#Imperium 3: Prologue
Character Introductions and How to Fuck Them Up
In Rogue Trader, one of the earliest party members you meet and recruit is an unsanctioned psyker by the name of Idira, a retainer and servant to Lady Theodora von Valancius. In 40k, unsanctioned psykers are those who have not been given the literal and metaphorical seal of approval for their training by the Imperium and its bureaucracy, and as such are hunted down on sight by the Inquisition to prevent their latent arcane abilities from manifesting daemons and other monsters from the warp through negligence or intentional summoning. She's introduced practically within the first cutscene of the game as a devoted, if eccentric, member of Lady Theodora's retinue, and Idira owes the woman her life in more ways than one. She makes no show of hiding that she's a powerful psyker due to the immunity afforded by her liege's writ, and you see this expressed both in her gameplay and dialogue options; the woman's psyker abilities physically bend and break the fabric of reality around her, and if used too much in too short a timespan in combat can cause daemons to spawn out of nowhere as the wall between the material world and the warp grows thin to the point of being utterly bypassed by them, and in conversations she regularly advocates for a pragmatic yet heretical approach to dillemas and emergencies. She's with you all the way through the opening act and serves as your main psyker for the first half of it.
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The woman takes Lady Theodora's death especially hard due to the history the two of them have, and following the conclusion of the prologue rumors begin to abound that Lady Theodora's ghost has begun appearing to crew members aboard the vessel. Given the nature of 40k as a setting, it's entirely possible her spirit is appearing, which while sweet presents an existential threat to the health and integrity of the crew due to the possibility of it being corrupted by the malevolent nature of the warp. During this time, Idira begins complaining of nightmares and visions of Lady Theodora beckoning to her, with others writing these appearances off as survivor's guilt from her unable to save her friend and master.
After a certain length of time and enough trips through the warp, a disastrous daemonic incursion appears on one of the main decks for your vessel, accompanied by reports of Idira in the midst of it. As your party arrives, you find the crew mutated and possessed by these malicious spirits as daemons feast upon those they could not turn, the twisted image of Lady Theodora mocking her once-servants and deriding you for your failure to lead them effectively. At the end of the encounter you find Idira having an absolute mental breakdown, her psyker abilities out of control as she grieves the loss of her friend. As soon as she spots you she confesses that she sought out the ghost intentionally, hoping that some way, some how, she might be able to give the woman peace, pleading for your assistance and forgiveness for her grievous mistake, all while the perverted form of her former charge demands you face her.
There, you are given a choice: shoot Idira yourself, have one of your party members shoot her, side with Idira and banish her from your ship right after, or side with Idira and work to save her.
In all of the above cases you as the player have genuine freedom for roleplay and agency within the story. Even prior to this point you at any time can expel her from your retinue, even sending her off for execution via the Inquisition once you pick up a certain character if you so please. You spend more time with Idira, see the pros and cons of her abilities for yourself, and are only put into a situation where she could plausibly end your life once you're familiar with the stakes of her condition and temperment.
Contrast this with Baldur's Gate 3's Astarion, who's introduction consists of him deceiving you and putting a knife to your neck to figure out what's going on, outright threatening to kill you himself if you don't comply. While this does establish him as a cutthroat - literally - it also immediately gives reason for not wanting any association with him from the in-world, PC perspective. One could argue the desperation of having a ilithid tadpole in your skull gives way to odd bedfellows, but with how the game immediately undercuts that possibility by asserting that those the party has are somehow different (and then immediately undercutting that undercutting, but that's a separate issue) there is genuinely little motive for a reasonable person to want to even be around him, let alone have him in their party.
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Moreover, the actual "reveal" of him as a vampire is incredibly mishandled. By his own admission he feeds off of animals where he can, and while we can see evidence of this in the overworld of the game, but this does not suffice for his full strength. So, instead of targeting a random civilian or a downed enemy - the latter of which we have many of in Act I - he goes right for the person that already suspects and has reason to distrust him. Not only does this reinforce the above issue of "Why should my PC keep this guy around in-world?" it also comes off like he's a blathering idiot with no conception of self-preservation or ability to recognize when it would be a bad idea to try and feed off of someone who is aware he's prone to sneaky shit. If he went after an enemy, and we walked in on him feeding midway through, there's some more grounds for plausible deniability, those that can be surpassed with an Insight check, but also presents a moral dilemma to the PC: is it acceptable for an allied vampire to feed off of those who tried to attack you? Given the clear and present discomfort shown by the PC when Astarion feeds off of them it's clear the process is neither pleasant nor easy to shrug off, so that then places the burden of deciding where the line is on the PC. There your options could be stake him, allow him to feed off of enemies, allow him to feed off of enemies and strangers, or banish him outright. There's nuance and legitimate grounds for debate as opposed to the "do you consent to getting your blood sucked by a stranger who threatened to murder you at your first meeting" the game runs with.
I bring Idira up in this discussion because she, in essence, presents the same issue Astarion does, but handled in a far better way. Both possess a condition that makes them a clear and present threat to the player and the people around them. Both are immediately established as rule breakers. Both can and do put the party in peril because of their innate characteristics, albeit through different circumstances. Both then present the player with the option to kill them, banish them, or help them, but one is done in a far more interesting way than the other.
Bear in mind this is not an assessment of their overall character arcs, just how they are initially presented and the way their conflict is set up with the PC.
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mjjune · 1 year
10 Songs 10 People
Thanks for the tag @macabremoons !
Rules: put a wip/character/etc. playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. describe how they relate to your WIPs or worldbuilding.
So I shuffled two playlists, first 5 are from my generic twtr playlist, and last 5 are from my generic avof playlist <3
Human by Of Monsters & Men – i use this to symbolize the part in twtr where the woodsman and the wolf meet for the first time. re: the woodsman realized the wolf is not a beast, but sentient and ancient, and wants something more than just food.
Liar by The Arcadian Wild – i consider this to be the woodsman's theme song! it describes a "lying man" hiding in plain sight, having manipulated and convinced everyone around him he's something he's not. this is a huge part of the woodsman's arc in my story.
The Culling by Chelsea Wolf – a very dark song that's used in my ~torture~ part of the playlist. can't really give you more info without spoilers lmao
In the Woods Somewhere by Hozier – i have this in the playlist essentially standing in for the prologue. pretty self-explanatory.
Throne by Saint Mesa – a badass song for the buildup to the climax, when shit hits the fan and they literally face off against the throne >:3
Rage and Romance by Bressie – pretty self-explanatory i think lol, a standard enemies to lovers song for danny and helio.
SING by My Chemical Romance – a protest/rebellion song that i sort of see as a general song capturing the vibes of lara and her arc.
Apocalíptico by Residente – the only some i've ever found that is spanish and chinese language combined! so i couldn't resist putting it on here for danny/helio being asian/hispanic <3 also it's literally describing an apocalypse, so appropriate.
Oblivion by Royal Blood – another song related to lara, and how she's entwined with a prophecy of, well, oblivion lmao
在 by hue – one of my fav songs of all time, and one i relate a lot of danny. it's a song very much about just... wanting to simply exist and have connection.
tagging 10 people: @jamieanovels @moondust-bard @isabellebissonrouthier @kayedium-writes @regalserpent @sentfromwolves @verba-writing @vsnotresponding @writingforevren @mjparkerwriting and anyone who sees this that wants to!
below are my taglists for avof and twtr! since i figured you'd be curious about the playlists <3
COMBINED TAGLISTS: (ask or comment below to be +/-) @aritany @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @ceph-the-ghost-writer @cljordan-imperium @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire @flowerprose @frenchywrites @garthcelyn @ghafasinej @jezifster @knosium @lexiklecksiks @little-mouse-gardens @mr-writes @thyroidhormones @vacantgodling @wildswrites @wip-nook @aether-wasteland-s @annetilney @dogmomwrites @forthesanityofstorytellers @helioscenic @perasperaadastrawriting @phantomnations @verba-writing @vsnotresponding
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moon-blanket · 3 months
My world is forever changed by the Cataclysm. Here is my descent to madness.
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There's So Much More in my notes app, but that would make this post MILES long. So i've condensed it to the highlights :3
It's That Time of Year Again
Reminds me of the Prologue of the first Vaxis album from Coheed and Cambria for absolutely no reason at all. This is probably something only I will understand. And this is okay.
Light the Match
I just realized that Asher has taken over David's low, rumbly voice :((
Milo's "who you callin' a runt" had me on my knees. And Asher whispering to him afterward YEAAAAAAAH.
Alexis "shared a bed" with Quinn for FORTY YEARS ??? LMAO ??? The way Vincent drags Alexis's name through the mud is a little hilarious though, so bold.
One Misery for Another
I cannot get over how drastically different Imp!Lasko is from Prime Lasko. It's an entirely different person. I'm into it though.
Lasko wanting to continue their conversation when the "normal business hours" are over is a little unnerving !! That's a little icky sire !!
He sounds so relieved to see them. I'm going to go Nuts.
Him hating that Freelancer has to put up with so much just to be able to See Him, and them saying that it's all worth it :(( He sounds so SAD. He just wants them SAFE :(((
Holy shit the Demons are gonna take over the Academy. Just the idea of all of the Demon Boys knowing each other makes me giggle though :3
Vin doesn't want Freelancer in any more danger than they already are just to help them in their cause :(( and he Knows that they would do it in a heartbeat regardless :((
ooough my freaking GOD Vin reminding them that they don't owe any of them to do this, He's the one that owes his life to THEM :(( HE JUST WANTS THEM HAPPY AND AT PEACE, AND HE WANTS TO GIVE IT TO THEM SO BAD. WAAAAH.
God the acting in this video is SO GOOD ROOOOOAR.
Was Anton in this before he was introduced in the Prime Universe ? bc that's Cool if that's the case.
The Luxury of Morality
He already sounds like he's warmed up to Babe a significant amount. He sounds so soft. I'm shaking the bars of my cage about this.
Asher mentioning Avior is So weird to me. My worlds are colliding.
Once again he sounds So Much like David and that makes me So Sad.
"I'm already dead. We all are. I'd rather go out knowing I tried something. Anything." i'm tearing UP.
"You want to know so bad ? Sit." AAAAAH OKAY !!! OKAY !!!
Alexis killed the Keaton Pack all by herself ?? Oh my god ???
OUGUGHHhhash Asher saying that Babe gave him and his Pack something to fight for :(( A way for his anger to actually Mean someething. To make something Good of his life for once.
He's forever grateful to them WAAAH. OUCH DUDE. Okay yep he's my Imperium Favorite. We have a Winner !!!!
What You Deserve
Oh, it's Imperium Vega !!! he's actually very sweet, I see the appeal now. This is so nice.
OH we're picking Right Back Up with Freelancer and Lasko. This seems.... kind of normal right now. I feel Dread.
Asking about partners... saying "That body..." TO them... HEY. Leave them alone >:(
"You're with your own kind" is a CRAZY thing to say Lasko !!
VIN HAVING TO WATCH THEM DO ALL OF THIS ? OH MY GOD. VIN WANTING TO JUMP IN AND SAVE THEM I'M GOING CRAZY !!!! Hearing him this heated has me kicking my feet !!! and giggling !!
Dude i'm scared while Freelancer is doing this !!! the door rattling is frightening !!!
Lasko these pain sounds are So Interesting !!!
"Get your Pet to Safety" / "They are Not my Pet." / "You and I use different words for the Same sentiment. Get the "human that you care for" out of here"-- EATING THIS UP WITH A FORK AND KNIFE.
Worth Dying For
"Say hello to Scorpio !" / "It's Scorpius"-- this is so cute LMAO. WOOO !!!! HI GBA !!
Angel you are a Hero. Rest in Peace you will be So missed. I love you forever.
Milo is Such a good Beta. And a good Friend. He's so concerned for Asher :(((
Asher really is cookin' up a plan fr. I feel like it sounds good in theory, but i just Know that this shit is going to go south real quick.
Milo saying Asher's Full Name instead of "Ash" about all of this :(
Truth Will Out
Sam what the fuck are we doing outside of the academy right now sir !!
Now why do i think he's lying about really wanting to help out against the Imperium.
Starlight has officially earned their petname :')
After Avior pointed out how it never stops raining, I think i get why Gavin said that storms remind him of Aria in his one HBW audio.
"You're too gentle, Pet." yeah i'm going to go nuts about this.
The way Vega talks about them and the trust they put in him :((
Oooh Vega called in the Vampires. That's intriguing. General Vega sir yes sir o7.
Freelancer wants to run away with Vin and forget everything :(((
He wants to save the world specifically so Freelancer can live. What if I start crying again. Get them their little house in the woods NOW.
His little "but what if they fail ?" HURT. OUCH.
"Put your arms around my neck. Hold onto me. We're getting out of here." oh my god i'm INSANE. THE DELIVERY WAS PERFECT. The quiet reassured determination oh my god oh my god.
But it also !! Scares me !! What if he really IS what they need to save the world ! aahhah oh no !!
if i said i wanted more Sad Gavin would all of you be mad at me. Him professing his love in 500 little ways through tears Got Me. That was delicious. Can we have More of that please.
Tantum Tyrannus
This title goes So hard by the way. If google serves me right it means "Great Tyrant." I'm sure You All knew this already. But i did not.
Oh my god is this Sweetheart asking where Milo is. IT IS.
Sweetheart insisting they come save Milo too RAAAAH. They pulled the "I'm not letting my Mate die when i can Do something" card and it worked LETS GOOO.
NATE WEXLER IS HERE TOO ? No way this man is voiced by Erik. Man Damien said Fuck Global Warming.
ALEXIS VOICE !!! This was Groundbreaking when it released. I'm glad they got the same VA for the Summit. Hey girlypop. How are you.
SHE FELL FOR THE BAIT DUDE LETS GOOO. That seemed too easy. What !! IS MILO OKAY. PLEASE LET HIM BE OKAY. Milo you are my Hero do not die.
Asher throwing Alexis's head down in front of Vincent is ICONIC.
"Impressive bite." / "Want me to show you ?"-- Yeah i'm on my knees about this.
Last Wish
All of my notes this section have :((( on them LMAO. I was SAD.
Milo's little "hey" when Asher opens the door :((( he sounds so exhausted this whole video :((
We're back to Inversion magic worries oh no. Asher reassuring Milo that he's still family regardless, just like David did in the Prime. I need to stop crying PLEASE.
Asher admitting to Milo that he couldn't have done it alone. Milo telling him how important he is to the Pack :((((
Oh my fucking god the reason being that Ash doesn't need to be honored with the name, David and Darlin' do... and he's not ready to give up David's name yet :(( OUCH.
WHEN HE SAYS DAVID WAS HIS MATE HIS CORE STAYS DARK :((( So the Shaw Pack is a way of keeping that feeling alive in a more Human Way.
"I love you, Ash. Please come home." STOP MAKING ME CRY.
Asher saying "Take care of each other, okay ?" to Sweetheart and Milo. you know the way he meant it. I'm going to YELL.
Vega reminding Avior that he is needed to lead, but the strike is happening now-- so Vega will do it. Scary !!
Despite their arguing, Vega refuses to fight Avior because he respects him. That's nice.
VEGA CAN SEND PEOPLE BACK TO ARIA ?? HE CAN RIFT ?? You know. This makes sense giving that we know that Vega is as old as he is now.
Okay. Well. Goodbye Avior and Starlight ! I was about to wonder if they get stuck in Hell again, but immediately got my question answered LMAO.
The mentioned tears and voids, like in Prime. Are those holes in the Meridian ?? They have to be right. That's why Project Meridian exists. Wires in my brain are connecting now. I understand.
This Meridian is loud as FUCK.
"Child of Land. You are needed." RETURN !!! LETS GOOOO !!!
Asher hitting the door... kinda got to me !! that was a little hot !! I kicked my feet about it a little bit !!
BRACHIUM ????? What the hell are you doing here loca !!!
Finale | All Cruel Things
Vega is scary !! But the words he is saying are poetic as fuck !!
OOoh Brachium being the First exiled Demon. How interesting.
Asher talking about how there's No One Waiting for him. That there is no "Other Side" to get to. David isn't waiting for him somewhere :((( Everything he ever cares for keeps Dying. And are Gone. :(((
I am just sitting in awe at this whole interaction. I am Mystified.
Sam's evil laugh !! Hello sir !! Is this Sam and Vincent talking. Do you think they're besties :3
This whole conversation between him and Damien is. yummy.
E'LAETUM AND MIN'ARA !!! Hi guys !! Or you !!
"Let us speak through you" oh my GOD ? They got Blake'd. They stopped Vega's rift !!! I'm sure that's what happened in Prime too.
"Bring us a Sovereign" Do you think this is the solution in Prime also... do you think this is what Hush is for. Lots of things to think about this.
Once again this Meridian is loud as FUCK !!! OUCH !! i'm just trying to hear everyone Talk dude. Please be so nice to me.
ECHO ???
Sam turned Damien ... . . .. oh my god. HE MAKES HIM LICK HIS BOOT ?? CALLS HIM A BITCH ??? WHAT IS HAPPENING LMAO. Thinking lots of things right now. Lots and lots and lots of things.
SAM CROWNING HIMSELF KING ??? Okay that's kinda a slay. I see the intentions he had on wanting to help Vega.
This place is about to go fucking Crazy with all the Vampires. Asher and Avior you gotta get your people OUTTA HERE.
ECHO AGAIN ??? Ooough it's the ending !! Honestly what an amazing ending. What a great cliffhanger, even though it's not a cliffhanger at all-- it's an end. Ending two worlds just to save the divider. They did in fact Trade One Misery for Another, oh the cruel irony.
Surely this won't happen in the Prime right ? haha. . ..
THERE'S MORE ??? A POST CREDITS SCENE ?? I wonder how far into the future this is. Probably not too terribly far.
SAM GOT HUXLEY AS DAMIEN'S MEAL ??? OH MY GOD ??? Doomed Romance....
Final Thoughts: This was AMAZING !!!! Why did I avoid this for so long. How could you all keep this from me. Asher, Milo, and Vindemiator are my babygirls. I could literally think Forever about the Imperium Wolf Pack, and I hope Vin and Freelancer are able to keep their peace somewhere in the woods. I have a bunch of Imperium Fics that need rereading ASAP. The brainrot is Disasterous. You are my hero if you read ALL of this. I owe you my life. I'm so sorry lmao.
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andromedaexists · 1 year
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𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟻𝚝𝚑 || 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺
i am v smol and v tired but i have a chapter update for y'all
i put chapter 4 here, it's really chapter 3 but i called the prologue a chapter in one of these so idk, i'll sort it out when i'm not half ded lol
I have recently pulled CMI from InkShares in terms of funding, but you can still read the full chapter there!
Anyways, enjoy!
I can’t breathe, but before I can do anything to get him to loosen his grip a voice calls out from down the hall, “Stop choking him, Achilles. He can’t carry ya if he’s dead!” I turn around—a smile already growing on my face—to see my sunshine walking towards us. I wasn’t expecting to see him today, what with classes and training and all. I’m not going to complain, though. I will take any moment with my own personal source of sunlight that I can. The good mood doesn’t last, however, as he leans to whisper in my ear, “I’m taking over looking after the kid. Daedalus wants to see you.” The smile falls off my face at the words. What do they want with me today? I’m not supposed to train, and I have been excused from class to watch Achilles. “Okay, and?” I whisper back. That man can wait, I would much rather go to lunch than deal with his bullshit. “Birdie, you can’t ignore this. Nyx wants you there too.” “Well, why didn’t you say that?” He shoots a look at me, silently judging me for my disregard of the summons when they came from Daedalus. I roll my eyes, leaning away from his warmth to break the news to the kid in my arms. “Hey kiddo,” I say, maneuvering Achilles so that I was holding him in front of me. I reach up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear. “I have to go talk to some people. Apollon is gonna take you to lunch today, okay?” Uh-oh, he does not look happy at that. “I’ll be right back! I won’t take long! Just go with Apollon for now and before you know it, I’ll be there. I promise.” I hate making false promises, but it’s the only way to get the kid to go with my sunshine. I will just have to deal with the repercussions later, after I talk to Nyx and Daedalus. God, I wish I knew what they wanted.
@flowerprose @isherwoodj @cream-and-tea @touchingmadness @lockejhaven @marinesocks @wildswrites @the-finch-address @writingpotato07 @leighvalentin @inkspellangel @cljordan-imperium @outpost51 @alleahgrinnon
Please fill out this form to be added or ask to be removed!
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lifblogs · 1 year
WIP Title Compilation
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
Tagged by: @envydean
Let's see if I can actually find my WIP drafts.
NOTE: I did, and holy fucking shit to all of this. I don't even remember half of these. I shouldn't be surprised that there are so many since I've been writing for years and also have ADHD. This is insane.
Whumptober: Day 12
Vent Fic
Three Birds, One Stone: Safe Space Breakdown Excerpt
Three Birds, One Stone: Random Scene
Three Birds, One Stone: Possible Excerpt
Three Birds, One Stone: Dean's Nightmare
Three Birds, One Stone: Chapter 6, Excerpt 2
Three Birds, One Stone: Chapter 6 Excerpt
The Sins of Heaven: Deleted Scene (Chapter 26)
The Nightingale and His Pet
The Laws of Infernality: Deleted Scenes
The Awakening: Prologue
Staying Overnight: Chapter ?
SPN Cope Fic
Splintered: Excerpts
Spartan AU
Sam & Jess (With Luci Watching)
Rotting Inside Sequel
Possible Staying Overnight Excerpt 2
Possible Staying Overnight Excerpt 1
Possible Staying Overnight Chapter Excerpt
Porn Star/Fluffer Fic
Not Sure What To Title This
Livin In You
Kalluzeb Smut
Jesse x Jack
Three Birds, One Stone
The Laws of Infernality
The Wail of Dying Stars
Imperium: Alternate Scene
High Fantasy AU: Excerpt 3
High Fantasy AU: Excerpt 2
High Fantasy AU: Excerpt 1
High Fantasy AU
HFAU: Festivity?
Hellscape: Excerpt
Hellscape Excerpt: Draft
Gritty Dean One-Shot
For a Story: Cut
Femslash Prompt 1
Don't Call Me Sammy (Excerpt)
Doctor Who Deep Breath Fanfiction
Displaced Blackout Scenes
Destiel Collab
Deleted Scene
Coffee Date
Bound in Blood: Chapter 1
Blackout: Excerpt
Birthday Present to Myself?
bigbangwhump Prompt
Behind the Scenes
AU-gust 6. Gaming
After 12x07 "Rock Never Dies"
A Broken Crown: Prologue
5678 Cut Scenes
Tagging: @evilwriter37, @ashleybenlove, @cascigarette
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The Last Known Thought
    Prologue: Clio
    The rain is always harsh on this planet. It’s cold, dark, dampening, hellish. He couldn’t handle the constant pattering, the constant slamming into their camp quarters. He finally awoke in it, grumbling underneath the breath of his. His hands encrusted in dirt and muck already, his feet stepping down from his cot and beginning to look around to see if any of his brothers were awake. Counting them all in his head, the Lieutenant, specialists, Sergeant, and more.. Wait. Where is Furos?
    He looked towards the ends, seeing the tarp peaked right out and a path of footprints. Following them lightly, and soon peaking out, there was the hulking mass himself. Furos was kneeling down, right next to a little girl. Clio was well aware of her, Zofia. The only family he had, true family, along with being their own Astropath for their personal ship. The Squad was all sound asleep, but by now they were waking up too.
    “Uncle Furos, will we see each other on the field?”     “I’m sure. You’ve worked hard, prove to the chapter you’re worthy enough..” His lips pressed up against her forehead, kissing it goodbye as he made his way back. Clio immediately threw himself back, scrambling away. He had just witnessed his own brother essentially promise an astropath a position on a battlefield. Not good..
    ‘He can’t allow it, Castelos had already hated the girl. Nothing but scum to him..’, his mind races. It was panting at its own rate, letting himself try to ease himself away.
    ‘It’s fine.. It’s fine.. Furos knows what he is doing. Castelos is a spiteful man for a reason. I assume..’ He was confused about Castelos himself. Castelos was naught a bad brother, one whom he puts faith into the Emperor in full, along with being one of the better specialists. Ammo carrier was a job suited to the bruff man of Castelos. Soon, Furos broke his thoughts, patting his shoulder,
    “Clio, you seem.. Off. Is everything alright? No issues on the homefront?”, the bellowing voice echoed. Even for a newly made Primaris Marine, Furos stood tall. 3 metres tall, his height was nothing to scoff at. Standing above Clio at this height, he looked down towards the talons, soon pulling out his rosary.
    Slapped into the hand of Clio, the rosary went. Furos was a gentle soul, giving a grin that could make anyone smile. Looking into the yellow teeth, the mutton chops, it was something that no man could forget. Clio let his mind speak, the buckling armour clanging the rosary back into the palm of Furos.
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    “You do what you can, Brother.. It's all we can do in these times. Our hope and future lay within us, so let’s work on it, yes?”
    “You speak truths! I can’t say it better, even with my reading..”, he cackled out. Furos Make. 239. A soul of youth and a better future. A keen reader. Clio felt a presence around him that moment, something off putting. It felt as if death had just touched him, soon fading and dissipating away. It was something he couldn’t understand nor wish to comprehend.
    Clio shook his head, looking at Furos and nodding. He nodded Furos away, soon walking back to their armoury area. There was just an off-putting detail on this day. The plan was simple though for them, at the very least.
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    2 weeks ago, they had landed on this planet of Greytha, a planet of fields and farms. It was nearly conquered already, the final battle against a human contingent that’s refusing to appeal to the Imperium of Man. There were shadowy things funding their weaponry and more though, weapons akin to an enemy they’ve encountered.. At Damocles themselves, the T’au.
    The T’au remained supplying and funding at this moment, but recent recon had proven the landings of reinforcements of Fire Warriors, so now their battles have increased. The whole 2nd Company had been deployed into this sector, all to combine against this sudden landing. Only the great Josephus of Sotha could have ordered it, so now he had dubbed it. Lines were thin at the moment, so the 2nd Squad had been called to press into a line that had been holding for 5 days. A push, to add a bulge into the battle and truly reaffirm the strength of the Scythes.
    Maybe this could add more. The assault was decreed on this day, and Clio had been pushed around enough. It began with that morning incident, but now it’s getting worse..
    Much worse..  
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zydrateacademy · 5 months
First Impressions: Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader
So what we have here is an XCOM-like turn based strategy game. I refer to XCOM despite hardly being the first of its type, just the one that sort of 'codified' the genre for many players as it was a huge success in its day.
The story is thus; You play as a custom character (or choose one of the three presets to just get into it), regardless of your name you're actually in the bloodline of a specific noble dynasty. How far removed is irrelevant in the setting as you meet two characters in the prologue whose own lineage is varied. In a setting with a vast population beyond our imagining, imagine you're just standing among a couple of insanely distant cousins. As this is Warhammer, stuff goes badly and you're promoted to a very highly ranked person in the Imperium. Standard fare if you've played the likes of Mass Effect. The game essentially just hands you a title to throw around the game at your leisure and there's only a couple of institutions that outrank you at all.
Character creation is robust, perhaps not so much as Baldur's Gate 3's is but I still found myself with several character ideas. Also, clicking the portraits will automatically morph your sprite into something that resembles the portrait which is a very nice touch. Doesn't work with custom portraits but I can still get to an approximation. There's several tabs to chew through that all give and take against various stats you'll know nothing about at first but usually a mouseover or a right click brings up various tooltips (at any point during the game) that will explain what things like "Fellowship" and "carouse" means. There's some mix-matching to play around with as you have six origins to choose from but the game is mostly based around the four base "classes", each choice later evolves into three subclasses after reaching level 16.
So far playing a dozen or so hours into it and gathering several party members, I find the classes to be limiting. Warriors always swing the sword, soldiers always shoot, operatives always plop debuffs. That said, not every skill takes up your entire action pool so I've found even my technical party members still able to bring the hurt with their sidearms. Eventually you get a Mechanicus who can wield two two-handed weapons without swapping and despite him basically being your designated lockpicker, I've used him to bring absolute ruin to my enemies. Again, despite his more debuff based class choices.
You can follow between three paths; Someone who's helpful and idealistic, incredibly fanatical to the Imperium, or go against the grain and slowly become a full blown heretic. Certain equipment is limited to these alignments. My first main character I'm playing as fairly dogmatic, but when I had the chance to quell a small union outcry among my workers on my ship, I chose to hear them out and make concessions. Despite being dogmatic, it is your choice to absolutely start gunning them down and rule through fear. That's just how this world is sometimes. I'm quite certain that choice will come bite my buttocks later down the line.
After that it's just following story beats with encounter after encounter. Your stats are often relevant even in dialog so it's always fun to see how different characters may react to things.
Difficulty seems variable and highly customizeable. So far I've been to two major missions and two locations but nobody seems to ever get completely inflated with hitpoints. Weak enemies always have 7 or 12 hitpoints, all the way from level one to the higher level I am now. Maybe it's act-based and act two might have beefier enemies. Don't know yet. But it seems all my people are only getting a couple hitpoints per level up so you don't exactly barrel into being a complete powerhouse, you simple get more tools and passive perks at your disposal. And there's a ton, most of which I forget about between sessions. I think my Sister of Battle teammate has some kind of perk that gives extra damage when she's adjacent to an ally but in the heat of battle I completely forget that exists and I'm just trying to position my shooters to they are in position to actually hit something. So mostly I try to go for 'unconditional' perks. Can't go wrong with +2 movement.
My current point of contention is the menus. They're not all terribly bad but I have trouble trying to decipher my goals. Within missions there's no map marker directing you where to go, so sometimes I miss a piece of the map that was actually a doorway that leads to a new wing of the ship. Sometimes the objective just states "Find out what's going on" or "reach the reactor" with no direction. I'm just flying by the seat of my pants and just casing the perimeter and so far it's working out well enough. I haven't spent too much time scratching my head... yet.
There's a beefy game here, expect to dump a lot of hours. My first five hours were basically doing the prologue three times to really get all the tutorials to sink in as well as explore different starter archetypes. There's a lot I didn't even talk about (like how you have to manage your mage-type's madness levels, or the injury mechanic, all kinds of things) and that'd just end up exceeding my text limits. There's a lot of game here. I haven't gotten to any game-breaking bugs that litter a lot of reviews but that seems to be a late-game problem and to my knowledge they've been pretty vigilant with hotfixes. I hope they keep it up.
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kentuckywrites · 2 years
Imperium 3: Prologue
Hoc est initium. (This is the beginning.)
He was not Pongo. He was something fragmented, torn asunder far past the Interceptor’s identity, stitched back together through Mira’s handiwork. He was not Pongo, nor was he Mira. Both existed here in this body, a base and a repair job respectively. It felt fitting that he give himself a new name, since he was a new person, a new life. 
Mira had admitted once before that names were not its forte. L’Cirufe had given Pongo his name, once upon a distant past, but he couldn’t defer to his judgment, not now. And he was alone here, a complete and utter solitude encased in ice and snow. He needed something that felt right, something that encapsulated him now. Perhaps something that harkened back to his past, an ever constant reminder of how he came to be? At first, the idea stung, a hive of angry wasps buried in his stomach. But…but it felt right. He couldn’t explain it beyond this.
And so he became Starr. The planet hummed below his feet at the decision, content, ready for the implications. This would be the first step, yes, the first of many towards righting his wrongs, becoming better. One step at a time. How many would there be? What did he want his end goal to be? Where was the finish line, what would lie in wait for him beyond that point? Could he truly heal, could he truly keep up in this marathon with so much sorrow and guilt weighing down on his shoulders?
Questions, questions. Too many of them. 
Starr yawned. Though he’d been awake for some short moments, his body ached in ways he didn’t know they could. He stumbled forward on shaking legs, eyes fluttering. The snow was gentle with him, delicately crunching underneath his shoes. Starr realized he was still in Pongo’s clothes, unbearably inadequate for this weather. But did that matter? No, this body wasn’t as susceptible to the whims of the weather, not in the way mimeosomes often were. But that was a good excuse to want different clothes, to shed this identity that had claimed this body for years, stained with memories and trauma and fear and shattered dreams. It wasn’t going to be Starr’s job to keep up Pongo’s failing masquerade. 
A gentle gust of wind pushed him forward, and in the distance, he could make out what seemed like tiny huts. A memory fizzled to the surface, and for a moment, Starr called upon it. But he furrowed his brow when he realized who it belonged to. Pongo, while rampaging as a Telethia, remembered attacking the Desserta Caravan. He’d been called Starr then - did that make the memory his? Shaking his head, he decided that it favored him then, especially since he was seeking shelter. He’d go through the minute details later.
He yawned again. No, how was this possible? Starr had entered the world tired, he’d fallen into the snow and had slept for a long time, long enough that the sky had changed colors in his conscious absence. Damn Pongo, damn him to hell and back for not taking care of this body that the planet had so graciously constructed, damn him for never being strong enough to protect those he loved and damn him for his foolishness and naivety, damn him for even existing, what a mistake he’d been -
“Who out there?”
Starr looked up, squinting. He’d gotten closer to the huts, to the caravan, without ever knowing he’d continued walking. A Nopon stood a few yards away, a comically large broadsword on his back and a wind poised to grab its hilt. Starr didn’t dare to move, not now. And how was he supposed to respond? He could tell this Nopon his name, but not who he was, not how he got here, not yet, not -
He yawned again. His knees gave out and he fell face first into the snow. The Nopon cried out, a curse flying in the breeze, and Starr was forced into slumber once more.
“...collapsed outside caravan! Froyoyo had to drag body to hut all by himself!”
“No complaining, hubbypon! Did right thing and saved flesh tree’s life by doing so - Tutti Frutti, what mamapon tell you about coming in unannounced? Very busy right now!”
Starr’s eyes fluttered open, his vision unclear. He felt warm, and he quickly discovered he was underneath quite a few blankets. He shifted, trying to look around, gauge his surroundings, when a rather round pink furball blocked his view, staring down at him with wide blue eyes. A Nopon, yes, a very concerned Nopon who seemed relieved that he was awake.
“Hubbypon, get littlepon to grab thermonanas! Flesh tree is awake!” She urged someone outside of Starr’s field of vision before turning back to him. “How flesh tree feeling? What flesh tree doing outside all alone?”
A question that prompted an answer. Starr was granted the opportunity to speak, to test out his voice with someone who wasn’t himself. Something about it made him nervous, and so he quivered with each word that left his lips. His voice echoed, indicative of the two beings that had fused into one, and almost immediately the Nopon’s interest was piqued. 
“We were…we were tired. We have had a long day and did not know where to seek shelter.”
“Hmph! Good thing hubbypon found you then,” She admitted with a flap of her wings. “Caravan best shelter in all Cocytios. If flesh tree had stayed out there much longer, cold would’ve taken you!”
“We are aware of the dangers,” Starr responded, “And we did not mean to cause any trouble -”
“No trouble! Always happy to help,” She interrupted, “Now, where Vanala’s manners…Vanala is Vanala! What new friend’s name?”
I am Pongo, with the Interceptors.
I am Mira, the planet you stand on.
He sat himself up, pushing some of his hair away as strands went to block his face. Vanala’s wings extended, positioned near his back in case he lost balance. But as he crossed his legs in the makeshift bed, as his hands clutched the blankets that had fallen around him, piled up like the snow he’d tried to avoid outside, Starr gave an answer he didn’t have time to regret.
“...We are Starr. Just Starr.”
Familiarity hit Vanala in an instant. He could see the war inside her, the confusion, the pain. A memory flashed in Starr’s mind, one of a tiny caravan below his feet, a fight with humans and a native Miran calling his name as he flew back into the clouded skies, annoyed at the wounds he’d sustained, annoyed that he couldn’t toss around a Nopon or two -
“Starr was name of big furry dragon that attacked caravan not long ago according to Sollypon.” Vanala whispered, “But friend claims same name…is friend…”
This had to be the first step forward. There was no denying this part of Starr’s past, and it was perhaps the easier of many steps he’d have to take. He didn’t have the heart to admit that he’d taken the name for a reason, a reason buried in self-deprecation and guilt and a constant reminder of the darkness inside of him, but he was strong enough to recognize the need for an apology. His name had taken responsibility for his actions. To cower from the truth was to grant Pongo more respect than he deserved.
“We were the Telethia that attacked your caravan,” Starr explained quietly, “It is a long story, but we…we were not in our right mind. It was thanks to Solstice and their companions that we were able to come back from that state. We…there are not enough words to describe our guilt. We are sorry that we caused this pain.”
A pause, a flicker in time where no words were spoken, where silence became them both. Starr blinked, and in that short reprieve of darkness, Vanala chuckled. “Starr need not apologize. Vanala just happy everything worked out. No Nopon in Desserta Caravan were hurt during attacks, though hubbypon argue his pride took good beating. Though…Vanala very curious about how flesh tree can become Telethia. Is right only for F’lenla A’slegn, no?”
I became a monster thanks to the Ganglion. Humanity has nothing to do with it. 
Though you were never truly human, were you? You were always my creation. A mirror of humanity, no doubt, but not truly human.
Perhaps. Did…did you try to fight it? When -
They erased me from you. I could not even if I wanted to, which is why I am -
Starr shook his head. “Yes, our apologies. We were lost within ourselves. You were inquiring about how we were able to transform?”
“Yes yes! Though if question too sensitive for Starr -”
“No, it just requires more of an explanation than you likely think,” Starr interrupted. At least he could explain that part of himself, at least he could divulge that aspect of Pongo without caving in on himself. After all, it was one of the biggest parts of Pongo that he had to live with. An avatar and its creator, one in body and mind and soul…
“Well, Vanala suggests rest for now! Feel free to tell Vanala story after Starr has gotten some sleep,” She patted his shoulder, “And when Starr wakes, littlepon will have brought thermonanas! Should warm Starr right up.”
“Right. We are grateful, Vanala,” Starr grinned. He wasn’t sure if it was the blankets he was under, or the thought of someone caring for him, but he laid down feeling warmer than he ever had before. He would be okay. This would take getting used to, but he would be okay.
I made a promise to you. I will uphold that no matter what comes our way.
I know you will. 
Starr drifted off to sleep for the third time that day, and though the feeling was still foreign, the warmth from within was comforting enough to bring him peace.
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cosmiciaria · 5 years
In defense of Dragon Age 2 (review - no spoilers - long post!)
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It seems I'm only allowed to play games in disorder, because I played this one after Inquisition, and guess what I'm almost at the end of now (yes, you guessed it, Origins). But it's not a problem for me, because after I *checks notes* ejem, played, uhm, like nine playthroughs of Inquisition, cof, cof, I've learned all the tiny details and branches and possible endings of each installment. So this game's story wasn't a surprise in many aspects – although there were still things I didn't know or I didn't expect.
So DA2 is the black sheep of the family, and somehow I can see why. It differs greatly from the origin prologue you get to play in the first one, and the silent protagonist is gone, replaced by an already created and established character, Hawke. Hawke can be male or female, mage, rogue or warrior – but they are only human. We are ripped off of the option of choosing between races.
And that's not the only thing the game takes away from us – we are used to travel around Ferelden, searching for allies, to fight the Archdemon, because the End is Nigh and we Must Save the World united with friends and so on – here, it's just a city. We only get to know Kirkwall, a Free Marches city that used to be owned by the Imperium and now rejoices in its so-called freedom. Kirkwall consists in some neighborhoods and some notorious buildings, but that's it. It's just the city. And I daresay, it's another protagonist of the game.
Yes, you get to go outside a few times – you even go through the ( I don't know WHY) still mandatory Deep Roads quest and whatnot – but the main storyline will still happen inside the city walls.
And that's… not so bad. But I'll get there in a moment.
So you play as Hawke, the older sibling of the Hawke family. You're escaping from Lothering, which you may remember from Origins – yes, it's the same town you visit right after Ostagar. Lothering has been overrun by darkspawn and so you take your mother and your two younger twin siblings with you: Carver, a warrior, and Bethany, an apostate mage.
In your way to the port, you come across Aveline, a well seasoned captain, and her husband Wesley, a templar. Wesley isn't in a very good condition but you still allowed them both to join your escape.
It isn't so long before the darkspawn reach you, and you make your last stand here.
Now, in this part of the prologue, what matters the most is the class you chose for Hawke. If Hawke is a mage, Bethany, the other mage, will perish at the hands of the ogre that is leading this barricade of darkspawn. If Hawke is a warrior/rogue, it will be Carver the one who makes the ultimate sacrifice so his family would survive. As I have stated in my Inquisition review, I love mages, so of course I created a mage Hawke, and so I watched Bethany, so young and rebellious, die in front of my eyes (Wesley, Avelin's husband, dies as well but we don't care much for him sorry not sorry).
Choosing a class isn't a minor or just a gameplay thing here, because it leads to two very different stories. Carver is resentful with you, he blames you for the death of his twin, and he can't get over the idea that you (and him, as well) are being hunted by templars. He can even become a templar if you choose the required options – so ironic, you a mage and your own brother a templar! His inferiority complex makes it really hard to get on well with him. Bethany, on the other hand, seems to care more for her older sibling, and bears a great admiration for their father, who was a mage and the one who taught her everything. She's guilty over the fact her family is doing everything they can to protect her from the templars and the Circle, and her attitude towards Hawke always follow that line. Her destiny has more options than Carver, though, so it makes me think that maybe Bethany was the "canon" sibling who survived – Still, I always play as a mage so I'm used to Carver by now and it feels kind of contradictory to see Bethany alive and well.
Amidst the chaos, a dragon appears, stretching its wings – it destroys the rest of the darkspawn, and soon we see that it's not just a beast. It transfigures into a human, quite known for us DA's fans: Flemeth, the Witch of the Wilds, Morrigan's mother. She's saved us, but of course she wants a little favor in return, nothing too problematic. For those who are wondering "but HEY I killed Flemeth in Origins", well this encounter happens before you do that. And if you know anything about Flemeth is that she always comes back.
Finally, you reach destination, the almighty Kirkwall, with its columns that seems to go on forever into the sky. Here, you'll start over. Here, you'll pave your way to your future. And the plot begins!
The story is divided into three well marked acts: the first Act you'll be saving money to go on an expedition to the Deep Roads to gain enough coin and reclaim the Hawke estate in Kirkwall; the second Act has you going around playing the diplomatic link between the Viscount and the Qunari who have made the city their headquarters; and the third Act, well, everything blows up. Literally, I might add.
Between the prologue and Act 1, one years passes. Between Act 1 and 2, three more years go by; and finally, Act 3 happens three years later as well. The whole story takes up like 8 years or more inside the same city. This… wasn't a good decision on the developers, in my opinion, but I'll say it after I talk a little about the characters.
First we have Hawke, our Champion. Their personality varies between diplomatic – sarcastic – upfront and direct. And this time is easier to know because gone are the days with the many responses available and now we have the wheel which shows you an icon displaying the "tone" of your reply. If there's something common across all the Hawkes you can create, is that they care for their family, they want to recover what's theirs, and there's no stopping them. They are loved by those around them and seen as a leader. Loyalty is a powerful word here, which will play a big part in the final act, because only those who are truly loyal to you will remain by your side. And it's endearing, really, to see the support of those characters that accompanied you the whole game. Oh, and they have voices. I say this because in Origins we have a silent protagonist (which took me aback considering I played Inquisition and 2 prior), and they are so well portrayed it makes them more human and approachable.
Now that we are on that topic, voice acting here is just FLAWLESS. I can't get over Gideon's voice for that stupid elf damn it.
Alright so, just like in the other games, you can recruit companions. I already spoke a little about Carver and Bethany, who are playable… for a time, at least. 
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This is the first time we come across Varric, our favorite storyteller. Varric isn't only just your best bud for life here, but he's also the one telling Hawke's story: he'd been abducted by Cassandra Pentaghast (yes, the one from Inquisition) who wants to interrogate him about the Champion. Varric is like your north in the game, he's always there for you, he's always supporting you, he doesn't take sides, he's funny, he's welcoming and he cares so much that I want to hug him. Goodest best friend forever.
Aside from him, you'll be crossing paths with Aveline again, now a soldier in the guard. Aveline is the correct type of person: she takes pride in her job, she wants things to get done well, following the rules. She respects honor, dignity and justice, and she doesn't approve of taking advantage of "illegal" situations and underground activities. If she's on your good side, you'll get a great supporter and a great friend, who will got your back, always.
Fenris is an elf who comes from the Tevinter Imperium – if we know anything of Tevinter apart from its blood mages, it's that they are slavers. Fenris used to be a slave who managed, somehow, to escape from his master. He bears a burning hatred towards the Vints, mages and every slaver out there. He always remarks he's a free man and he will disapprove of your support for the mages or any kind of sympathy towards slavery. So much so, that I started my relationship with him in -10 because I was a mage.
Merril is a dalish elf whom you'll be recruiting after finishing Flemeth's little favor. Merril is a blood mage, and she doesn't see the demons as enemies, but rather friends. She intends to leave her clan and go live in the city, because she's sure she can help her kin from outside instead of remaining cloistered and secluded inside. This will grant her the dislike of all her clan's members, but that doesn't stop her. She's naïve, she doesn't seem to understand most of human customs, and she's quite direct because she can't see through sarcasm or white lies. She's the purest of the team, although her abilities may tell you otherwise.
Isabela isn't new for us, if you come from Origins. Here she'll be joining us again after losing her ship. Her intentions remain a mystery most of the game, but let's just say she's quite involved with the plot of the second act. She's a forced to be reckoned with: she doesn't mess around when things need to be done and she gets them done in her own way. I'm still a bit spiteful about her because she abandoned my team after the second act, although I thought I was doing everything right!
Sebastian is only available through the Exiled Prince DLC – he's a chantry brother whose family was brutally murdered and his estate back in Starkhaven lies headless. He's conflicted about whether to remain in the chantry or go back to reclaim his land. He's righteous, he doesn't accept any rule breaking and, to be honest, he's pretty dull – specially if you're trying to romance him only because of those shiny blue eyes. The fact that he only joins you after Act 1 supports this allegation, in the way that he's not available through the first part for party banter, which always adds a lot of more depth to the characters you're playing with.
And at last… we have Anders. For those of you who played Origins' expansion, Awakening, Anders isn't a new character either. This time, though, it's not just Anders: he's possessed by a spirit of Justice, the same Justice we meet in Awakening. Anders remains in control most of the time, but when he loses it or when he enters the Fade, it's Justice the one who takes over. Anders serves as a healer in Kirkwall, helping refugees for free. He wants to move on from his past as a Grey Warden and he fights for the rights of the mages who are being hunted by the templars. Oh, man, of course I would fall for the subversive mage! Boy was I deceived… He plays a large role in the final battle, which, depending on your choices and your principles, will change your view of him forever. Let's just say that he's a pretty hated character in the franchise.
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In this game you'll have choices as well, and your comments and actions will bear points of friendship or rivalry with your companions. This doesn't mean that if you get 100 rivalry points with one of them they'll abandon you, no, it doesn't work like in Origins or in Inquisition. Here you have to see the bar in both directions: the closer it is to one of the extremes, the better. The danger zone is the central one: if you have little points of friendship or of rivalry, the companion is likely to abandon you. This is what happened to me with Isabela: I had a good chunk of friendship points with her, but it seems I needed to max them out, which I didn't, and thus she flew away, goodbye. You can even romance characters with high rivalry points, and their romance plays a little different because of it. As it says, it's "rivalry" and not "deep hatred with death wishes", so maybe it spices some things up in your relationship.
Each companion will have their own questline that stretches across all three acts, and if you want to have all your team available by the end of the game, I recommend you do them. Although… well, you won't have the whole team, but I won't spoil it for you.
So I mentioned before I would talk about why the eight year story decision wasn't a good take for me after speaking a little about the characters – well, it's simple. In those three year gaps, the story acts as if nothing happens. Yes, sometimes the characters say "hey, I haven't seen you in a while" or "that thing happened three years ago" or whatever, but it doesn't work well. For instance, if you romance Fenris, you'll sleep with him in the second act, and then he goes away, seemingly not wanting to continue with the relationship. Three year pass, and then you resume your romancing with him, and he's like "yes, idk why I left that night I so regret it lol" DUDE, you're like just two meters away from Hawke's house, are you truly telling me you didn't talk to them after what happened in these three years? 
The story plays as if there are no gaps in time. In fact, if you take away Varric's narration, which states that x amount of time happens between act and act, you won't even notice it! And that's the thing: I don't know why they chose to do this. I mean, I guess I understand the point, they wanted Hawke to make their own name, to be known and loved by the citizens as years went by, they wanted them to start in rags and rise to fortune, I get it. But something similar was accomplished with the Inquisitor in the third game: time passes, I believe almost a year, and you feel the love and respect you've earned from your companions. It didn't take my Inquisitor eight years for that. It didn't even take her half a month to get Cullen in love with her ok sorry. What I mean is, the eight years thing isn't well developed, and characters act as if no such time had passed, and the story is planned as well like that. It's almost as though they wanted to stray as far as possible from Origins in terms of design and choices, which is a great idea, but some things just don't add up.
For example, in Inquistion's expansion, Trespasser, two years have passed. And here you see, you feel that your characters have been away for long. They've all been following their own paths and when they finally reunite they catch up and speak about their futures and what they want for themselves. It truly feels like two years have passed. There's a huge impasse between the ending and the expansion, which marks a milestone, and you can understand why all these characters haven't seen each other for a while. Whereas between Act 1 and 2… it's like… yeah we went to the Deep Roads and yeah… hmm… Varric really three years and you still didn't hear of your brother or… wait is this letter by Carver just sent? I mean he's been away too long now but he could always send me letters why wait three years…. and so on. It breaks the continuity. In fact, it doesn't only do that, but it also makes your characters stupid. Are you telling me Anders has been in love with me for three years and he still hadn't done anything?? What are you, fifteen?
But apart from that, I believe this game is really good. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I enjoyed the mechanic regarding your siblings: their appearance changes depending of what preset for the face and skintone you choose for Hawke. I like the idea that only one of the twins is available throughout the game. I like that the gameplay has been improved from Origins, I love that as a mage you feel so destructive with all those spells, I love that it's fast paced and more colorful. I got also really involved with some of the companions, specially Anders, Fenris and Aveline. I love that, even though they may disagree with you on some topics, they still remain by your side if you were a good friend, because that's what friendship's about. Friendship/rivalry here feels like a human thing, something quite relatable, instead of just shoving gifts onto your companion so they'd like you better. I like that somehow all of your companions are entangled with what happens in the city, and this leads me to my final point about why DA2 is still a good game.
Kirkwall. Our vedette. Our goddess. Kirkwall is the scenario for 90% of the events of the game. We're not saving the world here. We just want the peace for the city. Who should rule? Whose forces should Hawke support? Is Hawke good enough to be Viscount? Are the templars doing a good job? Or is Knight-Captain Meredith going too far?
Political intrigue. And just one city. Not all of Ferelden. Just one bad person trying to control the strings in this small portion of land, not an army of zombies or a dragon ready to consume the world. I love that the plot is just restrained to this small thing, because it lets you go deeper into everyone's stories, and it doesn't mean that it gets less epic, on the contrary. I enjoyed the final boss here way more than I did with Corpypheus in Inquisition. Here Meredith has an actual goal and she's acting upon what she thinks it's right, and at some point and to some extent, she's right! But her methods are questionable, in the least. She's not just a bad guy for the sake of being a bad guy, like it happens with Corypheus. She's bad, but she has her reasons.
You don't get to know a lot of people, because you just know those who live in Kirkwall. The familiarity, the warmth of its streets, it's like you've been living there as well, sharing with these characters and learning about their pasts. Instead of allowing you to see a huge picture with hundreds of characters involved, you just focus on those you care about, explore them more in depth. Sometimes covering everything doesn't lead you anywhere, so it might be better with just a handful of well written plot points and characters.
I'm not saying that Origins is the worst because of this, because it seems like I'm hating on it. In fact, I can't still speak much of it because I haven't finished my route yet (although I know how it ends). I'm just saying that Origins is good, that Inquisition is good, and that DA2 is also good. It's different, but still a good game. Sometimes you're tired of playing as the chosen one hero who must save the world, and maybe saving one city is enough for your heroic career.
I loved the game. I loved that it pushed my beliefs of helping the mages to the limit, to the point of questioning myself. I loved that it played tricks on me like that with the romance option. I loved the sarcastic Hawke, such a well written script. Also, Cullen is here so of course I'd love it.
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Just… don't hate it that much. And if you still haven't played it, give it a shot. You might be surprised.
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mia-cooper · 6 years
Desperate Measures - recap
Publishing of this fic is about to slow down (for two reasons: one, most of my mental energy is being diverted to job hunting and two, up until this point I was revising and rewriting, but I’m about to hit uncharted waters) so I thought I’d put together this post as a refresher for people whose memories are as shitty as mine when the next chapters get published.
Spoilers under the cut in case you’re waiting until it’s finished to read this.
For those who read on, there will be a test at the end. Kidding. But I do have a favour to ask.
In the Prologue: Homecoming, set immediately after Endgame, Janeway and Chakotay allow personal misunderstandings to cause a breakdown in communication that leads to hurt feelings and estrangement.
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(image by @themostpowerfulmagicofall, used with permission)
In Chapter 1: Coercion, we find out why the Voyager crew has been sequestered for two months, Chakotay x Seven is a thing, and we meet Fleet Admiral Nyla Kjogo (aka She Who Needs a Face-Punching) who blackmails Kathryn into a deal for her crew’s freedom which is not at all sweetened by a hollow promotion.
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(gif by @fabricetuerk)
In Chapter 2: The Delta Quadrant’s Darling, Chakotay accepts a captaincy working to Owen Paris at Starfleet Intelligence and is promptly tasked with infiltrating the pirate merchants taking control of the Borderlands. Kjogo’s manoeuvring of Kathryn into an empty public relations role, and her orders to Kathryn’s aide Tora Jens to keep her separated from friends and family, starts Kathryn on a downward spiral into depression.
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(image by unknown artist)
In Chapter 3: Turning Tides, Kathryn falls fast and hard for the charismatic Ryan Austin, while the bloom is definitely fading from Chakotay and Seven’s romance as Seven gets closer to Harry Kim ... and Kjogo’s meddling in Kathryn’s personal relationships comes to light.
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(image by Camryn)
In Chapter 4: Imperium Ludum, Chakotay is unwillingly recruited by Section 31 agent Jonah Miles, whose revelations about the Entera Coalition conspiracy leave him stunned. Kathryn finally receives Chakotay’s undelivered messages but opts to protect herself emotionally by not rekindling their friendship, stepping up the intensity with Ryan instead.
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(original manip by GillyH, further edited by me)
In Chapter 5: False Steps, Chakotay reluctantly embarks on a mission for Section 31 while Janeway starts to wonder what Admiral Kjogo’s agenda is, and when Chakotay and Kathryn come face to face for the first time in months, it initiates seismic changes in both of their intimate relationships.
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(original image is a still from Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009); Chakotay/Mark/Kathryn manip by Tachyon, further edited by me)
In Chapter 6: Sheep’s Clothing, the shady Entera Coalition is expanding its power base, prompting another visit from Jonah Miles. Meanwhile, a showdown between Chakotay and Kathryn, suffering from an insidious ailment she’s refusing to acknowledge, ends up pushing them even further apart, and Kathryn has her doubts about Ryan’s new career in politics. And Chakotay turns out to be quite well-suited to the secret agent life, uncovering a few secrets Ryan would probably prefer stayed hidden, including an unexpected connection to a Voyager crew member.
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(image by me)
In Chapter 7: Adrift, Kathryn’s health gets worse as she prepares for her wedding to Ryan, while Chakotay tries to warn her against her fiancé and completely cocks it up. When Ryan is elected to Federation Councillor, Admiral Kjogo and President Zife make it clear they expect Kathryn to morph into the perfect politician’s wife, and with Chakotay further estranged, not to mention absent on his Borderlands mission, the only person who seems to be on Kathryn’s side is her aide, Tora Jens. But does Jens have an ulterior motive of her own?
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(image by me)
In Chapter 8: In Umbra, an increasingly disillusioned Chakotay is forced to compromise his principles to make inroads into Entera, angering his sister Sekaya. Kathryn’s life continues spiral out of her control until a chance meeting with Seven, whose simple, obvious happiness shines a harsh light on Kathryn’s own emotional turmoil. But before she can accept the truth she’s been denying, events take a devastating and horrifyingly personal turn.
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(image by me, featuring L-R: Natalia (unnamed species) from Star Trek: Beyond; Sarek (Vulcan) and unnamed Andorian from Star Trek: Discovery; Ilia (Deltan) from Star Trek: The Motion Picture; Kash (Trialan, based on the doctor in Star Trek 2009); Chakotay)
In Chapter 9: Broke Down, Chakotay’s disgruntled Starfleet traitor persona finally convinces his contact, Kash, to ensure his acceptance into the Entera ranks. A pep talk from Owen Paris and the chance to escape Kjogo’s demands and Ryan’s treacherous influence for a few days gives Kathryn some breathing space. But fate has a strange way of playing its hand.
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(Image by me, featuring L-R: unnamed female (Elloran) and Ru’afo (Son’a) from Star Trek: Insurrection; Jaylah (unnamed species) from Star Trek: Beyond; Gamora & Peter Quill from Guardians of the Galaxy (just because); Chakotay; Kash; Navaar (Orion) from Enterprise; Deanna Troi from the drinking scene in Star Trek: First Contact; Morn (Lurian) from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Shran (Andorian) from Enterprise; Kathryn Janeway)
And that brings us up to date.
So now the favour.
Chapter 10 is cued up and ready to go, but thanks to the aforementioned stumbling blocks, I’m only in the early stages of drafting Chapter 11 so it’ll be a little while before it’s betaed, reworked and ready to post.
However, there’s still quite a bit of story to go, and the end of Chapter 10 does bring a natural intermission point. So here’s the thing. I could wait to post Chapter 10 until I’ve written enough ahead to be sure the hiatus between updates isn’t too long. Or I could post Chapter 10 now and hope you’ll all tune back in when I start publishing again.
If you’d like me to publish Chapter 10 now, please reblog this post or leave me a comment on AO3.
If this post gets 30 reblogs, or the AO3 comment count on Desperate Measures makes it to 230 comments, Chapter 10 will go up as soon as timezones permit, and you’ll all level up in karma.
I’m so grateful and appreciative of everyone who’s read, kudosed, reviewed and reblogged this fic so far, and especially worshipful of my patient and wonderful betas, @jhelenoftrek and @littleobsessions90. So if this seems like shameless begging for attention, that’s only because it is  ♥︎
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eddiesrichie · 7 years
Imperium-  Chapter 1
Woooahh thanks for the responses already! I’m really happy you guys are so excited for this fic. I am also pretty excited XD
It’s amusing reading what people think Richie’s power is. No one has guessed it hehe and I honestly doubt anyone will. 
Anyway, this is the prologue. I’m going to start chapter one and hopefully have it up next weekend. Thank you guys so much, and I hope you guys like it. 
Huge thank you to @reddieinthestars for being my beta <3 she really fixed it up. She’s amazing <3 
Eddie is on the run. He hightails it through the maze of boisterous students filling up the hallways of Derry High School, keeping his eyes locked on his best friend’s auburn hair in front of him. He can feel the hand tugging on the loop of his backpack, and he knows it’s Stan trying not to get lost as well. Eddie looks back to make sure the fourth person, Beverly, was still in their line, and she was.
They clamber into their first class, choosing to sit on the far side of the room as they always do. Bill takes the front seat; Eddie takes the chair behind him. Stan takes the seat to the right of Bill, while Beverly takes the seat to the left of him.
It’s silent for a moment between them as they get their notebooks and pencils out. Eddie takes an aspirin out of his fanny pack, swallowing it whole without water. He’s gotten over the need to use liquids with his pills. Eddie places the bottle of medicine on the corner of his desk.
“Hey, Eddie, I s-s-saw a sign saying that tra-track was having try-outs on F-Friday,” Bill brings up, turning around slightly to make eye contact.
Eddies hums with a nod. “I saw that too, and I am definitely going. You guys will come too, right?” he asks hopefully.
Beverly smiles sweetly, “Of course we’re going to go. We’ll be that group of kids just screaming in the bleachers for ya.”
Eddie groans, “Couldn’t imagine you guys doing anything else.” Stan chuckles from his chair, as he fumbles with his camera.
Eddie reaches for his backpack for one more thing, and his elbow accidentally hits his medicine bottle, knocking it off his desk. He doesn’t react; his heartbeat barely rises. There isn’t a colliding noise - or any noise at all - from the object hitting the floor.
Because it doesn’t touch the floor.
Eddie sets his planner on his desk before looking to his right to find his bottle and a few spilled pills floating in the air around it. He mutters, “Thanks, Bill,” and he collects the dropped objects.
“N-No problem,” Bill answers. “You would prob-probably lose ev-everything if it weren’t for m-me,” he teases.
Eddie flicks the back of Bill’s neck, “Shut up, Big Bill.”
His cheeks are beaming red, knowing that Bill was right. He once leaned too far over the cliff at the Quarry, and the walkman headphones on his head had fallen, pulling the music player out of his hand and over the edge. If it weren’t for Bill, he would’ve had to run to beg his mother for a new one, and she’d only bought him one in the first place when he’d convinced her that he needed it for school. She had always whined about it deafening him one day.
But then, she had a complaint about everything he did. Walking to school? Kidnapping. Bugs. Allergies. Not wearing clothes to bed? Hypothermia. There was nothing he could do that didn’t result in something outrageous in her mind.
Her poor little ‘Eddiebear.’
He remembers the first time Bill used his powers. He, Bill, and Stan had been sleeping over at the Denbroughs’ house, and they were trying to reach the highest shelf in the movie cabinet. They were only eight, so they were pretty short at the time. Bill and Stan were now nearly two feet taller, while Eddie had only grown a little bit over a foot since then.
Apparently, Bill’s parents gave him permission to watch their first scary movie by themselves. It was ‘Halloween’ and it was on the highest shelf. Bill was standing on a crouched Stan, reaching blindly for the movie when it happened.
One minute it was lying tauntingly on the shelf, and the next minute it flew right at Bill’s hand. Bill had no control over his new powers, so it ended up flying across the room and barely missing a lamp. The room had gone from all three boys arguing about how to retrieve the movie to complete and utter silence.
“That is so cool,” Eddie had finally whispered. That comment was followed by the rest of the night being spent with all three boys staring as Bill used his telekinesis power on random things.
Bill went from moving small objects to being able to move a car. His power made his house seem like a magic wonderland when Bill had his breakfast, tools, silverware, plates, and pans are floating idly in the air.
In short, Bill’s power was the coolest.
Until Beverly moved to Derry. She had him beat.
She could make plants grow. With a short glance, she could have flowers and vines growing all over a house within minutes. She could bend branches with her mind and a wave with her hand.
Eddie remembers his first interaction with Beverly Marsh. He had been sitting leisurely in a lawn chair watching his mother work in her garden. It gets quite cold in Derry, so his mother had been tending to her plants daily by that time in the month of October.
The plants had looked dead and unable to bring back, but his mother was anything but easily discouraged.
Imagine both of their amazement when the plants began gaining their color back and growing rapidly. His mother had shrieked in joy and got up to dance in her flowery overcoat.
Eddie looked to his right and found Bill standing next to a grinning girl. She had short red hair and was wearing a pink, buttoned dress. She waved at Eddie with her fingers before continuing her walk with Bill down the street.
Eddie was out of his chair and running after them in moments.
He, himself, was the third person to find his power. His power was the reason they never had to go to the doctor again.
It happened on a school day when the group was headed to the nearest doctor’s office. Henry Bowers had socked Bill right in the nose, breaking it and leaving Bill with blood gushing down his chin and onto his shirt. It was a sight for sore eyes that almost led to Eddie vomiting on the way there.
Bill nearly ran into a stop sign, and Eddie was quick to steer him away. Without thinking, Eddie kept his hand around Bill’s forearm incase his friend were to wander into some other obstacle.
To be fair, Eddie didn’t know he did it in the first place. No one would’ve.
Beverly had been talking about her score on the latest math test when suddenly there was a cracking sound and Bill howled in pain. He fell to his knees with both his hands on his nose. Eddie and Stan immediately stopped next to him, asking if he was okay.
Tears and blood were smeared on Bill’s face, and Eddie winced in disgust at the sight of it when Bill removed his hands. He thought of all the germs, but he shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. But then, Eddie tilted his head in confusion.
“Uh, Big Bill? Were you trying to fix your nose yourself?” Eddie asked bewildered. He squinted at the sight, no longer seeing the awkward, broken angle Bill’s nose had been in. He set his hand on Bill’s thigh to move closer without losing his balance.
Bill’s eyebrows furrowed. “Of course not. Why would I – Ow!”
Bill’s hands were being held by Stan, so he couldn’t automatically reach up to cover his nose again. The group of friends watched in amazement as something moved inside the injured boy’s nose with a pop. Blood flowed down Bill’s face and chin now, as if some dam was parted. Eddie scrambled for another bag of Kleenex he kept in his fanny pack.
Bill took the Kleenex gratefully, but he looked elsewhere. He reached up and weakly tapped his nose, then started to squeeze it. “I…I think my nose fixed itself?”
Stan shook his head. “No, your power is telekinesis. Don’t be greedy, Bill,” he joked lightly. Though, he also looked incredibly confused with the situation.
“One of us has a healing power,” Beverly states. She puts both her hands up. “You guys know my power, and I wasn’t touching you.”
“Wait,” Ben spook up. He pulled out a piece of paper out of one of his notebooks, and brought it to his pointer finger and slid it over the skin. He hissed in pain as he gave himself a papercut. He then thrust his finger towards Stan and Eddie. “I wasn’t touching him either, so it was one of you.”
Eddie backed up slightly at the blood forming in bubbles on Ben’s finger. He can practically hear his mother screaming at him about disease and the dangers of blood transfusions.
‘AIDS, Eddie!’
Stan reached out and wrapped his hand around Ben’s forearm. When nothing happened, Stan released his hold with a shake of his head. “Not me.”
Eddie’s face went red, his body shaking in excitement. He copied Stan, wrapping a hand around Ben’s forearm. The group watched in bafflement as the small cut stitched up and the skin smoothed over in merely a minute.
Eddie’s face widened with a smile, but then pain radiated through his own finger. He jumped back with a shout, “Ow!”
He looked over to find Ben holding the paper. Ben must have given Eddie a papercut too. “Why did you do that?”
Ben was too busy observing Eddie’s finger to answer. Ben bites his lip. “I guess you can’t heal yourself.”
Eddie glanced down at his finger and sure enough, it was still bleeding. He shrugged and pulled out a disinfectant wipe. “Guess not.”
Ben’s power was the most entertaining finding out.
Ben had left the room when the group decided they wanted to play hot potato since Stan’s mom was baking potatoes for Thanksgiving. Bill was the one to initiate it, tossing the potato at Eddie, who screamed and threw it over to Beverly.
The kitchen was full of laughs when Ben walked in.
Bill laughed, ���Catch it, Ben!”
Bill threw the potato over to Ben, who caught it in one hand and held it with confusion written on his features.
“How are you holding it for so long? Throw it!” Beverly shrieked.
“I…I don’t know. Is it hot or something?” Ben asked with a raised eyebrow.
Once the group settled on Ben having a heat manipulation power, Ben used it all the time to scare people. He almost gave his mother a heart attack when he reached in the oven to grab the pan of brownies. He also surprised Beverly once by taking her unpopped bag of popcorn and heating it with his palm, causing the kernels to pop.
Imagine both Ben’s and Beverly’s red faces when someone mentioned that maybe they were meant to be because of their powers.
That was what they learned in eighth grade. Two people are ‘meant to be’ if their powers are polar opposites or their powers correlate to one other.
That led to several excited, whispered conversations among the group of friends.
Beverly and Ben immediately got red in the face since someone pointed out that their powers correlate in a way. Plants need heat for energy – to thrive.
The other members of the group grinned ear to ear because they all knew Ben had the biggest crush on Beverly, and Beverly was subtly dropping her own hints. After learning that maybe they were meant to be, the two began talking more and being around each other more. One day, Beverly took Ben’s hand in hers. They were now dating.
Eddie worried about his potential soulmate so much, he had an asthma attack because his power was healing. What if his ‘soulmate’ person had the opposite power? What could that possibly be? Killing people? What kind of person would they be? Why would he be with them if they could kill people?
A few nights after that lesson, the group had a sleepover at Bill’s. Bill’s little brother, Georgie, - who went missing the summer after – had come into the living where they were sleeping and cried about a nightmare he’d had.
Thirty minutes passed and nothing was helping the poor boy stop crying. He kept rambling about some clown chasing him into the sewers, and how it felt so real. Bill tried every method in the book, but he couldn’t calm his little brother down.
Until Stan woke up.
Stan woke from a particular shriek from the younger boy, and he sleepily trudged over to help Bill calm the younger boy down.
Stan only looked at Georgie for maybe twenty seconds before Georgie’s tears begin to dwindle, and his eyes start to flutter shut. It seemed like magic to watch the distraught boy become calm and happy with a small smile on his face. Georgie mumbled, “Thank you, Stannie.”
Eddie watched Georgie gallop his way back to his bedroom, the nightmares clearly forgotten. He looked back at Stan, and his eyebrows shot up.
Bill was looking at Stan with pure amazement and awe in his eyes. A smile was on his lips, that Eddie wasn’t sure if Bill knew was even there. Stan was looking back shyly.
“I guess I can control emotions,” Stan finally announces to the group. “That’s pretty cool.”
The group immediately grew enthusiastic over Stan’s power, claiming that yes, it was super cool. Bill didn’t comment, instead staring at Stan like he held all the answers in the world.
Apparently, Bill took Stan’s power as a sign of them being meant to be, which Eddie didn’t find at all surprising because he wasn’t dumb. Bill would’ve used anything to prove that Stan and him were meant to be.
Since Bill could control physical objects and Stan could control mental spaces, Eddie assumed it made sense. Whatever the case, Bill and Stan seemed pleased.
Eddie soon found that Stan felt the same way when he walked into the kitchen the morning after, and he found them kissing right next to the stove.
Now in high school, Eddie glances down to find Bill and Stan holding hands under their desks. Bill lightly rubs a thumb along Stan’s knuckles, and Eddie wonders where his soulmate was.
A bell rings, signaling for all classes to begin.
Biology is simple enough, and the teacher seems nice. The teacher’s name was Mr. Debrew, and he lets each student introduce themselves one by one. After Bill and Stan introduces themselves, Eddie stands up for his turn, but then the door slams open and two boys dash in trying to catch their breath.
“Sorry! My dog chewed up my alarm clock’s plug. A-alarm didn’t go off!” one boy rambles out, holding a hand to his chest to calm his breathing.
The other boy speaks up. He was wearing black rimmed glasses, and there was a wide grin on his face. “We were totally irresponsible and played videogames all night, so we would’ve definitely slept in if it wasn’t for his mom,” he adds as he points to the darker skinned boy behind him.
Eddie snorts. Beverly laughs.
The teacher finds it amusing too. “A sleepover the night before the first day of school? Did your mothers know about this?”
“We’re brothers,” the first boy tells him.
The boy with the glasses wraps an arm around the other. “Can’t you tell the resemblance, Teach?”
Mr. Debrew’s face goes startling red, and he clears his throat. He picks up the roll call’s clipboard. “Your names, please?”
“Tozier. Richie Tozier,” the taller one answers. Eddie laughs at the James Bond tone the boy used. Richie makes eye contact with him, and Eddie’s stomach flips at the way he’s smiling at him.
“Mike Hanlon,” the other boy states.
“You boys can take your seats. I’m about to start a lesson on cells,” the teacher instructs. Richie salutes him before walking off, taking the chair right behind Beverly. Mike takes the chair behind Stan.
Richie lightly kicks at the back of Beverly’s chair, who turns around and faces him. Richie puts his chin on his palm and flutters his eyelashes. “Come here often, senorita?”
Beverly smirks, running her fingers through her hair. “I do indeed, handsome. Want to skip class and make out under the bleachers?”
“I would love to, but,” Richie purrs with a thumb pointing at Eddie. “I do believe I caught the eye of a total nerd with a fanny pack.”
Eddie looks at Richie with a glare. “As if. Plus, who are you to be judging what other people are wearing? Do you know what you’re wearing?”
Richie glances down at his attire. He was wearing an old blue shirt with darker blue shorts. A red Hawaiian flannel covers most of his shirt, and he was wearing converse shoes with socks reaching midway up to his kneecap. He winks at Eddie with a shrug. “I didn’t have much of anything to work with. I only had the clothes your mom had for emergencies this morning.”
Eddie scrunches up his face. “You’re disgusting!”
“And you’re cute! What’s your name?”
Eddie gapes at him before spitting out, “Eddie Kaspbrak.”
“Well, Eds, no need for me to ask what your power is,” Richie sing-songs. “You have the power to steal hearts.”
“Oh my god,” Eddie groans. “Are you deaf or something? I said my name is Eddie. Not ‘Eds’.”
“I told your mom my name is Richie, but she had plenty of other alternatives…”
“Shut up!”
“Beep, beep, Richie,” Mike speaks up from the other side of Eddie.
Bill raises an eyebrow. “What do-does that mean?”
“It’s just what my mom came up with when Richie takes something too far,” Mike explains with a short glare to Richie.
“I can already tell we’re going to say it all the time,” Stan comments with a huff as he writes what’s on the board.
“Well, Eds, can call me whenever he wants-“
“Beep, beep, Richie!”
Tag list: 
@dandeliontozier @crazyfanperson @strangerclown @automncflcur @kitkaysmeow @rrichiettozier @ineedcafffeine @fangirl-and-proud4 @ihavemoregayshipsthanfriends @sad-synth @vaguelyambitious @reddieadd @spooky-cat-lady @tozierbraks 
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Recenzja Mafia 3
Gra zmusza do dokonywania tych samych czynności, przez co wydawać rozciąga ciekawą fabułę. W ostatnim sukcesie mniej oznaczałoby więcej.
Sprawę w Mafii 3 stylizowana jest na telewizyjny dokument o dawnych porachunkach legendarnych gangsterów. Z zaciekawieniem poznajemy pierwsze, świetnie zarysowane szczegóły również jesteśmy świadkami prawdziwych emocji ludzi, którzy ujawniają dramatyczne wydarzenia. Kiedy dołącza do rekonstrukcji zdarzeń, a my dodajemy się w centralnego bohatera, wraz z biegiem wypadków tracimy podatność na dalszy seans - pałeczkę przejmuje rutyna i powtarzalność.
Nietypowo podana historia, podzielona na filmy z taśm sądowych, problemy ze świadkami również indywidualne przerywniki filmowe, z początku intryguje i pracuje swoisty nastrój, który momentalnie wciąga w wir wydarzeń. Po naprawdę fantastycznym prologu rzeczywistość ukazuje się nieco inna. Reszta opowieści dostarczana istnieje w częściach jako nagroda za zdobywanie nowych dzielnic miasta oraz mało oryginalne misje rozsiane po całej mapie.
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Poprzednie części serii - szczególnie niedościgniona pierwsza Mafia - wybierały się ciągiem fabularyzowanych zadań, które ostatecznie zbierały się w przeszłość gangsterskiego życia. Drogi i budynki wokół pełniły funkcję żywego tła. W najnowocześniejszej wersji twórcy podjęli zaskakującą decyzję - otwartość świata i opcjonalne aktywności ograniczyliśmy do budowy obligatoryjnych kroków do wypełnienia. Koniecznych, by przyjść do dalszych fragmentów opowieści.
W współczesnej metodzie grze bliżej do serii Saints Row. Fundamentem konkurencje jest poszerzanie gangsterskiego imperium i przejmowanie dzielnic, a fabuła stosuje w dalszej części gry być tylko dodatek - przerywnik od beztroskiej rozwałki. W Mafii sednem przeważnie była emocjonująca przygoda z pięknym klimatem starych filmów, oraz nie godziny spędzone na bieganiu po ulicach i powtarzalności.
Trudno powiedzieć, czemu zdecydowano się na takie rozwiązanie. Najwidoczniej twórcy chcieli przedłużyć czas usunięty z grą, co jest wyłącznie niepotrzebne - Mafia 3 zachowała się przedstawioną historią nawet, jeśli ta kryła się po dziesięciu godzinach. Wówczas, po intensywnej fabule, ważna by spokojnie powrócić do przejmowania dzielnic i przyjemności w mozolne budowanie infrastruktury nielegalnych biznesów.
Powolny upadek głównego bossa - Sala Marcano - ogląda się naprawdę niczym bardzo atrakcyjny kryminał, a w trakcie rozgrywki prawie cały czas uczestniczymy w sekwencjach misji, jakich końcem jest eliminacja pionków w piramidzie mafijnej. System jest ciągle ten sam: przeszkadzamy w handlu, ujawniamy lokalnych dowódców i następnie komponujemy się do szefa dzielnicy. Przynajmniej na wstępu pewno się to podobać, już po paru godzinach odczuwamy znużenie i wymagamy jak najszybciej zacząć poznawać dalsze wątki fabularne.
Nie korzystamy a takiej ofercie. Każdego pionka należy wyeliminować, a dzielnicę przejąć. W właściwych misjach brakuje też urozmaicenia, a wyjątek z reguły są tylko niektóre zadania fabularne, w jakich udajemy kelnera na stypie, uciekamy motorówką albo również prowadzimy pościg za facetem w samych szortach. Wówczas dostrzegamy błyskotliwość, sztuk i pomysłowość twórców, a potem znów szybko wracamy do tychże tychże schematów.
Każdy dostęp do przyjęcia dzielnicy odbywa się w postaci dialogu Lincolna z bohaterem niezależnym. Obie strony mieszkają na baczność i bez emocji na twarzy opowiadają sobie smutne treści i planują zemstę - robi to coś tak, jakbyśmy zatrzymali się do gier sprzed dekady.
Dodatkowo bohater przez wszystek czas idzie w tejże samej spoconej koszulce oraz wojskowej kurtce i teoretycznie siedzi w zrujnowanej piwnicy. Lincoln jest idealnie zarysowaną postacią, w początkowej fazie jest zupełnie poprowadzony, ale z czasem nie uważamy go teraz jak gościa z farby i kości, jaki ma jedno potrzeby, poza żądzą zemsty.
Otwarty świat przynosi oraz inne korzyści. Obszary misji, budynki, magazyny lub domy stają się naszym placem zabawy. W trakcie akcji czujemy pełną swoboda w doborze miejsca ataku, przekradnięcia się za częścią straży, oraz na dodatek wzbogacany arsenał się nie nudzi. Każdą broń „czuć” nieco inaczej i pomimo że snajperka zapewnia dystans, to nic tak nie satysfakcjonuje jak strzał z rewolweru bądź strzelby z bliskiej odległości.
Strzelanie jest satysfakcjonujące, choć inteligencja przeciwników pozostawia sporo do życzenia. Brutalne eliminacje nożem na wstępie są, z okresem robią się przesadnie krwawe także wielu zdecyduje się na ich wyłączenie. Gdy chcemy szybko usunąć zawadzającego strażnika, to niekoniecznie oczekujemy, by Lincoln z impetem wbił mu nóż w górę, a wtedy cisnął zwłokami o podłogę.
Przydzielanie dzielnic naszym trzem głównym podwładnym - Cassandrze, Vito i Burke'owi - z okresem owocuje atrakcjami na poziomie fabuły oraz rozgrywki. W relacji z tego, w czyje ręce trafi kolejna strefa, zyskujemy profity będące naukami do wytwarzania w terminie gry. Z jakiejś ściany stanowi wtedy urozmaicenie strzelanin, z nowej natomiast przesadne ułatwienie, które planuje poczucie ryzyka.
Wezwanie wsparcia w trakcie strzelaniny czerpie z tarapatów, tylko z zmiany wyłączanie alarmów policyjnych sprawia, że niebieskie służby tracą jakiekolwiek prawo bytu a do kraju gry możemy o nich zapomnieć. Gdy przejmiemy dalsze dzielnice, pomiędzy trójką podwładnych wzrasta napięcie, gdyż nowo zdobyty obszar możemy dać tylko samej osobie. Mówi to do pewnego konfliktu.
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New Bordeaux poznajemy głównie dzięki przerywnikom filmowym i audycjom radiowym słyszanym w trakcie przenoszenia się pomiędzy misjami. Tu dużo mogą zauroczyć ciekawe i trudne czasy niż samo miejsce. Piękno miasta objawia się w nocy, kiedy lampy oświetlają drogi, budynki lśnią z informacji i dekoracji, a bohater nasłuchuje muzyki z jeżdżących samochodów.
Zbyt szybkie wydanie gry przyniosło też problemy techniczne. Zarówno wersja konsolowa, jak i komputerowa są na stoki płynności, anomalie mafia 3 are we cool oświetlenia za dnia oraz fakty z detekcją obiektów. Błędów technicznych jest mnóstwo, interakcji z otoczeniem niewiele. Choć ogólne wrażenia wizualne są najczęściej pozytywne, niektóre fragmenty miasta zostały opracowane szybko i bez pytania o szczegóły.
Jest pewne, że Mafia 3 to układ z specjalnym potencjałem, szczególnie widocznym w pięknym prologu i mało świetnie poprowadzonych misjach. Mimo wielu wad, tytuł zachęca do ekranu i ciężko go w sumy przekreślić. To niemniej ten przypadek gry, w jakiej twórcy sami sukcesywnie szkodzą własnemu dziełu, poprzez pozbawione sensu rozciągnięcie ciekawej opowieści.
Przez częste a przede wszystkim niezbędne przejmowanie dzielnic, dotarcie do celu przedstawia się drogą przez mękę, a jednak winno stanowić jasną radością i wyłącznie dobrą zabawą.
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Opis gry Mafia 3
Gra zmusza do przeprowadzania tych samych czynności, przez co niepotrzebnie rozciąga ciekawą fabułę. W współczesnym sukcesie mniej oznaczałoby więcej.
Opowieść w Mafii 3 stylizowana jest na telewizyjny dokument o dawnych porachunkach legendarnych gangsterów. Z zaciekawieniem poznajemy pierwsze, świetnie zarysowane szczegóły zaś stanowimy świadkami prawdziwych emocji ludzi, którzy ułatwiają dramatyczne wydarzenia. Kiedy dołącza do rekonstrukcji zdarzeń, a my wcielamy się w głównego bohatera, wraz z rozwojem wypadków tracimy chęć na dalszy seans - pałeczkę przejmuje rutyna i powtarzalność.
Nietypowo podana historia, podzielona na obrazy z taśm sądowych, problemy ze świadkami i drugie przerywniki filmowe, z początku interesuje i powoduje dobry nastrój, który szybko wciąga w wir wydarzeń. Po naprawdę dobrym prologu rzeczywistość objawia się coś inna. Reszta opowieści dostarczana stanowi w częściach jako rekompensata za zdobywanie nowych dzielnic miasta oraz kilku oryginalne misje rozsiane po całej mapie.
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Poprzednie części serii - szczególnie niedościgniona pierwsza Mafia - dawały się ciągiem fabularyzowanych zadań, które ostatecznie układały się w sprawę gangsterskiego życia. Drogi oraz domy wokół pełniły funkcję żywego tła. W najnowocześniejszej odsłonie twórcy podjęli zaskakującą decyzję - otwartość świata i dodatkowe aktywności sprowadzili do budowy obligatoryjnych kroków do wykonania. Koniecznych, by przyjść do dalszych fragmentów opowieści.
W obecnej formie grze bliżej do mafia3download.com Mafia 3 za darmo serii Saints Row. Fundamentem rozgrywki jest poszerzanie gangsterskiego imperium i zajmowanie dzielnic, a fabuła wchodzi w dalszej części gry stanowić tylko dodatek - przerywnik od beztroskiej rozwałki. W Mafii sednem przeważnie była interesująca relację z urzekającym klimatem starych filmów, i nie godziny spędzone na buszowaniu po ulicach i powtarzalności.
Trudno powiedzieć, czemu zdecydowano się na takie podejście. Najwidoczniej twórcy chcieli przedłużyć czas spędzony z muzyką, co jest wystarczająco niepotrzebne - Mafia 3 zachowała się przedstawioną historią nawet, żeby ta usuwała się po dziesięciu godzinach. Wówczas, po ciężkiej fabule, można by spokojnie powrócić do przejmowania dzielnic i radości w trudne budowanie infrastruktury nielegalnych biznesów.
Powolny upadek głównego bossa - Sala Marcano - ogląda się naprawdę niczym dużo wydajny kryminał, ale w trakcie rozgrywki prawie cały czas należymy w sekwencjach misji, których celem jest eliminacja pionków w piramidzie mafijnej. Pomysł jest wciąż ten sam: przeszkadzamy w handlu, ujawniamy lokalnych dowódców i wtedy znajdujemy się do szefa dzielnicy. Choć na startu że się to podobać, już po paru godzinach odczuwamy zmęczenie a wybieramy jak już zacząć poznawać dalsze wątki fabularne.
Nie zawieramy a takiej oferty. Każdego pionka należy wyeliminować, a dzielnicę przejąć. W typowych misjach brakuje też urozmaicenia, a wyjątek z reguły są jedynie niektóre zadania fabularne, w jakich udajemy kelnera na stypie, uciekamy motorówką bądź również prowadzimy pościg za facetem w jednych szortach. Wówczas dostrzegamy błyskotliwość, wiedz i pomysłowość twórców, ale po znów szybko uciekamy do tychże jedynych schematów.
Każdy wstęp do zdobycia dzielnicy kończy się w organizacji dialogu Lincolna z bohaterem niezależnym. Obie postacie idą na uwaga i bez emocji na osoby opowiadają sobie smutne akcje i knują zemstę - przypomina to moment tak, jakbyśmy zatrzymali się do gier sprzed dekady.
Dodatkowo bohater przez cały czas należy w tejże jednej spoconej koszulce oraz wojskowej kurtce i teoretycznie pozostaje w zrujnowanej piwnicy. Lincoln jest świetnie zarysowaną postacią, w początkowej porze jest całkiem poprowadzony, jednak z czasem nie mówimy go teraz jak mężczyznę z natur i kości, który tworzy jakieś potrzeby, poza żądzą zemsty.
Otwarty świat przynosi oraz inne korzyści. Obszary misji, budynki, magazyny lub domy stają się naszym rynkiem zabawy. W trakcie akcji czujemy pełną dowolność w zestawie miejsca ataku, przekradnięcia się za częścią straży, natomiast na dodatek wzbogacany arsenał się nie nudzi. Każdą broń „czuć” nieco inaczej a pomimo iż snajperka zapewnia dystans, to nic tak nie satysfakcjonuje jak strzał z rewolweru bądź strzelby z swej odległości.
Strzelanie jest satysfakcjonujące, choć inteligencja przeciwników pozostawia sporo do życzenia. Brutalne eliminacje nożem na początku są, z okresem rodzą się przesadnie ciężkie oraz dużo zdecyduje się na ich wyłączenie. Jak chcemy szybko usunąć zawadzającego strażnika, to niekoniecznie oczekujemy, by Lincoln z biegiem wbił mu nóż w głowę, a potem cisnął zwłokami o podłogę.
Przydzielanie dzielnic naszym trzem głównym podwładnym - Cassandrze, Vito i Burke'owi - z czasem owocuje grami na stanie fabuły oraz rozgrywki. W relacji z tego, w czyje ręce trafi kolejna strefa, zyskujemy zyski będące wiedzami do wytwarzania w czasie gry. Z samej cechy jest zatem urozmaicenie strzelanin, z pozostałej natomiast przesadne ułatwienie, które niweluje poczucie ryzyka.
Wezwanie wsparcia w trakcie strzelaniny wyciąga z tarapatów, a z zmianie wyłączanie alarmów policyjnych sprawia, że niebieskie służby tracą jakiekolwiek prawo organizmu także do celu gry możemy o nich zapomnieć. Gdy przejmiemy dalsze dzielnice, pomiędzy trójką podwładnych wzrasta napięcie, gdyż nowo zdobyty obszar możemy podarować tylko indywidualnej osobie. Towarzyszy to do nieuchronnego konfliktu.
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New Bordeaux poznajemy głównie dzięki przerywnikom filmowym i audycjom radiowym słyszanym w trakcie obracania się pomiędzy misjami. Tu bardziej mogą zauroczyć ładne i otwarte czasy niż samo miejsce. Piękno miasta przejawia się w nocy, kiedy lampy oświetlają drogi, budynki lśnią od reklam i dekoracji, a bohater nasłuchuje gry z jeżdżących samochodów.
Zbyt duże wydanie gry przyniosło te problemy techniczne. Zarówno wersja konsolowa, jak i komputerowa chorują na spadki płynności, anomalie oświetlenia za dnia oraz kłopoty z detekcją obiektów. Błędów technicznych jest sporo, interakcji z otoczeniem niewiele. Choć ogólne wrażenia wizualne są najczęściej pozytywne, niektóre fragmenty miasta zostały opracowane szybko i bez myślenia o szczegóły.
Jest wielkie, że Mafia 3 to plan z specjalnym potencjałem, szczególnie znanym w pięknym prologu i kilku świetnie poprowadzonych misjach. Mimo wielu wad, tytuł przyciąga do ekranu i trudno go w pełni przekreślić. To pomimo ten wypadek gry, w której twórcy sami sukcesywnie szkodzą własnemu dziełu, poprzez pozbawione sensu rozciągnięcie ciekawej opowieści.
Przez częste i przede wszystkim niezbędne przejmowanie dzielnic, dojście do końca wyraża się drogą przez mękę, a przecież winno być ładną przyjemnością i całkiem świetną zabawą.
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Recenzja Mafia 3
Gra zmusza do osiągania https://mafia3download.com tych tychże czynności, przez co niepotrzebnie rozciąga ciekawą fabułę. W współczesnym fakcie mniej znaczyłoby więcej.
Opowieść w Mafii 3 stylizowana jest na telewizyjny dokument o dawnych porachunkach legendarnych gangsterów. Z zaciekawieniem poznajemy pierwsze, świetnie zarysowane szczegóły zaś stanowimy świadkami prawdziwych emocji ludzi, którzy ujawniają dramatyczne wydarzenia. Kiedy powraca do rekonstrukcji zdarzeń, a my wcielamy się w centralnego bohatera, wraz z rozwojem wypadków tracimy chęć na dalszy seans - pałeczkę przejmuje rutyna i powtarzalność.
Nietypowo podana historia, podzielona na obrazy z taśm sądowych, problemy ze świadkami oraz nowe przerywniki filmowe, od początku intryguje i robi swoisty nastrój, który momentalnie umieszcza w obrót wydarzeń. Po naprawdę dobrym prologu rzeczywistość okazuje się nieco inna. Reszta opowieści kierowana stanowi w ratach jako rekompensata za zdobywanie nowych dzielnic miasta i kilka oryginalne misje rozsiane po całej mapie.
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Poprzednie części serii - szczególnie niedościgniona pierwsza Mafia - dzieliły się ciągiem fabularyzowanych zadań, które ostatecznie trzymały się w relację gangsterskiego życia. Drogi i budynki wokół pełniły funkcję żywego tła. W najnowocześniejszej wersji twórcy podjęli zaskakującą decyzję - otwartość świata i opcjonalne aktywności skierowali do budowy obligatoryjnych kroków do zrealizowania. Koniecznych, by dotrzeć do dalszych fragmentów opowieści.
W ostatniej metodzie grze bliżej do serii Saints Row. Fundamentem rozgrywki jest poszerzanie gangsterskiego imperium i zajmowanie dzielnic, a fabuła zaczyna w dalszej części gry stanowić tylko dodatek - przerywnik od dobrej rozwałki. W Mafii sednem jednak była interesująca sprawę z pięknym klimatem starych filmów, zaś nie godziny spędzone na bieganiu po drogach i powtarzalności.
Trudno powiedzieć, czemu zdecydowano się na takie rozwiązanie. Najwidoczniej twórcy chcieli przedłużyć czas spędzony z muzyką, co jest wyłącznie niepotrzebne - Mafia 3 utrzymałaby się przedstawioną historią nawet, żeby ta zatrzymywała się po dziesięciu godzinach. Wówczas, po ciężkiej fabule, ważna by spokojnie wrócić do przejmowania dzielnic i przyjemności w trudne budowanie infrastruktury nielegalnych biznesów.
Powolny upadek głównego bossa - Sala Marcano - spotyka się naprawdę niczym bardzo pomocny kryminał, a w trakcie rozgrywki prawie wszystek okres realizujemy w sekwencjach misji, jakich przedmiotem jest eliminacja pionków w piramidzie mafijnej. Schemat jest wciąż ten jeden: przeszkadzamy w biznesie, ujawniamy lokalnych dowódców a wtedy kształtujemy się do szefa dzielnicy. Natomiast na starcie że się to podobać, zaraz po paru godzinach jesteśmy zmęczenie i wybieramy jak łatwo zacząć poznawać dalsze wątki fabularne.
Nie zajmujemy ale takiej opcje. Każdego pionka należy wyeliminować, a dzielnicę przejąć. W prostych misjach brakuje też urozmaicenia, a wyjątek od reguły mają jedynie niektóre zadania fabularne, w jakich udajemy kelnera na stypie, uciekamy motorówką lub także prowadzimy pościg za klientem w jednych szortach. Wówczas dostrzegamy błyskotliwość, nauki i pomysłowość twórców, a po znów szybko wracamy do tychże tychże schematów.
Każdy dostęp do przejęcia dzielnicy odbywa się w postaci dialogu Lincolna z bohaterem niezależnym. Obie postacie mieszkają na baczność i bez emocji na osób opowiadają sobie smutne treści i planują zemstę - przypomina to mało tak, jakbyśmy zatrzymali się do gier sprzed dekady.
Dodatkowo bohater przez wszystek czas idzie w obecnej samej spoconej koszulce oraz wojskowej kurtce i teoretycznie żyje w zrujnowanej piwnicy. Lincoln jest dobrze zarysowaną postacią, w pierwszej fazie jest absolutnie poprowadzony, ale z momentem nie traktujemy go szybko jak turystę z natury i kości, jaki ma jakieś potrzeby, poza żądzą zemsty.
Otwarty świat przynosi i inne korzyści. Obszary misji, budynki, magazyny czy domy stają się naszym placem zabawy. W trakcie akcji czujemy pełną niezależność w doborze miejsca ataku, przekradnięcia się za częścią straży, a na dodatek wzbogacany arsenał się nie nudzi. Każdą broń „czuć” nieco inaczej a pomimo że snajperka zapewnia dystans, więc nic właśnie nie satysfakcjonuje jak strzał z rewolweru bądź strzelby z znajomej odległości.
Strzelanie jest odpowiadające, choć inteligencja przeciwników pozostawia dużo do wymagania. Brutalne eliminacje nożem na starcie są, z czasem powtarzają się przesadnie krwawe i wielu zdecyduje się na ich wyłączenie. Jak chcemy szybko usunąć zawadzającego strażnika, to niekoniecznie oczekujemy, by Lincoln z impetem wbił mu nóż w górę, a potem cisnął zwłokami o podłogę.
Przydzielanie dzielnic naszym trzem podstawowym podwładnym - Cassandrze, Vito i Burke'owi - z okresem owocuje grami na poziomie fabuły oraz rozgrywki. W relacje z tego, w czyje ręce trafi kolejna strefa, zyskujemy zyski będące sztukami do wytwarzania w terminie gry. Z pewnej cechy istnieje to urozmaicenie strzelanin, z nowej jednak przesadne ułatwienie, które niweluje poczucie ryzyka.
Wezwanie wsparcia w trakcie strzelaniny wyciąga z tarapatów, ale z zmian wyłączanie alarmów policyjnych sprawia, że niebieskie służby tracą jakiekolwiek prawo organizmu także do tyłu gry możemy o nich stracić. Gdy przejmiemy dalsze dzielnice, pomiędzy trójką podwładnych wzrasta napięcie, gdyż nowo zdobyty obszar możemy podarować tylko indywidualnej osobie. Powoduje zatem do nieuchronnego konfliktu.
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New Bordeaux poznajemy głównie dzięki przerywnikom filmowym i audycjom radiowym słyszanym w trakcie przesuwania się pomiędzy misjami. Tu dużo mogą zauroczyć dobre i otwarte czasy niż samo miejsce. Piękno miasta wydaje się w nocy, kiedy lampy oświetlają drogi, budynki lśnią od informacji i dekoracji, a bohater słucha muzyki z jeżdżących samochodów.
Zbyt duże wydanie gry przyniosło i problemy techniczne. Zarówno wersja konsolowa, kiedy i komputerowa narzekają na spadki płynności, anomalie oświetlenia za dnia oraz kłopoty z detekcją obiektów. Błędów technicznych jest dużo, interakcji z otoczeniem niewiele. Choć ogólne wrażenia wizualne są najczęściej pozytywne, niektóre fragmenty miasta zostały opracowane szybko i bez dbania o szczegóły.
Jest jednoznaczne, że Mafia 3 to program z ważnym potencjałem, szczególnie dostępnym w pięknym prologu i mało świetnie poprowadzonych misjach. Mimo wielu zalet, tytuł zachęca do ekranu i niestety go w sumy przekreślić. To jednakże ostatni przykład gry, w której twórcy sami sukcesywnie szkodzą własnemu dziełu, poprzez pozbawione sensu rozciągnięcie ciekawej opowieści.
Przez częste a przede każdym przymusowe przejmowanie dzielnic, przybycie do końca składa się drogą przez mękę, a przecież winno stanowić piękną zabawą i wyłącznie dobrą zabawą.
0 notes
kentucky-the-fried · 7 years
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Been a while since I posted some art so here’s what the Ken has been up to!
1) L. Nothing much needs to be said ;3
2) A colorful planet son in an Interceptor jacket !
3) School doodles including a surprised Natasha, a chibi Reyne, a nya that’s ready to fite, a planet son and a profile shot of everyone’s favorite hero for fun! @lilithcosa @starfallblade @besuchiiart
4) I wasn’t feeling too great this one day and decided to try out some pastel gore - I love drawing bones OwO
5) Thanks to Discord shenanigans, I came up with a design for a Human! Lugalbanda!…oh no he’s hot
6) A buff, battle scarred Jaynix, edited with the beautiful CamScanner app! @eienias20
7) Messed around with a few eye styles for some Crosses and they came out super nice! Featuring Rosetta, Flame, Tei and Sy'Chell! @love410s @flametorchic @tobieirl @shymindmeta
8) @shiro-hunter divulged on some of their OCs on the Discord and I couldn’t help myself, I love them both dearly and I only want the best for them xD also featuring two tiny Pongos that have pretty much no context, rip
9) Some notes on Pongo’s Overdrive abilities as well as more eye studies, featuring the squid Squad Parents! @aeviann @killerdraco
10) A Melon in a cute new outfit and a Pongo!…in a cute outfit?… @the-lazy-melon
Also since I doodled a tiny Pongo based on Imperium, I guess I should point out: I’m still doing it! But I’ve been editing everything like crazy to make sure that it all turns out good. Hopefully I’ll be able to post the prologue soon! xD
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silent-of-spirit · 7 years
“The planet is fine. The people are fucked.” Sera and Dagna... in New Roman AU? (which I have been Super Excited about ever since you posted about it?!?!)
“But, Sera-”
“Oi, Widdle. Part of the deal was youhad to be hush, yeah? At least 'till we get out of your master'sterritory.” She was on edge. It was waytoo fuckin' quiet and that usually spelled trouble in all sorts ofways- especially when on the run. She had taken a hugerisk in freeing this one, but she had grown onher, damn it. Sera was many things, but she was no fool. She knew thedwarf's master would miss her immensely, what with all the fancymagic crafting shite she put together. Dagna was too clever for herown good.
“Butif we only need to step outside of Tevene territory, then why south?Antiva to the east is much closer- and a safer journey I wouldthink.” Dagna whispered, pulling up close beside the elf. Sera gaveher an exasperated look and pressed a finger to her lips. She peeredthrough the bushes at the darkened road, the unsettled feeling in hergut growing in intensity. She scanned the shadows, drawing her bowand nocking an arrow as quietly as she could manage. Something wasoff. Very off. Dagna watched her with wide eyes, but fell blissfullysilent.
Seracouldn't see shite andit just made the hair on her neck prickle. She didn't like this.There was nothing outthere and that was precisely the problem. They were on the outskirtsof a small town- there should be stray dogs, rats, a stumblingdrunkard or two- at least some friggin' bugs.But the area was completely devoid of life, and it scared her waymore than she'd ever admit to her Widdle.
Shelet an arrow fly, intentionally grazing the edge of one of the housesso it would skitter over the cobblestones. It was nearly deafening inthe deadly silence, and yet still nothing stirred. Sera closed hereyes and clenched her jaw. She was fairly sure of what she wouldfind, but the knowledge never made it any easier. She had come acrossnearly eight other villages just like this- a village of littlepeople crushed under boot when they refused to submit. It was why shefought as hard as she did. It was why she sought to crush theImperium as they had crushed so many others.
“Won'tbe pretty. You should know now.” She said to the dwarf, voicehoarse with pent emotion. She stood, leaving the cover of the bushesand keeping a tight grip on her bow. She could hear the shufflingsteps behind her, nervous and hesitant, but she kept her eyes fixedforward, stopping for a moment only when she saw the first sign ofwhat she had dreaded. She stepped forward until the entire street wasin view, and closed her eyes.
Thefirst body was just a boy. Maybe 9- covered in blood and dust andgrime, face down on the cobblestones. There were at least 20 morelining the narrow street, and she knew she would find even morehidden in the buildings. There was a shuddering gasp from behind her.
“Whatis wrong with the world?” Dagna's voice came, small and soft andafraid, her shackles rattling as she lifted her hands to cover hermouth.
“Ain'tnothing wrong with the world, Widdle. S'the people that are shite.”Sera spat into the dirt, trying to harden herself against the sightsas she had with the villages before. “You should sleep.”
WhenDagna rose the next morning, it was to find dozens of fresh mounds inthe field just outside of the village. Sera stood tall, arms crossedas she looked at the rising dawn, face schooled into a careful maskof impassivity.
“What'sthe plan?” Dagna asked gently, avoiding the sight of the freshgraves. She could have been one of them, had her life gonedifferently.
“TheElvhen city?” She asked incredulously. Tevinter was trying to focusall of its efforts onArlathan- it seemed like the last place that would be a haven for anescaped slave and a vigilante.
“Gotfriends there.” Sera said casually.
“RedJenny friends?”
“Nah,bigger friends. It's time to start the fight for real, Widdle. Theywant the same things as me- as many of us. The Empire needs to fall.”
Confusionknotted Dagna's brow. “Who-”
“Everheard of Fen'Harel and the Herald of Andraste?” Sera asked, turningupon her with a wicked smirk.
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