#I'll let you decide
pretzel-pizza · 8 months
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Is this what you wanted?!!
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lasagnebats · 29 days
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some Jonathan Crane doodles for tonight 🥼🩶
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moonbeamsmeantforme · 9 months
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🎶 you gonna want me 🎶
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Your most recent page is STUNNING!! I mean all of your art is stunning, but the detail was so cool, all the pictures within the picture, I was captivated! *_*
I was wondering, in one picture, Dream has a child on his back- was Hob drawing him with Robyn? 🥺 Or was it a different child? Just curious!
I had a different short comic idea for that one! It probably will be part of an unfinished story idea, but I loved how it turned out.
I couldn't resist putting it in.
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orangeispice · 10 months
"Would you fuck your clone" but it's every adult spider-person answering some kind of "yes" except for Peter, Ben and Kaine because they have lived through the horror.
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Return of the Goldfish Problem
Summary: Two people trying to look after one in secret. Problem is that no one communicates and knows the other exists. 
Warning:  None. 
Word Count:  1046
The tank was empty. 
Marc was pretty sure that had not been the case before they had left for the alps. Did goldfish jump? How could a goldfish that was missing a fin jump out of a tank?
He stared down at the floor around the stand, his tired eyes struggling to focus. Nothing about the alps had gone right. Falling out of a window was not supposed to have woken Steven up. He could still remember struggling to get control back as he’d watched Steven flail around trying to avoid getting shot. 
He was missing time. In and out, he’d felt like he was swimming as he tried to put Steven back to sleep and take over. Each time he managed to get a foothold, the waves would come up and drag him back down again. He’d had a heart stopping moment when he’d woken up at one point to find himself driving some sort of cupcake truck while fighting off someone. 
“Fuuuuuck.” Marc looked back in the tank. Maybe the damn thing was hiding somehow. In the boat maybe? Behind the pyramid? Perhaps in the plants? 
He rolled up a sleeve and shoved his arm in the tank, moving things around gently as he struggled to flush out any hiding fish. Maybe a little fish skeleton would surface like in the movies, fully intact and cartoonish. 
When nothing came from his splashing about, he pulled his arm out and stared at the tank some more. Maybe a bird or cat had gotten in. 
He turned to look at the window. It was cracked open a little. Did pigeons eat goldfish? Perhaps Khonshu had eaten it as some sort of petty revenge for nearly mucking up the golden scarab thing. 
Steven was going to be upset. Goldfish didn’t just disappear. 
He put his face in his hands and took a slow breath. “Okay. Okay okay okay. Hnnnnngh.” He grabbed his wallet and keys and trudged back out into the streets. 
The tank was occupied. 
Jake stared at the tank that was supposed to have been empty. 
When Khonshu had explained the mission, Jake had understood that this was going to be more than just a day or two. It had the potential to be far longer. Sure, he could have paid someone to come to the flat and take care of the fish, but then they would have seen the way Steven lived. Questions would be asked. 
He had packed up the little one-finded wonder and taken it to a friend’s house for safekeeping. Once they got home and Marc had taken his time to settle, Jake had gotten up to take care of the things Marc wouldn’t think of. 
He looked at the container in his hands. Yup. This was Gus. One fin and swimming sideways. So who the hell was that? He leaned in and stared into the tank closely. 
Did Steven get a new fish already? Did Marc? Steven was sure to notice that one of the fish had seemingly grown their fin back. 
“Hijo de puta.” He sighed and pulled out his phone to call up the friend again. He could feel Steven starting to stir and he didn’t have time to try and figure this out right now. They would just have to watch the fish a little longer. He really hoped Steven didn’t notice the extra fin until he could switch them out properly. 
“Hey, it’s me again… Still in the area?” He sighed and grabbed his keys as he headed back out with Gus. 
Jake muttered as he put both fish into the tank. He had managed to call up his friend when he had woken up in Egypt. He had stupidly believed that he could somehow figure it all out as if it all relied on the fish.
In the end, didn’t it? Steven would have believed it was all a dream if he hadn’t seen the stupid fish. 
So what was his plan now? He didn’t know. He didn’t care. He was upset. Between the Alps fiasco and then Cairo and Harrow, Jake was in a terrible mood. 
He watched the fish both swim around and for the most part ignore one another. 
“You stupid fish. You don’t even care do you! Moved around, switched in and out, taken from your own and put back and you don’t even notice! You don’t even notice this other guy! I could put ten in there and you wouldn’t notice or care! Too preoccupied with yourselves!” He tapped the tank then sat back and sighed in frustration. 
He hoped they noticed. He hoped Steven asked about it and Marc had to try to come up with some reason that let him live in denial. “What am I going to do now?” 
Marc and Steven were talking now. How was he supposed to handle that? Did he pop up and introduce himself? “What do you think, little fish? Do I give them time to figure things out or do I rush in and hope they welcome me too?” 
The fish floated to the top, looking for a meal. They bumped into one another a couple of times then floated away. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.” 
Jake sighed and glanced around the flat. The body was tired and he was tired. He had a lot to do but he would do it later. For now he would let Marc and Steven figure things out for themselves. But right now, he would sleep. 
Steven stared at the fish tank. 
Two fish. That was nice. Marc must have done it for them, though he wasn’t sure when Marc went out and did it since they got back from Cairo. He was happy to have fish again, though he was sad thinking about how the others must have died while they were away. 
“....Hey Marc?” Steven leaned in and stared at the fish closer. “Marc!” 
“Steven, what?” Marc was still tired, but he was coming around. 
“Maybe I’m thinking too much into this…” 
“Usually. What is it?” Marc yawned and groggily started to take status of the situation around them. 
“That fish has one fin.” He pointed, thunking his finger into the side of the tank. 
“It does?” Marc frowned. 
“....IS THAT GUS?!” 
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j0kers-light · 7 months
I'm working on a special ask rn but after I'm done, what's next? In between working on the next chapter of course lol 🤭
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goodboydylan · 1 year
I was bad again. I cummed. I couldn't resist. Good boys don't cum, but I did. I was a bad boy. I need to be punished. Help me become a good boy by punishing me.
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maxstats · 2 days
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THESE THREE NIGHTS PASS LIKE A BAD DREAM THAT RIN WISHES TO WAKE UP FROM. he finds himself much like the man before him, chained to the idea of ensuring he was okay. rin doesn't know what charmed him into thinking this was a good idea, but maybe it was the ferocity of shidou himself. countless texts were seen underneath his observant gaze to understand the way the illness plagued everyone along with the mutations that selected people. they gifted people with cheating death & the strength of beasts, the person before him is the later.
his cold gaze's only focus is the naked sun-kissed man before him, stripped to the core of his humanity for the three nights & rin an anchor to his transformations. they had gotten used to this habit & while at first he was nothing but an ice pack, he no longer finds himself to be too icy to the other. fingers instead run through blonde locks, pulling him towards him, & letting the other rest on his lap. ❛ ryusei, i have you. you made it. ❜ his voice is nothing but the softness of a lullaby. truth be told, rin has a magnifying glass to the horrible parts of shidou, but it didn't deter him. to most, shidou seemed more a pet, more animal than human, but he saw shidou as himself.
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he drapes the blanket over his companion before pressing his lips against the other man's forehead. rin aches for shidou, as he was away from the curse of the moon. he decides to take advantage now considering it'd been too long. ❛ shall we go home ? let me know when you're ready. i'll always take care of you. ❜
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@nissho-ku / shidou gets vampire ! rin
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shorukarts · 9 months
I'm doing a small Q&A on Instagram
One asked if I ever did a genderbent version of frans
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randomnerd737 · 3 months
crying Logan for the soul
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schmem14 · 1 year
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​Pairing: Fleur Delacour/Nymphadora Tonks Rating: G WC: 50
POP!  Fizzzzzzzzzzz.  A joyful sound for you.  A hateful one for me.  The diamond on your finger is nothing but rainbow barbs of refracted light. They rip through my selfish heart. I have my wolf and you have yours.  Now we’ll never be.  I wanted more than I could have. 
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Saki: Don’t preach to me about romance, Honami. I had a three-way in a hot-air balloon.
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thecoffeelorian · 8 months
Well hell-O, Miss Moonbeams--
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All you Elmax shippers, have you ever happened to consider a Tangled AU with El as Rapunzel, Max as Flynn and Brenner as Gothel?
UPDATE: I wrote it
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tink-wondering · 2 years
For @drarrymicrofic's August 23 prompt: Dancing With a Stranger 
The masks hides most of his face, but the piercing of his grey eyes still strikes Harry with their intensity.
“Would you care for a dance?” Harry bows low, arm extended, palm up.
When Harry dares look up, the man is smirking. A lifetime later, he gracefully nods his head.
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