him, and at first it had succeeded as for the first time in a while Billy was trying to sleep in his bed without a random girl in his bed, and due to the booming noise of your stereo, he couldn’t.
But then Billy took matters into his own hands and caused your plan to back fire as he let loose little gossip complaints to the other residents on the floor, planting a seed in their heads that had them annoyed at you, going against you and taking his side.
For those residents would rarely make any complaints against Billy himself because they were intimidated by him and he had gained some sort of power or control over them. So easily he convinced them to turn against you.
He made it clear to you that this was not a battle you were fit to fight. But you didn’t back down.
From then on the two of you seemed to be holding this endless dual against one another, trying to make the other’s life a living hell.
From raging parties to loud hook-ups; from placing lubricated condoms on your door handle to you adding a petty red sock in his white wash in the laundry room; from immature games of ‘ding dong ditch,’ to him locking you out of your own apartment when you left your door open just to bring out the garbage.
It was a never-ending feud and you grew tired of it as soon as it had started. But you were in too deep now- there was no way you could back down after all this, no matter whether Billy always had the upper hand or not.
Any typical person that didn’t get along with their neighbour would surely search urgently for another place to live as soon as possible, not wanting to put up with the other for more than they could. But with you and Billy, well, yes you hated each other, but you were also both as stubborn as the next. There seemed to be another silent contest, the pair of you merely refusing to move with the simple reason to spite and piss off the other.
Immature would be a word that would spring to mind, but the pair of you were too headstrong to care.
But it was different today – today you refused to let any of Billy’s unnecessary snarky comments rile you up, for today was your favourite time of year: Christmas.
Ranging from the irreplaceable holiday cheer spread amongst everyone paired with family fun filled night of happiness and joy to the overall twinkling exclusive atmosphere reserved and brought out only for this one day of the year. It was everything about this holiday that made you love it.
But the same couldn’t be said for everyone.
You quickly straightened the bottom of your velvet dress, and urgently slipped on your overcoat not wanting to keep your sister and her boyfriend waiting for longer than necessary out in that winter cold.
You were going to your parents’ house – just like every year – for the annual family gathering and scrumptious turkey dinner. Not wanting to forget the large bundle of Christmas presents you had carefully bought for everyone, you had put them in a couple of gift bags to make it easier for you to carry them, the thought of balancing several presents on top of one another not as inviting. Grabbing the ribbon handles of the gift bags, you finally closed the door to your apartment before quickly – well, as fast as you could in your heels – making your way towards the elevator.
Reaching the lobby, you spotted the familiar couple standing towards the door entrance and you instantly uttered a sorrow-filled apology to your sister and her boyfriend, Jeremy, for making them wait - they only gave you an earnest smile before Jeremy offered to carry a couple of your bags, noticing the way you struggled.
The three of you were going to arrive at your parents together, and seeing as you lived relatively close to each other, it also gave you permission to drink tonight since your sister was expecting. It was unplanned and sudden but the couple were excited for the arrival of the baby nonetheless.
Almost instantly, the quiet space was filled with chatter as you hadn’t seen your sister in a short while and there was a lot to get caught up on.
But it was stepping out into the bitter cold of the night that made you revel in the close memory of the crackling fire you sigh for every year. The star-flash of tinsel glittering brightly as the ribbons of flame twirl and spindle, dancing in the hearth of the fire. Those licking blazes that chase away the burglar-black wall shadows merely doing their unified duty of sending tingles through your fingers as they rid them toasty.
Puffing softly into the blueing palms of your hands, you gazed across the magical-looking street before you. With the various sparkling and twinkling lights overhead that slithered down the sides of houses and homes and the extraordinary paramount evergreen tree that was situated right at the entrance of the vast park that stretched in front of your apartment building, frost-spikes hung from the window sill like a Phantom’s glassy fingers as you hummed in content, that familiar and loving pleasure of joy tingling through you at how much you adored such a view and atmosphere.
Beyond the pavement, the world was a moonscape of white, Jack Frost’s fangs having bitten deep into the flesh and blood of the earth the night before and merely leaving it numb-cold and drained. There was no bird song, no grass whisper, no footfall. Jack hated everything living. He seemed to swoop down soundlessly from the casted sky and strangle the world into an imminent silence.
But that unnerving quietness was soon interrupted by the sound of footsteps and harmonious laughter as the three of you walked the peaceful streets. Everyone was tucked comfortably away with their own family, for this holiday was the perfect excuse for that, no need for wondering the ungiving sidewalk.
Everyone was with their families on this beautiful evening, everyone but one. And you came across them just as you passed the acquainted corner café you spent too much time in.
Situated on a frosted wooden bench, his feet resting on the base seat while he sat on the back of the bench, the cocky blonde you frequently despised sat alone. Between the boy’s fingers was a lit cigarette, the smoke ghosting and snaking from the ashed end. Held at home in his other was a poorly hidden bottle of alcohol – most likely whiskey – the brown paper bag grasped tightly around the neck of the bottle.
A leather jacket stretched across his broad shoulders, evidently not doing a good job of keeping him warm – though you were sure his drink would make up for that.
He looked like a ghost, lifeless and grey, with perhaps the only colour being his reddish cheeks and Rudolph-red nose, maybe paired with his bloodshot eyes. His teeth chattered as his lips wrapped comfortably around his cigarette, the ashy-end glowing orange when he inhaled the unforgiving poisons.
He hadn’t noticed your presence yet as Billy only stared at his feet, feeling nothing but hopeless and lonely.
He hated Christmas. The obnoxious cheer everyone was desperate to feel and ‘share’ with each other making him scoff at how fake it appeared, the flickering Christmas lights giving him nothing but a demanding headache when he looked at them and – the worst part being - the over-the-top family festivities that were frantic to create a non-existent feeling of homeliness and affection with the people that were supposed to accept you and love you unconditionally (at least that’s what Billy thought.)
It was a stupid holiday, he thought, one that he dreaded every damn year. But there was no avoiding it, and so he merely drowned in the uncomfortable lonesome quiet with his two favourite accomplices that would ensure he forgot this day the morning after.
But his despairing silence and self-pity was soon to be disrupted by the sound of a familiar but abnormally warm and quiet voice; your voice.
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mirrorbluemelchior · 4 years
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⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ zac efron, cis male, he/him ⊱ i think i just saw MELCHIOR GABOR walk across trafalgar square, singing to LISTEN BEFORE I GO* ( BILLIE ELISH ). you know, the 27 year old THERAPIST? people claim that they are just like MELCHIOR from SPRING AWAKENING**. it must be because they are CHARISMATIC and DISRUPTIVE as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at SANTA FE*** apartment. { h, 25, pst, she/her }⌝
hey, it’s me again, being absolute trash and bringing in this handsome fella. i also play jd, maureen, and elle just for fun little facts for you. if you ever want to plot, hit the dms on here or on discord (the easiest way to reach me tbh) heatherbean#6044
ABOUT THIS REBEL BOY: (tw: abuse, suicide)
melchior was raised in germany, born to a loving couple, although when he was born it brought a bit of strain in the household. as a child, melchior was very rebellious and outspoken, something his mother adored about him and encouraged but something that his father hated as it embarrassed him when they got calls from his school. 
he is very much a momma’s boy, obviously, but that didn’t stop his father from disciplining him when he got into trouble. his father’s themes of punishing his son weren’t exactly ideal, and were fairly abusive, but that never broke melchior’s spirit, he still questioned and rebelled most of his youth...probably even more just to spite his father. 
melchior lost his virginity fairly early, right after hitting puberty, and when his very religious father found out he was livid (most likely found out through word of mouth) and it wasn’t long until tension rose to dangerous heights. it caused melchior to confide a lot in a close friend, but when that friend’s own personal struggles got too much, mel lost his friend to him taking his own life. it caused him to spiral, and finally, his father had enough and sent him off to a boarding school in the UK when he was 15.
he hated boarding school, but he didn’t have a choice, he wasn’t of age to be able to take control of his own life. but one good thing he learned being shipped out here, was how to deal with strife. eventually, he mellowed out, learning when to hold his tongue and when to strike when something wasn’t right. still questioning authority, he went about it in a more thought out manner. 
melchoir is VERY smart, top of his class smart, and he graduated top of his class at his boarding school before going on to college where he got his psych degree, becoming a therapist because he was fascinated by the way people thought and how to help those who had been through trauma, just like he had. 
now, he is one of the best therapists in london, his father had passed away from a heart attack when he was 20 which was the only time he ever went back to germany because it’s usually a bit much for him to revisit his home town. after his father passed, melchior convinced his mother to move to london so they could be closer.
melchior is bisexual, he learned that while in boarding school, that he was attracted to both males and females.
he is a virgo, because, obviously he is are you joking. 
homeboy is SMART, like big brain status, he was valedictorian of his graduating class in high school and college. 
he became a therapist to help people deal with their demons and finds it to be VERY rewarding work. 
at times, he is very impulsive and often thinks what he does is right, even if it’s not thought out from time to time. arguing with him is seemingly IMPOSSIBLE at times.
the death of his friend when he was younger has him sometimes clinging onto friendships and sometimes being too invested in people’s lives...he doesn’t like losing people.
there was a pregnancy scare one in his life, with a girl of a friend of his in boarding school, but she claims that it was just a false alarm...he doesn't know if he entirely believes that. 
he is fluent in german and has a SLIGHT accent, but picks up other languages easily.
I LOVE HIM, that’s all hehe. 
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