romanoe · 8 months
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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Riven Awaken Cinematic by Doober
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countdhracula · 1 year
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Bird daddy is smiling 🥺
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Noxian Script Idea
basically, I imagine Noxian having a CVC syllable structure with no clusters at the beginning nor end of a word. The writing system is alphabetic with extra characters.
What kind of extra characters? Well, I pronounce Noxus as NAK-sus. X in this case is a cluster for K in the coda of the previous syllable and S in the onset of the latter syllable.
What I am getting at is that all those extra characters are the possible consonant clusters between Syllables. Or more accurately, between vowels.
The real question is whether these glyphs are original or ligatures of two other glyphs. Stylistically, I would choose the former. Naturallistcally, the latter makes more sense.
Which would you choose?
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hanamuransfw · 2 years
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Dunkmaster Darius
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for wwx fans
@cynical-harlequin and i are doing a thing over on dreamwidth where we’re modding a wwx fan community called, creatively enough, https://wwxfans.dreamwidth.org/. it might just be the two of us blathering at each other about wwx, but hey, maybe it won’t be!
18+ space for wwx gen fans, fans of any ship/dynamic, and fans of any and all adaptations. expect discussion posts, creative challenges (everyone, i know how to make bingo cards!), readalong/watchalong posts. i used to mod a shitpost-y star wars comm there and it was shockingly active for a time, so i clearly know what i’m doing.
if this is something you might be interested in but you’re not sure about dw, please feel free to reach out to me in DMs. if this is something you might be interested in and you are sure about dw, please join us.
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ghost-draws-art · 1 year
DnD characters wahoo!!
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Noxian belongs to a friend while Favian is mine!! Expect to see a decent bit of him, I adore him so much
☆Please Do Not Trace or Repost! Thank You!☆
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filipinoazul · 2 years
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So I’ve only seen a total of 2 flags made for the Aesthetigender ‘ Noxian ’ which I have recently come to identify with. So for no reason whatsoever, here’s a bunch of stripes in a rectangle that I call “ my version of the Noxian flag that I’m not sure if it’s original or not ”
Please excuse how unprofessional this is, I’ve never made a flag for anything before.
Noxian is coined by @variant-archive
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sammysfurshoppe · 2 years
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Tyrant ~ Aka Zeald the vain vampire of Noxus
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melmedarda · 5 months
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Ambessa's "Local Cuisine" wearing a Kindred mask. The mask he wears represents the Lamb, however it is the Wolf who wears it. The wolf is symbolic for a violent, lingering death, and to Noxians, that is the only honorable type of death. The Noxians have built a Shrine to the Wolf in the Immortal Bastion.
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mollysunder · 7 months
Mel and Jinx, Co-Presidents of the Black Sheep Club
Isn't it crazy the way Jinx and Mel never interact but are practically foils to each other throughout the show? They both started out as black sheeps of their respective families for essentially the same reason, both excelled at different set of skills their families wouldn't or couldn't prioritize for their goals.
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The traits that alienated both Mel and Jinx within their own families, and eventually had them torn away from them, also landed them in a place where their skills are valued. In Piltover, Mel becomes a master of court and the informal Head of Piltover’s council in a relatively short amount of time. With Silco’s resources, Jinx becomes one of Zaun's brightest and deadliest engineers and the best shot there is down there.
Ambessa, and Noxus in general, had no motivation to adopt Mel's perspective on diplomacy as it had the potential to weaken their family's standing. Vander wasn't equipped to handle or cultivate Jinx's skills in firearms or engineering nor was he in position where he could. Sure, Vander could support the other kids in their more manual pursuits, like boxing, lockpicking, and general physical strength building, but that's all he could do for Zaun in general. Vander as a leader was just maintaining Zaun in a way that didn't challenge Piltover's dominance, he couldn't support Jinx's skills because those were areas Piltover used to assert force over Zaun.
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Jinx and Mel are both characters that are well acclimated to violence thanks to their mentors (Ambessa, Vander, and Silco) and environment, and are now effective actors of violences in their respective spheres. It's obvious with Jinx, she's a willing force within Silco’s empire. Jinx also runs around with grenades and guns and rockets killing enforcers and firelights alike. With Mel, she oversees an incredibly violent hierarchical system as the informal head of Piltover’s council that does cause on screen civilian casualties. Mel herself is also comfortable sending a militarized force into Zaun to shakedown the populace to assert the illusion of control. Even Mel's plans for hextech (outside of weaponizing it) were a form of economic violence to Zaun as it made Piltover less dependent on Zaunite labor, the one thing they could leverage.
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Where the two really diverge is how they handle power and conflict. From the beginning Mel enjoyed being the politician behind the current, never putting herself in full risk of fallout by hiding behind her choice of figurehead. This passivity that helps Mel avert risk extends throughout business and social life. Mel doesn't seek out Jayce on his hextech theory she stumbles upon him in when he's breaking into the Academy. When Mel's upset with Jayce she lets him come to her. When Mel misses out on new hextech investors she let's an opportunity present itself to let her make up for it rather than confront Jayce. Mel almost never actively attempts to be vulnerable in matters of business or of the heart.
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Jinx is quite literally the complete opposite. Jinx refuses to be passive throughout the show, when presented with a problem, especially one that makes her vulnerable, Jinx immediately decides she'll solve it her way. When Vi tells her she can't come to save Vander, Jinx goes anyway to use her experimental bombs. When the destroyed Shimmer shipment set Silco's operation back further widening the gap between PnZ, Jinx decides to steal the hexgem and frame the Firelights for it. After Silco tells Jinx that Marcus will crack soon, she kills him along with his closest men at the bridge, once again framing the Firelights for it. What use were those Enforcers if they were going to flip soon? Jinx doesn't wait to be self righteous, or for others to come to her. Jinx chose to confront her loved ones by kidnapping them and forced them to decide how they're relationship was going to be based on the choices Jinx gave them.
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It's ironic how these two have never met, and yet they both work as one another's boogeyman. For Jinx, Mel practically is Piltover, this bright shining machine that unrepentantly tore apart her life. Mel is wholly uncaring of the fallout of her past decisions that led to conflict with Zaun and solidly remained transfixed by her "line goes up" style definition of progress the entire time until it came back to bite her. For Mel, Jinx is like the stuff of her nightmares, brutal and single-mindedly ruthless in her goals that she achieves through violent means. Mel gravitated more to the advisor role because she not only hated war, but feared the consequences of being at the mercy of people like her mother, people like Jinx.
Jinx and Mel have such potential when you explore both as foils of one another. I could go on and on about their light and dark motifs, how their respective hqs are placed at the very top and extreme bottom of their cities, or how Mel gets Jayce and Jinx gets Viktor in the hextech divorce, but I won't. It's better to wonder how they'll converge in the aftermath of the finale.
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romanoe · 8 months
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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The Darkin Saga: Awakening Concept Art by Áron Elekes Kayn - Taarosh - Xolaani - Horazi - Keeper of the Box - Noxian Defector - Naganeka of Zuretta
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okay I’m sorry but if daddy Swains turns out TO BE the ‘wrong man who shouldn’t have been crossed’, subsequently killed Medarda’s brother AND then rocks up in season two, I won’t shut up about it like ever-
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anglerflsh · 8 days
okay light XVI songs background isn't making me concentrate anymore we're putting on Butcher Vanity while I figure out the army situation
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autoacafiles · 1 month
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