#Love & Anarchy
jennsterjay · 8 months
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Are we late to the party 😎🌻🎸✨?
Hobie invites Miles to Earth 138B: Old York to go party crashing with his bandmates. Miles creates his own band outfit and has a fun and wild night XD
One of Hobie's bandmates take a pic of them and before the night is over, Hobie and Miles sign it and Miles takes it back with him to his dimension :)
Close Ups
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-Miles' Jacket is a reference to the jacket he wears in the Sony animation test footage for Hobie Brown's style
-"Karl was here" is a reference to Karl Morningdew aka Captain Anarchy from Hobie's world in the comics
-The purple amp in the background is an Acoustic 134 combo amplifier from the 70's
-The art on Hobie's pants are a reference to his action figure design. Also peep the Puerto Rican flag, and the Sunflower on Miles' art
-The Orange, Snail ,and Fish pins on Hobie's jacket are a reference to my three friends Fen, Rain, and Fishy (shout out to them XD)
-Cutout/Reference images are from Unsplash.com/Google. The brick texture is from a pic I took outside lol.
-Time taken: 2 months on and off (jobs amirite XD)
-There are a few more references sprinkled in, and for one of my favorite Hobie pins, Trans Rights ;)
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And here's the finished pic again :)
Man I love this ship lmao
Thank you for reading/liking and Happy Punkflowering XD <3
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Percy Jackson headcanons megamasterpost
Monoracial black but mixed etchnicity since Poseidon is black-greek and Sally is an afro-dominican third gen inmigrant.Darkskin,big nose that adorns his face,thick lips and 4c type hair.His iconic sea green eyes remain unchanged because black people with green eyes >>>>>>
6'4 by his 20s thanks to demigod genes and a realistic tank-As in,dosen't have rippling muscles because ew but instead a healthy mix of fat and muscle that gives him a thick build.Stops shaving the lower half of his face too but not his upper lip because he thinks mustaches are ugly
Lots of hairstyle changes through the saga.Baby dreads in TLT,wicks by TTC,twists by TLO,afro for most of SON due to not remembering anything so he dosen't know his old styles but decides on dreads near the end and keeps them until he's 19 when he's let his hair grow out so much he's decided on past the shoulder locs instead.Starts wearing beads by MOA and they're usually blue or used because they remind him of his loved ones
His gray streak naturally faded to white instead of completely and he hates the Jason Todd jokes because he's his least favorite Robin(His favorites are of course Dick Grayson,Duke Thomas,Stephanie Brown and Maps Mizoguchi)
Transfem bigender and femme-leaning.Was on estrogen but light dosages and for a short amount of time compared to full transitions and gets no surgeries
Crustpunk with some kidcore and a bit of seapunk going on(Purely a Sally influence).She has a tongue ring,an eyebrow piercing and forward helix on both ears,wears makeup in y2k black woman and punk styles,her battle jacket is dark sea blue with silverish blue spikes on the shoulders and pockets and frills around the collar and the patches are the dominican and trans flags,the anarchy and autism symbols and ones that represent his most important people:A black mermaid for Sally,a skull for Nico,a yellow diamond for Hazel,a stallion for Tyson,a gupie for Estelle and you can choose one for whoever you most ship him with too,she values comfort and nonconformity over looking hot but does like glam and she looks scary as shit to normies but like a super ultra cool potential friend to weirdkids and other trans people
These presentation things were either all bought from thrift stores,homemade/done or given to her by Rachel with her dad's money as reperations
Retractable shark teeth after being given Poseidon's blessing in BOO
Her canon rbf inhereted from Poseidon and cocky troublemaker smirk but also has what her friends call her 'angelshark smile' that's one of the most beautiful and genuine one's ever and extra rare to see because she rarely does it
A significant amount of scars for realism and rep but nothing too bad
Blue and black-coded but with pink elements
Their durags and bonnets are all blue
From Pjo to Tales of Dead Seas(My fansequel that happens instead of Toa),she goes from severely insecure in her looks to knowing she's god-level hot but not caring unless it's for jokes or getting complimented by those closest to her
Same sense of humor,poor social skills,anger issues and merciless tendencies as canon and will always be that way but her emotional regulation has gotten so much better
Sally being the mom of all time made her turn into a Team Mom and Poseidon's neglect made him decide to be a better father than he could ever be so he's a Team Dad too and these are canon like above but they're amped up to explicitly parental habits like platonic kisses for his pseudo-kids and cooking for them and getting into their interests with them even if they're out of his age range
And one last canon adjusted thing is that he still hates the gods but it's kicked up several notches by him actually managing to kill Zeus like he did Luke in TLO because she was who the Great Prophecy was about and thus making the remaining ones so scared of her they can't stop her and the other demigods and non-god greco-roman beings with a few token deity allies from revolutionizing the system in Tods.They're titled 'The Hero and Destroyer of Olympus' because thanks to him their world is finally good
Autistic(actually canon regardless of Rick's intentions)but went largely undiagnosed despite very obviously having every single symptom because he dosen't fall under any stereotypes
Stans Riot Grrrl,Mcr,All Time Low,Rihanna,Lo-Fi Beats,The Front Bottoms,She/Her/Hers and Megan Thee Stallion
Exclusively buys his video games and legos secondhand due to being anti-capitalism,knows how to DIY so many things it's a running gag,goes to protests does charity work and graffitis with Rachel,is a straightedge and thinks Taylor Swift and Hot Topic are so sucks forever
Total cat lover and even has meowing as a vocal stim,perfers to eat with his hands,does paw hands like he does raptor,has a few cat based items and Hazel and Nico made him cat themed communication cards as a thank you for all he's done for them.And his favorite aquatic life is sharks so Sally calls him 'Tiburónsito'
Likes her everything as weird as possible-Her drips,her affection,her media,her food,her GENDER-She's a weirdo and proud
Socialist king
Her specific favorite foods are pancakes,flan,burgers,latino style cupcakes,hot chocolate and Bang energies and she's an extremely good chef even if she's not on Sally's level,her special interests are blue,kidcore,cats,horses(Mlp >>>>>>),video games and anarchy,glitter and water are big visual stims,her comfort items are Riptide,her CHB necklace and her battle jacket,her hyposensitivity is high even for a demigod and his meltdowns were angry while his shutdowns were dangerous for him but love and healthy coping mechanisms saved the day so his emotional regulation improvement covers this
I just realized i forgot the pins on his jacket😭He has tons but the most important ones are the 'i listen to punk with my mom','i killed god and all i got was this stupid button','i ❤️ NY' pizza box,pastel blue and white cats cuddling,pink game heart and the Riptide one his s/o diy'd him
Is a skater but not nearly as into it as the fandom thinks he is and he dosen't identify with ska at all.His board is black with white outlines and blue cat designs at the bottom
Final Girl Fanatic and indie horror enthusiast but not much else in that genre
A bit unrelated but he radicalized Nico and Hazel as is his eldest sibling duty and they're now goth punk and pastel goth punk and think he's the coolest ever
Aroaceflux bi with trauma out the ass so he's a first love,only love kinda guy and it's canon he's not actively interest in dating and ignores advances he dosen't want because they're always from girls and he dosen't wanna accidentally be a misogynist
Strictly autistic4autistic,punk4punk amd poc4poc with a preference for black women(regardless of heritage)
His type is pastel punks
Gotta be able to match his sense of humor and drives or else he just straight up won't be attracted
Not an 'I'm mean to you because i like you' kinda guygirl,he likes it cheesy and sappy and same goes for how he's treated
Subtly romantic diy gifts,uses calling someone hardcore and odd as flirting,if he cooks blue foods for someone he wants to confess to them but is too shy to and is especially protective on the battle yet somehow also as encouraging for the other to go all out because he thinks they can take on literally anyone solo
Will offer to punk up their hair and give them piercings at least once
Learns to make mixtapes just so he can give his first crush one once the epiphany hits
It definitely takes a few years because he's got so much shit going on in every way for it to come to him but his s/o never forces their feelings on her or else they'd become one-sided for them
Best friends since the Lightning Thief and one of the eight demigods of the Second Great Prophecy is the best route for him imo
Chaos couple and his partner evolves into his co-Team Parent for Hazel and Nico wether they like or realize it or not,including having a hand in their radicalization
Godly parents and abusive mortal parents hate him!This halfblood gave their kids standards for how they're treated
Arcade,skate park,punk,sea themed and other's godly parent based dates
She definitely went to teen girl magazines for advice
Dosen't go overboard with the son of the sea god stuff and gets uncomfortable and angry if anybody else does
Battle jacket drapped over them priviliges,sometimes given for no particular reason other than he's down bad
His s/o diy's them matching figurines of whichever fictional couple they're most like and she has the cocky flirty guy thing going on but only once the relathionship actually starts
His idea of a perfect relathionship by himself is someone who he choose to date instead of feeling pressured by expectations and being able to take the lead so he can actually be in control of his life(with their consent)for once
His nickname is 'Blue' and he uses 'babe','honey','sweets','mi mar','tesoro','babygirl' nonsexually and depending on gender and 'dude' romantically without a hint of irony regardless of it
Sally loves them so much and they love her too and hate Poseidon so much
Their daughter's named after Sally but she goes by Sal because she's a tomboy and also very sweet and soft and inherents almost all of Percy's looks but their other parents eyes.Complete daddy's girl but dosen't actually play favorites
Alright this one is short and so's the last part cause that one's just what i couldn't fit into the other categories
The strongest demigod fullstop,only Hazel can compare,but neither have an ego about it
His eyes go biolumenecent when he's especially brutal
He learns how to overcome his fear of his bloodbending thanks to Amphitrite's training but saves it for a last resort
In the third Tods book,Riptide gains counciousness due to how all that he's done with it and she's certainly Percy's companion by how she acts.She grows new gear and those are the greek word for 'ultimate' and a thicker and longer blade and manipulation of liquid to a small extent herself and her hilt tints itself an oceanic blue
Dosen't bother with storms because Zeus was so annoying about them he dosen't wanna create them himself
Can soothe aching wounds with water but not really heal them
No siren abilities and he's grateful for that since they creep him out
Sea creature speech includes krakens
As it turns out,the more he loves the sea,the stronger he gets and this is why he keeps his seapunk side in moderation
Eventually,as far forward as him being married,he can create water out of thin air and he fucks around with it more than serious training
Being a demigod gets way harder to hide in Tods and it's both funny and angsty
By some miracle,none of this ever goes to his head and he's as humble as ever can be
His full name is Perseo Isadore Jackson
Runs a vlog channel about legos and their sets,both fandom based and not,with bonus shitposts,recipe videos and info on punk culture
Owns a pair of black and colbat blue demonias Beckendorf gave him that're a little tight on him now but she still wears them to remember him by
Them,Sally,Nico and Hazel open up a family bussiness-A beach shack called just 'Jackson Familia Beach Shack' because 3/4 of them are autistic
In addition to he/she/they,she also has a hoard of neopronouns:Xe/blue/cookie/lego/meow/scale/dude/crayon
Superhero multiverse number is Earth 27 and in Marvel,he's a Spiderpunk variant who's 5 years older than Hobie and hosted Venom and in DC,he's a human-kryptonian hybrid who's got a parent-child relathionship with Clark and a second mom figure in addition to Lois in Sally and his Bats,Wonder,Flashes,Arrow and Aqua are Stephanie,Duke,Jason too depending on the verse,Yara,the Thawne cousins and Meloni,Emiko and Jacqui
His Pokemon variant is a multitype gym leader but his childhood partner and ace is an unevolved Piplup named Cookie and he runs his system in a way that makes it so he's always helping out kids
And if he were an animal,he'd be a catshark
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randomnameless · 7 months
IS and KT managing to make Edelgard the biggest Mary Sue in a verse where Byleth exists is still morbidly impressive to me lol
I wouldn't say Supreme Leader is a Mary Sue - depending on what you mean by being a Mary Sue, anon.
If you're talking about the 2000s usual critic thrown at fanfiction characters... well, you have Supreme Leader's depiction in the Aeneid that could fit this trope!
But in general...
Yep, that's what makes the Fodlan series so... weird ? Empty? As consistent as a cloud?
FE16 wise, characters (bar a few ones who are generally loved !) can piss on their background/convictions/ties/preexisting character to join Billy's side because Billy is awesome. No matter how hard people try to headcanon about it, Felix will join the GD and later Claude's army in VW because Billy had a kickass rank in swordfighting : Felix will ditch his childhood friends and leave his people to fend for themselves because Billy knows how to swordfight.
Remove Billy's player avatar powers, and suddenly, some characters cannot switch sides - in return they gain a much stronger characterisation and development (the BL peeps in Nopes!).
What makes the Fodlan verse so unique isn't Billy being at the forefront of player pandering, no, Fodlan verse will hammer instead the "waifu pandering". Sure, waifu is supposed to be your avatar's luf interest and the character you will spend thousands of dollars/euros/pick your currency for - but instead of pushing player pandering to 11, Fodlan verse instead pushes waifu pandering.
Supreme Leader cannot ever be challenged, whatever she does, people will praise her later on - or if we really have to fight her, it will not be willingly but the cast will be forced by circumstances (don't ask who created them!) and lament how they couldn't "walk with her uwu".
It culminates, imo, with SS S Support Rhea wondering if the War was her fault, and no one putting the blame on the character who declared said war on premises we learn, through the game, to be wrong. It's as if Rhea wonders if being tortured for 5 years I mean, having to dance Zumba for 5 years in Enbarr's dungeons, thousands of dead people, the monastery and its people being destroyed, Faerghus falling to anarchy, Adrestian made Demonic Beasts and Supreme Leader's beliefs that nonhumans should never have powers over humans because their ears aren't round is, well, her fault.
"See, Supreme Leader did nothing wrong, Rhea herself says she was responsible for her own torture zumba session!"
And FE16 being FE16... There is no "of course not".
To preserve Supreme Leader's selling points, those games amp up to unseen before in this franchise levels of victim blaming that seriously - regardless of real life world events - made a lot of people, myself included, uncomfortable.
So while I wouldn't say Supreme Leader is a 2000s Mary Sue, the writing around her feels somehow more gratting than what a fanfiction writer could have wrote in the 2000s for fun.
I mean, people were paid to write "if people don't want to die maybe they should just let me roll over them"!
That's way worse.
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gatekeeper-watchman · 9 months
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Daily Devotionals for September 13, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 24:21-22 (KJV): 21 My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change: 22 For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both? Proverbs 24:21-22 (AMP): 21 My son, reverently fear the Lord and the king, and do not associate with those who are given to change (of allegiance, and are revolutionary); 22 For their calamity shall rise suddenly, and who knows the punishment and ruin which both (the Lord and the king) will bring upon the rebellious?
Thought for the Day
Verse 21 - This verse makes it clear that we are to give reverential fear to God. God is the one who sets the authority structures on the earth; therefore, we should honor those positions. He set government authority over cities and countries, ministry order over the church, and parental order over families. It was God who created the home and put the husband as head of it. He put the offices of the five-fold ministry over the church with the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers as the leaders. He also wanted Old Testament Israel, as the first nation led by God, to be an example of His leadership over a group of people. God's plan in the earth is one of order, and therefore He expects us to honor the offices and positions of earthly leaders who rule in authoritative roles. Anarchy and rebellion are acts that are motivated by the devil. (There is a Biblical and proper way to deal with those in authority who abuse their positions; however, it is not revolt and anger that has a mob mentality behind it.) "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil" (Romans 13:1-4).
God set the five-fold ministry of the offices of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers over the church for leadership. "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-12). It was God who established the family unit and set the husband as the head of it. "Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, let the wives be to their husbands in everything. Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it" (Ephesians 5:22-25).
Verse 22 - Today's verses also entreat us to avoid rebellious and double-minded people who are unstable and keep changing their loyalties, taking first one side and then another of an issue. These are unstable in all of their ways (James 1:5-8). Those who are given to changing loyalties will suddenly come to ruin. Punishment could come as a judgment for breaking God's laws, or it could come as a penalty from a ruler for breaking the law of the land, or it might be both.
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, I am grateful that You are a God of order, and I ask You to help me to always obey Your laws and the laws in our land that are for our good. I ask You to remove any rebellion from my heart and give me a submissive spirit. Lord, may I always honor and respect those whom You have placed over me. I also pray that we will be given good men and women to rule over us in all government offices of the land. Lord, may they take advice from godly counsel and heed the Words of the Bible so that we all may lead quiet and peaceable lives. I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Lord. Amen.
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thasthar · 1 year
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“We don't have the power of the state. We don't have the authority on our side, the cops, or the media. What we have are angry hearts. Clenched fists. Love and rage... and 15,000 watts of punkrock, from an army of amps set to 11.”
Foul-mouthed teenager Hobie Brown became a Spider-Totem after being bitten by a spider irradiated by illegal waste dumping. He proclaimed himself a Spider-Man and began to fight for freedom alongside his new friends Captain Anarchy (Karl Morningdew) and Hulk (Robbie Banner).[7]
Leader of the Spider Army hat fought against President Osborn's regime, Hobart Brown utilized his free spirit as a "radioactive suicide machine" to rally support from the lowest classes that the regime was aiming to stamp out in the name of America's "strength".
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lovecatsys · 1 year
Quentin for the ask game?
one aspect about them i love
he knows, deep down, how to do the right thing and how to be a good person. but his motivation to actually do that depends on whether or not he is being treated with basic respect. He has a troubled history, but a lot of people don't really see past his drug induced anarchy phase, or the future Phoenix thing, and understand that he is really hurting on the inside. Teachers dont trust him, they have this ingrained view of him as a pest, of a hopeless case who's bound to go evil. But they don't realize that if they really tried to understand him, really made an effort to treat him like all their other students, he would clean up his act, and see that he can be loved. This is especially and obviously evident in Generation X, when Benji becomes his friend, and Jubilee makes an effort to understand him, he gets inspired to be a hero for once, and saves Jubilee's life by restoring her powers and making her human (as in, not a vampire) again.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
Honestly just everything I explained above. But also I wish people understood that he's just a traumatized kid. Really, that's all it boils down to. He acts out because he doesn't feel loved.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
He is trans. This kid is so trans its like unbelievable.
I also kind of go back and forth between headcanoning him as bi, or as gay.
one character i love seeing them interact with
Benji, his friendship with Benji is like so fucking important to me. Literally Benji just had this belief in him that Quentin was good, deep down, and Quentin saw this, and it really inspired him to try and do better. I wish this would come back but obviously that would require Marvel to remember that Benji exists lmao. And it probably wouldn't happen in the shitty X-Force book going right now.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
I lowkey ship him and Brian Cruz/Tag, mostly because of House of M, where Brian and Quentin in his original form (brown hair, shy nerd, no breakdown having happened) were best friends and highkey gay for each other (which I'm not surprised about seeing as Weir and DeFillippis seem to see Brian as gay) and also because the prospect of Brian falling for Quentin who is like, very similar Julian, who Weir and DeFillippis were thinking of having Brian have feelings for, so like the prospect of Brian ending up with Quentin instead of Julian is pretty funny to me. If I was going to canonize Quentin's queerness, I would put him with Brian personally. (obviously i would develop their relationship over the story, seeing as they have no canon relationship at all so far, and it would have to be far enough in the future where Brian isn't still a teenager)
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Okay this technically involves two characters, but I think that Zach/Amp from Iceman should like. look up to both Quentin and Julian, since they're so similar and they're both just old enough to be mentors to him, but they constantly fight over him. Julian wants Zach on his silly little squad of kids that he's looking after (including Curse, Brutha Nature, Maxim and Manon, they're like the rivals to the Lost Club) and Quentin is just NOT having it so he tries to steer Zach away from Julian, and its just a whole thing. (Zach has a lil bit of a crush on both of them too but obviously he's too young to pursue something with them). Quentin and Julian having a rivalry is so important to me because I love them both and they have so much in common but they're both divas and can't handle the other's energy. Zach meanwhile is becoming Little Mean Guy #3 and they both want a chance to be his mentor.
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the-goth-catte · 8 months
†† BLACK MASS @ PANDEMONIO || 0 7 . 0 2 . 2 3 ††
Apoptygma Berzerk - Ok, Amp. Let me out. Aesthetic Perfection - Rhythm + Control (Electro Version) NamNamBulu - Now or Never Ashbury Heights - SmAlLeR Combichrist - This Shit Will Fcuk You Up Steinkind - Disco-Anarchie Faderhead - When The Freaks Come Out Wumpscut - You Are A Goth Bigod 20 - Like A Prayer Actors - Post Traumatic Love Linea Aspera - Attica Boy Harsher - Electric All Your Sisters - Tension TR/ST - Shroom Spider Lillies - The Error Is You Gossamer - Run (Wayne Hussey Mix) Ulver - Machine Guns and Peacock Feathers Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again Siouxsie and the Banshees - Peek-A-Boo Velvet Acid Christ - Caustic Disco Alien Sex Fiend - Ignore the Machine Crocodile Shop - Order + Joy Apoptygma Berzerk - Unicorn Pixel Grip - Club Mania Frontline Assembly - Mindphaser Front 242 - Headhunter V3 MCL - New York Front 242 - Welcome to Paradise Buzz Kull - Into the Void Orgy - Stitches Health - Excess Public Memory - Heir Nine Inch Nails - Terrible Lie Pixel Grip - Dancing on Your Grave Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds Pastel Ghost - Dark Beach Twin Tribes - Zodiac X-Axis - Occidental She Past Away - Dudu Dünya Diva Destruction - Enslaved La Scaltra - The Spell Actors - Face Meets Glass Fever Ray - Even It Out Hante. - Lies//Light Trevor Something - Enjoy the Silence Rein - Dystopia TR/ST - Bicep Cabaret Voltaire - Do Right KMFDM - Godlike (12” Mix) HEALTH - Cyberpunk Night Club - Show It To Me William Control - Mother Superior Project Pitchfork - Timekiller Suicide Commando - Hellraiser (Psychopath 01 Version) Velvet Acid Christ - Fun With Drugs Apoptygma Berzerk - Until the End of the World (Dark Club Mix) VNV Nation - Honour 2003 SITD - Firmament Revolting Cocks - Attack Ships on Fire Santa Hates You - Scum Apoptygma Berzerk - Kathy’s Song (Ferry Corsten Remix) Skinny Puppy - Assimilate Noisuf-X - Orgasm Ministry - Effigy (I’m Not An) Front 242 - No Shuffle Nine Inch Nails - Sin KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel Bigod 20 - The Bog Wumpscut - Soylent Grun Rotersand - Exterminate Annihilate Destroy (Reclubbed) The Cruxshadows - Helios (Solar Night Mix) Boy Harsher - Yr Body Is Nothing Diva Destruction - Heathcliff She Past Away - Ritüel Twin Tribes - Dark Crystal Combichrist - Happy Fcuking Birthday Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia, My Reflection The Mission - Deliverance Siouxsie and the Banshees - Spellbound Bauhaus - In The Flat Field Christian Death vs Creux Lies - Spiritual Cramp The Cure - Fascination Street
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clockwork-reveries · 8 months
Inspiration behind and creation of NTC:E characters
As I've said somewhere, Neoteric: Eminence started out as a Megaman Fanfic. It was called Anarchy, pretty much.
Amp: Originally was called Janz in the first iteration. Had shallow character development and too kind for the stakes of the fanfiction. Had a design very similar to the main character of Anarchy - who is no longer present. Current iteration takes very small inspiration from Makima (CSM). Jeremy Bellmont was not a preivous concept.
Crescendo: Has been present since the start as a slight antagonist, and was always a gunslinger, but upgraded from just dual-wielding. Initiailly. his motive was that he wanted to survive and that each action he did was involuntary. Was also a lot more deranged and was modified to stand out more. Current iteration draws some inspiration from League of Legend's Jinx. Damian Castro has underwent some changes, his name, age, origin, and more have been workshopped. Crescendo also took on his last name. :P
LOCK: Wasn't even supposed to be in Anarchy at all, but I felt like that a Discord roleplaying character could be put to more use. Could be more freely explored in a world far different than the one he was put in. He's been given a more neutralish personality than cruel, cold, facts. Draws minor inspiration from Rei Ayanami from NGE.
RK: RK was initially the main antagonist's right hand woman. She went under the name of "Kita". Her initial backstory was that she was brainwashed, or something. I deleted all my old documents for some reason. Her design was sort of given to current Static, and her new one is somewhat inspired by the scene aesthetic. It fits her new personality.
Static: Was also present during Anarachy. Had a screen for a face, oddly enough. Has not faced major changes except for design - he had some parts of RK's old design transferred to his. Most notably, I completely ruined his personality. He was made from a funny meme-loving dude to a sarcastic, spiteful, and moody person. I think it does good to keep characters from being generic and hey, he stands out.
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gatekeeperwatchman · 2 years
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Daily Devotionals for November 29, 2022
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture: Proverbs 29:8-9 (KJV): 8 Scornful men bring a city into a snare: but wise men turn away wrath. 9 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.
Proverbs 29:8-9 (AMP): 8 Scoffers set a city afire (inflaming the minds of the people), but wise men turn away wrath. 9 If a wise man argues with a foolish man, the fool only rages or laughs, and there is no rest.   Thought for the Day
Verse 8 - A scornful person can incite people to take up a grievance will incite more people to take up the grievance and so on. This anger can even lead to the extreme of unruly mobs and anarchy. Scorners also incite contention in churches. One person takes offense at something and complains about it to other people, who then take up the offense and spread it to others. Instead of going to the pastor and praying about the problem, they fall into a snare of Satan and begin stirring up strife. People of wisdom should seek God as to how to neutralize a scorner's inflammatory words. Praying the scripture in faith over these kinds of situations can change and subdue angry crowds through God's power: "…Which stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people" (Psalm 65:7).
One of the first things we need to know about God is that He is the source of all good things. He loves us. The Scripture says He loved us so much He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. We should not believe in praising God for tragedies, for sickness, for bad things; yet we should believe in praising Him amid these circumstances. The bad things did not come from God and we don't want to blame the Lord for something the devil sent. Our God is not the author of sickness, sin, tragedies, sorrow, and heartache. The devil is the one who sends these things and then tries to get us to blame them on the Lord. God is on our side, and when we begin blaming God and murmuring against Him, we have fallen into the devil's trap. We invite the "destroyer" into our lives when we yield to the devil's temptation to accuse God of our troubles. This was the source of Job's problems until he saw the light and repented for uttering things he did not understand. Once Job repented of his self-righteousness and pride, then the Lord blessed and restored all things to him (Job 42:1-6).
Verse 9 - Because a foolish man's spiritual eyes are blinded, he cannot see the truth nor understand the viewpoint of those who walk in God's wisdom. When a godly man tries to explain the truth to a fool, he cannot be made to see reason, and the foolish man either rants or mocks. It is as 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says: "But if our gospel is hidden, it is hidden to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which belief not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
Prayer for the Day Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for giving us Your wisdom. Lord, may I never blame You when the enemy is attacking me with something evil. Lord, please deliver me from any trace of murmuring and complaining when I am faced with trials in this life. May I instead put on the armor of God and use my faith to put the enemy to flight. May I always trust You to bring me victory over everything the enemy tries to defeat me with? I declare that he is a defeated foe and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgment, You shall prove to be wrong. I thank You for the victory in Jesus.
From: Steven P. Miller CEO/ Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups, At @GatekeeperWatchman1 , @ParkermillerQ, @steven_p_miller; https://www.facebook.com/ https://www.instagram.com/ https://www.tumblr.com/ Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA.;
GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #GatekeeperWatchman1, #Shebuel, #Melkizadeck, #Brainstormer, #Ephraim1, #IAM
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Love & Anarchy: Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix
Love & Anarchy: Season 2 | Official Trailer | Netflix
When life gets messy, find the strength to go your own way! Love & Anarchy S2 comes out June 16. SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/29qBUt7 About Netflix: Netflix is the world’s leading streaming entertainment service with 222 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries, feature films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as…
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cinemty · 4 years
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مسلسل Love & Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 مشاهدة وتحميل المسلسل الاجنبي الحب والفوضى Liebe und Anarchie S01E08 2020 الحلقة 8 الثامنة الموسم الاول مترجمة
#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 egydead#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 اتفرج#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 الدار داركم#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 السينما للجميع#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 ايجي بست#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 ايجي ديد#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 توكتوك سينما#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 دالى موشن#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 سيما فور اب#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 سينما ليك#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 شاهد فور يو#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 شوف#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 عرب سيد#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 عرب سينما#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 عرب ليونز#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 فيس بوك#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 ماي ايجي#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 ماي سيما#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 مزيكا توداي#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 موفز لاند#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 موقع اكوام#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 موقع الحل#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 موقع بانت#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 موقع فشار#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 موقع قصه عشق#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 موقع لودى نت#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 نت فلكس#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 هلال تيوب#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 واتش ات#مسلسل Love &amp; Anarchy الموسم الاول الحلقة 8 يوتيوب
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twistnet · 3 years
in these few words [ happy lowman ]
⋯ SUMMARY ; happy has always seemed to keep you on your toes. in actions, and in his few words // @scribbuluswrites​
⋯ PROMPT ; scenario eight — saying “i love you” completely randomly
⋯ WARNINGS ; gn!reader, general fluff [ love confessions, saying ‘i love you’, kisses ] + mature language 
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happy had always been a man of few words. always one to speak through his actions, sometimes volumes louder than his actual voice. and only those close to him were able to read him like a book and understand what he was thinking every time.
that’s just how he was, and it hasn’t changed one bit since starting a romantic relationship with you. however you had become an expert in the field of happy -- those being tig’s words, not your own. as you had spent enough time around him to just be able to look at him once and know how he was feeling. sometimes that had prided and scared happy simultaneously.
yes, you knew how he was feeling, but you also knew when he was lying. which made things harder as he always seemed to amp up the puppy-dog eyes when you would call out his bullshit.
however, you could never complain about how this led to him showing affection. as you thoroughly enjoyed the soft touches and the fleeting kisses he would leave behind as he past behind you or when you would cuddle up next to him in bed. your favorite being when he would hold his hand out for you, softly caressing the skin on the back of your hand as the two of your ate breakfast in the morning. it was his way of saying ‘i love you’.
happy had woken up later than usual, his arm sliding across the sheets in search of your form. as once he made contact with you, you always snuggled right up next to him and slowly woke up with him. however, your side was empty and cool to the touch. meaning you had gotten up some time ago.
grumbling, he slid out from out the blankets and pulled on his jeans from the previous day. noticing too that opie was not in the dog bed you had gotten him -- it was one of those expensive memory form cooling beds that you had practically begged happy to let you buy for the beast.
he strode out towards the kitchen, picking up on your sweet talking most likely directed at opie. sure enough, the hulking dog was seated in front of you as you gently fed him the table scraps from the meal you were preparing on the counter.
happy glanced around the space, noticing that his kutte and boots had been set out. opie had been fed and been taken on his walk for the morning. and you were wrapping up the last of the items you made into bag. it had clicked not long after, you were getting his things ready for his run today.
“i love you.” the deep voice had scared you, causing you to scream and jump, sending the bread knife clattering to the tile floor. opie had picked up on barking, greeting happy as he wagged over to him. 
you recovered, chuckling as you pressed a hand over your heart as you plucked the knife from the floor and dropping it in the sink. “you scared me, hap! i... wait. did you say you loved me?”
a look of realization across both of your faces, before happy broke eye contact with you. dropping his gaze to the floor, a flush washing over his features. he quickly occupied his hands with rubbing ope’s ears.
“i love you too.” you caught his smile as he looked up at you, crossing the floor quickly to wrap you up in a hug and press a series of kisses to your lips. opie barked from behind the two of you, and you chuckled against his lips. pushing him gently back towards the bedroom, “you’ve got a run today. go get dressed before chibs is up your ass about being late.”
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gatekeeper-watchman · 7 months
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Daily Devotionals for November 29, 2023 
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 29:8-9 (KJV): 8 Scornful men bring a city into a snare: but wise men turn away wrath. 9 If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest. Proverbs 29:8-9 (AMP): 8 Scoffers set a city afire (inflaming the minds of the people), but wise men turn away wrath. 9 If a wise man argues with a foolish man, the fool only rages or laughs, and there is no rest.
Thought for the Day
Verse 8 - A scornful person can incite people to take up a grievance will incite more people to take up the grievance and so on. This anger can even lead to the extreme of unruly mobs and anarchy. Scorners also incite contention in churches. One person takes offense at something and complains about it to other people, who then take up the offense and spread it to others. Instead of going to the pastor and praying about the problem, they fall into a snare of Satan and begin stirring up strife. People of wisdom should seek God as to how to neutralize a scorner's inflammatory words. Praying the scripture in faith over these kinds of situations can change and subdue angry crowds through God's power: "… Which stilleth the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves, and the tumult of the people" (Psalm 65:7).
One of the first things we need to know about God is that He is the source of all good things. He loves us. The Scripture says He loved us so much He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. We should not believe in praising God for tragedies, for sickness, for bad things; yet we should believe in praising Him amid these circumstances. The bad things did not come from God, and we don't want to blame the Lord for something the devil sent. Our God is not the author of sickness, sin, tragedies, sorrow, and heartache. The devil is the one who sends these things and then tries to get us to blame them on the Lord. God is on our side, and when we begin blaming God and murmuring against Him, we have fallen into the devil's trap. We invite the “destroyer” into our lives when we yield to the devil's temptation to accuse God of our troubles. This was the source of Job's problems until he saw the light and repented for uttering things he did not understand. Once Job repented of his self-righteousness and pride, then the Lord blessed and restored all things to him (Job 42:1-6).
Verse 9 - Because a foolish man's spiritual eyes are blinded, he cannot see the truth nor understand the viewpoint of those who walk in God's wisdom. When a godly man tries to explain the truth to a fool, he cannot be made to see reason, and the foolish man either rants or mocks. It is as 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says: “But if our gospel is hidden, it is hidden to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
Prayer Devotional for the Day Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for giving us Your wisdom. Lord, may I never blame You when the enemy is attacking me with something evil. Lord, please deliver me from any trace of murmuring and complaining when I am faced with trials in this life. May I instead put on the armor of God and use my faith to put the enemy to flight. May I always trust You to bring me victory over everything the enemy tries to defeat me with? I declare that he is a defeated foe and that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgment, you shall prove to be wrong. I thank You for the victory in Jesus' name! Amen. From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ,  gatekeeperwatchman.org Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups, Wednesday, November 29, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., USA.  X ... @ParkermillerQ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA
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truefeygaming · 2 years
Its a me...
I’m Amelia Fey (@TrueFeyQueen888) over on Twitter and I am here now.
I am transgender, pansexual, neurodivergent, liberal, nerdy, and chill.
I am obsessed with all things Fey/Fae/Fairy.
I love TTRPGs and I have made content for 5e both on DMsGuild but also on my blog (truefeygaming.wordpress.com). I also have original TTRPG content available on truefeyqueen888.itch.io
I love anime, comic books, and manga. My favorite anime include My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Sk8 the Infinity, Blue Exorcist, Death Note, Seven Deadly Sins, and Pokemon. My favorite comics/graphic novels are Klaus, Loki: The God Who Fell to Earth, The Prince and the Dressmaker, Batman Court of Owls, DIE, Angel Catbird, and Rock Candy Mountain. My favorite Manga is Saint Young Men.
I love Superheroes, my favorites being Spider-Man, Squirrel Girl, Venom, Wolverine, Cypher, Elixir, and Scarlet Witch for Marvel and Red Hood (and the rest of the Bat Family) Green Arrow, Poison Ivy, Beast Boy, Wonder Woman, Danny the Street, John Constantine, Swamp Thing and Raven for DC.
I love Cryptids with Mothman being my favorite (Mothman is my secret lover on the down low) followed by Sasquatch.
I really do love TTRPGs. D&D, Pathfinder, Cypher System, Savage Worlds, AMP: Year One, Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok, World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness, FFG Star Wars, Mouse Guard, TAGS RPG, Caltrop Core, and Starfinder being some of my favorites.
I hate TERFS and fascists, and stand for equality, acceptance, and kindness (with a dash of good-natured anarchy).
This is gonna be equal parts TTRPG, Pokemon, Supers/Comics, Anime, LGBTQ+ Content and Dumbshit.
And that is me. Hi!
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avatarvyakara · 2 years
Strands of Webbing
A Spiderverse Fanfic
Prompts 337-348
“The Hunt is On”
First | Previous | Next
337. Valhalla
For one of the loudest Spiders, Hobie Brown actually spends most of his time in the quiet. New York—recently renamed Capital 11—is busy, yes, but it's also…silent. The bustle of the upper layers, the rumbling in the lower levels—on the Undertable, where he spends his time, everything is muted. People are grey and solemn, trudging around, told every day that it's getting better and that the police keep people fine and the great American motto of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness is finally coming back to the fore as they get closer to ending the Last War…and it never does get better, does it? It doesn't matter what great schemes there are to repopulate the grasslands with genetically-mutated radioactive buffalo or how the new Ethnic Enclave system allows for prosperity and the Final Destruction of the Caucasian Patriarchy via twenty million poverty-stricken racially-segregated villages, because no matter what the news intones and the cops scream, New York is subdued. America is silenced. And under President Norman Osbourne it's just gotten quieter. Like cotton wool in the ears. Tinnitus across the world.
Until Hobie pumps up the amps and lets the city roar.
And surprisingly, that's something a lot of people want. About the worst that Johnny JJ (leader of the Bugle Boys and owner of most of the fast food restaurants where real news is passed around) has ever said about Spider-Punk is that he's "a menace to any composer with good taste", but the lyrics he doesn't seem to mind. Normally it's ballads about heroes of old—arrangements of ancient war songs—blunt but true statements about the government and the Last War and Redoing the Revolution and what utter [bleep] that is. (Hey, O'Malley? Little piggy from the future? Get the [bleep] off my stage.) Lately, though, Hobie's been getting…more optimistic, so to speak. Singing songs about the Web of Life, the hunters in the undergrowth, the thousands of worlds where it doesn't have to be like this. And his Cobblers (…look, Captain Anarchy liked the name and insisted upon it on her deathbed, and who was he to argue with Margie Carter?) are getting rowdier. Waking people up. They sing songs of a warrior's death, and where in the cosmos they go when they die. Hobie's got a Knack, a little tingling in his head when trouble comes around, that keeps them from finding out too soon.
Plus, future weapons. Those have been great. He’s been itching to try them out on a real target for ages.
It is therefore both fortunate and unfortunate that, in the middle of an impromptu performance (in the Central Park Walled City) of "Take a Swing"—a fairly intricate report on transport and infrastructure cutbacks in Manhattan (sorry, Capital 11.1) with a bass line that could give a concussion to a deaf mouse in a concrete bunker fifty miles away—a black-and-white giant flies out of a portal and tries to eat him.
Needless to say, it's a concert that people will be talking about for the rest of their lives.
338. Distraught
He’s gone.
He’s actually gone.
But he said he was safe until the story ends—
He’s gone.
The story didn’t end!
That doesn’t seem to have helped, now does it.
Peni is angry. At Morlun, for killing her best friend. At the Inheritors, for coming after them, knowing who they are and still coming after them. Becoming what they are. Angry at Gray for trying to take out this one all on his own, instead of waiting for the others. Leaving this world. Leaving her.
At herself for being so useless against magic.
(Because that’s what this comes down to. Not the science that all Spider-People seem to love, but the specific powers controlled by beings from the multiverse at large.)
Gray solved one last mystery. And then he died. Maybe he was just as scared out of his mind about something happening to her as she was about him, but he shouldn’t have gone. That was stupid.
(He was supposed to stay. He wasn’t supposed to be the first, even if she always worried he would be.)
...she doesn’t have time to cry right now.
Takara is worried. Worried about how her best friend is shutting down emotionally. Worried that she’s making it worse by grieving for their lost friend. Worried what it will do to her, that she stood here, paralyzed, while her friend fought a monster on his own.
(Remember what happened to Other Peni?)
No. She’s got a job to do. She’s a professional. And she has other friends who need to know.
“This is Peni Parker of Earth 14512 reporting,” she says into the microphone with as calm and cold a voice as she can muster. Like she’s talking to the police, or the citizens.
“Peni! You’re okay!”
“Are you okay?”
「Peni, what happened?」
“Faced off an attack by an Inheritor on Earth 90214. Information received: the Inheritors are related to the Collider incident on Earth 1610. They are derivatives of some kind of the original five Spider-People who were pulled in, led by an unknown entity. The Inheritors seem to be vulnerable to a touch from their counterparts. Immediate tactical suggestion: attempt to capture an Inheritor and disarm it from long-distance, then have one of the original five apply contact. I volunteer.”
“Peni, no–”
“No way on earth—”
“—still just a kid—”
“—not the point, Peter, she’s just as capable but she shouldn’t throw her life away like that—”
“—seen what these things can do? The footage from Pauker’s world is gruesome enough—”
“Where is old stick-in-the-mud anyway?”
Her voice nearly cracks. (It doesn’t. She won’t let it.)
“Casualties from the recent battle: the Inheritor known as Morlun, and Peter Benjamin Parker of Earth 90214.”
“Oh my God—”
「How did it—」
“Keep focused. We all risk death or worse if we don’t find a way to stop them. Use the information provided. Departing shortly to reconvene with the rest of the cluster.”
"Peni, stay on this line—"
And she cuts the power, and curls up in the cockpit, and only then does she cry.
Gray is dead.
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theawesomeally · 3 years
Before We Met (Preview)
In a world inhabited by mythic creatures, love was commonplace several millennia ago, though difficult to master. After his training advances over the decades, his powers became obsolete and were largely discarded.
[The camera zooms in on the city and two blazing specks of light dash all over the place as one shoots lasers at the other. We then see an enemy aircraft flying throughout while it's chasing a young man, who is running from the pursuer. We see full closeups of a guy in his craft and Rocky as he runs. The scene freezes after an explosion with Rocky barely missing it.]
[voice over]
Through the years I have been known by many names. Marshmallow, The Furry Lover, The Daredevil, Frisky Two Times and then The amazing Ryan Reynolds. But to most, I am Rocky, the awesome one!
[Some other women, leaning across the wall, and Rocky getting his shades from his pocket. Put it onto his eyes. While he puts his hoodie onto his shoulders. Rocky was dressed like a gentleman, but he fought with honor or dignity and pulled at the knot into his tie. Females are not meant to grab his attention, and if it does. To be fair, he heard most of what he'd said up to this point. The parts that weren't of his interest, anyway.
Okay, maybe that wasn't much]
His sigh is heavy with exasperation,
"Can you keep your dick in your pants at the gala?"
Grab his phone from his pocket, automatically switching it out of Bluetooth mode, and bring his earphone up to his ear.
I will never forget you, Margarita. [The female stops and cringe after hearing the name. His blue prominent eyes were not well adapted to winking. They were rather of the sort that closes solemnly in slumber with majestic effect.
Rocky pretend to consider as Rocky step out of the car and button his tux jacket. "Hmm."
"Nice wheels, sir," the valet says, unconcerned that he was on the phone. Rocky pull out his wallet and flash a fifty-dollar bill. "Take care of her and this is yours."
"Yes, Mr. Rocky."
"I mean, Rosa. Uh...sorry. I think maybe I should go.???." She wrapped her arms over her chest and shook her head with a smirk curved across her face. Rocky grinned and raised an ironical finger in salute Rocky starts backing away. "You can't get away with it." the security guard muttered, holding out one hand. He was moving very slowly, thinking Rocky was the enemy or something. Blinks at her as a farewell, but glance with a smug as he sees the vampire's ring. Mind was so wrapped up in thought that he didn't notice the familiar vampire standing behind him. A vampire with bad breath psycho. "Hey, come on, dickie! You're trashing public property here!" He is thinking about how he had to sneaked up onto the roof and is currently standing a few feet behind him.
Rocky then gently slides the ring off the vampire's finger using his katana.
Light glinted off a myriad of his Katana and the vampire ring. Spray from the dust to blew up into his face, but sweat more than seawater moistened his palms as he gripped the eagle. His eyes were as blue while the vampires eyes were cold as the stormy weather.
"Hey, it's Gale calling," says Rocky called over his shoulder to one nefarious vampire. "Love the shiny suit. Really brings out the sex trafficker in your eyes." Rocky had commented, half jokingly and straight up confident, how that guy would have been considered handsome - if he ever bothered to smile.
Cut to a shot of a cliff.
A grim expression again carved itself into the soldier's face as he gazed up at the jeering vampires, their bodies smeared with blood, upon the cliff tops. Even the most cowardly of tribes in Gaul would fancy its chances from such advantageous ground, one being was mused. The sound of their jeers was occasionally accompanied by the high pitched swish of an arrow, as the odd archer tried his luck. Invariably the missile would zip harmlessly into the sea, or at best a thud could be heard as it struck as a human shield or the solid surface of the earth.
Cut back to the fighting scene. Rocky is skewering a guy with his swords, and kicks the vampire in the chest, sending him back down and puts his sword away. The guy gasp and starts fighting with Rocky. This continues for awhile until Rocky get's away again. Using two fingers he salute the vampire as a goodbye.
Making a soft chuckle. He flicks the vampire ring up into the air. It comes back down and lands into one of the streets, causing his background to explode. The shards of fire fell in slow motion behind him.
He is consumed in the explosion, as his body can be seen flying off the ground, flipping off the camera as it goes. "Oh, fuck." Rocky mutter under his breath. "Oh, I'm sorry." A small apology leaving his lips with a smirk.
"That will teach you, not to mess with me," A familiar voiced ask, up righting his head as he walk over the circles and appeared in front of him,
So, I know what you're thinking. Why is that incredibly handsome guy being chased by a madman with a huge shiny fangs from the Civil War?
[The scene freezes after an explosion sending Rocky flying off the ground from the ground. After the dust settles, leaving Rocky lying unconscious on the ground.]
This guy's got the right idea. Well, to be honest, it feels like I've been the captain of my whole life. Is this too much? Am I going too fast? It's kind of what I do--You know what? Let's back up.
[We see the whole fight going in reverse as well as frames of future clips for a split second each time, one passes as Rocky mimics a rewind sound effect] Cut to close-up of Rocky gets up to his feet. Cut to him sitting on the side of the gable roof at night. Wondering how long it would be before he saw the city again. He had been born with a wandering heart, and he embraced adventure, unafraid to face the dangers often presented by journeys into unknown places. Leaving civilization behind for the wilds of the frozen north, legs dangling over the side as he listens to his Walkman next to him playing 'Shoop.' Rocky was vaguely singing along, making hand gestures along with the lyrics, but he was focused on his own drawing, while listening to the music and coloring a picture with crayons. We see that the picture he's drawing is him shooting the vampire in the head, he was doing it with some crayons he had with him.
It was fun to see that getting shot in the head, even if it was just a crayon drawing. He'd never soon change it to a reality. And then turned his head and stared directly at the camera, or the person reading, or just whoever balls happened to be paying a lot of attention to him.
Wha- Oh! Oh, hello. I know, right? Who's balls did I have to snap to get my very own story? I can't tell you, but it does rhyme with dick. And let me tell you; he's got a nice pair of fucking underwear, he finished in an Swedish accent.
They'd get that joke, right?
Anyway, I got places to be, a kiss in the ass to fix, and - oh! hot weird vampire to kill.
He watched eagerly as the flashes of light began to appear below him – lots of rippers were a very dramatic little shit, after all – we're panning quickly towards the edge of the roof he was sitting on. Now having an appointment to keep, Rocky was quick to get onto edge of the roof and, in one fluid motion, opens a music playlist called Tunes of Anarchy on his Walkman, and the song "Where Evil Grows" by The Poppy Family stays playing in the background as he jumped off the roof, landing in one of the coolest bar in Mystic Falls. It seemed that they had been drinking peacefully, listening to 'Angel of the Morning,' but when Rocky landed and that's when their peaceful night was over.
They look around for which they finally see as Rocky stands at a wooden doorway wearing a cowboy hat, black sunglasses, and red a white hoodie as he opens a music playlist called Tunes of Anarchy on his Walkman. Opens up and the door swings open and the music resumes with people dancing and lights flashing as he goes inside the bar.
Absolutely positively not a fucking thing.
First one person turned, noticing him. Then more followed, until the whole patron was hushed, waiting. Everyone was watching, the same bewildered look on all of their faces. Eyebrows raised and narrowed eyes, etc. God, for months he'd played this moment over and over inside his mind. It most definitely never turned out like this. Whatever this was.
As he walks up to the bar. The room was narrow and about 90 feet deep. Light did manage to worm its way into the establishment, though. It seeped through the windows scattered along the walls, and through the gaps in the door between its wooden panels. A bar on the left at the front, then some upholstered horseshoe benches, then a cluster of freestanding tables on what, on other nights, might have been a dance floor. Then the stage, with the band on it. The band looked as if it had been put together by accident after a misfiling incident at a talent agency. The bass player was a stout old black guy in a suit with a vest. He was plucking away at an upright bass fiddle. The drummer could have been his uncle. He was a big old guy sprawled comfortably behind a small, simple kit. The singer was also a harmonica player and was older than the bass player and younger than the drummer and bigger than either one.
The guitarist was completely different. He was young and white and small. Maybe 20, maybe 5-foot-6, maybe 130 pounds. He had a fancy blue guitar wired to a crisp new amplifier and together the instrument and the electronics made sharp sounds full of space and echoes. The amp must have been turned up to 11. The sound was incredibly loud. It was as if the air in the room was locked solid. It had no more capacity for volume. But the music was good. The three black guys were old pros, and the white kid knew all the notes, and when and how and in what order to play them. He was wearing a red T-shirt and black pants and white tennis shoes. He had a very serious expression on his face. He looked foreign. Maybe Russian.
I watched them for a minute, and then I looked away. My name is Rocky, and once I was the most wanted man, with heavy emphasis on the past tense. I have been out nearly as long as I was in. But old habits die hard. I had stepped into the bar the same way I always step anywhere, which is carefully. One-thirty in the morning. I had ridden the train to West and walked south on Sixth Avenue and made the left turn on San Francisco bar and checked the sidewalks. I wanted music, but not the kind that drives large numbers of patrons outside to smoke.
His attention was taken away from patrons. It was at that point that he saw the young beautiful woman alone at her table, Her name tag read Katy, and her shirt clung tightly around her chest. Her hands worked quickly and gracefully with the bottles as she poured them another and took the empty's away.
I watched her in the gaudy, reflected light, with the music shrieking and pounding all around me. The two guys watched her. Her bodyguard watched her. She watched the guitarist. He was concentrating hard, key changes and choruses, but from time to time he would lift his head and smile, mostly at the glory of being up on the stage, but twice directly at the girl. The first of those smiles was shy, and the second was a little wider.
What met my eyes was a beautiful girl with golden hair and a bright smile that melted my heart. She was blond and blue-eyed, American woman who have a glow, and a smoothness complexion. She lives in New York, singing, listening to a band, and I was in love with her angelic voice. That was clear. There I was, a guy further back in the room, stood in the room staring at her. I was 6ft tall, wide man with a white hoodie and a black leather jacket under a hoodie. She was part of the reason I was here with her back in a city when we were at the age of 19 or less.
It wasn't the kind of glossy place that had a policy about dating rich girls, either for or against. Some call it a gold digger, and I guessed they had looked at her and her minder and made a snap decision against trouble and in favor of tips.
The part of her gaze that wasn't wary was filled with adoration, and it was all aimed in his direction. She was rich. She was alone at a table near the stage and she had a pile of A.T.M fresh twenties in front of her and she was paying for each new bottle with one of them and she wasn't asking for change.
She was a waitress and I loved her.
The woman stood up. She butted the lip of her table with her thighs and shuffled out from behind it and headed for the counter in back. I got there first. The sound from the band howled through it. The ladies' room was halfway down. The men's room was all the way at the end. Rocky leaned on the wall and scanned the room. As Rocky watched her walk in and squeeze through the crowd and she sat down on the bar stool, 1 feet away from him.
"Hey, Raoul, look what this kid dragged in. Oh, wait! That is the guy!," but they didn't hear. Too much noise. He caught them by the elbows, one in each hand. They spun around, as if ready to fight, but then they stopped. Fortunately for him, the first two who approached her were quick to heed her dismissal. She wasn't there to mingle with huge ass in leather jackets. She was just there to grab a drink and relax and pretty sure she made that pretty clear when she shot the first couple of idiots down.
The third guy, however, wasn't ready to take no for an answer.
"How about you let me buy you a drink, sweetheart?"
Their sex appeal eyes pried upon their eyes from the television screen above the bar and looked at the newcomer. With his hair greased back and one-size-too-big biker jacket on, the guy looked like prime wife-beater material. Perfect. Just what they needed to interrupt his evening.
"Thanks, but I'm good," she said curtly, gesturing to the beer bottle in front of her.
"That's it? You're gonna chug that shitty beer and call it a night? Come on, let me get you a real drink."
She scoffed. "What? Like those idiots you got over there?" she glanced past him at the table where he and a couple of his friends had been sitting.
"It's a warm-up. Trust me, honey, we're just getting started over there. You should join us."
She wanted to roll her eyes. "Like I said, I'm good."
She made the move to turn away and focus her attention back on the football game on the television when the guy grabbed her by the arm.
"What the hell's your problem?" This guy gripped her arm tightly, this guy's face practically scrunched up in a beastly snarl. "I don't like to be ignored, y'know?"
She yanked her arm out of his grip and stood up to face him directly. She knew pretty damn well where the conversation was headed and sure as hell were not about to get in a bar fight with their ass glued to the seat.
Before she could open her mouth, a familiar voice spoke up from behind her.
By hearing it and raising their head to turn to his voice, her smile grew a tad wider, recognizing the voice immediately. They simply looked so annoyed, at least much more than usual. His lips pulled into a tight frown, while their eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed, back hunched over slightly if you'd look hard enough. Yep, those guys are just being grumpy as usual, but seemingly much more grumpy, except with their eyes laced with the slightest bit of concern. For herself, most likely.
The said person stopped, and looked over their shoulder to the voice. She put on a mellow look close to her usual one. Confrontation- unnecessary confrontation- was not exactly his thing. He tended to avoid fights like these. He could hold his ground better than most, but he preferred to keep out of the brawls and spats that others got involved in.
A voice caught his ear, she sounded like she needed help, despite the overconfident tone the stranger used. "Look, I don't wanna interrupt, but is this guy bothering you?" he looks up at her and says greeted casually, as casual as someone could be hanging for dear life. She looked up at me, startled that he was there. "I'm sorry. Did I scare you up?" he softly asked, when she turned to get a good look at the stranger in his handsome voice. She wasn't expecting the sight she was met with. A pair of piercing blue eyes smiled over her, puffing out her cheeks childishly when she looked at him. After she looked to her right to find Rocky taking his place beside her. Her pinkish lips turned up in a small smile as she ducked her head briefly with a laugh before tucking her hair behind her ear, "No, you did not," she said. He couldn't keep the amusement out of his voice. She turned her head to look at him, catching his gaze with her own. He gave a small smile, stroking her hair softly with his index. "So, What exactly are you doing here?" she said softly, trying to maintain an even tone of voice.
"Oh you know, I was just passing through the neighborhood when I thought I caught a whiff of filthy human garbage coming from this place," he said,
"And sure enough here I am."
Desire pools dark and deadly in his groin. Gaze up at her, releasing her lip. Katy flush a deep crimson in her cheeks, and he runs his index finger down her cheek before handing her the headphones. "I'd like to kiss you, too, but you won't let me down, are you?." Rocky asked her. Besides, he's pulled the straps so tight he can barely move.
Amused smile on his lips, he's wearing his enigmatic half smile. He glances down at her, light blue-gray eyes alive, he glances up when she looks at his way and their eyes lock. And in that brief moment, she was paralyzed, staring at the impossibly handsome man who gazes at her with some unfathomable emotion. His gaze hot, burning into her, as they lost for a moment staring at each other.
It's there in the air between them, that electricity. It's palpable. He can almost taste it, pulsing between them, drawing them together.
"Oh my," she gasps as she basks briefly in the intensity of this visceral, primal attraction. The two men stood back, saying nothing, but looking at him with hard eyes.
Katy had, somehow, stammered out some sort of reply that must have made her look insane. Coby, hearing her, had come over to check on her and had ended up having her go make Rocky's a drink while they chatted. Ever since that first meeting, though, Katy had completely fallen for Rocky. There was something about his smile, or maybe it was his eyes? Whatever it was, it made Katy's entire body feel light as a feather.
To be continued....
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