dragons-and-handcuffs · 2 months
Maegor Targaryen x reader
It was not your choice or decision to marry Maegor the cruel. In fact you had already given your heart to another. A son of a lord. But in the seven kingdom everything is about power. Maegor needed the strength and support of your house, and your father wanted the cruel king to marry one of his daughters.
You along with your sisters were presented before the king. Your sisters dressed to attract the king, to get his attention and to tempt him. You, however, choose to dress modestly, thinking Maegor would not even look at you. Praying that he picks one of your sisters so that your path is clear to marry the man you love.
However, Maegor's eyes only remained on you. The girl who is clearly trying to not catch his attention. The girl who is longing to marry someone else. No matter how much your sisters tried they didn't manage to catch the King's eyes.
There was no way your father was going to oppose the marriage, not when he tried so hard to have his blood and name associated with the Targaryen.
Everything was happening fast. The man you love disappeared, probably killed or ran away to save himself from the cruel king. You had to move into the palace. The wedding preparations were happening. Your father started treating you as if you are the most precious and delicate jewel. Your sisters were taking every chance they got to insult you and express their jealousy. And then there is Maegor, your husband to be.
Maegor is pretty sure you have captured his heart. Whenever he can he would insist you join him for dinner or lunch. Just you two. He wants to know you better but you remain cold. He couldn't help but chuckle or smile in amusement whenever he sees you in your modest clothes, while your sisters and his other wives try to show as much skin as possible to gain his attention.
Most of his wives were jealous and felt threatened, while the rest felt relieved that Maegor's cruel eyes are not on them.
In a matter of short time you have witnessed Maegor's cruelty several times, not towards you but to those who tried to defy him or betray him. You even saw him cut a man in half right in the court room. You were scared. You were shaking.
And then came the wedding. Your father made you wear your house sigil on the wedding dress, embroidered in gold to show everyone how powerful his house is. He gave your hand to Maegor who then put his heavy Targaryen cloak on you. Throughout the ceremony your heart was beating like crazy.
Maegor had his arm around you throughout the feast. He could sense your anxiousness. Everyone showering you with gifts, gold, jewels, but none of them mattered, not when you felt like you are getting trapped in a cage with a cruel dragon.
For the bedding ceremony everyone was certain Maegor would do his absolute worst, just like he did to his other wives. Nobody cared though. And your family certainly didn't care. Your father told, no, ordered you to do your best to satisfy the beast of man. Your sisters eagerly waiting for you to get your "punishment" for taking the king away from them. Maegor however surprised everyone. Usually he prefers breaking the will of his wives and taming them, but not with you. He ordered everyone to leave, taking you by surprise. No one had the courage to say a word against it.
Maegor held you close, your back pressed against his chest as he felt you up, whispering how he can't wait to claim you. You want to push him away but you can't, and also your body has started to betray you. Maegor knows it. He soon learned how your body likes to be touched. You almost stopped breathing when he took off your dress. Normally he would have ripped it, but not this time. You both remembered all the you covered yourself completely hoping Maegor would not choose you, but here you are now, naked and soon to be claimed by him.
Tears rolled down your face when Maegor slowly claimed you. You felt like you were getting ripped and torn. You wanted to scream but only soft moans left your lips. Maegor pinning you down to the bed and kissing you while he thrust in and out of you. He looked so proud when you reached your climax, showing you, telling you how it was just the beginning.
The next morning you woke up feeling sore and exhausted. Maegor was not there but he did order the maid to take good care of you before he left. You were barely out of the bed when your father barged in with a maester. He was really happy to see the blood on the bedsheet, the proof that the bedding ceremony was a success and Maegor has claimed you.
For a moment you thought your father brought the maester to check if you were okay after what happened the previous night. But you were wrong. The maester was there to check if Maegor has properly "claimed" you and see if everything with you is okay to survive a pregnancy, to give Maegor the heir he so desperately wants and to ensure your father's blood gets to sit on the iron throne.
It's the first time in your life you have said "no" to your father. You refuse to go through that humiliation. At first your father was in disbelief, tried to laugh it off and ordered you to lay on the bed for the maester. Something inside you snapped. You called the guards standing outside the door and ordered them to take away your father and lock him in his room, and throw the maester in a cell. The guards obeyed you without any questions. The first time in your life you stood up for yourself. You felt the weight on your shoulders slightly lifting.
The news instantly reached Maegor. He was surprised and proud, but also angry. Your father had no right over you after your wedding, and what he did or was about to do not only insults you but also insults the king.
Maegor didn't visit you that night, in fact you didn't see him the entire day. But the next morning he asked you to go for a walk with him. You were surprised when he took you to his dragon, Balerion. Your first time seeing a dragon so close. Maegor grabbed your hand and took you closer, telling you the black dread won't hurt you. And he was right. The dragon didn't show any sign of anger or annoyance when Maegor put your hand on him. Even Maegor was surprised. You were amazed how something so big and scary was just resting so peacefully. But the dragon soon sat up when the guards dragged the maester to him.
Maegor holding you close, telling you he will protect you and punish anyone who hurt you in any way. The maester begged for his life but couldn't even finish two sentences before Balerion set him on fire.
You knew exactly what was coming next. Your family. The cruel look in Maegor's eyes told you he had something planned for your father and the rest of the family as well. You can't beg. You won't beg. But you can't just let them die.
That night Maegor visited you. You hate to admit how your body betrays you every time he touches you.
Once Maegor was asleep right next to you you pulled out a dagger from under your pillow. Your heart beating fast as you saddled him carefully pressed the dagger against his throat. You have never taken a life. You have never even killed a life. But you were certain that killing Maegor would spare hundreds of innocent lives.
You almost gathered up all your courage to slit his throat, about to apply pressure when Maegor gave you a small crooked smile which turned into an evil one when he opened his eyes. "Do it. Kill me," He smiled at you. He grabbed your hand and applied pressure against his neck, causing the dagger to slightly cut the skin. "If you don't kill me now then I will never let you go. I will claim you every night. And I will kill anyone who dares to even look at you in the wrong way."
You were at a loss for words. You don't want your family to die but also you can't kill Maegor.
He felt your grip on the dagger loosen. He quickly flipped you, and now you are the one pinned on the beg and he was on top of you. He snatched the dagger and pressed it against your neck and his other hand pinning both your arms above your head.
He let out a soft but cruel laugh before kissing you. You don't know why but you kissed him back. Maybe you were lying to yourself. Maybe you can see yourself being his wife. Maybe you could see yourself loving this cruel dragon one day.
Maegor never felt so satisfied before then he did when he fucked you with the dagger pressed against your neck. He knew you were the one for him when you cum while he teased you with the dagger. He knew behind all your modesty and innocence there was a part who craved the mad dragon.
Maegor was there when you woke up the next morning. You felt his arm wrap around you and pull you closer to him. Both of you naked, your back pressed against his chest. He put the dagger in your hand, taking you by surprise. After last night you were certain he would remove everything from your reach which you could use as a weapon.
"One day you will decide to punish your family for all their crimes against you, and that day you will need this," Maegor kissed you as he made you hold the dagger. "And I won't stop you...my queen"
Part 2? Idk
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Could you please write Maegor getting upset when his wife, who was forced to marry him, refuses to hand over their new son, after his birth.
A/N: I hope you like this!
pairing: Dark!Maegor Targaryen x Reader
summary: Maegor getting upset when his wife, who was forced to marry him, refuses to hand over their new son, after his birth.
Word count: 1,1K
Warnings: Angst, forced marriage, childbirth
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
"You're not the first or last woman he will marry" Tyanna of the tower hissed in your ear the night of your wedding. You were only ten and five namedays old when your father married you to Maegor in hopes of an alliance and to get on the good graces of the cruel king.
"Why is he doing this?" You had sobbed as she herself braided your hair for the bedding. Your mother had explained what it entailed but Tyanna had made Maegor sound like a monster in the bed, that you will probably perish in between his arms as he fucked you.
"He needs a son, an heir" Tyanna answered. She secured the last braid and moved away from you. The sorceress provided a vail from her waist band and held it out to you. "For fertility" She had promised so you would not have to bed Maegor for long. You gulped it down without a second thought wanting to get rid of him.
That night Maegor and you performed your duties, he was gentler than Tyanna explained but with no mercy unlike what your mother had explained. You were in pain after and could barely move but the more he came to you the easier it became.
When you fell pregnant Maegor rejoiced and threw feasts and tourneys claiming his heir was coming. Tyanna's true face came out then, she had doubled her visits unlike Maegor's other wives, Ceryse and Alys of Harroway. The two women sympathised with you because with your pregnancy came Maegor's attention as well.
It was Alys who had stopped you from drinking a tea Tyanna brought you, it was a tea to help you with the birth, to make it easier and faster but Alys was suspicious already and called in a maester and alerted Maegor of the incident. Alys was right, the tea was meant to turn your child into a monster, sorcery, Maegor killed Tyanna in front of your eyes. Terrible mistake of his now you feared him more than ever, he was ready to kill anyone and everyone.
He had presented her heart to you muttering that it was for the sake of your son. The sight of her heart in his hands sent you into labour, you were terrified. Alys had stayed with you during the labour, trying to calm you down, trying to remind you that you were bringing a new life into the world.
Ceryse however stayed outside of the chamber with Maegor, she saw herself above being by your side during your labour, she was of higher statues, she was the niece of the high septon after all. Other than that she was of much older age than you two combined probably, she you had never truly asked for her age.
"Good job, your grace" The maester praised from between your legs. You panted leaning back against the pillows. Alys dabbed a soaking rag against your overheated skin.
"Again, your grace, you're almost done" The maester encouraged. You took a deep breath and pushed when the next contraction began. A scream came out involuntarily, it was just very painful. The pressure slipped out of you after almost seven hours of labour.
"A son!" The maester rejoiced pulling the bloodied child out. He squealed out, crying for warmth. The maester placed the crying child over your stomach so he can cut the cord connecting you to your child and deliver the after birth.
Maegor was unable to wait anymore but what broke him was the sound of a child crying from inside. Ceryse's face dropped at the sound, she had failed her duty, another woman had presented him with a son, a living heir. Maegor brushed passed her to walk into the room.
Midwives were running around the room with bloody rags and pots filled with bloodied water. You were laying on the bed with a pile of pillows keeping you upright, your hair was wet from sweat and face red, your breathing was ragged but your eyes were focused on the baby crying in your arms. Even Alys was crying beside you, relieved that maybe the birth of this baby would lessen the weight on her shoulders.
"Oh my baby" You whispered, unaware that Maegor had stepped into the room. The white haired baby tried looking up at you but was unable to raise his head. You moved him to lay in your arms at an angel that let you look at each other.
"Shhh baby, mommy's here" You swayed him slightly in your arms. He calmed down, opening his eyes finally to show the most beautiful shade of purple eyes ever.
"A son your grace, congratulations" The maester was the first to notice Maegor. He stood up straight with the after birth still in his hands. Your gaze moved to look at him stood by the door, eyes stuck on the child in your arms. You pulled your son closer to your chest.
"My son" It was like he was in a trance. He stepped closer the bed slowly. Alys moved off the bed and to the side to help some of the maids choose a dress to put you in after they bathe you.
"Give me my son" Maegor opened his arms, a grin decorated his face. You feared him now more than when he would glare at you.
"No" You squeaked, shaking your head from side to side. The room fell deathly quiet at your words. Alys closed her eyes fearing for your safety.
"Give me my son" Maegor ordered, eyes glaring down at you, his smile slipping slowly off his face. Alys scrambled to the other side of the bed and took a seat beside you. She reached to touch your arm but you flinched away from her touch.
"No, don't take him away from me" You cried, holding him tighter, closer to you. The maester could notice the anger in Maegor's eyes growing closer and closer to craziness at being refused to hold his first child.
"Your grace, if I may" The maester handed the after birth to one of the midwives and moved to stand by Maegor's other side. Maegor side eyed him giving him permission to speak before turning to glare at you, you glared right back with tearful eyes.
"Some mothers grow overprotective of their children when their first born, maybe we should give the queen some time to adjust to the child, it is like an instinct, not her fault or choice your grace" The maester spoke lowly. If you could you would growl at him like some animal. To Maegor you looked like a dragon protecting her eggs.
"Get her snapped out of it fast, I want my son" Maegor hissed. He pushed the old maester to the side and stormed out of the room to begin preparations of the celebrations in his heir's honour.
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thewatcher0nthewall · 3 months
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Beneath God's Eye
"Balerion the Black Dread fell upon the younger dragon from above, ripping a wing from her body. Quicksilver fell to her death, with Prince Aegon upon her back
Once Aegon fell, the rebels saw their cause lost."
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greycloudsinwinter · 1 month
Hi can I request yandere Maegor the cruel x gender neutral reader escape in successfully reaction and then being found after a while in a style of a dialogue with a little bit of smut. ❤️
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You ran . As fast as your legs could take you almost falling down the stairs only two pockets full of coins and the clothes you wore with you. You couldn’t be with him . the way he would torture those he got to close to you even his own wives it terrified you.
And after that night where he shoved you against the stone hall. the ways his lips smashed against yours. Then his tongue demanding entrance to which you did not want to give ,so to force you to open your mouth he bit down on your bruised lip making you gasp. He grunted in satisfaction as his hands made quick work of moving higher up your thighs.
The mere thought of that night still makes you feel sick. You hated him. despised him .but lucky enough he was too devoted in his own fantasies yo realise that you had made a plan to escape right under his nose .
You found your self pushing your legs to the limit as you mad your way down to the dock. The small vessel waited for you there . You brought the boat from an old fisher man that was more then pleased to receive a bag of coin for the busted up little boat and paddles.
You still remember Maegor’s words from that night ‘you can’t escape me little flame’ it haunted you . But as you stepped one foot into the boat you found some relief.
And that’s when it happened…
The golden cloaks .
The sounds of yells.
A roar of a mighty dragon.
Maegor laughing.
He found you .
now you could never escape…
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ra-horakhty-art · 10 months
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Maegor The Cruel
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smilingdawn · 3 months
RIP Melkor you would've loved Westeros in its Targaryen era
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witchthewriter · 10 months
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𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 "𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝" 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
Lawful Good
The Fool Reversed
Aries Sun, Taurus Moon, Sagittarius Rising
Aegon was born to his parents King Aenys I Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon; second child and firstborn son. He was the heir to the throne.
Aegon and his young brother, Viserys, were present when Aegon I died on Dragonstone. Their grandsire had been telling them of his adventures and conquests, and then suddenly, he had a stroke. That same night he died peacefully in his sleep.
This put Aegon's father on the throne, however, he did offer to co-rule with Maegor. But his actions, particularly with how many wives he was trying to have, made Aenys exile his brother.
Although Aegon was attractive, charming and wooed many ladies at court, his father was set on the marriage between him and his older sister Rhaena. The incestuous relationship caused much uproar from the Faith of the Seven, which in turn made the common folk angry (as they were very religious during this time)
King Aenys was a gentle man but during the times of this match and marriage, he was firm in his decision, so firm that he went against the Faith of the Seven. When it came time for the royal progress, everything went wrong.
As Aegon did not have a dragon for his own, Aenys told Rhaena she could not bring Dreamfyre as it would make Aegon look weak. This decision led the newly weds on a dangerous course of action where they had to be hid from the crowds as they were attacked. Aegon, who felt utterly and completely angry at the time, had to be held back by guards as he wanted to fight whoever was attacking his wife.
Aegon and Rhaena were actually in the middle of the royal progress and trapped at Crakehall by members of the Faith when their father died. During this time, King Aenys died on Dragonstone and Dowanger Queen Visenya brought Maegor back from exile.
When Maegor usurped the throne, Aegon's family were hostages under the King, including all three of his younger siblings. Prince Viserys was at the Red Keep, as Maegor’s squire, and Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Alysanne were at Dragonstone along with their mother, all of them under guard.
Aegon and Rhaena escaped Crakehall as the Poor Fellows left to march on King's Landing. The pair fled to Casterly Rock where Lord Lyman Lannister protected them by extending guest right. A year later, Rhaena had twins daughters; Aerea and Rhaella, both Aegon and Rhaena's only children.
A while later, when Maegor had left to Oldtown, Aegon and Rhaena went to King's Landing to gather dragons. Rhaena was reunited with Dreamfyre and Aegon claimed Quicksilver.
During this time, Aegon and Rhaena's mother was secretly conversing with the great Houses; Baratheons, Starks, Lannisters and Arryns. However, all stated they would only support Aegon if he was truly crowned. As rumours had started to spread that he was weak like his father.
And so, Aegon denounced Maegor as nothing but a tyrant and a usurper. Finding allies wherever he could, he led an army of fifteen thousand, and atop Quicksilver through the riverlands. However, Aegon was still an inexperienced young commander.
Royalist armies marched toward Aegon from three separate directions, but the young commander didn't want to attack and defeat each one separately. But the armies on the ground would be of no problem as a bigger one soon arrived.
So, during the Battle Beneath the God's Eye, Maegor attacked while atop Balerion. The pair were no match, with Balerion four times the size of Quicksilver and with much more battle IQ. Eventually, Maegor and Balerion killed Aegon and Quicksilver. Aegon wasn't even eighteen when he died.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
Vermithor is Vhagar's Son
Hi all! Given the most recent chapter of Stormbreak, I think it's finally time to get on my soapbox and give you all one of my favorite HotD theories. There's actually a surprising amount of evidence to support this theory! These two dragons are noted to share very rare physical traits, and are also set up narratively to be related in a few different places of Fire and Blood. So let's get into it :)
First, let's look at the appearances of the two dragons, as they've been described by GRRM. Vermithor is described as being "bronze" with "great tan wings." Vhagar isn't described in the books, but GRRM told official illustrators that she is "bronze with greenish blue highlights and bright green eyes." It is also explicitly noted that Vermithor is an abnormally large dragon, already humongous by 48 AC even though he would have only been fourteen years old at the time. In this aspect, even a young Vermithor is explicitly compared to Vhagar and Balerion. We know that dragons vary widely in traits such as color and size, and it's not unreasonable to think this would be reflected from parent to offspring. So I think it's significant that Vermithor and Vhagar are the only two dragons described as bronze, and that they are two of only five members of this large species ever described (the others being Balerion, Meraxes, and possibly the Cannibal).
But the physical appearance is just the tip of the iceberg. Let's remember that Vermithor hatched from the egg placed in King Jaehaerys I's cradle by his eleven-year-old sister, Rhaena. This is the same badass Rhaena who fed her husband to her dragon, Dreamfyre, and who is also a suspected dragon dreamer (she is explicitly referred to as "dreamy"). What's the significance of this?
Well, the current king at the time Jaehaerys is born, King Aenys I, is a very sickly king, and there have been pushes by the Dowager Queen Visenya (yes, that Visenya) to make Aenys's younger brother, Maegor (yes, that Maegor) king in his stead. Aenys's heir, Aegon, is Jaehaerys and Rhaena's older brother, and upon Aenys's death by law Jaehaerys will be second-in-line for the throne (he has one older brother, Viserys, who is later tortured to death by Maegor at the age of fifteen) Rhaena is old enough here that she very well might have understood that Jaehaerys might have to go up against Maegor--against Balerion--one day, if not as king himself, at least as Aegon's supporter.
Also, as a dragon dreamer, it's likely Rhaena was aware of part or all of what was to come. That Maegor would usurp the throne after King Aenys I died suspiciously. That Rhaena's brother-husband, Aegon, would die on dragonback against him, no match for the huge Balerion. That her other older brother, Viserys, would die in agony, tortured by Maegor for over nine days until he succumbed to his wounds. That Jaehaerys would become the last hope of his family, one that Rhaena would cling to as Maegor forcibly wedded and assaulted her. That Jaehaerys would have to fight for every inch of his rightful power.
What would you do, if you knew, or even suspected, that your baby brother would one day be going up against Balerion the Black Dread? Against the man who might have killed your father, who burned your brother-husband alive, and who tortured and murdered another of your brothers? Wouldn't you arm your baby brother as best as you could? Wouldn't you choose an egg that you knew would grow as quickly as possible? Remember that dragons come in all different shapes and sizes, but are known to take after their parents.
Wouldn't you, too, choose an egg from a dragon like Vhagar's clutch? One that was sure to grow as quickly as possible, and as big as possible? One that would serve as a sign of legitimacy and as protection against the fate that would one day befall your own father?
Again, Rhaena is a badass, and she wouldn't have hesitated to take one of Vhagar's eggs in order to protect her baby brother and the entire rest of her family. It makes a ton of narrative sense, especially because GRRM coded her as a dreamer for a reason. Also, I lean more towards Vhagar being Vermithor's parent instead of Balerion, if only because in that case Vermithor should have surpassed Vhagar in size by the time of the Dance, which he had not.
Finally, it's interesting if you think of Vhagar and Vermithor as parent and child during the Dance. I don't think it's a coincidence that one of the two dragons GRRM chose to defect to the Greens and fight alongside Vhagar was the one coded in various ways to be her son.
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asa-do-your-thing · 11 months
Hi! Here on your blog for the first time!
I saw your fic idea list and I am amazed by the range of your ideas.
I would like to know more about the following fics -
• Aemond falling in love with a female ghost
• Criston x greek mythology reader or was it Criston x reader but make it greek mythology
Sorry, my memory is too short!
Thanks for writing and sharing your fanworks with us!
Hi dear! Thank you so much for your kind words! Sorry for the delay, we're currently in an intense heatwave and I couldn't bring myself to write. Here's the first story - keep your eye on my blog and the second one should appear soon as well. I'm sorry if it's OOC or feels weird - I have never been able to master the craft of writing scary stories.
"Princess of Sorrows "
Aemond Targaryen x F! OC - 18+ MINORS DNI
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: death, supernatural beings, ghosts, slight angst, mentions executions, mentions suicide, also MAEGOR (although not explicitly).
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The room was hollow yet imposing, as if the walls were made of solid stone and stretched for leagues. Flickering candles illuminated its contours, adding an eerie quality to the opulence of the mahogany furniture and heavy tapestries. In areas where shadows lurked deepest in the chamber, mythical creatures seemed to move like ghosts in a faint fog, ever out of reach. At the far end, an ornate fireplace filled the room with warmth, while in the center lay Prince Aemond Targaryen's bed. It was large and majestic, boasting fine silk sheets and a down-filled mattress, surrounded by exotic objects that glowed like spectres in the night.
A painting of a woman with long white hair and crown stars perched atop her head hung on the wall like a menacing reminder of days long gone. She was draped in a rusted wine gown and stared out from the painting with an emotionless, yet weary gaze. Her white eyebrows were knitted together as if she were about to unleash some indescribable fury on whoever had painted her. He had never heard any tales about the painting; but he swore, it seemed to have been there even before he was born. It watched him intently, like a dark sentinel guarding his chamber. He had taken to referring to the woman as the "Princess of Sorrows".
As he sat there in the shadows, pouring through ancient books telling the Targaryen family's stories, Aemond felt a frosty chill ripple down his spine. Occasionally he had the sense that secretive eyes were watching him, and then he'd have to hold his breath until the sensation faded away. Even though his dread was mounting, Aemond never spoke of it out loud. He feared doing so would only manifest its presence further. It was on one of those nights when the moon shone brightly, that Aemond swore he saw a silhouette in the corner of his eye turning the page of a book. His heart skipped a beat as he jumped to his feet armed with a sword, but the figure had suddenly vanished, leaving behind the whisper of skirts. He stayed still waiting for its return, but nothing stirred. Was it all just his overactive imagination? No one could tell.
The next morning, he hesitantly dispatched one of his guards to scour the palace. But not a single one among the thousand women living there resembled the figure he thought he had seen. He was now more certain than ever that his chambers were haunted, yet still afraid to accept it and acknowledge his fear of the dead. Evening after evening, he sent the guard back again and kept his hand firmly grasping his sword. Days passed, yet nothing changed: Alone in the chamber, the Princess of Sorrows seemed lost within her thoughts...and then suddenly, as soon as he started feeling at ease, he'd catch a glimpse of her again. He was determined to unravel this mystery that was plaguing him, but didn't know how to proceed. He kept his guard close by and searched for any other signs of her presence - all in vain.
Finally, after weeks of haunted nights, Aemond had had enough. He gave the silent command and all his guards began their search anew, combing every inch of the palace for any sign of something out of place. But nothing emerged. Defeated and discouraged, they returned to Aemond but he seemed unfazed by the lack of results. He still felt that something was lurking in the dark shadows, hidden from his sight. He kept a keen eye on every corner as he patrolled with his sword, when suddenly one night he spotted something strange darting away from him. Instantly he leapt into action and charged after this mysterious being, running through the darkened halls in pursuit.
As he ran, he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He had no idea what he was chasing, but he was determined to catch it. The sound of his own footsteps echoed through the halls, and he felt the cool night air whipping past his face. His mind was racing, trying to anticipate his prey's moves. It was then that he saw her again: the Princess of Sorrows, darting ahead of him like a wraith, her crimson gown fluttering behind her.
He took off like a raging bull, stampeding through the castle without regard for consequence. She ran with grace and agility, always managing to stay one step ahead of him. His lungs burned and his heart pounded as he pressed on, determined to catch her this time. Time seemed to stand still as he lurched around corner after corner, hearing nothing but her echoing laughter in response. Eventually, she came to a dead end near his chambers and before she could turn tail and flee, he had her cornered.
He charged towards her, sword swinging. Stopping just short of her, he could feel the heat radiating off her. Her long white hair framed an angelic face, illuminated in the orange light of the torches. Her eyes were like galaxies, dark and deep with a sorrow that seemed to tear through him. She wore a gown of blood-red silk, and in her hands, she grasped a rose as white as snow. Aemond stood frozen in time; mesmerized by this beautiful apparition.
Aemond stood there, his breath caught in his throat as he gazed upon her beauty. He had been taught to fear this entity, but she seemed almost...human. He reached for the sword at his side and found it forgotten. "My... Lady?" he said, not sure what title would be appropriate for such a mysterious figure. The Princess of Sorrows met his gaze with a small, yet pained smile before disappearing back into the mist. Anger boiled within Aemond's veins as he marched back into his chamber, eyes fixed on the portrait of this wretched princess - her face still contorted in pain and anger.
The days seemed to fly by in a frenzied fever, yet the nights crept past with an agonizing slowness. Aemond yearned for the darkness; unable to sleep as he waited for her to appear. He was up before the sun, lost in thought in the shadows of his chamber, desperate for any sign of her presence. Though scared and uncertain, she had him in an unbreakable spell - he couldn't shift his gaze from her as they shared their clandestine tete-a-tetes.
He started to notice delicate shifts in her gestures - the way she'd linger in front of a painting as if it were speaking to her, or gaze out of the window with an enigmatic expression. He realized then that this mysterious creature had feelings like his own, and emotions and thoughts he could barely comprehend.
Aemond found himself captivated by the woman's delicate figure, her perfectly coiffed hair and petite features. Every time he saw her from afar, his heart raced as he walked closer to her in order to get a better look. He opened his mouth each time, but his courage failed him and she seemed to sense it; she quickly faded away like a phantom into the shadows, leaving Aemond perplexed and dejected.
In desperation, Aemond ventured out into King's Landing’s most notorious street - Flea Bottom - seeking out mystical knowledge from an old witch who gave him a spell that will trap any ghost in place if used correctly. Armed with newfound knowledge Aemond returned back to his chambers determined to get closer to the Princess of Sorrows and uncover the secrets that surrounded this captivating creature who had stolen his heart without even uttering a single word.
Aemond cast the spell within his chambers and sure enough, the Princess of Sorrows appeared before him looking less translucent than she had been previously. Her features were clearer, her skin more visible and her eyes filled with a mysterious and deep emotion. Aemond was taken aback at this new transformation; he had never seen the ghostly figure looking so lifelike. She stood there in her usual red gown and her touch was cold and clammy. It made Aemond's skin crawl whenever she got too close to him.
The Princess turned to Aemond, her gaze filled with sadness as if something inside of her was crying out for help "Why did you trap me?" she asked him. He could not bring himself to answer, instead he asked: "Why are you haunting me? What do you want from me?" The princess’s expression softened and she replied: "Your death is near, I only wanted to warn you."
Aemond felt his heart break at those words - the ghostly figure seemed almost too familiar now. He took a step closer to her, desperate for answers yet still wary of what he might uncover. The Princess watched him curiously but said nothing - it was clear that she would not offer any more information until Aemond answered her own question first.
Aemond inhaled sharply, his face grim. "I trapped you because I wanted to find out your secrets," he uttered darkly, his voice like a whisper in the night. His hungry gaze bore into hers and her heart raced. Slowly she nodded, her eyes never leaving his. "Yes," she murmured softly. "There is much more hidden underneath my surface than meets the eye - mysteries only time will unravel. But I cannot tell you now."
Aemond felt his heart breaking as she uttered the words. He had been so certain that she would be able to bring him the answers he so desperately sought. Yet here she was, still refusing to tell him what it was that she seemed to know. How could someone be so secretive and why? His voice betraying his emotion, Aemond asked again, "Please, just tell me what you're keeping from me! What are you hiding?"
The Princess of Sorrows sighed heavily, her shoulders sagging, tears welling up in her eyes. "There are things in this world that are better left unsaid," she replied cryptically. "Things that would only bring more pain and heartache if they were revealed."
Aemond frowned, not satisfied with her answer. He took a step closer to her, his eyes searching hers. "Please," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Help me understand. I am willing to listen, no matter what the cost."
The Princess of Sorrows hesitated for a moment before finally nodding her head. "Very well," she said, her voice eerily calm. "But be warned, you might pay dearly for it, dear Prince."
Aemond felt a shiver run down his spine at her words, but he didn't falter. He was determined to learn the truth, no matter what it might cost him. "I'm ready," he said, his voice steady.
The Princess of Sorrows sighed as she prepared to tell her story. "We had a love that was forbidden," she said, her voice quivering with emotion. "It was passionate and fiery, yet we managed to keep it hidden from those who would have forbidden us. But our luck did not last. They found out and I was forced into marriage while he...he was put to death." Her voice trailed off as tears spilled down her face.
Aemond listened in stunned silence, his heart breaking for the pain and suffering this woman had endured. He could see the pain etched into her features, the sorrow in her eyes. "Who was your husband?" he asked softly, knowing that he was treading on dangerous ground.
The Princess of Sorrows hesitated before finally replying. "He was your ancestor," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "He was a Targaryen prince, just like you."
Aemond felt his world come crashing down around him. He had always been proud of his family's history, of their legacy. But now...now he felt tainted, stained by the sins of his ancestors.
"Who was he?" he asked again, his voice barely above a whisper.
The Princess of Sorrows looked at him with a sad smile. "Maegor was my brother," she said softly. "And my husband."
Aemond felt a wave of nausea wash over him.
He stumbled back, his mind reeling with the revelation. "How...how could this be?" he whispered, his voice trembling. "And what of you?" he asked, his voice soft. "What happened to you after you were forced into marriage?"
The Princess of Sorrows let out a bitter laugh as she wiped away her tears. "I was never truly alive after that," she said, her voice hollow. "I tried to make the best of my situation, but every day was a struggle. My husband was cruel and abusive, and I spent most of my days trying to avoid him. But eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to be free, to escape the pain and suffering that had become my life. And so, I did the only thing I could do - I jumped from my dragon and ended it all."
Aemond felt a lump form in his throat as he listened to her tragic tale. He couldn't imagine what it must have been like for her, to have lived through such pain and torment. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I had no idea."
The Princess of Sorrows gave him a sad smile. "It's alright," she said softly. "You couldn't have known. But now that you do, you must pay the price."
Aemond felt a chill run down his spine at her words. "What price?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
The Princess of Sorrows looked at him with a steely gaze. "You must be my lover," she said, her voice cold and firm. "And you must die."
Aemond felt his entire being freeze. Time seemed to stop as he heard her words. He couldn't process the meaning, but before he could act on his confusion, he felt the Princess of Sorrows grab him and pull him close. Her eyes were intense and mesmerizing, trapping him in their embrace. Slowly, she leaned towards him and pressed her lips against his. Aemond felt an indescribable sensation course through every inch of his body. It was a strange combination of pain and pleasure, as though something was being taken from him, some essence that he had never known existed until now, flowing gently from him into her.
Early next morning, two guards stumbled upon the lifeless body of Aemond on his grandiose bed. His mouth was agape, his eyes still open in horror as if he had seen a ghost. The maester pronounced him dead due to a mysterious heart failure that was brought about by some unknown force. Despite performing several tests, the maester could not find any clarity as to what had caused Aemond's demise.
Viserra's portrait hung above them, no longer frowning angrily but grinning widely instead. Despite the cheerful canvas painting, the mood in the room was somber as they all mourned Aemond's death; a death that had brought about by one woman's hard-fought desire for freedom after years of agony and servitude. No one noticed the strange smile cast down upon them or how it seemed to cast an ominous feeling around the gathering. Shrouded in grief, each person gathered in this chamber lost in their own sorrow and despair; unable to comprehend what had happened and why it had been allowed to occur.
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viscardiac · 1 year
A season left of summer - Masterlist
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: “But know this,” she rose an eyebrow. “I think Ceryse Hightower a poor match for the prince.” “And should Aella, a babe, suit him better?” He shook his head with a smile, pulling Visenya closer. “She just might.” “Let her be. Soon, Lady Ceryse shall give him an heir to care for, and this shall be long forgotten.” “I do hope you’re right,” Visenya sighed, leaning on his chest. But I don’t think you are, she thought.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 7 months
Maegor Targaryen x niece!readee
Warning: age gap, manipulative reader, in**st
A/N: There will be a part 2 probably but not sure at the moment
You always imagined you were going to marry your uncle to further the pure Targaryen bloodline. You have loved him and wanted him ever since you became a woman, but now are rumors going on that the council is advising Maegor, the king, to arrange your marriage to Lord Baratheon or Lord Lannister to have a strong alliance. You don't want that. You want to marry Maegor and become the queen, his other wives are irrelevant to you
You knew how to get Maegor and made a plan. That night you went to your uncle's room, wearing a very revealing night gown but acting innocent about it. The guards didn't dare try to stop you from going to his room. He was with one of his wives and she was on his knees pleasuring him with her mouth, it was more like Maegor roughly using her mouth.
"Uncle, I need to talk to you," You said softly and innocently. Maegor's eyes turned dark as soon as he saw you in the see through revealing night gown and he started to use his wife's mouth faster, and soon cum in her mouth. As soon as her job was done he dismissed her and she ran out of the room.
"What can I do for my dear niece?" Maegor asked as he sat down, all his attention on you and your beautiful body. "I have heard rumors that you are going to arrange my marriage with old lord Baratheon or Lord Lannister," You said softly as you poured him a cup of win gave it to him. You also picked up a wash clothes to get him cleaned up after he used his wife.
"The rumors's are true," Maegor said as he looked at you, his eyes mostly down your dress as you were on your knees and gently cleaning him with the wash cloth. "I don't want to marry them uncle," You replied. "Lord Baratheon is too old and Lord Lannister has already been married three times," You looked up at him with your innocence filled eyes.
Maegor gently caressed your cheek and pulled you up to sit on his lap. He threw away the wash cloth and held your hand, your soft skin gently brushing against his cock. "Then what do you want, my beautiful niece? You know I will throw all the alliances away for your happiness."
"I want to stay here by your side always. I want to be your wife and give you heirs," You replied. "I love you uncle, I always have and I don't want to ever leave you." Maegor was melted by your words. It's not like he never craved you, and he loves you the most or at least you are the only one he genuinely wants.
His grip around you tightened, his hand slowly moving from your waist to your breasts which are almost exposed because of the low cut of the night gown. "Then you will be by my side always. You will become my wife and we will further our pure bloodline," Maegor said before capturing your soft lips in a deep passionate kiss. Of course you kissed him back, his tongue dominating you. You can feel his cock now completely hard. As the kiss deepened you gave attention his cock with your soft hands which made Maegor go crazy.
He picked you up and took you to bed, and easily ripped apart the thin material of your dress. You have been dreaming of this moment for a long time and it is finally happening now. One last time you played innocent, trying to cover yourself with your hands. "Your wives and the council will not be happy if claim me before we get married," You said, sounding concerned, but in reality you were craving him. You want him to claim you. You were getting very wet between your legs and want him to use you.
"I don't care about them," Maegor said as he removed your hands and pinned them over your head. He kissed you again and started teasing you with his fingers. He was pleased to find how wet his beautiful young niece is for him. A gasp lep your lips when he pushed his finger inside you, it was music to his ears. He could feel how tight your virgin cunt his and can't wait to properly fuck you.
His cock was big but you believed it was made to fit your holes perfectly. It was the highest cunt Maegor has ever claimed and he was pleased it's yours.
The entire night he fucked you. Your moans were heard in the halls but you didn't care. He kissed and marked you everywhere, his seeds filled your womb.
After he pulled out he kissed your forehead and both slept, his arms caging you.
The next morning one of his wives came to do their duty and wake him up by pleasuring him but you ordered her to just step aside and not disturb. You kissed Maegor's lips and then started sucking his big cock.
The wife was shocked by the incestuous act as she thought you were marrying old lord Baratheon.
Maegor soon woke up and it felt like heaven. He let you pleasure him with you mouth a bit longer and then pinned you to the bed again before claiming your sore cunt again.
After he was done he ordered his wife to clean you up. She had no choice but to obey. He watched and talked as his wife gave you a warm bath which relaxed your body.
"Lord Baratheon and Lannister are joining us for the feast tonight. I want you to be by my side when I tell them the change of plans," Maegor said as you got out of the water. "Of course, my king," You smiled. You know there is now no one who can stop the union of you and Maegor now.
Since he ripped apart you night dress and you had nothing to wear, Maegor put his cloak around you himself. You two kissed but this time it was more gentle. "Take some rest, my beautiful niece. We will announce our wedding at the feast tonight."
Part 2?
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Hiii can u write part 2 about Maegor when the stepson is older and again like Aemond he became a amazing warrior. His father family can to petition Maegor about something and reader ia there with her new kids ans her son. Her ex husband family is panicking when the son calm Maegor father and because he doesn’t use an eye patch. There’s a ruby in the place of the eye he lost. He’s basically a mini Maegor without write hair. His mother and stepfather’s are proud.
A/N: I hope you like this!
pairing: Fanon!Maegor Targaryen x Reader
summary: Maegor when the stepson is older and again like Aemond he became an amazing warrior. His father's family came to petition in front of Maegor about something and reader is there with her new kids and her son. Her ex husband's family is panicking when the son calls Maegor father and because he doesn’t use an eye patch. There’s a ruby in the place of the eye he lost. He’s basically a mini Maegor without white hair. His mother and stepfather are proud.
Word count: 1,5K
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Garvey hissed moving out of the way before the sword could hurt him and deflected it easily with his dagger. His right hand adorned with a sword and his left with a dagger. As usual a crowd had formed around him and his personal guard to watch them spar, a friendly daily occurrence, sometimes you came to watch him along with his siblings and sometimes you his stepfather decided to join. This day however you both were busy preparing for a petition, his old family the Grey family was coming soon. Garvey was twenty and six now, at the hight of his strength.
His older brothers who were twins were fighting over lands and the title of Lord, again. Garvey raised his foot and kicked his guard in the chest sending him on his back powerless and moved to place his sword at the guard's neck and his dagger over his stomach.
"I yield" The guard called, two words Garvey had heard from the same man every single day for the passed three or so years. Garvey smirked and moved to stand up straight and helped the guard up.
The crowd around them exploded into applause for him. The Grey that was raised among dragons. His hair was long enough to reach his shoulder but he tied the front of it back to show his face, to show his scar like his stepfather told him to do, show it proudly. Maegor had gifted him a ruby to place in place of his eye and now he had one grey eye and one red eye.
His remaining eye paused when the gates opened and two wagon houses rolled in with the flags of house Grey waving in the wind. Garvey turned to his sister Maena who was ten and six, the only one of his siblings to have showed up that day to watch him, not surprising considering the fact that they were in love and in the process of convincing his mother and her father to let them marry instead of marrying her to her younger brother Aegon. She gave him a small smile and moved to wrap her arm around his.
"Come brother, you must wash before the petition" She scolded. he obeyed and let her pull him away from the crowd and into the Red Keep again.
Garvey bathed quickly and changed to wear the clothes you probably sent for him, black trousers with a red tunic to top it, the colours of house Targaryen. When he stepped into the throne he was announced by one of the guards.
"Lord Garvey of house Targaryen and Mormont" The entire Grey family whipped around to look at him, he was announced by the last name of his stepfather and his mother, your last name, Mormont, it was unheard of to be announced by the house name of the mother.
Maegor smirked watching their reactions atop his throne of swords and turned to look at you. You were glaring at your old stepdaughter whose son was the one to maim your son but when Garvey stepped in your face morphed into a proud smile watching him strut closer to the throne. The Grey family moved to the sides forming a walkway for him leading to the throne, some of the women gasped in horror at the sight of the scar and missis eye uncovered and instead a ruby in its place. Garvey bowed to Maegor before moving to stand by your side.
Maena snicked by Maegor's other side at their reactions. Maegor face softened when he looked at her admiring Garvey and him smiling back at her from the other side. Aegon who was only ten and two, the age where he despised his older sister and thought all girls disgusting. Beside Aegon stood your third child from Maegor and the last, a little son of five namedays who was called Viserys.
"You're late, Garvey" Maegor scolded, however his tone was light and made Garvey raise a teasing eyebrow.
"Apologies, father" Garvey's heart fluttered with joy at the horrified gasps.
"What is the meaning of this?" Dannis, the oldest of the twins hissed glaring up at the king.
"Why is our brother calling your grace father? Disrespectful shit needs to be punished, your grace, we apologise for our uneducated brother" Laina, his sister scrambled to say, trying to get on the good graces of Maegor. The sister who taught her son that what he did ti Garvey was okey because he was weak. Maegor burst out laughing much to their shock. You giggled behind your hand.
"No one will touch my son, Lady Laina, Garvey is the son I did not father but raised and soon he will be the husband of my eldest and heir, Maena" Maegor gestured to Maena. She gasped turning to look at her father as if awaiting him to say that it was a joke but he did not. You winced a little finding this queer but did not spoke up, your children loved each other and the King himself betrothed them, you had no say in the matter so you chose to ignore the fact that they were siblings and was happy for them.
"An honour, your grace" Laina stumbled a little. Her son's eyes were wide looking around before settling on Maena, that fucker. Garvey's fists clenched when he noticed who that little shit was looking.
"But wouldn't my son, Randar, be a better match? he is whole after all" Laina pushed her son closer to the throne. Your hand snapped to Maegor's shoulder squeezing it tightly, furry build into your form when she dared to look at you and smirk.
"Lady Laina, it would do you well to learn your place. Slandering my wife's first born will end with your head on a spike!" Maegor yelled, slamming his hand down on the metal handle of the throne, one of the rings on his fingers hitting the metal harder than the rest letting the sound of metal echo around the room. "His lost eye does not make him any less of a man"
"Garvey" Your calm voice followed Maegor's loud and booming voice. You took a step forward letting your hand slide down Maegor's arm and let him hold your hand instead. Garvey turned to look at you instead of glaring at his sister.
"Do tell me son, when was the last time you lost a fight either in the training yard or at a tourney?" You asked, calm on the outside but fuming on the inside and Maegor knew from the deathly grip you had on his hand but he did not mention it, he never complained and instead always said he was too strong to fell pain from it.
"Three years ago mother" Garvey answered, a smirk returned to his face. You smiled proudly and turned to look at Randar.
"When was the last time you won a tourney?" You asked. Maegor smirked noticing the change in the question.
"Never" Randar mumbled ashamed. Laina wanted to jump at you and kill you in your spot but you were queen now, she could not do that.
"In that case who is the better match husband? One who never looses a fight and can protect our daughter or one that never one a fight and probably would push our daughter in face of danger to save himself?" You asked turning to Maegor. He raised your intertwined hands and placed a kiss on one of the rings he had gifted you, it was a ruby in the middle of a gold band, a ruby of the same colour of Garvey's eye.
"I think there is no comparison, sweet wife" Maegor answered. Garvey looked down at Randar who huffed annoyed, rolling his eyes. That broke Garvey's control and made him pull out his dagger stalking over to his nephew and pulled him closer by the collar with the dagger to his throat.
"You dare roll your eyes at your king?" Randar's eyes widened in shock. Laina tried prying Garvey off her son but her strength was nowhere near his.
"Garvey, let the fool go, he is not worth your energy" Maena called from beside her father. Garvey sighed feeling weakened by her voice alone. He closed his remaining eyes to compose himself before pushing his nephew off making hims tumble and fall on his behind. Randar was horrified to find that Garvey's maimed eye did not close and remained open.
"Now back to your petition, Lords Dannis, Laroy" Maegor ended the argument turning to the order brothers who were silent the entire time. Probably the smartest decision they have ever made in their lives.
"Your grace" Laroy shakily stepped to the middle so he could petition for himself. Garvey put away his dagger before moving to stand by Maena instead of his mother this time. Maena reached between them to grab his hand in her own, he maybe older than her by ten namedays but she was the one with the more patience and the one to anchor him.
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zathura-art · 8 months
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My intrusive thoughts won and I made this doodle of King Maegor with teats ( • ) ( • )<-----(⊙ _ ⊙)
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greycloudsinwinter · 1 month
sorry if its too vague but yandere male of your choosing from game of thrones world with a male reader that yandere cannot openly pursue because theyre same gender
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🔪 I don’t know why he just gives the vibe .
🔪like to keep his reputation he has loads of wives to keep his desires secret as well as having them to produce heirs.
🔪you were most likely a knight or a lord heir and when he saw you his heart rate just went up.
🔪he keeps you close though making you a member of the royal guard of making you part of the council.
🔪hates you and loves you because he hates that your a man but loves you because he is infatuated with you.
🔪would make sure you never marry or take a wife if you do he just kills them. Not personally he gets a assassin to do it .
🔪gets lost in his thoughts on what it would be like if you both could be free and be together.
🔪very obsessive and possessive but keeps it hidden a lot better . To be honest people think your just such good friends like brothers…
Thank you for this request ❤️❤️
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ra-horakhty-art · 1 year
Maegor The Cruel.
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smilingdawn · 2 months
This isn't a jab at either Teams btw, but just from the "Based Maegor the Wise" memes, you know the show-only fans are gonna Chad Bobby B-fy Maegor when they make a show about his reign
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