elemental-plane · 6 months
something something the inevitability of oscar remembering NOTHING besides the man who cursed him. he won't remember his wife, his children, maybe even himself. all that will remain will be a husk of a man and the one who pushed this curse upon him. damn you sam riegel and your tragic characters that i immediately get invested in
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the-force-awakens · 2 years
I'm just once again thinking about how like. obvious. and frankly open they were abt the intentions for poe's character, motivations, character arc, and stuck to it well enough that the comics managed to ACCURATELY foreshadow multiple beats in the rise of skywalker despite predating it —
and yet the fanbase went shocked pikachu when their fanon interpretation of him was immediately nixed.
#i was thinking abt his tlj arc again bc of a very depressing thought i had about it last night fjsjdkdksksk#but specifically in the context of oscar saying in the tfa press that it's important to poe to prove himself/his loyalty to the resistance#and then the poe comics doubling down with terex POINT BLANK lampshading that he can't resist playing hero#y'know? and oscar's comments about how tlj is him grappling with learning to go from heroic pilot to leader#and i just. it's done so well actually because he gets SLAMDUNKED in leia's place? he is literally grounded by the narrative bc black one#is destroyed. and he just... immediately falls back into leader mode. like it's THERE it's always BEEN there he's always been capable of it#poe just doesn't think he measures up. everyone ALWAYS forgets that the big failure/defeat that's suppose to happen for a character in#a sequel happens to poe in tfa within the first /12/ minutes of the movie. being a heroic pilot isn't enough. running back into the fire#isn't enough. he gets captured. he can't save tekka. can't save the villagers.#they learn the location of the map. but it IS enough to stop starkiller.#and it is enough to destroy the dreadnaught (which saves their asses thanks to the later ambush) but it comes at a cost: he still loses#people when he truly believed he wouldn't.#but what else is there for him to do besides throw himself in harm's way constantly to protect the light? to fight every battle the first#order throws at him???#standing back and watching people get hurt? maybe eventually sliding into complacency (like every authority leader he's served under before#leia did)?#but no he gets grounded and he's. thrown into leia's shoes. he covers her hand with his and thinks about what she would do and her theme#still plays softly as he goes through with finn and rose's plan. he stays behind just like leia's always done. had to trust two operatives.#by the time they're loading onto the transports leia's already smiling proudly/fondly at him and he gets his rank back almost immediately#at crait in the novelization (and he's leading things as much as Leia is)#(in the movie).#when he turns around and says ‘follow me’ hes falling on instinct!! hes more confident in that instinct to lead!!#by the time tros rolls around its a fear of not being /as good as leia/ and being unable of doing it /without her/ and leading on his /own/#that frightens him. not the actual act of leading itself.#i just love him so much#i love him /SO/ much he doesn't get enough credit#or respect. instead we get books bashing him for having a clear arc that allows him to grapple with learning to go from one thing to#another in war (which is glossed over in other media)#or for completely contrived reasons. or have a book that does it's best to just rehash his arc in tlj but terribly with bonus 'people beat#beat him up/tells him he should be dead/calls him arrogant/etc.
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lovings4turn · 28 days
I had a funny poly!Loscar thought: imagining the reader is dating just one of the boys for a little bit first (we’ll say Oscar) and they obviously spend a good amount of time with Logan and eventually reader and Oscar BOTH start pining for Logan a little until one day reader just randomly turns to Oscar and is like “You have a crush on your childhood best friend, don’t you?” And Oscar kind of panics because he genuinely loves the reader and he doesn’t want them to be mad at him for this even if he does love Logan, but reader is immediately like, “Don’t worry about it, I have a crush on him too”.
no because you're so right ... because you and oscar spend a lot of time hanging around logan , and it's only natural that you start to develop feelings for him . because not only is he attractive , but he's sweet , attentive , always making you laugh . and you should feel guilty , dating oscar and all . but you can see the way oscar looks at logan , the way his smile always brightens when you bring him up in conversation , and you just know .
you bring it up nonchalantly , a simple "you like logan, don't you?" and poor oscar panics , thinks he's done something horrible and he's about to lose you in the process , and you see the fear written across his face . "it's okay" you assure . "i like him too" . all that's left to do is bring it up to the man himself , really
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rwbyrg · 2 months
So, we can all agree that when Oscar eventually gets his semblance, it's going to have something to do with Ruby, right? And I'm not even saying this from a shippy lens. Kid has an immortal wizard move into his brain at 14 that he can't kick out, immediately becomes a child soldier, lives through a train crash, countless grimm fights, crash lands a plane, gets shot in the chest, falls for - quite possibly - a few kilometres after blowing up a hole in the bottom of a military compound, gets beaten up and abducted by a goopy grimm super monster, magic blasted by his headmate's ex-wife, tortured and beaten up by a man six times his size, fights off Salem again to save his friends, and not ONE of those instances has been stressful enough to awaken it.
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But both times he's talked about his semblance manifesting, it's been with Ruby. The first is in v5 after they spar and Ruby cheers him (and Jaune) on about getting there one day, while Ren makes a comment saying:
"One common philosophy is that a warrior's semblance is a part of who they are".
The second time is in v7 when Ruby does something new with her own semblance and Oscar asks if she's always been able to do that. Eventually leading to him lamenting again about how he's not unlocked his yet while everyone else's are evolving. And it's Ruby that responds with:
"Well, I'm sure we'll all be jealous when you do (figure it out)".
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And then, from both Ruby and Oscar's perspectives, we are shown their attachment to each other. Ruby throughout V9 with Neo's illusions, and Oscar with - many instances - but especially in the recently released epilogue where he speaks at her grave. And in this speech we're reminded of that attachment as well as his struggles with identity. Specifically how those two things are intrinsically linked together:
"You always believed in the best. Saw people for who they really were. Some of us... don't know anymore. "
Oscar can't grasp his own personal super power that's "a part of himself" when he doesn't know who he is. He's losing himself to the merge, the boundaries of where he ends and Oz begins are blurring by the day, and he's only 15 and still growing into the person he could become. And the one person that was always certain of who he was, always made him feel like he was his own person... isn't around anymore. So he feels even more detached from his identity and the parts that comprise it than ever before.
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But she returns in Vacuo before their final fight, and his semblance has been teased too many times to never appear. So my current guesses are either:
he's going to unlock it under stress to save Ruby from certain danger, because he "lost her once and won't risk it a second time"; or
he's going to unlock it in a different, maybe even quieter moment, where - once again, thanks to Ruby's certainty - he starts feeling like himself again.
Only one way to find out.
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scuderiadream · 7 months
in between
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reader x oscar piastri
⊹ ࣪ ˖ summary : oscar and y/n has been friends ever since their childhood but as time grew their feelings grew too but they're too afraid of losing their friendship, eventually they take a leap of faith and risks everything
⊹ ࣪ ˖ faceclaim : sabrina carpenter
⊹ ࣪ ˖ author's note : sorry for not being active these days lolol i've been busy lately anyhow, happy reading this friends to lover au! <3
ᝰ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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oscar piastri was regarded as one of the most gifted drivers on the circuit in the thrilling world of formula 1 racing, where emotion and speed meet. he lived a life of adrenaline and triumph, surrounded by the sound of roaring motors and the smell of burning rubber. but despite the fame and glamour, there was one person who saw oscar differently - y/n, an ordinary girl who had been his friend since childhood.
oscar and y/n had many adventures together while growing up in a tiny town, and their bond changed as time went on. over time, their friendship only got stronger as they helped one another through all of life's ups and downs. they encouraged one another through adversity and shared in each other's victories. they had an unshakable bond.
oscar soon had the chance to follow his goals of being an f1 driver as time passed quickly. he put in endless hours of training, giving it everything he had to become the best in motorsport. throughout the trip, y/n stood by his side throughout the journey, cheering him on from the sidelines.
as oscar's career took off, his life became a whirlwind of speed circuits, international races, and press conferences. he found himself becoming the center of attention, attracting the eyes of countless fans and the media. but amidst all the glamour, oscar always made time for y/n.
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oscar had it all, trophy after trophy, sponsorships after sponsorship, and the love of fans everywhere. nevertheless, despite the successes, he felt an unsaid yearning in his heart. he yearned for something more—a love that transcended the confines of friendship.
many fans loved oscar and y/n's friendship, but they were unaware of what was going on behind the scenes. they would often catch themselves blushing and stealing glances at each other, late-night conversations turned from laughter to lingering gazes and held secrets. the tension between them became undeniable.
they both knew they were falling in love, but they were too scared to talk about it for fear of ruining their close friendship.
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after a grueling race in monaco, as oscar stood on the podium after winning the race, he looked into the crowd, his eyes locked with y/n's as her eyes starts to glimmer admiring him. in that moment, he realized that life was too short to hold back.
when the evening came, oscar and y/n found themselves alone on a terrace overlooking the shimmering harbor after their post-race party. the gentle sea breeze carried their whispers, as if the universe itself eavesdropped on their unspoken desires.
"the world sees us as just friend, y/n" oscar confessed as he fidgets with his hand as his eyes reflecting vulnerability, "but my heart yearns for more—i cant imagine my life without you by my side"
y/n smiled, the moonlight illuminating her face with a soft glow "oscar, you've always been the one constant in my life, i've loved you for as long as i can remember, i was just afraid—afraid of losing what we have, maybe its time we take that leap of faith"
with those words, oscar pulled her into a passionate kiss with his hands around her waist, embarking on a brave new chapter of their lives. they took the leap, their hearts intertwined, as they ventured into uncharted territory. the world held its breath as the news of their blossoming romance spread like wildfire.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, mclaren and 420.443 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri i'm happier winning over you than winning the race
view all 3.243 comments
yourusername not the cringy ass caption💀
⤷ oscarpiastri shut up and appreciate it.
mclaren cutest couple! ❤️
username damn what took them so long to realize
landonorris FINALLY, after years
⤷ oscarpiastri you weren't helping mate
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their newfound love took them on a whirlwind journey. y/n began joining oscar as he traveled from one race to another, the thrill of the speedway now shared between them. with every victory, oscar's eyes searched for y/n amidst the cheers of the crowd, finding solace in her unwavering support.
credits to pinterest for the pics .
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unformula1 · 2 months
Changed (LS2 x OP81)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ synopsis: Logan thinks about Oscar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pairing: Logan Sargeant x Oscar Piastri  w/c: 645 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a/n: messy but eh. hopefully this becomes a series (yea?) day 16 of loscar posts until we get a loscar podium! (series masterlist) masterlist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Logan didn’t know when it started, when everything started to fall apart at the seams, when the four walls came crashing down, when life started to make less sense. 
All he did know was that Oscar wasn’t there.
“Promise?” Logan asks.
“Always.” Oscar assures.
“Always there?” “Promise.”
It was just a bunch of empty, pointless promises. 
He couldn’t blame Oscar, they were kids, naive and innocent, unaware of how the world would treat both of them differently.
He couldn’t blame Oscar, how was he supposed to know that he would find someone better eventually.
He couldn’t blame Oscar, he never expected Oscar to keep his promises anyway. As he grew older, he knew that their promises would eventually fall apart.
He couldn’t blame Oscar, he really couldn’t.
Logan leans against the walls of his drivers’ room. The silence is deafening, it’s just him and his thoughts which aren't always good. He’s forced to sit down and run through everything in his head.
They’re usually messy jumbles of information which he’ll probably forget within hours, faded memories like old reports turning yellow and crystal clear mistakes which will never go away.
He throws a ball against the wall, it bounces back and he catches it. It’s stupid, but it helps to arrange Logan’s thoughts. It’s pathetic. Who the hell throws balls against the wall to think properly?
If younger Logan could see him now, he can only imagine the disappointment on his face. The sighs coming out from his mouth, the subtle head shakes. 
Logan forces himself to stop messing around with his thoughts. He rolls the ball to one side of the room and steps out of his driver’s room. Usually this shouldn’t be hard, but it is. It’s unbearably difficult for Logan to walk into the paddock and see everyone but him having fun.
He makes his way around the paddock, finding something to occupy his mind with. It’s harder than he expects. He loiters around the different garages before finally landing at the McLaren garage.
Oscar’s face is plastered on the giant entryway, Logan looks at it for a solid few seconds before kicking a tiny pebble on the ground and walking off. He looks back at it one more time. He misses Oscar. 
He really does.
Oscar used to be that one constant in his life, the one who would always be there for him, the one who always regarded Logan as his first choice. Not anymore. Oscar had someone else, he had something more important to focus on.
They used to be a perfect pair, made for each other, crafted to be each other’s halves and now they were a wilting rose, a loose thread hanging on to whatever’s left, an invisible string losing its glow.
It was absolutely devastating to think about it. Logan wipes the small tear that he shed. 
Just like the universe playing some sick trick on Logan, Oscar walks out of the garage, standing super close to Lando, who follows him. A media crew surrounds him. They’re probably filming some media day content which reminds Logan he needs to head back for media day filming too.
He looks one more time at the McLaren duo and for a split second, him and Oscar lock eyes. Logan gives Oscar a smile and suddenly, everything slows down and Logan feels the rising urge in him to just run over and hug Oscar.
Then reality comes back and hits him in the head, Oscar turns away, barely acknowledging Logan’s presence.
Logan stands there as the McLaren duo walk off, camera crew following behind. 
Logan feels his world crashing around him, not even a smile back, not a glance, nothing. Everything was gone. 
Everything’s changed, nothing stayed the same, it’s all different now.
It was like peeling the petals of a rose, wondering if they love you back and ending up with the last petal of “he loves me not”.
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earl-grey-teacake · 4 months
apologies I actually died laughing at baby Oscar throwing a tantrum when the Alpines are on screen.
cute logan and oscar having the best and longest naps when they're together? they snuggle up together. they only ever try to seperate them while napping once and it's the only time logan ever threw a screaming fit
I also died laughing when I wrote it. Baby Oscar just screaming and crying at the TV. The first time it happened, the TV had to be turned off and it took 5 minutes to calm him down. The second time, they realized it what was happening when an Alpine appeared at the edge of the TV. The moment Lando stood up and covered it with his hand, Oscar calmed down and was more than happy to watch the race. He doesn't care who wins, he'll clap along to whoever is on the podium as long as he doesn't see an Alpine.
On their first "playdate"- is it really a playdate is the babies just lie next to each other and shout random noises at each other?- the two had fallen asleep with Oscar keeping a tight grip on the sleeve of Logan's onesie. When the playdate ended, Lando had gently loosed Oscar's grip and picked him up. This shuffling caused him to wake up and the moment he realized he was in a baby carrier and not next to his best friend, he lost his shit. Which woke Logan up, who also loses his mind and starts screaming and crying.
When it became apparent that no matter what was done the two were not calming down, they decided to cut their losses and Carlos and Lando left with a crying Oscar in tow. He cried all the way down the elevator ride and only stopped when the car ride back home lulled him to sleep.
Alex and George on the other hand were not that lucky. Logan was inconsolable. They tried rocking him back to sleep, feeding him, everything but nothing worked. Eventually, he tired himself out after 30 minutes and fell asleep. Alex and George skipped training the next day citing exhaustion.
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weebsh-t · 2 months
Busy thinking about postcanon!Oz having his body seperated from Oscar by the gods after they deem his work and the state of the world adequate. Thinking about him riding the wave of relief and adrenalin for only so long before everything weighs down on him. Thinking about him becoming a recluse and holing up in whatever place they give him and never coming out, no matter who comes calling, thinking they'd all be better off without him, until eventually they do all give up. Thinking about Oscar being the exception, because while this kid (now young adult) did need space after the seperation to discover who he was now without his headmate, he's lived with Oz for most of his formative years and he's started to see the guy as a fill-in father figure and he doesn't want to lose him even though he spent so long thinking he did. Thinking about Oscar coming knocking every day, even when the blinds are drawn and Oz can't even force himself out of bed, sometimes bringing food or trying to get him to come out but mostly just sitting there with his back to the front door, talking about his day, the way he would with a dad.
Thinking about Oz finally opening the door one day and being tackled to the floor with a hug.
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safetycar-restart · 9 months
I love the idea of Oscar being so stoic and reserved all of the time until he meets you and it takes some time but eventually you get to see the soft squishy sunshine parts of Oscar as he gets more comfortable with you
I love this. And I hope you don’t mind me adding the d/s au do this because I just can’t stop imagining this there.
So in the d/a au, we said that Lando would keep you from Oscar as much as he could, because he didn’t want to lose his Dom. He’d refuse to scene with Oscar, take up as much of your time as he could and kick up a fuss whenever you had to scene with Oscar.
The result was Oscar feeling so sad and so alone. It only comes to an end when Lando realises how much he’s hurt Oscar and apologises, promising to never do that again.
Things get way better after that, cause you’re able to give Oscar as much time as Lando. You do more than just scene with Oscar, offering to take him to breakfasts and letting him spend the night and allowing him to request cuddles and kisses whenever he needs them. Basically just giving him all the things that Lando can do.
Oscar is still pretty reserved, keeping to himself and never really revealing much. Part of Oscar still expects you to one day turn around and decide he doesn’t get to have all these special privileges anymore and things would go back to how they were before. You’d never do that of course, but for Oscar it seems a very real threat.
And so because of this, Oscar keeps a side of himself hidden because he’s too scared to show you that and then have you go back to doing the bare minimum.
Because Oscar has this whole other side to him that’s soft and sweet and so loving. The truth is that he wants to be softest of little subs, cuddling up to his Dom in a baby pink sweater and stuffies, getting kisses and cuddles and praise for every little thing, being a giggly, mindless little subby baby for his Dom.
And he’s so scared to show you that, because he knows he won’t be able to hold back once he does.
You once offered to get him a stuffy for aftercare, because Lando has one and you thought he might like it too, and he very nearly burst into tears. Because YES. YES HE WANTS ONE!!
Slowly but surely you start to see the softer, sweeter side of Oscar. It shows first during aftercare, when he randomly starts giggling and clinging to you. You just let him, holding him close and kissing the top of his head and enjoying his happiness.
Then one day he brings you a cup of coffee. He didn’t get one himself. He got one just for you, because he knew you hadn’t any coffee yet today.
When you thanked him and called him a good boy, he squeaked and blushed bright red, and was in such a good mood for the rest of the day.
Just… he’s actually such a sweetie he just needs some time to show it.
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chaikachi · 8 months
Hello~! I have a little RG thought (or prompt, I’m not quite sure what they’re called) and I have to share it, because I cannot, for the ever life of me, keep it to myself.
Okay, this was actually inspired from an old Disney movie I watched when I was younger. Imagine sometime during V10 or V11, everyone in Vacuo is getting ready for an intense battle. Oscar is helping out somebody when he notices Ruby at a distance. She’s checking up on certain sections and giving orders like a proper leader. We’ve seen her at her lowest, thinking who she is isn’t enough, so she is a blooming rose once more as she prepares herself and her team with the prowess of a true Huntress.
And Oscar just…melts at the sight of her.
He lowers his gaze, blushes and smiles ever so softly, and can’t bring himself to turn away. Maybe it’s the fact that she is alive when he had thought her to be dead for so long. Perhaps it’s seeing her so full of hope and inspiration again after having seen her so defeated from whatever she and her team experienced in the Ever After. Or maybe it’s the part of him that always admires the side of Ruby who always takes initiative and chooses to keep moving forward. But it doesn’t matter which reason it is; he can’t let himself lose the chance of having brief seconds of her in his memory.
Eventually, Ruby looks over to realize Oscar staring. Panicking, he hides himself away in the silliest way. Ruby tries to go back to her work, but a part of her can’t help but smile from the way he was looking at her…
I swear, these two are just so adorable 😭💕
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Oscar being so happy that she's okay and shining brighter than ever before. Ruby, now paying attention to the feelings she's hidden away for so long, actually noticing how he looks at her and not being entirely upset about the attention. They!! Make me!! Unwell!!!
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joshy-tomato · 6 months
Sorry im just thinkng on doomed Rosegarden.
Oscar being fated to share the same destiny as othe Ozma host, losing himself in the curse and eventually being killed by Salem. Meanwhile Ruby has to lose yet another loved one without being able to do anything to save them, again.
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f1-disaster-bi · 4 months
ohh, that new snippet is so good. I’m fully invested and at the same time my heart is breaking for lando. (best combination) So if you ever write more whether it’ll be context or more story i’ll be there to gobble it up. <33
I will happily write more but for now I give more context to the au!
Lando, as stated, meets Charles at 20 when he is in his first year of university and joins the pack fully a year later. He loves his pack and loves Kimi, Jenson and Seb's pack who are essentially an extension of Lewis and Fernando's pack with how much time they all spend together.
Lando didn't have the best start in life so he's happy to meet Charles and the others. Lando grew up in an abusive pack his family were a part of that looked down on omegas. It was expected that Lando would learn how to care for a home, and then ar 18 he wouldn't go to university, he'd be mated on his birthday and that was that. He was emotionally and physically abused, and the night before he turned 18, he took money he'd saved from odd jobs and birthdays and some from his parents and he ran. He stopped at a police station in his town, told them he was 18 and leaving an abusive pack in case his family filed a missing person's report, and he ran.
He got a job, got a shitty little shoebox apartment, and he worked himself to the bone for two years to put himself into university because he wanted to have a carer and a life and eventually, a pack.
So when he meets Lewis and Kimi’s packs through Charles, he's a little wary but it's everything he ever wanted. They're loving and respectful. They never push his boundaries, accept him not talking about his family or much about his life before he came to this city at 18, and he meets Daniel who he has a long crush on before theybstart secretly courting.
The day he leaves, Lando had seen his parents when he went to work on a group project with his classmate Oscar in a cafe, and he panics. He doesn't think they saw him, but it immediately triggers him and when he gets home, he wants comfort. He tries to nest with the others or cuddle with them, and they all get annoyed and brush him off because of different reasons. Mainly they're all working from home and stressed and having bad days and unfortunately, Landos need for comfort just rubs them wrong and everyone keeps snapping at him until he drops the plate and Lewis loses it.
In that moment, Lewis reminds Lando so much of his old pack that he just shuts down and when Lewis sends him to his room because "None of us want to see you right now Lando", Lando just internalises everything they said and it just confirms what his parents used to tell him: he is a burden, a waste, useless, an idiot
So he leaves because he wants what's best for his pack, and if that's him gone, then so be it.....except he didn't know that his parents saw him in the cafe.....
When Charles wakes up, and makes Landos favourite breakfast out of guilt and wanting to apologise to Lando....its him who finds Landos empty room with missing stuff and a note saying he's gone and he screams because this isn't what they wanted
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abysskeeper · 6 months
What is that draws you to Ruby x Oscar? (I mean it on a 'pls infodump me' vibe.)
I enjoy committing to the bit of less popular ships in RWBY and suffering the consequences
@flytehwire Ok, seriously, to answer this properly I need to explain something about myself. When I am looking for character pairings, I am looking for, in order of importance: 1. Harmonious themes and rhetoric, 2. Character interactions, and 3. Other, extenuating factors. While other factors can sometimes determine how I view a pairing (romantic/platonic/friend/familial/etc) and character interactions can override the thematic element, I am primarily looking for those sweet, sweet story beats.
So, when you give me two kids carrying the weight of massive legacies they feel they have to fulfill, stepping into leadership roles neither were prepared for, and throw in a smattering of identity issues to boot? Yeah, I'm hooked 100%. These two are important to each other on a base narrative level, before even considering we see they're important to each other in their interactions throughout the show. Their arcs mirror each other, but are different enough that they compliment each other and are not going through the exact same thing.
By which I mean, both are struggling with the very same things listed above, but slightly to the left of each other to make them different enough that it makes them both unique and interesting in their own rights. For sake of time and ease of answering, I'm not going to fully cite my sources, but it became increasingly apparent (especially through v9) that Ruby's whole issue is attempting to follow the legacies of those from before her, starting with the general, Hunter/Huntress ideal and the heroes of stories in the early volumes, and then moving over to the SEWs and her mother in the later volumes. A lot of untangling in this personal arc for her revolves around reconciling the fairy tales she believed in and what is being asked of her in reality, and then determining who she is and what she stands for when it becomes apparent those ideals are more lofty dreams and reality is much more complicated. In essence, Ruby's arc is finding who she was when stripped of everything she believed as a child, and we saw that exactly throughout v9 ("What are you?" // "What is a Huntress?" ultimately boil down to "Who is Ruby Rose?")
Oscar, conversely, I would argue, already had some sense of who he was at the start. Sure, he may have wanted more and was unable to voice exactly what "more" was, but he's young...who honestly knew what they wanted to do with their life when they were 14? Regardless, his arc is less about asking who he is and is more about the fear of losing himself entirely now that he's part of the Ozcarnation line--and thus, it's also more about proving who he is to the world around him as everyone else assumes he's just another copy/paste of Oz. Oscar had to have a strong handle of his own identity at the start simply in order to beat the "he's just Ozpin" allegations, which he eventually did do (with some help from Oz's disappearing act).
And that isn't to say that there aren't echoes of each other's themes as well. Ruby very much does lose herself and must reassert who she is at her core (most evident in v9, but definitely starting in v7). Oscar very much does have to figure out who he is in the Ozcarnation line and how he specifically wants to handle situations (most prominent in the "Her name...is Jinn" decision in v6 and his actions through v7, but also metatextually hinted at when he talks to Ironwood at the end of v7 holding himself and acting like Ozpin, and then getting shot, and then in v8 when he tries to act like Ozma and Salem directly calls him out. It's almost like fate is punishing him because he's supposed to think and act like Oscar, and not try to be those who came before him...). And I think ultimately that's what makes them fun for me, they revolve around this overarching theme of identity in the face of legacies and destinies and leadership and each take a piece to compliment the other.
Of course, that doesn't mean they have to be romantic. And that's correct, they don't! Full transparency, I honestly wasn't fully onboard with Rosegarden until the end of v7/start of v8. Oscar's blush at getting rescued was the first time I felt fully vindicated over a ship, but the ending of v7 is really the beginning for the end of me I think. It was at that point where it became apparent their themes were merging and then splitting off again into the projected trajectories they're on now. And, in terms of interaction, throughout v7 and v8, Ruby and Oscar are shown repeatedly to be in sync with each other and trusting each other (even when they don't necessarily agree with each other!) All of those moments for me boiled down to one single, striking fact: because of what they're going through and how similar each struggle was, Ruby and Oscar to me are the only two characters in the show who could understand each other on a deeper level.
(And as an aside, the release of 'Until the End' and 'Fear' being the last two songs of that volume, and clearly being a Ruby song and an Oscar song respectively, completely altered my brain chemistry. That's a separate 3k essay, but the call and response between 'Fear's' "Who will you see there in the darkness? // When no one is watching who will you be? When you're afraid and everything changes will you see a stranger? // Feel proud or betrayed?" vs 'Until the End's' "I promise I’ll be here until...Our story has been told // 'Til our bodies break down every door // 'Til we find what we’ve been looking for // And stare with pride into the face of fear // In our finest hour, I’ll be standing here // And should we fall to darkness // This power, I will harness // I promise I’ll be here until the end" just does things to me on a personal level).
Others come close. Jaune and Weiss both have similar arcs about breaking legacies as well (Weiss with her family and Jaune with...presumably his family, if not his personal views on what he should be and on his promises to Pyrrha), but they're both on a far more personal and less world-shaping level than Ruby and Oscar. Blake as well, with reclaiming her identity, but that as well is a little more personal and also more about regaining what was "stolen" by Adam, so to speak, than finding herself altogether. And Penny is more about learning everything altogether and learning about who she can and cannot trust more than about who she is at her core. And, as an aside, I am a multi-shipper. I do like several of these pairings with Ruby, and Oscar and Penny is an utterly fascinating concept to me.
The reason why Ruby and Oscar come out on top for me is because at the end of the day, they're still the only two who can understand and empathize with each other on the deepest level. They're the two that appear to be entirely in sync with each other. And they're also the two currently slated to be running the show in the next generation. And if there's one thing I love more than seeing my power couple ships completely in love, it's seeing those two characters entirely and implicitly understanding and trusting each other.
This is of course glossing over a lot too. Their scenes together are often pretty striking: the dojo scene in v5 (Oscar admitting he's scared, Ruby for the first time really opening up about Penny and Pyrrha at The Fall of Beacon), the cane scene in v6 (Ruby being the only one to comfort Oscar and reaffirm that he isn't Oz), Oscar's panic during the fight with Cordo, like...every scene they had in v7, Oscar's blush in v8 and the almost hug that wasn't, and of course, THE scene in v9 (and another 3k essay could be written on why that had to be Oscar, though most of the starting points on my opinion for that are above). They also have some other dichotomies going on in their rhetoric, with the silver/gold symbolism and the sun/moon symbolism; and the extra info in the show with the "Warrior in the Woods" fairy tale and Oscar's allusion to the Little Prince. But several other people have written far better analyses on those than I could ever do currently, and this is getting long enough as is.
But yeah, tl;dr thematically and rhetorically complimentary kids just trying to do their best, figure themselves out, and save the world? Yeah, I wanna see them cuddle and comfort and rely on each other in the way they only can with the other.
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t3a-tan · 9 months
56 for whichever OC(s) you think fits best
From this!
56). "If you ever compare them to vermin again, I'll beat the shit outta you!"
Angst and fearplay in this one— you have been warned.
Oscar liked Freddie. He was a bit of a dick, pompous, a bit bratty— but he was loyal, and Oscar was loyal in return. They had fights every now and then but ultimately the two could settle down and back each other up when it counted.
Freddie grew up in a rich household. His parents had split up when he was young, but he was still the darling child of both. His father was an extremely wealthy man, and his mother had a popular set of exercise DVDs that brought in extra money, not to mention a fitness brand.
He was originally from the USA like his father, but he and his mother moved to England when he was four years old, because she wanted to experience the royalty of English life.
Whatever the hell that meant.
Oscar had the opposite upbringing. His parents stayed together when they really shouldn't have, and eventually his father was arrested for domestic abuse and never came back home after; only sending money through the post. His mother was a gambling addict who kicked Oscar out when he was sixteen because he reminded her of his father too much. She called, but she wouldn't ever help him out.
To be fair, she never had money left to help him out in the first place.
During that time Freddie's mum let him stay in their house and, since he was such a close friend of Freddie's, they paid for Oscar to have a small place to stay once he was 18, so long as he paid the bills.
Oscar was very thankful to his friend's family— without them he'd have probably ended up on the streets.
And despite that all… he knew it would be a disaster if Freddie met Sammy.
He would text Freddie about Sammy often, but he never mentioned her size in any of those messages, or her trauma (it wasn't really his to tell). Freddie started out at first being a womaniser, praising Oscar and telling him to 'get it in quick before she loses interest', to which Oscar always responded: 'fuck off you prick'.
Eventually though, he realised how much Oscar genuinely really liked her, and encouraged him to voice his feelings. He got excited whenever Oscar told him about any cute moments that had happened, and was really happy to see his friend actually caring this much about someone.
That was all great. What wasn't great was Freddie making a surprise visit to his house after Oscar had mentioned he was hanging out with Sammy that same day.
"So? Where is she?" The blonde asked as he barged in, despite Oscar very specifically telling him to get out.
Luckily he had heard Freddie's obnoxiously loud car coming and so Sammy had time to hide— but not enough time to actually get into the walls. Oscar was worried for her and simultaneously embarrassed to have Freddie possibly expose his feelings for Sammy.
Sure, he could tell that Sammy was reciprocating in many ways, but he could also see that she was hesitant. She needed time. A lot of it. And he would respect that— in fact, Oscar was very specifically avoiding mentioning his feelings directly because he knew how much she hated being put on the spot.
"She just left, now go..!" Oscar insisted. He didn't want to force his closest friend out of the door so he was instead trying to stay in front of Freddie, keeping in mind where Sammy was hidden behind a picture frame just a few feet away.
"That's some bullshit, mate. If she just left you wouldn't be this pressed over me visiting." Freddie pointed out, unfaltering as he once again pushed past Oscar, chortling like he wasn't being a complete ass at that moment. To Freddie he was just being mischievous, but Oscar just felt cold at the thought of Sammy being seen.
He hated seeing her so scared…
"Watch out—" Oscar noticed a second too late that Freddie was just about to trip over the coffee table as the blonde stepped backwards.
Just as he began to fall back, Freddie turned himself, grabbing onto a nearby shelf to restore his balance. The shelf shook, knocking off the picture frame his hand had just barely managed to knock in his hasty correction.
Freddie caught it quickly, an apology on the top of his tongue until he noticed there was a tiny…thing on the shelf. It was right next to his hand— he had been very close to squishing the little thing entirely.
Before he could even really comprehend what he was looking at, Oscar butted in.
"Shit! Sammy, are you okay?" He knelt beside the shelf for some reason, hands in his lap as he spoke to the tiny thing.
"You're Sammy!?" Freddie exclaimed, shocked. Before Oscar could stop him his hands descended upon the minuscule girl, grabbing her up into both hands, pinning her tiny limbs with his comparatively large fingers. He brought her close to his face, mouth agape with wonder.
"Don't hurt her..!" Oscar spoke urgently, immediately back on his feet and hovering anxiously. He would intervene, but if he grabbed Sammy back then she could get hurt— or fall… and die. Freddie hardly heard him.
"Well, I can't say she's my type… I didn't know you were into the whole helpless kink thingy Osc." Freddie joked, watching with amusement as the tiny creature squirmed in his grip. "She's like a little mouse…"
Oscar flushed red, with both embarrassment and anger at the insinuation.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Can't you see she's scared?? Put her down…!" He demanded more harshly this time, taking a step towards Freddie only for the other boy to turn away in response, provoking a frightened yell from Sammy. Oscar's heart was racing— he couldn't even imagine how hers must be in this moment.
"I'm only messing, mate~ She's so small. Like a little bug… God, you could snap her so easily. Is that why her arm's all fake and shit?" Freddie hummed, brushing a thumb over the prosthetic curiously. He chuckled. "I have to admit though, the appeal is growing on me…"
"Freddie if you don't put her down right now I swear—"
"Having a little pet mouse all to myself…" Freddie realised he was going a bit too far in that moment, and he moved to put the tiny girl down finally. What he failed to realise though was that Oscar was not just a bit annoyed.
He was pissed.
The moment Freddie opened his hands and let the girl tumble back out onto the shelf, he was sent sprawling onto the ground after Oscar punched him straight across the face. Freddie sat there in shock for a few moments. He knew Oscar didn't always like his sense of humour but he was never this angry.
Now though the red-haired boy was standing above him, positively fuming.
"If you ever compare her to vermin again, I'll beat the shit outta you!" He shouted. Oscar really didn't care about loyalty to Freddie right then— not when he saw how callously and cruelly his best friend was treating Sammy, just because she was smaller than him.
"Wh— I was kidding..! I didn't even hurt her!" Freddie couldn't help but get defensive, pushing himself to his feet and puffing out his chest as he stood his ground. Oscar was blowing things way out of proportion, clearly…
Well, he thought so until he heard a weird choking sound.
He and Oscar both looked towards the source of the noise at the same time.
Freddie froze up when he saw the girl was curled up on the counter, tears streaming down her face and gripping her arms so tightly that he could see her nails starting to draw blood. Her eyes were wide and terror-stricken, rocking herself back and forth, choking on her own breaths in between shuddering sobs.
"He touched me, he touched me, he touched me— H-he touched me… no no no…" She sobbed, practically hysterical, shaking and crying and fuck.
I did that.
Freddie wasn't used to people actually getting upset at his jokes— and if they did get upset then usually there were other people egging him on to continue. Freddie wasn't a malicious person, but he was naive in terms of understanding how much his words could affect others.
He didn't know what to do. Other girls whenever he would make harsh jokes like that would banter right back at him, not break down in tears. So he stood there… helpless.
Oscar quickly knelt down near the shelf again, his hands at the edge of it but keeping them out of sight for Sammy to avoid scaring her further. His expression looked scared, worried for her, his anger put on the back burner as he focused solely on the tiny borrower in front of him.
"Hey shh shh shh… You're alright, I'm here, okay? It's me, Oscar. You're here with me and you're safe. I won't let anyone touch you. I promise..." He assured softly, trying his best to coax her out of the panic attack she was stuck in.
Sammy remained a trembling mess; sobbing and hyperventilating for a while longer as Oscar slowly helped her calm down. Freddie watched with a mixture of guilt, shock, and shame.
Once the girl was able to think and speak more coherently she climbed into Oscar's hands, huddling up against his fingers as she continued to shake and hiccup. Oscar cradled her to his chest, before turning a harsh glare in Freddie's direction. The blonde took a step back, intimidated.
"Osc, I didn't mean to scare her that bad— I really didn't..!" He defended himself, hands raised in surrender. Freddie had never seen someone so viscerally upset by his jokes before, and it had spooked him quite a bit. Not to mention he had never seen Oscar properly angry before.
"Then what the hell was all that about?? That was cruel and you know it, Freddie. You have no idea about all the shit she's been through..!" Oscar responded, a growl in his tone though he didn't raise his voice to avoid startling Sammy into another panic attack.
"Well, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know she would freak the fuck out— how was I supposed to know?" Freddie couldn't help but get a bit defensive again, though he did glance guiltily down at the tiny girl curled up within Oscar's hands.
Oscar usually might take the time to explain why his friend was being ignorant right now… But this time, he just wanted Freddie to leave.
"Get out. If I keep looking at your face right now I'm gonna end up punching it again…" Oscar gestured towards the door, his glare making it very clear that he wasn't just making an empty threat.
As much as Freddie wanted to defend his intentions, he recognized that he was only going to make things worse by sticking around. He looked down at Sammy again.
"I uh… I really am sorry, by the way. In hindsight I went too far." He apologised, though based on how she only made a small whimpering sound and curled up tighter into herself, he doubted she was really listening. Oscar curled his fingers inwards to hide her from Freddie's vision.
"Out." He ordered once more, and this time Freddie listened, leaving the house as if he was the true victim in all of this. Oscar relaxed as soon as the door was shut, his entire demeanour softening as he looked down at Sammy with a concerned gaze.
He let out a sigh, holding her against his chest, feeling how she leaned against him with what little weight she had. Oscar would never take for granted the trust she was giving him at this moment. He closed his eyes.
"I'll protect you…"
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bwoahtastic · 6 months
kay i‘ve been thinking cos i love the wolves au so some thoughts here (maybe some things have already been talked about sorry if so)
— fem pack alpha nico (i loooove!) either being a really big wolf with beautiful white fur? orrr she‘s this rather small wolf which makes people underestimate her sometimes which is a big mistake, she‘s terrifying when she wants to be!
— max sticking to nico in the nights🥹 which brought me to the thought, maybe the whole pack sleeps all cuddled up together? some in wolf form rolled up against each other, some in human form, whatever someone prefers. max is in awe, that never happened in his old pack. it‘s a sweet picture to see everyone huddled up with the pack and after he‘s become more comfortable he asks nico if they could also sleep with the pack instead of staying in max‘s room? everyone is giddy to see max come out and makes space for him and logan in the middle because the omegas and pups always are for protection. max loves being surrounded by pack!
— charles being a super gentle alpha who would never start any fight, he barely participates in playfights with other alphas (but loves to carefully playfight with the pups) and never challenges anyone least of all pack alpha. but then he growls at nico to everyone‘s surprise one day? he was sleeping with his head on max‘s tummy as usual and maybe nico spooked him accidentally, making charles think there‘s a threat and wanting to protect max and his pup. he instantly shrinks back when he realizes it‘s his pack alpha and how possessively he reacted, baring his throat and apologizing. max is worried when charles clearly keeps some distance afterwards although he and nico both reassured charles that it‘s fine. nico maybe just nibbles at charles’s‘ throat in a light warning but she knows the alpha didn‘t mean to. charles however feels so bad about it and he doesn‘t understand why he is reacting so strongly, he never loses control over his instincts like that. max eventually going over to where charles has been sleeping by himself and softly telling him that his pup misses someone to kick in the night 🤧
— also i love the idea of everyone faceplanting into nico‘s soft fur! everyone‘s trying to cuddle up the pack alpha!
Oh plss!
- for sure in human form she looks small and innocent already, and while she isn't tiny, some of the Alphas in her pack are bigger than her in wolf form which confuses outsiders. But no one ever dares to challenge her because she can be fucking scary
- Max being in awe seeing the mess of wolves and humans all curled up together, usually with Nico in the centre, and it changes who is snuggled against her but Dan and little Oscar are usually very close, or at least surrounded by the other Alphas too to protect them more! Max sleeps separately with little Logan at first but eventually asks to join the pack for the night and everyone is so excited! It's only natural for them to make space for them in the centre, between Dan and Nico and Logan is squeaking happily at all the good night nuzzles he gets!
- plss Charles always being so nice and quiet, never challenging Nico and being unsure about playfighting unless Nico lazily annoys him into it ksks. Charles dozing off eith his head on Max's tummy and Logan is tryingnto braid his hair with momma's help. Charles is so relaxed but Nico nearing spooks him and he growls, surprising everyone! Charles instantly cowering away and being so panicked, even when Nico shushes him. Nico lightly nibbling on Charles's neck to correct him but then hugging him close. Charles being a little wary after and staying away from Max until Max goes to him saying the unborn pup is restless without someone to kick, and Logan misses Charlie too!
- pls Nico going to the pack nest cos she wants to sleep and it's pack bedtime, and instsntly everyone is zooming over for the best spots skksks, or at least a snuggle before making space for others.
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freeuselandonorris · 24 days
For the director thing please! For Monday's (my absolute favourite. My Roman Empire. My one true love. My revisit this when I'm down fic)! A little insight into Lando's thoughts throughout him and Oscar before they talk in the hotel room and actually establish what they are. ♥️
hiii anon! sorry it took me a few days to get to this but i ended up rereading the entirety of monday before i answered it lmao. thank you so much for asking about this fic though, it really is my baby and it makes me so happy that people are still reading it and loving it as much as i do - especially that it's a comfort fic, because it was a huge comfort to write, too ❤️
under a cut because this got long!
SO. first of all, one thing i was really conscious of trying to do when i was writing monday was to have the miscommunication - and the communication - almost run in cadences? so instead of them just absolutely not getting it and then having one big confrontation, they have a number of false starts where they gradually get closer and closer to where they want to be. and that's because i wanted to give them both enough hope to keep coming back, without having them thrash it all out too early on and then losing the momentum. (i also think it's generally more realistic when conflicts build and build like this rather than going from 0-100 in the blink of an eye.)
obviously in the fic we're only getting oscar's side of things, and oscar is very good at compartmentalising and telling himself something that suits his worldview even if it's not actually true - this, i think, is his biggest failing from an emotional perspective although it's a trait that serves him very well as a driver. so what he tells himself is lando being unbothered and casual is actually lando trying very, very hard to protect his heart, and not to embarrass himself. there are hints of it (for instance, when oscar sees lando's eyes light up after he thinks oscar's going to come back to his hotel room in bahrain; max telling oscar lando falls hard; the moment in the hotel room where oscar is doing such a terrible job of communicating what he wants to lando and lando just goes along with it all and agrees anyway because he's so desperate to tell oscar what he wants to hear.)
for most of this fic, lando's pretty scared. not in a horrible way, exactly, but he finds oscar opaque and difficult to read, and he's far more aware than oscar thinks he is of all the potential ways this could go horribly, horribly wrong, from ruining their working relationship to a forced outing. he's thought about it all in GREAT detail (hence the moment where he tells oscar he'd had to text his therapist after bahrain).
this is another reason why there are a series of moments where they gradually establish to each other what they are and what they mean to each other: because lando doesn't quite trust it, or oscar, at first. he really likes oscar, but he can't really read him or his intentions (hence why he eventually says but it's not obvious to oscar, which is one of the biggest transitional moments in the fic because it's the point where lando chooses to be honest and upfront about his feelings instead of trying to defensively hide them, and the honesty breaks through to oscar, who can finally see how he's coming across to lando and why it might be confusing).
and because they're so hopeless at communicating to each other with their words, a lot of these moments come through gestures or talking around the subject instead - lando posting the photo of oscar on .jpg and making it the cover image, oscar offering to 'watch a film' with lando instead of asking him to stay the night, the running theme of bringing each other sweet treats (which i chose deliberately not just because oscar talks a lot about how much he likes chocolate but also because of the connotations of it being a slightly forbidden pleasure for an elite athlete) - even that moment early on (which i added at the last minute and has now become one of my favourite scenes in the whole fic) where they're on the plane and lando essentially forces oscar to pet his hair. lando doesn't really know how to talk about these things, but he can figure out how to act in a way that shows oscar how he feels, or at least a safe glimpse of it - because after all, he's used to using his body as a tool to get him where he wants to be.
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