#Lord Hebi
untilsfe · 4 months
Lately my art hasn't been arting very much. So I spent this two weeks doing a bunch of busts of UY characters to overcome the art block!
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I don't know how Sakai does to have so many characters and give spotlight to almost all of them. Respect.
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I apologize... but I forgot why is he evil
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The April Fool (Line art) lol
Yukichi distracts Lord Hebi while Usagi steals evidence of corruption
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life-set-to-random · 1 year
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I love how Leo just lands on Lord Hebi’s head. Like, *boink*
Then he taunts Hebi for not having arms and gets himself thrown across the room🤣🐢🐍
And as a bonus we get to see Usagi use a spear!
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lotus-duckies · 4 months
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have you seen this incredibly long man
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Hebi Anon
According to interviews, the primary aesthetic influences for Geats is.....
Fortnite and Apex Legends
Which explains a lot from what we can see from the trailers
Get ready
Cursed Knowledge
what do you mean it explains a lot...
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shunshinstan · 10 months
Naruto edits in the year of our lord 2023
AKA my boruto parentage headcanons/'fix-it's
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1. Ino-Shika-Cho
I love Chouchou with all my heart, she is perfect. Inojin comes in two variants: SakuIno and SakuInoSai. Shikadai is Shikamaru and Neji's child, or for those enlightened (me and like. 2 people), he's the child of Shikamaru, Neji, Tenten, and Temari. His hair is not as spiky as usual Nara hair, so I gave him the ponytail from Iruka lol.
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2. Double trouble / SNS fraternal twins
The non-cursed version only (the alternative is a mini karin and a mini menma and. no). Kishimoto already made Naruto accidentally canonically transmasc so... Also, Boruto's red hair - inherited from Naruto, or skipped a generation from Kushina? You decide! They also both have the capacity to awaken a sharingan, of course.
Sidenote I wanted to make their skintone darker as well but I am simply not skilled enough with editing to make it look good. I'm using firealpaca.
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3. Baby Snek
And finally, Mitsuki my beloved son, child/grandchild of Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo. In my daydreams I like to age up Rogu to be Kakashi's half-brother and in Naruto's age-group, and then have Mitsuki as his son. And traditional Hebi no Hatake clan markings, of course!
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thatdesklamp · 4 months
'Intrinsic Warmth': Collector's Edition
Here is a masterpost of all 'Intrinsic Warmth'-related content: a small portion is stuff that I've written, probably in response to a question/ask, but the majority is content that I... haven't actually produced! This is so so self-indulgent because I love everything here like a firstborn son. Oh my goodness. I’ll put this on the ‘other’ section of my masterlist for reference, too.
me prattling on
The Influence of 'One Day' on 'Intrinsic Warmth', an essay-that-I-didn't-mean-to-be-an-essay about how 'One Day' by David Nicholls impacted IW (in more ways than just the shamelessly-stolen concept, lol)
'Intrinsic Warmth': The Musical, a compilation of all the songs people have related to 'Intrinsic Warmth' in my comments (I've added the full list below with extra comments + context for each song)
'intrinsic': The Fic Playlist, an actual IW playlist (!!!) made by ao3 user redromeow
'Sunday September 7th, 2014', a true gem of a fanfiction of my own fanfiction (ohmygod); Satoru's perspective of the beginning of IW's Chapter 19, written by ao3 user late_night_secrets
'Intrinsic Warmth': The Musical: The Context and Comments = Comments you guys made when you recommended the songs :DD
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want / The Smiths
"So, for once in my life / Let me get what I want / Lord knows, it would be the first time" -- Hebi's yearning hours
Haunted / Taylor Swift
"Stood there and watched you walk away / From everything we had / But I still mean every word I said to you / He will try to take away my pain" -- just IW in its angst era
"Come on, come on, don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Something's gone terribly wrong / You're all I wanted / Come on, come on, don't leave me like this / I thought I had you figured out / Can't breathe whenever you're gone / Can't turn back now, I'm haunted" -- Chapter 15, 2010 (Gojo + Hebi on the roof)
Don't / eAeon ft. RM
Lyrics that are very Hebi and Gojo. I particularly like: "Please, don’t leave this place / There’s no place like this elsewhere in the world, after all / Please don’t break us / Then our one heart will be divided"
look at me / george
Lyrics that are Gojo being in his feels whenever he sees Hebi (in IW's angst era specifically)
You're on Your Own Kid / Taylor Swift
"I wait patiently, he’s gonna notice me / It’s okay, we’re the best of friends" -- Chapter 14, 2009 (the first year after they graduate) Hebi is yoyok coded. Lol.
Remember the time / Michael Jackson
It fits IW v v well (it does)
Something about us / daft punk
"I need you more than anything in my life / I want you more than anything in my life / I'll miss you more than anyone in my life / I love you more than anyone in my life" -- Chapter 12, 2007 (right after Geto left). It is them.
Good enough / xdinary heroes
A song that matches the tone of their relationship
La gent normal al Mercat de Sant Antoni / Manel
I couldn't find this on Spotify! I've put it the original 'Common People' on IW:TM, but here's a link to the actual song that I got recommended; it's Hebi and Gojo.
Last Kiss / Taylor Swift
Specifically in Chapter 16, 2011 (the one with the Kiss and Breakup). Yikes.
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silly-inky · 11 months
Can we have more sibling banter between Mario and Luigi? Have some of my thoughts on them
Mario and Luigi def insult each other (this next part I will take directly from one of my head canons posts because I'm too lazy enough to think of more stuff lol) :
Mario: Luigi you’re looking extra ugly today. What did you do? Get a shower? Your skin looks like it’s melting off like the wicked witch of the west
Luigi: Look who’s talking you red bowling ball, you look like a love child between Danny DaVitto and Golem from lord of the ring, who's very existence makes god weep knowing he has to look at your face when you die
Mario: We have almost the same face you you dried out celery stick
Luigi: You’re the one that started it ‘jump man’
They pull pranks on each other all the time, such as Mario hiding Luigi's stuff around the house on their birthday, making him think he misplaced or simply forgot to out it back in its right place, until he looks at/in the object which will have a little note that would say something along the lines of "loosing your marbles already old man?", it's tradition at this point. Luigi would be a bit more smart and creative though, such as loosing all the screws on Mario's chair, so when he sits down on it, it falls apart, or putting tiny rocks under the insoles of Mario's shoes, so he feels them, but every time he tales his shoes off no rocks come out.
I headcanon that Mario has ADHD and Luigi has autism, so imagine with me, Luigi info dumping about his current hyper fixation, and Mario loosing his train of thought a lot through their convo
Luigi: and then ther is this thing about it!
Mario: that's cool, it reminds me of... Ummm.... Oh what was I gonna say!..................................................................................What were we talking about just now?
Luigi: * specific thing* I was on about
Mario: oh right! Go on
It works both ways, but Mario prefers to listen to Luigi, of course sometimes he just gets annoyed though
Mario: Luigi I love you, but I'm not interested right now, I'm trying to watch something here
Luigi: we'll screw you too (in a joking matter)
They both stim, with Luigi it's more vocal stimming such a screeching (he mainly does it in a more comfortable setting, such as at home) popping, clicking his tongue and random Jiberish, he likes to rock and jump when he's standing either when excited or bored, and occasionally will grab Mario's arms and flail his hands about, Mario is chill with this and laughs a little whenever Luigi does it, it's justbhis way of showing hebis excited and wants to share that with people
Mario stims through Echolalia (repeating certains words, phrases or sounds) visual stimming and tapping, he likes to stare at fire and flashing/ colour chnaging lights, he watches little ants on the floor move, we will watch the clouds slowly change in the sky, and he will move his head side to side looking at how the lighting changes on the jewels in Peaches crown. In meetings when he's bored an can't speak, he will tap his fingers or a pen and bounce his leg
They both know eachothers stimming, and encourage eachother doing so, so they don't get overwhelmed, but also as a way of showing his they are feeling to their friends without actually saying what they are feeling
Mario will randomly wake up in the middle of the night to go to the kitchen for something, only to find Luigi already awake and doing something in the kitchen
Mario: what are you doing up bro? Nightmares again?
Luigi: a little it's more of the phantom pain from my burn scars again (headcanon of him having burn scars from holding the man hole cover to protect mario)
Mario: shit, that doesn't sound fun
Luigi: it isn't, but I can't go back to sleep, so I made cookies, their on the cooling wrack
Mario: thought I smelt something good. Do you want me to stay up with you?
Luigi: nah, it'll pass eventually, currently talking with Rosalina over text to keep myself occupied, she says hi by the way
Mario: alrighty, I hope it goes away soon, and tell Rosie I send my love. Goodnight
Luigi: night bro
Peach often keeps Luigi up to speed on Mario's condition when he's not at home, and Luigi does the same for Peach, they have a running joke of calling Mario anything but Mario when talking about him, so he doesn't really understand they are on about him
Mario def jokes about Luigi's love life, when he does this however, Luigi reminds him of how he has not even accepted his own feelings about a certain princess, which quickly shuts him up
In the end, they make fun of eachother a lot, but are eachothers biggest fans, no one will ever love Luigi morebthan Mario, and no one will ever respect Mario more than Luigi
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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pizzazz-party · 4 months
you guys ever think about how, with the exception of lord hebi, it’s likely that no one else in UY knows that Lord Hikiji is human.
in the earlier UY comics, there were humans milling about in the background all the time. the creature that called itself Ocho, in the guise of a young girl. the human servants in Lord Noriyuki’s palace. the Groo cameo—but i could see why someone would want to dismiss that.
Senso isn’t canon, but by the time of its publishing Hikiji’s human face is always drawn in deep shadows even when it’s not being hidden behind a mask.
i don’t know. it’s a retcon, to just do away with humans all together. but i feel like it’s up to your interpretation as to how much you want that recon to matter.
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usagiverse · 6 months
Am I? Wow thanks for the welcome, and for that I noticed my username, was little weird read the name lol, but is fine call me Nerish.
I think you have a very adorable and cool drawing style, I really like how they all look so fluffy, and I think the expressions are really good. I want a Yuichi axolotl plush.
About the timeline, the antagonist make me feel curious if it's focused on the turtles enemies in which case it might refer more to Big Mama or Draxum, if it's Usagi Yojimbo I just think of Jei, if it's Space Usagi I think of Akira, losing that hand must have been a more satisfying scene than it actually was.
But, yes I meant more like Princess Miya (lovely name), the magical girls gave me Madoka Magica vibes, just me? I just can't with the designs are so pretty.
For the Usagis I hope they can fix their things, I understand the Miyamoto's POV, but how feels Yuichi? i'm just curious, for now I stop here, also goodluck with your anon doesn't eat the other user, your last update of princess Miya was most adorable, I think like Raph I want to put myself on the waitlist.
Nerish.. of course you're one of my earliest followers... (everyone is!)
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Oh yes, an Axolotl Yuichi plush would be so good! And very sensory appealing, with his fin-like ears and cheeks. Yes. I want one too... For the timeline, I did just answer an ask about potential characters which do include potential villains! I have not yet read Space Usagi, but that might be an interesting one.. yes.. -takes notes- We'll see Neko Ninjas, Big Mama, (I don't think Draxum would fit well into the story, since he's a Yokai extremist-- he would have no reason to attack or prey on the people he swears to protect), the Krang will make an appearance in terms of the bad future from the movie (What are the Usagis up to in that time? How did they handle the Krang?) and yeah, you know, some of the feudal lords like Hebi and Hikiji, Jei, and some other stuff. It might be cool. Final Question : How Does Yuichi Feel? Well, at first, it seemed fine. Miyamoto (8) asks Yuichi (30) if he will be his sensei. Mizuki and Shuji are supportive, after all it's the Usagi way, so they tell their kid to ask Yuichi. Shuji thinks his brother is a much better samurai anyway. Miyamoto looks up to his uncle because of this fact (he adores his father as well) and this is when the two of them are the closest.
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-- Miyamoto (9) watches Yuichi and Shuji (31) leave one day before scheduled training. Miyamoto is a little less than a year into his training, but he still isn't allowed to go on these particular errand runs with the twins. They are usually quick about it, but also extremely careful. Maybe when Miyamoto has more training, he can join them.
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-- Some time has passed, and Yuichi (33) seems.. different. Maybe it's the bandage over his eye. The now open wound. The warm blood dripping down his face. Maybe it's the faces that Miyamoto (11) makes. Maybe it's the fabric on his skin, making him feel clammy. Claustrophobic. Annoyed. Panicked. Something is wrong. A voice in his head echoes the thoughts he relayed to his nephew. Miyamoto is doing his best, working as hard as he can, trying to get better, trying to please his Uncle. Why is he so different now? Miyamoto doesn't understand. He's in disbelief, he's angry and frustrated.
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Being the oldest is hard. The weight of the world sits on your shoulders, and it's a task that even the strongest Samurai can't handle. But he has to. He has to protect his family, but he needs to teach Miyamoto. If he fails as a Sensei, then he's failed as an Uncle. A Brother. A Son. A Samurai. With Miyamoto's sudden disappearing habits, Yuichi is scared of what will happen if Miyamoto doesn't come back. Would he be the reason his brother no longer has a son? He would fail his family. He would have no honor. It's a crushing thought.
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A little idea I had while in bed at 00:12 am. Also inspired by @usagiverse designs.
Here are the admirals of Lord Hikiji's army (they don't have names yet...)
The Witch Queen's design is ¨for the record¨ based on that one character, and her height is almost the same.
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canonsinthehead · 3 months
My Review of Yakuza 8/Infinite Wealth.
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I'm back! Few days I've completed the game Yakuza 8 and will take the time to share my thoughts on it. Brace yourself!
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A 50/50 roller coaster between clutching your pearls and an abyss of nuclear waste storytelling trash.
The whole story sounded good on paper, but its execution was poor especially past the first part of the game with Ichiban. Going between his lowkey undermined POV and another attempt (for the 124654th time) for a redemption story for Kiryu like almost all previous Yakuza games. Oh no! Am I dead?! Looks like I am. See you next game!
Many plot holes dragged the story to filth. Minor points/elements were expanded on meanwhile important ones were ignored.
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LIKED & DISLIKE: CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT It’s the game’s strength but also its weakness as this game greatly focuses on the character development of the protagonists. Like how in one minute, I was clapping for Kiryu’s newfound maturity and admitting his past faults (something he failed to do since the start of the Serie in my opinion) to the next 5 minutes I’m vomiting at full force because Mr. Repeat-the-same-mistakes Kazuma wants to (yep you guessed it...) go back to the Yakuza. He went as far as disrespecting Daigo, Majima & Saejima for it as if they were obligated to follow him in his shenanigans. He is so hell-bent on being the 1# Yakuza mammy AND CONTINUE TO PUT HIS ADOPTED DAUGHTER HARUKA TROUGH HELL. Thank you Akiyama for trying to punch some sense in him, i would have done the same.
I understand the theme of shame was prevalent with Kiryu but at this point hurry up and die to take the Yakuza out with you (his words not mine). We fell for the clickbait since Kiryu is still among us smh.
As for Ichiban, many points were missing especially a more organic/verbalized connection and relationship with his mom. As much I liked Chitose’s act of redemption at the end, the “lets-stop-everything-so-i-can-disclose-my-boohoo-backstory-so-yall-can-feel-bad-for-me” had me shaking my head into an earthquake (ok I’m lying cause I was snoring). On a positive note, this is why I like the character of Tomizawa since he often came into opposition to Ichiban’s opinion and morals giving unfiltered thoughts.
DISLIKED: DÉJÀ VU & REPETITION DÉJÀ VU! DÉJÀ VU! DÉJÀ VU! The story’s white shirt is so stained with déjà vu spaghetti sauce it's giving rubber bullets, and my undisclosed brother is a CIA agent (if you know you know). Family dysfunction leading to resentment, daddy issues, Maury Povich, Tojo Clan conflict of the day word salad, The Big Bad Chinese™, etc. I know these topics are broad, but many were seen before IN THE EXACT SAME WAY but with different characters along with scenes being replayed as well…
DISLIKED: OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR: KASUGA ICHIBAN! as we could see, they gave Ichiban the Shonen protagonist/Jesus treatment (he is video game Luffy with the outfit too and the ultimate powers of Baryon Mode level Talk no Jutsu). It was all foreshadowed by the blasphemous promotion pic they released. Ironically this same image told us about the presence of a traitor (also the choice of name; Ebina. Hebi = Snake in Japanese) but I digress. Not only the trope is overdone in general, but the issue is also that they are taking away from his realistically ���human” qualities and lowkey dehumanizing him into the untouchable unbreakable hero. I’m saying this because in Y7 the dream of being a hero was more him tapping into his inner child and resolving the lost time but now it's my hero = I’ve never met someone like you, Jesus. This same trope was an important point of Kiryu’s demise and (literally) suicidal tendencies. It’s like he’s too good for tears outside of being weaponized during talk no jutsu.
HATED: THE TOJO CLAN IS IN TROUBLE! No matter how much the disbandment of the Tojo and Omi was official we are still talking about the Yakuza conflict as if it’s not 2023-2024. I understand a big part of its presence it demonstrates how much people hold to past ways of life, but I am TIRED of the “Tojo this, Tojo that” like it never disbanded. This long sequence of rambling about hierarchy and the fight for power always sends me into a deep sleep. It always takes 2-3 business days to build everything back in place as if it never disbanded smh and it happens EVERY TIME. Ok, I’m being a hater. I’m sick of the Tojo Clan.
To be fair, it gets worse and worse as the game continues. the first half of the game is fair to display realistically the life of an ex-yakuza in a coherent way in the first part of the game. it may sound like i'm contradicting myself but everything akuza-related gets lost in the sauce further in the story. i just blinked and now it's all about a white saviour and Japanese nationalisim (mentionned by Daidoji family). TF?!
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DISLIKED: TEENAGE DREAM ROMANCE I’m not a fan of the romance between Saeko and Ichiban. It seems forced and something the authors came up with for a plot device. Saeko always served One Piece’s Nami when it pretended to her follow male party members (not romantically attracted regardless of proximity). Ichiban you are too old to be this clueless, but I thought this aspect was both at the same time cringe as hell and deeply hilarious.
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DISLIKED: FORGIVENESS I think I've said it before, but forgiveness was a big theme but why its always extended to people who need to be thrown in a dumpster and set on fire? This showed how much Ichiban wanted to successfully accomplish the redemption mission which failed with Masato. Which is cool I guess and measures up to Ichiban’s character. It would have been nice to see villains being villains (to the exception of Yamai, protect him at all cost) like Ebina could have openly rejected Kiryu’s teary kabedon, Eiji being left in the dumpster where he belongs or let him surrender himself on his own accord. I was praying for Dai-Jima-Jima to stand on business and reject Kiryu after being disrespected but mam I was wrong. Not saying people don’t deserve a second chance but it was overdone.
Also, the “naïve-and-my-friends-can-do-no wrong” theme with Ichiban was frustrating at times but paid off sometimes. i will lay off the hater train since characters like Sawashiro got what he deserved many times.
NOT A FAN: FANSERVICE & PLOTHOLES The entire presence of characters like Zhao and Joongi was for fanservice (let’s bring back these fan favorites!). they had no real reason to be there ESPECIALLY Zhao. What is he a cook? You are not part of or the leader of the Liumang anymore. Plot holes were filled with Joongi and “the BBC-Sherlock-Holmes-logic” If he could get so much info, why not include him earlier? I’m sorry to go there but the over-focus (and even further) Seonghui’s whole endeavor was to satisfy the male gaze. It’s a Yakuza game after all catered towards the straight male demographic, I’m not delusional. I'll tolerate it to some extent since they have beaten the character assassination allegations for her but WHY AM I SEEING HER BARE FEET?! Let’s be honest, Dai-Jima-Jima appeared for fanservice as well (like they already did in Y7 smh)
HATED: RACISM Chitose. I’m not gonna say more…
DISLIKED: THEY HAD TO INCLUDE THEM VTUBERS! The concept of Vtubers seemed out of place and unserious compared to the story. The protagonists are suffering under the weight of defamation… OOPS! Let’s cut to this Donald Duck Opioid voice having Vocaloid exposing the government. The most valid source of information around! NO FAKE NEWS HERE! Like What?!
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ADORED: THE HUMANIZATION OF KIRYU KAZUMA I love how the sensibility, and vulnerability of Kiryu were put to the forefront. Regardless of this game's bad attributes, seeing the man behind the Dragon of Dojima was heartwarming admit his prominent flaws was amazing. This game turned me into an avid Kiryu’s stan. I love his new design, dark colors, and grey hair fit him and his fat ass. Hence why it was painful to see Kazuki and Yuya being avoided by him when they recognized the man’s humanity and pained heart. I will not forgive Kiryu for that.
LIKED: ALL THE PURISTS, DEAD IN A DITCH! I’m rejoicing as this game is RGG/Yakuza games purists’ worst nightmare. The Reddit bros and the “lets-keep-RGG-Japanese” crowd are suffering. First when Ichiban was released for looking “foreign” but now that he is biracial confirmed, THEY CAN PACK IT UP! A game in the USA and moments with pseudo woke agenda (their words not mine). I am feasting on their tears. Again I’m not delusional, RGG will always stay true to their main target audience but I'm celebrating every loss they get, IDC.
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ADORED: FUNNY MOMENTS there were many funny moments. Going from unhinged Seonghui, Adachi & Nanba goofing around and Joongi revealing more of his personality. I had many good laughs. Of course, nothing tops all the overprotective toxic boy mom/dusty 40yo son interactions with Kiryu and Ichiban. i almost fell from my chair with the whole "policeman help! this scary tourist is trying to attack me as an america" and the infamous Bruddah!
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ADORED: KAZUKI & YUYA perfect style update. They look amazing and better than anybody else. They give TVXQ on 10000% and they got fangirls. I’m dead.
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ADORED: YAMAI if there is one thing RGG never fails to deliver on is their antagonists and vilains. i love his unhingedness, his class and how unpredictable he is. the drip is immaculate. aside from that, he has a interesting back story. his role fills up as both a father figure-like to Ichiban keeping him in check and an aloof ally. His taste in women is 124684/10 automatically making his a king.
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ADORED: YU NANBA & ETC i really need to take the time say it but the character of Nanba in this game is crucial. His unmatched personality is allowing to revealed others' character. his conpassion (along with Seonghui, Saeko & Zhao) almost form a better party since they act like real friend.
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GAMEPLAY: 5.5/10 The RPG-esque gameplay depends on the player's preference. Since I was watching my sister play, I could be biased and stopped after the completion of the main story but here’s the points I liked and disliked about it:
New Attacks. Many of them are super effective in defeating opponents fast.
Pound mates: they were super fun and helpful. While I wished for Yamai to have one as well. My favorite was the one for Kazuki & Yuya.
Kiryu’s Bucket & Memories.
Talk around the city & Bond Bingo.
Throwing Sawashiro in the river
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FINAL THOUGHTS & OVERALL NOTE. A Disappointment. i maybe forget certain things but this game missed the mark. In my opinion the negative out way the positive to the point of being bad. Especially when it comes to the story alone (the gameplay is great regardless of its flaws). I’m not going to repeat my previous point the game is not passing the vibe check. Now all the hype before its release makes sense, RGG made sure to drop spoilers to feed the thirst and so-called “mystery” of the game. The joke is on me since they already got my money and it's only now that we realize this game is not the best (not worth 130-ish$). It all felt like a Yakuza Gaiden extension while actively refusing to give Kiryu a close casket death.
Overall, 4.5/10. Do not recommend it. I honestly don’t knows if I will be there or care for any future RGG game release, it doesn’t look promising.
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life-set-to-random · 1 year
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Lord Hebi knocks Leonardo’s katana out of his hand and tries to eat him.
Usagi looks terrified when he realizes he can’t get to Leo in time to help him, but then young Lord Noriyuki steps up and repays the numerous times our Ninja has saved him on this little adventure.
Hebi is surrounded and the Shogun’s army has arrived. Mission accomplished!
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thecomicsnexus · 9 months
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2014 - 2015
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20 years in the future of Usagi Yojimbo, the Shogun is finally in the endgame against Lord Hikiji. But everything turns for the worse as a new enemy hits the battlefield.
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If someone told me that one of the best Usagi Yojimbo stories would be inspired by War of the Worlds, aliens included, I would probably think something was a little off. And something is a little off, but the results are so outstanding that I am just impressed.
The mini-series works as a possible ending for the legend of Usagi Yojimbo, it shows us the end of many characters and even a resolution to some of the long-lasting plots of the saga.
The first issue alone was super engaging, with the many battlefield sequences and the horror of the alien invasion.
One impressive detail about these issues is the way the covers were designed, with the hidden part of the wrap-around having a big reveal about that issue. It's just beautifully done.
Now, by the end of this story... well... you are going to need to jump to the spoiler section.
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As I was saying... the whole story has the Usagi lineage at its heart. It's already very clear from the first issue that the whole cast is trying to protect Jotaro from dying. And some of them do die, like Gen.
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It was also very satisfying to see the proper end of Lord Hikiji, not at the alien's hands (tentacles?), but at Lord's Hebi's.
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The reveal that Jotaro has known Miyamoto was his father for a while and didn't want him to know so that it wouldn't be a burden to him, was a very bittersweet moment. But this moment is what actually guarantees the existence of Space Usagi. And speaking of which...
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Now that was an impressive ending. Also fitting that for a character that was so unoriginally named, he decided to also name his son Jotaro.
But here is the key to the whole thing. This story was narrated by Space Usagi. In that regard, the sci-fi elements make a lot more sense. After all, no one really knows how Miyamoto really died.
This is a great ending for this story, as it doesn't really remove the stakes from the regular series.
Now, I am reviewing Senso because of Wherewhen, and that story took place just before Senso (in fact, it is the origin for the turtle tank). What I take from this is that at least the battle against Lord Hijiki really happened. In that way, Senso could still be an "elseworld."
Having said that, I still don't know how the turtles could end up in the same universe as Miyamoto by traveling back in time. I guess some questions are better left unanswered.
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
Hebi Anon
Oh yeah
While this isn't confirmed, many believe the "George was implanted with his father's demon" thing was a retcon to explain his behavior in the first half of the series after the rather quick change of "untrustworthy scientist" to "staunch ally to the Igarashi Family"
No this isn't the big retcon, that's coming later and I'm trying to find a Megaphone powerful enough for that announcement
Thanks again for keeping me informed 🙏
I’m super curious on that big retcon.
For the George situation—uh, I DO have my thoughts but I’ll wait a few episodes before posting them 🤪.
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