reikacchan · 3 months
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p-eztt · 3 months
Combing hair
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malkavianiz · 3 months
Thank you for all the joy you left us, Akira Toriyama.
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wobbly-headed-girl · 22 days
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rinpin · 2 years
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Bitch, I’ve been busy.
Anywho, here are some doodles of Feral Gohan Au and a Jurassic Park AU. Cause why not. Yes, I think Gohan would have a motorcycle to keep anyone from sensing his ki, dude has to get around somehow.
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barbwalken · 1 year
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Idk some highschool au?  
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enayru · 2 years
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Drawing like there's no tomorrow...
The latin Spanish dubbing cast.
Carlos Segundo, Eduardo Garza, René García, Mario Castañeda and the new Gohan voice: Luis Manuel Ávila <3
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shreddedtothebones · 4 months
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The death of Z Warriors
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adslibitum · 6 months
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turqeeth · 1 year
Hello again
Some draws i did 👀
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z0-ne · 2 years
Can I request a dragon ball super x female reader, where the reader has a older brother that's actually a human, but he's strong too, her brother got into a fight with a very strong oppent, the dragon ball fighters were also the ones fighting the oppent along with her older brother but they were all losing and her brother was badly injuries, so the reader is a powerful full blood sayian, And she defeats the oppent in literally Les sthan 5 minutes 👁️👄👁️
Like not even Beerus could win this fight😭
The reader would do anything to protect her brother🥹
Yes! Thank you for the request! I hope this is okay! Possible Trigger Warnings: mentions of blood, curs!ng, and mentions of abandonment. Also not sure how old you wanted the reader so I made her around Gohans age during the mystic transformation, I a hope thats ok!
This whole fight ended up being one giant mistake the minute the opponet stepped out of that strange ship.
Their strange scaley skin colored a pale blue that made it look like they were already dead, and those cold white eyes that didn't give much life to it's already undead apperence.
"Give me...My future bride."
It pointed one of its long, scaley, ungroomed finger through the whole group, and directly at you who hid behind your older brother so you didn't have to see it.
That things voice was gruff , scratchy and some how high pitched at the same time. It's whole face looked like a huge chunk was bitten out of it and it was thrown into some acid after.
You gagged a little and gripped onto your older brothers arm. Despite being a Saiyan, you were more human like then your brother would've thought you'd be.
For example, you weren't much of a fighter, and your power level seemed pretty low no matter what method they used to read it so he ended up being able to raise you normally.
You knew the people he fought with and forbid you from fighting and training, but you've never actually had to fight.
Up until now at least.
"No way! Who are you anyway!"
You heard your brother yell at the beast as he clenched his fist and stomped forward. Shoving you backwards behind the closest person to him which was Vegeta at the time.
It seemed like it was instintive, but he put an arm infront of you when the creature stepped towards you all, and you tried to go out to grab your brother.
Unbeknowest to you, he sensed something you didn't.
"Give her to me...Now!!"
The sudden energy shift and rise of power that nearly knocked you all off your feet was enough to make them power up and rush to fight whatever that thing was.
It started with Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin. First Tien and Yamcha rushed him from each side, but before they even made contact they were both knocked to different sides of the area without it even touching them.
Then Krillin came from the front and would've landed a hit if the creature didn't step back and hit him in the stomach with a KI blast, sending him far back and right into the house.
They came back but it was pointless.
That monster could take them down in seconds, and leave them bloodied and hurt to the point where Yamcha couldn't get up again.
After seeing that you tried to step up before Piccolo and your brother went in but Vegeta gripped onto the side of your left arm and pushed you further back.
"What are you doing?! Let me help!" "Don't be a fool. You may be a Saiyan but this is out of your leauge." "He's gonna-" "You've never trained a day in your life. All you'll do is give him an opprtunity to take you and leave or serve as a distraction."
It seemed like he was upset about it, but everytime he talked he sounded upset so you couldn't really tell. However he did make sense.
You'd only get in the way if you fought right now.
"So shut up, and sit tight or run away."
That did it for you.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes as Piccolo and your brother attacked him next, and by the sounds of it they might be holding up slightly longer than you thought they would.
"Get outta here you creep!"
You heard your brother yell as the sound of fist colliding with skin and bones, then a loud explosion sound came and then there sounded like some cursing before you felt Vegeta's grip loosen on your arm.
Then he and Goku took off to fight next you assumed after you fell off your feet due to the sudden heavy blow of wind.
They better have went to fight after that.
You opened your eyes to see that they weren't even on the ground anymore. Actually you didn't see them around at all, even when you looked up at the sky.
It was easy to feel the earth shaking as they fought, but you only saw the sky and clouds above.
Your brother was somehow right beside you now and was shoving you closer to the front door of your house despite the fight going on behind you.
Stopping him by pushing yourself in the oppisite direction, you protested against his pushing, and while it didn't do much to stop him it did slow him down.
"Wait! What about Goku and Vege-" "Don't worry about it! They've got it but you need to go!"
Usually you'd try to listen to him, but when you saw Vegeta falling out the sky at more than one hundred miles per hour and slam into the ground only to leave a giant crater in the ground beneath him.
He sat up and wiped the blood coming from his mouth and the thick line of blood that dripped from his forehead and into his left eye. It stained his once white gloves a crimson red.
"They've got it, huh?!"
You snapped back only to have him glare at you and keep trying to shove you inside the house, but you placed your arms at the sides of the door to stop him.
This was something you couldn't just sit out on and ignore.
Honestly you'd rather risk your chances getting hurt in the fight rather than see them all get pummbled by this strange creature.
"Look just-" Ignoring him completely, you turned to Beerus, the cat that just stood there with his hands behind his back. He wasn't even busy he was just letting this happen!
"And you! Why don't you handle this!"
"I don't feel like it." "Oh I'm sure you'd feel like it if he blew up a pudding cup!" "Will you let that g-"
Beerus was intturpted when another fighter came flying down and two more got up.
Your brother was knocked on his butt when Goku came crashing down a little too close to you guys. It must've been sudden, because he didn't seem like he could stop himself from hitting the ground and creating another crater.
This caused you to loose your footing, and you ended up falling in the crater and rolling a little before you could manage to stop yourself.
"Damnit, I'm not just gonna stand by and watch this!" "No! (Name)!" You ignored your brother and charged straight for the strange creature, and as you flew at it you pulled your fist back to get ready to hit it square in the face.
Unfortunantly it was fast, and caught your fist. You were lucky Vegeta and your brother stepped in and made it just in time before that thing could process that you basically just ran right into it's trap.
It slung you back when Vegeta made contact and your brother blasted it a few feet further away from you.
"Damnit! I Told you to stay put!" "And look at where that's getting us now!" "Don't Sass me child!" "I'm seventeen!"
Through the arguing, neither of you could hear your brother warning you guys about the Ki blast coming towards you until it was too late and you were moving Vegeta out the way.
You were hit, and it was strong enough to send you all the way back into the crater goku had made.
"Woah, Hold on I've got you-"
Lucky for you, Goku was there amd he got a chance to catch you before you made contact with the ground. There was a burning sensation and you could feel your skin cook underneath the radiation of the blast.
It ended up hurting a lot more than you would've liked for it to, but you put on a brave face.
"Thank yo-" "No!! My wife...Don't touch!!! Don't steal..Its Mine!!" You couldn't even finish your sentence before you had to stand on your feet and was pulled into goku so you weren't blown away again.
That aura was something you could feel from a mile away. It's power was absoluetly overwhelming, and at that point you felt like you could do nothing about it whatsoever.
"Wait! It's not like that, I'm married and they're way too young!" Goku tried to make the situation a little less stressful by calming the creature down by letting you go and putting his hands by his head.
That thing wasn't listening at all though. Actually it just got more upset, and even starting lashing out on the fighters. It was like the puddng incident all over again.
"All right this is getting out of hand, I guess I'll have to step in."
You snapped your head over to beerus, only to have the last thing you see is him right infront of you with his finger pointed at your forehead before you passed out.
___________________ It felt like it had been some time before you woke up, the sun set, and the fighters were down.
All still alive, but bloodied and pummbled into their own craters. Some shared and others seperate.
You could see only a few of their injuries considering your vision was still blurry, but the blood and rubble scattered along the once clean ground infront of your now destroyed home.
Turning your head at the sound of a rock falling, you could see it was absouletly broken to pieces. Everything in it was gone, and if you didn't live in it you wouldn't have known what it was before this.
Looking a little closer, you could see a purple claw hidden under rubble and twitching slightly.
Fear seaped through your body and reached your core as your skin went cold and you could feel your hands shaking underneath you, hardly holding you up.
'Wait- Where's (Brother's name) ?'
You thought to yourself as you frantically started to search around for him, but it wasn't until you climbed out the crater and looked to your far right that you were able to see where he was.
The creature, stood ontop of him, stomping down on his screaming body, causing him to let out large clumps of blood with every bone- chilling shriek.
There was a puddle of crimson under his chin and covering the little rocks that were littered around him.
"No..Stop..." You begged, a pathetic whimper in your voice as you lifted yourself out the crater and onto your knees.
The creature didn't stop, almost as if it didn't hear you or didn't seem to care at all about your begging or the fact that you were right within it's range.
"Please...you'll kill him.." Maybe you were hoping it would hear you if you got louder, but speaking nicely didn't seem to work for it at all.
The creature stopped to look at you, but went right back to what he was doing before you spoke up a little louder. It was like he didn't care, and he was just doing this to hurt your brother.
"I..Said Stop!"
You didn't know where it came from, or why it happened now out of all times but there was a certain surge of power course through your body.
It crushed the ground beneath you as you bawled up your fist and could feel something heating up from the pits of your stomach as you watched your brother go limp.
That thing stared at you, with it's foot on your brothers back. All it took was one last stomp to set you completely off and let out a scream so intense and loud that youk new it would leave your throat sore later.
From that point you blacked out, and the next five to ten minutes went by while you weren't even completely aware as to what you were doing.
While the others were being healed by Dende who was brought down by whis, you were making quick work of that odd looking creature.
"Oh my, it seems like your little plan worked." "Yes, shame I had to hurt my already sore back for this project of theirs though."
Just as the last person, which was yamcha was healed, the others were already up and watching with wide eyes.
They didn't know where this sudden power came drom and beerus saying what he said helped clear absolutely nothing up, so they were all left in the dust.
After they watched you knock that creature around for a good eight minutes, they then saw you send a blast straight to its face, sending it's head right off it's shoulders and into the sky.
You powered down right after it's body it the ground, and just as you went back to normal you fell out the sky as well.
"(Name)!" Your brother called out as he flew towards you, and luckily caught you before you could touch the ground.
It still left the others in complete shock, and they ended up turning to ask him a bunch of questions. Your brother being included in the ones who asked about what you were. "They're out cold- Beerus! What did whis mean by 'Your little plan'? What aren't you telling us about them!?"
"What the hell just happend!?" Whis put his hand up, and shushed everyone else around for the sake of explaining just what and who you really were. After all there was nothing known about you other than your brother found you in front of his house in a very odd fruit basket.
"Well, I'm sure everyone is familiar with zeno. Correct? " "This is one of their more..pure creations if you will. You could blame Lord Beerus for their Saiyan blood, he mentioned the race and eventually they were bored enough to create a perfect warrior." "Perfectly calm, up until provoked. See their brotherly figure was originally Zeno, but the thought of raising a child seemed less then amusing so they sent them off to earth. Where they were found by (Brother's Name)." "A fighter meant to deal with things they just didn't feel like dealing with, meaning their power goes beyond my power as far as i've been told. " "So what did we just see?"
Tilting his hand over to your unconsious body, whis continued with a smile on his face.
"You just saw, pure, developed, saiyan rage. Strongest there is, just as planned!"
"Wait- My sisters not just some experiment!"
Your brother yelled out, not wanting to believe all the hard work he put into raising you was all just for some sort of test, you were still a sentient being even if you weren't human.
Whis only chuckled and waved him off despite how serious your brother was about what whis was saying about you.
"Actually your whole life was! I've been watching closely and you've been more than sucessful!" "Now that they've unlocked their little gift, I suppose that means that their training should start soon. This way they'll hopefully match their given power by thirty or at twenty seven." "Oh- That'll be some time with this one. I hope they won't miss you all too much."
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sketchfanda · 9 months
Chestnut Stud Across the Multiverse: Feeling Blue
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Capsule Corp was nothing if not an ambitious company when it came to radical ideas and innovations. Case in point it’s new residential space station,made in conjunction and collaboration with the galactic patrol to function as a sort of intergalactic hotel resort. Because if people were going to ascent and spread themselves out through the stars, it didn’t hurt to consider a possible tourist industry after all. But if you were to ask Krillin, it was pretty much going to be a glorified love motel, why else would Bulma have “volunteered” him for this gig? And of course 18 was all for it, giving her persomal seal of approval when she saw a picture of the partner he’d have joining him in inspecting and testing the quality control of the rooms. So of course his luck naturally somehow wound up in the room that would function as the honeymoon suite for newly weds. The window displaying a grand view of the cosmos and the earth outside, giving the interior an ethereal glow. Sitting on the edge of the bed, having somehow been convinced to strip down to his boxers as he faced his inspection partner, struggling to look anywhere but at her, which was challenging enough given her current state of nudity! Liara T’Soni, an Asari, who were all female species capable to getting impregnated with men and women of any species capcanle of sexual intercourse and reproduction, and designed galactic patrol rep for her people did som sensual yoga stretches, laying it all bare before him literally and figuratively, suffice to say,she was a sensual work of erotic art.
Krillin:*blushing,a grimaced expression on his face as he held a pillow over his boxers clad crotch for obvious reasons. He wouldn’t put it past Bulma and 18 to be watching this via some hidden cameras like the kinky voyeurs they were.* “Uhm You know if you’re even the slightest bit unsure,we don’t have to do this…”
Liara:*a simple,sensual smile,not a hint of shame on her face or in her body language as she finished her nude warm up. Looking at him with those soft blue eyes as she brought her toned ocean blue self closer to him,sitting beside him on the bed s she gently pried the pillo out of his hands. Throwing it aside as she grasped his erection,stroking it through his boxers,turning his face with her free hand to make h him look at her.*”There is no uncertainty or second thoughts about it. After all,what we are about to do is what this rom was designed and intended for and we need make it fulfill its purpose. Should I wind up coming out of this eith a child from you, I hardly see how that’d be a problem. If anything you’d be an ideal parent….now enough talk…”*The moment she left that sentence unfinished,she pressed her lips to his,running him with a sudden kiss. Her tongue invading his mouth to probe away and explore it, as she pressed her body further against his,causing him to fall and lie back on the bed.*
The sudden liplock caught Krillin off guard, on top of how eager since they met thst Liara had been, if here and now had been the perfect excuse for her to get erotically intimate with him. Finding himself responding to her kiss as they wrapped their arms around each other,hers massaging his shoulders and his face,caressing the back of his smooth shaved head. His own feeling her up all over, feeling the firmness of her blue tilts,giving her bubbly booty a squeeze. Making her shudder as she relished him giving into his impulsive desire and sexual instincts as she used her biotic powers to enhance and establish the sensuality between them. Forming a tantric bond that made the growing passion between them skyrocket as her hands moved and ran down along his compact Herculean body, grasping the waistband of his boxers. With a swift tug,they were gone as she gasped and felt his length and girth sprung forth to breathe the open air. Her ass jiggling as she looked over her shoulder at the immense cock that now sandwiched itself between her boot cheeks and her azure slit, the latter gushing with nectar as she jumped and ground against that shaft. Grasping his face in her hands as they locked eyes,giggling to see his face seem to feel like he was having an out of body experience.
Liara:”my oh my,Mr.Krillin,if this were Thessia,many maidens wouldn’t just want You for their first time,they’d want their babies from you for sure. I for one,am looking forward to embracing eternity with you…”*she spoke sensually and enigmatically, as she resumed her make out,causing Krillin to feel like he had fallen into a state of meditation, as if achieving a state of tantric nirvana, about to be everywhere yet nowhere all at once. Liara’s natural asari biotic traits ensuring she and Krillin wouldn’t just make love in bidy,but in mind and soul as well.*
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Krillin couldn’t muster the willpower to resist his urges anymore, as liara’s sensual skill and biotic energies worked their wonders on him. Hands grasping and squeezing her blue booty,making those twin meat buns jiggle as she ground and pumped her azure slit against the length and girth of his cock. Lips pressed snd locked with his in a sloppy,tongue fuelled dance as they explored one another’s mouths before the Asari GP agent widened her eyes with shock and awe as Krillin suddenly penetrated her azure with his shaft. The sudden ambush as she felt her womb pierced causing her to feel an orgasm rock her very being. Krillin shuddering as he found he was feeling it, such was the nature of biotics. Asari being naturally born so and being able to mate and reproduce with women meant thst their biotic powers allowed them to establish a psychic connection,feeling one another’s pleasure and sharing orgasms together. For men of course it was a surreal experience given they didn’t have the same parts biologically speaking but they never complained. For Krillin especially,he couldn’t help but ride the sudden wave of momentum from Liara’s biotic orgasm,as he began to pump and thrust away, the Asari bombshell feeling her world,if not her whole universe get rocked. Riding him cowgirl style as her blue bitty jiggled against those mighty balls of of his,gasping as he reached up to squeeze her jiggling blue tits.
Liara:”aaahn,by the maker! You’re amazing Mr.Krillin!! Don’t stop!, yes,this is it…let us continue! Feel the embrace of eternity with me!”* the blue bombshell howled,her dirty talk restrained and lacking obscenities,yet her tone made it clewr how aroused she was,as she placed her hands atop Krillin’s on her tits,caressing them as she confused to bounce and ride on his shaft. Her azure’s inner muscle walls kissing and massaging his jackhammering length and girth as Krillin sat up to kiss her once more. Gladly returning the passionate liplock as their loins continued their ancient primal dance of man and woman, Krillin experiencing first hand why Asari deemed the act of sexual intimacy as embracing eternity.*
indeed the earth man and the Asari beauty embraced eternity as they made sure the honeymoon suite of Bulma’s space station hotel functioned for its intended purpose. The compact Adonis flexing his muscles he explored and enjoyed the familiar yet alien form of liara’s blue bombshell body. The expressions sexual bliss and ecstasy in ehr lovelt fsce,her eyes glowing with pink hesrts as she erotically sang his praises. The feel and sight of her bouncing blue tits and ass a view to behold as they shifted through positions and formed a bond between them in the name of erotic diplomacy. The Asari hottie unable to keep count of her orgasms but relishing each and every moment he had his. The taste of his seed as it flooded her mouth and dazzled her taste buds to the rush of it flooding her ass and her womb,a thrilling sensation. One she didn’t want to cease in the slightest as she relished each and every single second her nerves flooded with the rush of,pleasure surging to her brain.
Liara:”Aahn don’t stop,don’t stop!!”*currently held up against a wall,arms and legs draped around the short king’s compact powerful shoulders,her blue skin glistening as he pumoed and hammered away into her sloppy wet azure. The length and girth not just hitting her G spot but the entire alphabet. The room illuminated by the celestial lights of the cosmos is outside, the stars and the moon giving their primal mating an ethereal atmosphere.*
Certainly eternity was no doubt how long Liara wanted this to last, as she became erotically,intimately acquainted with Krillin’s virility and stamina. His sexual prowess putting any prior male lovers to shame as they performed a veritable kama sutra of pornography. The honeymoon suite’s walls echoing with their moans as she was bent and pressing up against the window. Her blue tits rubbing against the glass as he held one of her leg up in a 90 degree split,plowing away into her azure as their mixed juices rained down into a growing puddle on the floor. To throwing the bedsheets into disarray as she was taken from behind doggy style, her blue booty jiggling and her her tits swaying as his heavy balls swung with the momentum,smacking her clit as Krillin found his mInd and bidy entering the Non state. Tantric energy filling his being,focusing on bringing Liara to pleasure over over,making love not simply to her body,but her very heart,mind and soul. The two becoming lost in their own little world,as th secret hidden cameras caught each and every last single second.
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Back on earth,in th persomal quarters of Bulma Briefs,she and and 18 sat in silky bathrobes,clinking their glasses of champagne as the 70 inch plasma screen tv played the transmission from the honeymoon suite. The Pervy genius and the bombshell cyborg knew arranging for Liara and Krillin to get some quality time would b good,but this was erotic gold,platinum even. They knew the Asari was more than eager and willing but to think she had such skill and experience to be able to handle Krillin like this? As they took a glance to the Manila folder envelope,a few pictures spilling out of numerous exotic alien women visible as the lair of fellow Krillin stud club members (the founder and president,who was which was debatable) knew she wouldn’t be the first or last alien hottie to get the Krillin experience. The universe would see a future filled with chestnut children and it would be glorious.
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p-eztt · 3 months
Some drawings and ideas I had the night and the course :")
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jose92gt · 4 months
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Algunos diseños de los personajes en Dragon Ball Daima, hace poco salió un nuevo tráiler
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wobbly-headed-girl · 23 days
Bitch do you even lift?
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gauthiercolin · 16 days
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Second piece of the tribute to Akira Toriyama. I've always loved the drawings between chapter of early Dragon Ball, especially the ones with machines in it, so I've tried to make one with one of my favourite car : the three-wheeler Morgan. Take care !
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