#I’m going to master gifs and do the whole thing I promise lmao
emblazons · 2 years
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I really like fictional couples that actually enjoy spending time with each other. It seems like such a simple, mundane thing. It feels like such a basic thing, but it’s something that I actually don’t see that often.  insp. (x)
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 9 - zuko x fem!reader
I fell in love with a war, nobody told me it ended
part 8 | masterlist | part 10
a/n: *laughs in update coming out a month later* im sorry lmao !! ive been very busy these past few weeks and with school starting soon i cant make any promises with frequent updates lol
but hopefully this longer chapter makes up for the wait! there's a lot of good bonding moments between y/n and the gaang, especially y/n and katara, so i hope you all enjoy!!
wc: 5.9k
warning(s): none i think! this is toph's introduction so it's kinda chill
chapter title comes from "a pearl" by mitski!
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“It’s pricey�� but I really do like it.”
Things had gotten easier ever since that night with Sokka. Y/N didn’t realize how badly she needed to spill her feelings to someone, and having someone who just… got her like Sokka did? It made all the difference.
The rift between them had been healing steadily as well, and Y/N had settled into the group as a whole. They were already so close, she truly felt like she was a part of a family now. She wouldn’t have had it any other way.
But this family was a very dysfunctional one, and after a whole thing involving Avatar Kyoshi and another near death for Aang (something that was becoming far too common), they had ended up in Gaoling. The most important thing on their agenda was finding an earthbending master to teach Aang, and after Omashu, they were fresh out of ideas. Now, their most pressing matter was Sokka’s inability to make a decision and stick with it — this time, the culprit was a bag in the marketplace.
“Then you should get it,” Katara offered. “You deserve something nice.”
“I do, don’t I?” Y/N hummed in agreement, slightly distracted by their surroundings. Gaoling was a charming place from what she had seen so far — though she had passed through a lot of the Earth Kingdom while making her way to the Northern Tribe, there were some places that didn’t end up in her path. Even with the cities and towns that she had already been to, it was nice to revisit them with friends rather than alone and frightened.
Sokka sighed and shook his head. “But no, it’s too expensive. I shouldn’t.”
Katara rolled her eyes as she started to walk away. “All right, then don’t.” Aang got up from his spot on the floor and followed her, and the Water Tribe boy turned to Y/N for guidance.
“What d’you think?” Sokka held up the bag and modeled it in a few poses that made her laugh.
“Whatever you want, Sokka. Would you even listen to the advice I give you?”
He thought for a moment then gave a sheepish smile. “Probably not.”
Y/N offered a similar smile before she walked out of the small alcove, taking a couple quick steps to catch up with Katara and Aang. She found them looking over a small pamphlet, and she peered over the boy’s shoulder to try and read it.
“What’s that for?” she questioned. Aang grinned and held it out so she could see it clearly.
“A guy’s handing out fliers for an earthbending school; some place taught by a guy named Master Yu. Katara thinks that he could be the teacher I’m looking for! There’s a coupon on the back for a free lesson, so we were gonna go check it out.”
“Sounds like it’s our best bet at this point.” She glanced up from the flyer as she heard footsteps and she was unable to stop the laugh that tumbled out when she saw Sokka with his bag. “Finally made a decision?” she asked playfully.
“Yeah, and it looks amazing!” he exclaimed. Sokka put the strap over his shoulder and turned his attention to the flyer in her hand. “Whaddya lookin’ at?”
“We might’ve found my earthbending master!” Aang explained. “All we have to do is find Master Yu’s Earthbending Academy.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Sokka started forward on their path, Aang following close behind. She took a step forward to join Aang and Sokka, but Katara held her back with a gentle hold on her wrist. Before she could ask anything, Katara beat her to it.
“Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you alone for a second.” She was unable to hold back the small smile creeping onto her lips as she rummaged through her bag, a few moments of silence passing until she pulled out a small pouch. “Here, for you.”
Y/N’s brows creased as she stared at it. “Um… what is it?”
Katara chuckled and turned, raising her hip up to show a similar pouch. “It’s a waterskin. I’ve been carrying it since I left the south — it’s essential for any waterbender in places without a lot of water. I can’t even tell you how many times this thing has saved me. I just remembered that I had a spare, and since there’s not that much water around here, or any place we’re gonna be travelling…”
She trailed off, her gaze falling down to the waterskin as she offered it once more to Y/N. She smiled and took it, slipping the strap over her shoulder and adjusting it into a comfortable position at her hip. “I gotta say, I never even thought about not having a source of water, I’ve been in the north for so long. Thanks, Katara. You’re a total lifesaver.”
Katara bumped shoulders with the girl and grinned. “It’s what friends do, right?”
She felt her cheeks heat up as her own smile grew. “Right.”
“Hey, are you guys done with your girl talk?” When Y/N looked up, she saw that Sokka had come to a stop with Aang ahead of him. “Because we got a coupon to cash in!”
Master Yu’s didn’t work out, to say the least.
It had taken Aang all of five minutes to get pummeled by a boulder, and it was pretty obvious that this wasn’t the teacher that Aang was looking for. After they had caught wind of an earthbending tournament, Katara had managed to weasel-snake the information out of two boys, and they were on their way to—
“Earth Rumble VI?” Y/N muttered as they filed down the steps. “Do you really think we’re going to find your earthbending teacher here?”
Aang shrugged. “It’s worth a shot. Right now, it feels like our only shot.” His eyes lit up as they reached the bottom and he pointed out the rows of empty seats. “Hey, front row seats! I wonder why no one else is sitting here.”
She had just sat down next to Sokka when a huge boulder came flying at them, effectively pulverizing everything next to them. Her eyes widened and she instinctively jumped back, barely able to hold back a scream. “I guess that’s why,” Sokka said.
“On second thought,” Y/N squeaked as she started to back up, “I think I’ll sit next to Katara.”
Katara sighed as she sat down next to her and looked at her nails, already bored as the host started explaining the event. “I might end up talking your ear off. This is just going to be a bunch of guys chucking rocks at each other, isn’t it?”
“That’s what I paid for!” Sokka exclaimed.
The four of them watched the ring with varying levels of excitement — Y/N and Katara were ambivalent, Aang was focused on finding a teacher, and Sokka was having the time of his life. Katara was right: it was just a bunch of guys throwing rocks at each other. A man named ‘The Boulder’ was a fan favourite (and a Sokka favorite) as he beat down each of his competitors with relative ease.
“Spirits,” Y/N muttered, wincing slightly as Sokka started cheering once more. “He’s really into this kinda stuff, huh?”
Katara chuckled and nodded. “It’s been a while since he’s gotten to relax like this. I don’t get it at all, but I’m glad that he’s getting a chance to enjoy himself.”
She opened her mouth to respond when the lights began to dim. She turned her attention to the stage where Xin Fu, the host, was introducing the last match of the night.
“And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The Boulder versus your champion, the Blind Bandit!”
The crowd dissolved into a chorus of deafening applause, and Y/N’s eyes widened slightly as she got a look at the champion.
She was a young girl that couldn’t have been older than Aang — spirits, the belt she was holding was just as tall as her. But her age and height wasn’t even the strangest thing; her eyes looked to be glazed over, and something told Y/N that her stage name rang more true than she thought.
“She can’t really be blind.” Katara voiced Y/N’s thoughts as she leaned closer and squinted, trying to get a better look at the child. “It’s just part of her character, right?”
“I think she is,” Aang said, just as awestruck.
“I think she’s goin’ down!” Sokka yelled, managing to get laughs from both waterbenders.
They all turned their attention once more to the stage, eager to see how the battle between the two champions would end. The result was nothing like they had expected, much to their surprise.
The blind girl was able to defeat the Boulder without even breaking a sweat, her egotistical taunts at the beginning emerging as truthful rather than cocky. Before he had even managed to get an attack in, the Bandit had tripped him then sent him off the stage with precise earthbending, earning her the title of champion once more.
“La’s fins,” Y/N muttered at the same time as Sokka cried out in protest, the defeat of his thirty minute hero sending him into hysterics.
“How did she do that?” Katara marveled, a question that Aang answered with a growing grin.
“She waited and listened.” The words followed the exact advice that King Bumi had given Aang, which is why it wasn’t all that surprising when he stood up and started walking over to the stairs down to the stage.
“Where are you going?” Y/N asked.
“I think we might’ve found my earthbending master,” he responded.
“Be careful!” Katara yelled. Aang gave her a thumbs up and smile before continuing on his path, and she sighed as she glanced at Y/N. “I hope this works out.”
It didn’t work out.
Y/N was beginning to think that Gaoling was cursed, or at least they were — they were having horrible luck in the city.
Xin Fu had offered a bag of gold pieces up to anyone who could beat the Blind Bandit, and though Aang had just wanted to talk he ended up unwillingly taking on the challenge. He managed to beat her with some stealthy airbending, but after the accidental humiliation she wasn’t willing to talk to Aang. Once again, they were back to square one, wandering through the streets with little to go off of.
“I’m telling you, she was the girl from my vision! I had my chance to talk to her, and I blew it.”
Aang hadn’t stopped beating himself up after the disaster that had occured, switching between mourning the lost opportunity and feeling horrible for embarrassing her in front of the whole crowd. All Y/N and Katara could do was try and keep his spirits up while they tried to figure out what to do next.
“Whaddya mean you blew it?” Sokka grinned as he patted the bag by his side then the championship belt. Aang willingly gave it up to the Water Tribe boy, wanting no part in the victory he had scored, and Sokka seemed to be having the time of his life with it. “I’ve got to admit, I’m really glad I got this bag now. It matches the belt perfectly.”
Katara rolled her eyes and exhaled slowly, shooting Y/N a look that she knew all too well by now — the ‘I love my brother with all my heart, but for the love of Kuruk he’s going to drive me insane’ look. “That is a big relief.”
“It’s okay, Aang,” Y/N reassured. “This whole journey has been about doing the impossible, right? We’ll find her, and we’ll change her mind. I’m sure of it.”
Aang gave her a grateful look and nodded. “Well.. if we want to find the Blind Bandit, then the Earthbending Academy is a great place to start.”
After a quick visit to said academy and some Katara intimidation tactics that were rapidly becoming one of Y/N’s new favorite things, they were en route to the Beifong estate. Dubbed the ‘richest people in the town (and probably the whole world)’ with the symbol of a flying boar, it was their best bet to try and find the Blind Bandit, despite the boys’ claims of there being no Beifong daughters.
“That’s the flying boar from my vision!” Aang exclaimed in a whisper. “Come on!”
They all creeped around the wall to a part that they could jump over, and as Aang airbended himself down Y/N expressed her concern for their hasty mission.
“Are you sure that this is a good idea? You heard what those boys said — these people are super rich; they had guards at the gate! We have no idea what we’re getting into.”
“We have to at least try,” Aang insisted. “She was the girl in my vision, and she earthbends the same way Bumi said my teacher would. Guards or not, we have to find a way.”
She sighed and tried to push all thoughts of caution to the side — it was almost like she had forgotten the kind of journey she had signed herself up for. “...Okay. Let’s do it.” Sokka and Katara had already jumped down and before she could think better of it, she followed them over.
They wandered into the courtyard, trying to stay as hidden as they could in broad daylight as they peeked out behind a bush, when all of a sudden she heard a loud rumble. Before Y/N could react, the earth beneath them was lifted up, launching them all into the air and blowing any sort of cover they had with their surprised yells.
They all landed hard in bushes except for Sokka, unlucky enough to earn a spot in the dirt, and when she looked up to see who their assailant was she was met with a young girl in a fancy dress — Y/N was sure this girl was a Beifong.
“What are you doing here, Twinkle Toes?” she asked, annoyance very clearly laced into her tone.
“How did you know it was me?” he questioned.
“Don’t answer to Twinkle Toes!” Sokka groaned. “It’s not manly!”
“You’re the one whose bag matches his belt,” Katara muttered as she stood up, brushing leaves off of her tunic before offering a hand to help Y/N up.
She gratefully accepted it, taking a moment to smooth her ruffled clothes, then turned her attention to the girl. “The Blind Bandit is a Beifong. I never would’ve guessed.”
“That’s because no one knows,” the girl shot back, crossing her arms. “The public doesn’t know that I exist, and my family doesn’t know the Blind Bandit is their precious daughter. So how did you find me?”
Aang airbended himself up from the bush as he began rambling. “Well, a crazy king told me I had to find an earthbender who listens to the earth. And then I had a vision in a magic swamp—”
The girl raised an eyebrow, obviously not buying his story, and Y/N cut in. “He’s the Avatar, and he needs to master earthbending in order to defeat the Fire Lord. With your skills, we think you’d be the perfect fit.”
“Not my problem,” she stated, already beginning to walk away. “Now get out of here, or I’ll call the guards.”
“Look!” Sokka protested, taking a step towards her. “We all have to do our part to win this war, and yours is to teach Aang earthbending!”
The girl didn’t even seem to consider Sokka’s offer before she started yelling, easily switching from the bluntness she wielded as the Blind Bandit into the image of a noble girl, sounding genuinely fearful with her cry. “Guards! Guards, help!”
“Oh, you little—” Sokka grabbed Y/N’s hand before she was able to vent her frustration in a more explicit way as they all sprinted away, managing to get out of sight with a little bit of assistive airbending before the guards showed up.
“Toph, what happened?” The two men immediately began to look around the area, watchful eyes searching for any sign of danger.
“I thought I heard someone,” she said, the lie slipping out effortlessly. “I got scared.”
“You know your father doesn't want you wandering the grounds without supervision, Toph.” Once the guards had deemed the courtyard safe, the trio began to walk away, and Y/N huffed.
“I’m telling you, this city is bad luck.”
Why did this have to be the one time that she was right?
Aang had come up with a plan to get inside the Beifong estate that was so simple, it couldn’t go wrong. He would just reveal himself as the Avatar and convince them into letting Toph teach him.
But it went wrong. Of course it went wrong, because why would something ever go right for them?
Toph and Aang had gotten into some kind of passive aggressive competition at dinner, which had turned into plain old aggressive after they pulled out their bending. After an equally tense dessert they were allowed to stay in one of their guest rooms, the comfort of a noble estate a welcome refresher after countless nights camping on the ground.
While Toph and Aang went out into the courtyard to talk together in private, Y/N sat on the floor conversing with Sokka and Katara.
“Do you really think that this girl is the master we’re looking for?” she asked as she stared up at the lanterns hanging down from the ceiling. “She’s very… abrasive.”
“You saw her skills at that earthbending thing,” Katara said. “Like her or not, you can’t deny that she’s good. She fits the description that King Bumi gave Aang, and she was in her vision. It can’t just be a coincidence.”
“Hey, maybe if she joins us we can get her to enter in a bunch more competitions!” Sokka hadn’t taken off the belt since he had got it, resulting in more than a few shared looks between Y/N and Katara. He was really into wrestling.
Y/N snorted. “Yeah, I doubt she really wants anything to do with us, especially after what she pulled with Aang at dinner.”
Katara shrugged. “She seemed sorry about it when she came in earlier. Her parents really have no idea about what she’s doing, though. I think getting through to them is going to be harder than convincing her.”
Just when she mentioned the Beifong parents, the patriarch appeared in the doorway. “My apologies for interrupting your evening, but have any of you seen my daughter?”
“She was in here a little while ago talking with Aang,” Y/N supplied. “I’m pretty sure they went out into the courtyard.”
He grumbled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “She knows she isn’t allowed outside without a guard accompanying her — why does she insist on being difficult? Thank you — please continue on with your evening.”
Y/N fixed her friends with a curious look, one they all shared. It only took a second before they had all jumped to their feet, racing to follow Master Beifong outside and see what all of it was about.
No sooner had they stepped into the open air when they heard the cry of a woman, the sound of distress coming from Poppy Beifong at the sight in front of her and her husband. There were two holes in the ground, rectangular in shape, along with a note and a dagger — there was no sign of either child.
“Whoever took Aang and Toph left this,” Sokka said as he pulled the dagger out of the ground. Katara plucked the note from the blade and began to read:
“‘If you want to see your daughter again, bring five hundred gold pieces to the arena.’ It's signed Xin Fu and The Boulder.”
“Spirits,” Y/N muttered, peeking over her friend’s shoulder to get a look at the ink letters herself.
“Spirits is right,” Sokka echoed as he took the letter from his sister’s hands. “I can’t believe it — I have The Boulder’s autograph!”
Y/N elbowed Sokka and glared at him, gesturing to the grieving couple at her side. “Not the time.”
Lao Beifong rubbed a comforting hand on his wife’s back as he turned to the earthbending teacher. “Master Yu, I need you to help me get my daughter back.”
“We’re going with you,” Katara insisted. “Aang’s in danger too.”
Master Beifong nodded as Poppy wiped a tear from her cheek, walking over to the holes in the dirt and kneeling down in front of them. “Poor Toph,” she murmured. “She must be so scared.”
After discussing the plan of attack, the group left for the arena as Lady Beifong retired for the night. The two elders led the way, leaving the trio to talk amongst themselves once more.
“We can never have a normal stay in a town, huh?” Y/N muttered, playing with a small orb of water in the air to keep her mind off of what they were walking into. “It’s either nearly dying, getting kidnapped, or getting chased. You guys are cursed.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Sokka refuted. “We just… really have a knack for getting into trouble.”
Katara sighed as she rubbed her arms, the cool night air getting to her. “I just hope Aang’s okay. I know he can hold his own, but…”
“He’s going to be fine.” Y/N had no idea how Sokka was simultaneously the group pessimist and optimist, but surprisingly, she found herself believing his words. “Toph is crazy good, and Aang is the freaking Avatar! Besides, nothing’s going to happen to them anyways. They’re just after the money, and once they get it, they’ll let them go.”
“You sound pretty sure of this whole process,” Y/N noted.
He gave her a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his head. “Back home, when we were younger, I… might’ve held some of Katara’s dolls for a seal jerky ransom whenever I was hungry and bored.”
Katara shook her head but couldn’t stop the grin on her lips. “Things were so simple back then, when the worst thing I had to worry about was protecting my toys.” Her smile turned wistful for a moment, but as she met Y/N’s eyes she was able to see the warmth she carried in them. “But... I think I’m okay with the complicated we have now.”
Sokka bumped shoulders with Y/N and winked. “Yeah. I am too.”
Before they knew it, they had arrived at the arena. The five of them stood side by side near the entrance, Xin Fu and The Boulder on the other end with two cages hanging above them.
“Toph!” Master Beifong cried out for his daughter, his eyes widening slightly as the metal cases came into view.
“Here’s your money,” Sokka said, holding up a bag of gold coins provided by the Beifongs before he set it down on the ground. “Now let them go.”
Master Yu bent the bag over to the two men with a stomp of his foot, and after a quick confirmation that they weren’t scamming him, a cage was lowered down. Toph landed on the ground when the bottom opened, and she immediately ran over to her father.
“What about Aang?” Katara asked, poising the question that both Y/N and Sokka were thinking.
Xin Fu unfurled a poster, revealing it to be Aang’s wanted poster from the Fire Nation, and Y/N felt a chill run down her spine. “I think the Fire Nation will pay a hefty price for the Avatar — now get out of my ring.”
So these were the kind of people that they were dealing with — not only were they willing to kidnap children for their own gain, but they were going to turn the world’s last hope over to the Fire Nation for a pretty copper piece.
“Still think The Boulder is all that?” Y/N whispered to Sokka as she flipped open the cap on her waterskin, Katara doing the same.
“Not the time,” he muttered, echoing her earlier scolding as well as her stance as he placed a hand on his club. She opened her mouth to retort, but she found herself at a loss for words as the situation got all the more dire.
All of the earthbenders that they had seen earlier that day at the ring emerged in various ways, each sporting their signature flair — they might’ve been committing treason, but at least they were showing off their brand while doing it.
Aang must’ve been able to see the fear on their faces from his spot up in the cage, because in his own signature fashion, he waved a hand gesturing for them to leave. “Go! I’ll be okay!”
The three of them began to back up as the earthbenders moved ever closer towards them, the unsaid threat hanging in the air.
“We’re not leaving you!” Y/N yelled, determined. She wasn’t going to lose another friend — not again.
“We can’t fight them all!” Sokka protested. “You saw how they were all pummeling each other at the competition!”
Katara turned towards the entrance, calling out to the exiting Beifongs in a desperate last chance. “Toph, there’s too many of them! We need an earthbender — we need you!”
Lao looked appalled at the idea of his daughter fighting at all, and he only squeezed her hand tighter. “My daughter is blind. She is blind and tiny and helpless and fragile. She cannot help you!”
“Forgive me Master Beifong, but you don’t know your daughter at all!” Y/N joined Katara, hoping that their combined pleas would change the patriarch’s mind. “I’ve been all through the Earth Kingdom, and she’s the best earthbender I’ve ever seen, better than her own master. You’re holding her back.”
He glared at Y/N in disgust as he shook his head. “How dare you try and tell me what my daughter is capable of? How could you possibly know anything about her? She cannot possibly help you!”
“Yes. I can.”
Toph pulled her hand out of her father’s grasp and walked back towards the arena, to both her father and her master’s shock.
In the time it had taken to convince the girl to fight for them, the group of fighters had already considered the night a victory. They had begun walking out the other entrance, Aang’s cage in tow, when Toph’s earthbending stopped them in place.
“Let them go!” she yelled, standing her ground in front of the trio. “I beat you all before, and I’ll do it again.”
“The Boulder takes issue with that comment.” Another one of the fighters threw Aang’s cage to the side, and as the three of them all took a step forward at the same time, Toph stopped them by spreading her arms.
“Wait.” All of the fighters began running towards her at once, and though Y/N felt the instinct to pull them all out of the way, something about Toph’s rock solid confidence allowed her to stay put. “They’re mine.”
The three of them watched in nothing less than pure amazement as she pushed them all back with a feat of earthbending like no other, and Y/N could hardly believe that such a small girl had so much power within her. The crushed rocks in the ring created a huge cloud of dust, and as Toph walked into it, the three of them snapped out of their reverie and ran over to Aang’s cage to try and free him.
Sokka picked up a rock and started banging on the cage while Katara pulled at the other end, but the only thing they were able to create was a whole lot of noise.
“Hit it harder!” Aang insisted, earning him a glare from the Water Tribe boy.
“I’m trying!”
“Wait.” Y/N kneeled down next to the cage and inhaled deeply, her exhale coming out as an icy mist. It settled around the lock, freezing on contact, and she stood up and nodded at Sokka. “Now try.”
He hit it once more with the rock and it immediately broke, causing Aang to tumble out of the now open end of the cage. He sprung back up in a fighting stance, but Sokka shook his head and gestured at the raging battle. Though it was still covered up by the dust, they were still able to hear all of the noise, as well as the growing pile of defeated fighters down at the bottom of the ring.
Katara grinned at Y/N, gesturing at the broken lock with her head. “Nice moves. All that training is paying off, huh?”
She laughed and shrugged, trying to tamp down on the heat rushing to her cheeks but unable to. “You can’t even say that with what we’re in the midst of.”
She rolled her eyes with a laugh. “Hey, you’re kind of my student. I’m going to call out every good thing you do whether you like it or not.”
They were able to witness the final match of the seven on one fight, but Toph hardly even broke a sweat against Xin Fu as she sent him flying into the seats, right in between her father and Master Yu.
Y/N was sure of one thing after tonight: Toph Beifong was meant to be Aang’s earthbending teacher. She could only hope they would be able to get her to come along.
“Please escort the Avatar and his friends out. They are no longer welcome here.”
Of course that was how it ended.
After a heartfelt speech from Toph, Y/N almost thought that her father would cave and allow her to come with them. It would be an honor for anyone, and she figured the patriarch would want the world to know that he was the father of the greatest earthbender in the world.
But she had forgotten the unspoken rule that nothing could work out for them, and instead of leaving with an earthbending prodigy in tow, they ended up being escorted off the premises by guards with a threat if they ever came back.
“What did I say?” Y/N proclaimed, glaring at the Beifong estate in the distance as she helped load things onto Appa’s saddle. “This city hates us. I vote that we never come back.”
“I dunno,” Sokka said with a shrug. “Even though all those earthbending guys tried to kill us, they still knew how to put on a show. I think wrestling might be my thing. Aang, remind me to pick up a career in wrestling after we defeat the Fire Nation.”
He sighed, and she suspected that he wasn’t really hearing anything they were saying. Losing someone like Toph was hard, especially when they were all so sure she was who his earthbending teacher had to be.
“Don’t worry,” Katara reassured. “There are plenty of amazing earthbenders out there.”
“Not like her,” he murmured as he stared at the moon. For once, Y/N didn’t have anything encouraging to say — she agreed with him wholeheartedly.
After handing off the last pack to Sokka, she got up into the saddle and took her usual seat next to him. She raised a brow as he polished the championship belt. “You’re still wearing that thing, even after all of them kidnapped Aang and tried to kill us?”
“Fashion is fashion!” he said defensively. “I’m not just going to let go of the coolest thing I’ve ever owned just because of that little mishap. If I let everything that tried to kill me go, then I wouldn’t have a sister.”
Katara hit him on the shoulder playfully but the joke still got a laugh out of the two of them. Aang took the reins and was about to begin their ascent into the night when they all heard panting. His eyes widened in surprise as the young Beifong, now changed out of her traditional wear, ran out of the bushes with a bag on her back.
“Toph! What are you doing here?”
“My dad changed his mind,” she said with an exhausted smile. “He said I was free to travel the world.”
Y/N, Sokka, and Katara all met each other’s eyes with disbelieving looks, but they had been through too much to try and get an earthbending teacher for Aang. Even if she was lying, she was still here. And that might’ve been the best they could hope for.
“Well, we’d better get out of here,” Sokka said. “Before your dad changes his mind again.”
“Good idea.”
“You’re going to be a great teacher, Toph.” Aang couldn’t keep the grin off of his face, the dismay from just seconds ago now completely gone.
“Speaking of which, I want to show you something.”
Bless Aang’s naive heart — as soon as he hopped off of Appa, Toph stomped her foot on the ground, sending him flying into a nearby tree with her earthbending. “Now we’re even,” she grinned. “Oh, and I’ll take the belt back.”
Sokka sighed and unbuckled it from his waist, staring wistfully at the prize before dropping it down for her.
“Sokka, wait—!” But Y/N’s warning rang out too late as the belt landed square on Toph’s head, earning an “ow!” as she fell to the ground. “Did you already forget that she was blind?” she asked, exasperated.
He smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head, leaning over the side of the saddle. “Sorry.”
Despite the injuries, everyone found themselves laughing over the absurdity of it all. And soon enough, they were flying off into the night, one earthbending master heavier.
“Welcome to the team, Rocky,” Y/N grinned. “I think you’re gonna fit in just fine.”
“My sister, a Northern girl, the Avatar, and now a Beifong with a temper,” Sokka sighed. “If any spirits are listening right now, give me the strength to survive this journey.”
Everyone laughed once more, and she caught Sokka’s small smile, pleased that he had managed to lighten the mood once more. She leaned back against the saddle, crossing her arms against her chest, and took a deep breath, letting the chaos of the day roll off of her like water.
A smile of her own graced her lips as the full moon came into view, and as she looked at her group of friends illuminated by the moonlight, she felt the same happiness that she had the first night she met the Avatar and his friends.
She elbowed Sokka lightly and gestured up at the moon with her head once he turned to her. “With her watching over, I think we’re going to be just fine.”
He smiled as his eyes flicked up to the moon, and though there was a feel of reminiscing to his expression he looked genuinely relaxed. The memory of Yue still hurt, but talking about it had helped. No longer did she remember pain when she thought of the princess, rather the early memories of their first meeting, and every laugh and smile they shared together.
And as Sokka wrapped his arm around her in a move she had come to associate with brotherly comfort, he nodded. “I think you’re right.”
And as she leaned her head against Sokka’s shoulder, eyes fluttering shut and sleep slowly creeping in as the exhaustion from the day began to take over, she truly felt at peace.
HELL YEAh bonding
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang
ehfar tags: @chandies-sideblog @zacatecanaaaa @anzanity @randomthingssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @carisi-sonny @selfship-mishaps @i-belong-in-fandoms @ilistentotayswifttocope
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alolowrites · 4 years
Everyone’s Got a Sweet Tooth!
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Summary: Bakugou hates sweets. You don’t think this is true and begin a mission to discover his favorite candy. After all, you are the brilliant Candy Master who won’t stop until Bakugou’s sweet tooth is satisfied.
Author’s Note: Hello everyone! I’m so glad I was finally able to write a full fic for Bakugou; it’s been so long. Originally, this was supposed to be for the bingo event, but had trouble fleshing out the story’s direction. I really wanted to write this story since the plot was hilarious to me, idk why. 
Please enjoy!
10.30.21 UPDATE: HI!!!!! I went back and edited the heck out of this baby since it’s my favorite Bakugou story I’ve written. I hope it is now decent lmao. Happy Halloween!! 
Word Count: 2.4K+
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“Katsuki, what is the meaning of all this?!”
“The hell are you talkin’ bout?”
You marched with purpose and plopped down on the couch where he sat. Bakugou remained unfazed, clicking on the remote control. He mindlessly surfed through the channels with an attention span of an HR recruiter combing through a mountain pile of resumes. Stupid sitcoms, fake ass “reality” tv shows, QVC advertising their products like it's Black Friday all day, every day. Bakugou frowned—why does he pay so much for these useless channels? 
His eyes teared away from the screen as the phone waved frantically on his left. 
You huffed. “According to Maximus Heroes, you—and I quote—‘bleeping hate sweets!’”
Bakugou clicked his tongue. “Damn idiots censored my words.”
“That’s not the point!”
“Then what is?”
“That you hate sweets!” 
You viciously smacked a pillow at him, ignoring his yells. Bakugou snatched the weapon with a growl. For a soft pillow, it felt like a firm foam roller. You stood up and paced around, arms flailing in the air. 
“How can my boyfriend say such a thing?!” You pointed at your signature black top hat. “Do you know who I am? I’m the lovable Candy Master, CEO of the Candy Basket Factory!” 
Bakugou shrugged. “So?”
“So, you can’t say you hate sweets!” You gripped your chest, sniffling a bit. “I feel as though I’ve been betrayed.”
“Would you sit your ass down?” 
Bakugou tossed the pillow at you and crossed his arm; he was too tired to deal with this nonsense. Somehow the QVC channel looked more appealing now. You begrudgingly plopped on the couch, a small pout growing on your face. Bakugou snuck a glance and sighed, tossing the remote aside. 
“Are you seriously so upset about this?” Instant regret flooded through his mind as he remembered that ridiculous day. “It was a freakin’ answer to a stupid question in a stupid celebrity article.” 
Bakugou rolled his eyes. You took off your signature hat and examined it; the hat was firm yet soft and had three peppermint candies artistically attached like a beautiful brooch. You moped silently for an eternity until an exciting idea rushed into your mind. Bakugou jumped as you squealed, his mouth ready for snarl, but you beat him to the punch. 
“I got it!” Two hands eagerly cupped his sharp cheeks, your whimsical eyes meeting his feral ones. They did nothing to damper your beaming smile. “You don’t hate sweets; you just haven’t found your favorite candy!”
Bakugou grabbed your wrist yet didn’t pull them away. Another giggle rang throughout the living room as you shot up from the sofa. A specific look crossed your face—one that both irked and frightened Bakugou to no end; he was through dealing with your shenanigans. 
“Whatever you’re thinkin’ about, the answer is no!”
“Too late! The mind is churning,” you piped, taking a cheerful step toward the doorway. Spinning on your heel, you gave a hat tip to Bakugou and declared, “I won’t rest until that sweet tooth of yours is satisfied!” 
Yup, it was too late. Bakugou had no choice but to go along with this dumb idea. Closing his eyes, he slammed a pillow over his face and screamed.
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
Ground Zero’s hero agency was buzzing with life. Phones rang off the hook, yet all were answered to avoid the voicemail machine. Interns carried endless stacks of papers, their dying arms begging for relief and fingers stinging from brutal paper cuts. The afternoon shift sidekicks clocked in their arrival while the morning ones yawned out the door.
Everything ran like a well-oiled machine, just how Bakugou liked it. He took great pride in this, hiring only the best and brightest. However, none of them held a candle against him—the number two pro hero. Unfortunately, being a prominent hero brought lots of reports he needed to sign.
And he was not excited about this.
“Um, sir?”
“Damnit, Small Head,” Bakugou growled, halting his pen’s movement. Fiery eyes glared at the man peeking around the ajar door. “If you bring me another paper to sign, I will stab this pen in your damn eye!”
“I-I assure you that I bring no reports, sir!” Kioshi, Bakugou’s personal assistant, waddled inside the office, fixing the tie that was strangling his neck. He slid a peculiar package toward his boss and bowed his head. “You have a special delivery from the Candy Master.”  
Bakugou scrunched his eyebrows. On his desk was a white box with an orange ribbon wrapped neatly in the upper left corner. A tiny card sat underneath it, and with closer inspection, had his first name written across in gold letters. Bakugou shooed Kioshi away, waiting to hear the door close to ensure absolute privacy.
At first, Bakugou had a mini stare-down with the gift. When it didn’t burst into flames, he sucked his breath and snatched the card. Bakugou turned it around to read the following message:
Everyone knows you got a sour attitude, but only I get to see that sweet side of yours. Figured these treats might do the trick. I made them just for you!
P.S. These are an ~exclusive~ batch from my top-secret collection! So hush-hush!
Bakugou snorted at your writing, tossing the card aside and opening the box. His eyes narrowed at the vibrant gumdrops nestled above the black tissue paper. White sugar lightly coated the green and orange candies, each twinkling under the natural light that shined through his large window. A smirk curled on his lips; the whole package reflected his hero costume.
“Let’s see how good these are.”
Bakugou ate the green gumdrop. It was chewy and sour, the lime flavor making him twitch a bit. The sweetness kicked in ten seconds later. Bakugou tried the orange gumdrop next, and the acid was strong too but enjoyable. He soon devoured the entire box in one sitting.
Once that was done, he marched out of the office to start his daily patrol. It didn’t take long for a stupid thug to cross his path. Bakugou slammed him against the concrete wall, hauling him up with just one hand. The man trembled in fear but stopped squirming and cocked his head to the side, dumbfounded. 
Bakugou growled. “What the hell are you looking at?”
“Your tongue...it got weird colors, man.”
“Eh? The fuck are you talking ‘bout?” 
Bakugou peeked at his reflection on the store’s window. He recoiled when he saw the horrible swirls of green and orange covering his tongue. A vicious scowl crossed Bakugou’s face, his iron grip tightening around the thug’s collar. The guy’s high-pitched yelps fell on deaf ears. 
“Fuckin’ gumdrops!”
They were crossed off the list.
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
“I don’t want it.”
“But, sir, the gift—”
“I know who it’s from, and I’m telling you no.”
“Sir,” Kioshi gripped the massive, cherry red treat in his hand. A black ribbon with long strings almost reached the floor. The assistant sighed. “It’s just a lollipop.”
“Do I look like a fuckin’ baby to ya?” Bakugou crossed his arms, refusing to budge on his childish decision. The irony made Kioshi roll his eyes mentally. “Give it away or something. Now get out.”
“Yes, sir…”
Lollipops were crossed off the list.
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
Another day, another gift Bakugou received from you.
They came sporadically and kept the hero on his toes. He never understood why you sent the gifts directly to his office; you both lived in the same apartment for crying out loud! Worst of all, he could never get a single hint on what candy he would receive next. Every time he asked—or more accurately, demanded—you shot him a coy smile and purred, “Ah, ah, ah! It’s a surprise!”
Bakugou wanted to rip his eyeballs out.
However, he reluctantly played along with your stupid game. Whenever Kioshi entered his office, Bakugou masked his slight interest with the usual scowl. If the assistant didn’t bring candy, then Bakugou blamed him for interrupting his private time. The anger was worse if Kioshi brought more reports for him to sign.
Kioshi was thankful for the days when a new candy gift arrived.
Unfortunately, the last three gifts were complete failures. The first was the strawberry licorice, which dangled in Bakugou’s hand. He took a few bites and complained that he was eating a rubber wheel. Next was a bag of colorful gummy worms. Bakugou shoved a couple in his mouth and swore he felt one of them move on its own. Finally, there was the lemon green jawbreaker; it was the size of a baseball. One look and Bakugou shouted over the phone: “You tryna give me dentures?!”
All three candies were crossed off the list. Still, you didn’t give up and sent another gift to Bakugou. He read the simple message on the card:
Chew and blow to your heart’s content, babe!
P.S. I promise this won’t change the color on your tongue, haha!
Bakugou opened the sleek, rectangular box and found a bubble gum packet inside; there were three thin pieces. He slipped one in his mouth, surprisingly pleased with the bold raspberry flavor hitting his taste buds. Bakugou skimmed the card again and did as instructed—he chewed.
Typically, an ordinary bubble gum would lose its flavor after five minutes. But the flavor in your gum only got juicier; it encouraged Bakugou to continue chewing. He then blew a tiny bubble before popping it in his mouth. Not bad, he thought as another bubble expanded in front of him. His chews became more aggressive, and the bubbles more prominent than the previous ones. Stupidly, he puffed out a massive bubble, and it grew…
…and grew…and grew until there was a loud pop.
Bakugou’s roars shook the entire building, spilling cold tea all over Kioshi’s shirt. 
Bubble gum was crossed off the list.
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
Everything was going well down at the Candy Basket Factory. People lined up outside for the magical tours that ran every hour. Kids bounced off the walls as if they were on a sugar rush while their parents felt a migraine pounding on their heads. Inside the factory, the ceilings were high, and the walls were vibrant like the sun. Laughter rang from every corner as employees chit-chatted about their daily lives; they were relaxed yet efficiently worked to the same drumbeat.
A soft smile crept on your face. You were glad everyone was happy; it was the driving force behind your factory’s joyful spirit. Eventually, that spirit would leave these doors and touch billions of people’s hearts with your precious candies.
Just as you closed your eyes, someone barged into your office and barked your name. You chuckled, spinning the leather chair around to meet a furious Bakugou. His nostrils flared like a bull, and his menacing eyes looked ready to kill. However, the gum’s blobs stuck on his porcupine blonde hair squashed the pro hero’s intimidating aura.
“—I’m so sorry, boss!” Nozomi panted into the room, hands on her knees as she caught her breath. “I tried stopping him, but he wouldn’t listen.”
“It’s quite alright, Zomi!” You chirped without breaking Bakugou’s intense eye contact. “I can handle him. Please let everyone know I’ll be busy with an important meeting.”
Nozomi bowed and closed the door behind her. Bakugou wasted no time complaining, his hands slamming on your desk. 
“Quit sending me your cavity-infested garbage! I’ve had it with this fuckin’ game.”
“Oh, come on, babe!” You rolled forward and rested your chin on your gloved hand palm. “Can’t I just send my dashing boyfriend some sweet gifts? Get it!” You jokingly slapped his forearm. “Because candies are sweet? Man, I crack myself up at times…”
“You’re insufferable.”  
You winked at him. “But that’s what you love about me!”
Bakugou gritted his teeth and looked away. A light blush tainted his cheeks; he hated how right you were. You walked around the desk and stood beside him, wiping off the fairy sugar dust on his shirt. He probably barged through the sample stand near the entrance, scaring off the poor intern. 
“Alright, alright.” You gave a gentle pat. “Sorry for going a little overboard with the gifts. I was just excited about finding your favorite candy! I don’t want you hating them.”
Bakugou’s anger subsided. “Why is this so damn important to you?”
“Because I love spreading endless joy through sweets.” 
The answer was simple and innocent. Bakugou blinked and was taken aback by the gentleness in your eyes. 
“Candy makes everyone happy,” you chirped. “Knowing someone’s favorite candy helps me bring their smile back whenever they’re upset or lost. Can’t have the world be all mopey now, can we?”
Your fingers hovered above Bakugou’s head. The gum moved under your command and floated in the air. You flicked it into the trash bin with ease, and Bakugou murmured a quick ‘thanks’ under his breath. After ruffling his hair, you suddenly remembered something sitting on your shelf. Bakugou stared at the small pyramid of chocolate truffles coming toward him.
“I made these babies a few minutes ago,” you said, eying the plate with a proud grin. “Normally, I do a taste test and then send the gift if it satisfies my expectations. But, I got a feeling you’ll love them.”  
Bakugou’s face was unreadable. You gave him a gentle nudge and encouraged him to take one. He sighed before picking a chocolate truffle; it was warm and soft, the cocoa powder dusting his fingertips. After suspiciously staring at the truffle, he ate the entire thing in one go. His eyes widened as all the flavors exploded at once. The crushed red pepper flakes, the hints of rich cinnamon and orange zest, and the bittersweet dark chocolate made from the finest quality found on Earth all danced perfectly together with every bite. 
“So…” You placed the plate on the desk, watching Bakugou swallow the truffle down. “What do you think? Give me your honest opinion! Don’t sugarcoat it, haha! I’m on fire today!”
Bakugou turned away. “I’m leaving.”
“No, wait!” You hugged his bicep with a pout. “I’m sorry, I’ll stop. Just tell me if you liked the chocolate truffles.”  
“They’re good.”
Your smile grew. “Good enough to be your favorite?”
“Sure,” he smirked, shoving another truffle into his mouth. You cheered on the spot after weeks of constant failures. Of course, some of the complaints were nonsense which didn’t surprise you. Bakugou was a picky bastard; the lollipop fiasco served as a great example. You were glad he thoroughly enjoyed the chocolate truffles.
Before you walked away, Bakugou pulled you close to him and crushed his lips on yours. He caught you off guard, but the surprise was certainly welcomed. You soon melted into the kiss after tasting the rich dark chocolate and spices on his lips. Bakugou’s arms snaked around your waist as your hands gripped his broad shoulders.
“You know,” Bakugou’s hot breath tickled your right ear, sending shivers down your spine. “I think I got a new favorite candy.”
“Is that so?” You hummed, a coy smile plastered on your face. 
“Let’s hope it satisfies your sweet tooth then, Ground Zero.”
“Oh, it will.”
After all, you were the one and only Candy Master.
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As always, thanks for reading!
10.18.20 UPDATE: Story’s sequel, Gold Coins and a Gold Heart now uploaded. 
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sahlo-folinah · 3 years
Hi there!
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Welcome to my tumblr, I’d just like to preface this by saying: I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing, nor do I understand how to do tumblr. I feel like a boomer on here. Like, guys I don’t know how to operate the app and I’ve watched videos.
So, with that being said, I want to write on here anyway, and what better way to do that than to write for people who want to be… wroted for.
I’m incredibly new to this, so please bear with me—if this gets any attention at all. If not, then this is for you, void.
A small introduction:
Name: Sahlo or Folina! (just so you can call me something, I guess!)
I’m a writer, and have actually completed a Master’s as of this year! I also have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, as an aside 😊
My goal is to ultimately become a published author, and to do that I need to practice the whole writing thing, and I want to make it a routine. So here we go!
As a simp for many anime men, my motivation seems to revolve around them and the fantastic shows they reside in at the moment, so here’s what I can offer people here:
- Requests for content – this can be from a range of the anime’s I’ve watched, which I’ll list below. I’m comfortable writing most things, and I’ll probably be heavily focusing on romance and character arcs/studies.
- The content can be NSFW, although I’m unfamiliar with this so request at your own peril. It would be nice to try it out though, I guess? Nothing gained if nothing ventured! If you are a minor, I WILL NOT WRITE THIS FOR YOU. I also encourage you to stay away from this type of content.
- I’m mostly familiar with oneshots, although if you want headcanons I can try that, too.
- My writing tends to be long winded, so I apologise if your oneshot turns into 7000 words.. or multi-part series.
- I am very open to writing angst related pieces, although please be aware of trigger warnings etc. I will not write self-harm, eating disorders, incest or pedohilia, however. Not to group them so brazenly, but I have limits/a lack of knowledge surrounding the issues, and do not want to misrepresent them in my writing.
- I am an avid supporter of all walks and faiths of life, so I will not tolerate any racism, sexism, ableism, or ignorant/offensive comments here, whatsoever.
With that being said, here’s the list of anime’s I’ve watched (which I’ll also tag, hehe):
- Attack on Titan (NO SPOILERS pls I am begging I am behind and have only watched up to season 3).
- Jujutsu Kaisen (the current obsession).
- My Hero Academia (if you can tell from my two posts on this blog lmao).
- Vinland Saga (a banger).
- Tokyo Ghoul.
- Bungo Stray Dogs (not all, but I’m starting it and so far I am very impressed).
- Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun.
- One Punch Man.
- Dr. Stone.
- Demon Slayer.
- The God of Highschool.
- The Promised Neverland.
Okay the list is getting too long so just ask me if I’ve seen it (as I also wouldn’t mind recommendations).
Let’s get that bread guys. Idk how to format posts. This will go very wrong.
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eboyhitoshi · 4 years
Can you write about the reader confessing to shinsou after a date, about their past. They used to to be an underground villian and now they are in the hero course!
I’ve never thought of something like this before but I think it’s a really cool idea! Thank you for requesting love!
Also I’ve returned from the dead lmao, once again I sincerely apologize for my hiatus, and I’m super thankful for y’all for being so patient with me!
Regrets // Hitoshi Shinsou
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Master List
Warnings: Swearing, crying
Summary: Shinsou finally learns of his girlfriend’s past
Rating: Mostly angsty, kinda fluffy at the end
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader
“I had a really nice time tonight” Hitoshi’s voice said softly, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand as you made your way back to the dorms. You smiled over at him, nodding in agreement.
“Me too” you replied, putting your free hand on his bicep as you walked down the sidewalk. Biting your lip while staring at the ground, you debated if right now would be a good time to tell him.
Hitoshi has been the best boyfriend ever since you got together in your first year right after the sports festival. When he got moved into your class in second year you were elated and it allowed you to get even closer. But now it was third year and the secret you’ve been keeping from him for about two years was fighting your willpower to tear its way out of your mouth. You felt horrible about keeping a secret from him for so long, but you never knew how he was going to react and you didn’t want it to tear him away from you.
You turned your head to look up at him. He looked so at ease, glancing around the streets at cars passing by. You hated to break his mood but you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Hitoshi” you mumbled as you stopped walking, his continued step forward made you pull his arm slightly so he stopped. He turned to face you with a concerned look on his face.
“Is something wrong babe? You look like you feel sick” he said, bringing a hand up to be placed on your cold cheek. You swallowed hard, staring into his violet eyes as your own (e/c) ones started to tear up. His other hand found your other cheek and his thumbs immediately started rubbing soft circles on them. “What happened kitten?”
“‘Toshi, there’s something I need to tell you” your voice was barely there, and the threat of it breaking loomed ominously. You cleared your throat slightly as he looked at you expectantly. “I understand that if after I tell you this, you don’t want to be with me anymore”
“Woah babe, did you cheat on me or something?” He asked with a small laugh but you could tell he wasn’t fully convinced you hadn’t.
“No! God no, I’d never” you reassured and he nodded. He let out a small breath of relief but stayed silent for you to continue. “I just” you let out a huff while glancing away from him. The cold nipped at your cheeks as you brought his hands down to be held in your own. “You know how I said I don’t have any immediate family left alive? Well that wasn’t true” his eyebrows knitted together confusedly. “My older brother is still alive, and I know you’d know his name if I said it. The only reason I’m alive is because I wasn’t home when his quirk manifested and killed our whole family. I was away, staying with a distant relative, and when I came back he’d figured out his quirk so I didn’t get hurt by him” you started explaining slowly. Hitoshi was nodded along slowly, trying to comprehend everything you were saying as you said it.
“From then on it was just him and I, until this man came along and took us under his wing. It was an interesting time to say the least. When my brother eventually formed his, business-“ you furrowed you’re eyebrows slightly, careful when choosing your words. “I helped him out a bit. I came to UA, observed teachers and students and all the activity around, and reported back to him.” a few hot tears ran down your face, contrasting the cold temperatures surrounding you.
“Wait so you’re saying-“ he let go of your hands and took a step back. He brought a hand to his hair and stared down the busy street. “It was you, you were the traitor?” He asked softly, disbelief coating his tone. The tears streamed harder and faster now as you nodded sadly.
“But I never meant for anyone to get hurt, I swear I didn’t know what he was gonna do. As soon as I saw what I caused I cut off ties with him” you added.
“You were behind the USJ, and the camp thing where Bakugou got kidnapped, you’re the reason Aizawa has that huge scar on his face” he listed, his eyes filling slowly with an emotion you couldn’t quite place but you knew wasn’t good.
“I didn’t want them hurt, I promise Hitoshi! I didn’t realize what I was doing. But now I do! I changed, I stopped talking to Tenko altogether, I don’t want anything to do with villains ever again” you cried. You stated at your feet, ashamed at yourself and your past actions. Hitoshi was silent. He hadn’t moved from beforehand, and it didn’t seem like he was going to for a minute or two. “I’m sorry” you whispered, your fists clutched at the hem of your jacket tightly. So tight that your knuckles turned white, despite how cold your hands were.
“How could you not realize what you were doing after the USJ? Why would you keep going after that if you didn’t want anyone hurt?!” He accused, talking with his hands. You paused for a moment, staring up into his now anger clouded eyes as he continued. “How couldn’t you see what he was doing after that? Your teacher was in a full body cast for god’s sake!” He yelled. The two of you were starting to catch the attention of passerby’s but no one stopped to intervene.
“Hitoshi I-“ you started but seeing the tears starting to well in his eyes made your heart break. Your tears involuntarily started to flow harder and you started choking up.
“Well (Y/n)?!” His voice cracked as he shouted, impatiently awaiting your answer.
“I-I” you stuttered. “I honestly don’t know, ok? I don’t know why I kept doing it. A loyalty to the only family I have left alive and the only father figure I’ve ever had maybe? I guess my head just shut out the fact that I did let my friends get hurt in the process” you sobbed sadly, putting your head in your hands. “I regret everything I did, and everyone I’ve hurt. If I could take it all back, take away all their pain, all their suffering and hurt, and scars and PTSD from everything I caused I’d do it in a heartbeat. Even if it cost my life Hitoshi, I’d do it” you cried. Though you couldn’t see it his mouth was open slightly in shock. He didn’t know what to say. “Maybe that’d work, maybe I should just go. Everyone else would be better off” you thought out loud, sniffling as you brought your arms down to your sides. “I’m sorry Hitoshi, I love you” you whispered, slowly starting your way back to the dorms.
You felt a hand grab your wrist after you’d taken a few steps. You turned and saw Hitoshi looking down at you, a few stray tears falling down his slightly pink cheeks.
“(Y/n) wait” he said quietly. “Just because I may be upset at you for this, doesn’t mean I don’t still love you. Please don’t go, don’t make any rash decisions right now either please. I can see you regret what you did, and I know I can’t exactly forgive you right off the bat but, I can try” he whispered. “Don’t go, it’d just make everyone sad and I wouldn’t be able to stand not seeing you”
“Even though you’re upset with me?” You mumbled, looking up at him slowly.
“Like I said, just because I’m upset doesn’t mean that I don’t love you” he replied, placing a short kiss on your head.
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