thehenwithatie · 10 months
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Some older Redwall drawings from earlier this year...
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stearleart · 4 days
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Laterose of Noonvale
Depiction of Laterose of Noonvale from Brian Jaque's classic, Martin the Warrior!
In the book, rose had the ability to influence a swarm of bees with her singing voice.
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mothnem · 1 year
The best part of a "Laterose Lives" AU is if you set if AFTER the events of Mossflower, then you have Urrah Voh, who has a daughter pining away after a hot tempered warrior who in your mind hates peace, and then one day your son, who has finally calmed down as he aged, informs you your daughter is getting married to an Abbeybeast from a newly built abbey called Redwall due to the red sandstone used in it's construction. Abbeybeasts MUST be peaceful and gentle! You are thrilled, Rose is FINALLY getting over that Warrior so you go down to celebrate your daughter's wedding and. It's. That. DAMN! WARRIOR!
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Instagram just threw up a "you just never get over some character deaths" post, so I thought I'd reflect on a few character deaths that I'm still not over.
I'm focusing on deaths that "stuck," so no resurrections, no alternate universe versions of people, and no cloning shenanagins.
This post has spoilers, so if you're reading anything you don't want potentially spoiled, maybe finish that and then come read this post.
Ok, so in no particular order, here are the character deaths I am SUPER not over.
1. Commander Julius Root (The Artemis Fowl series)
This death was brutal and I literally cried my eyes out when I read the chapter. I wanted this to be reversed at the end of the book, and when it wasn't, I cried AGAIN. Holly's mentor and parental figure in the LEP did not deserve to get Opal Koboi-ed like that.
2. Detective Sergeant Karrin Murphy (The Dresden Files)
I will die mad about this one. Butcher fridged a badass disabled character for no goddamn reason. This death didn't cause tears, it caused fury hotter than the cores of 10,000 suns.
3. Mara Jade Skywalker (Legacy if the Force series)
I cried so hard at this one. Mara was the first family member to see what Jacen had become and he killed her for it. Poor Luke has had so much death and loss in his life, and this was just heartbreaking.
4. Chewbacca (The New Jedi Order series)
I mean, as far as deaths go, getting crushed by a falling moon while saving the life of the youngest son of the man you have a life debt to is pretty fitting. Didn't stop me crying for everyone's favorite walking carpet.
5. Laterose (Redwall series)
This one was heartbreaking because it goes by so fast, and on first read, I missed it until Martin found her in the aftermath of the battle. The Battle of Marshank had a heck of a body count, but that one was just such a tearjerker and a double-hitter on subsequent reads.
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A last frosty flower… #capecod #december #laterose #frosty #frostyflower #frostonarose #nature #getoutside https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl14xgavND4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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halfnekoslair · 5 months
inaccurate memories)
Martin with woodlanders: the "quiet kid" of the group. Compliments everyone's skills. Just glad to be here.
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Martin when there's something resembling vermins on the horizon: Let the world burn!
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The funny thing is that from my childhood I remembered Martin the Warrior as this self-isolated stoic hero. Quiet and calm. Mostly. But he is actually as unstable as Tsarmina. Ready to yell and wreak havoc at any sign of danger. Why didn't I remember this? When I re-read books I was like why are you doing this you are only making it worse!!! 80% of the time.>w< But it's more fun this way.
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lostmidnightwriter · 11 months
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Just a completely inconsequential mousemaid who nothing bad ever happens to, and who lives a long happy life.
In other words, I’ve decided that Martin the Warrior will be the next book I read. Because I hate myself.
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partywithponies · 4 months
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rose-of-redwall · 6 months
Idea: mouse princess but she’s not Laterose she’s a real fancy princess from a real kingdom across the land
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I love her already
Still baffled and proud that I can just whip up a sketch like this so quickly and it looks so much like what I wanted it to look like. That intensive and mouse studies are really still paying off.
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tinybookgirl · 1 year
Most Tragic Redwall Deaths Bracket
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Yes @captainmirefleck is running their villains bracket at the same time but I want to do one also so it’s time for tragic deaths. My poll results actually said heroes won but I had already started setting this one up so we’ll do that one next.
There are too many deaths to technically include every single one of them but I think I got all of the major ones. Polls will be 24 hours, and I’ll link them up here. All will be tagged ‘Redwall deaths bracket’.
Round One:
Lord Stonepaw vs. Laterose of Noonvale Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Brinty vs. Mother Mellus Winner: Mother Mellus
Rillflag vs. Flandor Winner: Rillflag
Friar Skurpul vs. Methuselah Winner: Methuselah
Bragoon & Sarobando vs. Log-a-log (Mattimeo) Winner: Log-a-log (Mattimeo)
Sanya vs. Russa Nodrey Winner: Sanya
Hillgorse vs. Abbot Mortimer Winner: Abbot Mortimer
Veil Sixclaw vs. Luke Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Windred vs. Fatch Winner: Windred
Urthstripe vs. Cregga Rose Eyes Winner: Cregga Rose Eyes
Ranguvar Foeseeker vs. Finnbar Galedeep Winner: Finnbar Galedeep
Jukka the Sling & Fleetscut vs. Skarlath Winner: Skarlath
Mask vs. Felldoh Winner: Mask
Shogg vs. Piknim Winner: Piknim
Friar Hugo vs. Romsca Winner: Romsca
Warbeak vs. Thyme, Clary, & Pakatugg Winner: Warbeak
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Round Two:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Mother Mellus Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Rillflag vs. Methuselah Winner: Methuselah
Log-a-log (Mattimeo) vs. Sanya Winner: Sanya
Abbot Mortimer vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Windred vs. Cregga Rose Eyes TIE
Finnbar Galedeep vs. Skarlath Winner: Skarlath
Mask vs. Piknim Winner: Piknim
Romsca vs. Warbeak TIE
Special Tiebreaker Round:
Windred vs. Romsca Winner: Romsca
Cregga Rose Eyes vs. Warbeak Winner: Warbeak
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Round Three:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Methuselah Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Sanya vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Warbeak vs. Skarlath Winner: Warbeak
Piknim vs. Romsca Winner: Piknim
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Semi Finals:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Warbeak vs. Piknim Winner: Warbeak
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Laterose of Noonvale vs. Warbeak
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mothnem · 2 years
When your brain makes you sad and reminds you Martin absolutely went off to fight Tsarmina alone is because last time he fought a tyrant he had friends helping and Rose was killed by Badrang trying to escape him.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 4 months
Sometimes You Grow Into Your Books
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I was objectively too young when I picked up this book at like, ten or eleven, having just read Terri Windling and Ellen Steiber's The Raven Queen and wanting more faeries with some edge to them, and read my way through four novels about magic and fairies in Canada and Ireland. On that first read, solidly 80% of it went straight over my head, and I couldn't figure out why. (Reader, the reason is because I was a tiny human who was still at a middle grade level and this book is pretty firmly YA but literally nobody ever told me no where books were concerned--and thank you to everyone who supported my reading from a young age!) That said, there was something about the book that wouldn't stop worrying at the back of my mind, so over the next three years, I kept reading and rereading, and slowly the stories took shape in my head and I learned why the books stayed with me. I spent a long time with this book, so let's talk The Golden Book of Faerie.
This is a spoilery post, so be aware if this book is for some reason on your TBR!
A word I didn't know when I decided I wanted to read this book is omnibus, but that's what this book is--an omnibus edition of four OR Melling novels.
The Hunter's Moon is the first of the four books, and it really sets up the complex relationship between family and faerie that will permeate the rest of the books. It follows Gwen and Findabhair's (fin-ah-veer's) reunion in Ireland after a while apart, and Findabhair's entanglement with Finvarra, a faerie king. Finvarra either falls in love with/selects for the Hunter's Moon sacrifice Findabhair, and Findabhair decides she is in love enough to go through with it. Gwen basically decides that no, this is not acceptable, and finds help fron Dara, cute guy and folkloric king of Ireland; Granny (Grania Harte, not Granny Weatherwax) who is a fairy doctress; Katie Quirke, who is a farmer with big dreams; and Mattie O'Shea, a middle-aged Managing Director of a firm who is also a married new dad. I would be absolutely remiss to point out the resemblances to Lord of the Rings here, because Gwen quite literally pulls together a fellowship to try to save Findabhair and faerie.
The fellowship faces down Crom Cruac, the Great Worm. It...does not go great. I wasn't kidding when I made the LotR comparison, there is no great, glorious, heroic battle at the climax of this book. They are overpowered and beaten to a pulp, and Findabhair gets Laterose-ed into the ground, and suddenly the company's reason for fighting lies dying. Finvarra chooses a heroic sacrifice, and the rest of the company takes itself home to recover. A year and a day later, the Company of Seven gather again to mark to day, and Finvarra--a notably human Finvarra--returns.
The overarching mood of this story is of how love and grief intertwine, and it is really truly well done.
The Summer King shifts protagonists to focus on Laurel and Honor Blackburn, a pair of twin sisters violently separated by what seems, on the surface, to be a hang-glider accident. We find later that it was, in truth, a faery attack, but for the long year between Honor's death and Laurel's introduction to Faery, all Laurel knows is that her sister is dead. And the kicker for the family--although this is implied rather than stated explicitly on page--is that they didn't even have a body to bury because Honor crashed into water, and the glider took her too far down to be recovered.
Along for the ride with Laurel is Ian Gray, troubled young pastor's son and the new--and EXTREMELY reluctant--Summer King. He and Ian more share a body and mind than are the same person, so poor Ian is fighting a massive battle and Laurel is still so wounded by Honor's death. The pair bond a bit on Grace O'Malley's ship, and even when it is revealed that Honor was a casualty of the Summer King's violence, Laurel and Ian still work together to light the midsummer pyre and keep the human and faerie worlds together.
Dead is dead in the human world still, so Honor cannot return to her life. But thanks to Laurel, she can live on in Faerie. And Laurel also grows enough to pull Ian back from the edge as well.
So as the eldest of three girls, literally the worst thing I can imagine is losing a sister, so this book made me SOB. But the compassion required for forgiveness and healing stuck, and the book expands the theme of the intertwining of love and grief while giving it some nuance and complexity by weaving in compassion and forgiveness.
The Light-Bearer's Daughter is possibly the closest thing to a traditional "fairy tale" in this book, because Dana is all of eleven in this book, far younger than the teen protagonists of the last two. That is why when Dana stumbles ass-backwards into the woods and is handed a mission by the Summer Queen--none other than Honor Blackburn, for those of you playing along at home--she ends up terrifying her single dad by bailing on him right before a move from Ireland to Toronto to complete her mission.
This book is very much a fairy tale because it's Dana learning, growing, getting square with the fae mother who left her and her father, and then accepting the move to Canada. This is possibly my least favorite of the three novels, but it's important background for Dana for the next book.
The Book of Dreams takes Dana as its protagonist again, but now she is a troubled thirteen who has not adjusted to life in Toronto. It also weaves in the major players from the three previous books, because whether Dana is ready or not, something big enough to threaten the existence of faerie is coming, and Laurel and Gwen need to make sure that this teenager survives to battle this.
The best part of this book is how the mythology and lore expands. We get the Irish/English faerie lore that we've been accustomed to in three previous books, but thanks to the multiculturalness of Toronto, we also get First Nations and Indian (that's as in India, not as in Native American) lore as well, and the three work together beautifully. This was the first time I had ever seen Irish and North American Indigenous mythologies together, but CE Murphy does a version of it in the Walker Papers, and these two seem to work together really well.
I also love the way the different threads of this book weave together, although we are never free of the balance between love and grief and the costs of having a foot in both the mortal and faerie worlds.
Overall, despite being objectively too young for this book when I first picked it up, it was foundational in shaping what I prefer in faerie stories (and actually probably explains part of why how the fae in the Dresden Files are handled pisses me off) and it really helped show me that there was nothing that was too hard for me to read. It might take spending some time with a text and rereading and reflection to parse my responses, but this book really was my first experience with a challenging text that I had to work to really get through, understand, and appreciate.
It's the combination of the lesson on how to approach challenging texts and the vibes that I learned to appreciate that really made this book stick with me, and I adore The Hunter's Moon unreasonably.
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As the person who submitted both the blurb on the bracket for Aragorn and also Martin the Warrior, I knew it was a losing battle for my mouse lad but I’m so heartened to see all the people coming out to support him. Redwall was so much of my childhood and Martin is a wonderful little ball of fluff and rage. Eight year old me cried so hard when Laterose died. His sidekick Gonff the Jewish thief was my favorite. Martin is an icon and I’d feed him so many crumbs and pet his lil head.
Actually they both got only one submission!
But I knew any match against Aragorn would be an unfair fight especially in round 1. Unless I seeded him against another very popular character like Sonic but a lot of people would have been disappointed that one of them lost so early.
I knew very little about redwall but they had similar vibes so I hoped the redwall fandom would find this poll and rise for their mighty mouse. I was not disappointed, you guys are the best.
Go Martin, the fight is hard but you're doing great!
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
ty for tagging @crimsonrainseekingflower :D
Three ships: whyyyy RanWan, AltMalMar, Yunmeng Sibs (no one said it had to be romantic ok)
First ever ship:  in reality? Martin the Warrior X Laterose. I had. a lot of feelings okay. First fandom ship? Destiel or Cherik
Last song: King & Lionheart. i’ve just been listening to my calsir playlist endlessly lately. it’s that or my friend’s wedding playlist
Last movie: also glass onion!
Currently reading: Hamlet & A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes (i am. somewhat ambivalent about it so far alas)
Currently watching: for some reason I decided to rewatch the whole TGCF donghua tonight?? it was either that or The Untamed for the 80th time so i guess. better? option??
Currently consuming: a cab sauv i picked up specifically because it was $6.99 and had a cute name. the reigning theory that my wine crimes are due to me not actually liking wine. has some weight
Currently craving: comprehension of what the fuck I was planning for this wualin book 4 AU fic
tagging @void-tiger @soresus @oceans-song @evakant @o-winterqueen-o @plothooksinc @whooliganshenanigans only if y’all want
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lostmidnightwriter · 11 months
Martin and Gonff: *do illegal/stupid shit*
Rose and Columbine:
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