weky-woof · 7 months
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Autumn on PNF-404 brings the cold with it and the Pikmin spend more time inside their leader's strange onions... Louie shares meals with them on the occasion!
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vsemily · 1 year
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What followed you home
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dappersautismcreature · 7 months
gonna be honest, still a little annoyed if cellbit continues to think everything is blue's fault like.
the red teams victim complex IS pure rp but its annoyingggggg, least fav type of like, character conflict.
like blue TRIED ok, they tried their best, bad cares about forever and bagi and etoiles SO MUCH dude. this wasnt him bloodthisty, this wasnt him happy. this was one of the hardest choices he had to make.
i still think people misinterpret qbad as one dimensional evil. hes fuckin not. here, ill say it, bad is probably the most spread thin with love for ALL the eggs. literally some of his most loved companions. he is just one guy, one demon.
maybe he made mistakes but he was NEVER out to kill roier, or to get revenge on red or green today.
it was just a hard choice
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tallsc · 1 year
Cold Thoughts Ch 13 (Finale)
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Well, here we are! The finale of Cold Thoughts. Yeah it's very long, but I didn't wanna split this up into more chapters, that seemed wrong.
I am planning on doing a description segment soon on what the void is in more detail, how ghosts work, and what the effects of Cold Thoughts is on the rest of the Aftermath AU. But that won't really be in comic form or be much of a story, so this is the end of this comic. I'll link that here when it's done.
Edit: Explanation completed
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anghraine · 1 year
I understand why people often say things along the lines of "academic folk who admire Tolkien do so for his ideas/themes and work with setting and ambition, not for the style or quality of his prose." But also ... lmao, speak for yourself. LOTR would be 1000x poorer without Tolkien's personal prose style as well as the (frequently complex) interplay between the language and style of epic poetry and emphatically novelistic prose.
I think Tolkien is (at least in English) a better prose writer than a poet, but his prose is also very poetic when it's not deliberately anti-poetic. A lot of the language just seems very beautiful and effective to me in a way that doesn't diminish verisimilitude or immersion or the ultimate purpose of the novel, and IMO that's something very few people are good at.
He's not alone in it by any means. But there's a committed, unembarrassed richness to his default style that I just don't encounter that often in English of that kind, and which I think is very impressive. It doesn't always work, but I think it usually does, and both can illuminate character in really intriguing ways (take a look at which characters can shift between these registers and which mostly don't or can't—it's interesting!) and can just linger with you as powerful, effective language.
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poelya · 1 month
Just wanted to say your Poe rant was so good and do true, Nym!! 👌
I regularly get frustrated with just how much Poe's feelings are dismissed, overlooked, or just plain ignored throughout the sequels. Yes, Finn and Rey are still good friends, but Poe needs certain things (things everyone has the right to) that he's just not getting. He's always looking out for everyone else, more often than not throwing his own needs under the bus for them, but i just don't see anyone doing that for HIM. I remember that one quote about Poe being everyone's best friend, but it made me sad because not everyone is HIS best friend back. Poe needs those reassurances, he needs that approval, he needs that genuine appreciation for how much he works his ass off, or even just for being himself. Poe just seems to be held to an unfairly high standard by most people, and no one seems to notice how damaging that is.
Ough, that Charles Soule quote was floating around in my head yesterday when I was talking to @dameronalone about it, but I ultimately forgot to bring it up there OR in my analysis so thank you for bringing it up! I think the fact that Poe does come across as everyone's best friend might have a lil bit of a handshake meme with the way he's so eminently ride or die for people just from the bare minimum — and certainly I don't think he's close to everyone he's friendly with, but I think there's a level of something there.
But you're absolutely right on all accounts! It can be kind of frustrating to watch, because so much of his emotional needs are neglected or outright dismissed — and that's not even counting what you just said, about impossible standards. More ranting, and lots of subjectivity below the cut.
This is not a "I'm ignoring the nuance" of these situations kind of post, and I'd like to say outright I do try my best to understand where every character is coming from in an objective way, etc, bc I'm like a lil scientist sticking them under microscopes.
That being said this is about Poe, about his feelings, and he's the actual light of my life so there do be a very narrow view of things ahead bc I'm focusing on *him*. Okay? Okay. Now that that's out of the way.
My heart just honestly breaks for Poe constantly, considering....how little anyone seems to take his feelings into consideration? Although I certainly believe that he likely kept some degree of his captivity a secret....I honestly can't imagine what would have gone through his head if Poe knew that Leia still thought her son could be saved after torturing him - hell, even brought back to their base, mere hours probably after Poe told Tas he never wanted to talk about Ren again until the day he was behind bars.
And I think the biggest "Poe is held to impossible standards he can't reach" moment for me, is in tlj during his first conversation with Holdo. She makes a jab at him for the dreadnought run, reminding him of the people he just lost under his command. Which, sure, impulsivity and disobeying orders is a good reason to remind someone that you don't trust them.
The only reason your ass is alive to say these things, is because he went through with that plan. Had the Dreadnought still been around, the Resistance would have been obliterated in nothing flat. They would have all been dead.
The (admittedly delayed) accomplishment of saving the fleet, is entirely dismissed. This is on the grander scale, but we see this again in tros.
Poe has grown, obviously, since tfa and tlj. Gone are the days where Leia is pinching the bridge of her nose and telling him to put some battles back that's too many. Instead of recklessly running back into the village against hopeless odds and damning his mission, or recklessly pursuing a battle with likewise poor odds and having a similarly high cost, Poe now hauls fucking ass in the most reckless fashion imaginable from a fight. Come hell or fucking high water, he's getting out of this fight like he's been told repeatedly he needs to, to save as many people as possible.
And the accomplishment of saving their lives over drastic odds, completing his mission, is almost immediately dismissed. His out of the box thinking is also derided - sure, everyone survived, but the ship that can clearly be fixed a billion times over got trashed so!! That's still not enough.
And it comes up again and again I think in tros in little ways also - getting teased for his past with Zorii, the most. [gestures vaguely] the 4D Chess argument that he and Finn have where they're talking about the Force Sensitivity but not really but they ARE its just accidentally cutting to the heart of Poe's insecurities and whoops he tried throwing that in Finn's face and WHOOPS that backfired fr....
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tfw when you're playing 4D chess so your friend can safely come out as force sensitive during an argument but then you try throwing the fact that you're not force sensitive back at him and in doing so accidentally get right to the heart of your insecurities of not being enough and him, still on the subject of force sensitivity, unintentionally affirms this!!
[head in my hands] sometimes these three exhaust me, they really do. I love them but ongod you guys need to work on your communication.
And I think what's ultimately so tragic about the fact that Poe's feelings and needs often fall to the wayside, is that the moments where we DO get people praising Poe or being truly affectionate about him....Poe misses it.
I can't specifically think of an example for Rey or Finn in the movies off the top of my head, but it happens with Leia. It happens with Leia consistently in tlj.
Obviously, there's the fact that he's unconscious during the "he's a troublemaker. I like him" "me too", but Poe also misses a little bit of her fond smile at him aboard the transport by looking back towards the Raddus, and then again on Crait, he turns around before he can truly see Leia's proud mama look during the "follow me" scene.
Like truly is it any wonder he immediately crumbled the second he was no longer leading WITH Leia? He was already being made to feel like nothing he did was good enough as her second in command - of course he freezes up at the thought of being the ONLY one in charge, and needs someone to help carry the load with him. So much rides on poe's shoulders, and no one gives him the grace he needs.
And when those reassurances he's craving, the praise he needs, finally do come to light - he's already looking to the next problem, and misses it entirely.
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catboyattorney · 9 months
achievement unlocked: responsible for fandom discourse (i wrote the IP theyre arguing about)
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a-driftamongopenstars · 10 months
words with(out) meaning; astarion x oc
slowly making it through bg3, just had the first night between Astarion and my oc Gleam and i am asdfgh ough. OUGH. this is everything!! also on ao3
The sound of song and lute and dance withers as the night moves on. Conversations soften and disappear, too, and it is then that Gleam finds a quiet way into the nearby grove, knowing Astarion awaits him there.
They did not imagine their night would end this way, and yet they cannot help but savour the success of it, savour Astarion's kisses on their lips, his eyelashes fluttering as Gleam's fingers draw down his chest. 
“I am glad you made good on your promise. Trust me, my love, you shall not regret a bit of it.”
Sharp tangy wine courses through their veins, burning the tip of their tongue, coating their vision with a gentle hazy reprieve. Astarion’s words slyly make it into their mind, his flirtations beguile them. Lust is pulling, tugging at them inside, burning up, and they want to be the ashes of the aftermath, but not too soon nor too quickly. 
"Pleasure. Our ecstasy." 
The words like a catalyst, their bodies together, Gleam’s hands exploring the newly offered confidence of Astarion's body. The lean muscle, the scarred back, the curve of a neck, all that is below, offered willingly. 
Even in the haze of a deep night, against the moonlight, Astarion looks celestial, yet no creature could be further from that. His eyes are wanton, his mouth is wanting, his weight atop Gleam is promising, and they move their neck in an offering, waiting impatiently for that familiar break of skin and draw of blood. 
Astarion's eyes search their face, and something brings pause to their delight. 
"Why do you look at me so, my dear?" 
"How so?" they smile, brushing knuckles against Astarion’s face.
"Like you wish to see no one else but me. Which, by the by, is not at all unwelcome, but it is a little surprising." 
Gleam laughs, drawing their sharp claws down Astarion's thigh, causing him to rut and shiver for a bare moment. 
"Maybe that's exactly it. Don't care to see anyone else right now." 
Astarion's eyes flicker, his smile withers but for a second. 
"I would certainly hope so, seeing as I have us both in a rather precarious position, quite literally." 
Gleam smiles and reaches out to pluck a dry leaf from Astarion's hair, stealing another touch against his cheek. 
Why does it feel so much more sacred and vulnerable than having his entire body? 
Hesitation, questions fill Astarion's eyes. His brows furrow, yet he does not flinch away. Gleam brings him down on themselves, kissing Astarion, sweet and deep. 
And then they are together. Unrestrained, giving and taking. The grove protects the sounds they intend for each other, the rustle of leaves softens them as they move. Gleam’s eyes close when his neck is fed upon, a sensation that always leaves them wanting more, and more they receive.
Astarion, lost in that very ecstasy he has been craving for, his mouth still reddened by sweet blood, moves to find release. He looks feral, but for someone so unrestrained, his eyes are distant and Gleam cannot help but notice that Astarion is very aware in his love making, too. 
It makes them wonder how many layers they must peel away before Astarion willingly opens his heart to them, heart and soul. And even now it spills through his movements, the real one, that which craves intimacy and love and all of it without taking something in return.
Gleam draws him closer, both arms locking Astarion in their embrace. Encouraging, soothing, whispering in his ear all the sweet nonsense that they feel in their heart, but are too scared to make it real, lest the creature in their arms runs away. 
And ecstasy locks them together entirely, forehead against forehead, Gleam's hand holding Astarion's nape and soothing him. Loving him, as terrified as they might be to admit those words. 
"My love…" Astarion moans, fingers curling into their hair. 
My love, Gleam thinks back, ready to give these words a meaning beyond pleasure. Astarion needs only take it. 
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jennycalendar · 1 year
Do you think calendiles would feel insecure about their age gap?
if it's jenny: absolutely not. at all. jenny has never felt insecure about anything in her life, ever, and she's fine about this. not once has she looked at any woman closer to rupert's age and constructed an elaborate scenario where he realizes she's a midlife crisis moment and leaves her to date someone who is much more comfortable with the idea of settling down. she is fine she's great :) (um. probably do not ask her that question it will Start Something but she's doing her best! and she gets better at it with time.)
if it's giles: WILDLY dependent on the situation, where he is, who he's with! i think he would have brief moments of insecurity around jenny's friends and technopagan colleagues, but overall he surrendered control of this relationship to jenny at the beginning & he already lowkey feels like she's going to leave him when she figures out he's not her type, so the "too old for her" thing sorta just gets shuffled in with the "too boring for her" and the "too watcher-y for her" and the "she's in mortal peril all the time when she's with me." he has a lot of things to worry about.
worth noting though that neither of them give a single solitary fuck re: how they or their age difference is perceived by other people. could not possibly care less. giles sorts the world into People He Knows and People He Doesn't Know, and if you're in the second category your opinion does not mean shit. jenny will stab anyone who disagrees with her OR thinks that she could do better than her perfect angel princess librarian.
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florenceisfalling · 10 months
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and ofc one for the iconic @familyof6art :3
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snaplight-anxiety · 1 year
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not that im obsessed with this scene or anything haha.aha..ha.
(alternate backgrounds under the cut bc i cannot make decisions!!)
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vsemily · 10 months
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we are SO back
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
!!!! Obi and Shisui 👀 assassin brothers
And Shirayuki Mom-ing on him so hard
I cannot tell you how many times I've pictured this, the main issue being that when I read AnS fics I'm 100% there for Obiyuki to kiss and marry lmaoooo but this is such a cute idea! Omg wait
Obi was alone for a long time, right? What if blind (chakra-less? Idk) shisui helped him in a rough patch and then basically adopted him as his baby bro? Obi is different enough from both Itachi and Sasuke not to trigger Shisui or come across as a replacement...
Omg and then Obi takes the job to scare Shirayuki away and comes back like 👁️👄👁️ um so i uh have a fucking job now and i might love the target
Omg no this has such potential, majority world building and fluff wise (I wish we got more cultural identity/differences between Tanbarun Shirayuki and the rest of the Clarines cast)
Oh no my heart 🥺✨
Edit: if this is ObiYuki, what if Zen gets a big ol' crush on Obi's hot older brother omg noooooo 👀👀👀
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eggbagelz · 1 year
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Wretched puppet i made for an art project when i was 15
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catella-ars · 1 year
The long-awaited sequel to https://catella-ars.tumblr.com/post/653644406544629760/ama-ask-madrugad-anything-madrugad-is-a
Script here https://catella-ars.tumblr.com/post/703912887238934528/seated-comfortably-alright-then-ask-your
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boyfeminism · 2 years
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okay also bread earrings for work (:
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