#Jason is pissed that Bruce didn't kill Joker
arrowmaker15 · 7 months
(All 5 of the original Robins meeting thanks to the Flash family fucking with the timeless/multiverse again)
Jason (As Robin 2): Wait a fuckin' minute, I *die*!?
Tim (As Robin 3): Yes, that is correct.
Dick (As Robin 1): I'm still stuck on the fact that not only do I get fired, but four more Robins come after me. And that this eleven-year-old stalked both me and you for years!
Tim (R3): I'm 13, almost 14.
Steph (As Robin 4): I'm only around for a few months? Why?
Damian (As Robin 5): You initiated a protocol that Batman was meant to be around for without telling him. You then caused a gang war, Black Mask discovered your identity, he kidnapped you, tortured you, then assumedly killed you. Dr. Thompkins in actuality faked your death and after a while you returned. Then you started dating Drake.
Tim (R3): Is that part really important to mention?
Jason (R2): Yes, now, how the hell do I die, Replacement?
Tim (R3): Joker beats you with a crowbar then blows you up in a warehouse in Ethiopia.
Jason (R2): And... And B doesn't kill him?
Damian (R5): No. But Grayson does.
Dick (R1): I what now!?
Steph (R4): Don't worry, the B-Man brings him back to life shortly after.
Jason (R2): He does fuckin' WHAT!!??
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
so tempted to do a thing for @phoenixcatch7's possessed doll au Because I am just stuck with this image of B's puppet body being damaged, his gas mask off, and him going straight up Feral. Am I saying I want to draw him mauling the joker? Maybe. Maybe I do. He'd deserve it.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
a list of funniest things jason todd could do:
slowly steal the parts of the batmobile and reassemble it elsewhere, then pull up next to bruce in his own second secret batmobile
become a lawyer and get joker setenced to the death penalty - bonus is that he completes college and gets a degree which bruce never did and alfred is proud beyond the gravethat one of his grandkids actually completed college
change bruces name to "free trires" in his phone contacts
call time the wrong name everyday, but it starts of sounding like a genuine mistake (tom, jim ect) and slowly gets further and further away from the original (jimothy, jeremy, dave, the dogs name)
dye his hair red, claim he was an original red head and then gaslight the family into believing bruce made him dye his hair black to look more like dick and be a replacement
come out as gay and claim to be the only gay member of the batfamily and when tim tries to say something to dispute it he just hits him with "who are you again? the computer guy or smthing?"
could also come out as poly and roll up to family dinners with more than one partner and if someone says something about it, he just says "mad cuz i got TWO more partners than you huh. lonesome bitch."
feel free to add on
Let's go.
Made a carbon copy of Batman and spread in strategic places on the Batcave, Tim's boat, Clock Tower, Duke's nest and Dick's house. (He almost killed them)
(One of Dick's colleagues saw it and he had to lie he was this die hard Batfanboy, his ego never recovered until today.)
Stole Tim's mug and placed on Damian's room, stole Damian's mug and placed on Tim's boat then proceeded to visit the Manor until he hard the scream of the fight he planted between them;
When he saw Bernard for the first time he said "Whoa Timmy you move on fast, this one is Terry right?";
Did a Tramp Stamp tattoo;
Slut shames Dick every chance he gets (this one is actually cannon);
Shot Dick's phone;
Every Christmas shows up with a different Outlaws member and affirms that's his partner
Dated an arrow to piss of his dad, when Bruce got over it proceeded to date a lantern instead;
Never told no one other than Dick he's actually in a stable relationship with Artemis because he refuses to swap Bruce's horrified reaction to a normal one;
Gave Bernard the shovel talk;
When he bumped with Selina after the (failed) marriage and she teased him on how he didn't gave her shit for it he just answered "No, no I get it"
Purposely brings Harley to bat reunions under the bullshit "She's my therapist" when the bats bother him, knowing his therapy with Harley only count when they're at her office;
Told every one he's Harley's adopted kid (actually Harley was the one to say that once when she was drunk and he just went along with it);
Exchanged Bernard's number to Kon's in Tim's cell phone and vice-versa;
Left his Mustache grow and showed up as Matches Malone in one of Wayne's Gala;
Lied he was actually a Titan but they kicked him out because Dick's is an asshole;
Stoled Signal's Patrol Lunch;
Stole's Spoiler's lunch;
Brought alcohol to manage going through their family gathering when he was caught he blamed on Tim;
(He thought about blaming on Dick but he knew Dick would just go along with it)
Everytime Dick, Barbara and Bruce call him he answers with "He's dead";
Introduced Tim to the Outlaws with "That's Robin they found him on the thrash"
Showed up to Barbara's job dropped a "Hi mom" as a greeting then proceeded to laugh his ass off while Barbara tried o explain to her coworkers that that tank of a man wasn't her child;
Told Dick Talia adopted him;
Told Talia Dick adopted him;
Told Damian that if Batman dies he's going to adopt him out of spite;
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 months
Content warning at the end for suicidal ideation. Nothing graphic.
Jason leaned against the wall where Babs was typing training notes and jerked his head to where you were talking to Bruce. Evidence notes in hand. "So the Emo doesn't have to train why?"
"Physiology," she answered, not looking up. "When they messed with the structures in her brain they messed with well... everything." "Which translates to no cardio how?" he scoffed, wiping sweat off his forehead.
"If she trained like the rest of you she'd have to eat like a Speedster and take enough vitamins to fuck her organs," she said. "If that's not clear enough- They made her pretty powerful sure but also pretty fragile."
"So much for a super soldier-"
"She's slightly stronger and slightly faster than a normal person but only in short bursts. And she lives in constant hell. So. You know. I don't begrudge her not having to run." She gave him a meaningful look, eyes narrowing.
"It can't be that bad."
Barbara shrugged, "If you're man enough, have her show you. If you're not- or she won't- Ask Bruce how he found her. Then see if you say that." And before he could sulk anymore, she stowed her laptop in it's compartment and left. He had every right to be pissed. At Bruce. At the Joker. At every injustice in the world. But- you hadn't had anything to do with it and she was tired of hearing about it.
"Jason," Bruce said glancing up, "you can't have-"
"It's not about guns," he snorted. "I'm not carrying the stupid crowbar. A tire Iron is more fun. I wanna know about Y/N."
"Why?" Bruce asked, eyes narrowing.
"Well, she's one of my replacements so-"
"No one replaced you, first of all. And second of all-"
"Where'd you find her?" he asked, cutting to the chase. He hadn't asked you. It felt weird. Mostly because you would barely look at him. And you only ever spoke to him when you needed to in order to be polite.
Bruce sat back in his chair with a sigh and scrubbed his hand through his hair. "If you use this to-"
"I just wanna know!" he protested. "Everyone treats her like a pet!"
"We," Bruce started after a long moment, "found her in the bottom of a cage. Almost dead. Mostly naked and filthy. Treated worse than an animal. If she hadn't whimpered, Dick would have thought she was dead." Bruce paused for a second; swallowing down the sick feeling he'd thought was the gore and the scent of blood in the air.
"Scientists were looking for kids like her. Kids with heightened abilities they could exploit," he explained. "She was the last survivor, somehow."
Jason wasn't looking at him. If not for how still he was, and how tense, Bruce would have thought he wasn't listening. But now, his sense of injustice was rankled. And he was listening. "Long story short," he continued, not wanting to dwell on it, "they wanted a soldier. They tried to desensitize her to violence and well. It didn't go like they planned."
"How?" he asked, looking up slowly.
"They forced her to kill people," Bruce said wincing.
"But when you found her-"
"She was trying to kill herself," Bruce said sadly. "She lost control and made a building of scientists and guards- about 20 people kill themselves."
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gffa · 3 days
The thing is, I think Jason's issues with Bruce center around how he feels like he doesn't matter to Bruce, how he's not being acknowledged and recognized in the eyes of the man that became his father. And I'm not married to any one interpretation that comes from that, but I can see some a lot of really fun ways to run with it, like. When Jason is resurrected, he's so angry that Bruce refused to cross the line to kill the Joker, because Jason didn't matter enough to him to break that part of Bruce. It doesn't matter that Bruce has reasons for it, that he knows himself well enough that he can't cross that line or he'll keep crossing it, if he justifies one kill, he'll justify them all, there's part of Jason that cries out, "Am I not worth that to you?" In Task Force Z, Jason agrees to work with Bruce to find the Lazarus resin, and the breaking point of their conflict is over Jason feeling like he only matters as a good little soldier, that he's not seen as someone worth respecting and trusted, that he doesn't matter as himself. That Bruce tries to tell him how and where he can fight, that Gotham is his city. When Gotham War happens, Bruce does cross a line, he's so torn apart by Jason's actions versus his own love for Jason that he does something monstrous. It's awful, it's horrible, but maybe there's some fucked up part of Jason that, underneath all the hurt and the anger, thinks, He did this because of me. He crossed his own morals for me. Yeah, it's fucked up and I'm pissed, but look what I made him do. ME. Every single Bat is kind of fucked up in a myriad of ways, their emotional boundaries are just absolutely bonkers, their emotional connections work differently because they've all been through the trauma wringer, so when something fucked up happens, they don't always react to it in normal ways, and especially so when it comes to Bruce. They know it's fucked up, but their whole lives are fucked up, and when you can make Bruce do something so against his morals? Because he's so torn up about you? That's the kind of acknowledgement that really scratches an itch that only really fucked up trauma for everyone in this bar can give you. He can come around on what Bruce did because it means he matters to Bruce, when Bruce trusts him to be the one to take on the fake death plan, when Bruce listens to Jason arguing back, it's the acknowledgement and importance that he's been seeking. It's fucked up, but what isn't fucked up in the Bats' lives? They're all walking trauma bombs ready to go off at any minute, eventually you find ways to get over that and cope however you can. Especially when it means your dad loves you so much that he broke his own rules for you, the rules that seemed to matter so much more than you ever did to him, maybe they're not such an insurmountable distance anymore. Bruce will never kill for any of them, but he can break other rules that drive a dagger into Bruce's very soul. Because of Jason.
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e-nonsense · 1 year
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pairing. batfam x batsis!reader
warnings. languages death/murder, gun violence
summary. reader is bruce wayne’s unofficial daughter and a mercenary. she doesn’t frequent gotham until she gets paid to kill the joker. previous part
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When you woke up you were in the Batcave. You were in big trouble, big big trouble. Why? Well...
The Joker was dead,
you family knows that you're The Knight,
and lastly you lied to Alfred
You could still walk, you only passed from exhaustion killing the Joker had been easier than you thought it would be, but getting away from the scene of the crime was very hard.
You slipped into Arkham thanks to Harley Quinn who pretended to be a guard and let you in through a secret tunnel, if she had stayed getting out would've been a lot easier but you couldn't risk her getting caught so you told her to leave, lying that you had an exit strategy.
You had made it out of Arkham successfully but when you were out all the Gotham Knights where there - it made you feel special if you weren't gonna lie - waiting for you, even Red Hood who looked like he didn't want to be there.
You took them down one by one - having known all there strengths and weaknesses, and weak spots - till eventually you were left with one.
And there he stood Batman, The Dark Knight something that contrasted your name the White Knight, you knew that you could take him down with some time but that was time you didn't have so you got in a fighting stance and when Bruce lunged you ran.
From roof to roof and Batman eventually accompanied by his birds and idiot sidekicks followed and when instead of jumping you dropped, they were all a little confused until they saw a speeding away. Damian was impressed. In the end they still got you and here you all where, every single pair of eyes on you.
"Sooo?" you smiled awkwardly "how's everyone feeling?"
"confused" came Duke's voice, everyone glared at him minus you who smiled at him gratefully.
"Mercenary?" Jason, he didn't sound pissed probably 'cause you just killed the Joker "What were there no other occupations available?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" Bruce asked and everyone was quiet once again. You sighed "If I told you what would you have said?"
"No, Bruce you wouldn't have supported me. Not the way you do everyone else" you took a breath to control yourself "and that's understandable, y'know but you wouldn't have accepted me either, and don't lie about how you would."
"She has a point father"
"Don't get angry at him"
"Don't tell me how to raise my son!"
"Your son! What about your daughter?!"
And that's when the argument flared, you were trying to avoid this but somethings just need to happen to resolve issues.
Everyone slowly started to back away from the heated argument, everyone but Damian and Jason who stood by your side the entire time.
"Where'd you even learn to fight like this?!"
Bruce looked at you expecting an answer, but you were far to ashamed to admit who had taught you to fight.
"Khoa" you mumbled in hopes that nobody would hear you over the water in the background, but they did. You knew this would happen one day, Bruce would finally tell you to piss off and never show your face unless he needed you to.
Bruce wasn't sure what to say. He didn't think Ghost-Maker of all people would take you in and train you, his old friend now rival. Why?
Everyone's heads snapped towards the entry of the batcave, and there he stood in all his idiotic glory, Khoa Khan. You didn't even know he was in Gotham.
"Ghost" you nodded at him
"You good?" a question that shocked Bruce and Dick
"Yup, just finishing off here" you ruffled Damian's hair with a promise to eventually come visit when things cooled down and squeezed Jason's hand in reassurance that you'd be safe.
You looked at Khoa "I'll be up" and he turned to leave
You walked up to Bruce and everyone else went on to do their own things in the cave pretending like they weren't listening.
"Stay safe, I'll uh reach out once I've had time to cool off and think about this" Bruce spoke softly.
You nodded hanging onto his words, "Don't do anything stupid, and please stay safe"
Bruce watched as you walked away from him, he wished he could stop you from following his once friend. You had still left him with so many unanswered questions, a part of him just wished he'd been a more present father than maybe this wouldn't be happening.
But he let you walk away, he knew you'd be safe that's all that mattered to him right now.
"Love you dad" and he smiled.
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ᴛᴀɢ/ꜱ: @edgycatx @bbnny @magikhoodie @instantplaiddream @alecmores
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© e-nonsense. do no copy/steal/translate. do it and I’ll bite your toes off
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rubydubydoo122 · 27 days
Dick had a countdown going on for when he became legal and threatened to quit if they cast another actual kid for a main role. Thus 18 yr old baby face tim entered the fold once more because of dick graysons refusal for something.
Blockbuster was dick’s worst stalker, mostly because he threatened to burn down his apartment, kill his family, and dox all of his costars if dick didn’t run away with him. And he’s had Slade send him whole ass guns.
Joker has been Jason’s #1 enemy since he started acting on the show. Not because he’s an actual villain, but because he accidentally scared Jason one time and Jason screamed so loud the security on set started sprinting towards them both. So embarrassing
The show gets so long that the writing team asks for input from the actors so every season there’s like four episodes that are considered separate from the main canon where the actors basically do whatever they want. There’s been casino heists with Tim as the ring leader, vampire king dick grayson, Indiana jones ass Jason Todd, wizard Bruce Wayne, single father dick (first time Damian was on set and fans loved him so much he got added to main cast), ghost Jason (he thought it was funny), time traveler tim, etc.
I typed out a whole thing for this Actor AU, but then it didn't save, but ask me individually how I think each season would go and then how I think some background behind the scenes would be like, cus I had the whole thing typed out AND THEN IT DIDN"T SAVVVVVEEEEEE
But yeah, Dick was really close to quitting when Jason joined the show and became Robin, and then, breathed a sigh of relief when he got fridged, and then was so pissed when he realized the writers were looking for another kid to play Robin, so Dick decided he was going to play a more involved role in the casting process.
I think the Joker thing is HILAROIUS, and there's definitely an interview where someone asks Jason what his biggest fear is, and Jason says "Clowns" and that interview blows up (pun intended) when they kill off Jason.
And In any Alternate Universes, I make it so Talia and Bruce get married, so i think it would be cute if the actor who plays Damian is actually their child, and grew up around the set. There are pictures of Dick, Jason at so many of Damian's early milestones, and a video of Tim, Cass and Steph helping Damian look for a tooth that he lost but accidentally dropped.
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distort-opia · 29 days
Could you maybe explain to me what exactly Jason's problem with Bruce was/is when he came back?
Maybe I'm being stupid but I don't know. Like, I know there's this space between Jason's resurrection and Talia finding him... and Jason returing for a sec to kill Bruce, then changing his mind, and went back to Talia to plan The Ultimatum and travel the world a bit.
I went off the assumption that Jason thought Bruce didn't care enough for him to kill the Joker and then the whole stupid thing with the batarang to the neck after everyone thought Dick died.
But, like, Jason kind of destroyed his relationship with the batfam himself with the whole coming out of nowhere and trying to hurt/traumatize/kill them. I don't mean to hate on Jason specifically, I just don't get him on a fundamental level.
Would really appreciate if somebody could clear that up, I'm kind of desperate. Like I have most of the facts but it seems like a jigzaw puzzle with too many pieces and I can't make sense of it.
To be honest, I don't understand your confusion fully? You pretty much explained it yourself, why Jason was angry at Bruce after he came back. Even Judd Winick, the writer of Under the Red Hood, says it very concisely (in this interview):
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When it comes to Jason's relationships with the Batfam, I'll once again let Winick explain his vision (transcription of a podcast episode to be found here):
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You say that Jason harmed his relationship with the Batfam himself as if Jason's intention had been to have good relationships with them. At the times he went after Tim or Dick or Damian, I don't think he cared much about that, hah. Most of his choices at the time could be boiled down to "What would piss off Bruce the most, either directly or by proxy?"... and also, "What would get Bruce's attention the most?". Because that's what made it complicated, right. Jason wouldn't have gone to these extremes if he didn't care about Bruce.
As to things not making sense... you're not being stupid, I'm sorry to say that at least to me, it's impossible to reconcile all of Jason's actions within a coherent character. Just because he was written by different people in different continuities with very different goals (though maybe more accurately, by some writers lacking a goal, as in not really knowing what to do with him). This is true for most comic book characters, not just Jason; true consistency is a pipe dream when the history of a character spans decades. Keeping that in mind, my personal approach is forming an idea of the original core traits of a character (which is why I gave examples of what Winick himself said), and then filtering their subsequent portrayals through that. Some comics will be horribly OOC despite them technically being canon and you simply have to go the "I recognize that the Council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision I've elected to ignore it" route. Then there's, of course, your personal preferences; you can choose what is canon to you because you like it, and form your idea of a character around those instances-- though here I'd always warn to never stop being aware that it's your idea of the character. There is no absolute truth, and we're all playing in a sandbox. Other people will choose other instances of canon, or try to reconcile all of them somehow, and your ideas might not jive. That's perfectly fine.
That being said, while I do like Jason a lot, he isn't my full-time blorbo, so I'm sure other Jason scholars could respond to this much better than I did! If anyone wants to add more in-depth answers, please do.
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Gonna be honest
Arkhamverse Joker is probably the most evil Joker ever
TW for a lot of fucked up shit
I'm sure I missed a few so if I did please let me know
He blew up multiple school buses and schools filled with kindergarteners and then sewed them back together and made their parents try to figure out who is their kids
He manipulated a father and his terminally ill 5 year old daughter made her an experiment for the Titan formula which killed her and then convinced her dad to kill himself with laughing gas pills
Tortured Jason Todd for over a year in Arkham Asylum, convinced him that Bruce abandoned him, permanently branded him, fucked up his posture by having him strapped to a wheel chair with barbed wire, had him beaten by other Batman villains, had other inmates dress up like Batman and had them beat him hell it's implied that Jason was even sexually assaulted by these inmates and remember this happened when Jason was a teenager then he proceeded to continue to lie to and manipulate Jason after the events of Arkham Asylum
Donated hydrochloric holy water to the Gotham church which resulted in the painful deaths of multiple babies
Tortured Jason and crippled Barbara to get them out of the way of him and Batman's rivalry as he thought they were ruining his game
Threatened to donate his poisoned blood to every hospital in Gotham if Bruce didn't find a cure and even poisoned Bruce with his blood only to make things worse which affected Bruce even worse in the long run
Poisoned four other innocent people with his blood
Drugged a bank manager with laughing gas when he was disguised as Black Mask
Kidnapped and tortured Black Mask
Killed The Executioner for questioning orders
Tried to kill Bane twice first by shooting him as he was leaving and second when he forced Bruce to kill Bane or he was gonna electrocute himself and Gordon to death
Murdered his own goons just to piss off Bruce
Blew up an entire building full of people the second time him and Bruce met
Threatened to blow up things Bane cared about if Bane didn't do as he said
Manipulated and abused Harley
Killed Talia
Caused a massive riot at Arkham Asylum torturing many GCPD police officers and Arkham guards and keeping them hostage
Kidnapped Starro and used him to mind control helpless citizens in his amusement park
Having his goons kill innocent people as initiation to his gang
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
"Bruce didn't mean to hurt Jason's neck, it was an accident."
Motherfucker threw a batarang which is basically a knife boomerang.
Threw it at the wall directly behind Jason at his shoulder neck.
... The fuck did he think it was going to do? Get stuck into a wall? Than why would he throw it?
It was going to bounce off and cut through Jason's neck.
The Joker, the fucker Joker congratulations him for his trick shot.
He knew what he was doing.
And it's fucked.
Which is probably why the Under the Red Hood movie changed it to Bruce throwing the knife into Jason's gun.
So it hurt his hand and not his neck.
This is why he's pissed at you man, you didn't just choose the Joker.
You decided your son deserves death more than his murderer does.
No wonder Jason has issues.
And incase anyone thinks thats just a one time note... Nope.
Bruce's said to Jason, multiple times he should've stayed dead.
Hell in the current run, Batman 137 Bruce says to Jason, while attacking him and all of his children.
"If you think one death is fine if it stops more death. Then shouldn't I kill you?!"
It's one thing to say this is completely out of character for him to do.
Because it is and I very much agree with you there.
This is the same Bruce who was on a war path to kill the Joker but because at the time he had immunity.
From being the UN govenor of Iran... I... Don't ask.
The UN had to send Superman to talk Bruce down lest a war broke out.
And even than Bruce crashed the hellicopter the Joker was on hoping it would kill him.
That Bruce would never have done that to Jason, especially knowing how lethal if could have been.
This is the Bruce who when KGBeast shot Dick Grayson in the head.
And we got... Ric...
Bruce tracked down KGBeast, beat him the fuck out of him.
Broke his neck just enough to paralyse him.
And left him in the middle of nowhere.
In the snow.
And when KGBeast is like hey if you help me.. I'll tell you who hired me to kill your boy.
Bruce says "I've got a bullet in my arm and a body of hurt. There's a 3000 click walk ahead of me. Through nothing but snow and ice."
Dramatically spits blood on the white snow.
"I'm the World's Greatest Detective. I'll find out who hired you and I will break them too. You can get your own damn help."
Also not the first time Bruce has tried to "not kill" KGBeast.
But that's beside the point.
He did that for Dick who while turned into the worst thing imaginable, was alive.
And you're telling me he wouldn't do the same for Jason?
Man I miss when the thing was don't fuck with Batman's kids cos he'll fuck you up.
Instead of oh dear god Bruce stop hurting your damn kids.
If your version of Batman doesn't love his kids. Wouldn't do anything and everything for them.
Than he's not Batman.
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bookwormlover10 · 9 days
So remember that au/ fanfic idea I had were the Wayne family adventures Bruce Wayne adopted old Dcau Bruce and I mention that I had a similar idea of wfa Damien Wayne adopting thba/Dcau Tim Drake ( a.ka Timmy todd).....
You with me on this.... Yea... Maybe.....so here my idea of how it would go..
It is also worth noting that for Damien characterization I'm going for wfa Damien and from Dcamu ( the two I've seen at least) I also really tiny bit of the super sons comic. so if I get his characterization you can correct me .
So the super sons somehow some way get teleported in to the Dcau ( sometime around tnba and justice league.) The boys are obviously freaking out and confused. They eventually did fine out that there were in an other dimension. They were wondering the street of metropolis until they were found Dcau version on Lois Lane. When seeing a boy that looks like Superman and just so happen to have similar powers as him and a one dress as Robin she logically took the boys with her and fead them. Once the boys explain her what happened, Lois tells the boys that she'll bring them to one of her ex's to help. Turned out that the ex's she was taking about was Bruce Wayne AKA Batman. ( Yes the boys were quite Shell shock at the news. Jon is surprised this version on his mom known batman identity before his dad's.)
While there in the bat cave Damien gets to meet Dcau version dick and Tim. Damien gets to see Dick's glorious mullet. Tim took there being a potential Robin after him why better then Damian had thought. When asked about this Tim said " well I figured I'll change my hero name when I'm older. Like dick said ' you can't be boy wonder forever '." While Damien is there tim teaches Damien some Robin tricks and shows him around Gotham. Even though this version of tim Drake isn't quite like his Tim Drake has, Damien starts to like this Tim...And he reminds Damien of Jason for some reason.....
Speaking of Jason. When Damien asks were the second Robin was Tim gave him a confused smile and said " um I am the second Robin." Damien was like " what..." Then tim then went to explain his backstory and how he became Robin. Which was sounding huntedly similar to Damien...Damien mind then went to panic mode. Damien is now thinking what ever the joker did to Jason is going to do something similar to this.. Jason like Tim Drake
When it is time for the boys to go home. ( Through a portal or something You can figure out how they go home.) Tim gives Damien a hug and smile at him. Damien this thinks ' so joyful..was Jason like this before the joker got him ?' Damien then decides that he doesn't want, Tim to end up like Jason so he then grabs Tim by the arm and dragged him with him. What Damien didn't count on is Dcau dick Grayson to grab his brothers others arm and end up getting Bird-napped. (I mean.. surprise adoption ) With them
( this is the point were I started calling tnba Tim Drake Timmy and tnba dick Grayson...... idk Dcau dick... I'm also calling them Bird brothers when referring to both. To not be confused with the other bats )
When they get to the wfa universe the bird brothers are more than mad, they are royally pissed ! They then proceeded to Chase Damien ( with the help of Jon) around the place, yelling" Why the fuck did you do that ?!" And other stuff. The bird brothers chase Damien for a good hour until wfa batman ask Damien why decide to kidnap a Robin from an other dimension. ( Now let's cut to the image of Timmy todd having Damien in a choke hold.) " he's a Todd !!!" He chokes out leaving everyone in the room confused
After explain stuff like explaining Jason's and Tim's backstorys and vice versa ( except maybe Dick. His backstory is universal consistency.) " how do you know that the joker is gonna get to him. I mean the little guy stole the Robin suit like I did." Tim argues and Jason added " yea and just because he's a punk from crime Ally and the second Robin likes me don't been he's going to get killed by the joker !" " He may not die but he could get a fate worst then death!" Damien yells ( " yea and how do you know that ?" Tim asked " cause kid w.b !" ) so they take a DNA test to see who Timmy is a variant of and the test results are.......
Bruce: well congrats. He's both
Tim and Jason: what !
Bruce: well if were going technical he's both of yours half brother
Tim, and Jason: huh!
Turned out Timmy half of Tim's dads DNA ( or the universe were his name is Steve cause Timmy mentioned that his dads name was Steve instead of jack) and the other half Jason's bio mom's DNA. Making Timmy biology both Tim and Jason half brother. Tim and Jason are distraught by the news that Timmy's from the universe that both their parents fucked. They then made a pact that they'll both make sure that nothing bad is going to happen to their new little brother. ( To translate they both now agree with Damien to the surprise adoption)
Dcau dick couldn't really Care if Timmy had to two new half brothers from an other dimension at the end of the day Timmy was dicks brother not theirs ( it's not like he was jealous or anything) That did bring up that Dcau dick didn't know what happened to Timmy's mother when he asked him this Timmy response " she left pops and me when I was a baby. " He said like it was no big deal ( this bit is my personal headCanon that might make its own post about it. You can just skip this part if you don't like it.)
the bird brothers are surprised when they meet the rest of the wfa Batfamily. For one it's God damn huge. They never thought it was possible that Bruce might have a cousin. (Which is something they need to ask their Bruce if they ever see him again.) let alone having other people to help protect Gotham. This batman has an entire army and the bird brothers are wondering why he hasn't retire. That's what their Bruce would of done. ( Or at least they hoped their stubborn bat does.) they are very disturbed with wfa Bruce Wayne with how much he smiles.
Alfred is a conciict in every universe so they chill with him
As some Time goes by the wfa Batfamily notice that the bird brothers are literally from the 90s or 40s they can't really tell..that is to say that the bird brothers amazed by the technology. Like the TV's is flat and that now a phone can conveniently fit in your pocket and no longer attached to a Cord. Heck Dcau dick can still remember when color TVs weren't widely available, back in his Robin days. Timmy is amazed that not only the Internet in widely available it has also gone better too! They are also amazed with the advancements of video games
When the wfa Batfamily get to know Dcau dick Grayson they notice that he is quite different than their Dick. For one their shocked to learned that he quit being Robin and not only that he punched his Bruce while doing it and that he became Robin when he was around Tommy's age ( around 13) much older then their dick became Robin at 8 ( I also have a fun headCanon about that if you want to hear it) Dcau dick was pissed when he heard about this. His Bruce is a lot of things but at least he wasn't allowing an 8 year old fight crime! ( Except when he snuck out as a kid. But that's neither here or nor there)
he has no problem taking about his Robin days in quite detail. That or he mentioned something about doesn't e elaborate At ALL.
Dcau dick: this is worse than the time the poison ivy was going to feed me and and Bruce to carnivorous plants
The rest of the wfa Batfamily: huh !
Timmy on the other hand is not getting use to having more then one eleder brother... expechly ones that like to fight over him ... hes also geting really sick with every one tretting him like glass..... They even got his brother worried that something is going to happen to him. The worst part every time he makes a quip or dumb joke or even when he says or do something that any person who grew up in crime Ally would do. Wfa Bruce,dick and Alfred would give him a sad smile like their look at a memory from the past.
One night he sneaks out in his Robin costume ( yes the bird brothers are still fighting crimes. I just think that it would be really funny if everyone in Gotham just think that Robin and Nightwing are just constantly switching costumes... Or that their androids. ) anyways Timmy is just chilling on a roof thinking about home and stuff then out of nowhere Jason finds him. They started talking. Then Jason bring up how he was killed by the joker ( and other Jason angst stuff. ) worning the little dude about his potential future. then Timmy( who is starting to get tired of this joker bull shit. To be honest) gives Jason a very serious look and asked him "if you could would you do it all over again?" " What?" A confuse Jason response " I'm asking if you could go back in time would you die a hero or live." Timmy gradually raise his voice" it's not a hard question ! Would you do it all over again?!" Timmy gets so frustrated and leave. Leaving a very puzzled Jason.
That is all I can think up at this time or more likely putting my ideas into words. That makes sense cause there's much. Heck I might add more on and make it into an au if enough people like it or people are free to use it as a fanfic prompt I don't mind. I just really wanted to get this idea out into the world.
Also let me know if I mischaracterize someone cause my experience with Batfamily characters are mostly from animation and the webtoon ( duh) and have read little of Batman comics.( To be honest I read more flash comics then batman) Thought I have read some Dcau tie in comics
*Here so drawing that I did*
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gretahayes · 1 year
how do you think jason and dick's relationship would change if jason found out about dick killing the joker, then bruce reviving him? like yeah okay bruce would lose his second son for good, probably, but how would the brOTHERS be affected
Sorry it took me so long to get to this, I've been thinking about it.
I fully believe that it depends on Jason, how long it's been since he came back. For the sake of this scenario, let's say this is Jason around two years after he came back. Not fully reconciled, but definitely not estranged either, working on relationships. Slowly building back bridges.
And how he found out, let's say it's Tim. Tim, ever so slightly bitter at Bruce, referencing it in conversation over comms when they're on a mission together, just the two of them. He wasn't sure Jason didn't know, Tim'll defend later. It's not his fault this family sucks at communication.
Anyway. Robin slips it into conversation as a quip, a gamble—"hey, we don't want you to pull a Nightwing, do we,"—and Hood arches an eyebrow.
"A 'Nightwing?"
Robin looks at him oddly, "yeah? Killing a villain with your bare hands to avenge a family member?"
Hood goes still.
Robin tilts his head, prompts, "the Joker. You know Wing killed the Joker for you, right?"
And Jason’s world shatters. He hears Robin- Pretender, Tim, in the background, panicking, saying it's fine, it's okay, B brought him back-
"What?" Jason croaks.
Robin stops. Considers. "Ask them about it after patrol," he says, and shuts his mouth.
He keeps it zipped for the rest of the patrol, and Hood isn't able to get even a peep out of him, so he comes back to the Cave and asks.
He asks, and Dick looks uncomfortable, Bruce closing himself off, but he gets a yes out of them.
Of course, he's pissed at Bruce, but. Dick killed the Joker for him. Dick killed someone—a monster, but someone nonetheless—for him. Jason is worth making to feel safe, is worth killing for. And, he doesn't forget it.
Jason, afterward, is more cooperative with Dick. Tim gives him the nastiest side-eye imaginable whenever he takes Dick up on any of the offers for food or a movie or simply hanging out at Dick's place, but grudgingly and quickly makes himself scarce. Dick tries calling to him, to no avail. It's incredibly passive-aggressive, the silent rebellion of a teenager that has to share his older brother's attention, but it makes Jason smile a bit. All is not forgiven, Tim makes pointedly clear, and Jason is fine with that.
Jason works with Nightwing more often, and is around more for Dick Grayson. Dick, on his end, is glad for it. He's got to wrangle with his own feelings that come up whenever Jason comes up, of inadequacy and regret and grief and anger, but it's a small price to pay for his little brother back. Though he'd rather he didn't lose his baby brother in the process, Tim will get over himself. The little brat always does.
Dick and Jason aren't brothers again, not by a long shot. But bloodshed ended their brotherhood, so it's only fitting it begins it again.
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oifaaa · 11 months
so ive just read UTRH and ok. i dont know if jason can ever be comfortable around his family to like, not be an asshole to them? like yes he wasnt an asshole to the batfam in the webcomic Redhood and the Outlaws but the webcomic also nerfed him really hard (they take away his batman funding so jason flies economy rather than just steal money? ok jan).
idk. im having a lot of conflicting feelings about jason. mostly "maybe if you stop being an asshole to your family they'll stop being assholes to you" but also "you should stop trying to seek validation from your family and go back to using real bullets"
See I really don't like any rhato media including the webcomic I just feel like it all really misunderstands Jasons anger and changes his character too much - in utrh Jasons anger is 100% just being angry at Bruce he says he's pissed bc Bruce didn't avenge him after he died especially bc it was joker who killed him the most unredeemable person in existence - then they do something really interesting in countdown where its explored more if Bruce killing the joker would actually make Jason happy and the answer is firmly no which furthers the question why did Jason want Bruce to the kill the joker even though he knows Bruce never would and the answer is simply bc he knew Bruce wouldn't he wanted Bruce to fail bc he needed a reason to be angry at Bruce he needed his anger to be justified bc he never took the time to really examine why he felt the way he did - which leads me to the point I want to make Jason will never be able to play happy families with this other bat's until he does a fuck ton of soul searching to really figure out why he was so angry post resurrection and if there is any possible future where he could co exist with the bat's or if its better that he stays away
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bonerot19 · 2 months
okay so I sent the Jason and Steph post and I 100% agree with you on your take. The reason why I was asking was because I was thinking about red hood Steph. And I 100% think Steph would’ve shot the Joker dead the second (figuratively I guess as soon as she could) she’d learned he was still alive. Like to me that’s the difference in their characters. In the same position they have the same kind of anger but the way they move with it differs. Jason’s a schemer because he has certain beliefs on the way the world works (because he has hopes of the way it should work) while Steph isn’t because she doesn’t believe in much other than herself.
I think you're right, honestly. bc canon Steph wanted to kill Black Mask for what he did to her, and was held back by not wanting to piss of Bruce. so I think, in a scenario where she's Red Hood, she'd be more in it for the revenge.
like, Jason wanted "revenge" but I think he more so wanted Bruce to prove he mattered. that he didn't die for nothing. that Bruce loved him.
I think a Steph that goes through all of those same circumstances comes out of it just as angry, but I agree with you that she would probably just. kill the Joker. bc she knows she can rely on herself and only herself.
(lowkey feel like Red Hood Steph wouldn't forgive Bruce for not saving her? like Jason's thing is that he forgives Bruce for that, but I don't think Steph would. I have no real reason for that thought other than Vibes)
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astorianyxkings · 4 months
So recently on tiktok I saw that one scene from the Titans show where Rachel accuses Jason of drawing crucifixes on her mirror and the others essentially start adding on to it when HE DIDN'T DO IT BY THE WAY and I was reminded of why I have a love hate relationship with the show.
And one part of that is Kory and Rachel's characters. The show really took two badass besties, made them have a mother/daughter relationship and then have them be absolute assholes to any and everyone they didn't vibe with. When in the comics or other shows they're calm and collected and nice and bubbly.
And yeah Kory's beautiful and to this day I'd die for Anna Diop, but wow I hated her character when she interacted with Jason. She was always so patient with Gar and Rachel but never Jason. Did you really decide to stop being a mentor after two kids? And no one else was there. Hank was the being the bitch he is, Dawn was just there and Donna was just like "why Jason?😕" and Dick was well a dick.
I mean I get it, not a fan of his replacement, got the issues with Bruce, figuring out his relationship with the team yada yada yada. But you mean to tell me Jason had no one's support on that team?? (Aside from Gar theire little bestie moments were so cute). And when strange things happen when Rose shows up why are we looking at Jason? Why aren't we using critical thinking and looking at the new person? The daughter of Deathstroke?? Did we loose all ability to use common sense?
But the one that actually made me stop watching for a couple weeks was when Kory was talking about Jason's death and was like "this is an example of what not to do" knowing goddamn well if anyone said such a thing about Rachel she'd go ballistic. And nobody said anything? Like hey, let's maybe not indirectly call the dead KID incompetent right after his death, I know you're new to earth but its called decency.
And then to AUDACITY for all of them to act surprised when he comes back as Red Hood and wants to kill them? Hell I would've gone to Bruce, grabbed his contingency plans and put them to use because ain't no way I'm the bad guy after you assholes assholed a little too close to the sun.
Like the show really ran with "we made him the villain but its still his fault". Part of the reason Jason's death was a tragedy was because he was HAPPY, and I think the show forgot that.
Like I would've killed to see Rachel, Gar and Jason as a little trio doing shit together, perfect opportunity to be besties. And then see them mourning him when he dies and Dick would have to convince them not to go after the Joker, yeah I'd love to see that. Not this.
In conclusion, Titans Jason deserved better, I hope Kory slips down the stairs, I'm praying Rachel has a migraine and I'm still pissed they didn't even apologize when they found out it wasn't Jason messing with them. AND THEY DID IN FACT FIND OUT.
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appleswan · 10 months
I think that what a lot of comic book writers don't understand about the conflict between Bruce and Jason is what it's primarily about, because while yes the whole killing people thing plays a part it's not nearly as large of a part as people assume it to be. If it was about the act of killing both Damian and Tim would have been facing the same kind of damnation as Jason does. But they don't.
What Jason and Bruce's conflict boils down to is the conflation of the past with the present. Both parties are guilty of this, remembering what was and equating it to what is or what should be. For Bruce (and Dick) it's conflating Jason as Robin with Jason as Red Hood and seeing a child that he let walk down the wrong path. He see's what was (a great morally good hero) with what is (a morally grey Anti-hero) and thinks that Jason should be more like what Robin was which is impossible now due to many different situations and influences that have shaped Jason as an adult and as a hero. Meanwhile for Jason it's conflating the Bruce of the past with the Batman of the present, remembering who Bruce was as a mentor and father and seeking that in a Batman who has already mourned and grieved for a dead son and partner. There's more to that, including the hurt and betrayal of realizing that his death wasn't avenged, but I digress.
They are both so drastically different from when they worked together that they're near strangers. Their antiquated sense of who the other should be has driven a wedge between them that widens through near every interaction as they don't understand who the other person is as a person anymore. They've both been shaped by drastically different influences and circumstances that now there's not much that they can agree upon. That sense of past conflating with present is also why you see Dick fighting a lot more with Jason too, because he knew Jason as Robin.
There's a reason that Jason seems to get along more with people like Steph, Duke, and Cass, people who didn't know him as Robin. It's because they don't have this idealistic childlike version of him to hold onto a pedestal. They never grieved him so they don't hold onto those memories because there were none.
Personally I also think that a lot of the conflict at least on Jason's end comes from a poor sense of identity. He doesn't exactly know who he is or who he wants to be as a hero because he never really got a chance to discover that for himself unlike both Dick and Tim. When we see him start to pull away from Batman and begin that path of self-discovery he's blown up, and when he comes back to life there's people telling him what to do and urging him in certain directions. And while he has some time with the Outcasts I still think he's operating mostly under the influence of the League of Assassins and in the Prince of Gotham arc he's operating under a sense of obligation to Gotham (which I love don't get me wrong).
Furthermore a lot of critical years of brain development were stolen from him where he was either training, comatose, or catatonic. I don't think it's irrational to assume that he's going through those vital years of development just at a later date.
It's why I like the end of Task Force Z so much, we see him going on his own to discover who he is as a person outside of all these other influences and people trying to dictate who he's supposed to be. He's going on that journey of Self-Discovery that is needed so much
I also think that a lot of their problems could have been solved if Bruce had told Jason that the only thing that kept him from killing Joker after he died was diplomatic immunity and Superman. "It would have been too easy" my ass! You wanted too, Bruce, and you were going too.
Just my two cents idk I have a lot of thoughts about this and it kinda pisses me off how there always seems to be a fight between Jason and Batman + Batfamily in every Red Hood run. And it doesn't make sense because they're good and then they're not good and then they're fighting again. I just want some consistency (Please for the love of god don't get me started on how much I wish writers would drop the fucking crowbar thing). I just think that their conflict is a lot more nuanced (on both sides) than Jason does morally reprehensible things sometimes. I could be very wrong about this too, I'm just thinking tm
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