whirligig-girl · 2 months
2379 March 19th
The air had a distinct chill to it by now, and Guz looked all around her as the sky took on an almost silvery cast. Gaps in the trees at the edge of the clearing acted as pinhole cameras, producing hundreds of little bright crescents onto the ground and onto the shuttlepod.
"I told you we'd be in the path of totality," Marta said, nudging Guz on the arm and pointing up at the sky. She tapped a button on her clear glass visor, and it suddenly became reflective and metallic. "Look at that. Any minute now." The Sun was now just a slim crescent, the Moon covering nearly all of it.
“Augh…” Guz said, rubbing her arms, “sorry I questioned your navigation skills.”
“Good,” Marta said.
"We have precisely three minutes and twelve seconds, by my count," Dyani said.
Guz had her telescope, a 5" catadioptric astrograph, set up on an equatorial mount, with a tunable Herschellian Wedge serving as a solar filter and heat rejection system. She was used to handholding her telescope, but with only three minutes of totality, she didn't want to take any chances. The holographic eyepiece she'd been using had dutifully captured full spectrum imagery of Sol and before the partial eclipse began she had tuned through the different visible wavelengths in the passthrough lens, allowing her, Marta, and Dyani to see prominences and filaments in Sol’s chromosphere, as well as detailed sunspots in its photosphere. Marta, having evolved around this especially hot star, could even make out the magnetically active plages in the deep-violet Calcium-K line, but Guz's eye lenses had a slight green-yellow tint which blocked far-violet, and Dyani's Vulcan eyes could barely even see blue--though she reported detail in the deep-red Hydrogen-Alpha view which astounded Marta and Guz. No matter--once the eclipse was over Guz would be able to process all of the spectral bands and find more appropriate wavelengths to display them in.
Guz was anxious, and she paced back and forth, shaking her wrists. They made an almost cartoonish literal slapping and sticking sound and she went, which was nice, because it was both tactile and auditory. She went back to the telescope, but she tripped on the tripod.
Guz emitted a gargling warbling sound which Marta was pretty sure was a mellanoid curse word, and she scrambled to fix the telescope’s alignment.
“AUGH!” she said “I messed up the polar alignment! It won’t track now…”
Marta stood up from her chair, and grabbed her canes. She walked up to Guz and put an arm on her shoulder. “Hey, Eaurp, don’t worry. The important thing isn’t the holos.”
“Actually the holos are incredibly important! I know you and Dyani are just here for fun, but I’m doing this for my Astro-251 class. I have to get these images!”
“Eaurp,” Dyani said. “It is unnecessary to fret. Professor Frederick made it clear that terrans have a long history of ‘eclipse madness’--”
“But I’m not a terran!”
“It is not a matter of the species, so much as the circumstance. As you are always so quick to remind us, Earth is the only known inhabited planet with a natural satellite that appears the same size as its parent star. The eclipses are rare and last only minutes,” Dyani said.
“Yeah girlie, you got the eclipse madness,” Marta said, “Just calm down for a minute. You’ll find a way to make up your project.”
Guz put her face in her hands, then looked up and began fiddling with her PADD to try and fix the alignment.
Guz tapped her combadge. "Cadet Guz's log, stardate 56212, continued. Terrans call it March 19th 2379. Local time is… 12:32. We are here in the Italian countryside, a minute away from totality, and I just bumped my telescope off of Sol. I have missed all three total eclipses that have occurred on Earth during my time here. This is my last year, and so my last shot. Everything has to go just right.”
“Forty seven seconds,” Dyani reported. Guz checked her chronometer. Dyani’s mental timing was ‘only’ two seconds off.
“Stop fiddling with that thing and just relax!” Marta said.
“NO! I HAVE TO SEE THE CORONA UP CLOSE!” Guz shouted, and she buried her eye into the holograph’s pass-through. “Ok! I see Sol and Luna!” Guz said. “This alignment will have to do…”
Guz watched as the last slivers of white sunlight disappeared. She looked up, and during that last moment, the entire world changed around her. She was standing in twilight, but with the sky orange all around her. She looked around. The animals were reacting wildly, with twitters and chirps and ribbiting from the local fauna, likely confused as to why the Sun went out in the middle of the day.
When Guz had first set foot on Earth, it was very literally an alien planet. But it still had blue skies, white clouds, deep blue seas, and green foliage (albeit much dryer and less sticky than she had been accustomed to).
The planet Guz was standing on right now was not Mellanus, not Italian Earth, and certainly not Luna--it was an entirely unique world, one which only existed for minutes at a time. Guz was standing on Planet Eclipse.
Guz looked up and shouted. “Hah! LOOK! LOOK AT THAT! THE CORONA!” 
Nothing could have prepared her for it. The corona was a silvery halo that extended from the apparent black hole in the sky in all directions, with concentrated hairlike filaments stringing out from reddish pink spots on the black circle’s limb. 
Before the eclipse, Sol had been white with a few dark specks and surrounded by darkness, but this thing was nearly its inverse: black, with a few tiny starlike dots inside of it, surrounded by a pale ghostly light. The Sun had disappeared, and something completely alien took its place. Intellectually, Guz knew that all stars--even Zwo-nmu--had coronae, but this was the first time she’d seen the corona with her own two eyes. She supposed it wouldn’t have to be the last--maybe next time she was in space she’d try to blot out the sun with her finger.
Guz could make out four starlike points, one to the left of the Sun, and three to the right. “Look! Look! There’s the other planets! The bright ones are Jupiter and Venus!”
She looked down and around again to see Marta sitting in the grass just staring up at the thing, her visor completely transparent. Dyani had taken her visor off entirely and stared, silently.
“WAIT! NO! The uh! The filter!” Guz said. She hadn’t remembered to remove the filter from her telescope. She scrambled back to the telescope, and twisted a dial on the Herschellian Wedge. The view through the passthrough eyepiece brightened up by 100,000 times and Guz actually saw the corona, magnified 50 times, in unfiltered, uncompressed detail. The detail was so delicate and intricate. Guz could now see the row of cilia-like prominences to the left, which Dyani had seen so easily before but which she and Marta had been unable to detect. In true color, Sol’s chromosphere was magenta, not the spectral red she had seen before in the H-alpha. As Guz’s eyes adjusted, she could even make out Luna’s city lights. She recognized Tycho City, and New Berlin immediately.
“Dyani, how much time do we have left?” Guz said.
After a moment, Dyani replied. “We should have another two minutes of totality left.”
Guz looked away from the eyepiece to get another look at the gaping hole in the sky where the Sun should be.
And then, in an instant, the corona disappeared entirely. A bead of intense white light bore into Guz’s retina, and she immediately flipped her visor down.
Guz’s hands shook. Then she slowly began to smile. “THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE SEEN IN MY LIFE!” she shouted, and she began to jump up and down. Her hair went jiggly. Dyani looked at her with a blank stare, and Guz felt a little shy and stopped her celebrations. “I just can’t believe Mellanoids were robbed of this.”
“It is a remarkable celestial coincidence. The diurnal stellar eclipses visible on the T’khut-facing hemisphere of Vulcan do not capture the character of 40 Eridani A’s corona so completely, nor do they produce an atmosphere of such… eerie character.”
“Marta! Marta! Was it different to a Solar Eclipse on Luna?” Guz said, turning around.
Marta was still on the floor, rubbing her eyes, sobbing quietly to herself.
“Marta?” Guz said.
Marta reached out for a hand. Guz gave her a hand and pulled her up. Marta sniffled.
“Are you okay?” Guz said.
Marta just nodded. She didn’t look ok. Guz looked at Dyani, who just shrugged. Marta wiped her eyes again. Guz picked up Marta’s canes, and she walked back to her chair to take a seat.
Guz returned to her telescope. The herschel wedge had not been re-enabled. The holographic eyepiece was fried.
Guz stuttered a little. “Oh. Uh. Dyani. Um. There weren’t two minutes left.”
“It was probably more like. Um. Two seconds. So the uh. The holograph is ruined.”
“Damn,” Dyani said.
“Haha. Yeah. Um. That coulda been my eye, haha…”
“Then it is fortunate you were not looking through the eyepiece at the end of totality.”
Guz checked her PADD to make sure the data was streamed properly to her recorder. When she was convinced that it was, she turned off the telescope and began packing it back up into the Class 2 Shuttlepod. By the time she finished, the sky had grown brighter; the air warmer. 
When she was done, she sat down on the grass next to Marta’s chair, and put her visor back on. Luna no longer covered so much of Sol.
“It was… I don’t even know how to describe it…” Marta said. “I mean I’ve… I’ve seen solar eclipses before. And they’re beautiful from Luna, don’t get me wrong. But it’s all so different when you’re on Earth.”
“It’s a shame I won’t ever have the chance to see a solar eclipse on the Moon,” Guz said. “Well, I mean, I have seen one, it’s just, when you’re on Earth, we call it a Lunar Eclipse.”
“I’ve even seen terran eclipses before,” Marta said. “They don’t look like anything special from all the way up there. Just a little dark spot going across Earth. When I was younger, I wondered what terrans were so hyped up about, you know? But I get it.”
“Indeed,” Dyani said, “the air temperature does drop noticeably during stellar eclipses due to the reduction in insolation. It is cool shit.”
“Omen doesn’t do that! When Omen got close to Mellanus, it was a lot like Luna--but a lot brighter. But it never goes in front of Zwo-nmu!”
“Why?” Marta said.
“It is a simple consequence of Mellanus’ coorbital trajectory,” Dyani said.
“Closest thing we get to eclipses is when Cold Ember transits Zwo-nmu and if you have really good vision you can see it with just a dark visor as a little dot.”
“I remember going out in my EV suit after finishing an early morning delivery in Oceanus Procellarum one time when I was 13,” Marta said. “The Sun hadn’t risen, but off to the east I could see this faint gray glow. I turned off my suit lights and just stared at the glow, with everything else almost black, just lit a little by the crescent Earth. The milky way was out, but this gray glow was even brighter than it. I kept watching it, even as my suit began to get freezing cold, I sat down on a little boulder a few meters from my shuttle. As I waited; it must have been almost an hour, I saw just about a quarter of a silvery circular halo. I saw a tiny hint of magenta come over the mountain in the distance, and before I knew it, the world exploded into light as the Sun came up. I had the ghost image in my eye for an hour after that. Made getting home a little harder.”
“Wow,” Guz said.
“In principle, what we have just witnessed was a sunset and a sunrise on Luna, just much farther away,” Dyani said.
“A couple years later I saw my first solar eclipse--what Terrans call a Lunar eclipse--and I realized what that ghostly glow was. But even then, I couldn’t see the corona all at once. Earth blocked half of it at a time,” Marta said. “But still I figured that the whole landscape around you turning orange-red from all of Earth’s sunrises and sunsets shining on the Moon more than made up for seeing the corona all at once.”
“Does it?” Dyani asked.
“It’s different when you’re standing out in the open without a space suit. You’re not in this temperature-controlled little box. It all feels… so much more real. The Sun shining right on my face, the air gets real chilly…”
“Is that why you were having an emotional reaction?” Dyani said.
“What? No. Not quite,” Marta said. “I dunno. Maybe. But I just realized, during totality, that that wasn’t just a big bite taken out of the Sun. That’s my home up there. I’ve seen it from space hundreds of times. But never like that.”
“Yeah…” Guz said.
“The Nevasan eclipses visible on Vulcan are similar to a Solar eclipse as viewed from Luna,” Dyani said. “Except the partial phase lasts minutes and the total phase lasts over an hour. It is essentially a brief second night time. 40 Eridani A’s corona is not visible for much of the eclipse.”
“My only other chance to see any eclipses was when I was doing survival training on Andoria, but they had us on Andoria’s far side and the one solar eclipse we would have seen due to an occultation by an outer moon, we were stuck inside the ice caves. Apparently Andorians don’t consider solar eclipses worth interrupting work for. Plus, 40 Eridani B is a white dwarf, so it’s not like its corona is actually visible. Also--you know how our shadows got weirdly sharp in the last minutes before totality? It’s like that all the time on Andoria. So at least there’s that.”
Guz looked down at the ground, then back up at the slowly brightening crescent Sun, and then at the dirt below her feet. The leaves of the trees still projected crescent-shaped images on the ground. Guz held her hair out, and bubbled it up, wondering if the green-tinted caustics cast on the ground would behave similarly.
“It was certainly one hell of an expedition to close out our senior years,” Dyani said.
“There she goes with the colorful language again,” Marta muttered.
“Perhaps you should speak up so Eaurp can hear you,” Dyani said.
They were arguing again. Guz didn’t think Dyani liked her very much, but she definitely didn’t seem to get along with Marta. “Thanks for coming out to Italy with me for this,” Guz said.
“Yeah,” Marta said. “It was… an adventure.”
“The Italian peninsula is home to many interesting historical sites. Perhaps we should visit some of them,” Dyani said. “For example, the fallen tower of Pisa.”
“Touristy nonsense, it’s just a field full of a bunch of people pretending to try to lift it back upright,” Marta said.
“I wanted to see it. Anyway we should probably start with finding any town, since our shuttlepod isn’t flying any time soon,” Guz said.
Marta gave Dyani some side-eye.
“That was not my fault,” Dyani said.
And yes, there really will be a total solar eclipse visible in Afroeurasia on March 19th, 2379 (at about 12:30 in Italy.)
Marta Martinez and Dyani were two of Guz's classmates at Starfleet Academy. In fact, Dyani was Guz's roommate. Dyani is @raydrawsdaly's OC. Marta and Guz are my OCs.
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josemitadinamita · 10 days
FERIA DEL LIBRO DE HUESCA, 27 de mayo de 2024. Taller Desencajados
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moradadabeleza · 2 years
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Aran Martinez
model Marta Aguilar
set design, creative direction Dana Silva
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allgusgurls · 11 months
REACCIONES Luznhoa! ✨🤍
Les vengo a dejar por aca que estoy haciendo reacciones a Luznhoa y de paso a toda esta historia del accidente Hugo porque esta genial jajaj!!
Si quieren apoyar mi contenido les agradezco un monton, y pueden ver la reacción por aca:
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realmadridfamily · 2 years
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“Spanish Girls Team 🇪🇸✨💖  Night out!”
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flashfuckingflesh · 1 month
Return Home to Discover Dad's An EVIL SOB! "The Abandoned" reviewed! (Unearthed Films / Limited-Edition Blu-ray)
Don’t Be Left Behind. Get Your LE Blu-ray Copy of “The Abandoned” from Unearthed Films Marie Jones never knew her parents.  Born in Russian, raised in the London, and now lives in the U.S., the low-budget movie producer receives news from a Russian estate notary providing her details on her murdered mother back in 1966 and her existence entitles her to the isolated family farm.  Unable to resist…
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daikenkki · 1 year
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narcosfandomdiscord · 8 months
narcos october masterlist ii
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This masterlist is for days 11-25 of the @narcosfandomdiscord's october prompt event, which you can read about here and join in!
For days 1-10 of the event, check out masterlist i, and for days 26-31 of the event, check out masterlist iii.
(Note: character x character indicates a romantic/sexual relationship; character & character indicates a platonic one.)
October 11 — Day of Fun
Create a non-visual, non-fic fanwork: quiz, game, playlist, incorrect quotes.
↳ Narcos Incorrect Quotes by @proceduralpassion — many characters from OG & MX
October 12 — Day of Death
Kill a character who lives in canon.
↳ Behind The Curve by @drabbles-mc — Hugo Martinez Sr. & Hugo Martinez Jr, 1.4k
↳ It's You by @proceduralpassion — Rafa x Reader
October 13 — Day of Life
Create a fanwork in which a character avoids their canonical death.
↳ Adamant by @drabbles-mc — Enedina x Claudio, 2k
↳ Undefined by @artemiseamoon — Danilo x OFC, 1.1k
↳ I'm The Sky To You by @proceduralpassion — Carrillo x OFC, 1.1k
↳ Chasing ghosts and choices by @hausofmamadas — Enedina x Claudio, 1.7k
October 14 — Day of Support
Create a review, response, or analysis of a Narcos or Narcos Mexico fic, in the style of an Amazon review or a NYT book review or something like that. Please keep it constructive and positive, no roasts.
↳ In defense of Wonderbread White: Eureka!Character moments by @hausofmamadas — Steve-centric fanfic analysis
↳ she's got the range by @ashlingnarcos — analysis of the #narcoctober fics written by @drabbles-mc
Quote prompt: “I got you.”
↳ Debts Paid by @drabbles-mc — Navegante & Salcedo ficlet
October 15 — Day of Absolute Filth
Create a smut fanwork that includes three different kinks and/or sex acts (basically you could tag it with at least three tags that are Pure Filth).
↳ Control pt 2 by @artemiseamoon — Verdin x OFC 1.5k
↳ First on Speed Dial by @drabbles-mc — Steve x F!Reader 1.5k
↳ XTASY by @proceduralpassion — Rafa x Reader 1.4k
October 16 — Day of Surprises
These prompts were revealed at the start of the day.
Create a fanwork that focuses on dreams, either literal or metaphorical.
↳ not in this life by @narcolini — Güero x Reader ficlet
↳ Crumbled to Dust by @drabbles-mc — Carrillo x F!Reader (+OC Diego Ramirez), 1.2k
↳ TO THE SMASH N GRAB CREW by @hausofmamadas — Smash & Grab Crew, also Kenny x Cici, gifset and meta
↳ One Uniform by @proceduralpassion — Trujillo focused ficlet
↳ To live and leave fast by @hausofmamadas — Andrea x Carrillo angst and smut, 2.3k
October 17 — Day of Rare Treasures
Create a fanwork about a character that only shows up in one (1) season of the show. the rarer the better honestly
↳ Marta fanart by @tofuwildcard
↳ One day at a time by @artemiseamoon — NYC hairdresser from Narcos S3, trauma recovery, 1.2k
↳ Cómo Puedo Ayudar? by @drabbles-mc — Sal & Cece Garza, 1.7k
↳ Denouemont by @proceduralpassion — Dani x Walt ficlet
October 18 — Day of History
Create a fanwork about characters experiencing, participating in, or witnessing a real life historical event (could have been depicted in canon or not) e.g. moon landing.
↳ The Moon Landing by @garbinge — Javi & F!Reader, 1.3k
↳ Get To You by @proceduralpassion — Javi x OFC, 1.2k
Create a fanwork about two exes meeting unexpectedly.
↳ Ninety Days by @drabbles-mc — Walt x GN!Reader, 2.9k
October 19 — Day of Hurt
Create a fanwork about a character so emotionally or physically hurt that they can’t help but start crying even though they don’t want to.
↳ Could've Been It by @proceduralpassion — Javi x OFC ficlet
October 20 — Day of Comfort
Create a fanwork about a character getting exactly what they need from someone unexpected.
↳ Best Bet by @drabbles-mc — Carrillo & Connie, 1.3k
↳ Walls Closing In by @proceduralpassion — Amado x Reader ficlet
October 21 — Day of Women Who Will Step On You For Free
Create a f/f-centric fanwork.
↳ At Your Service by @drabbles-mc — Andrea x F!Reader, 1.3k
↳ Don't Question by @proceduralpassion — Maria Elvira x F!Reader ficlet
October 22 — Day of Cross-Fandom Pollination
Create a fanwork that includes at least one Narcos character and at least one character from another fandom.
↳ Flying In (1) by @drabbles-mc — Narcos OFC & multiple Narcos and Mayans MC characters, 2.8k
↳ Family Reunion by @drabbles-mc — Steve & Rick Flag (from Suicide Squad), 2.3k
↳ A Bad Habit by @artemiseamoon — Chepe x OFC, Lalo Salamanca x OFC, Better Call Saul crossover ficlet
↳ Borgias & Narcos Mexico crossover fanart by @tofuwildcard
↳ And You? by @garbinge — Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy) & Steve ficlet
↳ The Job by @proceduralpassion — Billy Russo (The Punisher Netflix) & Miguel ficlet
The occupational hazards of living by @hausofmamadas — Rust Cohle (from True Detective) & Barrón, 4.5k
October 23 — Day of Threes
Create a fanwork that includes three items you can currently see.
↳ Sweet Dreams, Angel by @proceduralpassion — Steve x Connie ficlet
Create a fanwork including three canon characters. extra difficult version: three canon characters that have never met.
↳ Acquaintances at Best by @drabbles-mc — 3 characters are: Steve, Jorge Salcedo, Don Berna, also Steve & Javi, 2.7k
October 24 — Day of Monsters
Create a fanwork about a character turning into a supernatural creature.
↳ Wolf Pack by @artemiseamoon — Ramón & OC ficlet
↳ Amado as an angel fanart by @tofuwildcard
↳ Night of the Comet by @proceduralpassion — Walt x Reader ficlet
Quote prompt: “The world isn’t made up of heroes and monsters. Just broken people balancing between the two.”
↳ Hard to hate up close by @hausofmamadas — Andrea & OC, 3.2k
October 25 — Day of Wow, That Escalated Quickly
Create a fanwork that begins in a canon-compatible place, but ends up going somewhere more dramatic.
↳ Distant Echoes by @proceduralpassion — Carrillo x Juliana ficlet
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spaziocomesichiama · 1 month
30 dicembre 2022
Spazio come si chiama? promuove la mostra collettiva PECORELLE in collaborazione con spazio mirtilloxgalleriaarrivada e si impegna a dare rilevanza alla sua pecorella preferita: “La pecorella smarrita” di Arabrab Acnirt.
La mostra, inaugurata il 13 dicembre 2022, rimarrà aperta fino al 23 dicembre 2023, per tanti giorni quante sono le pecorelle esposte!
Seguono lə 375 artistə:
Luca Assi
Andrea Barbagallo
Aurora Biancardi
Francesca Bionda
Valentina Bobbo
Antonia Boschetti
Nicolò Camedda
Matteo Capriotti
Giada Carnevale
Pietro Chiarello
Filippo Benedetta Chilelli
Francesca Colombo
Lorenzo D'alba
Emma de Devitiis
Stefano de Paolis
Giovanni Diano
Pietro di Corrado
Luca di Palma
Alessandro di Silvestro
Lorenzo Finotti
Madeleine Fléau
Davide Giuseppe Fracasso
Ludovica Gugliotta
Tommaso Lencioni
Giorgio Lorefice
Luca Loreti
Chiara Mapelli
Marzia Mazzone
Cecilia Mentasti
Will Merante
Edoardo Paci
Aronne Pleuteri
Cosima Pugliese
Davide Quartucci
Federico Riccobene
Davide Riganti
Camilla Rocchi
Davide Rossi
Valentina Schito
Peng Shuai Paolo
Chiara Sibilla
Matteo Tonell
Twee Whistler
Francesca Vanoli
Filippo Zoli
Arabrab Acnirt
Giulia Loredani
Kamila Bracio
Costanza Merini
Aldo Corboletti
Cures Bito
Edoardo Destro
Matilde Verzanti
Eva Lela
Giulia Serafina
Marco Gottlieb
Beatrice Gorini
Marcella Schifo
Marcello Scafo
Lucrezia Hassan
Goberto Stayn
Michele Giasone
Brittany Spersa
Genniferra Lorensa
Billi Cancelli
Erion Bracio
Oscar Selvaggio
Stefano Falco Re
Rashid Ahmadi
Ben Dover
Rodion Romanovič Raskol'nikov
Brunilde Cospira
Irina Balls
Riano Goslingo
Enrico Calvino
Akane Qurban
Luca Bianchi
Saro Esposito
Biriz Cubiraq
Truo Detectivo
Mark Hawk
Lucrezia Lulashi
Climato Ciangio
Is Reale
Renato Angusto
Ilmana af Klinta
Eos Duemelilad
Giovanna Giorno
Guido Mista
Bruno Bucciarati
Fugo Pannacotta
Denisa Riotta
Giovanni Stella di Gio
Lisa Lisa
Suzie Q
Casca Male
Farnese Farnetica
Giovanna Poi
Luca Abete
Vivianne Giotto
Grace Cosima
Tommaso Nucco
Lucia Libellula
Lucio Lucertola
Luca Lupetto
Elio Femore
Obed Gazzelli
Rambo Sandri
Pierre Buraglio
Noël Dolla
Daniel Dezeuze
Yves-Alain Bois
Greta Pini
Leonardo di Pecora
Anna Rossi
Anna Lee
Roberta Filorosa
Drane Koqeku
Piccolo Amico
Costanza Piatto Rosso
Leze Lezia
Anatolia Carpov
Susanna Decostar
Mimma Pancia
Rosalia Tepelene
Katrina Fantasia
Regina Cane
Johan Van Dyck
Gjelosh Prifti
Loredana Burazzo
Clotilde Purelli
Ross Acco
Alice Triolo
Roberto Ast
Martina Vocado
Gesualdo Mino
Matteo Pecorotti
Lucia Nuro
Loris Tubaio
Pietro Liere
Andrea Computer
Andreea Quilone
Ernesto Viglie
Marco Balto
Lola Vandaia
Maurizioco Modino
Ismaele Very
Ariadna Weber
Griet Orta
Jacques Dubois
Sofia Rognoso
Emma Brahimaj
Emma Scalzone
Carla Dro
Agatha Lettera ai Corinzi
Arnaldo Perugino
Alex Love Car
Osvaldo Scioni
Tomas E. Martinez C.
Daniel Piloni
Marco Giuseppe Ricci
Aaron Ossia
Clara Ovvero
Caterina Carnesecca
Blerta Vernello
Francesca Franceschi
Caterina Tale
Joanna Argolo
Nicholas Harvey
Anne Høngaard
Astrid Schrage
Riccardio Salotto
Omar Iacone
Merino Merini
Alberto Sorrentino
Gennaro Martino
Diana Comasina
Pietra Brenta
Osvaldo Luciani
Pino Obaldi
Emanuele Labirinto
Laura Pimento
Pippi Calzecorte
Carlo Marco
Federico Angolo
Giuseppe Renna
Dennis Freeway
Alina Lorenzin
Giacomo Krispi
Damiano dei Maneskin
Daniele Zuppa
Gurlami Rabaglio
Nicola Lanterna
Mario Vanni
Zaccaria Tuofratello
Marta Cantarelli
Andrea Fragalà
Vittoria Campestre
Simona Duecentoquattro
Marina Sghirripa
Mathias Birri
Eva Allegra
Franco di Ladro
Matilde N. Tista
Agnese Mare Chiaro
Nicola Fossarrelli
Alessandro Medario
Dario Buzzati
Kim Cardascio
Gennaro Candela
Bella Adito
Gigio Costa
Pietro T. Tola
Salvo Salvini Salvuzzi
Vitangelo Moscarda
Anna Rosa
Quantorzo Rovelli
Firbo Malatesta
Marco di Dio
Dida Moscarda
Guido Guidobaldi
Loredana Cuore Dolce
Leonardo Agamben
Giorgio Caffo
Katia Andreani
Evandro Morino
Priscilla Oscilla
Torquato Pirelli
Franca Stella
Romana Tedeschia
Marco Gusati
Anna Vigatore
Rodolfo Caffot Titi
Aronne Cromante
Paola Costa
Ameriga Restucci
Valeria Riva
Severina Salvemini
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Giuliana da Empoli
Ilario Tondarini
Bruno Gabbiato
Carlo Accardi
Gion Giorno
Frank Baselitz
Franco Struzione
Shinji Ikari
Frulanzo Arroganzo
Berenice Frac
Piero Birdo
Giacomo Daniele
Daria Godaria
Armando Lomiti
Milo Margelli
Osvaldo Tirimai
Agata Lauretto
Morgana Ercani
Eris Sarrola
Antoine Lubezzi
Gina Strada
Rosalind Merighetti
Margherita Florenzia
Demetria Gagliarda
Albi Liardino
Stefano Universo
Greg De Maio
Rosa Quarzo
Rebecca Zucchero
Marzia Pane
Cristallo Acqua
Marco Zucchero Bergo
Ashley Pi Pi
Sara Frascaro
Gabriele Barbapapa
Asia Triolo
Dajana Corvetto
Mimmo Nanni
Giuseppe Castagneto
Kate Groovy
Goffredo Bezone
Uinstone Chiesa Tranquilla
Giovanni Lennone
Isacco Nuova Tonnellate
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Giovanni Berrimore
Melania Marrone
Vittoria Dietrocarne
Flatnind pierici
Sarto Lesto
Ettore de La Siepe
Dozia Gatto
Susy Za Arep
Anacleto Vis a Vis
Claudia Francesca
Giorgia Panigatti
Una persona
Carmine Curmini
Mirko Nebbia
Paulo Dybala
Ipona Cosimi
Giovanni Famoso
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Freeda Cavallo
Martina Drip
Giorgio Costanza
Federico di Marco
Francesca Ricotta
Anita Pellizza
Alessia Mackenzie
Benedetta Rolesco
Matilda Curino
Elena Stanza
Alessia Casablanca
Luca Gianotti
Lorenzo Berrati
Enrico Meta
Claudio Cicciacalda
Salvo Servizio
Bruno Funari
Davide Gallo
Camilla Lilla
Martina vergesi
Mattia Vaivia
Rosa Culetto
Viola Respiro
Stefania stanza
Resta in Pace
Drake Kadri
Pasquale Porrari
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Carla Schievane
Elio Nato Vivo
Michael Millais
Tua Madre_
Enne Enrepo
Harris Farts
Enrico Riccobene
Pietro Parco
Arancio Sole Chiaro
Terza in Comodo
Frank il Giardino
Manca Poco
Samantha Sole
Martino Picardi
Mira Sema
Pasquale Pasqualon
Ginestra Tonini
Nicole Vaiani
Karim al-Rahmān
Isotta Mbabazi
Glenda Golubev
Giulia Roncali
Michael Scott
Dwight Schrute
Jim Halpert
Andy Bernard
Kevin Malone
Creed Bratton
Stefano Ruggero
Moses Okello
Antonella Ottaviani
Erika Milelli
Alessia Rizza
Michela Lepore
Giovanni Mucciacca
Pietro Pacciani
Maggiori informazioni sulla piattaforma Instagram: @spazio_come_si_chiama, @spazio.mirtillo, @arrivada e @pecorella_smarritaa.
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pennys-thick-thighs · 2 years
‘no! i’ll take him. i’ll take all of you. and i’ll feast on your flesh as i feed on your fear.’
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welcome to my tumblr account :)
this list is who i’ll write for
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all future works will be tagged under their show/film/universe
marvel: natasha romanoff, steve rogers, bucky barnes, sam wilson, thor, loki, peter parker, wade wilson, eddie brock/venom, steven grant, jennifer walters, matt murdock
asgardian ~ jennifer walters
the umbrella academy: klaus hargreeves, viktor hargreeves, diego hargreeves
stranger things: robin buckley, steve harrington, eddie munson, karen wheeler, jim hopper, joyce byers, chrissy cunningham
eyeliner ~ eddie munson
love ~ robin buckley
harry potter: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, harry potter, fred weasley, george weasley, neville longbottom
rain ~ james potter
scream: tatum riley, sidney prescott
orange is the new black: alex vause, stella, nicky nichols, pousséy washington, brooke soso
hate ~ alex vause
shameless: veronica fisher, kevin ball (s), fiona gallagher, ian gallagher (platonic or male only), mickey milkovich (platonic or male only), svetlana
pirates of the caribbean: jack sparrow, will turner
twilight: rosalie hale, alice cullen, jasper hale, emmet cullen, carlisle cullen
scars ~ rosalie hale/cullen
sex education: maeve wiley, otis milburn, adam groff, aimee gibbs, jackson marchetti, jean milburn
midsommer: danny
dc: harley quinn, poison ivy
it: richie tozier, bill denbourgh, beverly marsh, mike hanlon
knives out: ransom drysdale, marta cabrera
the boys: annie january, billy butcher, queen maeve, frenchie, kimiko
doctor who: 10th doctor, 11th doctor, rose tyler, river song, rory williams, 12th doctor, donna noble
kingsman: eggsy unwin, harry hart, merlin
the last of us: joel miller, platonic!ellie williams
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shit about me
bisexual non-binary british
obsessed with horror films stephen king addict
favourite films: it chapter 1&2, deadpool 1&2, bohemian rhapsody, misery, venom, venom: let there be carnage, silence of the lambs, red dragon, rocketman, the green mile, the shining
favourite bands/musicians: queen, elton john, mötley crüe, the beatles, abba, david bowie, nirvana, mitski, mother mother, arctic monkeys, melanie martinez, amy winehouse
current favourite songs: wicked game - chris isaak, strawberry fields forever - the beatles, rhiannon - fleetwood mac, gold dust woman - fleetwood mac, don’t try suicide - queen, seaside rendezvous - queen, something in the way - nirvana, two slow dancers - mitski, life on mars? - david bowie, blackbird - the beatles, five years - david bowie, save me - queen, seven seas of rhye - queen, evil woman - electric light orchestra, 1979 - the smashing pumpkins, tears dry on their own - amy winehouse, my girlfriend is a witch - october country, dreams - fleetwood mac
favourite books: the green mile, misery, thinner, it, turtles all the way down, horrible histories collection, captain fantastic (elton john’s stellar journey through the ‘70s)
favourite programmes: stranger things, orange is the new black, shameless, gogglebox, bbc ghosts, sex education, the umbrella academy, doctor who (2005), taskmaster, good omens
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send requests for fluff/smut/angst but i won’t write them if i’m uncomfortable with them
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‘he thrusts his fists against the p-post but still insist he sees the ghost. he thrusts his fists against the p-p-p-post… fear.’
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whirligig-girl · 7 months
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josemitadinamita · 2 months
Presentación del cómic "El paseo en bicicleta"
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sapphicbookclub · 2 years
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Yule Planet: Escape from the Holidays by Angel Martinez
Sofia Cancino is tired of her mundane life, her artificial environment and her large, boisterous family descending every holiday season. She's promised herself this year will be different and books a stay on the exclusive—and expensive--holiday-themed resort, Yule Planet. She looks forward to being pampered while reconnecting with Old Earth traditions steeped in the magic and mysticism of nature. Everything will be perfect and she'll leave as a more authentic human, better connected to her roots.
Naturally, things go horribly wrong. Sofia's landing pod goes off course and instead of stepping out on the landing pad at the resort, she finds herself in the snow-swept perpetual winter of the planet's hinterlands. If that wasn't bad enough, she's "rescued" by a band of criminals on work release who run deliveries to the resort from far-flung shuttle delivery sites. They refuse to take her, a paying customer, to the resort and insist on dragging her along on their parcel run. Riding giant monsters. In frigid weather. Not to mention, Marta, who handles the monsters, obviously hates her.
If Sofia survives her vacation, she's definitely yelling at someone's supervisor until she gets a refund.
Genres: science fiction, romance
Get the book from The Book Depository here!
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moonfie · 8 months
hi i'm feeling so alone, someone wants to be my friend?😭 my name is Marta, i'm a bigger txt, enhypen, kep1er & gidle stan. I LOVE CAVETOWN, MARINA, THE LIVING TOMBSTONE, MELANIE MARTINEZ, TAYLOR SWIFT & GIRL IN RED i'm spanish but i speak korean, a little of french, english & a little of japanesse. if u're spanish, so much better bcause i'm spanish & it cost me less😭 tell me if u want to be my friend in comments :33!
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allgusgurls · 9 months
HOLA GENTE! Les agradezco mucho el apoyo y para todas las que quieran mirar mis reacciones a Luznhoa, les dejo por aca link a la ultima subida!
Me ayudan un monton comentando que les parece, dando like y compartiendo!! MIL GRACIAS!
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