#Let Damian have his giraffe
biancabi · 7 months
Dick: *Forcing a smile* Being an older brother is a wonderful and surprising thing. You can always find yourself in situations you never thought you would happen!!!
Dick: *Freaking out* What was the only thing I said not to do??!!
Duke: *Guilty* Create a cult for the second time.
Duke: ....Create a cult for the second time.
Duke: ....
Duke: In my defense it was completely accidental.
Dick: Hey Dami, have you seen-WHAT IS SO???
Damian: Grayson keep your voice down, your screams will alert everyone.
Dick: *Deep breath* Dami, babybat, my little brother. Why is there a giraffe hanging out on your balcony?
Damian: Her name is Macbeth and I think that's obvious, she's too big to come into my room.
Dick: Where did you find a giraffe in damn Gotham???No, don't answer that. Does Bruce know about this??
Damian: No Grayson, you're the first to hear about Macbeth joining the family.
Dick: Okok, This is all Bruce's fault and I refuse to deal with this now.
Jason: Hypothetically speaking, how bad would it be if during the patrol I dropped my bombs that explode when touched on the wrong side?
Dick: ....I'm sorry? What?
Jason: Just a hypothetical situation, it doesn't mean he dropped bombs there.
Dick: What the fuck, Jason!? Really What the fuck?!
Tim: *With zero hours of sleep and 5 boxes of red bull*. I HAVE DISCOVERED IT!!
Dick: I don't want to ask, god knows nothing good comes of that, but what have you discovered, Timy??
Tim: *Jumping with excitement* I have discovered the identity of the criminal mind we have been investigating.
Dick: I take back what I said, that's good news. Who is it??
Dick: ...
Dick: Did you know?? I said nothing. What made you think it's Bruce Wayne?
Tim: *Fretically moving hands* Just think about it, whenever Bruce Wayne leaves events early there's some big crime or breakup of Arkham, plus he always reappears with suspicious injuries and attributes them to his clumsiness. One part of his money mysteriously disappears from his boxsafe, his segurity is too good to be a theft or mistake, it must be your financing at evil ends and-
Dick: Tim, Don't you forget that Bruce-
Dick: What could-
Dick: *Looking for the sedative and sleeping pills* Are they?? Tell me more.
Dick: Everyone should feel the joy -suffering- of being an older brother -it's all Bruce's fault, I must have been an only child-
*Voices of Tim and Damian fighting in the background with Jason cheering them on*
Dick: Above all I love my brothers.
*Sound of breaking glass and Duke's surprised scream*
Dick: *Trying to convince himself* I really, really love them.
*Gliter bomb explosion*
Dick: ....
Dick: *Whispering* I don't get paid enough for this. Damn Bruce.
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lady-mimis · 6 months
Summary: Where your relationship with Bruce didn't end up well but you still love him
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English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes that might be on the text
Notes: Hey guys! I'm back with an imagine of my favorite hero. I stopped to write for nnt, but I still have some imagines ready so I will post eventually. For me Bruce is such a dads girl. This took me a long time, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Violence and language
"Mommy?" Your daughter called you. You were working on your laptop while your daughter was watching TV.
Tim and Damian asked for your help in some kind of security program they developed, so you were just reviewing and improving the system
"Yeah baby? what's wrong?" You stop typing and look at her.
She was hugging her giraffe plush. It was a gift from her dad. She is such a daddy's girl
"I was wondering..... if you could tell me about you and daddy?" She ask curiously with those big blue, bright eyes
The question took you by surprise. She is still a curious kid, of course, but you wonder why she wants to know it now
She was a copy of her father, except that she has some of your features. Its funny how you waited nine months for your baby to be born with her fathers features
"Hmm, what do you wanna know? Can i ask why the sudden interest?" You asked your baby daughter, then sat beside her on the couch, putting a cushion in your lap
"I want to know how you two met each other, I mean you two are not together anymore but you were one day, right?" She questioned you with an innocence that you felt your heart shake a little.
Thinking about how she feels with her parents not being together. You remember once she was saying something about all of her friends having parents who are married and live together. Of course, you tried to explain that your situation is not so simple, but she was just a kid and couldn't understand anything
"Yeah, darling well.... I met your father at work, he was my boss"
You revive everything in your head
"Good morning, Lucius! I brought some coffee for us" You entered the laboratory, greeting your coworker and put your bag on your table
You worked for Wayne Enterprises and were responsible for the technology that Batman held since the company funded him and his equipment
You were working on a motorcycle for Batman since he asked for
This project was a direct order from your boss, Bruce Wayne. You had never meet him, he was always busy being a playboy
Lucius was the vice president of the company, so he had a lot of work to do. You impressed with how he would help you and find time to be a businessman
"I'm glad you're here, today we have a lot of work" He thanks you for the coffee
After hours in the laboratory, you get ready to leave
"Hey baby let's talk please, don't dare ignore me again!" An unknown number sent you a message, but you already knew who it was
"Answer bitch!" Again
"I need you baby! I can't live without you!"
Your ex boyfriend calls you, but you refuse the call
How did he find your new number? You were angry about him harassing you since you two broke up
"Stop calling me! we broke up. Stop it" Sighing deeply, you reply
"You're okay?" Lucius asks you curiously, raising his eyebrows
"I'm just tired, you know, Matthew has been kind of asshole and... " You fake a smile for him not worry about you
You stop your commentary after hearing the voice of the artificial intelligence of the laboratory announce someone
"Access confirmed. Welcome, Bruce Wayne" The AI greets him
"Bruce, what a pleasure! (Y/N) this is Bruce" Lucius introduce you to him. He is excited for Bruce to finally meet you
Well, you have to admit that he is not only handsome. Bruce Wayne is hot as hell
He looked at you, head to toe and licked his lips. He smiles to you with an arrogant smile and offers his hand for you to shake
What a skirt chaser!
"Enchanted to meet you" You shake his big, rough hands. He looks around, analyzing the lab
Bruce Wayne has an elegant posture. He was wearing a black, expensive suit, probably tailored just for him. This suit must have cost all of your salary
He walks through the lab with a confident posture, analyzing everything around him
"So you're the one who made the Batmobile upgrades" He states uninterested
Okay, you were not hoping for him to know that
"Yeah, it's me. I'm working on the motorcycle project too" You said proudly, pointing to the prototype that was in the center of the lab
Adjusting your white coat, you grab the sketches of the project in your pocket
"Well, I see you're doing good. Have you already made any tests?" He looks satisfied with the prototype
"Not yet, still working on the motor " You give him the sketches, then point at the motor sketch
"it looks excellent! I'm really impressed. Now I know why Lucius trusts so much in your work" He smiled charmingly, winking at you
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Is he really like this?
"Thank you.... I think" Looking at your watch, checking the hours
"I better go. It's starting to get dark" You grab your things and walk to the door
"Take care (Y/N)!" Lucius bids you farewell
"It was lovely to meet you (Y/N), I hope to see you again" Bruce gave a head nod
"Wait (Y/N)!" Bruce calls you, making you stop and stare him, raising an eyebrow at him
"What you think about a dinner?" Bruce asks with a cocky smile, and you find it charming, but no way you're going on a date with him. That could work with other women, but not with you
Bruce asked you out the first day he met you! HE WAS TRULY A WOMANIZER LIKE THE NEWS SAYS
You had recently broken up so you were not thinking about a relationship at that moment
"Thanks but no" You fake a sorrowful look and then smile, winking, teasing him
You leave to your house before gets too dark
That night, you were watching TV on your couch. It was almost midnight
You heard a car stop by the front of your house and assumed that it was one of your neighbors
"Where are you? I'm here. Let's talk " he typed
Okay, you're starting to get scared
You walk towards the window, seeing his car in front of your house
"No! Leave!" You reply in panic
"Baby, open the door!" He knocks on the door, gently at first but then harder
"Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you!" You say it loud enough for him to hear it
"Open the fucking door!" A strong knock. He was beating the door, and in a little time he would open it
You grabbed your phone and ran to your room, calling the police. You close the door of your room, hiding yourself in your closet
Tears were all over your face
"911, what's your emergency?" The policeman asked by phone
"My ex boyfriend.... is trying to enter my home and i ...... " A loud thud echos through the house. He entered in your home
"He's here, please help me!" You whisper, crying in despair
You passed your address to him
"We are sending the police, stay hidden until the police come, please stay in the line"
You could hear him on the underfloor, looking for you
"Baby, let's talk. You know how much i love you!" He always said this
"I can't live without you, you're so good for me, I will kill myself if you don't show up. IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT!!" He screamed with angry
He was coming closer, and you knew that the police would not make in time
"Let's just talk, babe, we can fix this. I CAN FIX THIS!" His voice echoed behind the door as he tried to get into the room
He was kicking the door, and you knew how the material would not resist
"We can comeback together, it's just show up and say yes!" He broke in
He was close, and you could see his shadow through the door of the closet
He has a knife with him
You knew he had found you. He was walking toward the closet
"I don't want to talk to you! LEAVE ME ALONE! I FUCKING HATE YOU, WHY YOU DOING THIS TO ME??" Screaming stunned
When he stops by the closet door, something caught him by surprise and he falls to the floor
A shadow figure was in top of him
The shadow figure knocks out your ex boyfriend
"It's safe now, you can get out of there" A male deep voice spoke, it sounded almost robotic, maybe it was some kind of voice modification
You got out of the closet, and you stared at your unconscious ex
That shadow figure was standing by the side of your ex's damaged body
Then you saw your hero, Batman.
"I..." You could not say a single phrase without sobbing
He stayed there till police siren sounds could be heard, then he just disappears
Batman had saved you that night, if wasn't for him, probably you would not be alive. You were grateful to Batman
You're remembered that night all too well, it was a complete nightmare
The next day after the incident you were given the day off by Lucius.
You stayed at your sister place until you found a new place for you
You had to comeback to your work, everything was so stressful and worst Bruce keep showing up and continue flerting with you
You were on the park lot alone, fetching your car keys, and you feel a presence behind you
You froze
Someone put a hand on your shoulder
"Hey, you alright?" Bruce Wayne ask in a worried tone
You felt so relieved to see it was just him
"Yes, i just got scared, you simply didn't make any walking sounds" You observe him, and take a deep breath
"Oh, i'm sorry about that.. what do you say about dinner as sorry?" Bruce offered, scratching his throat, making a slight frown, and put his hands on his pocket, trying to hide his nervous
That's new, he was always too confident and cocky. Now he just look like a normal guy
So you decide to be honest
"Look, Bruce i will be honest with you, I recently broke up. It's been hard times for me, i am not looking for a date at the moment" You look at him with soft eyes, denying his offer gently
That made Bruce nod in knowledge and look at the floor for a moment. He admired your honesty
"Well... that doesn't mean we can't be friends" Still not convinced he waits for your response
Friends? WITH BRUCE WAYNE? That was a good joke, but he seemed serious about it
With everything that has been happening, maybe you need to relax. You didn't have many friends. All of your friends live in other towns. So why not?
"Hmm.. fine we can dinner together as friends" You hesitantly accept looking at his ocean blue eyes. Somehow, his eyes pass you peace and truth
"Friends then" He smirked and offered his arm to you, guiding you to his car
It was a great night. Nice jokes and good food
That has become a tradition between you and Bruce since that day. You get to know Bruce better and overcome your prejudices about him
You could say that you had a soft spot for Bruce
You even met his first kid.
It was a surprise when he told you about Dick. You had never thought about Bruce being a single dad.
You tried help him with his dads duties but he always declined your help. Even with his interventions, you continued to help him to raise Dick
You remember telling Bruce to go easier with Dick
And finally, he opened up with you, asking advice on how to improve to be a good dad for Dick
Dick was a nice kid but had a sad story. He always used to tell you how Bruce was hard on him and how he wanted some freedom
So sometimes you would take him to do things that a normal kid would do
When you found out about Batmans identity, you freaked out
You were working on the maintenance of the security of the labs
Everything there was powerful and presented some danger. So the technology couldn't end up in the wrong hands
The access was only permitted if the people had registered fingerprint and eye identification
You noted that Bruce and Batman had the same fingerprint and eye identification.
He had saved you that night
When he entered the lab, you embrace him so tightly
All you could say was "thank you" sobbing
Bruce got very confused and worried about you
After a few moments he connected the pieces
He asked you to work only for him in his cave and his Batlab, as you called it
You accepted Bruces offer to work for him.
Most of the time, you would work with him or Alfred on the projects. Alfred always commented to you about how you and Bruce were a good duo
Alfred told you, you were the first person that Bruce let into his life. How was he different after you
You had been friends with Bruce for almost two years
You were at the annual Wayne gala
Bruce had invited you personally and told you how much Jason insisted on your presence. Bruce had recently adopted Jason since Dick left for Jump City
Of course, you didn't approve the kids being his sidekicks. It was not ideal for them, but that was the form they found to let go of the fury and anger they felt inside. Bruce knew it better like no one
Jason was a tough kid, but all he wanted was Bruce's attention. Yet Bruce would be more hard on Jason than he has been with Dick
Jason had a hard life, and even being tough he was still a kid. All he needed was love and kindness. So you did what Bruce didn't. You helped him with everything, homework, patching him, you both played video game together
You taught him everything you knew, how to cook, how to hack, how to make analysis, how to program and more.
"(Y/N) You heard me?" Jason poked you but you couldn't take your eyes of Bruce
Bruce is the host of the party,and of course there will be people around him but you can't avoid to feel jealous at the surrounding women
Bruce was talking with a blonde beautiful woman for a long time
"Sorry jay, what were you saying?" You give him a soft look, messing with his hair
"Its about the new ship you are working, I liked the design its so badass" He said, excited about this project.
Jason was your little assistant in the Batlab
You nod, smiling and keep talking with him until Alfred interruption
"Sorry to interrupt you, Miss (Y/N), but I believe its time for Master Jason go to bed" Alfred explained and put a hand on Jasons shoulders
"Can (Y/N) put me to bed?" Jason asks in a low tone, looking at you with pleading eyes
How cute, your heart melt away with that. How can you say no to him?
Alfred looks to you, waiting your response
"Don't worry, Alfred, I don't care doing it" You shrug, guiding Jason to his room
You were both in his room. His room was all decorated with cream and red tones. The room has some posters of some old popular cartoons you both watch together, and some action figures on the shelf on the wall where the writing desk is. Some books you had gave him as gifts are on top of the desk
He was laying on bed, and you covered him with the red blankets
"Do you think you can sleep with that music?" You ask, fixing the blankets so he could be warm
"Yes, it's not that loud from here" Jason makes himself comfortable
"Thanks (Y/N), it makes me feel home" Jason smile to you, the mix of blue and green of his shining eyes makes he looks so innocent
He was looking at you like you were his whole world
"Good night Jay, I'll see you tomorrow after school in the Batcave" You kiss his forehead and turn off the lights
You lead to the door, ready to leave
"Good night, mom" Jason whispered sleepy
OH MY DID HE JUST CALLED YOU MOM? You stop, stunned in front of the door, felling a mix of emotions
When you got out, Bruce was standing there like a ghost
"Ohh! You scared me! Stop showing up out of nowhere" You raise your hand to your chest, breathing heavily
"You didn't need to do it" Bruce crossed his arms seriously, taking a look at Jason's asleep form
Bruce was in front of you, blocking your passage back to the party. His huge form was hovering you
"I wanted to do it, Bruce" You state, putting your hand on his chest to get him out of your way, but he does't move
So you raise an eyebrow to him. What was he doing? Trying to intimidate you or whatever?
"I thought you would pass the night talking with that blonde woman?" You comment. Maybe a little too rude
You perceive the frown on his lips and how his eyebrows grew closer
"As the host, I have to talk with the guests" He narrows his gaze to you. You hate when he does it
He unblocked the passage, still staring you
You turn back to the party, ignoring his stare
After that, you felt frustrated and resolved to drink to drown your sorrows
At the end of the night, you were a little drunk....okay, so much drunk that your voice was nasal and you were hiccuping
That time, Bruce was chatting with a beautiful brunette woman, and she put her hand on his chest. Okay, that's enough. The jealousy made your face turn red and warm.
You roll your eyes, ready to leave the party.
Bruce was so stupid, why do you care about the women around him? You are nothing to him, just a friend. You hated that feeling, you hate how Bruce makes you feel stupid
You were leaving, but an arm grabbed your hand, stopping you. In the movement to turn around, you stumbled on your feet.
The arms hold you by the waist so you don't fall
"I got you" Bruce is the one helping you. His arms are so big and warm
"What you're doing? leave me... hic.. Bruce" You tell him, trying to get out of his hold while he leads you to the manor
"I'm not gonna let you leave alone in this state. You're drunk (Y/N)" Bruce keeps his hold on you, until you are in his room
"It's your fault, when you were talking with those hotties, I was... hic...drinking by myself" You say with a joking tone and get out of his hold to sit at his bed
"Are you jealous (Y/N)?" Bruce asks, having fun with the situation
"NO! nrgh!" You sink your head into his pillow
"So do you care to share why you are so drunk? We both know you do not drink like that" He asked curiously, looking at you with those beautiful eyes
"Just to shut out... hic.. my emotions. Its was... hic...so loud" You said, snorting with your nasal voice
Bruce chuckles at your comment and leans himself on the wall
"You know you can tell me, right?" Bruce crossed his arms, but his voice sounded soft
"Right, I just disappointed...hic.. that you didn't have any time for me just because you were talking..hic... with your hotties. We are friends, right?" Whispering the last part.
Who were you trying to convince? You or him? You were already over heels for him
Bruce just raised an eyebrow for you, he knew you, and the fact that you just lied to him
"Tell me (Y/N) what really happened for you to get that drunk?" He came closer and stopped in front of you, analyzing you
He is curious, you are not the heavy drinker type. To be honest, he never saw you so drunk as tonight
It was dark in the room, just the moonlight light it. Bruce eyes shone intensely in the dark of the room, his eyes look like the ocean
"You happen, Bruce, I cant keep pretending that i don't feel nothing for you" Your voice is so low that you barely hear it
Nervousness ruins through your body. You start to roll your rings on your fingers.
"Pardon me?" Bruce says confused
He doubts that he heard what you said. He shifts his weight, trying to stay calm. Probably you are just too drunk and were babbling
So you decide to speak out loud
"Damn it! I was so jealous, you can have any woman in your arms anytime you want! I hate see you with another woman, and how I'm not the one in your arms. Your stupid blue ocean eyes that hypnotize me..." Bruce interrupts your sentence and kisses you with desire
"You're the one that I want. The one who has my heart. (Y/N), you don't have to worry about the others women" Bruce cups your face and rubs your cheeks, pecking your lips
He let go of you and stepped back smirking at your shock form
"Okay Bruce now you got me! You always found a ... hic.. way to shock me" You toss yourself in his bed, and your nasal giggles fill the lifeless room
"Well? what can i do? I have been waiting since the day we met for you to realize the great eligible bachelor that I am" His crooked smile makes you laugh hard
"Tsc, you're to cocky, hic.. that time you were the biggest womanizer of the whole country" You state, and hear his laugh echo in the room
Bruce chuckles at your state the bed, your cheeks are red from drinking, and your hair is a little messy, but he finds it cute. You are a sloppy, happy drunk.
How you love his laugh, his smile, and his beautiful eyes. You love everything about him. Okay, sometimes he's a pain in the ass, but still you love him
Then he walks to the door without making any sound
"I should let you rest" Bruce says, opening the door
"Can't you stay?" You watch him hesitantly stop in the front of the door
"Pleasee?..hic" You plead
At first, your relationship was wonderful. Bruce was a caring boyfriend and a good partner
Then Jason died
You were completely broken
You loved him so much. The pain was unbearable
Bruce was dealing with his grief on his own. You knew how he blamed himself for Jason's death. He felt regret for being so hard on Jason
You hated how Bruce closed himself off from you
Everything has changed
Bruce was cold, quiet and reserved
Bruce was not the same person you used to know
The fights started
Time passed, and you two had to move on
When you discovered about Damian's existence. You felt devastated, mostly because Bruce didn't plan to tell you
It was a shock for you when you found a boy who looked like Bruce in the living room
He was just seven years old. About the time you and Bruce started to date
The fights started all over
You were in the batcave. Where you help Bruce with the technology and projects he and you create
"What hell Bruce? Is that kid really your son?" Inhaling deep. You couldn't stop the shake of your hands
God, you were so nervous
You already knew the answer, but you need a explanation
Bruce just murmurs in response
"That's not even an answer, Bruce!" You state, tapping nervously your foots on the floor
"Do you have a son with another woman? I suppose you know who is his mother?" You wait for him to respond decently
You were standing by his side while he didn't even bother to glance you
"His mother is Thalia Alghul" Bruce shrugged it off, like that was nothing
Did he already know about the existence of this child?
"Bruce, look at me for a second! You cannot give a shit about this, but I do!" You shout, trembling
"Bruce! Did you already know about the existence of this kid?" Your voice wavers and the tears rush down your face
You felt betrayed
This time, Bruce slightly shivered and narrowed his eyes, analyzing you. Probably he was thinking you were out of control
Bruce was thinking of a response to calm you, but he couldn't find it, so he stayed in silence.
The silence was the worst answer he could give you. You know how right you were about your suspicious
"ANSWER ME, BRUCE! DID YOU EVEN PLAN TO TELL ME?" Pointing a finger at his chest, accusing him
Bruce gets defensive when you shout at him
"That's none of your business, (Y/N)" Bruce shouts back feeling attacked. Maybe it was, but he didn't think of that because he is too proud
You felt terrible, weak, and disrespected.
The shouts echo through the cave
He was supposed to trust you, right?
There was a time you two were best friends and told each other everything, even the most silly thing in the world. You were a good duo, you were always partners
But the things changed
The love that was pacific became heavy and cold
What you and Bruce had become?
The sound of your cries attracted Tim's attention
"Hey mom! you're okay?" Tim asks gently, giving Bruce a disapproving look
"I.... just need to rest" You take a deep breath, accepting Tim help
You stare Bruce with watery eyes. You waited for him to say something
He stares at you with a blank expression
"Takes your mother to her room" That's the only thing Bruce says before turning back, walking to another part of the cavern
Bruce simply turned his back to you
It means nothing to him anymore. He didn't fight for you two
The situation became more difficult because Damian disliked you
He thought his father should be with his mother, not someone like you. His words were sharp like a knife
To be honest, you thought the same thing. You are rich like Bruce, you two had different lifestyles. Two completely different world
In all of these years he never cared to propose to you. Did he ever think of having a future with you?
You started to question yourself after almost six years together
The day you finally decide to leave
You were sick, having nausea, dizziness and vomiting
Alfred realized that and advised you to go to the doctor
You took a few exams
In the same week, Damian got sick. He was in bed, shaking with fever. You were so worried about him
You checked up on Damian sometimes, even with his sharp comments about you or how he disliked you
He was just a kid who was created with a rigid education. He had a hard personality. You couldn't totally blame him
Alfred asked you to give Damian some soup for dinner. You agreed and went upstairs with the soup
"Hey Damian i brought some soup for you" You knock on his door before entering his room
"Tsc you can leave it here" He said with a tedious tone of voice
"Hmm do you need help to eat?" You ask, leaving the bowl on his expensive white nightstand
"No! Leave!" Damian says annoyed by your presence. Okay he didn't seem to be on a good day
Still, he doesn't have the strength to get out of the bed or eat alone
"But... Alfred helped you eat the meals, right? I could help you if you want" You tried one more time
"Don't you understand? I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP" Damian shouts aggressively, he tries to pick up the bowl but ends up toppling it
You look at him in shock
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you" You say in a low tone, holding back your tears
You leave Damian's room quickly and walk towards your room
You couldn't take it anymore. You are unhappy, sick and tired
You were in your room. The room you and Bruce shared together one day
You grabbed your bags and started to pick up your things
"What you're doing?" Bruce's voice surprised you. He was downstairs the last time you saw him
"I'm leaving, Bruce" You didn't hold back your tears. The tears rush freely in your face
Bruce felt his heartbeat skip when he heard what you said. You cannot be serious
"I don't understand..". Bruce comes closer to you, trying to understand why you were doing this
You stop to pick up your things to look at him
He is in shock, and even with his facade, you learn to see through it
"No! I know you don't, Bruce! You don't even realize whats happening around you" You snap angrily
"What? you cannot do that (Y/N)!" Bruce tries to change your mind, arguing with you, but you have already decide
"WHY NOT BRUCE? YOUR SON HATES ME! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT US ANYMORE" You are so close to him but yet so far away. Giving a pleading look for him, you shake your head in deny
"Damian is just a kid..." Bruce answered back facing you.
You could swear that you saw a few of emotion on his eyes
He could see how you were hurt and unhappy
Bruce avoid to look into yours eyes. Not a single word left his mouth
"Your silence answered everything. I hoped you would be honest with me considering all of these years, tsc you are really a dick" You curse, turning back to pick up the rest of your things
You grabbed your bags, and turned around, ready to leave.
You give Bruce a final look, pleading to him to do something, say something or fight for you
You hoped he would say something or ask you to stay, but he didn't
If he had asked you to stay, you would
So you leave
Your words echo through to his head
Bruce's heart stops when he sees that you are really leaving, but he can't move
Maybe that was better for you. Maybe it was better for you to live without him always disappointing you
Bruce stays in silence, watching you leave
You were completely heartbroken after the break up. You moved to your old apartment
Everything looked so empty, it was so strange to live there all alone.
You miss the kids, the noise of the manor, Alfred astute comments, and more... You miss Bruce
You and your sister went to the hospital to get your exam results
You remember all too well
In the doctor's office, sitting in a chair, waiting for the doctor to say the results of your exam
"Well, miss (Y/N), the results are not satisfying, but i have good news you might like" Isla gave you a sympathetic look and read some documents
"So I prefer the good news first, doc" You tried to sound optimist
You looked like crap, and you knew it. The last week had been so lonely. Tim and Alfred passed by your apartment to check on you, but it wasn't the same thing
"You are pregnant, congratulations (Y/N)!" She gave you the news
Your face goes blank
"(Y/N)? You alright?" Isla asked with worry in her eyes
"Yes... I think, I was not hoping for that, Isla" You explained, trying to calm yourself
She wrote something on her computer
"Right, but you have anemia, and this isnt good for you and the baby. It might bring you problems if you don't start to treat it. So you will have an obstetrician consult and I will accompany you with the anemia treatment, okay?" Isla smiles, handing the results to you
"You might consider to consulting a psychologist too, you don't look so well, it will make you good. Take care of your mind health" Her voice was kind, and you knew how she was right. You were a complete mess
"I will prescribe you some medicine" Isla catches the pen on her table and starts to fill out some papers
When you got the results of the exams you couldn't believe it. You are Pregnant
"So? Whats got you so sick?" Your sister gives you a concerned look, as she come closer to you
"I.. cant believe it" You hand her the papers, still in shock
"OH MY! I going to be an aunt!" She is excited about the news
"That's not so bad, you just have to treat yourself" She tries to cheer you up
"Oh no. Why are you crying?" She embraced you while you cried. You were so hurt. It was so much for you
You had been consulting the obstetriciann, and everything was okay with your baby. You discovered you preganant for 3 months
Your sister were sleeping in your place to help you with the pregnancy
Your sister went out to some cheap club with her friends
You wake up to drink some water. Your throat was dry
You heard some steps behind you, so you stay alert
"Who's here?" You turn around to see it was Batman
Bruce was standing right in front of you, after all of those weeks
You relaxed since you're not in danger
"You know you could enter from the door like a normal person" You comment, rolling your eyes
He observed the place and looked at you head to toe
His presence is annoying you. Still, you could tell that his presence made heart beat faster
"What do you want?" You ask, breathing deep
"What is that (Y/N)?" He took some papers off his utility belt and shook them in front of your face. It was your exams
"Are you stalking me? Who gives you the right to pry your nose into my life?" You took the papers out of his hands
"Its not of your business Mr Wayne!" Your harsh look makes him shrugs
He was with his cowl, his blank eyes were observing you through the mask
"Not my business? It's my child!" He stated, with a frown on his lips
"I'm not going to repeat myself again. What are you doing here?" Walking closer to him, you could feel his scent. It felt stronger, maybe it was because of the pregnancy. How you miss him
Is he here to upset you more? To hurt your feelings again? You wish he could forget about you and leave you alone for a moment, since you two are not together anymore. But he always found a way to upset you
"The child... You cant have it!" He states in a deep, low tone
You could not believe him. His words were like a sharp knife in your heart
"What makes you think you can choose it? How cowardly are you, Bruce? hm?" You aggressively question him, pointing a finger at his chest, and staring him with fury in the eyes
"You cant have it! It's my child too!" He argues back, taking off his cowl. His blue eyes lost their shine. He looks tired, with dark circles around his eyes, his face is slightly skinnier
"WHY? YOU'RE JUST AFRAID CAUSE YOU CANNOT BE A GOOD FATHER TO ANY OF YOUR CHILDREN!" You know how to hurt him. Maybe it was too cruel to say it, but that was the truth
Bruce steps back with the comment, feeling hurt. You didn't like to hurt him but, he needs some sense
"Are you hearing yourself? Whats that Bruce? Why you doing this with me? don't you think you have made enough? Leave please! I don't want to see you anymore!" Pleading with watery eyes
His eyes wide, and the realization pass through his blue, tired eyes
What had he turn?
Indeed, He was afraid of not being a good father, but demanding those things from you was not right. He had no right to say those things to you
He broke you into pieces, and left you when you needed him
"I... sorry" Bruce whispered before leaving through the window
The birth of your baby changed everything.
You were so surprised to see Bruce there to watch his daughters birth. At first, you were hesitant, but inside, you relieved
Bruce was watching your daughter sleep in your arms
"Look, I'm sorry for what i did to you. You didn't deserve that. I wasn't there when you needed me. Everything that I did upset you in a delicate moment" Bruce apologizes to you
His face full of regret makes you know that Bruce was being honest. He wasn't a man who expressed himself easily
"I want to be a good dad for her, let me help you. I want to be present in her life if you let me" Bruce held a sorrowful look
You had to make amends with him for your daughter sakes
The kids and Alfred visited you in the maternity hospital
You were surprised that Damian was there to see you too
Dick, Tim, Jason, Your sister and Alfred are somewhere in the hospital, probably eating in the cafeteria
Bruce was taking a shower while you were arrested in that hospital bed, and Damian was staring at you with a doubtful look
"Hey kiddo, a penny for your thoughts?" You try a joke in a hesitant tone
"Tsc...What would I do with a penny? Anyway I have enough of money already" He says cockily
"Now you sound exactly like your dad" You giggle, having fun with his similarity with Bruce
He stayed quiet, still looking at you. This time, he was looking at you like a lost puppy
"You can say whats on your mind, dear" You look at him with soft eyes
He stared at you in shock. No one has ever called dear or been so soft with him like that
"Hm, I've been planning on how to apologize to you. I'm sorry its my fault that you left my dad" He apologizes in a low tone and avoids eye contact with you
"Hey dear, its not your fault. I didn't leave because of you" You sign for him to come closer
He hesitantly came closer, sitting at the end of the bed
"Any of the problems that i had with your dad weren't because of you. You're just a kid, any of this is your fault, Damian" You squeeze his hands
Damians face turns red, and he smiles slightly at you
"Since you're gone, my dad is so grumpy. No one can stand him anymore" Damian complained about his dad being a pain in the ass like you and Jason would say
You really tried to move on, but the man didn't like the idea of dating a single mom
You swore to yourself that you would forget Bruce, but every time you were on a date you remember him.
What if everything was different? You wish it was
But life goes on
You left your work and opened your own workshop. You had your own laboratory and atelier to work on your engineering projects or whatever you would create
You moved to a bigger and safer house to live with your daughter
It has been like this for years
Now your baby is almost turning 6 years. She is your entire world. The biggest present you could ever have
You two were passing the time in the living room before her bedtime. You were working when she asked you about you and Bruce
You just told her how you two met
"Isn't daddys birthday coming?" She climbs into your lap
"Yeah, baby, it will be in three weeks" You caress her hair
"Daddy always looks at you like you are a diamond, mommy" She said, closing her eyes, enjoying the caress
"Hmm, baby lets take you bed"
Talking about diamond
Bruce Wayne left the jewelry shop with a diamond engage ring. The Gotham prince has finally decided to settle down?, the news is on the screens
Maybe its for Selina? Maybe they had come back together?
"Hey (Y/N) you still there?" Barrys voice brought your attention back to the call
"Yeah, sorry about that... and no, your new suit is not read yet" You state, shaking your head, trying to forget the toughts about Bruce
"Hmm okay, isn't Bruce's birthday coming? Barry asked worried
"Why everyone keep asking me that? Yes, Barry his birthday is in three weeks" You say, annoyed by the question, grabbing your mug, starting to organize everything that is on your table
"Sorry, hahaha, I just didn't buy anything for him yet" He was having fun with your annoyance
"You don't need to worry about it, he's not a material man. He will like anything you give to him, you know" You organized the things, and fetched your car keys in your purse
"Sorry Barry, but i got to pick up my baby from school!" You say it in a rush tone
"Right, bye (Y/N)! Tell Gennie that Uncle Barry sent her a big bear hug"
You couldn't help but laugh
"You bet Barry!" You hung up
"Mommy, can we eat ice creamy as dessert??"
You stopped on the mall to eat lunch and shopping with her
"Sure baby, let me just take another photo of you, you're so cute in this uniform" She was just the most adorable thing you have ever seen in her school uniform
She was in kindergarten, and Gotham Academy was a very secure and good school. Evangeline was even learning spanish and french
You pass in front of a decor shop. Once you had been there with Bruce
"I still cant believe you're serious" Bruce stares at you incredulous
"Why not? If i moving to live with you, lets just pretend that we are moving together and shopping new decor to our room" Smiling excitedly to him
"Alright! But nothing too colorful!" He surrenders
"NO WAY! I NOT LETTING YOU WITH THAT DREADFUL ROOM!" You say it loudly, and put one yellow duvet in the cart shop
Yellow was definitely your favorite color
"You need some color in your life, honey" You hold another duvet, but this time a yellow neon with purple leopard print
Bruce couldn't help but frown at that
You graciously laugh, catching his attention
"Whats so funny?" He asked crossing his arms with a grimace on his face
"You look so cute doing this face. Did you know you pout?" You pecked his lips
Bruce facades are gone with that. He holds you with his strong arms
"What? I do not pout!" You felt his breath in the back of your neck, he was laughing
"Mommy!!" Your baby girl shakes you, and you realize that you were standing there for a while
"Oh baby, i'm so sorry" You felt a little stupid to still think about Bruce even after all of this time
"I want ice creamy, and suddenly you stop in front of the decor shop. They don't sell ice creamy" She was pouting exactly like her father
"Tsc, You look exactly like your dad. I cant believe it." You say annoyed, shaking your head in deny
"What? My dad?" She had a curious look
"Lets get you your ice cream, baby!" You ignored and, she seemed to forget that you talked about her dad
"Thank you!" You told the waiter
"Is it of your liking mini chef?" You ask, taking a sip of your milkshake
"Its yummy, mommy! but I think that if they put a handmade ice creamy, it would be more good"
"Why do you say that mini chef?" You lick your lips
"The industry ice creamy has so much sugar. Nothing its like Alfred's handmade ice creamy" She said, enjoying her ice creamy
"Well, with all the odds, you almost over with your milk shake" You state humored, laughing at her dirty milkshake cheeks
"Its still very yummy..." Shes was interrupted with screams
"What the fuck?" All you could do was protect your daughter from the danger
Some masquerade guys entered the place. They were high armed, and started shooting at everyone
"Oh my! How terrified that girl must be. I know them. Her mother, she does some projects for me and the police force. You know, she is the mother of one of Bruce Waynes children, she created the other kids as well. I cant stop thinking that is one of the main reasons that the thieves got her and the kid" Gordon was the talking to someone on his cell phone when Batman showed up on the terrace of the building
What a terrible day. Bruce couldn't believe this was happening to him.
You and his baby were kidnapped, and he didn't find anything. He spent the whole day in front of the batcomputer searching for any trace of you.
All Bruce could feel was fury and fear. Fear to lose you two. Fear that he will never see you again. Fear that he could never say how sorry he is about messing up and how he was a dick with you. FEAR THAT HE COULD NEVER SAY AGAIN HOW HE STILL LOVE YOU
Bruce wishes he was a better man for you, he wishes things were different from the now on circumstances
Maybe its late for that. Maybe its too late to apologize
Bruce wished he never messed up with you. Maybe he wouldn't feel the regret filling his soul every moment since you gone
He wished you stayed, but it was so much for him to ask that of you
Maybe he was too proud. Maybe he already hoped that one moment you would leave him like everyone else did?
All he could do was watch you leave. It was for the best
At least you would not suffer anymore, and it would be safer for you. But God, that was the worst pain he felt in his life
What if he fought for you and him? He would give everything to come back in time. What if he asked you to stay? would you?
"Hey Batman, I assume that you already know the news?" Gordon hung up, looking at the man in the black suit. Batman seemed lost?
"Anyway, we need your help that Vick Vale don't stop calling looking for a scoop" He rolled his eyes, annoyed by the memory of the journalist
"The situation is that armed man entered in a fucking ice cream shop in the Gotham Mall and started shooting at innocent people and left with a single mother and a kid. We believe its a kidnap, and they are keeping they as hostage but they didn't call to her family asking for money though. In the worst case they might be... you know" He whispered the last part
"I wont let this happen! Not in my city!" Batman growls, making Gordon widen his eyes. He never saw Batman like this
"Any death?" Batman asked, holding his hands in fists, trying to calm himself
Gordon realized that Batmans body language indicated anger or better fury
"No, only injured people. Just five" Gordon said nervously
"Well, we talked to the people that were in the shop at that moment. They told us that they took the girl and the woman. The mother tried to fight, but there were many goons. One of them came behind her and hit her head to get her unconscious" Gordon told the statement of the people of the store
"Batman, I found one of them" Nightwing voice echos through the bug
"I'm on my way" Batman ansewered, and looks at Gordon giving him a nod, disappearing in the darkness of the night
"I will only ask one time, Where are they?" He said it with threanteing tone
That mans face would be unrecognizable after that night
A hard punch
Batman punched that man until he spoke. Poor man
"Man, if you want some advice, you might start talking" Nightwing said from behind, watching the interrogatory batman style
"STOP! I WILL TELL YOU, OKAY? JUST STOP!" He screamed scared
Batman stopped waiting for him to say something useful
"WHERE IS HE?" Batman growls aggressive
"WHERE IS HE?" Batman punched him harder
Batman felt the fury through his veins
"Batman stop! you gonna kill him!" Nightwing said, pushing him away from the beaten man
Batman stop and looks at his bloody gloves and the mans face.
"Hes still alive, call the cops"
The mood at the manor was not one of the best. Everyone was worried about you and your daughter. The Batman was trying to find you, and all they had were the goon words
Its been a week since you two had been kidnap
Bruce was on batcomputer all night searching for some trace of you
"Bruce, you should have some rest. We can handle it" Dick said in a worried tone
"I'm okay, Dick" Bruce told him without a glance
Dick was about to say something, but the phone started to ring
Bruce got up quickly, picking up the call
"Hmmm, helloooo Brucieee!" The Joker voice
"Can you guess who it is ? hahahahah" He laugh maniacly
"Joker" Bruce murmured deeply, and sign to Dick start to track the call
"You right, Brucie, its me!"
Bruce wanted to yell at him for taking you and his daughter away from him, but he knew it was not appropriate
If he wanted to find you, he would have to stay on the line long enough to track where the call was coming
"Well, I have something that might be of your interest" He said humming
"What do you want, to give them back?" Bruce asked in an angry tone. He would do everything in his power to get you two back
"Just some money, you know the bank don't liberate loan for prisoners hum, hum what a prejudice, right?" He said it with irony
"How much? How much do you want?" Bruce asked, sinking his nails in his palm hand nervously
"If they are really important to you. You would not care if I asked you for 30 million dollars. I know you are a generous man" Joker said humored
"Right, you will have it. Let me talk to them, i need some proof that they are alive" Bruce required with authority
"Talk to your daddy, girl" Joker demanded
"Daddy? Is that you? I miss you. Uncle joker told me that you would come here soon, but its been a week" Evangeline's voice had an upset tone
Bruce felt relief for hearing the voice of his baby
"Yes baby, its daddy. Im coming for you soon. You just need to wait a little more" He told her in a soft tone, trying to comfort her
"Where is mommy? I miss her too" She asked in a crying voice
Bruce heart skipped a beat when he heard it. Were you not with her?
"That's enough. You heard your kid. She's very, very alive" He laughed at his own words
"What about my woman?" Bruce asked in a harsh tone
"Your woman? Well, Brucie, shes not one of your properties, we gentlemen don't talk about woman like this" The Joker scolded his words, not liking his tone
"And last time I checked, she was completely single. So no, shes not your woman, Brucie" Joker stated excitedly
"I must admit Brucie, you had a beautiful woman, her beauty really amazed me. If I had the chance, I would get her pregnant too. But what a shame, Brucie. How could you let go of a woman like that?" Joker let out a snort of disapproval
That fucker. Hearing Jokers words about you only made him angrier
"Fuck you, I want to talk with MY WOMAN" Bruce growled aggressively
"Bruce? Is it really you? Please tell me our daughter is safe...." The sound of your voice is one of fear, and then they shut you out
Dick gave him a thumbs up. He tracked where the call was coming
"We had enough idle talk. Send the bat with the money in 24 hours. Be in Gotham docks. I will be waiting for you. Don't be late Brucieee" The Joker hung up
"MOTHER FUCKER" Bruce yelled at the phone, throwing it on the floor
He would not let Joker kill someone he loved. Not again
"Master Bruce, don't let the emotions overwhelm your reason. Focus yourself in the search, the time is passing" Alfred adviced him
Alfred was right. He don't have much time. He has to find you
"Indeed, the call was coming from the docks" Dick said, marking the place on the map on the big screen that was showing some information about the investigation
"They have (Y/N) in another place. Shes is not with Evangeline. We have to find her quickly" Bruce told him in a serious tone
"Really Bruce? Did you realize that we spent the whole week searching for them and got nothing until Joker called? He planned everything so you couldn't find mom in time" Dick snapped with a frown
"We know they are far away from the city, It seems they are in the woods" Bruce told him with a narrow gaze
"What we gonna do?" Dick asked worried about you and his baby sister
One thought passed through Bruces mind
"Call Jason" Bruce demand
"Jason? Why do you think he will find it before us?" Dick has a big doubt in his face
"Tell him to look in the woods close to Gotham and Bludhaven. Even the borders" Bruce ignores his question
"I'm not helping you. Im helping mom, old man" Jason stated through the bug
"Copy Jason. Just find your mom, please" Bruce pleaded him
"Don't worry, old man. I will bring her back to you. Just don't mess up again or I kill you" Jason told him before Tim shouted at him
"Jason, come take a look" Tim had found your purse. Your wallet was empty, and your mini mirror was broken
It means that they were on the right trail. They were close to Bludhaven Cemetery
Batman, Robin and Nightwing were observing the place.
Joker goons were everywhere, and Joker was playing with his daughter
"Hmm kiddo, The time is passing, and your daddy still didn't show up to pick you up. Maybe he forgot about you" Joker pretended to be sad
"My daddy would never forget about me Uncle Joker. He's just late." Evangeline defends her father, pouting upset with his comment
Batman looks at Robin and Nightwing, signing to them to follow the plan
They knocked up the goons from the shadows
"Joker, Batman is here!" One of the goons told him
"I know, its part of the game. Hahahaha Hey, Evangeline, lets play hide and seek? " Joker asked and the girl agrees excitedly
"So, we both have to hide from the bat, and we win if he doesn't find us" Joker explains to the little girl
"And what if he find us?" She tilts her head, pouting in doubt
"We will make him a surprise" Joker told her excitedly, and grabbed the girl running from the shed
Nightwing and Robin were fighting with the goons
While Batman fight with other goons
"Go catch him, Batman. We can handle them" Nightwing shouts out
Batman runs in the same direction the Joker ran
"We found mom, B. They keep her trapped in Bludhaven Cemetery. They have just a few goons, but they are all high armed" Tim reported
"Don't die" Batman warns them in a harsh tone
"I'm the only one who got the permission to do that, old man" Jason jokes with irony
"This is not funny, Jason" Dick scolded him
"Actually it was" Damian chuckles, evilly
Batman silenced the bug
Batman was surrounded by sheds
Hearing the sounds of one of the sheds, he walked quietly towards it
An image projector was in the middle of the room
A video started to play
"Hey lady, How about you say goodbye to your family?" One tattooed man told you, holding your face
"Fuck you!" You spat at his face, trying to gel off his hold
"You bitch! I will teach you how to behave" He punched you hard in stomach
The record has a cut
You shows up beaten and all bloody on the screen
"Bruce, please save our daughter. Do not come after me. Take care of the kids and go easy on them. Do it for me... do it for us. Please be safe. I love you" You said goodbye for him
"No!" He cant stand the pain in his heart seeing you hurt like that
Batman got caught in a trap
a fishnet made of barbed wire trap him
"It seems like the bat is not that smart" Jokers voice echos through the loudspekears
"Lets take a look at your woman"
Your unconscious form appears on the screen. You were tied in a chair by ropes
"Hey batman! Are you seeing this beautiful woman here? She will explode in minutes, I hope you enjoy watching it" The tattooed goon said with a big grin on his face
A thud echoes in the background. Some gunshots
"What do you want Joker? Free her!" Batman growled at the clown
"What do I want, Bat? I want to play with you! You know, Ive been feeling lonely since you trapped me in Arkham Asylum again. I think it would be cool to gain some money and play a little with you! Isn't it funny?"
You were in the chapel of the Bludhaven Cemetery
"Shit! Red Hood and Red Robin are here, boss!" The tattooed goon shouts out to the camera
More shoots, and the door is cracked on the floor.
"What a terrific news!! It seems that the birds have come to join Mommy in her explosion!" Jokers laughed excitedly
The vigilantes appear on the screens, running towards you, unaware of the bomb or the camera
"Fuck! what they did to you, mom?" Jason whispered, cutting the ropes in your fists and ankles
"You know how Jason is my favorite Robin, don't you Bat?? He is going to die again because of you! Just because you sent him to search her! And poor Timmy! Hes just a teen that will blow up with his mother and brother HAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAH"
Jason held you tightly in his lap
"Everything will be okay mom"
Tim walked around the place they kept you arrested, and observed the chapel
"Jason are you hearing that?" Tim asked, looking in the direction of the beeps
"Until they found that I put a bomb there. Everything will blow up. BOOM!!!!" The joker laghed mischievous
"RUN" Jason shouts out
The bomb exploded
"NOOOOOO" Batman screamed
"The joke is on you BAT!!! HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH"
"TICK TACK TICK TACK. Time is passing, you don't want to lose Evangeline too, right? Tick tack tick tack"
Batman heard sound of steps in the shed
"OH forget Bat! You did find us or we found you, whatever. HAHAHAHAHA" Joker entered in shed with a gun against Evangelines forehead
"Did you know how upset I was with you when I discovered about your girls? You didn't even bother to introduce them to me" Joker pretend to be hurt
Evangeline cries, hurting Bruce in his soul. All he wanted to do was protect her, but he couldn't
"Please let her go! I will give you whatever you want!" Batman pleaded in defeat
"HMM, What a interesting offer but I will pass Bat" He denies, smiling creepy
"I just want you to watch my grand finale" Joker would shoot in Evangeline head
Joker was about to pull the trigger when a blade was thrown into his hands making him drop the gun, and a stick hit hard in his spine
Joker screamed louder, falling on the floor
Robin walks close to the clown and holds him by his purple blouse collar
"Don't mess with my ummi, my sister or my family ever again, or I will kill you with my own hands" Robin kicked hard his spine
"HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH YOU'RE SO CUTE ROBIN HAHAAHAHAH" Joker laughed hard and louder with every beat
Robin was infuriated. Didn't he get hurt?
"That's enough Robin!" Batmans voice scolds him
Robin looked around, seeing Nightwing comforting his baby sister while Batman stood in the corner with crossed arms, watching Robin beat the Joker
With a final strike, Robin knocks the Joker out
"When will mommy wake up?"
You open your eyes but shut them in pain. It felt like a truck had run over you
You moan in pain, trying to feel comfortable where you laid
You open your eyes slowly, trying to adjust with to the light
"Hey, she's waking up!" Jason warned everyone
Everyone shut up and come closer, looking at your dizzy form
"MOMMY!" Evangeline runs to you, hugging you tightly and you breathe deeply in pain
You felt relief to see everyone safe. You hold your daughter in your arms, making a grimace for your sons
"Go easy with her, Ginnie, shes bruised" Dick told her, chuckling at your grimace
The kids were all around you
Your daughter let go of you, leaving space for the other kids to talk with you
"I got really worried about you. I'm happy that you're awake mom" Dick smiles at you warmly, hugging you gently
You opened your mouth to answer, but your throat was dry. You only cough in answer.
Then Tim offers you a glass of water. You drank it
"Thank you Timmy. I was really thristy"
"Its good to see you mom" Tim hugs you quickly
"You scared me as hell, i love you mom" Jason whispered just for you to hear, and hugged you like you were going to disappear any moment
He hold you for a long time until Damian pushed him aside
"I missed you Ummi" Damian squeezed your hand lightly, and you pulled him into your arms
"Its good to see my boys and my girl safe" You smiled caring at them
Alfred walked up to where the kids were
"Its good to see you Miss (Y/N)" Alfred greets you, smiling fondly
You look around, seeing watchful eyes over you. Was he there all the time?
"How you're feeling?" Alfred asked you, checking the serum that was in your veins
"It sucks, it seems that I was hit by an car" You joke humored
Alfred nodded in knowledge
"My whole body is aching, I have a headache, and I'm very hungry" Your stomach is snoring
"I suspected that you were going to say that. I going to bring you something to eat" Alfred heads out of the cave with the kids following behind him
"It seems the anesthesia effects were gone." Bruce deep voice caught your attention
"Anesthesia?" Confused, you question him
Everyone had gone, giving you two some privacy
"You were shot. You lost a mount of blood. When the boys found you, you were unconscious. We had to take the bullet out. You almost had a hemorrhage" He explained
"How long I have been out?" You ask, staring down at your body
You were dressing just in a black top and a yellow Batman loose short
You had some bruises, and some parts of your skin were purple. Your ribs were bandaged. You had stitches on your right arm
Bruce was looking for something in the nursery cabinets
"One week and three days" He states, turning around, looking in the other cabinets
"Oh, your birthday is in two days" You murmur, staring at his back
You could see how his back tensed when you said it. He got quiet for a while, and focus himself on what he was doing
"Yes, Alfred is planning the gala for the weekend. I don't have time to do that" He scratched his throat, walking towards you
"Here take it" He hands you some analgesics and a glass of water
He sits beside you on the bed. You could tell that he was lacking sleep and his beard was to do. He had some scratches on his face
"You lack sleep, when was the last time you slept?" You ask worried about his well being
You raise your hands, fingering his scratches
"You don't need to worry about me, the only one who needs care is you" He says softly, holding your hand in his
You stared at the mirror for a long time. The gala for Bruce's birthday was happening down in the salon
You were wearing a beautiful yellow gown that Bruce had gifted you on your last birthday. You never had the chance to use
You felt uncomfortable with your stitches showing up. Your body was bruised. You couldn't help but feel ugly, even all dressed up
So you decide to stay in the room where you were staying for the week
For a few minutes in the room, you got restless and walked to the library
You loved the manor library. It was a cozy place where you always loved to stay. The big window had a beautiful view of the gardens. You remember staying here with Bruce when you wanted some time alone. You loved the yellow candlelight and the beautiful decoration, it was so classic.
You sit next to the window, looking out at the garden, where some guests were chatting
"I imagined that you'd be here" Bruce entered the library without making a sound
"I don't get scared anymore. I'm used to it" You roll your eyes, annoyed that he doesn't make any walking sounds to enter the places, you raise your eyebrows at him in doubt
Bruce was wearing a beautiful tailored tux. His beautiful blue eyes contrast with the black tux but match his navy tie
"You didn't show up. I come to check up on you" He states, looking at the view of the big window
"I'm sorry for not being there. I don't feel good enough to be around people" You felt guilty for not showing up
"Are you feeling unwell? Do you need anything? What are you feeling? Bruce asks in a hurry, getting closer to you
You stand up, raising a hand for him to calm him
Then Bruce stops, looking at you head to toe, amazed by the view of your beauty. His jaw fell open, and he whispered something you could not hear and licked his lips, straightening his posture
"Wow, you're marvelous tonight" He notes the yellow dress he gave you
"Hm thanks" You doubt he was being truthful. You didn't feel marvelous
You stared at your hands.
"What? You don't believe me?" Bruce asks in shock, realizing your deny his compliment
"Yeah, how could you think that I'm marvelous tonight if I look like this?" You point to your bruised body, looking at your stitches in the right arm
"I don't see nothing but the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in front of me" Bruce states firmly, looking into your eyes
"How?" You whisper, denying
"I can show you if you don't believe me" Bruce steps forward
Bruce gently holds you by the waist and run his fingers through the bruises, kissing them softly. His touch makes you shiver
He looked right into your eyes, asking for permission to kiss you
You lean closer, kissing lightly his lips, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment
The kiss was passionate. How you miss his lips. How you miss the good years. How you miss him
He holds you tightly in his arms
You slowly separate and breathe deep. Widening your eyes in realization. What have you done?
You step back brutally
"Damn it! What we did? We shouldn't do this" You said rude, cursing yourself for letting that happen
You were walking in circles in anxiety
"What? If you regret about it..." You cut him off quickly with a sharp look
"How can you do this? You are engaged and then kiss me, messing with my feelings" The hurt in your voice makes him want to hold you in his arms
"Easy (Y/N). I'm not engaged with any woman" He claimed with a firm tone
"Wait? You're not engaged? But the news said you bought a engagement diamond ring, you didn't propose to Selina?" You tilt your head, doubting if he said the truth
You groaned in pain. You have put too much effort into walking around, the pain fills your ribs and you breathe deep
"Be careful. You cannot make an effort or the stitches in your ribs will open" He warned you, coming closer, guiding you to sit on the leather couch
You stay quiet, staring at the window. The silence was uncomfortable but you didn't want to say anything to him
He was the one who needed to say something
"Hmm... look. I did buy an engagement diamond ring but it is not for Selina. I bought it for someone I cherish and love dearly" He states gently, holding your hands, making you stop to stare at the window
You blink slowly and stay quiet, waiting for him to continue
"I know that I was a dick to you. How I mess the things up with you.... When you left, I felt the regret consume me every day for not fighting for us. I wanted to ask you to stay, but I couldn't. I couldn't be so selfish, I knew you would be happier and safer without me. You would be better off without me. Although I realized that I was nothing without you, just a poor and miserable man" He said in a deep, low tone. It was something so intimate for him to share about his feelings
You look into his eyes, seeing his regretful gaze. His husky deep voice hold honesty over his words
"I was so scared of losing you and not having the chance to apologize for my mistakes. I miss the good years, of our partnership, you were my best friend. I was afraid I could not tell you everything that I wanted. All I wanted to do was hold you in my arms and protect you"
You stay quiet, not finding the words to say something
"I know how I hurt you, and I understand if you don't accept it. But I feel like i had to do it before its too late for us. I still love you (Y/N)" Bruce eyes had a brightness that you had never seen before
Bruce got on his knees in front of you, taking a little velvet red box out of his tux pocket
You were taken back by his confession. Your heart races with his words
"(Y/N) Will you marry me?" The red velvet box had a beautiful diamond ring
You stare at him in shock, speechless. He was proposing to you. You couldn't believe that.
He stares at you, uncertain of your answer, but the big crooked smile you gave him makes him feel more confident
"Oh my! Yes!, I do marry you Bruce" He felt relief with that
Placing the ring on your finger, Bruce kisses your hand tenderly
"I was afraid you would say no" He admitted, getting up and pulling you up gently
"The thought didn't pass my mind, but now i considering it" You pretend to think about
Bruce face went blank with your joke, but then he relaxed seeing you laughing of him
"Don't joke about that. I want to get old with you" He fake a scolds making a frown
"Well you already are old so don't worry" You snap with a teasing grin on your face
"Wow, that hurted my feelings" He put his hand on his heart, faking a heart pain and pouting
You peck his pouting lips and hold your arms around his neck while he holds you by the waist
"I love you too, Bruce" You confess, burying your face in his neck
"I swear to be better for you" You feel his hands tracing circles on your back
"You just need to fight for us when the things get rough. Don't let me go ever again, and stay with me" You embrace him tightly
"I promise" He whisper
"I'll kick you in the ass if you don't keep your promise" He laughed, caressing your hair locks
"DAMN Damian! You let Joker stuck in a wheelchair forever" You curse under your breath
Damian was ready for the scold but you only smiled at him, messing his hair
"Well done Dami, I'm so proud of you" You whispered so only he could hear and winked at him
"Dick gave me a little help hitting the stick on his spine" He smiled slightly, feeling proud about his achievement. Now that maniac would not be able to hurt anyone
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Bestie I just re read that quarantine one shot you wrote for Bruce and the babies and I NEED more of it 😭😭😭
"Yes Habibi?"
"Do you love me very much?"
"Of course Habibi, I adore you from heaven to the universe, back and forth"
"That's little baba"
"Mmm- what do you think? I love you so much I'd go to the centre of the universe to bring you a star?"
"No, I don't want you far from my side, another thing baba"
"Let's see… I love you so much I wouldn't mind leaving Gotham City in Uncle Barry's hands, like this?"
"You sure? Even if it is Halloween night?"
"Yes Damian, even if it's Halloween; You're the light of my life, my whole heart… but that doesn't mean I'm going to get you that giraffe."
"And just because I love you from the depths of my being doesn't mean I'm going to let your brother convince you that having two elephants is a good idea either."
"Yes, habibi?"
"But you did allow Jason to redecorate his entire room in an Aunt Diana theme."
"That was Grandpa Alfred, I don't have that much authority Habibi."
"Does that mean I should ask Grandpa Alfred?"
"Of course… and while you're at it ask him if we can have nuggets for dinner."
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(The exact posititon that Bruce and Damian had during this conversation)
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getmemymicroscope · 2 years
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Thoughts, as I go:
the movie starts of with what I guess is the animated equivalent of that scene in 'Multiverse of Madness' if, you know, Wanda had been replaced by an entire army of gun-toting wannabe-ninjas
Talia so dramatically says 'time to go meet your father' as if it's going to be a big reveal - which is automatically ruined by the fact that the movie is literally called 'Son of Batman'
apparently Damian is going to be an ass of a person this whole movie - at least they got that out of the way early on, but it's going to make it hard to sit through this movie, even at only like 1 hour 15 minutes
Damian cuts one pillar of a building, and the whole roof collapses; later, he cuts one leg of a shrubbery giraffe and the whole giraffe collapses - what?
"Who are you?" "Well, let me tell you one thing" ... and then he proceeds to say like 15 things, tells the man his literal name, and is at the end like "you can call me Deathstroke" - whatever happened to just "one thing"?
Yeah, really don't like Damian. This one is definitely not going to be my favorite movie. I'm getting real "first half of The Killing Joke" vibes (as in, I'm going to really not like this)
"That's an order" he says to an annoying ass kid who hasn't followed a single order this entire movie
This kid, sure he's trained with the League of Assassins, but he literally shows up and just starts beating the shit out of like the bad guy's main henchman. This isn't even like fun to watch.
And again, another fight where he doesn't even get a scratch on him. And another. And another. What good is a story when he's automatically unstoppable?
He doesn't necessarily need to die, but he needs to suffer, otherwise this whole thing has just been a waste of 75 minutes on top of being a horrifically pathetic story
He's literally been stabbed in both arms, and yet he's still sword-fighting and no even like taking a single hit. So stupid.
And yet, somehow, at the very end, he's his "father's son"? Talk about all-of-a-sudden character development after 70 minutes of being a total ass and not showing any development at all.
These sorts of movies usually have the same sort of script: person goes thru some tribulations, before finally becoming their true self at the end. It's methodical and predictable, but it's usually well done.
They switch it up here, sort of - between '5 minutes in' and '5 minutes left,' the only tribulations he goes through are "I take care of the bad guy without so much as getting scratched, but Batman shows up and stops me from killing someone." And, quite honestly, it doesn't work. Showing us this violence-obsessed kid who is already the best fighter on the planet as a "he's just a kid who has nothing to learn" (well, aside from how to be human, but even at the end, aside from one out-of-the-blue "I won't kill you" that is just thrown in, he doesn't seem to have gotten that at all) and trying to make that into a movie fails miserably.
He doesn't learn, that one scene thrown in just to make it seem like he has be damned. I know being related to Batman and the al Ghuls probably makes being like that his second nature but, well then, don't turn it into a movie.
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wordsfromthesol · 4 years
You Confuse Pity with Love
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Damian Wayne x Reader Summary: The evolving relationship between you and Damian after you approach him at an annual charity ball. Warnings: Minor injuries, cursing Word Count: 1.9k Taglist: @zphilophobiaz
The annual charity ball was an event you had always been forced to go to. You had to keep up the façade that your family had spent years cultivating. Not that you could blame them, it was a mask that all of the Gotham elite wore. You gallivanted around, searching for something to entertain yourself when your eyes landed on Damian Wayne. The youngest of the prominent Wayne family and the only biological son of Bruce Wayne. Your eyes narrowed as a devious expression graced your features.
"Damian Wayne!" You called out, catching his attention. "Please tell me you are as miserable as I." You commented as you approached the unsuspecting bachelor.
"I would not know. Though I get no pleasure from events such as this. It is simply a means to an end."
"How debonair of you." You twirled around him, "I say we play a game."
"Game?" Damian's interested piqued.
"First person to get the watch of…" your eyes searched the crowd for an unsuspecting party-goer. "That guy, wins."
"This is childish." Damian scoffed as he rose to participate in your ill-conceived game.
"I think you're just afraid you'll lose." You winked at him before making a beeline for the chosen victim.
You had just ordered your coffee when you noticed a familiar face staring at you from across the café. "What, are you stalking me now?"
"Perhaps you are the one stalking me. I believe I was here first."
"Yeah, but this is my favorite place. And the closest coffee shop to my apartment." Damian stared blankly at back at you. "You're a Wayne, you could've figured that out." You scoffed at him, knowing full well that the Wayne's basically ran Gotham City.
"This is the closest coffee shop to my apartment as well. You are a Y/L/N. You could have figured that out." A faint smile donned his lips as he threw your words back at you.
"Y/N!" The barista screamed from the counter, saving you from trying to come up with a rebuttal. Grabbing your drink, you walked over to a nearby table and pulled out your laptop. You attempted to ignore the youngest Wayne heir, but you found your eyes constantly wandering towards him. An hour had passed and you were not getting nearly as much work done as you had hoped, thanks to your lingering stare at a certain someone. You glanced in his direction again, only to snap back to your laptop screen when your eyes met his.
Another hour passed and you began to pack up your things, realizing you would have to retire elsewhere if you hoped to get any work done. You walked over to his table, "I'll be here again tomorrow at 9, if you feel like stalking me more." You spun on your heel and hastily trotted out the door, screaming at yourself for being so brazen.
You stepped into the coffee shop the next day and stopped dead in your tracks as you saw Damian Wayne there yet again. Really you shouldn't be surprised, you did tell him exactly when you would be there. You tried your best to ignore him again, getting your coffee and heading over to an empty nearby table. As soon as you pulled your laptop from its bag, you looked up to see Damian pulling the chair out across from you. You gave him a faint smile before turning your attention back to your work. He didn't say anything, just stared at you for almost an hour before getting up.
"See you tomorrow." Damian mumbled the words as he retreated out the door.
"What the fuck…" you whispered to yourself once he left.
Damian was already at the coffee shop, yet again, when you arrived in the morning. This time you sat down across from him, ignoring the laptop you brought with you. "So, what's your deal?" The question slipped from your lips before you had realized what you had said.
"My deal? I assume you are asking why I keep seeking your companionship." You furrowed your brows at his odd vernacular, but nodded your head to assure him he understood your question. "You seemed entertaining at the charity ball. Then again during our first encounter here. My brothers keep hassling me to find friends outside of our family."
"Aw," your hand shot up to your chest. "And you want that friend to me?"
Damian shrugged, "You seem to be the least irritating person near my age that I have discovered thus far."
"Wow, the compliments just keep coming. I'm honored." You chuckled as you stood up to go order a drink.
"Where are you going?" Damian looked almost hurt that you were already leaving.
"Calm down, I'm only getting a coffee. Want something?"
The next few months went by and the two of you began hanging out outside of the coffee shop. This boy you had innocently approached at a charity ball had turned into your best friend. You weren't sure when it even happened. But there the two of you were, staring at the giraffes at the zoo, when you glanced over at him and commented, "I just really want to ride one."
"You want to ride a giraffe…" Damian auspiciously met your gaze.
"Yeah." The word resulted in an eruption of laughter from your present company. You turned towards him and that's when the realization hit you like a ton of bricks. This person had become your best friend. This person knew you as you truly were and accepted it.
"Why are you still staring at me?" Damian's words broke you from your trance, as you realized you had no idea how long ago he stopped laughing.
"Just zoned out for a minute, sorry."
"You okay?" Damian's face fell as a worried expression overtook his features. A smile lined your lips as you noticed the sudden change in demeanor. You took his hand in yours.
"I'm fine, I promise. Let's go look at the penguins!" You exclaimed, dragging him off down the pathway.
It was time for the annual charity ball and you knew this year's would be better than last. This year you actually knew Damian and couldn't wait to spend the entire night laughing at the Gotham elite with him. You were planning to surprise Damian at his house, so the two of you could go together. That's when everything went wrong. The car suddenly stopped, you looked around, seeing no stop sign or traffic light to warrant such an action.
"Chester?" You called out to your driver, "Is everything alright?"
"I'm sorry miss." His voice shaky, "They have my daughter."
Your eyes went wide as your mind worked out what was happening. The car door opened and two men stood before you with vile grins adorning their faces. You raced to the other side of the car, opening the door and jumping out. Before you could take off running, you felt arms wrap around you. You threw your head back, hearing the cracking of his nose.
"You little shit!" The man behind you screamed, but didn't loosen his grip. You stomped your foot down on his, causing another string of curses to spew from his lips; hisis grasp on you loosened. As you attempted to break free, a hand slapped over your mouth and nose and everything went black.
"Where is Y/N?" Damian echoed the question to anyone and everyone who knew you as he wandered around the charity ball in search of you. Finally, he spotted your parents. He raced over, but his face immediately fell when he noticed you weren't with them. "Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N. A pleasure to see you again. May I inquire as to the whereabouts of your daughter?"
Their brows both furrowed as the anxiety glazed over them, "She's not here? With you? She left an hour ago, saying she was meeting up with you."
"I am going to find her." The rage bubbled inside him as he ploughed through the crowd, heading straight for Dick. "I need you," was the short phrase that left Damian's lips as he approached his brother. He didn't bother to wait, knowing Dick would follow him away from the crowded room.
"D, what's wrong?" Dick called out to his brother as they arrived at the empty balcony.
"Y/N is missing. We need to find her."
"Okay…how do you know she's missing?" Dick's expression gave away his confusion.
"Her parents said she was to arrive with me. She did not."
"Why would she come with you? She probably just said that to get out of going to this stupid thing." Dick turned to leave, thinking his brother misunderstood.
"No." Damian grabbed at his brother's arm. "She would not do that to me."
"I didn’t' realize you two were close." Damian didn't bother answering his brother, partially because he didn't have the words to describe your relationship. He had been avoiding his growing feelings for you since that day at the zoo.
It had been nearly a day, as you sat in the cold dark cell. You didn't know who these people were or what they wanted. Though you guessed it was probably just money. That's all anyone ever wanted from you. Except Damian. Your thoughts had traveled to him more and more the longer you sat there. Your hand reached up to wipe a tear trailing down your cheek. You cringed as the pain shot through you, just from the minor touch. Unfortunately, the kidnapper, whose nose you broke, sought out revenge for the injuries. You retreated further into yourself, until you heard a loud thud right outside the door. You braced yourself for the oncoming pain, but the man who opened the door donned a red costume...and was certainly not your kidnapper. The stranger fell at your side.
"Who let this happen?" You remained silent, still unsure what was happening. "How did --" his words cut off as his hand gently caressed the bruises forming at your jaw.
"I don't need your pity," you pulled back from his touch.
"You mistake pity for love." Before the bewilderment could take over, the vigilante ripped off his mask and you stared into the familiar green eyes before you.
"Am I dreaming…" you whispered as your hand reached up to touch his face. Damian leaned his head into your touch. 
"No. I'm here. I will always be here." He pulled you into his chest just as another figure appeared at the door.
"Robin, we gotta go." Nightwing motioned around, as the sound of sirens began to fill the room.
"I am not leaving her." He mumbled as he pulled you slightly away from his chest, staring into your eyes. "I will never leave you."
Dick sighed, realizing he would lose this battle. "Fine. Bring her. We have to go."
Before you could protest, Damian picked you up and carried you out of your prison. "Damian," you whispered as he set you down in the back seat of the car. The look you gave him nearly broke his heart as in crawled in beside you. "I don't want to go home." Your voice hitched as you forced the words out. "I don't want to be alone." Damian motioned for Dick to drive before pulling you into his chest.
"I'm not going anywhere." Damian mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
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phis-corner · 4 years
Another prompt for @jasonette-july-2k20​, also cross-posted on Ao3 under the name m3owww. The other prompt fills are also on there.
“We’re going to the zoo!” Dick announces. “Everybody is mandated to come. Otherwise, Oracle’s locking you out of all your devices for a month. And by everybody, I mean everyone who dons a costume at night to beat people up.”
Marinette groans. This is not going to go well.
Scene I: The Giraffes
“Hey, it’s the giraffes!” Steph exclaims. “Woah, those are really tall.”
“We would have to stack three Damians to reach the height of one female giraffe.” Tim remarks, clutching a large thermos of coffee.
Damian snarls. “Do you wish to die, Drake?” Bruce snatches Damian’s backpack from him before he can pull out his knives.
Jason pokes Marinette in the side. “Male giraffes are eleven feet. If you stood on my shoulders, we’d be around that height.”
“Yes, yes, I know. Call me short, Jay. But I could easily punch you in the groin if I wanted.” Marinette grumbles. She pointedly ignores the commotion next to her. 
Damian has tackled Tim, Dick is trying to pull him off, Steph is cheering him on, and Cass is happily watching the giraffes. Bruce is rummaging through Damian’s backpack and grimacing at the amount of weapons the child packed.
Go figure.
Scene II: Elephants
“Well, this kind of stinks.” Jason remarks, as the baby elephant in front of them decides to take a poo. They all collectively gag as the smell wafts their way.
“Let’s just move on.” Bruce decides, and the group starts walking, except for Damian.
“Five more minutes, Father.” The boy commands. “It is too adorable to leave.”
Marinette has never been more glad that she always brings face masks around. She hands one to Jason and puts the other on. At least this muffles most of the scent.
Bruce sighs. “Damian-”
“Five minutes, Father.” He hisses dangerously.
“Guess we’re stuck here.” Tim says sadly. “It’s going to be a long five minutes.”
Scene III: Reptile House
“Mari! Look here! It’s a Burmese Python!” Jason calls, pointing to a massive snake coiled in one of the terrariums.
Marinette shudders. “Eugh, these creep me out. Guess I use the mouse miraculous too much. I just hope we can move on soon.”
“This snake is beautiful.” Damian declares, gesturing at a King Cobra. “I wish to keep it as a pet.”
“Little D, this is a zoo!” Dick chastises. “Not an animal shelter with pets up for adoption!”
“Are you crazy? That’s the longest venomous snake in the world!” Tim shrieks.
Damian sniffs. “Precisely, Drake. I wish to train it to attack you, just as I have with all my other pets.”
“You- what?” Tim splutters. “That’s why none of the animals like me? I’m changing your Wifi password.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
Steph walks up to Marinette and Jason, holding out a tub of popcorn. “Want some?”
“Thanks.” Marinette reaches for the popcorn, then freezes. “Wait. Where’d you get this?”
The blonde grins. “I have Cass on my side. Anything is possible.”
“Speaking of which,” Jason frowns. “Where is she?”
Scene IV: Butterfly House
Dick shrieks as another butterfly flaps past his head. “I swear, these things are trying to kill me!”
“Tt, don’t be stupid, Grayson. They are harmless creatures.” Damian scoffs.
Marinette hums thoughtfully. “I mean, most butterflies are, but if they’re actually the demonic purple butterflies sent by a crazy fashion designer with a magical brooch to prey on negative emotions and turn people into colorful monsters with ridiculous powers that I spent three years fighting, then we’re in trouble.”
Jason blinks. “Sometimes, I forget how crazy your life was.”
“Yeah, I wish I could do that.” Marinette sighs. “Gabriel was a dick.”
Tim raises his camera and snaps a picture of Steph giggling as a butterfly makes itself at home in her hair.
Bruce almost-smiles. “At least no one’s trying to kill each other here. Everyone is- wait.” He scans the house, frowning.
“Guys, have any of you seen Cass?”
Scene V: Penguins
As it turns out, Cass went off to buy a slushy. She joins them at the penguin exhibit and watches gleefully as Bruce tries to interrogate the poor birds. Tim is filming the entire thing on his camera.
“Have you ever had any association with the Gotham villain known as Penguin in the past?”
“What, exactly, is your connection to the criminal otherwise known as Oswald Cobblepot?”
“Answer my question!” Bruce growls at the birds.
Jason’s shoulders are shaking with silent laughter, and Marinette stifles a giggle.
“Father, these are-”
“Silence, Damian! I am interrogating the moles that Penguin planted at the zoo.”
One especially brave penguin waddles right up to Bruce, leaving only a few inches of space in between their faces.
They engage in a silent staring contest.
“SQUAWK!” The penguin screeches in Bruce’s face. Being the Batman, he doesn’t startle (very much) and simply growls as the penguin dives into the water, chirping happily.
“Get back here! I wasn’t done yet!”
Scene VI: Tigers
The orange and black-striped feline elegantly prowls towards the group, heading straight for Cass, who beams and reaches her hand out to press up against the glass. The tiger nuzzles into the wall between them, and Cass frowns.
Captive. She signs. Free?
“This tiger was born in captivity.” Bruce says. “She wouldn’t survive in the wild. And for future reference, none of you are allowed to free the zoo animals.”
Dick sighs. “Aw, come on B, Dami and I had our heist already halfway planned!”
“This tiger is beautiful.” Damian states. “She is graceful in a way that humans cannot master.”
“What about Cass?” Jason points out. “She’s just as graceful as the tiger.”
Cass smiles, pleased. Thank you, little brother.
“Marinette and Dick are really graceful when they’re in the air too!” Steph adds.
Marinette winces. “Key word being air. I’ve already tripped over my own feet six times, and another three times on Jason.”
Right on cue, as she moves to read another plaque, she trips over Jason’s foot and flails. He catches her in a dip like the good boyfriend he is and promptly kisses her- passionately.
Damian makes a disgusted noise, Dick sighs, Tim snaps a picture, and Cass smacks them both on the backs of their heads.
Children. She signs, and they both smile sheepishly. Two toddlers are staring, openmouthed, and Marinette counts five parents covering their children’s eyes.
Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose. “You two can contribute to Alfred’s PDA jar when we get back.” 
“Aww, Bruce!” Jason complains.
“He has strict rules and you didn’t follow them.” Steph chirps. “You brought this on yourself.”
“Timbo, help me out here?”
Tim looks up from where he’s fiddling with his camera. “Uh, no thank you? You two have scarred multiple children for life. It’s only five dollars. You’ll survive.”
“No! Betrayed! By my own family!” Jason wails, and Marinette huffs.
“Mon oiseau, you are the son of a billionaire. Not to mention, all the money you make from your… extracurriculars. You can pay the five dollar fine.”
“It’s the principle of the thing!”
At the end of the day, all of them are tired and sweaty. They agree that maybe the zoo isn’t the greatest place for a family outing, except for Damian, who wants to return to kidnap (Animalnap? Zoonap?) the animals and set them free.
As they get out of the minivan one by one, Marinette, who is right behind Damian, spots something in his shirt move.
“Damian, what’s in your shirt?”
The boy snarls. “Nothing!”
“Damian…” Bruce sighs, and Damian reluctantly pulls out a green grass snake.
“It is non-venomous. Nobody will miss it.” He says defensively, and there is a chorus of groans.
“It’s a snake.” Tim points out. “That you stole. From the zoo.”
Damian sniffs. “I prefer the term liberated.”
Jason groans, and rests his chin on the top of Marinette’s head. She staggers underneath the extra weight. “I hate this fucking family.”
Marinette reaches up to poke him in the chest. “You know you love us. Why else would you wear a bat on your chest?”
“To piss Bruce off.”
“Sure. Keep telling yourself that.”
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akimmito · 4 years
Heroes are made by the path they choose
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Chapter 16
Tuesday, 11:00 AM, Istanbul.
Marinette and Felix walk the streets of Istanbul reviewing a museum guide to learn a bit before officially visiting the museum and getting to know it personally, plus they already have a plan for a casual visit, after all, in an hour they must meet with the Turkish actor, Kerem Demir, to chat with him (Felix has this little habit of meeting with newer actors to avoid encountering unpleasant surprises, in addition to creating an image of closeness with his partners and employees).
"We must pick up Mr. Demir in twenty minutes, I think you should call Asif." Marinette speaks as she puts the guide in her bag.
Walking without any vigilance through the cities has always been something that people they know don't understand, but, unless the trip is totally innocent (without any vigilant work included), they prefer to get used to the new environment, to know its secrets first hand. This makes it easier for them to move around when they perform their least legal activities (because, sadly, robbing museums is totally illegal even if the object should never have been there initially).
"Of course, I'll send you a message to meet us at the Church of Santa Irene."
They keep walking around observing the surroundings, after all, they are quite close to their goal: the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, which is where the Miraculous of the Giraffe is exhibited, a golden arm bracelet with a spotted brown stone (as described by the museum (although it's actually the symbol) that was found in southern Izmir fifty years ago. She still wonders why the sudden interest, though she still doesn't know the jewel's Kwami and Plagg isn't exactly helpful, Wyazz, for once, either. Different boxes, added to the fact that it was rare to find holders of other boxes because they were well distributed according to what the world needed at the time.
When they get to the meeting point, Marinette can't help but pull out her notebook to draw quick sketches inspired by the Church of Saint Irene. All Turkish architecture is, of course, beautiful and it is a pity that you cannot spend more time in the city. She still has work to do, she can't keep Richard and Timothy longer than she should in Paris, as they went to the trouble of going in person for the consultation.
Ten more minutes and Asif, the driver that Felix hired, approaches them.
"Günaydın Bay Graham by Vanily.
"Günaydın Asif. Biz Bukoleon Sarayi nde Kerem Demir buluşacak ve sonra biz Matbah gidecek. "
Marinette is still impressed to hear him speak different languages so easily, being fluent in ten of the twelve he knows. She still struggles with the six she knows (basically she forced herself to expand her language skills to better manage her company, putting special interest in the main countries where she extended her brand). And Felix makes it look too simple.
The meeting with Kerem was pleasant, they discussed the most important details of the role and what they expect of him when joining Graham Films, in addition to explaining that, as she will make the costumes, it will make her presence in the city easier to help respect the country's history and the character's origins through clothing (Marinette was confused at the time, but Felix tends to do those things and is not going to turn down the opportunity to design the entire wardrobe for that movie).
They passed lunch with ease after the details were clear, plus Kerem offered to accompany them to the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, which was a bonus, that he explained everything they saw was a bonus. A tour of the entire site and a very close view of the Miraculous, they were able to see the entire compound while talking about the exhibits.
Marinette took advantage of her sketchbook to include notes in Russian and German, mixing both languages ​​using the Japanese Katana alphabet. Very intricate? Yes, but she considers it necessary and strategically places it around the garments as if they were additional notes from the changing rooms.
Three hours later, they say goodbye to the actor and they return to the hotel to plan the great robbery. If all goes well, they will be taking a plane back to Paris at the same time tomorrow.
Meanwhile, at the country house, Damian bathes all of his dogs (a bad decision) turning the fun moment into a muddy mess as he chases the puppies to keep still and keep them from getting more dirty. His original plan was to bathe Edgar and Agatha, but as soon as the others saw the water, they all joined.
Damian had no plans for that to happen, but his pets thought it was more fun to get dirtier than they were.
"Young Damian, do you need help?" Hugo calls to him from the door, respecting the space of the boy, but still worried about the disorder that arose in the patio as soon as he turned his back on them.
"No." His answer ends up being stifled by the remorseless crush of Aphrodite, the Shepherd Garfiano. Hugo sees that as the signal to rescue the boy from his own overexcited pets, which keep jumping and barking in the mud. At least Damian is not wearing white clothing or too light colors, it would be a nightmare to watch.
"Attention." All dogs raise their heads at the older man, even Picatso from a safe distance does. Damian pouts at his pets' obedience to the man, being that bath time is the only time they ignore him almost entirely. "You will go into your bathtubs and stay still, is clear?"
Barking of recognition they affirm causing it a smile of the butler and that Damian sulks looking towards the sky.
"Now, Young Damian, it's not time for you to be angry. We have a herd to clean. ”The boy sighs and stands up to take care of the cubs, which are already bouncing off the bathtubs with water. He should start training them properly soon, thus avoiding the small disturbances they cause.
"Titus, Titus, no!" The Great Dane puppy lunges at him, digging its little claws into his clothing. Maybe he should get rid of the outfit, considering that the little dog just made a hole. It's obvious that Titus didn't receive any training, not even the minimum that is given in the animal shelter, Ringo is not so unruly even though he seems to have twice the energy.
The afternoon is spent cleaning up their own mess and scolding their dogs for their behavior, with Ícaro the only one to seem remorseful.
God Shit: I found something you might like, kid
Olive: What is it?
God Shit: [Photo]
Olive: I'll convince mother to let me keep it
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qweenblonde · 4 years
Mean Girls 1 ½: A Beautiful Storm
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Join Tiffany as she experiences all the ups and downs of high school, from dealing with crushes to negotiating with a hitman. Will she be able to make it through the school year without her friends finding out her dark secret or will she be forced to switch schools again? Find out in Mean Girls 1 1/2: A Beautiful Storm!
Warning! Contains a few swear words and possible misspellings!
~Chapter One: Gucci Kween~
Author’s Nut: Heyy this the first fanfction I’ve ever writen! I no it’s not the best but I hope you like it! I already have many mor chapters ritten and i plan on postin at lest onc a weak. Ples fel free to leav fedbac and let me no if thers anyting you want to hapen next in the story!
This was it. My first day at Northshore High. I gracefuly hopped out of my glittery hot pink limo and threw my hot pink bedazled Gucci backpack over my smooth shoulder. I could hardly belive it! As I swung open the doors to the school. I was finaly hear!
I strutted down the hallway, my waste-length platinum blonde hair flowing behind me. I could fell everyones eyes on me. I didnt blame them really, after all I looked absoltely perfect! I was wearing my super sexy lite pink croppy toppy and my super duper cute and sexy HOLOOOO miniskirt that just barely reaches my booty and glitery white high heels.
And let’s not forget about my super cute and super expensive Gucci jewlrey! I had on my diamand gold Gucci earrings and a gold Gucci chain necklace and finallly not one but too silver diamaand wrap rings. All together the jewlery was worth WAY more than the lives of every single person in this school.
My make up was also perfect. Just like me. I had on super cute pink eyeshadow that made my glittering green eyes pop and foke eyelashes along with some cherri red lipstick and pinky blush!
I reach my classroom and walked in. Everyone stopped what they were doong and stared at me. I looked around and could find no empty seats. Suddenly, my aquantince Damian Leigh shoved a readheaded girl out of her seat and onto the florr.
“Yoo-hoo! Tiffany Mariah Lulu Margarita Kitty Swift!”, He shouted, calling me to sit in the now empty seat.
Sigh. I love it when people say my full name. I sauntered over, feeling everyone’s eyes on me. Specifically on my purky butt. I sat down, putting my 3000 doller Gucci backpack on the desk.
“Ohmagod Damian it’s been sooo long!”, I squealed engulfing the hevyset teen in a hug. I felt him smell my hair.
“I know right!”, he shouted.
“Hey there Tiffany”, a voice called out. It was none other than my closer aquantice Janice. She looked pretty scary but she was actuualy fun and hilarious.
“Janice! Hey! How are you doing?”, I questioned.
“Im living, arent I? I think that’s enough” she responded.
“Heyyy, do you have any food?”, I asked cutely, “ I have a case of the mounchies!!”
Suddenly, everyone jumped out of their seats and held out all sorts of different food to me.
“Oh my oh my!”, I blubbled, “Thank you so much everyone!” I graciously inhaled the food out of their hands like a fabulous Kirby.
“Youre ever so welcome!”, everyone said in uneson.
“Hey Tiffy”, a voice purred. I turned to see Kevin G. I always thought he was kinda cutie.
“Oh, hey Kevin!”, I chirped
“Whatcha doing later? Cuz Id love to see that thang up close.”, he smirked and he leaned over, trying to get a peek at my butt.
I gasped in anger. Who does he think he is?! I angrilly grabbed his head and pulled it down towards me.
“Whoa!”, Kevin laughed, “I love a girl who takes charge.”
All I could see was red as rage filled me and I quickly rapped my fingers aganast his forehead and sung out a little tune of incarnattian. Kevin looked at me confused before screaming in pane. Suddenly, he burst into a cloud of gold flacks that gentaley rained down onto the floor. I heard people gasp before rushing over and throwing themselves into on the flor trying to gather up the flakes.
Whoops. I sometimes forget to keep my powers a secret.
You see im not actully a human. I’m actully a fairy! I disguize myself as a human to fit in with everyone else because I think humans are super cool and adorkable cretures! As a fairy, I have the powers to not onlyly kill disrespeckful and evil humans also heal anyone I want! Also I have super cool beautaful wings that change color with my mood and makes me have a hevanly glow around my hole body.
I dont want every one to know that and freak out so thats why I disguiz myself and everyone just thinks Im a normal human and I have magikal hands.
Anyway the readhead girl found a seat on the floor in the back of the room. Class was pretty boring except for the readhead spilling coffe on Ms. Norburry making the teacher end up stripping in front of the super hawt principall. She was trying to upstage me and impress him but I could tell Principal Dammmn wasn’t interested in seeing Mrs. Whatsherfaces boobs especialy since I saw him checking me out earlyer in the hallway.
Class was almost over and I was just sitting theyre checking my nails when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned arond only to be met with the most dazzlin eyes I have ever seen. Besides my own of course. They belonged to an unbelievablly hot boy named Aaron Samuels. He was as beautiful as a baby giraffe giving birth to a super hot supermodel. I couldn’t help but gasp a little.
“Hey”, he started,” Sorry to bother you but im having a bit of trouble with this math problem. Do you think you could help me?”
To be continued...
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completelypeccable · 4 years
Can I Have This Dance?
Chp 3. Dancing Queen
/In this house, we love and appreciate Duke Thomas./
Chp 2
Chp 1
“You are the Dancing Queen! Young and sweet, only seventeen!” Duke yelled along with Stephanie, leaning across the divider in the front seats of the car. 
Tim kicked Steph’s chair, “Hey, pay attention!”
“Stop being jealous that Duke loves me more than you-“
“Yeah, Duke?”
“Oh yeah, take a left up here, then...” Steph rattled off. Cassandra snickered from the back seat. 
“Feel that beat like a smooth machine!” Duke continued. 
“That’s so not the-“
“Why did we let him drive,” Jason grumbled. 
“Hey, mister spontaneously alive,” the car took a sharp left, but Steph turned completely around. “You don’t have a license, remember?”
“What are you, some goody two shoes piec-“
“Steph, what are you doing?! Buckle-“
Steph gently shushed Tim by smothering his face. He squawked indignantly. 
“Licking won’t work on me, tweety bird.”
Duke eyed them through the rear view mirror. 
“I am the only responsible person in this car,” he sighed. 
Cass frowned. 
“Besides Cassie, but she baby.”
“Oh she baby,” with a yelp, Steph’s arm was disengaged by a jab to the inside of her elbow. 
“And babies can’t drive,” Tim wiped his mouth, “right Damian?”
Tim twisted around (still buckled) to face the glare, but Damian wasn’t listening.  He was leaned against Cass, who lightly traced her nails across his skin with one hand. She winked, pressing a kiss to Damian’s forehead nestled at her collarbone. Damian held her other hand on her lap, splaying her fingers out, in with a barely-there smile.  More of a content line, really. Tim felt relieved that the kid was doing as well as he was, all things considered.
The older two shared a smile. Cass could make anyone melt, but Damian was always uncharacteristically soft with her.
And she loved to coddle him. 
Jason groaned. “How much farther?”
“Why are you so upset?” Tim poked his side.
“I just like to complain. But I am also too big for this car.”
“Oh, good shotgun?”
“Yes, fair driver?”
“For how long must we continue our travels?”
“Until dear Jason loses the will to live-“
“Would someone please shut up my impulse control?”
Tim leaned his head onto her shoulder, hugging her around the seat. “You say the sweetest things.”
“You can dance, you can try~“
Jason flopped his head onto the seat behind him.
Duke smiled, singing along to the song in his head. The pulse in his mind was always calmer when he wasn’t alone.  After everything that had been going on, he was happy to see his somehow-sibling-esque-figures doing alright.  Being almost normal, even. They planned a family zoo trip! Granted it was partially because Damian was confiscated from his father a-la-angry vigilante style, and Steph and Cass immediately decided to make him act like a normal kid (who is a bit overly attached to animals) to distract them all from that sad reality, and they were all going along for the process because they were grieving something awful- but still! In some way, they were being normal.  Normal-ish.
Today was going to be a good day, he decided.  
The Gotham zoo was busy for a Monday, since it was beautiful weather and a day off from school. 
Duke supposed they could all use the break. 
“Hey guys,” Steph started as they stood in front of the narrow window of the bear enclosure. “So, we mostly own the night, right?”
“But Duke goes out during the day,”
“It’s the light thing,” he said.
“Yeah, the light thing,” Steph waved her hands. “So, anyways, I get that you’re the sunshine child- pun totally intended- but like, you’re strongest when the sun is strongest, right? That makes you-“
“Oh stop,” Tim cackled.
“-a fire bender! And these losers here are water benders!”
Duke gasped and began bending nothing, to Steph’s delight. 
Swirling his arms, Jason engaged him in battle. Even though they turned heads, their moves became more elaborate than strictly necessary.
Well, Duke guessed none of this was -strictly- necessary.
Cass hummed thoughtfully, patting Damian’s head while he watched the bears lumber towards the water. 
“Us yes. Baby, no.”
Tim considered this as Jason nearly sent Duke into a wayward couple.
“He’s an earth bender,” Steph decided, spinning in lazy circles. 
“I have no idea what you people are talking about. Please let me watch the bears in peace.”
“Wait,” Steph practically launched herself against the boys. 
“Don’t you mean the platypus bears?”
Duke backed away from the angry women.  He scratched his chin and leaned over the plaque. “It just says bear here.”
“You mean skunk bear, then?” Tim grinned.
“Or armadillo bear?” Jason’s size was a gift sometimes, as he leaned back and squashed Damian against the window.
“What are you-“
“Gopher bear?” Steph giggled. 
“Just says bear here,” Duke shrugged. 
Cass’s spoke softly, but precisely, as if tasting each sound. 
“Weird place.”
“Weird people,” Damian grumbled. Jason leaned farther back, further pancaking his cheek against the glass.
“Dancing queen, face as red as a tangerine!” Duke poked his nose. 
“Oh, that reminds me, we need to get some fried Oreos-“
“How does that-“
“Shush, Tim. I need fried Oreos clogging my arteries as soon as humanly possible. Come on.”
“Heck yes,” Jason grinned, picking Damian up like a very angry yoga mat. “Steph is in charge now, sorry Duke.”
“As the only capable adult here, I say we need to eat an actual lunch, too.”
Tim took Damian, only to walk with him upside down over his shoulder.  They all pretended not to notice his smile underneath the half-hearted promises of violence.
“Nuggets,” Cass prophesied. 
Steph linked their arms and led the way to the food court. 
Duke had been looking forward to this trip all week, and it didn’t disappoint. They saw all the animals, ate terrible food in a less than sanitary environment, then chased each other around and generally made themselves a nuisance to society. 
It was great. 
Some highlights? Cass dared Jason to eat half a hot dog in a single bite. He shoved the whole thing in his mouth, then walked into a pole. Tim fell asleep on top of Steph and mumbled about robot bunnies.  Duke carried Damian around on his shoulders, accidentally walked him into some tree branches, and laughed so hard he dropped him. 
Of course, it had been weird that the zoo hadn’t bumped up the number of workers to match crowd sizes, but it was fine. Just took a little longer to do things. And the place was a little messier.
They were just paranoid, is all.
Cass tossed the purple plush snake around her shoulders as they exited the gift shop to the center plaza. The tail hit Steph, who adjusted her peacock sunglasses with an upturned nose. 
The crowd rushed around them like a steady stream of fish (“Only animal metaphors for the zoo, folks”). Their imposing shark, Jason, frowned as he pushed his way through the flow. 
Damian offered Duke an animal cracker, and he happily picked out a zebra. 
It had been a good day. 
Tim had waited outside for them, citing important business. He smiled and lowered his phone from his ear as they got closer to his seat at the fountain. 
“Hey, Dames, can I have one?” He asked. 
Damian raised a single brow.
Tim could fake emotions with the worst of them. Oh, wait, animals. Dang it, Steph.  Like a honey bee could take a casual stroll.
“And here I was going to offer you my phone to talk to Dick-“
Damian shoved the whole bag at him and grabbed the phone. 
Tim laughed as Damian scurried a small distance away, plunking down just outside the bathrooms.  Twin paintings- one a giraffe, the other a flamingo- labeled the two single person stalls. 
“Any news from Dick?” Steph asked, settling against Tim’s side. 
“Yeah,” he nodded, watching Damian smile into the receiver. “He said he was on his way back.”
It was funny how Jason thought with his face sometimes. Duke could feel the confusion. 
“Wait, isn’t he undercover somewhere in Asia right now taking down Some MobTM with ties to the League of Assassins?”
“From the inside, yeah.”
“And he just, what, finished up early?”
“Pretty much.”
Jason threw up his hands, “I hate this family.”
Steph laughed, dragging Cass half onto her lap while Tim stared distracted at the crowd. 
Just like that, Jason’s face hardened. Following his line of vision, Duke watched a teen scurry out of the bathroom to the main directory on the other side of the plaza. His hood was up and he looked neither right nor left. 
“I’ll be right back,” Jason said, slipping into the crowd flow. 
Probably nothing, Duke thought, watching Cass threaten to push Steph into the fountain. 
“I’d take the quarters, so the joke’s on you.”
“Stealing,” Cass tutted. 
“I’ll look good doing it.”
An eye roll. 
Tim’s fingers rapidly tapped against the stone. 
“Dames, wrap it up, we’re headed out,” he called. 
Damian gave a thumbs up. 
See, it was still a good day. Duke breathed deeply. 
It was fine. 
It was-
The fire alarm went off at the directory.  The crowd turned to look.
Tim tensed, and Duke felt the shock shoot up his spine as yellow light pulsed and swarmed toward the bathrooms. 
Oh no. 
A high pitched whine. 
“Get down!” Duke yelled. 
The bathroom exploded. They threw themselves to the ground just in time to avoid the brunt of the heat and debris. Dirt and rock sprayed in his face. Smoke filled the air, dark and thick. 
Tim scrambled to his feet, coughing. 
No, Duke thought. 
There was so much smoke. 
They all scrambled toward the bathroom, but the wall where Damian had stood was half rubble and the kid was nowhere to be found. 
Duke stared where he last saw him, but the smoke obscured most of the light. 
Why is there so much smoke?, he thought. It was hard to get a reading. Come on, Duke. The scene kept pulsing, then disappearing. His head hurt, he couldn’t breathe, but the static blur began to form. Come on. 
Tim ran into the building. 
Duke fought through the haze until the blue-tinged flecks obeyed and the scene spotted into focus. He saw Damian drop to the ground just as the wall flew apart. Stray debris littered his body, and a brick to the skull knocked him unconscious. The smoke poured through, but just before everything blacked out, a lumbering figure dragged the kid through the broken wall into complete darkness. 
The present rushed back. Duke inhaled smoke, sinking to the ground. His chest felt like someone was de-stringing his muscles like spaghetti. Twist, twisting the fork. 
“No!” Steph screamed. Tim came out alone and choking for air. Steph pushed her way in, but Duke knew it was useless. 
Damian was gone. 
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TGF Thoughts: 3x02-- The One Inspired by Roy Cohn
Thoughts under the cut!
I’m predicting it now: Despite the title of the episode, there is going to be MORE than one episode “inspired by Roy Cohn.” Lucky us.
We start off with Roland Blum, a new character I can already tell the Kings are enamored of, injecting something into his face while standing pantsless at a mirror. I will never care about these eccentric, obnoxious characters who take up more screentime than they need to. The only reason I don’t hate this scene is that it’s an effective introduction to the character.
Cut to: Maia in court. Someone’s allowed Maia to argue a case by herself! Her opening arguments are shaky and don’t land with the jury. I’ve also listened to them three times now and can’t make myself pay close enough attention to actually understand what happened, other than that a reporter was murdered (the return of “kill all reporters”), there may have been a hit man, and there are two separate defendants being tried at once.
Maia also calls this overly complicated and I’m not sure what is complicated. The idea of a hit man? How is that complicated? Whatever. Case stuff. The important thing is that the jury is as moved by Maia’s argument as I am.
Maia sounds like a student at their first mock trial. This girl made it three years in a law firm?!
Roland walks in during Maia’s argument and distracts everyone. Maia keeps going. That can’t be the best move.
Hey, it’s Matan Brody! Hi Matan!
Roland’s opening arguments are way more captivating than Maia’s. They’re also nonsense and idk much about the law but what he’s doing can’t be legal???
I think most of what I’m going to have to say about the Roland/Maia subplot is: (1) Ugh, he’s annoying and there’s too much of him. (2) At least he works better than past attempts at the rule-breaking disrupter characters (like Damian). I can actually see what the writers are trying to do and he’s doing that one thing effectively. He’s just ONLY doing that one thing. (3) Maia going to ~the dark side~ because no one takes her seriously when she follows the rules and puts in no extra effort would be kind of a compelling Maia plot, but also, it’s still a Maia plot and we could just give Lucca and Liz more screentime. Hopefully that makes this recap fast to write.
Julius brings in a candidate for the divorce law position. He’s another conservative lawyer, and Julius is optimistic about his chances.
And the candidate-- Geoffrey-- seems to get along with the partners. He doesn’t get along with Lucca, though. I thought Lucca was offered and basically told she had to accept this position last week? Did she turn it down and get put on a hiring committee? Was the role supposed to be temporary?
Anyway, Lucca’s noticed that most of Geoffrey’s clients are men. He blames his current firm for that.
Diane leaves the interview to talk to Marissa. Marissa’s got dirt on Eric and Don’s safari (which I didn’t think we’d hear about again!): They waited 48 hours to take Kurt to the hospital so they could shoot a giraffe.
Adrian is in favor of hiring Geoffrey and notes he’ll bring in 6 divorce clients. For those of you who have more legal expertise than I do, what does this mean? Is there any business in a divorce once it’s finalized?
Lucca disagrees, but doesn’t say anything until Liz specifically asks for her opinion (which, I imagine, Liz does partially because she wants to hear from Lucca but mostly because she knows that Lucca will voice something it wouldn’t be politically advantageous for Liz to say). Lucca thinks they should look for “someone who doesn’t only look at the men in the room.” Oof.
Julius decides to play rank for the second time in two weeks-- this is a “partner-level decision.” But Liz again asks for Lucca’s opinion to be heard, and says they should keep looking.
After the meeting concludes, Liz takes Lucca aside and asks her if she wants the job. Lucca says she doesn’t know. “Well, decide, because this guy is way ahead of you and I’m gonna have to vote for him unless you can make a strong case against it,” Liz says. I love how direct Liz is in this scene. She’s giving Lucca an opportunity but also making it very clear that Lucca can’t waffle on this decision or take her time.
Before he leaves, Geoffrey drops an important bit of information: Julius is at the top of the list for a federal judgeship. Oooh.
Adrian isn’t pleased with Liz. He wants to know why she encouraged Lucca to “rip into [Geoffrey] Payton.” Offering a valid criticism of a potential hire is “ripping into” someone? Okay, Adrian.
“Geoffrey Payton makes sense for this firm, Liz,” Adrian says in that mansplainy tone he so often adopts. I think he’s done it to male characters too, but he has a habit of adding the name of the person he’s talking to at the end of a sentence where he states his opinion as fact. Does Geoffrey Payton make sense for the firm? Maybe to him. But Liz doesn’t need to be told that.
Liz isn’t happy that Geoffrey is conservative. “Liz, you’re bringing politics into this in a way that’s not…” Adrian starts. Liz cuts him off to remind him that politics is already in this (she’s right).
“I’m trying not to let politics get in the way of moving the firm forward,” Adrian explains. “And this is our first hire since our fresh start, so I am having a second look, okay?” Liz counters.
“So. I guess we’re back to ‘who are we?’” Adrian says. Well, yeah, because all you said was that you didn’t have a past. “I don’t think we ever left it,” Liz replies.
“But you do agree we should be looking ahead to the future?” Adrian questions, even though that was Liz’s idea in the first place. (Also that’s supposed to be italicized; I don’t think Tumblr has been keeping my italics when I copy this out of Word. Apologies for confusion.)
Liz sees right through Adrian: “A future where Trump wins in 2020.” Adrian acts like that’s ridiculous, but Liz keeps going: “I see what you’re doing. These associates you’re trying to hire, and this partner. You want to bring in more conservative voices.”
“We’re hiring a matrimonial attorney, Liz,” Adrian explains in his explaining voice. He says politics don’t matter. But Liz (correctly!!!) insists that this is about the makeup of the firm, that this is “exactly WHO we are.” She’s right. (I am now using ALL CAPS instead of italics for emphasis, but only when I remember lollol.)
How did Liz Reddick become my favorite character on this show!? (Well, maybe tied for #1 with Lucca.) I find everything Liz does interesting. She’s smart, she’s strategic, she’s layered and flawed, and she’s so well-written and well-acted. I didn’t think a character introduced as Alicia’s enemy could be someone I like so much, but I was wrong.
(It’s interesting to me that Liz and Alicia were ever rivals. I can see it, because I think they have very different personalities and approaches even if they could agree on many things in many settings. I would also guess that law school Alicia was quiet and reserved and law school Liz was opinionated and confident. Wouldn’t surprise me if Liz was the type to constantly offer Alicia unsolicited advice about how she should live her life (or argue in court) when Alicia was doing just fine without her. I don’t think Liz does that NOW, but it’s something I could very easily see young Liz doing. And young Alicia probably acted distant because she didn’t know how to react. And now back to the show instead of whatever Liz/Alicia related tangent I’ve somehow gotten myself onto.)
Then Liz QUOTES AUDRE LORDE as part of her explanation for why a fresh start and hiring Trump supporters are not the same thing. Liz!!!!!!
Adrian acts like he has the same goal as Liz and a different approach to achieving it, but I’m not sure he does. Where’s the dismantling of the master’s house (mentioned in the Lorde quote) in Adrian’s plan? What I’m hearing is that the firm is going to become more white (based on promos) and more conservative, which will benefit… the firm. How is that going to dismantle anything? Seems to me like Liz wants to create a firm with a mission (that’s also profitable) and Adrian wants profit (and sure it’s nice to be on the right side of political issues when possible).
Goodie. The case is back. As I mentioned, this is my third time through the episode. The first time through I was mildly interested. Second time through I was checking my phone. Trying to write about this? Mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Blum is obnoxious and ridiculous and SO LOUD and accuses Matan of being the killer, and Maia looks annoyed and doesn’t know what to do.
Even though I wouldn’t wish this man on Alicia, he’s the kind of character she would’ve been able to deal with and hold her ground against. Maia talks back.
Diane scrolls through Eric’s Instagram, dismayed. When she gets home, Kurt is tying ribbons on beer bottles because they’re celebrating his new job at the VA. It’s a job that will keep him in Chicago, so he can stay!
Kurt calls Diane “Mrs. McVeigh” which is kinda cute and kinda weird and since Diane doesn’t have a problem with it I don’t have a problem with it.
Diane and Kurt are ADORABLE together and I love how much we’ve already gotten this year of them just being a couple. I said repeatedly throughout TGW’s run that one character asking another, “How was your day?” was more meaningful to me than any steamy sex scene or passionate kiss or moment of tension. These scenes are why I said that. Diane seems like a different, happier, more playful person when she’s around Kurt. Watching Diane and Kurt flirt in their own bedroom tells me so much about why they work as a couple.
The only catch to Kurt’s new job? He was recommended by Eric and Don. Diane asks why it took them so long to get him to the hospital, and Kurt shakes it off like it’s nothing.
“I’ll be doing what I think is important, and it allows us to be together,” Kurt explains as he says he’s taking the job. “And that trumps everything else.” “Oh, don’t use that word!!!” Diane screams. I. FEEL. THAT.
I like how there are two cases filled with guns in Diane and Kurt’s bedroom/sitting room. The rest of the room is so completely Diane and then there are guns.
Diane takes out her aggression at aikido.
In the hallway at court, some man comes up to Maia and starts yelling at her about how much money he’s lost. “My money went to your pocket, you fucking Rindell!” he accuses. The way he says “you fucking Rindell!” makes it sound like “a Rindell” is an insult and not a name and it amuses me just a little.
“It was my father. It wasn’t me,” Maia fights back. You’d think she’d have found a better way to address this by now. It’s been two years and being defensive cannot possibly be the best strategy. She could try, “I know. I’m sorry, and that’s why I turned my dad in to the feds.” Or just not engaging.
Blum comes to her rescue. Now he’s intrigued: he’s gross, so he RESPECTS Maia’s cartoon villain father. He hadn’t realized Maia was a Rindell, since in the time between last episode and this one she changed her name on her stupid website to “Maia Hanson”.
It’s time for another soliloquy!!! It’s Lucca’s turn and I’m pleased to report that this week, we are talking bruise free!
“So what do I do, Joseph? Huh?” she addresses her sleeping baby. Then she starts singing and in the process gets a song stuck into my head.
“If I fight to take over the divorce practice, I have to put in even more hours, which takes me away from you for even longer. And I love being with you. Isn’t that odd? I never thought I’d be one of those women. But here I am, talking like the world revolves around you,” she begins.
“I feel like I’m missing out on something when I’m with you, and I feel physically ill when I’m away from you. But when I saw that lawyer today, I thought… I could run motherfucking rings around him,” I love that first sentence. I like that she doesn’t say she’s missing out either way and acknowledges that being away from her baby makes her feel differently than being away from her job. That’s not really something you hear people admit that often, and it’s why the soliloquy works well here.
“So, less time at work and more time with you? Or less time at work and I forget about the partner track, which I have worked my ass off for. And it’s not just about ambition, either, I mean, how do I pay for schools?” Lucca’s such an interesting character to become a parent. Independence has been her thing since we met her: She didn’t have friends, and, hell, she didn’t even have a boss. I still can’t figure out why she was working as a bar attorney when we first met her, but I would bet that the fact she didn’t have to answer to anyone was a big part of it. (Also wouldn’t shock me if Lucca didn’t go to one of the top law schools and had trouble finding a job at a big firm until Alicia saw her potential.)
She asks for a sign from the baby and the baby farts. Dunno what that means but it’s a funny way of ending Lucca’s monologue and making her realize she knows what choice she wants to make.
She calls Liz and says she wants the job. I think Lucca will be happy with that decision. Sure, she could pass it up and make her way back to the partner track (this isn’t the only chance she’ll get), but asserting herself now will show everyone, especially Liz, she’s serious about her commitment to the firm. And it seems to be a fast-track to partnership, so she’ll be making more money faster.
Anyway, I really liked Lucca’s soliloquy. I can’t speak to how hard it is to be a working mom since I don’t have kids, but I appreciate that FINALLY, someone other than Alicia (or Caitlin lol) is dealing with this question. At least based on what I’ve heard from others who DO have kids, the way Lucca phrases her options and the trade-offs seems realistic.
I can’t really figure out the meaning of the song choice (Lucca’s singing again) but I think it works.
Diane arrives home to find Kurt putting on a tie. There’s more flirty banter. Kurt explains he’s going to a cocktail party for work and he thought Diane wouldn’t want to come to a Republican fundraiser. But Diane wants to come.
“You won’t like it. Eric and Don are speaking,” he warns. “Are you kidding?! Eric and Don!?!? I have lived my life for this moment! What shall I wear?!” Diane responds. Just writing out the line doesn’t do it justice. Christine Baranski’s delivery of these lines is flawless and hilarious.
Also Diane CERTAINLY has a bigger closet than that.
Now Maia and Blum are at his “office” and Blum takes off his pants, does a ton of drugs, and reassures Maia he’s “not going to fuck her.” He doesn’t use the words “try to” in that sentence which makes me even more uncomfortable than I already was.
Blum tells Maia that you don’t make the story fit the evidence, you make the evidence fit the story. Yawn. You can also win by telling a strategic story. There are some arguments I’ve heard on this show (and TGW) so many times I’m just tired of them. One is that you have to represent Lemond Bishop/Colin Sweeney types if you want to be profitable, which is complete bullshit that does not justify taking them on as clients. Another is quickly becoming this “a story is more interesting than facts, so what if we just lie???” idea. It’s interesting, but didn’t W418 (Peter punching Kresteva; Vero lying to the kids) and F207 (Liz’s impeachment strategy) cover this? What more is Roland Blum going to add to this discussion? Because, entertaining as some of his antics may be (and I don’t even think they’re entertaining), is whatever point they’re trying to make going to be worth what’s sure to be a large portion of screentime? I highly doubt it.
Blum tells Maia some nonsense about how she is “in prison” and doesn’t know what it’s like to be free. Then he gives her a fentanyl lollipop. Go the fuck away, dude. (I do like that he seems to insist that Maia can be corrupted because he respects her shitty father. I don’t think I’m ever going to love this arc but that’s a smart way to mention Papa Rindell: As an icon for other pieces of shit.)
Blum also tells Maia about his hero, Roy Cohn. He goes so far as to say Roy Cohn lives on through him.
I did not know much at all about Roy Cohn, so I can say that this song does a very good job of explaining who he is. It’s also really funny and catchy. I’m on board with these Good Fight shorts. The animation in this one is particularly inspired.
Blum explains lying. I get it. He’s terrifyingly awful. Moving on.
Wait no not moving on, what the fuck is a “wet pussy” going to do for Maia in court?
Now moving on for real: Diane and Kurt arrive at the fundraiser, and Diane baits (though it doesn’t take much effort) the guests into saying offensive shit, which she records.
Kurt tells her delete the recording, and she doesn’t fight over it too much. She deletes it. (I wonder if she has another copy saved. I don’t think she does, but I won’t be shocked.)
Diane takes out her aggression at aikido again, but when the instructor tells her she’s hitting too hard and begins to talk (for some reason) about a Jewish conspiracy (I thought the cut in the promo was funnier than the cut in the episode), she realizes she needs a new outlet.
Badass!Maia’s theme returns. She’s carried the fentanyl lollipop INTO THE COURTHOUSE and is still toying with the idea of sucking on it. Maia, throw it in the fucking garbage. You owe this man nothing.
Is it really weird that, despite having seen characters in the courthouse elevator numerous times and despite the fact that the view out the window is of other buildings, I’ve somehow always just thought the courtrooms were all on the first floor of the building? This makes no sense, and I don’t think I ever registered that I thought they were all on the first floor, but it caught me off-guard this episode that they were higher up.
Maia taunts Blum about the lollipop and he responds with some sexism and by telling Maia she’s a disappointment to her father. I would hope to disappoint that scumbag. I can’t think of a higher compliment tbh.
Oh, the witness who was in a Bishop case and also played a role in Cary’s case in season 6 is here. Case stuff happens.
Blum asks Maia to act outraged when he signals her to, AND SHE DOES. Maia, you don’t have to listen to him and be complicit in Blum trying to blame MATAN BRODY for this murder.
I think Maia enjoys this little act of rebellion (and the approval of Blum) and oh boy, we’re in for a ride. As I said earlier, entitled white girl decides to act out because it’s just now occurred to her she can be “bad” and she gets a thrill out of it is a plot that makes sense for Maia, but also, it’s kinda insufferable. At least she’s working.
“I want to run divorce law,” Lucca declares. “You’re a fourth year, Lucca,” Adrian counters. There he goes again, belittling female colleagues by saying their name at the end of sentences! Also, how is it possible that Maia’s a third year and Lucca’s a fourth year? Lucca said she was a third year in season 1, episode 2.
Lucca turns her lack of experience into a selling point: she’s eager. Liz approves.
“You just had a baby, Lucca,” Adrian responds. Oh, my God. That sentence. That one. That is everything I’m trying to say about Adrian’s casual sexism. It is not ADRIAN’S business that Lucca just had a baby. And even if he believes she might not actually give her all to the job (which is sexist) he shouldn’t be TELLING her she just had a baby. I’m pretty fucking sure she remembers giving birth and remembers that she has a baby. And he caps off that delightful sentence with Lucca’s name, in that same damn tone he’s always using.
(To be clear I think Adrian having a hint of sexism in him is an interesting-- and intentional-- choice on the part of the writers. I’m just ranting about the attitude, not about the writing.)
Adrian decides they’ll interview Lucca like they interviewed the other candidates, and Lucca agrees.
“Ah, you’re lining up your women’s army,” Adrian says to Liz as soon as Lucca leaves. “No, I just want what’s best for the firm,” Liz retorts. Yeah, it’s a women’s army when Liz hires a woman, but a “smart decision” when Adrian hires a man. OK COOL NO PROBLEMS THERE. “Bullshit,” Adrian says.
Yes, because if Liz disagrees with him on what’s best for the firm and, gasp, thinks alienating female clients and passing over their own talent (because their own talent just had a baby) is not good for the firm, it’s clearly just a GENDER WAR. Can’t be a valid reason for that! Liz just thinks boys have cooties and wants the firm to be GIRLS ONLY because GIRLS RULE AND BOYS DROOL. Yes. That MUST BE IT.
Liz tracks down Lucca after the meeting and gives her more advice. She tells her to bring in some clients to prove her worth to the firm.
Do I think Liz is doing this in part because it’s advantageous to her for Lucca to get the job? Yes. Do I think it’s only advantageous to Liz because Lucca’s great and she truly thinks Lucca’s a good fit for the job? Also yes.
Lucca phones Francesca while simultaneously instructing Marissa to dig up some dirt on her competition. Francesca has a book club full of wealthy women in need of divorces (convenient!) and Lucca’s not above using it. I’m not even sure she’d hesitate for even a second.
Francesca’s totally on board and sets up a “Sip and See” where her book club will come see baby Joseph. It works. Francesca sings to Joseph, “Mom and Dad split and I don’t care!” and lollollol this child is going to have quite the life.
Maia and Blum end up at a hospital to claim illegal drugs (unclear how Maia drives all the way to a place before realizing it’s different from the place she went yesterday. Methinks Maia is more curious about Roland Blum than she’s letting on.). You know, I’m not even tempted to type out all the obnoxious things he does and says? It’s just the ones that pertain to plot I feel the need to type out, because the others are just outlandish stuff for shock value. I am quickly becoming as unfazed by Blum’s bullshit as Alicia was by Sweeney’s creepiness. And I don’t mean that in a “desensitized” way. I just don’t care. I already understand who he is and no naked extras or drugs or provocative statements are going to add anything to my understanding. They are also NOT FUN. I want to make that clear. I am NOT AMUSED. Let’s get on with the point here and spend less time on his antics.
(Wow, I was not this off-put by Roland Blum the first time through the episode, but the third time? I’m already done with his entire arc.)
I used to think “trust, but verify” was a Bree Van de Kamp quote and I’m just now realizing it’s a Reagan quote. Well, that joke went over my head when I was 12.
Why is Maia even wasting her time with this guy? Is she going to check in with anyone at the firm on this?
His “trial strategy” is to repeat what he said about lying. Cool. This was useful.
Diane’s found a new outlet: axe throwing. It does seem like a good way to get out aggression!
Blum exists, case stuff happens, Maia wears a horrible suit.
Tara, who has previously cared a lot about privacy, shows up at RBL to confront Diane. Naomi’s contacted her about the abortion. Diane denies knowing anything (and by denies, I mean she lies to Tara’s face) and subtly suggests it was one of the other many people Tara told. “This is supremely shitty,” Tara says on her way out. Yes, yes it is.
“Do you want the result on that Geoffrey Payton check?” Marissa asks Lucca. No, she just wanted Marissa to have some fun investigating!
Lucca goes into her interview prepared. She’s brought in 3 new cases, compared to Geoffrey’s 6, and hers (unlike his) are more than just divorces. (Again, I don’t see how six divorce cases is that helpful. Are these six men going to get divorced multiple times a year?)
Lucca’s also got some dirt, in case proving her worth wasn’t enough. Payton is a Republican, but he’s also one of the attorneys who prepped Kavanaugh. Lucca’s wise enough to know that’s some sticky content right there. (“Okay, let’s just keep politics out of this, Lucca,” Adrian says and I’m only noting it because, again, TONE.)
Diane picks up a flier for the resistance at the axe bar. Nothing to say about this, but it’s obviously a plot point.
Case stuff happens, there’s a mistrial (unclear if this is a good move that plays out badly on Maia’s part or a stupid one she hadn’t thought through), now we have to deal with this in a future episode too. Did I mention that this is totally disconnected from the rest of the episode? I’d be totally fine if it continues to be disconnected since it’s way easier to block out bad plots that affect nothing than bad plots that get wound into the fabric of the show. This isn’t a bad plot YET but I love everything else going on and I’m SO DONE with this.
(I should not watch Roland Blum plots three times.)
I think I’m even skipping over the bigger character based moments of that plot. They all involve Maia and no matter how many times the writers show me that Maia’s becoming more bold, I am not going to care about Maia unless they give me a reason to care about her. On a show where every other character is so complex and captivating, why should I devote any attention to Maia Rindell?
The Rindell hater is back, showing Maia what he’s lost. “What the fuck do I care?” Maia replies as she puts on her sunglasses. I imagine it can’t be easy dealing with constant harassment and she personally owes this dude nothing, but I’m not about to applaud her for telling someone her parents hurt to fuck off. And those sunglasses are ridiculous.
(It’s not the sunglasses themselves as much as it’s the way she puts them on like they’re magic and she’s the biggest badass in the world. This is like the X rated version of that episode of Lizzie McGuire where Lizzie gets detention and decides she wants to pierce her nose to be like the rebellious girl who bullied her in detention. The biggest difference, other than the profanity, is that Maia is an adult.)
Lucca gets the job! Yay!
Julius lets Geoffrey know he didn’t get it, and either Geoffrey didn’t really care or Julius is more opportunistic than I thought, because he asks if he’s still being considered for a judgeship. Really, Julius?
Diane and Liz go to deliver Lucca the good news. This isn’t Diane’s victory but I can see why she claims it as hers. Lucca’s holding the “if you’re happy and you know it” dog, and she is, indeed, happy. I’m surprised the dog didn’t start singing.
Adrian is waiting in Liz’s office when she returns from the 22nd floor. “So, you won,” Adrian says. “We all won,” Liz replies. “No, I don’t think so. Geoffrey was the smarter choice for the firm. Lucca was the smarter choice for you,” Adrian replies. What does that even mean? What does Liz get out of having Lucca in the position, and why is what Liz wants not “for the firm”? I need Adrian to explain.
“I told Lucca she needed new clients. She got three in one night,” Liz counters. “And the partners didn’t care about that. They cared about the dirt that she dug up on him,” Adrian dismisses Liz. Why can’t it be both? They wouldn’t vote FOR Lucca if they didn’t also think she was competent. From what we’ve seen, divorce law is mainly digging up dirt on others and not being afraid to use it, and that’s exactly what Lucca did (this is Liz’s next point, more or less). If the partners were dismayed about Payton’s connections but didn’t think Lucca was up to it, they’d just… keep looking for candidates.
“Play dirty. Manipulate. Backstab,” Adrian says. He says this like these are new dirty tactics Lucca’s pioneered at the firm, like LUCCA QUINN is going to corrupt the firm. PLEASE. Adrian has done all of these things. As Liz points out, Adrian ENCOURAGES all of these things. And what Lucca did here was mild. She asked for the job? She did a background check and made the facts look good for her? And sure, what she dug up was sensational, but it’s no worse than what they dig up on opponents in court on a weekly basis. That doesn’t make it okay, but I’m not going to draw the line here when this is one of the least dirty/manipulative/backstabby things anyone’s done on the show. (Also who is she even backstabbing?)
“So we answered the question, ‘who are we?’” Adrian replies. “Yep. Welcome to the thunderdome,” Liz says with a smile. So you decided you’re a firm that doesn’t know who you are. Best of luck with that. I’m Team Liz.
Tara’s being harassed by the press and Diane’s only reaction is to say “I’m sorry” to a screen and look at a flier for the resistance.
(Hey, does Diane get a say in who the firm is?)
16 notes · View notes
amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 2 Part 7
Enjoy :) One part left for chapter 2 !
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey holidays from Thursday December 20 to Sunday January 6
In the Smith family, Christmas meant orgy. In the Carrey family, it meant binge. For the blond lad, it meant both. To be clear, of course he didn't had sex with his blood relatives. But with the others... His brother-in-law was more than happy to have a taste of his cock. Each year since the first time they had met by the way. My sister have a good taste in men, I can't control it. He also slept with his mother's bestfriend. The old lady only liked the missionary position, but eh, why not. The delivery girl who brought the pizza really loved his skills with his tongue. Their neighbors were up for a threesome, like last year. Anyway, the day after christmas, he got a call from Zack. They talked for a bit. Then, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey went back to this cute girl which was sucking his dick.
Around the last day of December, he left the town for a special mission. Generally, during the holidays, he just enjoyed himself with as much people as possible. Then, he would focus back in the hunt in January. But the preys were already submissive before the holidays. Usually, one week was enough to catch them. Then they were banging one week or two. And then he started a new hunt. But Liam. Liam was so special. So different. His weakness for food was a very important point. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was kind of a chef. He liked to cook, and he was the head of the cooking club at the university. He could use this at his advantage. But it's not enough. This baboon will not gave in so easily. The Dean's grandson needed more fucking information. That was why he had bought this ticket. For a soccer game and a special encounter with the players.
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey didn't really watch the game. He found a whore in the public who was eager to fuck him, and they spent most of the time in the toilet. But afterwards, he joined the group of VIP, and entenred in the lockroom. It was easy to notice Raphaël Muller among the players. Not only because he was ginger. He had a bloody sex-appeal. He was incredibly handsome, yes, but a coldness also emanated from him. He's a hunter. I can smell it. A satisfied hunter. My complete opposite in a way. When it was Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey's turn to talk to him, he smiled.
"Hi. Liam Strucker talked so much about you. I'm a huge fan."
Raphaël didn't believe him at all. Damnit. Not good.
"Nice to meet you." the ginger lad greeted with a ontuous but cold voice. "It's surprising from Liam, because I don't think he even remembers who I am when I'm not next to him."
"Well, he's absent minded, I know that. You two are close ?"
"I wonder who you are." smiled the other. "I mean, don't take this the wrong way, but you sounds hungry. Not for food."
Now I know why Liam isn't impressed by me at all. He already met quite a specimen. Come here might have been a bad idea. But now, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was fucked. This dude might become a real pain in his ass.
"Fuck it." he mumbled. "You already guessed what I fucking want from this lucky bastard. Are you going to help or not ? I don't have the whole fucking day."
"I can tell you something you might find useful." conceded Raphaël. "You can't have Liam in your bed if you don't give your heart in exchange. He's one of the last true lover this society produced."
"Don't be so sure about this." retorted the blond lad. "I agree with you, he's a bally authentic. But I can corrupt him."
"You're cocky."
"You too dude."
In other circumstances, we would get along so well. Sex with him must be amazing. However, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey had finally learnt something important. This hunt was his very last. The hunt of his life.
For the New Year, he obviously had a lot of sex. With a lot of people. He went to a party with former highschool buddies, and banged some of them. In groups. In the morning, he met Zack, and they had a good time together, but no sex. He knew where to put limits. Then, he headed back in the campus. Summer picked him up at the airport.
"Glad to see you." she greeted him. "I hope your holidays went well ?"
"Focus on the road you cunt. I don't want to die because you don't know how to drive."
Damnit, she was a real stupid cow. When they arrived, he asked :
"Did Liam came back already ?"
"Yeah. He's studying with his roommate." she answered. "Why ? Do you give up ?"
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey looked at her, surprised.
"Why would I dummy ?"
"It's the first time I see you struggling so much."
Moron. Fucking useless fuckwit. She's dumber everytime I see her. It's time to reawaken her competitive's spirit. He already knew someone perfect to bring some competition. A little roach ready to do eveything he asked for in order to be a ruler. And now, it was time to begin the hunt again.
Liam Monday January 7
The first exam didn't go well for the poor lad. The next will be as difficult... Not only he didn't study much, but he also had been daydreaming during the test. I couldn't focus because there was a weird cloud. (For real, it looked like a giraffe).
"Look at her." muttered Nick next to him. "Walking like a queen. And to think that we were friend."
Liam glanced at Rebecca. Apparently, the girl had sent to his roommate a letter he didn't liked at all. During his holidays, he mostly played videogames and stuffed his face. But he probably passed the test anyway. I'm not this lucky. Maybe I should try some magic trick. (Seriously, magic was powerful). (Once, he saw a rabbit stepping out from a hat !).
"Liam dude. Wake up."
The chestnut lad stared at Nick. Then he noticed Pete and a girl. They were all looking at him, a bit worried.
"Yes, what ?"
"Sorry, you didn't hear what I just said ?" Pete was amazed. "Well, this is Leila Hart, a classmate. She said she needed to meet you so..."
Liam greeted her politely. I saw her somewhere. She looks familiar, but I forgot where I met her. (Definitely, Liam the absent minded was back). (Better than Liam the depressed tho).
"I'm Colton's twin sister." she said. "You're the guy who knows Barbara, right ?"
"Hum, yeah. Why ?"
He had a bad feeling about this. His old friend resented him for what happened to his ex boyfriend. What did she tell to her friends ?
"Well, she just broke up with Colton, supposedly because he's your friend and she doesn't like this. And look, I don't wanna know why she hates you. But I want my twin brother to be happy, and this slut just ditched him like a trash. But I think he's deeply in love with her, so can you talk to her ?"
Oh. Crap. Well, at least he had one good week with Nate. (Now, he was sure a powerful and strong witch cursed him). (Or a Lich, but whatever, he was doomed). He wanted to lay down right here  in recovery position and just wait. But he promised his bestfriend to make an effort. Nick nudged him.
"Dude, stop stargaze and answer to the girl."
"Sorry. Well, I'll need to talk to Colton first, but I'll see what I can do."
"Good." stated Leila. "Because if you don't, trust me I will smash your pretty face in."
After this sweet encounter with Colton's twin sister, Nick and Liam hit the canteen. They also started to review the exam of this afternoon. At least until Dami showed up. The blond lad sat at their table and smiled softly.
"Hi dudes. I hope you're succeeding those exams ?" he greeted them. "Look, I won't be long. Liam, I have a little something for you. A gift for good luck."
The chestnut lad had never realised before how scary Dami's eyes were before. The poor man probably suffered from a malediction too. (It was plausible). (Witches could be so mean with innocent boy and girl all around the world). The blond lad suddenly slapped him.
"Hey Liam, I'm talking to you. Here, take this."
He offered a pie. An aromatic, appetising pie.
"Thank you Dami."
This one gnahsed his teeth, but forced a smile. He wished them good luck and left. Nick took a slice of the pie and comentated :
"Your relationship is so weird. This dude gives me the shivers. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey, brr..."
"He's nice." assured Liam while taking a slice too. "And his pie is succulent."
At the end of the afternoon, the chestnut lad had an appointment he didn't want to go. But his mother wanted him to see a shrink. She had called him yesterday, and she had said how much she loved him. She wasn't blaming him, but herself, and she was sorry for everything. (At this point, he had felt worst than before but a bit relieved too). And so Liam met his new psychologist. It was a nice woman, Ms. Hang, who greeted him kindly. Nonetheless, for half an hour, they didn't speak much. The couch was comfy, and he liked it. He spent the time thinking about unrelated stuff. (For example, as someone ever wondered how to transform into an angel ?) (Because angel were humans blessed by god, weren't they ?) Eventually, the shrink asked :
"Maybe we should talk about those panic attacks, don't you think Liam ?"
"I don't know, should we ?"
He honestly didn't want to. He was fine. (Okay, maybe not totally fine but you got the point).
"Do you think I'm judging you ?"
"Isn't it your job ?"
"No Liam it's not. Do you feel unconfortable with judgment ?"
She asks so many questions. I want to go to sleep. It was a complete waste of time for both of them. But maybe she would agree to let him take a nap on her couch.
"Our session is almost over." she smiled. "Wanna know what I wrote on my notebook ?"
"Not really."
"I think you're running away from your problems as fast as you can." she said anyway. "You're not trusting people easily are you ? After what happened with your family and your ex-boyfriend in 12th grade, you started to be more and more dreamy, disconnected from the reality. All that in order to avoid facing reality. And it became natural. But it's not always working is it ? Sometimes, you can't just ignore the problem right in front of you."
"I don't like you anymore." he grumbled. "Neither your couch."
"We'll work with all this. Even the couch if you want. I'm not a life fixer, I can't change what you or your parents did. But I'll help you to face it. That's my job."
"You'll make me judge me ?"
She didn't answer, a bit surprised by his summary. The session ended like this. He wasn't sure it really helped but... at least his mother would be pleased. (And he had found a nice couch, he was eager to search the same for his appartment). He would be back next week anyway.
Rebecca Wednesday January 9
Until now, exams went well. After all, the black girl had spent her whole holidays studying. However, this evening, she had something else in mind. Matthew was supposed to come soon, and they would start the plan. But before that, she needed Bob to leave. For now, his coach was checking her computer. She was feeling betrayed. I thought I could trust you, but you're on my parent's side. According to him, she wasn't in good condition for the Olympics without his monitoring. Rebecca wanted to go to the Olympics, but it wasn't fair. Both her parents and Bob used it as an excuse to control her life.
"It seems everything is fine..." started her coach. "...except one curious thing. Why did you make a research about this Nicolas Lawson ?"
Oh shit. I had deleted my history... It was just to check what Liam had said. Nick actually was a genius.
"I got it my girl. He's still harassing you, isn't he ? I'm gonna talk with him."
"No. That won't be necessary Bob." she said. "He came to me to apologise. We're good now, I'm never seing him again. You've my word."
"Okay. But remember, you can always come to me if you need help."
She nodded. I just avoided a major crisis. She lied to Bob, because Nick was just mad. Really, really mad. And the more she lied about him, the more she felt ashamed. I never thanked him for everything he had done. And he's taking care of Liam. I misjudged him since the very beginning.
Once Bob finally left, she changed for the plan. She wore a slinky dress, emphazising her forms.The sophomore arrived a bit later with Chelsea. He complimentated her, and sat in her sofa with a smile.
"Today we'll free you. Emilio isn't aware of what's happening ?"
"No, I managed to keep it secret."
Since monday, her imposed boyfriend was more and more possessive. He was following her almost everywhere, always with an hand on her shoulder. From outside, he seemed a bit overprotective. But for her, he was a real tyrant. And tonight, she expected to put an end at all this.
"So, who's the guy I'll have sex with ?" she asked. "I made myself a reason, as you said it's just sex, nothing more. I'm ready."
"That would be me." answered Matthew with a grin.
What ? He wasn't joking at all. But he's with Chelsea. They're a fuckin' couple. The nurse wasn't surprised. She even looked okay with it. Shit. I should decline.
"Before you change your mind, just think about it." whispered the sophomore. "I'm here, so it's easy to do it right now. And I have a girlfriend, so I won't be emotionally tempted. It's worth a shot."
"I'm fine with it." added Chelsea. "C'mon Rebbie, my Matt is a good lay !"
The black girl hesitated. Maybe he was expecting this the whole time. Maybe it's only a plan for him to have sex. She looked at him more closely. A bit taller than her, he was blond with blue eyes. He was well-dressed, quite hunky with a kinda pretty face. She never had thought about him that way but in truth, he wasn't ugly.
"It's your only chance to get rid of Emilio." he reminded. "No one except me will help you."
"Okay. Let's do this."
They went alone in her bedroom. Matthew took his phone out of his pocket and smiled again.
"I'm gonna film the whole thing as a proof for Emilio. Okay ?"
Really ? Is it necessary ? She tried to contest, but he suddenly kissed her intensely. He pushed her onto the bed and laid over her.
"I'll be gentle." he assured. "I promise."
While kissing her, he took off their clothes. At this point, she was too horny to discuss. It was just sex, like Ollie had said. I can do this. It'll be fine. Matthew had a bigger penis than she expected. And he knew how to use it. One orgasm became two. And then three. She couldn't stop, he neither. They were moaning strongly. Suddenly, the door opened. Emilio stormed in, beside himself. He looked completely mad. His eyes were enraged, his face disfigured with anger. What the hell is he doing here ?! Rebecca hid her body with the blanket, terrified. It was bad. Really, really bad.
"Hey dude." smiled Matthew, not surprised at all. "You took your time."
"I just didn't believe when Chelsea came sayin' you were sleeping with my girlfriend !" yelled Emilio. "How dare you do this a second time ?"
What ? A second time ? What does that even mean ?
"I'm a thief." laughed Matt. "And you're a patsy. Not my fault."
"She's my girlfriend !" screamed the mexican guy. "She loves me."
"Does she ? Ask her man. It's like Chelsea, she didn't like you either. A home-hunter, who could live with someone like this ?"
Rebecca was still stunned. Her brain started to work slowly. Chelsea was with Emilio ? How come I didn't know this ? She also remembered what she read about thief hunter. They liked to steal other's lovers. It was an article of someone livin' in the town, with the pseudo D.R.. She probably could trust it.
"Rebecca." mumbled Emilio. "You love me right ?"
She didn't hesitate long. After all, Matthew was there.
"No. Not anymore. You're scaring me, and I don't want to see you again."
"She's brave isn't she ?" laughed the sophomore. "Get the fuck off Emilio."
He did what they asked. He left, just like that. Is it over ? So easily ? Rebecca couldn't believe Matthew's plan worked.
"You're free." stated this latter. "I don't think he'll come back around anytime soon. Now... Do you want to discover something very nice with Chelsea and me ?"
To be continued
So we’re almost done with Chapter 2.
The hunt is going well, Damian is getting very invested hehe. He wants Liam and he knows the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach ;)
Will Liam be pleased or not, we’ll see that soon.
As for Rebecca well, she escaped the home-hunter, but now she’s with a thief. So will she accepts that or not ?
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The Not-Babysitter
Summary: Steph is volunteered to babysit Damian on his trip to the zoo, much to Damian's consternation. But an encounter with Steph's college classmates might force Damian to admit that things aren't so bad with her around.
I was prompted to write this by @jewishsuperfam AGES AGO and I finally had the right time and mood for it. Hope you guys enjoy! It's been a while since I've written Bat Fam fluff!
(Minor warnings for teen-mom and slut-shaming in this fic, just a heads up!)
Stephanie Brown mentally re-evaluates her life, her choices, and everything that’s led her to this spot.
When Cass had set the terms for their late-night roof tag game last night, Steph had agreed because usually Cass’s terms were things like “buy me a milkshake” or “help me break into a ballet studio so I can leave flowers for the cute Prima Donna.”
But last night?
Cass had, after thoroughly trouncing Steph as usual, asked Steph to “not-babysit” Damian’s trip to the zoo.  
“He’s almost eleven,” Steph had said, squinting at Cass. “Why does he need a babysitter?”
“Because last time he went to the zoo... the tiger pavilion is now named “Wayne Pavilion.”
Steph wasn’t sure if Bruce had been forced to pay an inordinate amount of money to cover up for Damian’s antics, or if Damian had managed to fund it using his ludicrously large allowance, but either way, she could see the point.
Which is how she’s ended up here, in her civilian clothes, escorting Damian Wayne, who had to be talked into normal kids clothes, around the zoo.
He squints at her, suspiciously. “I don’t need a babysitter,” he reminds her, for approximately the fifteenth time since she showed up at Wayne Manor to pick him up.
“I know,” Steph says cheerfully. “Ooh, look, seals!”
Damian is actually kind of cute in a zoo setting, Steph realizes. It makes sense, given his love for animals. He’s memorized all the signs and the speeches by the zookeepers, and also all the feeding times so he keeps them on a tight schedule, making sure that they don’t miss a single one.
He tries to give her the slip at the Meerkats while Steph takes a selfie, so she retaliates by forcing him to take selfies with her, and immediately sends them to the group chat she has with Harper and Cass, and the one she has with Tim and Cass, and the one she has with Babs and Wendy and Cass, and the one she has with Duke and Jason, and then she texts it to Bruce, Dick, Alfred, and Kara for good measure.
He tries to steal her phone to delete the evidence after that, but Steph has not spent the past year hanging out with Babs and Wendy for nothing, and has already uploaded it onto the Cloud, safely out of his reach and safely on her laptop.
To make it up to him, she buys him a popsicle shaped like a lion, which he’s been trying really hard to pretend he doesn’t want. She also buys him a hat with an elephant on it, and convinces him to buy a stuffed one as a present to Dick.
Honestly, this is pretty fun.
Steph had never been able to go to the zoo as a kid, except once when she was six and her dad had just scored big. He’d taken her and then ditched her by the giraffes while he and his buddies had gone to case the bank nearby.
It wasn’t the worst of his “take the kid on an outing so I have an alibi” plans, but it was still a pretty shitty one, in Steph’s opinion.
She triple checks where Damian is when they get to the giraffes, just in case, and listens as he explains giraffe vertebrae in detail.
“You ever thought about studying this stuff when you go to college?” She asks him as they start to wander out of the Africa section towards the India section, where the infamous Wayne Tiger Pavilion is.
Damian looks surprised. “I am supposed to study business in order to take over my father’s empire,” he reminds her.
“What, are you saying you’re not smart enough for a double major?” Steph says. Damian immediately bristles, and Steph keeps going. “I suppose you’re right. Zoology is a hard major...”
“How dare you!” Damian shrieks, and Steph laughs, throwing an arm around his shoulders.
“Hey, if I can double, you can,” she says.
He pauses. “I thought you were pre-medicine?”
“Biology and music,” Steph corrects lightly. “Pre-med’s a concentration. Music makes me more interesting to med school.” And she loves it, but that’s step two in this conversation.  
Damian goes quiet. “I wasn’t aware you were cultured enough to play an instrument, Brown,” he says stiffly.
“Piano,” she says, surprised. “I guess I haven’t played in the Manor since--” since she was Robin. Whoops. “For a while,” she says, doing her best to recover. “You do violin, right? Cass says you’re really good.”
Damian looks pleased that Cass complimented something he did. The puppy hero-worship is absolutely adorable, and Steph is practically obligated to buy him a balloon of a tiger’s head wearing a Batman cowl after that.
It’s always great when she can get Damian to act like a normal kid, instead of the crabby, snobby, sometimes-violent angsty teen he likes to pretend he is.
She also immediately takes a picture of him staring up at the balloon in barely masked delight and uploads it to the Birds of Prey locked Facebook group Dinah invited her to join last month.
After viewing the tigers and listening to Damian rant about several now-extinct sub-species of tiger for half an hour, Steph drags him to the cafe near there and orders him an environmentally friendly fair trade ice cream with extra whipped cream and sprinkles, and herself one too, because they’re having a day off, and she can’t be fucked to keep track of her calorie count, no matter how much Babs has been pushing her onto the new work-out routine that’s supposed to give her better abs than Helena.
Also, it’s really hot outside, and they haven’t turned on those thoughtful looking misters that Steph remembered running through as a kid and getting absolutely, delightfully soaked.
Damian is interrogating Steph about the advantages of remaining in Gotham for college versus attending his dad’s alma mater (which Steph thinks is either Yale or Princeton, but can’t remember which), when their delightful afternoon becomes less so.
“Hey, is that Brown?” She hears someone say behind her, and Damian stiffens up.
Steph glances out of the corner of her eye, and spots a group of kids from her Chem class. Frowning, she ducks her head lower, because she’s with Damian, and she’s not exactly supposed to advertise her friendship with the Wayne Family, even in the age of Batman Inc.
“It is!”
“Hey, that’s a kid with her!”
“Oh my god!”
“He’s old!”
“Um, what? He’s like, nine.”
“Yeah,” the voice has gotten conspiratorial. “But she’d have to have been, what? Thirteen when she had him?”
“Wait, he’s hers?” Someone who hasn’t spoken yet gasps, and Steph breaks the recyclable plastic spoon in her hand.
“Haven’t you heard? She was a teen mom,” someone else sniggers. “Mom was a druggie, dad was a crook, and she was a--”
Steph is this close to throwing her ice cream in fucking Cynthia’s face--she recognizes that voice now--when Damian acts first.
By which she means, he disappears from right in front of her, reminding her, once again, that Damian Wayne was trained by literal ninjas since birth.
By the time she gets to her feet and gets ready to start yelling for him, Cynthia lets out a shriek, and she pivots on the spot.
She sees Damian Wayne perching on top of one of the sprinklers with a furious expression and a screwdriver, but no one else does, too busy staring at the screeching college students, who have just been soaked with, instead of a delightful mist of cool, refreshing water, a torrent of ice cold water, enough to make mascara run, ruin hair, and soak through shirts.
Steph claps a hand over her mouth and tries hard not to laugh as she watches Damian vanish into the nearby tree, and reappear across from her as if nothing happened.
“You should go to a school with higher standards,” he mutters, stabbing his ice cream with his spoon.
Steph grins. “But then I’d be too far away for you to insult,” she reminds him.
He pauses, considering this. “I suppose you better stay,” he finally concedes. “But you should apply for more advanced classes, so you don’t have to see those imbeciles again.”
Steph smiles and eats her ice cream before dragging Damian off to visit the petting zoo.
Damian only complains three times, and doesn’t try to escape her once.
He even agrees to take a single selfie.
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g-on-ef · 6 years
damijon first date pls
“The Red Grove?”
“Damian it’s our first-whoa-date, do you really want it to be that fancy?”
Jon dodged the robot’s arm before he threw his own punched; knocking off the head.
“Fine what do you suggest?” Damian asked as he threw his batarang to the other robot, the robot stared at the device before it exploded in it’s face causing it to fall backwards.
“Hmm,” Jon leap and shot laser beams at another robot before he landed next to Damian.
“What about a picnic and then a walk to the park?”
Damian scoffed as he dodged an attack before he landed behind the robot and landed on top of it, he then punched it and pulled out some wires and jumped in time as it exploded. 
Jon flew towards him and watched as his boyfriend of one month picked up the remote that controlled the robots and pressed a few buttons before the rest of the robots flew down.
“No, we are not doing some movie cliche date that will probably end with us getting mugged,”
“We won’t get mugged at Metropolise, compare to Gotham its a peaceful place,”
Damian turned and glared at the half kryptonian before he gave him a cute smile that was anything but the innocent look that Jon was trying to pull off. 
“Okay so no to the park and a no to a fancy restaurant what about a movie and then dancing?”
“I’ve seen Carrie, I know how a dance ends,”
“Dami, that was a movie that would never happen in real life,”
“And yet aliens somehow manage to live in our world,”
Jon rolled his eyes before he and Damian decided to walk back to the batcave. 
Damian and Jon have been boyfriends for a month but they never got a chance to actually go on a real date. Whenever they had a chance there was always something that ruined it.
Whether it was annoying big brothers, overprotective fathers, overbearing mothers, or robin and superboy activities they never had a chance to go on a date.
Talia finally had enough of her babies not being able to be teenagers and go out so with the help of Lois the two ‘convince’ (more like threaten) Clark and Bruce to let the boys have the weekend off so that they can have a proper date. 
Now all that was left to do is plan it.
“Oh I got it!”
Damian looked at Jon who’s eyes were sparkling with enthusiasm.
“Why don’t we go to the Zoo? We can see the animals, feed the giraffes, play with the lion cubs and all of that good stuff,”
Damian thought about it, the zoo was actually…not a bad idea, they would get to see animals, pet them, and not to mention that the Gotham Zoo had a new exhibit where you could swim with dolphins.
“That’s…not a bad idea beloved, and I actually think it would be nice. We don’t have to be to dressed up for it and we can pet the dolphins and see the cute little goats that have recently gave birth,”
“Not to mention they have a butterfly exhibit that I’ve been dying to see,”
Damian couldn’t help but smile as he saw Jon’s excited face, he felt his heart skipping a beat or two as his beloved gushed about the butterflies and the baby goats that he is going to make sure he takes dozens of pictures.
The two continue to make a plan and decided to head out on Saturday since their fathers gave them the weekend off.
{They owe their mothers big time for talking to their fathers}
When they reached the batcave Jon smiled at Damian before he bowed dramatically.
“Operation make sure Damian arrives home is now complete,”
Damian couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“You’re such a dork,”
He then grabbed Jon by the shirt before he pulled him down to his level and kissed him on the lips. Jon was shock for a second before he relaxed into the kiss and kissed him back.
They slowly pulled back before smiling at one another.
“But your my dork,”
“See ya Saturday?”
“It’s a date,”
Jon smiled before kissing Damian on the forehead and flew off, Damian was about to head inside when he heard a loud ‘whoho,’ he turned and saw his boyfriend flying around and cheering loudly. 
Damian couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head with a fond smile on his face he headed inside he could not wait for Saturday.
Worst. Date. Ever! 
Okay maybe Damian was over exaggerating since the date hasn’t started but still, why the ever lasting fuck did their brothers had to come?
When they caught Damian getting ready Dick asked him where he was going Damian then told him to not worry about it but his father decided to tell them that he and Jon were going to the Zoo for their first date and that Damian had the whole zoo shut down for his date with Jon.
His brothers of course wanted to go with Damian on his first ever date but Damian said that they were not coming but of course his father said it was a perfect idea for them to go, of course Clark heard them from the city and decided to ask Connor if he wanted to go.
Connor of course did not because Tim was going-okay maybe it was because of Tim-but he also wanted to go to make sure Damian kept his hands to himself and didn’t touch Jon’s ass.
He’s seen the youngest Wayne stare at it and he was going to make sure Damian was on his best behavior.
Of course when Jon arrived Connor was with him and Jon told him that his dad heard Bruce and his older brothers and thought it would be a good idea to invite Connor.
Which resulted in Jason and Dick to bring their boyfriends along and now instead of date with Jon and only Jon he was now with his brothers, Jon’s brother, and Harper and West on a date.
He was going to kill someone.
“Oh come on little bat cheer up, you’re finally on a date with your boyfriend,” Jason said as he swung his arms around his little brother and Jon.
“My date with Jon was supposed to be just me and Jon not me, Jon, and the rest of you idiots,”
“Hey,” everyone-minus Jon-shouted.
“Come on Damian, your still on your date with Jon, only this time you have us,”
“Uh-hu and did all of you interuppted each other’s date?”
His brothers looked at each other before smiling at Damian and walking off.
Jon walked up to Damian and bumped his shoulder.
“Hey relax, it could be worse right?”
“I guess,” 
Jon just smiled as he and Damian headed towards the zoo with their brothers Jon knew it couldn’t get worst after all he knew his brother was going to be on his best behavior.
Jon. Was. Pissed.
Their brothers were ruining their date! Every time Jon tried to hold Damian’s hand Dick was there to grab Damian and pull him somewhere so that Jon wouldn’t get the chance to hold it.
Whenever Damian was about to say something sweet to Jon Connor was there to grab Jon by the collar to show him something.
Basically whenever they tried to be romantic their brothers would ruin it.
They were currently sitting at a picnic table as their brothers where getting food.
“If I had known that our brothers would be a pain in the butt, I would have suggested to burn them,”
“It could get worse, well guess what Kent, it did in fact get worse,”
Jon looked towards where the older boys were seeing that they were distracting Jon lean forward and kissed his cheek before he sat back down hoping Dick did not see that.
“Sorry, hopefully our second date could…be…”
The sound of a chopper could be heard over them, they all looked up and saw Talia and Lois staring down at them, the Chopper then landed as the two women stepped out of it and glared at the older boys.
Connor, Tim, and Jason immediately looked away, their mothers could be down right scary.
Said mothers then looked to their boys.
“Get in the chopper boys, Talia and I are taking you far away from here so you can enjoy your date properly with no interuptions,”
“But mom, dad said-”
A glare from Lois made Connor shut up.
Jon and Damian looked at one another before smiling at each other and jumped into the chopper.
“Oh and Jason?”
“Yes Talia?”
“Tell Bruce that he is going to be hearing it from me later on,”
“Same goes for Clark,”
“Yes ma’am,”
“Good, the boys will be back tomorrow night so have a good day,”
Damian and Jon waved good by to their brothers before Damian took Jon’s hand and kissed his hand Jon smiled at Damian before he lean forward and kissed his forehead.
Both mothers cooed at their little boys, both happy that they had someone who would treasure them for eternity.
“So where to?” Jon asked.
Damian looked towards his mother who knew exactly where he wanted to go, she then gave direction to their private beach.
Damian looked to Jon and said,
“We are going somewhere special where you and I are going to enjoy ourselves,”
“Where ever you are I know I’ll be happy,”
Damian just smiled as they headed off towards the beach, he was going to make sure that Jon enjoyed himself.
The beach was beautiful, Jon has never seen such a beautiful ocean and white sandy beach, it was a sight for sore eyes.
“Are you ready to have beloved?”
Jon looked to Damian and graced him with a dazzling smile.
“I’ve never been more ready,”
The two spend their day building sand castles, swimming with sea creatures, collecting sea shells and roasting marshmellow, they decided to lay down on a blanket and stare at the stars.
“That is not peguses,” Damian said looking closely at the constellation.
“Yes it is, look it has the head and the wings,”
Damian rolled his eyes before pointing to another constellation.
“That’s peuguses,”
Jon looked closely before blushing a little.
“Okay, you were right that is Peguses,”
“Told you,”
Jon rolled his eyes before he turned around and cuddled close to Damian.
“I love you,” he whispered softly.
Damian smiled, it may be soon but he knew both he and Jon knew that they were each others beginning middle and end and knew they were never going to let anything or anyone come between them.
“I adore you as well beloved,”
The two couldn’t help but think that this was the best date and can’t wait to have more.
I need a distraction so if y'all have any tododeku Bakumomo bakudeku todobaku TimKon damijon or dickwally prompts please send them my way I will also take shigadabi and dabihawks
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obfuscateyummy · 5 years
New addition
@sweetcannolicarisi and I have been working very hard on the newest addition to the Dacee family. We hope you enjoy this as much as we did writing it :)
2139 words
Tags (I’m still redoing my tags so if I missed you let me know): @sweetcannolicarisi @giraffe-puppy @madpanda75 @whatmarisays @lyssa1385 @katmstanton @southern-magnolia
Damian: 7
Dominick: 2
As Macee was getting ready for bed, she kept feeling this feeling in her stomach. She knew that she could give birth any day now but she was worried. Dante had just finished reading Dominick his third story for the night when he looked at Macee.
“You okay? You look like you’re in pain.” Dante frowned at his wife as he walked over to her. Macee sighed and smiled some at him.
“I’m fine. Aymee told me this would happen. False labor pains.” Macee said as she crawled into the bed. Dante watched her slightly worried.
“I remember you having them for the boys but are you sure? You don’t want me calling your parents? They can watch the boys?” Dante had asked. Macee shook her head.
“I’m fine ba-“ Macee stooped when she felt the bed began to get wet where she was sitting. She slowly moved the blanket to stare at the wet mark. Dante shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“I’ll call your parents, Mace.” Dante said as he grabbed his phone and walked from the bedroom. He returned after a few minutes as his wife was changing out of her pajamas.
“I’m sorry, Dante. She’s not supposed to be here for another few days.” Macee felt tears in her eyes. Dante walked over to kiss her softly.
“It’s okay, Macee. The baby wants to meet us sooner than we expected.” Dante smiled as he went pulled away from his wife. “Your parents will be here soon. They said they’ll meet up with the boys once we tell him the baby is here.”
“Okay…” Macee said as she gently rubbed her stomach. “Calm down, baby. It’s okay. You’ll meet Mami soon.” Macee smiled as Dante began to strip the bed of the sheets and headed to the washer to throw them in.
On the way to the hospital Macee groaned in pain. “You okay, Mace?” Dante said as he took a hand from the steering wheel and offered it to his wife.
Macee grabbed Dante’s hand and squeezed it hard. “The pain...it’s not like it was with the boys…” Tears began to fall from Macee’s eyes. Dante pulled up to the emergency room door.
“We’re here, doll. Everything is gonna be okay,” Dante said as he helped Macee out of the car.
As they were walking towards the delivery room, Aymee saw them. “Mace! Dante! Everything okay?”
“My water broke. This baby...is ready to come ouutt,” Macee said as another contraction hit her. She grabbed onto Dante as she screamed in pain. Aymee held Macee on the other side as they helped her to the bed.
Macee’s doctor walked into the room and stared at Aymee. “Nurse Barba, thought you were working the ER tonight.”
“I am..s-she’s my older sister. I was just helping her to her room.” Aymee said as she smiled at Macee. “I’ll be back when my shift is over.”
“How are you feeling?” The doctor asked Macee.
“Pain. I’m in a lot of pain.” Macee said.
“I’ll order you an epidural.” The doctor said as he left.
“You’re doing great, Mace. She’ll be here soon.” Dante said as he kissed Macee’s forehead.
“I hope..” Macee said as she screamed in pain. “Dante, I-I think something is wrong! The pain, I don’t think they’re contractions. G-get the doctor, babe.” Macee said.
Dante rushed to find the doctor that had just left a few minutes before. Him and Dante came rushed into the room as Macee screamed out in pain. Instantly, a few nurses were in the room and getting ready.
“We need to do a caesarean birth.” The doctor said. Dante tried to get to his wife but a nurse stopped him.
“I’m sorry, sir, but you can’t be in here.” The nurse said. Dante shook his head and looked at Macee.
“That’s my wife! I’m staying!” Dante told the nurse as he tried to walk past her.
“Sir, you need to go to the waiting room.” The nurse said as he was escorted out of the room. Macee watched and called after Dante as she watched him being removed from the room. Dante was in the waiting room, pacing around when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.
“Hello?” He asked quietly. He heard some shuffling before a yawn.
“Papi called me. Told me Macee was in labor? She okay?” Emiliano yawned again.
“I-I don’t know. She was in pain, nothing like the boys. They’re doing a c-section and I was forced out of the room…” Dante checked the time on his watch and sighed.
“Holy shit. Val, myself and the kids will be down soon. Mami was calling Sophia so my bet is everyone will be there soon. Alright? Hang in there, bud.” Emiliano told his best friend. Dante yawned as he sat down.
“Okay, see you soon.” Dante whispered as he hung up the call and covered his face in his hands. After a good half an hour, Emiliano, Valentina, Julian, Isaac and Zoe were rushing towards the waiting room.
“Uncle Dante!” Julian and Isaac said as they rushed towards him. He looked up and smiled at the boys as they rushed to hug him. He hugged them both tightly as Zoe reached for her uncle from Val’s arms.
“Hey guys.” Dante smiled as he held Zoe in his lap.
“Mami called me, she’s on her way with the boys. Sophia had called everyone and they should be here in the next hour.” Emiliano said as he sat next to his best friend. Dante nodded as he felt tears in his eyes.
“I hope Mace is okay. They rushed me out and no one has come to say anything yet.” Dante sighed out as he wiped his eyes. Zoe frowned up at her uncle.
“She’s gonna be okay, so is the baby. The doctors know what they are doing.” Emiliano said as he looked at Dante. He hated seeing his best friend hurting.
“She was screaming for me when I left the room. She needs me and I’m not there. I-God I need her to be okay, E.” Dante said as he started to cry.
Zoe looked up at her uncle and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Don’t be sad, Uncle Dante!” Isaac said as he rushed to his uncle’s side.
“Yeah, watch what Isaac and I can do!” Julian said as the twins began to dance to make their uncle smile.
“They’re trying” Valentina said as she sat on the other side of Dante and smiled. Zoe reached for her mother. Valentina took her daughter from Dante.
“Daddy!” Dante turned around to see both boys running towards him, followed by you and Rafael.
“How’s she doing?” Rafael asked.
“The doctors haven’t came out yet. It’s been almost 2 hours,” Dante said.
Soon the entire Carisi and Barba families were at the hospital.
The three hour mark came around and Dante was silently praying to himself. Damian noticed and eventually joined his father is praying for his mother. Once Aymee’s shift was over she went to the waiting room to see the entire Carisi family there.
“Is Mace okay?” Aymee asked as she walked over to her family.
“We don’t know. No one has told us anything…” Emiliano said as Dante slowly looked up at Aymee. Aymee bit her lips before nodding.
“I’ll go see…” Aymee said before heading off to Macee’s room. Dante sighed as Dominick was in his lap, his head against his chest.
“Macee’s going to be fine, Dante. Trust me. We’re all praying for her.” Dante heard Sonny say as he felt his hand on his shoulder. Dante nodded as he gently rubbed Dominick’s back.
“Thanks pop. Really.” Dante sighed out as he gently rubbed Dom’s back as he fell asleep against his father. After a few minutes, Dante saw one of the nurses that he remember was in Macee’s room and handed Dom to Emiliano. Dante rushes over to the nurse and bit his lip.
“How are they? A-are they okay?” Dante asked. The nurse soon smiled and nodded her head.
“Would you like to see them, Mr Carisi?” The nurse said. Instantly Dante nodded and followed her into Macee’s room. Once inside, he noticed Aymee pacing around the floor some, the baby in her arms as Emiko sat next to Macee on the bed.
“Macee! Thank God you two are alright!” Dante rushed to his wife and hugged her tightly. Macee hugged Dante back just as tightly.
“We’re fine, Dante. Just a few complications. I’m sorry I worried you so much.” Macee whispered as Aymee came over with the baby.
“I bet she wants to spend time with daddy. Em and I will tell everyone you’re okay.” Aymee smed as she handed over the baby and grabbed Emiko’s hand tightly as the two walked out is Macee’s room. Dante held the baby against him and smiled.
“I heard you caused mommy a lot of trouble while you were coming. So eager.” Dante smiled brightly at the little girl that was in his arms. He kissed her forehead softly as Macee smiled at him and the baby.
“She already steal her daddy’s heart?” Macee teased as she smiled down at the little girl sleep in Dante’s arms. Dante chuckled as he leaned over to kiss Macee softly.
“She’s had my heart since the day you told me you were pregnant.” Dante said as he smiled brightly at his wife before the door opened.
“Daddy! Mami!” Damian shouted as he rushed in, followed by Emiliano who was carrying a sleeping Dominick.
“I’m glad you’re okay, sis. Aym and Em just told us everything. What’s her name?” Emiliano asked as he walked to his sister and best friend.
“Myra. Myra Savanna Carisi.” Dante said as he smiled wide.
“Daddy, can I hold her?” Damian asked as he climbed up on the couch.
“Yeah, of course bud. You remember how you had to hold Dom? Put your hand like this.”
Dante said as he sat next to his son and showed him how to hold the newborn.
“Hi Myra.” Damian whispered as Emiliano sat Dominick on Dante’s lap. Dominick was starting to wake up and looked at his father.
“Daddy!” He said. He spotted Macee in the hospital bed across the room. “Mami!!” He screamed as he got up and ran to his mother.
“Careful, bud.” Macee said as Emiliano helped helped Dominick into the bed next to his mother.
“Baby?” Dominick asked.
“Damian is holding the baby. You wanna see her?” Macee asked. Dominick nodded his head. Emiliano took the baby from Damian and Dante and walked her over to Macee and Dominick.
“Dom, you gotta remember to keep her head up okay? Mami will help you.” Emiliano said as he placed Myra in Dominick’s arms while Macee helped him support her head.
“Her name’s Myra,” Macee said.
“Mir?” Dominick asked.
“You can call her Mir, baby.” Macee said.
The entire family came in small groups to meet Myra, with you and Rafael coming in last.
“She’s beautiful, Mija” you said as you smiled at the newborn in your arms.
“I love the name Myra. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” Rafael said as he stoked Myra’s head.
You smiled at Rafael. “We should take the boys back home. Let them get some rest.” You set Myra in Macee’s arms.
“I wanna stay with Mami and Daddy!” Damian said.
“Buddy, you gotta go with abuelito and abuelita. I’ll come get ya later okay?” Dante said.
“Get some rest, mija” Rafael said as he kissed Macee’s forehead.
“Bye Mami, bye daddy” Damian said.
“Love you!” Dominick said as Rafael picked him up.
“We love you too, bud” Dante said
Macee smiled at Myra before looking up at Dante with tears in her eyes. “Dante....”
“Macee, it’s late. You need some rest.” Dante said as he took Myra and placed her in the bassinet.
“Dante...I-we need to talk..” Macee said.
“We can talk after you rest,” Dante said.
“I...when they did the c-section...something went wrong. Dante, I had to have a hysterectomy.” Macee said as she teared up. Her head fell in her hands.
“Mace, doll, why didn’t you tell me?” Dante asked.
“Everyone kept coming to see Myra. I-I never found the right time. Dante, I’m so sorry babe.” Macee said.
Dante sat next to Macee on the bed and held her close. “Doll. Don’t cry. Myra is here and healthy. And you’re okay. That’s all that matters Mace. I love you.”
“I love you too, cariño. Will-will you hold me? Until I fall asleep?” Macee asked.
“Anything. I’ll always do anything for you, Macee.”
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dynowrites · 5 years
Dacee Family Surprise
Co-written with @obfuscateyummy
Tagged: @obfuscateyummy @giraffe-puppy @madpanda75 @southern-magnolia @katmstanton @onelovesr @lyssa1385
Word count: ~1.4k
Damian: 7
Dominick: 2
Macee woke up cuddled close to Dante with a smile. She loved waking up next to him everyday, it was a dream come true. As she got out of bed, she went to wake the boys and went to the kitchen to begin breakfast. Dominick ran into the kitchen and went to sit at his seat the the table.
“Morning, mami!” Dom smiled brightly at his mother. She nodded as her son as Damian came in, still half asleep.
“Good morning, Damian.” Macee called as she began to make the breakfast. Macee went to to pour him a glass of milk when she felt extremely nauseous. She covered her mouth and rushed off to bathroom. She got sick and finished up quickly before heading back to the kitchen.
“Mami sick?” Dominick called out. Dante finally came downstairs and yawned.
“What about mami being sick?” Dante asked as he kissed Macee’s cheek softly as he went to help her with breakfast.
“It’s nothing. I’m just hungry.” Macee brushed it off as she gave the kids their drinks.
Macee and Dante finished making breakfast and sat down to eat with their boys. As soon as they were finished, Macee and Dante started to clean up the dishes. They sent Damian upstairs to start getting ready for school. Macee carried Dominick upstairs to get him ready for daycare. Soon, her stomach felt uneasy. She has got Dominick’s pants on and ran out of the room. “Mami?” Dominick called after her as Dante walked past.
“Where is mami, buddy?” Dante asked his youngest son.
Dominick pointed towards the bathroom. Dante soon heard the sound of Macee getting sick. He rushed to the bathroom. He bend down next to his wife and held her hair for her. “Mace, everything okay doll?” He asked.
“Y-yeah, I think I’m just nervous about the case today. I’m not sure we have enough evidence to put them away..” Macee said as Dante helped her up.
“You’ll get em, doll. You always do.” Dante said. He smirked at his wife,
“Are you sure that’s what’s wrong.” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I-I’m not sure… I know we’ve been…” Macee thought as she began to count her her fingers. “I’ve been stressed and I haven’t had my you know what lately. It’s just stress… I’m sure…” Macee said as she flushed the toilet and quickly washed her hands.
“I’ll go to the store after dropping Dom off at daycare. I’ll pick up a few tests-“
“Shhh! Not so loud. I don’t want the boys hearing. I’m just, afraid it will happen again and I don’t want to give their hopes up.” Macee bit her lip as she looked at herself in the mirror.
“Relax, doll. You go get ready for work and I’ll finish getting Dom dressed. Okay? I’ll take Damian to the bus stop. Just relax and get dressed.” Dante smiled as he kissed his wife’s lips before heading to finish getting their youngest dressed.
“Mami okay?” Dominick asked as Dante nodded.
“Mami’s tummy hurts her. She’s okay though.” Dante said with a smile as he helped the boy put his socks on.
“Daddy?” Damian said as Dante turned around to see his oldest ready for school. “Where’s mami?”
“Mami tummy hurt,” Dominick said.
“Yeah, mami’s not feeling too well...she’s getting ready for work. I’m gonna take you to the bus stop, and Dom to daycare” Dante said.
“Can we tell mami bye?” Damian asked.
“Of course,” Dante said as he led the boys down the hall to his and Macee’s bedroom.
“Doll?” Dante said as he slowly opened the door. He smiled as Macee said on the bed brushing her curly hair. “They wanted to say goodbye.”
“Bye mami!” Damian said as he hugged his mother.
“Have a great day at school, Damian, I love you.” Macee said.
“I love you too, mami.” Damian said.
Dominick was next, “Mami love you” he said.
“I love you too, baby boy,” Macee said as she kissed him on the cheek..
Dante smiled as he kissed Macee’s lips. “I love you, Mace.” He said against her lips.
“I love you too, cariño. See you tonight.” Macee said as the boys left and she finished getting ready.
The day seemed to drag on. The nausea subsided thought the day and Macee began to think maybe Dante was right. Once she got home, she was first greeted by Luna and Maverick, then Damian and Dominick. “Mami!” The boys screamed running to the door.
“I missed you boys.” Macee said as she hugged them tight. “Where’s daddy?” She asked.
“In the kitchen,” Damian said.
Macee walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Dante. “How was work doll?” Dante asked.
“Stressful. D-did you get the….you know?” Macee asked.
“Yeah, they’re upstairs. Y-you think you are?” Dante asked.
Macee shrugged her shoulder, “I rather be sure.” Macee headed upstairs and Dante followed her. Dante had bought two different brands of tests. Macee took one out of each box. She peed on each test stick. The next five minutes seemed to drag on for an eternity. Once it was time, she looked at the tests shocked.
“Well? A-are we…?” Dante asked Macee as she opened the bathroom door. She looked at the tests before fire her husband.
“This one says negative… but this one says positive.” Macee stared at the tests in disbelief.
“I can run to the bodega down the street to get another if you want.” Dante told her. Macee shook her head and sighed.
“Let me call my sister. Hopefully she’s not too busy and can schedule me in for some type of test.” Macee left the bathroom after cleaning up the tests and heading to the bedroom. Dante nodded as he went back downstairs to finish cooking. Once Macee called Aymee, she waited.
“Hey, Mace! What’s going on?” Aymee said cheerfully. Macee let out a sigh of relief as she smiled some.
“You busy? I need something from you.” Macee asked her little sister.
“I just got off work. Is something wrong?” Aymee asked with concern. Macee laughed softly.
“Uh, not really. I was wondering if I could stop by the hospital and see if you could run a test for me.” Macee asked while biting her lip.
“If you meet me here within the next hour I can get you in. What do you need?” Aymee asked as Macee left the bedroom and began to head downstairs.
“A blood test or ultrasound.” She simply said. It was silent for a moment before Aymee spoke up.
“Are you…?”
“I don’t know. One said yes and the other said no. I called you to see if you give me the real answer.” Macee said as she went to grab her purse. Dante looked at Macee as he began to set the table with the boys.
“Alright. I’ll set a room up for you. See you soon.” Aymee said as Macee hung her phone up. Macee turned to Dante and smiled.
“I’m going out for a bit. I’ll just pick something up on my way home for food, cariño. I love you guys so much. I’ll see you soon.” Macee went over and kissed all her boys before going to the door and heading to the hospital.
Macee got to the hospital and Aymee greeted her at the door. “This way, Macee.” Aymee said as she led her older sister down the hallway to an examination rom. Macee sat on the bed and as Aymee began to speak, “I got a doctor to come and do an ultrasound. Since I’m getting my MD, he’s going to let me assist.”
Macee nodded as she laid back on the bed. The doctor walked in. Aymee assisted the doctor. When she gave Macee the results, she cried. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone, Aymee.” Macee said.
“Just like last time, my lips are sealed.” Aymee said as she hugged Macee.
“Thank you so much, Aym. I owe you big time.” Macee said as she left the hospital. She walked in the door and was greeted by the dogs and boys. Dante smiled wide as Macee kissed him deeply. The boys went to finish watching the movie Dante put on for them earlier.
“So….are we?” Dante asked.
“We most certainly are, babe.” Macee said as she smiled.
“We’re having another kid!” Dante said excitedly.
“Shhhh. Cariño! I don’t want the boys to hear you.” Macee said.
“You still wanna wait to tell everyone, doll?” Dante asked.
Macee nodded, “It happened once, I just don’t want it to happen again.”
“Okay doll, we’ll wait. Another kid. I’m so excited. I love you,” Dante said as he put his hand on Macee’s still flat stomach.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I'm very tired. And my chest is very tight and I'm having trouble breathing. I have a little bit of a cough too but I don't know if it's from the tightness or what. I'm very much looking forward to going to sleep it's been a long day.
It was nice having James here last night. And I slept pretty good. When I woke up in the morning I found that I won my eBay auction for a blue 1998 Furby. I'm excited to meet them. And once we got out of bed and warmed up. Because it was very cold in here. We went down to the studio to start organizing.
Actually had to wear a second sweater under my outfit because I was cold. But it was good to get some stuff done. We went through all my plastic drawers. Wipe stuff off that got sticky stuff on it. Organized different types of materials. Went through all my miniatures. Got rid of stuff. Got rid of trash. We worked for about an hour. And then we went to have breakfast upstairs.
Or at least I had breakfast. I showed James how to make an omelet again. And I had toast as well. But he didn't have anything. He hung out with me and we watched videos until a little after 11:30. Then he went to the theater pick up a board game and then went home to enjoy his day off.
I watched a couple more videos. And packed my overnight bag for this weekend. I'm going to be sleeping on Taney. And then I got myself ready to go to work.
I stopped at 7-Eleven and got lemonade and a donut. I didn't like the lemonade which was disappointing. But the donut was good. And then I went and got the bus. It was late. So I got to the school couple minutes after 1. Chelsi was already there and she asked me if she needed to be doing anything. But I really didn't have anything for her. I hot glued one of the kids sculptures back together. And then we went out and helped Tiffany bring some stuff in. I filled up all of our glue bottles. But that was basically it.
I went and got the kids and we spent the first half hour of the Day writing sentences. I don't think writing five sentences was going to be as big of a deal as it was. They acted like it was the worst thing that ever happened. But I made sure everyone did it. And then chelsi the kids outside that had completed it. I was left with four kids. And then three because one finished right as they were lining up.
Damon took almost the entire 15 minutes and while he was struggling with that Dallas and Damian practice their speech because they were going to talk on stage during our show.
Dinner was fine. No one was happy about having cold cuts. But they ate and and we lined up. We went back to the classroom and worked on Art. They were a little loud but they did fine. I mostly worked on my own giraffe Mosaic while they worked on their own pieces. Some kids were finishing others had work to be done. I was just kind of letting them do their thing. They weren't hurting anybody. And chelsi was great keeping the kids on task and under control when they were acting foolish. She's a really good partner to have.
We had a group meeting at the end of class. After everything was cleaned up. We decided that we would have class goals where we could use some of our art bucks towards snacks for the group and movies and things. And then we talked about coming up with a group Captain system. That something that would be a little bit easier for them then changing the leader every day. I was really just trying to make it fair for everyone but they seem to want to be able to vote for their group leader and I'm cool with that.
We did some vocab and had animal crackers and then it was time for the show.
There was some drama because as we were getting ready to go and watching the photo slideshow Dallas's mom came and told her that they weren't staying. And I went up there and I said you know she's supposed to talk on stage. And she was just like a whatever. And I got really upset. Because Dallas was crying. She was so excited and her adult was just like so not on board or supportive. And then poor Damien had to do it alone. So I asked Damien if he was okay with doing it alone and he said yes and asked if one of the other boys could come up on stage and at least stand with him. And I said that that was totally fine. But I was still upset.
Thankfully a few minutes later Dallas comes in and takes your coat off and says that she's staying. But her mom didn't! Her mom said that they were going to dinner and she had to choose between coming to the art show and speaking or coming to dinner with them and Dallas chose to come back. And I'm really proud of her for standing up for yourself. But I'm really disappointed in her parent. It was just very disrespectful I felt like. Like if you're trying to teach your kids to be respectful you have to respect them back. And this was something she was excited about. It just really hurt my heart for her.
But both her and Damien did so well. They spoke out of order but it was whatever. They did a really good job. And then we went into the hallway and got to show off our art. We had a really low turnout of parents. But the ones that were there were really cool and let the kids that were still there for my class walk them around and explain each project. We got pictures and we had brownies. And it was just really nice.
We were finishing up and at 6:30 I was finishing cleaning with everyone and I told Tiffany I had to go catch a bus. Because for some reason the 6:45 was the last one for 45 minutes. And I really didn't want to take a lift home because I wanted to get dinner. So after picking up a couple more things I headed out.
And it's ridiculously cold today. Like it's been winter but like today felt like winter. It's supposed to snow this weekend and I really hope it does. I really want it to snow so badly. But the cold is coming in. I didn't have to wait outside for long though and the bus came and I made plans to meet James on Charles Street.
He's so sweet he walked from his apartment past the restaurant to meet me on my walk towards where we were getting food. And he wasn't even eating he had already eaten dinner at home. We went to never on Sundays and I got a Falafel and we shared my fries. And we talked. And it was just really nice being together.
On our walk home I had a really bad coughing fit and he was very worried about me. He made sure I got some water and then he went back to his apartment for the night. And I tried to just chill.
I did end up going down to my studio and finishing organizing my desk a bit. There's more I want to do but it's a start. I also brought down all the furbys I'm going to photograph to sell tomorrow. I hope that I can get them into new homes easily. Especially that dark blue one because I see that one on eBay all the time and no one seems to buy it. Maybe I'll have better luck.
I'm going to get ready for sleep now. I have the whole day off tomorrow. Me and James may go see a show at night but in the day I want to wake up early and take a nap and go to Goodwill and paint something and photograph my Furbys. Both the ones I'm keeping and the ones I'm selling.
I hope you all have a good night. Stay warm. Talk to you tomorrow.
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