#I used to see this all the time back in the day with RPers that would say in their bios that they didn't allow slash shipping with him
solvicrafts · 7 months
Just saw some people saying that the Loki s2 finale was crap because it wasn't approached with a Christian perspective.
Loki is based off of the Norse deity, you absolute chucklefucks.
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ceasarslegion · 1 month
wait, now im really interested in the silica gel drama. how did hlrp sex ed lead to eating a gel packet?
This is going to require a novel's length of context.
To begin, I want to underline that this is not meant to be a callout post, and I will not be providing any identifying traits that could be used to single this person out. The most you will get out of that are she/her pronouns, and her age at the time this happened, which was years ago, and I will not specify what year. I genuinely do hope she got the help she needed after this, because LORD knows she needs it and didn't find it at home. This is also not meant to be a character assassination, nor should anybody who reads this post consider it to be a takedown of any sort, and if you try to find this person through me or any of our mutual friends, you will not be met with kind words. The only thing this is meant to be is a wild-ass story of some of the most off the wall experiences I personally had with this person from my specific side of the story, with a few no-username screenshots attached to prove I am not bullshitting you.
With that in mind, let's get started. This is going to be very long, so I'm throwing in a read more
Back when I was in uni, I joined a growing group of Half Life roleplay blogs. The whole idea of our group was that we each chose a character, canon or OC, and we would blog as if the pre-Black Mesa incident moment in the timeline was a workplace comedy a la The Office or Superstore. I played Barney, because I was already working night shift security at this point and thought it would be funny. Plus, it gave me something to do that wasn't staring at CCTV feeds all night tossing a ball against the wall. We played off of each other very well, yes-anding our way through funny little situations and plotlines we put together. At one point we had roleplayed enough that one of the scientist rpers created a discord server for us to talk as the actual people we are instead of through characters.
Great idea at the time. None of us saw the "Pandora's box" label on the tin before we opened it. Would I still join it if I knew what was about to transpire? Yes, because I met my boyfriend and many genuinely lovely friends through it. Would I hesitate for a second first, though, as the events that are about to transpire flashed before my eyes? Oh, abso-fucking-lutely.
We started off as many fandom servers do: chill for the most part, very loud minority of a few assholes who ruined it for the rest of us, but unlike most fandom servers, we actually won and it ended in them getting banned and the server itself surviving to this day. But the other two lunatics are not who you came here for. You want the christian lunatic.
Let's give her a nickname to make this easier. I have the Sylveon build a bear on my PC desk. Let's call her Syl.
Syl was not there for Half Life, she was there for Portal. She LOVED Portal, Half Life was just part of the same universe for her. Portal wasn't just a game for her, it was her entire personality. Which I didn't see much of an issue with at the time, because she said she was 15. Whatever, I thought; she'll learn to control her emotional attachment to things as she gets older. Syl also said that she was christian. I am a flaming atheist who doesn't even believe in the concept of a soul in comparison and I am NOT the biggest fan of christianity as an institution to put it mildly, but I'm not gonna like, be a dick to you for your personal religion if you are not a dick about my beliefs, so I didn't think much of it at the time.
It quickly became apparent that Syl looked up to me more than any of the other adults in the group the more I would talk about my life growing up as a third culture kid and moving out on my own at 19, working 2 jobs and going to a good university. She would ask me a lot about growing up and uni and moving out and yes, sex ed, and it became even more apparent that she didn't get any actual guidance from her parents or pastors or ANYBODY beyond bible studies and homeschooling, so I kinda stumbled into a mentorship role in her life. I wasn't cold, but I was aware of the age and maturity difference between us and established the appropriate boundaries with her and made it very clear that I am an internet friend, not an irl friend or an educator, but if no one else was going to give her information that wasn't actively harmful then fuck, I guess SOMEONE had to do it. I could not in good conscience watch some kid go through life with harmful inaccuracies about the world and basic human biology when I could have done something about it, y'know?
And the more things I taught her about the real world and how things actually work rather than how her republican bible-thumping rural town said they did, the more I realized she was born into a full-blown cult under the guise of a christian congregation. Oh goody, I had my work cut out for me. I will not get into the details of how messed up this group was because it will be a dead giveaway of where she lives and potentially who she is, but let's just say that one time I said that I appreciated the gesture of praying for me during a stressful week I was having but it didn't really do anything for my mental health because I was an atheist, and she sent me a bunch of bible verses begging me to start believing and said "I just don't want you to go to hell because you're so nice :((" EXCUSE ME??? Another time she said that death was only sad for non-christians because their loved ones were in hell and that proper christians deaths were a good thing because they were in heaven now. Hi, that's the most insensitive death cult shit I've ever heard in my goddamn life.
Okay, set up is done. All of these details will tie in like the world's worst reboot of Pulp Fiction, I prommy.
After a good long while learning about the world from me (which like... a uni kid working night shift security is not exactly an academic source but we take what we can get) and exposure to viewpoints outside of her in-group, Syl began that very painful journey of realizing that what the cult taught you was a lie. Except that she just wasn't grasping that unlearning things was an active process. She started to flip to the opposite side very quickly, but kept all the fundamental brainwashing of the cult that raised her. The concepts were all the same, just slapped a different label on them. This created a noticeable pull between two sides of the same personality: the cult personality, and the person beyond the cult who wanted to break free. Mix that with how fucking 15 years old every 15 year old is, and you have a LETHAL concoction just waiting to blow up at the first sign of a spark.
Remember how I said that Portal was her whole personality? Syl decided that she wanted to be a scientist, and go into an ivy league program like I was in (I was in a SOCIAL science, but sure). Problem was, she didn't have the grades or the ambition, really. I had told her that I still got into an ivy league when I failed math in high school, and she seemed to completely miss the part where I said that I also joined every extra-curricular, then worked for 2 gap years for recognized institutions, and wrote an essay about why my math grade is not relevant to my program. I did it with one bad grade, so she was justified in basically just slacking off and then excusing it with "but its haaarrrdd" when we'd tell her she needs to put the fucking work in NOW if that's what she wants to do.
It quickly derailed from here. Not only was she going to be a scientist, she was going to be like Cave Johnson. And she was going to... replace her body with robot parts so she could be like glados. I don't... think she actually knew what science is, because she would just publically fantasize about running unethical experiments on people in the name of "science," and talk about how one day she wants to basically establish aperture labs for real. All of us who were there kind of agree that we don't think she was joking based on what we knew about her and the cadence of her tone. Here's something she said at the time to give you an idea of what direction she was nosediving in:
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This was after a session with her therapist where said therapist said that she definitely has some kind of personality disorder, after which she was weirdly proud of having one and treated it like a badge of honour.
Syl then made a separate group chat for all the best friends she made on the server. There was her, me, @false-pyre, and @imtheaura. She titled it "My Family," despite the fact that we were all adults and she was 15 and she only knew us over a discord half life server where one person in it stepped up to somewhat equip her for real life outside of a cult. Regardless though that GC was more the vibe of a group of friends sharing memes and chatting about the day than the wider server was at the time. The others began to also take on a sort of mentorship role towards her as well, because that's kind of inevitable when you get someone talking about teenager problems in a room full of adults who all made the same mistakes before in their own lives. Well, minus the cult.
And remember how I said that she didn't unlearn any of the cult shit? Well, there was a lot of proselytizing. She decided she wasn't christian for a spell, but still wanted us and everyone to know that jesus was the lord and savior and we had to accept him or we'd burn in hell. Usually said after we'd make some joke about satan being daddy or declaring ourselves god instead, because that is just the type of humor the others and i have with each other. She took it so personally whenever one of us would go "oh my god" "you called?" it was fucking annoying. I lost count of the amount of lectures she gave us, all of which I'd shut down and tell her to get a grip about because I have a big stupid mouth.
The others and I also like to talk about evolution, and speculate about where we're going from here. My fucking god, did she not like that. She bit our heads off about how evolution isn't real and god made everyone as we are and there's no scientific evidence or whatever the hell. Like yeah good luck getting into STEM with that mindset. Whenever we pointed out that she was objectively wrong about that, she'd have a big stupid meltdown about how much we're slandering god and how jesus died for us and we're spitting in his face or whatever. He should spit in MY face inste-*GUNSHOT*
Eventually, we were making some actual progress with her. She was still one fry short of a happy meal and going off about how much she wanted to put living subjects in test tubes in between knocking on our doors and reciting Hello from the Book of Mormon musical, but we were getting somewhere. And then she went back to in person school, and her favourite teacher got fired.
The schoolboard did not say why she got fired, but we all had our suspicions that it was because she openly supported queer rights in a cult town. She was coincidentally retired shortly after making a declaration that queer people are still welcome in god's kingdom. This teacher was the first in person adult Syl had for guidance, so that incident shook her to her core, and she fell right back into the extremism. Hook, line, and sinker, even more extreme than before.
She was WEIRD that week, man. Suddenly everything was about how great god was, how amazing jesus was. Suddenly she understood why her cult member parents "just wanted to protect her" from gay characters on disney+ originals. Suddenly no one could say "jesus christ lol" around her or she'd have a fit. I said "I hate cycle counts lmao i wanna kms" because my then-job (I had graduated at this point) made me do inventory management spontaneously and wouldn't let me go home until I had counted every product in the store, and she bit my head off accusing me of turning suicide into a joke.
It was that incident that made us tell her to knock it off already, that we understood it was a hard week for her and she was in a period of grief, but that is no excuse for how she had been acting towards everyone around her that wasnt christian, and that she was actively relapsing. I'll let the exchange speak for itself:
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So uh. After years of helping Syl through this she goes and pulls this bullshit. And then has the fucking AUDACITY to act like nothing ever happened in the wider server. I am genuinely gobsmacked by the balls on her to act like it was all sunshine and rainbows in the wider server after sending this and immediately leaving the same GC SHE made and titled "My Family" just because we told her to stop acting like a goddamn Jonestown citizen after all the work we'd put in to get her out of that mentality at this point.
So I dragged her up in front of everyone and essentially said "no, nuh uh, you don't get to say that shit to the people who have lost sleep and asked for nothing in return trying to help you escape a cult over the last 2 years and then act like we're all buddy buddy to everybody else. You don't get to be that arrogant and self-righteous without any consequences. I don't give a fuck how young you are, you DON'T treat the people who have helped you this much like that, you selfish little shit. How dare you treat us like this after all we've done for you over the years."
Unfortunately, no one involved had surviving screenshots of this, but they can back me up on it if they so choose. And oh boy, DID she face the consequences of her own actions. The whole server basically turned their heads and went "what the FUCK is wrong with you, Syl??" and asked her to at least like, apologize. She proceeded to double down with the added audacity of "you guys taught me how to establish healthy boundaries, that's all I'm doing right now :(( oh woe is me :(((" like WOW, okay. Someone's really going for the persecution complex.
Here's her last goodbye to us all before the mass block fest occured:
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Oh, boohoo. You're so hard done by. You spat in the faces of everyone who stayed up all night multiple times helping you through crises and spent the last 2 years teaching you about how the world really worked and then they asked you to apologize after you tried to escape accountability. You truly are god's strongest soldier, the most persecuted minority in the world. Let me play you an ode to how righteous and holy you are and how this was the most important hill to sacrifice all your outsider friendships on on the world's smallest violin.
Syl then went on to post on her roleplay blog that she "was banned because I spoke up for what was right, and they didn't like that" before deleting it. Truly no one has suffered as much as you.
Anyway, the day after that went down, I called in from work, bought this book, and read the whole thing purely out of spite:
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It was greatly therapeutic. After that incident, I vowed to never sanitize my own atheistic beliefs for the benefit of others again. If they don't like them, they don't have to talk to me. But I am not changing them for other people or keeping them quiet just to spare your feelings anymore, I have as much a right to my beliefs as anyone else does, including the world's most persecuted minority here.
And well, the silica gel incident?
There was one incident, during the height of Syl's "I am the irl cave johnson and only want to get into STEM to conduct unethical experiments on people. follow jesus" era, the rest of us were joking about how silica gel packets are the ultimate forbidden snack, and said "haha would eating it make you see shrimp colours" knowing full well it can kill you.
Syl proceeded to actually eat a silica gel packet and then send in "it has a sandy texture and tastes bad" prompting the rest of us to go "WE WERE FUCKING JOKING FIND YOUR POISON CONTROL HOTLINE RIGHT NOW"
And because i didnt get this done until now, I'll tag everyone who said they wanted to read this or expressed interest: @captainjonnitkessler @formydarlingtoread @cra-zwizard @chasingnightrainbows
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stillsolo · 3 months
GET TO KNOW THE MUN. respond to the prompts out of character !
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? oh, where do i even begin?  well, i suppose i should start with how long sw has been in my life.  ANH was the first movie my mother ever saw when she visited the USA; she saw it with my grandmother ( and subsequently developed a massive crush on harrison, so indiana jones became a huge part of my childhood too lol ).  for this reason, my mother introduced my brother and I to sw when we were actual babies.  then, when the prequels came out, it’s all me and my brother consumed.  from the movies themselves to the original clone wars cartoon to the PS2 games to the novels/book series.  we watched it on a tiny portable player for every trip, and every time my relatives needed us to go away to let the adults talk lol.  it also helped our comprehension of english so much. i can’t recall a time in which sw hasn’t been present in my life! before i joined the tumblr swrpc, i kept to myself in the prequels community, wrote fanfic, and rped anakin on skype.  he’s always been a character that hit a little too close to home in one too many ways.  the main parallel i have with him (that doesn’t relate to his mental issues haha) is his love/devotion/attachment to his mother.  it’s difficult for me to explain without getting into the aspects of my culture (孝順 / filial piety), but in short, i am cantonese; if my mother asked me for my thumb tomorrow, i would give her my arm today.  anakin’s love for his mother, his determination to free her from slavery at an early age, was very touching.  EPII has been memed to oblivion, yes, but the pain i feel when anakin doesn’t get to hear his mother tell him she loves him one last time before she dies, and knowing that it haunts him for the rest of his life (eu), makes me want to throw myself out a window lmao  i have an extremely close relationship with my parents; this sort of pain is absolutely gutting for someone like me. anyway, when i joined the tumblr swrpc, writing han solo was never the plan.  i originally wanted to write luke but ended up changing my mind at the last second.  I’d written well over a dozen fics with han at that point, but was nowhere near confident, so i thought of it as more of an experiment. guess that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, because if you really think about it, since the day i started writing him in fics, he hasn’t stopped butting into my brain.  in fact, he’s been harassing me ever since—to the point that i even switched from writing luke to him… lol given my upbringing and my mother’s love for him, han has always been my childhood hero, as well as my brother’s.  our dad was our han solo.  the nostalgic and familial associations run so deep, it’s difficult to articulate.  we share many traits, right down to his universally agreed-upon zodiac sign (sagittarius); i know han solo like the back of my hand—and it’s probably because i wanted to be just like him when i grew up.
is there anything you don’t like to write? character death.  if i have to say another, it’s when people conflate harrison with the character he plays and then decides to address that in a thread.  harrison was a ladies man back in the 80s, and that’s fine, but that doesn’t mean the same for han.  i hate seeing the conflation between the two.  not sure if this happens as often anymore, but there was a time when fics/threads/even han rpers would lean into it, by default, thus totally destroying his character in my eyes.  i mean, write it as a storyline, that’s cool and fine, but infidelity has never been inherently part of his character.  i will die on this fucking hill.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? most unpopular opinion ever: action sequences.  critical situations, fast paced action, thriller scenes featuring immediate, life-threatening circumstances.  i love writing that which exhibits a sense of urgency and tension, with sprinklings of emotional depth and contemplative introspective moments.  scenes with internal conflict combined with aforementioned external events.  even evading enemy forces, sustaining minor/major injuries, dressing wounds.  dunno why those are always the most fun to me.  aside from that?  romance/romantic angst.  i’ve had many writing partners over the years, and each one thought they could outdo me in writing romantic angst.  sometimes, the psychosomatic pain of heartbreak isn’t far from feeling like you’ve lost a limb in battle.
how do you come up with headcanons? by being the most annoying, meticulous person ever.  i’m extremely detail oriented; when i see incongruities in my own work, i perish.  so, when i come up with headcanons, i have to consider all factors that may affect the outcome of whatever question i’ve posed in my mind and feel the need to justify my choices, for whatever reason, by tying it back to XYZ.  my headcanons must align with my muse’s personality, their environment from childhood to adulthood, their current circumstances, and if it’s an AU, how it mirrors canon events.  canon/eu is everything imo, because they are their own choices; it’s what shaped them into the character we know them as.  ofc, this is my process and opinion, so make of that what you will.
do you write in silence or do you play music? no music, no tv.  sometimes people talking is too much for me.  i have adhd and my medication only helps so much.  i will absolutely start writing down the conversation or lyrics playing in the background lol
do you plan your replies or wing them? plotting vs planning replies is different to me.  plotting gives me a foundation, but it can’t be too confining.  to plan a reply is to block out each moment.  if you trap me, i will always deviate; so i wing everything, even when i have a foundation.
do you enjoy shipping? yes, absolutely!  i’m not sure why people tend to assume otherwise, but i’m more open to it than people think.  i’ve never cared about who you write, if they’re in the sw franchise, or even what era of sw etc etc  never given a shit about what people think; if our muses click, they click.  honestly, some of the best ships i’ve had with han, as in the most enjoyable and enlightening of his character, have been ‘crack ships’.
what’s your alias/name? vin, vince, vincent.  vincent van hoe.  trash bin vin.
age? 27!
birthday? dec 2!
favorite color? silver.  if that’s not a color to you, then blue.
favorite song? you can’t expect me to… well, ‘in your eyes’ by the weeknd has been up there for a long time.
last movie you watched? star wars: the clone wars (2008)
last show you watched? … the clone wars lol
last song you listened to? billie jean - MJ.
favorite food? my mother’s 番茄炒蛋 ( egg and tomato stir fry ), unagi, freshly baked breads, fresh fruit …
favorite season? i get mostly tropical weather, but i love a cold winter.
do you have a tumblr best friend? unfortunately, so many people have left the site over the years, but i'm grateful to call these people some of the closest friends i have in the rpc: @techniiciian @desiccation @vibraea @rcvanchist @sgterso @voxcrystallis
tagged : @debelltio thank you for thinking of me!! tagging : if you're still reading this, i tag you!
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muraenide · 4 months
This miiiiight be oversharing personal sentiments a little bit but...
Ever since I changed my rules to include an explicit list of what I'm going to write on this blog instead of just a simple, brief statement saying "dark things will be present here" and started actively following people or mutuals of mutuals whose muses or writing I am genuinely interested in/have spiked my interests, I've grown a lot happier about the contents and people I'm seeing on my dash.
I felt like tum.blr rpers have grown incredibly judgemental and incapable of minding their own business. People all around me seem to have shifted their energy onto focusing on offending as few people as possible instead of trying to actually have fun, and the rpc has become a weird circle for activism when it shouldn't have been used as a medium for (false) activism in the first place. Not all of us are here to make a point or to establish a legacy. In fact, most of us are just here to have fun and scratch an itch in the brain or fill in gaps that canon source materials haven't been able to provide. But the idea of this is incomprehensible to some people who are actively ruining the rpc and making everyone fear that they're walking on eggshells while they spiral into a depressing state of existing to not offend anyone instead of existing to have fun.
I've lost count of the number of times people tell me that I'm on a DNI for "writing with pro.ship.pers" or "writing romantic ships with an adult and a minor" (<- said ship is between a 17 y.o. and a 19 y.o.) sometimes it's also ships about fake incest.
(Just as an aside, I've grown so desensitized by being on DNIs that it's no longer something to feel anything about. I'd just go through their rules with a very confused expression if to see what they took issue with. Most of the time I don't even know the mun personally.)
I've gotten more hate directed at me for writing fake in.cest rather than real ones, which is not only baffling but also incredibly ODD bc the fandom "decides" what is good and what is bad, which reeks heavily of manipulation and toxicity in my opinion. Fandoms aren't governed by a single party or a monolithic authority that decides its rules. Fandom rules are made by the community, and in every community, there should be different rules, made to ensure everyone is comfortable and feel inclusive. That is what makes fandoms special and detached from reality. Yes, you're entitled to not want to interact with certain content for reasons no one else is entitled to know unless they have your consent, but you're definitely not entitled to silence/stomp out everyone to cater to your whims or risk getting hate/harassment. Which is why I heavily encourage tagging content as-is instead of denying the nature of said content and praying that no one notices because that is the best way to make it difficult for people with different preferences and tastes to co-exist.
And ever since I changed my rules and actively followed people again, there has been a variety of content on my dash with varying tags. It's honestly very stimulating and uplifting, and if I firmly believe if a mutual were to take offense to anything I write or choose to interact with, it's on them as they clearly did not go through my rules when they followed/followed back. Additionally, I tag all my things.
A few months ago, my dash was exhausting, and boring, everyone (or most of my mutuals) was scared. Now I see posts getting tagged "necrophilia cw". I'm very happy for both my mutuals and their muses for striving for the peaks of how far fiction writing and the imaginative side of the mind can go.
I'd highly recommend anyone who has been in a similar situation to list down your dos and don'ts so your mutuals will know what to take to your tables and what to not. Personally, it felt like my dash had curated itself and it's been very pleasant to be on tum.blr lately even if I still have to vanish for a few more days due to inrl.
I think about my dash very often this week and I love all of you guys for being here and showing me your brainrots/muses! 💗💞💓
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luxvicta · 7 months
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year once again folks and you know what that means! SECRET SANTA IS BACK IN BUSINESS! This is my favorite tradition in the roleplay community and I’m so excited to be bringing it back! (Especially since I completely missed the mark last year and we weren’t able to do it…😔💔) It’s a great event that allows us to spread positivity and get to know each other better as writers and rpers over the course of December and then on Christmas day we all exchange gifts! It’s a great time every year and I hope we’ll see some new faces joining us this year! 
The rules will be the same as they are every year but for any newcomers the rules will be listed below!
1. Any participating blogs must be active and must be an RP account. No personal blogs allowed, sorry. 2. You must have an accessible inbox with ANON enabled. This is crucial to the event! You have to have anon on so your Santa can leave you messages without spoiling the surprise! 3. Secrecy is crucial! NO ONE is to know who’s name and or URL you received. Tell no one! Don’t tell your friends, your parents, your siblings…don’t  even tell your priest! 4. The list will be distributed by a third party since I am also participating. That being said, I will be just as ignorant of your Santa as you are! You will be assigned a blog via inbox message. When you’ve been given a name please DO NOT respond to the message! Commit it to memory and then DM my blog so I can confirm the participants!  5. You will have two tasks for this event and one will take place over the course of the entire month of December (or at least up until December 25th!) As a Santa it’s your duty to be an anonymous angel! Go to your assigned blog and leave them a nice message, tell them how much you enjoy their portrayals or ask them questions about their characters, their writing, etc! This is a daily task which is why blogs must be active to participate! Your assigned blog should be getting at least one message a day from you, their Santa! (Please don’t leave any ‘hints’ in your messages for them to guess who you are!) The second task will be your Christmas gift of course! Your gift can be anything! Fanart, drabbles, edits, promos, playlists, gifsets, anything you can think up! Get as creative as you can! You’ll have 25 days to craft your presents! 
Sign up time will be from today, November 13th to Thursday, November 30th! On the first day of December you’ll receive your assigned blog via inbox message! (Remember, do not respond to the ask at all! DM me to let me know you’ve been given a blog!) I’m looking forward to another great holiday season together! If you have any more questions, please feel free to message me on luxvicta!
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komorebi-rabbit · 2 months
Hey you!
I just came from your Sasori Roleplay account. I wasn't sure if you were active there anymore, so I hopped on over here via your pinned post.
You seem like a talented and fun person to roleplay with, so I thought why not ask?
I've read your rules and some of the older blogs and they really resonated with me.
I used to roleplay Itachi on Amino like you used to play/still play(?) Sasori on here. Those in depth roleplays that just make my heart sing. And also the RPs that are a pain to find because...well...novella takes work. And building a bond with a character who isn't naturally friendly takes even more time.
Still those have got to be the most fun times I can remember from my teens. And I misss them...
It was quite challenging to find people who share similar views on roleplaying and like the same fandom. So I must have given up sometime back. And when I read your blog today, I was instantly like "Oh my god this is exactly what I was looking for" (except like 6 years passed since I last attempted that xD)
So I wanted to pop in and say "Hi, I love your blog already!" but that didn't quite suffice so here we are xD.
It's kinda funny because after all this time not roleplaying, I found myself on tumblr, figured why not make a Sasori RP account (there are many others for the Naruto characters) to have some fun and be nostalgic? But...there was still a little 'eh' that was missing. And I found it in your blog.
I adore it, when people just get their characters and portray them correctly. And I've been aching to find more people like this. I remember it being quite the challenge in the past, back in my Itachi days, so it was like a gift to find your account!
Anyways, I am trailing off-
I'd love to RP with you sometime. Or...to just chat and reminisce about days past, even if I just discovered you today. I just know I would have loved to have you in my Akatsuki geoup back in 2015.
I hope you have a lovely day!
This is the SWEETEST message, oh my lord, thank you so much! You have no idea how happy this made me and how much I needed this little spark of positivity in my life right now!
I unfortunately no longer RP on tumblr due to some incidents that have made me wary over the years. I also no longer RP Sasori, but I do still RP in the Naruto fandom, just on Discord with friends that I am comfortable with. Novella does take work! But man, if it isn't worth the effort! I'm so glad people are still RPing and taking up Sasori. He absolutely deserves that love! Unfortunately, I did most of my tumblr RP back when the manga was still ongoing and tumblr was at its peak so there was a LOT more interaction then than I see these days. I wish it could go back to being that way! I miss a lot of the friends I made back then! (But also I'm still friends with some of them 10 years later, it's fantastic. You really form some lasting bonds). Even back then, however, there were only ever a couple of Sasori accounts (like... maybe 3, not including myself? And most were not active).
I'm mostly a Shisui RPer these days, though I do write for Kakashi, Tobirama, Kisame, and Izuna, too! Like I said, though, I only RP with those I'm super comfortable with, but if you want, I have plenty of recs for you! I'm also KomorebiRabbit on AO3 and @komorebirabbitwrites. My Sasori is actually heavily based on characterization from @renaerys and her works from back then (such as Zero Hour) and she is still writing FANTASTIC Sasori works to this day. I mean absolutely unbelievable, haunting, you will never get it out of your head type fics. Her characterization is unparalleled and also she's just an awesome person in general! I also mod @sasoriweek which will happen again in November of this year!
Also, if you like dark, horror-heavy Sasori, Athelise on AO3 is absolutely amazing! She writes such an interesting Sasori and some phenomenal smut, I definitely recommend her!
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seginbeats · 8 months
[Mii Maker Music]
This is going to be an awkward/potentially uncomfortable post to make, but, I have some genuine things to remind people of:
Tumblr is not a very accessible platform for me to RP on. You will notice that I rarely do back and forth threads, and that's because I am mobile bound 98% of the time, unless I am on my iPad. Even then, using xKit and getting to use Trim Reblog is a major pain, and a major killer of spoons for me.
That is why you see me posting memes, sending asks, replying to asks, writing drabbles, doing dash commentary, etc. I work around my inability to sit here and go back and forth on threads, by leaning into immersion. I don't want anybody to think I am ignoring them.
That being said, I want to remind people that I am an independent rper. I have that on all of my blogs. I'm not an affiliate/bound to one specific group canon. I pop in and out of verses. I do my own thing. My posts, headcanons, etc., are not automatically gospel. They do not need to be accepted by everybody. I'm not sitting here with a sword held out, demanding that people acknowledge it as canon for them as well. Just because it appears on the dash, does not mean you are forced to accept it. People are free to interact as much or as little as possible. I do keep my roleplay loose and open enough for people to jump in with ease though, because this is the easiest way for me to write on this website.
I really feel as though I need to remind people of this, because the definition of "independent" seems to be getting lost. I don't write in a linear fashion, therefor, I cannot always accommodate plots and events that are considered part of an RPC canon. And that's okay. Because I am independent, not affiliate.
Anyway, I'm posting this because I'm aware that my thing that I wrote with Giacomo doesn't fit into everybody's worldbuilding/verses, and-- that's literally okay folks. I don't want anybody to take my stuff and demand that people accept it as canon, because that is rude to people who may not want to use that story beat in their own writing. I mean shit, if I woke up tomorrow and decided to retcon anything on my blog, that's in my right. Because I'm independent. And anybody who is an indie blog has that right.
At the end of the day, it's common courtesy to ask your rp partner whether or not they are okay with bringing in certain lore or events, because not everybody is involved in certain plots and verses. I ask that everybody who did decide to join in for that group rp utilize that courtesy.
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sillybruja · 4 months
keep reading if you wanna know about the craziest liar and well known spn roleplayer I've met on tumblr
I will never forget being on tumblr from 2011 - 2015 and being in the supernatural role playing community. It was both one of the best, and worst experiences of my entire life. I role played as Dean Winchester (and actually my page is still up, and I might start up again) and had a fairly large following.
during 2011, the SPN rp community just started growing so I, among a few of my mun friends, were like the "It girls and guys". It's so insane to think about it now, 10+ years later. There were people out there who did not roleplay that would follow me, and reblog my threads just because they appreciated by writing ^.^ it was so sweet. Back to my memory lol.
Anyways, I made friends with a rper on here who ran a Castiel account. We very obviously shipped Dean & Cas, and so did a lot of people. People even shipped us xD we had a ship name and everything. This person became my best friend in real time.
I really really thought I knew this person. He told me everything, every part of his life, every heart break from some dumb guy, every accident he's ever made, etc. I saw him as not only a best friend but a brother.
around 2013, my life took a turn -- things got more serious for me, and I fell off from roleplaying for a bit, and we lost contact. I remember he just eventually stopped responding to my messages. This wasn't okay for me because before he ghosted me, he told me he was really sick. I was always worried that the last text I sent him was the last I'd ever hear from him.
Eventually he did respond to me, and I remember him saying, "I'm fine, I might just be gone for a while. It's not your fault" and that was that. Mind you, I was 10+ years younger, and I really felt devastated.
Several months later, I logged back onto my roleplaying account. I remember being spammed with asks and messages about him. One of our mutuals sent me a message saying he had passed away a month prior. She showed me the go fund me that was started for him to cover his funeral expenses. My heart was shattered.
The next year was spent of thinking about him almost every day. I felt so sorry that things ended the way they did, and that he was gone. I honestly felt grief that entire year.
In 2015, I get this intuitive 'nudge' to check my tumblr again. This time when I log in, I see appreciation posts about him, and all of those feelings come back. I remember trying to get back into rping in honor of him, and I remember coming across an account that seemed awfully familiar.
This was another castiel account, almost identical in text, aesthetic, vocabulary, even same psds. I just knew it was him. I can't tell you how, I just did. I remember thinking I was crazy and that this was grief... but, unfortunately, I was right.
Eventually, I gathered the nerve to reach out to this account. I cannot remember the name they gave me. But I talked to them, and I sort of played detective lol.
I deeply knew it was him and felt like it was so wrong that he lied about everything, had everyone upset, and took HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS from people who donated for his funeral.
One day, I was just tired of being nice. I approached him about it all. Of course he denied it. I badgered him about it though, and I even told him that what he is doing is illegal, and that he owes it to people who are mourning a very much alive person.
I didn't stop until he came forward.
He said, "I'm sorry, I had to do this to be with my boyfriend" and my jaw was on the freaking floor.
I told him to come forward, or I will have to do something about this.
Of course, he did not. Instead, he deleted his account. I tried to make a claim against him, but it was never looked into.
I will never forget that.
and if he's still out there, I hope he actually understands the weight of his actions. and I hope justice gets served.
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strebcr · 4 months
wait sorry to ask bc i vaguely remember maybe 2 years or more ago something happened where me and some others got added to a gc on discord by the users mother ((used their acc iirc), saying how they had committed suicide and asking for any donations going to it. is that the one you're speaking of or did the thing i hear about legit happen
sorry again for asking just seeing if i can get some closure on it cus it messed me up back then but i didnt see anything else cus i was away from the rpc at the same
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Don't worry nonnie you're fine! It was either around 2018 or 2019 it happened??? There was this one rper who faked their own suicide, and made multiple accounts both "harassing" them and "defending/calling out the herassers" to make things seem more legit. There was even a whole day where people stayed off of tumblr out of respect. As it turns out I believe all of the accounts were run by one dude as a "social experiment" and people were rightfully pissed! I only caught the vauge bits of it beacuse of what some mutuals rebloged about it, and the fact it was all over the dash at the time. I'm so sorry about what happened to you, if it is the same thing I hoped this helped a little. That is messed up someone would do that jfc.
Edit: As it turns out this was all a dude who made up a girl and “LARP"ed that she committed suicide :^V which is still fucked up 😭😭 thank you @gayroomate for the info!
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shiny-miltank · 8 months
A leche hobbies update:
Update on knitting adventures: almost done with a scarf I started 🤔 dropped stitches everywhere but it really helps with my adhd to have something in my hands to play with while feeling like I’m working towards something! Don’t think I’ll show it off though LMAO, it’s ugly as a scarf but I like it as a “baby’s first scarf” to look back on when I get better. And it’s warm :)!
Other thing: picked up a sewing machine from the good will and still in really great shape and working! Its old and has character and I love it HAH. I’m learning from my abuelita on her own machine. It’d be great to combine this and knitting to make essentials and to repair clothes that really need it.
Drawing/not really a hobby it’s my “Jobby”: sorry for being a lil slow on updates! I got a little bit of burnout and I really want to finish summers commissions so I can clear my schedule more. I’m just about done so I’m no longer chipping on three projects at a time between my full time job oof-but do know they are being worked on. I’ve got adoptables on the way and sketching the next ask-n update! I’ve also been keeping an eye on other places to post like insta and bluesky but I feel like I need to like…observe? Some more? Before committing and learning whole new platforms and posting schedules bleh.
I got other projects in the pipeline, one including a pmd thing, more Paldea headcanons and what not and some certain purple psychic cat things returning. But all in due time! Can’t overwhelm myself : 0
And a little bit of a rant or ramble about perhaps dropping a longtime hobby I’ve had and feeling sad about it beneath the cut ;( but if you’ve read this far thanks! Love ya’ll for supporting me!
I think a handful of you? Know I roleplay on this platform and have for a good seven? Eight? Years. It’s fun, a lot of my ideas and headcanons and art I’m known for were actually jump started by some random thread or idea from between my rp partners and what not. The Mewtwo blog, ask-n, scarlet turo and etc etc were old muses or ideas that turned into their own thing. It’s always been so easy to write and collaborate your ideas with the rp community you’re in and it becomes it’s whole big thing!
But I know it hasn’t always been the healthiest hobby for me after awhile but esp when I want to focus on content creation as a job that I’m really into. I no longer have the time to maintain plots and characters despite being so determined to stick to it. It’s becoming more of a distraction of just scrolling down the rp dashboard out of FOMO more then anything and heck I can’t even see most of it as a lot of events and verses and etc I blacklist to attempt to curb anxiety and distractions which haven’t been working lately 🤔 I still get lots of anxiety.
That and the community’s changed really. I know every old rper has typed their piece on “back in the good old days-“, leaves their blog and doesn’t give any useful advice or attempt to change the narrative lol. I don’t want to do that.
And it’s not the communities fault either. It’s natural for spaces to change to help new ideas and new people come in. It just means maybe it’s no longer meant for me and that’s okay. If anything it’s more how my friends I’ve been with for all my time there have left or are leaving. There’s a disconnect I can’t seem to get over no matter what new muse or idea I promote esp when I’m no longer comfortable in the space I enjoyed for so long. I never had to block so many things before and again not the communities fault and none of the things I’m blocking are unsavory, it’s more like my tastes and likes and dislikes and what I have spoons for have just become different over so long. It’s totally a me thing.
It’s in my mind that maybe it’s okay to let it go since I’m getting so hyped for my newer hobbies and the ideas I have for my art/comics. I don’t have the time anymore to dedicate so much energy on it like I use to esp when even over all my work Im still figuring out my adhd after getting diagnosed officially, new meds, the other mental diagnosis that makes the mental soup in my head alongside other life stuff.
I owe rp in general for helping me get that creative spark and through a lot of tough, long dark times. It’s provided me with the escapism and outlet since like, forever. I started rping in ye old Neopet neomail days and haven’t stopped since besides the occasional period that didn’t last long. Who knows maybe this is just a rut and I’ll feel better tomorrow or next week or something. Could be the change of seasons where my seasonal depression kicks in but I’m not quitting yet but it’s somewhere in the funky mind palace as I navigate this weird patch.
Thanks if you’ve read my ramblings this far! I wish there was a way to reward peeps who read through my long jargon? It just feels good to know I can scream into the void and sometimes I’ll have one or two people nod at me in understanding. Idk, I’ll think of something—
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christlois · 8 months
//I just wanted to say, back in my Black Butler days (Which was WAY back like 2009-2019) I used to be a HUGE fan of Ash/Angela in particular, they were my first muse and for that, they still hold an EXTREMELY special place in my heart and sometimes I honestly kinda wanna go back to writing them lol //They were my favourite chracter, and Alois is/was a close second, I wrote cringey fanfic, had based and created a whole OC off a kinda "Combination" of them who I still use today, and also RPed him for a time back on a few ancient forums and Google+ when that was a thing still (I'm ancient lmao) //but overall the former ESPECIALLY barely had ever gotten any content - especially good, genuine content made from love rather than half spite "Look at this asshole" - and putting aside my surprise that the Black Butler fandom is still alive and kicking, i just stumbled across your blog and while I'm not sure entirely what Christlois is about (Please do feel free to give an explanation!) I just wanna say, a combination of my favourite things from my Black Butler days: Being Ash/Angela, Alois, THAT SEASON ONE AND TWO GET SOME ATTENTION, SERIOUSLY THEYRE STILL SO FUCKING GOOD!!!! ill be honest the direction it took with season three onwards kinda was a part of why i fell out of love with the series and just the existence of catholicism/priest aesthetics as a whole lmao) //For the longest time the memory of the Black Butler fandom had left a VERY bitter taste in my mouth since being around in it's heyday as an Ash/Angela RPer was certainly an experience lol, but just looking through your blog, though I don't exactly know what it's about, is such a sweet taste of nostalgia that while I don't exactly find myself missing the community, I miss the characters and story established by the first two seasons greatly. :,) It's kinda odd to say but I was almost certain that Ash/Angela would just fade into obscurity with offhand mentions at best, no one to love and care for them, and so glad to see that someone is caring for them where I couldn't anymore! //While I still find myself coming back to the priestisms (Leonard's 1.3 verse.... *Cough*) after all these years, it's honestly been a nice reminder on just how much these Ash/Angela and Alois have impacted my writing, both in muse writing and creative! Either way, thank you so much for your care put into this and please pardon the long message sfkdhbfkhkdfh
Where do I even begin? First of all THANK YOU!! I love these angels so bad, and YOU understand. They're a fascinating evil and a very interesting character concept. It's really cool that you roleplayed with them and I bet you had a ton of interesting headcanons and developments, more so than we got from the show! Because the thing is there is not a character as neglected by the fandom and the media as Ash and Angela. For their presence in Season 1, they are never talked about...
And that's not fair! They're so fascinating!! And thank you so much for the ask, genuinely, lenght doesn't bother me at all, and it's nice my mildly sacreligious blog brought some feeling of nostalgia.
ONTO THE INFO DUMPING! You're going to love this!
So Christlois is basically the universe of one specific fic, that being this one , written by me and co-written by @eemoo1o . It's basically a story about Alois turning his back on Claude and instead being swayed to Ash's side, becoming Ash's little puppet as opposed to Queen Victoria. It's mythological, theological, philosophical, and also really really disturbing JFJKSDF there's sebaclaude, sebastian being ciel's weird dad, alois being in-characteredly toyed with (poor boy), and ashgela being a total bastard.
here are some other goodies you might have seen, some animatics about it: part 1, part 2, and an anime opening, and an original song piece (I know...I'm very intense about this hgshdf).
Oh, and this! its unrelated but also I think you'd enjoy it!!:
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silvergolddraco28 · 10 hours
PS! Looking for RPers and/or co writers! Cross-posted on AO3!
Previously slightly abbreviated:
“This isn't my realm… this isn't my reality.”
“Lilith left sooner… but Charlie stayed until she became and adult.”
‘Better make my way to the Hazbin and see if i can't help this Charlie with her dreams sooner.’
Lucifer pocketed the phone, quickly getting out of the unstable building and making it for the nearest territory to get his bearings on which district he currently was in Pentagram before heading to Charlie's Happy Hotel before Alastor had renamed it the Hazbin Hotel.
Lucifer gazed up at the building that was more or less falling apart with a minor internal cringe. ‘This place isn't fit for someone to live inside without coming too hard. I should know i enforced the building standards and have it all run by Hellborn companies for that very reason.’ Lucifer thought making his way up to the door of the hotel holding one of Charlie’s posters in his claws he had been able to snag from a lamppost being it got graffitied or ripped to shreds. He knocked on the door hearing a noise from inside before a frazzled-looking Charlie opened the door blinking her eyes at him in mild confusion. “I thought dragon dinners were extinct…” she muttered.
“Sinner?” Lucifer repeated giving the air he had literally entered Hell or at least this version of Hell.
Charlie had a look of sympathy as she pulled Lucifer inside closing the door behind her. “A Sinner is what we call a human soul that has died and didn't pass the judgment system Heaven has.” Charlie explained patiently. “Oh! How rude of me, I'm Charlie. I run this Hotel with the end goal of redeeming Sinners but for now it's more or less a Sanctuary for anyone who wants to get help.” Charlie introduced herself. She waved her hand over the lobby showing familiar faces. “The sinner in red is Alastor, our Hotelier. The female sinner in uniform is my girlfriend Vaggie and my personal guard. The spider sinner is our first resident, Angel Dust and finally the two flying goats are my assistants Razzle and Dazzle.” Charlie grinned as the two demonic goats sniffed the air around him before immediately pouncing him with hugs and kisses soon joined in by KeeKee.
His wings flapped a little to keep him upright from the unexpected force as he laughed at the ticklish kisses and cuddles. “Sorry… even in Life animals would snuggle and cuddle with me no matter what kind.” Lucifer stated after all he did technically die after he Fell from Heaven is it wasn't a complete lie.
“Geeze, don't think the two munchkins and the cat actually liked anyone but you Toots.” Angel’s familiar drawl stated as Lucifer rubbed the back of his head.
“yeah yeah make the Disney Princess reference in front of the dragon.” Lucifer huffed with a small pout as Charlie giggled at the interaction.
“Guess i should introduce myself as well.” Lucifer stated already knowing what he would use. “Samuel. Samuel Cain.” ‘Can't believe i have to use my old name and borrow Cain’s for this but i want to stay undercover as long as i can.’
Charlie grinned. “Is Sam fine?” Charlie asked.
“Sammy is better if you don't mind. I also see this place needs a lot of TLC.” Lucifer pointed out while trying to ignore the red eyes of the infernal Radio Demon partly glaring at him with suspicion. ‘Fuck off Bambi. I'm not letting you manipulate my daughter this time around and no way in Hell am i letting any version of myself being her down like i did.’ Lucifer thought to himself.
one can hope…
Mini Rant to get out my feelings
Here is the rough part 2 that will hopefully help me get some interest in this AU or in any of my other prompts.
I'm starting to lose a lot of hope in getting anyone to RP with me more then a few days before going radio silent and bowing out.
I must be really really really bad for the entire community to basically avoid me.
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 4 months
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As a sorcerer, it is a curse yet as a blessing, that's what I am. For I am Daichi Pheon-X, a sorcerer who fights evil spirits with the flames of the Dark Pheonix within me. And Oh, this is my trusted partner, Eito! Nice to make your acquaintance!
A JJK OC blog focused on adventure, crack! and feel good rps. but also open to dark themes and angst!
Daichi & Eito,
For Mobile Readers who want to know about Daichi & Eito on Mobile. Click here.
Rules under read for mobile
Hi everyone! This is Dani, manager of Daichi! I am 25+ old. So here are the rules No hate or drama – I don’t follow people who stir up either.
I usually follow back when it’s a fellow RP blog.
I do not rp smut with Minor RPERS ( That is illegal )
I don’t mind OCs or any fandom, but if it’s a fandom I don’t know about then I might send you an ask so you can help me fill in what the fandom is about if it’s confusing. It will help us both! Or maybe surprise me!
As for OCs! I love OCS. After all, I am rping OC. That said, I don’t mind characters that seem like “sues”. So if you're a rper who is worried about your OC being 'sue', please let me know so I can help out. After all, I know the feeling when starting out as OC rper. I believe as an artist and writer, RPers can help one another, especially when they’re new to the game! I think building an OC is a starting point, what they need is a journey. By 'journey' I mean by threads to see how your OC reacts with their surroundings and the world in general. I believe it's a good way to build character development. OCs never stay what they are at the beginning. They grow. After all, OCs are like our babies, right?
That said, if I notice that you do not wish to develop well-balanced characters when getting feedback after several threads, I can’t follow you or RP with you any longer if it's not working.
Godmodding is not permitted. I won’t do it, so don’t please do it either. However, certain situations with an OP muse ( especially canon muses)  are acceptable, but I would prefer to plot it out (especially in a fight scene) before your muse does anything to mine ( like who wins or loses or ending in a draw or the fight is interrupted by external factors).
As for the font sizes, I can change the font size to match your writing style in a thread if you wish. If my font or format is hard to read or the opposite, just ask!
I have some trouble with my grammar, but if we’re writing together, I invite you to correct it. Sometimes I get overly excited and write as fast as I think and even after double-checking, I might miss a few things like typos or grammatical errors. My apologies and please let me know if I have a typo or is there anything confusing to you, I make sure to fix it right away.
Please message me or inbox me if you have ideas for plotting. I love plotting threads and planning them.
If I made a mistake in the thread, or if the reply is at all confusing, please! Just PLEASE tell me in IM or ask and I can fix it! If there’s a need for any clarification, please ask me and I will answer right away.
I might not get to every one of my threads every single day. I am sorry for any delay, but I can’t write if I’m stuck and I can’t write if I’m pressured. I won’t pressure you, so please don’t pressure me. This should be fun, right?
I create supporting characters or NPCs ( characters that are part of the story thread to move the plot along, like think of it as a mission or case.). If you need clarification, please hit me up.
I also draw my own icons! This includes Eito and Daichi/Kisho. Please, please, please do not take them without permission. I put a lot of effort into them by drawing them.
Note: if I unfollow you which is HIGHLY unlikely for me to do so….please assume it’s a Tumblr glitch or misclick on mobile  ( like I misclick the follow button when I want to click on the ask button and then follow you back which is a likely cause ) which does happen. It happened to me a few times and to others as well. If I plan to unfollow you, I will soft-block you and not refollow after a week. Because of this, if you unfollow me whether I unfollow you first or not ( and I don’t remember that happening.) I will send you an ask to confirm if it’s a Tumblr glitch. If that is not the case, please ignore the ask and I will understand thinking it’s a softblock and I will move on after a week of waiting. There are times when tumblr glitch happens to me!
Interacting with Daichi/Kisho
I love fighting and serious rp, as well as crack! So I’m flexible!
I have no qualms about writing problematic and dark themes. I mean this is JJK, right? Things get crazy.
I don’t mind RPing action, gore, dark or anything! (romance is rare)
Speaking of romance, romantic relationships are rare for me. If you request one, it needs chemistry and time between our muses ( a slow burn) especially if they have incredible dynamics. I don’t like when relationships between our muses don’t develop and go straight to romantic without any reason. I do not mind if your muse wants to date my muses but you must ask and it needs to have a good reason why though. I recommend a good story with a reasonable plot that can possibly build up a romantic relationship between them over time. That said, I have the right to disapprove if I feel if it doesn’t work out.
As for other ships, I mostly prefer platonic, rivalry, mentorship, friendship, enemies, frenemies, dependence, familial, sisterhood, brotherhood, and bonding. Again, romance is pretty rare for me but I’m not against it, it just needs development between our muses to get there. 
That said, I do not ship adults with minor muses in romance ships.
One more thing! You have  FULL permission for your muses to hit and discipline Daichi/Kisho, if he does something stupid or says the dumbest things. It is allowed and encouraged. Sometimes that guy needs a reality check and it’s a way to pull the reins on him if he does something crazy that is dangerous. So if your muse has the urge to smack him upside the head or bonk him because he does or says something stupid, please feel free. 
I think that’s all for now! If there is something that is not in the rules that you need to ask or have concerns about. Please let me know.
With that said, thank you so much for reading the rules! I appreciate it so let's have some fun!
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airedelalmena · 2 months
I was going to get into ancestor worship, a while back. For different reasons. But the reasons and motivations were too weak, so I never did. Felt dubious about it.
Now, I think I will.
I already basically do it. Leaving food out as offerings. I have an altar…OUR altar from making it together, filled with things from nature and feathers and things.
In a gift shop, I had stood looking at a display of grieving-related gifts. While I read a little book on mourning, a small statuette jumped out at me. I mean literally physically jumped off of the shelf down to either the floor or another shelf.
It was a little lady angel and she had the word Love carved into her dress.
Of course I had to.
She made it onto the altar. Along with the existing bowl of natural things, and some jewelry of hers. A religious book we had had there more for the symbol of it (not our most favorite). Beyond Words by Carl Safina, about animals and their real depth as people/beings. Something she loved and supported me in making it a part of my upbringing. Part of our everyday lives. Not preachy (a skill I lack and had hoped to gain from her over time - thinking I had time - fuck.). Just letting me be me. I was hugging and naming trees on our walks at age three. They had real personalities. I remember just one — Winston. Old man trees need old man names. lol. I still basically know where he is. Near the town’s preschool.
Like this is just a vital and natural step, from one to the other, here.
Not worship in the sense of “this person is a deity and unflawed and perfect”. Which is probably the way it’s meant by some of the cultures that do it. (China for one seems to have very “never discuss problems”, denial-based views of how to do…life in general.) But as a way of connecting with and communing with her…and my stepdad, nana. Keeping them alive and with me and seeking guidance. Accepting that they were flawed people. Loving ALL of them. Forgiving them for the parts that hurt. After all: she hurt herself the worst, by not really taking care of herself…it took her life in the end. How can you not forgive someone after that? Or — I mistyped and wrote: how can you not forgive yourself after that? Which is just as true.
(I miss LiveJournal and LJ-cuts. You could do a read-more, then have extra text outside of it and visible, then another read-more. I would put something here but have it outside of the read-more. Dreamwidth exists but mostly just RPers use it now.)
Today is exactly a month since she passed on. The fourth.
It doesn’t feel like a month. A couple of weeks, at most.
The fourth of every month will stand out to me, now. My birthday is on an early day, so I will be noticing them together, counting them together. She never got to see me turn thirty. She had just very recently turned sixty. Young at heart and in looks. We do not look it, or seem it, emotionally I think. Or the fey “young and old at once” thing has been applied…. The looks are from hypermobility, apparently. The personality is all ours, then life hits you. You keep the child alive but then grow an adult self to protect that.
God I just want a domestic life now. A wife and kids. I swear to god. Not even a sex life. Just skip me straight to the low energy, baking at home and reading and maybe you get up to it about as often as some slightly-active grandparents do. I just want to be cozy. Fuck.
There is no one like her.
And that’s like Fraggle Rock. The episode where they go looking for the center of Fraggle Rock, the heart. Cannot find it anywhere. Only to find that it was (with) THEMSELVES, all along. They lived in the heart. That episode always stuck with me as very special.
I am the closest person to her in this world. To being the way that she was, understanding it all. Our inner world. Secret Garden. To her and my grandmother. Incredibly special people. I don’t know if I will ever find another who matches it in so many ways. Because it’s ME. All I want is to find another, but I don’t know if there is any other.
That’s all I want.
She with her mother already had this kind of spirituality…after her mother’s death. She connected her with deer. I connect her now with rabbits as I always have. They will enter an animal and see you through the animal. Mom was always being closely approached by deer. Unusually so, Mary Poppins stuff. For me the rabbits here and there have been enough I suppose.
Just more of this. Carrying on. Trying to live. God.
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funbonded · 11 months
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Every night always , it never changes but we can make 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 happen .
[ ⋆ ] MUTUALS  ONLY  FUNTIME  FREDDY  OF  FIVE  NIGHT  AT  FREDDY’S  by  SAVBEAR  established  July  17th  2020   
I've been writing Funtime Freddy for over 3 years now and before following you should take note that this blog is;
Highly gorey &   highly selective , multiship , crossover friendly & oc   friendly .   18 + ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS !
Includes all cannon verses/variants/divergent/crossovers as well as a human verse
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⚰️  OTHER BLOGS INCLUDE:  @moralpuppet​ , @ursadolls
affiliated with: @nanobawn​ , @faztastiic & @rockcoins​
CARRD .  PROMO / PROMO 2.  PLAYLIST . /tw: blood under readmore.
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MINI BIO / go to my carrd for more. verses etc / tw death mention
Once created to entertain children and then reprogrammed to kill and harvest souls into remnant. Laughter engulfed by horrified screams. Days in the spotlight were no more. He has a distrust for humans and enjoys killing them.
He is not possessed. Funtime Freddy merely collects the souls of his victims to convert into remnant which he uses as a fuel to gain and maintain sentience.
Funtime Freddy  is an animatronic bear with pink/purple accents around his eyes. His patterning prompted him to insist on being referred to as a panda, specifically. Funtime Freddy, who now, after seeing through many pizzerias resides in his Funhouse in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex. 
Using his chest cavity, Funfred  can provide an array of different ways to execute and maim. One in which includes a make-shift guillotine out of a sheet of metal within his chest cavity. In the absence of his hand puppet Funfred's right wrist slot is empty. No rabbit companion (unless interacting with an rper who writes Bonbon/Bonnet) and no hand.
Funfred being a panda is my own personal headcannon that has been a part of my portrayal since the very beginning.
DASH RULES check my carrd for more information
One. General Roleplay etiquette applies, be respectful & don't even think about interacting me if you're a proshipper, terf, or racist. Please note you have to be 18+ to interact with any of my blogs mostly do to gore. & no I do not RP smut. MUN IS NOT MUSE! Funfred has horrendous thoughts/opinions and beliefs that I do not condone.
Two. DNI/ I don't engage with people who are problematic or present problematic behaviour such as proshipping/pedophilia/ or you are a terf/ableist/racist/antisemitist or you show any kind of hate to anyone like that . If you see me interacting with someone problematic likely I haven't been informed yet and shall deal with it accordingly as soon as I am informed. I don't support anyone who does any of that nasty behavior and I never will and if you know you engage in such behaviors then please refrain from interacting with me. You're not welcome. Likewise don't bring drama onto my blog. If you see someone problematic here just message me privately. I won't be reblogging callouts.
Three.  FOLLOWING. I'm selective. If I haven't followed back please don't take it personally. If we are mutuals and you decide to unfollow then soft block please otherwise I will see you on my Dash and still think we are mutuals and I don't really want to have to browse a list of followers to check every time I go to interact.
Four.  VARIANTS I don't mind variants or to word it better people who play the same character as me JUST DON'T STEAL MY HEADCANNONS.
Five. TRIGGERS Warnings for you: This blog can be very gorey I also require you to be 18+ for this reason. Please do not follow if you're a minor. Gore , Death, Child murder
Six.  SHIPPING I prefer to ship Funfred with other animatronics/anthros/other robots/mechanical beings/cryptids no humans just a personal preference. Chemistry is a must! & I do not rp smut. 
NOTE ON AFFILIATIONS: the concept to me means that if you’re affiliated with my muse and mine is affiliated with yours that means I consider your portrayal my main and will most likely consider our cannons intertwined. I do not do exclusives as I understand everyone’s portrayals are unique and I am happy to see my friends interact with people who play the same muse/s as me and vice versa!
Likewise if you want to be affiliated and these terms don't suit you , please don't hesitate to speak to me I'm open to discussion always ! Same with shipping and other connections !
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magicaldogtoto · 1 year
The few past days of seeing discourse regarding Neil Gaiman and fanfiction reminds me of that time back in 2020 when a few MagiReco RPers and I did a thread where Sana got fused with the Anonymous AI Rumor and became an Uwasa like Uwasa Tsuruno.
And then a few months later Rumor Sana was revealed in the game.
The difference is that none of us were presumptuous enough to assume the people working on the game somehow knew about our RPs. If anything, it was an obvious plot that would be used at some point (fusing people to Rumors was a thing in canon, and Sana had a platonic relationship with an Uwasa).
At most we all just laughed about it and moved on. We were basically doing fanfic, after all.
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