#I will always look for opportunities to put bows on characters
sunnyaliceart · 5 months
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Time to make up for lost time
Secret Santa gift for @theglowiestcloud !
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sadtonight · 2 years
"He's like, a family member to me or something!"
Summary: over the course of your impromptu stay at Night Raven College, you gained two new important figures in your life: a boyfriend and a cat look-alike monster. In fact you grown on Grim and he on you so closely that now he actively "gets in the way" of your daily life, according to your boyfriend that is;
Characters: dorm leaders;
Warnings: none, reader is gender neutral, established romantic relationships, grown up characters;
Side notes: thank you for the wait, don't have motivation to do just about anything! Kalim's and Leona's part is kinda sad, damn, I'm sorry. I'm projecting on Leona like crazy- (I don't kin him but we are painfully similar 😔)
— you being accompanied by Grim back in Night Raven College wasn't something unusual to Riddle. The feline had been reserved a special seat beside you at the Unbirthday parties (the chair with a stack of pillows) and was expected to wear special Heartslabyul bow around his neck and to follow the rules of the dorm;
— so when Grim moved in with you and Riddle, the later considered it to be a given for Grim to adhere to already established order. However, in spite of your boyfriend becoming laxer about the rules the monster still argued with the red haired more times than you could count, unlike Riddle who have been compiling lists of rules the weasel had violated ever since first setting foot into your shared house in the Queendom of Roses;
— amends were made each time, though one perpetual cycle of breaking a single rule drove Riddle straight into madness: Grim regularly ate the desserts meant for you in secret. The desserts your boyfriend ordered Trey to make FOR YOU to eat together. It was a tradition in your little family to hold afternoon mini tea partiers just like in Heartslabyul, in the yard surrounded by colourful roses, if the weather was appropriate, or in the house in the main room;
— eating delicious sweet treats, drinking tea and chatting about nothing in particular with you, his partner with whom he felt he could let loose and indulge in his hidden childish side, was like a dream come true, the pastime bringing him genuine delight. Riddle loved having your hand wrapped around his as you visited Trey's family bakery and choose what to feast on at today's party. Riddle loved setting up the table and brewing tea along with you, pulling our the china the two of you adored. And of course he loved the main process, during which your boyfriend couldn't prevent himself from beaming due to sheer elation;
— but none of those positive emotions would take place if Riddle upon opening the dessert box with your treat finds pastry leftovers. "GRIMMM!! Come here right this INSTANT and face the repercussions for your offence!!" were spine-chilling words you knew would make the cat monster dash into your arms instead of Riddle's. Your boyfriend would insist on putting his signature heart-shaped collar on the perpetrator, while you would do your best to master the most doe-eyed face and plead him to settle on letting Grim go with a warning;
— Riddle's hand's were tied: no matter how much the male protested, you would squeeze the grey feline to your body and pat Riddle's head to calm him down. If Grim was not to be punished, it was who who had to be. And the penalty was to be feed Riddle's dessert by him personally and to spend more time with your boyfriend today! You wouldn't dare to disobey Queen's orders, isn't that right?
— two cats living under the same roof rarely led to anything productive. Their relationship, if you could call it that way, hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows since Night Raven, although you did become an unwilling mediator, but the two would always try to make you pick a side;
— usually it was Leona who got the short end of the stick because he was a stronger magician and, well, stronger in physical and in mental senses too. It didn't mean that your boyfriend wouldn't take any opportunities to put a sassy monster, who celebrated his victory way to openly and loudly, and consequently you, back into place;
— for instance, if Grim managed to convince you to go out on the cloudy evening instead of lazing around on the couch with warm blankets for the rest of the day just like your boyfriend suggested, the beastman would straight up hide all the umbrellas in the house while you were getting ready to go out;
— as a result, both of you came back from the walk dripping wet, Grim accusing Leona of the sabotage. Meanwhile the male would shift on the couch making some space for you, smugly adding: "That's what ya get for not listening to me. Hah, it's better if you crawled here under the covers now unless you want to get sick. If that happens, you are all by yourself";
— another reoccurring practice happened in the morning. At last, no one was there to shake Leona out of the bed, so he opted for cuddling with you until he got bored or grew extremely hungry. Unlike him though, famished Grim couldn't just sleep on his grumbling stomach and needed you to order food or cook him a huge breakfast. In both cases it meant you were forced to get up, which Leona couldn't allow to happen;
— before the cat monster could make his moves, the male would swiftly take the feline and put him on the other side of the bed, away from you, and slam his free arm on top of Grim. This way, the cat was trapped, pinned to the mattress. The monster would try to wriggle free to no avail and scream for help, but Leona's arm basically got him in a chokehold, so poor creature couldn't make any loud noises to stir you awake;
— your boyfriend desperately wanted to have your attention and care solely for himself. Of course he felt jealous of that stupid weasel monster, obviously he wouldn't admit it out loud, whom you spoilt a tad bit more. But Grim meant a lot for you, and you always reassured your lover of deep infatuation you held for him, so the male tried to tolerate Grim for your sake. Leona hugged your body closer to his chest with his other hand which wasn't pinning annoying monster down. What he wouldn't do for you to not give up on him...
— oh this man right here could solve any "problematic situations" involving Grim through talking alone. And by "talking" Azul usually meant solving troubles by using contracts, bribery, blackmail, implicit threats etcetera, something he considerably improved upon after graduating from Night Raven College;
— thankfully, learning from past experience wasn't grey monster's forte, thus allowing octomer to constantly play same tricks again and again. Though he had to be creative about his convincing since if he didn't succeed in persuading Grim, the feline would tell on him to you and that would lead to unnecessary confrontation which only damages your blooming relationship!
— that's how your boyfriend would frame it: Grim wanted to create a divide between you two so you would break up with him and become lonely and lost, with no-one to confide in, with no benevolent soul to turn to, no shoulder to dry your tears on... All those theatrics happening because you ordered a take out, with the monster's preferences in mind which he voiced beforehand, and forgot to ask your boyfriend if he wanted something other than what he would usually order;
— neverless, the most hearted arguments between Grim and Azul happened on weekends or on the days when Azul was free of work. The male retained his interest in board games, requesting his fellow former club mate Idia to send new noteworthy board games if any appeared. The game night were established, and in concept it sounded entertaining if not for the weasel who couldn't stand playing logical games all the time;
— octomer never ever wanted to drabble in the whims of the lady luck and enjoyed winning "fair and square", even with the use of witty remarks that setted Grim off. Thankfully, Azul was your boyfriend so whenever you lost he would instruct you to do harmless romantic gestures, like to kiss him one hundred times or spend the rest of the day sitting on his lap but the monster wasn't nearly as fortunate as you: Grim had do to the dishes for a week or clean the bathroom spotless;
— the frustration Grim had after losing to Azul several times per session, knowing well what kind of things Azul would assign him do, agitatined monster would drag you away to do something way more fun. Your boyfriend, in theory, could play along and lose on purpose for Grim's sake, but there was no point in doing so when he could get easy wins: "Grim, if you wish to be victorious so badly, you should practice more instead of wasting your time on complaining. But I feel rather gracious tonight, so I could teach you a few tricks, however it would come with a price tag";
— they both played dirty: Grim would use his natural cute animal charm to woo you and Azul would get handsy and try to sweet talk his way not only into your heart but also into your mind. Gosh, you just wanted to have a normal board games session for once.
— unlike a good portion of individuals you have meet during your time in the magical college, Kalim was among those who treated Grim nicely from the get go despite a rocky first meeting. When the question of you moving in with Kalim raised, your boyfriend immediately wondered if Grim was going to live with the two of you, hoping to hear affirmative response;
— your grey fur companion was more than satisfied with local delicacies, and since the feline could summon food with a swing of his shaped tail, there was no shortage of silver plates and golden trays scattered around the premise you lived on;
— one tiny problem did make Grim's fur stand upwards: Kalim's pets. He acquainted the weasel with colourful and diverse bunch, consisting of non venomous snakes and pythons, a few elephants, over a thousand of exotic birds and parrots, little monkeys, camels and many more animals. With some, Grim got along fine, but with other he couldn't even stand being near, like with alligators who jokingly warned the monster not to come close when they yawn;
— Kalim was worried sick about Grim not fitting in and liking new home, although the male masked it by being overly indulgent. You had to grab your boyfriend's hand and lead him to secluded, unoccupied room or area to talk it out. Your boyfriend insisted on handling everything on his own just fine, yet his wavery smile couldn't fool you;
— "I'm not making everything worse am I? It doesn't look like Grim is unhappy but..." the male lost his trail of thought as you gently combed through his a bit overgrown white hair, his head not being tied by anything and laying on your lap. You knew Grim for quite a long time and could read him like an open book, so you were up most truthful when you reassured Kalim: the gray cat monster was very happy living here;
— with time your boyfriend also learnt to read Grim and successfully pamper the creature. Everyone in the house could see how close they came to be, often causing mischief that you had to witness or take care of. It was amusing when they took turns talking your ear off telling you about what sort of things they did today. Naturally, you didn't pass opportunities to join in with them, laughter and tears doubling in quantity as a result;
— at the end of the day, Kalim would lie on the huge king-size bed, surrounded by warmth radiating from you and Grim, thanking whatever entity for giving him a chance to meet you, his priceless partner, and fun, little, cat-looking companion Grim;
— constant squabbling... No matter if on those long or short occasions when Vil was able to be home for a week or no more than ten minutes, they always, ironically enough, fought like a cat and dog;
— to give some credit to your boyfriend, he did try to treat Grim like a person. But to an extent, the monster was resembling a feline animal not in a visual way alone, but also in his behaviour. Probably the loudest argument thus far was when beautiful male made a mistake of condescendingly offering to call to a vet clinic when monster became as sick as a dog, after eating an entire box of spoilt tuna Vil had hidden from Grim long ago so the latter wouldn't eat it in one go;
— prior queasy, dead looking Grim who was flatten out on your thigh was immediately replaced by an enraged fiend who threatened to burn Vil to crisp for making fun of his crippled state. You had to beg your boyfriend to cook up a potion for stomach relief, which he actually made in advance, but pretended to be unassuming and struck up a deal which was to spend a several days holiday alone with you whereas Grim would stay at home;
— the struggle for attention wasn't the only challenge, Vil additionally was forced to lead continus and draining war with cat fur. He had approximately 3 different lint rollers in every bag he carried with him, not to mention the whole house being dry and wet cleaned, vacuumed and dusted every two days by you, maids or Vil personally;
— no matter how many times your boyfriend brushed Grim's fur with a cat brush, while holding poor creature in a steel death grip, that peaky fur found it's way on his clothes: "Grim, if you won't groom yourself more like a proper cat is supposed to, I swear not even our precious darling here would save you from the shaver!";
— needless to say, the weasel sleep in your arms every time after those words, in fears of Vil finally acting upon his threats, and letting out a sigh of relief when he woke up to finding himself still in his grey coat;
— there were positive moments in their lives as well. It was a rare but incredibly satisfying to stumble upon your boyfriend sitting on the sofa reading a book while patting napping feline beside him. Or when Grim boasted out loud about managing to flawlessly replicate Vil's yoga training, the latter putting his hand on the mouth to hide his striking, proud smile;
— Vil actually invited Grim to parties and formal gathering too, though he wasn't allowed to talk a lot. You were grateful to see your monster companion with a glint in his eyes eating expensive food and taking in glorious sights, and in turn your boyfriend was admiring your beautiful gladness you subconscious expressed;
— kitty-cat~~ Truly, it was a love from the first sight. No no no, not with you, but with your adorable, grey feline friend you spend time with! Hey...Idia loves you too, if he didn't, you wouldn't be living with him and Ortho in the same house in the first place;
— anyways, Grim was put off by your boyfriend in general, and also by the love towards the weasel, since he would rather not be treated like a cat, unless it was you. Don't forget the fact that Idia had tendency to make weird faces and noises, so when the feline was toeing between dream land and reality, he would sometimes be spooked by tall lanky figure standing before the bed and giggling like crazy in the dark after clearing raid in an online game;
— Idia couldn't tell for sure if he was envious of how close you were with Grim or how nice you were to the monster. Like, now he could relate to main characters who got pissed off when the mascots received tons of affection from their love interests in anime and visual novels. "Not faaair, if I had been a cute cat like Grim I would be getting stacks of kisses 24/7~..." Idia would lament under his breath, thinking you couldn't hear him, when he saw how you babied the cat;
— however, flame haired male would be lying if he didn't find you playing or just spending time with the monster adorable. Idia would shamelessly a with his toothy grin take pictures of you sleeping on your shared bed with Grim nested to your body, the thoughts in his head revolving around "stocking up his moe folder with more pics of you and Grimmy";
— Idia totally is that person who loves cat's but they are not that fond of him. Poor man would buy the tastiest tuna found on the internet and yet the instant Grim was finished with food he would leave from the male's lap. That was your que to wear cat ears, which belonged to Idia for some reason, and plop on your boyfriend's lap instead. W-well, your company wasn't all that bad too... Please don't mind the pink hair tips;
— even though Grim considered Idia to be strange and in turn Idia endlessly pined for cat's affection, they were chill with each other. One thing that bothered not only you but Ortho was that they both ate junk food in large unhealthy amount every day and holled in the house with curtains closed shut. Seriously, even you couldn't spend this much time watching films and playing video games!
— their relationship was akin to the swings: Malleus at times found Grim amusing and at other times...annoying, dare he say. In the same manner once Grim found out the identity of "Horton", he was against of you dating literally "the scariest guy ever" but along the way he kind of grew to admire Malleus, but the monster was still wary of the fae who frequently summoned lightning bolts when he was disgruntled;
— you often playfully fought with Grim and got bite marks and scratches on your body and especially arms from the feline. Initially, Malleus mistook your antics for something more sinister and would almost waterboard the cat if you didn't decide to check out the bathroom. When the situation was cleared up your boyfriend showed genuine remorse, sincerely apologizing to the monster, whom you were drying up with a towel, but Grim never really forgot about the incident;
— although your boyfriend was still pleased with how skittish the grey monster was, because he could scare him easily and in this way take out revenge for stealing your time that you were supposed to spend with the briar prince. The weasel could run up to you and show you something on the phone, making you laugh, while Malleus would get an awkward chuckle when he tried to tell a joke. His pride was hurt and day was ruined...
— with this much knowledge stored in one person, the dragon fae had lots and lots of stories to share which he had read from the books or heard directly from Lilia. You loved listening to those, handling them like a bed time stories, though you never got to hear the endings due to Malleus using low, lulling, a bit murmurous voice, soothing you to fall asleep in the process;
— Grim on the other hand was thrilled to discover new interesting individuals of Twisted Wonderland. When the male's tale came to a halt, the monster immediately demanded to get the ending. Malleus only softly patted Grim's head and kissed your forehead, talking to you but words directed at Grim: "Please, be patient. I wish for your friend, and my lover in the same time, to hear how this legend ends. I can't help but wonder what sort of reaction it would spark?" he said mysteriously and layed back down on the bed, cradling your body, green eyes ominously twinkling in the dark, sending chill down Grim's spine and as if telling him to go to sleep already.
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mingisdoll · 9 days
But I like them
Trope: actor!Seonghwa x manager!reader
Includes: gn!reader, cold Seonghwa but he's actually just shy [yet scary when angry], angst with a fluffy ending
They say famous actor Park Seonghwa doesn't match the happy roles he's given. But that's just it. They were roles. On camera, most of the characters he plays were happy-go-lucky and he likes to get along with people.
Off camera is a different story.
Once a scene ends, his smile diminishes and he has this stone-cold facade that scares everyone. From the camera crew to the staff. Some even grew afraid of him to the point where they beg him not to fire them after one minor slip-up.
Spoiler alert: they don't get fired since he's actually very kind.
He doesn't know how to show it properly.
He's been criticized by all kinds of media, claiming that he won't get anymore roles or that his fame will die down if he keeps on being mean to his staff.
Some even spread rumors that he scared off his managers.
That wasn't true! They were simply incompetent and always pressured him into smiling, saying that he'll get more views or new fans if he smiled. If he didn't smile, they would yell at him and claim that he will die alone since he scares everyone that cares for him away. He's gotten used to it and even told them that they could walk out the door if they didn't like it. Most of the time, they did.
Then you came along.
Unlike most managers, you didn't necessarily treat him like a client. Rather, you treated him like a friend. You always say good morning, ask how he is doing, and even asks if he slept well. His answers were short since he wasn't used to this treatment but you didn't mind. After all, you wanted to show him that you were different.
Today wasn't anything unusual. You greeted him, asked about his wellbeing, before getting into the schedule for the day.
"A new role opened up for you -"
"I don't want it. If I have to play another happy guy, I refuse."
"Come on now, you big womp! This is different."
"That's what they all say, Y/N."
"Ok look. If it's another happy role, I will discard the invitation and tell the director to fuck off. Sound good?"
One thing that Seonghwa liked about you is that you weren't adamant about your persuasion and you were willing to compromise. If he didn't like it, you wouldn't push it any further. Another thing that Seonghwa liked about you was that you weren't so formal when it was the two of you. You treated him like a human being, not a celebrity they put on a pedestal.
Sighing quietly, he took the invitation in between his slender fingers and opened it. His eyes widened as he read up on the information provided for this new role. You even saw his eyes shine bright with determination and confidence as he read it over and over. He slammed down the paper with excitement and he looked over at you.
"Tell the director that we should meet up immediately! I accept."
"Told you it was different."
Your heart fluttered as you saw the biggest smile on his face appear. You achieved the impossible.
All you did was provide him a role opportunity that didn't have him acting happy.
So then why would his acting agency fire you as soon as you told them that Seonghwa accepted the role?
As soon as you were out, a new manager came in. And Seonghwa didn't like it. He grew accustomed to you and he wanted to bring you flowers as a thank-you gift for helping him land this role. Imagine his surprise when he found a random woman standing there, claiming herself as his new manager.
The smile on his face disappeared once more.
The flowers dropped from his hand and his fist clenched. The woman eagerly grabbed his hand and giggled.
"It's ok, Seonghwa! Turn that frown upside down!"
"That's Mr. Park to you."
The woman's smile dropped as he pulled his hand away from her and watched with fierce eyes as she stepped away and bowed her head upon hearing his anger. The board directors of his agency rolled their eyes and spoke up.
"Come on, Seonghwa. We're just trying to help out. This role is too depressing and it won't look good for your image."
Everyone flinched. This was the first time he yelled at them. His rage was coursing through his veins and he was breathing heavily. He continued to speak.
"Seonghwa, please calm down -"
"Your fans won't like this new role - "
"Contrary to what you may think, my fans have actually been begging me to explore different character types! They say they're tired of my smiley roles!"
"Mr. Park, if you can just cooperate - "
That silenced the agency right away. Seonghwa sighed shakily and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"If I don't see them back here tomorrow, I will quit. Not just this agency but acting altogether. Don't come crying to me if you end up being boycotted."
The sneer on his face and the anger in his voice frightened them to no end and they all nodded. Seonghwa straightened out his suit jacket and picked up the flowers.
"Now then. If you'll excuse me, I will bring these to their apartment and apologize on behalf of your stupidity for letting them go. Don't stop me."
They watched in fear as he walked out of the office and stomped his way over to where you lived.
A satisfied look appeared on Seonghwa's face as he walked into the office and saw you sitting there with two cups of coffee. One for him and one for you.
"Morning, Hwa! How are you?"
"I'm doing a whole lot better now that you have arrived."
"I heard you scared these guys shitless yesterday."
"And what about it?"
"That's not your best behavior, Mr. Park."
"Will you punish me for being a naughty boy?"
"Yeah. I ain't taking you to get Korean barbecue after this ends."
The pout on Seonghwa's face made the agency directors realize just how comfortable Seonghwa was with you.
"But but but but but - "
"No ifs, ands, or buts. You gotta apologize for scaring them."
Seonghwa sighed dramatically and turned to the board directors before spewing out an apology. Was it lame? Yeah. Did you complain? Nah. After turning to you for approval, you nodded slowly.
"Ok that works. Now come on. The director of that action show is here. Now that this mess is over, you can finally get some pointers on how to portray a villainous CEO properly."
"We are getting Korean barbecue afterwards. Right? Please please please pretty please~"
The shininess in his doe eyes almost made you fold. You sighed and nodded.
"Fine. But you're paying."
After clapping giddily and smiling brightly at the thought of food, the two of you exited the office.
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creative-crybaby · 1 year
Birds of a Feather (Flock Together)
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PAIRING: yan!timeskip!Kageyama Tobio x fem!reader
GENRE: smut | dark content (18+)
Minors DNI
TAGS + WARNINGS: yandere themes, toxic friendship, nipple play, light manhandling, semi-public sex, creampie
Let me know if I missed anything.
SUMMARY: What was supposed to be a helping hand became an unhealthy relationship when Kageyama mistakes your kindness for something more. All characters are 18+
@creative-crybaby, do not repost or modify
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Now that you think about it, you’ve always been too nice for your own good. 
Not that it’s your fault. Your parents raised you that way; show kindness to others whenever the opportunity presented itself. The limit of knowing when to stop never came up, opting to believe that your positive behaviour would be contagious. Wishful thinking, of course. You don’t blame your parents for those drawbacks—their boundless optimism, perhaps, but that’s all. 
You wished reality showed some mercy when slapping you across the face. Sooner, too, maybe. 
When you especially wished for a backbone, you were in your first year of high school, standing before your anxious friend after offering your help. You know her pretty well, having gone to the same middle school; your brain saw no reason to process possible consequences. (Not like you could ever predict your current outcome, anyway.) If anything, the muscle was too busy thinking about how the blonde’s spine would break eventually. No ill feelings behind the idea, but it doesn’t stop your brows from furrowing in guilt. 
You worried for Yachi, that’s all. And with her bent over at a 90° angle before you, a position you both seem familiar with, you couldn’t help but sigh. 
“Hey,” you began softly. The sheepish blonde didn’t budge, and it wasn’t until you said her name a bit louder did she tilt her head to peer up at you. “It’s no problem, okay? I’d be happy to help. Besides,” you quipped with a smile for good measure, and your classmate rose from her deep bow, though kept her position so you remained above her, “this could look good on a resumé, no?”
By now, Yachi’s posture returned to normal as she offered a nervous chuckle. “I guess you’re right. It’s just that those two can be a handful sometimes, especially with each other. I don’t want to put any stress on you.”
Your arms crossed as you arched a brow, considering the new volleyball manager’s words. “Then, how about I take care of one of them and you keep the other? It’ll be easier to help if you focus on one person’s struggles, and that way they won’t bicker all the time.” A small smile graced her lips as she pondered your idea, and you leaned forward curiously. “You make them sound like an old married couple. There’s no way they’re that bad, are they?”
Yachi’s eyes widened ever so slightly before she frantically shook her hands in front of her. 
“No, no, no!” she insisted, voice raising a bit more than probably intended. A few classmates paused their conversations to glance at you two; you waved them off apologetically. “I don’t mean to make them sound terrible or anything! It’s just that they care so much about their club that,” she paused, searching for the right words, “they can’t seem to focus on anything else.”
You hummed, head tilting in thought. A valid concern, but it was a drawback most teens had with studying. Not that you needed to remind Yachi: with keeping up with a team where she somewhat understands the sport, tutoring her teammates and keeping up with her schoolwork, stating the obvious may not put her at ease.
Instead, you grinned reassuringly, and light pink dusted across the blonde’s cheeks. “Nothing I can’t handle. I got this.”
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It didn’t take long to find your tutee upon entering Class 1-3. Based on Yachi’s description, you were sure you’d seen him a few times in the hallway, a scowl seemingly stuck on his face. That expression remained as he stared at whatever was in his notebook. And with other students in the room tiptoeing as they passed his desk, you were even more sure that was who you were looking for. 
“Kageyama.” Despite your voice’s volume as you attempted to gain his attention, your tone carried its usual gentleness. It did the trick, his frown softening as his brows lowered to a neutral expression. Not as intimidating as his previous look, but you understood where Yachi’s hesitance came from as she tried to describe him. 
“You’re Yachi’s friend?” It sounded more like a statement than a question, but you nodded. He hummed. “What’s your name again?”
You are–were–kind, not a saint. The question irked you, having put effort into knowing who he is and how he worked to help him raise his grades. He can’t bother to remember your name? Surely, Yachi gave it to him.
There’s no need to get mad, you remembered. Reminded. Wired. It was just introductions; give him a chance. Give him as many as he’ll need to open up in his own way. Yachi said he wasn’t the best at communication. He’s trying. You were both trying.
You gave him your name with a smile.
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The first lesson had more to do with diving deeper into his brain than helping him study. With only a summarized description to go by, you needed more information. 
Kageyama understood onomatopoeias better than imagery. Tone flew over his head while clear instructions prepared him for the journey ahead. Studying English and Japanese had their wins and losses. (Mostly the latter, though some battles must be lost to win the war.)
The next couple of sessions weren’t any different. You wondered if the environment distracted the setter, and while it didn’t appear that way, you suggested meeting up at the library. A minor improvement, though his brain’s wiring still wasn’t completely translated to you. 
Whenever you and Yachi sat together for lunch to update each other on the tutoring, you tossed in some enthusiasm in your tone as you promised her you were getting there. Following up was a back-and-forth of the blonde insisting that you could back out of the deal whenever and you assuring her that everything was going smoothly. (Can’t say “fine.” No one believes in fine anymore.)
Now, you observed the twitch of Kageyama’s eye as he glared at the graphs, angles and equations in his notebook. You didn’t blame him: not when you were slowly running out of methods to help him. 
As time passed, so did his patience. The ravenette slammed his notebook onto his desk with a groan, hands flying to slap his face, making you jump in your seat across from him. Other students flinched as they turned to face the commotion, whispering to one another before trying to look away. 
“This is a waste of my time,” Kageyama muttered. 
That makes two of us, a fleeting thought grumbled. You swatted it away, ignoring the tightening of your chest.
His glare trailed toward the window to his left, muttering about how he could be improving his technique—or rather, something more about a certain pipsqueak needing to work on his spikes. 
You hummed. “Tell me about volleyball.”
His gaze snapped to you, brows still furrowed, though curiosity replaced the aggression in his eyes. “What about it?”
“Whatever you want,” you shrugged, placing your pencil on the desk. “I only really know the basics of the sport, but there’s no use stressing yourself out over something you’re stuck on. Consider this a little break.”
A slight pout formed on his lips, either from hesitation or pondering where to begin. 
Kageyama lived and breathed volleyball. Not his words verbatim, but his rambling told you as such. He knew his strengths and his weaknesses (even if he’d rather not discuss them), and his irritation toward his teammate sounded like complaints on the surface. Still, it came from high expectations and confidence in the ginger’s potential, and it wasn’t until he rambled on about A passes and C passes did a light flick in your brain. 
“There it is!” you exclaimed, a grin tugging the corners of your lips. You slid the notebook closer to the setter. “Try what you were just explaining to me and add it into these questions.”
It took him a few seconds to process the order, his head tilting to the side as that pout returned. A cute look on him, but that wasn’t relevant then, nor now. 
“What, my passes?” Kageyama blinked, and it seemed to click. 
You nodded. “You’re so precise with your sets. Just apply all the knowledge to these situations. It may not be exactly the same thing, but it’s possible.”
Kageyama looked at you for a bit before returning his attention to his notebook, taking his time looking over the written words before skating his pencil across the paper. You figured Yachi was exaggerating when she told you about his passion for the sport, but that assumption went out the window soon enough. But weaknesses can be strengths if you view them from a different angle, and soon the setter’s distraction became his motivation.
Not all the questions he answered were correct, but the improvement was impossible to miss. You beamed, praising him for finding his way. Despite his resting face, Kageyama’s eyes shined from the encouragement, his posture straightening ever so slightly. The baby pink dusting his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by you, either, and you had to refrain from cooing. Holding back a chuckle as he stammered an invitation to his team’s next practice match wasn’t possible, and you agreed should he continue to work hard.
The study session ended early, with you wishing the ravenette good luck at practice and his upcoming quiz. You slouched while walking in the opposite direction, pride washing over you like a warm shower. An accomplishment, a job well done. Completed.
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You remembered thinking how you could only go uphill from there, academically speaking. What else was there? Aside from volleyball, there wouldn’t be anything else to worry about, and you weren’t even responsible for that department. All you could do was observe the sport and those who play it, learning bit by bit as you cheered for your school’s volleyball club. 
You didn’t know the opposing team or their capabilities, though you could only assume they were a challenge. Yachi sat beside you, scribbling notes and occasionally explaining whatever she learned herself. 
“I heard you found a way to help Kageyama,” she said between sets. “How’d that go?”
As if he heard you, the setter trailed his gaze toward you two, giving you a curt nod before drinking from his water bottle. You returned a small smile before giving your attention to your blonde friend.
“Figured things out a few sessions in,” you responded as the remnants of pride from that day of discovery still swirling in your chest. “He should get the hang of it soon enough. I’m sure getting to stay in this club is more than enough motivation for him.”
Yachi perked up at the news. “That’s great! Thanks again for helping out. I owe you bigtime.”
“Don’t say that.” You shook your head with a giggle. “How’s your tutoring process coming along?”
Movement teased the corner of your eye, but the shriek that echoed throughout the gym was impossible to ignore. Your attention went to the source, and the new manager almost dropped her notebook at the sound.
Kageyama held a death grip on a ginger teammate–Hinata’s–hair, roughly tugging the locks as he glared at the shorter teen. The latter continued to beg, though aside from who you could only assume to be the team captain, no one paid them any mind. As the senior student handled the situation, the setter caught your gaze. His glare faltered, but his frown didn’t disappear as he seemingly analyzed your expression. He walked away with a huff, and soon enough, the second set began.
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It was normal, apparently. You got to interact with a few of the other teammates, one of which–Tanaka, if you remembered correctly–barked out a laugh as he assured that Kageyama and Hinata fought like an old married couple all the time. You weren’t sure what kind of elders he’s been around, but so long as the explanation put you at ease, you’d take it. 
You eventually got used to the random quarrels as well. A deal was made between the setter and you that you’d see his games should he continue to work hard academically. Or rather, he’d let you know when his upcoming practice matches would be like you’d already planned on showing up. Not that it bothered you; it was probably his way of connecting with you outside of tutoring, and with your first impressions of him, you assumed making friends wasn’t his forte.
The only downside is that you also had your own club to go to. The boys’ volleyball team didn’t have practice matches too often, so you had yet to miss any, at most showing up a bit late as you’d wrap up your club’s meeting for the day. You’d catch Kageyama with his usual frown until he found you’d shown up, and his expression would soften as he straightened his posture. Having already been in the game, he couldn’t say anything about your tardiness, so you’d sneak to the balcony and observe from above, cheering on a little harder to make up for it. After the game, he’d approach you with a pout, though he’d only discuss the match with you.
It was late fall when you first missed a match. Kageyama informed you a few days prior, as you helped him with Modern Japanese, that a practice game would partake. You thought nothing of it until that day arrived, and you had yet to dismount your seat in your own clubroom. The calligraphy club was pretty straightforward, though that day, there was a meeting, one you barely recalled as your eyes continuously glanced at the clock. Along with cleaning up the classroom, you lost more time than expected, and rushing to the gymnasium did little to fix the issue. 
The game was in its second set by the time you arrived. The first thing you noticed upon entering the gym was the starting setter’s head whipping toward your direction. His alertness subsided, but his gaze stayed on you for a few seconds too many before he served the ball. You assumed things would go as usual, with you sneaking to your designated spot and watching the match until it was over. 
It wasn’t until the opponents requested a time-out did you discover how wrong you were. While the other boys went to fetch water and towels, Kageyama stomped over to you, his sweat-slicked bangs hovering over his eyes in a way that made his glare all the more intimidating.
“Where were you?” His voice was of normal volume, but his tone matched his furious expression perfectly. Your body froze.
“I had this thing,” you stammered. “My club meeting took longer than I thought, and—”
“I was waiting for you,” he seethed, stepping closer. “I even asked Coach to wait a bit so you could make it. I shouldn’t even have to make excuses for tardiness. You couldn’t have told your club that you had places to be?”
Your mouth went dry as he got louder, and by now, most of his teammates were watching the commotion. You’ve seen him frustrated, sure, angry on bad days, too. At least he’d take it out on his homework. 
Still, your habit of patience was second nature, even when it wasn’t called for. “I’m sorry—”
“Kageyama.” Daichi was behind the ravenette with a hand on his shoulder before you could further explain yourself. His tone was stern, sharp even, but nowhere near as intimidating as what you received. A warning. “Go take a breather, why don’t you?”
The setter’s gaze stayed on you a little longer than necessary. He scoffed before walking away, his back facing you as he sipped from his water bottle. You politely dismissed the captain’s apology on his junior’s behalf, assuring him you were all right.
“His Majesty’s probably just upset his girlfriend couldn’t watch him show off,” you heard Tsukishima mutter to Yamaguchi. You weren’t sure if he intended for you to catch his comment, but he wasn’t exactly out of earshot, only a couple of feet away. Regardless, you didn’t bother responding. It didn’t take long for everyone else to leave the little incident in the past, and the tall blonde’s snarky words lingered in your brain for the remainder of the match.
No one else showed up to watch these games. You were there for the tournaments, too; aside from Tanaka’s older sister and a few of the coach’s old friends, the boys’ volleyball club didn’t have much moral support. Much less Kageyama, from what you could tell. You’ve heard about his behaviour back in middle school from Hinata and Tsukishima, the latter with taunts, and the new fragments of information added pieces to the puzzle. 
Kageyama was trying. He didn’t always succeed, but it didn’t stop him from attempting to steer away from the tyrannical path he was heading. You’ve seen him reach for Tanaka’s high-fives, albeit with a confused expression, but it didn’t falter his senior’s enthusiasm. His compliments (if you could even call them that) came out as awkward and forced when he gave them to Hinata after the ginger won a point, and he wasn’t afraid to ask Azumane if he needed to adjust his sets to suit the Ace. 
Maybe you were supposed to be his tutor and nothing more. Maybe it would’ve been better that way. But with very little assistance and even lesser options, Kageyama might have considered your listening to his ramblings as a sign of friendship. You supported him in staying on the team, and now you’re watching him flourish as a result. That’s what friends do—it was only fair for him to ask you to stay as such. You’d ask yourself why not indulge, though you were probably in too deep to call it that anymore.
The following morning, you find Kageyama waiting by the school entrance, two milk cartons in each hand and a strained apology on the tip of his tongue. You smiled, the two of you sipping on your refreshments as you waited for the first bell to ring.
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Your calligraphy club disbanded at the beginning of your second year. You weren’t all that surprised at the time: there were barely enough students for it to exist in the first place. Why certain members decided to leave was beyond you, but you saw no point in pushing them to stay if they didn’t want to. Still, you missed your club: you were left to your own devices, the black ink dancing across paper lulling you to a place of comfort.
It was Yachi who suggested you joined the boys’ volleyball club as another manager. She figured you learned some things from Kageyama here and there while tutoring him, and she has no problem helping you catch up. 
“Besides,” the blonde smiled, handing you the sign-up sheet, “it’s pretty lonely now that Shimizu graduated. It’d be nice to have a friend around.” You take the paper from her, staring at it somewhat skeptically. You didn’t voice your hesitance, and after a few seconds of silence, your friend added, “I’m sure the others will be happy to have you around, too.”
With how often you dropped by to watch the team practice and compete, the club members have grown to know you. It didn’t take too long for you to warm up to them, too, usually sitting with Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita and having them explain the gameplay whenever you were lost. Otherwise, it was mainly Kageyama who kept you to himself either because you had time to assist him in his studies or simply because he wanted your attention. 
You later found out it was his idea to have you join the team as another manager, and Yachi agreed immediately. Who would complain about that? Another sweet and pretty girl to help and cheer them on was a dream come true for most. You were the only one that had yet to vocalize content, and you handed in the application sheet soon after receiving it. 
Even with the progress, you still tutored Kageyama. Seeing him more often after classes only gave you more opportunity to support him, especially when Coach Ukai would remind certain members to keep their grades up. 
Not that any of this bothered the setter. He had no problem having you continue helping him with his schoolwork. He’d listen to your instructions, try out new learning techniques whenever he struggled on a particular unit and remained patient (by his standards, anyway) with you when things didn’t work out.
You had no issue continuing your support. You knew Kageyama was trying his best, even when his brain could only focus on volleyball, and you figured you could still learn more about how he interacted with others as he tried to come out of his shell. 
His one-track mind came to a disadvantage at times. When Hinata suggested studying as a group, Kageyama quickly shut the idea down. He’d sometimes go on tangents about strategies and new techniques for the sport while you tried to help him. Tanaka and Nishinoya would quip that the setter had a crush on you and didn’t know how to express it, though you knew better than to take those two seriously. Kageyama told you that becoming a manager would be more suitable for your future than your previous club. He’s grown used to your routine of getting all your attention for tutoring, and having others there would throw him off his game. As for his rants, he’s merely passionate about the sport—you don’t need a reminder.
So, you became a manager for the boys’ volleyball club, continued your one-on-one tutoring sessions and instructed him to only speak of team strategies in English as practice. And you do so until you graduate. 
It’s where the connection between you and Kageyama seemingly disappeared, set ablaze before dwindling into disintegration. He didn’t even give you the time to say goodbye to your friends outside the club before asking them if he could steal you away. (It was more of a declaration—the questioning tone was a mere formality.)
“Ready to take your volleyball career to the next level?” You didn’t know what else to say: not after the abrupt isolation. He’s brought you one of the many hidden corners the school had to offer, away from all the other graduates and their loved ones. Sakura petals fluttered through their descent, softening an otherwise overwhelming atmosphere full of completed chapters and new beginnings. You read manga: it felt like prince charming would swoop in with a confession, second gakuran button in hand. Having blueberry eyes boring into your awaiting frame in such an environment should make the butterflies in your stomach perform their very own acrobatics number, the anticipation eating you from the inside out. And it did, the churning in your belly boiling your face as you tried to meet his gaze. Kageyama’s resting face was always a disadvantage regarding his approachability, but with three years of getting to know him under your belt, you still felt a ghost’s kisses up your spine. 
“Obviously,” he answered. You would have chuckled at the comment in your first year of high school. But even the smile you’ve managed to muster no longer seemed convincing. Part of you wondered if you could find your friends once more to keep in touch before you all left. “I should be asking you that, though.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, yet you kept the corners of your lips upwards. “I don’t know if being a manager for a volleyball team counts as a volleyball career.”
Kageyama didn’t laugh at your quip. You didn’t expect him to, but his response caught you off-guard.
“When will you be joining me?”
Your tiring performance of halo and white wings evaporated at his question, brows further creasing as your smile dropped. A clear indication of confusion, though a hint of offence found its way into the mix. 
“What are you talking about?” Your body instinctively inched closer to your corner. The setter noticed. 
“One of the biggest reasons I’ve managed to get as far as I am with volleyball is because of you,” he stated. “From helping me keep my grades up to becoming manager. I can grow to adjust to any team I become a part of, but I need someone who gets me to be by my side if I want to continue to prosper in my career.” 
The butterflies once performing in your belly dropped dead before they had the chance to bow. The love confession you dismissively thought of boomed with laughter as it slapped you across the back. Your lungs were empty as your brain progressed his words, your face slowly morphing from one expression to another. 
Did you do this?
“Kageyama,” you began, barely knowing where to go without a map, “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but that’s not the path I’m taking.” His resting face grew sour. You forced yourself to continue. “I’m flattered, but really, you did most of the work. I just gave you a little push.” Kind words didn’t weaken the blow—his staredown didn’t falter. “I have a life outside of the sport. I’m no prodigy. I don’t work anywhere near as hard as you do. I don’t feel the same about volleyball the way you do—”
The snap from harsh lips forced yours shut. You shrank back once more, a scolded child fearing further punishment. 
You dared to glance at him. Kegayama was seething, leaning forward with clenched fists and jaw. You didn’t want to peer out to the crowd; had anyone heard him? They either didn’t or were too afraid to jump in. You knew you would be, too. 
“You think some sweet talk is going to make any of this okay?” His voice grew in volume, and you flinched. “You learned past the basics, you understand strategy better than the average player. You’re throwing it all out the window for what? That damn club you were in before had nothing to offer. I can vouch for you if you just follow me.”
There he was: King of the Court. You always thought Tsukishima would exaggerate to gain a reaction, but that title came to be for a reason. You just never thought you’d fall victim to it. 
“Look, I’m sorry if I led you on,” even in a situation like this, your feelings seemed to fall to a second priority, “but I’m telling you now that I don’t love the sport as much as you think I do. It’s not in my future.”
“I showed you opportunity and you throw it back in my face,” he sneered, getting closer. 
“I joined because of Yachi and my old club disbanding,” you defended, voice quivering. “I don’t understand why you’re yelling at me.”
A petal landed on your cheek, and you went to brush it away until you discovered the soft touch was a stray tear. It seemed enough to silence him, if only momentarily, though his glare remained just as deadly.
He wanted to say something; you knew he did. More words of anger, most likely, but he tightened his jaw instead, opting to walk away after giving you a final look of disdain.
You didn’t hear the hopeful and cheerful banter between graduates, nor did you catch Yachi calling your name until she laid a hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of your daze. Kageyama lingered in your head for the remainder of that day; no harsh words in particular—mainly the darkening of his blue eyes as his tone became aggressive. Part of you thought you also heard a twinge of betrayal, but after such a whiplash of a confrontation, you weren’t sure you could recall that moment in your state.
Wherever he was during the remainder of graduation, you didn’t see him.
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To be more precise, you didn’t see him afterwards, either. With moving to another prefecture for school and time passing by, you eventually put that memory behind you. That isn’t to say it didn’t make your body temperature drop; on the rare occasions Kageyama would be brought up, the daggers his eyes threw your way would flash in your mind. Of course, you saw no reason to voice the issue—you only ever heard about him from Yachi whenever you’d catch up, which isn’t as often as you’d like. From what you know, he’s out of the country, furthering his career like you assumed he would. And while the setter was right about how being manager brought more skills and opportunities, your studies had nothing to do with volleyball. 
Neither does your career.
You never thought you’d set foot in Italy, much less work there after university. Your parents told you that your kindness paid off, much to your irritation. (Was school not already enough of a hassle? And the extracurriculars? The people?)
Even though the conversation was over the phone, you found yourself putting on a smile as you told them about taking the opportunity, your tone hopeful as if you still needed their permission. 
It took you who knows how long to realize you didn’t. And as soon as it hit you, you packed your bags and flew halfway across the world with barely the basics of the Italian language in your brain and newfound perseverance in your heart.
Whatever bits and pieces made you a doormat evaporated into the air as that airplane took off to your new home, and you planned on making what should be the next chapter of your life a completely different book.
Easier said than done, of course.
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The last person you’d expect to see at this pub meets your gaze, and your eyes widen from instant recognition. 
Kageyama hasn’t changed all that much. His resting face is hard to miss, the light crease in his brows making him appear far angrier than he is. And with his increase in height and muscle, his intimidation goes up, too. His hair is also somewhat shorter, though that’s all regarding his changes. 
You continue to gawk at him, though his expression remains calm like you two were back in high school and you showed up to one of his games. You should be there.
He’s wearing his jersey, you realize, and grouped up with other men in the same attire. You don’t recognize the team; you haven’t been keeping track of the setter’s career. 
One of his teammates follows his stare, and Kageyama mumbles something before approaching you. You don’t hear what the other man says in return, your attention stuck on your old high school friend. (Can you still call him that? Could you ever have called him that?)
He says your name; your feet plant themselves on the ground. “It’s been a while.”
You blink away the myriad of emotions before nodding. “Still playing volleyball.”
It wasn’t a question, but it doesn’t make you feel any less stupid for bringing it up. Kageyama tilts his head back a bit, motioning to his team with a hum. “Yeah.”
“Can’t say I’m all that surprised,” you try to quip, your fingers toying with the hem of your shirt. Even if the ravenette’s height wasn’t a prominent factor, he’d still tower over you with how his eyes bore into your frame.“Last I heard, you joined Schweiden Adlers.”
His frown deepens. “I’m part of Ali Roma now.”
You bite your lip, your face growing warm. Kageyama appears offended, what with how he slightly tilts his head back for his eyes to look down on you. His brows furrow more, and you’re surprised you still remember his quirks even after all these years.
“An Italian team? Congratulations!” You don’t mention living in the same country, working on the same soil where he now lives and breathes his beloved sport. In fact, you don’t say anything for a little too long, and your eyes glance behind him. “Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you from your team. It was nice seeing—”
“Don’t worry about them,” he says, moving towards you. “I plan on catching up with you. They’ll understand.”
He’s making you approach a corner booth, and neither your feet nor your voice can protest. Even once you’ve sat down, all you do is shift in your seat, seemingly never comfortable. And whatever you originally planned on ordering is replaced with a glass of water. If Kageyama noticed, he doesn’t comment. He sips his beer occasionally; you’re halfway with your drink in a minute. 
“So,” you hum, “you like your new team?”
The setter looks at you for a few seconds before responding. “Yeah. Full of great players.”
He sounds more like he’s being interviewed than catching up with someone from high school. You try not to deadpan at his short answer. Your habit comes back crawling, keeping up performances and your back straight, head forward and heart thumping.
Your glass is almost empty when Kageyama speaks once more. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in Italy?”
He didn’t sound offended or hurt. The question came out as curious and casual like you two were going on about your day. But you know that’s not what’s happening, and his eerie calmness makes you nearly choke on your drink.
“We kinda lost touch,” you answer steadily, briefly. “It was a pretty quick decision, too. Only a handful of people knew.”
Not a complete lie, but you consider it necessary for now.
“Had to find out from Yachi that you were here last time I played in Japan,” the setter grunts, eyes glued to his drink. Your hold on your glass tightens at his words as your head snaps up to face him, a mix of confusion and a twinge of fear making your expression. You don’t get to ask him anything, not that you’re sure you can, and he continues. “Kind of a hassle not being able to reconnect with you whenever I had time back home. Switching teams was a good call, especially with my previous contract coming to an end. And it’s not like I wouldn’t have made it into Ali Roma anyway. I guess you leaving was a blessing in disguise.”
Whatever he says afterwards, if anything, drowns out as you stare past his shoulder, and your stomach drops. The strength you gained found its cowardice as the old you that disappeared into the clouds crashes down on you like a rainstorm, soaking you to the bone and making you shiver.
You rise from your seat a little too abruptly for your liking. “I need to use the bathroom.”
Also not a complete lie, but who’s keeping track? Not a drop of alcohol touched your tongue, yet you stumble down the hall towards the sign with a female stick figure in a dress and clumsily push the door below it open. You’re unsure if you should hunch over the toilet or splash water on your face, but you aren’t rewarded with a choice, nor the time, to make it.
A knock rinses the blood out of your ears, and you can hear the cheerful and far-from-sober banter back in the bar.
“Occupied,” you stammer hurriedly, carrying yourself to the sink. The creak of the door opening has you inhaling sharply, and who you see in the reflection keeps the air in your lungs.
Kageyama stands a couple of meters from you, his brows lightly furrowed. “Why do you keep doing that?”
You don’t answer him. The ravenette takes a step forward. You flinch.
“I was right, you know,” he begins, strangely calm. “That old club of yours–the calligraphy one–it was a waste of time.” His movements are slow as he approaches you. “It’s a good thing everyone left. Even if your new job has nothing to do with volleyball, your manager position definitely brought you to where you are now.” As vague as he may be, you can’t help but move back every time he gets closer, your fist tightening near your chest. “It would’ve been better if you’d just joined me, though.”
Your back hits the wall, and you don’t register what happens afterwards as your jumbled thoughts decipher possibility after possibility over the athlete’s implications. You don’t realize he’s kissing you or grabbing hold of your face to make you return the forced affection. You’re elsewhere as he lifts your top over your breasts and your skirt past your hips. Your mind is groggy as he gropes you through your bra, soon sliding past the material to tweak your nipples. 
It isn’t until his hand slides down your body and into your panties do you awake to a nightmare. 
Your front presses up against the tile wall; you don’t recall when he turned you around, the dead end’s coolness painting goosebumps all over your body and juxtaposing the warm fresh tears cascading down your squished cheek. Kageyama’s fingers languidly glide across your lower lips before he clicks his tongue. You can hear the irritation; you always could.
Not as wet as he’d like you to be. But the setter only has so much patience. He’s human, after all. He’s human.
The thought barely registers when you hear a faint zipping sound behind you, and suddenly his hard-on presses into the small of your back. Your breathing picks up as he spreads your legs with little effort, further pushing you into the wall before doing the same with your panties, revealing your entrance to him.
He doesn’t grace you with sweet nothings and mercy: just a blob of spit in his hand to pump his cock followed by heavy panting. And when he finally enters, the silence deafens you as he chokes on a gasp. 
That’s the moment that felt never-ending; he went in and never stopped, it seems, dragging himself into your insides until he was everywhere. He is everywhere. He is inside and behind and looming and crushing.
The nicest he was to you was when he waited to let you adjust, and you hate yourself for being the sweet little high school girl who tried to see the best in people. He doesn’t deserve it. You don’t deserve this.
Kageyama makes his first few strokes slow, but they’re still deep enough to have you gritting your teeth. It isn’t long until he gasps your name and picks up speed. 
“All this way,” he rasps in your ear, almost masking the slapping noises his hips would make when colliding with your ass. “All this way to another part of the world, joining a new team, starting over and getting better, all to see you again.” You don’t hear him when he speaks, nor as he grunts extra loudly as you tighten around him. “I should’ve done this sooner.”
A large hand slides back into your bra, squeezing your breast, calloused fingers tugging at the hardened bud, while the other one further shoves your panties aside to hastily rub your clit. The dry friction does little to soothe you, and with his lack of patience, the nub receives no pattern except whatever it's offered. Still, the added stimulation makes you tighten and the ravenette more restless. Even in your position, he finds a way to slam his lips against yours again. His tongue makes its way into your cavern as his thrusts get sloppier. You can’t breathe.
Not when he pulls away from the kiss. 
Not when his hips sputter as hot ropes paint your insides white. 
And certainly not when your high follows soon after.
It wasn’t strong, and it didn’t last long, but the shame that creeps into your stomach lasts an eternity. 
Your heavy breathing syncs with his as everything finally settles into your slowly-sobering mind. Kageyama’s still inside you, his hot breath fanning the back of your neck as his hands find your wrists to grab hold of. 
You’re in high school all over again. His actions have evolved to more dangerous heights, but you’re back in that gymnasium watching him practice. Even when he finally pulls out, even when he pulls you close, even when he snuggles into the junction of your shoulder. 
Kageyama hasn’t changed one bit.
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@creative-crybaby, do not repost or modify
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salmonskinrolltf · 2 months
this is soooo embarrassing. I can’t believe I’m even typing it out. But dude, I’ve been a gaymer for as long as I remember. I’m 30 pounds too heavy. I’m 27 and living. With too many roommates in the suburbs. And well. I’ve been watching Glee lately. And I just got to the season around college and I was hoping I could rent some tapes. See, I’ve got this major crush on Darren’s character Blaine and itd be awesome to always be singing and dancing and having fun. I was never a theatre kid myself. Any chance you can help?
Almost like a miracle, right when you considered ordering a tape from Be Kind Rewind, one of your roommates got a VCR. You suppose. You’re not sure which one of them actually got it, but it’s right there, plugged into the TV in your living room, so someone must have. The only thing is, you’ve had to wait until everyone was out to use it. You double check that the door is locked and everybody is out for the evening. You’re embarrassed to be seen watching the show, but you’re embarrassed for another reason tonight, too. Because renting this tape feels like a special occasion, you’ve decided to cosplay as Blaine a little bit. Your hair is neatly slicked back and you’ve donned a cardigan and bow tie to match his put-together preppy look.
When you’re certain the coast is clear, you open the (thankfully discretely marked) package and a die rolls out into your hand. Oh yeah. The die thing. Weird. You toss it onto the coffee table and it lands on 4.
When the VCR whirs to life, you hear those a cappella credit trills that indicate whatever episode that was playing has already ended, so you jab the rewind button, humming the music quietly to yourself. You scratch your stomach and realize the fabric of your cardigan is much looser than it should be. You lift it up and see that your stomach has shrunk, flattening against your torso, which seems firmer and more lithe in general.
Stunned, you gaze at yourself in the nearest mirror, noticing how the new outfit looks even more Blaine-like after your bizarre transformation. In fact, everything is looking more Blaine-like. Your eyebrows thicken and darken, your slicked-back hair darkening along with them. As your lips plump up and your skin tans slightly, you realize you look like a total Blaine doppelganger. Your dick hardens in the thrift store pants you bought to match the overall preppy look. You look just like your crush! You’re not even questioning it, you just figure you must be dreaming or something. But even if you’re only dreaming, why let the opportunity pass you by to admire yourself more… privately?
In a daze, you wander into the bathroom. Instead of the pigsty it normally is, living with so many roommates, it looks neat and tidy. Tubs of hair gel neatly line the sides of the sink, and the mirror is decorated with playbills, a photo of Blaine and Kurt, and a bumper sticker for a local Lima, Ohio radio station. Not only do you look exactly like Blaine, you’re now in what seems to be his bathroom! You admire yourself in the mirror.
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A thrill of excitement thrums through you and you unzip your pants, rubbing yourself at the thought of looking just like your crush.
As you pleasure yourself, you think about the various Glee characters you have the biggest crushes on. Could you use this VHS service to become them all? The thought makes you even more aroused. However, when Blaine returns to your mind, your dick deflates. Suddenly it feels wrong to be thinking about him. You try to cycle back through the other characters in your mind, but suddenly only the female ones come to mind. Brittany, Quinn, even Rachel. Your dick springs back to full hardness and you panic at the sudden shift in your sex drive. You shove your erection back into your pants but not before cum explodes into the sink. You hurriedly wipe it up with some toilet paper.
What the hell is going on? As you scrub, you don’t notice that the gel is slowly easing out of your hair, which curls and falls over your face in a more lackadaisical, unkempt fashion. Stubble sprouts from your cheeks, chin, and upper lip, slowly growing into a short beard. Your clothes morph from your preppy ensemble into more of a rocker vibe, your shredded T-shirt dipping into a V-neck that exposes the dark, matted chest hair that has been busy unfurling across your newly taut torso. 
Right when you flush the balled-up wad of TP, a voice interrupts your panic.
“What the hell are you doing in my bathroom?”
You turn to the doorway and see Blaine Anderson standing there. Wait, that can’t be. Weren’t you just him? You turn to look at yourself in the mirror and see a much more rugged, sloppy individual than the person you were just a moment before. You look like Blaine, but… different. Older, somehow. And more unkempt, definitely.
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This intruder, on the other hand, looks exactly like Blaine. He also looks annoyed. He taps his toe and runs a hand across his impeccably coiffed hair. “This is why I asked Mom for my own bathroom, so I wouldn’t have to wait for you all the time. How is it that I use 12 hair products a day and you still take longer than I do for everything?”
You’re too shocked to say anything. You’re unsure whether you’re more shocked by the words he’s saying or the fact that Blaine is standing just feet away and you feel nothing about it whatsoever. As your brain sputters, your body kicks into autopilot and you shrug.
“The gays haven’t cornered the market on looking good just yet, little bro,” you chuckle, punching his arm as you head back out into the hallway, which now looks like one that belongs in a pristine suburban home. 
As you head back into your room, you notice that it looks entirely different. No game consoles in sight, just laundry strewn everywhere and a mini basketball hoop on the back of the doorway. You absent-mindedly toss a NERF basketball toward the hoop and it hits the rim, flying back in your direction and smacking you in the face, knocking you back onto the unkempt mattress that’s on the floor without a bed frame.
You groggily open your eyes and look around. Where the hell are you? Who the hell are you? You rack your brains. Oh yeah. David Anderson. Eldest son of one of the lamest families on the planet, smack dab in the middle of Buttfuck, Ohio. You scratch your hairy chest underneath your T-shirt and check the time.
You remember you have plans to grab some brews with the boys this evening before seeing the latest movie starring that hot actress you like, so you’d better head out quick so you can hit up the gym beforehand. You throw on your gym clothes, grab your water bottle, and rush out the door.
As you pass by your little bro’s room, you see him singing along to a Mariah Carey tune and practicing his dance moves. You roll your eyes good-naturedly. Singing and dancing aren’t for you, but you appreciate how into it he is. You figure that, for him, singing and dancing brings him the same joy that going to the gym and playing ball with your bros does for you. You leap up to smack the top of the door frame as you head outside, barely giving Blaine another thought as you walk down the street, anticipating the awesome evening ahead of you.
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zeezelweazel · 1 year
Lottie Matthews| On the field|
This is the first time I do a fic for s single character please bear with me
Also is it too obvious that I'm obsessed with Lottie?
Also I'm sorry in advance if this is confusing to people who don't know much about football I don't know how else to explain the positions since I've always been a football gal. But I am a European so like I have no clue how nationals work
Summary: You and your team have made it to nationals and you promised yourself that nothing will distract you from winning. Little did you know the enemy team's CB is going to steal your heart like she steals the ball from your feet.
You are nervous about this game, I mean of course, you are at motherfucking nationals. You are not going to let anything get in your way. You are ready to give it your all and as your team's top striker everyone depends on you to seal the deal.
It's already been 30 minutes since the game started and even though the score is set at zero for both teams you're quite confident you can win this. Wiskayok High School, the team you were going against, was good alright but you were better. It is quite obvious that their striker was getting frustrated by your defenders blocking her each and every time she tries anything and their desperation becomes more obvious as their midfielders try to push more and more, without producing any results.
Their defense on the other hand is having trouble controlling the ball and keeping you at bay to the point where one of their midfielders, number 6, has to stay behind for extra help.
All was going well until the second half started and the Yellowjackets started of with a switchover. You tried to suppress a grin when you saw their coach bring in a fresh player in their backline just in hopes of stopping you. Suppressing your grin though became a lot harder when you took a look at the girl running across the field, heading straight to you to claim the central-back position.
Her hair is dark and curly tied in two pigtails with small yellow bows. Her eyes are a soft chocolate colour that perfectly matches her soft face. She's tall, like really tall, and her sun kissed skin seems to shine in the sunlight. When your eyes go back up to her face, after you took a good look at her from head to toe, you notice her staring right back at you.
Fuck, she caught me staring.
You are about to look away in embarrassment when you notice a faint blush in her cheeks. Well maybe you weren't the only one staring.
The sound of loud cheering brings you back to the game. You look at the score board and sure enough the score was now 0-1. You let out a sigh honestly disappointed by how you're losing when everything was going fine three seconds ago. As you're moving to get in position for the kickoff you can't help but look back at the stunning CB and to your surprise she's not just looking at you, she's full on smirking.
Oh game on Yellowjackets.
During the next 15 minutes you relentlessly attacked working perfectly with your midfielders to put pressure on the enemy defense. There were so many good opportunities for you to score but all of them were cut short thanks to their number 5.
It's like you and this gorgeous girl silently created a 1v1 and after one point it honestly felt like it was only you and her on the field.
The match is nearing it's end with the clock ticking at 80 minutes and that's when you see the goal coming in the form of a crossover pass that lands right in front of you and after dribbling your way out of their defense, it's only you and their goalkeeper and you swear you see the the crowd already cheering as you lift your leg ready to shoot...
And then suddenly the world is upside down and you hit your head really hard on the turf and you're honestly so ready to get up and start yelling at the idiot that did this.
When you open your eyes you're met with wide and apologetic brown ones and you don't register anything else going on for what feels like years until you try to get up but you're unable to.
You both look down at the same time just to see her strong thick thighs frame your hips and her hands clutching the front of your jersey. Now it's your turn to smirk as she blushes and stumbles to get up on her feet. She extends her arm to help you up but you don't waste the opportunity and tug her down so she's face to face with you.
"Let me buy you a milkshake after we win." You whisper in her ear before walking in your position to execute the foul she just granted you, leaving her dumbfounded.
After you hear the whistle all it takes is a good kick and three seconds before the crowd goes wild and you're surrounded by your teammates. You can't deny how your eyes skipped over all the disappointed faces of your opponents before locking in with soft brown ones. This time you don't try to suppress your grin when you see a soft smile on her face.
The last few minutes of the game were torturous as both teams tried incredibly hard to out do one another. But, no matter the effort of your dear number 5, the enemy defense was just not strong enough to stop you from scoring again just a few minutes before the end of the game and getting the win for your team.
After the final whistle, you go around the field shacking hands with your opponents and feeling sorry for them after seeing their hurt and disappointed expressions.
"Hey, good game miss Messi."
You turn around, startled by the unfamiliar voice only to find your favourite defender staring back at you with a soft loopy smile.
"You too um...?"
She looked at you confused for e few seconds before she registered the silent question.
"Lottie. How about you?"
"It's Y/N"
You two simply smile at eachother for e few seconds before the moment gets ruined by exaggerated sounds of kissing. When look to the side you spot their goalkeeper, who is still making those sounds while wiggling her eyebrows, alongside their midfielders, numbers 7 and 8, who are trying and failing to fight back their laugh.
"Oh my god." Lottie mumbled quietly beside you as she put her head on her hands in defeat and embarrassment. You only giggle and grab her hand, leading her towards the locker rooms.
"Come on, we still have that date to go to."
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madam-whim · 4 months
The Gold Road Reveal and my thoughts on it
I’m gonna start this off by saying I love ESO. I have been playing since 2017 and I’m pretty much doing everything the game has to offer. Quests, dungeons, trials, antiquities, sometimes PvP. That being said, this post will include lots of criticism that I feel (or know) is shared by many other fans.
But first things first, let me start off by listing some of the things on yesterday’s stream that had me bouncing in my seat:
The new zone is absolutely stunning! There’s a lot of variety to it and it does look very pretty. Exploring it will undoubtedly be fun and a feast for my eyes.
Also, Fennorian will be there, so I know there will at least be one well-written character that my Vestige has an actual bond with.
The scribing system being more of a roleplay thing – I don’t know what some people were hoping for, but I’m glad it’s not some Big Damage For Those Who Are Good At Maths kind of system. It still allows for a more unique playstyle, and I suppose it’s going to turn out like always: Do whatever you want in open world spaces, but keep your bow backflip heal out of veteran content.
And maybe the biggest “Yes!” moment of the evening: Ed Stark being the zone lead for Gold Road. While I did not like High Isle as much (too predictable for my taste, but at least it had recurring characters), he was responsible for Greymoor and Murkmire as well. I thought Greymoor was fantastic (good quests, excellent new characters alongside very familiar recurring ones), and Murkmire… well, I think Murkmire suffers greatly from being “the DLC that came after the Daedric Triad” so to speak. It kind of fell into the void created by a storyline spanning a full year (or even more, if you count the setup for the whole thing, which really began with the Varen’s ghost and Darien’s letter in Wrothgar and the Gold Coast sweetroll killer quests). I think that’s why lots of people don’t seem to like Murkmire very much despite it having great storytelling. My point is this: I do have some hope that after the fiasco some recent DLCs were story-wise, Ed Stark will at least make sure Gold Road makes sense.
And now for the criticism.
Ithelia’s design (Whenever, wherever, I want to kill Hermaeus…)
… yeah, about that. As one of my friends put it, she looks like Shakira with wings.
They really could have done so much better. The way she is now, as @akaviri-dovah said, she really just looks like a Meridia clone who somehow stole Jyggalag’s crystals, which is funny on so many levels (more on that later). Suffice it to say that I personally think the design choices are kind of lazy, given that we already have an angelic-looking Daedric lady.
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Also, what’s with this picture? This kinda makes it seem as if she originally looked. Um. A lil different from the way she is now. In any case, I’m just gonna call this a missed opportunity for something more unique. I do like the glass shard aesthetic, I just wish they’d taken it in a different direction.
Dragon Break Princess Ithelia, or something like that
Now I know Dragon Breaks have to work differently from what Ithelia does, but I am kind of wondering what the consequences of her fate-altering abilities are. How do you alter fate in a way that threatens reality (with reality consisting of past and present events, with all possible versions of the future being possibly-real until one actually happens) without altering the timeline? Just by removing a possible future? Then one could argue that any Daedra could do the same just by manipulating people. Granted, it’s possible that Ithelia sees all possible futures and can do whatever she likes with them, but even then, she’d only be influencing what can become reality, not what already is. So how can she be THAT dangerous?
Right now, it just seems to me that they needed an adversary for Hermaeus Mora, and since his big things are knowledge, secrets and fate, and they couldn’t very well make a Daedric Prince of Anti-Intellectualism or a Daedric Prince of Snitching, she had to be a fate-altering type of Daedra.
At this point I’m still wondering how she even works, because how does she not accidentally cause Dragon Breaks? And if she is that damn powerful, how on earth did Mora alone manage to pretty much remove any trace of her? Which kind of brings me to my next point.
Memory Issues
I know, I know, Ithelia is not the first “new” Daedric Prince. (Which makes her stolen Jyggalag crystal vibes rather funny if you ask me.) And I don’t mind her being crazy powerful either, because so was Jyggalag or else he wouldn’t have been cursed. But that, to my knowledge, required several other Princes, whereas Ithelia apparently got owned by Hermaeus Mora alone, who then erased all memory of her. Which is not only quite the feat given how powerful she has to be, but also a very weird thing for Hermaeus Mora to do. I kinda thought stealing memories was more Meridia’s style. This entire part does not quite make sense to me yet and seems a little out of character, but well. By the way, speaking of Meridia…
Meridia-baiting the players
At this point, ZOS have to know we’re getting tired of waiting for villain Meridia. Everyone I know who is even the least bit interested in ESO’s storyline wants to see it. And I’ve seen people get their hopes up in recent days (new Meridia/Dawnbreaker-themed music box, the Ayleid ruin hint on the fragments sent to streamers…). Even in the twitch chat, there were people hyped about what they thought was Meridia, and who were disappointed when they were told it was Ithelia. And yes, I am absolutely saying they did this and made her a Meridia lookalike on purpose. But I’m well aware that we haven’t gotten any new hints about either Meridia or a certain someone since Greymoor, and that chapter will be four years old soon. Even I am beginning to give up, as much as I hate to say it.
By the way, I really did NOT appreciate Matt Firor name-dropping Darien right at the beginning. If you’re not planning to do anything with him, just let it go. I know absolutely nobody who appreciates being fed very tiny hints for two years and then being left in the dark for four years straight. If you don’t want to pick that storyline up again, just stuff the man into the Old Life quest and be done with it.
Honestly, once again, I’m gonna say this is a MASSIVE missed opportunity right here. ESO’s 10 year anniversary is coming up, what could possibly be better than to go back to the roots now and reward all those loyal players with the story they are waiting for? I distinctly recall Molag Bal telling me to watch my step around Meridia, and the setup is all there. I’m honestly disappointed that there is no Meridia content at all. And this ties in with my final point, albeit vaguely.
“Recurring” characters
Ah, yes, we do love recurring characters. Sometimes. We do love it when a fan favorite comes back – a character who’s accompanied the Vestige over the course of an entire story arc or has made multiple appearances over the years and has become beloved by many players, and, most importantly, who is well-written, i.e. has a unique personality. And that’s why “recurring characters” is not always a recipe for success when it comes to getting people hooked on a story.
It is when it’s one of the five companions, or a Ravenwatch member, or your main alliance buddy (Raz, Naryu and – oh, wait, yeah, us Covenant babies don’t have one anymore). It also works when it’s a character we’ve run across several times already, like Alchemy, who I know tons of people love, or my favorite walking disaster Revus Demnevanni.
But it’s certainly not working when it’s a character we barely know anything about, and who isn’t a hit with the community. Like Eveli’s brother whom I had to google because I could not remember who he was. He’s from a prologue quest. Nothing more. That’s not a “beloved returning character”.
ZOS have several of those just lying around, and they’re just not using them. And even the base game had so many characters that were there over the course of several zones, that were well-written and at least memorable to the degree that people would recognize them with just a little reminder, like Indaenir or Holgunn and Walks-in-Ash or the Vanos siblings. Hell, we haven't seen good old Vanus Galerion in a while. They are ten years old now and deserve to be dragged to the surface again.
Okay, I’m done now!
This concludes my rant (because that’s what it is, I’m aware). I just want to say again that this is not be dragging ESO through the mud, this is just me pointing out that the devs (especially the writers) could do so much better if they listened to their lore nerds and story-interested players more.
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nishayuro · 1 year
To our highest of highs, to my lowest of lows. Genshin Impact Imposter! Au
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Self Aware Genshin AU (SAGAU)
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff 
GN! Reader
Summary: Waking up not in your room and in a grassy plain with a blue sky is definitely not what you thought would happen, so is being in the world of one of your games.
Part 1 , Part 2
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Waking up in Teyvat, realising that it's probably not a dream, you start to panic a bit. “Oh god, how did this happen… uhh okay I have my phone…” you whispered, taking your phone and looking at the screen. You observed that there are no characters in your party, nor in your character page, you checked your inventory, nothing. “This is like starting from square one all over again, except I’m in actual Teyvat and I have no vision nor experience in weaponry…” You complained. 
You opened the map area to see that you are at the peak of Starsnatch Cliff, from there you can see the city of Mondstat. “Hmm, Let’s see if waypoints will work for me” you said, choosing to teleport to the statue of the seven at Windrise. 
A wave of dark fog engulfed you and when it dispersed, you were standing in front of an Anemo statue. “Now, I wonder what happens if I…” you mumbled, reaching towards the statue. A light of blueish green appeared and surrounded you. “So… Do I have Anemo powers now?” you asked yourself, ‘anemo!’ you thought and did a pushing motion. A gust of wind came out of your hands. “Yow!! I have powers now!!” you exclaimed. “Alright, time to head to Mondstat!” You said, looking at your map as a guide.
You traversed the terrain surprisingly easily with the help of your phone as a map. While you were walking, you spotted a group of hilichurls with their towers in the making setting up camp. ‘Uh oh…’ you thought, trying your best to remain calm, now it has settled into you that Teyvat is a dangerous place to wonder about. Monsters lurked almost everywhere. You tried to walk away from them but seemingly so, one has spotted you, immediately telling its peers of your presence, they ran towards you. 
‘Oh shit- I should run!’ and you did, but just as you were about to lose them, you tripped. 
You looked back in fear as they closed the distance, you braced yourself to protect you if they attacked, but lo and behold all they did was drop to their knees with a bow. 
“Wh-what…?”  you questioned, confused with what's happening. You saw a family of dendro slimes approach you, hesitantly you reached towards them, the slimes immediately relishing in your touch. You realised you weren’t in any danger right now and these mobs were only being friendly. ‘I’m so sorry for always attacking you all in game… I kinda needed the materials T-T ‘  you thought. 
After a while you got up and bid them goodbye. You walked towards the city gates of Mondstat. Although the teleport waypoints were available, you wanted to get the opportunity to explore the world on your own and maybe find chests on the way. Lucky for you, you managed to find some common and exquisite chests, containing trinkets, mora and some weapons. 
“Hmm… A polearm or the sword…?” you decided to take both. As you went to pick them up, you realised something, “Oh… I don’t have a bag…” you said out loud. You grabbed the polearm but then it disappeared. “Wha-” confused, you opened your phone and went to your inventory. “Ohh! They automatically go in the inventory? Cool! But… how do I wield it though…” excitedly, you tried thinking of the polearm. ‘Pls work pls work pls work… I summon the polearm’. You felt some metal in your hands and to your excitement, the polearm was in your hands. “Cool!! So that’s how the characters summon their weapons!!” you exclaimed. 
“Now to put it back… usually they do this…” you say, doing a sheathing motion. The weapon dissolved into particles and attached itself to your back, disappearing after some time. “This is soo cool!!” you say to yourself as you continue your walk. 
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In the palace south of dragonspine, Barbatos runs into the throne room, alerting the guards and the divine creator. “Your grace! This imposter is no ordinary folk, they managed to acquire the power of Anemo! I felt it!” the Anemo archon exclaims. 
“Well, that must mean their destination is Mondstat. Have the acolytes patrol the city and the wilderness, their destination should be the city. Remember, bring them back to me alive.” the fake creator orders, a cold tone present in their words. 
“Yes, your grace.” Barbatos bows, and rushes out of the room to inform the Knights of Favonius about the order. 
‘Your downfall will be my victory, only one can remain, and you, true one, will die in my hands. You will have never existed, and I shall be the true ruler. For what is a land abandoned by its owner if not property of its new founder’ the imposter thought, a ghost of a smile creeping into their face. 
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Taglist (Reply to be added) : @shizunxie, @itsyourgirlria
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dira333 · 5 months
The Road Not Taken - part 12
Shibi x  female reader with a name - arranged marriage
Summary: Airi Nara seems a hopeless case, until her grandmother sets her up for an arranged marriage. But was marrying Shibi Aburame the right choice after all?
Masterlist ; Character sheet
Taglist open if you want to be added
We're closing in. A lot of angst in this chapter, so be warned. Trigger warning for death, but no major characters this time.
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You’ve shared a bed for only two days now, and it’s ridiculous, but you cannot fall asleep.
Shibi is missing, it’s as simple as that. 
And it’s not just that you want to kiss him, because you want to, constantly if possible, but the loss of his quiet presence is unsettling.
Toshiko doesn’t seem to be worried about Kenji’s absence, but she’s also not a Shinobi.
And she’s preoccupied as well, sending the boys into the garden to play to pull you into the safety of her kitchen.
“I’m pregnant again.” She tells you, voice filled with warm excitement. “We’ve been trying for a while now and I’m so happy it worked, but could you… take a look? I don’t want anything to happen now that we’ve got this far.”
She’d been pretty young when she had Muta and you understand her worries, appreciate that she came to you. Work does a lot in keeping your mind occupied.
And there’s a lot to do, just as Shibi had foreseen. 
Hisoka, for example, is just about ready to give birth, her belly swollen.
“A few more days.” You conclude after you’ve taken a closer look. “But the boy is healthy.”
She’s not the only pregnant member of the Clan. And not the only one in need of your help either. 
Shino doesn’t seem to mind that there’s a constant buzz of people coming and going. He’s content to stay by Torune’s side as long as you’re close by.
Two days after Shibi’s departure, Yori knocks on your door. 
You’re a little surprised to see her, and not in a pleasant way. Breakfast is on the stove, Shino is chasing after the cat and you’re supposed to be at Hisoka’s in an hour to check on her.
But Yori is not just your grandmother, the woman who raised you after your parents death, she’s also a clan elder and respect is all but etched into your bones.
“Come in.” You say after a moment of silence. “I’ll make tea.”
She inspects the rooms she walks through, a habit you’ve always hated about her. 
“When’s the last time you cleaned this room?” She points out, like you expect her too, dragging a finger through the dust on the windowsill. “It’s filthy in here.”
There’s no point in arguing here, so you bite your tongue and prepare the tea, plate breakfast and step out of the kitchen long enough to hand it to Torune, beg him to consume the meal in the living room for once and make sure that Shino’s out of earshot.
“Is this how you treat guests?” Yori asks when you come back in, arms folded in front of her. “Leave them alone in the kitchen?”
“The children-”
“Children are there to be seen and not heard. They can live without breakfast for a day. Haven’t I thought you properly?”
You bow your head and serve tea, serve it with slices of apples because you know she likes them. She still admonishes you. A host has to have cookies at hand, treats that are made freshly every day. It’s a good thing you didn’t bring out the chocolate, because she comments on your weight next as you fold your hands in your lap and endure it.
“I spoke with Shikaku.” She points out when the apple slices are gone. “You’re a disgrace to the Clan with how you’re acting. I expect you to bick your duties back up at the hospital.”
“I-” You dare to speak up but she silences you with a look.
“Don’t forget who you owe this opportunity too. You’d still be unmarried and unwanted without my interference. I put in a good word for you. They’ll take you on without questions and you can work up to your delivery date.”
You swallow your comment at that. It’s better for you if she thinks you’re pregnant.
“Well, I’m off.” She gets up from the table. “I was supposed to drop this off with you.”
She hands you a scroll. You recognize the shape and pattern, know what it is before you open it.
“A mission? I cannot take-”
“Have you forgotten your duty?” Yori might be smaller than you, wethered by age, but she’s always possessed power in her eyes, her stare mightier than any sword. If it’s a Kekkei Genkai you’re glad you didn’t inherit it.
“No.” You answer quietly, bowing your head. There’s a spark of something in you, a flame of hope and devotion licking up your spine. You don’t dare to look up into her eyes as you speak, but you dare to speak.
“It’s just- Shibi is on an important missions, and my children-”
“They are not your children.” Yori’s words are like ice water, dunking you under until you’ve lost sight of the surface.
“I expect you to take that mission.” She leaves after that, leaving a tremor behind, a shiver that runs over your body like you’re freezing even though the sun is warm outside, especially for a winter day.
Shino cries when you pack your things, digs his feet into the ground when you move toward the front door. 
Torune is frozen and you can’t blame him. He’s just lost his father, Shibi’s gone and you’re about to leave as well.
Chiasa is quiet, a watchful presence from the safety of your kitchen.
You don’t know wether she’s pleased or not with your departure. 
“Hey.” You grab Shino, pull him up and into your embrace, let him hide his snotty face against your neck. “I won’t be gone for long. I promise. I will come back.”
“I don’t want you to go.” He whines. “I don’t-”
“I know. But I’ve got to go. I love you.”
“I don’t.” He untangles himself from you in one swift move, drops to the floor and leaves for his room. You cannot go after him, there’s simply not enough time.
“Torune.” You turn to him, your heart heavy. “I will come back, okay. I promise.”
He nods, swallows thickly. You’ve never wanted to hug him close more than you do now.
“Shibi should be home sometime today or tomorrow.” You recall his plans. “Chiasa will look after you. Everything will be fine.”
“You should go.” Chiasa points out from the kitchen. 
Torune steps forward, drops something into your hands. “Good luck.” He whsipers. “I’ll look after Shino.”
You peer down at the assortment of medicine he handed you. Green pills for poison, capsules filled with purple powder for blood loss. Tiny yellow things that thwart infections, one of the biggest dangers after cuts or broken bones.
The mission is straightfoward.
There’s word of a delivery, a scroll snagged from Ishigakure, said to be transported to Yugakure, or possibly Kirigakure.
But it seems you’re not the only one’s who heard about the thievery.
You run into a group of Kiri-Nin first, lose one member of your team instantly. Reduced to four, you stay close to Iruka, who’s the youngest.
“Regroup.” Your team lead decides when the other team splits up. It might be a cowardly thing to do, but it’s more important to get that scroll than to prove to some Kiri-Nin that you can best them in a fight. 
“Aburame-san.” Iruka stays close as you race through the forest. “Should you really be on this mission?”
“Should you?” You ask back, watch him pale under your gaze.
It’s a wild goose-hunt after that.
There’s at least another team out there, you suspect from Ishigakure, because you stumble upon dead Kiri-Nin’s with no time to examine them. Whatever’s in this scroll must be important and you curse whoever thought it was a good idea to put two Chunin - you and Iruka - on a mission like this.
You manage to get a hold of the scroll once, but loose it soon after in a fight that’s essentially a blood bath.
You’ve long lost track of time from the hours you’ve spent awake and the distance you’ve travelled. You’re pretty sure you’re no longer on familiar ground, lush forests having given way to naked rock and deep caves.
Iruka’s got a nasty cut on his arm, pulling the bandage closed with his teeth. Your team lead is worse for wear, blood trickling out of his mouth as he tries to speak.
“Don’t speak.” You order him, the decisions you have to make are hard enough. You can’t save both of your teammates, must choose between Daisuke, a thirty-year-old Jonin with no children or Akane, a 25-year-old who had a son last year, went back to work two weeks after birth. You’d done a check up on her, couldn’t remember her name until she reintroduced herself but the swell of her toddlers cheeks. He’d been cute, big eyes and bushy brows. 
The rules are pretty clear for a situation like this. 
The team lead is more important than a single team member. All of your lifes combined is less important than fulfilling the task at hand.
But you cannot stop thinking about that toddler, his big eyes looking up at you, not at all scared of your eye. You push yourself up and to her side, examine her situation.
They’re both critical, won’t survive without at least half your Chakra poured into them.
“Help me.” You order Iruka, pop a soldier pill and empty a capsule each into both of their mouths. You cannot bring yourself to defy orders, but you cannot bring yourself to rob a child of its mother even less.
“I should go back out.” Iruka realizes as you’re working, shivering in his boots. “We need- the scroll… I-”
“If you got there alone, you will die. What would I tell Naruto?” You ask him, your voice unnecessary harsh as you can feel your Chakra drain. 
Akane, coughs weekly under your care. She hasn’t gained consciousness ever since you dragged her into the cave. Her kid’s called Rock Lee, you remember too, looking more like his father than his mother.
Daisuke dies under your hands. You wonder if you could have done more for him if you hadn’t tried to save Akane too. She’s much more stable now and you lean back to catch a breathe, replenish yourself as much as you can.
Iruka’s looking up at you, his face so pale it reflects the moonlight.
“When I die…” He says, voice unnaturally hollow. “When I die, Naruto will mourn me.”
“Of course he would.” You sidle up to his side, mistake his shock for something else. “He loves you.”
“I wanted to kill him.” He whispers. “When I went to the orphanage for the first time. I’d spent years mourning my parents, plotting revenge for their attackers, until someone mentioned it in passing - that it hadn’t been someone from outside like I was made to believe, but someone from within. That the murderer was allowed to live in Konoha, unharmed.”
You freeze, fear choking your heart.
“But he was so small.” Iruka’s heart cracks. “He was just a little kid. And they left him alone in his room with nothing to play but his blankets and a stuffed toy that was clearly made by someone with no crafting talent.”
You shiver. You had made that toy, painstakingly learned how to sew until the lump resembled some kind of animal. A frog, perhaps, for the only fabric you could find had been a vibrant green. You wonder briefly if he still has that toy.
“He’d been so happy to see me. And I couldn’t bring myself to tell him why I was really there. And ever since then I just came back, again and again, hoping I’d bring myself to revenge my parents. But I’ve let them down, haven’t I?”
“Were your parents kind?” You ask, your voice quivering.
“Incredibly so.”
“How could you let them down then, when all you’re doing is being kind too? Naruto never chose to be a Jinchuriki. He just wants to be a child.”
His elbow knocks into yours. You realize what he’s doing a little too late, but you don’t pull back when his hand takes yours. 
“What are we supposed to do?” He asks. “We cannot come home without the scroll.”
You press his hand as an eery calmness washes over you.
“Stay with Akane.” You decide. “I’ll take a look.”
“But, it’s dangerous-”
“I promised to come back alive.” You say. “I intend to keep my promise.”
It’s an inherent Nara trait, to be able to walk in the shadows, unseen and unheard. At least that’s what your father told you when you collected subpar marks for weapon handling and the likes, but excelled in sneaking around the house, always able to get the last piece of cake your mother had put to the side.
It comes in handy now, decades later.
Not far from your cave you find another team, beaten and bloodied.
A woman is trying to save her comrade, hands caked with his blood as she uses chest compressions to keep his heart beating. She’s not a medic, you realize at the same time you recognize the scroll attached to her hip.
It’s probably a trap, you think, even though she’s hidden away in yet another cave, not out in the open. But it would be too easy, especially with your shadows, to capture her and get that scroll. Nothing’s been too easy on this mission so far.
“I’ve noticed you.” She presses out. “Take one more step and I’ll obliterate you.”
“But that would mean you’d lose him.” You point out and notice the way her brows tighten and her spine straightens at the prospect. So she cares about her team members.
“Like you’d save him. He’s just scum to you.”
“Would you be willing to give up the scroll if I saved him?” You offer.
“How could I trust you?”
“I’m married too,” you point out, guessing correctly. “Two kids that want me back in one piece. Is that enough for you?”
“What are their names? How old are they?”
“Shino’s turning five in two weeks. Torune is 8.”
She huffs, considers it, before she nods and releases whatever Jutsu she had prepared.
You make sure to walk slow and calm even though your heart thunders in your chest.
“I’m a medic.” You point out as she eyes you, back to doing chest compressions. “I cannot promise you anything but my best, but it will be more than what you’re doing.”
“Just get on with it.” She snarls as you kneel down on the other side of him, your hands above his sternum.
He’s severely wounded, but his heart is in one piece.
“Keep doing what you’re doing,” you point out, pulling Torune’s gift out of your bag. You empty the last of his blood loss capsules into the man’s mouth before getting to work.
“His stomach ruptured.” You point out. “And his spine is damaged. He might not be able to walk without crutches.”
“But he will live.” She summarizes when you breathes on his own, when his heartbeat is strong under her hands. There’s a relief in her eyes that is palpable. It transforms her face, makes her suddenly recognizable.
You know her, deeply so. She’d been on the team that night you lost your fiancé and your looks. She seems to recognize you too, throwing herself over her comrade as if to shield him from you.
“The scroll.” You point out with teeth that seem to stick together. “As promised.”
She blinks up at you. “You’re not going to get revenge?”
You shake your head. “I’ve never been keen on revenge, even right after it happened. I just wanted to understand… why it happened, I guess. Why it had to be him instead of me.”
“We didn’t-” She starts and stops, as if realizing how it sounds. “We didn’t aim for him, if that’s what you thought. They gave us this new weapon and told us to use it. That’s all it was, just a mission-”
You nod curtly, can’t listen to this any longer.
“The scroll.” You repeat. She nods, releases another Jutsu that you had anticipated and hands it over.
“Don’t follow me.” You point out and she grimaces.
“We’re not the ones you have to fear.”
@sammieshuttle97 @burningbluegalaxy @mazingerzeto @diamondtrashbag @kitsunerealm @craftypastadeanbailiff @ravenswife @kitty262 @satublueberry
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hey hey! idk if your requests are open or not but can i request a vasco and jake on a first date headcanon?? thank u 💕
first date headcanons (jake and vasco)
details: gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, reader and character are kind of strangers who just began dating
a/n: theyre open atm, im just very slow with answering them T_T and thanks for the request !! <3
my blog's description and pinned post always shows whether or not requests are open, so anyone can check whenever! :D
> doesn't do much to prepare for the date aside from trying to hype himself up SJDHWKDJ he wants to be casual and authentic with you, y'know? that means no flashy gifts or clothes!
> if you pick the date's place, he doesn't mind where; he's comfortable if you are. if you let him pick, he'd want it to be a place that's pretty public to ensure you don't feel like he's trying to get you two alone or something;;
> will take every small opportunity to be a gentleman~ also teasing while doing them; like holding a door open for you and saying, "cuties first!"
> he tries to have light, sarcastic banters with you; mostly to test the waters and see if you're fine with them
> also pretty flirty throughout the date! one, it helps his ego, and two, he likes flustering you <3
> despite his small bits of nervousness, he does a great job hiding them by putting up a confident front and cracking jokes. if you ask though, he'll be honest and say he's a little nervous! in fact, if you seem more nervous than him, he'll straight up tell you in the hopes of easing your feelings 💖
> occasionally his nervousness does slip out through him blushing, laughing nervously, or averting his eyes, so make sure to tease him about it ;]
> very careful with pda; tries not to initiate much unless you do it first. stuff like handholding he subtly checks if you're okay with, but he'll never do anything like kiss you without explicit consent !!
> speaking of kisses... he'll ask if he can give you one on the cheek at the end of the date and ask with a wink if you think there can be a "next time" ^_^
> it's vasco's second date ever... so of course he asks for help again! this time jace involves himself a little less because vasco's first blind date went pretty well. plus, this date wasn't even a blind date so he knew if you agreed to date vasco as he was, he didn't need a makeover <3
> jace still gives vasco a little general advice tho, which vasco really takes to heart--especially about manners and dating etiquette
> he'd do anything to be polite, even if it's a little ridiculous lol (ex: running ahead of you a bit to kick a pebble out of your way to ensure you won't slip on it. he'll even give you a piggyback ride if necessary)
> anyways, overall, vasco's not that worried! in fact, he's excited! he doesn't have much romantic experience so he's just going with the flow because he doesn't really know what to expect
> if the dating place is up to him, he'd pick a restaurant or a zoo/aquarium :] first is classy, second is fun!! if you pick elsewhere tho, he doesn't mind, but he will get somewhat shy/nervous if you pick a place like a karaoke room where it's just the two of you
> as an already down to earth, honest, and oblivious guy, it's easy for him to be his earnest, true self. but of course, he apologizes if he notices you looking uncomfortable/upset with something he says/did!
> his biggest hope is to make you smile/laugh lots! he'd love to score a second date with you, but if not, then he'd be happy just being a friend you can have good times with 💖
> there will be lots of hand holding if you accept vasco's hand ^_^ also linking arms! that's about as far as he gets with pda (aside from greeting you with a hug if you're okay with it)
> at the end of the date, vasco makes sure to give you a perfect 90 degree bow and thank you for spending your time with him ✨ then he'd check if you want to continue what's going on :]
288 notes · View notes
targaryensluttt · 2 years
muse on fire (chapter five)
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pairing: aemond targaryen x reader
warnings: smut, fluff , light character description but still referred to as y/n, insert yourself and your features as much or as little as you'd like!
word count: over 4,500 I believe, idk
notes: I am so happy with the feedback and notes I've been getting on this. I'm so glad people understand my obsession with this man. mmmmpfh.
I honestly want to keep going for at least like five more chapters, but who knows?
I have also been debating switching from second person (you) to third, (she/her) because to me it reads smoother. I've kept it at least for this chapter because I want you guys to be able to live the fantasy like I do when I read/write this stuff. Thoughts?
jurnegon around, ñuha jorrāelagon.  = look around, my love
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
You awoke to being held, his face tucked into your neck, where he had marked you days before. The slight pressure of his chin resting on the spot made it sting slightly. The sting of it caused you to let out a small groan from the ache and arousal. His arm was wrapped securely under your bosom, clasping your own forearm.This was the first time in your life that you had awoken next to someone. Everyone had been dead and gone at such a young age, and the starts of your mornings had always been spent in solitude. Your heart was beating out of your chest with joy. So, he had stayed with you, you thought. You wished you could remain like this for the rest of your years. You would give much, anything, to have the Prince in your bed like this every morn. You looked over to him, and he was softly snoring. Hmmmm, a snorer, you giggled, with unreasonable delight at the opportunity to find things out about him no one else was privileged enough to know.  You gently turned your body to face his, eager to observe him in such a peaceful state. When he was awake, Aemond always looked weighted down with worry. Even as a child, before his eye was taken (and more so after the event), his brow came to a natural furrow, and he was often seen pacing back and forth with a book in his hand, too concentrated to acknowledge the world around him, or in the training yard, practicing his swordsmanship with whatever poor fool felt brave enough that day to take him on. 
But now, he was serene, even divine. His skin glowed in the morning sun. You frowned when you noticed he had slept with the leather patch on. It couldn’t be comfortable. Still, there would be time to prove to him that he had nothing to be self conscious of, especially around you. You would convince him that he was a true Adonis, a God sent to you from the Heavens above. You couldn’t resist reaching over to lightly trace his features. The prominent bow above his relaxed lips that had fallen into a slight pucker when he slept, down the crook of his long nose, his strong brows that rested above his eye and patch, down again to the side of his face and his chiseled jaw, concluding your short journey of his face by lightly dragging your fingers down his elegant neck, coming to rest at his collarbones. You wanted to kiss him, badly. Realizing there was no reason this couldn’t be done, you softly put your lips upon his, and were surprised when you felt his mouth respond back. He must have been awakened when you were exploring his face, you thought guiltily.
 You gave him short kisses, at first. One, then two, three and four, lips meeting and lingering longer each time.  Before long, he reached to graze his fingertips through your hair, and each time you broke away, enjoying the smacking sounds your lips made together, he started chasing your mouth, unwilling to part your lips. 
“Mmmmmmmmmm” he gave a long, deep sigh when you broke apart for air. His eyes had stayed closed this whole time, letting himself savor the moments you spent exploring him. He would take whatever you were willing to give, gladly, enthusiastically, without reservation, he thought.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been woken up in such a bewitching way before.” He said, before returning his mouth to yours. 
“I’m sorry to have woken you” You said softly, and you meant it, feeling genuine regret for disturbing his deep slumber. 
He rubbed your noses together, so close you could feel his eyelashes brush yours, and replied, “An angel need not apologize for bestowing blessings from Heaven above.” Finally opening his eye to meet yours for a moment, he then closed it again when he kissed one corner of your mouth, then the other, before joining your lips once more. It was so warm, and he took his time, languidly swirling his tongue in your mouth and around yours, gliding and exploring. He reached down to grab your hip, and you responded by slinging your leg over his. The angle was perfect. You could feel his body resting against your cunt, his exposed skin from where his shirt had ridden up in sleep meeting between your legs, feeling your warmth that had increased substantially in the last few minutes. You gasped at the feeling. He was rubbing your side, feeling the dips and hills of your curves, and kissing you deeply, when you both heard the door open.
It was Millie. It had to be. You had forgotten everything that didn’t involve the man in your arms, including the fact that she would show up precisely at the same time every morning. 
You automatically moved to sit up, to free yourself from the scandalous position you had gotten in with him. As you tried to spring up, you felt Aemond grab you to pin you down, so fast your body gave a slight bounce of resistance on your soft bed, but he just moved his body over yours.
“Jurnegon around, ñuha jorrāelagon. I drew the bed curtains after you fell asleep. Be still. She cannot see us.” he whispered into your neck, giving you small kisses, until he reached the spot he’d left the bruise two days ago.
“Good morning, Y/N. Surely you are not thinking of sleeping in on such a fine morning.” Millie said, cautiously. She was not stupid, and there was something in the tone of her voice that you she knew more about your current situation than you wanted her to. 
Aemond had not stopped kissing your neck. In fact, he had only gotten more vigorous in his efforts, running his tongue over your bruise and giving you open mouth kisses down to the beginning swell of your breast. 
Blushing furiously, hands tangled in the Prince’s hair, weakly trying to pull him up, (against every natural physical instinct your body contained) you replied hastily, “No, of course not Millie, I will be up momentarily to take breakfast.”
“Miss, the Princess Helaena would like you to join her and her babes this morning. I suspect she is concerned about you after last night, and wants to make sure you are well.” 
“Very well. I will meet her in her chambers within the hour.” you replied, honestly just trying to end the conversation at that point.
You heard the door swing shut. She had taken the hint. 
Playfully, you smacked the Prince who was still on top of you. “She could have heard you! She could have seen!”
“I suspect she already knows. She is loyal to you, anyway, I don’t care.” He said candidly and forcefully, speaking into your neck, grabbing your tits, and grinding his cock into your panties that covered your cunt. 
The feeling of him covering your body like that was like nothing you ever felt before. The other night, you thought being on top of him was magnificent, and it was, but this felt the same, if not more. Your whole body was radiating pleasure. 
“Oh my gods.” you moaned.
 Feeling his thick cock lay on your cunt, you kissed him, swirling your tongue around his, biting his lip. Hard.
“Mmmmm.” He said, with a smirk on his face, and pulled himself away from you.
“Aemond! What?!” You asked him, unable to form full sentences, and tried to drag him back to you, body alight.
“It seems you have an obligation to attend to this morning, beloved, and if I do not cease now, you will not be leaving this bed in the foreseeable future.” 
Beloved, he had called you.
You could have cried out of both joy and frustration. Your brain was short circuiting. You had no reply but to sit there and look at him with a mopey expression. It was the first time in a great while you wanted to throw a fit to get your way. You could beg, you thought. Surely, he would not be cruel to you, his beloved. 
He watched you think, clearly amused, and reached for you once more, to place a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Spend the afternoon with me.” he said, stroking your hair and holding your face, eye meeting yours to gauge your response. 
“I-” You thought about continuing to protest his departure, but relented at his suggestion of spending the day with him.
“Yes.” You said, “yes.” 
“I will come for you after breakfast.” He responded, kissing the top of your hand, and then, regretfully, standing to leave. 
You saw him adjust his hard cock in his trousers, trying to hide it, (although you suspected that would prove to be a difficult task for the Prince)  staring at you all the while with a devilish look on his face, then turned, and left.
Falling back on your bed, you took a moment to collect yourself. You felt like you were burning in the sweetest fire, and a wicked idea drifted into your mind. You had to calm yourself before breakfast anyway, you reasoned. Helaena could sense moods well, she would know even more so that something was up if you came in there tense. 
Closing your eyes, you touched your lips, which were still swollen from kissing Aemond. Reaching down lower, you lightly touched the bruise he had ran his tongue over only minutes before. It was still wet from his mouth. You reached up to grasp your breasts, wishing it was his large hands replacing yours. You remembered the way he had squeezed them, and rolled his fingers. You mimicked the action, and started breathing heavily again, open mouthed. Keeping one hand on your breast, you reached for your cunt, still noticeably wet through your underwear, and laid three fingers flat against your clit. You began rubbing at the pace Aemond had been thrusting his cock when he was humping you through his night pants. Thinking of him and the attentions he had given you this morning, and the other night, It was not long before you sped up and were writhing so hard you practically fell off the bed. Rather quickly, you had met your release, nothing but The Prince’s stare in your mind.
Coming down from the moment, you began to get dressed. Aemond was still very much on your mind. After your orgasm, though, you felt the bubble of bliss that had formed waking with him in your bed begin to deflate.
You had been at the Red Keep for now twenty years. You had grown up with the royal family. 
The Queen had all of that time to betroth you to her son, if she wanted to. 
And she had not. 
Aemond was willful, and good at getting what he wanted, yes, but you weren’t even positive what he wanted was you. At least, not like that. Not for the rest of his life. He had certainly not yet said so. 
You knew he would not dishonor you on purpose. But you found yourself wondering if he had just been caught up in the moments between you two, acting on what was a simple flirtation in his mind. The connection you had was real, surely, you felt it as much as you could feel the grass between your fingers, or the flames roaring in your fireplace. But was it enough for him, to give himself up to you, body and soul, for all your lives? Because that was what you wanted from him. For him to truly be yours, unabashedly. 
He was dashing. He was beyond intelligent, and talented at everything he set his mind towards. He was the dragon rider of the largest in the world. He could be ruthless, and there was a whole world out there, his oyster for the taking, if he wished it so. 
And you. An orphan. Not the most graceful woman around, nor a Princess, with little but gold coin to offer his family and your heart to offer him. 
What if he thought of you as he would a mistress? 
Your heart panged painfully, the thought of it made you feel nauseous. Humiliated, even. 
You frowned, the topic weighing heavily on your mind, and made your way to the Princess’s chambers. 
The walk there was a blur, as you were so lost in thought, and you almost walked right into the knight stationed outside her room. 
Nodding once at you, seeming not to notice you almost tripping over him, or at least really good at pretending he didn’t, he opened the door and announced your presence. 
Seeing you enter, Helaena put down the apple she was about to bite into, and ran towards you, enveloping you into a hug. 
“Y/N!!!” she squealed, hugging you harder. 
Momentarily, the despair that had entered your mind had vanished. The Princess always made you feel better- she was so warm, so genuinely kind, and you could tell she really did care about you a lot. 
You hugged her back, and noticed her blonde haired twins babbling in the middle of the room, laughing and playing with the many toys the Princess had spoiled them with. The sight gave you more cause to smile. You were so glad Helaena had them. Her own little family, you thought, and your heart panged with a bit of jealousy, never having had anything of the sort yourself. 
She pulled back to look at you, hands resting on your shoulders. 
“Sister, how are you? You gave me such a fight when your head hit the floor last night!”
She called you sister on and off during your lives, but lately, you noticed she was doing it even more so. It made your heart warm. It was an honor to you that she thought of you so. 
“I am fine,” you replied, blushing with embarrassment that you had worried her by fainting. 
“I will believe you, but only because I was told the Maester has cleared you!” She said, teasingly. 
“And where did you get this information, Princess?” You asked back, curious of her sources, but mostly teasing her as well. 
“Aemond told me this morning, of course.” 
“He told you?” You asked her, trying to sound casual but most likely failing miserably. 
“Of course, Y/N. I tried to show him Jaehaera‘s new tooth, and he ignored me completely! It was all he could speak about!” She said, almost indignantly. 
Your heart pounded in your eardrums. It seemed he was not doing a good job keeping your new relationship a secret.  He never was good at hiding his feelings anyway. But how far did those feelings truly stretch? Maybe he was able to talk so much about you freely because he did not take it seriously, and did not feel the weight of the situation as you did?
“Y/N, something troubles you, I can tell” Helaena said, looking at you very solemnly.
“It’s nothing, Princess. Let us eat and play with the twins! I feel like I haven’t seen them much lately.” You insisted, and she relented at the mention of her babies, letting you draw her to the middle of the room where Jaehaera and Jaehaerys played. You stopped by the breakfast table that was full of a wide variety of fruits, juices, pastries, and jams, then proceeded to pick out both of your favorites, along with some soft things specifically for the twins, that would be gentle on their developing teeth that often still pained them.
You all sat cross legged on the floor, enjoyed your breakfast, and had a delightful time, chatting with one and other and laughing with the children. They really were good babies, you thought. Attached to their mother, so much so that if she left them for too long they would endlessly wail until she returned, but could anyone really blame her for raising them like that? You definitely did not. If you ever had children, you thought, you also would want them to be your constant little companions. You did not wish to leave the raising to nannies and maids and septas. You had been so alone in that way as a child, and you feared that as a mother,  you would be hard pressed to let them out of your sight. 
Jaehaera had fallen asleep in your arms mid you trying to feed her some porridge. You stared down at her, watching her sleep peacefully in your arms, and smoothed back her hair, that was as silver as her parents, of course. 
“She was up all night. I am glad she is finally resting, her teeth were bothering her and nothing the Maesters gave me for her seemed to make her any better.”
“Poor babe” you said, still staring, enjoying the weight of a baby in your arms.
“Y/N, would you ever want children?” Helaena asked, watching you observe the sleeping baby. The subject surprisingly had not come up between you two before. The twins were very active usually, and they kept you both busy focusing on their antics to have moments of peace when you two could really talk.
“Yes, very much so.” You confessed to her, in a small tone, smiling sadly.
Helaena lightly touched your hand that rested on her baby’s head, and whispered slowly, ”four…four of them.” 
You snapped your head up to look at her when she said this to you. She had a wide eyed, unfocused look on her face. You just stared back at her in shock until she shook her head left and right, seeming to come back to the room you were in. 
“Helaena…what…” you asked, thoughts scattered, too scared to ask what she meant by that. Because you already knew, really.
She just moved her hand that was still resting on yours to the side of your face briefly, smiled, and let her hand fall. It seems she had no reply to your unformed question. Your heart pounded against your chest, and swelled with hope. Four of them, she had suggested. You wanted to put the thought of it all out of your mind. Having hope like that was dangerous, and made for a higher fall when you were torn from that high up place. You also knew Helaena’s thoughts, or prophecies, as some called them, could be interpreted in many ways. 
The rest of your breakfast was quiet, both of you trying not to disturb the now both sleeping babies. The Princess had decided she would rest along with them, as she was also unable to sleep when they were in pain the night before. You bid them all goodbye, and gently laid Jaehaera in her ornate crib, kissing her on the forehead before you turned to leave. 
Walking down the halls, you felt a combination of both sadness and content, the latter being because of the wonderful morning you’d had with two of your favorite people, and sadness at Helaena’s sudden prediction, not truly being able to  believe something so beautiful could happen to you. You had accepted being alone, without anyone really wanting to make you part of their family. You were even comfortable in the loneliness. It was safe. You could not get hurt there. 
Then, two days ago, you and your best friend had kissed in the middle of the night in his chambers, and you felt yourself changing. Desire of all kinds had been re-awakened within you, including the renewed feeling of wanting to belong somewhere, to have true kin of your own. For someone to make you their home. Preferably, someone with long blonde hair, an eyepatch, and the largest dragon in all of Westeros. But, you scolded yourself for having these feelings. You felt yourself wanting to retreat back into solitude, where it was safe and predictable. 
Lounging back in the little nook by your window, you curled up with a book you had read many times before, and wondered if The Prince really would come for you this afternoon. It was not as if he had ever ditched you intentionally before, but he was a busy man, bound to his duties. Huffing, you slammed your book shut and held your head in your hands, frustrated at yourself for caring so much. Just as you were trying to redirect your train of thought to something that didn’t involve the dashing Prince who was invading every corner of your mind, you heard something hit your window. You ignored it, at first, until you heard it again. And again. Lifting your head, you peered down, to see the same man standing below in the grass who had been occupying your thoughts.
“Y/N!” He called. 
You opened your window wider and leaned out further, so you could hear him better, with a big, stupid grin on your face at the sight of him. 
“My Prince. This is certainly an unorthodox way to get my attention. You’ve not thrown rocks at my window since we were one and three.” You said, teasing him. 
“Yes, well, that may be so…but will you still do me the honor of joining me in the garden?” He asked, hands cupping his mouth to project his voice, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. 
“Hmmmmmm,” you replied, still teasing him, and put on a thinking expression, then raised your hand to put your first finger on your cheek and your thumb under your chin. You might have puffed your chest out so your bosom was displayed for him to admire from below, but if he ever asked about that, you would adamantly deny it was on purpose. 
“Don’t make me climb up there and get you that way. You know I will, dearest.” He said, grinning wickedly. 
You shivered at the suggestion his words contained. You knew he would climb your wall and carry you down himself if he had to. He was jesting back, but also completely serious in his threat to take the drastic course of action. It was a tempting thought, and you seriously considered making him wait longer, just so he would make good on his threat. 
Relenting, you told him yes, you would, trying to keep your voice impassive but knowing your expression of pure happiness would betray your real feelings about being asked to stroll in the gardens with him.  
You practically ran down the stairs, lifting your skirts so you wouldn’t trip and avoiding colliding into servants who stood to the wall to let you pass in a hurry. You slowed yourself before reaching the main doors, wanting to appear more nonchalant before Aemond than you actually felt. When the guards went to open the large doors that led outside, you abandoned that idea, impatiently tapping your foot while the heavy doors took forever to swing open. 
He was waiting for you right past them. You smiled brightly at him,and he reached for your hand to give it a soft kiss as a greeting, keeping his eye on you all the while. He did not release your hand, rather, he intertwined your fingers together, and wordlessly led you to the inner gardens. You walked past other nobles and staff. They whispered in each others ears the moment their eyes locked on you and Aemond walking hand in hand. You looked to him for guidance, or a reaction, but he kept his face ahead, his signature sly smirk adorning his face the rest of the walk. 
He didn’t seem worried about what the hell they assumed anyway. It was not as if anyone would dare challenge him. You had to remind yourself that he was known as the most fearsome, capable, and daring Crown Prince in the castle. Violent too, to those who crossed him. He was rarely unarmed, even if he outwardly appeared to be, like today, he wore his long black coat with the silver clasps, but you’d bet ten gold dragons that he had his handsome dagger, the one he’d held to his own brother’s throat just the night before, made of valyrian steel and dragonbone, hidden in it’s black sheathe under his jacket. 
You reached the gardens, and took in the scene before you. It was like he had recreated yours and Helaena’s picnic a few days prior, but far more extravagant. There was a table low to the ground, filled with silver bowls of exotic fruits, breads, honey, fresh, creamy butters, flagons of red and white wines, and numerous books piled high capping the end. He had also had some of your drawing supplies brought down, and your sketchbook, too. A wooden flat black box with intricate gold carvings was purposely laid in the center. The ground was layered with thick quilts and furs, and a small tent had been set up in case you wished to get out of the sun. It was a nice autumn day, still cool from it being the early afternoon, but sure to warm up later. 
You looked at him, dumbstruck, with no real response in your mind, but to grab him and hug him as hard as you could. He gripped you back, and for a long moment, you two just stood there holding each other, swaying softly, his hand stroking your hair, both enjoying the moment. He spoke first, but not to you. With a quick dismissive wave of the hand that was holding your waist and a “You may leave us,” the garden’s courtyard cleared of castle staff quickly. He lifted your chin from its resting place on his chest, and said, “I wish to give something to you.”
“But Aemond, My Prince, this is already too much, I don’t even know what to say.” you replied, blushing hard but a smile still lingering on your face.
“This is nothing. For you? This is nothing, darling. I’d do anything, anything, for you, and I want to make you see. You have to know. You must know…” he said, trailing off, fingers caressing the side of your face, down your neck to the tops of your exposed shoulders. 
He released you, only to turn to the table to grab the handsomely decorated box. It had golden dragons breathing fire, two of them, intertwined.
“This made me think of you. It has been in my family for a very long time, and I wish for you to have it.” he told you, whispering in your ear from behind. You heard him unlatch the box and move your thick hair to one side of your neck. He then took what was in the box out, and you held your breath as he draped a delicate silver chain around your neck and clasped it shut. 
You felt the weighty pendant lay above your breasts, and you looked down to see what it was. 
A large, black opal. Bigger than a golden dragon coin, and it sparkled brilliantly in the sun. Aemond moved back to the table, to grab a mirror, and handed it to you, so you could have a better look at it. You gasped. It was as if it contained the essence of fire itself. Deep within the black stone, flickers of reds, orange, blue and green danced in the light. You couldn’t keep your hands off of it, even as a wealthy lady who had owned more than her fair share of jewels, you had never seen a piece so enchanting before. You shook your head in disbelief. Just as he did this morning, he rested his chin in the crook of your neck, watching your reaction closely in the mirror, and asked you tentatively, “Do you like it?” 
You laughed out loud at the absurdity of the question, and spun around. “Like it? Like it?! Aemond, I…” you paused, making sure to meet his eye, willing him to understand your feelings not only about the necklace, but hint about the ones you had for him too, and said, “I love it. I adore it. It is too much for someone like me. I cannot possibly accept.” Even though, you wanted to.  
You looked back down at the black opal, which was now glimmering orange and red in the light, and looked back up at him, gaze landing on his lips. Clicking his lips with disproval, he began, “You would deny me?,” likely to argue with your statement about the necklace being too beautiful for you, but you stopped him, laying a finger upon his lips. He silenced himself, but kissed it. Your heart swelled at the gentle gesture. You did not yet have the words you needed to show him how you felt, or even the courage to really acknowledge them. How touched you were by this moment. You wanted, needed, to show him. Tentatively, as technically you were still in a very public setting, you raised yourself up to your toes, and joined your lips with his. You kissed him deeply, and slowly. You tugged at his hair, that was done loosely half up with a silver clasp in the back, freeing it. You did not let him take a breath that was not one you shared. He responded enthusiastically, and held you tight around your waist. The birds chirped, the bees buzzed, and the trees rustled, but neither of you heard anything that wasn’t the sweet smack of your lips coming together and apart, again, and again, and again. 
as always, let me know if you wish to be added or removed :) <3
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pancake-breakfast · 6 months
It's difficult to understate the influence Nanami has had on my life. There have been a lot of stories that have touched me and moved me in my life, but very few have spurred me to meaningful action. I'd argue that the overall story of JJK itself is probably still unlikely to have that effect, but Nanami specifically already has.
When I first started watching the series a couple years, a friend who had already watched the show suggested I'd probably like him best, but I wasn't really expecting much. I don't always connect with (and sometimes actively resist connecting with) characters people expect me to connect with. But when Nanami showed up spitting truths about how both the business world and Jujutsu Society were full of shit, it struck a chord.
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I'd been working for too many years in a job that was, in brief, Not Good. Like Nanami during his hiatus from Jujutsu Society, my company was based on making the rich richer with a lack of benefit to much of anyone else... though unlike Nanami, I was working in an industry that claims to benefit everyone, one that should benefit everyone and would theoretically be missed if it were gone, except that those who need it most often can't make use of it to begin with.
Like Nanami, I was often pulling crazy hours to get work done. This was particularly bad from October through January, leading to fights with family about whether I'd be attending holiday gatherings and a great deal of (justified) concern from a few loved ones about my well-being during the season. Unlike Nanami, I wasn't making bank for doing this; I was salaried, but all that meant was they didn't have to pay me more than lowest-end middle-class wages while still forcing me into overtime.
It was a job that was going to put me in the ground sooner rather than later, and for what? No benefit to me or to those one should look after in society. Just lining the pockets of those who already had too much money. It was a job I should have quit years ago, but for some reason or another, some legitimate and some less so, hadn't got around to doing yet.
Then I watched JJK. And read JJK. I saw Nanami and realized there was a character who "got it," and an author behind the character who "got it."
I got a Nanami sticker that I placed on my phone case to remind myself of important things. That work is shit. That the 9-5 grind to make money for those who already have it is worthless and there's far more nobility in the simple jobs that provide us with food and cleanliness even though those jobs pay pennies. That there's no point in draining one's self needlessly for a worthless, crap job.
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I started working on a Nanami cosplay. I'd wanted to do cosplay for a long time, but rarely had the money and never made time for it. I still didn't have a lot of money, but Nanami's costume can mostly be purchased cheaply at second-hand stores and I'm clever enough with cheap supplies that I figured I could make his cleaver.
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Most importantly, I started looking for a new job in earnest. I told myself there was no way in hell I was going through another round of feeling trapped and hopeless at my job from October through January, especially when my attempts to get help from my boss resulted in a bunch of good words and no actual help.
It worked.
I have no illusions that my new company isn't shit; it is still part of a very broken system and thus is, at best, shit in somewhat different ways. But the pay is better and the work load is more realistic, and again like Nanami, I'm somewhat better suited to it. And while it may not provide me with the opportunity to do things that have the kind of meaning being a Jujutsu Sorcerer might provide, at least for once I have both the time and the energy to do more meaningful things outside of work.
It's still a work in progress. It takes time to unlearn over a decade of bowing one's head to just try to get through and survive. Like many elder Millennials, I have no illusions I'll be able to retire or own property; I'd have needed to be making what I make now ten years ago, at least.
But I have a bit more freedom and peace in my life, and I can use at least some of that to do the things that feed my soul and make life worth living.
So as I wrap up my own personal Nanami Appreciation Week, I want to say thank you, Nanami, for being a symbol for the small ways we can seek our own peace in a world that seems determined to take it from us. It may not all be blue skies and sea breezes, but my life is still markedly improved because of your example. And thank you, Akutami, for writing a character that so many find so relatable, and helping us all feel seen. I saw so very many Nanami cosplayers my first year cosplaying as him, and I know most if not all of them "get it," too. We are not alone.
Even if the rest of the story falls flat for me, Nanami will still shine brightly as an icon of undying hope in a world that often seems all too dark, and for that I will forever be grateful.
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
I just saw the post and I'm going CRAZY!!!! 💕💕💕 This feels so accurate?! I was seriously impressed! and I loved how detailed senku thoughts and feelings towards the reader💗💗💗💗 god this was such a good job thank you!!!!!!👏👏👏👏 and honestly this is so good I want a part 2 to this but not now!! I know you have other requests to deal with so please when you're done with them and get the rest that you deserve I'd love to see a part 2 where after the war senku sees his crush is being courted and flirted with by non other than ryusui who has his eyes on them and probably won't give up any time soon😉 maybe this will force senku to finally admit his love to them???
((pls don't overwork yourself or anything just take this when your open for requests again! after a break or do whatever you want! I'm good with anything so it's your call and again thanks!! this was so good probably my favorite interpretation of senku being in love 😊))
THANK YOU for giving me an opportunity to indulge in a jealous senku concept. I'm an absolute sucker for jealousy tropes (when they arent. weird). and thank you so much for your kind words and patience!! i take special attention to writing the characters as accurately as i can because i know from experience that there are many instances where characters are soo extremely ooc and it takes away from the writing a bit. Im so glad you liked your request and i hope you enjoy this one as well!
please note that i struggled with writing the ending so pardon me if it seems rushed ;,)
wc: 2.9k
tw: none!
Constructive feedback is always welcome! I'm always looking to improve!
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Senku feels humiliated by how much his illogical feelings are consuming his thoughts and controlling his behavior recently. He’s surprised that more people don’t take his insistence that romance is a burden to heart, because his romantic feelings are slowly starting to make his head spin. 
Ryusui’s arrogance and overwhelming personality were already bad enough, but Senku thinks that his interest in you is far worse.  
The (former?) billionaire goes from insufferable to almost intolerable as soon as Senku catches sight, or hell, even sound, of the two of you together. Ryusui constantly compliments you and makes you laugh, makes not so subtle physical contact and consults with you about everything. He frequently lavishes you with the wealth he was able to quickly reobtain in the stone world, and all the more frequently reminds you that he desires you in one way or another. 
His boisterous attitude and advances onto you make Senku’s blood boil.
The battle against Tsukasa had been won for good. Tsukasa had surrendered and Hyoga, defeated; one behind bars, the other in a deep frozen sleep. Tsukasa had sustained a fatal injury from Hyoga, and his only chance of survival was to be killed and freezed in a cryogenic chamber until means to revive him were available. Despite their battles, Tsukasa was still one of Senku’s first allies, and putting him in such a vulnerable state was emotionally tough on the scientist. Throughout it all, your presence was comforting, and so was the fact that there was no threat to hurriedly prepare to fight. Senku could finally begin unraveling the petrification mystery, and his plan included making a ship to travel to multiple destinations around the globe in. It was around this time that the reality of the situation really settled into Senku’s head: there was no threat, and his heart was still racing around you. 
It seemed that ever since Senku realized he was in love with you, his feelings have been growing more and more, despite him wanting the opposite to happen. He found his palms clamming up whenever he was around you, his head bowed just the slightest bit lower. He was becoming hyper aware of the way he acted toward and around you, and it embarrassed him to no end, struggling to stop himself from acting so out of character even if it was in the subtlest of ways. 
Senku did a lot of reflecting during this prepping period. Tsukasa was only one out of many challenges awaiting. With Senku’s plan to travel around the world, it was only logical for him to consider the prospect of more danger lying ahead. There was much to be done and a lot more responsibility to take on, and so maybe Senku, for the sake of your safety and the mission, should just continue to keep his feelings secret. 
And he was ready to commit to this decision until Ryusui’s revival. 
He tried so hard to not let his logic fly out the window every time he found himself annoyed at Ryusui. At first, he refused to let himself admit he’s jealous. It’s just illogical! Why would he be jealous of anything or anyone? You two aren’t dating and you’re entitled to making friends- hell, you’re entitled to dating whoever you please! Senku doesn’t have a say in your personal affairs and certainly has no valid reason to feel jealous of your relationship with the captain. Which is why he concludes that he isn’t. The persistent annoyance must just be Ryusui himself. Senku was caught off guard by him in their first meeting. 
And yet, subconsciously, he always has his eye on the two of you, straining to overhear conversations about you both. He can’t help himself. Senku continues to go about his work but he also trains himself to multitask when you’re in the vicinity. Any outsider would probably fall for Senku’s act, but his sly mentalist friend, Gen Asagiri, knows better. 
A short while after Senku’s realization, Gen figured out that the scientist had finally recognized his feelings. He hasn’t been loud about it for the most part, but just because Gen has the decency of not proclaiming Senku’s romantic affection for you outwardly doesn't mean the Kingdom of Science leader was immune to his smirks and side-eyes. Gen refused to leave Senku alone about his attempts at disguising his jealousy, immediately seeing through his act and relentlessly teasing and taunting him, his words resonating with Senku’s intrusive thoughts about you and Ryusui’s relationship. 
“If you don’t make a move before our charismatic Ryusui, dear Y/N may end up falling for his charm.” 
Senku scoffed. “Yeah, right. Like Y/N is the kind of person to fall for someone as demanding as Ryusui.” But Gen could see the flicker of emotion cross his face. The corners of his mouth turned downward, his eyes widened in alarm, all for a brief second before he composed himself again. The idea makes him nervous, Gen could tell that much, and deep down, Senku hated himself for finding it a little nauseating. 
And so it was that conversation with Gen that made Senku realize that he couldn’t deny his feelings of jealousy any longer. He did everything he could to bury his intrusive thoughts into the farthest parts of his brain, to snuff out the fire that blazed in his chest whenever he worked with you, exchanging witty comments with you, your laugh and your brilliant ideas. But no matter what, he’d find it next to impossible. His feelings for you were already illogical, and he so desperately wished that they would stop piling up on one another, especially during such a crucial time for the Kingdom of Science. 
Again, he cannot help himself. He wasn’t content with simply being by your side anymore. He wanted to be by your side as something more, but seemingly, so did Ryusui.
Poor dude had a million mental battles waging in his head because who cares if he isn’t content? His desperate attempt at pushing down these illogical thoughts and feelings, his refusal to confess- it was all for the sake of the future. Being in a romantic relationship, especially with the Kingdom of Science’s unique circumstances (“unique” as in “rebuilding civilization”), wouldn’t be easy. He wouldn’t want to put strain on you or on the team’s mission. 
Yet again, Senku’s illogical side would come out, but with this thought, it was disguised as logic. Maybe, just maybe, Senku’s feelings and desire to stay by your side as something more was worth a shot if he was even contemplating it. Yup, this was Senku’s logical side. That’s what Senku convinced himself of, anyway. 
To Senku’s despair, Ryusui hadn’t shown any sign of backing down from you.
He’d been hoping that the captain would eventually quit his antics, that’d he get busy with his tasks as one of the crew’s leaders, so that Senku’s uncomfortable feelings would also back down and leave him to focus on more important matters. Unfortunately , Ryusui wasn’t the type of person to give up on something. If anything, the two of you had only gotten closer. 
Your curiosity and passion for learning had led you to become intrigued by Ryusui, similarly to how you were interested in Senku’s science knowledge. You would peer at sprawls of maps and other gadgets over Ryusui’s shoulder and ask questions that he gladly welcomed, leaning his head toward yours as he talked to you about different locations on his map. You’d asked him about his life before the petrification, admittedly a little starstruck to be working with a former celebrity, and he’d tell you about Nanami Corp, growing up with his ambition and his desires. As upfront as Ryusui was, you had developed a good friendship with him.
You weren’t oblivious though; you could catch on to Ryusui’s flirting when it came up. Kohaku would nudge you with a smirk whenever she caught the two of you lost in conversation, as if the small act implied that the two of you were something more than friends. You’d only roll your eyes and shoo her away with a laugh, which, from Senku’s point of view, was confirmation that the two of you had mutual romantic feelings for one another. 
You were confronted one night during the crew's voyage to America. A ray of moonlight reflected into the sleeping quarters through open circular windows, small waves crashing against the side of the Perseus. You had been lying on your back in a small compartment with a creaky bed, hair sprawled on your pillow and your hands crossed over your stomach. Looking up, you saw the bottom of Chrome’s bed, a duplicate of yours with the exception that it was only centimeters higher. ‘Bunking with Chrome was a mistake’, you thought to yourself. His constant shifting and snores made it difficult for you to drift off to sleep yourself, and so you had settled with trying to focus your attention on the soothing rocking of the Perseus against the water. 
As you slowly started feeling yourself relax and letting your consciousness drift off for the night, a gentle knocking was heard beside you, forcing your eyes open. At the noise, Chrome murmured and once again turned, the bed creaking with his movement. You sighed and opened your eyes, slowly turning toward the sound. The remains of sleep slowly faded as your eyes  met Senku’s.
 “Senku? Why are you awake…?” 
He was leaning against the side of the wall closest to your lower bunker, alarmed red irises eyeing you up and down and shoulders raised to his ears. He must have moved out of bed and across the room when you had briefly dozed off. He let out a deep exhale and stuck his pinky finger in his ear. “Follow me, okay?”
You blinked. Senku retrieving you in the dead of night while the rest of the crew was asleep was unusual, even for him. He would surely be alerting the ship if there was some sort of impending danger- his voice definitely wouldn’t be so low and airy- so you ruled it out as a possibility. He didn’t look scared, just tense, and you couldn’t figure out why. But you trusted him, and so all you replied with was, “okay”.
You rubbed your eyes as the two of you ascended up the stairs, Senku reminding you to keep a hand on the rail as he led you onto the docks. The late breeze made yours and Senku’s hair and clothing ripple through the air, but you shivered in satisfaction at the refresher. The sleeping quarters were stuffy and cramped, and it felt nice indulging in the coolness of the night. 
Senku didn’t intentionally pick this specific night to talk to you about his feelings, but even he could appreciate the peaceful and slightly romantic atmosphere. The docks were bathed in the full moon’s soft glow, illuminating your figures as if mimicking a stage light. The air was cool against his skin, blowing the hair out of your faces so as to properly gaze at the sparkling sea and into each other's faces. There was no bustling activity, no orders to be given, no plans to continue formulating. It was just the two of you, the twinkling stars above and the quiet splashing of water. This was it. 
After a couple moments of the two of you simply staring ahead, your scientist friend sighed and turned toward you. “So, I may as well make this to the point. You better be awake because I don’t want to repeat myself.” You looked puzzlingly at Senku, who stared at you with a small frown. He looked uncomfortable, and as if he were biting back something important. You searched each other's eyes before Senku suddenly closed his, bringing a hand to his face. “Heh, heh, heh…I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“Huh? Doing what?”
He looked up at you and straightened his back, letting his hand fall down to his belt. “I’ve developed romantic feelings for you, Y/N.”
The previous silence fell between the two of you again. You stared at Senku with wide eyes and your mouth half open in shock, your tired brain slowly processing his words. He said it so casually that if you weren’t intrigued by his mysterious invitation, you would’ve missed it. Senku stiffened under your dumbfounded gaze and teared his eyes away from yours. “I’ve come to the conclusion that no matter what, my troublesome feelings pose an inconvenience. I could’ve kept my mouth shut, like I was planning to do, but if I let Ryusui continue with his antics, I might develop some sort of harsh feelings toward the two of you, hindering our abilities to work together.”
Ryusui? Ryusui’s antics? You reflected briefly before your eyes widened in knowing. Senku must’ve caught on to Ryusui’s flirting just as you had. Did that mean,-you could hardly wrap your head around the thought- that Senku was jealous of him?
“But my feelings are already a distraction for me, and a burden onto you. I’m sorry.” 
You couldn’t find the words, so you couldn’t help but continue silently staring at him. You were convinced that this unbelievable night was a weird dream, hardly believing that Senku Ishigami was admitting to having feelings for you.
“I’m…hoping that by telling you, it’ll get rid of these feelings so I can focus on more important things.”
“Why do you want to be rid of your feelings?”
Senku looked caught off guard. It was the first time you had spoken after his confession. “Like I said, they’re a distraction. I can’t focus with them nagging at me. I’m hoping that by confessing, my feelings will go away with the stress of having to keep them to myself lifted off my chest, and I can focus on the mission. I don’t have to be jealous of you and Ryusui, and can leave the two of you alone.” 
That’s right. His feelings will go away and you and Ryusui would be able to pursue your romantic interests in one another without his jealousy nagging at him. Ryusui was a great fit for you- more physically fit than he, and no idiot either. It would all work out. 
“Do you think I…have feelings for Ryusui?” Something about the tremble in your voice irritated him. You looked to be biting back a laugh, as if the question were absurd to even be asking. He was already embarrassed enough by your earlier dumbfounded gaze, but something about you finding him amusing was somehow worse. “Don’t you?” 
You could help but laugh at his deadpan expression and tone, but you quickly composed yourself when he gave you a pointed look. “I don’t have any feelings for Ryusui. He’s intriguing, definitely. Smart, funny, and not bad looking. But, to quote the two of you, I don’t desire him romantically one millimeter.” 
It wasn’t all that evident on his face, but Senku truly was surprised. From how much time you spent together (and how physically close the two of you could get), he was sure that the two of you had something going on. It wouldn’t be his first time falsely predicting someone’s intentions, though. 
“So um…you really want to get rid of your feelings? No exceptions?”
At this question, Senku was visibly surprised. “Exceptions such as?”
“Me liking you back?”
His eyes widened and he searched your face for any trace of it being hypothetical. Of course he considered the possibility of you reciprocating his feelings, but he found it unlikely. He expected rejection, maybe some anger and disgust, but instead you were hinting at the fact that-
“You have feelings for me?” 
A little into the afternoon the following day, Senku invited Ryusui to talk privately on the docks. He felt that he owed the captain an explanation, with him attempting to pursue you and all. He revealed to Ryusui what he revealed to you that night and what the two of you discussed. 
Senku’s plan was to confess with the intention of getting rid of his romantic feelings entirely, not just his jealousy. But when he found out that you reciprocated his feelings and wanted to try becoming something more than friends, his perspective on the matter shifted. Romance was never something that either of you were very experienced in or knowledgeable about. Sure, Senku could tell you the technicalities of it, but he never found himself longing for a romantic partner until his feelings of jealousy provoked him to think about his relationship with you. Senku’s fears still stood, but he wanted to cave into his illogical side, even if it meant taking some risks. So, the two of you came to an agreement that you wouldn’t officially label yourselves, but let see where your feelings and the journey ahead took the two of you. 
The entire time, Ryusui listened with drawn brows. When Senku finished, Ryusui could only look downward. The lines on his forehead creased together and he smiled a sad sort of smile, an almost knowing smile. After some silence, he spoke. “Above all, I desire Y/N’s happiness, and so if you can give them that, then that’s enough for me.” 
Senku mimicked his expression, keeping his eyes fixed on Ryusui. He straightened a bit when his friend finally met his eyes again. “I never want to see them frowning, you got that, Senku?” 
Senku chuckled. “Loud and clear.”
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neonscandal · 5 months
As a fan of both bnha & jjk, can I ask you somethings?
-which majority of characters will survive if their universe is swithed (jjk charas in bnha verse or bnha charas in jjk verse)
-people in jjk verse have stronger mental state than in bnha verse because the death rate is higher in jjk than bnha (do you agree?)
- from plot and art, which do you think is better (jjk or bnha)?
-dynamics between bakudeku or satosugu, which is written better as a duo? why?
I asked this because in twitter I found a jjk fan and bnha fan have a heated discussion to prove which is better, and that's why I want to know your opinion, thanks.....
I feel like I'm getting tagged in. Excuse me while I stretch before I jump into this. As always, thank you for the ask! ❤️
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Put me in the game, coach!
Please. If JJK characters' cursed techniques were quirks, they'd all be alive and going to amusement parks and eating crepes.
In the reverse, Midoriya would be a Yuta like drop in considering all of his techniques, maybe, and most of Class 1A would be wiped. Hell, I think we can all agree there are students in Class 1A that shouldn't even be in Class 1A (this is a Minoru Mineta call out, at the very least). But that's also why Jujutsu Tech has a class size that hasn't exceeded 4 students that we've seen. I could see Midoriya, Shinso (cursed speech user), and Tokoyami (shikigami user) in a class. With Todoroki (legacy family + technique) and Bakugo (Todo-esque brute force regardless of technique) over at Kyoto. I'm not saying they'd all survive but I could see it.
I think trauma, or one's ability to handle a breadth of it, isn't based on the trauma itself. Even if Midoriya had never experienced loss, he'd repeatedly experienced the inequities of systemic and social oppression from being quirkless compounded by a dad that seemingly peaced out. Kid took hit after hit before being able to have a shot at his dream which he then slowly realized wasn't as cut and dry as it seemed. He keeps on trucking though.
If anything, I think that most characters in JJK are a belt loop getting caught on a door handle away from losing their shit and becoming curse users because of the higher death toll. The students of class 1A might be slowly losing hope but Yuji is constantly swimming in sea of despair, survivor's guilt, and has a 1000 year old curse whispering obscenities to him. For all intents and purposes, kid should be on a watchlist. And you mean to tell me that Megumi "Watch What These Hands Do" Fushiguro is the picture of mental health??? Nah. Buddy has been looking for any opportunity to take a curtain bow with Mahoraga since day 1. Gojo meant what he said when he had to make sure Nobara was crazy in Season 1 because that's what it takes to be a sorcerer if you want to live. You have to be a little deranged so the losses don't take you down the same path as Geto or breed an even bigger problem by generating a curse. The only easy, breezy, beautiful cover girls in JJK are the villains as they are regularly shown to be leisurely enjoying the beach, soccer, mahjong... all while 16 year olds are fighting for their lives and losing.
Taking into consideration the fact that we're in late stage My Hero Academia and, at best, half way through Jujutsu Kaisen, I think MHA has it on plot. This take is based on being able to now, with most of the story having taken place, see how everything comes together, though. Bear in mind, even at the end of the story, we still don't know how things are going to play out. I've made a lot of wild accusations though (here, here, here, here, here and, inevitably, more are bouncing around my head). What's funny about this is the fact that, there's not really a question of how it's going to end in the grand scheme. We know that Deku will be triumphant in defeating or liberating Shigaraki. I think, through all his subversion, Horikoshi will still write a story where the good guys win. But the subtler details of how the story will end are what everyone's getting fired up about regarding BakuDeku and if anyone will die.
Regarding Jujutsu Kaisen's plot, as readers, we're still too lost in the forest of the culling games to understand the overarching reason. It's still a 5/5 in my book until proven otherwise but, from what we've seen, Gege Akutami buries details that are pertinent later. His exposition style is uniquely different from Horikoshi's (and Iseyama's for that matter). Moreover, Akutami knows how to illicit rage, angst, tears even in the midst of a multi page description of one man's cursed technique (yea, I'm talking about Hikari). They are a troll with a pen and I cannot take that away from them. So, I'm trusting in the process while also acknowledging that this story is not going to echo that of shonen series' before it. Gege Akutami could very well write the end of the human world as we know it, the entirety of the main cast dead, and I wouldn't even be surprised and I would read every. single. panel. Happily.
Again, it's kind of unfair to compare the refined art of a series with 39 volumes versus 24 volumes especially when they stylistically differ so much. So, instead, I'll say what I appreciate for both.
Horikoshi's unique character design, even going so far as to use different illustration styles where appropriate circumvents the issue of Same Face Syndrome while also adding a lot of dynamic visual texture to the cast. Also, hands are like a big part of the story? Which he's managed to make a focal point where it matters. I will also say that he has, in recent chapters, delved into the horror aesthetic beautifully.
Gege Akutami is just a silly little guy. By that, I mean, there will be these AMAZING spreads or panels. Then, on the very next panel or page, there will be a silly lil doodle and it doesn't even feel out of place. In fact, it's very on par with Yuji as a character. I don't think this story is told from Yuji's limited perspective where MHA is largely from Deku's POV, but, when Gege breaks down the behind the scenes, it's broken down as if it's for someone as simple as Yuji. Stylistically gory but also humorous, there are definitely some chapters that are perhaps churned out faster than others, but the art still speaks for itself.
This is a hard one in the sense that BakuDeku is being explored in real time, at length whereas SatoSugu we've only gotten wisps of even though they are, foundationally, what sets off the entire chain of events that sets the story for JJK. There's something to be said for wanting and I think what makes SatoSugu so compelling is truly the tragedy of it. Gojo lost his only equal, his everything (which Geto never thought himself to be) and Geto lost his everloving mind. MHA's whole story is hinged on BakuDeku but the brainrot for SatoSugu decays so poignantly because, while both series are effectively about child soldiers trying to stay alive, SatoSugu is the after. What happens when youth aren't protected, what do they lose?
Just because you can read them both in Shonen Jump does not mean they're a monolith.
Considering they aren't actually in the same genre, it makes no sense to compare the two. They may have some similarities. But that's like saying a horse is similar to a cow because they are animals with four legs and tails.
It makes more sense to compare JJK to the other two unhinged stories that make up the dark trio, "Chainsaw Man" or "Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku" because the stakes are the same. Anyone can die. For the most part, there aren't miraculous revivals (like Best Jeanist and whoever else 👀).
A/N: I don't care, I know Nobara's coming back if only for Gege to kill her again.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
Mrs Dawkins P32 - P36
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT
Series: Mrs Dawkins
P1 - P5 P6-P10 P11-13 P14-17 P18-22 P23-27 P28- 31
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"…Yes," I gasped, "Yes. he leaves at six. She'll be in bed by nine."
"I will be at your balcony five minutes past." He smirked, "Please don't keep me waiting darling" he almost whined,
We shared another passionate kiss but we heard Miss Hardcastles' footsteps so we quickly shared one more kiss before we separated and straightened ourselves putting a good space between us and getting on with the work at hand.
She returned and stiffened herself, "Do excuse me,"
"No problem," he nodded as he continued practising the procedure cutting apart the body before him often Jack and I met eyes doing our best to hide our smiles, I sketched and made notes while he worked for a moment as I sat watching Jack work on the body I thought for a moment what our life will be like once we're married, to visit him at work bringing our baby in my arms to visit Jack as he worked, for the hospital to be a part of our lives.
"It's time we get going," Miss Hardcastle spoke up, "You're father requested you be back for dinner,"
"Yes Of course," I nodded trying to hide my disappointment as I slowly packed away my bag and Jack cleaned off his hands,
"Let me lead you lovely ladies back to the entry way at least," he smiled as he happily took my hand and led me up to the front doors and steps of the hospital into the setting sun,
"It's been… eventful Doctor, Thank you for showing us around," She smiled,
"You're very welcome miss Hardcastle, I will try to make it less gory for your next visit," he smiled to her giving her hand a small polite kiss, before he turned his attention to me holding my hands in his,
"It's been a pleasure Doctor Dawkins," I curtsied,
"no no pleasure has been all mine Miss Everset. You look after yourself on the way home, both of you." he smiled, "I look forward to when I next get the opportunity to be in your presence my darling," he smiled taking my hand to give it a sweet kiss and a wink,
"As do I," I smiled,
"Come along then y/n" She said so I nodded and let her lead me down the steps away from his hands, she lead me away down the street but in my last moment I turned back and blew him a kiss which he happily blew me back as I scurried away excited for tonight,
I bid my father goodbye at the door as he headed out with his poker match with his businessmen. The moment he headed off I bolted up to my room, I moved behind my screen, I slipped off my dress from, the day and left it on the small washing basket. I unlaced my corset strand by strand and let it fall, I took my underdress and tossed it away, I took my bloomers and pulled them down, leaving me utterly exposed to the world. I took my white woollen socks and tugged them up my legs letting the top linger at my mid-thigh, I slipped on my little red slippers even if part of me… Kinda wanted to wear my boots. But… I'm already being cruel enough to poor Jack. I grabbed my prettiest nightgown and slipped it on, I so rarely wore it I always found it to be too thin and cold even in the summer heat, and I know my father never much liked it.
I recall one day coming down to breakfast in our little London house and him telling me to change he told me to save such a nightie for when I had a gentleman…
Well, father, I have a gentleman.
It was thin only one layer of soft white silk, with long angle sleeves that were tight to my upper arms but flared out and hung from my elbows with a row of lace around the bottom, the top of the dress though solid at the back was in two parts at the front allowing me to wrap the two silk strips under my breasts to support them up, and together, Tieing them in a bow at my sternum. the top of it then formed a V seeking down to the centre of my chest weighed down by the weight of the silk bow now tied in it, the small row of white lace at the top cradled my cleavage, and the rest of the nightgown fell gracefully to my ankles with a final row of lace. I smiled at myself a few times as I shifted in my nightgown before I picked out my red chiffon dressing gown that I didn't bother to tie merely let it hang over me.
I Let my hair fall freely allowing it in its uncooperative way to merely fall how it saw fit seeing my own natural curls as well as those from it being wet when putting up and being in an updo all day, even if I did need to grab my brush to brush out the divot left by my hat pin.
I picked up my lipstick from my vanity and merely rubbed the tip of my finger into the pigmented block, I dapped three small dots onto each cheek and blended them before I painted across my lips but then wiped most of it away with a cloth leaving muy lips stained by the red rather then coated in it, I spritzed my neck with perfume but only one faint spray not wanting to coat myself in it, I spritzed once more slightly lower into my cleavage giggling at the coldness, and I spritzed the tops of my socks at my mid thigh.
Finally, I took my red ribbon and removed it from the day unable to even look. as I retired it to make sure it looked pretty.
When my eyes returned to my reflection, I didn't want to look away, I ddin't want to force down the image of myself for the first time in… as long as I could even remember. The only exception being my Ball, but as beautiful as I looked then. I looked like my mother,
I saw her in me, but now. I saw me. and Only Me.
"Hello, You." I smiled at my reflection,
"Miss Everset." I heard behind me, so I slowly turned to see Miss Hardcastle at my doorway clearly here to say goodnight, glaring me down as she stood there,
"Evening…" I smiled trying to look not to look suspicious,
"Evening," she said, "You look… Glamorous for bed."
"Well…" I tried to quickly lie, "If you can't dress glamorous for bed when can you?" I joked,
"mhm," She glared her eyes never leaving mine, She came closer and for a second I saw her nose twitch as she undoubtedly smelt my perfume, she glared me down giving me not a single place to hide from her. For a moment I felt the years of her protection, and guidance as my governess the closest thing to a mother I had since my own passed. "We both know there are only two things true at this moment…" she said and I nodded, "Either, today's outing to the hospital with your courtier was far more exciting to you than it was to me, and you plan young lady to spent tonight in the throws of your sheets with your artworks," she said a wicked knowing smile grew on her lips and I couldn't help but blush a small chuckle escaped my lips to hear her speak of such things,
"Or?" I asked,
"Or. As your father is away tonight and we both know he will likely not be returning until late morning tomorrow at its earliest, … you plan on having a visitor?"
"Perhaps." I blushed,
"I see." She nodded, turned and walked to the door holding the doorknob in hand as she glanced back to me, "I will knock in the morning, reply to with a knock singular for your usual breakfast in your room, twice if I need make it for two. Goodnight Y/n."
"Goodnight Lisa," I smiled with a slight nod,
And she quickly left shutting the door and going to her own room.
I giggled made sure my door was locked and began to prep my room, I made my bed and let the curtains of my canopy bed sit sweetly, I made sure the fire burnt brightly, and I took the flame and lit candles around my room to make the room have a warm soft glow. So my room was lit by the candle lights flame I adjusted myself a little, and I heard the creek of the tree outside my window so I smiled and leaned my back against the bedpost of my canopy bed, letting my robe fall off one shoulder. I saw Jack as he climbed onto my balcony and gave himself an adjustment before he came in through my balcony door into my bedroom.
For a second he glanced around my bedroom with an excited smile, he had cleaned himself up and got dressed in his nice clean clothes before he noticed me. He jumped slightly as he noticed me stopping short as his eyes slowly walked from my slippers to my hair his smirk growing wider the longer he looked at me.
"Good Evening Doctor Jack Dawkins," I cooed as seductively I possibly could,
"Good Evening Miss Y/n Everset," he smirked, as he slipped off his hat and jacket sitting them on the chair and stepping closer to me,
"How do I look?" I giggled, shifting my shoulders slightly,
"You… Look… Gorgeous," he growled slightly biting his lip,
"I do?"
"ohh you do darling," He nodded, "you know what you look like?"
"No? What do I look like?"
He stopped inches from me biting his lip hard and slightly shaking his head as if he were trying to force himself to resist his own urges, he took in a breath sharply before he finally spoke. "Like Mrs Dawkins," He smirked as he grabbed me one hand on my waist the other on my neck his lips forced themselves against my own, his foot stepped between my legs and he pressed his body as tight to me as possible, I melted and happily kissed him back knotting my fingers into his hair.
Jack pushed me up against the bedpost, his body against me in every possible inch so close I could feel the cold of the metal clips on his suspenders, his foot between my own giving me little way to escape him, not that I wanted to. His hands on my waist stroking my robe, my own in his hair twisting in his freshly cleaned locks trying to bring him even closer. Our lips met in a fiery embrace, igniting a passion and enthusiasm that surpassed any feeling I had ever experienced before. In that moment, the world around us dissolved into a hazy blur, and everything else ceased to exist. I was lost in his love, feeling like a tree deeply rooted to the ground, unable to move or even think. The sensation of being downstream from a dam The steady flow of water was a gentle trickle, soothing and comforting. But suddenly, the dam had burst and I was hit with a deluge of his passion. It was like a powerful current, sweeping me away and leaving me completely overwhelmed. Every fibre of my being was consumed by his love.
the gentle metallic taste of his lips against me, the scent of blood, medical chemicals, and pin tar soap, I enjoyed every heavenly second of his lips on my own as our lips moved their clacking sound all that echoed in my room with only the fire's cracks for competition, I pulled him desperately close wanting to feel his every inch, his every way, he didn't deny me, in fact, bringing himself even closer as our kisses got not only more passionately but more sloppy and haphazardly as neither of us tried to kiss sweetly or beautifully our kisses only a vehicle for our rampant desire this becoming far messier. I began tugging and pulling on his hair, our bodies bumping one another as we both tried so desperately to be closer our heads moving up and down as we desperately kissed one another, our own mouth kisses causing us to battle one another for control and as much as he wanted it I wasn't going to simply give in and let him have it the little groans and gasps he made fueled me more as his hands exploded my nightie without hesitation,
His hands slipped up to my shoulders and gently pushed off my robe letting it pool around our feet, He smirked and kissed down my neck nibbling and kissing my tender skin, his lips kissed up my neck to the crook of my jaw which he kissed a heavy open mouth his warm tongue against my skin, his teeth graze my jaw bone until he bites down and softly sucks giving me a hickey right under my jaw. I gasped and tugged his hair hard squirming against his affection.
"Jack…" I gasped,
"shhh…" he reminded, "We wouldn't want your governess knowing I'm here," He whispered,
"she knows." I giggled,
"Oh?" he smirked, "well then. We don't have to be as quiet as I thought we did," He smirked, returning to my lips I happily kissed back his hand stroked down my neck and his fingers wandered down his sternum, stroking his fingertips across the lace at my cleavage until he finally met the bow on my nightgown, he smirked and pulled back nibbling my neck and shoulder, his fingers stroked the bow softly and slowly before tugging on it slowly his quick nimble fingers pull on the bow until it undid completely exposing my bare breasts, I blushed hard glancing down at myself as his looks at me, "Fuck… You're so beautiful,"
"How am I meant to resist you when you look like this," He growled,
He stroked down my sternum before he gently grasped my breast, I gasped and he groaned into my neck his hand softly groped and fondled my breast, he gently tugged on my nipple making me squeal a little blushing hard, he returned to kiss my lips and began to rub on my nipple as his other hand grasped my other breast as we heavily made out. He pulled back and smirked before he kissed down my neck and chest until he met my breast giving the tender skin little kisses and licked my nipple with a gentle circle,
"Uhhh Jack!" I gasped twisting his hair my head thrown back against the bedpost,
"Make me stop…"
"Jack I-"
"Make me stop, tell me to stop," He cooed, "Tell me to stop." he gasped as he rubbed his nose against my own nose, "Or I won't be able to stop…"
"I don't want you to stop,"
"Perfect darling," He smirked pulling me back into a kiss,
I kissed him back with an eager passion he moved his hands to undo the buttons of his waistcoat tossing it to the floor with my robe, he kissed down my neck as his hands gripped the back of my thighs and lifted me up against the bedpost, wrapping my legs around his waist as he kisses and nibbles my neck,
"Ohh Jack-" I moaned softly tugging on his hair,
he smirked and squeezed my thighs before he lifted me up and pressed me to his chest before he stepped back and then dropped me on my bed,
I giggled as I laid on my back on my bed with my nightie undone at my chest and long lingering on the rest of me, Jack stood between my legs and smirked down at me biting his lip hard.
"… How far are we going?"
"How far do you want to go?" I gasped,
"I think you know the answer to that darling," he cooed,
"we'll We're courting, and we'll be engaged in a few months, I don't see a reason we can't go as far as we want," I giggled,
he gasped his eyes looking at me desperately, "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure," I nodded,
Immediately he jumped on me pinning my body onto the bed, pushing every inch of himself against me kissing me with an electric passion his hands slipping my nightgown off struggling not to rip it off with his enthusiasm, as He abandoned it at my knees kissing all over my body from my jaw down my neck, down my chest and peppering kisses on my stomach, I giggled and tugged on his suspenders, he happily sat up kneeling on the bed between my legs and pealing the suspenders off his shoulders leaving them hung from his hips taking a moment to look at me now without my nightie,
"Holy fuck-"
"…You are beautiful!"
"I'm not disappointing?"
"Disappointing?" he chuckled, "I'd marry you right now if you let me. Ummm! fuck! I can't wait to marry you, have this" he smirked stroking down my waist, "Waiting for me to get home, umm I'd run home every night just to get home to see you laid in bed waiting for me darling," he growled kissing me slowly and sloppily, before he pulled his shirt out from his trousers and tossed it off over his head,
I bit my lip hard seeing him like this and my hands stroked across his chest,
"Oohh? You like me like this?" he smirked, "Humm am I desirable to my future bride?"
"Mhm," I nodded with a slight squeak,
"You are adorable darling," He cooed,
"Are you sure this is what you want?"
"I'm sure," he smirked kissing my neck, "I want this so much,"
"You do?"
"I do," He smirked, "I want… us, to pretend tonight is our wedding night."
"Umm… then make me your bride Jack" I gasped pulling him back to kiss me,
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bengiyo · 1 year
La Pluie Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
Last week, I got all of my life from Patts and Tai almost having their first time on the floor, and all the implications of that. Patts learned about Tai's parents' proposal, and so organized his work trip to give them the opportunity to learn more about themselves. Independently, Tien and Lomfon decided to tag along on this volunteer trip to make their documentary for their class. Bow came along so Tai can write about the trip, and to make sure he progresses with his soulmate. Now, all of the characters are in one location, and I will get to see Patts show disdain for Lomfon.
Lomfon is always just so rude. What is his deal?
Tien is so excited about all of this. Poor Patts is consistently surprised by the enthusiasm from everyone in Tai's life.
Patts is so funny. He absolutely needed Tai to know he's still on from their last meetup. My man has waited a month for this!
I'm so invested in this beef between Now and Kung. Instant dislike always amuses me.
Now I'm curious how (presumably) Tai saved Lomfon's life.
Glad Patts and Tien aren't dumb. They see the way Lomfon is looking at Tai.
Lines are being drawn! I'm ready for Tien to start plotting Lomfon's murder.
Tien told Lomfon, "I'm the third son. You gonna find out what that means. I keep a ready clip."
I'm with Bow. They're taking all day on these damn dishes.
I love Bow. I'm glad she put everything on the table for Tai. He's been dodging the Lomfon question for a bit now, and I need to know what Tai intends to do. This is probably his first experience with attraction, and I don't think he has the experience to proceed with purpose.
I wonder at Lomfon and his experience with hearing loss.
Being a bunch of city kids, I bet the night sky would be stunning for them.
Okay, I will never shut up ever again. You could see that Tai was uncertain going into that makeout, but once again Patts was willing to stop for him. What intrigues me is that Tai decided on his own to offer to blow Patts. I can't remember another time we've been here in BL or queer cinema where the characters were in a developmental stage and one was willing to perform but not receive.
Now I'm wondering how much of a virgin Tai actually is.
Oh shit. Nara is here. Actually excited to see Tai accidentally befriend Patts' ex.
I love Bow so much.
Tai and Tien feel like brothers every time they interact. I like that Copter keeps acting in the background.
Goddammit. The vets tried to prevent this, but the drama requires Tai to see Nara pulling Patts into a kiss that he doesn't want to have.
Dramatic running up the mountain next week to wish the soulmate away!
I'm so glad I wrote my post about the overt sexuality of this show last week! I feel so righteous about that blowjob right now! Tai crossed a line with Patts and now feels like a fool! This is so exciting!
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