#Kissing you on the nose anon
youronlydarlin · 1 month
And btw i'm still thankful for one fic and please tell me you have some COD oc so I can draw them as thank you 😭😭😭
SHKAHAKAHAKB I'D BE HONORED FOR SOME FAN ART OF MY SCRUNKLY m' currently digging through my sketchbooks for a proper drawing of m' boy
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caramelarchive · 6 months
🍪anon here! i had a little thought and it goes, L being jealous of misa having her hair brushed by reader and he acts as if it doesn't bother him but he hints at wanting his hair brushed (it was funnier in my head, my cats do this and I thought of L and Misa)
Little Kitten ╾ L, Misa
sigh. 🍪 anon you are my favourite. I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
The high pitched voice is clearly Misa's. It's a nice voice, good for singing, but if you listened to it too long you'd go mad.
Misa stops in front of you, holding out a hairbrush with a smile. She tilts her head to the side. "Will you brush my hair for me?"
You hesitate for a moment then smile, picking the hairbrush out of her hands. "Sure." Misa squeals in delight and starts taking her hair out of its little ponytails, sitting down in a chair and turning her back to you. She swings her feet a little as you begin brushing through her hair.
It's quite pretty, blonde and shining gold in the light. Once you've gotten the few knots out, your free hand comes to stroke through her hair. Misa sighs.
"Thanks, pretty!" she declares, turning her head enough that one of her eyes can meet yours. "So, you know, Y/N, I was with Light yesterday and..." Misa blabbers on, her arms waving all around. You're sure she's annoying the Task Force, but nobody comments on it. So you just listen to the girl's triumphs and woes, continuing to gently brush through her hair.
About twenty minutes pass before you notice L sulking at his desk.
"Hold on, Misa," you instruct, pausing her part way through a tale about a grumpy waitress. She leans her head back, eyes catching the flourescent lights, and pouts a little. You give her a pat on the head and look back over at the head detective. "L, are we distracting you?"
"No," he says stiffly, glancing at you for only a moment before his dark gaze moves to the hairbrush, Misa, and back to his computer.
"..Alright, then."
The detective stuffs a chocolate in his mouth and seems to pout.
Misa laughs. "I think Ryuzaki wants his hair brushed, Y/N." There's a mumbled "do not" from L's direction. You shake your head and resume running your fingers and brush through Misa's hair.
"He'll have to come ask me."
Another 20 or so minutes pass. It's more peaceful this time, Misa only making the occasional comment as the sound of tapping at keyboards and rustling through files fills the room. Her hair is very soft, and your task quickly becomes more meditative than anything. You're getting really into it when there's a small nudge at your leg.
L's standing beside you, his shoulders hunched and head tilted down so he can stare right into your eyes, his hand outstretched to poke at your pants. As you watch, he slowly lowers himself into that 40% froggy sit of his, and looks up with big, bush baby eyes that ask "why don't you like me?" as he lets his head fall onto your leg.
Misa laughs again, and prudently prances off, going to annoy Light. L stays crouched at your feet.
He's too cute...
You sigh but don't protest. Couldn't if you wanted. "Alright then, Ryuzaki, on the chair."
His mouth doesn't bother quirking up into a smile, but his eyes seem to brighten as he straightens up and crouches back down, this time in the chair in front of you. L keeps turning his head to look at you, jumping when he sees you looking back, and turning his head away again. You put a hand on his shoulder and he's caught between freezing and falling out of the chair.
"Be still," you scold gently, and begin brushing his hair. It's much knottier than Misa's, and you're a little scared to guess when he last ran his own comb through it, but it seems clean enough.
Once you've tugged the knots out, it's quite nice, actually.
You start humming a little, your hand reaching up to stroke through the dark, raven-feather hair sticking up all over his head. L lets out a mix of a sigh and an "oh!" and his entire body shudders. You laugh.
He leans back slowly, bending his head so he can look up at you. You give him a little tap on the chin, then the forehead and smile. L's eyes close as your fingers massage into his scalp, the hairbrush neatening and smoothing out his hair.
His lips tilt into a smile too, eyes opening just a slit to stare sleepily into yours.
"Thank you, Y/N."
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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subskz · 7 months
channie whining and burying his face in your neck while riding you… thank you for bringing me back to my roots. i lost myself for a second there. 😪
as a VIP member of the Christopher Bang Love and Protection Squad, and chair on the Channie Praise Committee, i am in FULL support of this concept😼
don’t think about him wearing a big ole sweater while doing this, something to make him feel extra safe and secure😖 sucking and biting softly on his bottom lip, giving him your thumb instead so he doesn’t do damage to any part of his precious, beautiful face💖 gently pulling his face our of your neck by his soft curls and giving him kisses all over his face, starting and ending on the tip of his nose😞 all this while he’s riding your strap…. i’m unwell -🐾
HELP ME the way u were immediately reminded of ur true nature 😭 channie hell can never be escaped for long huh
you had to know what throwing an oversized sweater into the mix would do to me…making channie feel safe n secure ㅠㅠ of course that means his hands would be covered w sweater paws at all times, whether he’s hiding his face in them or clinging to you to keep steady as he bounces up and down in your lap. as cute as he looks sinking his teeth into his pretty puffy lips to try n hold in all the embarrassing noises he’s making, he looks even cuter taking your thumb into his mouth with a grateful whimper 💔 you can physically see the way he relaxes once he wraps his lips around it and feels it rest against his tongue, and you can feel the vibrations in ur skin every time he grunts and whines around ur finger
the visual of him lifting his head and giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes when you tug him by his curls so you can look at him…and the way he’d giggle so shyly when you cover his blushing face in kisses 😞 pure devastation
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httpiastri · 28 days
Accidentally cutting him while he’s shaving and you’re near tears because you feel so bad but he’s so sweet about it
omfg 🫠🫠 im….
i imagine it's one of the first times you help him out and so you're still not really used to it. it's all going smooth and you think you're finally starting to get the hang of it, when suddenly you hear him suck in a breath. the reaction is enlarged by 1000 in your head because in reality he barely even reacts and there's barely even a little drop of blood, but to you it's like you gave him a full on stab wound in his chest… pepe just looks himself in the mirror and goes "oh" before wetting a towel and cleaning himself up. but you freeze, just blinking up at him and feeling your pulse increase instantly because… you just made him bleed…..
he doesn't even notice your reaction at first – because, again, it's not a big deal to him – but when he does, his eyes soften as they land on him and he instantly cups your cheeks in his hands. he's very "what's wrong? hey, it's alright – i'm not even bleeding anymore! don't cry, please, seeing you in tears hurts more than the cut…" and all kinds of words of comfort just to calm you down :( and then he has to promise you like 10 times that he indeed is alright and give you 100 little kisses to make you feel good again 🥺
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hella1975 · 5 months
you know i was thinking about sokka and zuko and that they both resemble the dog metaphor, just in different ways. "a dog only acts as its taught" zuko who was taught violence and to learnt be on defence, aggression is his first action, sokka who was taught to be good, who craves the attention of those who taught him. they are the "bad" and the "good" dog but on the flip side zuko at his heart wants to be good, he was the obedient dog and sokka the dog who's parent abandoned him and now he doesn't know how to act, lashing out when it's too much despite the fact he is meant to be the good one.
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Sirius XM | 2017
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ahh thank you!! <33 i love chatting with you too :D i love how you always have so many ideas and so much to say.
i've watched jjk0! it. i definitely cried a lot... i'm watching all of jjk with two of my friends and our schedules have been so unsynced recently, we haven't gotten together in like 3 months? and it took us a solid 3 months just to finish season 1... im quaking in my boots excited for season 2 so i'll definitely let you know once i watch it! episode 5's premise makes me so sad though, i've seen some the screencaps/suguru's dialogue and it just makes me want to give him a million big hugs... i wish someone had taken care of him :(
the "couple aesthetic hoodie hug" is killing me omfg.. it's helpful to know the struggle behind the moodboard... also THE GOJO FIGURE??/ your cat is so cute omg... would you ever consider showing your collection? i know you have a kenny plush. i thought that was it. 🌖
I CRIED SO MUCH TOOO :(((( takahiro sakurai’s delivery on geto’s final line is genuinely enough to get me crying he’s …. so good. scandal aside. AND I TOTALLYYYY GET IT ANON that’s exactly how it goes when i watch anime w my siblings lmao…. i hope you and your friends get to experience s2 sometime soon !! :33 it ruined my life but it’s also the best thing ever
ANDDD ….. my collection . yes. i actually only started seriously collecting merch recently so it’s not super impressive but!!!! i’m working on it :3 here r some pics!!!! try to guess my favorite character(s) challenge (impossible)……. it’s stsg
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^ i hug these four to sleep every night <333
also!!!! :3 this isn’t jjk related but i literally just bought some super adorable maomao pins and i love them SO much. she makes me so happy </3
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okay so aside from the fact that this was probably my favourite chapter yet (!!!), it also served as a much needed reminder that no matter how aloof and mysterious oao!remus comes across, he is wearing SOCKS AND SANDALS throughout this whole ordeal
EXACTLY also this is an apt time to remind ppl that this is how remus pulls up to clubs <3
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this is y'alls dream man???? alright<3
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
wait daenys is so horrific i‘m obsessed. what if you were the most horrible creature on earth and all you could do was sit in a blood castle about it with the people who made you and who are perhaps the only ones capable of being around you and each other because they’re similarly disgusting!
YES like my whole omaegorverse is a) getting to say omaegorverse which is really funny and b) boiling house targaryen down to its like absolute fundemental core which is disgusting blood creatures who eugenicised and inbred themselves into 'supremacy'. they engineered themselves to a perfection just like the engineered valyria to perfection but uh oh turns out that perfection was built on slavery and blood and it is SO morally repugnant that it comically blew up and totally exploded so bad no one can go there without rotting from the inside
and like. what if you were just a little girl! what if you were born into this legacy but you were just a sad little girl with no one to talk to except your god-king father who is basically the anti christ or your mother who is actually a boy! who was forced to have you, who wants to die! and he loves you so he stays alive for you but doesnt that make you his shackles? his prison? also your evil grandmother who is a witch and a misanthrope who LOVES the legacy the blood curse that haunts you that dooms you!
so what, do you talk to normal people? the normal people who think youre an abomination that you are an affront to god? the people who are praying for your downfall for your death? and they're right! you live in the blood castle LITERALLY built on blood and bones. you live on a high hill overlooking the impoverished and you are told it is because you are an ethereal being. but you are not you are clearly not!!!
im thinking of giving daenys a tail.... like a physical spine deformity tail not an anthro furry tail to be clear. i think that would be fun and would make her even more tortured and self-loathing♡
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prettyblondguys · 4 months
Hey, sorry, hate to be the one to tell you but you’re literally the only person in the world that wants to hold someone’s face and smooch and kiss and stuff and we’re all kinda just watching and judging you and everyone you walk past can see you’re full of longing and they’re all talking about it behind your back 😕
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You come into my home. You insult me. You insult my yearning. You so MEAN to a little guy like me >:[
I'm throwing sharks at you rn 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈
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meownotgood · 1 year
Hiii! Can I have some thoughts on aki caring for a sick reader? I've got a fever since yesterday but I still have do get a lot of work done in the computer, so my head hurts and I feel like crap... I want aki hugs...
yes of course!!! I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well :(
aki is the first to notice you're sick out of anyone. even if you try to claim you're fine, he's ushering you to bed and telling you to get some rest. he'll place his hand on your forehead and take your temperature, telling you see, you have a fever, I knew it.
you absolutely won't be allowed to work as long as he's there, he'll make sure you're getting all the proper rest you need. you find it hard to deny him though when he's placing a cold washcloth on your head and handing you a warm bowl of soup, promising to come and check on you every hour.
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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4x11 | for Anon
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mrpenguinpants · 2 years
i’m so obsessed with ur fake dating hcs, i love them so much
i need a full-fledged 100k slow burn strangers to friends to lovers fic for that alhaitham one 😭😭
You wanna know what my favorite dynamic is? A beautiful Person A who doesn't care for love gets into a fake relationship with trashy Person B who isn't emotionally attracted to them but uses their good looks to commit tax evasion. Then over the course of 100k words, they fall in love. My very specific ship dynamic.
But thank you so much! I have a few "fake dating" hcs in the works so I hope you like them when I eventually post them. You see, this is the part where I got so confused over a part 2. Because originally I was going to make a continuation of the alhaitham, ayato, and kazuha fic. But I think I didn't phrase it correctly because people assumed I would make a part 2 with the same prompt, but using different characters.
I mean, I'm down to do both. I probably will do both, but I'm not sure which one people would like to read first.
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i literally am actually so in love with your writing like what the HELL compelled you to ever grace us with this heavenly shit
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sniffle ….. thank you anon :’3 YOU RLLY ARE TOO SWEET i’m just happy i can feed stsg nation in any shape or form….. i’m so happy you think it’s good!!!!!!!!! i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for the support it means so much :’’3
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chrisbangs · 1 year
i don't think you realize how cute and endearing you are ☹️ i'd give you the world if you asked actually
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hawnks · 11 months
I just binged the whole of that manhwa and im…so much potential aaaa i feel like the story was building up to be really interesting only for that ending to come out of left field
The blood of madam giselle?? NAMMSMSKDMD yeah <3
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