sayruq · 4 months
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Boost please and donate if you can
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melonbite · 1 year
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drew fanart for one of my favourite bktd fics: heaven can wait by bluemoonrabbit.
even if you’ve never watched/read nge, go check it out (and then be so delighted by the fic, you go watch nge. like me!)
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andruillus · 2 months
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healthy and rosy meg and 'came back wrong' meg. it's been a while since i've done some re-animator fanart but i still love my number one girl
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did you guys hear about the awesome new thing called women
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eliasdrid · 11 months
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quick Dante sketch page I did as cool down before I go rest my eyes for a while
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santeria · 11 months
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asalesbian · 7 months
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- Mabel, episode 45
for @lottienatdays day 3: lyrics/quotes you associate with lottienat
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
I split into the system
I realise I’m an introject of Achilles, gay blonde guy from the Iliad.
I go about my life as a system member now.
One day, I’m in the front and I reach down to adjust my shoe.
I notice a scar… on our heel… right where I was shot in myth.
Oh the irony.
I ask the host “hey, how did we get that scar?”
They reply: “a metal razer scooter hit us in the ankle”
Sudden realisation: the ‘Achilles would have gotten his shit rocked by a razer scooter’ meme is true.
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry.
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asksam · 2 months
Did I use mine and Brett's bruises to make a makeup cover up tutorial video for TikTok? Yes, yes, I did. I've done some before for when I cover up my tattoos and uh, hickies, but I felt like I should do one for this kind of thing too. I think once I'm healed up for good though, I'll make the opposite on how to look bruised for cosplay reasons.
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i-eat-worlds · 3 months
okay worlds i need your medical knowledge again.
i have a character in an apocalypse setting with no professional surgeons or doctors or hospitals in reach. they have a burn from below the left hip to the ankle, covering almost the whole leg. they have access to pharmacies, medicines and bandages, as well as five other people to care for them. i'd like the burn to be third degree, but I also need them to survive.
what is the worst degree of burn I can give them? is a skin graft possible for someone with limited medical knowledge to perform? what are the treatments, how long would it take them to get out of critical condition, and how would I ensure they survive without a professional doctor?
burn traits right now are flexible. if I can't burn their whole leg that's okay lol
thank you worlds I appreciate you <3
- @whump-kia
Thanks for the ask Kia!
disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, I’m just a nerd. Take all of this with a grain of salt. Or several.
Okay, so the severity of burns is determined by a two factors: How much skin in burned (measured by the percentage total body surface area burned. You’ll see it abbreviated as TBSA) and how deep those burns are (first degree or superficial, second degree or partial thickness, or third degree or full thickness).
The burn you’ve described (in my unprofessional opinion) would be about 18-15 % TBSA. Keep in mind that the burns wouldn’t be only third degree, their edges would be second degree, and it would sorta “fade in.”
It’s also important to take into account which areas were burned. Burns to the face, hands, genitalia, or major joints are more severe. Your injury includes a knee, which is another area of concern.
Other important things:
For a variety of reasons, burns consume a lot to fluids. Your character is at risk for dehydration and hypovolemia. In non-apocalyptic environments, they’ve be given copious amounts of IV fluids to replace what they’ve lost. This is primarily a concern in the first 24 hrs.
Hypothermia is also a concern. One of the skin’s big jobs it to insulate the body. If a large surface area has been damaged, your character will start to loose heat. They make things called “burn sheets” to help with this. They’re sterile and are designed to insulate and not stick to burns. If your character has access to a pharmacy they might have some of these.
Cytokines are a proteins that affect the immune system. They’re released when the body experiences a significant injury, like a burn. Sometimes, too many are released, causing a condition called cytokine storm. This results in feelings of fatigue and nausea, a fever, and a drop in blood pressure. This is seen around 48-72 hours after injury.
Eschar is a hardened tissue that can develop with severe burns. If the burn encircles a limb, the eschar can put pressure on the limb, cut off blood flow, and cause compartment syndrome. This doesn’t always happen-the skin can also slough off. This is sometimes called “skin slip.” I would not google photos of this unless you are brave. Infection is another big issue. Infected burns will be purulent, smell awful, and be extra painful. Burns are prone to tetanus, so I hope your characters booster it up to date. Infection can eventually lead to sepsis.
In the environment you’re in, treatment is going to consist of having your character drink lots of fluids, keeping the burn covered in clean, sterile dressings, and providing pain medication if available.
Their mobility is going to be limited, and they’re going to need help to meet a lot of their basic needs: toileting, nutrition, etc.
Without access to a hospital, there’s not a whole lot that can be done. You mentioned skin grafting, and that’s basically a hard no. It’s extremely painful, creates another open wound, and carries a high risk of infection. A surgeon doing a skin graft in this situation is unadvisable, a non-surgeon attempting this procedure is highly unadvisable. It’s best to keep them warm, hydrated, and comfortable, and keep the burns clean and covered.
If you want a better, more probable good outcome, I would change a couple of things. First of all, I would reduce the amount of surface area the burn takes up. Having the burns of just on the thigh and the calf would remove the knee from the equation and make the injury less severe. Furthermore, I’d make most of the burns second degree. You can have some smaller areas of full thickness burns, but second degrees will heal quicker, and, because they leave nerve endings intact, they’ll hurt more! More superficial 2nd degree burns should heal in one-three weeks, and deeper 2nd degree burn might take as many as nine weeks. If the burn takes longer than two weeks to heal, it will likely scar.
Hope this was helpful!
Blood on the Page by Samantha Keel (cannot recommend this book enough)
StatPearls: Burn Evaluation and Management
StatPearls: Burn Evaluation and Resuscitation
Cleveland Clinic: Second Degree Burns
Cleveland Clinic: Third Degree Burns
Physiopedia: Burn Shock
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pyr0graves · 3 months
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WOOO i made a reference for my poppy playtime oc or wahtever they don't know the horrors that will come from this adventure <3 and then BOOM TRAIN CRASH, BRUISES, BROKEN RIBS, WEEEE
I will draw them talking with the rest of the cast eventually <3
also bonus doodle from a conversation with a friend of mine
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lifesver · 4 days
i wanna do a little scar map on leland sometime. i’ve given him every disease. just neat to think about which fam member gave him which ones. the ones that hold the most emotional impact for him etc.
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kateclaire · 6 months
oh wait i can finally share this important realisation i had while watching the 'you guys got any milk?' scene 20 times for fanart scenery purposes:
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ben had a spoon the whole time.
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i cannot stress this enough: these are three completely separate bites of cereal. he does not use the spoon once.
[screencaps from my friend lostscreencaps.weebly.com]
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 months
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R.I.P Chilchuck. 🙏
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I dunno I think he can walk that off.
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solarisgod · 10 months
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micah stands between reality and unreality, their expression blank and eyes void of light as there is a figure before them. white noises fill in heavy air with its soft muffled sounds — they try to listen more, break through the deep numbness that is drowning them whole — "you're bleeding —" their memories are in distortion, meaningless. they can't remember how they reached here. everything feels so far away. nothing makes sense. everywhere burns and burns and b — slowly, carefully, they touch their hips, palms bearing blood that is real and fake all at sickening once. you're bleeding — i'm dying —
"i'm okay."
a voice falls firm and sharper gaze lifts — phoebus stares at charlie, their grip against the wound tighten to keep the blood from leaving their sore body. "do you - do you have a medical kit around here ??" visions blur, they don't realize they're shaking, coldness embracing them entirely. phoebus steps into charlie's home, trying not to fall, despite the heavy weight present on their existence. they shouldn't be here to protect @goodheartt, but, micah — "just ... give me some time and space, and my hips will be f- fine all patched up." more blood takes over their skin, the floor, then all around them —
phoebus closes their eyes.
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echosdevil · 1 year
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1x05 | Ronin
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